Llanrijfbtpr Iturning Ralh AB Wayt * Welcome

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Llanrijfbtpr Iturning Ralh AB Wayt * Welcome V .. I rior Court under a bond o f 81,000 AVERAGE DAILT OIBOULATION by Judge Raymond A. Johnson. LEGGEnELECIlD Police Ueutenant William A. Bar­ for the Month o f September. 1988 oat noowwf Han ron arrested Sadrozlnskl yesterday, W ax Beans PINEHURST MEAT ^ r a U R a , O CT. Srd, 8 :3 0 p . in. culminating an Investigation of Y .F .W . COMMANDER complaints made to the police by Largo 5 ,5 7 1 . « nuzBBi n«> $ip 9S. $*• parenta of children frequenting tho 2 ' ““ ^ 1 9 c Member o f the Audit Adaalnloa 80 Ccota. Link Sausage . 38c lb. MAMCHitTsa Comm- Spruce street playground. According Fresh Spinach SPECIALS Bnreaa o f Olrcnlattons llanrIjfBtPr iturning ralh AB WayT * Welcome. to Lieutenant Barron, Sadrozinal;! Lean, Meaty was involved with several girls Beets, Q Anoual Meeting Held in State seven or eight years old. Shoulder Lamb Chops 2 bunches........ 9 C (OtaaBtfied Advertising on Page 10.) (TWELVE PAGES) Judge Johnson suspended Judg­ From the Sblf-Serve and Health Market VOL. LV., NO. 3. IKANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935. PRICE THREE CENTII ABOUT TOWN (Carrots, q ............................. 29c lb. Armory; Installation On ment on payment o f the costs of strictly Fresh Pallet court In the case of Clarence W. 2 pounds.... «/C Plomp, Fresh Savage, 16, of Andover, charged with Vrm. Joeeph Leaiy and Mri. R«U=-' operating an Improperly registered You WlU Find Oor Cube Steaks art Campbell are In charfe of the Norember 2. Broilers ...... 79c each EGGS mactinff of the Ladiea of Columbua motorcycle. A freshman In the Average 2 t-4 pounds. Manchester High school. Savage Native Potatoes ^ e ea.8i|^ for 3 S ® to ba held Friday, O ct 4, at 7:30 In Excellent Quality and Well Freshly Ground B e e f.............. 29c lb. Hale’s Red Bag the new K. of C. home. M lu E^ar- William Leggett was elected com­ was arrested last night by Police­ man Joseph A. Prentice. Worth 2 3 P*®**- S-lb. Roasting C hickens........ 88c Ib, hart of the Bond Bread Company mander of Anderson-Shea Post, Vet­ Fresh, Genuine Calvos’ Liver, 55c lb. will demonitrate fancy eandwlch erans of Foreign wars, during its SattstacUon Guaranteed! 2 to 2 1-4 Lb. Cuts Lonlb Stew .. S9o COFFEE l b . 1 6 « making and fllllnga. LIVER PLANES BOMB ETHIOPIAN TOWNS annual meeting last night In the State Armory. SO. METHODIST CHURCH . PINEHURST FISH Snow Sheen Mre. F. A. Nlckerion of Wood­ Other officers elected were senior Summer Squash land itreet -4a In—New Bedford, vice commander, Ernest Ubert; Fresh Oysters............. 36c pint 18c lb. Masa, attending the golden wed­ 2 for 13c Awaitingr the Word To March To Front Junior vice commander, David Mc- FURNITURE IN EXHIBIT Steaming Clama........2 qts. 39c Cake Flour « ding anniveraary of her parenta. Cullum; quartermaster, Edward 29 TIGERS PILE UP 6 Fraser; Judge advocate, William Celery Opened Clams............. 35c pint FUlsbury’s Pancake WAR IN AFRICA IS ON, Raymond Montle, who haa been Fortin; post surgeon, Hllding Gus­ BACON engaged In the automobile buatnesa tafson; chaplain, Clarence Weth- Pulpit Chairs and Communion Ripe Tomatoes Butterflsh, Salmon, Filet of for the paat eight yeara la now en­ erell; officer of the day, John Glen- Tabic of Locai Edifice in Big; Haddock, Swordfish, Filet of gaged aa a buyer for a Providence ney; delegates t<J the county coun­ Industriai Show. 5c lb. Sole, and Mackerel. FLOUR 5 9 c lb. RUN LEAD ON CUBS produce company. cil, Clarence Wetherell and Edward Peas Lettuce Brown; alternates, David McCuIliim, Cow Brand SAY LEAGUE OFFICIALS Cauliflower Ur. and Mra. Albert T. Dewey Frank ValluzzI ano Harry Mathla- Manchester visitors at tho Ter­ PINEHURST APPLES MeINTOSH, l« a n Rib have returned to their home on son. fwfv centenary Industrial Exposition at 16-quart ba-vkot.................... IN EARLY INNINGS Robert road after a two weeka' va­ / arC for A Joint Installation of the new of­ the State Armory in Hartford, and Hershey’s Baking Choco­ SODA pl^g*) 2 cation at Lake Placid Club, N. T. ficers of the post and Its women’s late and Cocoa, f sv Good grade but not hand picked. particularly attendants of the Corned Beet auxiliary will be held November 2. '/, lbs., 2 for .... 