Imperial to Metric Conversion Table Imperial To Metric Conversion Formula oz g oz g lb kg lb kg Ounces to grams ...... multiply by 28.35 1 28 9 255 1 0.45 9 4.08 Grams to ounces ...... multiply by 0.0352 2 57 10 283 2 0.91 10 4.54 Pounds to kilograms ...... multiply by 0.4536 3 85 11 312 3 1.36 11 4.99 Kilograms to pounds ...... multiply by 2.20462 4 113 12 340 4 1.81 12 5.44 5 142 13 367 5 2.27 13 5.90 6 170 14 397 6 2.72 14 6.35 7 198 15 425 7 3.18 15 6.80 8 227 16 454 8 3.63 16 7.26 A DListings M Q Apple Slices...... 138 Danish Pastries...... 191 Main Course...... 159-619 Quiches...... 178 Asparagus...... 137 Desserts...... 204-212 Mayonnaise...... 82-84 Quorn...... 160,162,276 Dessert ToppingsLOCAL...... PRODUCE132 Meat – Canned ...... 128 Cream76 SAVOURIES & elcome to the updated edition of Flavour, B 128 R Doughnuts...... 192 Meatballs – Turkey...... Yoghurt160 BAKERY your guide to everyday catering Bacon...... 116, 168 4 Cornwall 132 Ribs...... 168 Duck...... 46, 126 Milk...... Butter,126 Fats & Spreads essentials and menu inspiration. Our new Baguettes...... 180 6 Devon 132 Dessert ToppingsRice...... 92172 Suet Puddings Bakery...... 172 8 Mince – Freeflow...... 36 172 E Somerset Retail Frozen Food...... Pies,259 Pasties & Savouries edition brings together our extensive Beans - Baked...... 76 10 Dorset Mince – Vegetarian...... 36 172 Savoury Slices range of products for the foodservice Bin Liners...... 105 Eggs...... 118 Mineral Water...... VEGETABLES56 & S POTATO PRODUCTS 174 Scones sector and retail market. Biscuits...... 70 FRESH MEATMuffins ...... 192 Salad Bar...... 177 Sausag124 e Rolls Bread...... 180-189 F Mussels...... 137 Peas155 Salad Dressings...... 178 Quiches86 W Bread – French...... 180 Fish...... 36 Retail151-156 Packs 137 Beans Salt...... 82178 Pastry Bread – Fully Baked...... 181 Fish – Battered.38...... Beef 150 N Established over 80 years ago, we remain a family owned and 137 Root Vegetables 180 Bread – Garlic...... 189 40 Pork Sandwich Fillings – Fresh ...... Bread125 Fish – Breaded...... 150 Napkins...... 137 Speciality102-103 Vegetables 188 run business with five family members still directly involved Bread – Part Baked...... 181 44 Lamb Satay...... 146,148Burger Buns & Baps Fish – Fillets...... 154 Nuggets – Chicken138...... 160 today. Throughout the company’s evolution, we have stood by Bread – Sliced...... 186-189 46 Poultry Mixed VegetablesSauces & Condiments 189...... 84,Ho 86t Dog Rolls Fish – Smoked...... 117 Nuggets – Vegetable138...... Coat163ed & Chargrilled 189 our family values and local heritage and that is why we have Breakfast Cereal...... 75 46 Offal Sausages...... 36,46,159,270 Garlic Bread Fish – Speciality...... 154 Vegetables Broccoli...... 137 46 Sausages O Sausage Rolls...... 177,271 been awarded with Family Business of the Year at the recent Buffet Selection...... 146-148 Fish – Steaks...... 154 138 Fruit & Smoothi Mixes COFFEE SHOP Oils...... 91 Scampi...... 155,268 Dorset Business Awards. Burger Buns...... 188 Fish Cakes...... 156 140 Chips GROCERY Omelettes...... 169 Scones...... 191 Frozen173 Mixes Burgers – Chicken...... 160 144 Potato Products Fish Fingers...... 48 Cold Bev156erages Onion Rings...... 138 Seafood...... 191 150-156Croissants Burgers – Meat...... 159 191 Here at Hunt’s we are committed to promoting local and Flapjack...... 64 Snacks192 & ConfectioneryOnions...... 137 Seasoning...... Viennoiserie99 Burgers – Vegetarian...... 159 STARTERS & 192 Cream Cakes supporting West Country producers. Our region produces some Butchery...... 33 Flour...... 72 Hot Beverages79 Oriental Range...... 148, 168 Shortbread...... 192 BUFFET 192 Butter...... 132 Foodwraps & Dispensers75 Cereals...... 104 Doughnuts, Muffins & of the most iconic and market leading products in the industry P 146 Pâté Sorbets...... Cupcakes216 Fruit...... 76 Canned79 Goods Soup...... 114 and we are delighted to be part of it. We are proud to be working C Pancake Rolls...... 146 Individual169 Starters 192 Scones & Teacakes Fruit – Canned...... 77 Bakery76 Speciality Sticks...... 117 with fellow family run businesses from the West Country such Cabbage...... 137 82 Paperware...... 146 Pastry102 Starters 192 Flapjacks, Shortbread & Sauces & Dressings Spinach...... 137 Cakes...... 190-203 G88 Pickles & CondimentsPasta...... 146 Poultry91 Buffet Cookies as Yeo Valley, Wyke Farm and Trewithen Dairy. We have a 147 Sprouts...... 137 Calamari...... 155 Gateaux...... 89 Chutne206ys & PreservesPasta – Dried...... Savoury91 Canapés 194 Traybakes & Traycakes selection of locally sourced products showcased from page 4 Canapés...... 147-148 147 Sweet CanapésStarter Selection...... 196 146 Goujons – Chicken91 ...... Pasta 162 Pasties...... 172-176 Round Cakes so check it out if you want to support local. Canned Goods...... 76 148 Pastry BuffetStir Fry...... 198 Loaf138 Cak es Goujons – Fish...... 94 Culinar156y Sauces Pastry – Cases...... 91 Carrots...... 137 94 148 Vegetable BuffetStuffing...... 202 Glut169en Free Cakes Cauliflower...... 137 Gravy & Bouillon...... Gravy &94 bouillonPastry...... 91 99 Herbs & Spices 148 Cheese BuffSuetet Puddings...... 202 Wrapped172 Cakes Did you know that you can place your Hunt’s order online? Cheese – British...... 118-122 Guacamole...... 122 Pâté – Meat...... 116 100 148 Ethnic Buffet Cheese – ...... 122 Soup Pavlova...... 208 T There has never been an easier way with our online ordering 100 Cooking Wines & Spirits DESSERTS Cheese – Coated...... 148 H Peas...... FISH & 77SEAFOOD Tarts...... 205 platform. You can save time and be in control of your orders from Cheesecakes...... 206 Hash Browns...... 140 Pepper...... 99 Tea...... 205 Pies7 2& Tarts your smartphone, tablet or PC. Important nutritional and allergen Chicken...... 46 CLEANING & 150 Breaded Fish Hot Dog Rolls...... 189 Peppers...... 123,125 Teacakes – Fruited...... 205 Cheesecak192 es & Gateaux Chicken – Breasts...... 160 DISPOSABLES 150 Battered Fish 210 information is available to download and your order history is Hot Puddings...... 210 Pickles...... 88 Tortillas...... Individual189 Hot Desserts Chicken – Cooked...... 162 102 Paperware 154 Smoked Fish 210 Individual Cold/ available to view and print. See page 12 to find out more. Pies – Savoury...... 172 Tuna...... 76,154 Chicken – Drumsticks...... 46 105I Foodwrap/Dispensers 154 Fish Steaks & Fillets Ice Cream Desserts Chicken – Nuggets...... 160 Pizza – Bases...... 155 169 Turkey...... 46,160 Ice Cream...... 105 s Bin216-250 Liner Prawns 211 Kids Desserts Chicken – Portions...... 160 Pizza – Cheese...... 155 Breaded169 Scampi 2016 has already proven to be an exciting year for Hunt’s. Ice Cream Accessories106 Cleaning...... 254 Products Chicken – Wings...... 46, 146 Pizza – Ready Made155...... Fish 169Specialities V Our recent partnership with Yeo Direct means that our Ice Cream Sauce...... 257 & Chips...... 123,140,144 TABLEWAREPizza – Sauce...... 156 Fish Fingers/Cakes/76 Vegetables ...... SCOOPING137 ICE Customer Account No: chilled range of retail and foodservice lines has increased. Chutney...... 89 Ice Cubes...... 257 Pizza – Toppings...... Portions169 Vegetables – CannedCREAM...... 76 You now have access to some fantastic brands such as Yeo Clingfilm...... 102 Impulse Ice Cream109...... Plat218-232es & BowlsPlaice...... 150 Vegetables – Coated...... 137 Cod...... 150-154 110 210 Indian Range...... Teapots168 & CupsPoppadum...... FAST FOOD100 Vegetables & – Stir Fry...... Mö137venpick Valley and award winning produce. We have also extended Coffee...... 72-74 111 218 Individual Desserts ...... The Seasons210 PRorkange Pies...... MAIN174,177 COURSES Vegetarian Selection...... 163-165Impulse Ice Cream Territory Manager: our services throughout the South West with an ever Cranberry Sauce...... 89 112 Olive Wood 234 Take Home Ice Cream Individual Starters...... 146 Potatoes – Jacket...... 144 Viennoiserie...... 191 growing fleet of vehicles delivering in more locations with Cookies...... 192 112 Additions 159 Burgers 241 Scooping Ice Cream Cooking Wine...... 100 Potatoes – Mashed159...... Sausages78 Vinegar...... 82, 84, 89 J 252 Cones flexible delivery times. Corn...... 137 Potatoes – Roasting160...... Chic144ken NuggetsVol au Vents & ...... 178 Jacket WedgesCHILLED...... 140 254 Ice Cream Mix Telesales call days: Coulis...... 81 Potatoes – Sauté...... Turkey144 Products 254 Sundries Courgettes...... 137 Jams...... 89-90 W Kind regards 114 Soup Potatoes – Shapes162...... Poultry144 Main Courses 257 Crab...... 155 Wafers...... Tubs254 Juice...... 114 Sauces54-62 Potatoes – Speciality163...... SFC 1Concep44 t M T W T F Cream...... 128 Whitebait...... 156 114 Meal Pots Poultry...... 163 V46,egetarian 162 Main Courses RETAIL FROZEN Crepes...... 169 K116 165 Delivery days: Porridge Prawns...... Fish118,115 & Seafood Y FOOD Croissant...... 191 Kievs – Chicken116...... 266 166 Pâté Prepared Meals...... Main164 CourYoghurtsses ...... 128 Culinary Sauces & Paste... 94-99 116 Bacon 166 Beef & Lamb Main 260 Vegetables Cup Cakes...... 192 L Preserves...... 89-90 Yorkshire Puddings...... 169,270 M T W T F 116 Sliced Meat Courses 262 Potato Products Puree...... 81 Custard...... 78 Leeks...... 117 Fish 137 168 Multiportion 266 White Meat Richard Hunt 118 Eggs 168 Ribs 268 Fish & Seafood Terms & Conditions of Trading 118 Cheeses 168 Meat & Bacon 270 Red Meat & Yorkshire 1. The minimum delivery value is £50.00. 122 Dips 7. All invoiced goods will remain169 the propertyCrepes of Hunt’s & Omelettes Foodservice until paid for in full. Puddings 2. Terms are strictly cash on delivery, unless a credit account has been specifically123 agreed. Olives 8. All goods included herein169 are guaranteed Yorkshires to comply with & theStuffing requirements of the 271 Pies Food Safety Act 1990 (as amended), The Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Hygiene of Foodstuffs, 3. All credit accounts must be paid by the 21st of the month following delivery. 123 Chips Balls 272 Pizza Settlement in accordance with our terms is necessary to ensure continuity of supplies. The Food Hygiene (England) Regulation 2006, The Quick Frozen Foodstuffs (England) Regulations 124 Salads 169 Pizza 276 Traditional Ready Meals For a full product list, please see the index on the inside back cover. 4. All bank charges incurred by Hunt’s Foodservice for handling of returned or 2007, Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 Food Safety, and all Acts amending the same and all statutory 125 Sandwich Fillingsrequirements and regulations relating to the sale and distribution of food. 280 International Ready Prices may be subject to change without prior notification. re-presented cheques will be charged for. Meals Many of the photographs throughout this guide show serving suggestions. 5. This Price List cancels all previous issues, and is subject to alteration without notice.126 Fruit Juice 9. All orders for next day scheduled delivery, please place with our Telesales by 4pm to ensure delivery. Please see product listings, where appropriate for full product descriptions. HUNT’S SALES DIRECT 282 Desserts 6. Before signing for the delivery, please check the goods, any shortages or damages122 Dips must be notified at time of delivery. 126 Flavoured Milk 01935 810210 126 Milk SPECIAL FEATURES | LOCAL PRODUCE - CORNWALL SPECIAL FEATURES | LOCAL PRODUCE - CORNWALL


Cornwall Cornwall Chough Bakery - see page 180 13578 Chicken & Vegetable Pasty 20x290g Cornwall 27509 Cheese & Onion Pasty 20x285g 84434 Focaccia Baps 1x24 90872 Plain Scones 12x4 57529 Focaccia Traybake 1x3 43654 Saffron Buns 6x4 58260 Gourmet Burger Bap 1x24 87068 Saffron Cake 10x600g 98369 Sour Dough Baps 1x24 28627 Sultana Scones 12x4 95851 Sliced White Bloomer 1x4 32704 Sliced Malted Grain Bloomer 1x4 Kelly’s - see page 236 92558 Uncut White Bloomer 1x4 7640 Chocolate Ice Cream 2x4.5lt 45006 Uncut Malted Grain Bloomer 1x4 3037 Honeycomb Ice Cream 2x4.5lt 21103 Sliced White Square Loaves 1x4 9811 Lemon Crunch Ice Cream 2x4.5lt 15664 Sliced Malted Grain Square Loaves 1x4 3038 Mint Choc Ice Cream 2x4.5lt 25229 Uncut White Square Loaves 1x4 3040 Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 2x4.5lt LOCAL PRODUCE 98343 Uncut Malted Grain Square Loaves 1x4 5570 Strawberry Ice Cream 2x4.5lt 56425 Uncut White Farmhouse Loaves 1x4 3033 Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 2x4.5lt

Local Produce Local Produce Local 41460 Uncut Malted Grain Farmhouse Loaves 1x4 3032 Vanilla Ice Cream 2x4.5lt Produce Local Roskillys Ice Cream - see page 242 1451 Toffee Fudge Ice Cream 2x4.5lt Cornwall 7399 Caramel Crunch 1x4lt Cheese - see page 118 4802 Cherry & Chocolate 1x4lt 15269 Cornish Blue Cheese 1x1kg 9188 Clotted Cream 1x4lt 51263 Cornish Brie Rectangle 1x1kg 7487 Golden Fudge 1x4lt 99245 Cornish Brie Round 1x1kg 6786 Green Mint Choc 1x4lt When it comes to Cornish food how can you not 40360 Cornish Camembert 1x200g 2990 Mocha Coffee 1x4lt 75663 Davidstow Cheddar Block 1x5kg 3298 Orange & Mascarpone 1x4lt talk about the pasty... The pasty’s best known Proper Cornish - see page 170 9028 Rich Chocolate 1x4lt association stems from the 1800s when it evolved 13352 Unbaked Mixed Steak Pasty 20x283g 5382 Rum & Raisin 1x4lt to meet the needs of the Cornish tin miners. 80540 Unbaked Steak Pasty 18x368g 7397 Strawberry 1x4lt 83899 Unbaked Cheese & Onion Pasty 20x283g Now awarded Protected Geographical Indication 2651 Toffee & Hazelnut 1x4lt 16543 8” Unbaked Sausage Rol 40x173g (PGI) status, this will protect the authenticity 1662 White Chocolate & Raspberry 1x4lt 40511 Unbaked Cheese & Bacon Bites 30x135g and quality of Cornish pasties in EU law. Rowe’s - see page 167 25511 Baked Steak Pasty 20x255g 32132 Cocktail Cornish Pasty 40x135g 99918 Small Cornish Pasty 20x285g 42946 Medium Cornish Pasty 15x359g 61711 Large Cornish Pasty 12x420g

PACK PACK SIZE SIZE Rodda’s - see page 128 Crantock - see page 168 97786 Frozen Clotted Cream Portions 48x40g 75914 Steak Pasty - Giant 24x454g 80410 Frozen Clotted Cream 1x907g 42513 Steak Pasty - Large 30x340g 30686 Fresh Clotted Cream 1x907g 17819 Steak Pasty - Medium 36x283g 45828 Double Cream 1x2.2lt 84349 Small Steak Pasty 50x227g 80391 Natural Yogurt 1x500g 35246 Medium Traditional Cornish Pasty 36x283g Cornish Water 95410 Beef & Stilton Pasty 36x283g 91932 Cornish Still Water Screw Cap 24x500ml 95417 Cheese & Bacon Pasty 36x283g 64856 Cornish Sparkling Water 24x500ml 70301 English Breakfast Pasty 36x283g 90254 Flaky Cheese & Onion Pasty 99354 Cornish Water Sports Cap 24x500ml 59776 Ham, Leek & Cheese Pasty 36x283g 97786 Frozen Clotted Cream Portions 67912 Lamb & Mint Pasty 36x283g Cornish Salt - see page 89 75056 Pork & Apple Pasty 36x283g 94787 Cornish Sea Salt 1x1.5kg 84729 Spicy Chicken Pasty 36x283g 26563 Cornish Sea Salt 1x500g 21474 Steak & Ale Pasty 36x283g Furniss Grab Bags 90254 Flaky Cheese & Onion Pasty 36x283g 40944 Dark Chocolate & Ginger Mini Biscuits 18x40g 85959 Spinach & Ricotta Pasty 50x200g 31920 Original Ginger Mini Biscuits 18x40g 24913 Medium Vegetable Pasty 36x283g 44966 Choc Chip Cookies Mini Biscuits 18x40g 11110 Spicy Vegetable Pasty 36x283g 60071 Butter Shortbread Mini Biscuits 18x40g 29450 Wholemeal Vegetable Pasty 36x283g 55668 Mature Cheese & Bacon Turnover 30x132g 37835 Jumbo Scored Sausage Roll 80x142g

See page 124 for Cornish Dairy products.



Cornwall Devon Chantilly - see page 202 87000 Plain Flapjack 1x24 Devon 73391 Banoffee Flapjack 1x24 83020 Apple & Blackberry Pudding 1x16 73149 Cappuccino Flapjack 1x24 57910 Bread & Butter Pudding 1x12 33523 Chocoholic Flapjack 1x24 14703 Gooey Chocolate Pudding 1x12 87012 Cherry Bakewell Flapjack 1x24 79661 Individual Tarte au Citron 1x16 92993 Mixed Flapjack Selection 4x6 45372 Individual Summer Pudding 1x12 87016 Caramel Shortbread 1x24 18509 Strawberry & Clotted Cream Gateau 1x14ptn 49202 Chocolate Chip Crunchy Cake 1x24 66819 Tarte au Citron 1x16ptn 36959 Chocolate Brownie 1x24 17621 Honeycomb Cheesecake 1x12p/ptn 80610 Chocolate Tiffin 1x24 80594 Lemon Pavlova Cheesecake 1x12p/ptn 87020 Blackcurrant & Apple Crumble 1x24 68245 Toffee Profiterole Cheesecake 1x12p/ptn 87022 Raspberry Crumble 1x24 Eaton’s - see page 202 LOCAL PRODUCE 37711 Mixed Crumble Selection 4x6 82075 Toffee Waffle Cheesecake 1x16ptn 38832 Chocolate Chunk Cookie 1x20 61550 Luscious Lemon Cheesecake 1x16ptn 28482 Cranberry & Chocolate Cookie 1x20 Local Produce Local Produce Local 96064 Strawberry & Clotted Cream Cheesecake 1x16ptn 95831 Cranberry Just Bar 1x12 Produce Local 76035 Strawberry Cheesecake 1x16ptn 76948 Fruit & Nut Just Bar 1x12 Devon 50791 Raspberry Pavlova 1x14ptn Pyman - see page 146 44283 Zesty Lemon Torte 1x16ptn 24411 Chicken Farmhouse Pâté 1x454g 33500 Strawberry Vanilla Torte 1x16ptn 73467 Chicken Liver, Brandy & Port Pâté 1x454g 24435 Irish Cream Torte 1x14ptn 17764 Duck Liver & Orange Pâté 1x454g 49232 Gooseberry Toffee Crunch 1x16ptn 37356 Chicken Liver Parfait 12x85g As a predominantly rural county with a temperate 47637 Rustic Chocolate Medley 1x16ptn 12362 Duck Parfait 12x85g climate, frequent rains and fertile soils, Devon has Tideford - see page 114 11877 Smoked Salmon Mousse 12x85g for centuries been a high quality dairy producer 81971 Butternut Squash Soup 1x2lt 82254 West Country Beef Lasagne 12x400g helping to support many indulgent dessert 99256 Carrot & Coriander Soup 1x2lt 92631 West Country Cottage Pie 12x350g 82030 Leek & Potato Soup 1x2lt manufacturers. Premium fish and crab landed Westaways - see page 159 72186 Winter Parsnip Soup 1x2lt in Brixham also remain highly regarded. 59553 West Country Sausages 6’s 1x4.54kg 23138 Tomato & Basil Soup 1x2lt 33691 Cumberland Sausage 8’s 1x4.54kg Chunk of Devon - see page 173 Tom's Pies - see page 166 74578 Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pie 21x253g 91043 Chicken & Ham Pie 1x6 23343 Honity Pie 21x230g 19573 Lamb & Chorizo Pie 1x6 45585 Steak & Ale Pie 21x253g 81293 Mushroom & Spinach Pie 1x6 85511 Sheep Pie 21x253g 64246 Steak & Ale Pie 1x6 86885 Steak Pasty 20x272g 64062 Ham Hock & Pea Pie 1x6 59908 Large Steak Pasty 18x365g 64844 Butternut Squash, Mixed Beans & Cheese Pie 1x6 PACK PACK 86885 Cheese & Onion Pasty 20x272g SIZE SIZE 19237 Chicken & Wild Mushroom Pie 1x6 40272 Roast Vegetable Pasty 20x272g Luscombe - see page 58 Burt’s Lentil Wave Crisps - see page 66 88034 Sausage Roll 30x200g 65502 Hot Ginger Beer 24x32cl 15406 Lightly Salted 16x20g Vanier - see page 204 51128 Cool Ginger Beer 24x32cl 58913 Sour Cream & Chive 16x20g 20954 Blackberry & Apple Crumble 1x10 86222 Elderflower Bubbly 24x32cl 19114 Thai Sweet Chilli 16x20g 35786 Lemon Zester 1x20 61630 Raspberry Lemonade 24x32cl Paramount 21 - see page 156 54420 Mango Passionfruit 1x20 90511 Cranberry Crush 24x32cl 58117 Blanchbait 1x454g 69877 Raspberry Pavlova 1x16 44433 Lime Crush 24x32cl 61896 Beer & Cheese Croquettes 2x1kg 70129 Toffee Topolino 1x16 45718 Sicilian Lemonade 24x32cl 71069 Spicy Mini Crab Cakes 48x30g 70384 White Chocolate Florette 1x16 41558 Sparkling Apple 24x32cl 10080 Crab Cakes 24x56g 51142 St.Clements 24x32cl 41637 Cod & Prawn Fishcakes 24x114g 12916 Apple & Elderflower Juice 24x24cl 41240 Salmon And Dill Fishcakes 24x114g 42481 Apple Juice 24x24cl 52499 Cod & Cheddar Fishcakes 24x100g 26469 Orange Juice 24x24cl 92497 Sea Bass Lime & Ginger Naked Fishcakes 20x100g 48079 Pear & Apple Juice 24x24cl 28902 Smoked Haddock Luxury Fishcakes 24x114g Burt’s Crisps -see page 64 30362 Crab & Lobster Burger 24x90g 30964 Chorizo Crisps 20x40g 64978 West Country Whitebait Fillet 1x500g 61281 Firecracker Lobster 20x40g 48965 Whitebait I.Q.F. 1x454g 88172 Salt & Black Pepper 20x40g 97005 Luxury Veggie Burger 24x100g 46385 Salt & Vinegar 20x40g 94730 Aromatic Garden Burger 20x145g 94282 Sea Salted 20x40g 54804 Seafood Chowder 12x300g 60688 Sweet Chilli 20x40g 90501 Luxury Fish Pie 12x400g 23081 Vintage Cheddar 20x40g 30362 Crab & Lobster Burger 91043 Chicken & Ham Pie 86992 Sea Salted Catering Pack 10x150g



Cornwall Somerset Pennylane - see page 159 Lovington’s - see page 240 Somerset 66100 Economy Burger 48x113g 6927 Banana & Cream Ice Cream 1x4lt 66102 American Seasoned Burger 48x113g 8944 Banoffie Ice Cream 1x4lt 66104 Texas 80% Beefburger 48x113g 5555 Blackberry Ice Cream 1x4lt 66106 Dallas 90% Beefburger 48x113g 5341 Butterscotch Ice Cream 1x4lt 62267 Prime 100% Beefburger 48x113g 9919 Chocolate Carisma Ice Cream 1x4lt 81396 6” Unbaked Sausage Roll 1x60 4410 Clotted Cream Ice Cream 1x4lt 49416 8” Unbaked Sausage Roll 1x48 4922 Coffee Ice Cream 1x4lt 75192 Pork Sausage 4’s 1x4.54kg 9653 Double Caramel Ice Cream 1x4lt 12262 Pork Sausage 8’s 1x4.54kg 8759 Double Chocolate Ice Cream 1x4lt 54094 Pork & Beef Sausage 4’s 1x4.54kg 4689 Ginger Ice Cream 1x4lt 71391 Pork & Beef Sausage 8’s 1x4.54kg 3188 Honeycomb Ice Cream 1x4lt LOCAL PRODUCE 44749 Pork & Herb Sausage 6’s 1x2.27kg 6560 Lemon Meringue Ice Cream 1x4lt 64227 Honey Roast Sausage 6’s 1x2.27kg 8683 Mango Madness Ice Cream 1x4lt

Local Produce Local Produce Local Orchard Pig Juices - see page 60 8436 Mint Chocolate Ice Cream 1x4lt Produce Local 9026 Raspberry Pavlova Ice Cream 1x4lt 26124 Apple Tingler 12x25cl 2261 Rhubarb & Custard Ice Cream 1x4lt Somerset 65596 Apple Rambler 12x25cl 8822 Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 1x4lt 67535 Flower Power 12x25cl 6410 Strawberries & Cream Ice Cream 1x4lt 34606 Very Berried 12x25cl 6968 Toffee Fudge Ice Cream 1x4lt 54812 Deeply Rooted 12x25cl 9829 Turkish Delight Ice Cream 1x4lt 41399 Totally Minted 12x25cl 3017 Vanilla Ice Cream 1x4lt Apples, Cider and Cheddar Cheese are what The Bay Tree - see page 89 Somerset is most famous for, but with so much 9663 Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 1x4lt 12210 Blackcurrant Jam 1x3kg 4095 White Chocolate & Honey Ice Cream 1x4lt local produce on offer it is hard to know what 60900 Strawberry Jam 1x3kg Lubborn Creamery - see page 120 to choose. With our apple juices from Orchard Pig 88322 Raspberry Jam 1x3kg 12800 Capricorn Goat’s Cheese 1x1.1kg 20064 Cranberry Sauce 1x3kg and wonderful cheddars from Wyke Farms and 30404 Capricorn Goat’s Cheese 6x100g 14557 Horseradish Sauce 1x3kg Barbers we offer the best from Somerset’s best! 27814 Somerset Brie 1x1kg 53017 Mint Jelly 1x3kg 24433 Somerset Camembert 1x220g 99422 Onion Marmalade 1x3kg 39820 Redcurrant Jelly 1x3kg Perrett Fruit Farm - see page 52 57703 Real Ale Chutney 1x3kg 50261 Perrott Apple Juice 28x250ml 22049 Gooseberry & Corriander Chutney 1x3kg 91319 Perrott Apple Juice 1x5lt 32841 Spicy Tomato & Onion Chutney 1x3kg

PACK PACK SIZE SIZE Blackacre Farm - see page 118 Ministry Of Cake - see page 199, 200, 201 20636 Free Range Eggs 1x60 80656 Alabama Fudge Cake-Portioned 1x16p/ptn Wyke Farms - see page 119 85780 Alabama Fudge Cake-Whole 1x16ptn 32232 Extra Mature Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 26444 Blackcurrant Cheesecake 6x15ptn 48592 Mature Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 14630 Cherry Cheesecake 6x15ptn 37014 Mild Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 22777 Fruits of the Forest Cheesecake 6x15ptn 46002 Butter Portions 7g 1x100 59418 Mandarin Cheesecake 6x15ptn 69754 Salted Butter 20x250g 17241 Strawberry Cheesecake 6x15ptn 72618 Unsalted Butter 20x250g Longman’s - see page 119 See pages 126-130 for Yeo Valley products. AJ Barber’s - see page 119 33042 Youngman Mild Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 97335 Barbers 1833 Cheddar 1kg per kg 58312 Matureman Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 26842 Haystack Cheddar Block 5kg per kg 29280 Stongman Extra Mature Cheddar 2.5kg per kg 10689 Maryland Mature Cheddar 5kg per kg 14022 Wookey Cave Aged Cheese 3.5kg per kg 86171 Maryland Farmhouse Butter 40x250g

8712 Cherries in Brandy with Clotted Cream Ice Cream See page 119 for Somerset Cheeses.



Cornwall Dorset Honeybuns - see page 196 BV Dairy - see page 126 Dorset 77272 Caramel Shortbread 30x85g 51642 Full Fat Soft Cheese 1x2kg 72726 Snowy Hills 30x85g 69481 Low Fat Soft Cheese* 1x2kg 87879 Heathclife Brownie 30x85g 91248 Mascarpone* 1x2kg 68438 Milk Chocolate Brownie 30x85g 88114 Buttermilk 1x1lt 38426 Triple Chocolate Cookie 24x50g 20606 Creme Fraiche 1x2kg 13425 Amondi Cookies 24x70g 22692 Set Soured Cream 1x2.5kg 15295 Almond & Pistachio Cookie 1x24 47052 Fresh Clotted Cream* 1x200g 19926 Almond Moon 30x85g 93475 Fresh Clotted Cream 1x454g 68473 Congo Bar 1x30 55701 Fresh Clotted Cream 1x1kg 62987 Plain Flapjack 1x30 96372 Fresh Clotted Cream 1x2kg 71311 Cranberry & Pecan Flapjack 1x30 56223 Fresh Single Cream* 1x2lt LOCAL PRODUCE Dorset Blue - see page 118 57034 Fresh Double Cream 1x2lt 35875 Fresh Whipping Cream 1x2lt 67818 Dorset Blue Vinny Quarter 1x1.50kg

Local Produce Local Produce Local 58765 Greek Style Yoghurt* 1x5kg Produce Local 31609 Woodbridge Farm Chutney 1x3kg 72395 Greek Style Yoghurt* 1x2kg 35178 Carrot,Parsnip & Squash Soup* 1x2.5lt * Pre-order only Dorset 96126 Leek, Potato & Blue Soup* 1x2.5lt 74928 Parsnip,Bacon & Blue Soup* 1x2.5lt Ford Farm - see page 118 65646 Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup* 1x2.5lt 69223 Billies Goat Cheese 5kg per kg 11974 Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Soup* 1x2.5lt 12151 Coastal Cheddar Block 5kg per kg 53205 Sweet Potato, Pear & Blue Soup* 1x2.5lt 58044 Dorset Red Cheddar 1.1kg per kg The county provides a diverse range of produce, * Pre-order only 60564 Dorset Red Cheddar 3.5kg per kg from olives and teas to delicious cheeses. Blue Vinny Olives Et Al - see page 123 81490 Dorset Smokery - see page 146 Classic Pitted Olives 1x2.5kg is a traditional crumbly blue made near Sturminster 44521 Coarse Pork & Liver Dorset Pâté 1x1kg 77654 Antipasti Olives 1x2.5kg Newton, while Dorset Red is a smoked cheese Walston Poultry - see page 118 15633 Pitted Sunshine Olive 1x2.5kg 39313 Medium Eggs 1x60 made exclusively with milk from cows grazing 29894 Balsamic Onions 1x1.5kg in Dorset’s lush pastures. 47142 Pepperabica Peppers 1x2kg 76582 Artichokes 1x1.2kg

PACK PACK SIZE SIZE Keith Spicer ‘Dorset Tea’ - see page 72 Clipper Teas - see page 72 66400 Dorset Tea Catering Bag 1x1100 69643 Everyday Tea Bags 1x1100 56554 Dorset Tea Envelope 1x250 54275 Fairtade Tea Envelopes 1x250 69620 Dorset Tea String & Tagged 1x100 81667 Fairtrade Tea String & Tagged 6x100 42033 Dorset Tea Retail 12x40 61227 Chamomile Tea Envelope 6x25 16969 Dorset Tea Retail 6x80 53682 DeCaf Organic Tea Envelope 6x25 13247 Dorset Tea Wild about Mint 4x20 16902 Lemon & Ginger Tea Envelope 6x25 18614 Dorset Tea Strawberries & Cream 4x20 30030 Organic Earl Grey Envelope 6x25 44105 Dorset Tea Blackberry Syllabub 4x20 58157 Organic Green Tea Envelope 6x25 See page 202 for our full range of bakes from Honeybuns Bakery 61820 Dorset Tea Pure Green Tea 4x20 34476 Organic Wild Berry Envelope 6x25 47202 Dorset Tea Green Tea with Lemon 4x20 38602 Peppermint Tea Envelope 6x25 61749 Dorset Tea Earl of Dorset 4x20 97803 Redbush Tea Envelope 6x25 68136 Dorset Tea Foraged Fruits 4x20 33451 Earl Grey Tea 6x50 84003 Dorset Tea Cool Camomile 4x20 20664 English Breakfast Tea 6x40 81703 Espresso Beans 1x1kg 36399 Medium Filter Coffee 45x3pt 98475 Hot Chocolate Sachets 120x28g

See page 123for our full range from Olives Et Al. 67818 Dorset Blue Vinny (quarter)



Lemon Shortbread DELICIOUS Cheesecake White & Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

CHEESECAKES Mango, Lime & Coconut Cheesecake

25005 NEW LEMON SHORTBREAD CHEESECAKE A shortbread biscuit base topped with a zingy and light lemon batter injected with lemon sauce and 80421 topped with shortbread cubes, finished off with NEW WHITE AND DARK CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE lemon sauce and a dusting of sweet snow. A crisp chocolate biscuit base with (1 x 12p/ptn) See page 201 Suitable for layers of white and dark chocolate Vegetarians cheesecake batter, baked and finished with chocolate ganache and white chocolate shavings. New to the Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce (1 x 12p/ptn) See page 201 range; three luxury cheesecakes packed with FRESH MEAT flavour. Lemon Shortbread Cheesecake, Dark & White Chocolate Cheesecake and Mango, Lime & Coconut Cheesecake. 36 Retail Packs 46 Poultry The perfect additions to your menus. 38 Beef 46 Offal 40 Pork 46 Sausages 11525 NEW MANGO, LIME 44 Lamb & COCONUT CHEESECAKE A crisp biscuit base topped with a creamy coconut flavoured cheesecake swirled with mango and lime sauce. (1 x 12p/ptn) See page 201

