Word Formation Analysis of English Slang Language on Deadpool Movie
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WORD FORMATION ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH SLANG LANGUAGE ON DEADPOOL MOVIE A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) DHITA NOVIANTI 1113026000085 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2017 ABSTRACT Dhita Novianti, Word Formation Analysis of English Slang Language on Deadpool Movie thesis. Jakarta: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Staet Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, July 2017. This research provides an analysis on English slang words in conversations of a movie. The data in this thesis are taken from the Deadpool movie script. This thesis is using word formation process theory by George Yule to find how the slang words that found in the Deadpool movie script are formed. This thesis methodology is qualitative method which is relying on verbal data and the data will be explained descriptively. The writer finds 32 slang words used by the characters in the movie. This research has analyzed all the data. The analysis in this research has four steps based on the structural morphology process. They are, Morpheme, Word Formation, Morphophonological Processes and Dictionary. The study reveals that processes of word formation of English slang words in Deadpool movie are divided into five processes. They are Blending, Compounding, Clipping, Initialism and Multiple Processes. Keywords: Word fomation, slang words, structural morphology, movie. i ii iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledge has been made in the text. Jakarta, 2017 Dhita Novianti iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamduliilahirabbil’Alamin, Praise and great gratitude submitted to Almighty God, Allah SWT who always gives gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that has helped the writer finishing this research. Peace and salutation are upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adherents. I would like to give sincerest gratitude and appreciation to my beloved parents, Suyitno and Tri Sugiarsih. They always give me endless prayer, advice, love, spirit, motivation, patience and also financial encouragement during finishing this research. I also wants to give thanks to my sister and brothers for the supports, Eka Setyanensi, P. Andi Setiawan and Tegar Maulana. Without them I would never finish the research this fast. I also want to thank to all of those who have given the contribution so that this research can be finish. I would like to deliver this thank to: 1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag, the Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty. 2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the Head of English Language and Literature Deartment. 3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. 4. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd, as the writer’s advisor who had guided and assisted the writer in writing and finishing this research. v 5. All of the lectures in English Language and Literature Department for teaching and guiding her very well during her study. 6. To her best friends; Ahmad, Nanda, Dimas, Aninda, Steffi, Faraadisa, Kia Aisyah, Dini, and Yudhis for the support and the encouragement that was worth more than the writer can express in this paper. 7. To Enung Nurokhman, S.S. as her senior who always give helps, comment and guidances to the writer. To Risya Maya Hestianti for the help in finishing this paper. 8. For my beloved big family of English Language and Literature Department 2013, especially Linguistics Class for being such a great companion in State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. May Allah SWT bless them and their family. Moreover, I realize that this thesis is not fully perfect, so I would like to apology and accept criticism and constructive suggestions to make this thesis better. Hopefully, this thesis is useful to add the treasury of science. Jakarta, June 2017 Dhita Novianti vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION .............................................................................................. iii DECLARATION ................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Research ............................................................. 1 B. Focus of the Research ....................................................................... 3 C. Research Question ............................................................................. 4 D. Significance of the Research ............................................................. 4 E. Research Methodology ...................................................................... 4 1. Objective of the Research ......................................................... 4 2. The Method of Research .......................................................... 5 3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis .............. 5 4. The Instrument of the Research ................................................ 6 5. The Unit of Analysis ................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................... 7 A. Previous Research ............................................................................. 7 B. Concept .............................................................................................. 8 1. Language .................................................................................. 8 2. Slang ......................................................................................... 10 3. Morphology .............................................................................. 12 4. The Theories of Morphology..................................................... 12 5. Root, Base and Stem ................................................................. 14 6. Morpheme, Lexeme and Words ............................................... 15 vii 7. Word Formation Process .......................................................... 17 a. Coinage ............................................................................ 18 b. Borrowing ........................................................................ 18 c. Compounding ................................................................... 19 d. Blending ........................................................................... 19 e. Clipping ............................................................................ 19 f. Back Formation ................................................................ 20 g. Conversion ....................................................................... 20 h. Acronym ........................................................................... 21 i. Derivation ......................................................................... 21 j. Multiple Processes ........................................................... 22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ......................................................... 23 A. Data Descrpition ............................................................................... 23 B. Data Analysis .................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 51 A. Conclusions ....................................................................................... 51 B. Suggestions ........................................................................................ 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 53 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 56 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research In this modern era, there are a lot of variations of language used in the community. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, language is a distinguishing feature that is very prominent; language makes each social group feel as an entity distinct from another group. A member of a society of a language usually consists of a variety of people with different social status and cultural background that are not the same (Yuwono, 5). Since there are many backgrounds and different environments for every human being, languages as a tool of communication is varied. Language variety are variations of the language used in situations, circumstances, or for specific needs. Language variety that is used in formal situation is called standard language, while language variety that is used in informal situation is called non-standard (Chaer, 56). According to Wardaugh (34-35), standard English is a variety of English which is usually used in print, and normally taught in schools