Fi uoxrs d£D COBfMUTgRS GOAT’ MAKES LAST BS'lW' NEW FLOOD OF ........ JOURNEY ON RAILS I, • I Fumni Old K w e i i a r T r r it CDNESEFAD, Gom Oit of CMoiiiioo TOOUSTJAPS Rum Runners Threaten Nnr g After 64 Yn rt of UnkiDg To K ill Coast Guards Eedf of Town; Woo HumerrY WUnlagtoB, N, CL, Jifi. HT,—# ”Uad erewf eperaMBf In that Choioy a Ridor 0 i Font hioBofiHoiMwAiN^ Retire After Three Heore’ (AP)—The WllmiBfftoB Newi fayi Notiefiotiefi prler te the reeiot lelMre Oofiit OuaidflBM' patralllDf the ef the Jauidlu_________________ riiBMa^ craft, m d and Loot Tripe. Tanner, by the Oeoet Otiafd were K O Now Bittle At CUomeiikow; beaeh In the vlrialty ef Cape Hat- ~ ' d ae teUlflf Oeut OtMidmeti terae have been thraaten by ’’al- were geiag te ’hun them vIt *f Rotchoil, ‘ . leged niBi-niBBlaf ’laad toroif’ w Inteffered win thet iH U f • r J ' After almeet W y««m of fUthfol Jip Phnee Make SiiA m have latimated thiy are ready gltog/the Irawi mt v Im dttrinf wUeb ft fp«rNtjr to revert to vleleaee to get thdr li- ____ Ouardimea, •• part ef llelt cargeea thraugh,” Kartferd, Jm . Sf,—(AR) tied villefe frew Into ft dtlTHMid Boabiiif Rail (hrer JehoL tM r dutlec, patoel the beaehee fer eommualtyi the **foftt treln” iwftde The Mper raya lt« lafermatien ttoee mUee en each ride ef thrir veritaUe driug# el(^ prejpeiqd ite mud paeaesfer trip from fram op efllelal eeuree.” itatieai. tlen iwanped tM Oeaeni ‘’CftMoeyvlUe” to tbe ”NovtD lias* (By Assoeiated Press) > today bafeve halt w ia cheater^’ aUtion Iftte yeaterdap U- the pN N st Mfrien 'en the flllB g ijr ), temooB. Deoreaaed buaifleaa -tau A Strang Ohltuse force failed In new b n ilfifM ,/ ; forced eooaonlea whicli bmIm It aa atteii^ today to drive Japanese iMoeaaary to withdraw the ’’Gtoat" troops from Chlumenkow in the DE VALERA VICTORIOUS Nriiito 600 meMUtori- fleet i t ' them dealing with neiriy •vw fl from ftottre aenrloe. Ifo moip wlU Onat Wall of CRfina, domlnatlBg the blaata of the little taal&’e whlatle aerre aa a munlter by latrteb the raastal route from China prop- huBdreda of Maanhaaler peode er fioto the Ohlnese prevlace of WITH A CLEAR MAJORITY burifieM beeapif etfe^ve. , oheoked their morolBf aad eveBlBf Jebol. Japanese oaptured the pass Reduction o f wUeriia ef itata em- •otivitIU. Hereafter, only freight mere than two weeks ago In prepa- The ”goat-tralB" of tbe Southr Manchester Railroad lt,jpo#B above btfen It lift the *«h «iyTll)r ployM, a 10 per cent' etata, Utfluy will be iuMilad over the hne, wwoh ration for their anaouBoed Invantm statloB OB Its final trip' to the north, end thus c o m ] ^ ^ a i l ^ of 64. ^~1oe beio yesterday afternoon. tax, repeal of tbaAtato enferaemeat la the ahorteat iBdapeBdeBtly offaa- of Jebol. Xn tbe cab may be seen from left to right, Beth Leole Fireman ___ M. MOCveady and ItafOMer HkPkrty H u 60 Suit Wifi act, taxation ofaU Tale prraertir« iaed railroad la the world, havlBf a Japanese planes made their sixth Joseph J. Kennedy. Conductor Robert Kerr Jr., Is staadlag dh tbi sfaggs of Hib botMu ANTHIRTS STAKT general reductiemof aalariea « Wat- Buda line leae than two milM huif. bombing raid In two weeks over erbury aad Bridgraort eSlriali, le- Soorea o f BdU workera atood northeast Jehol yesterday, break- 35 ^ Undecided - AL gallring hone raring aad bettflg, eiouBd.to watch the trala—engine ing up a Chinese military concen- ANEW CAMPAIGN appointmentappoto of all>mlaor ,judgeoby _ aad one coach—fniH wftray from the tration west of Rallu. Mors than moetCertamto Re Able the governor, were-aoMog the pra- ailk mlll’a atatlcn on ita final jour- 80,000 Chinese t n x m ware prepar- WESTERN FARMERS I W SWWA><><P0S poMua received during the day. ney. Xn addlttoB to the greatly re- Ink for a clash la that region. Leaden emrAned‘ the* opinion duced number o f r^ndar eom- Tolqro learned today that Japa- Te Fonn GoTasnenL Wet CoogressBien More To that tbe. nun)P!W’> ^ , f l 4Mtwee filAl mutera, aevend elderly men who nese tooops have occupied HeUio, during the eurrentfleeion jweiUd,ex- either worked on the train or were last Inmonant town on the Blberi- ceed the .raedrd brealdilg' mark paaaengua la ye olden dagra, were 9* an borto to bo brought under the XhtoUn, Irish Free Btate, Jen. 27. EUniDate b f ir e Fund two yeare;ogOi . , aboard for tbe hiatorlc event Head- Manclndrao gmrnmment Tbo drive 4F- Ratification of tha ”l|une duoli,” ing the Hat waa A. W. Zlyde, con- tO'Helhd; to xfielsztrtme nmihi fol- —(AP)—Preeident Esmon de Val- amendment to tbe Federal Oonatitu- ductor on the line for almoat 66 Slate CoagtroDer Uied To M orce fie Lav. lowed recent offenses to the Soviet BOlios and a Half Owed h S E N A T (^ ’ iS lA V E S era’i proepecte for forming his first tion was completed by the General yeara. Mr. Hyde waa retired by border on west aad east extremi- ,ladependant governmont appeared Assembly when thb l ^ t o acted fa- Cheney Brothera on a penaion about ties of Manchuria. Amonnees Ren ftiirf Snr- bright again today aa additional ra- vorably on It. The House apj^roved five yeara aenwnd wlU aoon obaeive Jm Beports Denied NleStatea-4i OUahoma Washington, Jan. 27.