32 33 Sourced from across the South West, our beef, pork and lamb We don’t just offer a range of fantastic quality products at prices your customers comes from a selection of farms where animal welfare is of the are bound to benefit from - and - offers continue to give you a minimum 19.9% utmost importance. Our experienced farmers put the health margin! FreshButchery Meat and happiness of their liverstock first, reducing stress to FreshButchery Meat produce top quality meat. Each month our team seeks out the best prices in the market and supply you From the Heart of with PMP offer packs, often better value for your customers per kilo than multi- Additionally we understand the importance of traceability and nationals. See your monthly retailers special offer leaflet for each months offers. Thomas Hardy Country. can track our products from pasture to plate. Hardy Country Meats brings you a wide range of the best local meat FLEXI - WEIGHT PACKS JOINTS If your customer has a particular requirement and would like These popular joints are sold by weight (rest assured, always returning more or less than one of our fixed weight range packs, our the same retailers margin!). Our fully trained butchers will use their STANDARD PACKS butchers are happy to help meet your needs. Simply ask for years of experience to send you our most popular size of joint unless the required weight when placing your order. you require a certain size - even “enough for a family of 4” will do. Oficia voluptiur occus & Gammon - Retail voluptiur Lamb Pork, Oficia Beef, Butchery occus - Retail voluptiur Oficia Butchery Our fixed weight packs give you the convenience of a standard range of products that your Simply place your order and let our team do the rest. customers can quickly and easily identify, allowing you to quickly calculate COOKED MEATS your margin - and your sales profit. BEEF 72513 Ham 50141 Sliced Ham 30849 Brisket SLICED MEATS CHICKEN 89125 Prime Forerib Joint PORK 77985 Roasting Beef Joint 33863 Kettle Cured Sliced Ham 200g 24564 Piri Piri Chicken Thighs 380g 41415 Topside Joints 54706 Kettle Cured Sliced Ham 500g 34724 Lemon Pepper Chicken Thighs 380g 67259 Pork Fillet x 2 BEEF 58410 Chinese Chicken Thighs 380g LAMB POULTRY 31095 Cajun Chicken Thighs 380g 23110 Chicken 90603 Diced Beef 300g 25244 Lamb Neck Fillets 86478 Hot & Spicy Chicken Wings 600g 42079 Lamb Loin Chops x 2 78779 Diced Beef 450g 23110 Whole Chicken 1.5kg PORK 89302 Braising Steak 340g 96248 Chicken Fillets x 2 37843 Bonless Gammon Joint 19909 Frying Steak 340g 62536 Diced Chicken 450g BACON RETAIL PACKS 94579 Pork Boneless Joint 1kg 79446 Minced Beef 250g 55457 Stir Fry Chicken 400g These two convenient size packs are a fantastic addition to 61225 Leg of Pork Bonelwss Joint 39241 Minced Beef 400g your chiller cabinet - and a product our retailers have been 73393 Stuffed Belly Pork Joint 46374 Minced Beef 450g LAMB asking for 10023 Minced Beef 500g LAMB 92430 Lamb Leg Steaks 220g 76758 Rindless Back Bacon 250g 69381 Rib Eye Steak 340g 75271 British Leg of Lamb 62327 Lambs Liver 300g 74534 Rindless Back Bacon 454g 77345 Rump Steak x2 227g 37313 Lamb Chops 300g 14029 Sirloin Steak 200g 61783 Stewing Steak 400g SAUSAGES MINIMUM POR 19.9% 11219 4x Burgers 94705 Cider & Apple Sausages 502g 57994 Meatballs 12x20g 56875 Lincolnshire Sausages 502g 10367 Pork & Caramelised Onion Sausages 502g PORK 96724 Cumberland Sausages 502g 56691 Pigs Liver 300g 25779 Classic Pork Sausage 502g Retailers Fresh Meat Guide CAN I GET ADVICE IF I’M THINKING OF 27405 Diced Pork 450g 61401 Pork Chipolatas 400g Moving into retail fresh meat couldn’t be easier. Here are a couple of STARTING TO STOCK FRESH MEAT? commonly asked questions to help you make the most of stocking Hardy Yes. Our Butchery Sales Manager, Ian Hunt, is happy to 91395 Pork Chops x2 380g help. Phone Ian directly on 07971 970 502. 33627 Pork Steaks x2 340g Country Meats. 37188 BBQ Pork Steaks 340g HOW DO I PLACE MY ORDER? HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO ORDER? IS POS AVAILABLE? 72241 Chinese Pork Steaks 340g Simply place your meat order at the same time as As long as your total delivery meets the minimum Yes, please ask your telesales for shelf markers, posters, your main order with your telesales agent. order value, you can order as little as a single pack. till POS or flyers. 94579 Boneless Pork Loin 1kg We don’t sell by the case so you can mix products to 15576 Pork Belly Slices 400g ensure your meat range is always as fresh as possible. 46843 Chinese Pork Belly Slices 400g WHEN IS MY ORDER PREPARED? HOW IS IT BEST TO STORE FRESH DO PACKS HAVE BARCODES? 56691 Pigs Liver 300g Our products are cut to order in our fully MEAT? All packs are barcoded according to international standards licenced butchery. Fresh meat should be placed in your chiller - that means you can be positive your till will be able to scan immediately upon delivery. For maximum life we the pack (we use EAN13 for standard packs and variable recommend setting your chiller at + 2˚C or below. measure for felix-weight packs. MINIMUM POR 19.9%

Meat prices are subject to change without notice. Cooked Meats. Poulty & Bacon may not be locally sourced. 36 37 SERVING SUGGESTION FreshButchery Meat FreshButchery Meat

Brazilian churrasco

style... Beef Joints sold by 46247 Topside 71242 Rib Eye Steak 12oz weight. Simply Create a sweet citrus marinade by mashing

Oficia voluptiur occus voluptiur Oficia Beef request the size you occus voluptiur Oficia Beef 80242 Rib Steak 82875 Fillet Steak 6oz garlic, salt and peppercorns and mix it with 33582 Roasting Beef Joint 75760 Fillet Steak 12oz require. 54544 Diced Beef 72269 T Bone Steak (14oz/16oz) orange, lime juice, lemon juice, onion and 41012 Rump Steak 6oz 60186 Veal Bone oregano. Whisk the mix with olive oil and 20551 Rump Steak 8oz 30849 Brisket marinate the meat. Simply grill or pan fry 42247 Rump Steak 10oz 16503 Whole Rib Eye (3kg/4kg) 69259 Rump Steak 12oz the beef, add some fresh salad, seasoned 81773 Sirloin Steak 8oz mushrooms and you have a tasty, Brazilian 30417 Sirloin Steak 10oz 43817 Rib Eye Steak 10oz style dish.

1 Minute each side approx. Internal temp: 10-29°C

3-4 Minutes each side approx. Internal temp: 57-63°C Where? All products are cut to order in our fully 4 Minutes each side approx. Internal temp: 63-68°C licensed butchery.

5 Minutes each side approx. Internal temp: 72-77°C

6 Minutes each side approx. Internal temp: 77°C

1 Minute each side approx. 4 Minutes each side approx. 6 Minutes each side approx. STEAK PERFECTION Internal temp: 10-29°C Internal temp: 63-68°C Internal temp: 77°C To serve the perfect steak..ensure the pan is as hot as possible. The timings we provide are only an approximate and based on pan frying a 1” sirloin steak. Rare... Medium... Well...

38 39


FreshButchery Meat 73393 Stuffed Pork Belly 49509 Pork Belly FreshButchery Meat 69749 Boneless Leg of Pork 43532 Tenderloin Pork Glazed Roast 60980 Boneless Loin (Skin-on) 20958 Diced Pork 52180 Boneless Pork 17321 Boneless Shoulder Gammon Joint... Pork (Imported) 50130 Baby Back Ribs - Short 88868 Belly Pork Stuffed 12310 Pork Mince 93525 Pork Chop 8oz 43434 Mega Ribs 10kg 22073 Pork Steak 6oz 50130 Baby Back Ribs 10kg Gammon 81161 Whole Gammon 44666 Gammon Steak 8oz 35132 Diced Gammon 45090 Gammon Steak 10oz 40074 Gammon Steak 6oz Oficia voluptiur occus voluptiur Oficia Pork occus voluptiur Oficia Pork


Succulent Pulled Pork... Simply cook your pork joint to perfection and sit to rest. Rustle up a BBQ flavouring or simple use one of ours. See page 84 for sauces and marinades. Use 2 forks to shred the pork apart and toss with sauce to flavour it. Pulled pork is such a popular dish it can be enjoyed in burgers, as a topping or even as part of a light lunch.

Serve with a Brioche Bun. See page 182. For Coleslaw see page 122.

Where? All products are cut to order in our fully licensed butchery.

40 41


FreshButchery Meat 75271 Leg of Lamb 14266 Frozen Lamb Shanks FreshButchery Meat 55049 Lamb Loin Chops 63698 Minced Lamb Marinated 25244 Lamb Neck Fillet 72347 Diced Lamb 30863 Lamb Steak 8oz 50986 Frozen Lamb Chop Lamb Chops...

For a quick and easy way to bring the best out of our lamb chops, simply rub them with a mix of herbs such as basil thyme seasoning. Shallow fry for approx. 3 1/2 mins and then leave to rest. Head back Call 01935 810210...if you have any butchery to the pan with a handful of shallots, balsamic vinegar and some requirements or to place your chicken stock and reduce to a rich sauce. Add a little butter and fresh meat order. simply pour over the lamb chops. Oficia voluptiur occus voluptiur Oficia Lamb Oficia voluptiur occus voluptiur Oficia Lamb

44 45 FreshButchery Meat Oficia voluptiur occus voluptiur Oficia Butchery

Poultry 31826 Chicken Fillets 88264 Frozen Chicken Wings 78539 Diced Chicken 88727 Frozen Whole Chicken 23110 Whole Chicken 32637 Skin on Chicken Fillets 84412 Frozen Chicken Leg Supreme 61494 Boneless Turkey Breast 66873 Frozen Chicken Drumsticks 10kg 27970 Diced Turkey 66570 Frozen Chicken Thigh 10kg 88976 Frozen Chicken Legs 10kg Game 71372 Frozen Male Duck Legs 30327 Frozen Duck Breast 44263 Frozen Venison Mince 8x10oz 94878 Tilda Easy Cook Basmati Rice Offal 28319 Pigs Liver 88187 Lambs Liver Burgers 20896 Pigs Kidney 93836 Frozen Chicken Livers prepared fresh in-house Burgers daily. 35424 4oz Beefburger x 36 80296 12oz Beefburger x 12 GROCERY 43288 6oz Beefburger x 24 29655 4oz Lamb & Mint Burger x 24 48789 8oz Beefburger x 18 84149 4oz Pork & Apple Burger x 36 Sausages 48 Cold Beverages 89 Chutneys & Preserves 22665 Classic Sausages 57448 Cracked Black Pepper 64 Snacks & Confectionery 91 Pasta 61156 Pork & Apple Sausages 65584 Sausage Meat 59688 Cumberland Sausages 10367 Pork & Caramelised Onion 72 Hot Beverages 94 Culinary Sauces Sausages 75 Cereals 94 Gravy & Bouillon 26785 Lincolnshire Sausages 76 Canned Goods 99 Herbs & Spices Cooked Meats 77 Bakery 100 Soup 50141 Sliced Ham 72513 Whole Ham 34706 Honey Whole Ham 40194 Honey Sliced Ham 82 Sauces & Dressings 100 Cooking Wines & Spirits 88 Pickles & Condiments

46 47


Grocery Coca-Cola Enterprises Grocery 30356 Coca-Cola 1 24x330ml 8.39** S.P 25241 Diet Coke 1 24x330ml 8.39** S.P 30868 Coca-Cola Zero 1 24x330ml 9.65** S.P 78208 Coca-Cola Life 1 24x330ml 8.65** S.P 81676 Coca-Cola Cherry 1 24x330ml 9.65** S.P 56261 Fanta Orange 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 84513 Fanta Lemon 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 96780 Fanta Fruit Twist 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 85244 Lilt 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 79708 Sprite 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 57356 Dr Pepper 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 74784 Appletiser 1 24x330ml 12.90** S.P Britvic 55541 Pepsi 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P Canned Drinks Canned 55543 Diet Pepsi 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P Coca-Cola 72273 Pepsi Max 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 55545 Tango Orange 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 68945 Tango Orange No Added Sugar 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 55547 Tango Apple 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 29961 Tango Cherry 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 55549 7-Up 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P 25490 7-Up Free 1 24x330ml 6.49** S.P

San Pellegrino 88657 Limonata (Lemon) 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 15697 Aranciata (Orange) 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 72629 Aranciata Rossa (Blood Orange) 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 31825 Pompelmo (Grapefruit) 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 34511 NEW Orange & Pomegranate 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 11658 NEW Lemon & Mint 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P Vimto 37249 Vimto 1 24x330ml 7.49** S.P Rio 35005 Rio Tropical 1 24x330ml 7.45** S.P 43428 Rio Tropical Light 1 24x330ml 7.45** S.P 23477 Rio Citrus 1 24x330ml 7.45** S.P Irn Bru 14609 Irn Bru 1 24x330ml 9.25** S.P DON’T FORGET ICE!!

11713 ICE CUBES £4.99 (2kg) See page 238

48 49


Grocery Coca-Cola Enterprises Grocery 47131 Coca-Cola (Glass Bottle) 1 24x330ml 12.99** S.P 32924 Diet Coke (Glass Bottle) 1 24x330ml 12.99** S.P 86398 Appletiser (Glass Bottle) 1 12x275ml 8.85** S.P LOOKING TO GROW 13812 Coca-Cola 1 24x500ml 15.99** S.P 76321 Diet Coke 1 24x500ml 15.99** S.P 13991 Coca-Cola Zero 1 12x500ml 8.45** S.P YOUR SOFT DRINKS SALES? 98422 Coca-Cola Life 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P 32565 Coca-Cola Cherry 1 12x500ml 8.79** S.P 13087 Fanta Orange 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P BRITVIC IS HERE TO HELP WITH A PORTFOLIO OF MARKET LEADING BRANDS AND SUPPORT! 25213 Fanta Lemon 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P 31472 Fanta Fruit Twist 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P 49791 Sprite 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P 68542 Lilt 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P 76974 Dr Pepper 1 12x500ml 8.65** S.P Bottled Drinks Bottled Britvic 95412 Coke 1 12x1.5lt 13.99** S.P 81854 Diet Coke 1 12x1.5lt 13.99** S.P 66136 Schweppes Lemonade 1 12x1.5lt 11.99** S.P Britvic 93606 NEW 7-Up Free (Glass Bottle) 1 24x330ml 10.89** S.P 51386 Pepsi 1 24x500ml 12.89** S.P 54647 Diet Pepsi 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P 73926 Pepsi Max 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P 84913 Tango Orange 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P 77528 Tango Apple 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P 12858 Tango Cherry 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P 24861 7-Up 1 24x500ml 12.89** S.P 96236 7-Up Free (Sugar Free) 1 24x600ml 12.89** S.P Bag in Box Britvic 30782 NEW 7-Up Free Bag in Box 1 1x7ltr 33.99** S.P 59851 NEW Pepsi Bag in Box 1 1x7ltr 33.99** S.P 45834 NEW Diet Pepsi Bag in Box 1 1x7ltr 33.99** S.P 78106 NEW Tango Orange Bag in Box 1 1x7ltr 33.99** S.P 76030 NEW R Whites Bag in Box 1 1x7ltr 33.99** S.P Britvic Mixers 93830 Tonic Water 1 24x160ml 8.29** S.P 85427 Slimline Tonic Water 1 24x160ml 8.29** S.P Oasis 95698 Oasis Citrus Punch 1 12x500ml 8.79** S.P 39813 Oasis Blackcurrant & Apple 1 12x500ml 8.79** S.P 21105 Oasis Summer Fruits 1 12x500ml 8.79** S.P Juicy Drench 29054 Pear & Blueberry 1 12x440ml 7.19** S.P 20649 Cranberry & Raspberry 1 12x440ml 7.19** S.P 74299 Orange & Passionfruit 1 12x440ml 7.19** S.P Vimto 10531 Vimto Original Fizzy 1 12x500ml 6.99** S.P 92142 Vimto Still Sports Cap 1 12x500ml 6.99** S.P Levi Roots 75386 Caribbean Crush 1 12x500ml 6.99** S.P 25528 Mango & Pineapple 1 12x500ml 6.99** S.P Ice 38193 Ice Tea Lemon 1 12x500ml 7.49** S.P 51765 Ice Tea Mango 1 12x500ml 7.49** S.P 76125 Ice Tea Peach 1 12x500ml 7.49** S.P Making life’s everyday moments more enjoyable 54132 NEW Ice Tea Raspberry 1 12x500ml 7.49** S.P Orangina 51360 NEW Orangina (Glass) 1 12x250ml 7.79** S.P 40155 NEW Orangina (Plastic) 1 12x420ml 7.79** S.P 48158 NEW Orangina Light (Plastic) 1 12x420ml 7.79** S.P

BRV92267 - LW - HCA Wall Planner_V01 2.indd 1 03/11/2015 16:48 50 51

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT J2O 55438 Apple & Mango (Glass) 1 24x275ml 14.29** S.P Grocery Grocery 54211 Apple & Raspberry (Glass) 1 24x275ml 14.29** S.P 44586 Orange & Passion Fruit (Glass) 1 24x275ml 14.29** S.P 40220 NEW Apple & Mango (Plastic) 1 24x330ml 16.49** S.P 57083 NEW Orange & Passion Fruit (Plastic) 1 24x330ml 16.49** S.P Sports Drinks 55699 Powerade Tropical Berry 1 12x500ml 9.29** S.P 69024 Lucozade Sport Orange 1 12x500ml 8.99** S.P 29319 Lucozade Sport Raspberry 1 12x500ml 8.99** S.P 18277 Lucozade Sport Brazilian Guava 1 12x500ml 8.99** S.P 12727 Lucozade Sport Caribbean 1 12x500ml 8.99** S.P 53263 NEW Lucozade Sport Mango & Passionfruit 1 12x500ml 8.99** S.P 37638 NEW Boost Sport Tropical 50p PMP 1 12x500ml 4.40** SP 24172 NEW Boost Sport Berry 50p PMP 1 12x500ml 4.40** SP 98157 NEW Boost Sport Orange 50p PMP 1 12x500ml 4.40** SP Sports & Energy Drinks Energy & Sports Orangina Energy Drinks Powerful Water Company 31936 NEW POW Water Citrus & Zest 1 12x440ml 9.49** S.P 62574 NEW POW Water Coconut & Lime 1 12x440ml 9.49** S.P 16424 NEW POW Water Cranberry & Apple 1 12x440ml 9.49** S.P Sunsoul 91579 NEW Kaffir Lime & Lemon 1 12x250ml 17.49** S.P 91463 NEW Mango & Pineapple 1 12x250ml 17.49** S.P 17.49 NEW Raspberry & Elderflower 1 12x250ml 17.49** S.P Lucozade 23566 Lucozade Original 1 24x380ml 12.89** S.P 46340 Lucozade Orange Crush 1 24x380ml 12.89** S.P 17563 Lucozade Caribbean 1 24x380ml 12.89** S.P 76025 Lucozade Pink Lemonade 1 24x380ml 12.89** S.P 45273 NEW Lucozade Grafruitti 1 24x380ml 12.89** S.P Mountain Dew 42743 Mountain Dew 1 24x500ml 14.49** S.P Monster 34176 Monster Can 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 56915 Monster Khaos Can 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 21647 Monster Ripper Can 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 27246 Monster Rehab Can 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 19646 Monster Absolute Zero Can 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P Relentless 55042 Relentless Original 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 47721 Relentless Origin Ultra 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P 73177 Relentless Apple & Kiwi 1 12x500ml 12.29** S.P Red bull 86168 Red Bull Can 1 24x250ml 17.99** S.P 63389 Red Bull Sugar Free Can 1 24x250ml 17.99** S.P Boost 47336 Boost Can 1 24x250ml 8.57** S.P Parrett Apple Juice Produced in Crewkerne, Somerset a natural and healthy drink that captures the local taste of traditional Somerset apples. Parrett Brand apple juice has evolved into a naturally cloudy juice that is only made from named varieties of apples. 50261 Apple Juice 1 28x250ml 23.62** S.P 91319 Apple Juice (Bag in Box) 3 1x5lt 9.99** S.P

52 53


Grocery 28252 NEW Del Monte Pineapple Juice 1 6x1ltr 6.28** S.P Grocery 80745 Orange Juice 1 12x1lt 8.51** S.P 82395 Apple Juice 1 12x1lt 8.27** S.P 52493 Cranberry Juice 1 12x1lt 8.52** S.P 42630 Grapefruit Juice 1 12x1lt 11.41** S.P 50933 Tomato Juice 1 12x1lt 8.93** S.P 85776 Orange Juice Carton 1 24x200ml 6.55** S.P Refer to our range of Frobishers Classics 91578 Apple Juice Carton 1 24x200ml 6.23** S.P 42005 Pineapple Juice Carton 1 24x200ml 5.84** S.P 91367 Orange Juice Carton 1 30x150ml 6.93** S.P 35454 Apple Juice Carton 1 30x150ml 6.60** S.P Cawston Press 39865 NEW Apple Juice 1 6x1ltr 9.65** S.P 34041 NEW Apple & Elderflower Juice 1 6x1ltr 9.65** S.P

Fruit & Smoothies Juices 89687 NEW Apple & Ginger Juice 1 6x1ltr 9.65** S.P Purity 39865 NEW Apple Juice 1 6x1ltr 9.65** S.P 64347 NEW Apple & Rhubarb Juice 1 6x1ltr 9.65** S.P Frobishers Juices & Smoothies 61579 Pineapple, Banana & Passionfruit Smoothie 1 12x250ml 10.07** S.P 24347 Orange, Banana & Mango Smoothie 1 12x250ml 10.07** S.P 39094 Orange 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 87771 Apple 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 29995 Cranberry 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 87297 Grapefruit 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 48722 Pineapple 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 52323 Mango 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P 65942 Bumbleberry 1 24x250ml 20.80** S.P Folkington’s Juices 56038 Cloudy Apple Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 31398 Cloudy Pear Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 59061 Cranberry Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 38539 Elderflower Drink 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 79548 Mango Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 52144 Orange Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 30521 Pink Lemonade 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P 88468 Tomato Juice 1 12x250ml 10.49** S.P Juice Burst 500ml 45619 Orange 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 60166 Apple 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 21606 Tropical 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 39300 Blood Orange 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 35951 Orange & Carrot 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 41354 Mango 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 20049 Cranberry 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 60261 Blackcurrant 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 12913 Orange & Passion Fruit 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 36072 Still Lemonade 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 58513 NEW Pink Lemonade 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 71560 NEW Apple & Blueberry 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 87802 NEW Pomegranate & Blueberry 1 12x500ml 8.49** S.P 64026 Fairtrade Orange 1 12x500ml 9.49** S.P 35958 Fairtrade Apple 1 12x500ml 9.49** S.P Juice Burst 330ml 41996 Apple & Blackcurrant 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P 26772 Lemon & Lime 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P 60636 Apple 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P 65307 Berry Burst 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P 20634 Orange & Passionfruit 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P 76799 Tropical 1 12x330ml 5.49** S.P

54 55


Mineral Water

Grocery Plastic Grocery 92045 Radnor Hills Mineral Water 1 24x500ml 5.25** S.P 33683 Radnor Hills Sparkling Mineral Water 1 24x500ml 5.25** S.P 48692 Radnor Hills Mineral Water - Sport Cap 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 36440 Radnor Hills Mineral Water - Sport Cap 1 24x500ml 5.39** S.P 37924 Radnor Hills Mineral Water - Sport Cap 1 12x750ml 4.99** S.P 88917 Iceni Still Mineral Water 1 6x1.5lt 2.99** S.P 91932 Cornish Still Water 1 24x500ml 5.49** S.P 64856 Cornish Sparkling Water 1 24x500ml 5.49** S.P 99354 Cornish Still Water - Sport Cap 1 24x500ml 5.49** S.P 48538 Glaceau Still Mineral ‘Smart’ Water 1 24x600ml 6.49** S.P 63870 NEW Cheddar Spring Water 1 24x330ml 5.94** S.P 62718 NEW Cheddar Water Screwcap 1 24x500ml 5.34** S.P 14695 NEW Cheddar Water Sportcap 1 24x500ml 5.40** S.P 77313 NEW Cheddar Water Sparkling Water 1 24x500ml 5.58** S.P Mineral WaterMineral & Pressé Bottlegreen 99044 NEW Cheddar Water Still Water 1 6x1.5ltr 2.13** S.P 62349 NEW Cheddar Water Sparkling Water 1 6x1.5ltr 2.22** S.P 23664 NEW Cheddar Water Still Glass 1 24x330ml 7.92** S.P 12072 NEW Cheddar Water Sparkling Glass 1 24x330ml 7.92** S.P 89744 NEW Cheddar Water Still Glass 1 12x750ml 5.76** S.P 88735 NEW Cheddar Water Still Water 1 12x750ml 5.76** S.P Glass 39931 Hildon Still Mineral Water 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 66053 Hildon Sparkling Mineral Water 1 24x330ml 10.49** S.P 99845 Hildon Still Mineral Water 1 12x750ml 8.60** S.P 94060 Hildon Sparkling Mineral Water 1 12x750ml 8.60** S.P Flavoured Sparkling 86641 Aqua Splash Apple & Blackcurrant 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 43301 Aqua Splash Lemon & Lime 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 86660 Aqua Splash Orange & Mandarin 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 94107 Aqua Splash Forest Fruits 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 93924 Aqua Splash Peach 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P 10437 Aqua Splash Strawberry 1 24x330ml 3.99** S.P Flavoured still - Sports cap 72402 Aqua Splash Apple & Blackcurrant 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P 16009 Aqua Splash Lemon & Lime 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P 52378 Aqua Splash Orange & Mandarin 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P 35293 Aqua Splash Forest Fruits 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P 97517 Aqua Splash Peach 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P 91081 Aqua Splash Strawberry & Kiwi 1 24x500ml 6.49** S.P Bottlegreen Drinks Co. Bottlegreen Drinks Co. has been creating tasteful, natural soft drinks since 1989. Blending wonderfully sublime flavours into the most exquisite drinks is their one driving passion. 25643 Elderflower Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 73406 Cranberry & Orange Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 20229 Ginger & Lemongrass Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 80367 Cox’s Apple Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 52792 Pomegranate & Elderflower Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 43791 Cotswold Lemonade & Mint Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 33236 Mango & Coconut Pressé 1 12x275ml 9.79** S.P 88642 Elderflower Pressé Can 1 12x250ml 8.59** S.P 31953 Lemon & Mint Can 1 12x250ml 8.59** S.P

Refer to our Hildon water 750ml range

56 57

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Belvoir Fruit Farms Belvoir make naturally delicious Cordials and Pressés at their home in the gorgeous Lincolnshire countryside. Everything that goes into Grocery their drinks is real and natural with nothing artificial at all. Grocery Glass bottle 73710 Elderflower Pressé 1 12x75cl 18.54** S.P 94068 Elderflower Pressé 1 24x25cl 18.28** S.P 82608 Hand Made Lemonade 1 24x25cl 18.28** S.P 85166 Lime & Lemongrass Pressé 1 24x25cl 18.28** S.P 30403 Ginger Beer 1 24x25cl 18.28** S.P 81935 Pomegranate & Raspberry Pressé 1 24x25cl 18.80** S.P 17793 English Apple Pressé 1 24x25cl 18.80** S.P 56216 Raspberry Lemonade 1 24x25cl 18.80** S.P 98188 Mango & Peach 1 24x25cl 18.80** S.P 76214 Summer Fruits 1 24x25cl 18.80** S.P 22348 Organic Elderflower Pressé 1 24x25cl 19.05** S.P 39995 Organic Handmade Lemonade 1 24x25cl 19.05** S.P

Pressés & Juices 59172 Organic Ginger Beer 1 24x25cl 19.05** S.P Belvior Cans 46739 Elderflower Presse Can 1 12x250ml 8.89** S.P 10824 Raspberry Lemonade Can 1 12x250ml 8.89** S.P 36602 Coconut & Lime Can 1 12x250ml 8.89** S.P Fentimans Crafted from five generations of family experience, Fentimans beverages are botanically brewed and contain all the flavour and goodness from the finest natural ingredients. 91618 Curiosity Cola 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 66070 Cherrytree Cola 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 79931 Ginger Beer 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 25940 Dandelion & Burdock 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 93611 Mandarin & Seville Orange 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 52665 Brewed Shandy 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 24792 Victorian Lemonade 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 96856 Rose Lemonade 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 27771 Wild Elderflower 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P 22076 NEW Lime & Jasmine 1 12x275ml 10.70** S.P Pressé/Juices Luscombe Organic Drinks 42481 Devon Apple Juice 1 24x24cl 20.28** S.P 12916 Apple & Elderflower Juice 1 24x24cl 21.53** S.P 26469 Orange Juice 1 24x24cl 22.15** S.P 86222 Elderflower Bubbly 1 24x32cl 22.78** S.P 45718 Sicilian Lemonade 1 24x32cl 22.46** S.P 61630 Raspberry Lemonade 1 24x32cl 22.78** S.P 90511 Cranberry Crush 1 24x32cl 22.78** S.P 44433 Lime Crush 1 24x32cl 22.78** S.P 51142 St.Clements 1 24x32cl 23.21** S.P 51128 Cool Ginger Beer 1 24x32cl 22.46** S.P 65502 Hot Ginger Beer 1 24x32cl 22.46** S.P Heartsease Farm 29031 NEW Heartsease Blackcurrant 1 12x330ml 7.95** S.P 91563 NEW Heartsease Elderflower 1 12x330ml 7.95** S.P 51015 NEW Heartsease Fiery Ginger 1 12x330ml 7.95** S.P 10880 NEW Heartsease Raspberry Lemonade 1 12x330ml 7.95** S.P 41309 NEW Heartsease Traditional Lemonade 1 12x330ml 7.95** S.P Frobisher’s Classics 15447 NEW Sparkling Apple & Pear 1 12x330ml 11.89** S.P 42425 NEW Sparkling Raspberry 1 12x330ml 11.89** S.P 30788 NEW Sparkling St.Clements 1 12x330ml 11.89** S.P

58 59

UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Orchard Pig Juices Ribena 26124 Apple Tingler 1 12x25cl 9.10** S.P 87918 Ribena Blackcurrant Bottle 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P Grocery Grocery Sparkling apple juice drink that’s a natural refresher. 29140 Ribena Blackcurrant Light Bottle 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P 65596 Apple Rambler 1 12x25cl 9.10** S.P 94546 Ribena Mango & Lime Bottle 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P M uddled from a medley of sun-ripened apples. Delicious to the core. Thoroughly bracing, truly refreshing. 38352 Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit Bottle 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P 67535 Flower Power 1 12x25cl 9.10** S.P 84549 Ribena Strawberry Bottle 1 12x500ml 8.29** S.P S parkling apple juice and elderflower drink, blissfully blooming with 22402 Ribena Blackcurrant Carton 1 27x288ml 10.79** S.P elderflowers. It’s a summery vibe. 39883 Ribena Orange Carton 1 27x288ml 10.79** S.P 34606 Very Berried 1 12x25cl 9.10** S.P 22772 Ribena Apple Carton 1 27x288ml 10.79** S.P Strawberry & blackberry with a twist of poppy. Wild Animal Drinks 41399 Totally Minted 1 12x25cl 9.10** S.P 49511 Wild Juice Apple (Crocodile) 1 24x330ml 6.53** S.P Pink grapefruit and mint with a zesty twist of lime. 12729 Wild Juice Blackcurrant (Parrot) 1 24x330ml 6.53** S.P Kids Drinks 58158 Wild Juice Orange (Tiger) 1 24x330ml 6.53** S.P 40169 NEW Spoilt Cow Chocolate Milk 1 10x480ml 5.99 S.P 44696 Wild Waters Orange (Monkey) 1 24x330ml 6.25** S.P 34416 NEW Spoilt Cow Strawberry Milk 1 10x480ml 5.99 S.P 22542 Wild Waters Strawberry (Hippo) 1 24x330ml 6.25** S.P 14284 NEW Spoilt Cow Banana Milk 1 10x480ml 5.99 S.P 79285 Wild Waters Blackcurrant (Elephant) 1 24x330ml 6.25** S.P 65404 Viva Semi-Skimmed Milk Carton 1 27x200ml 7.50 S.P Kids Drinks Drinks Kids Suso Drinks Drinks Kids 88295 Viva Chocolate Carton 1 27x200ml 7.65 S.P 13888 Suso Apple Can 1 24x250ml 7.49** S.P 20920 Viva Strawberry Carton 1 27x200ml 7.65 S.P 38805 NEW Suso Forest Fruits Can 1 24x250ml 7.49** S.P 69887 Viva Banana Carton 1 27x200ml 7.65 S.P 71206 Suso Lemon Can 1 24x250ml 7.49** S.P 72763 Simply Fruity Orange Low Sugar 1 12x330ml 4.39** S.P 52504 Suso Orange Can 1 24x250ml 7.49** S.P 21255 Simply Fruity Blackcurrant Low Sugar 1 12x330ml 4.39** S.P 28729 NEW Suso Mango & Passionfruit 1 24x250ml 7.49** S.P 70600 Simply Fruity Apple Low Sugar 1 12x330ml 4.39** S.P Radnor Fizz 24040 Capri Sun Orange Pouch 1 15x330ml 9.89** S.P 32392 NEW Radnor Fizz Apple 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P Yazoo 82748 NEW Radnor Fizz Cola 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 26761 Yazoo Strawberry Milk 1 24x200ml 7.89 S.P 95003 NEW Radnor Fizz Forest Fruits 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 24904 Yazoo Chocolate Milk 1 24x200ml 7.89 S.P 66891 NEW Radnor Fizz Lemon Citrus 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 42219 Yazoo Banana Milk 1 24x200ml 7.89 S.P 64540 NEW Radnor Fizz Peach 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 54338 Yazoo Strawberry Milk 1 10x400ml 7.20 S.P 21338 NEW Radnor Fizz Tropical 1 24x330ml 8.99** S.P 20299 Yazoo Chocolate Milk 1 10x400ml 7.49 S.P Radnor Fruits 54257 Yazoo Banana Milk 1 10x400ml 7.49 S.P 48305 NEW Radnor Fruits Apple 1 24x330ml 10.99** S.P 39191 Yazoo Vanilla Milk 1 10x400ml 7.49 S.P 75747 NEW Radnor Fruits Forest Fruits 1 24x330ml 10.99** S.P Fruit Shoot 12850 NEW Radnor Fruits Lemon Citrus 1 24x330ml 10.99** S.P 34410 Fruit Shoot Orange Low Sugar 1 24x275ml 10.29** S.P 31012 NEW Radnor Fruits Orange 1 24x330ml 10.99** S.P 32748 Fruit Shoot Blackcurrant Low Sugar 1 24x275ml 10.29** S.P 57482 NEW Radnor Fruits Peach 1 24x330ml 10.99** S.P 73450 Fruit Shoot Apple Low Sugar 1 24x275ml 10.29** S.P 43607 Fruit Shoot Summer Fruits Low Sugar 1 24x275ml 10.29** S.P 98231 Fruit Shoot Blackcurrant Low Sugar 1 24x200ml 7.29** S.P 22359 Fruit Shoot Orange Low Sugar 1 24x200ml 7.29** S.P 41149 NEW Fruit Shoot My5 Apple & Pear 1 24x200ml 11.45** SP 60182 NEW Fruit Shoot My5 Apple & Blackcurrant 1 24x200ml 11.45** SP

