A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

DHITA NOVIANTI 1113026000085







Dhita Novianti, Word Formation Analysis of English Slang Language on Deadpool Movie thesis. Jakarta: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Staet Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, July 2017.

This research provides an analysis on English slang words in conversations of a movie. The data in this thesis are taken from the Deadpool movie script. This thesis is using word formation process theory by George Yule to find how the slang words that found in the Deadpool movie script are formed. This thesis methodology is qualitative method which is relying on verbal data and the data will be explained descriptively. The writer finds 32 slang words used by the characters in the movie. This research has analyzed all the data. The analysis in this research has four steps based on the structural morphology process. They are, , Word Formation, Morphophonological Processes and . The study reveals that processes of word formation of English slang words in Deadpool movie are divided into five processes. They are Blending, Compounding, Clipping, Initialism and Multiple Processes. Keywords: Word fomation, slang words, structural morphology, movie.





I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledge has been made in the text.

Jakarta, 2017

Dhita Novianti



Alhamduliilahirabbil’Alamin, Praise and great gratitude submitted to

Almighty God, Allah SWT who always gives gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that has helped the writer finishing this research. Peace and salutation are upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adherents.

I would like to give sincerest gratitude and appreciation to my beloved parents, Suyitno and Tri Sugiarsih. They always give me endless prayer, advice, love, spirit, motivation, patience and also financial encouragement during finishing this research. I also wants to give thanks to my sister and brothers for the supports, Eka Setyanensi, P. Andi Setiawan and Tegar Maulana. Without them I would never finish the research this fast.

I also want to thank to all of those who have given the contribution so that this research can be finish. I would like to deliver this thank to:

1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag, the Dean of Adab and Humanity


2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the Head of English Language and Literature


3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department.

4. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd, as the writer’s advisor who had guided and

assisted the writer in writing and finishing this research.


5. All of the lectures in English Language and Literature Department for

teaching and guiding her very well during her study.

6. To her best friends; Ahmad, Nanda, Dimas, Aninda, Steffi, Faraadisa,

Kia Aisyah, Dini, and Yudhis for the support and the encouragement

that was worth more than the writer can express in this paper.

7. To Enung Nurokhman, S.S. as her senior who always give helps,

comment and guidances to the writer. To Risya Maya Hestianti for the

help in finishing this paper.

8. For my beloved big family of English Language and Literature

Department 2013, especially Linguistics Class for being such a great

companion in State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

May Allah SWT bless them and their family. Moreover, I realize that this thesis is not fully perfect, so I would like to apology and accept criticism and constructive suggestions to make this thesis better. Hopefully, this thesis is useful to add the treasury of science.

Jakarta, June 2017

Dhita Novianti


TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...... i APPROVAL SHEET ...... ii LEGALIZATION ...... iii DECLARATION ...... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Research ...... 1 B. Focus of the Research ...... 3 C. Research Question ...... 4 D. Significance of the Research ...... 4 E. Research Methodology ...... 4 1. Objective of the Research ...... 4 2. The Method of Research ...... 5 3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis ...... 5 4. The Instrument of the Research ...... 6 5. The Unit of Analysis ...... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...... 7 A. Previous Research ...... 7 B. Concept ...... 8 1. Language ...... 8 2. Slang ...... 10 3. Morphology ...... 12 4. The Theories of Morphology...... 12 5. , Base and Stem ...... 14 6. Morpheme, Lexeme and Words ...... 15


7. Word Formation Process ...... 17 a. Coinage ...... 18 b. Borrowing ...... 18 c. Compounding ...... 19 d. Blending ...... 19 e. Clipping ...... 19 f. Back Formation ...... 20 g. Conversion ...... 20 h. ...... 21 i. Derivation ...... 21 j. Multiple Processes ...... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ...... 23 A. Data Descrpition ...... 23 B. Data Analysis ...... 24 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 51 A. Conclusions ...... 51 B. Suggestions ...... 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 53 APPENDICES ...... 56




A. Background of the Research

In this modern era, there are a lot of variations of language used in

the community. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, language is a

distinguishing feature that is very prominent; language makes each social

group feel as an entity distinct from another group. A member of a society

of a language usually consists of a variety of people with different social

status and cultural background that are not the same (Yuwono, 5). Since

there are many backgrounds and different environments for every human

being, languages as a tool of communication is varied. Language variety

are variations of the language used in situations, circumstances, or for

specific needs. Language variety that is used in formal situation is called

standard language, while language variety that is used in informal situation

is called non-standard (Chaer, 56).

According to Wardaugh (34-35), standard English is a variety of

English which is usually used in print, and normally taught in schools and

to non-native speakers learning the language. This dialect became the one

preferred by the educated, and it was developed and promoted as a model,

or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. This variety is also used

in spreading information or in any situations that nearly the same.

Meanwhile the nonstandard English, according to Crystal (286), is a form

of language that does not fulfill any standard norms, which is classified



into sub-standard or non standard. The non standard English usually used in environment which is not in contact with the formality, such as songs, books, movies, etc. One example of nonstandard English language is slang.

Slang is one of the higher variation of the language used in the community. A. Chaer and L. Agustina (67) define slang as social variation that is privileged and confidential. The use of slang usually formed in abbreviating or removal of one or more letters in a word, or even a change in sound and meaning. A word has an important role in the language. A person who does not studying about linguistics may say that the word is the smallest component in the language, but in fact the word itself has several processes to become a word. The process is called the word formation process. Word formation is one of the discussions in morphology discussing about how word can be formed in a language in this world.

Slang language is very often used in Hollywood movies. Movie is an actualization of the development of community life at the time. At the present time, it is certain that most people, whether young or old would certainly watch a movie. Movie has recorded a number of cultural elements that lie behind them, including the use of language that appears in the dialogue between the characters in the movie. The use of slang in the movie occurs due to many things, such as simplifying the characterization in the movie so that the movie does not seem monotonous


that causes the audience are become bored and usually slang that used in

the movie will be viral in the actual life. But sometimes, there are some

people or the audience that could not understand the meaning of slang

language or does not understand how the slang words are formed in that


Therefore this research will discuss about how slang words are

formed, so people that watching or not can be informed how slang words

are actually formed, furthermore can understand the meaning. This

research will analyze the types of slang used in the movie and also

identifies how these words can be formed.

B. Focus of the Research

This research will focus on how is the process of word formation

of the slang words used by characters in the Deadpool movie produced by

Marvel Entertainment in 2016. The process of word formation that will be

analyzed such as derivation, compounding, borrowing, coinage, blending,

clipping, back formation, abbreviation and multiple processes.


C. Research Question

Based on the focus of study above, the research questions are:

1. What are the types of word formation that occur in the slang words

that used in the Deadpool movie?

2. How are the word formation processes of slang words found in the

Deadpool movie according to structural morphology theory?

D. Significances of the Research

Theoretically, this research hopefully can be useful for people who

learn about language, especially English Department students, to increase

the understanding the process of slang words were formed. Practically, the

writer hopes this research can be useful for people who do not learn about

linguistics to understand slang language and to reproduce new words of

daily conversation, especially in informal situation.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

Based on the research questions above, this research is

aimed to classify types of word formation and to explain the

process of how word formation on slang words occurs in the

Deadpool movie.


2. The Method of Research

This research uses qualitative method which is relying on

verbal data and non-numeric as fundamental analysis and problem

solving for this research (Farkhan, 2). According to Bodgan and

Taylor (in Moleong, 4) qualitative research is research procedure

that produces descriptive data not only in the form of written or

spoken by people but also attitudes being observed. This research

was conducted using qualitative approach because the result of the

data that is analyzed is in descriptive phenomena such as words,

phrases and utterances.

