The German Biodiesel Market Today
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inform December 2009 Volume 20 (12) 737–800 Volume International News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials The German biodiesel market today ALSO INSIDE: The promise of industrial oil crops Distillers’ dried grains with solubles Beijing soybean conference report ANDERSON DURABILITY ''Anderson is Pleased to unveil its Most Innovative Desifln in Expeller® Technolofly" "Vidor-Series-600™ Expeller® Press" Anderson is Proud to Introduce the "Vidor-Series" Expeller® Press Not since the invention of the Expeller®by Anderson in 1900 have so many new and beneficial features been designed into this innovative processing machine for the oilseed industry. Please contact us and we will discuss and show you the new innovations that make this the most efficient, produdive, durable and maintenance free Expeller® press, such as: • VFD driven main shaft for optimum capacity and residual oil performance • Expander design feed section which eliminates force feeding and increases rapid oil release • Innovative discharge choke reduces load on thrust bearing, thus increasing wear life on bearings, seals and sleeve. The choke desi~n is maintained without disassembly of any other press assemblies. ANDERSON * EXPELLER® IS THE REGISTERED TRADEMARK INTERNATIONAL ~ OF ANDERSON SINCE 1900 CORP PATENTED IN U.S.A . AND ABROAD 6200 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44105 U.S.A. Phone: (216) 641-1112 Fax: (216) 641-0709 Website: What's the BIGGEST Secret in Biodiesel?? • More than 15 plants 30 million gallons or larger in operation or under construction • Technology partner with REG • Designer and equipment supplier to owner operators PREPARATION DEHULLING EXTRACTION OIL PROCESSING BIODIESEL SOYA PROTEINS C02 EXTRACTION PILOT PLANT CROWN IRON WORKS COMPANY 2500 West County Road C Roseville, MN 55113 USA call us today 1-651-639-8900 or visit us at Additional offices in Argentina, Brazil, China, England, Honduras, India, Mexico, Moscow and the Ukraine. $ECEMBER 6OLUME n Departments and Information The market situation and 740 Index to Advertisers political framework in 740 Calendar Germany for biodiesel and 742 Letter to the Editor vegetable oil Marketplace: Dieter Bockey analyzes recent regulatory developments and their 753 News & Noteworthy effect on the German biodiesel market. 757 Biofuels News Industrial oil crops—when will they finally deliver 761 Health & Nutrition on their promise? Denis J. Murphy outlines key targets for the future of industrial oil News crops. 765 Biotechnology News 769 S&D News From abstract to presentation Catherine Watkins walks us through the development of the technical 771 Student Page PROGRAM FOR THE ST !/#3 !NNUAL -EETING %XPO 772 People News/ Campaign for Technology a global success Inside AOCS $ONORS TO THE !/#3 &OUNDATIONS #AMPAIGN FOR 4ECHNOLOGY DROVE 773 In Memoriam one of the most successful campaigns ever undertaken by the &OUNDATION #ATHERINE 7ATKINS REPORTS Publications: Distillers’ dried grains with solubles (DDGS)— 774 Book Review A key to the fuel ethanol industry 775 Patents Kurt A. Rosentrater examines how DDGS fit into the larger biofuels landscape. 778 Extracts & Distillates A phospholipids primer 782 Classified Advertising Moghis U. Ahmad offers an overview of various phospholipid applications, from functional foods to pharmaceuticals to cosmetics. World Soybean Research Conference VIII, Beijing Keshun Liu reports on this conference, which has run every five years SINCE ITS START IN AOCS Mission Statement To be a global forum to promote the exchange of ideas, information, and experience, to enhance personal excel- lence, and to provide high standards of quality among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, surfactants, and related materials. inform s )NTERNATIONAL .EWS ON &ATS /ILS and Related Materials )33. )&2-%# n 740 inform December 2009, Vol. 20 (12) Editor-in-Chief Emeritus: James B.M. Rattray Bold type new listing For details on these and other upcoming Calendar meetings, visit Contributing Editors: Rajiv Arora Keshun Liu 7% !RTZ Mark Messina January February Scott Bloomer Robert Moreau %DUARDO $UBINSKY D.J. Murphy January 9–14, 2010. Triglycerides &EBRUARY n .ATIONAL "IODIESEL 7ALTER % &ARR Willem van and Triglyceride-Rich Particles in #ONFERENCE %XPO 'AYLORD 4EXAN 2ESORT Anu Hopia .IEUWENHUYZEN Health and Disease, Keystone Sym- #ONVENTION #ENTER 'RAPEVINE 4EXAS 9 3 6IC (UANG Brent Sørensen posium, Big Sky, Montana, USA. 53! )NFORMATION WWWBIODIESELCONFER- S.P. Kochhar T. Thiagarajan Information: www.keystonesym- ENCEORG Gary List cfm?MeetingID=1033. &EBRUARY n .ATIONAL /ILSEED Processors Association Annual Meeting Editorial Advisory Board: *ANUARY n ,AB!UTOMATION 4UCSON !RIZONA 53! )NFORMATION -ICHAEL %SKIN (ANS .IEUWENHUIS Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm -ICHAEL (AAS &EREIDOON 3HAHIDI 3PRINGS #ALIFORNIA 53! )NFORMATION Arnis Kuksis Bernard Szuhaj WWWLABAUTOMATIONORG,! &EBRUARY n 'LYCOLIPID 3PHIN- Robert Moreau golipid Biology, Gordon Research Confer- January 24–29, 2010. Adipose ENCE 6ENTURA "EACH -ARRIOTT 6ENTURA Tissue Biology, Keystone Resort, #ALIFORNIA 53! )NFORMATION WWWGRC AOCS Officers: Keystone, Colorado, USA. Infor- ORGPROGRAMSASPXYEARPROGRA President )AN 0URTLE #ARGILL -INNEAPOLIS mation: www.keystonesympo- m=glycolipid. Minnesota, USA Vice President * +EITH 'RIME *+' #ONSULTING cfm?MeetingID=1043. February 8–10, 2010. 