60 61


Grocery 96974 Strawberry - No Added Sugar 12 1x1lt 3.17** S.P Grocery 60734 Banana 12 1x1lt 3.17** S.P 31284 Raspberry 12 1x1lt 3.17** S.P 69113 Chocolate 12 1x1lt 3.43 S.P Shmoo Milkshake Mixes & Accessories 28562 Vanilla Milkshake Mix 1 1x1.8kg 35.90 S.P 32334 Strawberry Milkshake Mix 1 1x1.8kg 35.90 S.P 26623 Chocolate Milkshake Mix 1 1x1.8kg 35.90 S.P 22034 Banana Milkshake Mix 1 1x1.8kg 35.90 S.P 36820 Shmoo 13oz Disposables Pack 1 approx 100 Free when ordered with Shmoo Milkshake Mix 33085 Shmoo 22oz Disposables Pack 1 approx 60 Free when ordered with Shmoo Milkshake Mix 72368 Cappuccino Cool Mix 1 1x1.25kg 35.90 S.P 37846 Cappuccino Cool 14oz Disposables Pack 1 approx 100 Milkshakes & CordialsMilkshakes Free when ordered with Cappuccino Cool Mix Burts 41591 Milk Chocolate Curls 1 1x300g 3.90 S.P 97751 Chocolate Fruit Crispies 1 1x320g 4.65 S.P 34429 Mini Pink & White Marshmallows 1 1x200g 2.88 S.P 73995 Starter Pack 1 130.00 S.P C ontains three tubs of Shmoo milkshake mix (Strawberry, Chocolate & Banana). Approx 300 branded cups, lids & straws. 4 tubs of thickshake toppings, 2 UHT non-dairy aerosol cream, POS pack & instructions. 32627 Drinks Mixer 1 195.00 S.P Cordials 92791 Well’s No Added Sugar Orange Cordial 3 1x5lt 2.67** S.P 16739 Well’s No Added Sugar Apple & Blackcurrant Cordial 3 1x5lt 2.99** S.P 15401 Well’s Blackcurrant Cordial 3 1x5lt 3.05** S.P 98715 Lime Cordial 3 1x5lt 2.99** S.P Robinson’s 96181 Robinson’s Orange - No Added Sugar Double Strength 1 2x1.75lt 5.99** S.P 28098 Robinson’s Lemon - No Added Sugar Double Strength 1 2x1.75lt 5.99** S.P 25811 Robinson’s Summer Fruits - No Added Sugar Double Strength 1 2x1.75lt 5.99** S.P 49443 Robinson’s Apple & Blackcurrant - No Added Sugar Double Strength 1 2x1.75lt 5.99** S.P Bottlegreen 55334 Elderflower Cordial 1 6x500ml 15.49** S.P Belvoir Fruit Farm 53261 Elderflower Cordial 1 6x50cl 14.98** S.P

62 63

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Crisps Grocery Grocery Tyrells 84937 Sea Salted 4 1x600g 4.33** S.P 20831 Root Vegetable 4 1x600g 8.92 S.P Walkers 22440 Ready Salted 1 48x32.5g 15.99** S.P 22442 Cheese & Onion 1 48x32.5g 15.99** S.P 22444 Salt & Vinegar 1 48x32.5g 15.99** S.P 23434 NEW Smokey Bacon 1 32x32g 10.99** SP 38041 NEW Prawn Cocktail 1 32x32g 10.99** SP 97313 Tomato Ketchup 1 48x32.5g 15.99** S.P 94992 Ready Salted Grab Bag 1 32x50g 17.85** S.P 26594 Cheese & Onion Grab Bag 1 32x50g 17.85** S.P 37749 Salt & Vinegar Grab Bag 1 32x50g 17.85** S.P

Popcorn & Crisps 99011 Quaver’s Cheese 1 32x20g 10.99** S.P Crisps Pipers 39243 NEW Max Paprika 1 24x42g 13.24** SP Pipers 33937 Anglesey Sea Salt 1 15x150g 17.20** S.P 31658 Anglesey Sea Salt 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 15040 Karnataka Black Pepper & Sea Salt 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 36865 Burrow Hill Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 77356 Lye Cross Cheddar & Onion 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 62708 Biggleswade Sweet Chilli 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 57655 Wissington Spicy Tomato 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 19884 Kirkby Malham Chorizo 1 24x40g 9.60** S.P 90744 NEW Anglesey Sea Salt Tub 1 1x600g 4.04** SP Burt’s 23081 Mature Cheddar 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 88172 Salt & Black Pepper 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 46385 Salt & Vinegar 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 94282 Sea Salt 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 60688 Sweet Chilli 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 61281 Firecracker Lobster 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 30085 Devon Beef 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 30964 Chorizo 1 20x40g 7.99** S.P 68121 Guinness 1 20x40g 8.49** S.P 95791 Rich Beef Chilli Guinness 1 20x40g 8.49** S.P 86992 Sea Salted Catering Pack 1 10x150g 12.49** S.P

Crisps as they should taste. Winners of 23 Gold Great Voted for by the readers Taste Awards since 2007 of Fine Food Digest

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UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Burt’s Lentil Wave Crisps Hula Hoops 15406 Lightly Salted 1 16x20g 6.19 S.P 25258 Ready Salted 1 1x48 13.79** S.P Grocery Grocery 58913 Sour Cream & Chive 1 16x20g 6.19 S.P 62836 Salt & Vinegar 1 1x48 13.79** S.P 19114 Thai Sweet Chilli 1 16x20g 6.19 S.P 85682 Cheese & Onion 1 1x48 13.79** S.P Salty Dog 74393 BBQ 1 1x48 13.79** S.P 95163 Sea Salt 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P Pringles 82288 Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P 96153 Original 1 12x40g 6.59** S.P 11733 Cheddar & Onion 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P 34178 Sour Cream & Onion 1 12x40g 6.59** S.P 47526 Sweet Chilli 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P 73732 NEW Paprika 1 12x40g 6.59** S.P 80913 Ham & Wholegrain Mustard 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P 10861 NEW Texas BBQ Sauce 1 12x40g 6.59** S.P 32790 Flame Grilled Steak 1 30x40g 12.49** S.P Other Seabrook Crisps 44000 NEW Squares Salt & Vinegar 1 32x27g 11.99** S.P 32958 Beefy 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P 29148 NEW Cheesey Wotsits 1 32x22g 11.99** S.P 12605 Canadian Ham 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P 67605 Pom Bear Original 1 1x36 11.59** S.P 74615 Cheese & Onion 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P Cheddars 53762 Cheese & Chive 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P 28628 Prawn Cocktail 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P McVities Crisps & Pork Scratchings Nuts Crisps, 15482 Sea Salt & Vinegar 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P 20729 Mini Cheddars - Original 1 30x50g 13.59 S.P 24910 Sea Salted 1 48x31.8g 10.99** S.P 98505 Mini Cheddars - Branston Pickle 1 30x50g 13.59 S.P Doritos 11608 Mini Cheddars - Spring Onion 1 30x50g 13.59 S.P 78058 Cool Original 1 40x40g 16.59** S.P Nuts 12752 Chilli Heatwave 1 32x40g 14.36** S.P 64899 NEW Tangy Cheese 1 32x40g 14.39** SP The Dormen Food Company McCoys 61161 Salted Peanuts 1 24x50g 6.49** S.P 14150 Cheddar & Onion 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P 51146 Dry Roasted Peanuts 1 24x50g 7.39** S.P 73824 Flame Grilled Steak 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P 62560 Spicy Peanuts 1 24x50g 10.79** S.P The finest peanuts with a lightly Spiced chilli-coated shell to 93256 Ready Salted 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P create a popular classic 31064 Salt & Malt Vinegar 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P 46952 Jumbo Cashews 1 24x50g 16.99** S.P 93930 Sizzling Prawn 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P Jumbo cashews selected from the finest sources and lightly salted 28178 Spicy Chilli 1 36x50g 14.29** S.P for a simply wonderful flavour. Monster Munch Pork Scratchings 90138 Beef Grab Bag 1 30x40g 17.09** S.P 59562 No Nonsense Pork Scratchings 1 24x60g 9.99 S.P 11479 Pickled Onion Grab Bag 1 30x40g 17.09** S.P Tortilla Chips Nik Naks 67944 Nice & Spicy 1 1x28 7.99** S.P 54419 La Mexicana Tortilla Chips 1 12x500g 14.40 S.P 81211 Rib & Spicy 1 1x28 7.99** S.P 68328 La Mexicana Chilli Tortilla Chips 1 12x500g 16.31 S.P Wheat Crunchies 56904 Bacon 1 1x24 8.15** S.P 35084 Cheese & Onion 1 1x24 8.15** S.P

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66 67

UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Flapjacks/Slices/Cookies Confectionery Devondale - Individually Wrapped

Grocery 94722 Cadbury Boost 1 1x48 20.90** S.P Grocery Devonvale is a family run company set in the heart of the Devonshire countryside. They specialise in producing a comprehensive range of high quality ambient, wrapped handbaked flapjacks, crumbles and cake slices. 84168 Cadbury Crunchie 1 1x48 20.90** S.P 87000 Plain Flapjack 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 45032 Cadbury Dairy Milk 1 1x48 21.98** S.P 73391 Banoffee Flapjack 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 40349 Cadbury Double Decker 1 1x48 20.90** S.P 73149 Cappuccino Flapjack 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 31986 Cadbury Caramel 1 1x48 21.98** S.P 33523 Chocoholic Flapjack 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 10950 Cadbury Twirl 1 1x48 21.98** S.P 87012 Cherry Bakewell Iced Topped Flapjack 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 97094 Cadbury Wispa 1 1x48 21.98** S.P 72595 NEW Clotted Cream Flapjack 1 1x24 10.90 S.P 26150 Cadbury Starbar 1 1x32 13.90** S.P 16662 NEW Iced Flapjacks 1 4x6 10.90 S.P 78766 Kit Kat 4 Finger 1 1x48 18.62** S.P 92993 Mixed Flapjack Selection 1 1x24 10.49 S.P 68246 Kit Kat Chunky 1 1x48 18.62** S.P 6 x Cherry Sultana, 6 x Chocolate Chip, 6 x Plain, 6 x Raspberry 41377 Kit Kat Chunky Peanut 1 1x24 10.75** S.P 39823 NEW Butter Shortbread 1 1x24 11.27 S.P 36386 Bounty Milk Bar 1 1x24 9.56** S.P 87016 Caramel Shortbread Slice 1 1x 4 10.79 S.P 32203 Galaxy Standard Bar 1 1x24 9.92** S.P 49202 Chocolate Chip Crunchy Cake 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 96387 Galaxy Caramel Bar 1 1x24 9.92** S.P 36959 Chocolate Brownie 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 43706 Galaxy Ripple 1 1x36 14.89** S.P Flapjacks, Cakes & Cereal Bars Cereal & Cakes Flapjacks, Confectionery & Chocolates 80610 Chocolate Tiffin 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 57358 Minstrels 1 1x40 16.49** S.P 29268 NEW Chocolate Crispy Bar 1 1x24 10.90 S.P 79677 Maltesers 1 1x40 16.40** S.P 87020 Blackcurrant & Apple Crumble Slice 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 19529 Malteser Teasers 1 1x24 10.92** S.P 87022 Raspberry Crumble Slice 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 24623 Milky Way Single Bar 1 1x48 7.27** S.P 37711 Mixed Crumble Selection 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 27791 Milky Way Twin Bar 1 1x24 8.41** S.P 6 x Almond & Apricot, 6 x Blackcurrant & Apple, 6 x Raspberry, 6 x Rhubarb 56894 M & M’s Chocolate 1 1x24 10.60** S.P 53486 Mixed Crunchy Cake Selection 1 1x24 10.79 S.P 91802 Mars Bar 1 1x48 17.49** S.P 6 x Caramel, 6 x Choc Cherry, 6 x Choc Chip, 6 x Lemon Fudge 87874 Snickers 1 1x48 17.49** S.P 38832 Chocolate Chunk Cookie 1 1x20 8.29 S.P 24613 Twix 1 1x32 12.04** S.P 28482 Cranberry & Chocolate Cookie 1 1x20 8.29 S.P 27604 Nestle Lion Bar 1 36x50g 14.94** S.P 95831 Cranberry Just Bar 1 1x12 6.19* S.P 32658 Nestle Toffee Crisp 1 1x48 19.00** S.P 76948 Fruit & Nut Just Bar 1 1x12 6.19* S.P 63511 Nestle Yorkie Original 1 1x36 14.10** S.P Wicked Cake Company 35960 Nestle Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit 1 1x36 14.10** S.P 33921 Wrapped Flapjack 1 1x32 11.61 S.P 92752 Nestle Aero Mint Bubbles 36g 1 1x36 15.19** S.P 37820 Wrapped Mixed Flapjack Selection 1 1x32 14.26 S.P 48450 Nestle Aero Milk Chocolate Bar 1 1x36 15.00** S.P 79763 Wrapped Caramel Shortbread 1 1x32 18.45 S.P 92752 Nestle Aero Mint Bar 1 1x36 15.00** S.P 12158 Wrapped Chocolate Brownie 1 1x32 15.85 S.P 71336 Nestle Drifter 1 1x48 18.37** S.P 62126 Wrapped Rocky Road Bar 1 1x32 18.45 S.P 24369 Nestle Munchies 1 1x36 18.41** S.P 24526 Mixed Wrapped Bar Selection 1 1x32 16.20** S.P 27253 Nestle Rolo 1 1x36 14.66** S.P 17121 Wrapped Mixed Muffins 1 1x24 12.22 S.P 16677 Nestle Caramac 1 1x48 16.25** SP 42344 Wrapped Chocolate Cookies 1 1x24 10.26 S.P 67688 Nestle Milky Bar Buttons 1 1x48 16.00** S.P 86293 Wrapped White Chocolate Cookies 1 1x24 10.26 S.P 23810 Nestle Milky Bar Medium 1 1x40 13.12** S.P 91128 Wrapped Rainbow Cookies 1 1x24 11.18 S.P 28527 Ferrero Kinder Bueno 1 1x30 14.00** S.P 17611 Wrapped Mixed Cookie Selection 1 1x24 11.43 S.P 55523 Ferrero Kinder Bueno White 1 1x30 14.24** S.P Kellogg’s Krispie Squares 99031 Polo Original 1 1x48 15.17** S.P 44074 Polo Sugar Free 1 1x48 15.17** S.P 61561 Kellogg’s Marshmallow Krispie Squares 1 30x28g 13.64 S.P 40214 Polo Spearmint 1 1x48 15.17** S.P 63668 Kellogg’s Choc Caramel Krispie Squares 1 30x36g 13.64 S.P 56114 Polo Fruits 1 1x48 15.17** S.P 54368 Kellogg’s Totally Choc Krispie Squares 1 30x36g 13.64 S.P 52760 Oreo Cookies 6’s 1 20x66g 9.60** S.P Eat Natural Bars 29170 Trebor Peppermint Soft Mints 1 1x40 13.02** S.P 75417 Eat Natural Almond & Apricot 1 12x45g 7.76 S.P 78219 Trebor Spearmint Soft Mints 1 1x40 13.02** S.P 65269 Eat Natural Almond & Hazelnut 1 12x45g 7.76 S.P 17619 Maynards Wine Gums 1 1x40 13.16** S.P 30446 Eat Natural Brazil Nuts & Sultanas 1 12x45g 7.76 S.P 45767 Nestle Fruit Gums 1 1x36 11.94** S.P 77363 Eat Natural Chocalate & Cranberry 1 12x45g 7.76 S.P 21669 Fruit Pastilles 1 1x48 15.17** S.P Go Ahead Bars 45631 Nestle Jelly Tots 1 1x36 11.64** S.P 45346 Nestle Tooty Fruity 1 1x36 11.64** S.P 66895 Go Ahead Forest Fruit Yogurt Bar 1 24x36g 17.04 S.P 87731 Wrigley Skittles Fruits 1 1x36 12.78** S.P 69964 Go Ahead Apple & Sultana Bar 1 24x36g 17.04 S.P 67465 Wrigley Skittles Sours 1 1x36 12.78** S.P Nutri-Grain Soft & Fruity Bars 59816 Apple 1 28x37g 12.74 S.P 33277 Strawberry 1 28x37g 12.74 S.P Nakd Bars 38695 Nakd Banana Crunch Bar 1 18x30g 10.29** S.P 98311 Nakd Strawberry Crunch Bar 1 18x30g 10.29** S.P 73060 Nakd Berry Delight Bar 1 18x35g 10.29** S.P 84922 Nakd Cocoa Mint Bar 1 18x35g 10.29** S.P 96853 Nakd Cocoa Orange Bar 1 18x35g 10.29** S.P 68 69


Grocery 56747 Starburst Fruity Chew 1 1x24 8.28** S.P Grocery 60561 Cadbury Fudge 25p PMP 1 1x60 11.49** S.P 86573 Cadbury Freddo 25p PMP 1 1x60 11.49** S.P 84016 Cadbury Caramel Freddo 25p PMP 1 1x60 11.49** S.P 29671 Cadbury Chomp 25p PMP 1 1x60 11.49** S.P 80057 Haribo Starmix 1 12x160g 7.18** S.P 32386 Haribo Tangfastic 1 12x160g 7.18** S.P 76905 Wrapped Mint Imperials 1 1x2kg 8.91** S.P Mint Chocolates / Marshmallows 90126 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mint Crisps - 155pce 6 1x1kg 7.65** S.P 21921 Chefs’ Selections by Caterfirce Mint Cremes - 120pce 6 1x1kg 7.65** S.P 46373 Mini Coloured Marshmallows 8 1x1kg 5.74** S.P Biscuits

Confectionery, After Dinner Mints & Biscuits Mints Dinner Confectionery, After Sweet by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections 41326 Crawford’s Bourbons 1 12x150g 5.85 S.P 20951 Crawford’s Custard Creams 1 12x150g 5.85 S.P 87025 Crawford’s Fig Rolls 1 12x150g 5.85 S.P 34962 Crawford’s Jam Rings 1 12x125g 5.85 S.P 52108 Crawford’s Nice Biscuits 1 12x200g 5.85 S.P 33077 Crawford’s Pink Wafer Biscuits 1 12x100g 5.85 S.P 53212 Crawford’s Teatime Biscuits 1 10x275g 8.30 S.P 69447 Rover Biscuit Selection 1 2x1kg 8.78 S.P 17459 Family Circle 5 1x800g 6.39 S.P 82292 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mini Packs 1 1x100 12.49 S.P 69415 Bronte Mini Pack (Wrapped Viennese) 1 1x100 19.29 S.P 78817 Bronte Wrapped Butter Shortbread 1 24x30g 10.64 S.P 37526 Bronte Wrapped Chocolate Chip Biscuits 1 24x30g 10.64 S.P 21782 Bronte Wrapped Ginger Snap Biscuits 1 24x30g 10.64 S.P 22252 Lotus Caramelised Biscuit 1 1x300 9.99 S.P Ethically Chocolate Sourced! 30587 Nestle Blue Riband Biscuits 1 14x5 12.35** S.P 83606 Nestle Breakaway Biscuits 1 14x5 12.35** S.P 52751 Club Orange Biscuits 1 1x60 11.62** S.P 70093 Penguin Biscuits 4 1x48 9.29** S.P Perfect for Bulk 33565 Crawford’s Catering Digestives 1 1x2.4kg 6.89 S.P Savoury 23800 Jacobs Biscuits for Cheese 6 1x900g 4.90 S.P afternoon tea. 36551 Jacobs Cream Cracker Mini Packs 1 168x2 26.86 S.P Or any time, for that matter 35011 1 Cup Tea Bags 1100 per bag

Delicious and refreshing, ethically sourced Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce tea has bags of flavour and bags of value. Made with 100% black tea, they come in high quality packaging to ensure they always arrive fresh for the perfect cuppa, every time. Available exclusively in your area from Hunts’ Foodservice

82292 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Minipacks

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UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Beverages Grocery Grocery Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 35011 NEW One Cup Tea Bags 2 1x1100 8.49 S.P Typhoo 38655 Typhoo One Cup Tea Bags 2 1x1100 12.69 S.P Tetley 44824 Tetley One Cup Tea Bags 2 1x1100 13.99 S.P 72888 Tetley On The Go 1 1x300 54.99 S.P T he On The Go Case contains 300 Tetley Drawstring tea bags, accompanied by 300 Tetley branded double wall cups and non-spill ‘sip lids’ – all in one easy-to-store, easy-to-use package. 14583 Tetley Enveloped Tea Bags 1 1x250 7.90 S.P 87906 Tetley Drawstring Tea Bags 12 1x100 3.29 S.P PG Tips

Tea & Coffee 12657 PG Tips One Cup Tea Bags 2 1x1150 19.93 S.P TeaDorset 56781 PG Tips String & Tagged Tea Bags 12 1x100 4.03 S.P 55511 PG Tips Enveloped Tea Bags 1 1x200 8.82 S.P Clipper 69643 Everyday Tea 1 1x1100 21.09 S.P 54275 Everyday Tea Envelope 1 1x250 15.23 S.P 81667 Everyday Fairtrade Tagged Tea 1 6x100 22.97 S.P 30030 Organic Earl Grey Tea Envelope 1 6x25 11.44 S.P 61227 Chamomile Tea Envelope 1 6x25 11.44 S.P 53682 DeCaf Organic Tea Envelope 1 6x25 12.66 S.P 58157 Organic Green Tea Envelope 1 6x25 11.44 S.P 38602 Peppermint Tea Envelope 1 6x25 11.44 S.P 97803 Redbush Tea Envelope 1 6x25 11.44 S.P 16902 Lemon & Ginger Tea Envelope 1 6x25 12.65 S.P 34476 Organic Wild Berry Tea Envelope 1 6x25 12.65 S.P Keith Spicer ‘Dorset Tea’ 66400 Dorset Tea Catering Bag 2 1x1100 16.49 S.P 56554 Dorset Tea Envelope 1 1x250 11.49 S.P 69620 Dorset Tea String & Tagged 5 1x100 4.29 S.P 42033 Dorset Tea Retail 40’s 1 12x40 10.99 S.P 16969 Dorset Tea Retail 80’s 1 6x80 10.99 S.P 24156 Dorset Tea Retail Decaf 80’s 1 6x80 15.36 S.P Fuit, Herbal & Green Teas - Tagged & Enveloped 72217 Dorset Tea Breakfast Tea 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 13247 Dorset Tea Wild about Mint 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 18614 Dorset Tea Strawberries & Cream 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 44105 Dorset Tea Blackberry Syllabub 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 61820 Dorset Tea Pure Green Tea 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 47202 Dorset Tea Green Tea with Lemon 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 89637 NEW Dorset Tea Earl of Grey 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 71752 NEW Ginger & Lemon Tea 1 4x24 6.49 S.P 68136 Dorset Tea Foraged Fruits 1 4x20 6.49 S.P 84003 Dorset Tea Cool Camomile 1 4x20 6.49 S.P Coffee Granules/Filter Coffee 45257 Red Mountain Coffee Granules 6 1x750g 7.54 S.P 37102 Kenco Smooth Roast Granules 6 1x750g 21.75 S.P 36020 Nescafe Original Granules 6 1x750g 24.95 S.P 94301 Nescafe Original Decaf Granules 6 1x500g 16.42 S.P 11272 Nescafe Gold Blend 6 1x750g 26.99 S.P 79614 Kenco Westminster Filter Coffee 1 50x3pt 38.49 S.P 10003 NEW Change Coffee Filter Coffee 3pint 1 50x3pt 25.49 S.P 48634 NEW Change Coffee Decaf Filter Coffee Sachets 1 100x7g 18.89 S.P

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UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Coffee Beans 51266 Caster Sugar 1 1x10kg 10.83 S.P 69751 NEW Change Coffee Espresso Coffee Beans 6 1x1kg 7.15 S.P 52283 Caster Sugar 1 1x25kg 19.85 S.P Grocery Grocery Blend - 48% Arabica, 52% Robusta beans 86721 Icing Sugar 4 1x3kg 3.90 S.P Origin - Brazil, Central America, Ethiopia & India 36138 Light Muscovado Sugar 4 1x3kg 6.89 S.P 83643 NEW Change Coffee 100% Arabica Beans 6 1x1kg 8.49 S.P Origin - Brazil & Honduras 51897 Dark Muscovado Sugar 4 1x3kg 6.53 S.P 36987 NEW Change Coffee Fairtrade Coffee Beans 6 1x1kg 9.79 S.P Kelloggs Portion-Packs Blend - 80% Arabica, 20% Robusta beans 35213 Zucro Sweetener 1 1x1kg 10.40 S.P Origin - Central America, Brazil & India Breakfast Cereals Coffee Sticks/Sachets Kelloggs Portion-Packs 97122 Nescafe Original Sticks 1 1x200 16.19 S.P 16567 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 1 40x24g 11.25 S.P 18938 Nescafe Decaffeinated Sticks 1 1x200 17.43 S.P 74460 Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes 1 40x35g 11.80 S.P 49954 Nescafe Gold Blend Sticks 1 1x200 18.75 S.P 88270 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies 1 40x22g 11.80 S.P 26132 Nescafe Gold Blend Decaf Sticks 1 1x200 19.01 S.P 79622 Kellogg’s Special K 1 40x30g 11.80 S.P 27002 Nescafe Latte Sachets 1 1x40 12.99 S.P 93106 Kellogg’s Coco Pops 1 40x35g 11.80 S.P 16493 Nescafe Cappuccino Sachets 1 1x50 13.01 S.P 17029 Kellogg’s Fruit n Fibre 1 40x45g 11.80 S.P Chocolate 50850 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes 1 40x40g 11.39 S.P 43731 Cadbury Drinking Chocolate - Add Milk 1 1x5kg 29.53 S.P Hot Drinks & Sugar Drinks Hot 48745 Kellogg’s Frosties 1 40x35g 11.51 S.P Cereals Breakfast 71185 Cadbury Drinking Chocolate - Add Milk 6 1x2kg 13.15 S.P 18254 Kellogg’s All Bran 1 40x40g 11.39 S.P 84754 Cadbury Instant Chocolate - Add Water 6 1x2kg 17.45 S.P 73862 Kellogg’s Luxury Muesli 1 32x50g 10.38 S.P 38735 NEW Callebaut Dark Hot Chocolate 1 1x1kg 8.55 S.P Kelloggs Bag Packs 17678 NEW Callebaut White Hot Chocolate 1 1x1kg 8.55 S.P 56189 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 1 4x500g 8.84 S.P 94614 NEW Cadbury Hot Chocolate To Go Cups 1 20x8 67.39 S.P 92805 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies 1 4x400g 9.35 S.P 25026 NEW Choc o Lait Spoon Milk Chocolate 1 1x60 32.00 S.P 51752 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes 1 4x500g 8.92 S.P 19300 Cadbury Instant Chocolate Sachets 1 50x28g 15.12 S.P 73603 Kellogg’s Frosties 1 4x500g 8.92 S.P 25380 Freshers Cocoa Powder 10 1x500g 4.62 S.P 26651 Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes 1 4x500g 13.07 S.P 40379 Bourneville Cocoa Powder 1 1x1.5kg 21.75 S.P 36090 Kellogg’s All Bran 1 4x700g 11.76 S.P 76043 Callebaut Cocoa Powder 20 1x1kg 8.75 S.P 35407 Kellogg’s Fruit & Fibre 1 4x700g 16.29 S.P Other Hot Drinks Kelloggs Bulk Cereal 73584 Ovaltine 6 1x800g 8.69 S.P 50464 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 1 1x10kg 26.75 S.P 34110 Horlicks 2 1x2kg 13.29 S.P 77462 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies 1 1x10kg 34.78 S.P Milk Powder 86211 Kellogg’s Bran Flakes 1 1x10kg 31.38 S.P 99924 Milfresh Skimmed Milk Powder 6 1x2kg 8.84 S.P Nestle 28082 NEW Milfresh Gold Granulated Powder 1 10x500g 36.51 SP 21003 Shreddies 1 6x500g 14.82 S.P Syrup Alpen 47132 Da Vinci Vanilla Syrup 6 1x1lt 8.25 S.P 79873 Alpen Original Sachets 1 50x50g 14.09 S.P 19862 Da Vinci Caramel Syrup 6 1x1lt 8.25 S.P 38317 Alpen Original 1 2x1.5kg 10.37 S.P 10879 Da Vinci Hazelnut Syrup 6 1x1lt 8.25 S.P Weetabix Sugars / Sweeteners 53076 Weetabix Catering Pack A 1 6x48 28.24 S.P Sachets 97073 Weetabix Catering Pack B 1 48x2 14.32 S.P 79334 Tate & Lyle White Sugar Sachets 1 1000 4.59 S.P 25880 Weetabix Catering Pack C 1 96x1 15.30 S.P 70685 Tate & Lyle Brown Sugar Sachets 1 1000 5.70 S.P Oat Flakes 64431 Sweet & Low Sweetener Sachets 1 1000 11.63 S.P 41924 Mornflake Superfast Oat Flakes 4 1x3kg 3.65 S.P Sticks 33146 Mornflake Jumbo Oat Flakes 4 1x3kg 3.65 S.P 53640 Tate & Lyle White Sugar Sticks 1 1000 5.36 S.P 83869 Mornflake Oat Flakes 1 1x25kg 15.41 S.P 91421 Fairtrade White Sugar Sticks 1 1000 6.80 S.P Instant Porridge Pots 44991 Tate & Lyle Brown Sugar Sticks 1 1000 6.36 S.P 44232 Mornflake Original Porridge Pot ( No spoon) 1 12x53g 6.30 SP 81981 Fairtrade Brown Sugar Sticks 1 1000 6.80 S.P 52872 Mornflake Gloden Syrup Porridge Pot (No spoon) 1 12x62g 6.30 SP 50187 Zucro Sweetener Sticks 1 1000 7.20 S.P Cubes 82774 Tate & Lyle White Rough Cut Cubes 8 1x1kg 2.99 S.P 41807 Tate & Lyle Demerara Rough Cut Cubes 8 1x1kg 2.99 S.P Tate & Lyle Bulk Sugar 98897 Granulated Sugar 1 15x1kg 10.99 S.P 78072 Granulated Sugar 6 1x2kg 1.82 S.P 85391 Granulated Sugar 1 1x5kg 5.46 S.P 78628 Granulated Sugar 1 1x10kg 9.15 S.P 43940 Granulated Sugar 1 1x25kg 16.70 S.P 69423 Demerara Sugar 4 1x3kg 3.95 S.P 67476 Light Brown Sugar 4 1x3kg 4.46 S.P 20780 Dark Brown Sugar 4 1x3kg 4.54 S.P 16361 Caster Sugar 6 1x2kg 1.89 S.P

Refer to our range of porridge

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UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Hot Dogs Vegetables - continued 12714 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Plum Tomatoes 1 6x2.5kg 10.99 S.P

Grocery Cans/Pouches Grocery 23268 Plum Tomatoes 1 6x800g 4.28 S.P 24706 Wikinger Canned Hot Dogs 4 25x90g 10.80 S.P 68507 Plum Tomatoes 6 1x2.55kg 1.99 S.P 72473 Uncle John’s Pouched Hot Dogs 6” 20 7x72g 2.95 S.P 62391 Sliced Mushrooms 6 1x2.55kg 4.25 S.P 39974 Uncle John’s Pouched Hot Dogs 12” 6 9x140g 7.10 S.P 88226 Sliced Mushrooms 6 1x800g 1.53 S.P Canned Foods & Pouches 60890 Sliced Green Jalapenos 6 1x3kg 3.19 S.P Milk 98666 Sliced Red Jalapenos 6 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 17550 Coconut Milk 7% 1 12x400ml 8.48 S.P 17908 La Mexicana Vegetarian Refried Beans 6 1x3.26kg 6.59 S.P 80111 Coconut Milk 14% 1 12x400ml 9.09 S.P 59104 Red Kidney Beans 1 6x800g 6.32 S.P 67044 Carnation Evaporated Milk 1 12x410g 13.95 S.P 10825 Red Kidney Beans 6 1x2.55kg 3.36 S.P 47452 Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 12x397g 24.29 S.P 36901 Butter Beans 1 6x800g 7.92 S.P Fish 70787 Butter Beans 6 1x2.55kg 3.20 S.P 18574 Tuna Chunks in Brine 1 12x185g M.P 20252 Cannellini Beans 6 1x2.55kg 3.05 S.P 52037 Tuna Chunks in Brine 1 24x400g M.P 11930 Three Bean Salad in Salted Water 6 1x2.55kg 3.19 S.P 49437 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tuna Chunks In Brine 1 6x800g M.P 50244 Five Bean Salad 6 1x800g 1.09 S.P

Canned Goods 93665 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tuna Chunks In Brine 1 6x1.7kg M.P 58835 Chick Peas 1 6x800g 6.00 S.P Mixes & Bakery , Dry Nuts Goods, Canned 55047 NEW Fairer Fish MSC Tuna Chunks in Brine 1 1x1.7kg £99 22503 Chick Peas 6 1x2.65kg 2.32 S.P 25922 Tuna in Brine Pouch 1 4x3kg M.P 61147 Sweetcorn 1 12x340g 6.82 S.P 51058 Anchovy Fillets in Oil 1 10x50g 7.34 S.P 48368 Sweetcorn 6 1x2.13kg 3.37 S.P 76762 Anchovy Fillets in Oil 1 6x365g 20.23 S.P 25107 Mushy Peas 1 6x800g 7.12 S.P Meat 59991 Mushy Peas 6 1x2.6kg 2.92 S.P 45332 Old El Paso Chili Con Carne 6 1x1.6kg 6.57 S.P 27672 Batchelor’s Original Choice Mushy Peas 6 1x3kg 5.88 S.P 82690 Corned Beef 1 12x340g 31.76 S.P Nuts 48567 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mincemeat 4 1x3kg 7.18 S.P 90450 Walnut Pieces 6 1x1kg 10.93 S.P Fruit 99763 Walnut Halves 6 1x1kg 12.45 S.P 45225 Solid Pack Rhubarb 6 1x2.84kg 5.81 86985 Pecan Nuts 6 1x1kg 14.80 S.P 54376 Solid Pack Apple 6 1x2.6kg 3.40 13223 Flaked Almonds 6 1x1kg 11.60 S.P 36828 Grapefruit Segments in Juice 6 1x3kg 5.45 95154 Ground Almond 6 1x1kg 10.40 S.P 97850 Fruit Cocktail in Juice 1 6x820g 9.52 91288 Whole Blanched Almonds 6 1x1kg 11.73 S.P 19405 Fruit Cocktail in Juice 6 1x2.65kg 4.21 29792 Cashews 5 1x1kg 8.18 S.P 20596 Peach Slices in Juice 1 6x820g 8.63 28679 Hazelnuts 5 1x1kg 7.43 S.P 10756 Peach Slices in Juice 6 1x2.65kg 4.65 38925 Pinenut Kernels 5 1x1kg 25.04 S.P 60953 Peach Slices in Syrup 6 1x2.65kg 4.25 76940 Dessicated Coconut 4 1x2kg 6.88 S.P 96445 Peach Halves in Juice 6 1x2.65kg 4.23 Cereals/Pulses 32034 Pear Halves in Juice 1 6x820g 8.93 57278 Cous Cous 4 1x3kg 5.96 S.P 70410 Pear Halves in Juice 6 1x2.6kg 4.40 69567 Semolina 4 1x3kg 3.79 S.P 35782 Pear Halves in Syrup 6 1x2.55kg 4.25 Bakery 42657 Apricot Halves in Juice 1 6x800g 8.93 Mixes 81219 Apricot Halves in Juice 6 1x2.6kg 4.39 95567 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Scone Mix 4 1x3.5kg 4.74 S.P 67108 Plum Halves in Juice 6 1x2.6kg 3.93 89420 Middleton Scone Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.39 S.P 22426 Mandarins in Juice 1 6x800g 12.24 13772 Middleton Plain Muffin Mix 4 1x3.5kg 7.44 S.P 11008 Mandarins in Juice 6 1x2.65kg 5.85 80323 Middleton Chocolate Muffin Mix 4 1x3.5kg 8.84 S.P 58091 Mandarins in Light Syrup 6 1x2.6kg 5.59 98226 NEW Middletons Plain Cookie Mix 4 1x3.5kg 6.09 S.P 40474 Pineapple Rings in Juice 1 6x850g 9.36 68837 NEW Middletons Chocolate Cookie Mix 4 1x3.5kg 7.09 S.P 55666 Pineapple Pieces in Light Syrup 6 1x3kg 3.69 40354 NEW Middletons Fudge Brownie Mix 4 1x3.5kg 9.22 S.P 53321 Prunes in Juice 6 1x2.7kg 4.86 71867 NEW Middletons Flapjack Mix 4 1x3.5kg 9.64 S.P Vegetables 25091 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce White Bread Roll Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.65 S.P 89889 Baked Beans 1 6x840g 4.94 S.P 77657 Middleton Brown Bread & Roll Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.35 S.P 41125 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Baked Beans 1 6x2.6kg 12.62 S.P 22066 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Crumble Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.68 S.P 12710 Heinz Baked Beans 6 1x2.62kg 3.72 S.P 74415 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Pastry Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.01 S.P 53090 Heinz Baked Beans - Fridge Pack 1 6x1kg 14.49 S.P 38970 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sponge Mix 4 1x3.5kg 6.07 S.P 75916 Heinz Baked Beans 1 24x415g 20.59 S.P 78481 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Custard Powder (add Milk) 4 1x3.5kg 5.61 S.P 12167 Reduced Sugar/Salt Baked Beans 1 6x2.6kg 12.62 S.P 33205 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Fish Batter Mix 4 1x3.5kg 4.58 S.P 71659 Spaghetti Hoops in Tomato Sauce 6 1x2.55kg 2.53 S.P 44288 McDougall’s Fish Batter Mix 4 1x3.5kg 6.99 S.P 21937 Spiced Pizza Sauce 6 1x2.5kg 3.49 S.P 51161 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Pizza Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.33 S.P 74062 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tomato Paste (tin) 1 12x800g 13.14 S.P 63204 Gourmet Gold Batter Mix 4 1x3.5kg 4.77 S.P 73201 Passata (Carton) 8 1x1lt 1.46 S.P 84527 Donoco Doughnut Mix 1 1x12.5kg 22.49 S.P 57265 Maggi Rich & Rustic Tomato Sauce 12 1x800g 1.87 S.P 34709 Middleton Waffle Mix 1 1x12.5kg 24.20 S.P 78341 Maggi Rich & Rustic Tomato Sauce 6 1x3kg 7.02 S.P 8636 La Mexicana Picante Salsa 6 1x3kg 8.33 S.P 12712 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Chopped Tomatoes 1 6x2.5kg 10.99 S.P 83843 Chopped Tomatoes 1 6x800g 4.28 S.P 82711 Chopped Tomatoes 6 1x2.55kg 1.99 S.P 76 77

UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Angel Delight Bakery - continued 63257 Banana 12 1x600g 4.94 S.P

Grocery McDougall’s Mixes Grocery 19993 Butterscotch 12 1x600g 4.94 S.P 44288 McDougall’s Fish Batter Mix 4 1x3.5kg 5.46 S.P 16929 Chocolate 12 1x600g 4.94 S.P 89743 Bread Roll Mix 4 1x3.5kg 6.37 S.P 32190 Strawberry 12 1x600g 4.94 S.P 76049 Carrot Cake Mix 4 1x3.5kg 9.10 S.P Gluten Free Flour 10895 Crumble Mix 4 1x3.5kg 8.19 S.P 27947 NEW Farm Plain Flour 5 5x1kg 1.93 S.P 76944 Plain Sponge Mix 4 1x3.5kg 6.37 S.P 31342 NEW Dove Farm Self-Raising Flour 5 5x1kg 1.93 S.P 36778 Brownie Mix 4 1x3.5kg 9.10 S.P 39839 NEW Dove Farm White Bread Flour 5 5x1kg 1.93 S.P Mash Potato Mix 31090 NEW Dove Farm Brown Bread Flour 5 5x1kg 2.06 S.P 72839 Maggi Mash Potato Mix 2 1x4kg 18.20 S.P Packed with quality potatoes and pre seasoned for a great taste, Flour Maggi mashed potato mix is quick and easy to use and can be prepared hot or cold. 82004 Plain Flour 1 6x1.5kg 4.73 S.P Lemon/Lime Juice 60444 Plain Flour 4 1x3kg 1.90 S.P 23841 ITAL Lemon Juice 6 1x1lt 2.37 S.P 31112 Bulk Plain Flour 1 1x16kg 7.63 S.P 75013 Lemon Juice 1 12x200ml 6.75 S.P 25211 Self Raising Flour 1 6x1.5kg 5.27 S.P 48819 Lime Juice 1 12x200ml 10.65 S.P 60333 Self Raising Flour 4 1x3kg 2.01 S.P

Dry Mixes & Bakery Dry Essence 31113 Bulk Self Raising Flour 1 1x16kg 8.74 S.P Fruit & Dried Flour 99506 Vanilla Essence 6 1x500ml 3.24 S.P 94479 McDougall’s Type 00 Flour 8 1x1kg 1.96 S.P 88649 Almond Essence 6 1x500ml 3.24 S.P 90224 Cornflour 4 1x3kg 3.80 S.P Littlepod Vanilla 30859 Rice Flour 1 1x3.5kg 8.63 S.P Based in East Devon Littlepod provide high-quality vanilla ingredients at an affordable price. Shipton Mill Flour 91182 Littlepod Bourbon Vanilla Extract (Fold 1) 12 1x940ml 37.07 S.P Based in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, Shipton Mill produce a range of flour of exceptional quality, without haste and with scrupulous care, 95836 Littlepod Madagascan Vanilla Pods 1 1x10 7.20 S.P using only the best ingredients. Birds 59433 Shipton Mill Plain Soft White Flour 1 1x16kg 12.01 S.P 48432 Instant Custard Mix (add water) 4 1x3kg 12.06 S.P 24157 Shipton Mill Self Raising Flour 1 1x16kg 15.13 S.P 56452 Custard Powder (add milk) 4 1x3kg 8.73 S.P 75709 Shipton Mill Organic Baker’s No.4 Flour 1 1x16kg 14.23 S.P T his flour is an excellent base for mixing with wholemeal flours, 69341 Cheesecake Base Mix 6 1x1kg 6.99 S.P or using seeds, olives, herbs, Parmesan, sundried tomatoes, etc. Brilliant for 80819 Cheesecake Filling Mix 6 1x1.2kg 10.79 S.P all savoury and enriched breads. 17958 Creme Caramel 1 6x430g 33.64 S.P 49284 Shipton Mill French Type ‘55’ Flour 1 1x25kg 19.24 S.P 83213 Lemon Pie Mix 6 1x440g 5.65 S.P Produced using only French varieties of wheat. Specially for French sticks and an array of French breads. Jelly Crystals 49490 Shipton Mill Italian ‘00’ White Flour 1 1x25kg 21.02 S.P 11500 Strawberry Jelly Crystals 4 1x3.5kg 8.81 S.P T he whitest grade of flour used in the production of some of the finest 58290 Orange Jelly Crystals 4 1x3.5kg 8.81 S.P Italian breads and pastas. 69632 Lime Jelly Crystals 4 1x3.5kg 8.81 S.P 14412 Shipton Mill White Canadian Blend Flour 1 1x16kg 12.40 S.P 41007 Sugar Free Raspberry Jelly Crystals 4 1x1kg 11.81 S.P Made from Canadian wheats and ideally suited for breads which have a long fermentation process. 37406 Sugar Free Strawberry Jelly Crystals 4 1x1kg 11.81 S.P 98563 Shipton Mill Organic Wholemeal Flour 1 1x16kg 20.24 S.P Fruitypot A blend of Canadian and English organic wheats make this flour a good 16413 NEW Mandarin Jelly 1 18x120g 8.30 S.P all-purpose bakers bread flour. 68439 NEW Peach in Jelly 1 18x120g 8.03 S.P 78795 Shipton Mill Light Malthouse Granary Flour 1 1x25kg 24.86 S.P Jellysqueeze A delicious blend of three malts and wheat flour carefully chosen to give texture, flavour and colour to the bread. 31755 NEW Orange 1 16x95g 6.38 S.P Bakery Additions 57570 NEW Strawberry 1 16x95g 6.38 S.P 48196 Baking Powder 4 1x3.5kg 8.78 S.P 78716 NEW Chefs' Selections by Caterforce Baking Powder 6 1x800g 2.53 S.P 71646 Bicarbonate of Soda 4 1x3kg 5.16 S.P 32201 NEW Chef’s Selections by Caterforce Bicarbonate of Soda 6 1x1kg 1.68 S.P NATURALLY Dried Fruit 22095 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sultanas 4 1x3kg 6.32 S.P 30743 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Dried Mixed Fruit 4 1x3kg 6.40 S.P GLUTEN FREE FLOUR 58820 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Raisins 4 1x3kg 6.32 S.P 58821 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Currants 4 1x3kg 8.60 S.P 31693 Dried Cranberries 5 1x1kg 4.23 S.P “Coeliac disease affects 1 in 100 people in the 26312 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Glace Cherries 6 1x1kg 4.99 S.P UK but 50% of coeliacs have stopped eating out 10204 Red Marachino Cherries 2 1x1.65kg 10.35 S.P because 28% of operators do not offer gluten free 29829 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Whole Dried Apricots 6 1x2kg POA menu items.” (Source food Solutions 92311 Chopped Apricots 4 1x2kg POA 51883 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Pitted Dates 6 1x2kg 4.51 39009 Chopped Dates 6 1x2kg 5.04 S.P Blended with naturally gluten free ingredients, 80443 Pitted Prunes 4 1x3kg 12.62 S.P Doves Farm flour is perfect for baking delicious 87103 Cut Mixed Peel 6 1x1kg 3.87 S.P gluten free products. Doves also have a range of Seeds alternative gluten free flour made with ingredients 13644 Pumpkin Seeds 6 1x1kg 6.64 S.P such as gram, rice and chestnuts. 28969 Sunflower Seeds 6 1x1kg 2.80 S.P 62907 Poppy Seeds 6 1x600g 3.76 S.P

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UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Chocolate 64798 Callebaut Dark Bitter 73% Callets 8 1x2.5kg 20.60 S.P Grocery Grocery 14639 Callebaut Plain 56% Callets 8 1x2.5kg 18.74 S.P 60934 Callebaut Milk 35% Callets 8 1x2.5kg 20.87 S.P 90219 Callebaut White 28% Callets 8 1x2.5kg 21.24 S.P 41665 Callebaut Plain Dark 56% Block 5 1x5kg 35.71 S.P 77288 Callebaut Milk 23.5% Block 5 1x5kg 40.20 S.P 45609 Callebaut White 28% Block 5 1x5kg 39.86 S.P Merchant Gourmet Fruit Purees The intense flavours of these products will create the fruitiest drinks, adding great flavours and colour to your smoothies, cocktails, frappes and any other fruit drinks. Also fantastic with dessert, use some of our Purees to add an explosion of fruit to a whole range of dishes - it is perfect for coulis, fruit jellies, sorbets, ice creams... 31758 Strawberry Puree 6 1x1kg 5.41 S.P 59974 Mango Puree 6 1x1kg 6.98 S.P 61030 Raspberry Puree 6 1x1kg 6.53 S.P 19245 Passion Fruit Puree 6 1x1kg 8.63 S.P

Chefs' Selections byChefs' Caterforce Selections Sweet Sauces/Fruit Coulis Coulis & Stuffing Chocolate, Purees, Cooking Macphie Fruit Coulis 59367 Raspberry Coulis 12 1x475g 5.50 S.P 48743 Mango Coulis 12 1x475g 5.50 S.P Dessert Sauces 27756 DaVinci Gourmet Chocolate Sauce 12 1x500g 1.99 S.P 80170 DaVinci Gourmet Strawberry Sauce 12 1x500g 1.99 S.P 41945 DaVinci Gourmet Butterscotch Sauce 12 1x500g 1.99 S.P 84202 DaVinci Gourmet Raspberry Sauce 12 1x500g 1.99 S.P 10505 DaVinci Gourmet Toffee Sauce 12 1x500g 1.99 S.P 11860 Macphie Salted Caramel Sauce 12 1x500g 2.02 S.P 77098 Macphie Maple Flavoured Syrup 12 1x500g 2.04 S.P 35841 Scholler Strawberry Sauce 6 1x1lt 5.99 S.P 44489 Scholler Chocolate Sauce 6 1x1lt 5.99 S.P Suitable for Desserts vegetarians 54619 Macphie Creme Brulee 12 1x1lt 4.99 S.P 32699 NEW Macphie Chocolate Pot 12 1x1lt 5.69 S.P & vegans 59088 NEW Macphie Sicilian Lemon Pot 12 1x1lt 5.69 S.P Stuffing & Breadcrumbs 12968 Paxo Sage & Onion Stuffing 2 1x2.25kg 14.58 S.P 90119 Sage & Onion Stuffing 1 1x3kg 4.90 S.P 90118 Natural Breadcrumbs 1 1x3kg 4.41 S.P 14573 Golden Breadcrumbs 1 1x3kg 4.41 S.P It’s the cherry 77153 Japanese Style Panko Breadcrumbs 10 1x1kg 3.96 S.P on top of 22095 Sultanas 1x3kg 51883 Pitted Dates 1x3kg 32699 Macphie Chocolate Pot 30743 Mixed Fruit 1x3kg the cake 58820 Raisins 1x3kg 58821 Currants 1x3kg If you bake from scratch in-house you will appreciate the 29829 Whole Dried Apricots 1x2kg need for good quality ingredients, in packs of up to 3kg 26312 Cherries 1x1kg Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce dried fruit gives all the essential fruity bits you need in one range.

54619 Macphie Creme Brulee Refer to our range of Macphie Coulis

80 81

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Sauces Grocery Single Service Portions Stock up on Heinz Grocery 84588 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tomato Ketchup 1 1x200 4.88 S.P 75939 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Brown Sauce 1 1x200 5.13 S.P 24299 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Salad Cream 1 1x200 6.36 S.P 87228 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tartare Sauce 1 1x200 7.10 S.P products now! 87404 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mayonnaise 1 1x200 8.06 S.P 79983 English Mustard 1 1x300 5.38 S.P 91964 Mint Sauce 1 1x200 5.60 S.P 32571 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Vinegar 1 1x200 4.41 S.P 70937 Salt 1 1x1000 3.09 S.P 62288 Pepper 1 1x1000 5.22 S.P Heinz Sachets Refer to Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sachet Range 30000 Tomato Ketchup 1 1x200 12.29 S.P 30004 HP Sauce 1 1x200 12.29 S.P 88927 Malt Vinegar 1 1x200 8.74 S.P Sachets & TableSachets Sauces Heinz 60038 English Mustard 1 1x250 10.58 S.P 35650 Dijon Mustard 1 1x250 10.58 S.P 30001 Salad Cream 1 1x200 14.09 S.P 30002 Mayonnaise 1 1x200 14.09 S.P 30003 Tartare Sauce 1 1x200 14.09 S.P Heinz Squeeze Me Cube Box 73665 Tomato Ketchup 1 1x70 11.99 S.P 36151 HP Sauce 1 1x70 11.99 S.P 13527 Mayonnaise 1 1x70 11.99 S.P 37473 NEW Tartare Sauce 1 1x70 11.99 S.P 33288 NEW Garlic Sauce 1 1x70 11.99 SP Heinz Table Caddy Sauces Almost 80% of people 79215 Heinz Tomato Ketchup 1 10x342g 15.21 S.P 26297 HP Brown Sauce 1 8x285g 13.12 S.P would enter an outlet 99586 Heinz Mayonnaise 1 10x220g 11.40 S.P 46080 Heinz Hot English Mustard 1 8x310g 12.69 S.P stocking Heinz over 68910 NEW Heinz Yellow Mustard 1 8x220ml 12.07 S.P one that doesn’t.* 74946 Heinz Tartare Sauce 1 8x220ml 12.89 S.P Stokes Sauces Glass Bottles 74685 NEW Stokes Tomato Ketchup 1 6x300g 21.36 S.P 89599 NEW Stokes Bloody Mary Tomato Ketchup 1 12x300g 23.04 S.P 90317 NEW Stokes Brown Sauce Bottle 1 6x320g 23.04 S.P 75066 NEW Stokes Smokey BBQ Sauce 1 12x315g 23.04 S.P

*Source: 2014, Brand Advantage Refer to Stokes Glass Bottle Range

82 Heinz_pricing_final.indd 1 13/11/2015 09:52 83

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Heinz Glass Bottles 83944 Heinz Tomato Ketchup 1 12x342g 17.19 S.P Grocery Grocery 49372 HP Sauce 1 12x255g 14.35 S.P Heinz Bulk 68122 Heinz Tomato Ketchup 2 1x2.55kg 9.13 S.P 47864 Heinz Tomato Ketchup 2 1x4lt 15.22 S.P SPECIALLY 38386 HP Sauce 4 1x2.3kg 6.86 S.P 77122 Heinz Salad Cream 2 1x2.35kg 9.36 S.P 81591 Heinz Texan BBQ Sauce 2 1x2.15kg 8.47 S.P 92238 Heinz Burger Relish 2 1x2.15kg 8.09 S.P SELECTED 66963 Heinz Tomato Salsa 2 1x2.15kg 8.09 S.P Sarsons 96547 Malt Vinegar Bottle 1 12x300ml 13.78 S.P Stokes Sauces Bulk SAUCES 41607 NEW Stokes Bloody Mary Ketchup 1 1x2kg 7.29 S.P 11999 NEW Stokes Original BBQ Sauce 1 1x2kg 8.58 S.P

Table Sauces & Bulk 65830 NEW Stokes Burger Relish 1 1x2kg 10.45 S.P The new range of sauces from Stokes 84707 NEW Stokes Beetroot Relish 1 1x2kg 11.27 S.P 76822 NEW Stokes Tomato Chutney 1 1x2kg 8.37 S.P Stokes will give your dishes a Season Valley Squeezy Range premium boost. The new sauces 43570 Tomato Sauce 6 1x1lt 1.80 S.P 68656 Brown Sauce 6 1x1lt 1.75 S.P are made using only the finest, 77372 Mayonnaise 6 1x1lt 1.80 S.P 16422 Garlic Mayonnaise 6 1x1lt 2.10 S.P tastiest ingredients in small 26273 Burger Mustard 6 1x1lt 1.82 S.P batches at their rural Saucery 26978 Burger Sauce 6 1x1lt 1.90 S.P 19731 BBQ Sauce 6 1x1lt 1.85 S.P in Suffolk. All the flavour that 78504 Sweet Chilli 6 1x1lt 1.99 S.P bursts out at every mouthful is Bulk Sauces - Colman’s 31142 Horseradish 2 1x2lt 9.99 S.P made using real ingredients, 42605 Mint Sauce 2 1x2lt 7.79 S.P sourced from all over the world 62167 Tartare Sauce 2 1x2lt 9.17 S.P 25495 English Mustard 2 1x2.25lt 9.79 S.P so nothing is artificial. The 61563 Dijon Mustard 2 1x2.25lt 9.79 S.P juiciest tomatoes are used for the 11847 Wholegrain Mustard 2 1x2.25lt 9.79 S.P 65698 Mustard Powder 1 1x2kg 23.12 S.P Ketchup and extra virgin olive oil is added to make the Mayonnaise that little bit more luxurious.

84 85

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Bulk Sauces 18049 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tomato Ketchup 2 1x4.5kg 4.98 S.P Grocery Grocery 14883 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tomato Ketchup 2 1x2.27kg 4.24 S.P 27748 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Brown Sauce 4 1x4.35kg 5.23 S.P 99227 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Brown Sauce 2 1x2.27kg 4.24 S.P 26697 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Salad Cream 2 1x2.27lt 4.07 S.P 52266 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tartare Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.44 S.P 43743 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Prawn Cocktail Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.44 S.P 35346 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Horseradish Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.91 S.P 43994 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mint Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 3.38 S.P 90837 Lion American Smokey BBQ 2 1x2.27lt 6.50 S.P 59085 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sticky BBQ Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.14 S.P 32136 NEW Alfee’s BBQ Sauce 1 1x2.5kg 6.68 S.P 16281 Alfee’s Chipotle BBQ Sauce 2 1x2.5lt 8.99 S.P 36774 NEW Alfee’s Louisiana Hot Buffalo Sauce 1 1x2.5ltr 10.58 S.P 30732 NEW Alfee’s South Carolina Mustard BBQ Sauce 1 1x2.5kg 9.44 S.P

Bulk Sauces, Dressings & Mayonnaise Dressings Sauces, Bulk 34799 NEW Alfee’s Peri Peri Sauce 1 1x2.5lt 8.44 S.P by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections 48016 Rio Pacific Hickory BBQ Sauce 1 1x5lt 12.33 S.P 13485 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sweet Thai Chilli Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.91 S.P 31414 Lion Piri Piri Sauce 2 1x2.27lt 5.74 S.P 21227 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce English Mustard 2 1x2.27lt 5.13 S.P 81103 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce French Mustard 2 1x2.27lt 4.29 S.P 28944 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Coarse Grain Mustard 2 1x2.27lt 5.53 S.P 31234 Lion Dijon Mustard 2 1x2.27lt 6.48 S.P Oriental Sauces 97910 Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce 12 1x1lt 2.15 S.P 73689 Hoi Sin Sauce 12 1x700ml 3.20 S.P 47238 Nihon Teriyaki Sauce 1 1x2kg 19.50 S.P Dressings 41245 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Caesar Dressing 2 1x2.27lt 6.84 S.P 71424 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce French Dressing 2 1x2.27lt 4.17 S.P 74402 Lion Cajun & Tomato 2 1x2.27lt 7.50 S.P 31412 Lion Honey & Mustard 2 1x2.27lt 8.20 S.P Gluten 85661 Lion Yoghurt & Mint 2 1x2.27lt 6.98 S.P Free 87978 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Thousand Island Dressing 2 1x2.27lt 5.80 S.P 83854 Lion Blue Cheese Dressing 2 1x2.27lt 7.10 S.P Ketchup! 81346 Lion Sour Cream & Chive 2 1x2.27lt 7.43 S.P 19289 Lion Ranch Dressing 2 1x2.27lt 7.34 S.P 48294 Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce 2 1x2lt 10.87 S.P Whatever the Mayonnaise 82291 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Real Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 6.03 S.P 16884 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Real Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 11.39 S.P 39428 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Light Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 5.53 S.P colour, there’s 83018 Sasco Free Range Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 9.12 S.P 72316 Sasco Real Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 7.45 S.P 31866 Sasco Real Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 14.11 S.P 39308 NEW Stokes Real Mayonnaise 1 1x2kg 8.37 S.P only really 49163 Oasis Premium Luxury Real Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 9.20 S.P 40514 Oasis Premium Luxury Real Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 16.55 S.P 98789 Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 1 1x5lt 17.90 S.P 14064 Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 27.45 S.P one choice 14883 Real Tomato Ketchup 1x2.27ltr 30199 Heinz Mayonnaise 2 1x2.15lt 9.05 S.P 14883 Real Tomato Ketchup 1x2.27ltr 99227 Brown Sauce 1x2.27ltr 62087 Lion Thick & Creamy Mayonnaise 2 1x2.27lt 3.47 S.P 27748 Brown Sauce 1x2.27ltr 62635 Lion Garlic Mayonnaise 2 1x2.27lt 6.48 S.P Brown or red? Red or brown? Don’t make your customers 56748 NEW Alfee’s Garlic Mayonnaise 1 1x2.25lt 7.05 S.P choose and give them a premium version of their tasty favourites with Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce. The ketchup 43538 Oasis Coronation Mayonnaise 1 1x2.5lt 6.90 S.P is gluten free and both sauces come in large 2.27ltr packs, 11122 Oasis Tikka Mayonnaise 1 1x2.5lt 7.99 S.P offering fantastic value for money. Available exclusively in your area from Hunts’ Foodservice

86 87

UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Rich Sauces Condiments 76821 Real Mayonnaise 1 1x4.5lt 13.40 S.P Grocery A rich and luxurios mayonnaise, one taste and you will understand 67987 Cooking Salt 4 1x3kg 1.99 S.P Grocery why businesses are built on this. 12056 Table Salt 2 1x6kg 3.49 S.P 37011 Real Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 21.49 S.P 30314 Coarse Sea Salt 10 1x1kg 1.09 S.P 42502 Gourmet Mayonnaise 1 1x10lt 17.69 S.P 26563 Cornish Sea Salt 6 1x500g 3.46 S.P A rich and creamy mayonnaise with subtle tones, a robust and versatile product. 94787 Cornish Sea Salt Catering Tub 1 1x1.5kg 9.77 S.P 27325 Coronation Mayonnaise 2 1x2.2lt 10.25 S.P 90777 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Malt Vinegar 4 1x5lt 2.45 S.P A subtle blend of mild spices with fruity undertone. 50208 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Distilled Vinegar 4 1x5lt 2.45 S.P 90608 Tikka Mayonnaise 2 1x2.2lt 10.99 S.P 87531 Balsamic Glaze 12 1x500ml 4.59 S.P All the flavour of India in a creamy mayonnaise 23906 Merchant Gourmet Balsamic Vinegar 6 1x2lt 6.00 S.P 81060 Marie Rose Mayonnaise 2 1x2.2lt 8.55 S.P 26563 Cornish Sea Salt Only the finest ingredients go into this classic seafood sauce. 96545 LL Balsamic Vinegar Modena 2 1x5lt 11.93 S.P 71870 French Dressing 2 1x2.25lt 10.35 S.P 63461 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Red Wine Vinegar 4 1x5lt 3.95 S.P A taste of the finer things in life. A perfect fusion of flavours including 88499 White Wine Vinegar 4 1x5lt 3.95 S.P French mustard, herbs, oil and vinegar. 21926 Cider Vinegar 4 1x5lt 5.93 S.P 54318 Honey and Mustard Dressing 2 1x2.25lt 10.45 S.P A unique combination of honey and continental mustard. Accompaniments

Bulk Sauces, Pickles/Gherkins & Olives Sauces, Bulk 27989 Sweet Chilli Sauce 2 1x2.25lt 9.65 S.P 54001 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Apple Sauce 4 1x2.5kg 6.99 S.P Condiments, Honey & Chutneys The only way to fully appreciate their sweet chilli sauce is to taste the 47965 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Redcurrant Jelly 4 1x2.72kg 7.08 S.P delicious blend of garlic, chilli, and Chinese spices. 35566 Margetts Redcurrant Jelly 4 1x3kg 6.81 S.P 71444 Barbeque Sauce 2 1x2.5kg 9.45 S.P Enjoy the taste of the Deep South with this smoked barbeque spice combination. 33837 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Cranberry Sauce 4 1x2.5kg 6.63 S.P 13250 Pepper Sauce 2 1x2.25lt 10.45 S.P Honey A thick and creamy sauce made with cracked black pepper. Rowse Honey 23453 Cajun Sauce 2 1x2.5kg 10.35 S.P Both the subtleties and intensity of flavour are pure Mardi-Gras magic. 18912 Squeezy Blossom Honey Bottle 6 1x680g 3.26 S.P 11548 Tikka Masala Sauce 2 1x2.25lt 9.85 S.P 93462 Blossom Honey Set Tub 1 1x1.36kg 7.02 S.P The most popular Indian curry dish, created at Rich Sauces, enjoyed worldwide. 98230 Honey Blossom Tub 1 1x3.17kg 11.89 S.P 76466 Chipotle Sauce 2 1x2.25lt 8.25 S.P A smoked chipotle infused dressing with the perfect kick to liven all taste buds. Chutneys & Preserves 84583 NEW Alfee’s Mexican Fajita Sauce 1 1x2.5kg 11.77 S.P Dorset Blue Soup Company Pickles/Gherkins The Dorset Blue Soup Company is based at Woodbridge Farm, situated in the heart of Dorset. 76016 Branston Pickle 2 1x2.55kg 8.79 S.P 31609 Woodbridge Farm Chutney 1 1x3kg 12.30 S.P 67837 Branston Sandwich Pickle 1 1x6kg 18.59 S.P Their signature ‘Woodbridge Chutney’ an unusual blend of and spices. 51464 Heinz Ploughman’s Pickle 2 1x2.15lt 8.09 S.P A great accompaniment to Dorset Blue Vinny Cheese, but equally delicious with other cheeses or cold meats. 76770 Pickled Onions 4 1x2.25kg 4.90 S.P 29363 NEW Spiced Tomato Chutney 1 1x3kg 12.30 S.P 73597 Pickled Red Cabbage 4 1x2.25kg 3.52 S.P 36236 NEW Sweet Pickled Cucumber 1 1x3kg 12.30 S.P 87999 Pickled Sliced Beetroot 4 1x2.25kg 2.95 S.P The Bay Tree Food Company Introducing the Bay Tree range of premium, delicious, award winning chutneys, preserves and accompaniments, 43592 Pickled Baby Beetroot 4 1x2.25kg 4.56 S.P hand-made in Devon using only the best ingredients. 58830 Pickled Eggs 4 1x2.25kg 7.76 S.P 57703 Real Ale Chutney 4 1x3kg 14.37 S.P 91293 Kuhne Gherkins 4 1x2.45kg 4.48 S.P 32841 Spicy Tomato & Caramelised Onion Chutney 4 1x3kg 14.18 S.P 45127 Kuhne Sliced Dill Gherkins 4 1x2.45kg 4.29 S.P 22049 Spicy Gooseberry & Coriander Chutney 4 1x3kg 15.75 S.P 45085 Cocktail Gherkins 4 1x2.25kg 6.86 S.P 36368 Mango Chutney 4 1x3kg 16.40 S.P 82567 Piccalilli 4 1x2.25kg 5.36 S.P 99422 Onion Marmalade 4 1x3kg 15.00 S.P Olives 53017 Mint Jelly 4 1x3kg 12.29 S.P 13314 Pitted Black Olives - Tin 3 1x4.2kg 5.60 S.P 12210 Blackcurrant Jam 4 1x3kg 13.79 S.P 36100 Pitted Green Olives - Tin 3 1x4.3kg 6.37 S.P 60900 Strawberry Jam 4 1x3kg 14.18 S.P 16427 Sliced Black Olives - Tin 6 1x3kg 4.29 S.P 88322 Raspberry Jam 4 1x3kg 15.75 S.P 52261 Apricot Jam 4 1x3kg 13.79 S.P 20064 Cranberry Sauce 4 1x3kg 16.20 S.P 14557 Horseradish Sauce 4 1x3kg 16.52 S.P Boddingtons Berries Established in the 1940s, as a market garden, Boddingtons Berries is now run by the third generation of the family. Still growing strawberries for the fresh market, but also producing high fruit content quality preserves. Did you know you can place 30877 NEW Blackberry Jam 1 1x1.3kg 7.45 S.P 45827 NEW Strawberry Jam 1 1x1.3kg 7.45 SP ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online? 89926 NEW Raspberry Jam 1 1x1.3kg 8.70 SP Our platform is quick and easy to use 63558 NEW Marmalade 1 1x1.3kg 8.70 SP and you can place your order whenever, Arran Fine Foods wherever you like. 43632 Caramelised Red Onion Chutney 6 1x1.3kg 6.49 S.P

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

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88 89


Grocery Marmalade & Jams 40821 6cm Savoury Tartlet 1 1x80 16.46 S.P Grocery 26918 Margetts Orange Marmalade 4 1x3kg 6.50 S.P 92424 8.5cm Quiche Tartlet 1 1x72 26.85 S.P 27169 Margetts Strawberry Jam 4 1x3kg 8.10 S.P 43836 11.5cm Quiche Tartlet 1 1x42 34.10 S.P 90108 Margetts Mixed Fruit Jam 4 1x3kg 6.00 S.P 91635 18cm Quiche Tartlet 1 1x10 17.09 S.P 90109 Margetts Raspberry Jam 4 1x3kg 8.15 S.P 57650 8.5cm Sweet Tartlet 1 1x135 32.43 S.P 97327 Margetts Lemon Curd 4 1x3kg 7.44 S.P 16521 11cm Sweet Tartlet 1 1x72 26.11 S.P Preserves Portions 33290 28cm Sweet Tartlet Base 1 1x10 30.80 S.P 32286 Profiterole Cases 4.5cm 1 1x75 12.30 S.P 19046 Assorted Jam Portions 1 96x20g 7.18 S.P 85981 Amusettes 1 1x84 20.85 S.P 59202 Marmalade Portions 1 96x20g 6.26 S.P 30973 Strawberry Jam Portions 1 96x20g 6.68 S.P 57650 8.5cm Sweet Tartlet Oils Tiptree 73778 Virgin Oil 6 1x250ml 3.13 S.P 81458 Apricot Preserve 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 88639 White Truffle Oil 6 1x250ml 6.05 S.P 27286 Blackcurrant Preserve 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 51615 Sunflower Oil 6 1x2lt M.P 80402 Morello Cherry Preserve 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 70895 Pomace Oil 3 1x5lt M.P

Preserves & Pie Fillings Preserves 87585 Raspberry Preserve 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 89924 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 4 1x5lt M.P Oils & Pasta Products, Pastry 96188 Strawberry Preserve 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 37537 Vegetable Oil (Soya) 1 15lt M.P 34490 Orange Marmalade 1 72x28g 13.94 S.P 25466 Rapeseed Oil 1 20lt M.P 97442 Pure Clear Honey 1 72x28g 23.73 S.P Pasta Syrup & Treacle 90104 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Shells 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 41728 Maple Syrup Bottle 6 1x454g 1.20 S.P 90105 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Twists 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 77945 Golden Syrup Bottle 12 1x454g 1.46 S.P 86866 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tri-Colour Fusilli 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 52755 Golden Syrup 2 1x7.25kg 11.24 S.P 90106 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Penne 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 34424 NEW Lyles Black Treacle 1 1x2.8kg 4.68 S.P 66797 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Spaghetti 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 58863 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Macaroni 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 27596 Marmite Tub 6 1x600g 7.66 S.P 29444 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Farfalle 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P 12298 Marmite Portions 8g 1 1x100 18.89 S.P 54837 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Lasagne Sheets 4 6x500g 6.14 S.P Peanut Butter 41982 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Tagliatelle 1 6x500g 6.24 S.P 70251 Duerr’s Smooth Peanut Butter 6 1x340g 2.49 S.P 57629 Whole Wheat Pasta Twists 4 1x3kg 4.25 S.P Nutella Pasta 14161 NEW Nutella Spread Catering Jar 2 1x3kg 18.46 S.P 11785 Spaghetti 1 1x3kg 7.59 S.P 19753 NEW Nutella Spread 6 1x750g 4.56 S.P 39489 Lasagne Sheets NPC 1 1x3kg 13.61 S.P 37290 NEW Nutella Spread Portions 1 120x15g 18.48 S.P 93333 Macaroni 1 1x3kg 7.59 S.P Pie Fillings 94444 Penne 1 1x3kg 10.17 S.P 29934 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.45 S.P 93434 Linguine 1 1x3kg 7.70 S.P Apple & Blackberry Pie Filling Gluten Free Pasta 58663 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 5.93 S.P 96044 NEW Fusilli 12 1x500g 1.59 S.P Apple & Blackcurrant Pie Filling 95970 NEW Penne 12 1x500g 1.59 S.P 27342 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.95 S.P Apple & Raspberry Pie Filling 41779 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 7.50 S.P Black Cherry Pie Filling 41161 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.72 S.P Blackcurrant Pie Filling 14210 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.27 S.P Red Cherry Pie Filling 56996 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.84 S.P GLUTEN FREE, Strawberry Pie Filling 26385 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 4 1x2.5kg 6.11 S.P Apple Pie Filling GUILT FREE FROM ESKAL Eskal corn pasta is the healthy alternative to traditional wheat pasta, giving you a completely gluten free, wheat free, egg free and soy free choice of cooking. It contains only corn and water meaning it is easy to digest and cooks quickly. You can't taste the difference so why not add it to your menu today?