3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

The process of the collecting data in this research is using

bibliographical technique (tenik pustaka). According to Subroto

(4), in bibliograpical technique, the data is collected from written

sources. The written sources used are selected that reflect the use

of synchronus language. This technique also knows as

documentation technique. Documentation is a technique of data

collecting with gather all the information from written form,

pictures or remarkable creation of someone (Sukardi, 81). The data

will be gained by data card which focuses to slang words in the

Deadpool movie script. The process of collecting the data is

divided into several steps;

1. Watching the Deadpool movie.


2. Reading the Deadpool movie script.

3. Searching the data in the Deadpool movie script.

4. Mark the slang words that occur in the Deadpool

movie script and then write down on the data card.

After the data has been collected, the data will be analyzed

using Structural Morphology for the word formation process, and

will classify the types of word formation on each term.

4. The Instrument of the Research

This research is using data card as the instrument to identify

the data from the Deaadpool movie script which has been written

by several relevant data in certain format and the main problem

that becomes the research’s object has been written as well and

becoming an entry (Subroto, 43). Then, the data which focuses on

slang words will be analyzed with structural Morphology and word

formation concept.

5. The Unit Analysis

The unit analysis of this research is the Deadpool movie

script which was retrieved from genius.com. Movie scripts have

been selected as the data source because there are many slang

language which is interesting to study.



A. Previous Research

This research is not the only one which analyzes word formation

phenomena. Many previous researchers have analyzed the formation of

words, such as:

First is Rena Meisara (2014) with her research entitled Word

Formation on Medical Terms in New York TIME Magazine’s Articles. In

this research, the analysis of word formation process focused on medical

terms. The results 39 data derived from different articles from nine months

edition in New York TIME magazine found four types of word formation

processes from medical terms which were derivation, ,

abbreviation and acronym.

The second research is from Bahrul Hanif (2015) The Analysis of

Word Formation of Soccer Terms in the Jakarta Post’s Articles. Hanif

used qualitative method and the data were obtained from soccer terms.

This research used random sample in analyzing the data. From ten types

word formation processes, it can be found seven kinds of word formations

from the data, which were compounding, derivation, blending,

reduplication, acronym & initialism, back formation and clipping.

The third research is from an EFL Journal written by Dwi Astuti

Wahyu Nurhayati (2016) with the title Word Formation Processes and a

Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung using Yule’s



theory (1995). This research used qualitative method by observing and

interviewing the random respondent ranging from 20 to 47 years old. The

data were taken when the Warias performed as Sinden in wedding parties

and also when the Warias were selling Pecel rice. During the observation,

the writer recorded and took notes all the slang words. This study found

eleven word formation processes from the data which were derivation,

multiple process, acronym, synonym, borrowing, blending, reduplication,

coinage, echoism, irregular form, changing vowel syllabic.

From the three studies above, it can be said that this research is

different, because the data two of the three researches above are taken

from written discourse and other is from direct utterance, while the data in

this research is from utterances in the movie. From three researches above,

the objects are different from one to another, one from medical terms,

soccer terms and last from Waria Slang the slang that only happen in

Indonesia, while this research prefers to use English Slang to be analyze.

B. Concept

1. Language

According to Kridalaksana on Chaer (32), language is a

symbol system of sounds that is arbitrarily used by members of a

social group to cooperate, communicate, and identify themselves,

while the definition of language according to Wittgenstein is a way

of thinking that can be understood, related to reality, and has a


logical structure and shape. Language has important role in our lives. Language is the sole possession of the human that can never be escaped from all the activities and the movement of people along the human existence, as a cultured and social creature

(Chaer, 53). Every language is used by a group of people who belong to a language community. Members of a language community usually consist of a variety of people with different social status and different cultural background. Members of a language community usually are composed with some people who are not educated; live in the city, live in the village; the adults and also children.

In connection with the language variation concerning the level of class, status and social class of the speakers, language variations can be divided into akrolek (variation of language that is considered more prestigious, higher than other variations of the language, for example: the language used by the royal family of

Java), basilek (variation of language which considered as a lower language than other variation of the language, i.e the language of the cowboy in the UK), vulgar (language variation that is used by less educated or the uneducated), colloquial (language variation that is used for everyday conversation), jargon (variation of the language used on a limited basis in a particular social group, but it is not a secret, for example: in terms of the workshop in Indonesia


we often hear the words dices, dilas, didongkrak, dibalans), argot

(language variation that is limited to use by certain professions and

confidential), and slang (variation of the language used by certain

circles and should not be known by outsiders)(Chaer and Agustina,


From those definitions of language above, it can be

concluded that language is system of sound that can be understood,

has a logical structure and forms used by members of a social

group to communicate and identify themselves. Due to the fact that

there are many social groups in this world, therefore, there are

many language variations, and slang is one of those variations of


2. Slang

In the background of the research, the writer already

explained a little about slang. For several years, slang was only

used by black people for their own consumption, or only to be

understood by them, but now slang is no longer used by black

people only. According to Oxford English dictionary, slang is

defined as special form of a word that is usually used by people

who have a low character.

According to Pei and Gaynor (in Alwasilah, 48), slang is a

form of language in general use, that made from popular adaptation


and reviewing of the existing words by constructing new words regardless the standards of scholastic and linguistic rules in the formation of words that is generally limited to social groups or specific groups. For the example, Indonesians usually prefer using the word bentar instead of sebentar. Because of the character of slang which are groups and secret, the effect arising from slang is the secret language for thief or criminals, in fact it is not so. The use of slang introduces many new words into the language by recombining old words into new meaning (Fromkin and Rodman,

427). For example, grass and pot has widened their meaning to


Spolsky (35) characterized slang as a peculiar type used in

“intimate” conversations for a group. Slang is a kind of jargon characterized by refusal to the formal rules, the comparative freshness and ephemerality general and used to claim solidarity.

Frequency, slang is associated to communication between peers and communication that be used by gangsters. In accordance with

Coleman (2), slang is usually used to describe the level of language that is more informal than the standard, less domestic than colloquial and less formal than jargon.

From the defintions about slang above, the writer concludes that slang is an informal language used by a particular group so the outsiders cannot understand the conversation that have another


meaning from original word, and also slang is sometimes arranged

from old words became the new word that neglect linguistics

standards in the formation of words in general.

3. Morphology

Chaer (3) explains, etymologically, the word morphology

are comes from the word ‘morf’ means forms and the word ‘logi’

means knowledge, thereby morphology is a science about the form.

According to Alwasilah (110), morphology is a part of linguistics

that studying about morpheme, he further added that morphology is

studying and analyzes the structure, shape and classification of

words. Morphology in biology is the study of the form and

structure of organisms, while morphology in linguistics is deals

with the internal structure of words and how they are formed

(Aronoff and Fudeman, 2).

From the meaning of morphology above the writer can

conclude that morphology is a branch of linguistic that studying

about forming a word from the smallest unit of linguistic.

4. The Theories of Morphology

The theory of morphology is divided into two types; there

are structural morphology and generative morphology. Structural

morphology tends to be applied to a language which has been

produced. Meanwhile, the generative morphology only focuses to

the competence theory (Ba’dulu and Heman, 14).


Structural morphology has its own organization in analyzing the words. It has four processes, there are list of morpheme, word formation, morphophonology processes and last is dictionary (Ba’dulu and Heman, 17).

