Fumni Old K w e i i a r T r r it CDNESEFAD, Gom Oit of CMoiiiioo TOOUSTJAPS Rum Runners Threaten Nnr g After 64 Yn rt of UnkiDg To K ill Coast Guards Eedf of Town; Woo HumerrY WUnlagtoB, N, CL, Jifi. HT,—# ”Uad erewf eperaMBf In that Choioy a Ridor 0 i Font hioBofiHoiMwAiN^ Retire After Three Heore’ (AP)—The WllmiBfftoB Newi fayi Notiefiotiefi prler te the reeiot lelMre Oofiit OuaidflBM' patralllDf the ef the Jauidlu______riiBMa^ craft, m d and Loot Tripe. Tanner, by the Oeoet Otiafd were K O Now Bittle At CUomeiikow; beaeh In the vlrialty ef Cape Hat- ~ ' d ae teUlflf Oeut OtMidmeti terae have been thraaten by ’’al- were geiag te ’hun them vIt *f Rotchoil, ‘ . leged niBi-niBBlaf ’laad toroif’ w Inteffered win tthe iH U f • r J ' After almeet W y««m of fUthfol Jip Phnee Make SiiA m have latimated thiy are ready gltog/the Irawi mt v Im dttrinf wUeb ft fp«rNtjr to revert to vleleaee to get thdr li- ____ Ouardimea, •• part ef llelt cargeea thraugh,” Kartferd, Jm . Sf,—(AR) tied villefe frew Into ft dtlTHMid Boabiiif Rail (hrer JehoL tM r dutlec, patoel the beaehee fer eommualtyi the **foftt treln” iwftde The Mper raya lt« lafermatien ttoee mUee en each ride ef thrir veritaUe driug# el(^ prejpeiqd ite mud paeaesfer trip from fram op efllelal eeuree.” itatieai. tlen iwanped tM Oeaeni ‘’CftMoeyvlUe” to tbe ”NovtD lias* (By Assoeiated Press) > today bafeve halt w ia cheater^’ aUtion Iftte yeaterdap U- the pN N st Mfrien 'en the flllB g ijr ), temooB. Deoreaaed buaifleaa -tau A Strang Ohltuse force failed In new b n ilfifM ,/ ; forced eooaonlea whicli bmIm It aa atteii^ today to drive Japanese iMoeaaary to withdraw the ’’Gtoat" troops from Chlumenkow in the DE VALERA VICTORIOUS Nriiito 600 meMUtori- fleet i t ' them dealing with neiriy •vw fl from ftottre aenrloe. Ifo moip wlU Onat Wall of CRfina, domlnatlBg the blaata of the little taal&’e whlatle aerre aa a munlter by latrteb the raastal route from China prop- huBdreda of Maanhaaler peode er fioto the Ohlnese prevlace of WITH A MAJORITY burifieM beeapif etfe^ve. , oheoked their morolBf aad eveBlBf Jebol. Japanese oaptured the pass Reduction o f wUeriia ef itata em- •otivitIU. Hereafter, only freight mere than two weeks ago In prepa- The ”goat-tralB" of tbe Southr Manchester Railroad lt,jpo#B above btfen It lift the *«h «iyTll)r ployM, a 10 per cent' etata, Utfluy will be iuMilad over the hne, wwoh ration for their anaouBoed Invantm statloB OB Its final trip' to the north, end thus c o m ] ^ ^ a i l ^ of 64. ^~1oe beio yesterday afternoon. tax, repeal of tbaAtato enferaemeat la the ahorteat iBdapeBdeBtly offaa- of Jebol. Xn tbe cab may be seen from left to right, Beth Leole Fireman ___ M. MOCveady and ItafOMer HkPkrty H u 60 Suit Wifi act, taxation ofaU Tale prraertir« iaed railroad la the world, havlBf a Japanese planes made their sixth Joseph J. Kennedy. Conductor Robert Kerr Jr., Is staadlag dh tbi sfaggs of Hib botMu ANTHIRTS STAKT general reductiemof aalariea « Wat- Buda line leae than two milM huif. bombing raid In two weeks over erbury aad Bridgraort eSlriali, le- Soorea o f BdU workera atood northeast Jehol yesterday, break- 35 ^ Undecided - AL gallring hone raring aad bettflg, watch the trala—engine ing up a Chinese military concen- ANEW CAMPAIGN appointmentappoto of all>mlaor ,judgeoby _ aad one coach—fniH wftray from the tration west of Rallu. Mors than moetCertamto Re Able the governor, were-aoMog the pra- ailk mlll’a atatlcn on ita final jour- 80,000 Chinese t n x m ware prepar- WESTERN FARMERS I W SWWA><> ^ , f l 4Mtwee filAl mutera, aevend elderly men who nese tooops have occupied HeUio, during the eurrentfleeion jweiUd,ex- either worked on the train or were last Inmonant town on the Blberi- ceed the .raedrd brealdilg' mark paaaengua la ye olden dagra, were 9* an borto to bo brought under the XhtoUn, Irish Free Btate, Jen. 27. EUniDate b f ir e Fund two yeare;ogOi . , aboard for tbe hiatorlc event Head- Manclndrao gmrnmment Tbo drive 4F- Ratification of tha ”l|une duoli,” ing the Hat waa A. W. Zlyde, con- tO'Helhd; to xfielsztrtme nmihi fol- —(AP)—Preeident Esmon de Val- amendment to tbe Federal Oonatitu- ductor on the line for almoat 66 Slate CoagtroDer Uied To M orce fie Lav. lowed recent offenses to the Soviet BOlios and a Half Owed h S E N A T (^ ’ iS lA V E S era’i proepecte for forming his first tion was completed by the General yeara. Mr. Hyde waa retired by border on west aad east extremi- ,ladependant governmont appeared Assembly when thb l ^ t o acted fa- Cheney Brothera on a penaion about ties of Manchuria. Amonnees Ren ftiirf Snr- bright again today aa additional ra- vorably on It. The House apj^roved five yeara aenwnd wlU aoon obaeive Jm Beports Denied NleStatea-4i OUahoma Washington, Jan. 27.— (A P ) - - the amendment yeabq;day. ■ Ilia n e t bi: The RoMan govarnmant denied turns from Tuasday’a election ehow- Anti-prohlhltionlats opeBad a drive Cknirte of inqulrleato lnveatigate Japanese reports that 1- haff enter- TwM adeh DepartHMgts. ed the Fianna Fail to have a dear Jadfea Dedare a Mora- in the House today to eUnfifiate pro- the admlnietratlve affain o f dtiee ed a secret agreement with China majority over all other parties. wae propoeed in a bill, while anoth- Kerr, Jr., pKeaenl to strengthen, that country’s anti- With 80 aeata still utidtoided. tbe hibition enforcemai^: funds iCoi' the er meaeura propoeed oreatton of aa looee Ida joli wttb Japanese boycott ) Fianna Fall had- 60; OMiumn Na 1984 fiscal year tlM Justice emergency tax relief oonunlsaloa to uontipuatloM ■ dir , teriaBL ■ Hartford, Jan. 27 .t ^(AP) — An Tbe msyw ■aA.Gantoii Informed eooooaiy plan under whlda the nCktcdhael (ex-Prerident iPbagrave’a Department o u i^ iiy ^ . ^ aid delinquent taaqpxyen. ed to punch the Japsiieee msM. at Hongkong ^ Senator Hackett oi New Haven paaaengera. state eony>trpller’s office will act I>arty), 85; IndwendentA 7; Labor Tbe proposal to .eUnalnate ai| of that four men renelMto executed in 6: C en^ Parity 8, aag WqMndeht; offered a Jarge number pleaaed the Canton were ^handlibanoS* trafficking Dee MotoM, la., Jan. ' as purduuMng agent fo^jO|}L[;i(toto toa 89,126.000 the W c m r le d ^ r eifforcemept was made by D’< other: notabM; la anns>iPravious ■■ % denartaksatsh located la iMlaa' ~ 'gaihA*-thW and'otots tn.swu eiate^mldr/ by gbs^boovB of'Jtaaam.aaff^nili^^ irill Shew •toad: ,mekiag It poeriiue , cott Beeleiir approved «' .Inbtttutkme to avail dvet thf back m June'of weert^ fannigB today etur t wltii two weeks or so kgo, is iiow,81fing era. IS tnuHilB to ein y-o n tioas as boyc^.vli^toi /'j^pw Y o ^ japt'gy.~(AP Bid of the sMan Labor. Pariy. ol^ tba benefits provldaiit 1869, retuminjsr aouth on a^hand-eftr. The L e e i^ ci Nktiont „ firmneae to thetr campaign agaUwt eVorked cat, Deputy Camptioller Frink Cheney, Jr.,'h er)bi^« al?b a headilne "over a Washing^ d ^ Kbbert J." Smith annoimeed today. supported him d^tog the pjttt yiar. for In the FeOeTal home loan hank coinniittee maddi.some progress'f|K foredOiflire -The plan is , on a co-OMratius, Shrewd Judgdi have beto com- act. a atockholder, . rode with Miae day in the drawing up of, a "epOn From ' fie Mam, Iowa, uiliere the pateh to the'New ^Yprk Times to- State Soltoen Funds Cheney. day:."Pay, shavbsA tonics, etc., of volunti^ basis, so far aia itne sev- pletely mystified^ the lAber Party on tbe Sino-Japinese controversy movetoent giihed impetuir ^skverftl eral d^tartments are concerned, success. Dedmatiou of the. party Administration of the atate 001- Walter Saundera, who tw^a which win inc^de recommenda^ weeks ago to Idaho and dklahdma, Senators cost taxpayers 88,9^,228 diem fund will be taku from tha mechanic in the old marhina chop, in year.” was' confidently 'jiropheOled biefore tlons for League action. reverberations were hea^ jin the (Oentinoed on Page F s o rte ^ ) ’Tuesday’s Totl^ in mlitty quarters. American Leglcm and placed with and worked on every engine owned Tbe Japanese wtu office at The dlspatch.describes .the. annual Courts, governors’ chambeni ud Yet it has rettub^ seven tP dat^ an administrator of veteran afftowi by the company before retiring from Tokyo minimized riie importance of in eofitinued gatherings of detisi^ report of the. sed^etacry of th e^ n - under a meosuto similar to oU active service, was also present iie the battle at Cftilunlenkaw and s ^ ate-rVone for Senator, and ecpial to its representatioti' in the waa privileged to ride in the cab of mined'tamers. '{ last Dndl. wbl(di' was defeated two yean ' a » there were I4ss than 2,000 Japa- Oklahbn^ fdaho and Chid 'tormr: -none for the publlc”-^^ “a:tc^o of Wiiiinrs Do Anto Bofies Tbe administrator wotdd bbjM' the locomotive with Engineer nese troops in the Shanhaikwah considerable.' sarcastic' discnsslonj When. De Valerk dissolved the Joseph J. Kennedy, Fireman George ers added - their protests yesti^ay Dail January 8 he was confident of. member of the veterans heme o c ^ area. to those df 'Iowa, Minnesota, Ne- not for publication, . among such mission and would rscelve 86,000' a M. McCreedy aad Seth Leslie Senators, as see a touch of- bumdr v/inning a clear majority for .the .Oukaiid Phiits .Afl Orer year. Cheney. In the coach were also braska, Wisconsin and the Dako- first time in the ten-yeu* history tas. Cemsus figures for 1630, the in a barber niil of 88,000 and a With adjournmut today, the Mrs. Louise M. Rowland, widow ''t mineral water bill of 88,860.’’ of the Free State and release from James E. Rowland who was trahic latest available, listed tbe aggre- fie Cmnitry Are Afectei General Assembly oompletod ita gate of mortgages On farnu in The report is- for the, fis ^ year dependence on Labor’s vote, as he buelMt legislative week of the ees- manager of the road for maiqr NEGRO B esses ended June 80 last. . Amopg items has had for the past year. these nine states at 81,580,081,408. alon. I t will reoonvrae next Tues- years; Thomas Benson of Elm Ter- listed are: Salaries of Senators, Ctalned N o Seats race, who came to Manchester on DfBclare M oratoriu m . Xjetrrit, Jen. 27.—(A P j —Ford day whu committees w ill bepfia 81.146,000;'other salaries,' 81,806,- The party of William T. Oosgrave, tha''todloue task of assorting toe • the “Goat” in 1884, aad Edwin Fer- At Tulsa, Okla., three Judges de- 000; reporting proce'edngs, 880,8^ HE KILLED CHILD clared a virtual moratorium on who held the preaidehey continuous- Moto¥ Co., maaui’acturifig aad large number of bills and aerignlBg ris who arrived here in the same ,kitchens and restaurants, . 864,^7; Im Mild Sef A fre— M ii^s ly until hla defeat last March by De sembly plants ell over the country them for publlo hearings. manner sixty years ago. In !dl' mortgage default'foreckMures imtll California redwood for. numunotufa March 18. ’Their decision does not Valera, has gained no aeata in any Idle today beoauae of. labor Muy oi the Mile prisuted to- tion there were a dozen or mare into boxee, 8699; postage, 860Q;. sta- dlitrleta and has aiistalned losses In children who begged “dimes” from apply to contested capes. tionery, 844,14109. troubles In Detrofe plants supplying day were In blank or skeletonised Pencil Picked Up Near Nampa, Idaho, faraers demand- ■ form. Exeept for u y measusu their parents to ride on the train’ Of an appropriation of <14,116460 (Oonttnoed on Page Three) tha Ford oompaay with automoblla farewell trip. In all about 76 pas- ed legislative relief and one spokes- there was 8128,227 on hand at the which may be ralsec in oommlttie, man threatened to get a “six bodies, and estimates of tha number m new onu will be received during sengers were aboard, almost fifty Scene e f Mnrder Forced end of the fiscal'yeaf. ! N; Y..;Jep. 2t. — more than normal. Traffic Mana- shooter ahd four red bfoodid men” Pufebases Ifieludid: 6(R); a s i ^ of men effeoted nm u high u 160,- the preeut seielm.. to force legislation.* '* tiablets; thtee pbufin of Ucarboh- .pyre murder, of aa 000 Among banking bills pruesed (g ger Hubert Hemingway was among . a large number of billi filed by them. Slayer To Admit Grnne. Eight hundred Ohio farmerv at of soda; One package of mihta; i^uirad .vomaa/ whose’ body BUSINESS DEMANDS Ford oompany offlolalf in aa- Bowung Green, forold a fipahee gwo bottlea of mouth;; waahi.tofM trah'tound. siflame*^ l^ibok Rook notmolng the shut-down said It w u fleaator Hukett of New Kdvu, w u At the Day’s End company;bidder, to' ^withdraw and ou urmlttiag banka to purohau The crowd gathered to watch u.e plnto of ihe;dloat4d~kI^d ond^lge bwid' atithqrities; toqi^. '* due to the oloiing of two plute of gonoai of witch 1^1, Tbfodit;of They eoutht to :learn'’whether any the Brifgs Mutaecturing Co. here stocks of the Fedsrat. home, loan train depart soon after the clock New York, Jan. 27.^(AP)r-A (Oontinped on' Plage Fourteen) NOREFIIDTECnON bttk with ths ooBsut of tho bank at(H> tbe old Spinning Mill tolled 6, mineral Vrator at 25 oento a bottle woman anawjeriu the '.dflcription where a number of employes walked gaudy pencil, whom red, blue and indloatefe tbat'mdro' than 80,000 was nilsring and th^i.also bunted oommlsstontr and permlttiBg tastl- signaling the end of another da;* a gold stripes ooaxsd six-year-old out early this week, boCtleawere oonidmed, ^ ^ i .' a man whose truck ww mired near They said they oould not oontlnue tutiou to borrow nom tiM umUc. work. A Herald photographer took Helen Bterler to horror an'* (*satb gm rui of barbers, who aife 'liitod Om Mil preposid a ton day mus pictures of the train aad ita crew la a Brooklyn cellar, torot’d a con- tiM-,SCOBS’a brt - hour bftora tha work OB new models hot yet an- u ^iMd iabH r, judgu of reporter to mention that Conductor dredth time. “I wouldn’t do a tiling Canaih: Acb On Rtqoto of quarters,”luarten,” addsadde thetbe pap6r,. % t Wuhlngton, Ju. 27,-t (A P).— 1,200 to g,000 BMB who bad bssn Kerr would be missed almost as Uke that.” the womani w u about 6 feet, 1 Inch Amerieu builusi today demwded turnlBg out Ford bodlss. "I*!! “ W ffl. ibaiapoM tall; about 86 years old; and Wjiiih- MUs filed tooludsdi Bp- much aa the train. During hie five *«ut look at this peiFll,” ,a de- and hmhwures i ^ d ' probably prctoetloB agolut imports from *X^ Briggs eompuy suppliu years as conductor eucoaecUng Mr. U. K To Bring UtUftiN •d about 116 pounds. A piurae niar- bodlM fer sevsrai amtor oempaniss tofaUshtog a trade sohool, to ,Darby; rive said loftly. ’It was found In ihake- up the hy hsld |104iO. ^ countries that have re«iured tbe Hyde, Conductor Kerr has become tht cailar. Your mother’s outfide tortnot th4t^!^i*sii', iwnteri value of their money. bssldo Ford w d seme ef ihost oom- very popular with tbe paseengeri. ' '.FOrti^ts ef'Msa ' poBlu said tlrir stock of bodlu It belonged to your MuToTriiL wlwse patos ar.a bfild .p to ^ W ^ .LThs body whs t o i^ in the Jamei A. FarriU put the appeal ' Only one stop was made on tbe ^ad father, Bhe leyi It dloappear- art gat a b ^ r w ir iiif rauM ti^a before the House w q ^ and n eo u wouM Iri laoBday.' run, that being tbe usual brief halt nmai matosaftirioa sento trouble, fhadow of^fipjoek'Rbok, a huge stone ' WorfcorWPratoSt slate park u the e a s i^ bonk of ed from her bureau drawer tiro Win SB IhdtaB legend.,' Fbotpriate cemmlttoe in bearings, on tiM Hill tbf HousaioBto rlv«r to ptrby, Bey-, at Middle Turnpike, formerly known days ago. Toronto, Jan, 87.--(AF)—Tbe ar- but ha ffnally bill to rales tariffs w a iu t products BmploKM'of ths Briggs eonupuy as Talntor’s Crossing, A few esttmati^ of a man wriw traced in Che new- mour, Oxford, or Beuthbury. "Zi my mother out thereT’ the nit of Martin J. Zneull was ordered fUlen saevf,, and there wgs a prlat from such countries. Ths former said th fv protost w u evsr dsduo- sengera got off there and at negra said, with a laugh. ”WeU, os must Pruidsnt of Unlteo itatos Btori tiou to thiir pay flfllc ROr ”dsad watch the train pass around the bere todiyr . . tor J. of a fivftfinrii' ean, ^vrbleh, maj blTlBBINATB Oap’n, I want to dear nqr oon- Tbe wafhmt was issued by Jus- have held 13m gaseluie ,with whloi OorporatloD spoke u ri)alrtBaB dC tims” eaussd'lw maohiasry break- Karttord, Ju . 87,—(A F ) — F lit curve out of sight. ■olenoe. (jet seme one la here who likely eoDtril tbs, foreign eonunereo eoiasrittoe of downs or bp BMvlng from ou part At North End tice KtagMene/at the reqbeft of B. Aad'iOAtiui the body w u s ir oh'fira^' * repeal .of ths state prrt^ tion cp- can write and ril tell you about it ” RT. Bay&, 'dm ty attorney general Khrry FNdsvlelis, a oeal dsslsr the Chamber of ComnMrbe of the of the jplut to another. Compaur foreenmt art agd crutioadf a oeoK Tbe railroad ‘*epot at the north Negro’s OoafieeloB ”Ttoie» Befiatev I’l WO to r a Uhlted gtatec. efflqjdts said ths minimum wags tor end was the scene of another gath- of Ontario; A marshal left imme- balrout-.Md a ' ^,tniB would ef;FomoBa, said bs.druvs papt ths miieira of thru BMtobers^to eoBtool. Tbe oonfMdOB oald that Wed- diately to eriwa tbe order at Orillia spot ysstoriWlF aud helped pull a "Tbe whole bueiusi itructure Is i