2010 Packag- Cincinnati, Ohio, USA ing Conference, Aria CityCenter, Secretary 3TEVEN % (ILL +RAFT &OODS *ANUARY n 3OAP AND $ETERGENT Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Informa- 'LENVIEW )LLINOIS 53! !SSOCIATION !NNUAL -EETING )NDUSTRY tion: www.thepackagingconference. Treasurer 4IMOTHY +EMPER $ESMET "ALLESTRA Convention, The Grande Lakes Orlando, com. .ORTH !MERICA )NC -ARIETTA 'EORGIA USA /RLANDO &LORIDA 53! )NFORMATION WWW CLEANINGCOMMEETINGS &EBRUARY n TH !NNUAL Executive Vice President Jean Wills Hinton, .ATIONAL %THANOL #ONFERENCE #LIMATE !/#3 5RBANA )LLINOIS 53! January 31–February 5, 2010. Prac- of Opportunity, Gaylord Palms Resort tical Short Course on Feeds & Pet #ONVENTION #ENTER /RLANDO &LORIDA AOCS Staff: Food Extrusion, Texas A&M Univer- 53! )NFORMATION WWWNATIONALETHANOL- Area Manager, sity, College Station, Texas, USA. 0UBLICATIONS *ACK 7OLOWIEC Information: e-mail: mnriaz@tamu. -ANAGING%DITOR *EREMY#OULTER edu; &EBRUARY n !GRICULTURAL !SSOCIATE %DITOR #ATHERINE 7ATKINS /UTLOOK &ORUM #RYSTAL 'ATEWAY -AR- Technical RIOTT (OTEL !RLINGTON 6IRGINIA 53! )NFOR- 0ROJECTS %DITOR -ARGUERITE 4ORREY MATION WWWUSDAGOVOCEFORUM $ESIGN,AYOUT 'RETCHEN 7IESHUBER &EBRUARY n 'RAIN %LEVATOR AND 0ROCESSING 3AFETY '%!03 %XCHANGE #ENTURY )) 0ERFORMING !RTS AND #ONVEN- TION #ENTER 7ICHITA +ANSAS 53! )NFOR- )NDEX TO ADVERTISERS MATION WWWGEAPSCOMEXCHANGE !GRIBUSINESS 7ATER 4ECHNOLOGY (ARBURG &REUDENBERGER -ASCHINENBAU February 21–26, 2010. Principles !NDERSON )NTERNATIONAL #ORP 'MB( and Practice of Cosmetic Science: !RMSTRONG %NGINEERING !SSOC /IL $RI #ORPORATION OF !MERICA An Interactive Residential Course, #ROWN )RON 7ORKS #OMPANY 2OSKAMP #HAMPION # Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth, United $ESMET "ALLESTRA'ROUP .6 # 3AF4EST $IVISION OF -0"IOMEDICAL # Kingdom. Information: e-mail: ifscc. 'IANAZZA %NGINEERING SRL 3HARPLEX &ILTERS )NDIA 064 ,4$ [email protected]; 3PRINGER3CIENCE -EDIA"6 uk. *Corporate member of AOCS who supports the Society through corporate membership dues. inform December 2009, Vol. 20 (12) 741 AOCS Meeting Watch -AY n E MAIL MEETINGS AOCS /CTOBER n ST org. TH 3OUTH "OULDER $RIVE AOCS World 0/ "OX *ULY n Annual Conference 5RBANA ), 53! TH 0HONE 2010 PHOENIX Meeting ON $ETERGENTS 101st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo )NTERNA- &AX AND %XPO .EW 3TRATEGIES IN tional Sym- % MAIL PUBLICATIONS AOCSORG Phoenix Convention A $YNAMIC 'LOBAL %CONOMY posium on Center, Phoenix, Arizona, -ONTREUX -USIC #ONVEN- Advertising Instructions and Deadlines: Plant Lipids, 53! )NFORMATION HTTP tion Centre, Montreux, Closing date is approximately the first of the month Cairns Convention Centre, PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE )NSERTION ORDERS RECEIVED AFTER; 3WITZERLAND )NFORMATION #AIRNS !USTRALIA )NFORMA- CLOSING WILL BE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AT ADVERTISERS PHONE RISK .O CANCELLATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER CLOSING DATE !D TION WWWISPLORG FAX montreux. materials must be in final form for press upon mate- RIALS CLOSING DATE -ATERIALS RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE OR REQUIRING CHANGES WILL BE PUBLISHED AT ADVERTISERS For in-depth details on these and other upcoming meetings, risk. Send insertion orders and mechanical materials to advertising offices at the address listed above. visit ./4% !/#3 RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ADVER- tising copy that in its opinion is unethical, misleading, unfair, or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible &EBRUARY n-ARCH 0ITTCON !SSOCIATION .ATIONAL !SSOCIATION OF with the character of inform. Advertisers and advertis- Orange County Convention Center, 7HEAT 'ROWERS AND .ATIONAL 3ORGHUM ING AGENCIES ASSUME LIABILITY FOR ALL CONTENT INCLUDING TEXT REPRESENTATION AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF ADVERTISE- /RLANDO &LORIDA 53! )NFORMATION WWW 0RODUCERS !NAHEIM #ONVENTION #ENTER ments printed and also assume responsibility for any !NAHEIM #ALIFORNIA 53! )NFORMATION claims arising therefrom made against the publisher.