List of

Word Formation

Morphophonology Process


Figure 1. The Organization of Structural Morphology (Nida, 16).

The first task is identifying all morphemes from the data that had been collected. Second component is word formation, which explains how morphemes of language arranged in a group to form a word in language. The third is morphophonology processes, a mechanism of morphophonology process which shows the changes that occur in the merger of morpheme, such as assimilation, release, addition, replacement and permutation. The last component is dictionary (Ba’dulu and Heman, 17).


While generative morphology according to the theoretical

model by Halle in Scalise (31) has four sub-components; they are

1) list of morphemes. 2) word formation rules, 3) filter, 4)

dictionary of words. The four sub-components can be presented in

the chart below:

Figure 2. The Organization of Generative Morphology according

Halle (1973)

This research will only use the structural morphology

because the data has already produced, not assumptions or


5. Root, Base and Stem

Important for us to know the inner structure of a word, the

structures are: root, base and stem. According to Katamba (41),

root is the core that cannot be reduced more from a word, with

absolutely nothing embedded in the root. In accordance with Chaer

(160) root is used for mentions a form that cannot be analyzed

further. Usually, root can be standing by its own, which became the


basis of the word formation.In a compound word like ‘wheelchair’

there are two roots, ‘wheel’ and ‘chair’

Base can be given a certain affix in the affixation process,

could be repeated in a process of reduplication, or can be combined

with other morpheme in a process composition (Chaer, 159).

Subsequently, Katamba interpret the base as a form that can be

added by affix, whether derivational affix or inflectional affix (45).

So basically, base is a word or part of a word viewed as an input to

a derivational or inflectional process, in particular affixation. For

example, the word ‘touchable’ can act as a base for prefixation to

give ‘untouchable’.

The last but not least, Stem is that part of a word that is in

existence before any inflectional affixes (Katamba, 46). Stem is

used to refer to the basic shape in the process of inflection or

inflectional affix (Chaer, 160). In the form ‘untouchables’ the stem

is ‘untouchable’, in the form ‘wheelchairs’ the stem is

‘wheelchair’, even though the stem contains two roots.

6. Morpheme, Lexeme and Words

Morpheme is the smallest unit of the grammatical structure

or the smallest part of the word (Carstairs-McCarthy, 16). As

Katamba says in his book Morphology, he defines morpheme as

the smallest difference in the shape of word that correlates with the

smallest difference in word or in grammatical structure. This can


be recognize that English word forms such as talks, talker, and talking must consist of one element ‘talk’. All these elements are described as morphemes.

Morpheme is divided into two, namely: free morpheme and bound morpheme. The definition of a free morpheme according to

Yule (68) is morpheme that can stand by themselves as single words. In Bahasa for example, the forms of pulang, makan, rumah are including as free morpheme. This type of morphemes can be use without having to combine it first with another morpheme. On the contrary, bound morpheme is a morpheme that can be used or cannot appear in the sentence without combined it first with another morpheme (Chaer, 152). Yule defines bound morphemes as those forms that cannot normally stand alone and are typically attached to another form (68). Bound morphemes never occur in isolation, that is, are not regularly uttered alone in normal discourse. Such bound morphemes include prefixes, suffixes, infixes, replacives, subtractive, and some roots (Nida, 81). For example, the affix -ly in the word locally is kind of bound morpheme.

Lexeme and words is a linguistic unit that is larger than morpheme. Lexeme and words are two different terms. Generally, we can say that lexeme is vocabulary items that listed in the dictionary. Lexeme according to Carstairs-McCarthy is a word


seen as an abstract grammatical entity, represented concretely by

one or more different inflected word forms according to the

grammatical context (144). The forms pockling, pockle, pockles,

and pockled are different representation of the lexeme POCKLE

(Katamba, 18). They all share a core meaning although they are

spelled and pronounced differently.

In another place, the definition of word is the smallest unit

that can stand alone in the language. O'Grady and Guzman (132)

explain, “From all of the units of linguistics analysis, the word is

the most familiar with. Defined the most reliable of the words is

they are the smallest free form found in languages”. According to

Katamba (18) word is particular physical realization of lexeme is

speech or writing. We can refer to see, sees, seeing, saw, and seen

as five different words.

Where the distinction is important, lexemes are

conventionally represented in small capitals while word forms are

in italics (Carstairs-McCarthy, 144). For example, the verb lexeme

PERFORMhas four inflected word form: perform, performs,

performing and performed.

7. Word Formation Process

Formation of words is divided by the rules of word

formation. In this research, the writer uses the theory of word


formation from George Yule (2010) to analyze the data. There are ten word formation processes according to Yule:

a. Coinage

Coinage is the invention of totally new terms in a word

(Yule, 53). Hatch and Brown (175) defines coinage as a process when a new word is needed but no exact word to express. Coinage happens when a new word is needed. The most typical sources are invented trade names for commercial products that become general terms for any versions of that product. Examples: ‘kleenex’ for tissue, ‘Indomie’ for instant noodles, and many more.

b. Borrowing

Yule said that borrowing is the taking over of words from other languages (54). Borrowing actually is the process of borrowing words from foreign languages. Hatch and Brown said that every language is borrowing from other languages (170).

Throughout history, the English language has adopted of words from other languages, including Arabic, French, Dutch, Italian,

German, and so on (Yule, 54). Example of borrowing words: in

Japan, besiboru, is borrowing words from English which means



c. Compounding

According to Yule (55), compounding is a joining of two separate words to produce a single form. While in Chaer (185), compoundingis the result and the process of merging the basic morphemes, whether free morpheme or bound morpheme, thus forming a construction that has a different or a new lexical identity.

Common English compounds are bookcase, doorknob, fingersprint, sunburn, textbook, etc.

d. Blending

The word formation process in which there are two root words merge into one. According to Yule (55), blending is the combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term.

Blends are similar to compounds but parts of the words that are combined are deleted and so they are “less than” compound

(Fromkin and Rodman, 89). Usually, blending is only taking the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word.

Examples: smog from the word smoke and fog, brunch from breakfast and lunch, motel from motor and hotel.

e. Clipping

Clipping process happens when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form (Yule, 56). Clipping is one way in which we change the words. We may shorten dormitory to


dorm, we use the longer term if the situation is formal and use the shorter one if the situation is informal. O’Grady et al says that clipping is especially popular speech of the students where it has yielded the new form (135). Other common examples are phone from telephone, ad from advertisement, condo from condominium, flu from influenza.

f. Back Formation

Back formation is the process when a word of one type

(usually a noun) is reduced to form a word of another type (usually a verb) (Yule 56-57). While according to O’Grady is a process that creates a new word by deleting a real affixes from another word in the language (136). A good examples for back formation are, the noun television became the verb televise,donate from donation, housekeep from housekeeper, etc.

g. Conversion

Conversion is a process of a changing the function of a word without any reduction (Yule, 57). While according to Hatch and Brown, conversion is process which allows us to create additional lexical items out of those that already exist (179). This process usually changing a noun becomes a verb. For example, nouns such as bottle, butter, vacation have come to be used,


through conversion, as verb: We bottled home-brew last night;

Have you buttered the toast?; they’re vacationing in Florida.

h. Acronym

Every acronym is an abbreviation because acronym is a shortened word or phrase. are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of other words that pronounced as new single words, as in NATO, NASA or UNESCO (Yule, 58).