' .\ =.v»; PAGE 'rw o UAKCBEiS^ Evit#B PE K ^rSQ ^^ cj^ .!, IWA'^l'AKVABT tt, IM Ik ...... ii[ . I 't: for th* tmaOag ia M?tnd naiBbne. tb^iSfo asR game oeatipNloB and Tba maned choras uW be under On QI4 ll^ e rs’^BeaeBt foeallitimdflR anri Oahing 10 Coonaeti- :AN!1-DRYS START FRENCH TO DIRECT cut Tho bin atatod foot foadiaago the dlreetUm df ^fdnay Frendt, V;; C / . V . udm is wen k w ^ in' loetl muatcal wo^ aajo tfta statb ' $860,000 Oi A NEW CAMPAIGN didee, Mr. French ie tlM founder yatt.vs- t>. V'-' \ il' -f BENEFIT PROGRAM and leader of the Prett>md Whlt- FOR BENEFIT 6 M E I r ‘:. OtIwr Mta,. t .If - n^ catomi Qub under whose Otiwidns fodudlBg: * Oontyulaory • V '* XOeeHmiBd from FOgo Om .); eponorahip the concert is befog vacebtation aatcept in cases of poor Hartford; dABTR^tAP) — Thav - orgunfoed. The spirit of co-opera- health or ocmsdontlous 0!I^ections^ Senate' vated « :;fo tRtRaaor^ orfh#.'-’ ' (D , N» T.) % leader of the Domo- tion which the Federation of Udfoial wpctatmttit of two prooe- 20th AmendaMOt m tbs ' FaEtaG cratto wet bloc. Local-Man h Charge of Singing Chfoe is foetering- la Big Rec»|itiOD C op iU To cuting ato^tyfi in New Britain; OoasdtntlcB Before me amendment was (dfer- worthy of eommeht. This same cutting foomunher of sd( ‘ ratifleattanby tite OaMria ed. It had been agreed to limit de- ChoriB h Bdshndl Me- unit successfully put o w a similar Greet Visitors At Armory West Haven-^to three; of tita n>o4jtu«' UIcHm ------bate on twa portion of the bill to benefit In Watmuiy for the as- the Allingtoifo and Wflst Siore lire duck” aosafona eff ObiMERaai and peo- two hours. statance of the unemployed In that districts with the first tigtatkm have served 30 trict caat fhe only dfoaiaittor UC.000 total to 17.199,986. A massed chorus of 800 nude fog planned for presentation In A squad of 24 men5cv value; limiting Suntey showing of chorus is representing the South- achieved the'worid'o recognition as from the Hardware Q ty which hdd Fends Bedooed one of the outstanding harpists at Brooeeutfog Attorney Hany CHns- moving picturta to the hours of 7 BUSRDDIE161IILU - The enforcement funds allocation ern New Ehagland Division of the .. •'! • -.'V to 10:30 p. m.; creating a commis- Federation of Men’s Singing clubs our time. Both' in America, her beig searching for additional talent I already has been reduced 6 per cent early jQusieal studies were made in Ma^ QiElgley of New Britain and sion to consider tke. need of a new f by the appropriations committee be- from Springfield, Mass., Water- armory in Bridgeport; m«iriTig auto- TbOIGimiiOilDAT buiy, Naugatuck Valley, Hartford, this ooimtry and continued later in Mi^r Rankin of Hartford will be L cause that was about the average Bforope under Renle, the fomous gueata. mobile operators’ license good for • reduction imder budget estimates Manchester, Willimantic and New two and three years; creating a Haven, Coim., all of whom are dc- haip teacher. Hw European debut The reception committee to wel- •. .•' t v . Service Win Conedi^ dl l ^ c i ^ ,'for the Departments of Amend- took place at the Salle Erard in come the visitora wlU conaiat of board, of fire finance in New Lon- ments a proviso that no money be nating their services. Each dub don, allowing one representative for and E voiii^. Trips On will contribute two individual num- Puls. Such wan the success of vraiard .B. Rogers, oheifmim and Borst and His Band wlH appear on toaddfrow night’s'Old Tim- ‘ allowed for the purchase of intoxi- this Initial api>earance that she master of ceremonies; Frank every 20^000 population in cities o f ing Days (MyC •' bers of their own choice under ers' beiiriH: program at tiie State ArmOxy. Dandhg will feature the last over 60,000; aiminating fixed rates cating liquors, the pay of informers their own conductor. was Immediate engaged for three Cben^, Jr., chairman of the Emer- part of the alfolr. , or pay for evidence. gala concerts with Yvette GuUbert gency Emfoeyment Aasodatioo; ZZ---- ^^------. .-f------^------by gas and electric companies ^ d Notices have been'postM fo foe Meanwhile, confidence that the at the Trocadero, the largest con- Fred A. Verplanck, auperintendent preventing foreclosures of tax liens cross^xwn and Green hfoes that necessary 145 members would sign cert ban in France. of schoOla here for 35 years; Thomas »rs rushed to. present new on homes for a period of five years. starting next'Monday on eaeh 'Waek his petition to bring about another During President Hoover’s ad- J. Rogers, and William J. Thornton, NEWFLOOD o n BILLS - meaBUres before foe deadline. The Another bill which declared it- day when Cheney .Brother# mills House repeal vote this session was ministration she has appeared at representatives fo Legislature; last minute ruSh resulted in many of self aimed at sweatshops would are in (^ration, passengera. vMB be the, White House three times in re- Judge Raymond A. Johnson, \Sena- the bins bdng presented in blank. place the maximum work week at 40 taken care by a bus . tia t trill expressed by Representative Schaf- ^AHPSliGISLATURE hours, with the minimum pay at 310. er (R., Wis.). cital. During the official visit of An income tme bill slmflar to that leave the north terminal at 6 :fo or offered 'by the State Orange was It .would also eliminate emplosrment five minutes .eariier than'the'fonal “About 80 members” bad signed the King and Queen o f Siam, she was .chosen to give a special recital (Oonttaaei from Fege One) filed with the hadUng of the State of women under 16. departing tiine and will -run thtoUgh - thus fa r, be said; in their hom>r. TO this yoimg League of Municipalities. It pro- A bill was offered which would Main street to Hartford road, to Representative Griffin, (D., N. American artist was edven the dis- ler, trustee of Bacon Academy; Cur- vide for a one per cent tax on in< abolish all personal taxes, while an- Pine ateeet, to Forest, to Elm, to Y.), a member of the approprla- tinction of being the first solo tiss K. Thompson and Thomas J. comes up to 310,000, two i>er cent to other seeks a one per cent sales tax Hartford Road ahd back ty the :tl{^ committee, in urging his harpist to broadcast in Ireland—^ Dodd, judges of West Haven, Mi- 350,000 and three per cent on in- on all sales of tan^ble property. south temiinaL The foverse route amendment said it called for a 25 the land of the Harp. chad Butler and Walter Wilson, comes above that fl^ e . win be fcfllbwed in the eveaJng, tbe per cent, r^uction off the budget judge and deputy of Wolcott nnd Creation of an emergency tax re- IN THE HOUSE bus leaving the Fine Street station 'figures and 20 per cent less than William C. Rungee, judge of Green* lief commission to consist of the . Hartford, Jan. 27—(AP) pniw at 5:05 and going through Foster, ' the amount provided in the bill by wlch. tax commissioner,^ fo e treasurer and for drastic jhits in tbe salaries of fom street and Hartford Rood hdek his committM. the comptroller, was asked in a bill Bridgeport officiEds and in tke num- Tbe flow of bills showed no appre- to Main street, wOl follow ' “Both parties stand for repeal,” ABODTTOWN offered by Majority Leader Bald- ber ^ officers in foe police and fire back to thr north end terminal. ' Griffin said. “Mbet of the members ciable' letiy> as I the Senate reached win. This commission would have departments were filed in the House of Congress are committed to Nutmeg Forest TaU Cedars of the last day ‘for the filing of new the power to appoint sub-commit- to^y. repeal. The twenty-five per cent Lebantm, will bold its regular hudneas. . tees of three members in each town The bills, which were submitted reduction is in conformity to the meeting tonight at 7:80 in the Ma- More than 100 measures were of- to hear pleas of those tmable to pay by Majority Leader itoymond E. economy pn^am .” sonic Temple. All members of the fered by noon, and the desk of the taxes. In deserving cases, the taxes Baldwin, were included in foe last . “There is not an issue here ' of local Rangers team are urged, to derk was still piled high with bills would be pro-rated over a period of minute rush of business which -prohibition,” said Beedy, (R., Me.). be present The band win hold a awaiting first reading. years. The commission would also swamped the desk of the clerks. . “The question is: ‘Shall we obstruct rehearsal immediately after ' the One bill called for the aboUtiem have the power to abate all interest Under the salary reduction bill, the officials in the Justice Depart- business *meeting. of the landscape division in the now due on tmpaid taxes. the mayor of -Bridgeport would re- DEATHS ment who are sworn to uphold the highway department while another ceive a salary of 35,000. Other sal- measEue proposes pa3rment of one cutting Salaries. L law? Sydney Fren.a A special meeting and social will BiOa were filed cutting the salar- aries would include ma3ror’s secre- “We ought not have this question be held this evening in the Army cent to municipalities -for each WUUam 3 ^ b o n The concert has more than ordi- gallon of gasoline sold within its ies of all city officera in both Water- tary 33,500; city clerk, 33,500; town William imison, aged 99, of ‘complicated by other questions. and Navy dub. at 8 o’clock. Jhef bury and Bridgqiort and also to derk 33,500; comptroller 34,800 and HiiK Not Ripe nary local interest in the sense that Dave McCollum will serve a fisb limits. Vernon died at the Memorial hospi- the Beethoven Glee Club« which is Sale of Gasoline limit the nuniber of officers in the treasiurer 32,500.' New salaries for tal thiH morning fblloWiiig a brief “When the people have, acted supper with clam chowder. police and fire departments of the tbe police department range from upon the Eighteenth Amendment the yoimgest member of the Feder- Other bills induded prohibiting ninths. He was. a fanner fo d made sale of gEisoline from curb piunps latter city. 31,500 to 3Li^ for patrolmdi to his home with Mr. and Mrs. William then we may come liere and carry Hose Company No. 2 of the South Courts of inquiry to examine all 35,000 for tbe superlntmdent. out their will.” Manchester Fire department will after May 1, .1986; allowing prison- Risley in Vernon. He was bom in ers working out fines |300 a year details of city administration are The bill setting the size of tbe de- a Lake street home; One sifter, Tarver told the House that the hold its annual dinner in the head- partment sets fo e number of of- employment of prohibition inform- for work done in prison; induding provided in a bill, which would make Mrs. Levinia Fish of 47 North Elm quuters at the Centu Saturday it possible for two thirds of any ficers at 34 and the number of ers constituted “contempt of the evening. The supper will be served a road north of Waterbtuy and street, survives. The funeral will 'law” and added that the “expendi- Waterville to the junction of West legislative body In the municipalities patrolmen at 210, while there can be at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, at at 6 o’clock. Robert May again is Mayor Willimn J. Rankin to obtain an examination of tbe be 70 officers and 178 privates in the . t o r e i s a w a s t e . ” the chairman o f the committee ar- Main street in the trunk system; Watkina Brothers.' Rev. M. S. flo ck - “It isn't necessary in enforcing making a road from Hamilton ave- city’s affairs. The court of inquiry fire department. ing will offidste and burial wUl be ranging for the turkey dinner that tor Robert J. Smith, Selectman nue and Harpers Ferry road, Wa- would also be named on the petition Joint resolutions were offered (the law to make an expenditure will be served and fo'* the entertain- WeUsc A. Strickland, Attorney Wil- in the East cemetery.' : that kind,” he asserted. terbury, to Prospect a trunk high- of 1 pere cent of the voters. naming Walter R. King sheriff of ment that will follow. ' liam J. Shea. Dr. Eklward G. Dolmi, way; establishing a town court in New Haven is given the right to Windham; Danid J. Machsney^ as I . £^ r, Missouri Republican, pro- Colonel Harry B. Biaaell, Edward J. iposed complete - eUmlnation of en- Tr^bull; authorizing Bridgeport obtain, optioi) to purcha^ the New county commissioner^ New Haven PUBUC RECORDS iforcement funds and a probibitton Mrs. ^ ive Chattier, of Stark- Murfoiy, William B. Halsted, to Dorrow 31,000,000 a year for Haven-'Water Company in a bin county and John G. Fitzgerald as .•against wire-tapping. He flailed weather street is cimfined to her Thomas Conran, Ronald H. Fergu- general governmental purposes; re- offered by Representative Josepha coimty commlsskmer of New Haven '•the Democrats for failing to submit home with a severe attack of grip. son, C. R. Burr, Judge William S. ducing to 20 years the time which Whitney (D.). county. : ' IdCCIAO •repeal to the people, “w b^ they Hyde, Chief of Police Samuel G. life prisoners must sierve befom be- A blank bill was filed legalizing Imposition of a one mill tax on The SchaUfr Moto^ Sales lac., ifoceived a manc’ate to do hi Nbvem- The Manchester Soccer Club proceeds .to be usnEffo 'fighting fiiiiag sta^hn^tatofo^rAt f' Representative Finlesv. Ky^), Chance Vought.booteru a|; tb.e Ch^- Harold C. Alvord, Russell B. Hatha- mhke sendee charges; authorizing Another bin would prohibit' fo e forest fires, was asked in another Maple stifot ^ for a, teifo . of .five said “members of this House bfo- ^ ter Oak street fidd Sii^day a fte - way and Town Clerk Samuel J. the mayor of New Britain to re- use of machinery in hlghwty work bill. years. • ipose to strike down and paraiqme noon at 2 o’dock, prbriding the Turkington.' move any dty employe after a and require hand workvonly. * Ehcemption of wives of ministers |im appropriation directed at oui* weather holds fair. All players are; All members of the reception hearing; amending the charter of Resolutions naming judges of the and "other women engaged in Idangerous enemies—^the lat^ess requested to meet at the School committee are askefl to be at the New Britain; providing that Agri- minor courts included: Walton K State armory by 7 o’clock tomor- duufo work” from the personal tax ‘elements.” Street Rec at 1 o’dock. cultural Credit Corporations lend- Cronan, judge of West Havisn; John was also asked. i “1 keep a shotgun for protection row evening. The members of . the ing money to farmers must do so Branigan, judge of Naugatuck; Ray- Manchester team, announced today under the supervision of the state Isidor Yochelman, a suspended At the head of my bed,” Finley The Young People’s aodety '>f the mond E. Baldwin, judge o f Strat- edectic doctor of Bridgeport has STATE said. “If the logic of these gentle- Polidi National church on Golway are:' Bill Crockett, Earl Ballaieper, hank department; giving West Ha- ford; Eklwln H. HaU, deputy judge, . TODAY and ^ A T U R D A t requested the right t o resume the men is to prevail I ought to otss my street will give another of their Paul Ballsieper, Harry Sch-field. ven two state Representatives in Stratford; Nicholas F. Rago, asso- shotgun out of the window. Jack Curry, Billy Dr^er, Harry addition to the two from Orange; practice of medicine. popular dances tomorrow evening ciate judge, Hartford; James C. Another bill sedcs a number of “I keep my shotgun to protect Helge Pearson— at 8 o’dock fo Turn Hall on North Benson, Herb Angeli, Johnny Mar- authorizing New Britain to issue Shannon and Theodore B. Steiber, Warren • ‘myself against the forces of law- street. They have engaged The Five tin, Harry Russell, “ Yump” John- 3500,000 sewer bonds; authorizing judges of Bridgeport; William A.. lessness. This appropriation is for ation, is parficipating. Hdge E. Happy Boys to furnish music. son, Phil Carney, Ed Quisb, Fred Brid^port to issue 31,680,000 re- Davis, associate judge of Meriden, 'the same purpose." Pearson will officiate as organist Hill, Charlie Rogers, Sam Massey, funding bonds. and George H. Gilman, judge of William I I Mra Jane J. Aldrich, Superin- Jerry Fay, Ben Clune, Tom Stowe, Other bills were: Providing that Norwich . and, tendent of the Manchester Memorial Jack Crockett, Jim Horan, Jeff the veterans’ home commission A bill was filed for the abolition of hospital, will be tbe guest speaker Blanchard, Harry Sandeen and shall consist of the state agent of CIRCLE ' FOR THE JUNIOR PROM at the Monday noon meeting ^of the Walter Crockett. state agendas and institutions and Saturday and Sunday Loretta Manchester Klwanis dub. The A head-line comedy sketch has six commissioners appointed by meeting will be hdd at the Y. M. C. been added to the vaudeville pro- the governor; providing that costs A Nervo-TtagUng'Story of FOR THE MASONIC BALL^ A. building smd an excellent lunch- gram with Harry Roan emd Tonuny of receivership of hfoolvent banks OLD FASHIONED the- Great Outdoors ^ Y o u n f i : must be paid by S ectors when the eon will be served. The attendancie McBride appearing in singing and la the tateosriy prize will be furnished by Lawrence dancing numbers. This together assets ars insuffident; requiring registration of painting contractors; HOOT romantlo. story W. Case. with the rest of the program ’ al- behind the doors . NEW FORMAL ready annoimced in The Herald continuing the state Capitol, veter- makes the entire - charity affair ans way and Burr Memorial com- Dance GIBSON of big tfutaess. A meeting of the directors of the mission and iq>proprlating 3100,000 M. E. E. A. t^ill be held this after- shape up ah the most attractive of its kind ever offered on a local' for it; requiring . window deaning Saturday, Jan. 28 Employee’s EntraiM» noon in the office of Superintendent corporations to. pay a license fee of Dance frocks of Schools, F. A. Verplanck. The basketball floor. Many out of town people are expected to attend. Ail 3300; paying 36,300 to David A. AND ON THE SAME BIUU directors will discuss the new work Geddes of New Haven, for salary as Circle HaU ‘ A Man’s Land* project on Brookfield street which net receipts wUI go to charity woik there being absolutely no free state policeman; giving the Juvenile CSrcumstantial evidence ^The fashions New York and will replace tbe major labor project Court juriadictioD over children Oak Street made Uni look like a, cattle now nearing completion at Broad passes. ' more than 16 years dd who have Admission 25c tiilef. How be untanidaf other metropolitan centers have street* been arreated for a crime commit- himself from the web is tiie ThriDfog- ted before tbe age of 16 years; ex- treat of the yvir. ' . A adopted for this season. Mrs. Ora Ames of 244 North empting all towns from state and >. •>. s Main street is confined to her home COMMUNriY DANCE military taxes for two years; pro- ALSO with a severe attack of grip. viding for retirement at half ^ y of PATOU RED CREPE DRAWS BIG CROWD state employes permanently dis- A SoU-StliTtag.Dxaihd From Firemen’s, mght wUl be observed abled after 20 years service; requir- aFageofIMal EDMUNP ~ WITH JACKET at the Eburt: Side Reo tonight. and ing probation officers ot juvenile FRED E. WERNER • \ LOWE BLUE CREPE WITH members of all dx companies in the The largest crowd of dancers at courts to luwe a highr school educa- two local departinents will be on the regular Community dimee that tion or two years of experience In TEACHER OF PIANO ^No G rea ter WYNNE I STAR SPANGLES hand to take part in the various is held weekly was fo attendance sodal case work and prohibiting GIBSON •> BLACK WITH SILVER competitions. Refreshments will be last night at the East Side Recrea- persons to serve fo this capacity AND ORGAN. . Love’ 't o served afterward. tion buildinjg, vriien there were over after attaining the age ,of 70 STRASS 40 paid admissions. Special liiri^t- years. Beginners instructed in piano With “The Deifl ing arrangements vfofe made, with ai studio or their'bwn DICKIE MOORE . W H I T E C R E P E W I T H all in the hall commenting on this ANOTHER FLOOD OF BILLS ' homes. RICHARD BENNETT is DriviiuS:^ - FABRIC FLOWERS new. idea of colored lights for danc- Hartford, Jam 27.—(AP) — A BERYL BfEUCER Personal Notices ing. The well played dance music, wide variety of relief l^datlon was 'AND M ANY OTHERS and the first appearance in Man^ STUDIO, 128 WEST STREET included today fo the 800 bills re- Extra Added Attraction I What b tbe. Tnrth Chester o f that popular Hartford ceived in the House before recessing Failoni^i#* for Pifsen. ’ CARD OF THANKS band the “Fleet” made a tremen- Telephone 3333. . Another ThriDtag CSi^pter The best values you will find at 1 p. m. See *RD,6fo. Yea«a,fo,“ / dous hit with the dancers vriio TfoPughout the morning session "THE LAST FRONTIER* Thronah the oolnnms of The were praised hy .all fo attendance anywhere— each dress worth Herald, we our heartfelt thanks to all onr friends for their last' night The next Community kindness dnrlna oar recent bereave- dance will be hdd on Friday, Fefo t" much more. ment. for the beaatlfol floral tributes 3rd. SUNDAir and nse of cars. Wo would especially SUNDAY thank tho Bon Ami Club, Khlahts of MONDAY MONDAY the Maccabees and Loyal Order of BENEFIT CONCERT SC.K t0.9S Mobea STEAMER IN HISIBBSS TUESDAY TUESDAY^ MRS. MART J. BURKB AND FAMILY. Washington, J a n ..2 7 ^ (A P )~ ^ e to jbe he^ in the Coast Guard today fostraeted Om>- * .'I Afternoon ()f lfapptn^_ tain Eugene Blake, commandant of the arM of San Frafidaco, to s(»d Becatne\ A Lifetime Of a cutler to aid the steairtship Hwace Bushndt Mononal HaD Everett floating hdplessly 960 HARTpiU) Cfoly ETogfoia RANGE o n . miles west of Settle. (foiildP cD S o~ FINAL CLEARANCE WE SELL ATLANTIC Headquarters was notified t ^ t the Everett, aa the Great CSrde RAYOUGHTOIla route to Japan, reported "Its im- Saturday, Jan. 28A, 193^ at 8 P . M . Women’s, Misses’, Children’s TI^ is pore kerosMie and glnes^ broken dow n .. many ni onr cnatomeia re- She sailed foom Seattle January 14 and reported her/ podOon fost port it to be tlie best range night as LaOfnde 49.48 North eld CHORUS OF 300 MALE VOICES (rfl they have ever burned. Longitude 146.42 W est from tits Sootiiera Nefri BBfMod Mvlaloa o f nie CLAa COATS To convince yon of the su- -r- Fedmtimi of Bfeira Staging Cfinht periority €i tide ofl we will TALE GAFT4IN MAUHBft^ • • Aasisfli^ Artista. ddhrer« trial order of 5 gal- Quality Coats at Bargain tWces lons or more. New Haven, Jan. S7.—(AP>—1Cb« mai;riage of Riehird'J. ChmnmiBi MODRED DOLING 21, newly elected cflptain o f .... Amferlea^o Ofoatest Harpist \ danoa A freshman basketball, fo Mfoi rityoaiMed by tita Pralt R llliltaty E. Sweeney, on April'2^ vfoa IMieeljptLab^iiisj gkoacm; ApBOBtyanisti caorwiee i t B agft foilySrook known in Phlladdphia fodty OtyiaidsU’HoifklB. FtairiMiii. ft- ICECO. cording to word reedved hfre. f'Striii RESERVED SEATS I l OO. V - - iW-: llctota oa Sataat-mmiBBll MoOiottal BoxOties, HsltapR Alfwt ‘ ta^whiui aai HeOoy'bMnile Stans, Hartford. he nigtetired. . • IP A SN 7'' ? 's'- shte it* - • s * • « Bftvc l^ng-^totrM ismopfi^ >J in^dniM ii m m o t ' • - _ . ' • n. K ' ’ Jk . * '*^" ^ '8«9cnd ’ MAKES LAST ulhM i • flunday in r. F.^0. A lte who to .too ------.>jl9ii»'>fllnt'GBiirdi of ,___ CflhdoolmiB, Mhap; J, Frw k- fun Phm wiu fpiiiik on ntufa broatMi ON mdonir.'* mMnbtr-

get UP uBlBjuzed and exdalm, ..t.r Hartford Railroad Oompany la ex- **WlMre am I, anyway-f On aaoto- junuiiwRi pected to take over the road but aa er oecasioa a man flagged the train SPECIAL at Ifiddle Tunplke and naked , that mt the aale haa not been tranaacted. The annual banquet of Moua- Te •V'l Bautin 188» R. O. Cheney be notifled that hla Yprea Command, . Brltiah War Vet- FtHt Qaality The South llanoheater Radlroad bull had bnflmn away from paateur ererated in 1868 red while Mr. Hyde was in charge program at entertainment wfil be RUBBER by the Hartford, Providence and of the train. Both men arere under presented during the evofing. Rep- Fiahkill c?i>mp«i>y until the New York the . influence of .Iquor. The first was ream^tatives of local ex-eetyiee or* .■'.'I. and New B iu ^ d Company took It struck near the Middle Tunmike ganisationa and officers and mem- HEELS over a few years • later. Cheney crossing but the vigineer did not bera of Hartford and SpringfMd, Attaehed Brothers beffan operating the road realise he had struck anyone until [asB., Brltiah V eterans pbata ill While Foa Wait. in 1879. The main line measures the return trip. The died short- attend. Commander Fred Baker of There’s a Treat in store for You.... exactly 1.94 miles from station to ly afterward. A. idnt botUe of liquor Mona-Ypres Command will dndate. station and there is additicmal side resting against the track was not at, the Mnquet meeting. Each Tuesday,^ Thursday and Saturday hfomihflr trackage. The total is 8.31 miles. even broken. The other man was . From 7 : 0 0 t o 8 :0 0 The railroad was heavily patronised killed on the embankment near the Center Church Cyp Club and the prior-to the advent of the trolley Center Springs pond. Christian IMdeavor society* of the about forty years ago. la those ' Apetegtand For Being Bit Second Congregational church wUl Ftur mea^'Woiiien and Sage-Alien’s Musical Clock. days it was the only means of public Another man who was bit by the omit their, r^ ^ a r meetings Sunday . c l d U r e n . ' transportation linking the two ends train was taken to his home in a and attend the afternoon and .eve- of the town. sleigh and when R. O. Cheney call- ning sessions of the Hartford East Eidira Special Broadcast Oyer WTIC The first conductor on the road ed at his home later in the day the Assodatiop at Glastonbury. ' was George Schofield. Others ha ve man apologized for getting in the Men’s Waterproof been Walter Marsh, Daniel Ewell, way of the train. He recovered, and, SOLES It’s Cheerful...... Bright...... Interesting William Yeomans, A. L. Geer, A. incidentally, never drank another SEWEP ON W. Hyde and Robert Kerr, Jr. The drop of intoxicating liquor. The bliz- Pauline Smith Pickering, fashion corredpondent, enfdn^^ Albert Clarke, zard of 1888 tied up the traffic for WANTED Charles Gates. Henry Skilling^ W i- four or five days. On anothei occa- late of Paris, gives you, in five brief talks, store news of lium Johnson, George Reed, ' Fred sion a wheel came off the train BROILERS, the day-^with one grand big special at the end. Listen " Boughton, William Kennedy and ditching one of the coaches in which in on this Radio Special—^iPs really a sensational value! Joseph Kennedy. Ridhard O. Cheney, members of an orchestra were'rid- We repair Rubbers James E. Rowland and Charles H. ing. In the tangle one of the^mem- ROASTERS And then there’sfilnusic—^iots of it— we’ll be Cheney were traffic superlntendenta. bers became caught in t^,tiass fld- and Arctics; Three of the passengers on the “Goat”, when it made its final trip only too glad to , plsty your favorite selection®-if’ you’ll The former freight manager was C. dlb. The “Goat” also ran on Sundays ANDFOWL send in your requests. S. Cheney. taking people to the Catholic church yesterday were long associated with the South Manchester Railroad. From Starting next Monday the silk left to tight are Walter M. Saunders, veteran railroad mechanic; Miss ul t es at the north end and the tobedule Mary Cheney, a passenger on the first trip in 1869 and the last run yes- GREMMO & SON S. Y Start the day right with Sage-Allen’s Musical Clock. •'* min workers will be transported to was Irregular, depending on the time 701 Main St., Johnson Bloch “CheneyviUe" by bus on the ex- the priest set for the masses terday; and A. W. Hyde, long a conductor. South Manchester TeL 3441 tended Connecticut Company line. Mrs. Hyde interrupted to ask if Ex-conductor Hyde was in a the reporter wouldn’t like to hear Fianna Fail was fighting the cause ists and De Valera’s ministers which reminiscent mood as he joumeded of a “united, Ind^iendent Ireland.” may result in the partition issue **e- home for supper after making the about some of the trials of a train- man’s wife. Assured of the welcome He said the government, in calling ing approached -bn sensatimal new fiTifti trip and he recalled many in- of such facts, she proceeded to “tell the electiour was going back for an lines in event of De Valera securing cidents, humorous and otherwise, an absolute majority. which occurred during his 55 vears on” her hubby. It seems that unchallengeable mandate to assert throughout his work on the railroad, and m aintain' the political and Very little editorial comment ap- service on the road. “Late aa usual”, economic rights of the nation. peal in London papers, which had was his wife's comment as he walk- Mr. Hyde was seldom on time for his meals. Thanksgiving and C^riat- hitherto been for Cosgrave. The ed into.his Bow street home for the De Valera’s final success would Daily MaU, admitted figures indi- evening meaL Broai. smiles lit up mas dinners being no exceptions. be regarded as a mandi^te for com- “My huslmnd was o.ten up at 5:30 cate definite that De Valera scor- ■"the faces of both as they greeted plete abolition of the oath to the ed a great victory, forecast to^ay each other. and •finishing his work as late as Crew.*, abolition or a reduction of increasing friction betwemi the Free Pensioner. midnight btfore the trolleys came the numbers and powers of the State and Great Britain. Mr. Hyde has been on Cheney into use,” she said. Seanad Eireann (the Senate), fur- "As a necessary consequence of Brothers’ pendon list for about five No Blore Worries ther withholding of land annuities the electorate’s decision, the 4C per ■ years but previously served more “Only three times in the 55 years claimed by Great Britain, e v e n t^ cent duties now levied on Free State than half a century on the South was William late for work and each abolition of ihe govemor-geneial- produce must be maintained, per- Manchester railroad. He began as a time, he ignored his breakfast and ship appointed by the King, and con- haps even increased,” it added. ■ brakeman and conductor of freigbi. started for work) shoes in hand, ’ Jtinuation of the tariff war. The News Chrdxficle said “w.. can in 1871 and later became passenger she continued. Mr. Hyde’s face All De Valera’s Cabinet ministers only wait patiently for the final re- conductor. His debut was back in brightened but he did not dispute have been returned to the DaiL De sult and make the best of it.” the days when Manchester was the. statements. “But now we don’t Valera doubled his own vote but sparsely settled. The town hsul only have to worry about all that any- Cosgrave was re-elected by a great- ULSTER OPPOSED one store a t the south end, smd no more and WilUam is always on time ly reduced vote. William- Norton, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jan. tndley cr. bus service. for his meals”, she sighed in relief, leader of Labor Party, and p’rXnk 27.—(AP)—-Lord Craigavon, prime People traveling between the adding, “But we’re going to miss McDermott, leader of the Centre minister of Northern Ireland, an- north and south ends of the town that train just the same. It was part Party, are' two other oiganization nounced today that it was the who did not have a horse and buggy of our lives.” chiefs who retain their seats. firm intention of.Ulster Loyalists to at their command, traveled on the resist to the limit any attempt to "Goat", which was the name at- include Ulster in any Irish Repub- LOfniON’S COMBIENT lic. tached to the train because of the DE VALERA VICTORIOUS London, Jan. 27—(AP) —English The premier said he could not dinky little engine whlcfc proudly nev/spaper reporters in Dublin were help thinking that Nationalist ab- pulled its way bsmk and forth be- not attempting in dispatches *>day stention from the Ulster (Northern tween the two Olds of the town. WITH A CLEAR H A JO R in to gloss over the remarkable in- Ireland) Seuate. .and J^ iise Sensatioiially Low PHcoi On Like the “TeonenAe trolley that crease .in electoral,-^ support. given "dlctatOd fTto elsewh^^Afi' • 'meets aU trains,’*^*toe “Goat - serv- ! •XConteiieid .from Pagd-One) ^ President Easaon, -de Vateto -and close' coD^ection with - ihe move- ' dd the SdUlii Manchester some. forecast confidently that he ment to create an AU-Ireland , Re- on* a ll occasions w ith never a seven. These are National Universi- would have an absolute majority 'if public. thought for anything but service. ty, Dublin South, Leix-Offaly. Long- bis Fianna Fail Party in the Dial, He wanted it to go forth, he said It was not uncommon for the Ford, West Meath, Monaghan, Dub- notwithstanding recoveries of .Dr i- that the Loyalists of the north “are TENDER AGE STEER train t^ Ttmita a dozen passenger lin County and Kilkenny. er President William T. Cusgrave’s thoroughly prepared to defeat any trips dally, not to mention from party and its allies in the late re- attempts to hicorporate Ulster in The Fianna Fail has lost one seat turns. three to five additional journeys for in Kilkenny and has gained seats in such a republic no matter what the freight Trains on the main trunk Whether the Fiann . Fail ulti- sacrifices and inconvenlencies en- National University, Dublin South,' mately will prove strong enou^ to line from Hartford to Boston were Dublin Coimty and North Cork. The taU.” far more numerous in those days ignore its potential allies, it was “Our people, will rise in wrath new Centre Party, which was ex- generally conce^d that De Valera and toe “Goat” .was always on hand pected to throw its support to Cos- and spurn with contempt every en- STEAKS will retain control of the govern; deavor to subbom their a llia n c e to make connections. grave, has won three seats. Labor Top Ronn^ Short, Sirloin and Cube Minute Hard Work m(.nt. It was admittec that if the to the British CroFn,” he added. • • • • • has gikined one new seat. election held to the old polling SteiUcs. Your choice at, pound .. *‘Trainmen today don’t know what Valera’s Strofliglufid These tender and juicy,steaks cut from fancy it means to work”, Mr. Hyde assert- 'method, instead of the present prel- Best Porterhouse Steaks with a large The Fianna.Fail polled heavily in ferences system, his success would ed as he recalled the long hours he the areas hardest hit by the econo- tenderloin, lb...... and his fellow companions workeo. be shown even more strikingly. com fed beef will please you. i --i mic war w lth^Ireat Britain and it A United Ireland Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak for a In those days automatic air brakes was evident thousands regarded the had not been perfected and all English reporters say the Repub- meat loaf, 2 pounds...... contest as a reply to the challenge licans of the Irish Free State now braking, as wen as coupling, bad to by Britain. De Valera, in his fight be done by hand. The engines used are looking for a vigorous move un- * t for complete independence of Ire- der De Valera’s leadership to unite Prime Rib Roast Beef, best cuts Fancy Fresh Poultry wood for fuel anc( it took about land, declared the British officials three soUd cords a day to keep up the whole country in a solid repub- Fancy Fresh Chickeiu to roast, were confident , he would be over- lic, bringing Northern Ireland mtb 19c 5 to 6 pounds each, pound . • •. the necessary steam pressure. Coal thrown and that they could deal the fold. Pre-biv^tory 25c was not used until aboui 1876. again with Cosgrave. The Sketch pubUshed an assertion Boneless Pot Roast Beef Home Dressed Chideena to roast The Uggest number of passengei s In a declaration on the elections. that secret parle3rs have passed be- 19c pound...... 32 c ever carried on the road in any one Finance Minister Macentee said the tween Northern Ireland National- Home Dressed Ybimg Fowl day was about 3,500. This was be- ' fore the troUeirs came into existence Face Romp for the oven pound • S • • • • I and was on a day when “boys in 25c blue” were marching here and the Onr Home Blade Sausage Meat fnmi “b03TS in white” were in New Bri- Fresh Plate Beef for soup or stew native pork, 2 pounds...... tain in a poUtical. demonstration 8 c during the Cleveland-Harrison cam- SATURDAY and SUNDAY Fancy Fresh Pork to roast, paign. On other special occasions rib or loin end, pound'. . the daily total of passengers reemb- 'Greater Values Than Ever (CORNED BEEF SALE ed‘ 8,000. When the trolley lines were Small Lean Fresh Shioaldera . . Itegular $49.50 Coats how pound...... opened, the traifi passenger service reduced to Fancy Boneless Bridget Sugar Cored Corned decreased substantially. In later Beef,*ponnd . . ^...... 19c Native Fresh Hama, whole or shaiA half years the average number of dally I.«an Ribs Corned Beef . V : . pound ...... ^ .\...... commuters was close to 200. Fresh Brightwood Pork to roast, Acddents THE ROOM 8c 1 “Did you ever have any accidents Cross Cut Corned Beef pound,..,...... »••*• A i&w or unusual happenings”, the reporter 883 Main Street .15c Fresh Pigs’ Liver inquired. Mr. Hyde stopped a min- pound...... 10c ute to think and then told of sev- SWMn Flank Corned Beef (whole) eral.* Once when the train stopped at Sizes i6. to 46. 16c Fresh Spare Ribs Look At These Specials in pound the north end, a man get off near V ■■ the Hilliard street bridge and walked Not many a size but Solid Heads of Cabbage off the trestle, falling to the road be- 5c AT OUR BAKERY DEFT. neath. Conductor Hyde hastened to Home Made Candy every coat exceptional bis assistance only tc have the man buy. GROCHRY ITEMS Homp Baked Beans Made in Our Own Kitchen FUday./ quart . * * • •••••«•• • o’ strict^ Ftafh Laiv* Egg. fnin Cwentr,,' Coffee Rings, sugar froated, 2 tat ...... i.. Milk Chocolate 2 di»mi for 65c. Hcmie R(^ aU ktoda,' v Keep Watch for the NUT AND FRUrr TAFFY, lb. Nathan Hale Coffee .2 dOaW tm * •. f ^ pound sssssssss 31c Home Made Crnllers . ; ; » ; r ^ “Feverish Cold" Milk Chocolate M&KweU H onse C offee . dozen...... ' If yon oro **nni doiro** or oot of CRA(XERS,Ib. • s • . • • poiiiid '....»...... ******* 28 c Home Made Sqnaah or nnupldn Pies, coodM oo,lf«hni^8hboird»hiiv • .'.*'...... ,.... v.;'4 **f0veri8b" 0 0 ^ . Milk Chocolate of sizes. Poric find* BfNnw, Royal Scairlet tbm ato Sauce, . 2far-15c. ■ 38 to 46. Honnee^ ..... #: • s s • • s BAISm CLUSTERS, lb. .i- UnM/^lakeaBotter . FRESH VEUP'j^BLEa , «.• Dr.lhK^Elixir 2 .poUBda.^ laiaftivfl V m B ifeilcr CHOPSUEY,lb. • vf * f 17c i^ flr Kraut ^ . New'Binidi Carrots, ■ ' mu ward off « IMMS thee* attacks hf 2 lbs. 30c. POlfellMl. • • . . . 2;lnoielies for . . . . »• .•»'. * » ♦ « r. . »'». ElfUlg IBMI llvfD BOBnpRIIOBe GoMM ^flW, ) :NBtive.Rcdor YeHoW\ 8 poqmdk for ..»»»»• vv * * v***’v^• •• ♦ ■ Ifn. B. W. Stepluio of II Koor EXftRA I^PEOAL ...... b a n s D am k iilv * hde—- SflverSw’aB^Tjiiiie, . vNutiveBiild A p p i c a * - ' , ^ ' Wl l t i he! —- w a s Pineapple Ten^pi^tion ...... |***65C lakeetri^hi' to AM by flM iathe who Itid osed Always 25c. ; ; atetk r Tofiet Ttaene, iHCeet Florida Orangea^ tt for jm ft floA 1 ia two im ^ • alsf •••••••'••••••••• V' l l c d a s a n ^ ...V - ^iqimrtlMaket t&r cUldno, h LUNCHEON. SPECIALS tot ndUrak* Conne Genuine Gilvef^ Iflteit^ ' for chowder ' Fun dtii tnd Chidm Dhiner, Uver. Bacon, eitc. ' K-* i*' ijk.t *; *•.,

