
Oil Prices Facts and Stats

How is the determined?  Bitumen is extracted from , which are a mixture of  Crude oil prices are primarily determined by worldwide bitumen, water and clay. Once extracted, bitumen must be supply and demand. Addional factors contribung to diluted or heated to enable it to flow or be pumped. crude oil prices include: O weather related events like hurricanes, What is OPEC? O war and polical unrest in some major oil producing OPEC is an intergovernmental organizaon represenng regions, 12 countries: , , , , , , O OPEC (Organizaon of Exporng Countries), , , , , and and . OPEC is headquartered in , . O the value of the U.S. dollar (the currency at which Because its members produce approximately 40 per cent crude oil is traded globally). of the world’s crude oil and have more than two‐thirds  Because gasoline is refined from oil, the price at the pump of the world’s esmated crude , OPEC has generally follows the ups and downs of the oil markets. significant influence on world oil prices.

What is the world price for oil? How does Alberta Energy forecast oil prices for  Crude oils command different prices because they vary in the provincial budget? quality, which also means the value of the products that  Forecasng non‐renewable resource revenue from can be made varies from one type of crude to another. sources like oil is determined by two factors: price and  The price for oil is based on a parcular crude ‐ producon. West Intermediate (WTI). This is a relavely  Alberta Energy compiles the best informaon and advice expensive crude and its price is higher than much of the from energy analysts and compares our forecasts with crude that Alberta produces as WTI is a lighter type that is banks, investment houses, and private forecasters. Many excellent for extracng a larger poron of gasoline. other government agencies use the same method.  These forecasts are intended to be a realisc predicon of Alberta oils what year‐end revenues will be.  The two most popular Alberta oils are (WCS) and Canadian light. WCS is a heavy blend composed of bitumen, convenonal oil, synthec crude and diluent while Canadian Light is a light sweet crude, similar in quality to WTI.  Due to the heavier weight of WCS and the higher transportaon costs, this type of oil is sold at a reduced rate.

alberta.ca June 2017