Actually, there is another type of abbreviation that is Intialism, this type is the shortening from the initial letters of each word and can be read with spelling of each letter (Hatch and Brown, 210). The examples are, BFF for Best Friends Forever, USA for United State of America.

i. Derivation

O’Grady and Guzman (144) defines derivation as a process when one word added by affixes and form in which meaning and categories are different from the basic word. This process is the most common word formation process to be found in the production of new English words. This process makes clear the word class assignment of the word to make it into adjective, adverb or another part of speech. Examples:

 Verb to Noun : sing + er = singer

 Adjective to adverb : happy + ly = happily.


 Noun to Verb : vaccine + ate = vaccinate

Affixes have to be added with the word in case forming the new word. Some affixes that have to be added to the beginning of the word are called prefixes (e.g. un- and mis-). Another affixes that have to be added to the end of the word (e.g. –ly, less) are called suffixes. The third type of affixes is called infixes, morphemes that are inserted into other morphemes (Fromkin and

Rodman, 72). The most common infix in America is the word fuckin and all the euphemism for it, such as friggin, freaking, flippin. In Britain, a common infix is bloody.

j. Multiple Processes

A particular word is possible to have more than one process. Multiple processes happen when one word is needed another process just in case to configurate a new word (Yule, 60).

For example, the term deli seems to have become a common

American English expression when it is actually a borrowing word from German delicatessen and then clipping that borrowed form.



In this chapter, the writer explains two main discussion, they are data description and data analysis.

A. Data Description

From the Deadpool movie script, 32 slang words were founded. All

32 data have been collected and identified; this research classifies them in

a table based on the types of word formation. The following is the table of

data anaysis which has been listed in data card by the writer.

Table 3.1. Data Collection of Slang. No. Slang Words Types of Word Formation

1. Beddazling Blending

2. Warm-blooded Compounding

3. Mother-fucker Multiple processes

4. Bump-fuzzies Compounding

5. FYI Abbreviation

6. Butterface Compounding

7. Shitshow Compounding

8. Goody-two-shoes Compounding

9. Bullshit Compounding

10. Cock-gobbler Compounding



11. Shit-swizzler Compounding

12. Mother-fucker Multiple processes

13. Cock-shot Compounding

14. Shitsburgh Blending

15. Round-the-clock Compounding

16. Mother-fucker Multiple processes

17. Fugly Blending

18. Shitstick Compounding

19. Douchebag Compounding

20. Dumbass Compounding

21. Comfy Clipping

22. Cock-thistle Compounding

23. Pissy Clipping

24. Afrangry Blending

25. Numbnuts Compounding

26. Motherfucker Multiple processes

27. Dickless Compounding

28. Assholes Compounding

29. Chrome-penised Compounding

30. Motherfucker Multiple processes

31. Fuckface Compounding

32. Asshole Compounding


B. Data Analysis

From the tabulated data above, the writer tries to analyze all the

data with the theory of structural morphology based on what types of

formation that have been found in data description.

Table 3.2 Sample Data that will be Analyze No. Types of Word Formation Slang Words Warm-blooded







Shit-swizzler 1. Compounding Cock-shot














Shitsburgh 2. Blending Fugly


Comfy 3. Clipping Pissy

4. Abbreviation FYI

5. Multiple Process Motherfucker

The principals of morphology structural can be divided into four

steps in organizing the process of developing a word:

Identifying Morpheme

Word Formation

Morphophonological Process



1. Compound

Compounding is a joining of two separate words to produce a single form (Yule, 55). Those two separate words can be free morpheme or bound morpheme, thus forming a construction that has a different or a new lexical identity.

Datum 1.

Word : Warm-blooded Sentence : “you know, for a merc, you’re pretty warm- blooded. I bet you let the kid of easy, too.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word warm-blooded consists of two morphemes. They are warm and blooded. The word warm and blooded can be said as free morpheme. Warm is a free morpheme that can stand alone and has meaning by itself, while blooded is a word that has a root blood and inflection –ed. Blood is a free morpheme that can also stand alone, while

–ed is a bound morpheme that cannot stand alone.

The process of this formation happen when two free morphemes, warm and blooded, joined together and generate a new word warm- blooded and this kind of processed is considered as a process of compound.

In this process, the word warm-blooded has created by combining two words. It combines the word warm and blooded without deleting or changing any letters from the base words.


This word is listed in Urban Dictionary, a crowd source online dictionary of slang words.

Datum 2

Word : bump-fuzzies Sentence : “so you uh.. bump-fuzzies for money?” Word Formation : Compounding

The word bump-fuzzies consist of more than one morpheme in it.

The first one is the free morpheme bump, and then another morpheme is fuzz. The last is the bound morpheme –ies. These three components cannot be divided any further into smaller pieces which have meaning. Therefore, this word bump-fuzzies is considered as to have three morphemes that became a new lexical identity.

The process of this formation happened when the basic morphemes, wether free morpheme and bound morpheme, merge into one to become a ne word. This process is called compounding process.

This word has nothing special of the morphophonological process.

There is no special change in omitting or adding any letters to create the word.

The word bump-fuzzies is listed in Urban Dictionary that has meaning the term used to describe sex.


Datum 3.

Word : butterface Sentence : “Yeah, like I got bit by a radioactive Sharpei. Yeah, and whose fault is that, Francis? Time to undo what you did to this butterface.” Word Formation : Compounding

Butterface consists of two free morphemes, butter and face. They can stand independently as a word. Based on the type of morpheme, they belong to free root morpheme with identifiable word class as a noun.

This word is having compounding process, where the word butter merging into the word face and make the new lexical item that has different meaning from original words.

The word butterface does not have morphophonological process, because there is no special change when omitting

Butterface is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and

Unconventional English also in Urban Dictionary.

Datum 4.

Word : shitshow Sentence : “we both know that cancer is a shitshow” Word Formation : Compounding

The word shitshow basically has two free morphemes that if being seperated they can stand and have meaning by their own. The word shit is a free morpheme that if it stands alone it has meaning and can be used in


another sentence without combining it first with other morphemes. The word show also a free morpheme that can be used in a sentence without having to be added to anothe morpheme.

The word shit and show are nouns, when they joined become one word, they are having compounding process, the word formation process where two free morphemes becoming one new word that have different meaning from the original words.

In this process, the word shitshow does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining two words shit and show.

This word is listed in Urban Ditcionary that has meaning for describing an event that everything turns out extremely horrible.

Datum 5.

Word : goody-two-shoes Sentence : “look, Colossus! I dont have time for the goody- two-shoes bullshit right now! Word Formation : Compounding

The word goody-two-shoes is having three free morphemes and one bound morpheme. The free morphemes are goody, two and shoe.

While the bound morpheme is the inflectional affix –s that connected to the word shoe. The word shoe is having inflection process with adding suffix –s so it become the word shoes that make the meaning different from the original word.


The word fomation that happen here is compounding process.

Compounding happens when two or more words joined to produce a single form. Goody-two-shoes consist of the word goody, two, and shoes which have different meaning if they stand by its own in a sentence, but when it became one word they have another meaning that very different than the original meaning.

In this process, the word goody-two-shoes does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining three words goody, two and shoes.

The goody-two-shoes is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of

Slang and Unconventional English by Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor also listed in Urban Dictionary.

Datum 6.

Word : goody-two-shoes Sentence : “look, Colossus! I dont have time for the goody- two-shoes bullshit right now! Word Formation : Compounding

The word bullshit is consisting of two free morphemes, which are bull and shit. They can stand alone in a sentence without having adding it to another morpheme.

The word formation process that happen here is clearly compounding process. The word bull and shit merge into one to become a new single lexical identity.