'•T MOIfOOt S'llt iSSDHT IBiain Of. f. f r RO CCTill PIlMtoY, » <0aal9alj jiwsisimiKniii fcV' I a MlMM MftiiBt m i___ WnsAesssiaMi #Mm> nMi msAN Mi a ma m iiaflliigii' iiTWflMii of IMEMPa niuM ihty diiw in EodkviUt. _ m. HPravideiFcrfvcIiate of A vwy hhort isidcai.of tha Tel- BAiiO i asM.weiF Wssl.weei' «tis ’'A ;' J.- WlfiriSaai :Myers FORROCKVimCOW I ------Bttyirtor Owt was toil Hartford ^ Jndgn Ernest A. wnsq.WOT kMwoiMnie wow ate Pivporty Booflit Over NOflTHWMT « OANAPI AN (t tea RepaUleaiu ind DimoenttB wlndstonn of Wednesday wkui. i: Ml Agree On Fink and McKfai- avening damakad several store env ' asn do ao : T U r t j Y e i r t A { 0. ^ wfls-innu wiea wim wzm inw i__ a tbiKh JebOMiCt hat, lae .daese i'i} ( 8^17, It l8 Reported Here. aignsm R odc^ e and ewisad 'other wjte im b kvse wky wMa m s k|t« 5^ I s J . weal 1 ® - to,tlie Who wlU be the presidiBC Judge of ase ISllftfika^DfDV ToniBftoii. J*n. 27.—(AP) — kStlhmW H. wfloet. omewM of tho JobB Brotra Aaiocbi* the dty court of Rpdcville and who tloB havt TfA wltb ome wonder will be hidttded in the court pe>w mm T sonnel is to be decided soon. end not a little amusement of the bill intrdouted. in the General As* For the first time in over 80'yeari, The macting of St. Peter’s fynWy to appropriate $5,000 lor the Caty Court Judgeship is being Cemetery Imwovement ' Assodtp the purchase of the John Brown contested and efforts are being ttion was hdd Monday evening at Todays Radio Programs place \ in the waotem part of this to bring about a compromise the home of the president, Mrs. ira a S iitite ! dty. ^ between Democrats and Republi- Marietta G. Horton. Officers elect- The John Brown place wmeb con* cans. ed were: Prestdent, Miri. Marietta lliis ind^ of radio^lKnHn^me ie inbliBhed thfomli lists of about 100 acres is owned by The retirement of Judge John B. O. Horton; vloe*prarid«it, Edmund aSfc JdS^kfe.Bstswaa Omlisatrs NBOAfjS NITWORK »y of ^ e bneiness houses ^ertisin g ,ln the;se cohmins* the aseociatloB, which is incor- Fisk, who has presided for over 80 H. Horton; treasurer, W. Clifford ASIO — ii^i'Wls (ksri Wbrf-Wbsa. porated under the laws of the state. years, was reporUrf. for several Robinson; secretary, Miss Clarissk wbsl w ham l^ wgsr wjr wlw wm: ijoying your favoriate hruad^st save money and ineaiiTt L. Pendeton; cdlector, Mrs. Mariet- Oni of the principal oflicbrs of the months but he has been nominated -lAwK-Osijos OrerOrehsstrs ' useciatioD stated today that the for re-iq>pointment by Representa* ta G. Morton; niembers of the board •mi Klrasry — bssSe; by reading .these advertisements. property is not for sale an<’» It could tive Henry Schmidt while Assodate of managers to serve two years, Thi . Judge Edgar B. Dawkins has been Albert W. Raiding, H. CUnton not be acquired by the state except Porter. The two other members of 1i»sa-1tiie 'Pswss OrehMtrs ___ wmo wab Wspi FBIDAY, JANUARY 27, im. • ' ‘ i " ' " , , v , by oondmnnation proceedings. The nominated for re-appointment by OBS-WABC NITWORK ujik wamb kvoO wky wfas wbap kprw Sutton main^the site of Representative Sherwood C. Cum* tie board whose iterms win expire aSal ktbd kths WTR^-Studio RaeltaL jP next year are Jared B. Tennant a ^ BASIC—^Issti wsbo (key) wlce trade M^ilNTAIMwt kW kghl 4:00 4:45 the house which was the birthplace zoi^s. woko w ^ ^ b wnao war trkbw wkre FAOIFIO COABT — k x o M k. fir. komo , WDBC—Thei- Grab Bag. WBZfWBZA—Sketehes cf the Deep WBZ-WBZA—"Seeing It ThfOUpk*^ Edmund H. Horton. Mrs. T. D. whk ok « Wdto woau wlp-trfan wJas 5:80 of John Brown as a public park. It Senate resolutioBs, all presented was chosen Ss a. member of wian wfbl wipd wj«v; MidwMts wbb5 khe kpo kaaa kax k jr l« a Wad ktar WBd!^WB2A—Francis Craig’s Or- South. haa SO invtested fund sufficient to by Senator Cornelius D. Shea, kmox wowa Casta" Eeata '' obeatra. , ' 5:00 WDRO-Bklppy. ' ‘ ' ' the association to take the place of EAST AND , CANADIAN - i Wpg wbp 4:30— om b-Tho a in fln i Lady taat WDRO-Bobby Benson, wnc—"The Ftyi^ Fimny:" ’ continuetnunue this«u » maintenancedumuwu—v*. Democrat, of Hartford, were pre-Mrs. C. J. Douglas, deceased. The wlbw wtaee wlbs wfia wore efrb okao 4:46— 5H5—O r^an Annie—aaat only 4:15 ' The officers referred to s ^ ttot Wed/icsday, naming Dr. 8:00— I rtIO—Our Daibr Food, Talka WBZ-WBZA—Cohen and Clancy. wnc—Maurice Sherman’s Orphee- w Bz -wbza—stogtoff Lady- ' association haq about $2,676 invest- DIXIE —wgit wfsa wbre wqam wdod 5:46. there was nonn good•'And reason for ^uie .pbomas F. CLoughlin and Frands ed capltaL The sum of $96.90 wnox klrs wrao wlae wdn wtoo krld •:15t f:15—Dal Lampa’a Orahaatra ' 4:80 state to spend $5,000 or any other trrr ktih ktaa wabo koms wdbo wodx 8:30— wS^Batty Beep — baala: Tha - T;^RC>->U. S. Army Band. WBZ-WBZA—Agricultural Markets WDRO-Lone WolfTribfc ' J. McCartin as Judge and John Mc- spent durmg the pasc year in work wbt wdae wbls whaa *vtar wdbi wwva ainglna Lady—repeat for mldtfeat wnc—Safety ScMIeni. sum for something that it already Kinstry as associate Judge. in the cemetery, righting and clean- MIDWaaT—wbcm wabt troah wmbd 5:45— 1:45—Lowell Themaa — aaat; WBZ-WBZA Ed\ ard Jardon, 5:10 has at no expanse to it whatever. wtaq wkbta kfab wlsn kaej wlbw Orphan Anplb—mldwaat repeat tenor, Harold Chapman, piaxdst. WDRC-John Kelvin, Irish Tenor WBS^WBZA—Little Orphan Annie. Within the past twehty-fotir hours ing grave stones, filling in where wtnt wnax^wkbn wgl •40— 740—Amee V Andy—aaat only H the state were permitted to take a compromise it is understood, has necessary, lawn mowing, etc^ pert, MOUNTAIN—kvor Uz koh kal 1:15— 7:15—Hilda Burka,lurka, Beprano over the property there would be no of vhieh was paid for by coUecti<»s PACIFIC COAST-kbj knx koin kfb 0:30— 740->Charlla Chan, DateOeteetlvs 7 ^ r> p M C t advantage to anybooy. The pc^tion been reached between party leaders kfro kol ktpy kvl kem kml kfbk kwa 740— 840-1*811" " “ TiH------spitainySpitainy COrahaatra e/oo p. M with the following slate suggested of $88 through the year. Cant. Eaat. 7:30— 8:30—Advanturae In Hoalth WORC^-Edwitt C. iiiil. ^ of the association is that sell the Morgan B. Lord of Manchester, 4>SO— StSO—Skippy, Sketeh—eaat onir 7:40— 8:45—Howard Thuraten, Maple WDRC-rStock Quotations. WDRC—JUbUee. property would be a violation of the for the city court o f. Rockville: 4:46— 6:45—Lena Wolf—eaat bailo 8:00— 9.40—First NIghter—also coast' (6:05) —Vaughn DeLeatb. wnc ---Franoea Baldwin and wnc—Famous. Favorites- Judge, Jdm E. Fisk; associate formerly of this place, has become BK)0— StOO—VauShn da Laath—to cat 8:30— 940—Bddia and fla lp h -o to a wi^WBZA—Eddie and Ralph, Oi> tynst placed la it by the various the owner of a farm in EUingtou 5:15— 6:15—Ooo. Hall Orehoa.—a to a 940—10.40—Allea Joy and Orahaatra wnc—Dinner ConceH. Knights, c f Melody. WBZ-WBZA—Our Daily Food. WBZ-WBZA—Five Star Theater. ' 'chestra.'., attorney, Edwa^ 3. ^nergan; which he and his wife isre occupy- 5:30— 6:30—Qartruda NIaaan, aenaa-* 940—104IK-Bhlalds* Canoart Orehaa. made possibla the acquisition of the tag. Mr. and Mrs. Lord and Mrs. •fit: aeippy — mldwaat rapoat; 1040—11:00—"Mra. Nagaty" — eaat: clerk, Lewis H. Chapman; probatton Midland Braadeaatara—west only *n* Andy—rapoat f o r w est special sA*riHM>Air; cfffLV, property as a memorial 32 years. officer, Maurice L. Spurting. Lord’s father, Mr. Chawshaw^ of 8:45— 6:45 — Just Plain Bill — aaat ie:l£^11:1»-Allatn Ho officer of the association has Manchester, were recent yisitprs at . .only; Sehroodtar Orehti. — Dbria: 10:30—11:30—Law...... W**'*Kull?SS3 hits, CE3«TER For Distinctiveness Joint FUaiice Board Lena Wolf—mldwaat rap^ 114^1840—Cab___ Callaway______y dreheatra ever been approached by cn agent of The posslbiUty of the town of Ver- the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. em— 7:00—Myrt and mS^ — aaat 11il8—18:10—Howard11:18^““ ------Thurston—e rpL the state regarding the possibility only: The Fliora—tnldwast only 1140-1140—Oua Van APUrat Drehsa. BOWLING ALLEYS non and the dty of Rockville having Klbbee, as were also Mr. and Mis. Odd Fellows' Building in Photography of purchase. a Jdnt board of finance under the Reuben Boriey o f Mandiester.N B^pdar 8Se afam, ne house in which John Brown proposed consolidated government The meettlng of. the tack of the grir, la now able to be A valuable addHIoa to _ was bom in 1800 was destroyed by Hebrtm Lttiniry Association yms Bowl for your health’s sake Dial 5808 of the two communltiea, which tem- out again. and amusement Badox rellevee aChea and phtap^ June 18,1018. Since then the lot hrid at the library Tuesday eve- Friends of Mrs, Julius West are Studio and Rome' Appointments. due to fatigue. on which the nousehouse sxooostood hasnaa beenpeeu porarily has been abandoned, now , ning. Officers elected are: Presl'- vamttfiv bv ft wftll ftud ft presents Itself witji ft Dili presenteu soiw to learn of her serious illness lO c p e r g a m e dent, Dr. C. J. Douglas; vlce-preDl- at the home of her daughter, 2frs. PACKARD’S PHARMA^* dent, Edward G. HildlBg: saoretairy, Nqttie West Stoughton In Wapifing. Billiard Tables, Lunch Service FALLOT S'TUDIO house. Albert W. Hildiag; treasurer and 2Im. West was an old rerident of Rockville, presented a bill Which librarian, Mrs. T. D. Martin; direc- T^e two new teacher, Miss would perMt the town boanj of Tolland for many years. I ^ / I ( tors to servo for-two years: hrs. Dorothy Brown and George H. Wil- Rev. George Smith Brown of (y \ PM : T P finance, which has been agreed upon Marietta G. Horton, Miss Caroline cox were on band at the high scbobl Maplevale, R. I., was a guest bf WDRC—Columbia RevliWg by both factions of the community, E. Kellogg, Miss Clarissa L. Pendle- this afternoon to meet their .loine' relatives’ In town Tuesday. WDRC—George Hall’s Orchestra. WDRC—Leo Reiemaim’s Orchestra. to act fur the dty of Rockville, when room students and to get their .v the records. His Several home room chSuges have astioal eoclety of the Conpega- Makes, bifil 8142 l^ a ll bUlTp^ ud a cash bal- Schmidt is a member. librarian’s report sh'^ws tbat the been npade In the Main building to tional branch of the Tolland Feder- TRAVEL BUREAU JIM’S anoe of $4,806. , , Binkley Has Record total circulation of books durtog the accommodate the incoming classes. ated church met at the church New York, round trip ...... |4Jttf Benson Radio Service AND 9 i p r m m u r o ' Pittsfield, Mass.—Death claims .»»vid Binkley,^ 81: (ff':40 B elm past year wah 7,289, or 1,256 nwm Tha student body will now number Wednesday, afternoon. Boeton, round t r ip ...... $4.00 of Pittsfield’s oldest £***2Sl firofo, Belmont, Maai., is held af «be, itiiaai tha previous ya$l*s> t e e m about 1850, considerably the larg- Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop West and OMoagOi^onnd trip -...... 418.00 456i/i.Nalq 6lt:' ; m lone Hinton Petty, 94, and County JMl in default of >f books have been sent^ est enrollment. Jn the school’s his- 2fm Jtupeife West, menters of Tol- v *i'it n (iiihii I \mLJkms __ Aglee Plantler, 98. ^ ^ ^ . bonds of $8000 baisg hald for. pass- 4h»'^rural schools as usue*t for w land Grmngc, virited Ellington Boston—Jlerrtng gulls Jj tory. The promotion has been ef- Grange Wednesday evralng and en> ing a worthltM chack at the Burke Amston, GuU, Gilsad Hill, wM fected with no delay in the school P sG P M Se Isle of Shoals and Biddeford ming Station in Tolland on Da- dhool, Jones Street school, aad the rogranL Students were moved at Joyed the initiulation exercises ol, Maine, are recovered as far Jagger sohool. Magazines given WBMi Irving Wickham of Manches- WDRC—Gertrude-Nlessen. , ^DRC—Scrappy Lambert and Billy WDRC—Street Singer. . . . cember 26 for $42.50. o’clock and teachers made out new ter. and his Installing team did the (10:45)— Frey and Broggtote, Ath as Florida. __ He haa a long record. In 1924 he liter having been read at home seating plans to provide for the new WTIC—The Gibson Girls. HiUpbt ^ itoneham, Mau.—General alam have been presented during the year work. (8:16T—Bingin’ Sam. piano due. ' ’ : • destroys the ^Jnils block w4to wae eentmo^ to the Federal Peni- arrangements. New elaeses wli; be- WBZ-WBZA — Sports Review, wnc—Hall and Gniep, piaaliy» ; tentiary at Livenworth,. Kansas, for by Mrs. Maxletto G. Horton, Miss gin In all Junior eubjectit while half- Weather, Time. wnc— Jeisica • Dragonette and _jage of $20,000. One fireman is Vietoria Hllding, Miss C. B. Kellogg, LOWEST DEATH RATES Men About Town. (9:46)-^-Lanay Ross, tenor. ‘ ,.? avsreome and three men who were foi'T years fbr violation of the Mann year courses will start in economic WBZ-WBZA"-Nm- - , •' White Slave Act. He was convicted Mrs. C. J. Douglas, and Mrs. How- geography, plain trigonometry, com- WBZ-WBZA—Sponeored. hi the building when the fire broke Washingteo, Jan. 27— (AP) — (10:46)—Dr- out are partluly overcome. for violation of the Dyer Act, re- ard A. Thompson, and have been mercial arithmetic and commercial The lowest morality rate for ” *e' Cambridge, Mass.—Woman and garding autos;' was oonvloted in aroredated for. reading table use. law. V week ending Ji^ugry 21 amorg tour men are sentenced for opera- Florida in 1927 for obtaining money The librarian has bound or repaired WHY NOT USE about 70 books, tiius saving the A large number of students at- eighty-five dties. repotting to the Manchester tion of a collection agency under false pretenses; was arrested tended the dress rehearsal of .‘Tittle Department of Coimmeree division Speedy Low Price THE BEST ' 1- «>moket,” by which, authorities in New York for grand larceny; in library the miense of having this Women’’ this afternoon In the as- of vital statistics, was South Bend, a laid, scores of impoverished persons Belmont, Mass., for forgery; in Bos- work done: The total number ,o f sembly ban. Indiana, with a . rate of 6.0 per RADIO SERVICE Pure Jersey Milk and Cream. UpMstering^Uift kre deprived of their household fur- ton for theft of motor vehicle aud borrowers from the library in 1982 The next aseembly will be held 1,000. ' ’The highest was 28.1 in Fall was 498, or 88 more than the preyl- ^ Largest and Best Equipped gltnre and personal property for got out of Jail there about a year next week Thursday when Mr. Perry River, Mass. Radio Shop in Town. saaall debts. .... ago after serving part of the 4 to 6 ous year, in every way the library will give his speech on "Transcon- Both South Bend and Fdrt Wayne' UphototeriikR'|i^‘ftt W r LoweU, Mass. — Harry Borcherd- year term. is Increasing in usefulness, but the tinental Jaunting.’’ In Indiana, and Canton, Oiiio, and 'hrafiehei*' bg, 88, West Reading, Pa., a A revision of the Vernon Town finances have reached a low ebb. Spdeane, WaSb., reported the low- Potterton & Krah tnmeze performer who was injured School Board in accordance with The librarian’s salary was. not est infant mortality rate, with ..o "ON THE SQUARE’* 244'MainSt- in a fall to the stage of a local the recommendations made by the in 1982, but the action of the Hebron deaths in tbat divwon. at all. Phone $788, Depot ^uare theater, dies at S t Johns hospital. Connecticut State Board of Educa- Dramatic Club in giving $100 for r Cambridge, Mass.—Sheriff John tion, is embodied in a bUl presented that purpose has now made it pos- THU# R. Fairbalm, ’’Grand old man of In the Connecticut (3eneral Assem- sible to start the year with a clean 0 P M 8 ' O P inddlesex county," celebrates his bly today by Representative Henry slate. Mrs. Martin’s inttuence as Ited blrtbdity. librarian has been of incalculabia Miss Anna Clark is a guest at A^nouncement WDAc —The March ot Time. r WDRC—Nino Martino., t e # t e - ^ Schmidt the home of her sistyr, 2 m Edith WDRC—Cbaudu The Magician, Simaphohy Orrileatnu' ‘7 Danvers, Slass.—Samuel T. Tav- bill reducea the membership good. Her salary is inadequate and wnc—Cavalier of Songs. wnc— Jessica Dragonette (con- aao, proprietor of the Roama res- Clark Johnson in Seymqur. WT^-Danoe MtiriC from nine to five members, creates she has done, her work wlth>' a Mr. and Mtp. L. Biniest Hall mo- ^ d u a r a iite i^ R a d io WBZ-WBZA—Lowell Thomas. tinued). ^rant who received a threatening an appointive of an elective whole-hearted idea of being of ser- WBZ-WBZA —< ’'Adventuree In >York.' •' letter last month, receives another tored to Seymour Wednesday and Service WBZ-WttLk—l^)c»to .flevlawi Thht, board, empowers the Board of Se- vice to the community.' It is hoped their daughter Mies AUoe B. HaU, a Health.” ilsMiniKlIng $600 or his place of busi- lectisen to appoint restricts the that the finances of'the Ubraiy Phileo, Atwitar K oit and ’‘-Weateer; V' ' ’ ' ’= ness will be twmbed. teacher in honm economics In the (11:15)—OrChtotoa. - * - ' awarding of contyaots In excess of straighten out in the near future. Seymour lfl$^h school, returned Brockton, Mass. — Preferred $M dollars without public advertis- Mrs. Charles C- Sellers of New stockholders take over the control home with them for the remainder Tubes Tested Ftee. ing and bid and restricts a member London, while visiting her Hebron of the week. Of the W., L. Douglas-Shoe Com- of the board of education entering home last Sunday found some re- pany, one of the largest concerns of Mr. an4 Mrs. . Frank A. Newman Ernest H. Benson into a contract or eelltaig to the said markably fine, fat, well developdl entertained relatives from Hart- B. P, raA PL BEAi its kind in the country. board except in the usual manner pussy wUlow8,,of wUch she gather- G. B JUercbandlser Hew Haven, Conn.—Bronze tab- ford, Rodcville and ’Tolland, Sunday Formerty with Kemp^A Johnson Blciek prescribed in the act ed a large bunch. The “puseief’' last. BEa U i V iS A L O N let, the gift of Yale University and Bev. McKinley to Itoeak were piwSh in color. Dial 6470^ SHAMPOO commemorative of Yale men who Lewis B. Price, who was con- DiaI5500 HABOBL gave their lives in the World War, Rev. Charies E. McKuiley, who t>r. C. J. Douglsio haa gone to fined to his home with a severe at- SHAMPQPAND held the pastorate /Of the. Union Florid to'^spend the remainder ' of . FINGER WAVE FACIAL t» be placed on the wall of Pershing Congregational Church for fifteen GENERAL ELECTRIC HaU, Paris. the winter. REFRIGERATORS MANiOUtt years, has__ been secured as the Professor and Mrs. Morse S. Al- . / ONE DOLLAR HAoretJS' Uhlon banquet to* be held next BIUBDEBEB SURRENDERS len of Hartford attenoed an afUr- and Serviro Hotel Sheridan FINGER WAVE Tuestoy even^. *oon tea given Tuesday at the,h<^ k9wab£4ki»Enqr(.j'.- Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 27.—(AP) A very interesting progi^ Is ^ jj,, and 2Irs. Charles C. SeU ^ being arranged, opraingig ^at o:80 oj; Lmid^llghK:.S6ng^ . ^ \ , Davidson county jafl here Mte last group singing will also be enjoyed. The New Pink Aleoiite, tirau tinned). night andsurrendered, ending a President Charles H. Leonard WBZ-WBZA—Amos ’n’ Andy. WBZ-WBZA — Howard niurston; twelve hour hunt by officers of will be the preriding offleer and AMDOVOt Heedite Plates With rTrubyte Teeth” >'- m a g l ^ n . several counties...... A charge of first degree murder the usual election of offleere and A a®iema aehlavesaent of dsitel arila- reports for the past year wiD be Emery Fellows and several mem- try. tee of the djhttteet, riernisst and SMXaAJ," . - was entered yaiMt Wm. A short wtwt^ment Accompanying Buntin when he » bers of the Farmers National 2fim moat Naihnal PlatBa of all: derigned for STATE TONIGHT ^ CYCLAMEN Association attended the meeting Mdeamen, eatedadtSA aotora and aotrese- $2f^.0Q surrendered were Mrs. Buntin, other toe memben of his family, attorneys wBl be prweoM w the held in the Windham Hotel, Tuesday es or fcraoM Wte mtet appear often in «THB AFnMAL KINGDCM^ ' 7 S c . ; . with !« m5i£. member, of Urn mtogtm dtm«e afternotoL pnbllo and da hat want nnysM to know Pef.get . vrith ,Tbe topic for thb ChrlstUm En- ttey am weming aitUWai toefli. BeufJiii im iw r “ ? «”! Leverett N. Sifter. Yrnite’e deavor meeting next Sunday eve- Ledle Boterd, Ann HwEng , bod ttAbloein;.; ning is, "How may we batrue to the .Miarionaiy Spirit?’’ The leadex wfn Special A BihndfitSet “International Nig^t” . MIllKDWSBl Buntin fired a single rifle bullet ** S r Of Teeth across a table in his office Just be Mrs. wh&ee I. Woodin. T hm Red/aad Pligft Die- > T h t Fltedsh after directors elected Lewis to sue- in % e£ S la >**** will be special music with an orches- tal l^ h e r IMIhth Mada adth Chnn- Every Wednesday. Dial <029 - tra. oeOd Buntin as genera) manager of with, A Light. Rtet III, w - . ... . the Arcade company, opSiating a ICr.-and Mrs. Lewis Phelps and Oaed Ja t af va^ Gold rm number of stores and offices here. son Charles, John and Hediy fOrteeMMsf. Hilliard attended the . autotootUe FREIGHTER IN DISTRESS Ellington Oongfagattonal t church. show to Hartford Wednesday after- WDRC—Dance'MuriC WDR(^Tosi; Howard:,and - George Theeveniag's will open noon uoA 0ttaaing. Per Set Per Set "SheUp.., with asuppttr at 6:80 o’clock. The n., r’’ ;.-vgaH i\:; annual ranort of Jc The LShanon ptoyers will give * n (9;15T-2tery. EsstmteL. scyram Tileott. play, "The Wild Oats Boy,” In 'thb wnc—National EdteteW-League^ mM L^satfi / Andover Town HaS, Wediitsdn 'leetiBe. Ovenkig, at 6 o^elock. Dancing wifi WBff-WBZA-Mdnm Nlghtto^ P ------nhips _____ fOOo#. Pifciaeede will go to itodoTOr Crown .. .$$j00 __a short time two .sister vea- iJuvenBo dMnge. . . . .r...... r 4100 were erdered to proceed to its : Mimea and Betty, sohats AODBiOUTH? ddifn Aft an • * ' . * ? The______YELLOW TBBTffr .J Rockville Sigh adiael — — Wedtei^^. with. ftieiM|i: Jld Poted RA . radio soemage early today from tdtey. Tha awnt-iaiitnal SORBOUhfSY^ American mall line vessel re- honor Ust wfll bar. anadoteiitt* on ' Tharo JM9M been n gsaat ^Uee i01lMod*i. Ni d tea ririp, and bar craw of 85, Monday aftqnoon. . - v ‘;caaea>ffjni|r aoBM 'qpNa'Aavm*',. - < I in Qfr teuMadlata danger. fliewn* AB fta victiina are .impror- A meatffig dftW raoMMty oV t’.' I aome tenmorary re- inized Rodtvllle^ Qiriri o M was 'Ifig. -fiWfcL Mi mada, *^ O a p t a t e obaMMSted _ jria In tha vieipity, atraet tt a gmat r f l a ^ l e a n d T a c o m a I 6 4 U S ,n . I 4v y i