90 91


Grocery 91026 Chicken & Mushroom 1 12x90g 12.58 S.P Grocery 85057 Original Curry 1 12x90g 12.58 S.P Puree 89060 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Garlic Puree 6 1x1kg 2.25 S.P 11386 Knorr Garlic Puree 6 1x750g 8.30 S.P 66547 Chopped Garlic in Oil 6 1x1kg 4.25 S.P Misc Ingredients 48167 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 6 1x1 6.27 S.P Sundried Tomatoes in Oil 42609 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 6 1x1.12kg 7.60 S.P Green Pesto 31776 Red Pesto 6 1x470g 4.93 S.P Savoury Sauces Macphie Pasta, Savoury Sauces & Rice Sauces Savoury Pasta, Mars 71319 Demi - Glace 12 1x1lt 4.10 S.P 62671 Bechamel with Butter 12 1x1lt 4.90 S.P 54022 Hollandaise Sauce 12 1x1lt 5.05 S.P 45374 White Wine Sauce 12 1x1lt 5.20 S.P 41361 Red Wine Sauce 12 1x1lt 5.20 S.P 54913 Cheese Sauce 12 1x1lt 4.99 S.P Culinary Paste 23068 Balti Paste 4 1x1kg 5.98 S.P 22337 Korma Paste 4 1x1kg 5.98 S.P 50316 Tikka Paste 4 1x1kg 5.98 S.P 39159 Madras Paste 4 1x1.25kg 5.98 S.P 64843 Thai Green Curry Paste 6 1x1kg 4.79 S.P Rice Long Grain 47154 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x5kg 7.49 S.P Easy Cook Long Grain Rice 82487 Easy Cook Long Grain Rice 1 1x20kg 19.99 S.P 62231 Uncle Bens Long Grain Rice 3 1x5kg 20.12 S.P 64945 Tilda Easy Cook Long Grain Rice 1 1x5kg 10.99 S.P Basmati 32493 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x5kg 9.99 S.P Easy Cook Basmati Rice 94878 Tilda Easy Cook Basmati 1 1x5kg 19.99 S.P Other Varieties 53132 Arborio Risotto Rice 6 1x2kg 5.20 S.P 54337 Tilda Arborio Rice 2 1x5kg 11.99 S.P Suitable for a gluten free diet 73469 Tilda Easy Cook Basmati & Wild Rice 1 1x4kg 21.49 S.P 25804 Tilda Fragrant Jasmine Rice 1 1x5kg 14.13 S.P 27708 NEW Tilda Brown & White Rice 1 1x5kg 9.99 S.P 46583 Easy Cook Wholegrain Rice 1 1x5kg 9.26 S.P 83896 Pudding Rice 4 1x3kg 4.75 S.P

Did you know you can place Registered Trademark. Registered Trademark. ® ©Mars, Incorporated 2015. ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download ® ® to a csv file. For more information on the range of DOLMIO & UNCLE BEN’S Ready to Use Sauce and Rice Foodservice products, Please contact Aimia Foods Ltd, From your order card, you can even download the the sole distributor for Mars Foodservice products in the UK. information for your most recent purchases. Call Customer Service 01942 408600 Email [email protected] See pages 12-13 for more information.

92 93


Grocery The Americas Grocery 65760 Uncle Ben’s Texan BBQ Dipping 2 1x2.58kg 10.99 S.P 77360 Uncle Ben’s Hickory Smoked Barbeque 2 1x2.54kg 10.99 S.P 83811 Uncle Ben’s Chilli Con Carne 2 1x2.3kg 10.99 S.P NEW 74408 Uncle Ben’s Mexican Salsa Dipping 2 1x2.29kg 10.99 S.P Far Eastern 49091 Uncle Ben’s Sweet & Sour without Vegetables 2 1x2.5kg 10.99 S.P 40443 Uncle Ben’s Sweet & Sour & Vegetables 2 1x2.35kg 10.99 S.P 75162 Uncle Ben’s Black Bean 2 1x2.3kg 10.99 S.P 86452 Uncle Ben’s Sweet Thai Chilli 2 1x2.65kg 10.99 S.P Indian 31794 Uncle Ben’s Madras 2 1x2.3kg 10.99 S.P 23146 Uncle Ben’s Korma 2 1x2.23kg 10.99 S.P 78557 Uncle Ben’s Balti 2 1x2.26kg 10.99 S.P 23397 Uncle Ben’s Rogan Josh 2 1x2.29kg 10.99 S.P Culinary Sauces & Bouillon Sauces Culinary Maggi 14749 Uncle Ben’s Tikka Masala 2 1x2.27kg 10.99 S.P Dolmio 69909 Dolmio Bolognese 2 1x2.3kg 10.99 S.P 61260 Dolmio Creamy Tomato & Pesto 2 1x2.33kg 10.99 S.P 84780 Dolmio Arrabbiata 2 1x2.29kg 10.99 S.P 87206 Dolmio Tomato & Basil 2 1x2.29kg 10.99 S.P RTU Holy Cow Curry Sauces 70104 NEW Holy Cow Madras Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P 55779 NEW Holy Cow Mangalore Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P 87545 NEW Holy Cow Mughlai Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P 15205 NEW Holy Cow Prawn Goan Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P 44792 NEW Holy Cow Rogan Josh Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P 20770 NEW Holy Cow Tikka Masala Sauce 1 3x1kg 11.99 S.P RTU Culinary Sauces Knorr 25878 Knorr Balti Sauce 2 1x2.2lt 9.99 S.P 63921 Knorr Jalfrezi Sauce 2 1x2.2lt 9.99 S.P 41818 Knorr Korma Sauce 2 1x2.2lt 9.99 S.P 39448 Knorr Tikka Masala Sauce 2 1x2.2lt 9.99 S.P Knorr Patak’s Paste 43190 Knorr “Patak’s” Balti Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P 31731 Knorr “Patak’s” Tandoori Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P 18560 Knorr “Patak’s” Tikka Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P 43326 Knorr “Patak’s” Korma Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P 75809 Knorr “Patak’s” Madras Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P 38029 Knorr “Patak’s” Masala Paste 1 4x1.1lt 7.10 S.P Bouillon Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Bouillon 16504 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 2 1x1kg 5.85 S.P Beef Bouillon Paste When you spend time making your signature 20470 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 2 1x1kg 5.85 S.P Chicken Bouillon Paste gravy a real talking point, isn’t it great that 20465 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 2 1x1kg 5.85 S.P every guest can enjoy it? Vegetable Bouillon Paste 69718 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x2kg 7.69 S.P Beef Bouillon Powder 53700 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x2kg 7.69 S.P Chicken Bouillon Powder 63656 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x2kg 7.69 S.P INTRODUCING NEW Vegetable Bouillon Powder GLUTEN FREE VEGETARIAN GRAVY FROM MAGGI Bouillon CLAIM YOUR FREE SAMPLE TODAY CALL NESTLE PROFESSIONAL Rich Sauces Bouillon Paste ON 0800 742 842 WWW.MAGGI.CO.UK/PROFESSIONAL 88065 Rich Sauces Beef Bouillon Paste 6 1x800g 11.99 S.P 65565 Rich Sauces Chicken Bouillon Paste 6 1x800g 11.99 S.P 49753 Rich Sauces Vegetable Bouillon Paste 6 1x800g 11.99 S.P ® Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. All rights reserved 90755 Rich Sauces Seafood Bouillon Paste 6 1x800g 11.99 S.P

YOP ad A4.indd 1 13/11/2015 16:34 94 95

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Knorr Bouillon Paste 32123 Knorr Beef Bouillon Paste 2 1x1kg 18.17 S.P Grocery Grocery 32124 Knorr Chicken Bouillon Paste 2 1x1kg 18.17 S.P 32125 Knorr Vegetable Bouillon Paste 2 1x1kg 18.17 S.P 30764 Knorr Lamb Bouillon Paste 2 1x1kg 18.17 S.P 33156 Knorr Fish Bouillon Paste 2 1x1kg 18.17 S.P Maggi Bouillon Powder 86183 Maggi Beef Bouillon Powder 2 1x2kg 28.16 S.P 82128 Maggi Chicken Bouillon Powder 2 1x2kg 28.16 S.P 73860 Maggi Vegetable Bouillon Powder 2 1x2kg 28.16 S.P Knorr Jelly Bouillon 62724 Beef Jelly Bouillon 1 800g 14.70 S.P 73871 Veg Jelly Bouillon 1 800g 14.70 S.P Oxo Cubes AVAILABLE 15943 Oxo Cubes Beef 6 1x60 6.97 S.P 70278 Oxo Cubes Chicken 6 1x60 6.97 S.P NOW

Bouillon, Mixes & Gravy Bouillon, 61929 Oxo Cubes Vegetable 6 1x60 6.97 S.P Pass Chefs Mixes Demi-Glace 51963 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 1 1x2kg 11.99 S.P Demi Glace Sauce Mix 64416 Maggi Demi Glace Sauce Mix 2 1x2kg 20.24 S.P 49783 Knorr Demi Glace 2 1x16lt 15.23 S.P Bechamel 96712 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Bechamel 1 1x2kg 11.99 S.P 93294 Maggi Bechamel 2 1x2kg 14.39 S.P 71601 Knorr Bechamel 3 1x5lt 6.91 S.P Cheese Sauce 40080 Batchelor Cheese Sauce Mix 2 1x1.68kg 14.84 S.P Curry Sauce 10603 Knorr Curry Sauce Mix 1 1x5lt 8.19 S.P Jus 11039 Jus de Veau Lie (Thickened Veal Jus) 2 1x900g 15.53 S.P C hef Jus de Veau Lié is made using quality ingredients for subtle flavours, enabling you to add your signature finish. Made with roasted veal bones for subtle flavours. Gravy Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Gravy 43675 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce - Gravy Mix 1 1x2kg 6.15 S.P 82317 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce - Gravy Granules 1 1x2kg 7.69 S.P Maggi Gravy 81903 Maggi Gravy Mix Original 2 1x2kg 11.49 S.P 90489 Maggi Gravy Mix Golden 2 1x2kg 11.49 S.P 45851 Maggi Gluten Free Vegetarian Gravy 2 1x1.7kg 11.49 S.P Knorr Gravy 90372 Knorr Gravy Granules for Meat Dishes 1 1x25lt 11.55 S.P 78418 Knorr Gravy Granules for Poultry Dishes 1 1x25lt 11.55 S.P Bisto Gravy 11542 Bisto Gravy Mix 1 1x2.06kg 16.13 S.P 86987 Bisto Gravy Powder 1 1x3kg 16.89 S.P 61660 Bisto Gravy Granules Original 1 1x25lt 14.75 S.P 85962 Bisto Gravy Granules Chicken 1 1x25lt 14.75 S.P 92491 Bisto Gravy Granules Turkey 1 1x25lt 14.75 S.P 54435 Bisto Gravy Granules Onion 1 1x25lt 14.75 S.P 44088 Bisto Gravy Granules Vegetarian 1 1x25lt 14.75 S.P 90399 NEW Bisto Gluten Free Gavy 1 1x1.9kg 14.75 S.P Gravy Browning 86319 Gravy Browning 6 1x2.5lt 7.73 S.P Marinades Chef's Pass 47050 NEW Mild Peri Peri Marinade 1 1x450g 6.18 S.P 46539 NEW Hot Peri Peri Marinade 1 1x450g 6.18 S.P 69065 NEW Lemon & Herb Peri Peri Marinade 1 1x450g 6.18 S.P 12771 NEW Hot & Spicy Marinade 1 1x450g 6.18 S.P 96 97


Grocery 15931 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Dried Oregano 6 1x150g 1.83 S.P Grocery 75176 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Crushed Chillies 6 1x260g 2.76 S.P 80438 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Ground Tumeric 6 1x550g 2.73 S.P 61299 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Curry Powder 6 1x500g 3.15 S.P 81516 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Ground White Pepper 6 1x600g 9.36 S.P 99131 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Whole Black Pepper 6 1x500g 5.99 S.P 49797 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Ground Black Pepper 6 1x550g 6.46 S.P 86020 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Cracked Black Pepper 6 1x500g 6.17 S.P 22878 Cayenne Pepper 6 1x500g 4.05 S.P 22412 Freeze Dried Chives 6 1x35g 4.00 S.P 84742 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mixed Herbs 6 1x150g 2.25 S.P 68664 Rubbed Thyme 6 1x220g 2.49 S.P 79664 Parsley 6 1x100g 1.86 S.P 69660 Dried Mint 6 1x180g 3.06 S.P 82617 Dried Sage 6 1x150g 2.90 S.P Knorr SpicesHerbs, & Seasonomg 82041 Garam Masala 6 1x450g 3.15 S.P 88874 Garlic Powder 6 1x500g 3.30 S.P 99811 Chilli Powder 6 1x400g 3.50 S.P 37866 Cumin Powder 6 1x450g 3.30 S.P 22672 Chinese Five Spice 6 1x430g 4.08 S.P 72153 Italian Seasoning 6 1x180g 3.15 S.P 43511 Cumin Seeds 10 1x300g 1.92 S.P 69260 Ground Ginger 6 1x450g 5.69 S.P 53225 Ground Paprika 6 1x550g 3.02 S.P 43907 Ground Cinnamon 6 1x430g 2.67 S.P 21948 Cinnamon Sticks 6 1x150g 3.35 S.P 96943 Ground Nutmeg 6 1x500g 18.13 S.P 57978 Fajita Seasoning Mix 4 1x500g 9.53 S.P 53523 Blackened Cajun Seasoning 6 1x550g 4.46 S.P 53166 Whole Pink Peppercorns 6 1x250g 8.90 S.P 41119 Bay Leaves 6 1x30g 1.60 S.P 78831 Dill Weed 6 1x150g 5.54 S.P 99016 Ground Coriander 6 1x420g 3.56 S.P 43429 Coriander Seeds 10 1x200g 1.27 S.P 41380 Mixed Spice 6 1x450g 4.23 S.P 74476 Rosemary Needles 6 1x300g 2.82 S.P 10210 Rubbed Basil 6 1x175g 3.15 S.P 56732 Tarragon 6 1x80g 3.68 S.P

Refer to our range of herbs and spices

98 99


Grocery Heinz Ready To Use 51619 Classic Tomato 1 24x400g 25.16 S.P Maggi Powder Soup Mix 87289 Tomato 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P 86712 Potato & Leek 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P 53708 Minestrone 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P 38552 Chicken 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P 83978 Mushroom 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P 92167 Oxtail 2 1x2kg 13.05 S.P Knorr Powder Soup Mix 65457 Thick Vegetable 1 1x200ptns 17.50 S.P 64746 Carrot & Coriander Knorr 100% Soup Ready To Use 64746 Carrot & Coriander 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P 38632 Cream of Chicken 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P 37341 Cream of Tomato 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P Soups, Liquid Concentrate Wines & Cooking Soups, 53454 Minestrone 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P 66231 Red Pepper & Tomato 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P 38450 Wild Mushroom 1 12x250ml 11.80 S.P 80965 Leek & Potato 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 85888 Minestrone 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 15698 Carrot & Coriander 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 61881 Red Pepper & Tomato 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 66984 Cream of Tomato 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 25298 Highland Vegetable 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 54393 Beef Goulash 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P 96173 Cream of Mushroom 1 4x2.5kg 28.75 S.P Liquid Concentrated Fonds

80965 Leek & Potato Maggi A new addition to the Maggi family, our liquid fonds add a concentrated flavour boost to dishes and can be used at all stages of cooking, from marinating to glazing to drizzling. Dilute instantly to use as a stock or even a miso soup base (Asian). 93092 Maggi Beef Liquid Fonds 4 1x1lt 18.53 S.P Pappadum & Chutney 78957 Plain Poppadum 1 1x1kg 7.04 S.P 70309 Mango Chutney 2 1x2.27lt 6.56 S.P Cooking Wine/Spirits 53331 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce White Cooking Wine 4 1x3lt 5.49 S.P 93331 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Red Cooking Wine 4 1x3lt 5.49 S.P 52093 Chardonnay Cooking Wine 4 1x3lt 6.99 S.P 77889 Cabernet Sauvignon Cooking Wine 4 1x3lt 6.99 S.P 44522 Gourmet Classic Cooking Madeira 1 1x3lt 15.78 S.P 44523 Gourmet Classic Cooking Marsala 1 1x3lt 12.89 S.P 44524 Gourmet Classic Cooking Port 1 1x3lt 15.78 S.P 56672 Gourmet Classic Cooking Brandy 1 1x3lt 39.99 S.P 85888 Minestrone CLEANING, HYGIENE & DISPOSABLES

102 Paperware 105 Foodwrap/Dispensers 105 Bin Liners 106 Cleaning Products

100 101


Cleaning Hygiene & 66069 Caterforce Professional Blue All Purpose Cloths 20 1x50 2.99** SP Cleaning Hygiene & 85622 Caterforce Professional White Dishcloths 10 1x20 4.90** SP 55825 Scouring Pads 20 1x10 1.90** SP 73634 Galvanised Steel Scourer 20 1x10 2.19** SP 63565 Sponge Scourers 20 1x10 2.46** SP 12668 Yellow Dusters 20 1x10 2.60** SP THE 35272 Tea Towels 10 1x10 7.30** SP 68228 Check Tea Towels 5 1x20 9.60** SP 39512 Rice Weave Tea Towels 10 1x10 7.60** SP Paperware FINISHING 70363 Blue Roll 2 ply Centre Feed 150m 1 1x6 roll 7.99** SP 90666 White Toilet Rolls 320 Sheet 2 Ply 1 1x36 9.75** SP 99317 Mini Jumbo White Toilet Rolls 1 1x12 13.75** SP 91944 Caterforce Professional White Cocktail Napkins 2ply 24cm 1 16x250 29.49** SP

Cloths & Disposables 89334 Caterforce Professional Black Cocktail Napkins 2ply 24cm 1 8x250 26.70** SP TOUCH Professional Caterforce 50225 Caterforce Professional Napkin White 1 Ply 1 10x500 18.68** SP 11551 Caterforce Professional Napkin White (33cm 2 ply) 1 10x200 17.99** SP 94082 Caterforce Professional Napkin White (40cm 2 ply) 1 20x100 24.75** SP 12647 Caterforce Professional Napkin Burgundy (33cm 2 ply) 1 8x250 25.99** SP If you’re looking for the perfect 33265 Caterforce Professional Napkin Blue (33cm 2 ply) 1 8x250 25.99** SP 45432 Caterforce Professional Napkin Cream (33cm 2 ply) 1 8x250 25.99** SP accessories to complete your table, 14709 Caterforce Professional Napkin Green (33cm 2 ply) 1 8x250 25.99** SP Caterforce Professional offer single 56284 Caterforce Professional Napkin Red (33cm 2 ply) 1 8x250 25.99** SP use napkins in a variety of colours 22793 C Fold Hand Towels 2 Ply 1 1x2400 14.99** SP 11551 Alternative Dispenser Re-Fill Rolls with ease of disposal. NEW WHITE NAPKINS (10 x 200) See page 102 54308 Caterforce Professional Cling Film 300mm Refills 1 3x300m 15.19** SP 36742 Caterforce Professional Cling Film 450mm Refills 1 3x300m 20.79** SP 28093 Aluminium Foil 300mm Refills 1 3x90m 19.92** SP 19445 Aluminium Foil 450mm Refills 1 3x90m 26.74** SP 87449 Baking Parchment 450mm Refills 1 3x90m 17.46** SP Speedwrap Dispenser Re-Fill Rolls 48800 Caterforce Professional Cling Film 300mm Refills 1 3x300m 15.19** SP 81628 Caterforce Professional Cling Film 450mm Refills 1 3x300m 20.79** SP 59188 Aluminium Foil 300mm Refills 1 3x90m 19.92** SP 88186 Aluminium Foil 450mm Refills 1 3x90m 26.74** SP

33265 14709 NEW BLUE NAPKINS NEW GREEN NAPKINS (8 x 250) See page 102 (8x250) See page 102 89334 NEW BLACK COCKTAIL NAPKINS 2PLY 24CM (8 x 250) See page 102

45432 56284 NEW CREAM NAPKINS NEW RED NAPKINS (8 x 250) See page 102 (8 x 250) See page 102

91944 NEW WHITE COCKTAIL NAPKINS 2PLY 24CM (16 x 250) See page 102

102 103


Cleaning Hygiene & 11422 Cling Film 300mm 6 1x300m 3.45** SP Cleaning Hygiene & 43321 Cling Film 450mm 6 1x300m 4.96** SP 41534 Catering Foil 300mm 6 1x75m 3.41** SP 68318 Catering Foil 450mm 6 1x75m 5.09** SP 84094 Baking Parchment 450mm 6 1x50m 3.95** SP Disposable Cups 40483 Dart 10oz Foam Cup 1 1x1000 22.50** SP 16839 Dart 12oz Foam Cup 1 1x1000 26.67** SP 60154 Dart 12oz Cafe G Printed Cup 1 1x1000 37.91** SP 99419 Dart 8oz ‘Fusion’ Cup 1 1x1000 56.03** SP 94237 Dart 12oz ‘Fusion’ Cup 1 1x1000 61.89** SP 44003 NEW Dispo 10oz Half Pint Tumbler 1 20x50 28.28** S.P 99632 NEW Dispo 20oz Pint Tumbler 1 20x50 41.91** S.P 24818 NEW Dispo 12oz Pepsi Paper Cup 1 20x100 74.04** S.P

Wrapex 51265 NEW Dispo 16oz Pepsi Paper Cup 1 20x50 47.10** S.P Cling & Plastic Foil, Cutlery Film, Disposables 25477 NEW Dispo 8oz White Hot Drink Cup 1 20x50 30.56** S.P 77873 NEW Dispo 12oz White Hot Drink Cup 1 20x50 34.85** S.P 66341 NEW Dispo 16oz White Hot Drink Cup 1 20x50 42.33** S.P Disposable Lids 85834 Vented Lid for 10oz Foam/Cafe G Cup 1 1x1000 18.41** SP 74413 Vented Lid for 12oz Foam/Cafe G Cup 1 1x1000 19.07** SP 52704 White Cappuccino Lid for 8oz Fusion Cup 1 1x1000 21.818** SP 42631 White Cappuccino Lid for 12oz Fusion Cup 1 1x1000 29.46** SP 60703 Black Cappuccino Lid for 16oz Fusion Cup 1 1x1000 38.37** SP Food Packaging 72024 7” White Paper Plate 10 1x100 1.37** SP 31767 White Sulphite Bags 6” 1 1x1000 3.75** SP 17383 White Sulphite Bags 7” 1 1x1000 4.73** SP 47072 White Sulphite Bags 8” 1 1x1000 6.45** SP 14149 HP6 Large Burger Boxes 1 1x500 29.04** SP 93037 9” Cardboard Pizza Box 1 1x50 7.76** SP 68167 12” Cardboard Pizza Box 1 1x50 10.76** SP 46390 NEW 2oz Containers and Lids 1 20x100 16.13** S.P 44183 NEW 4oz Containers and Lids 1 20x100 17.63** S.P

Chip Forks/Plastic Cutlery/Straws/Stirrers 75950 Wooden Tea Stirrers 1 1x1000 3.39** SP 53316 Wooden Chip Forks 1 1x1000 3.65** SP 96459 NEW Dispo 110mm Wood Teaspoons 1 10x100 13.49** S.P 86762 NEW Dispo 160mm Wood Forks 1 10x100 23.40** S.P 44505 NEW Dispo 165mm Wood Knives 1 10x100 22.49** S.P 87487 NEW Dispo 160mm Wood Dessert Spoons 1 10x100 23.40** S.P 38720 Plastic Forks 1 1x1000 8.70** SP 48043 Plastic Knives 1 1x1000 8.70** SP 32294 Plastic Tea Spoons 1 1x1000 8.70** SP 61892 Black Flexi Straws 40 1x250 0.89** SP Bin Liners/Sacks 20199 Heavy Duty Black Bags (18x29x39) 1 1x200 12.99** SP Vinyl/Rubber Gloves 90351 Medium Blue Vinyl Gloves 10 1x200 2.99** SP 83130 Large Blue Vinyl Gloves 10 1x200 2.99** SP 56482 Medium Rubber Gloves 24 1x6 3.96** SP 44419 Large Rubber Gloves 24 1x6 3.96** SP

104 105


Cleaning Hygiene & 22469 Deepio Degreaser Spray 6 1x750ml 1.99** SP Cleaning Hygiene & 27930 Deepio Degreaser Powder 1 1x6kg 10.49** SP 25768 Caterforce Professional Degreaser 2 1x5lt 5.30** SP 45248 Daz 85 Wash 1 1x85 wash 14.25** SP 14163 Ariel Bio Powder Bag 1 1x13kg 21.69** SP 64753 Lenor Concentrate Fresh 2 1x5lt 11.25** SP 56581 Caterforce Professional Anti-Bac Spray 1 6x750ml 7.99** SP 33757 Caterforce Professional Glass Cleaner 1 6x750ml 7.99** SP 62662 Caterforce Professional Sanitiser 1 6x750ml 8.79** SP 44844 Food Safe Sanitiser 4 1x5lt 5.10** SP 38702 NEW Caterforce Professional Probe Wipes 1 1x200 2.32** S.P 89231 Caterforce Professional Foaming Washroom Spray 1 6x750ml 8.79** SP 54186 NEW Caterforce Professional Toilet Cleaner 1 10x1ltr 9.45** S.P 45461 NEW Caterforce Professional Oven Cleaner 1 6x750ml 9.18** S.P 79282 Caterforce Professional Washing Up Liquid 1 2x5lt 5.79** SP Cleaning Essentials Professional Caterforce 67805 Deepio Washing Up Liquid 2 1x5lt 7.68** SP 41609 Fairy Liquid Original 2 1x5lt 10.99** SP 44299 Fairy Liquid Lemon 2 1x5lt 10.99** SP 21933 Caterforce Professional Lemon Floor Gel 2 1x5lt 6.99** SP 75213 Flash Lemon All Purpose Cleaner 3 1x5lt 9.99** SP 79282 Caterforce Professional Pine Disinfectant 1 2x5lt 2.99** SP 94559 Caterforce Professional Thick Bleach 1 2x5lt 4.69** SP 65592 Caterforce Professional Machine Dish Wash 2 1x5lt 6.50** SP 57923 Caterforce Professional Machine Glass Wash 2 1x5lt 5.71** SP 25128 Caterforce Professional Rinse Aid 2 1x5lt 5.20** SP 47987 Finish Rinse Agent 2 1x5ltr 15.62** SP 70007 Finish Professional Liquid 1 1x10ltr 23.58** SP 49846 Finish Powerball Tabs 125’s 3 1x125 19.27** SP 81765 Finish Salt 4 1x5kg 3.03** SP Food safe 70985 Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash 4 6x500ml 5.29** SP 15257 Caterforce Professional Pink Pearl Soap 2 1x5lt 4.66** SP Kills all & odourless 49038 Cranberry Air Freshner Spray 6 1x750ml 1.80** SP known 61940 NEW Caterforce Professional Socket Mop Heads No. 12 1 1x5 5.20** S.P germs It’s not just the food that needs

94559 Thick Bleach 1x5ltr 25768 Heavy Duty Degreaser 1x5ltr to shine 62662 Handy Sanitiser 6x750ml

Great taste starts with a clean kitchen, and the Caterforce Professional range contains everything you need to keep germs at bay, keep surfaces sparkling and keep your kitchen running smoothly. Each one offers high performance and outstanding value.

106 107


Simply vitrified hotelware Tableware

Brought to you by DPS Tableware, the new Simply range brings you the essential items needed within your business. The new range provides high quality products with a timeless design in the most cost effective way to suit your business needs. Winged Plates EC0001 12” / 31cm 1x4 3x4 £3.75 EC0002 11” / 28cm 1x4 3x4 £2.84 EC0003 10 1/4” / 25.5cm 1x6 4x6 £2.00 EC0001 Winged Plates 12” / 31cm EC0004 9” / 23cm 1x6 4x6 £1.43 EC0005 8 1/4” / 21cm 1x6 6x6 £1.13 EC0006 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 6x6 £1.00 Narrow Rim Plates EC1002 11” / 28cm 1x4 3x4 £2.84 EC1003 10” / 26cm 1x6 4x6 £2.00 EC1004 9” / 23cm 1x6 4x6 £1.43

EC1005 8 1/4” / 21cm 1x6 6x6 £1.13 Tableware & Glasses EC1006 6 1/2” / 16.5cm 1x6 6x6 £1.00 EC1007 5 1/2” / 14cm 1x6 6x6 £0.88 Oval Plates EC0007 12” x 9 1/2” / 30 x 24cm 1x4 3x4 £3.57 EC0008 9 1/2” x 7 1/2” / 24.5cm x 19cm 1x6 4x6 £2.10 EC0025 Rectangular Plates 12 1/2” x 7 3/4” / 32cm x 19.5cm Rectangular Plates EC0025 12 1/2” x 7 3/4” / 32cm x 19.5cm 1x4 3x4 £5.99 EC0021 11 1/2” x 6 3/4” / 29cm x 17.5cm 1x4 3x4 £4.76 Square Plates EC0019 10 3/4” x 10 3/4” / 27.5cm x 19.5cm 1x4 3x4 £5.07 EC0020 8” x 8” / 20.5cm x 20.5cm 1x6 4x6 £3.34 Rectangular Platters EC1020 13 3/4” x 8 1/4” / 35cm x 21cm 1x4 3x4 £8.92 EC1015 11” x 6 1/2” / 28cm x 16cm 1x4 3x4 £5.11 Rectangular Tray EC0044 10 1/2” x 4 3/4” / 26.5cm x 12cm 1x6 4x6 £4.20 Shallow Bowls EC1030 12” / 30cm 1x4 3x4 £5.85 EC0019 Square Plate 10 3/4” x 10 3/4” / 27.5cm x 19.5cm EC1027 10 5/8 “ / 27cm 1x4 3x4 £3.93 EC1023 9” / 23cm 1x6 4x6 £2.72 Pasta Plate/Soup Plate EC0024 10 5/8 “ / 27cm 1x4 3x4 £3.00 EC0016 9” / 23cm 1x6 4x6 £2.00 Lugged Stacking Soup Cup* EC0026 10oz / 28cl 1x6 6x6 £1.88 Oval Bowl EC1014 17cm x 13.5cm (16oz/44cl) 1x6 4x6 £3.14 Salt & Pepper EC0017S 3” / 7cm 1x6 6x6 £1.00 TABLEWARE EC0017P 3” / 7cm 1x6 6x6 £1.00 Tear Shaped Bowls EC1013 6” x 4” / 15cm x 11xm (12oz/34cl) 1x6 4x6 £2.46 EC0016 Pasta Plate/Soup Plate 9” / 23cm EC1012 4” x 3” / 10cm x 7.5cm (3oz/10cl) 1x6 6x6 £1.22 Tear Shaped Platter 109 Plates & Bowls 112 Olive Wood EC1016 14” / 36cm 1x4 3x4 £10.69 110 Teapots & Cups 112 Additions 111 The Seasons Range

EC1014 Oval Bowel 7cm x 13.5cm (16oz/44cl)

108 109

PACK CARTON PRICE PACK CARTON PRICE SIZE SIZE EACH SIZE SIZE EACH Stone Rim Fruit Bowl Tableware EC0033 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 4x6 £1.09

Tableware Seasons by Porcelite Tableware Rice Bowl* A rustic inspired collection emulating a hand-crafted studio pottery look for a rustic edge to casual and fine dining. Presented in a palette EC0010 5” / 13cm (10oz / 28cl) 1x6 4x6 £1.00 of seven complementary colours, inspired by the vibrant shades of the changing seasons. Created to work perfectly in a suite, or mixed and Conic Bowl matched to offer unlimited presentation options. Each piece is hand decorated, resulting in an individual speckling effect and a reactive contrasting rustic band to frame. No two pieces are the same to create the perfect platform for a truly eclectic look. EC1022 6 1/2” x 2 1/2” / 17cm x 6cm 1x6 4x6 £1.88 Pizza Plate Oatmeal Bowl EC0009 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 4x6 £1.09 162932** 12.5” / 32cm 1x6 1x6 £8.82 Square Bowl Coupe Plates Refer to our range of Conic Teapots 162932 Pizza Plate 12.5” / 32cm EC0022 4 3/4” x 4 3/4” / 12cm x 12cm 1x6 4x6 £2.36 187628** 11” / 28cm 1x6 1x6 £6.68 Sauce Dish 187618** 7” / 18cm 1x6 5x6 £3.18 EC0045 2 3/8” x 1 1/4” / 6cm x 3.2cm / 2oz 1x6 6x6 £0.60 Oval Plate Dimple Mug 112131** 12” / 30cm 1x6 1x6 £7.87 EC0046 12oz / 34cl 1x6 4x6 £2.10 Coupe Bowl Stacking Mug* 197626** 10 1/4” / 26cm 1x6 1x6 £8.16 EC1000 10oz / 28cl 1x6 6x6 £1.70 Rectangular Plate 118331** 12” x 7” / 31cm x 18cm 1x6 1x6 £9.46 Tableware Sugar Bowl Tableware EC0023 7oz / 20cl 1x6 6x6 £0.95 Rectangular Platter Footed Bowl 358835** 13 3/4” x 10 1/4” / 35cm x 26cm 1x6 1x6 £17.25 EC0042 20oz / 57cl 1x6 4x6 £2.78 Conic Bowls Conic Teapots 368211** 14oz / 40cl 1x6 6x6 £3.60 EC0039 28oz / 80cl 1x6 4x6 £6.38 368209** 7oz / 20cl 1x6 6x6 £3.12 Refer to our range of Conic Cups & Bowls EC0048 Simply Conic lid large teapot 1x1 1x1 £1.36 Conic Dip Pots Conic Dip Pot EC0038 14oz / 40cl 1x6 4x6 £3.79 368206** 1 3/4 oz / 5cl 1x6 8x6 £1.86 EC0047 Simply Conic lid small teapot 1x1 1x1 £1.36 Conic Jug Conic Cream Tot 378415** 5oz / 15cl 1x6 4x6 £7.12 EC0034 2oz / 6cl 1x6 4x6 £0.99 Conic Teapot Conic Jugs 938405** 17 1/2 oz / 50cl 1x6 1x6 £15.20 EC0037 10oz / 28cl 1x4 3x4 £2.11 Mug EC0035 5oz / 15cl 1x6 4x6 £1.74 424736** 12oz / 34cl 1x6 4x6 £4.12 Conic Cups & Bowls* Bowl Cup & Saucer EC0093 Conic bowl 12oz / 35cl 1x6 4x6 £1.98 322134** 12oz / 34cl 1x6 6x6 £3.62 EC0091 Conic bowl 8oz / 22cl 1x6 6x6 £1.38 322125** 9oz / 25cl 1x6 6x6 £3.37 EC0092 Conic cup 12oz / 35cl 1x6 4x6 £2.08 132115** 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 6x6 £2.52 EC0090 Conic cup 8oz / 22cl 1x6 6x6 £1.48 All 16 items are available in all 7 colours. EC0042 Footed Bowl 20oz / 57cl EC0014 D/W saucer 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 6x6 £0.91 Conic Plates Conic Mugs* When ordering, add the colour’s two letter combination to the end of the code, in place of the asterisks (**). SS = Sea Spray, CO = Coral, ST = Stone, WH = Wheat, MA = Magma, GR = Graphite, OA = Oatmeal. EC1011 16oz / 35cl 1x6 4x6 £2.35 EC1010 12oz / 35cl 1x6 6x6 £1.74 EC0012 10oz / 28cl 1x6 6x6 £1.55 EC0027 8oz / 22cl 1x6 6x6 £0.98 Teapots EC0018 27oz / 75cl 1x4 3x4 £4.27 EC0040 Spare lid for large teapot 1x1 1x1 £1.36 EC0031 14oz / 400ml 1x4 3x4 £3.68 EC0041 Spare lid for small teapot 1x1 1x1 £1.36 Milk Jugs EC0015 9oz / 25cl 1x6 6x6 £2.04 EC0032 5oz / 150ml 1x6 6x6 £1.76 EC0035 Conic Jugs 5oz/15cl Bowl Shaped Cups* 368211 Conic Bowl 14oz / 40cl EC1009 16oz / 44cl 1x4 4x6 £2.36 EC1008 12oz / 35cl 1x6 4x6 £2.06 EC0011 10oz / 28cl 1x6 6x6 £1.64 EC0028 8oz / 22cl 1x6 6x6 £1.22 EC0029 3oz / 9cl 1x6 6x6 £0.92 EC0030 Espresso Saucer 4 3/4” / 12cm 1x6 6x6 £0.82 Stacking Cup* EC1009 7oz / 20cl 1x6 6x6 £0.95 Saucer EC0014 6 1/4” / 16cm 1x6 6x6 £0.91

*Indicates items which fit the saucer EC0014 EC1010 Conic Mugs 10oz / 28cl 322125 Bowl Cup & Saucer Refer to our wide range of tableware.