In this process, the word bullshit does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining the words bull and shit.

The word bullshit is listed in A Dictionary of Slang and

Unconventional English by Eric Partridge also in Urban Dictionary.

Datum 7.

Word : cock-gobbler Sentence : “You big, chrome, cock-gobbler!” Word Formation : Compounding

Cock-gobbler consist of two morphemes, they are cock and gobbler. These two morphemes can be considered as free morpheme, because they can stand alone as a word.

This word is having compounding process in forming of the new word. Cock-gobbler consist iof the word cock and gobbler have different meaning if they stand by its own in the sentence, but when it became one word they have another meaning that different than the original word.

In this process, the word cock-gobbler does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining the words cock and gobbler.

The word cock-gobbler is listed in Urban Dictionary that has meaning a name for a person who enjoys consuming man genitals.


Datum 8.

Word : shit-swizzler Sentence : “Listen, the day I decide to become a crime- fighting shit-swizzler, who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners, at the Neverland mansion of some creepy, old, bald, Heaven's Gate-looking mother fucker, on that day... I'll send your shiny happy ass a friend request.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word shit-swizzler consist of two words; they are shit and swizzler. The word shit is a free morpheme that has meaning if it stands on its own. While the word swizzler is having inflectional affix –r, thus the word swizzler consist of two morphemes first swizzle and second suffix –r.

Shit-swizzler is having compounding process because they combine two separate words to produce a single form that has different meaning from those separate words.

In this process, the word shit-swizzler does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining the words shit and swizzler.

Shit-swizzle is only listed in Urban Dictionary, and it has meaning a type if person who acknowlages him/herself in the best way possible and does not care about anyone, even his or her family.


Datum 9.

Word : cock-shot Sentence : “Cock-shot!” Word Formation : Compounding

The word cock-shot basically has two free morphemes; they are cock and shot. The word cock is a free morpheme that if stands alone it has a meaning and can be used in another sentence without combining it first with other morphemes, so does the word shot.

The process of word formation is when there are two words which merge into one, and then generate a new word, the process is called compounding process. In this case, the word cock is a free morpheme which joined together with the other free morpheme shit and creates a new word cock-shot.

There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word cock-shot is still the same as when it was a separated word cock and shot.

The word cock-shot is only listed in Urban Dictionary. The word cock-shot is uttered when a person punched another person’s genitals.


Datum 10.

Word : round-the-clock Sentence : “Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. See, here's the problem with round-the-clock torture. You can't really step it up from there.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word round-the-clock is considered as a word which consists of more than one morpheme in it. The first is the free morpheme round, second is the bound morpheme the, last is the free morpheme clock.

The word formation process that happens here is compounding, because round-the-clock is consist of more than one morpheme that merge into one became the new word.

There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The three components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word round-the-clock is still the same as when it was a separated word round, the and clock.

The word round-the-clock is listed in Urban Dictionary that has meaning all the time or 24/7.

Datum 11.

Word : shitstick Sentence : “And the only guy who can fix this fugly mug is the brown shitstick from the mutant factory, and he's gone! Poof. Word Formation : Compounding


This word shitstick consists of two morphemes in this formation.

The first is a free morpheme shit. Second is stick which happen to be considered as a free morpheme. They are considered as a free morpheme because shit and stick can stand alone with a meaning.

The development of this compound word is the incorporation the word shit with the word stick. Both words merge and produce a new form shitstick.

There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word shitstick is still the same as when it was a separated word shit and stick.

This word is listed in Urban Dictionary as a word to describe a person who messes around to much.

Datum 12.

Word : douchebag Sentence : “: I don't want to see that or think of it again. But the douchebag does think you're dead, right?” Word Formation : Compounding

The word douchebag is clearly consist of two free morphemes, they are douce and bag. These two words considered as free morphemes because they can stand alone in sentences and has its own meaning.


The process of word formation is when there are two words which merge into one, and then generate a new word, the process is called compounding process. In this case, the word douche is a free morpheme which joined together with the other free morpheme bag and creates a new word douchebag.

In this case, there is no morphophonological process happens. The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word douchebag is still the same as when it was a separated word douche and bag.

The word douchebag is listed in Urban Dictionary that has meaning a name for an individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagus with no sense of how moronic he appears.

Datum 13.

Word : dumbass Sentence : “Seltzer water and lemon for blood. Or wear red. Dumbass.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word dumbass consist of two morphemes became one. The first is dumb which is a free morphemes, has an identity as an adjective, and can be used alone as a word. The second is ass that is also a free morpheme. these two morphemes are considered to be able stand alone as a word.


Dumbass is having compounding process because they combine two separate words, which are dumb and ass, to produce a single form that has different meaning from those separate words.

In this process, the word dumbass does not have any special morphophonological process. It created only by combining the words dumb and ass.

This word is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and

Unconventional English and listed in Urban Dictionary.

Datum 14.

Word : cock-thistle Sentence : “The cock-thistle that turned me into this freak slipped through my arms today.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word cock-thistle is considered to have more than one morpheme. it is so obvious because they consist of two free morphemes that are cock and thistle, the parts which can stand alone and have a meaning by themselves. Moreover, they cannot divided into smaller pieces which has a meaning. So, both can be stated as the morpheme of the word.

It can be concluded that the word cock-thistle consist of two morpheme.

In this case, the word cock is a free morpheme which is joined together with the other free morpheme thistle and creates a new word cock-thistle. So the word cock-thistle is having compounding process in forming of a new word.


There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word cock-thistle is still the same as when it was a separated word cock and thistle.

This word is listed in Urban Dictionary as an insult thrown at a guy who is worse than insolent people.

Datum 15.

Word : numbnuts Sentence : “we’ve got to find her fast, before numbnuts does.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word numbnuts is having three morphemes, they are numb, nut, and –s. Numb is a free morpheme that can be use in a sentence without having added by another morpheme, so does the word nuts. Moreover, the word nut is having inflection process that consists of addition of affix –s that makes the word nut became plural. Affix –s attaches at the end of the morpheme nut, so it is classified as suffix. Suffix is part of bound morpheme.

The word formation process that happens here is compounding, because numbnuts is consist of more than one morpheme that become new word.


There is no special change in omitting or adding any letters to create the word numbnuts. It only combines the words that already exist numb and nut.

This word is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and

Unconventional English and also in Urban Dictionary.

Datum 16.

Word : dickless Sentence : “Thanks, dickless. And I mean you.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word dickless consist of two morphemes became one. The first is dick which is a free morphemes, has an identity as an adjective, and can be used alone as a word. The second is less that is also a free morpheme. these two morphemes are considered to be able stand alone as a word.

Dickless is having compounding process because they combine two separate words, which are dick and less, to produce a single form that has different meaning from those separate words.

There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word dickless is still the same as when it was a separated word dick and less.

This word is listed in Urban Dictionary, so this word has already been confirmed as an official slang word.


Datum 17.

Word : asshole Sentence : “I've been trying to tell you assholes you've got the wrong girl. My old boyfriend, he's dead.” Word Formation : Compounding

There are two morphemes found in this word. The first is ass which is a free morpheme, has an identity as a noun, and can be used alone as a word.the second is hole that is also a free morpheme. These two morphemes are considered to be able stand alonse as a word.

The word formation process that occurs here is compounding process. The word ass merging into the word hole and make the new lexical item that has different meaning from original words.

There is no special change in omitting or adding any letters to create the word asshole. It only combines the words that already exist, ass and hole.