S' / ^i •/r„, w ";>V-- A* AJPVg R n a BM3BMTB, 1N.Y. (I 'waa^; in 7 • e w e e d s # • • • ' ; (fBtolahedby SHOPPINGNEWS * AO Air' RsdUetJon •eeeweaeee* -Osntiia.Beifr,''' I P, iiidr AUska Jua . « •-« e • 4 nuitod 81 i — •i w Allled.CSihm-... Bank'-Stoena >''A- mhtoetiie ,th(|t'.oplrt5ai«: tile ^ Appointments for a Swedlah Body Am Gan"'..'4^.-.';. >*eteee*e Dtol Vhim- .. A m F o r Fow ^ W A l k t o ' •' I t Is I9 studrlnc tblacs Mainge may be had ^ phoning the CapL Ni& R aad T .45' **• ' r#h ' • V.'.'.'-K-’ -.J;- ’ ThedH Am Bad » e e e e e e e 4 ;cd.'^tte^'Oaah MRQCQ~ wt sttaiB tbs treat art of Weldon Beauty Salon, Hotel Shet;!- Conn. RiYto ...... 4S»< t.'" MlgUal dan Bvdldfng. massages aife ^ne 8nielt\... Btfd: ,Cdfin. Ttoat- 45^ do- threia-3 having as little mlsia7 and as Am and Tel ...... 304% .^'slwistoa/’a^'- ___ by a fona:Of modi happiness-as possible.**' given jy a gradbate ot the Royal •5 BtfdL Mpt B ^ 1 the. writing of health p«jtl- Three hoUa^lufid . pits diad^ iand street Bhrery gallon counts one Bbndix Aetna.Fire 29^ tial Intoitot m tile of New tod ^ by the; aamatiine as tito. n u ^ unit; 12 tmits entitle you' to one Especially if it’s something fancy iCh Steel Tmk 'Cehti^.'the' n*otiteC pricevpf . ^In 1906 the IVmvdi^ todtoh liediohKtto itodefs: like this Froien Fruit Salad. Y(iu AutomohUe' ;... .7 7>titotobj6r^ied' vdiQQt'five points (>nn|Ntoy a m ' and the family and the rhmffj piece. You pay no more, in ^me get Steely'jtfd •••.•••••••••• 32 * Conn. Geherel ...... 23 OnpB-;-:the- the.bfil stonore prompted. On offlei the entire set. use: SiiMXle&• 20 bn Qie rdwdtodv ontiitoon. Petou(j4- ' 19M. too: nkavtdera Fire -JUsiir- )it. Senate can pineapple, cut in pieces, Hartford.Ftoe ...... 39 Company. AB tha. ..csppttai tigatloD. Owitamtwatibn o f the 1 OhTl P e c aaa**«*««*««*«*es**. Nathwfd 67re ...... 40 vantak'-Ridtaddd yotod a 60 cent 7 a unless 'the or water was caused by a i. o r Canapes drained / Oise ahare dhddand itidcb put the reil- .Of tbeae tw6I totopkolML OXt the beBet Hartford Steam Bitier 46 . the ' neetasaty q taAQKug the wpOTt ealA \ss(Mrted canapes may be made 8 maraschino chories, halved Oento D e l t e o o ...... 7% Phomlx Fire ...... 48% road atockavta a itiUeyhittor Hgbt a^ that President with tmrd cooked eggs, devil^ haan, 1 package cream cheese, o^t in Cbes w l Cttdo ...... 28H dihectotv voted ahatoa, lifo:0«^^ Travelers ...... — 350 Q^vdtts tosoiaaoe Quimai^ Boorev cucumbers, stuffed olives, canar, an- cubes Cfibt'yelei* Pofalle Utilities Stoeia aftm the dpaa b£ the maztot to ^nm '4biuitih wpefiritm of abpee chovies, and all kinds ot cheeses. 1 1 divldold, c^^he co m p e l |e now tike laingeet rulea ptoOedure A la6% to bq re- Thin slices ot toasted breau. caviar 12 fresh marshn^ows, cut in Oila,...... Qum. Power ..m...i. 47 thta ^Ambrl^n-'Tobaeco on—a *?huHiple. Bne" toainace cohqnmy adrtati t o oti Om^^aaii^aagan uu Antiseptic crackers, and cheese crackers may quarters SOlV .a...... IX Greenwich. WAG, pfd. 60 regular- lUMd* o f HA5- • < S he oouitiry, vrittoig ttfe, acei- tn 1ika.:hi|M'.air^fipri‘ aBgf- be' used. Thin cucumber slices cov- 1 teaspoon salt ‘O nis Oes08^Hartford Bee ...... 56 . Taitto^ a firm tme waa main- ; fire, BaUBty, health, antoihtH bihifor redtacciimtp^ .Fed' ered with maironnaise topped with 1 cup mayonnaise. QPIlt OttD a. 4X Hartford Gas ...... 45 tainedfo^ shortly" before the steam lM0er. .vmripnen%^. -Are Cat In Prod ...... 51% eial 'lleierbB "banka. halved stuffed olives are especially Mix ingredients together saving do, pfd 48 htoee-^-WMsr'the list turned to the nmeation, burgdoiy. Ideto' .gtoas, - to toe .Datoo^ystic iead- out a little whipped cream and may- aV...... 35% aircraft i^.enjgine Insunnee.^ good.' SNETCo...... U4 118 dotoddde ah^'-cloied, lovrer. Amtol- erabto-hWiee' to'obtain-approval cf by VickChemi$t4 onnaise. Pack in a freezer, using X^U I POpt 3CT Maaafoctnrlng Stocks cftn ’P^tohoo was heavy all day due .^During the life of the (iompany a Mtorymr egtep^pkto' ad/ toe one- tiarrone’s For yuality Food outside 1 part salt, 2 parts ice, (or Jfeatman Kodak ...... i 57% A.1 Hardtdsre ...... -14% -tor^he'^pfoitous diqr^a :aahaimee- w (Uqsital haa been increased from To all users, of a mouth-wash: fijlec asd XlOS aaa...... X^l ceph g a a O ^ to* re> We suggest you try one of their just {dace in refrigerator). Let Am itoslay ...... / — tnentr-Uhitoa States Sted bomnanr ' ,01^ to 310.060,000, and w»h tnfn fHQ^I0(K000 to revenue to the fSfigkr — for haUtosis (toq stand five hours. Serve on lettuce Klee Auto Lite ...... 18% Arrow H and H, oom. 5 aad^ preforred were- heavy and tender Juicy sl,eaks for Sunday din- filec Pow and L t ...... *...... 6% eotoepttons df a 25 per cent next' fiscal 'yeto.-' ' breerih), oral hygiene, and other ^ ner Also their fresh green peas, leaves, garnish each portion with do, pfd. . . . • r .... 80 doscdblh'' ‘ ‘ . .r'" k dtridend to 1805, a fiO per ifooaker Q snor told, newspaper'; tiseptip usM the makers of V l « spoonful of m^onnaise mixed with Fox FQm A ...... ^ 1 % Billings and Spmeer.. — fresh string beans and tomatoes. Gen ESec ...... 15% #at stock dividend to 1875 and a mto there wfia no sobat-jutial eppo-^ VapoBUh now brtog real econqii^ Phone 6367. whipped cream. Serve with 'sal- Bristol B ra ss...... 5 ' Cuntocy inflation talk has ;sub-' fi|^*2-8 per. omit stodr dividend to Vicka Chemists have totroduqc^ tines. Br.(/Ugb for eight Gen Foods ...... 24% do, pfd ...... sitioo to the' binkrmptoy revtaton Motors ...... ^ • . . 1 3 % elded someitoat and r Be^ a the ^B2,.an increases have heen - by bin, ocaittoiistioiii of toe gasCBne Vicks jforatone Antis^tic at actui^ .V Bite For Bridge Case, Lockwood and B — mti^-^ of many-who ar6 6Btaid .I f at par. ^Caah divi- ^ laps tHan half the price, of othck: Do you dread Monday, because it ClUlette a...see..... l7 Collins Co...... ‘ ,17 levy and the Oase-steagnB meas^ ^lext tinie you have a bridge ...... Inflation, ftortod it wdoM get <>ht have been pOId crmttouoiuly; quaBiy antismitica , is “wash day"? That is indeed aome- ^3|^d ^^uat 14^^ Colt’s Firearms ...... 8% nra- liarty. you might put on the briticed to only lOc, btom Valentine’s Day, Ferbuaiy 14. A on the market that doesn’t grate I^oevr’ s ••«••••••••«••••••• 16 ahie 'Maxcb; l. 1988, to stocddiOlders F^eral Farm Board’s fault. bankruptcy Ull, deaighed^ to permit tbe'sii^ly lasts.—Advt. ’ ’:-'l your knuckles along with the car- Landers, Ffaxy A dk. 21 'V';; ^ gift of true sentiment for this day is hhrinard ...... 12% New'Blit Mcb. coin.. 3 of retord Febniary 15. A.t the prea- ^our photograph.. Phone, the Fi^ot rots and beets. In (fifferent sizes, it Mc^Cccsp Tin 50^4 do, pfd ...... — enf maaket price of' this stock, Studio, just beloY the Center, now has a little handle, such as Uahuit Ifont W ard...... I . . 14 Mann A Bow, Ctaas A — rdurn of-'^S.l per cent-tq-affordikj for your appointment—^Dial 5808. cutte-rs have, to protect the fingers. Hat Biscuit ...... 88% do, (3aas B ...... — the invretor. \ Hew,, too, is a steak broiler that Nat Cash R e g ...... 7% Nat D airy...... ; . 14% North and J u d d ...... 8 Aaurels To Bight (»n be used for other foods as welL, Niles Bern Pond .... 4 The statmient of the Traveler^ It 9tts atop a burner, instead of go- Nat Pow and Lt ...... 13% Insurance Cbmpany. is evidence .of ‘ The current issue o^ a smart Y Central ...... 19% Peek, Stow and Wilcox — magazine distnisses Hollywd as a taig into the ovoi. It saves gas and Russell M ^ ...... * 5 the stobfllty. and apimdness^pf in^ work, for jrou don’t have your oven NY NH and H ...... 15% siiranto.'It tobwe what ah' ''inaui^ ri'val for Paris in style creation. It Noranda ...... 18% Scovill ...... 11 broiler to scrub after cooking a few Stanley Works ...... 9 ance company can do in stnengtlu. awards style supremacy to fiarbo,. tforth Amer a...... 27^t Deitrich, Crawford, Constance Ben- 'pieces'of bacon. Standard Screw ...... 73' ehlng itself and in being uaefUl to Packard...... £%do., pfd., g u a r ...... 100 its' pOUcyholden. Conditions the nett, Shearer, Tashman, Kay Fran- Param Pub ...... 1' past few yeare have neeessltatod cis, Hartford’s Katherine Hepburn. Special dinners which save you at Penn ...... 18% Sinytiie Mfg Co ...... 15 least 25c ar<> served daily from 11 Taylor and '*enn...... —, insoranee companies and banks he^ Woidd jaa agree? Phila Rdg C anr' I ...... 13% ing in a Uquid position. Travelers a. m. (HI at The Tea Room, 883 Main PhiUlps Pete ...... 5%Tbrrington ...... 30 street The spe(fiah is a full course Pub Serv N J ...... 53 Underwood M ^ Co ... 11% For Mas(Hdc Ball meal, featimlng dufice meats, v^;e- Union Mfg Co ...... — Radio ...... a ...... 4 A truly r^^ gown for the tabl^ soupsk aalada and desserts. Masonic Ball s crepe and sheer toatobds. Some are 1 (aiiw cut flnb , SFECIAL LOW TBIOBS! 1-2 green pepper,- minced < Texas Oorp .«...... 13^^ 3^542 Bushel delivered F4Nir .P a t r « d 4 pe. I s S p B c I t e d . printed. nMgr'ard rec^y beautifut be* 1 1-4 teaq[K>an salt ' Tinmen Roll B^en ...... r..l6% flfopd description.^*^ ' -Milk as needed. . _ . _ - T r a n s —Jtnmrica^__ ...... 6 , l^eelaFPrtoaa\on Wheteeale LatA FRi^ y. DIANA, Prop. ik a casaereda. Oovsr the union Carbide' .. » a • e « a - o # 4 FRANK V. W naiAM S" ' Fsraier Fri^Hetanr bottom vdth S' laysf of potatoes Unit' A i i a n f t V.. . none 7997 BbuKdMstor Grem Barber Shop.- ’’Br'ttaBies past I had been accus- sUced thin; then a layer of Itvar Unit Corp ...... ••••••< Piree Men F i ^ ksddM* day Free Ladieti Freti tomed to take a book as it were by sliced and cut in porti(ms for serv- Unit Gas Ism •• s-a •*9 B*«Vo • • « A ' bdhatifiil perfoitte A minjfitore.size 6£ after storm, tearing the heart out of it, ing. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; U S Ihd Aloo . . ALLICE dropper bottle or a boy and scattering the tattered remains U S Rubber ^ ... repeat until ingredients are tned, shaving healing talaini of face powder ./With wherever they might chance to fall. having potato on top. Diftrlbate U S S teel...... )•••••• 4 CREAM CONES Many books, most books, deserve no pepper and onion as you gA Pour Util Pow end Lt ...... 8% with eveiy 25c purehafie every 69c purduBte or] better attention; but it is no way to in nrfiic to come to the top of potar Wamm Flo ...... 1% or over; :2^Sc over. treat any Ixmk- that is really worth to.' Bake at 860 degrees F. two West Union ...... 26%WOMEN’S the rea(&ig. For when a truly grea. hours or longer, adding m&k aa West El and M fjg...... 29% spirit, with labour, and with oain, needed. When potatoes are don^ WoolemrOi" .... ^...... 32% and with joy, has put his life blood there should not be an over siqtply Bee Bend-end Share (Curb). ^8 ' Geniune J^d One-Straps! into his w o ^ it iS only with labour of liquid. Serves sfac portions. aiidlies WE MEET AND BEAT ALL COMPETITION! i and with pain and with joy that the Onr pdees for Saturday wifi be^2e tower on any and aUitenw adverttoed any- reader may recover it again. Great 8UBB WAT TO WIN wheie in R^ugehest^ or flie State ConneetkoL Many of these items wit be things are never to be had without low cost. ' Let onr'lofip be yoqr sa v h ^ 'H- ' pajring for Otem.” Denver, Oflo.—Two holdup mm 5.:' —David Grays(«, "Adventures in ydu> held a barbecoe stand be- : Solitude.*’ kmglng to Jean Duncan bave found the od y sore winning oomUnatton me lOWEST PRICES IN TOWN on A aiot marJifne. The only aure ing, may'^iM a factor in way to win tat to do wbat thny did, the seDliig. ^ take the maddne and pry oT the We think these are the best Beg. $L0e Bag; Ifte Beg. 25e UTEST STOCKS back. That la what they did t< two 31 shore you iean find! Gen-, of -Danean*s machtnee. The com- uiiie Jilack kid,; with pin s ^ Beef,inw BORiq Citmte pletoly ignored hie cash register. Magnesia New York, Jan. 27.— ( AP) — a HAIfSOKK CODNIERS gr^n or reptile trimming.* and Wine ACID ... 7c Steel shanks give firm arch quiet sinking spell developed in the See' Stock Market today. sui^rt. Cuban beds, i)r. West Tooth Pifiste . .14c /Raffy Face Powder .... 49c Hand Soap, 4 lb, can .. *1^^ Rails held up fairly well, but SEKflttSOiADAT nABFUL thep^r.' . I Sizes 6 to 8. traders were evidently discouraged listerinie Tooth F a ^ 16c Eve ip Paris ...... 79cTicks-VapoRito at their inability to attract a fol- "There goes that Mr. 6harp. I Actually i f pnrdiaaed fepspdent Toofli Paste 35c S(|ii^b*s Tooth Paste . . 19c Meiturochrome . /.. r • • vld^. lowing in those issues in the past at BalFB wonder how he made all his two sessions, and appointment of rnoney?'’.- M ontgomery W ard & Co. receivers for Paramount, while not “KeaveiK knows!’’ .B^.'65c/ -'Bag. nin' ' Reip fie ' mid-wtaitor drag a lp . ^Iha Hale ^. ‘‘Ab. that mtist be why be al- unanticipated, evidently had a oad Oon^any dedazaa ItHK . vary 8^-828 Mitin SL, M 5161, Sontli MwcJiester SEIDLIT25 PALM department in day, however. a (ne-day sale was 984. .This Is' Castoria ; .;•*! .!.. 18c V asi^^"^^ .., • •. • • •, ;8e Andeoiic.tipples ...... 4c Selling was in relatively light three-day sale endiiig tomorrow vioume, however, and some of the night at 9 o’lflodt. Mi& of Magnesia ..‘ 27c EZ’Iax, small ...... 7c Bfijl^ Botties ...,'* it/jk olto^ings were believed to be fer Hale’s drug dmartment has won Cod liver pint.... 55c .PhietiW ^p .. • • • ;4c Theimometers • • • • a ••• bear account. Borden and American a recognized place to/ town for Tobacco B were sold in some customers who want quaBty. na- tionaBy advertised drugs at popu- \ **!fU i limr-fee 1 hmh ly ft jarda. BegitSe volume, each losing a couple of , f points. U. S. Industrial. Alcobo. and lar prices. This departoient is to [OT01 W ATER ADEl^^ cha^ of Alezander Lang, Betosed Liggett and Myers B lost about as SBOTTLES . . «w • a -• KXiEENBX . . mu^, under f^ sixed offerings, and pharmacist, uiio is wtil, known to 47c Manchester folks having been to \ Paramoimt broke below 1 .point. this Une of bustoess practically Us American Teiephcme and Case got entire Bfe. Having beaq with the (lowD a couple of points, and mis- J. W. Hale Conqwny seven yean. cellaneoua issues off a point or more It has been the policy of Hale’s to SFEpALS included Allied C h u n i^ , American sen. only JOit nmet widely apd Can, United Aircraft, Loews, Cana- favorably knowp drugs and tiUlet ';';Tliree Paekages- ice;CiMam 9 m i. and Union Patdfic. Bethlehem S t^ purchase their drugs at tiiiw d^ Reacted a major fraction. Coppers partment with ab^ute guarantee • • V ; ' * f - / ' • f o r MilkSksim tod oils eased fractionally. of getting the best to be hm at low The tobac(x> and dairy ieeues were prices. 's ^ * • ' AOKnndpifiS' again sold on the basis of reduced Customers are invited to take ad- prices for their prodivits. Brokers vantage of these mretad prices to- felt, however, that there was some morrow. A few of the many val- tear acUyity in chos<. iesuee. No ues offered are listed to'tiie Hale definite reasons were offond for the advertisement today on the hack weakness ot such issues as U. 8. In- page 4if this issue. i dnstoial Aloifiiol and American Telqphooe, other than eaqwetations IN THE NEWS of ootie. too favorable eantoga re- :% 'lh .N ^ C h M > te to M - ports. ^thlehon’e report for the Wife: Good heavens! It saya’-iif p,-=j last quarter of 19S2, showing a net W paper that ayoang fllni actfeaa loss of 35A21,67S, or slightly larger la going to /make a piradinto de- than the third quarter loes of |5,- aceat In mld-Atlaftle. Wbaps doto 425,724, evidenUy brought aome ahe hope to land? Huitoand: On the front page- to- selling into that Issue. r. > - . S . * - ' . *v f- CsM dlan Padfle waa aold in soane morrow, 1 ei^eetf^Buinoriat. volume. That isaoa haa had periods " 'FT MAYBE IPS A S B O im of stftofth . during 1^ ...Y ' based on nunbm of Uvomhle de- **It is true that ABce. haa a ee-: .Telopmsnts' In qoitoactlon' with the cret aoraow?** btopoaed j^Uma to meiga wito'Gana» *Qracioue, yea! Hamt.aha told: National, hot ' fapMata ' " of too you abemt it y e tr’-^Anawara «lit;V c . ■. A -f- ' '■> 1 :-.v 4 SBiti , toungad with thi Mtogre EASILY MOVBti . - 111 dealing with^tiimOMliatM'a 3* ■ * s ' 4ias rsiimbil prr^em nto^ . '"What heeame! (ti IlHd pofiiaMa I'j?:' . . , ^ leas. . to^' fumge of yovmt” ' ' x' ’ . A '..— ' 'catoni *1 tied the Aaif to .it a and a .v '.rA <1. itwitii thf'i-.^tisiild. A ' '' r*'? •''»' . . :i*' j*.. tt-'.^: r ,v^

/ MANGBESnSR BviaimQ'sipoStH j Aw oax^:^/ PAGE SIX witey th»t"u la»fm to ftat au|» ft pfltet «< li»H»i r:'- . A U m d iM t n ^ S. • l«tt tl» »i»r ftfiL 1^ V !%r Y‘ no oM Mlt, Jti OWOW 4ocl^riiro«lt.orwertirflora^ot*M«^ IjtraU k PM day. U BO gnat slytkM- !liybojtlwy o® prOlj^ bo a n ^ | he'd do weU to get a aeiw one. AIh 1 wagooloada ’tedmoeincy Utwar BBiui£*Muimi«G S jiuvS t , m e 1 atrnctly, that ie an attraetive id ^ I tore to. thdjdakehops* It BlMeD dMaa;^ But Ifrafter ha has dwpped aibuiidl. | .Aadf aa thla tlBie. it la au^poaed BUll.' '-V- Oeeta tuaeh^ter. mna. WAmSTwSjm T»1MAB rUtOOSOH he can find nowhere ata prloe wlth^ |to ha q u ^ hopMeaa for any author ’ int vi^l J OMMra) t i a s e o w in Wa roadi a now suit that ha Ukea who la not on the Bat nf pro^ueets 'J.* U Not B^.Var Benuaatht rbeePeO .*etebeT U ittl as wdl as the did one, or oven onolof beat edlers to spend postage'or Mon; Aaka Ohei^ Money TO that promlsoa to render as mucbjqptfare in aubmlttlif a maauactipt, Blaet Mortgage Interaat. XOnaa. JSIS^S, ^ iZ tr S y »«y »K L ^ ^ ~ prrttyllMyt«cliM»«|li»»w .tec, tt. pnMMiOT| 7- A By BOUMBT OOTCmEB a* yj&JfiSL“iu.?iS!«S" Li mUid (Uxnit iHdliw tlM aoBW ^ to *| NBA ganrlee Writor “ SuSSSSWiON Ram 1 yw worn but etlll uaeful aolt to|wl^ Atytini^r but a 8UZ«*llre iMok. Oae Iteer. Or w e l l ...... j . _ iPer Month, bj «b«»' ...... •}• •J® I the ragbag. i - ___we— WashingtoB^Vaxioua tonns eC 8tnf I* eoniM ...... I >niAt nfmim to be something like | ever, was a baat>nre. inllationT-or' *'re8atloa’* ^ « e betog «lTvor*d. one TocJ *“ • -> 0 I what haa b^^pened in'the matter of proposed by those who want to M* MMMBBR o r ^ T H B ^ a a a o C T A T t o it im t that the] CSDIINAL'8 C3AIiLOUBNB88 heye toe fanner of his burden «C i'lM Aoeoeiatee Prww la aao»os>irai> —^gent system is any. great Shakfla The caBousness with wWdi pro- debt •aUU#d to too_ 0*0_ t®* roonbltoatlOB i^tMihiioatioii Inflation would bd a form of emto^ ot aU nawa ^patehaa oPrtItaO to « hut that nothing any hotter, or even {feariopai oimlnals pur^ie their or aot otharwtaa oradttao in taia better illuacraxea ^;,]^,^ taxtt aad mortgagev chaegea paper and also the iooal new* pnb> 1 Itahed bareln. However, the suit owner in quei-1 |p ^ recent investigation ui a | throateoj^dqirlye hii^tf Ua farm AU rtabts ot ropobUoaUra ot tion, having got into the way bt1^j|gggt|gQg apartment house -Itae in home. The nmst popidar propoaal apaeiai diapaiobas berMa ara alao ra> for permanent rel|(lei la toe vduMaiy aaraad. ^ __ thinking about his clothes, would be I p< ' - domestie allotment plan..vtoidt is Pobllabai'a Rapraai uu»e: Tbejukely to send toe old suit, to toe m this fire. 18 Bves were lost An Bkely to be paamrt by this Oongtasa Juliaa Mathawa Spaoln Ageneir—(Iew"| repairs, cleaning and |pyggtj|gation has disdoaed that toe or toe next.ln u attempt to auh^ Tark. Cblaaoo. Oetral* aad Baatoa. diie toe farmer, onto a isriea level - i»^—preseiog. - There is epdte .. aJ . lot .....I of |bi«ie was aet by coiispirators . «.In an1.iwhiclrwiB give him some pretense - A KnU sarvle<> eltaa* of N m A Bar- luiat sort'of thing needed in our|gfggn j^ot> Certain men, it i*|0f fconowi" equaflty ..^to tha rort rioa, lao. Nambar andu Buraan ot Ciraala- minor court system. Wouldn’t it be|Q}„i(gig^ stood^to profit by too de-‘ of toe population. a pretty good scheme, laatead of Ltf^jcthm of toe building; eo profee- But toe form of emergency Tba Barald PriaUaa Oeaipaar. Iac« dropplng the whole «ubject, to gjoagi grebuga were hired. ^ Warn which toe farmer ta most. Blnly to aaavBtaa eo aaaaelaJ raaponaibll^ Cor'SpoBivpbieei arrora appaartna'is straighten out the ao-caued abuses carefuBy started—and IS people to the' proposal of Swatm reduces more pieces to far tvimaraDbiaal arrora appaartna- advertisaniaBU u tba Manehaatar . tended to discredit some I died! Cordell Hull of Tennessee, who - U tec-«urf» j FRIDAY. JANUARY 27. or ie It that there ie, aft« aU, j against toeee 18 people.^ey hardly I mortgage sales and fora- V #^wT.r«i Ino real Interost in minor court re-[ao much as know of tow existmice. jclosure ealee. « „ ^

way to get It ^the mere fact that »aiea and tax sales, honest and fearless consideration of |fading district courts? todr plot would cause a vtoblesale The farmers—many of toem at the subject of salary cuts as H»pUed , tiuedv not to have mitered any rate-are now proto^ng them ' Highboy secretary in mahogany veneer. Two Bridge lamp in bronze with scored $^»9i» to state nCHHaia. Peihaps toe VITAL “8BBVICBS' “***“y . . _ 1 selves from that sort of thing, some paper-parchment shade Was $23.00 .: ' Baldwin blB Introduced In toe Con-1 Even a howling agricultural ebam- toeir heads at an. f |gj them In “Sears Rotoude aales' drawers pun out to form dealt. M Q*50 and others vfito guns. C^iviouMy. Was 139.00 ...... English lounge sofa in green cover- $Q ^*^0 necticut House ^eeterday and origi- Udon Uka Represaitatlve Biantob of WHERE ORAIT IS FATAL I from any conservative ppln^ of view. ing. Was $69.00 ...... • tiyHng in the State Board of Finance Texas admits that a lot of toe gov- Occasional table of solid walnut with ^ .9 8 04 Not many Americana are lost in [that Itod of proteetto^«^t Governor Winthrop secretary with 3-drawer and Control is as courageous and ef- j emmental services in aid of toe #««« aUowed to. spread. It means revo- burl walnut veneered top. Was $29.95 .. fective a. measure as was to have I farmer, paid for by toe peoples admiration of Soviet Russia s fo” 0 lution—revolution agtinst toe gov- Drum table with $6-inch top o f genuine mahog- base. Mahogany veneered. He I of government Just the eame, toe lernment whose operation is depmid- Was$4l50...... been expected, so far as its proper- money. *rt of Bttle account ent on its prerogative of taxation any with four drawers.- $1 Q-75 of iRuasians have one or two UtOe cus- Was $39.50 ...... 1%/ M«pl«* wing chair with chintz covered " $^b»f6 tiqn of curtailment is concerned. It said on the floor of toe House that occasionally stand up and revolution against the credit wlU not however, stir up any gr^t Representattves on W *dn*J^^ contrast with our system, which governs us alL E^nd Table of solid mahogany with pede- $^.7.5 seat and back. Was $19.50...... O Solid cherry candleBtand with snake $ ^ .5 0 of mthnffbm"* throughout “it would bo to toe beet Intereeta of |p*nt^ y Hull has introduced a biU which *stal base and ihnzhed top. Was $9.60 .. 4 a state where the average Individ- the tormer if you abbUehed Ihroe- own. feet. Was $16.00...... • niere is, for Instance, the way I would i««l up to $1,000,000,000 to Full sige pottery table lamias vdth parch. $0.9.> uaTs income has been reduced to a fourths of toe bureaus of the Depart- haidi»reaaed farmers. The bill pitH ment shades. Were $6.00 each...... m Maple'^hished wardrobe. $ | ^..SO Russia treats grafters. , ^ poses to i«»d money at 8 per cent far greater extent *bati any cut con-1 ment of Agriculture." A few days ago the cables told J tg farmers whn need that motMOF to Student desk lamps of tole iu vory and gold fin- Was $36.00 ...... It ‘ templated by this hill. | it is to be apprehended that Blan- how six dty employes in the of pay mortgage interest and tons. ish. ReproductioRS of old French ^C*50 Cu^ maple veneered drying table $ E ^.50 For three years state jobholders in j ton had in mind at toe moment war* sentenced to be AB of which may sound^ one oil lamps. Wore $11.00 each ...... aJ with hanging mirror. Was $29.00 1 4 , / . Sebastopol w€W „ more scheme to add to toe fanner^^ Cherry veneered bedroom suite of 4 pieces; twin Connecticut have been enjoying a I those acUvitiea of the d^artment diot, because they took bribes «» re- ^ a time when the farmer al- Love seat in Lawson style with ruffled valanMj increase in pay through Utoteb cloacay resemble that of the tum for granting tax favors. I ready ia burdaeed with -more debt ' green ctdor. Floor sample x$ beds, dr^ser and chest. M l the steadily growing' purchasing I ExtenMon Service of the University This, of course, is pret^ hard-bdl-1 than he Was $75.00 ...... ^ Was $228.90 ...... 114 power of their ealsries. That they j of Vermont in which qno of its ed treatment. But when you con 1^^ ^ distinctly valuable paUiai- ware not eo badly off at thf b^[ih- workers haa been engaged in a mat- trast It with toe way in which graft-1 which would temporarify save wtiiy of toe depression is condusiye- ter of research just made puDBc. J. era in the United States get away the individual farmer from «>m- ly evidenced by the fact that they |g . B^er of toe extemdon amvice were holfflng their jobs at a timelmakes toe thrilling, not ^ -say bard to be very greatly Shocked. j igygggg^ to which he has been irtien there wfcs no lack of enqdoy- j amaslng, announcemait that dry subjected. \ ment or oroortunity In non-poUtIcel I firewood is better for boiling,maple It is a conservative measure in- non-official Adds. In 1828 a I syrup than wet wood. troduced by a oanserrative states- An .Associated^ man. Hull ts toe fatiier of the In* 1.- state jell holder was a on; come tax and Is the, foreinost aur cr not because it was A -cliSen tlfOBi Aurlington^^ibwisB N^Yoric, Jafi. 2t -r' I'Rotliiiig in particular every- thorlty in Congress on tariffs. tween a state job or nothtUI^, blit ihation to a wondering worm, "a thing in general. — Lawrence And so. whUe Senator George of he liked his job and its m K hotter fire," says V^er, “enables tbs. Georgia offers a MB. whidi would Tibbett, vtoode twenty -curtain caUs lend three R. F. C. billions to farm* Z' ary. And without exoqiticm he has sugar "ffaUar to evaporsts tlm sap ?3?*5ltolira’v ^ il®ould wangle a 50 per cent getting better and better off | to a stendaid dend|y ia a shorter t^re^tiras givST'seoW^ ca- reduction in thdr mortgage indebt^ CoTvnj. aU toe wfaUe that other people havej time and thereby g«t a tighter col- been getting worse off. j ored syrup. The d|amp wood SSl^Sces aJ^lLtropollta^ ^ 1 Mmt veer so 1 am told, his I TSverybody is ,now trying to The popular view of the cuts pro- snwldera snd does not beat toe back Last ypvr, so i Lghjeve a temporary or pennan^t earning capacity in toe nosed by the BaldwiA blU is quite part of the ev^rator well." Irdief for the farmer. But condU treneb moutli la world was secdnd only to that of tions are. so Imdly dislocated and pny intenst dMpft* um of ordlmuy with toa ulf I’V p , mJTto be that an average redu> I And he’s ttUing thU to Vermont Paderewski . . . That middle initial diUgenct. Afid by ndvanees to tax* tried tola tteB - la 1-1 CMt. wuch U ««. I OT-VwmoBt «yr.»T0«OTi I Y."“ I ^ tlin. lor U» ippll- payenr wbo nra tempornrity delin- Jl EAL' rH-' DIET ADVICE caaaa aad hava found talnly lesa than toe constructive In- j. Next year possibly _ , _ tol» Extension | Tumea, to | ^ icheme for permanentquent we can raopan aeboote now tire in every toata y i cloaed baeauaa oountiea and oom- destroye toe baotei|n crease in thoBe salaries during the worker will, conceivably.^ bavejy ’ « « « —— Irdief. monitiea eta unabl e to euppert them. BY UK. FKANK McCUY / the dreularioo * last three irears, Is far from heroic evolved the theory that if the'sugar xs you probably know, of course, ^ segregates'A two “TUs method of omotgaoity reUtf mgwB to HaMtb aite DM wiU eo that toa ie Indlreot, elmplo and praetieaL It ly 'Dr.MaCtey trim eaa ba are being let off with a pretty smaU 1 the roof of his fud-wood shed in j ^ |gg^ Mm to the quiet of I agriculture may be at c^> ia infinitely more reaoonable than an of tMi Papar. Dnaleae Wblla trench mouth la • toe R. F. C hMHia to raiteoada and the eaity ateioi, it •Sit rt& o borto-l«rlni. Tb. .tead <UflT 8CHEMB audlanoa tha butte of toair^jeite are . . . fio far aa 1 know, thera foul are otmeitod from any been no wadding, and toe goeripa » toe^fung. tha beafto^ pf food amterial. .;Mij ' Hitherto quite entouriaetic eu^ not uncommon, and most of toem say that tha Amarwaa vtelt hM { •ad a bad taste a lim a in tba mouto- l!)nnlly. toa gmpa r^ porters of the dtetrtct iBurt idea in are nuteanoea. Jha patron of broken up the rorauioa.. . . oada from tha taitt; IMto«rtoora of tote atato are beglantag to lose hope theater waate to tee a Show, not to C U I) too tooth sttffa o a ja jto jd ^ an T, '-''IT that toe Gansral Assembly wUl con- jtake part Iff onai.^ M aU tola M It mqr, Noel Coward I WlU find hlas^ With a mr ^ ' abaorptom o t ^ “IL Ik . VWt o M, aant .to the acrapping of the axteting Mt and a'theatM hit iamg a' plaotae raot, to'. police court i j ^ m and toe sub-1 817EB*$1BB BOOM aad toa aanM time . . . Flor- oub toa . _ __ _ I'saaendT. eace Fteber Party, of tbo ,n ^ about tf CM nmmli^ biMmi stitution of the dtetrtct plan. There Teehnocraey', M a lubjeot of gan- burgh Prato and otoor writoro te, indeed, a very prevalent impres-iaral Intoriot, wm bom, had .ite|who have aaan Oowardte - Jateat alon thaL/the district court MU wUI being aai folded up an wlthtii a a^-1 j^ y "OB the roat r pipdlet , fN dt . urdiottetrsr^ rigpariig; .ton.^pwpfr| huisT Abgrfto oomplaw toil and that nothingnothing|ter Iter ofot.abdtat .abtot amal* .wm wialrf«$. -am avtoijt^^Wp for,-it wlmtevar win ba dona about toeL that brtaf parito mna Sam. ont^r £w Lt tSSa^. pi- _ oeurte at tote aasaion. alaa luiadrad and atghty-atveo igpib-1 tsMW to a oar half-arM^ The reason for tha cM li^ of tlw litoara, mora or.teto nmMf8d. by | long .and doaa Uttia-jpddlBg ah^ , fuiUhcmte, iltai frith am n* «•- < dtartriet court ohoBu'a ohaaoos te butrylng daoporfituy ' bhA ^^”**°* bofors it. to aoak. It novar Md have, eaOb otooESrouBd. to gat Into tbit ^ ebooelni afew etontaa, fm] trwMh toara wm no particular raiwoB danger acMs and toto the toaualty I fiMiitoggtioB Raida a rangy oaaoenanot^ M j^ iid u a id i»A SSSSS^^Limi I'*- At_ . . All toa .qUlma made tor itl Tbort bava inWiaWy balm an a j _|g_ in nnot bi esamlaatloB, to ba of |boOba j^Babad about tocbMeraty | h^^adto!to Mgattva okato^ter. It vtoiltoto toout NaiislEM itoat ^ ^ toat is tha f— iii’ € 'f:' toht tiba -'('K -'w.' liiuiCHSOTh^iWBNING HBIRAU}. SOUTH MANCHE8T3e8. C<»W -i-M ^^^> ^