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UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT Olive Wood This new range of Olive Wood is ideal to mix and match with accent peices from the Seasons collection, and is perfectly suited for sharing. All

Tableware items are made from genuine Olive Wood and are hand finished to create a truly natural product. Olive Wood Board with Groove & Well CB40014 40cm x 22cm 1x1 1x1 £26.78 CB40013 35cm x 18cm 1x1 1x1 £17.86 Olive Wood Pedestal CB40015 32cm x 17.5cm x 5cm 1x1 1x1 £18.98 CB40014 Olive Wood Board with Groove & Well Rectangular Olive Wood Board with Hole 40cm x 22cm CB4011 24.5cm x 15.2cm x 1.9cm 1x1 1x1 £11.46 Footed Dip Pot 22158 6cm x 3cm 1x12 12x12 £1.53 Olive Wood Board with Groove CB4009 36.5cm x 26cm 1x1 1x1 £28.96 CB4008 36.5cm x 18cm 1x1 1x1 £22.48 Fruit Crate Olive Wood CB41202 35cm x 23cm x 8cm 1x1 1x1 £25.48

Tableware & Glasses CB41201 27.5cm x 19cm x 6cm 1x1 1x1 £16.98 Additions Complete your tabletop presentation with this range of additions. Rubberwood Pepper Mill SPM001 15.5cm 1x1 1x48 £9.86 CB0062 Stainless Steel Chip Scoop 10cm x 10cm Rubberwood Salt Mill SPM0002 15.5cm 1x1 1x48 £9.86 Acrylic Salt & Pepper Mill SPM0003 10cm 1x12 1x144 £4.44 SPM0004 13.5cm 1x12 1x96 £5.60 Acrylic Combo Salt Shaker & Pepper Mill SPM0005 16.5cm 1x6 1x48 £8.64 Acrylic Salt/Pepper Mill Ceramic Grinder SPM0006 15.5cm 1x6 1x36 £8.75 SPM0007 11.5cm 1x6 1x48 £7.75 Stainless Steel Chip Scoop CB0062 10cm x 10cm 1x1 1x96 £3.96 Mini Glass Milk Bottle BC0063 100ml 1x6 1x144 £0.72 BC0063 Mini Glass Milk Bottles 100ml


114 Soup 123 Olives 114 Sauces 123 Chips CB40015 Olive Wood Pedestal 114 Meal Pots 124 Salads 116 Porridge 125 Sandwich Fillings 116 Pâté 126 Fruit Juice 116 Bacon 126 Flavoured Milk 116 Sliced Meats 126 Milk 117 Fish 128 Cream 118 Eggs 128 Yoghurt 118 Cheeses 132 Butter, Fats & Spreads 122 Dips 132 Dessert Toppings

Refer to our wide range of tableware. Refer to our wide range of tableware.

112 113


Chilled Tideford Organics Chilled 99256 Carrot & Coriander Soup 3 1x2lt 23138 Tomato & Basil Soup 3 1x2lt 82030 Potato & Leek Soup 3 1x2lt 59961 Country Vegetable Soup 3 1x2lt 81971 Spicy Butternut & Sweet Potato Soup 3 1x2lt 72186 Winter Parsnip, Warm Spices & Ginger Soup *Seasonal* 3 1x2lt Refer to our range of Tideford Soups. 40976 NEW Red Lentil & Apricot Soup with Chillies 3 1x2lt 48739 NEW Spicy Lentil Soup 3 1x2lt 15667 NEW Italian Tomato with Lentils and Red Pepper Soup 3 1x2lt 54565 NEW Sweet Potato Soup with Chia Seed & Quinoa 3 1x2lt 74612 NEW Minestrone with Gluten Free Pasta 3 1x2lt 89096 NEW Tuscan Bean Soup 3 1x2lt 85757 NEW Mushroom & Tarragon Soup 3 1x2lt 33736 NEW Chicken with Lemon & Thyme Soup 3 1x2lt Soups, Sauces & Meal Pots & Meal Sauces Soups, Tideford 25855 NEW Sweet Potato Soup with Chai Seed Soup 6 1x600g 99241 NEW Red Lentil & Apricot Soup with Chillies 6 1x600g 59431 NEW Carrot & Coriander Soup 6 1x600g 11331 NEW Minestrone Soup with Gluten Free Pasta 6 1x600g 19976 NEW Chicken with Lemon & Thyme Soup 6 1x600g 29502 NEW Italian Tomato with Lentils and Red Pepper Soup 6 1x600g 40976 Red Lentil & Apricot Soup with Chillies 84762 NEW Spicy Butternut Squash with Sweet Potato Soup 6 1x600g 42544 NEW Spinach and Split Pea with Nutmeg Soup 6 1x600g 59663 NEW Winter Beetroot Soup with Curly Kale 6 1x600g 30364 NEW Italian Tomato with Lentils and Red Pepper Soup 6 1x300g 12236 NEW Chicken with Lemon & Thyme Soup 6 1x300g 97909 NEW Spinach and Split Pea with Nutmeg Soup 6 1x300g 93002 NEW Carrot & Coriander Soup 6 1x300g 59263 NEW Tomato & Basil Soup 6 1x300g 28404 NEW Leek & Potato Soup 6 1x300g 19787 NEW Spicy Butternut Squash with Sweet Potato Soup 6 1x300g Rod & Bens 46646 NEW Tomato & Basil Soup 6 1x600g 89832 NEW Carrot & Herb Soup 6 1x600g Refer to our range of Tideford Soups. 43460 NEW Spiced Lentil Soup 6 1x600g 59505 NEW Red Russian Kale, Spinach & Garlic Soup 6 1x600g 44213 NEW Beetroot, Spinach & Kale Soup 6 1x600g 35514 NEW Leek & Potato Soup 6 1x600g 58557 NEW Roast Chicken & Lemon Soup 6 1x600g 78211 NEW Smoked Haddock Chowder Soup 6 1x600g Sauces Tideford 44935 NEW Tomato & Basil Sauce 6 1x300g 88362 NEW Ragu a la Bolognese 6 1x300g 39707 NEW Basil Pesto 6 1x150g Rod & Bens 64881 NEW Tomato & Basil Sauce 3 1x600g 44935 Tideford Tomato & Basil Sauce 69389 NEW Summer Tomato Sauce 3 1x600g Meal Pots Rod & Bens 45102 NEW Green Bean, Quinoa & Vegetable Meal Pot 6 1x300g 81069 NEW Butternut, Lentil, Spinach & Kale Meal Pot 6 1x300g 28155 NEW Pasta, Bean & Mushroom Meal Pot 6 1x300g 85778 NEW Three Bean Vegetable Chilli Meal Pot 6 1x300g

81069 Rod and Ben's Butternut, Lentil, Spinach & Kale Meal Pot = Pre-Order Only

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Chilled Tideford 30144 Sliced 100% Turkey 1 1x500g Chilled 66054 NEW Classic Porridge Plain 3 1x2kg 96386 NEW Cooked Sliced Turkey Crown (Selected) 1 1x100g 73643 NEW Gluten Free, Dairy Free Plain Porridge 3 1x2kg Pastrami 52015 NEW Gluten & Dairy Free Porridge with Linseed & Chia 2 1x2kg 86059 Peppered & Shaved Pastrami 1 1x500g Pâté Chorizo Chilled Pâté 89923 NEW Chorizo 1 1x75g 45553 Brussels Pâté Loaf (smooth) 2 1x1kg Salami 66054 Tideford Classic Porridge Plain 59906 Charcuti Spanish Mixed Tapas Pack 37156 Ardennes Pâté Loaf (coarse) 2 1x1kg 63825 NEW Black Pepper Salami (Selected) 1 1x75g Beef Bacon 53879 Sliced 80% Silverside Beef 1 1x500g 20455 Cooked Farmhouse Bacon 1 1x1kg 99903 Sliced Traditional Topside 1 1x500g 24964 Brookes Rindless Back Bacon 4 1x2.27kg 26078 Sliced Corned Beef 1 1x500g 94862 A1 Chilled Back Bacon 4 1x2kg 28694 NEW Cooked Sliced Beef 1 1x100g 54321 Smoked Rindless Back Bacon 4 1x2.27kg Chicken 49580 NEW Denhey Back Sliced Smoked Bacon 1 1x200g 16171 NEW Smoked Chicken Slices 1 1x100g Chilled Meats Chilled 97868 NEW Denhey Back Sliced Smoked Bacon 1 1x1kg 10560 NEW Smoked Chicken Slices 1 1x200g 69210 NEW Denhey Back Sliced Un-Smoked Bacon 1 1x200g Duck 51885 NEW Denhey Back Sliced Un-Smoked Bacon 1 1x1kg 45224 NEW Smoked Duck Slices 1 1x100g 50045 NEW Denhey Streaky Sliced Smoked 1 1x200g 94017 NEW Smoked Duck Slices 1 1x200g 59220 NEW Denhey Streaky Sliced Smoked 1 1x1kg Venison 49301 NEW Denhey Streaky Sliced Un-Smoked 1 1x200g 45553 Brussels Pâté Loaf (smooth) 88961 Charcuti Sliced Proscuitto Crudo 28691 NEW Smoked Venison Haunch Slices 1 1x100g 87507 NEW Denhey Streaky Sliced Un-Smoked 1 1x1kg

25775 NEW Dorset Farm Smoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x200g Continental Selection - Italian 73525 NEW Dorset Farm Unsmoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x200g 88961 Sliced Proscuitto Crudo - approx 25 slices 1 1x500g 70202 NEW Dorset Farm Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x200g 89022 Smoked Pancetta Lardons 1 1x500g 37532 NEW Dorset Farm Un-Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x200g 78731 Long Sliced Pancetta - approx 50 slices 1 1x250g 40792 NEW Spoilt Pig Dry Cure Un-Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x184g 49822 Sliced Milano Salami - approx 25 slices 1 1x250g 58123 NEW Spoilt Pig Dry Cure Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x184g 92951 Sliced Napoli Salami - approx 25 slices 1 1x250g 74672 NEW Devon Rose Apple Smoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x150g Continental Selection - Spanish 17879 NEW Devon Rose Apple Un-Smoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x150g 12049 Serrano Ham - approx 20 slices 1 1x300g 44044 NEW Devon Rose Apple Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x200g 58428 Spicy Chorizo Loop 58cm - Ready to eat 1 1x225g 77794 NEW Devon Rose Un-Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x200g 42346 Sliced Chorizo - approx 20 slices 1 1x300g 77794 NEW Devon Rose Un-Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x200g 10220 Grilling Chorizo - approx 12 per pack 1 1x600g 19406 NEW Devon Rose Apple Smoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x2.5kg 59906 Spanish Mixed Tapas Pack 1 1x120g 94862 A1 Chilled Back Bacon 77148 NEW Devon Rose Un-Smoked Streaky Bacon 1 1x2.5kg 58428 Charcuti Spicy Chorizo Loop 58cm Serrano, Chorizo, Lomo / ave. 6 Slices Loin , 6 Slices Chorizo and 3 Slices Serrano Ham 20431 NEW Devon Rose Apple Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x2.5kg Black Pudding 18396 NEW Devon Rose Un-Smoked Back Bacon 1 1x2.5kg 82201 NEW Devon Rose Devon Sliced Black Pudding 1 1x150g Gammon Sticks 23135 Danish Salami Stick 1 1x1.3kg 35668 NEW Devon Rose Un-Smoked Gammon 1 1x2kg 48881 Black Pudding Stick 1 1x1.3kg 42267 NEW Devon Rose Smoked Gammon 1 1x2kg 89178 Chorizo Stick 1 1x1.6kg Sliced Meat 77349 Liver Sausage Stick 1 1x1.3kg Ham Fish 73111 Shaved Farmhouse Ham 1 1x500g 89267 NEW Smoked Haddock Fillet (Approx 200g) 1 1x200g 21050 Sliced 80% Farmhouse Ham 1 1x500g 54855 NEW Smoked Kippers (Pair) 1 1x2 27937 NEW Dorset Farm Traditional Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 68600 NEW Smoked Mackerel Fillets (Approx 200g) 1 1x200g 61282 NEW Dorset Farm Honey Roast Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 40368 NEW Smoked Salmon Slices 1 1x100g 91711 NEW Dorset Farm Honey & Mustard Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 58123 Spoilt Pig Dry Cure Smoked Back Bacon 48881 Black Pudding Stick 29824 NEW Smoked Salmon Slices 1 1x200g 88336 NEW Dorset Farm Peppered Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 27436 NEW Gravadlex Slices 1 1x100g 42648 NEW Dorset Farm Smoked Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 16547 NEW Gravadlex Slices 1 1x200g 29487 NEW Dorset Farm Herb Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 42838 NEW Hot Smoked Salmon 1 1x200g 49237 NEW Dorset Farm Honey Smoked Sliced Ham 1 1x130g 42887 NEW Hot Smoked Salmon 1 1x400g 13797 Sliced 100% Roasted Gammon Ham 1 1x500g 66888 NEW Hot Smoked Salmon 1 1x1kg 23289 NEW Dorset Farm Traditional Ham Boneless Half (1.7kg - 2.5kg) 1 1x2.5kg 83329 NEW Smoked Trout Slices 1 1x100g 65572 NEW Dorset Farm Smoked Ham Boneless Half (1.7kg - 2.5kg) 1 1x2.5kg 71162 NEW Smoked Trout Slices 1 1x200g 65572 NEW Dorset Farm Smoked Ham Boneless Half (1.7kg - 2.5kg) 1 1x2.5kg 28691 NEW Gravadlex Slices 1 1x200g 27142 NEW Dorset Farm Traditional Organic Gammon Ham 1 1x130g 85374 NEW Dorset Farm Honey Roast Organic Ham 1 1x130g 92281 NEW Devon Rose Apple Smoked Sliced Ham 1 1x150g 15932 NEW Devon Rose Honey Roast Ham 1 1x150g 65795 NEW Devon Rose Traditional Devon Rose Cure Sliced Ham 1 1x150g 13797 Sliced 100% Roasted Gammon Ham Refer to our range of continental meats 15932 NEW Devon Rose Honey Roast Ham 1 1x150g = Pre-Order Only

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UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT The Big Prawn Company 58044 Dorset Red Cheddar 1 1x1.1kg A smoked cheese made exclusively from rich, creamy milk sourced

Chilled 59723 NEW Cold Water Prawns in Brine (nett weight 900g) 6 1x1.5kg from cows which graze the lush pastures of their West Dorset Estate. Chilled 81224 NEW Crayfish Tails in Brine (nett weight 900g) 6 1x1.5kg 60564 Dorset Red Cheddar 1 1x3.5kg 54763 NEW King Prawns in Brine (nett weight 900g) 6 1x1.5kg Somerset Cheese Eggs A J Barbers 39313 Medium Eggs 1 1x60 The Barber family have been farming and cheese making since the early 1800’s. Situated in the heart of rural Somerset the focus is still on producing West Country Farmhouse Cheddar. 20636 Medium Free Range Eggs 1 1x60 97335 Barbers 1833 Cheddar 1 1x1.1kg 39313 Medium Eggs 64914 Hard Boiled Eggs 1 1x48 58044 Dorset Red Cheddar Matured for 24 months the result is a Cheddar that is powerful in it’s intensity 15431 Hard Boiled Eggs 1 1x144 whilst retaining a distinctive smooth and creamy background. Cheeses 97506 NEW 1833 Vintage Reserve Cheddar 1 1x190g Cheese Slices 10689 Maryland Mature Cheddar 1 1x5kg A wonderful block mature cheese designed to meet the needs of the cheese 37353 Kerrymaid Original Slices 8 1x112 slices counter, delicatessen and restaurant. 79898 Sliced Mild Cheddar 6 50x20g 47279 NEW Maryland Mild Cheddar 1 1x200g 73567 Sliced Mature Cheddar 6 50x20g 55129 NEW Maryland Mild White Cheddar 1 1x5kg 36822 Sliced Emmental 6 50x20g Prawn, Egg & Cheese Prawn, Egg 88852 NEW Maryland Farmhouse Mature Cheddar 1 1x200g Cheese 17160 Sliced Mozzarella 6 50x20g 78110 NEW Maryland Farm Vintage Cheddar 1 1x200g 40057 Sliced Monterey Jack 6 50x20g 26842 Haystack Tasty Cheddar Block 1 1x5kg Block Cheddar 35688 NEW Haystack Tasty Cheddar 1 1x200g 48314 Mild White Cheddar Block 4 1x5kg 12882 NEW Haystack Tasty Cheddar 1 1x320g 56963 Mature Cheddar Block 4 1x5kg 80454 NEW Haystack Tasty Cheddar 1 1x2.5kg 37353 Kerrymaid Original Slices Grated Cheese 97506 Barbers 1833 Vintage Reserve Cheddar 14022 Wookey Cave Aged Cheese 1 1x3.5kg 94368 Grated Mild Cheddar 8 1x2kg Cave Aged West Country Farmhouse Cheddar. Full flavoured with earthy 79319 Grated Mature Cheddar 8 1x2kg characteristics from these historic Somerset caves. 15212 Grated Red Leicester 6 1x2kg 62193 Ford Farm Cave Aged Mature Wedge 1 1x200g 88718 Pure Shredded Mozzarella 6 1x2kg Wyke Farms Ltd 79515 Mozzarella/Cheddar Mix - 70/30 6 1x2kg A family run company based in the heart of the Somerset Cheddar making region. The Clothier family have been making Cheddar to the family’s original secret recipe since 1902. Kerrymaid Grated Blends Kerrymaid grates have been created for cooking, meaning there’s no oil out, just appetising toppings that melt to perfection. 37014 So Mellow’ Mild Block 1 1x2.5kg So Mellow’ Mild Cheddar is just the soothing flavour that many are looking 60931 Kerrymaid Grated White 6 1x2kg for in a quiet moment. Smooth, creamy and unpretentious. Cheddar cheese with a blend of milk protein and vegetable oil. 48592 Rich and Creamy’ Mature Block 1 1x2.5kg 34899 Kerrymaid Pizza Grate 6 1x2kg Rich and Creamy Mature is a great way to introduce yourself to the way A blend of Mozzarella with milk protein and vegetable oil. cheddar is supposed to taste. A top quality, prize winning Farmhouse Cheddar from Somerset. Portions 32232 Just Delicious’ Extra Mature Block 1 1x2.5kg 18344 Bladen Mixed Cheese Portions 1 50x20g Matured 12 to 15 months, this tangy full-flavoured Cheddar is a versatile, 75858 Stilton (quarter) 20 x Cheddar, 15 x Double Gloucester, 15 x Red Leicester 48592 Wyke Farms Rich and Creamy’ Mature Block well rounded treat and really is a best seller for Wyke Farms. Stilton Longman’s Cheese Sales Stilton’s unique flavour makes it suitable for everyday recipes. With it’s slightly open texture and creamy background, Longman Cheese Sales produces some of the finest Farmhouse Cheddar to be found using milk produced by their large herds kept on the it melts and crumbles easily. richest pastures in the Vale of Camelot, Somerset. 75858 Stilton (quarter) 4 1x2kg 12927 Longman’s Mature Cheddar (half fat) 8 1x2.5kg 25333 Stilton (half) 2 1x4kg 58312 Longman’s Mature Cheddar 8 1x2.5kg 85061 Stilton (whole) 1 1x8kg 67515 Longman’s Matureman Cheddar 4 1x5kg 82728 Longman’s Strongman Cheddar 4 1x5kg Dorset Cheese Godminster Organic Cheese Blue Vinny 48096 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar Heart (Waxed) 1 1x200g Dorset Blue Vinny is a traditional blue cheese made near Sturminster Newton in Dorset. It is a hard crumbly cheese but also creamy and subtle tasting. 16523 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar Heart (Waxed) 1 1x400g 18905 NEW Organic Oak Smoked (Muslin) 1 1x200g 67818 Dorset Blue Vinny (quarter) 4 1x1.5kg 88401 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar (Waxed) 1 1x200g 16684 Dorset Blue Vinny (half) 2 1x3kg 27450 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar (Waxed) 1 1x200g 75555 Dorset Blue Vinny (whole) 1 1x6kg 34899 Kerrymaid Pizza Grate 37014 Wyke Farms So Mellow’ Mild Block 48290 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar (Waxed) 1 1x1kg Ford Farm - Litton Cheney, Dorset Many of their cheeses have been awarded Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status. This means when you buy their cheese, 51357 NEW Vintage Organic Cheddar (Waxed) 1 1x2kg you can be assured that it is an authentic West Country Cheddar. 42778 NEW Brie with Black Pepper (Black Eyed Susan) 1 1x200g

69223 Billies Goats Cheese 1 1x5kg 97084 NEW Brie with Jersey Milk (Goldilocks) 1 1x200g Mild, mellow and smooth, Billie’s Goat’s Cheddar from Ford Farm is made using 97560 NEW Brie with Garlic and Chives (Vipers Grass) 1 1x200g traditional cheddaring techniques from 100% pure goat’s milk. 24784 NEW Brie with Black Pepper (Black Eyed Susan) 1 1x1kg 12151 Coastal Cheddar Block 1 1x5kg 83027 NEW Brie with Jersey Milk (Goldilocks) 1 1x1kg C oastal will surprise you with it’s distinctive ‘crunch’ caused by the calcium crystals which form naturally in the cheese once it has reached it’s optimum maturity. 16218 NEW Brie with Garlic and Chives (Vipers Grass) 1 1x1kg 91256 NEW Coastal Mature Cheddar 1 1x200g 11580 NEW Coastal Mature Cheddar 1 1x360g

Refer to our range of Dorset Blue Vinny Cheeses = Pre-Order Only 51357 Godminster Vintage Organic Cheddar (Waxed) = Pre-Order Only

118 119

UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT Lye Cross Organic Cheese 66637 NEW Organic Mild Cheddar 1 1x245g Chilled Chilled 38729 NEW Organic Mild Cheddar 1 1x2.5kg 75889 NEW Organic Medium Cheddar 1 1x245g 67140 NEW Organic Medium Cheddar 1 1x2.5kg 87922 NEW Organic Vintage Cheddar 1 1x245g 49643 NEW Organic Double Gloucester 1 1x245g 32021 NEW Organic Red Leicester 1 1x245g 53616 NEW Organic Stilton 1 1x150g 49643 Lye Cross Organic Double Gloucester 74649 NEW Organic Mature Cheddar 1 1x5kg Lubborn Creamery The creamery pioneered the craft of making soft-mould cheese over 30 years ago in the UK. Over the years, the Lubborn team has used its significant experience to produce traditional soft ripening cheeses which have a core that disappears as the cheese ages. 27814 Somerset Brie 1x1kg Lubborn Somerset Brie is creamy with a mild, fresh flavour and a soft edible white rind. 27871 Somerset Brie 1x2.5kg 24433 Somerset Camembert 1x220g Cheese Lubborn Somerset Camembert is rich and creamy with a soft edible white rind. Wyke Farm 30404 Capricorn Goats Log 6x100g Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese is made with locally sourced Goats milk. Our Goat cheeses ripen from the outside towards the centre. Wiltshire Cheese Rosary Goat’s Cheese Ltd 27871 Somerset Brie 75452 Rosary Goat’s Cheese 1x1kg A creamy, moist and soft cheese with a light and fluffy texture made from Goat’s milk. Produced in Landford on the Hampshire and Wiltshire border. Hampshire Cheese Tunworth Cheese 71598 Tunworth Camembert 1x250g Tunworth is a Camembert-style cheese made in Hampshire. The taste is unique: cleaner and smoother than its French inspiration. Tunworth is a previous Supreme Champion and Gold Award winner at the British Cheese Awards. Welsh Organic Cheese Caws Cenarth 33634 NEW Organic Pearl Las Blue Wedge 1 1x150g 33885 NEW Organic Pearl Wen Wedge 1 1x165g 75452 Rosary Goat’s Cheese 24567 NEW Organic Smoked Caeffili Wedge 1 1x180g 23924 NEW Organic Garlic & Herb Caerffili Wedge 1 1x180g 11859 NEW Organic Caerffiki Wedge 1 1x180g

= Pre-Order Only

71598 Tunworth Camembert

32021 Organic Red Leicester

120 121


Chilled British Speciality Olives Et Al Chilled Based in Dorset, Olives Et Al was established in 1993. Over time, the range of products has grown and now includes oils and balsamics, 69380 Wensleydale & Cranberries 1x1.2kg speciality olives, sauces, snacks, kiln roasted nuts and marinades. 32005 Red Leicester 1x2.5kg 47639 Sharpham Chive and Garlic 1x1.5kg 81490 Classic Pitted Olives 1 1x2.5kg Pitted mixed olives with chilli and garlic. 68829 Sharpham Rustic Plain 1x1.5kg 77654 Antipasti Olives 1 1x2.5kg 61089 Cornish Yarg Baby 1x1kg Mixed green and kalamata olives with parsley, rosemary and capers. Continental Speciality 15633 Pitted Sunshine Olives 1 1x2.5kg 61089 Cornish Yarg Baby 15230 French Brie - 60% 1x1kg 77654 Antipasti Olives Mixed kalamata and the green olives with rosemary and garlic. 64743 President Petit Camembert 12x145g 28924 Balsamic Onions 1 1x1.5kg 81690 Parmesan Reggiano 1x1kg Borretain onions steeped in balsamic. 89142 Parmesan (Powder) 1x1kg 47142 Pepperabica Peppers 1 1x2kg Hot spicy peppers stuffed with creamed feta. 18920 Melusine Goat’s Log 1x1kg 76582 Artichokes 1 1x1.2kg 82225 Panini Mozzarella Log 1x1kg Whole artichokes in “Raw” style in sunflower oil. 93253 Buffalo Mozzarella 1x200g 20208 Halloumi 1x250g Chips Cheese & Dips Cheese Olives & Chips 73486 Greek Feta 1x1kg 50648 Lord Chilled Chips 9/16 1 2x5kg 82689 Greek Feta 1x200g 92513 Danish Mozzarella Block 1x2.3kg 34126 Dolcelatte 1/4 Wedge 1x1.4kg 98665 Grana Padano 1x2kg 15628 NEW Cambozola Mini 1x5kg Refer to our range of olives and accompaniments 69380 Wensleydale & Cranberries from Olives Et Al 24683 NEW Cambozola Whole 1x2.3kg 13977 NEW Edam Wedge 1x230g 46738 NEW Danish Blue Portion 1x150g 75133 NEW Mozzarella Whey Balls 1x125g 23201 NEW Emmental King Cut 1x3kg 33689 NEW Gruyere King Cut 1x2.2kg 67003 NEW Pastaggio Shakers 1x42.5g 35516 NEW Ricotta 1x250g 16464 NEW Ricotta 1x1.5kg Soft Cheese 51642 Full Fat Soft Cream Cheese 2kg 69481 Low Fat Soft Cream Cheese 2kg 73577 Cottage Cheese 2kg 35516 Ricotta 64283 Mascarpone 1x500g Dips 17126 Coleslaw 2kg 20001 Houmous 1kg 10024 Moroccan Houmous 1kg 38015 Sundried Tomato & Red Onion Houmous 1kg Rod & Bens 35903 NEW Spicy Red Bean Dip 6x200g 68393 NEW Red Pepper Spicy Salsa 6x200g 53109 NEW Classic Houmous 6x200g 16287 NEW Butterbean & Chive Dip 6x200g Delphi

17126 Coleslaw 59210 NEW Houmous 1x170g 20208 Halloumi 62620 NEW Houmous 1x283g 24282 NEW Low Fat Houmous 1x170g 45963 NEW Red Pepper Houmous 1x170g 49804 NEW Black Olive Houmous 1x170g 49804 NEW Black Olive Houmous 1x170g 14919 NEW Avocado & Houmous 1x150g 10424 NEW Lemon & Coriander Houmous 1x170g 46166 NEW Carrot Houmous 1x70g 60272 NEW Guacamole 1x150g 27895 NEW Tzatziki 1x170g 80848 NEW Taramosalata 1x170g 10723 NEW Aubergine 1x170g

59210 Delphi Houmous = Pre-Order Only 50648 Lord Chilled Chips 9/16 Please refer to our range of Olives & Meats

122 123

UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE UNITS AV. WEIGHT PRICE PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT PER CASE PER UNIT PER UNIT Sandwich Fillings - Also Ideal For Filling Jacket Potatoes Heatable Sandwich Fillings All sandwich fillings and salads order by 10.30am Monday for delivery Wednesday onwards. 92488 Chicken Jalfrezi 1kg Chilled Chilled All sandwich fillings and salads order by 10.30am Wednesday for delivery Friday onwards. 96683 Chicken, Bacon & Mozzarella 1kg Chicken Fillings 79040 Mozzarella, Pepperoni & Jalapeno 1kg 74819 Chicken Mayonnaise 1kg 52487 Mozzarella, Sundried Tomato & Jalapeno 1kg 52975 Chicken & Sweetcorn 1kg 72605 Tuna Melt 1kg 83689 Chicken, Sage & Onion (Sliced) 1kg 31369 Chilli con Carne 1kg 16085 Garlic Chicken 1kg ‘In Sauce’ Chicken - Ideal For Sandwiches & Salads 95978 Chicken in Tikka Masala Sauce 1kg 62481 Chicken & Bacon 1kg 23127 Honey Chilli Chicken 40292 Chicken, Bacon & Sweetcorn (Sliced) 1kg 21098 Chicken Tikka, Onion Bhaji, Yogurt & Mint 1kg 66526 Creamy Caesar Chicken 1kg 18840 Cajun Chicken & Tomato 1kg 68823 Barbecue Chicken 1kg 23127 Honey Chilli Chicken 1kg 49537 Coronation Chicken 1kg 20901 Firecracker Chicken 1kg 85879 Chicken Tikka 1kg 77340 Italian Style Chicken 1kg 63339 Lemon Chicken 1kg 37064 Chicken in Barbecue Sauce 1kg 27693 Chinese Chicken 1kg 98923 Chicken & Chorizo 1kg

Sandwich Fillings 46293 Chicken Korma 1kg 60554 Piri Piri Chicken 1kg Sandwich Fillings 95757 Tandoori Tikka 1kg 26635 Red Thai Chicken 1kg 74302 Mexican Chicken 1kg ‘In Sauce’ Meat Range Turkey Fillings 93750 Mexican Chiili Beef 1kg 58198 Turkey, Sage & Onion 1kg 88320 Spicy Meatballs in Salsa 1kg 53851 Turkey, Bacon & Cranberry 1kg 10290 Lamb in Garden Mint Dressing 1kg 74819 Chicken Mayonnaise 88320 Spicy Meatballs in Salsa Cooked Meat Fillings 39269 Roast Pork, Stuffing & Apple Sauce 1kg 59096 Ham, Cheese & Pineapple 1kg 61038 Barbecue Pork 1kg 81565 Smokey Joe (Ham & Cheese) 1kg 74743 Peking Duck 1kg 99914 Lakeland Beef Deli Filling 1kg 53227 Hoisin Duck 1kg Seafood Fillings Marinated Chicken - Ideal For Sandwiches & Salads 49596 Tuna Mayonnaise 1kg 12546 Tikka Marinated Chicken 1kg Sliced chicken breast coated in a spicy tikka flavoured marinade. 21107 Tuna Mayonnaise & Sweetcorn 1kg 74411 Lime & Coriander Marinated Chicken 1kg 72551 Crab Flavour 1kg Sliced chicken breast coated in a lime & coriander marinade. 89383 Seafood Cocktail (Crab Flakes, Prawns, Salmon) 1kg 96305 Piri Piri Marinated Chicken 1kg 11165 Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese 1kg Sliced chicken breast coated in a spicy piri piri style marinade. 70378 Prawn Mayonnaise §1kg 85247 Barbecue Marinated Chicken 1kg 72495 Prawn Marie Rose 1kg 82729 Lemon Pepper Marinated Chicken 1kg Egg Fillings 49537 Coronation Chicken Salads 41799 Egg Mayonnaise 1kg 95978 Chicken in Tikka Masala Sauce 75759 Potato Salad 2kg 20190 Egg & Bacon 1kg Diced potatoes with onion & chives in a creamy mayonnaise. Cheese Fillings (Vegetarian) 56847 Bombay Potato Salad 2kg 27598 Cheese Savoury 1kg Potatoes in a mildly spicy Bombay style dressing with onion, sultanas & mixed peppers. 76963 Mixed Cheese & Onion 1kg 15593 Couscous & Roast Vegetables 1.5kg 50251 Mixed Cheese & Spring Onion 1kg Couscous with red & yellow peppers, courgettes & aubergines in a herby Italian style dressing. 58599 Red Cheddar Cheese & Apple 1kg 15593 Mediterranean Spicy Pasta Twirls 2kg Fusilli pasta in an Italian style herb & tomato dressing with sweetcorn & diced peppers. 29344 Red Leicester & Spring Onion 1kg 66543 Sweet & Sour Beetroot Salad 2kg Vegetarian Fillings Diced beetroot with onions in a sweet & sour dressing. 44223 Vegetarian Tikka 1kg 91050 Provencale Bean Salad 1kg 82211 Chargrilled Vegetables in Oil 1kg Mixed beans with diced onion in a tomato & herb dressing. 76763 Onion Bhaji & Sweet Chilli Sauce 1kg 66058 NEW Delphi Coleslaw 1x230g 60912 Falafel, Chickpea, Yogurt & Mint 1kg 76388 NEW Delphi Green Lentil Salad 1x220g

69476 NEW Delphi Cous Cious Salad 1x160g 41799 Egg Mayonnaise 96305 Piri Piri 93508 NEW Delphi Three Bean Salad 1x220g 96160 NEW Delphi Tabouli Salad 1x170g 67640 NEW Delphi Puy Lentil & Cous Cous Salad 1x185g 96160 NEW Delphi Edamame Beans & White Cheese Salad 1x200g 12257 NEW Delphi Hot Chick Pea Salad 1x220g 70893 NEW Delphi Red Kidney Bean Salad 1x200g