This word is listed in Urban Dictionary, in Urban Dictionary the word asshole means as a name an obnoxious, arrogant, self-centered person.

Datum 18.

Word : chrome-penised Sentence : “Twinkly, but deadly. My chrome-penised friend back there has agreed to do me this solid. In exchange, I told him I would consider joining his boy band.” Word Formation : Compounding


The word chrome-penised is considered to have more than one morpheme. First is chrome which is a free morpheme. Second is penis which is also a free morpheme and last is the bound morpheme –ed.

This word formation happens when the free morpheme chrome, it is always stated as a word, merge with inflective penised and form a new word chrome-penised. It can be conclude this word is having compounding process to forming a new word.

There is no special change in omitting or adding any letters to create the word chrome-penised. It only combines the words that already exist, chrome and penised.

This word is not listed in the slang dictionary that the writer use, so this word is not official as an slang English word.

Datum 19.

Word : fuckface Sentence : “You were droning on! Sure, I may be stuck looking like pepperoni flatbread, but at least fuckface won't heal from that.” Word Formation : Compounding

The word fuckface is considered to have more than one morpheme. it is so obvious because they consist of two free morphemes that are fuck and face, the parts which can stand alone and have a meaning by themselves. Moreover, they cannot divided into smaller pieces which has a


meaning. So, both can be stated as the morpheme of the word. It can be concluded that the word fuckface consist of two morpheme.

Fuckface is having compounding process because they combine two separate words, which are fuck and face, to produce a single form that has different meaning from those separate words.

There is no morphophonological process in this word formation.

The two components of morphemes do not affected by the development of the word. Therefore, the pronunciation of the word fuckface is still the same as when it was a separated word fuck and face.

The word fuckface is listed in Urban Dictionary. Fuckface according to Urban Dictionary can be use for an insult or for compliment.

2. Blending

Blending is the combination of two seperate forms to produce a single new term (Yule, 55). Blends are similar to compounds but parts of the new words that are combined are deleted so they are “less than” compound (Fromkin and Rodman, 89).

Datum 20.

Word : Bedazzling Sentence : “you need to seriously ease up on the bedazzling.” Word Formation : Blending


Bedazzling consists of two morphemes. They are beautiful and dazzling. Both of them can be classified as free morphemes becaus it can stand alone as a word.

The word formation that happens here is blending process. The word beautiful only be taken partially of the original word became be- in the word bedazzling. Then incorporated it with another word in the end of the word, in this casethe word dazzling, so the new word has created by blended them becomes bedazzling.

Although this word sounded familiar but this word only listed in

Urban Dictionary.

Datum 21.

Word : Shitsburgh Sentence : “When life ends up breath-takingly fucked, you can generally trace it back to one big, bad decision. The one that sent you down the road to shitsburgh. This, well, this was mine.” Word Formation : Blending

The word shitsburgh is a bland word built up of two morphemes.

They are shit and Pittsburgh. Both of them are free morpheme that can stand by its own.

The word shitsburgh is having blending process, where the word shit merging with the second word, Pittsburgh, but only took the end of the word Pittsburgh.


The blending process that happened here does not affect the pronunciation of each morpheme, so there is no process of morphophonological.

This word is listed in Urban Dictionary that has meaning as a nickname for a city in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, by people who hates the city.

Datum 22.

Word : Fugly Sentence : “and the only guy who can fix this fugly mug is the brown shitstick from the mutant factory, and he’s gone! Poof.” Word Formation : Blending

The word fugly is a blend word that built by three morphemes. The first word is fucking where this word is consist of two morphemes they are fuck that can be considered as a free morpheme, and added by affix –ing which is a bound morpheme. The second word is ugly, a free morpheme that can stand by its own and have their own meaning.

The word formation that occurs in here is blending process. The words fucking and ugly are clipped their part of the word. The first part of the first word, fucking, were clipped to the second word, ugly, just like the concept of blending, it combined two separate forms to produce a single new term.

In this process, the word fugly has created by clipped each part of the word. To combine it into a new word, they omitted the last part of the


word fucking, ucking. Then, they only left f and keeping the second word as a full part, ugly, become a fugly.

The word fugly is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor, Dictionary of Slang and Conventional English by Eric Partridge, also listed in Urban


Datum 23.

Word : Afrangry Sentence : “Yeah, afrangry, I guess.” Word Formation : Blending

The term afrangry consist of two words, afraid and angry. Afraid and angry are considered as free morphemes because they can be use in a sentence without having combined it first with other morphemes.

The word formation process that occurs here is blending. This process is consist of the beginning of the word afraid, afr-, and then added it too another word, angry, so it became afrangry.

There is nothing special happens in morphophonological process in here, because this process of forming this word does not affect the pronunciation of each morpheme.

This word is only listed in Urban Dictionary. This term can be use when someone feeling scared but annoyed too.

3. Clipping


Clipping in word formation process is a process when a word of more than one syllable is reduces to a shorter form (Yule, 56). Clipping is especially popular speech of the students where it has yielded the new foorm (O’Grady et al, 135).

Datum 24.

Word : Comfy Sentence : “oh! So comfy.” Word Formation : Clipping

The word comfy is an informal form of comfortable. The shorter form, comfy consist of one free morpheme, but comfortable consist of two free morphemes, comfort and able.

Comfy is not completely new word. The word comfy is reduced from the original word comfortable. We may use the shorthe one when we are in informal situation, while we can use the original form in formal or informal situation.

The morphophonological that happens here is the process of adding the –y in the last part of clipped word.

This word is listed in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional

English by Eric Partridge and in Urban Dictionary.


Datum 25.

Word : Pissy Sentence : “I get why you're so pissy. But your mood's never going to right until you find this woman and tell her how you feel!” Word Formation : Clipping

The word pissy is a shorther form of the word pissed off. The word pissed off is consisting of two morphemes. Piss,-ed and off. The word piss is considered as a free morpheme that can stand alone. The –ed is an suffix, or can be say an infectional affix, because –ed in here is inserted made the meaning different from the original word. Off is a free morpheme that can be use in a sentence without or with adding another morpheme.

The word pissy is shortening from pissed off. It shortens by clipping off the last two morphemes. Then pissy is classified as clipping word.

In this process, the word pissy is omitting the last part of the word from pissed off. It shortens by clipping some letters and then inserting one letter which is –y to make it easier to say.

4. Abbreviation

Abbreviation is divided into two types, they are acronym and initialism. Acronym is a new words formed from the initial letter of a set of other words that pronounced as new single words (Yule, 58). While initialism is the shorthening from the initial letters of each word anc can be read with spelling of each letter (Hatch and Brown, 210).


Datum 26.

Word : FYI Sentence : “FYI, five mini-lion bits come together to form one superlion bot” Word Formation : Abbreviation

The word FYI is a free morpheme. The extension for FYI is For

Your Information, it can be seen that there are three free morphemes. They are free morphemes because they can stand alone as a word.

The word formation process that occurs in here is abbreviation.

Abbreviation is the process of omission parts of lexeme or combination of lexeme thus becoming a shorthened form, but still has the same meaning from the meaning of original form (Chaer, 191). The type of abbreviaion that happen here is initialism; where the shortening from the initial letters of each is a word that can be read with spelling of each letter.

In this process, there is no special change to creat the word FYI. It only shortens the base words For Your Information by taking the first letter F, Y, and I, and omitting the other letters.

The word FYI is listed in The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English by Dalzell and Victor, in Urban Dictionary and in Dictionary of Slang and Conventional English by Eric Partridge.