aractM a aijm;t«li|iir SAYS NEW Y O U BANIS do is ^ . PEHMSVMtMED REtffifiD NAVAL 0F R C 9 TIm alga t«A«riio^ MiESATAGEOFSZ AUS1BAN6UNG TRADE The Drity Moioqo;) ' tTtttyeraity’ of s , BTlEAGUniWTE nsninii •y Chicago atodeiit. ptthlltiatioxi says * ______Seiifits Witness Gflyes List of •0, quotixig ataOatfea' by Ihr. Paul CiAnmander MclieUan Was Mie Popenoe, director' at the Los An- IiiTentor of the Self Bailing D|netaffi In Over 1>000 historic geles Inrtitute of Family Relations. Lifeboat. Bsnlni of Nations. ‘ la the demand has b e^ shohm," the p a ^ ToU Not To ffinder Cokmibia hfona Gimiiu mada ltyfa'dsi8ita^ said, “thatoxdy'ohe ls .75 xxxarriagca Newburyport, Mast., Jan. 27. WasWagtoii, ^aa; 27,—(AP) — A honded In fcteefi - which had been started by a o- FEpped III f rp i f l i n r From Taidiig Over Own (A P)—Charles’H. McLellan, 92, re- Charge ^by A labor leaner th it New> xnance while in college, end in a through interlocking the parents, arc divorce.” ired commander of the Uhited now atiethatinuuiit of gambling. direoti^^. have obtained a President’rElect’s HeaML ‘ Canton, Wls.—Farmers’ state Territory. States Coast Guard and said to Toui)|ii^: rloh'in marble weaitn bank officials tbougfat'a rodeo had have been the Inventor of the self- ’Wtraaglehold" on American indus- act at bookmakoxa for come to town. bailing lifeboat Vdilch has been try which previsnts Improved Work- thrir; riaimia The new game is The farmer who had aU the live- Naugatuck, Jon. 27. — (i^ )—' Washington, Jan. 27.'—(AP)*yThs to hold - ^ '^ s fikirhle.ais a target Geneva, Jan. 17.— (AP) — The credited with reducing loss of life BerUn, Jan. 27.— a narrow mar- ities to direct Peruvian milltaty Guard was formerly known, retlr- prove working conditions. Indiana^lls-r'A jury decided spring is just two w ^ s away. If commande.a to this effec: and to Schleicher Cabinet by the parties tlons committee. Mrs. Mfirie Wixilger is entitled io gin. Albano' Marttoo, who said he ing In 1906 as a commander. He presented the results- oi a he’s correct, Bacbelqr says, he’ll cost bis first vote to the last cam- take no action oeyond Uu defense from the Centrists to the National Out of this will come the charge collect 1100 from-'a-detective agen- By order of PreAident Roosevelt, Sodalists, a condition which would nine-months investigation into 'll shave Off the whiskers, he’s worn paign testified that the machine of Peruvian territory. The Council for installing the swimihing tank. since he missed a weather predic- however, be was kept reviously said hostilities would given military burial in Arlington new Cabinet This would mean that 16 large New York private banking made at the White House in the 'im coxmect . again with tbe payroll, nas district, whose name was voted on nevltable If the fleet arrived.) National cemetery on Saturday Genertd Von Schleicher would either houses including J. P. Morgan and terest of the President-elect’s health. gone “doggy.” Through the cour- bad died early in the summer. !Tha telegram to Peru said, in morning. retire or return to the defense min- Co., and - Kuhh-Loeb and Co., held “Please state what information tesy of a doctor who declines to let New York—De Witt James Selig- Carmine Albino, in tbe same dis- part: is^ , the department which he head 1067 ranf< d but I have no Inlormaiion directly and weather. New York—Staxiley Sharpe, <7, Hoover how to cut for Roosevelt, Post road cut-off. About 2 'miles of made without any reservations Can Stand Still and Fly. treaty to belong to Colombia." from, the President-elect authoriz- “Chicago golfers," said one com formerly general manager for the they said. The Bogota message asked Co- reinforced concrete under construc- which would hamper his own poli- i ing me to ask for any such fund. mentator, “are too conservative, late I^orenz Zlegfeld and tbe Shu- lombia to take the strictest precau- tion. Grading. Open to traffic cies. New York, Jan. 27.— (A P)— On the other hand, it seems to me the weather is too :ool, and tbe bert brothers. tions to avoid a “violation" of Pe- Stratford. Sec. Na 1, Merritt Hlgb- In line with this program he has mosquitoes too numerous. Palo Alto, Calif.—Jacob Yost, 79, qp ruvian territory and to make this way-Baraum ave. Bridge under withheld support, although he did Progress in developing an Ameri that in view of the action previous- qxClKS COUGH DU ly taken making a small sum avail- Hanonoond, Ind— Judge William formerly a member of Congress |>aciflc IntenUon clear to Peruvian construction. Closed to toaffic. not actively oppose, the present can "pawidle-wheeT’ airp' .ne pro- J. M um ^ of the Criminal Court from inrginla and the father of Miss Cabinet beaded by Cieneral Kurt von able to each successive President, it ... Real Throat reliert authorities. Route No. 14—^Mlddlebury-Wood' pelled entirely by paddles - those believes in taking no mmecessary Maty Yost, Stanford University Scheicber, called a “presldial” Cab- would be only in accordance with Medicated witii ingredi. bury road. About miles Of re- of a side-wheel steamer was an- chances. dean of women. • inforced concrete pavement under net because it is empowered to precedent to make this appropria- exits of Vicks VapoRub nounced today by Dr. G. V-'. Lewis, tion that is asked for, and that After be felt be had been endan Yonkers* N. Y.—Evan Perkins, construction. Grubbing, grading govern without consulting the gered by the gestures of attorneys 63, former traffic maxxager for the director of research of the Nation- would be entirely adequate to pro- OVERCOMES BADBRt_AIH WAP P I NG and installing culverts. Open to Reichstag. al advisory committee for aeronau coming too close to his bench ho National Biscuit Company. traffic. -vlde such a swim ming tank. tics. New Furnishings Route No. 25—A section cf grav- Theoretically, he said, this plane There will be two good games of el surface on the New MUford- INTERPRETS MacDOWBLL’S “I believe that would cover al- can stand still in the air, rise, land Litchfield road, from Marbledale to MUSIC IN COLOR PHOTOS most any sort of swimming tank basketball in the South Windsor or take off vertically. New Preston. Grading and con- that would be found necessaxy, and Town Hall on Saturday evening. In The “paddle-wheel” plane was structing a bridge. One-way traffic “The Beauty of the Comme :- in addition provide enough for what invented jy H. H. Platt, of Phila- Just A Few Days Lett To Take Advantage the first the Wapping Girls will over a temporary bridge is neces- place,” a program' in color and is actually necessary at the present tone, will oe given at the Tri delphia, who described it briefly tims in the White House." iheet the Aetna Fire tSsam of Hart sary. New Mllford-Lltohfleld rord after‘Dr. Levris* announcement be- from Woodvllle to Bantar- A sec- County Christian Union meeting in Grant said that some new fur- ford, and in the second one, the fore the - first meeting cf the Insti- Ot The Low Prices Ottered During tion of gravel surface is under con- the Marlbbroiigh Congregational nishings were urgently nfedea, “be- Wapping Men’s Club la. scheduled to tute- of Aeronautical Sciences, Inc struction. Grading, grubbing, and church ofi Sunday evesl^ at 7:30. cause during the last two years, in play the Bristol team In a County The program , will be, JSrought by a new aviation organization. It was order to keep tbe expenses down u .installing culverts. Open to itiOfflc. btipm in and models have “V"*Y" League, Sunmer R.''\9nton w ^ -.'ou t of.1 far as possible, and because the rated churoh^. . Route No. 2^Itew CanaijA Neuh bSen tested gi Massachuetts Insti i The W appln g .Mdata Canaan cut-off. -''I miles m rein)' love of MacDowijfw * decriptlve President and Mrs. Hoo>.*er have hdll hold its anmial Community tute of Technology and New York SMui-Annual forced concrete under cmisti'^tlon. music has sought Quwgh serious been using rugs and furniture of House's 8 o’clock ft University in wind tunnels. Night this evening A Open to traffic study to interpret it by illustra- their own, those items Jiave not been Prof. Alexander K>eman, of New the School Hall. ’There will be no Route No. 39—Sherrorm-Gay- tions in natural colors. ’The great replaced.” York University, joined with Dr. Supper but refreshments will follow lordsvllle road. Bituminous maca- American composei was inspired ”0 1 6 witness referred to worn out the entertainment program. ’The dam 2% miles in length. Grubbing by the beauty of the commonplace Lewis saying that the mou-' testa and paathematical calculations indi- rugs, curtains and hangings, some speaker of the eveni^ will be Dr. grading and constructing bridge and chose, such subjects as a wild of which were recently reported in Clearance Sale Robbins Walcott Barstow, president ’Traffic may use old road without rose, a water lily, an old white cate that thearetically, at least, this idane will fly. need of repair. of the Hartford Seminary Founda- delay. pine, a meadow brook and^ a sun- Mr. Platt said that construction tion. Route No. 49—^Norfolk. Re-loca- set Mr.. 'Vinton heighten., the ’The W apping Grange dram atic tlon of Summit crossing Gravel charm of these musical themes by of a full-sized paddle-wheel plane $301« $37.50 has been started, but not complet- EX-KAISER IS 74 club which is to give "Looking sub-base complete. Open t traffic. pictures he has taken with his ed. He said completion will be de- Lovely" held its Ant rehearsal last Route No. 67—Seymour and Ox- camera near the composer’s home ferred until the National adrisoty Monday evening at the home of Mr. ford. Sec. Nq . 1. Seymour-South- ’These slides have been colored by Doom, Holland, Jan. 27.—(AP)— I committee for aeronautics finished and Mrs. Wilbur C. HUls and the bury road, about 6 miles of rein- Mrs. Vinton who has made them Wilhelm Hohenzollem, former Em- some studies now imder way as to next rehearsal will be at the same forced concrete' under eoaotruction. true to nature and has caught the peror Wilhelm n of Germany, cele- the possibilities for this plane. place, next Monday evening. Open, to traffic. mood requisite to making ii bar- brated today his seventy-fourth | Irurtead of a propeller the plane SUITS ’The funeral services for 9-year- Route No. 69|2^Betliany and mo^us with the music. JTbe Mac- birthday. has four paddle-wheels, two on old Lucile Kobylinski, were held Prospect. Bethany-Prospect road Dow#ll music will be played by The observance included^a'. service I each side. ’They revolve like the the home of her parents at Pleasant about 5 miles bituminous nacadam Mrs. Heiiry Blakeslee, j^anlst of in tbe chapel of Doom hotise, his Valley on ’Thursday afternoon. There under construction. Open to traf- Marlborough, and William Ger- paddles of a side-wheel steamer exile since his flight from Germany | when the steamer Li traveling for- was a large delegation of the pupils fic. hardt violinist and composer, of November 10, 1918. It, was con- ward. They also have a “fea th ^ O'COATS of Wapping school. Burial was in Route No. 72r-Middletown-Crom- Colchester. / ducted by Dr. Schnetter,^ his pastor. the Zion Hill cemetery at Hartrord well-Berlin turnpike. 3% miles' of ing" motion. ’This means that they This was followed by "the faxnlly| The regular Simday school social reinforxed concrete pavement anc strike the air-at an angle, like the luncheon. oars of a sculler, when he “fSath- "Arrow” will be omitted this month. ’The an bridges are under constructipn but: CLEVER YOUTH Among xnembers of the texxiflyl nual Community Night will take its open to traffic. ers” them over the surface of the with the forpaer Kaiser and his sec- place Route_No. 74—Ashford and Will- Fort. Worth, Tex.—Youthful water in drawing the blades' back- ond wife. Princess' Herxnine, were ward ready for the thrust. 'Wapping Grange, P. of H. No. SO, Ington. ' WiUingtcm - T 'srrenviUe magazine salesmen have reached tbe forxner Crown Prixice, Friedrich ] held its regular meeting last ’Tues' road. Bituminous inacadam. Iengti> point where a housewife’s excuse Wilhelm, who now is 50 yoara old; day evening at the school hall, with that she has no money to buy i Ibince Eli tel Friedrich, FttoCs Au-j Shirts about 3^ miles is under construc- A COMFORTABLE BED about 80 Patrons present. It was tion. Open to local traflSc. magaalpa QO loiiger daunts- them gust Wilhelm axid a grandsim. Prince J “That’s all right,” says the installation night. ’The past master Route No. 80—KiUlngworth and Appleton, Mton.—”1110 rosy com- Louis Ferdinand. of Manchester Grange, Irving M. Saybrook. Kllllngworth-Deep River ’TU take a bottle of milk " The mi)k bottles are good for five cents plexion, of the apple, developed oy Wickham with his assirtants, in' road, about 4 miles bituminous ma- F. H. Shoemaker, Farmer^Laborite stalled the newly elected officers of cadam under construction. Open to bosb-in any grocery store here, and the magazine b o y s^ doing from Mtonesota, is xneire than akin 660 41.69 Wapping Grange, which were as traffic. deep. It extends to the core. After follows: Worthy Master, Franas M. rushing busineas. ' UQUIO—TABLETR^ALyS Route No. 87—Bolton-Coventry- 12 years of experimenting, - Shoe- Cheeks Colds first day, HeadMli $2 and $2.50 Qrades Foster; worthy lecturer. Miss Andover road. Six miles of rein- maker has produced an apple with or Neoralgla In SO ntorotea. BIalaria| Outstanding values on House’s high qual- Esther L. Welles; worthy secretary, forced concrete surface from Bol- red pulp. Horticulturists at the ity suits and overcoats. Young men’s Uncle Sam should.know by tbia In 8 days. Famous “Arrow" sblrta Alfred Stone, worthy overseer, ton Notch to Andover under con- state agricultural college intend to Buid men’s styles included. .Few fam- time that when be caats..his knqiwa for thelz stylis, fit aiad Emil Maslak; worthy steward, struction but open to traffic^ Job upon the waters it’s, apt to come try improving the quality of this 666 SALVE for HEAD COLDS I ous Kuppenheimer and Middl-Shade Harry Twele; worthy assistant, wearing qqaUtles. Fancy piat- closed down for the winter. back just a lot of crust. apple. Most Spuedy Roffiodlcs fl^own.] eults. ISO, 133.50, ^ 5 and |37.50 grades. steward, John K irkto; worthy Route No. 100—New Fairfield teniA With collars attached, chaplain, Mrs. Lillian E. Grant and Danbury. Waterbound maca- and self-colldrs. 11.69, 3 for worthy treasurer, Levi T. Dewey dam about one mile in length on 15,00.. gate keeper, Howard Burger: Ceres the Forgone road and one mile on Miss Eiorotby ’Twele; Pomona, Miss the Balls Pond road, Grubbing, Children ^o u ld Have Correct Shoes Now If You Expert Them to Agness Brandenburg; Flora, Miss grading and installing culverts Dorothy Maloney; lady assistant Open to traffic but very rough. Have Correct Feet When They Are Mature. Boys’ . steward, Mrs. Grace Klrkins; exe Route No. 171—Colchester ant Bronddoth cutive conunittee, Frank E. House East Hampton. Comstock bridge $12.60 to $16 Elvery officer was present and was and approaches under (Bonstiruction. ' duly installed. Mr. Wickham had ”rwo span structural steel oonoret'e Take Advantage O f Th is Sale O T as his assistants, Mias Ruth Wick' encased bridge..Waterbound maca- ham as noarshal, Mrs. A. C. Foote dam approaches, length about % 'K a li-sten-ik Shoes r Shirts of Hebron Grance, as regalia bear mile under construction. Shut down I er. Perry emblem bear- for winter. ’Traffic can par Easi: er of Vernon Grange, soloist. Miss Hampton. Blast Hampton-Moodus Lillian Black of Manchester Grange Falls road. 3 miles bituminous ma- Duiirig Our ifAnnual Sale pianist, Mrs. Bernice Bamforth cadam road under constructi'-n bu' Vernon Grange. ’There were patrons open to traffic. |>0C!C0B8. NoOnunoBd JUll-otm-lks Growinsr l&irls’ 41.00 present from Suffleld, Ekist Win jtc. Route No. 177—Wrmington A/ImmOm tlMy support tbo foot ta'Oh SMSt satstSl wsT.sad penult tlNin,to Plato widtai Fandea. Pu Hebron, Vernon, and Manchester Farmington-UnionviDfc road. About stow itcona sad h eol^ . Ton’ll .98 tda. Collar attariiad. ARataes. Granges. Refreshments were serv' 3 miles of macadam a.'-o i tde- con- aoUghtid with tM r umart ^ttrle tJM Fine quality broaddotb. ed and dancing enjoyed after the struction but open to traffic. id win tZoiz lona-woortBS oQoii. meeting. Route No. 341—Kent-Warren AH riuM, fMSi tisuiw t6,oostir Mi^s’ Lucile Koblylinski, nine-year-old road. Waterbound macadam f. AAU toR Eztis ssi^oWfi^ daughter of Mr. ano Mrs. M. miles in length. Gradiag. to •Sa Clot uad flztn wide for uturdpoBOB. . Koblylinski of Pleasant Valley, traffic. .... passed away at the Hartford hospi Route No. 68—^Naugatucx. Pros- Savtoga avcrai^ |2A0 to |5 on each suit! $1.00 tal hospital, last Tuesday with lUtM U-ftt 9i)^ .6 to '18. 4-plepe modela to wtiiter pect road. About 2 miles of bitu- riitsissusi pneumonia. She was removed to minous macadam' under construe Aiehaad Cpdri^n’s the hospital on M oi^y. Lucile at tion. Open to traffic. tended the Wapping School, and Neektlog was in Miss Ann H'assliu room ... Grade four. Alunr MAimUVBBS Homer B. Lane, Sr^ is confined to 2, fat his bed with sclatiea ihciunaHsm. Honolulu. Jan. 27.— (A P)'—Peace- Infaiits’ Mm ’S-wefi-taUoiqd,,Vmtktoff panto. It He has been ill about a week. ful Oahu Islaad resounded) with the wmx’tfaoloB galo ytm wera paytog Mrs. John M. Nevers fonnetly of sounds of wartime inei»ratloaa to- this place received the news of her day as officers and hLaUto'16 for aa$fia gradea. sister’s death, Mrs. Laura Bahar United States army rill. She passed away at her home fense against the on'Albany avenue, Hartford. “invading" fleet which was plough- Walter N. Foster eriilbited some ing through the Padfla. (ItherilAa'AnuiiayPri^ Houo^s coda at the Grange last Tuesday * Traeton dragged ttoiv evdaiiig fbr which be reosivr' fltst to field peelttoas and ' .prl|le a t the Connecticut OaityiiMn'a nol corps laced the Alligation m eet^ at tbs Sart- aetwMk of jto^teccBtly. It was Burr l^samiiig itloa fos4Sie Pent com and Improved Chaada ' FUnt.Com. ' • * ~T . »*' * ■* ^^ ^ \ ~ ' ••-’* - • |•^'* ‘ *' .*' :^"' y* ■ ■^v. • / i 7/ ’ •‘ » .>,*•■ .'.rjf. • -•v'fre-^*' -J V PAGE.EIG&t MANCfflBSTBR inrE!nN aN Eia»^ T ^

E/ ■ ■W.Si

With pleated etoeveK yenTe eure to win Faahion'e flavor. It to adbrahle, you’ll agree. The bo with a tot of makes this model so suited to the ______Yletoriaa J a i ^ t with fun HMCooEf i;|i discharged from a nhw play be* Stoe 36 requires (3% yards 89- read.” not pin to her. shoulder. ^ ■ cause MARION RANDOLPH, the “I think your Unde Jbe will be mind to.” . It was a brilltoat openiito. Others larged pores and stoin^ inch and % 3^ 36-ihch lining. And Earl, three years before, had e^o looked exeeptionafly : wdl star, is Jealoas of her, Shelia Price of pattem 15 centa disappointed. He'paid flftesn dollars Just to get the top,, the hlattt searches for work and finally ae* for them. He got them at the best gone out to a lonely Jittle creek (really dirt) off isn’t enough. Tha Something New! Something Dif- where no audience could laugh at EUssa Land! and.Gmieviove YoUn, pores must be freed of ttie -fiakila* cures a par* ' i a mualeal show ferent! place in the dty and went to a Ipt soon to go on tour, DICK STAN- of trouble to get the right dse and him, with an old pMr of fkates in the same party. EUssa in flesh then treated to teiMt team to We are proud ~of oiur hew Fash- inches too long, and a mile ' of de- colored crepe, very slnqde and love- LEY, rich and socially prondnent, ion Magazine for Sprlxig. It’s much everylhing.” their natund propur copy today. Just write "Fash- you. Any boy of your age ^wouid weR. hating any period of appren- by applying hot cloths, third by an introduction to Sheila. A few ticeship that meant patience, endur- crepe. Her three-quarters coat, of washing /our face with peroxide ion Magazine’’ on any piece of pa- give everything he owned for a pres- the same wool as the. gown, was 3 days later Sheila hears that Ma- per, enclose 10 cents in stamps or ent like this. Jiut so much money ance and effort and pumice, which must bt