50251 Mixed Cheese & Spring Onion 53851 Turkey, Bacon & Cranberry 75759 Potato Salad

124 125


Chilled 97950 NEW Orange Juice 1 6x1ltr Chilled 74060 NEW Apple Juice 1 6x1ltr 45043 NEW Apple & Mango Juice 1 6x1ltr 22189 NEW Pear & Apple Juice 1 6x1ltr 78089 NEW Apple & Pomegranate Juice 1 6x1ltr 83506 NEW Pink Grapefruit Juice 1 6x1ltr Shaken Udder Flavoured Milk 91178 Shaken Udder Chocolush 91178 NEW Shaken Udder Chocolush 1 6x330ml 52190 NEW Shaken Udder Salted Caramel 1 6x330ml 67354 NEW Shaken Udder Top Banana 1 6x330ml 35649 NEW Shaken Udder Vanillalicious 1 6x330ml Trioni 75673 NEW Daioni Organic Chocolate Milk 1 12x1ltr 80953 NEW Daioni Organic Banana Milk 1 12x1ltr Fruit Juice & Milk & Fruit Juice 98980 NEW Daioni Organic Strawberry Milk 1 12x1ltr Trewithen Dairy Fresh Milk Trewithen Dairy 49090 NEW Whole Milk 1 8x500ml 75168 NEW Semi Skimmed Milk 1 8x500ml 67354 Shaken Udder Top Banana 49463 NEW Skimmed Milk 1 8x500ml 98875 NEW Whole Milk 1 8x1ltr 40441 NEW Semi Skimmed Milk 1 8x1ltr 37995 NEW Skimmed Milk 1 8x1ltr 69474 NEW Whole Milk 1 1x2ltr 50422 NEW Semi Skimmed Milk 1 1x2ltr 68396 NEW Skimmed Milk 1 1x2ltr 96527 NEW Whole Milk 3 Gallons Pergal (13.6lt) 1 1x24pt 88801 NEW Semi Skimmed Milk 3 Gallon Pergal (13.6lt) 1 1x24pt Yeo Valley 21873 NEW Organic Semi Skimmed 1 10x1pt 20793 NEW Organic Whole Milk 1 10x1ltr 10678 NEW Semi Skimmed Milk 1 10x1ltr 84250 NEW Organic Skimmed Milk 1 10x1ltr Refer to our range of Trewithen Dairy Milk 27591 NEW Organic Whole Milk 1 6x2ltr 42788 NEW Organic Semi Skimmed Milk 1 6x2ltr Manor Farm 99380 NEW Organic Whole Milk 1 10x1pt 20582 NEW Organic Semi Skimmed Milk 1 10x1pt 62357 NEW Organic Whole Milk 1 10x2pt 23544 NEW Organic Semi Skimmed Milk 1 10x2pt 25487 NEW Organic Skimmed Milk 1 10x2pt Delamere 43458 NEW Whole Goat's Milk 1 12x1ltr 34473 NEW Semi Skimmed Goat's Milk 1 12x1ltr 53585 NEW Skimmed Goat's Milk 1 6x1ltr BV Dairy 10678 Yeo Valley Semi Skimmed Milk 88114 Buttermilk 1 1x1ltr 98549 NEW Buttermilk 1 1x5ltr 94808 NEW Buttermilk 1 1x15ltr 56223 Single Cream 6 1x2ltr 57034 Double Cream 6 1x2ltr 35875 Whipping Cream 6 1x2ltr 93475 Clotted Cream 1 454g 55701 Clotted Cream 1 1kg 96372 Clotted Cream 1 2kg 20606 Creme Fraiche 1 2kg 22692 Sour Cream 1 2.5kg 91248 Mascarpone 1 2kg

Refer to our range Delamere Dairy Goats Milk = Pre-Order Only

126 127

UNITS UNIT PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Cream 70911 NEW Yeo Valley Blueberry & Lime Whole Milk 1 12x120g 99595 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Mixed Case 1 12x120g Chilled 13413 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Double Cream 1 6x227ml 4 x strawberry, 4 x peach & apricot, 4 x Blueberry. Chilled 96816 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Single Cream 1 6x227ml 33916 NEW Yeo Valley Best in Show British Blackcurrant 1 8x140g 19374 NEW Manor Farm Organic Double Cream 1 1x2ltr 59494 NEW Yeo Valley Best in Show West County Fudge 1 8x140g 69736 NEW Trewithen Fresh Double Cream 1 1x2ltr 40069 NEW Yeo Valley Best in Show British Strawberry 1 8x140g 93066 NEW Trewithen Fresh Double Cream 1 1x284ml 33916 NEW Yeo Valley Best in Show British Blackcurrant 1 8x140g 85050 NEW Trewithen Single Double Cream 1 1x2ltr 32561 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Milk Mixed Case 1 12x120g 15498 NEW Trewithen Fresh Whipping Cream 1 1x2ltr 4 x strawberry, 4 x peach & apricot, 4 x Vanilla. 74581 Yeo Valley Low Fat Soured Cream 78448 NEW Trewithen Fresh Double Cream 1 1x2ltr 59494 Yeo Valley Best in Show West County Fudge 43211 NEW Yeo Valley Strawberry Whole Milk 1 6x450g 24862 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Half Fat Crème Fraiche 1 6x200g 70045 NEW Yeo Valley Raspberry Whole Milk 1 6x450g 74581 NEW Yeo Valley Low Fat Soured Cream 1 6x227g 79471 NEW Yeo Valley Apricot & Peach Whole Milk 1 6x450g Clotted Cream 38325 NEW Yeo Valley Mango & Vanilla Whole Milk 1 6x450g 93869 NEW Yeo Valley Raspberry & Passion Fruit Whole Milk 1 6x450g 97786 Rodda Clotted Cream Portions (frozen) 1 48x40g 25287 NEW Yeo Valley Lemon Curd Whole Milk 1 6x450g 80410 Rodda Clotted Cream Tray (frozen) 12 907g 94043 NEW Yeo Valley Blueberry & Lime Whole Milk 1 6x450g 14585 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 1x113g 94569 NEW Yeo Valley Rhubarb & Custard Whole Milk 1 6x450g

Cream & Yoghurt 30037 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 1x227g Yoghurt 83414 NEW Yeo Valley Peaches & Cream Whole Milk 1 6x450g 93444 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 1x453g 82704 NEW Yeo Valley British Blackcurrant Whole Milk 1 6x450g 32096 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 1x907g 36240 NEW Yeo Valley Rhubarb Whole Milk 1 6x450g 57865 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 1x1.8kg 33995 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Vanilla 1 6x450g 42001 NEW Rodda Clotted Cream 1 48x40g 70334 NEW Yeo Valley Beautifully Mild 1 6x450g 39279 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 6x56g 78657 NEW Yeo Valley Black Cherry Whole Milk Yogurt 1 6x450g 97786 Rodda Clotted Cream Portions 22695 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 1x114g 25287 Yeo Valley Lemon Curd Whole Milk 70792 NEW Yeo Valley Limited Edition Banana & Custard Yogurt 1 6x450g 22695 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 1x114g 39955 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Natural 1 4x120g 42853 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 1x200g 56042 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk British Blackcurrant 1 4x120g 67760 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 1x400g 54883 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Fruity Favourites 1 4x120g 68870 NEW Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 1 1x908g 14253 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Lemon Curd 1 4x120g Yoghurt 31661 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Tropical Treats 1 4x120g 10990 Muller Thick & Creamy - Assorted 1 12x110g 91692 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Strawberry 1 4x120g (6 x Strawberry, 3 x Peach, 3 x Toffee) 26929 NEW Yeo Valley Whole Milk Blueberry with a hint of lime 1 4x120g 53994 NEW Golden Acre Long Life Thick & Creamy - Assorted 1 20x150g 22642 NEW Yeo Valley Limited Edition Rhubarb & Custard 1 4x120g (10 x Strawberry, 5 x Cherry, 5 x Apricot & Mango) 23890 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Greek Natural 1 4x120g 16242 NEW Golden Acre Long Life Fat Free Fruit - Assorted 1 20x150g (10 x Strawberry, 5 x Raspberry, 5 x Peach & Passion Fruit) 48974 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Greek Strawberry 1 4x120g 11958 NEW Golden Acre Long Life Fat Free Fruit - Assorted 1 20x100g 23985 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Greek Lemon 1 4x120g (10 x Strawberry, 5 x Raspberry, 5 x Peach & Passion Fruit) 21991 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Greek Honey 1 4x120g 39279 Trewithen Dairy Clotted Cream 72395 BV Dairy Greek Style Yoghurt 1 1x2kg 70334 Yeo Valley Beautifully Mild 50952 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Greek Vanilla 1 4x120g 58765 BV Dairy Greek Style Yoghurt 1 1x5kg 95503 NEW Yeo Valley Greek with Honey 1 4x120g 48497 BV Dairy Set Natural Yoghurt 1 1x5kg 36455 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live - Strawberry 1 4x120g 41968 NEW Ubley Natural Yogurt 1 1x5kg 15351 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live - Cherry 1 4x120g 96626 NEW Ubley Strawberry Yogurt 1 1x5kg 86008 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live 1 4x120g 68264 NEW Yeo Valley 0% Fat Mixed Yogurt 1 12x120g 2 x blueberry, 2 x raspberry. 78775 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 1x120g 54979 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live 1 4x120g 2 x strawberry, 2 x rhubarb 35177 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 1x150g 52484 NEW Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live Mixed Fruit 1 4x120g 49555 NEW Yeo Valley Natural 0% Fat 1 1x150g 1 x strawberry, 1 x raspberry, 1 x mango, 1 x peach. 49727 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 6x500g 28799 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo & Go Natural Yogurt with Oat Granola 1 3x175g 51361 NEW Yeo Valley Natural 0% Fat 1 6x500g 62372 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo & Go Greek Natural with Summer Fruits Compote 1 3x175g 46426 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 4x1kg 86535 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo & Go 0% Fat Vanilla Yogurt & Granola Top Hat 1 6x135g 50373 NEW Yeo Valley Natural 0% Fat 1 4x1kg 87827 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo & Go Blueberry Yogurt & Granola Top Hat 1 6x135g 26911 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 1x20kg 41968 Ubley Natural Yogurt 54979 Yeo Valley Organic Bio Live 99828 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo & Go 0% Fat Strawberry Yogurt and 1 6x135g 34360 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Natural 1 8x150g Orange Infused Granola Top Hat 95132 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Natural 1 6x450g 99554 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeo Strawberry, Raspberry, Apricot, Peach 1 4x90g 88591 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style with Honey 1 6x450g 91615 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Banana Custard Yogurt 1 4x90g 40075 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style with Ginger 1 6x450g 33816 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Vanilla Custard Yogurt 1 4x90g 11935 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style with Vanilla 1 6x450g 20132 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Fruited Limited Edition - 1 4x90g 82572 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style 0% with Honey 1 6x450g Strawberry & Vanilla, Mango & Vanilla 58516 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style 0% Natural Yogurt 1 6x450g 55121 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Strawberry, Peach, Pear & Apple 1 6x45g 20927 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style 0% with Strawberry 1 6x450g 23940 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Strawberry & Raspberry 1 6x45g 36522 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style 0% with Lemon 1 6x450g 36109 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Raspberry & Apricot 1 6x45g 21433 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Style 0% with Lemon 1 6x450g 72792 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos 6 Strawberry & Vanilla / Mango & Vanilla 1 6x45g 68845 NEW Yeo Valley Greek Natural 1 6x950g 58649 NEW Yeo Valley Little Yeos Natural Fromage Frais 1 6x45g 54882 NEW Yeo Valley Strawberry Whole Milk 1 12x120g 16335 NEW Yeo Valley Peach & Apricot Whole Milk 1 12x120 88591 Yeo Valley Greek Style with Honey 33816 Yeo Valley Little Yeos Vanilla Custard Yogurt = Pre-Order Only

128 129

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT 68042 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo Tubes Raspberry 1 6x40g 21420 NEW Yeo Valley Yeo Tubes Strawberry & Vanilla 1 6x40g Chilled Chilled 96784 NEW Yeo Valley Strawberry Whole Milk 1 12x80g 40764 NEW Yeo Valley Mango & Vanilla Whole Milk 1 12x80g 16079 NEW Yeo Valley Raspberry Whole Milk 1 12x80g 88947 NEW Yeo Valley Natural Whole Milk 1 12x80g 46983 NEW Ubley Thick ‘n’ Creamy Mixed 1 12x150g 4 x strawberry, 4 x vanilla, 4 x apricot & mango. 60549 NEW Ubley Low Fat mixed case 1 12x115g 21420 Yeo Valley Yeo Tubes Strawberry & Vanilla 4 x strawberry, 4 x raspberry, 4 x peach. 62033 NEW Ubley Low Fat Natural 1 12x150g 11642 NEW Ubley Greek Natural Bucket 1 12x150g 41968 NEW Yeo Valley Natural 1 2x5kg 79727 NEW Yeo Valley Peach 1 2x5kg 96629 NEW Yeo Valley Strawberry 1 1x450g 33889 NEW Collective Dairy Vanilla 1 1x450g 25329 NEW Collective Dairy Mighty Mango 1 1x450g Yoghurt Dairy & Non Kerry Foods 87866 NEW Collective Dairy Luscious Lemon 1 1x450g 88863 NEW Collective Dairy Passion Fruit 1 1x450g 73304 NEW Collective Dairy Scottish Raspberry 1 1x450g 15454 NEW Collective Dairy Coconut & Lime 1 6x150g 42286 NEW Collective Dairy Mighty Mango 1 6x150g 62033 Ubley Low Fat Natural Yogurt 62408 NEW Collective Dairy Passion Fruit 1 6x150g 18510 NEW Collective Dairy Scottish Raspberry 1 1x150g 50705 NEW Woodland Dairy Organic Sheep Milk Natural Yogurt 1 6x450g 31982 NEW Woodland Dairy Goats Milk Natural Yogurt 1 6x450g 13029 NEW Yeo Valley Summer Fruits 1 6x450g

71482 NEW Yeo Valley Apple and Berry 1 6x450g. UHT/Non Dairy Milk & Cream 15818 Soya Soleil Unsweetened 8 1x1lt 51240 NEW Alpro Soya for Professionals 12 1x1lt 95669 NEW Alpro Coconut for Professionals 8 1x1lt 75653 NEW Alpro Almond Original 8 1x1lt 39350 Viva Semi-Skimmed Milk 12 1x1lt 71821 Individual Semi-Skimmed Milk Portions 1 1x120 62408 Collective Dairy Passion Fruit 93365 Individual Full Fat Milk Portions 1 1x120 63173 Individual Cream Portions 1 1x120 28865 Kerrymaid Smooth & Creamy Single 12 1x1lt Cream alternative for sweet & savoury dishes. Perfect for pouring. 68814 Kerrymaid Rich & Creamy Whipping 12 1x1lt Cream alternative perfect for piping & decorating. 40765 Kerrymaid Double 12 1x1lt Cream alternative perfect for piping & decorating. 36545 Meadowland Double Cream Alternative 12 1x1lt 17510 Pritchitt’s Millac Gold 12 1x1lt A blend of buttermilk, vegetable fat and dairy cream. Ideal for cooking, whipping or pouring. 37605 Aerosol Cream 6 1x500g

51240 Alpro Soya for Professionals

68814 Kerrymaid Rich & Creamy Whipping

130 131 UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Butter, Fats & Spreads 15998 Wyke Farms Butter Portions 7g 1 5x100 Chilled 22416 Bebo Sunflower Light Dishes 10g 1 1x100 Chilled 19877 Butter Dishes 10g 1 1x100 26672 Flora Portions 1 120x10g 22414 Summer County Margarine 6 1x2kg 39752 Kerrymaid Buttery 6 1x2kg 20044 Kerrymaid Premium Baking 1 40x250g 99561 Meadowland Professional 1 40x250g 15998 Wyke Farms Butter Portions 36220 Stork 6 1x2kg ORDER ONLINE 40370 Flora 6 1x2kg 43420 Phase Dawn Margarine 1 20x250g 69754 Wyke Farms Salted Butter 1 20x250g 72618 Wyke Farms Unsalted Butter 1 20x250g 86171 Maryland Farmhouse Salted Butter 1 40x250g 66616 Whirl Butter Substitute 3 1x4lt

Butter & Dessert Toppings & Dessert Butter 65181 Golden Summer Soft Spread 1 1x2kg Ordering Online 99708 NEW Trewithen Dairy Butter Portions Size 7 1 1x150 70241 NEW Kerrymaid Lard 1 40x250g 68146 NEW Trewithen Dairy Cornish Salted Butter 1 1x250g 40864 NEW Trewithen Dairy Cornish Unsalted Butter 1 1x250g 53562 NEW Trewithen Dairy Cornish Spreadable Butter 1 1x250g 39752 Kerrymaid Buttery 49321 NEW Brue Valley Farms Finest English Rolled Butter 1 1x200g Dessert Toppings Ready To Serve Sauce You can order from 11282 Kerrymaid Custard 12 1x1kg any web enabled 55323 Brandy Sauce 12 1x1lt device 86670 NEW Macphie Creme Anglais 12 1x1lt

There has never been an easier way to order online. Our platform is quick and easy to use and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like.

72618 Wyke Farms Unsalted Butter • Save time and be in • Your current statement control of your orders. Important nutritional and and past invoices can be allergen information is viewed and printed. • Online ordering means available to view online you can order from your and download to a csv • You can view and print smartphone, tablet or PC. file. your personal stock and order sheet. • All the latest product From your order card, information, new products you can even download • Get a feel for what the and pricing are updated the information for your products look like with daily. most recent purchases. product images. This is Refer to our range of Trewithen Cornish Butter perfect to get a closer look • Advanced search facility This is a valuable, at new products or see gives you a quick and what it would look like on convenient resource easy way to find specific the plate. products or brands. which will save you time.

Want to start ordering online? Visit, follow the link to order online, click on the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

11282 Kerrymaid Custard

132 133


26181 Garden Peas (Premium AA Grade) 10 1kg 2.03 Vegetables Potato & Products 81090 Petit Pois 10 1kg 2.20 64044 Choice Peas 1 4x2.5kg 1.93 19.28 89487 Fine Peas AA 4 2.5kg 2.00 5.01 39785 Sugar Snap Peas 10 1kg 4.24 34830 Mushy Peas 12 1kg 2.37 Beans 64044 Choice Peas 52127 Sliced Beans 10 1kg 1.90 56752 Sliced Beans 4 2.5kg 1.85 4.63 86469 Whole Beans 10 1kg 1.90 64296 Fine Whole Beans 4 2.5kg 1.85 4.63 69172 Cut Beans 10 1kg 1.68 43478 Broad Beans 10 1kg 2.83 Sprouts, Cauliflower & Broccoli 77821 Brussel Sprouts Medium 10 1kg 1.73 occus voluptiur Oficia Vegetables Vegetables & Speciality 37592 Brussel Sprouts 4 2.5kg 1.68 4.20 80839 Brussel Sprouts (Button) 10 1kg 1.83 40209 Cauliflower Florets 30/60mm 10 1kg 1.87 57506 Cauliflower Florets 30/60mm 4 2.5kg 2.04 5.11 31812 Broccoli 40/60mm 10 1kg 2.29 40461 Sliced Carrots 47000 Broccoli 40/60mm 4 2.5kg 2.24 5.61 Carrots and Parsnips 26433 Whole Baby Carrots 6/14mm 10 1kg 1.75 84611 Whole Baby Carrots 6/14mm 4 2.5kg 1.70 4.26 28040 Sliced Carrots 10 1kg 1.23 40461 Sliced Carrots 4 2.5kg 1.20 3.01 19391 Diced Carrots 10mm 10 1kg 1.10 17784 Baton Carrot 6mm 10 1kg 1.10 Root Vegetables 65400 Whole Parsnips 10 1kg 2.76 77811 NEW Honey Roast Parsnips 10 1kg 3.47 10743 Diced Swede 10 1kg 1.31 57506 Cauliflower Florets 30/60mm 43835 Diced Swede 4 2.5kg 1.27 3.17 12471 Sliced Onions 10 1kg 1.70 67314 Diced Onion 4 2.5kg 1.66 4.14 21305 Silverskin Small Whole Onions 10 1kg 2.45 12656 Cut Leeks 10 1kg 1.53 Speciality Vegetables 50896 Asparagus Spears 5 1kg 9.08 55647 Chopped Spinach Portions 10 1kg 1.42 29953 Leaf Spinach 10 1kg 1.79 VEGETABLES & 29702 Sweetcorn 10 1kg 2.57 26715 Sweetcorn 4 2.5kg 2.52 6.31 84359 Corn on the Cob 4 6x2 ears 8.94 POTATO PRODUCTS 35982 Half-Cut Corn on the Cobs 10 1kg 3.20 47000 Broccoli 48858 Baby Corn on the Cob 10 1kg 4.53 38350 Sliced Courgettes 10 1kg 1.68 82697 Diced Mixed Peppers 10 1kg 2.50 137 Peas 138 Coated & Chargrilled 75975 Cut Cabbage 10 1kg 1.43 75962 Savoy Cabbage 10 1kg 1.43 137 Beans Vegetables 60524 Sliced Mushrooms 10 1kg 2.16 137 Root Vegetables 138 Fruit & Smoothie Mixes 137 Speciality Vegetables 140 Chips 138 Mixed Vegetables 144 Potato Specialities

26715 Sweetcorn

136 137


Vegetables Potato & Products 15331 Country Vegetable Mix 10 1kg 1.68 gluten Vegetables Potato & Products Sliced carrots, broccoli, cut green beans, cauliflower. 81342 Mixed Vegetables 10 1kg 1.70 Cut green beans, broad beans, sweetcorn, diced carrot, fine peas. 48355 Mixed Vegetables 4 2.5kg 1.66 4.14 Fries 74049 Stewpack Mixed Vegetables 10 1kg 1.42 Swede, turnip, carrots, celery, sliced onions. 41327 Chargrilled Mixed Vegetables 5 1kg 6.20 that get 82077 Garlic Mushrooms Mixed peppers, courgettes, aubergines. 41620 Woodland Mushroom Mix 10 1x600g 7.42 4.17 Boletus edulis chunks, shiitake quarters, baby oyster, champignons quarters, nameko. attention 25338 NEW Roasting Vegetable Mix 1 1x1kg 2.41 99164 NEW Trio of Vegetables Pouch 1 24x150g 14.21 Contains broccoli, cauliflower & rustic cut carrots. Stir Fry Mix Chunky Fry 16x18 - Skin off Vegetables, & Fruit Rice Portions 50017 Classic Wok Mix 10 1kg 2.54 occus voluptiur WestonOficia Lamb Carrot strips yellow, diced carrot orange, pea pods and baby corn. Tasty chunky fries, rough-cut irregular shape, fl uffy on the inside, crunchy from the outside. Perfect to match hearty pub food or for those who have real appetite in fries. Chunky fries do not contain gluten. 58665 China Wok Mix 10 1kg 2.98 Bamboo strips, broccoli, black fungus strips. carrot strips, baby corn, yellow paprika strips, bean sprouts and leek. Coated Vegetables 58032 Kingfrost Mushy Pea Fritters 47467 Tempura Vegetable Mix 5 1kg 8.80 A selection of vegetables (baby corn, carrots, green beans, green and red peppers) in varying proportions, coated in a light, crisp tempura batter. 82077 Garlic Mushrooms 10 1kg 4.54 74733 Crispy Mushrooms 10 1kg 4.47 60775 Battered Onion Rings (Formulated) 20 450g 3.75 1.70 24061 Breaded Onion Rings (Formulated) 10 1kg 2.89 19338 Lamb Weston Beer Battered Onion Rings 6 1kg 7.23 34698 McCain Beer Battered Onion Rings 3 1kg 9.42 Thin cut onion rings coated in a light and crispy beer batter. 36725 Crispy Coated Natural Onion Rings 20-30 18 500g 6.70 3.45 57097 Giant Battered Onion Rings 8 1kg 5.81 58032 Kingfrost Mushy Pea Fritters 1 36x90g 0.46 16.53 Stealth Fries® Sweet ‘n Savour Tilda Individual Rice Portions Available in cut sizes - 6x6, 9x9, 11x11, 13x13 87086 Tilda Long Grain Rice 87086 Tilda Long Grain Rice 1 30x200g 0.50 15.00 and also available with skin-on Crispy Fries 96314 Tilda Basmati Pilau Rice 1 36x180g 0.68 24.30 Easy to prepare in fryer, oven and grill A signature dish that will help you differentiate 56390 Tilda Basmati & Wild Rice 1 30x200g 0.77 23.22 Paella 87708 Green’s Paella 10 1kg 5.44 A mixture of rice, shellfish, pollock, chicken and vegetables. Suitable for cooking in the microwave, combi-oven or pan-frying. Fruit 25491 Blackberries 15 450g 6.00 2.70 56905 Blackcurrants 15 450g 3.51 1.58 53971 Redcurrants 5 1kg 3.32 74965 Diced Mango 5 1kg 4.25 55885 Cranberries 5 1kg 4.62 96314 Lamb Weston Beer Battered Onion Rings 67188 Raspberries 6 1kg 7.82 91954 Fruit Summer Mix 5 1kg 4.71 Strawberries, redcurrants, blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants. 20130 Summer Fruits 15 450g 6.58 2.52 Original Seasoned Original Seasoned Original Seasoned Raspberries, cherries, strawberries, redcurrants, blueberries, blackberries. ® ® 26421 Forest Fruits Mix 15 450g 6.58 2.52 CrissCuts Twisters Wedges Skin-on Redcurrants, blackberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, blueberries. Perfect as a snack or Cut from whole Flavour profi les 92965 Mixed Green & Orange Melon Balls 15 450g 4.09 1.84 on a sharing platter potatoes for any occasion 93524 Apple Slices 5 1kg 2.89 50092 Strawberries 15 450g 4.53 2.04 35761 Blueberries 15 450g 7.93 3.57

87708 Green’s Paella

138 139

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Fruit Smoothie Mixes These 150g sachets contain more fruit than anyone else - simply empty into a blender, add juice and blend for a Vegetables Potato & Products Vegetables Potato & Products deliciously thick fruit smoothie. 42396 Pineapple Sunset Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.77 23.00 Pineapple, mango and papaya. 93348 Strawberry Fantasy Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.77 23.00 you Strawberries and banana. ng r m 10141 Strawberry Delight Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.73 22.00 i Strawberries, Peach & Papaya. k 63306 Lamb Weston Connoisseur Chunky Fries MORE e 83188 NEW Jungle Juice Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.78 23.50 n Acai, Strawberry, Blueberry & Mang.o a 13073 NEW Raspberry Heaven Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.80 24.00 u Raspberry, blueberry, mango and apple. 46242 Coconut Crush Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.80 24.00 M This combination of pineapple & coconut milk is simply divine. 85428 Berry Burst Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.80 24.00 A wonderful combination of blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry & banana. Fruit French Mixes, Fries & Wedges 87417 NEW Carrot Boost Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.64 19.05 Premium occus voluptiur Oficia McCain Goji Berry Juice, Pineapple & Papaya. 35257 NEW Ginger Beets Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.60 17.99 A combination of Beetroot, Ginger, Pineapple and Blueberry. 72036 NEW Green Reviver Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.58 17.49 A fantastic pick me up...! Combination of Curly Kale, Lemongrass, Banana & Mango. 64601 Lamb Weston Seasoned Wedges 76216 NEW Mega Cherry Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.78 23.50 Cherry, blueberry, strawberry, fig & flax seeds. 97799 NEW Super Green Smoothie Mix 1 30x150g 0.75 22.50 Spinach, avacado, apple, lime, basil & spirulina. 19190 Projuice Branded 12oz Smoothie Cup 1 1x500 0.06 30.00* 69684 Dome Lids 1 1x500 0.03 17.00* 97529 Jumbo Clear Plastic Straws 1 1x1000 0.01 8.00* Chips Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 39577 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Julienne S/Cut Chips 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 48780 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Freeze Chill Chips 3/8” 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 70321 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Freeze Chill Chips 7/16” 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 60658 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Freeze Chill Chips 9/16” 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 55608 Lamb Weston Crispy Cubes with Herbs 57983 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Freeze Chill Chips Steak Cut 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 81574 NEW Chef’s Selections by Caterforce Freeze Chill Chips 18mm 1 4x2.5kg 1.00 9.99 Lamb Weston 63306 NEW Lamb Weston Connoisseur Chunky Fries 1 4x2.5kg 2.06 20.64 34422 NEW Lamb Weston Connoisseur Rustic Fries 1 4x2.5kg 2.06 20.64 62666 Lamb Weston Private Reserve 3/8” - Skin On 1 4x2.5kg 1.75 17.52 The ultimate in potato quality. Private Reserve delivers maximum potato flavour. 50013 Lamb Weston Stealth Fries 9/16” 1 4x2.5kg 1.84 18.43 Stealth Fries have a virtually transparent batter which guarantees crispy fries and a holding time which is 5 times longer than regular fries. 48117 NEW Lamb Weston Stealth Fries 9x9mm 1 4x2.5kg 1.92 19.18 44698 NEW Lamb Weston 7/16 Chips 1 4x2.5kg 1.55 15.50 60842 Lamb Weston Stealth Fries 3/8” Skin-On 1 4x2.5kg 1.84 18.43 50607 Lamb Weston Seasoned Twisters 82918 NEW Lamb Weston Stealth Fries Julienne 1 4x2.5kg 1.98 19.80 Gourmet 32067 Lamb Weston Saute Potato 4 1x2.5kg 2.20 5.51 The McCain Signatures Gourmet is Lamb Weston a chunky, premium chip giving your 20622 NEW Lamb Weston Sweet Potato Fries 1 4x2.5kg 4.02 40.20 menu a first-rate edge. Delivering 35505 Lamb Weston Jacket Wedges 4 1x2.5kg 1.67 4.17 64601 Lamb Weston Seasoned Wedges 1 4x2.5kg 1.71 17.11 consistently, great tasting chips. 55608 Lamb Weston Crispy Cubes with Herbs 1 4x2.5kg 1.93 19.31 50607 Lamb Weston Seasoned Twisters 1 4x2.5kg 2.26 22.60 27417 NEW Lamb Weston Seasoned Criss Cuts 1 4x2.5kg 2.34 23.35 23291 Lamb Weston Buttery Mash 1 4x2.5kg 1.95 19.46 82064 NEW Lamb Weston Hash Browns 10 1x1kg 2.00 w: e: [email protected] t: 0800 146 573

27417 Lamb Weston Seasoned Criss Cuts

McCain Sig A4 Gourmet Ad.indd 1 12/11/2015 11:56 140 141


Farm Frites

Vegetables Potato & Products 44934 Hash Browns 4 1x2.5kg 2.38 5.95 Vegetables Potato & Products 44340 Seasoned Wedges 1 4x2.5kg 1.50 15.05 31764 Potato Croquettes 4 1x2.5kg 2.00 5.00 McCain 23136 McCain Beefeater Chips 1 4x2.27kg 2.37 21.50 68415 McCain Thick Chips 9/16” 1 4x2.27kg 2.37 21.50 44765 McCain Medium Straight Cut Chips 7/16” 1 4x2.27kg 2.37 21.50 76688 McCain Signature Skin On Julienne Fries 25597 McCain Thin Straight Cut Chips 3/8” 1 4x2.27kg 2.37 21.50 67858 McCain Crinkle Cut Chips 1 4x2.27kg 2.37 21.50 99788 McCain Stay Crisp Fries 1 4x2.27kg 2.74 24.85 7762 McCain Straight Cut Oven Chips 1 8x1.81kg 2.00 28.90† 17744 McCain Signature Gourmet Fries 1 4x2.5kg 2.80 28.00 73536 McCain Signature Gastro Chunky Fries 1 4x2.5kg 3.56 35.56

Chips & Potato Specialities 84790 McCain Signature Traditional Chips 1 4x2.5kg 2.80 28.00 McCain 76688 McCain Signature Skin On Julienne Fries 1 4x2.5kg 2.80 28.00 84123 McCain Sweet Potato Fries 4 1x2.5kg 4.58 11.44 21609 McCain Mini Waffles (Approx. 46 Per Bag) 10 1x907g 3.72 3.37 21861 McCain Smiles (Approx. 52 Per Bag) 10 1x907g 3.72 3.37 78700 McCain Hash Browns 8 1x1kg 3.42 84123 McCain Sweet Potato Fries 80799 McCain Rosti 6 1x1.52kg 4.18 6.35 46333 McCain Spicy Wedges 4 1x2.5kg 3.75 7.49 47555 McCain Savoury Herb Dice 4 1x2.5kg 3.22 8.04 57222 McCain ‘Simply Potato’ Dice 1 4x2.5kg 2.95 29.48 S imply Potato Dice are peeled, diced and blanched . McCain pre-prepared potato dice make a useful addition to any menu and are perfect for those who prefer to cook from scratch but want to reduce waste and preparation time. Potato Specialities 78910 Baked Jacket Potatoes 225g-280g 1 35 0.64 22.47 99528 NEW McCain Signature Jacket Potatoes (av 270g) 1 18 1.16 20.98 97821 Baked Jacket Potatoes 280g-340g 1 30 0.78 23.44 79567 Baked Jacket Shells (Longboats) 9-11.5cm 1 80 0.35 28.16 78910 Bannisters’ Baked Jacket Potatoes 225g-280g Perfectly baked large potatoes, halved and scooped and ready to be filled. 62270 Potato Potato Dippers 1/4 Cut 1 4x60 0.12 29.61 Perfectly baked small potatoes, quartered and scooped. 87603 Potato Skins Halves 1 4x35 0.22 30.96 Traditionally oven baked small British potatoes cut in half and scooped out ready for use as a starter, snack or main meal accompaniment. 23763 Lamb Weston Crispy Roast Potatoes 4 1x2.5kg 6.16 42057 Bannisters’ Farm Chefs Classic Roasts 1 4x2.5kg 21.07 The proper roast potato, not fried, not battered. Oven ready and gluten free. 53884 Mash Potato Discs 60g 4 1x2.5kg 5.25 53880 Bubble & Squeak Discs 60g 4 1x2.5kg 7.91 Home made style Bubble & Squeak. Mashed potato with carrot, cabbage, STARTERS & BUFFET roasted onion and seasoning. Supplied in disc form for flexible portion control. 42729 NEW Diced Sweet Potato 10 1x1kg 2.40 42057 Bannisters’ Farm Chefs Classic Roasts

146 Pâté 147 Sweet Canapés Want to start ordering online? 146 Individual Starters 148 Pastry Buffet 146 Pastry Starters 148 Vegetable Buffet Visit, follow the link to order online, click on 146 Poultry Buffet 148 Cheese Buffet the Contact Us link and fill in the form. 147 Savoury Canapés 148 Ethnic Buffet Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