5. Multiple Processes


Multiple process happen when one word is needed another process just in case to configurate a new word (Yule,60). From data description the word mother-fucker were founded five times, so the writer only write one as a representative.

Datum 27.

Word : Mother-fucker Sentence : “You weak motherfucker!” Word Formation : Multiple Processes

Mother-fucker is a word that consists of three morphemes; they are, mother, fuck and –er. Mother and fuck are free morphemes that can stand alone as a word, while –er is an suffix that considered as bound morpheme.

Mother-fucker is a word that having multiple process in forming a new word. First is having compounding process between mother and fuck as mother-fuck. Then having inflection process which added an suffix –er to make the new words that have different meaning from the word mother- fuck.

In this process, there is no special change of phonological process to create the word mother-fucker. It only combined all three morphemes into one.

Althought this word is considered as the most frequent slang word to say but it only listed in Urban Dictionary.



A. Conclusions

This study was conducted to analyze the types of word formation

processes found in the Deadpool movie, and also to discover the word

formation processes of the English slang words in the Deadpool movie.

The writer found 32 slang words from the Deadpool movie and analyzed

all of the data.

Regarding the types of word formation processes the writer has

proposed in the theoretical description, this research concludes that types

of word formation processes found in the Deadpool movie consist of five

types of slang. There are blending, compounding, clipping, initialism and

multiple processes. Among the five word formation processes,

compounding were the most frequent word formation process. However,

not all the types of word formations are explained in the corpus data. From

ten types of word formations in the theoretical description, there are five

types that are not found in the research. Those are borrowing, back

formation, conversion, derivation and coinage.

There are four steps in structural morphology to analyze word

formation process. Those are identifying morpheme, word formation,

morphophonological process and dictionary. From 32 data that have been

analyzed, most of the words are structurally perfect as words because they



passed all the four processes of structural morphology which are

morpheme, word formation, morphophonological process and they are

listed in the that are used in this research. Other than that,

some word formations that are analyzed before have no

morphophonological process or no changes in pronunciation, and also the

word chrome-penised is not listed in the dictioanries that the writer use.

B. Suggestions

The writer suggests the readers to do the research about the word

formation process of slang for further discussion, because there are many

interesting aspects which can be analyzed. As for the object of this

research, has chosen utterances in movie to analyze, the writer suggests to

do further research on slangs found in the spoken language in real life or

songs to be analyzed. It is very important to have a further understanding

about words and its form. Moreover slang words are now often used in

society; many people know the meaning but do not understand how the

word actually formed.


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1. The Cover of Deadpool Movie.



2. Some Scenes in the Deadpool Movie.

(Picture 1) (Picture 2)

(Picture 3) (Picture 4)


(Picture 5) (Picture 6)

(Picture 7) (Picture 8)

(Picture 9) (Picture 10)


(Picture 11) (Picture 12)

(Picture 13) (Picture 14)

(Picture 15) (Picture 16)


3. Some Dialogues in the Deadpool Movie Script.


1. WADE : Jeremy, is it? Wade Wilson. That is ah, a no go on the tiperoo, Jer. I’m not here for him. I’m here for you. MERCHANT : Oh, hey, wow, dodged a big time bullet on that one! WADE : You’re not out of the woods yet. You need to seriously ease-up on the bedazzling. They’re jeans, not a chandelier. P.S., I am keeping your wallet. You did kind of give it to me.

2. Wade takes out a gold card and places it on the bar. Weasel takes it. WADE : And I ain’t taking any babysitting money, alright? Make sure that gets back to Miss, uh… WEASEL : Orlovsky? WADE : Her. WEASEL : You sure? WADE : Mhm. WEASEL : You know, for a merc, you’re pretty warm-blooded. I bet you let the kid of easy, too. WADE : Oh, he’s not a bad kid, he’s… Just a little light stalking. I was way worse than him when I was his age. I was traveling to exotic places. Baghdad, Mogadishu, Jacksonville. Meeting new and exciting people. WEASEL : And killing them, yeah.

3. He holds his arm up, revealing a bullet hole going straight through. Through the hole, he sees the motorcycle coming back. DEADPOOL: Mother fucker! Ten. (He shoots and misses). Shit! Nine. (He shoots and misses). Fuck! Eight. (He shoots and misses). Shit fuck! He leaps over the car and takes aim, but loses his chance at a good shot. DEADPOOL: Bad Deadpool.

4. Wade puts his hand on Vanessa. VANESSA : Hey, hands off the merchandise. WADE : Merchandise, oh. So you uh… bump-fuzzies for money? VANESSA : Yep. WADE : Rough childhood? VANESSA : Rougher than yours. Daddy left before I was born.

5. VANESSA : Well, I hate to break it to you, but your 48 minutes are up. WADE : Hey, how many more minutes could I get for this? FYI, five mini-lion bots come together to form one super-lion


bot. VANESSA : (Excitedly) Five mini-lion bots? Three minutes. WADE : What do we do with the remaining two minutes, thirty seven seconds? VANESSA : Cuddle?

6. He lifts his mask up. DEADPOOL : How about now? FRANCIC : Huh. Wade fucking Wilson. Well hello, gorgeous. DEADPOOL : Yeah, like I got bit by a radioactive Sharpei. Yeah, and whose fault is that, Francis? Time to undo what you did to this butterface. FRANCIS : You should thank me. Apparently I made you immortal. I'm actually quite jealous. DEADPOOL : Yeah, but this ain't a life worth living, is it? Now, I'm about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late '90s.

7. WADE : You're right. Cancer's only in my liver, lungs, prostate, and brain. All things I can live without. VANESSA : You belong here at home. Surrounded by your Ultron, and your Bernadette, and your me. WADE : Listen, we both know that cancer is a shitshow. Like, Yakoff Smirnov opening for the Spin Doctors at the Iowa State Fair, shitshow. And under no circumstances will I take you to that show. I want you to remember me. Not the ghost of Christmas me. VANESSA : Well, I want to remember us! WADE : I swear to God, I'm gonna find you in the next life, and I'm gonna boombox Careless Whisper outside your window. Wham! VANESSA : No one is boomboxing shit, okay?

8. COLOSSUS : (To Francis) Stay right here. You've been warned before, Deadpool. This is a shameful and reckless use of your powers. You will both be coming with us. DEADPOOL : Look, Colossus! I don't have time for the goody-two- shoes bullshit right now! And... you are? NEGASONIC : Negasonic Teenage Warheadf. DEADPOOL : Negasonic Teenage... What the shit? That's the coolest name ever! So what, you're like his sidekick? COLOSSUS : No, trainee.

9. COLOSSUS : Wade, you're better than this! Join us! Use your powers for good.


Deadpool tosses a metal disk at Francis, hitting him in the face. DEADPOOL : Heads up. COLOSSUS : Be a superhero! DEADPOOL : Listen, the day I decide to become a crime-fighting shit- swizzler, who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners, at the Neverland mansion of some creepy, old, bald, Heaven's Gate-looking mother fucker, on that day... I'll send your shiny happy ass a friend request. But until then, I'm gonna do what I came here to do. Either that, or slap the bitch out of you.

10. DEADPOOL : Rock, meet Bottom. When life ends up breath-takingly fucked, you can generally trace it back to one big, bad decision. CUT TO: DIMLY LIT FACILITY WADE is on a stretcher. WADE : (Narrating) The one that sent you down the road to shittsburgh. This, well, this was mine. MAN : Mr. Wilson, nothing warms my heart more than a change of someone else's. You finally hit, 'Fuck it'. WADE : Just promise me you'll do right by me. So I can do right by someone else. MAN : Of course.