1 / C PIPPINS, MA ITALY PLEADS The ladiea aoctety of the Zion probably In Orange hall. The aux­ South Methodist church, will be In­ Chase A .San- OO Lutheran church will meet tonight terested to know that the three 16-quart basket.................... / «/C BATTLE NOW RAGING iliary will elect officers next week. bom’s Coffee, Ib. Malagra GRAPES GREEN PEPPERS I / C lb. Drive Root and Henshaw at 7:30. handsome pulpit chairs and com­ Large, hand plcked-^r you can 21 2 PRESIDENT OFF 20c. cans Minn. Valley munion table owned by the church have half "Maes" and half Pippins— SELF DEFENSE Garden Peas, j t same prire. The annual meeting of the High­ are on exhibition at tho great in­ Spcrial, 3 cans ,. S c ib. ^ qt. bskt. l O c from Mound With Four land Park Community club will dustrial show which opens tonight stewing No. 2 cans Blue Label Rolfo Baking or Cooking ON OCEAN TRIP IN ADUWA DISTRICT take place Friday evening, October POLICE COURT Melntosh Fancy at 6 o’clock and continues to Octo­ SUced Beets, O C F O R A ^Y M O V E 4, at 8 o’clock In the clubhouae. Of- a p p l e s , basket Runs in First, T lre e in ber 12. The trustees complied with 2 ca n s .................. d H O C RED PEPPERS BEEF flcera and committees will make Raymond A. Sadrozlnskl, 40, of the request to loan the four pieces 4 pounds 19c. APPLES their report and a new slate of of­ 709 Main street. In police court this as an outstanding example of skill 4th; Greenberg Homers. AHERJDDRESS ficers will be elected for the coming morning pleaded not guilty to Inde­ in modem woodworking. The large (jj^ qt. bskt. ^ qt. bskt. 1 5 ® Ib. Official Statement Puts Onus Italian Minister to Ethiopia Is Handed His Passports and y w . It Is also expected that Rev. cent assault on minor females and chair, two smaller ones emd com. Elmer T. Thienes, County T secre­ through his attorney, George C. munion table were the work of the Reviews Naval Demonstra­ tary will be present and i^ve a talk lissaner, waived examination In the Hartford Builders’ ./Finish com­ PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. Navln Field, Detroit, O ct 8. — on Mobilization in Ethio­ Leaves Country Under Heavy Guard — Reports R e cm the work. local court. pany. The beautiful carvings on 302 Main Street—North of Armory Dial 4151 (AP)—Belting with new found sav­ He was bound over to tbe January the set were by experts at the stu­ agery, the Detroit Tigers hammered tion; Stresses Peace m ceived at Addis Ababa Say Italians Fighting at Aduwa, W a a h ln ^ n L.O.L. dupree team term of the Hartford county Supe- dio of Michael Roth In New Britain. pia, Asserts Advance of will met W a Friday evening at 7:15 caiarlle Root out of the box with a o’clock for rehearsal on the R.A. four-run first Inning rally, then dis­ San Diego Speech; Plans W ere Beginning to Retreat— Italian Bombs W reck P. U. degree. All members plan­ posed of Lefty "Pee Wee" Henshaw . Army Is Protectiye. ning to TC to Amsterdam, N. Y ., on October 13 are requested to be pres­ STARTS THURSDAY Much Fishing On Cmise. 115 Homes— League Calls Special Meeting Saturday. ent. An tickets must be returned by Rome, Oct. 8.— (A P )—lUllan Friday night. troops marched Into Ethiopia today Addis Ababa, Oct. 3.—The Ethio­ The Willing Workers group of Enroute with President Roosevelt in reply to the general mobilization FIRST B03IB8 DROPPED the Wesleyan Guild will conduct on tho Pacific, Oct. 3.— (A P) — proclaimed by Emperor Halle Se­ pian government today told Luigi FELL ON A HOSPITAL rummage sale, Thursday, October HALE’S SEMI-ANNUAL President Roosevelt cruised south­ lassie. VIncl-GIglluccI, the It(Uian minister London, Oct, 3.—A P )— The 10, in ttis store at Main strset and ward off the Pacific coast of Mexicc The troops, It was announced of­ to Ethiopia, to get out of the coun­ Brainard place. Friends having Reuteri correspondent at Addle today after a review of the United ficially, “have occupied some ad­ try a few hours after official govern­ oontrlbutlons they wish called for vanced positions beyond our lines.’’ Ababa today quoted Emperor are requested to notify Mrs. Arthur States fleet and a sharp notice to the ment advices told of the bombing Halle Selassie ns saying In on In­ An official communique said the BronMe, chairman, dial S927. world of America’s determination to of Aduwa by Italian airplanes with terview: remain "unentangled and free." advance was a defensive movement civilian casualties. "I have Just received the news' The President boarded the Navy against "a direct and immediate Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters u r t a i n a l e menace." The Italian envoy was banded his that tho first bombs dropped by o f Union Veterans, wlU meet at the C S cruiser Houston late yesterday at Italian airplanes on Aduwa-fall State armory tomorrow night at 8 Ban Diego, and from it watched the II Duce's Fascist legions may passports and he will leave tomor­ row. on the Red Cross hospital there o’clock.
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