trlbirtiloiui made direotiy to Dnan- lilD II FARMER SLAn .olally dlilQterMtad rtiatlves or i HARKSMAIHOLLER friepdfc are not deduotIUe. doa-^ What You Can trllmtioDi to ohurdieo, seientifle,| Middletown, Mass., Jan. 27. — religloua and education tatnxii- GEIS3V1CT1MS (A P)—Posses headed by Chief o —are dedilotible in. aai Polioe lA^lllam H. Young dragged From Your Tax amount equal to Iff ptr eeat’ot the | '.V- the Ipswioh river and searched its taxpayeFe net income. banks today for B. Sttmaon Oednotlhle Qenerallv apeakhurl . all loasea ] ;lSh(Mb Down Two Wooon, jBatohlnson, wealthy MiddlatoKfn n farmer who has been miSsing slttee are deductible if IneuiiM in the 0|it8tati(|i^ Sayings! Ontstaadiiig Supremacy! Outstanding Originality, iy Wednesday. taxpayer’s businees, trade or pro- the Ontstantfng Market of the Tewn— Woods Anothw, f i l l a Chl5«ung said he felt certain fession or in any transaction en-1 Mutohinson had been attacked and tered into for profit. killed and many members o f the ,As for taxes enacted by 1 volunteer posse agreed with \hls Qonfress' last summer in its theory. sweeping effort to balance thef Everybody's Market Hutchinson left his home about 8 federal budget, the law varies. > Phlladwlphla, Jan. 27.—(AP)— o’clock Wednesday night to walk Those that am levied on the man- tBlaalng platola In the hands of a three-quarters of a his farm ufacturw am not 'deductible; those Ismd.O* Labes Large, SMctty Fresh Pure Package ^ nuurkBnukn«kiUer claimed the lives buildinn. He carried a lantern tiiat am levied on the public direct-1 [ of two women and a poUconan In withb hun. ty' qm deductible. EGGS! LARD! ' what autfioiltles said today might Last night Basil Hill, one of the For example, an individual coin-1 BUTTER! have been the outbreak of a vice volunteer searchers, found the nbt> deduct fo r • the hew l-cen t-n - • w a r . smashed ^obe o f the lantern on the galkm federal gasoline tax be- lb. In a darkened house on- North Ipswich nver bridge and the frame cause the law looks to the man- ® ' Ninth street, near the center ot the near a stone wall 75 yards away, ufaetumr for the collection of| 29 -city, Mrs. Yetta Cooper, alias A close search of the vicinity in this tax—even though the con- which the lantern was found was Cohen, alleged proprietress of a sumer admittedly pays it Nor I LAST TIME THIS OFFER WILL BE MADE disorderly establishment, was shot orderiBd fo r today can he deduct fOr federal exclm ^through the face with a .45 calibre taxes paid on jewelry, new auto- pistor~Bnd^ yoimg woman tenta: mobiles,. tires, toilet pmparations, | BALDWIN APPLES! " " " " tively Identifled as Patsy Miller of etc., sh ^ 'th e law levies these on TANGERINES! Camden, N. J., was shot between MRS. m UNGHAST the manufacturer. the 63res. Both were killed. But an individual can deduct! A third woman, also an. alleged the tax he paid in 1932 on bank lbs. inmate of the house, was wotmded checks, on the rent of a safety de- 25® in the legs by the slayer. She was VISITS N.Y. PORT posit vault on his electrlq light taken to a hospital where she re- bill, club dues, telegrams, tele- 1 Pound Assorted Chocolates Free With Each Purchase Above. fused to I'eveal her identity or tell phone conversations, etc., since what led up to the shootings. the law levies these on him di-1 PoUceman Slain Boston Official Looks Over rectiy. PhUUps’ Finest Snider’s Best Brand In a pistol battle with the slayer Admission taxes to theaters, I as he fled through yards at the rear movies, ball games, etc., are de- of the house. Patrolman Frederick Methods Used By Immi- ductible, tut the taxpayer must ] Pork&Beans I Tomato Soup! StringbeansI J. Dolan fell with a bullet in Ms be able to show that he has kept abdomen and died before he reach- gration Officers There. A good part of tiie figuring on income tax blanks oames in detail- an account of the amoimt paid.. ed a hospital. ing your deductions . . . be sure y on do it right.' State automobile licenses are I can taxes and therefore deductible, as can can The slayer escaped amid a fu- 7'No. 2. silade of shots from police who EOITOR’S NOTE: This is the are license fees exacted by a state! New York, Jan. 27.— (A P )— ^Mm . raced to the scene. A city-wide fourth of six articles on the new of seciurities that remain in the or city upon certain businesses.. Anna C. M. Tillinghast, commis- hunt for him was Imme^ately income tax law that upwards of taxpayers’ hands d o ^ ’t count Interns^ derived from federal, I sioner of immigration .for New Another Shiinnent of Same Fine Orange Pekoe Florida Juice started. three million new taxpayers must The new... limitation does not ap- state, cotmty and municipal bonds England,, the onty woman ever to More than a score of persons become acqusdnted w i^ before ply to brokers who deal in se- is exempt from taxation, as is in- hold such a post, joiuneyed down were rounded up for que^oning March 15. curities fpr re-sale to customers. terest on securities issued under BROOMS! TEA! ORANGES! soon after the slayings, but no ar- the bay at dawn today U board the Government,' State,; municipal and the Federal Farm Loan A ct How- rests were made. Among those de- incoming French liner Lafayette, By ROBERT TALLEY foreign b o i^ ' are; - specifically ex- ever, -the interest on 4 and 4% per tained was Ben Cooper, alias to observe the procedure of immi- NEA Service Writer. cluded from its- terms. ' cent Liberty Bonds md Treasury each Cohen, hrisband of one cf the dead gration officers in the only Ameri- Here are other deductions that Bonds, if owned in excess of 5,000, 25« 20^0'’25® can port that exceeds Boston, her -jvomen. Washington, Jan. 26.—If you lost both individuals and corporations is subject to surtax if the net in- { headquarters, in importance. may claim to reduce taxable in- come is over $6,000. ^ F i n d T w o P i s t o l s money in the depression year 1982 Outside the house, police found Mrs. Tilliiighast said she had come: ; As corporations are not subject] Del Monte Majestic Uneeda Bakers’ Royal Lunch two heavy automatic pistols be- been warned that she would have a the result o f the stock market BAD DEISTS—Debts that can to surtax, the interest on Liberty lieved to have been thrown, away long climb up a rope ladder, and decline, bad debts, depreciation, definitely be shown as worthless and 4% per cent bonds and ToUet Tissue! I CRACKERS! by the killer, out they were unable looked forward to a thiiUing ex- fire, fiood ur even burglary, ybu can in the year for which the return Treasury Bonds is exempt from] perience. She was disappointed be- federal income tax if these obli- to locate Patrolman Dolan’s weap- get some deduction for these in is made can be deducted, from on. Officials expressed the opinion cause the Lafayette is easier to gross income. Court action as gations are held by a corpora- the killer took the officer’s pistol board than most ships, and she your Income tax report March 15. prooJ^ that the debt is worthless is tion. 2 lb. box with him when he fled. merely had to step across a level But the law has not been liber- not essential. Permission to de- Dividends paid by domestic cdr-| With Any 1 6 rolls1,000 Sheets. 25® I i29«^ Addle Davis, n^px> maid in the plank. * alize in this respect—in the case duct for a reserve for bad debts is porations to individuals are not house, told police the man appear- “Although 1 have been meeting of stock market losses it has even limited to taxpayers, haAdng a subject to the normal tax but are ships in Bdston and other ports,” been tighten^. * subject . to the surtax of the net ed at the door shortly. before mid- large number of accounts where Finest Packed, Stdid DeUdons Peanut Butter Best Brand Peanut night and rang the bell. Me was ad- Mrs. Tillinghast said, ‘T had never An important 1933 change is credit is extended over a long pe- income of the taxpayer exceeds] mitted and asked for Mrs. Cooper. gone out to Quarantine to meet ihe new limitation placed on de- riod. $6,000. them. Since I had to come to New ductions for losses incurred in the The woman evidently knew bimi DEPRECIATION — This deduc- TOMATOES! ES BUTTER! the maid said, and they talked to- York to confer with Ckmimi 'doner sale or exchange of rtocks and NEXT: Business and professional tion must be confined to property men, and how the new income tax- 'gether for a moment before he sud-r Corsi on Ellis Island, I thought I bonds that the taxpayer had held would like to see whether New for less than two years, and actually used in trade, business es win affect them. denly drew two pistols and began or profession — plus machinery, Ce can lb. jar shooting. The maid ran screaming York or Boston is superior in which, thei^ore, are not classl- lb. methods of . handling passengers. I fie as “capital assets.” etc.—and does not apply to homes. No. 2. from the house and summoned Do- In general, it applies to capital ^ Ian and another policeman, Allen found that they are about on a par. Briefly, this means: The Inspectors here are splendid, If. by the sale or exchange of assets the cost of which cannot be BANDITS ARE FOILED Anders. deducted as a business expense. capable men, and so are the offi- such securities in 1932, jrou in- Fancy Floilda Bleartied Oelieloiis Poond Ddidoas Bulk Shouting to Anders to call for FIRE. STORM. THEWT, ETC. ,'assistance, Dolan ran to the - rear cers in Boston.” curred . losses, you can deduct sura Salem, Mass., Jan. 27.— (A P )—^A ^-Mxs. Tillinghast said that she losses from your taxable Income —Such losses arc deductible only of the house. > -l .• _? to the extent that,they are not pair of bold bad bandits, masked CELERY! CAKE! DATES! Suddenly, Anders heard his fel-. ^bu^ 100 persons working un- only to the extent that you made and armed, fled prtytyttatety tirom •low-officer call: • ' der heV direction. She has seven of- taxable gains from similar' sources covered by insurance! TAXES—Taxes paid on real es- 73 year old storekeeper when he t “Okay, Anders. I got him. Call flces in her Jurisdiction, which in- h tile same year. If ti^ 19S2 tate and personal property in >roduced a toy pistol and shouted 2 lbs . the wagon.” cludes all of the New England l osses exceed the gains, the excess, Ikmch Ilelb. are deductible, except spe- : hr help to an imaginary companion A moment later, Anders said, an- states except Maine. n an amount not greater than the in a back room. - »T' cial taxes (for street paving, etc.), Tother volley of shots rang ou' and ....’.There^is no suggestion I have 1932 net income, may be carried ‘Pay up or we’ll drill a Iwle in that enhance the value of the tax- Dolan staggered out to the side- to make about how the handling of forward and taken as. a deduction you,” one of the two youthf^ ’ Fancy, Green,- StrihgloM walk and collapsed. passengers can be improved,” Mrs. against similar gains next year. payers property. The federal in- hugs who confronted Eklward J. come tax cannot be deducted, but b lbs. Pea Beans Free! Dolan was married and the fa- Tillinghast said. “Inspectors in T'Mnst Be Beal Losses ; Donahue in his little general store deduction may be made for in- With Purchase of ' ther of three children. New York have one advantage— As to losses on securities bdd late last night told him. they have about an hour and a by the taxpayer for more than two' come taxes paid to states.' Instead Donahue reached under BEANS! 4 qts. 4 POIJNDS KIDNEY OR YELLOW EYE GOVERNOR LEAVES STATE half to work from the lime the ship years prior to, the date of sale cr INTERESST — As interest re- the cotmter, grabbed a cap pistol BEANS FOR 25c. Hartford, Jan. 27.—(AP) — Gov- leaves Quarantine imtil it docks, exchange—and which are clasti- ceived is ts^ble, interest paid is and yelled: “Comr out and he^ me ernor Cross left the state today, on while we have only about an hour fied as “capital assets”—there as deductible. This applies general- Tom.” personal business, to be gone over in Boston.” ho change in the law. Such l3Kto interest ; paid on debts, real Without waiting for more the " Large, Fancy, Freeh Freeh, Green Savoy Hot Boasted the week-end. Four members of Mrs. Tillinghast headed the Re- losses are still deductive, subject estate mortgages, and the like. In- robbers sped from the door, Dona- his military staff — Colonel Thomas publican women’s organization in to the limitation that the tax may terest paid on behalf of a. friend hue told police, and raced 'down the .Hewes, Col. Michael Coimor. Colonel Massachusetts, for eight years. She not be reduced by more than 12% or relative where there is no legal street. BROCCOU! SPINACH! PEANUTS! George A. Wardinski and Major was appointed by President (^ 1 - per cent of the loss sustained. obligation, oh the part of the pay- James A. Shanley — were named to idge six years ago, and re-appoint- In order to claim, any loss at or is not deductible, the law re- At any rate, revival of script represent him at the aimual ball of ed by President Hoover. all, though, you must have actual- garding this as a fd ft and bartering kbould silence those bunch pk. the Old Guard of the City of New There is one woman inspector on ly taken a loss in the sale or ex- CONTRIBXmONS If made to wiseacres who have a habit of slap- 9 Ot*- 25® York# to be held in New York to- her staff, she said, who “is as able chang.v of such securities. Mere an established cliarlty organiza- ping you on the back and saying: morrow evening. as any man.” depreciation or shrinkage in vqlue tion, they are deductible, but con- ‘Don’t take any wooden nickels!”

Free Delivery Free Delivery Dial 5191 Dial 5191

i Juicy, POT ROAST Tender 21« Ib Land O' >- ^|epkg. or ^pkgs.^^^^|^e SCOTCH EtAM '-^'- Drip 29®® 45' Sanborn's GROUND REEF 2 lbs. 39c UM1T2LBS, BBTAifT AND CHAPMAN PHONE 5191 bated or HRAYTCREAM i^pt 16e Ih. Percolatur SAUSAGE MEAT LARGE uns'wMmemaar - - 2 lbs. 3Sc SALE OF PrOR7 ’ CAN WHITE CORN » « . 12 FRESH EGGS R1N80 KRASDALE FRUITS SO A P 1 AND Both Tiwwnnber, only n very fortnnalS poiViiSts ssnld, Mng for foe vsinss Hke tiiese. So fin your pahtry.;. ; .Tdirtl.iviips- 1 CAN YELLOW CORN 2 ^®r 3^® fllato'It at tbess low prices. Flsase 1st m have yser ordsr 1 C A N TOMATOES al l 5^29 1 l b . S U C E D BACON 45 tonight. plAL filPL FREE DEUVEBY. 4'*^ Iff*' \ -s KRASDALE FRESH STOCK KRASDALE •# KRASDALE KRASDALE KBASDALE KRASDAp: KRASDALE KRASDALE KRASbALB KRASDALE KRASDALE Royal Anoe HEARTS OF Campbells Asparagus HEART'S DEUGHT SUCED fR U IT S FRUITS FRESH AMPLE Apricots DICED GRAPE They Are Tips Oierries PEACH^ PRUNES SAUCE CARROTS New Pranei SAL^ Si^AD PRurr Great BEANS Lsrgs Osa Lorga Osa 25® < 10* Iff* 10* Can 25 15* * 15®Largs Can ® large Csn large'Can 15Osn Osn . la;^ can 0icam Osn 2 Iff* 16f •' • 25® ' m* ! '* N. R C. u' I V 1^ SATURDAY—Cold Meat Sfiecial , / - SNOWFLAKE >. e> t ,C & and SPICED HAM ¥ PAKER'S fe-' OSbOOLATE Boir.En CURB CANADIAN . T ry a .Cut. ? M-2 bar They'Axa C ^ t FL^BDlAriJU.: ' HAM•r i BACOll 'cb , lb YeSMMff’ya hitoi 8y Jb N. B. Or . • A, eati V. .).■ iiSiNGBiaiTO■ __ ~- - --'• -' U 1 I'l I'lM^ »

AlMUt w vm im »9M B0$as - not n vbMrd -aC* rqforta S7^AP) Til; lip dc r V^foldia, . widely der oC tiiS l^ . -A; ;of the mf ife^Ukaty to be sDCretuy Thia wag not 'COBshhiiifll' iiit' th# ■t a-mefting id W8A tile in the RooMvelt Capitbt;4MWi p.^weaenw .0^^ Ito ago. of govatfiinmtaL uam and today “there la would .rpjact'. of : top tttk'l in Mlir JEfigliind to halanoe ‘ ‘ ■ ird h - on phibUe eg- ’m m . Mlin WlH»e> C o m ity Bakw ...... atatod ita, heUaf cuirriMl ih .^ ‘O ar^'<«f Edm, Prbf. H«k*s % it tbaiiactfch vto^hmaR "if W Thbnas Tnston- 'PkhrCr^ Ohe-hair the wwinmi of m e-^ Qiplii fUiH^, of Btd«o, Baken AssodatiMi. grima without further d41ay wfll do eemomlat,v'mld in jah addfeta, here are engaged in‘ agrlettltih^* - V ‘

^^mteBoW tiUBe The reemt announcem^I that John S. WiaMiki, preMdefit of the *Pot 0 i Spot” ' Niwton, Robaftsan A Oo., and of the R o ^ BaUfig Oompany of Hartfwd haa aoeapted an^tm m t B(»ton. Jan. ST.—(AP)—Charlea Fmsr IS/xrioNAi Sm nf s aa chairman. the Oonnectieut lag^ »«ytwg»» ^om on, aovereiga of the raitteteen, w u in hie grave today ttnt the einiater lainllioattona of hta slaying thteatened the Uyes of a m e a t ■wnuMa o f m€IL A1 O US U PMARKL-TSE C I A IS ^^taln Stephen J. Flaherty, pcomlnent inAhe attentpta of poUce to track the kOlera. came < to hia BoacIcM oven or p«ft roast atatioB ttgroNKiring vrtth a, xnard lb ot-brother offldera. . Laat n i^ t he returned home to find a note undw CHUCK ROAST hia door w hi^ aaid: “Lay off the Pot roMi noted for Never onea you are looking fbr in the lb Solomon >»m.- ^ Uh|aaa you do. you win be “put on the apot“ • CRO » RIBS At the bottom of the measage Popiiler bcfnelets oven reest vfM w ritten “6:48 a. m.." the time lb S - T - R - E - T - C - H he cenerally leaves hia -ehome for thO' atation. . ^ FACE RUMP Tbur Food Dollara W ith Theae VAluea Teaterday Solomon who :aoved in Asy weiyht, rib or loin end — One prfoe a. realm of ahady but high finance — A T — was lowered to hia earthen cell on a blustery knoll aa relatives wept BibP End—4OR lb.K ayera^ LOINS and a crowd of cuiloxis stood by. A cantor chanted the. ancient burial BEST CUTS OF V ritual of hia creed. Witaeases Hidden' HEAVY; CORN-FED SHOULDERS In a secret hideaway poliee STEER BEEF MiMly euiad -» whetfo or cMier end guarded four witneaaea. Arthur ,John S. W lnilakl lb Evans, diminutive negro who idoaUfied Michael “Spike" Hennea> ialative committee of the Naw Eng- DORACO HAMS iS , aa one of those present when land Baker’a AsaoMation,' ia of Fancy ^ n s -> boned if duired > Sfomott nnuBpled before the fire tA anecial ihtereat to Mandiester read- LB lb at the Ootton Qub early ers, due to the fact that Mr. Win- 855 MAIN STREET HUBINO W BUILfilNG Tuesday morning, told police he alald’a company haa, hem baking l a m b FORES saw four iffffn ii an automobile act- the brmd consumed by a large per^ ing suspiciously outside hia- homa omtage of Manchester residmts for Nomatter hdwlarge orsmallyour order may be you can al- He said he feared for hia life and twelve - years, 'since the opening Sifoeiintendent nf Police Michael the Newton, Robertson bmexy. W E E K E H D S P E C I A L S ways save by trading here as our prices are the lowest in town Crowley., agretfng with h to toat Hale’e Famous Milk Loaf haa while the quality is compai^able with the.foest; Ml.lifo whs In danger, had him been sold during that time and the 93 ^oc« Sweet Geam to a hiding place where three thouannda upoQ^ tboumnds of satis^ LAND O'LAKES other witnesses awaited him. Hen- fied customers attest to the super- U. S\Gov*t Certified Lbs neihey was held in $10,000 in con- ior quality of Newton, Robertson MCtloo witluthe affair. products. ROLLS or PRINTS STRICTLY FRESH RIB PORK 'IPohee pressed their aeardi for the opening of the Sdf- BUTTER fito mm tlwy believed were impM- Serve grocery, about 85 per em t cated in the slaying while in other of the pastry rold in the taiuwmmt FINAST—Sliced, l^gar-Cured, aiiarters mutterings were hepi|l store were l^ e d by the Newton, Bmt friends of the slain iban would mndlM lb., ROAST Robertson compmy and Hale’s is PAGON even inatters themselves. the exclusive, distrihutor for the and Th^ said that Solomon loved producto in' Manehaster. FRESH OR SMOKED flcwera in Ufa They were showered HENFIELD i ^ Selected E 6 G 8 on-him in profuskm in death. His body was lowered yesterday be- NIGHT ODBROHANCE twem'm ouhds of blossoms.' SHOULDERS Bfookside OPENFORli ENDS IN TRAGEDY B U H ER Creamery' Master of Ceremonies Kills His SHORT CUrCHUCK OIJ> KID BECAIXS “GOAT" . Wife, An Entertainer ami ltt> the Editor ef The Herald: liien CiMninits Stiicide. .To you Mr. Editor, this may be O LD H O M ESTEA D 24141b ROAST Thursday, January 26th, but, to me New Orleans, La., Jan. 27.—(AP) SM OKED for Cekes end f astrief bag mid a lot of tSte "WA” * of yester- —The night dub romahee of Lester Pastry ' . I 49? Renaudin, 21-year-M^-' maate^ of SMALL SUGAR CURED ddy, who weto 'ldds when we called F WAST 24Vb l b cCihb school ciremonies at the .CDw l^iiptationi, - A n aN purpose Fleur bag wbrn^weS* Capotal was the ^d his 19-jrbar-old Wife, also a£ S3? iriTid of a cSgarettC that could entertainer, mded in the death of COLD M ED AL or hi had for two for a cent, and both at the youngs* husband’s hands H A M S whm the PoUce Gamtte wc ^ . big last night PILLSB URrS 67? Whole or Shank Half. thing, weU to them kids this last Waiters and officials at the fash- ionable Qub Avalon in Metairie trip of Chmey*s train is the pass- ridge where the girl mtertained as CENTER CUTS SHOULDER ing of one of our greatest fri ids. Mary Liee Robert 'were summoned ^Igimp^jliA^* uion^iMe carton O f .fQ vi^t that old friend didn’t do outside by two pistol shots and tbe wigweRes ca^^ of io pkgt for us kids! Why, it brought tJnde persistent blowing of an automo- Tom, UtUe Eva, an d . Topa> , the REGULAR STYLE bile bom to ind tte couple dying in Fresh Daily contents qt dogs we used to lead in the parade, . SUGAR CURED LB VEAL a car. Milk the minstrel car that had the The wife was dumped over the LEAN SHORT SHANK For roasting. troupe that gave a street parade steerihg wheel with a bullet in tbe end played muaic whm they region of her heart and Renaudin Heavy Cream Fresh Daily x l r W * march^ and it brought the box of was croucl^ed bedde her with a THE PRICE IS DOWN! soap and onr premium—maybe a wound in the temple. Both died be- washing macbine for our mothera. fpre they could be takm to a^hospl- 2 Pint Baskets CROSS CUT POT In *98 whm the.soldiers had to go tal. PALM OLIVE Strawbenrie, 29c to war, it canlod them away, and to Renaudin’4- pocket' police whm the war was ovar it brought foirnd a letter addressed to his SO AP Fresh at all stores / them home again; and whm the family. “X can’t possibly live -with- Frankfurts 2 2S? ROAST excurstona that wmt to Boston and out Mary Lee,” it read, “and can’t New York stopp<^ Over North, it do anytUng lidng .with her. I never 3 bar s Fancy Maine 15 lb peck CENTER CUTS ROAST wmt over there and brought the 'Was happy in my life, <■<> don’t Potatoes 19? \ people home. Whm the MiUtary worry.” Ball was the Mg evmt it brought The' couple had bem.sweethearts all the gmerals, cokmela an'' ma- since school days and their ro- Super Sudt 3pfo« tic Fresh Fmits and V caetabl^ jors to town. Do some o. us kids mance blossomed more than a year FRESH HAM remember the bales of Waste paper, ago wben they danced in the same where we could find rings, pictures ntyht club, Julius Renaudin, father LENipNS »«'29*. of fighters, wbm we. used to poke of tile youth,' said. Recently, how- BROOM SALE through them on Sunday—why we ever, th ^ had been estranged. STURDY RElNFORCEd QUAUTY oonld not forget! WHiti MAUTY CLEAN SWEEP 0IMN6ES 25^ It brought Mcycleb for Madden BnAi, who sold them for fifty dol- YOUNGPEOnrS UNION EA fA SPINACH svaiNG LAMB LEGS lars, more, mtyhe less, to the fel- 5B« 25 e lows who kept Qiem in racks at the AT GLASTONBURY mills,' where us kids could ride to NEW CABBAGE 3 ”* 19^ the armory on WMls stree! and get TOP SIRLOIN, a holding a dog in a parade Meetings Sunday Afternoon ONIONS 8 1 0 ^ that wmt down through the miUSi and the IMIn that carried thetas and. Evening^To Take Form Ndtiofi«l Aisortmeiit to town and wond take them awfiy of Conference. . / in the morning. N o* Lew frie e PKG] Hash Serve T i n " * " .-So, January 26 maans good-bye A number of Manchester young IS SmLOm, ROUNDi SHORT to an old m d good friend. I thank people will attend the uniott meet* you. ings to be held Sunday aftemoon- FliMpI CMII Sauce/*”' ONE OP THEM “KIDS." and evening at the Congregatipnal Empress Cook^F- NOTE: Received too late Tor church in Glastonbury. Di the after^ pubBcatlm on indicated date.—^Ed. noon there will he- dlseuafiana on yomm ptfbple’a, meetings and mpb- P ^ M e isle Syrup . BARGE BEFLOATED leins, M Ity ^lax d Garter of m il- QUALnY STEER Bi^-:W H Y PAY ItfOp:? for^ 1 ^ . Stuart HaAkins of Ralston CoTeM vSLV »«19e Lewes, Del., Jan. 27.—(AP)—The Glastonbury and Mrs. Qiestor F. bsxge Yardley, out of Boetou for Hale of New Britain. The^ supper Pl^mlelphia, which broke foose will take the form ot a Storrs con- Rkcw H Iic^ Pbps 3 19c fdm- her tug in the. storm off the ference reuniqn, 'with Paul CuUena ^eBesley Fudfe CbKf DaiawareN^pes. and drifted ashop;, and Porter B ^er in charge. wlm: floatm -by the lu g M ars la st The principal speaker a t the eve- ^ - Freshend PeKefoes n p a H B ^ ey hi^t. She proceeded up-river. ning service will be Rev. O. Homer ■ ------A NEW SPEED RECORD . Lane of Torrington. Music will be Saltccl'KM s »«•««>.’<• 69* / 3 lbs. Fresh Made St. Louis.—^It’s hard to believe, furnished i by the young people’s Finest Walnut Coolcict 41bi but Sam G ^ , ^ GMdm was talrm by a theater' to of the East^H•rtford and Glaston- Pure Lard Frankfurts Sit gmulne allver dollars for 75 bury Congregatimial churches. U o d eiiiio ^ s Clams :llb.pkg8. as a means of advertising tis M

fmiT %mm% s ^ ctLyi^ h .. i' rrf^ ’•


. V ti nlw ner,* he said, "It will not be evl- great measure our own price terel •'ligaiSst' 'that Ut 12 denee of that abhorrent thing, by inoreashig or Uecreaslog —‘fstaly.^ IlMimORiARTY IS MCKENNA OPPOSED flatten. 'As a matter of fact we qusatity of inooey,> but we nius: . Tkf'AsisilWrtet have BO much ground to rr -wer not allow oassetves to be distoihed its for . are. nc that I confess that the ^ u g h t of by the fact that if gold contlnjlics ATsavicaii^ t^ f\micd»% ^Nwh.;Gi “ ...... by MUw^ TO GOLD'S RETURN lnflatlon< so long as It Is eoiurolled, to appreciate while our ipripe le ^ b S S , fem ityiu^ efiluM yioes not alarm me. remaiiu steady .or rises, the leader, fy rBlus R ir...... these days the word Is no evitable effect is a fail in our )Ik- Membero> of < Hartford Groui vpn' Papsn F Mils iAxtyns Moriarty, wsB •r A M .••jti— odwB 'tilt longer a term of reproach, al< change^' aad ;:.:V^'NBttRO }jknoWR;p(||ii(^ itepraao and instrue- CMVilte' will Fonner Chancdlor.«( M*, ihouEh loiiit ttndw "M vm become alarmed by a <^fian With BfileQQartet^.Ts Spew .^^appbianbut of'S IttenOab- find ease in using the tamocent sub- At North M; E. Choreh. ^ tbe ?Tdir^-A.Bto^^ w for thAoAd-fuhteatd apd oounteract it by a rsnewaltcf In- "Nprssry. Land," one of Ml. LtoBi; sod Cteyton stitute *reflatlon.' daflatien, our exchange. It is Mte, ; . aio’s Exdwqner Ghmilis , . -r. I mu Jn the mustui ibow, ttsud and iRiun, the OontroOad Inflation will, recover, but only at the Francis H. Peabody, presid4|itfof' ____ All Right," to be mskte, Mid , Howard "Controlled Inflation, from being pense of our trade." tbe Hartford Gidooaa, and tm :'Q f; /sir at^Hlgh flofaool hall February Grsat m, si jtu sD(i ReasoDs To FinaBCMn. a remedy of fools or knaves, has Mr. McKenim said it was wqies tbs Hartford mombors, all buitesss and T.: uadu. auspiui of the l^ ,.u ^ ^ g ll ^ becoine widely hgardsd a- t!.: best than useless to consider retunUbg ^eostu' Club. Mrs. Bvsrstt J. to gold unless and until it showed >, solution of ou^ troubles, sines It I / ^hmonds win bc tbs mother aad It wtin^ thf SOU* - T b f / U M B ' h f d has become realised that a sub- so^ reasonable prospect of bw> A northf Jooal ohlldren'from 5 to 9 years old LondiAi, Jan. 27.—(A P )—R cfi. coming, a stable standard. ^ : dbscrtbad, as tbs of M cMitImt mslo- ovev 'the .relaCi^ stantial rise in wholesale prices ;WU1 appear with thsu leads. ,aild JohBnlt," 'th •tereei nald McKenna, former chancellor need have no mors than a alight ef- wbvst itorin of winter ^ ahlpi 1 As aanouaesd, ths program is George GHptedlo>'iiadi!ff the- l o ^ , of the exchequer, expreiaed himaelf fect upon tbe cost of living.* N'TO H i n f m •hroadoMt frbm Station v n t y , < oeaitaliwstarf today, tfaring tbs Thpnuu'GoursB, Msni Rolmee, com The SBhlveraaryy’ of today aa strongly opposed to Eng- Mr. MoKenna dselarei that the CURRQOOTAilONS it of.aotloii, plot aad story in this M at the fariBenuars fuBBiaff sw|ty "We should set aside at least for By ASSOCIATED PRESS ttoiolbigh ddsa albug aboN. Oohriu^^rast wW give s e p e ^ frohi aay'klsdof taad.' ' the tine being all thought of m- fect upon trade is concerned, and i-p-fn—p—ii i ^ ' that it was only to be expeote* that Amer Clt Pow and Lt B .... 5% Fmimntsry am' reports’ iru lfrom ths turning to either at the old ightM^itMlll treated ^ tbs vessel vi after, parity or any naw parity,’* be said it should, up to tbe press^it, have Amor Sup Pow ...... H yielded no marked and sustalnod Assd Gas and Elec ...... 2 from bar moorings in a speech as ohalraan at tbe an- hsid o ff hsr stattoiL and nual meeting of tbe Midland hank. rise In commodity prices. Amer Sup Pow ...... 4 Blue Ridge ...... ' In addition -was badbr poudlted by He told the stockholders he be- Not Given Trial heavy seas which temrad her bow lieved it would be possible to Citiss Service ...... i2 In tbe United States, be said be Elec Bond and Share ...... IS plates aad caused other daaums. achieve a rise In tbe internal price believed, it bad been found that not Ratura of tbs—sausage and pancakes. o^s Gideons will nuii briefly on man Ho a student, at Yale, .and ths est Turkey farms in the count^ "Gideon Aecomipllshmante.’’ .Mr. other at Hotchkiss school, surrivs. Fun Cream Peabody’s subjset will be "Tbs To Those Who Do Not SUGAR ' Power of thS'word." The hymns moaumsot la its puUio square.' VRrbrook ^ chosen by tbe qusrtet will be "In The "apple" weighs 6,000 pounds MEAT MARKET Know Pinehurst the Garden’’ and "The Broken and is mounted on a base eight BUTTER We welcome particularly inspection 10 42c Heart." Herbert Hungerford will feet in height iuite r 2 »h«-43« and oomparison by thoee who imist Limit 10 lbs. sing "I C!ome ‘to Thee.’’ SPECIALS make every dollar count Consider- As la well known, tbe work of V" 22v 2c lb. ing what yon get, we are oonfldent DEMONSTRATION the Gideons IS the placing of Bibles Einff C randR tffd yon will d ^ d e yon can save In tiie With Free Coupons in all the leading hotels of Atneri- High long mn by ordering your food here. os, and is carried on voluntarily by NEtUliTVmNIIN One. of the links In our chain of Ward's Bread and Cake- branches in most of the prlndps) Q uality 10 Greeningr Apples rvioe Is the Fridny night phone or- cities. Sugar ih>< 8 Ok. Out AH Steaks Fine for pies or Er syetom. This evening Pteeharst*s CflKInTIM B 1 A t Attractiy* PrfecH 1 1 \ sauce, s lbs. 25c four (4) telephones wUl be In opera- Green ASPARAGUS Panqr Naw * tion nntil 8:80. Delivery, will be 3 cans 33c GERMANY PREPARI NG All choice cuts of prime eteer beef that 69c 16-qt. basket made, abeolntdy at ydUr oonvenlenoe, will Appeal to end eetlafy the any time yon eay Satorday morning. No. 2 Obb Bohemhia Brand SM XIM nB Po^tatoes If It Is convenient, please dial 4151 to- All Green ASPARAGUS FOR NEH REICHSTAG Ihoet perticuler DATES, 2 lbs. 25c night. 29c , ' Frsvent This CoiuBtion IVith r .Turns To Aged President For EdIogg*s All-^ iaK •Vl fresh*Insxpensive cookies, are selling like hot' cakes — SCOTCH Last Word To Settle Political DOKE^ COOKIES, 2 lbs. 25c; OATMEAL COOKIE^, 2 lbs. 29c; VANILLA Disturbances. The firit queetion your doctor SIRLOIN m»25c COOKIES, 2 lb& 33c; Fresh From the Oven GRAHAM WAFERS or LUNCH CRACK- aria is vriiether you ara constipated ERS, 2 lbs. 25^ Flavorsome Toasted Chedse Thins, 3 15c boxes for 29c. ,Berlin, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Germany TOP has turned once again to the aged or not. He knows that this condi- tion may cause headachu, loss of aad President von Hindenburg for the ONE POUND SILVERBROOK SUCfiO Sweet, Juicy Florida If yon make yonr own Ginger last word on the continuing politi- appetite and eaernr, deeplessnesa Koujm ib .2 5 Bread or Cookies, yon wUI want GRAPEFRUIT cal confusion, solution of which is It is often the-jtarting point of ORANGES some of Ptnehnrst bulk Molasses, of vital Importance to. tbe nation. serious disease. BEST by tiie pint, quart or gallon. The first declrive event was a for c -Ypu can prevent and relieve com- New Orleans Molasses, 25c qt. 4 23 meeting today of the Reichstag 2 doz. 39c Council of EHders to fix tiie order of mon constipation so easily. Just SH O ^ *> 25 BOTH Finest Light Porto Rican or f K ip p ered H e r r in g s busing for the. Rrichstag. meeting eat a/delidOus cereal once a day*. FOR Schofield Sausage. next Tuesday. Talk of postponing Laboratory teste show that Kel- Barbados Mtdasses .. .35c .qt,. 18c and 35c that session has subsided and all logg^s Ai XpBban provides “bulk’^ CUBE sides agree that the most desirable to exercise the intestines, and vita- Pinehurst Freshly Fresh From LAND O'LAKES,. Beantful Plump, thing would be a;^ear-cut decision min R toduxther ate regular habits. ^25' flM tt^ s luH or B riM Fresh as quickly as pdsmble. ' AIiLtBban is teso.'a rich soturce of GROUND BEEF, lb. 19c V the Council of Elders should teood-huiMing.irQn. s ' BEST place on the agenda tiie motions-of no-confldence proposed by various . The "Imft" in AurBaAN te mu^ Dial 4151 9» TURKEYS lb. 29c parties,, the d^egt . of Chan9ieUor like that fbuite in leafy vegetables. The finest (Oh! What V^te|fc|at!) von Schleicher w^d-seem assured. Withhi the body, it' flprmr a soft Cigairadt^ ^ _ General von Schidcher. ..flgb^g mass. Gently,, it clears out the in- i Sliced Morris Supreme O C f with his back to tiie wall, hopu^^to BACON, lb...... Z O C ROASTING CAPONS 32e lb. testiaal waritep. Rib Roast Pdrk^K wt. ib. V< Qf^terfielcto, l^eky Strikee* r- iSSCdl Glorified Chickens one onstomer calls them. Last year ' obtain from the President a-Aed%e i capons of this qniUity were 46c lb. . to dissolve the Reichstag if neoia- Wt this "epreal way* safer and ’OsiiielSf 'Old iSbide sary and authority to govern thfere- far n»ra pleasant than pat- WT" You Will Like Our, FRESH CRANBERRIES. v CELERY. aftor under Article 48, the so-caOr ent me^cines—ho o ftu harmful? Fresh Hams lb. 8 < SCOTCH HAM, lb. , 35 c ed "dictatorship' Clause’’ of the Two iahlesppiriifiils of All-Bran* .Whole-Vf Shank Hal^ FOWL Constitution.. dafly/ ara usDa% aaOeiaiit. With Native Broilers His friends, are confident that he What a Low Price! FOR FRICASSEE Will-get the decree but even “Oity ^>mete id aarim# eaeips. If net Ib Pinehurst SAUSAGE refieyed tbib y^,>^aae^^^ doctor, 99c to $1.49 Roasting Chickens doifiit that; he will be granted'^ die-; sWhWs praelifleM MEAT, 2 lbs...... tatorlal powers. - ‘ . Eniley * Aw^nitfjf aina cereal, or - . . ill ' 29c The Centrist Party yesteriday use in cp(4cing. Get'the red-and- Sp^ly Inexpensive euta—good MEAT sent the -Prealdent a letter, suppos- gx^: pad^ at your grocer’s. Dial 4151 for TCnder Genuine edly wrlttfn' by formdr-Chancer Hade I^.^ltefiiDiE in Haute Greek. DRIED . Tender . Cmiter .Prime Steer Beef J. CUBE STEAKS BEEF BEEF LIVER PORK CROPS V, -. '5- .. Blut M lb. 19c l9clb. 19c lb. The OhUdron Like It! '.A‘ PHTZURB OT; aa Bulk Pop Corn, 3 lbs.., 25c VEAL CHOPS (Native) .... 35c lb. PINEHURST ^ D U L 4151 These Native Veal Roasts Cot Any Slse. Here’s a, thrifty bny: Butt Hidvw of y i r Rib Veal R oast...... 25c lb. Loin Veal R o a st...... 32c lb. * I b . JL HAM 5fc *\ Good Prunes. are a little hlghor, bot Whole H am s----- ...— :-...I....,..;...U5c lb. we offer them at the old special prioo— . V -'•'* ' SM OKED F i ^ PoHc ' b h o u l d bb r , 2 lb. boxes Prunes .... 15c CSF v-eKew- . SH O U LD EI^ SH O ULDERS Boned aad Belled Romp, Bottom Bound. ShonKter^ Oted 12V2C lb . and Jnloy Oh nek Pot RoaistB. Soot‘n e e , "^.09 e a c h V X?. V 'X all yon want, witii each Pot Roast START A limited number o^ ‘ Boston Frau tiM Best Plneluirst Beef Style Boneless Pot Roasts at l6c BLOUK CHUCK POT ROASTS . KBil to 22c Ib. RldHT ^ hd. the 16c cut will be a fitUo fat, ^ I * - . : ' . : ^ ' - but it makes a good potting piece. Again this weMt, we ara featoilag inare ef ttat' aatero iruhly fkeeeed Perk. ‘ All ocnter'jhita.'vi'ith' aa' Teach yinmgBUtrs tp •J* *1^ uiteful cadpjer tat -.v,-' / .- i ^ I - ' < .1 ivvR'.' Tender RIB ROAST BEEF dtiidt milk ' p r ^ ^ ^ -'/tv: ^Cw t« M Roast ...... i5e Ib. .~tp fe t^ e Roast...... vl9c ib. \ DUI. 4151 VIMsS to 10 lb. StrifS ...... ,^.1 .. .isclbi valurfran-it. lii& I r'V . * 1'^ is a fb(^ apt a s ^ y ipyTTirmMm'WTi nhin-— r ehiallslie I'Alffi, 7 lb. average^ vHO’bs CUT DOWN TAGS 6F LABIK 6 to 6 al^enifs,^: prop- .e- lbS.,'VllR'BMifS. - '/ '-r . ' ei4y, a qdart'dY '