11. Wade head butts her. ANGEL : Mother fucker - FRANCIS : Hey, hey, hey! It's alright! It's alright. I think we owe him that, yeah? Take off. Go on, off you go. Quick question. What's my name? Didn't think so. He closes the machine and turns it on. WADE : (Narrating) Sorry, Francis, my lips are sealed. In the machine, Wade reveals that he took a match from Angel. He lights it and throws it towards the oxygen vent. After a few moments, the machine explodes, causing massive damage to the facility and starting a fire. Francis comes down with a fire extinguisher. He sees that Wade escaped from the machine. Wade charges him with a metal pipe and they begin fighting. FRANCIS : You don't wanna kill me! I'm the only one that can fix your barking mug!

12. COLOSSUS : Wade... NEGASONIC : Hey - DEAPOOL : Zip it, Sinead! NEGASONIC : Hey, douchepool! DEADPOOL : And I hope you're watching! He turns around to point at Francis, who is no longer there. He gasps.


13. Deadpool looks back and forth at where Colossus is and where Francis was. DEADPOOL: That does it! He jumps up and hits Colossus's head, breaking his hand. DEADPOOL: Oh, Canada! That's not good. COLOSSUS: Wade, please. DEADPOOL: Cock shot! With his good hand, he punches Colossus in the crotch. This does nothing but break his hand.

14. WADE : No way. I'm not making her life as ugly as mine, man. WEASEL : Oh, come on, Wade. It can't be that bad. WADE : Ah, bullshit! I'm a monster inside and out. I belong in a fucking circus! WEASEL : Wade, Vanessa loves you. She doesn't care what you - Oh. Oh. WADE : Do you like what you see? WEASEL : No. You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado. WADE : Yeah. WEASEL : And not gently. Like, it was hate fucking. There was something wrong with the relationship, and that was the only catharsis they could find without violence. WADE : And the only guy who can fix this fugly mug is the brown shitstick from the mutant factory, and he's gone! Poof. WEASEL : Yeah, you've got to do something to remedy this, cause as of now you only have on course of action.

15. WADE : Here's what I'm actually going to do. I'm going to work through his crew until somebody gives up Francis, force him to fix this, put a bullet in his skull, and fuck the brain hole. WEASEL : I don't want to see that or think of it again. But the douchebag does think you're dead, right? WADE : Yeah. WEASEL : That's good. You should keep it that way.

16. He attacks some guys, shouting 'Where's Francis?' Back at his apartment, he realizes his clothes are covered in blood. Cut to him in a laundry mat. An old blind woman addresses him. AL: Seltzer water and lemon for blood. Or wear red. Dumbass.

17. DEADPOOL : Al? He opens the door.


DEADPOOL : Good morning, sleepy head. It smells like old lady pants in here. AL : Yes, I'm old, I wear pants. DEADPOOL : But you're no lady. Deadpool takes off his shoes and puts crocs on. DEADPOOL : Oh! So comfy. AL : Upside of being blind, I've never seen you in crocs.

18. AL : I wish I'd never heard of Craigslist. DEADPOOL : And I quote, 'Looking for blind and likes imperfections, must be good with hands.' Or would you rather I build the ikea and you pay rent? AL : Why so douchy this morning? DEADPOOL : Let's recap. The cock-thistle that turned me into this freak slipped through my arms today. Arm. Catching him my only chance to be hot again, get my super sexy ex back, and prevent this shit from happening to someone else. So yeah, today was about as much fun as a sand paper dildo.

19. DEADPOOL : It's about the size of a KFC spork. AL : I get why you're so pissy. But your mood's never going to right until you find this woman and tell her how you feel! DEADPOOL : I keep telling you, Mrs. Magoo, she wouldn't have me! If you could see me, you'd understand. AL : Looks aren't everything. DEADPOOL : Looks are everything! You ever heard David Beckham speak? It's like he mouth-sexed a can of helium! You think Ryan Reynolds got this far on his superior acting method?

20. Deadpool and Weasel walk down a sidewalk. DEADPOOL : I can't believe I'm doing this. Is there a word for half afraid, half angry? WEASEL : Yeah, afrangry, I guess. Do you know what you're going to say to her? DEADPOOL : Ugh, fuck me. WEASEL : Uh, I'd maybe not start with that.

21. They enter a strip club. DJ : Hey, coming up on stage right now, give it up for Chastity! WEASEL : Or, as I like to call her, irony. DEADPOOL : We've got to find her fast, before numbnuts does. WEASEL : How do you know she's in here? DEADPOOL : Cause I'm constantly stalking the fox.


22. Cut to Deadpool washing his face in the bathroom. DEADPOOL : You weak motherfucker! Come on. Come on, get it together. This isn't about me, this is about Vanessa. Here we go. Maximum effort. Cut back to the club.

23. DEADPOOL : Hey, hey! Where'd she go? WEASEL : I saw her head to the back. Go get her tiger. Cut to Deadpool entering the alley out back. He finds his old coin purse on the ground. DEADPOOL : Fuck... Mother fucker!

24. Angel and Francis lead a bound and gagged Vanessa on the platform. FRANCIS : Put her down over here. Angel ties her up. FRANCIS : Go on then. Angel removes the gag. VANESSA : Thanks, dickless. And I mean you. FRANCIS : Well. You're a talker too? You and Wade. VANESSA : I've been trying to tell you assholes you've got the wrong girl. My old boyfriend, he's dead. FRANCIS : See, I thought that too. But he keeps on coming back. Like a cockroach. Ugly. Now, I may not feel, but he does. Let's see how he fights with your head on the block.

25. passenger seat. Colossus and Negasonic are in back. DEADPOOL : And that is why, in my opinion, the movie cocoon is pure pornography. DOPINDER : Who brought this twinkly man? DEADPOOL : Twinkly, but deadly. My chrome-penised friend back there has agreed to do me this solid. In exchange, I told him I would consider joining his boy band. COLOSSUS : It's not boy band.

26. VANESSA : Wade? DEADPOOL : Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna get you out of that shitbox. FRANCIS : What better way to get inside that head of yours. DEADPOOL : Oh, you never left. VANESSA : But you did, asshole! FRANCIS : Ah, take a deep breath darling. Oh wait, wrong choice of words.

27. COLOSSUS : Wade! Four or five moments. DEADPOOL : I'm sorry? COLOSSUS : Four or five moments. That's all it takes. DEADPOOL : To...?


COLOSSUS : Be a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero, brush your teeth a hero, go to work a hero. Not true! Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice. To make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend. Spare an enemy. In these moments, everything else falls away. The way the world sees us, the way we - Deadpool shoots Francis in the head. Colossus vomits. COLOSSUS : Why? DEADPOOL : You were droning on! Sure, I may be stuck looking like pepperoni flatbread, but at least fuckface won't heal from that. If wearing superhero tights means sparing psychopaths, then maybe I wasn't meant to wear 'em. Not everyone monitors a hall like you.



PEMBAHAS/PENGUJI SARAN DAN KOMENTAR KETERANGAN/PEMBAHASAN TANDA TANGAN Mr. Iqbal  Theory statement (hati- hati dalam membuat statement)  Make sure that the data and transcript  Alasan data hanya 19? Mr. Hilmi  Is sociological or morphological research?  Harus menggunakan teori morpho dengan proses yang jelas  Cari data yang ada word formation processnya.