— (A P ) - - the amendment yeabq;day. ■ Ilia n e t bi: The RoMan govarnmant denied turns from Tuasday’a election ehow- Anti-prohlhltionlats opeBad a drive Cknirte of inqulrleato lnveatigate Japanese reports that 1- haff enter- TwM adeh DepartHMgts. ed the Fianna Fail to have a dear Jadfea Dedare a Mora- in the House today to eUnfifiate pro- the admlnietratlve affain o f dtiee ed a secret agreement with China majority over all other parties. wae propoeed in a bill, while anoth- Kerr, Jr., pKeaenl to strengthen, that country’s anti- With 80 aeata still utidtoided. tbe hibition enforcemai^: funds iCoi' the er meaeura propoeed oreatton of aa looee Ida joli wttb Japanese boycott ) Fianna Fall had- 60; OMiumn Na 1984 fiscal year tlM Justice emergency tax relief oonunlsaloa to uontipuatloM ■ dir , teriaBL ■ Hartford, Jan. 27 .t ^(AP) — An Tbe msyw ■aA.Gantoii Informed eooooaiy plan under whlda the nCktcdhael (ex-Prerident iPbagrave’a Department o u i^ iiy ^ . ^ aid delinquent taaqpxyen. ed to punch the Japsiieee msM. at Hongkong ^ Senator Hackett oi New Haven paaaengera. state eony>trpller’s office will act I>arty), 85; IndwendentA 7; Labor Tbe proposal to .eUnalnate ai| of that four men renelMto executed in 6: C en^ Parity 8, aag WqMndeht; offered a Jarge number pleaaed the Canton were ^handlibanoS* trafficking Dee MotoM, la., Jan. ' as purduuMng agent fo^jO|}L[;i(toto toa 89,126.000 the W c m r le d ^ r eifforcemept was made by D’< other: notabM; la anns>iPravious ■■ % denartaksatsh located la iMlaa' ~ 'gaihA*-thW and'otots tn.swu eiate^mldr/ by gbs^boovB of'Jtaaam.aaff^nili^^ irill Shew •toad: ,mekiag It poeriiue , cott Beeleiir approved «' .Inbtttutkme to avail dvet thf back m June'of weert^ fannigB today etur t wltii two weeks or so kgo, is iiow,81fing era. IS tnuHilB to ein y-o n tioas as boyc^.vli^toi /'j^pw Y o ^ japt'gy.~(AP Bid of the sMan Labor. Pariy. ol^ tba benefits provldaiit 1869, retuminjsr aouth on a^hand-eftr. The L e e i^ ci Nktiont „ firmneae to thetr campaign agaUwt eVorked cat, Deputy Camptioller Frink Cheney, Jr.,'h er)bi^« al?b a headilne "over a Washing^ d ^ Kbbert J." Smith annoimeed today. supported him d^tog the pjttt yiar. for In the FeOeTal home loan hank coinniittee maddi.some progress'f|K foredOiflire -The plan is , on a co-OMratius, Shrewd Judgdi have beto com- act. a atockholder, . rode with Miae day in the drawing up of, a "epOn From ' fie Mam, Iowa, uiliere the pateh to the'New ^Yprk Times to- State Soltoen Funds Cheney. day:."Pay, shavbsA tonics, etc., of volunti^ basis, so far aia itne sev- pletely mystified^ the lAber Party on tbe Sino-Japinese controversy movetoent giihed impetuir ^skverftl eral d^tartments are concerned, success. Dedmatiou of the. party Administration of the atate 001- Walter Saundera, who tw^a which win inc^de recommenda^ weeks ago to Idaho and dklahdma, Senators cost taxpayers 88,9^,228 diem fund will be taku from tha mechanic in the old marhina chop, in year.” was' confidently 'jiropheOled biefore tlons for League action. reverberations were hea^ jin the (Oentinoed on Page F s o rte ^ ) ’Tuesday’s Totl^ in mlitty quarters. American Leglcm and placed with and worked on every engine owned Tbe Japanese wtu office at The dlspatch.describes .the. annual Courts, governors’ chambeni ud Yet it has rettub^ seven tP dat^ an administrator of veteran afftowi by the company before retiring from Tokyo minimized riie importance of in eofitinued gatherings of detisi^ report of the. sed^etacry of th e^ n - under a meosuto similar to oU active service, was also present iie the battle at Cftilunlenkaw and s ^ ate-rVone for Senator, and ecpial to its representatioti' in the waa privileged to ride in the cab of mined'tamers. '{ last Dndl. wbl(di' was defeated two yean ' a » there were I4ss than 2,000 Japa- Oklahbn^ fdaho and Chid 'tormr: -none for the publlc”-^^ “a:tc^o of Wiiiinrs Do Anto Bofies Tbe administrator wotdd bbjM' the locomotive with Engineer nese troops in the Shanhaikwah considerable.' sarcastic' discnsslonj When.
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