Stewlag 'Si fl[tflL 3 5 c . m - IHSE Fresh Stni#| il S9ik» BnwNii; ,6remi Ifliiie; banches M . C m Cflriwlsvipil Bsstfl^ i bwtfhas fifc. ’ S t th* litairttaal flonw B b a m .. X h$m not fauBdit m afllcMiam «■ add fndt faat^ flC TiOdt In; H to -i' Vitamin B2 or F. as la pel- late laat i.A.: lagn 'r^oM . ■ •1^. : A wc^s supply" night Aiiiljroyed tin 1m^ o f Jaaeph iT P A Y S (High fyeguency TriailiiCiity Deskus^in Wlq^ptag lavender light when run up and and is said to have been Iwllt about prices. For the ^ e of thrift hud confMe dttiibifite, visit the S^-Seireiuii Hfcltollil*het4bBwn^ down the body, even ^th a eoat ary S6, 1983, 100 years ago. Otdy A small amount «m. 1 waa- wondering if it is safe la of the furniture was saved. Sunday the of an amateur. Have y*»» 3 • Breakfast—WafllaB (b r o w n* hew aiek more or less, gettlBg no ed thoroughly), with Maple Syrup; rchef from do^rs, and would like Idug^St^ctly, Crisp bacon. to try aomethtag of this sort" doz. Lund»—Potatoes on the half Answer: The D*arsondal and Tul- Fresh Local shell; String beans; Salad of En- aa currents hre forms of hifl^ fre- Froidi Fndts dive and lettuce. quency treatment. When gtyen Gunraatedd largo She, strictly fresh; Ipcal eggs! Never a frsia sv sa fhs iMsil searittvS Dinner—Hoast veal; Green peas; tluough the vacuum tube, there is anil real test! Asparagus; Stuffed cdery; Jello or not, however, very much of a qys- Jell-Well with whipped cream. tematle effect, although It is apta- Monday tacular. The effect is mostly local Local No. 1 Large SwRtimdCoii^;^ HSl e’g Fai Boi a NtOc- Breakfast—Poached egg on Mel- on the a l ^ cauring distention of Special . ba toast; Applesauce. the capillaries of parts under Tjuiaii—aaght-oonce glass of treatment. I f you will write me POTATOES orange juice. again, giving your full name . and Demonstration ! Dinner—Vegetable soup; Salis- addretHs, I wUl be leased to send bury steak: Mtuhrooms en wa/Bser- you my artide.on Physiotherapy in ole:. Steamed carrots; Salad of return for a three-cent stamp. crisp raw spinach leaves; Dish of 0 peek berries (canned without sugar). Xnesday __ NUCOA Breakfast — Wholewheat muf- THE^ Greea Bioantain, large else, 19-oimce logf flus^with peanut butter; Stewed padad tin AT STAlfs graded potatoee. AU good Tbs largest sad figs. Nut stodi! IPs a pleasure to of- X Formay—the aB-purpiios diorteidag loaf in tfie U. & today at Lupc^b—*PreamedfAplnaiBh; Cpokf fer such mealy oeoldng pota- ed cefiny; Salad of cold'shced beets Double Week-Ead Dili for eafess, pies \ sad diep fat fr]^ . 3c Baked sBoiartvsIy toes to our frieeds. Money back If im d eiig h t^ tor as by N s w ^ ReSert- on le t t ii^ . ^ , Warren William and Loretta ItiugiiiHbie DinnwP-fBaked white dsh; Baked Young in “Bnqdoyee’s Batesnee,’! eoB. Balm iy hi tomatoeas'-Oooked lettuce; Salad f f and Edmund Lowe and; Wynne GU^ FRESH, GOOD SIZE 3H).fidze53c raw and parsley; Prune ado In “The Devil - Driving^ WHITE XOdl’ One of the COUNTRY ROIX vdiip. V qiake upi-K.f Tfrmtrrri ahredded wheat Useuiti ' “Ehnployee’s Entrance” is an en. V- BUTTER 2lb.. trancing story, depicting ^ an inr UMvenaHy used by the best ooMm! Only M Stepwel peaches. ^ . ^ FRESH, CRISP, GREEN Goodisr every hoasehold purpose! sell, lim it SBS to a eaBtomer. ;; Luneh—Raw apjdes, as desired, tensely romantic story the ' se? lyirith handful of pecans or- almonds. i^tS beh&d the doors in bi,^: biisi- ' Dinner—Tomato aoup; Roast nbs. The background of the story lbs. Spinaoh peck ■ ? * • f v S 9a laid hi a large metoopolitan. de* muttcm; Mashed turnips; String Tender greea leavee of fresh, X A r m o u r ’ s ^>ean8; Celery and carrot salad; No partment store. Warren V ^ a m la Foil S-poohd peek! healtii sdnach! H). -dessert.' ■ seen in the rOle of ' the^' gtterai Emud-RoRed manager, a man wfi(we -^reed is Thursday Saturday Only! COLORADO Breakfast—Cottage cheese; Bak- “crush them or be crushed.” It took HAMSmaDl Lean! SOMeiiradt IPS la the SaVort 119s fixed! Mevsr a valne Hkeit before. * ■ { apple. a little unknown salesgirl to bring Lim^b—BakedI sweet potatoes; him down to earth. Carrots ' ■».. ^aiillflowdr; Sa&d of head lettuce. "The Devil Is, Driving” is a Beal large bunches of sound carrots. r: Dttmer—Roast beef; par< mantle, thrilling melodrama, 3^ Jack Frost Ips; 'Asiwragus; Sliced cuenm-. mund Lowe ie superbly cast and '(no ); Grapejulce Wynne Gibson provides plenty ot HOLLYWOOD SMALL Cane romance to the feminine lead. The Sunbeam Medium iw iay action of the story Is laid in a large Onions F^rirfast—Coddled eggs; Melba dty garage, where part of the busi MARKET, CbGrriied Ivory SVGAB least; Stewed raisins. ^ ness Is the handling of stolen cars. 381 East Center St. Lundi—Pint of buttermilk; Ten Jimmy Gleason and Alan Dinehort Heartsof for ^ twe^. dat^ are pronpnsnt Iq the .Isupporting DIAL 3804 Hershey’s Post's .. Dinner—Bfoiled fillet of sole; cast ^ t h Gdeaaoa suppling plenty 10 — 41* BldnaOh; . Stuffed, tomato salad; of laughs. CREAMERY CELERY Syrup J^lliies AmerlcBB reflaed cane sogsr; pine^tple snow. “Strange Interiode” Not to bo eonfosod with bsoft sugar. Saturday Norma Shduor and dark Gable BUTTER Ta^e advantage of these weekly “gtar Spedala! Breakfast—Broiled ham; Crisp In a screen- adaption of Eugene waffle; Stewed peaches. OTidl’s Yamoub play, “Strange In- 17c**** * 2bim. Jack Frost Lundt—lima beans; Baked terlude” will be the feature attrac Confectidnery ground beets; C de^. tion at the Stats for three days 4 lb. Native Fowl Canned Food Specials Dinner—Broiled lamb chops; starting Sunday night It Is a dar- Roasting or Qf% ^ each White and crisp! This Anchor ' Y Sunrlto Buttered carrots and peas; Pineap- ing story, one that in the hands of Boiling O S rC iile and cabbage salad; Ice cream. lesser writer than Eugene O’Neil pride means 4 and 6 stidks Succotasb omatoes SUGAR ^ *C3tg;AMED SPINACH: Wash would be v ^ apt to be disconcert- Round Cube Steaks (No. Z size caa) (No. Z dze can) liptout a half peck o f fresh splnaSh ing to some people. It '’■“■cIs with for 19c! under running water until all grit the tragedy of a woman who finds she must not have children because 17 Burt OUi^B % Our Pride IS removed.^Cook without Water ' Mgiit or dailc brawu laduded ia (occept^OiAt WAld) dings to the of « stref^ of iusanltyJn her hus- FLCIglD^i^f^ LAB,^- ‘“ 5 7 Pressed Ham SauerKtiut Ola sale! leaves). •jMDutes, hcMts^^aiBriiy. UnwiUfl|g lb rob (Large can.) i (Oat grenPa) mg whlcdTOme prepare a sauce aa herself and her husbandol parent- Gr follows: Blend with a fork ta- al happiness, she hits upon .. re- l3 c ’^ apetmit 1ZJ® blespoonfols of browned, fiour mto markable, ultra-modern plan for As MlMg>aa R mixing bowl—deiiolons! one tablespoonful of butter. Place .preserving their domestic tranquil- Round Pot Roast or ABMOUmS “DEXTER” SLICED over a low fiame and stir to 1% ity. a device which involves thej LARGE SCNKIST Cupfuls of thm cream, eltber fresh love of two other men and which { Hambiu^ EomiEN or evaporated. CoOk to the dedred eventuaUy brings all tour charac- > consistency and add the ch(qq>ed tors into the most difficuit of com- 15c ions doz. CHEESE BACON pkg. whites of four hard-boiled eggs. plications. Tender Rib Roasts Turn spinach into hot serving dish, So different is “S tn ^ e Inter- Leaa, ellc^, lindless! In eeUophane paekage. oover with sauce, and press the egg lude” that it Is necessity to see SPITZENBUBG yolks through a coarse sieve over the picture from the very begin- Beef. top. ning. “ Stnmge-Interlude” win go on the screen Sunday nlglt at 7 17c Apples doz. Colorful! Sound! Delidous! HAUrS MORNING LUXURY Q tJESnO N S AND ANSWERS o’clo<^ The management urges (i/i Ih. package) everyone to be present at the start EXTRA SPECIAL (BaeOlns Acidopliilns BOlk) of the picture if possible. Fresh Bond Bread EXTRA LARGE FLOIHDA Z ibsi ^^e Question: Mrs. J. asks: “Can you loaf % 0 Swiss COFFEE kjndly ten me what B. Addcphihis HE STOLE A BIBLE (SoodJHeoly Potatoes • Piqiento The taste test telto! Btended tor os by C^iksG sad Sanborn. Milk is and of what benefit it Is to Birmingham, Ala.—^Henry J . Peck...... Oranges doz. the body. Would be of the Rodgers, 41, e^dentiy cou^dn’i con- Callforuia Oranges ^ > Every orange a meal in itself! Phptoe ot SwibH—tastes just as it HALE'S “PLAIN BAG* same b^efit to the body as Ad- vince the judge that '.e stole a doien...... dow in the Alps! And rlel^ noM-^ (tophllus NOlk?” Bible from a bookstore 40 ge' reli- 4-6 lb. Pork Boasts LARGE SUNKIST low mmento. Answer; Bacdlus addopbUqs gion, because the judge sentenced lb ...... lb. Strictly Freish Eggs * milk is milk which is soured with a him to 26 months in Kilby prison. nds tea has cUokedl Oraage Pekoe w Fsi -Oslsng. special culture of baciUus addophl- At the time Rodgers stole the |13 dosen...... i Oranges doz. lUB. This type of milk is sometimes Bible, he was out of prison c pa- Boneless Hams prescribed to an effort to chamge role with 14 months more to serve. lb...... «... Start the day off wltii orange Juloe! Ibble oranges B W A L N U T . B f E A T S , W C. w.lte, Ideturday tor this onmge .^^svy BEASTS, 4 lbe>..... 9e t Qqlok*Na|itha aOAT. 0 bats ISO 10 lbs. 45c Fresh Shoulders 9clb. vnlae. ' This special haa Fears (WMta) 8 qtSi^ • .... i '.Me- i- . Sc bsm^lie tiUk s • • • > : • s s o e o * s e e s , e s o s s * s-a e.s p «. ^ RIRoastc Fancy rich pear syrup! - , ' / ORANGES PotRoasts . ...ISclk Sauer Kraut 23c Sausage Meat 1^ lb. Sel. A- ■r 1 Vowler,]^ Native ^wtCiit \ 1- ^reshHa^urg 18c lb. Specqd SstSrday! • ---v^ • lambStew . . . iSck. IE pig. 17c ’it lb. Fresh Frie^tssee - Fancy hwo(U»______ribWU) Tip Top . Rl Corned Bed.. 8c fc. - Bsstw igie hiasd. and jntsA 'reirtteade ^,coa•t bssPeetvfrGOi best grads COFFEE Fancy F o w l..... 2Sg lb. BAQIWINS prims 4^1 bp(^' ; : gutfE:! ■ jrm' CALL TONIGHT FOR 1^ -A ...... EARLY DEUVm T T . lb. '• V. ,

bBsktqsilHy * GaaraBttqAm mth taidi ‘naGHakB! tfOar order inafrr~ Frtdi ■* A

11 -

M- \ US 'iv r,:.v ; -j; j. ; * ' - ' '..

• W \

Read the tlassijled Rental Properly Lishny on Isfi ': -S '^ r , ___ ...f'j^.- Q:

- ‘ iBPP ;, ‘X's CTARAGES-SBR Vie a .- " APAtniiiNis, riA ia ! STORAGB 10 I TBNBHBNTS 6S \ -| I r'.L I |ii[| ManohestaB WO'R ktm4T—aARACT ait' M H0U FOR RBNT-FtRST FLOOR fiat, 5 • - ^ ^ TIMELY i e ( S i M fiouthington “A’* team ijrfil ba atmt, raat 98.00.' J. F. Shaahan. roomi>«iid'hai^, dteam heat, elec- '' ChreningHerald^ Fbo^aMOe. tric nghte and^faa, garage, at .111 here.^ofUtet to engage; tea Y team of tel'^'itoilM 614 In terir second laUb'yaBL teaeakPi team teat tod CT.tanmnm * Ruaami atrdaii.^JUiqulre at 118 Ruar Clearfiace Sale Doefi'Nbi Necea- ua tlia < d iit t^ e a ^ 8rite ftoe adl or ]Phona.f4(»; tmu4 ot tee Ctounty League at.8:80. MOVING—TftUCKlNlG;-^ Interfere With bitro- The ^Rhnalaaance kx^ Rmni tee ^ae6a^,|o}'f(t'They heat | fotai • ra men, prompt aafvlea, all gooda to* to conducting ita annual J in u a^ work,. The older teamfrOm Hart- iQddie T r ^ tSBama. r a 9aaaeattTa.“ Otjt----- «w|1 • «S u au FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM Tene- sale with tremendoua mark-downa Oodaomowoei : Jan.. 1 O hif III II aurad wbUa la tranalt ara taaturaa ment,______1^. Improvemente.I 910 per ford took the Jead against Jot’s., Wed Biys Ae Fastest All orAara for aruoaa offarad at 00 axtra aspanaa to you. In all tepaa of merohandtoe, nwW, men right at the start and kept It QUB8XI0N'--B(ive the new nitos (AP)--'A gUitmflaB I t l a a a r a t a moa^b. l^erenoea. 19 Ridgewood ooate, ibteaea and hate art being affbotad parir p ^ r wUl ba OaOy tripa to Naw Cork, baggag* ireet fOf three quarters of the game. - % Apaetai ra| tana ararr received dally, bringing toCManchea- Finally Joe’s men. got tholr machine DUNSiAM^-^ Bot notice^ sweepers at Fo#toir Lalte'jlii^ raa opoa raoaaat. dfttrarad dlraot to ataamaklp ^ara. ter the lateat etylei fromNew York. Wtehite, Kan.', Jan. 27.—Ameirl- tbraa or ala . Fm furttaar lnfonifttk>D call 8008. FOR RENT—0 RbOM^ downatalrl to working at bid time speed and any dlffttriieil. A good t/wm remains 'todiQr 111' -'pr!»pbi#ttaiaL tat:: fiiC* tba tblrd or Attractive dlqili^ed In tiie. win- ca’s greatest basketball team will a good tepip and a poor team re- aaA «kWu - 8860,8864. Farratt drlliaanay. (no. flat an mOddra Improvemente, with came out on top. The sco p for tee tiofial i^eed akatimr' dap ^ ba ^ ' oalp tor tha ao^ garage. C4H at'fiS Woodland street dow! are women’e; mtoaee’ and obll- Norte Ends was 24 to 17 and for seek its fourth consecutive A. A. U. mains poor. The ID-second rule stops tool______laaabar of M tha>aA appai^ dren’a coats, mimy^of them markad championship in tee annual touma- ad. obarctas at tba rpta aaraaA,;mi, SILVER LANE Byg LOnp oFir tba Phone 9449. Joe’s-27 to 24. stalling in ten haokcourt but a In which a new ae alloiimea or rataada oaa ba.AuAa . aeoonunodatlon ot tkiiit'f lafga a gfqup. in the craft shop. The 4-H tlve states, will bqitet s •" (X)URSBS=X»ij r? dubs, tee Norte Bhida and tee Weat DuiJ|^,> spark plug of tee Hen- assault on the record hooka; Tbajabdrartaat oaUaaloa oi laeor------— - all newly renovated, new gas Prom next week; Alcmg with teaea ry’s team, to tirtng of the game. Al- raet ptfMioatloB ot adTanialaa will ba rangea, steam heat, hot water bqat- are more sophtotlcated typias,'Jtiat Parade groups wero In various oor- will plaoe HrieH’SHu, ^BEAUTY Gin^TUREnilBMti' whUa though he kr but 25, tee 205-pound the ranks of the fbimap raotlAid paly by aaaaaUatloa ot tba loaRnlpf, , Da(aUa Hartford er. gai'age if dealr^ Runt reaion- (me drees of a kind, imd maay of nep.aad tee D. A. R.‘,undaf, MtoS' Kansan has had fifteen years ot ex- ebarao-Biiaa tor tba aarvloa 'todaraA these will appear at' teS' Maeonlo Joaea .had sixteen tablM to the dln<; women’s Champions and All jiPirttBaatftfta ainat ooaioim Academy of B^rdreiklng 608 Main aUb n»|ulj|e.i09 Foster fit—Gruba. perience. Married and tee father of SmtESBCnfEN end tee rrign o Jimmy.^ la atyuk. dbpy' atad typoyraphr wUb baU. ing room at tedr party. atraet, Hartford’ -r- . .Tonight tee Chvuxh League will two youngsters,-he wants to settle St. Paul, ai men’s ohamiHbik,Jc;)$ ravalattoaa aatoroad oy tba pnbllah*' t' FOR' RENT—THREE, five and sla Tables arranged in the center of down, instead of barnstorming from ara and tbay raaarra tba right 40. room tenemente, with all modem have tedr two gSpei from'six to Among tee le a f^ obnf adit, rariaa or rblaet aay copy ooa> the Store are devoted to i hate, coast to coast.' ONEINItE CHANCE . . BUSINESS improvements, inquire « t 147 Raat aevefirthirty. The first game .adit .he tee women’s title whlrii •Idarad oblaotloaabla Ungerto and odds , anff ends marked rellnqutohed without * COiM^ fKWBl^Cflaaaldad ada to o^pop^ iips •12 Oentiir itreet or telephone 7964.^ for elearanoe. Here teeTe are many between fit M ^,’a and tee Norjji ba paraabad^ aaaa day mnat. ba ' ra< sargains for Manchesteritee t6 take M. E., tee second game at lix-forty- Interviewed recently, Dunjiam when ehe reoently ohoee to oairad by II o^olook aooa: Satardaya FOR RBfflT—TWO, THREE and 4 discussed many important phases of pete with an americannteaatiill Nor- 10:10 a. m. MANCHESTER OR^EN' Automo- advSntege of. flve will be between S t Bridgets and ’HlhataiBaii” WM Hare To bile Repair Shop for rent, 8.16 per room apartments, heat. Janitor • Ike Downstairs Thrift Store Is tee Gtorman Evangdical church tee game. Tone in on the conversa- way Ur Kit Klein, Buffalo, N, 'Y„ a TBLBPHONB YOUR service, refrigeraioi fumlahad. Call J)oya. tion; / member of tee Ihitted StateS'“ month. Inquire Loida CAerrone. also taking part in tee sale offer- piOvsquad and runnanm to WANT ADS. Arthur A. Rnofia 6449 or 4181, ing big aavlngs in women’s, mtoses, Gneetion Who are the five great- Prore AbSly To Romaia 876 Main etreet est players yon ever have seen? m the ffnals here last Ada ara aeeaptad orar the talapboaa and ehlldren'a coats, silk, wool and Mias KlehHS gmweefly. at tba GBAItOa RATB glvaa above FUEL AND FBED 49-A eotton frooka, mlliir.ory, lingerie, HOSPITAL NOTES DUNHAM—At forwards, Ctoariey aa a eeavaalaaea to advartlaara, bnt Hyatt, of the University of Pitts- hBf[ Loafoo. aa the favorite to .tea tba CA8B RATS8 will ba aooaptad aa BUSINESS LOCATIONS mmrta .wear, blousea, sweaters and women’s diriaion, trial ntaia havS; PULL PATMBMT U paid at the boat- SEASONED HARD V7(X>D, atova iwrts. Rublnow’s uaual high qual- burgh and tee Tulsa (Okla.) Oilers, slae. furnace, chynks or fireplace FOR RENT 64 Mrs. Louise Qado, of 162 (Charter and A1 Singer of Missouri. At cen- shown Dorothy Franey, St Paul, naaa ofliea on or bafora tba aavaatb ity merchandise at these bargain Boston, Jan. 27.—(AP) — The as a dangerous contender.- OlBar day Collowlna tba drat inaartloa of lengths I? cord ur 14 loacU Gray prices is more attractive than ever. Oak atreet, and Clarence Flake of te^ Long John Wolfe, old-time Kan- aacb ad otbarwlaa tba CHABOB .birch |6 sora Ifiiae. Heckler, tele- STORE FOR RENT, comer Blssell South Coventry were admitted yes- American association will have to outstendtoig perfornin^tn tea Bald RATB will ba ooUaotaA No raaponal- sas U. great At guai^: Forest De- Wait Some Uttle time before A ^ u r of 28 women entrspto are EHsatatb blllty tor arrora la talapboaad ada phone Rnsedale 18-18. and Footer ; apartment if terday. Bemardi, seven-time All-American , desired. Inquire on premises. Charles Burt of "Andover and ”The Great” Shires returns to Its Du Boia and EUsaiete Blaiadell, will ba aaaumad iaad tbalr aeenraoy forward, center and guard, and fold, for Manager ^ McKechnie bote of Chicago, anifi Crystal Bruea cannot ba guaraataoA WESTERN FARIIERS FORM Cheater Albert of 6 Cbnverae George Starbuck, both of the Hill- HELP WANTED-<.MALE 36 FOR RBNT-;-IN THE OFFICE street were discharged today. Is going to pve tee loquarious of Milwaukee. *' INDEX OF building at 866 Main strM t a suite yard Shine-Alls of Missouri. first-sacker JUst one more, .chance. Webster will be forced ta defeat; : A daughter, was bom. today to numerous veterans and many p er-; O^SSIFIGATIO^NS WANTED- HOUSE' TO HOUSE f offices, suitable fui a doctor or AGAINST FORECLOSURES Mr. and Mrs. Clsurehce Palmer of McKerimie, as he expressed 1^ to: Blrtba sbeeed.ts.eene o o a a a as ajmeo es Jl k salesman to s ^ new oil -filter. kindred lines. Also a very desirable QUESTION—What to basketbaU’s going to bend backwards and ’ let formers with Otjrmpie experience, t o . Andover. greatest need? Arteur show his.. .-Atuff In tee saf^:uard hla laurda. to teatmin- flOgRgMBGBtR Seeeees s 0 a a 0 o o a a s se S Saves oae qt o f oU npt of every Jbwo rent for ladies hair dressing es- - William Wilson,- 66, of 775 Ver^ AUrrl^ r«i Asewnei sK* et 0> gal. bottle; Send'Sfic-fiur saiednians tabttthmeat Edward J. - t>oU. Tele- (Continued from Page One) DUNHAM—^Universal interpreta- Braves’ training camp at S t i<» of skateig qfttelala, Cbavles Doatb* • eosd'de‘se«ieeeceesseesse00se ' ^ non street, died at the hospital at tion of the rules.. .. Offi'dato now Petersburg. S h i^ , however,, not Delphler of Defrott, a znemb«; of CftTd o t Vbft&kS 'essseeeoeesoo o'se'^’'' S '' sample m d -CCavlnCd ;ydMrse3f. jibone 4642.' 12:10 this afternoon. - Is lioBiorlaiD o s see* • e e 0 s'e a 0 a a sBCe S Money back it not satlsfledc. Qias. bought 9800 worth oi property-for- mould the play in tee fashion of only has to prove teat his injured the victorious Utoted Stetea CdOSt S S d VOS B^ sessososeseeoss 1* R. Drome 260 Main street,' S^iffield, 914, teen returned it to the original their individual veniouis. Thus, knee was responsible for last yecui'’8 Olympic team a year ago,, to tee. AnnosBooiDonto AXessro osesaassse S HOUSES FOR RENT 65 owner. where a ste^ and a half is aUowed miserable performance but aliik) he man that Wehater wflt Itove'- to Paraoaala e.ssosa'osesesseoosoooaKe t Conn.' NEGRO CONFESSES must beat out Baxter Jordan for beat . . AwtsswMlss To Delay Sales in the Middle West before and after AutomobUaa for Sale ...... 4 FOR RENT—HUDSON street, 6 In fowa. Governor Herring, as- a dribble, bnty one step is allowed tee tirst-base Job to escape release AatOBObllaa tor Bxobarsa . . .x>' 0 SITUATIONS W ANTED-i room single house with garage, sured; a group of Wapello rounty HE KILLED CHILD through tee Biodky Mountain dis- to an American ASaociation .riub AQto Aeeeaaorlep—a?irea lataoeiass' 6 hot water heat; Summer street) of his. co-operation in delaying trict 'Qirou^ thC^Rockies, referees that wants him badly. WATSON I^raHTS TONICOT AStO ROMMS9->-JPlljfalUsg oass.w^^ 7 FEMAI^ 'i^38 five Toor; flat, with or witlkkit ga- farm.idortgage sales- Meanwhile an spoil the gasM by bring too techni- The Braves’ pilot has hot forgot- Auto SOSOOlS_____ s:sj»,s.e e s 0 e e a 0 e a s a s 0 T*A ten Shires’ refuiul to accept htt n- New York, Jan. 27.—CAP)— Autos—Ship by Tieek aaaaeaeea 8 CAPABLE WOMAN tyisb^ . house' rage, good condition, Ihqulre Man- Iowa d i^ o T Judge denied an in- ^(('•ontinued From Page One) cal. In the,-;^dwestf referees often Auxoa—iworAutoa—J^r —HooBng 17 nor received a patent'for any^mf his postponements. At Le Mars, farm- in plenty o f bast tbaU games of Mrifechnle has been advised that Inanranoa ...... 18 give your englner more power. We Inventions or discoveries, although ers prevented foreclosure of the gro girl .several weeks ago. Helen Colorado and Montana. Garden.' have special grinder for facing tee knee is aa good as ever and has The odto^#ete^as-tegh;.aS'2 to A, Mllllnarjr—Orasamaking ...... If he ranked as the greatest inventive home of a dentist, to w''om many was the fifth school girl to be- at- served notice teat if Shires fails-to Moving—Trnoklng—Storage ... 10 valves. Fred H. Norton, 180 Main said te4y owed dental bills. tacked in tee same heigbborbood that LaBOrba Would win dhd gain Painting—Papering ...... 81 genius of his age. QUESnON-^Who to tee best round'into sh^ie after a fair trial, Profeulonal Servloea • aeeaaaa a:a:« 81 street, telephone 6528. " Land. Bank to Aid . in less than two yeara Three were sharpshooter JA barimtimn 7 he is . going tp conclude that tee right, ito mqet Kid. J(dm Carmody, secretary of the killed, another beriously injured recogrized, in tins st&tq Of Bepniirlng 88 FOR SALE—TROPICAL fish, at- DUNHAM— Probably the. mcAt “wbataman”' lacks' the major league Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. . 84 Omaha Federal Land Bank, in a and the fifth beat off her assailant. spectacular is Melvin MiUer, one Ot speed and act accordingly. weight champion of the world, in a Toilet Goode and Service ...... 86 tractive variety; also aquariums/ speech at Des Moines, asserted Detectives questioned Price about title bout here In February.: , Wanted—Bnaltaeas Service ...... SO very reasonable. Call at 68 Camp-> our All-America forwards. He has SMueatleaal teat the bank plans to Indls -imi- these cases.. perfected tee most amazing shbt TENNIS STARS IN CANADA . Couraea and Classes ...... 87 field Road, evenings. * nate foreclosure campaigns and “Naw, boas,” he said, “I didn’t the game has evef known. He used INJURY NO HANDIffter Private Instruction ...... 88' teat ”lt will do its best to aid” ,hAve nothin’ to do with them.” Montreal; Jan. 27— (A P)— Two Dancing .;.i...... 88^A TnAMiAR* W ^ it to win our third national cham- Musical—Dramatic a i a a a a ata ata oaa 88 GARDEN—FARM— DAIRY where farmers cannot pay. Helen’s tiny body wiiB bu’*JoJ yes- pionship at Kansas City -last year; crack United States players, J. Gil- Wanted—InstruoUon ...... 80 UERE comes an eagle flapping In Nefiraska a, fiarpa county terday while relatives supported St Paul, Jan. 27.-'-(A^^iu. Pro- PRODUCTS 50 flipping it in the final five seconds bert Hall of South Orange; N. J., fessional boxers''Who ruA- Ftnaaeial Over HI-HO land, looking tor sheriff prevented' more than a score her mother, in. a state of n'"'r col- and< Frank Shields' of New York; of bidders at a chattel mortgage lapse. Her fatber; Louis, an unem- of play to defeat tee Maryville, contracts for- inJurisa Bonds—Stooka-:>Mortgages tl WANTED— CUSTOMERS FOR bis mate in the puzzle rectangle. (M.) fitate. Teachers CoUege, 16-14. found Dominion stars Mocking tbrir Business Opportunities ... Cut out the seven pieces and see foreclosure from obtaining good* ployed fruit peddler who has six toes or sore hands ii Money to Loan saaaeaaassseseaaa li strictly e^ s. WilliawH. Otr, Miller’s shot is made with his .way'Into, the final roimd of.tee psgs from tha hoqk JTosiBiafsn- Phone ^6^V' J. r i.'.If ’you can rearrange them to for minimum prices ky serving older children, had screamed: Bote aM SMaatlonB each with an injunction. Ikereaft- back to tee basket. He takes tee Canadian indocur^tennls champion- nltx.. ' Nsnry,.;.'ii. 148 Help W ants^Fsm als ...... 86 form the silhouette. You may ‘Wou, police—she wee only a ships today. HoU, the defending Help WantsA—M a l a 86 er, the sale proceeded normally and bkby. (let that m an-^r I will.” bfui in one band, riteer right or teur, la blind in ana:eya. turn the pieces over if you wish. left, and hooks it slight* back champion was paired.against Mar- Help Wantad—Hals or Female .. 87 ROOMS W Il^ Q U l hoard 5» average^ prices were obtained, the this apparent haadtti^ h i __ .___ Agents Wanted ...... 87-a sheriff said. over his heeuL He usually is in tee cel Rainvills, little Montreal flash, tered tee Nortewelt; Ooldeiii Otovea. Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 88 vicinity of tee foul line when he In tee semi-final round, while Shields tourney to be held In Situations Wanted—H a ls ...... 88FOK RENT-FURNISHED ROU|dS SMITH ANNOUNCES throws, He never looks at tee bas- opponent was another (tonadian March 2 and 8. Be Employment Agenoles...... 40 for light bouaekeeplng, aiJ improve- GIANTS LACK CATCHER Live Iteek—Pets—Ponltry-Veblelcs ments. steam beat, gas and sink in ket, but lines himself up by the Davis Cup player, Clborles W. Les- only'one eye does not Dogs—Birds—Pets~ 41 basket at the other > end of tee lie of Montreal. the least if'. Llvi Stock-Vsblolas ...... 48 every room. Rent reasonable 106 New Yoyk, Jan. 27.—(AP)— The NEW SAVING PLAN Ponltiy and SnPPilss ...... 48 Foster streeL4'Grube. c^nirtl He bits two out of three! n Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock N; Y. Giants already have 12 {riay- (Gontinoed From Page Obe 44 ers-signed for tee 1988 season but j !..'' V Far Sale—JHecellaaeone FOR RENT—m JOHNSON Block, QUESTION—How do yon rate Articles tor Sals...... 46' single rooms, two and three; room they lack a catcher to round out a andVno l^datlon to contemplated Boats and Aoosssorles ...... 46 complete nine. The veteran Adolph in oonneetion with it. Comptroller the different seottons of tiie oonn- mi Balldlng ICaUrials...... 47suits, all modern: conveniences;. Ap* LuqUo. and the rookies B^gle AnsidB F. Keeler, Edward F. HSI). tey.lndlaasr ______Olanwnds—Watebas—Jewelry .. 48 ply Janitor, telapbons 7686 or A Maim and Joe Malay oanie: to^ terms DUNHAM—My (mUion may be BlectMoal Appllanees—Radio ... 48 W. Harrison 60l7. coxfiinlssioaer of flnaneg and' con- Fuel and Fled ...... 48-A jresMiliay. trol and ID:. Smite ate worldng out coneldered prejudiced because I have Garden — Fara—llatry Products t0<' Del Btoaonette one o f the un- tee detelto. represented Kaneae teams for 15 HonMbolA Goods it luclfiest men In'major league' biuM- years. Yet, elnoe . we formed tee ^bit^;and Tools 68 BOARDERS WANTED 50A finrvey Be Made Unsleal inatnimtnts -61 baU will hsvo to demonstrate in Tbs first move was a survey of Henry’s four years ago, we havS Offlo# and Smrs Bcufpmsnt..... 64 ROOM AND BOARD at 911.Q0 per tralDing camp that he to recovered an state droixtmcnte, with the ex- traveled about- 10,000 mllee each ^ac^ at ^ Btoras ... i.... 66 week. The Hotel Sberidsn. Tel. from hie vaitous ailments before ception of tee state library, whlob year on bametermlDg tours, bitting Waartng ^ p a r s l—Fora ...... d7 8678. tel Brooklyn Dodgen tpffer Urn a are located on the ”faiU,” and a flat- 'a*' eectloni, ' Wanted—To ftty ...... if oontraet ^Btoeonnette > was on tee BesnMii-Beard—Hotels- Beserta ing of aU siQpUes on band, and all The Middle. West itUl ploys tbs Baatanaatii shelf becaqae of tllhees all through surplus equipment Tbrbugh i«ri"g .jtastost basketball because there to ^otu TVItbont Board ...... if APARTMENTS. PLATS. last season and to now on tee vol- uiplue equipment whenever re- more ibootlng, more running. Boardara W asted...... if. a TENEMENTS 63 untary retired list. quests ib r additional equipment Easterners are' more deUberato and Country Mard—Itesorte...... 60 come through tjbe finance' board Hotels—Raftaursate ...... ii W not iboot, until a man has aa Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 68FOR RENT—8 ROOM iparthlattts, hopes to a m fflaJring any tumeeea- open shot The Far west also to to- Haal Batata Pst Baat 86-88 Mh >1# s t r e o t ; a ls o f o u r rhom ary puvehaaef. Two mpply store- cUnsd to be more deUberate. But ApartmaSte, Flata, Tsnsmsnte .. 81 tenement, 42 Mdple ctreet T4ie^ rooms win hs sstebltoted;. ofib in the Middle West to the'white spot Business.Loeatioss tor Rost .. . •« phone 6017. tes'Ctoitol and tbs otesr in tbs HMssa tor Rant ...... 66 Of bosketbaJi/ ZD^tbe Rocky IfOua- HLHO pusslcrs made fast time offles -oundtaff, whare d^rtm ents taln district li 'to much too rough. fubnrban for Rant ...... 66 FOR llENT—4 ROOM tenement ail oaa bbtaia auppUss by raqulsltton. Sumisar Bomsa for Rant ...... 67 on'the stnighteway, but they By AfiSOCtATBD PBBfifi. California to making tbe'graatost Wanted to Rest 68 improvementd. Apply 96 • Foittr bad-to stow up -for tbf eurvt. AU purrihassa win ba misde by tbs strides:; Only f tow ytars Sgo, tbs street, Miphoab 62M or 4546. eeiaptroltor*s offtoe and > Oonslder- .Baal Biteta Pst Ssto Here** the way tha figure 6 to NattoBal Langaa Padflo Coast .was playing on out- Apartmaat Bslldlag for lals • dB 88 formed. abto savtaga atfsetod, tbs board BnalneSd ^ p ir ty tor •ala; # t • • g 78 FOR RBINT—NEW FOUR, room CUeago 8, New York Raagers-.L.; Miflalwa4aa door courts, now it ranks high- On • I Farms U d umd for iala 71 tinbindnt, 876 Hartford Road;- mod- OttBWB'L Xtotroit L tie. ^ 'At a later date * .plaa may bs our trip id tea Wsst thia ysar, both Boooat'Tbr...... Mdp^ddds...... dd ... • ft tee Pasadena JCsiore and Tdung Lots for, lals Tl em, garage included, rent |20.'CU1 Rajpta 4 /ToroBte A workad out so that aoNi. of tbs, Resort Prqparte ter iala ...... 74 6212. New York AmericaiiB 1, Mofitreal storerooms wffl mb fttwtlon as a Men’s ,znstitute oc Hon Fraaetoeo InburbM fOr Bala...... Tl OaiiiMlIaBi ,L tie. wiriiiwg dsnartmant sstbaw’ out defeated us and w4 kad no alibis Raal Batete tor Bgebanga 71 FOR BHNT-6 ROOM TBREMBNT ‘^'CiiHMlaB-ABMfleaB LaagBs,. mnnd^. the stvsral dqparanento that'tlisy iTffs batter that Wanted—Baal Batata ...... i.... n all Inq^mramaiita, -with' or without ProvttfiBea BoetoB if mght. , Aaotisa—Lagal VsBaas % no# do indtvfdiMlly. V Lsgal Notices ft garaga, mi Spruea, near Center Tteilgi^MMW ^ ^toa doss aot appfy to state atreet Can 62M. No iq^as aeheduled. .QUB0TION—WhaO da yon uaamMto' 'k

GAS BUGGIES-Iike Stopi^ Niagara Bjr F ItA N K Q ECK IgOBT , nOBN 'e ^ ^ toot QS6 ff st^ l terilL ffltism y sot tute osMoi) Tim MavTtatoa M U iB •ooat Xt wW 2 4 8 1 m a0.'bsfiate<^ 'C rsgijsiap

to fsmr.” W if o n m ortod. 'T to M M fto Mt: UAMCSBSTER EVEMIMO B EIULD, 80UIH U A N C H IU A CQMM. W X '

• • w. . ^ . ' I I * . ■ , lO t^ IQ U 8B .: -t’’'' Tdonerrille F^lks B y f b n tN n e F iM c '4, S^SE AND NONSENSE I ....I i r •

A XoMt f hopeless grilled, and it doesn’t look MtCKBY (Hiweei,?) HediHfK Here’s to the man who plane thinffs much better fried, but if you’ll be BuUda thtega makes things; tient a little longer, ru see what Who prates not of wonders of dd. Kiling does to i t W ATT A M m u r r s ^ i N c e Nor gloats over ancestral gold, XV\ o u r STAUINA WiU.> DO OK But takes off his coat and takes VOU M UeS m «01N G ID BUSTBRlA^ ENCORES—^The fellows who TO WALTZ, U rTS ' AKRorfiTM' hold start out like a house afire usualty fSMANCIrlD RIIW6 > WAY VDUR% . And does things! end up like smouldering ruins. . . . MANS SOME AMiSIC 9 No battle ever looks as hopeless as FOR TEN MINUre^ TM’ TLA ibTH A r • PUFFINS,VWLL1 No matter how seriously a man from the rear. . . . Things don’t MAD EN(0U6MJf BEBLOWIKS Is injured, on the way to the hospl* seem half as expensive when you VOUV& BEEN PUSHING B E F O R E I W lA Y y i A C < U N « ^ M i ^ tal he has the satisfaction of know- can charge them. . . . The abttlty EACH OTHER AROUND IN A M IN Ure } ' ing he soon will be getting along as to save makes, the difference be- LIKE BALES OF COnON DERWlOCHOLDONi well as can be expected. tween poverty and wealth. . . H ljostidy^ Adversity made our ancestors great RIM AN'HOlSr^M O N A W H A R F / o Visitor—I suppose that your but the greatness developed in pro- UPjTMENtROP, AROUND WITH Y OL home town is one of those where cess of licking it. . . . When a HIM ON MIS., THEN WRAP YOU every one goes down to meet the man’s too neatly dressed he locks SHIN 6LEI UP IN A CQUPL1 train? "queer". . . . 'Hme may be the ^allage Wag—What train? "great healer," but it’s certainly no OF FA great shakes as a beauty special- ist. Cynical Cynthia thinks it’s too bad so many people give up danc- ing after tbe^re miarrled, that’s SUOHTLT MISTAKEN about the only time they ever put A their arms around each otbgr. “Why is it that you never see /I that boy Alfred with the same girl THE DEPRESSION: “I’ve got to twice?" close out all my stock at auction,’ “Well, the minister preached a complained a Brushvllle merchant sermon once that made a great im- the other day. “Otherwise I may be pression on him. It was on the compiled to stay In business." text ’Love one another’—but Al- fred thought it was ’Love one and Here are some answers from ex- then another’.’’—Pathfinder. amination papers of school chil- dren: PARTLY LOCATED, A man who marries twice com- mits bigotry. OLD GENTLEMAN (in crowded In Christianity a man may have bus): Has anyone lost a'roll of only one wife; that is called mon- bills with cm elastic curound them? otony. CHORUS OF VOICES: Yes, 1 A spinster is a bachelor’s wife. have! A weleton is a man wltn his in- OLD GENTLEMAN: WeU, I just side out, and outside off. found the elastic! — Michl^n Motor News. He was an ardent lover but a poor speller. He thought It safe to Flapper Fanny Says write the girl’s father for her iaa.u.asi» THEV DON'T MfiMi Some girls wouldn’t mind having ANYWIN61 a wedding ring on their finger—it’s IT’S THE WAV THeVwe the thought of having a man on eccN their hands. Teacher—Who can name on im- portant thing we have now that we did not have 100 y e ^ ago? Student—Me. ANOTHER NIC® THING ABOUT THIS DEPRESSION—SO LONG AS IT LASTS MOST OP US WILL ESCAPE BEING KID- NAPED BiX)P OUR MONEY. 7 ^ Mr. Newlywed—Is the steak ready now, dear? Mrs. Newlywed—I ’m sorry I’m so Most girls get all pulled.up o- er tong, George dear, but it looked a date.



-A t’ CERTAINLV i! z l e a r n e d I ’LL 6RANT you THAT TH e t h a t w h e n I WAS SAILING w a t e r s p o u t b r o k e u p, b u t < • THE INDIAN OCEAN— BLOW Hew CAN A SMALL RIFLE 'EM TD s m i t h e r e e n s ! THATS HAVE SUCH e f f e c t AGAINST ME MOTTD— AN* y>U SAW ANYTHINS SO STHONS AS A 1 v n h a t h a p p e n e d U NNATTBRSPOUT^ /

J OfCte «»w er mk •e im B f wmawegwa . B Q P M T M l f fTW -'M e A A & 'R l O S O O N . ia>.u4AMr.«m .

f SA LESM A N SAM Well Done, Sam!


•• S'.i I A. .■'* ' t ' V 'SV.'

m V. .it ^ . . 5'^.e . I '. -' jt ■ •■j ! ) ' • % ‘ T '-'I'.i, ,- r • '-'vv i'- PAGE SCnflBBN s.

lira. Raymond Hunt of ISJfc^ : ford street who has been ffl for ABOUT TOWN more than two weeks with pneu- monia complicatlonfe, is aluiwL j Ytni Wotftitft beliel^ it Sunday achool teaclwn of tba ba- BUght Improvement today. ginnenf departmont of tUe South Methodlat church gave a Uaan Rev. Harris B. Anthony, p a ^ of Saturday! Ihids Onr shower for Miss O la^ Maguire, the Church of the Naaarene, wm be ’*1 . * ' . K who is to be married next month to the guest speaker at the meethig of SOUTH MANCHESTER ■ CONN Edwin Carl Mesrer. The party was the Everyman’s Bible class, Sunday ,Hdre they are!—the held at the home of Miss Eleanor mnming at 9:30 st tho Sscood Oon- Metcalf of Pleasant street. The giegational diiu«h.' Oa subject will smi^est assortment b£ decorations were significant of the be **The Making of a life.” Smarter Than Ever! i4)proaoh of S t Valentine*# day. Games and a buffet lunch contribut- ed to a pleasant evening. Flay in the Brltish-American Club SILK BLOUSES Dart League will begin at T:80 this Mrs. Cyrus J. Blanchard and aon, evening in order- to allow members i0% to 60% Savini^l New pastels Thomas, of 11 North Fairfield street to atend another meeting acheduled are confined to their beds with in- for this evening. Playm arc re- quested to report on time.______Shop Eaify—Limited Breezy prints fiuenza. AMvtment

$9.98 Telechrome .98 Oocks

If you wear one of these HeTe Are The silk blouses at your nisxt bridge date, you’U be the «3.98 r j envy of your friends. IP YOU WANT ngh grate'dectrie maatal Heavy silk crepe. Large docks. Walnut and mahog- piiffed sleeves. And me any finiAes. colors — string beige, ff (Baaemcnt), white, rose, gold, bs^aclnth. print combinations! ''GOOD FURNITURE Also tailored prints! Take on a new black with white! **HOUSBHOLE>” SH EETS, 81x99 Successes for 'personality in these gay at the price you Inches. SeamleM. (Main floor, left) Spnng:1933 Cotton BLOUSES navy with white! want to pay 50c jacket models! IL98 COLONIAL SPREADS, THEN SHOP Jacquard cotton spreads. FuU What a relief! After hunting around ftom alxe. AH colors. (Jtein floor, store to store to find such heavenly, up-to-the- left) $ minute frocks—and only $6.98! B3very new style Is Included—white organdy touches on Brown Thomson’s $1.49 olack tmd liavy... .Jacket m od^... .two-tone SHEET BLANKETS, Uock contests....breeay prints.'...saucy oaptieta. plaids. Shell-stitched ends. Full Gay, youthful blouses Ihe materials include, rough crepe, heavy else. (Main fiber, left) Tho, mOhnlsh "Fedora” that is the that will add pep to sheers and cantons. MIDWINTER SALE Tiit* of the'qiorta mode! Ahd perky your wardrobe! Pastel Misses’ eiaea 2 for 89c little,, “pancqke” types. Stew s, linens! Delicate organ- The colors—^black, navy, hyacinth, 14 to 20 crepcKstew combinations and crsrstal- dies! Printed voiles! brown, red, mint green, string beige, TWEED CREPES and rayon Women’s slae# lines. Black and high colors. Large Dozens and dozens of grey. 36 to 46 of FURNITURE crepes in good-looking patterns. and smaU bead sizes. new, chlo styles. (Main floor, le ft) Hale’s Konse#— At HALE’S ApjMrel Department- Half slsea 29c Mam Floor, center. BlSm Floor, center. Mam floor, rear. 16H to 24H Brighten up your PBIN^^ED FROCKS in new spring printe. Also rayont>n printsp rin ts and few knits, (Main floor, cen- Closing Out! $24,75 wardrobe with ter.) Introducing Hale’s NEW $1.00 one or two $2.50 PYREX CASSEROLES,, in FURRED COATS nickel frame. (Basement) BUDGET HOSE $1.49 $J0.79 New Smart $3.93 MIRRORS, neat Chippen- —If you’re tired of che3p sale hos^you’ll shop for dale mirrors In mahogany swi. h (Basement) '• QUALITY stockings like these. $1.98 Dress coats With fur trimmings. Full lined. One^ff-a-Und PRINTED What a Joy It la to get QUALITY hose at this price. models. Brown and black; SK I $1.00 KITCHENWARE, yeUow Women who are tired of cheap, bargain hosiery will appre- Bale’s Coat#—Main Floor, rear. nd green. Salt boxes, butter ciate this new budget hose. Made by a leading hosiery lb,-?, e tc. (Basem ent). manufacturer noted for quality, fashion-right hose. Sheer FROCKS chiffons; pure.sllk from toe-to-hem. And service-weights Another Outstanding 6Qc with lisle hem. $5.98 to $10 SILK PAJAMAS and Jandary Offering! oegligieee to dose-out (Main • Taupemist •Fawnbrown •Greylite 3oor, rear.) • Dovebeige # Hazebeige • Metallique Hale’s New Every $5.95 ' $3.98 At HALE’S Hosiery Department—Main Floor, right. Day Low Price. “Swan Suede” I* ' *“ Inexpensive Dress Shop GROUP CORSETS, glrdiraand foundations. New styles now. CREPE SLIPS stunning new frocks in print (Main floor, rear.) combinations and solid colors, $1.00 Chemises, Dance Sets, tool frocks with new smart sleeves OUTING FLANNEL, plain white, and necklines, yet simple in 27 inches wide. (Main floor, type. You will want several at left), this low price. .19 8 e B. T. Inc. second floor NOTE PAPER, group of neat for these new note paper now lOc. White. Women come back for "Swan-Suede”^ t wears (Main floor, front) and washes better than the ordinary run of inex- nslve underwear. Each garment perfectly lOc Give your frock a Ellored. FELT HATS, all wipter fdta to hew deal with HAND BAGS dose-ont regardless of. former 0 bias-cut front and back pilCM. (Main floor, canter.) white Cigarette and Secretarial Styles • lace trimmed 50c Something entirely new in bags. If you are tired of having • flesh and tearose Neckwear your cigarettes spilled all over your bags, you’ll like this new mod- •sizes 34 to 46 jfttl6)MafeCmiiiiBi $1 SILK SHADES, taUored sUk al. Cigarettes kept firm and fresh in a compartment back of the SOUTH MRNCHESTCR-CONN shades. Limited number. (Base- mirror. Business girls will like the model with memorandum pad • wears and washes well ment) and pencil. Neat models in black, brown and gray. Yoim frocks wil^'take on a! new lease Hale’s SOk Uadlee—Main Floor, rear. 59c on life'w ith these crisp Organdy, dain- Hale’s Hand Bags—Main Floor, front. ty Bilk, new c re ^ and j^que neck- $1 BOUDOIR LAMPS, colored wear^ White neckwear is smarter P. N. Practical'. t ■ Front Anothei HALE glass basei. (Basement) Now, than ever! 39c SALE! $1.00 VanRaalte Buying Scoop! $7.98 to $12.60 DINNERWARE, Crisp Organdy CORSETS, Ooral and band iiattems. 4nd 63-piece sets. Set, COMFOLETTES Reversible $5.98 Fabric Gloves 89o BERETS,'a group of :beista lOc yard and txmbana now. reduced. tMSin A few yards of- ruffling.and old floor, center.) frock....results new. smart frock. $K $ SCATTER RUGS Damty cheek, and paatel organdy ruf- 25c fling.. White with, colored trim . $1^ BERETS, Bipart berets, Mahi Floor, front. Foresighted giris will pick up a couple of g20x40 inch size. some have scarfs to match. (Midn pairs for spring—for business, driving and ($8 Grades). , ($9Gradesy W town wear. Heavy quality fabric gkives floor, center.)' ' era ‘ -'i' - ■* ' . BAi ei Y. SHOP Of f in fancy cuff models. Also plain pull-ons. A good time to get acquaint^ with this popular' •Lovely Pastel Colors.^ 50c Black and brown. brand of coraeta and ooxofolottoa., Each ganadit “Ginderena” Hale’s Gloves—Main Floor, right. haa special abdominal aupport Shd dUqihragm con- $1^ KITCHENWARE, greafl trol. Newest apring-faM osi tColorful Floral Borders. and yellow kitohanware indudUuT cake trays, pitchers, sto. (Base- Haid> ,ClSTseti i. Main F ^ , rsar. ment)/ f 79c Drug Sale Her^ TouUontraet FansI A SBisathml- GREEN GLASSWARE, ‘sugan, Ends Tomorrow Night at 91 creamers, ash trays, bovds, relish dishes. (Bsssment). Each Typical Examples of Values Offered. Cohtraict-ofr-the- 5c Pills and Tablets Patent Medicines Week The damtleat little 25o A nadn T a b le ts...... 16e $2.00 Aooeisarone...... fl.69 each MATTRESS PROTBOIOR8, modSla.:. m prints and 50o A ddas .T a b le ts...... S9o I 60 and f1A6 Agarol .. 46e, 860 heavy quUted m attriaa im taotoia, pl^'-hroadoloth. Man- 91«B6 A toi^ian T a b le ts . . . . 9 5 o 6O0 Ayer’a Cherry PoBtotal. .S80 AU Uses. (M ain floor, l e f t) :iilB|i; suits, to o .' 8 to 6. 76jB A l o p l m P i l l s ...... 47o 860 Atwood’s Bitters...... ZSe Only at HALE’S in town can you buy these seatier rugi $i.oa 91A6 A tex TW tets (10 D ). .79o 6O0 and flAh AngldPs ZOo»'S6o:and 75o B a ^ Emnlelon ...... r.... 88^ 79c A aeriee . eight eonttnueua —and at 89e they’re a sensation! Chenille designed xugs STAMPED SCARFS, purs. Uhan Aq^rin ...... IZo, Zlo, 59o $1.Z5 and fZAO AbsorUne bridge handi. In rubber play. •oarfS to be smbeoMersd. ISiSfl ChinclilOb- $6o aadllSe BeUana ...18e, «6o Jr. 880, n.85 Start now! .(Mato fl(wr; ttoat,) in soft pastel colors with gay floral borders. Fringed IndMs. (Mam fiter, le ft) Zte aiw SOr Beeohawe SOo, 60e and 81 JO Bnnno ' 39c Pin# .. 18c, BSo Seltzer 19e, SSo, 79e ends. Large size, 20x40 inches. Use them hi the bed- Z8eBraqdretli’a POIa ...... 17e $1J6 Creomnhten...... • 8te Aflsoirtod Vests H STAMPsa> FILbOW__ _ 15o Rool’a Bolls ...... 9o $1.00 and g lA T C ite- ^ room or bathroom i * ^ good ^l^^. ^^Srhlte. (Msm 60b Bllaa Native Herb carbonato ee.«ae'##e#e...... VIPCpBo, 98eVwO' Pants floor, le ft) ' Pair Tahiim fi**r^'*‘e • e '4 S'# • • « s a. 89e 60o Cahf.6So SOo ikr.Baad’a FropatiiUoai Flo flroeka^.,... • Orchid • Green iMMvy^laUi robes toidosf’o u t' 4. VOUtli ZNM IB0 Chitor I M • gl,00EnRteanfl .'.'.....-rk.. B e fltllkb^^ 9 to if^jaiurBi ? (Mate'floor, ^osup PtBaJ...... :....'.... ITo, Be $L60 Feyov’a Jiyrap .. ./.fL B floftka fL#0 O U -^ ^ to M eoe and g lJ 9 IkiBar i eomiy to ’‘> AtHALPS I^mpary DapsrtaMirt-.liata flBsr, left. Zte'Dr. lOVa Ai^Pam * Jolute'liedM aa\...l8an Be oenteiB. m .-39c usatitar. / T Imla -. •«..... •...... ITo 40o Fletqb^OMtarIn Be for over the '-c'-.. V. 1 .-HOWi

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