42729 D’Arta Diced Sweet Potato

144 145


Starters & Buffet 44521 Dorset Pâté 7 1kg 10.56† Starters & Buffet A coarse pâté made from pork & pork livers with a strong herb flavour. Savoury Canapés 24411 Pyman Chicken Farmhouse Pâté 4 454g 4.09† 35108  Frank Dale Foods Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Bagels 1 1x45 0.70 31.52 A medium coarse pâté with smoked bacon, free range Bite sized bagels filled with oak smoked Scottish salmon and chicken liver, pork mince & herbs. a smooth cream cheese and chive filling. 17764 Pyman Duck Liver Pâté with Orange 4 454g 9.61† 78493 Frank Dale Foods Yorkshire Puddings with Beef & Horseradish 1 1x48 0.63 30.25 A rich & full flavoured free range duck liver pâté, complimented Light, mini Yorkshire puddings filled with strips of tender roast beef in a by orange zest & cointreau. traditional horseradish cream sauce. 24411 Pyman Pâtés Chicken Farmhouse Pâté 73467 Pyman Chicken Liver Pâte, with Brandy & Port 4 454g 9.81† 35108 Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Bagels 56891 Chicago Style Canapés 1 48x14g 0.71 34.22 All year round best selling free range chicken liver pâté with A quality assortment of thaw ‘n’ serve canapes, 6 each of 8 varieties per tray. brandy, port and cranberries. Artichoke and tomato on white bread, apple and foie gras on sweet chestnut bread, Individual Starters prawn, basil-flavoured cheese and tomato mini brioche, vegetables on nordic bread, smoked salmon, lemon-flavoured cheese and cucumber mini brioche, smoked trout Poultry and cucumber on black bread, mandarin and prune with smoked duck on white bread, 37356 Chicken Liver Parfait with Redcurrant 1 12x85g 1.16 13.89† ham, fig butter and pistachio on olive bread. A smooth free range chicken liver parfait with fine herbs, topped 80689 Frank Dale Foods Savoury Tartlet Selection 1 3x30 0.53 48.12 with a redcurrant & spiced cordial glaze. Mixed selection with fillings of asparagus, sundried tomato and mushroom, 12362 Duck Parfait with Orange Glaze 1 12x85g 1.16 13.89† each in an individual crisp short pastry case. Pâté, Individual Starters & VegetarianPâté, Individual Starters & Poultry Buffet Starters Pastry Rich free range duck with zesty orange with a cointreau glaze 17453 Frank Dale Foods Mini Beef Wellingtons 1 1x48 0.60 28.92 & garnished with an orange segment. Mini puff pastry crowns filled with finely chopped mushroom pâté Seafood duxelles and a medallion of British beef. 11877 Pyman Smoked Salmon, Crayfish & Dill Mousse 1 12x85g 1.18 14.10† 65841 Frank Dale Mini Smoked Salmon Terrines 1 1x48 0.62 29.84 Smoked salmon & aromatic dill mousse with a zesty lemon & crayfish centre, A creamy lemon & dill bavarois on a rustic rye bread finished with nestles on a bed of smoked salmon. finely chopped smoked salmon. 12362 Pyman Pâtés Duck Parfait with Orange Glaze 71069 Paramount 21 Spicy Mini Crab Cakes 1 48x30g 0.48 23.01 56891 Chicago Style Canapés 38871 Frank Dale Foods Cheese & Bacon Bites 1 1x48 0.42 20.06 A bite sized cake made using West Country white and brown crab meat, Gluten Free - A Scottish Mature Cheddar Cheese and a Beechwood Smoked blended with haddock and flavoured with mayonnaise, mustard, celery and bacon frittata. cayenne pepper. Coated with crispy breadcrumbs flecked with coriander. 87444 Frank Dale Foods Fish & Chip Style Canapés 1 2x24 0.62 29.93 Mini potato rosti cakes topped with a mini fillet of battered cod. 24 with a Vegetarian layer of tomato sauce and 24 with a layer of tartare sauce. 72697 Goat’s Cheese, Tomato & Basil Tartlets 8 12x160g 1.93 23.18 62302 Mini Potato Skins with Cheese & Bacon 1 2x50 0.34 34.40 Golden pastry cases, filled with light cheese and basil custard, sun dried Traditionally baked small British potatoes, halved & scooped then filled with a tomatoes and a creamy goat’s cheese top. delicious mixture of bacon, Cheddar & Monterey Jack. 81223 C ornish Blue Cheese with Apple & Cider Chutney Pâté 1 12x85g 1.16 13.87† 63802 Mini Potato Skins with Cheese & Chive 1 2x50 0.34 34.40 Award winning Cornish Blue Cheese and blend together with cream cheese Traditionally baked small British potatoes, halved & scooped then filled with then add apple and cider chutney bringing complimentary flavours together. a delicious mixture of chives, Cheddar & Monterey Jack. 17648 Stilton & Broccoli Quiche 1 12x142g 1.90 22.75 92289 Frank Dale Foods Mini Quiche Selection 18g 1 4x12 0.31 14.84 A selection of traditional mini quiches; Tomato & Basil; Cheese & Chive; Pastry Starters Stilton & Broccoli and Mushroom & Cheddar; all encased in stone-oven baked, 28345 Mango & Brie Pastry Parcel 1 25x30g 0.66 16.60 golden pastry. Ready to eat, but for best results oven bake for 8 minutes from frozen. A tempting new experience, pastry parcels packed with the exotic taste 71069 Paramount Spicy Mini Crab Cakes 38871 Frank Dale Cheese & Bacon Bites 17553 Frank Dale Foods Mini Pie Selection 26g 1 2x24 0.49 23.48 of mango subtly blended with Brie cheese. Mini shortcrust pastry cases filled with British beef & ale and chicken & 11300  Duck Spring Roll 1 50x20g 0.47 23.71 chopped tarragon, topped with light puff pastry lids. Sliced breast and thigh duck meat smothered in hoisin sauce, 12999 Frank Dale Foods Mini Prawn Cocktail Blinis 1 1x48 0.65 31.20 garnished with pepper and rolled in filo. Russian style savoury pancakes topped with prawns in a Marie Rose sauce, 83003 Cranberry & Brie Wonton 1 50x18g 0.43 21.46 finished with a king prawn & a sprinkling of parsley. Chunks of diced brie and cranberry jam wrapped into a filo wonton Sweet Canapés 93197 Sweet Chilli Chicken Puff 1 50x18g 0.47 23.71 Chicken and sweet chilli dipping sauce encased in a crispy pastry pouch. 47749 Frank Dale Foods Mini Black Forests 10 1x48 0.63 30.25 Rich chocolate cake filled with tangy but sweetened sour cherries and 27959 Fig & Goats Cheese Parcel 1 25x30g 0.66 16.60 plenty of whipped double cream. Filo pastry filled with a mixture of fig and goat’s cheese. 30406 Frank Dale Foods Mini Strawberries & Cream Scones 10 1x48 0.65 31.15 Poultry Buffet Small soft & moist scones are topped with a zesty strawberry sauce, a rosette of sweet thick double cream and a slice of strawberry. 74188 Mini Chicken Kebab Selection 1 36x30g 0.69 24.94 12 Pieces each of Hawaiian, Satay and Paprika Kebabs. 94931 Frank Dale Foods Great British Mini Cake Selection 8 4x12 0.55 26.32 A selection of traditonal british cakes. variants - spiced carrot, coffee, 76047 Friki Sweet Chilli Dipped ‘n’ Dusted Chicken 3 1kg 0.26 10.71 blueberry & white chocolate, raspberry & vanilla. 11300 Duck Spring Rolls Tender strips of cooked, whole muscle chicken fillet in a rough cut 87444 Frank Dale Foods Fish & Chip Style Canapés marinated dusted coating. 77308 Luxury Mini Chocolate Cake Selection 8 4x12 0.61 29.41 Indulgent dark chocolate sponge cakes topped with milk, dark & white 71423 Hot ‘n’ Spicy Chicken Dipper 1 1x1kg 14.26 chocolate, delicately hand garnished. 29679 Chick ‘n’ Teddies 1 48x50g 0.49 23.54 92338 Wright’s Mini Cake Assortment 1 5x8 0.41 16.50† 47084 Mild ‘n’ Wild Mississippi Chicken Fillet Goujons 37g 1 2.2kg 0.53 31.48 28313 Friki Ginger & Lemongrass Chicken Sticklers 1 60x30g 0.47 28.15 Chicken Wings 16965 Plain Chicken Wings 1 1x2kg 6.35 12.69 74522 Spicy Chicken Wings 1 1x2kg 6.35 12.69 50012 Wings of Fire 6 1kg 9.40 Fully cooked jumbo chicken wings in a sweet and smoky marinade. 64023 Atlantic Foods Breaded Hot Wings 1 1x2kg 8.00 15.99 30038 Plusfood Hot ‘n’ Kickin’ Chicken Wings 1 2.27kg 17.98

50012 Wings of Fire 47749 Mini Black Forests

146 147


Starters & Buffet 80627 Vegetable Selection Canapés 1 3x30 0.30 26.60 Pre-glazed, frozen, uncooked all vegetable puff pastry shapes, with three options of fillings in one case. (red Thai style vegetable; Stilton and apricot; mushroom and tarragon) 89698 Meat Selection Canapés 1 3x30 0.30 27.39 Pre-glazed, frozen, uncooked all vegetable puff pastry shapes, with three options of fillings in one case. (Moroccan-style chicken; smoked ham, cheddar and gruyere; chilli chicken salsa with chilli) 38847 Petits Crolines Assorted 1 90x22g 0.33 29.94 88129 Breaded Green Jalapenos Salmon, cheese and mushroom and ham. 89033 Petits Crolines Assorted 1 90x22g 0.33 29.94 Ham and cheese, mushroom and chicken curry. Vegetable 81439 Stuffed Red Hot Jalapenos 6 1kg 12.54 Red Jalapeno peppers filled with cream cheese in a crispy breaded crumb. 88129  Breaded Green Jalapenos 6 1kg 12.49 Green Jalapeno peppers filled with cream cheese in a crispy breaded crumb. Savoury Canapés Cheese 78932 Camembert Bites 6 1kg 12.49 73429 Breaded Camembert Rounds 10 454g 7.12 64780 Coated Brie Wedges 10 1kg 14.19 48732 Mozzarella Cheese Sticks 6 1kg 11.11 78932 Camembert Bites Mozzarella cheese sticks coated in a seasoned crumb. 86829 McCain Chilli Cheese Nuggets 6 1kg 10.51

Eggs 16890 Buffet Savoury Eggs 1 1x80 14.36 S easoned chopped meat filled with creamy egg mayonnaise coated in golden breadcrumbs. Ethnic Buffet 84410 Vegetable Dim Sum Selection 1 3x16 0.20 9.66 A vegetarian Dim Sum selection made with authentic Oriental spices and wrapped in light, crisp pastry. Each case contains: 16 x 17g vegetable samosas, 16 x 20g vegetable money bags & 16 x 18g sweet & sour vegetable crackers. 65957 Indian Snack Selection & Sauce 1 4x20x30g 0.35 27.67 20 of each mini onion bhajis, vegetable and spinach pakoras, vegetable samosas and sachets of pakora sauce. 64780 Coated Brie Wedges 51005 Chicken Satay 1 60x20g 0.25 14.75 42356 Vegetable Satay 1 60x20g 0.24 14.25 60084 Cocktail Onion Bhajis 1 50x35g 0.39 19.25 83254 Onion Bhajis 1 25x70g 0.60 15.02 45341 Falafel Bites 1 50x20g 0.17 8.28 Pancake Rolls/Samosas 68104 Daloon Mini Spring Rolls - Oriental Vegetables 1 90x20g 0.24 21.47 13698 Daloon Vegetable Pancake Rolls 1 40x90g 0.52 20.70 68481 Daloon Mini Vegetable Samosas 1 80x30g 0.30 24.16 85401 Daloon Vegetable Samosas 1 40x70g 0.47 19.40 FISH & SEAFOOD 51005 Chicken Satay

Did you know you can place 150 Breaded Fish 155 Prawns ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online? 150 Battered Fish 155 Breaded Scampi Our platform is quick and easy to use 154 Smoked Fish 155 Fish Specialities and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like. 154 Fish Steaks & Fillets 156 Fish Fingers/Cakes/Portions

Save time and be in control.

See pages 12-13 for more information.

68481 Daloon Mini Vegetable Samosas You can order from any web enabled device

148 149


Fish & Seafood Three Oceans Breaded Plaice Fish & Seafood 90011 Breaded Plaice 80-110g 1 30 0.63 18.92 93036 Breaded Plaice 110-140g 1 24 0.82 19.56 92240 Breaded Plaice 140-170g 1 24 1.00 24.12 94637 Breaded Plaice 170-200g 1 18 1.21 21.74 94534 Breaded Plaice 200-230g 1 15 1.39 20.85 84170 Breaded Plaice 230-290g 1 15 1.68 25.20 10687 Beer Battered Atlantic Cod Fillets Yorkshire Golden Breaded Cod 58879 Breaded Cod 113-142g 1 24 0.76 18.17 45696 Breaded Cod 142-170g 1 24 0.94 22.64 78683 Breaded Cod 170-200g 1 18 1.13 20.32 Yorkshire Golden Breaded Haddock 11605 Breaded Haddock 85-110g 1 30 0.70 21.09 83439 Breaded Haddock 113-142g 1 24 0.93 22.38 74659 Breaded Haddock 142-170g 1 24 1.15 27.61 Breaded & Battered Fish & Battered Breaded by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections 83308 Breaded Haddock 170-200g 1 18 1.39 25.00 Three Oceans Breaded Pollock 57931 Breaded Pollock 110-140g 1 24 0.63 16.13 Battered Fish Battered Cod 47789 Battered Cod 140-170g 12477 Battered Cod 80-110g 1 30 0.57 17.16 50006 Battered Cod 110-140g 1 24 0.76 18.17 47789 Battered Cod 140-170g 1 24 0.99 23.69 48040 Battered Cod 170-200g 1 18 1.20 21.52 71713 Battered Cod 200-230g 1 15 1.30 19.56 39392 Battered Cod 230-290g 1 15 1.67 25.00 Whitby Battered Cod 98734 Battered Cod 230-290g 1 15 1.77 26.55 Pacific West Battered Cod 29911 NEW Beer Battered Atlantic Cod Fillets 170-200g 1 20 2.38 47.52 10687 Beer Battered Atlantic Cod Fillets 200-230g 1 16 2.53 40.50 91348 Beer Battered Atlantic Cod Fillets 230-290g 1 15 2.91 43.60 Oven cook Havelok Dusted Cod & deep fry! 56939 NEW Lemon & Pepper Dusted Cod 1 18 1.77 24.45 92240 Breaded Plaice 140-170g Battered Pollock 33294 Young’s Battered Alaskan Pollock 100g 1 24 1.04 24.93 Yorkshire Golden Battered Haddock A British 10536 Battered Haddock 140-170g 1 24 1.14 27.37 31748 Battered Haddock 170-200g 1 18 1.38 24.77 86997 Battered Haddock 230-290g 1 15 1.84 27.61 Battered Childrens Portion favourite from 55659 Havelok Small Battered Whitefish 50-70g 1 60 0.33 19.95 the chef’s

83439 Breaded Haddock 113-142g 0000047789 Natural Battered Fillet BatteredCod 24x140-170g Cod 24x140-170g 00000 Natural Fillet Battered Cod 18x170-200g favourite 48040 Battered Cod 18x170-200g 00000 Natural Fillet Battered Cod 15x230-290g 39392 Battered Cod 15x230-290g Did you know you can place please advise codes ORDER ONLINE Fish and chips is a British classic, and the crispy, crunchy your Hunt’s order online? batter on our whole natural fillets give way to delicious flaky fish, just like from the chippy. Consistency is maintained Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download through our catch-2-plate quality satisfaction, meaning that to a csv file. you can always serve this classic with confidence.

From your order card, you can even download the Available exclusively in your area from Hunts’ Foodservice information for your most recent purchases.

See pages 12-13 for more information. 31748 Battered Haddock 170-220g

150 151


Smoked Fish Prawns

Fish & Seafood 56728 D-Cut Scottish Smoked Salmon Side 5 1kg 20.43 King Prawns Fish & Seafood 41071 Sliced Salmon (Scottish) 1 200g 6.12 28853 Peeled & Deveined King Prawns 16-20 10 1x1kg 15.48 59200 Smoked Haddock Fillets 85g-140g 1 24 2.06 35.00 54105 Peeled & Deveined King Prawns 21-25 10 1x1kg 16.67 75100 Hot Smoked Mackerel 80-100g 1 1x3.17kg 38.00 99379 Raw Peeled & Deveined Vannamei Prawns 41-50 10 1x1kg 11.40 Fish Fillets Prawns 57614 North Atlantic Prawns 200-300 24 400g 9.38 POA Cod Fillets 68911 Caterforce Essentials Cold Water Prawns 125-175 5 2kg 9.72 POA 18570 Frozen at sea Skin-on Cod Fillets 16-32oz 3 6.81kg M.P 41071 Sliced Salmon (Scottish) 61738 Pacific West King Prawns in Filo Pastry 19351 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Luxury Cold Water Prawns 150-250 5 2kg 11.61 POA 24301 Cod Fillets 113-142g 1 1x30 0.73 22.02 SP 10702 Caterforce Superior Low Glaze Cold Water Prawns 100-200 5 2kg 13.27 POA 40124 Cod Fillets 142-170g 1 1x25 0.91 22.82 SP 78438 Royal Greenland Luxury Prawns 175-275 5 2kg 14.70 POA 52362 Cod Fillets 170-198g 1 1x20 1.10 22.02 SP Prawn Specialities 87549 Cod Fillets 200-230g 1 1x18 1.27 22.82 SP 56712  Breaded Butterfly King Prawns 10 500g 9.42 83752 Cod Fillets 230-290g 1 1x15 1.49 22.34 SP A light and delicate fresh breadcrumb surrounds the 33953 Cod Tail Fillets - Skinless & Boneless 140-170g 1 1x25 0.94 23.46 SP succulent tail on Black Tiger prawns. 70092 Cod Tail Fillets - Skinless & Boneless 170-200g 1 1x20 1.13 22.67 SP 33645 Breaded Torpedo King Prawns 10 500g 10.89 Premium large prawns in unique bubbly crisp Japanese style tempura coating. Breaded & Battered Fish & Battered Breaded 60836 Cod Tail Fillets - Skinless & Boneless 230-290g 1 1x15 1.54 23.15 SP Scampi PrawnsKing & Breaded 96615 Cod Tail Fillets - Skinless & Boneless 290-340g 1 1x12 1.90 22.82 SP 61738  King Prawns in Filo Pastry 10 500g 9.01 Marinated prawns hand wrapped in crispy filo pastry. Haddock Fillets 60373 Pacific West Prawn Twisters 6 800g 13.29 42969 NEW Haddock Fillets 110-140g 1 1x30 M.P Herb and garlic marinated prawn meat, hand rolled in crispy spring roll pastry. 11237 NEW Haddock Fillets 142-170g 1 1x25 M.P 57206 Pacific West Chilli Mango Prawns 10 500g 11.31 28521 NEW Haddock Fillets 170-200g 1 1x20 M.P Butterflied prawns spread with a spicy mango chilli jam & hand crumbed. 27788 Poached Salmon Fillet Portion 125g-145g 87577 NEW Haddock Fillets 230-290g 1 1x15 M.P 56712 Pacific West Breaded Butterfly King Prawns 26344 NEW Garlic Lollipop Prawns 1 500g 18.28 Plaice Fillets Breaded Scampi 17287 Plaice Fillets 140-170g 1 4.54kg M.P 76285 Youngs Twin Wholetail Scampi 25-35 10 454g 9.54 10869 Plaice Fillets 170-198g 1 4.54kg M.P 36932 Whitby Luxury Scampi 10 450g 9.62 Salmon Fillets 80060 Caterforce Essentials Wholetails of Scampi 10 454g 6.35 27788  Poached Salmon Fillet Portion 125-145g 1 10 M.P Prime fillets of skinless and boneless Scottish smoked salmon gently 11205 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Superior Wholetail Scampi 25-30 10 454g 7.95 poached and individually vacuum packed. 67742 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Premium Wholetail Scampi 25-30 10 454g 8.83 52737 Salmon Fillet Portion 140-160g 1 10 M.P 17134 Whitby Yorkshire Bites 10 450g 4.25 Boneless and skinless fillet portion, individually vacuum packed. A great value cost fighting alternative. A blend of hake with scampi. 64183 Salmon Fillet Portion 170-190g 1 10 M.P Squid Seabass Fillets 73101 Raw IQF Squid Tubes 10 1kg 3.66 86726 Seabass Fillets 110-140g 10 1kg 20.27 58065 Raw Squid Rings 4-7cm 10 1kg 4.73 Tuna 25936 Calamares - Battered Squid Rings 12 500g 8.78 4.39 Please refer to our range of Cod Fillets 80060 Caterforce Essentials Wholetails of Scampi 48026 Tuna Portions 140-198g 1 10 2.70 27.09 95052  Pacific West Panko Coated Squid Rings 6 1x700g 11.38 Premium squid rings in a coarse Japanese crumb. Seafood Cocktail 41589 Pacific West Salt & Pepper Squid 5 1x1kg 15.24 38415 Seafood Cocktail 10 1x1kg 15.91 Pineapple-cut squid chunks with a salt and pepper coating. A blend of IQF cooked mussels, squid tentacles, rings and prawns. Crab 16027 50/50 Brown & White Crabmeat 20 454g 13.96 6.34 82406 Crab Flavoured Sticks 60 10 1kg 0.12 7.21 10080 West Country Crab Cakes 1 24x56g 0.74 17.69 A quality crab cake made with Cornish brown crab meat mixed with white crab meat. Mussels 38376 Whole Shell Mussels 5 1kg 4.09 Scallops 86726 Seabass Fillets 110-140g 95052 Pacific West Panko Coated Squid Rings 82726 U/20 Roeless Scallops 10 1x1kg 24.51

Did you know you can place ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download to a csv file.

From your order card, you can even download the information for your most recent purchases.

See pages 12-13 for more information. 48026 Tuna Portions 140-198g 36932 Whitby Luxury Scampi 19351 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Luxury Cold Water Prawns

154 155


Fish & Seafood 44684  Pacific West Beer Battered Gunard 3 1kg 13.87 Prime fillet of Red Gurnard in a Superior Beer batter. 40-70g per piece. Approx 14-25 pieces per pack. Deep fry or oven cook. 91913 Breaded Cod Goujons 5 1kg 7.30 47009 Beer Battered Cod Goujons 5 1kg 7.74 38322 Breaded Plaice Goujons 5 1kg 8.45 75314 Three Oceans Gourmet Jumbo Cod Fillet Goujons 1 35x71g 0.58 20.30 Skinless bone less Cod fillet Goujons in a bubbly batter. Great for main meals. 44684 Pacific West Beer Battered Gunard Made from 100% natural fillet, only the finest fillets of these wild species to be rolled out in our freshly baked golden breadcrumbs. Can be cooked in the oven or deep fried in 3-4 minutes. Platter 61114 Whitby Seafood Platter 10 5x170g 9.98 Succulent scampi tails, queen scallops, goujons and pieces of premium white fish fillet in a light and crispy breadcrumb coating. 36682 NEW Pacific West Seafood Basket 1 12x200g 2.33 27.90 Combination of Panko Squid rings, crumbed prawn cutlets, crispy battered

Goujons, Fishcakes & Fish Fingers Fishcakes & Fish Goujons, chunky cod bites and salt & pepper squid chunks. Whitebait & Blanchbait 48965 Whitebait I.Q.F. 20 454g 6.54 2.97 Simple whole whitebait high in Omega 3 rich fish oils. Great as a starter or for use in a sharing platter. Try it as a salad topping or for use in tapas. 64978  Paramount Whitebait Fillets 10 500g 12.14 6.07 75314 Three Oceans Gourmet Jumbo Natural fillets of whitebait, coated in a light crispy crumb. Cod Fillet Goujons 58117 Paramount Blanchbait 18 454g 8.44 3.83 Freshwater smelt, lightly coated in a fine crispy crumb, easy to prepare and ideal as a fish entrée. Fish Cakes 66011 Kingfrost Lincolnshire Fish Cakes 1 60x50g 0.19 11.69 37689 Havelok Fish Cakes 1 30x85g 0.26 7.83 31242 Havelok Fish Cakes 1 30x113g 0.34 10.13 70034 Kingfrost Jumbo Fish Cake 1 24x113g 0.45 10.78 Paramount Premium Fish Cakes 92497 Sea Bass Lime & Ginger Naked Fish Cakes 1 20x100g 1.41 28.17 A premium blend of sea bass and white fish mixed with potato and chopped spring onions, seasoned with ginger and lime. 52499 Cod, Spinach & West Country Cheddar Fishcake 1 20x100g 1.31 26.32 Fishcakes made with cod, spinach and West Country Cheddar cheese, lightly seasoned and coated in our crispy breadcrumbs. 64978 Paramount Whitebait Fillets 41240 Luxury Salmon & Dill Fishcakes 1 24x114g 1.16 27.72 A luxury fishcake made with chunks of salmon and potato rosti blended with dill and lemon, coated with a seasoned light crispy batter flecked with parsley. 41637 Luxury Thai Cod & Prawn Fishcakes 1 24x114g 1.16 27.95 A blend of succulent cod and prawns, rosti potato and subtle Thai spices. Coated in a light crispy batter with paprika flakes and parsley. 28902 Luxury Smoked Haddock Fishcake 1 24x114g 1.19 28.54 A combination of smoked haddock mixed with rosti potato in a light pan-crisp seasoned coating. FAST FOOD & 30362 Crab & Lobster Burger 1 24x90g 1.99 47.76 Made with a premium blend of white and brown crabmeat & lobster meat, seasoned with spring onions, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard and a hint of lemon. MAIN COURSES Fish Burgers 15751 Three Oceans Gourmet Panko Fish Delux Burger 1 35x100g 0.85 29.67 Fish Fingers 30362 Crab & Lobster Burger 46816 Youngs Fish Fingers - MSC Minced White Fish 1 60x25g 0.14 8.20 159 Burgers 166 Beef & Lamb Main Courses 27049 Ross “Free From” Fish Fingers 10 30x30g 0.30 8.89 Prime 100% fillet fish fingers free from gluten, wheat & dairy. 159 Sausages 168 Multiportion 71031 Battered Jumbo Cod Fish Fingers 1 36x70g 0.81 28.98 160 Chicken Nuggets 168 Ribs Childrens Meals & Turkey Products 168 Meat & Bacon 59272 Breaded Coddies 1 3kg 7.35 22.04 162 Poultry Main Courses 169 Crepes & Omelettes 163 SFC Concept 169 Yorkshires & Stuffing Balls 163 Vegetarian Main Courses 169 Pizza 165 Fish & Seafood 166 Main Courses

15751 Three Oceans Gourmet Panko Fish Delux Burger

156 157


Fast Food & Main Courses Beef Fast Food & Main Courses 36801 Gourmet Island Mighty Beefburger 1 16x283g 1.43 22.94 45519 Homestyle Aberdeen Angus Burger 1 30x170g 1.38 41.44 GUIDE TO 33606 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Scored Beefburgers 100% 1 48x57g 0.29 13.76 24743 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Scored Beefburgers 100% 1 48x113g 0.57 27.52 12368 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Scored Beefburgers 100% 1 30x170g 0.86 25.80 22164 Gourmet Island Scored Beefburgers 100% 1 24x227g 1.15 27.52 BURGERS 31918 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Beefburgers 90% 1 48x113g 0.52 25.11 83637 Gourmet Island Beefburgers 80% 1 48x57g 0.24 11.42 82962 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Beefburgers 80% 1 48x113g 0.48 22.83 66100 Pennylane Economy Burgers (IL) 1 48x113g 0.38 18.16 Burgers are an essential to any menu. 66102 Pennylane American Seasoned Burger (IL) 1 48x113g 0.44 21.06 Make sure your cooking up the correct 66104 Pennylane Texas 80% Beefburger (IL) 1 48x113g 0.50 24.18 66106 Pennylane Dallas 90% Beefburger (IL) 1 48x113g 0.56 26.68 type to achieve the service time 62267 Pennylane Prime 100% Beefburger (IL) 1 48x113g 0.62 29.85 Burger Guide Burger & Sausages Burgers and appearance you need. 55912 Fribo Beefburgers 80% (IL) 1 30x113g 0.88 26.28 65541 Big Al’s Flame Grilled 4oz Cooked Beefburger 1 48x113g 0.98 46.84 55827 Big Al’s Flame Grilled 6oz Cooked Beefburger 1 32x170g 1.46 46.84 Vegetarian 13212 McCain Vegetable Burger 1 30x113g 0.58 17.37 75850 Vegetable Super Burger 1 30x113g 0.69 20.68 Refer to our wide range of Burgers. S elected vegetables - carrots, onions, beans, rice and potato, seasoned and formed into burgers. 73629 Spicy Beanburger 1 24x114g 0.59 14.06 DID YOU An uncoated vegetable burger made with red kidney beans, carrots,onion and green peppers, with a mild curry seasoning. KNOW Sausages Burgers are the top menu Pennylane 22759 Pennylane Catering Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.14 11.44 item in pubs and restaurants. 54094 Pennylane Pork & Beef 4 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.29 11.66 71391 Pennylane Pork & Beef 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.15 11.66 75192 Pennylane Pork Sausages 4 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.35 13.80 12262 Pennylane Pork Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.17 13.80 Unger 48827 Pork Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.19 15.58 FIND YOUR PATTIES SCORED 82962 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Beefburgers 80% 40276 Cocktail Pork Sausages 32 per lb 1 2.72kg 0.05 8.17 PERFECT BUN These flat compacted This type of burger has Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce burgers are ideal for scored dimple marks 19531 Pork & Beef Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.19 15.14 fast cooking. which attract heat to 10883 Pork Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.19 15.41 McWhinney’s cook the burger faster. 4”-4.5” 5” 83833 McWhinney’s Traditional Irish 8 per lb Premium Pork Sausages 1 4.54kg 0.31 24.73 BUN BUN 70429 McWhinney’s Big Foot Sausage (70% Pork) 1 30x12” 0.86 25.90 Westaway’s 33691 Cumberland Sausages 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.33 26.00 59553 Westaways West Country 6 per lb Pork & Herb Sausages 1 4.54kg 0.53 26.00

THICK CUT 2-4OZ 6-8OZ BAR MARKED/ 19531 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce BURGER BURGER GOURMET Pork & Beef Sausages BURGERS FULLY INTERLEAVED COOKED Our gourmet burgers A layer of food grade paper deliver plenty of flavour Our Big Als burgers are Want to start ordering online? between each burger. precooked and pre and a homemade Visit, bar marked for a flame chunky appearance. follow the link to order online, click on grilled appearance. the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

33691 Westaways Cumberland Sausages

158 159

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Korker’s 31197 Korker’s Pork Sausages 6 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.56 33.60 Fast Food & Main Courses Fast Food & Main Courses Devon Sausage Company 77606 Devon Premium Pork & Beef 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.24 18.86 77604 Devon Co. Premium Pork 4 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.49 19.55 77600 Devon Co. Premium Pork 8 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.24 19.55 77612 Devon Co. Premium Pork 16 per lb 1 4.54kg 0.13 20.93 44749 Premium Pork & Herb 6 per lb 1 2.27kg 0.56 16.81 64227 Premium Honey Roast 6 per lb Pork Sausage 1 2.27kg 0.55 16.58 77600 Devon Co. Premium Pork 8 per lb Plumtree 58640 Butcher’s Style Cumberland 6 per lb 1 3.63kg 0.57 27.41 Sausage Meat 77616 Devon Co. Sausage Meat 1lb 1 10x454g 16.77 Cooked Sausages 68668 Cooked Sausages 8 per lb 1 1x87 0.28 24.64 42864 Cooked Cumberland Sausages 8 per lb 1 1x80 0.27 21.93

Sausages, TurkeySausages, & Chicken Products 21259 Cooked Pigs in Blanket 1 100x20g 0.29 18.75† by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections Vegetarian Sausages 12130 Quorn Sausages 1 1x2kg 17.39 30435 Vegetarian Sausages 8 per lb 1 2.72kg 0.28 13.55 Turkey Products 55630 Crispy Crumb Turkey Burgers 1 40x71g 0.48 19.35 45676 Plain Pulled Pork 87668 Turkey Dinosaurs 1 40x50g 0.42 16.64 59402 Turkey Meatballs 1 3kg 26.90 Pork Products 71127 Pennylane Pork Faggots 1 80x56g 0.20 16.02 45676 Plain Pulled Pork 1 10x500g 7.45 37.26 Chicken Products Reformed Burgers 91375 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Battered Chicken Burger 5 24x85g 0.43 10.32 37573 Battered Chicken Chickwich 1 40x85g 0.85 34.15 12382 Hot ‘n’ Spicy Chickwich 1 24x85g 0.96 23.09 98765 Breaded Chicken Burger 1 24x113g 0.97 23.34 91375 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Reformed Nuggets

Battered Chicken Burgers 46222 Breaded Chicken Nugget 14g 4 2kg 0.10 14.32 90917 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Battered Chicken Nuggets 20g 5 2kg 0.10 10.13 11628 Battered Chickwich Nuggets 21g 1 2.5kg 0.20 23.22 What Tender chicken breast nuggets coated in the original golden crispy Chickwich batter. 28925 Breaded Chicken Nuggets 21g 3 1kg 0.23 10.64 Whole Muscle Chunks comes first? 96686 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Battered Chicken Chunks 1 2kg 17.24 31543 DPP Battered Chicken Breast Chunks 29g 1 3kg 0.29 28.70 Succulent chunks of matured, grain fed prime chicken breasts; containing No added animal proteins; lightly covered in a seasoned batter. 75988 CP Foods Battered Chicken Chunks 1 2kg 18.06 Definitely Fully cooked, hand cut and brine marinated crispy batter coated pieces of chicken breast meat

96686 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 91375 Battered Chicken Burger (reformed) 2x1kg Battered Chicken Chunks the chicken 90917 Battered Chicken Nuggets 20g (reformed) 2x1kg 74267 Battered Mini Fillets 2x1kg 96686 Battered Chicken Chunks 2x1kg 94343 Breaded Chicken Goujons 23-30g 2x1kg Did you know you can place The Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce range of breaded and ORDER ONLINE battered chicken is as versatile as it is tasty. Quality you can your Hunt’s order online? count on and ready in a flash, these popular products are sure to become everyone’s favourite, including yours. Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download to a csv file.

From your order card, you can even download the information for your most recent purchases.

See pages 12-13 for more information. 90917 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Battered Chicken Nuggets

160 161

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Popcorn Chicken Chicken Kebabs 58010 Atlantic Foods Popcorn Chicken 3 1kg 11.46 89119 Jumbo Plain Chicken Breast Kebab 2 20x100g 1.39 27.82 Fast Food & Main Courses Fast Food & Main Courses 78786 Plusfood Hot n Kickin Poppin Chicken 1 3kg 24.51 C ooked chicken breast kebabs, suitable for microwave, grill or oven bake Portioned from whole chicken breast fillets in a hot ‘n’ kickin batter, from frozen or defrost and serve chilled. flash fried, fully cooked and individually quick frozen. 80470  Roast Chicken Tikka Kebab with Green Pepper & Onion 2 20x100g 1.41 28.15 Whole Muscle Chicken Goujons Tikka marinated chicken breast with green pepper and onion, fully cooked and served on a bamboo skewer. 94343  Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Breaded Chicken Goujons 1 2kg 8.60 17.20 Goujons of whole muscle chicken with a breadcrumb coat. Chicken Products 65084 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Southern Fried Chicken Goujons 2 1kg 7.74 15.48 77529 Natural Chicken Breast Fillet 1 24x80g 1.00 24.15 65084 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Fully cooked, whole breast fillets, hand cut.

Southern Fried Chicken Goujons 92894 DPP Breaded Chicken Goujons 1 3kg 10.64 31.93 89119 Jumbo Plain Chicken Breast Kebab Goujons of whole muscle chicken with a breadcrumb coat. 74267 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Battered Breast Mini Fillets 1 2kg 8.26 16.51 Fully cooked, natural chicken breast fillets in crispy batter. 77448 DPP Battered Chicken Goujons 1 3kg 11.07 33.22 77780 Battered Breast Mini Fillets 1 2kg 9.24 18.49 63479  DPP Breaded Southern Fried Chicken Goujons 1 3kg 10.79 32.36 Fully cooked, natural chicken breast fillets in crispy batter. Succulent pieces of tender whole muscle chicken breast in a spicy breaded and battered coating. Perfect as a starter or as part of a main meal. Av 34-46g 69132 American Battered Breast Fillet 1 24x90g 0.80 19.26 Fully cooked, natural chicken breast fillet in crispy batter. 69333 Plusfood Hot n Kicken Chicken Goujons 1 3kg 9.68 29.03 Chicken breast fillet in a hot n kickin batter, flash fried, fully cooked 43186 Hot ‘N’ Spicy Chicken Fillet 1 18x110g 1.06 19.13 and individually quick frozen. A fully cooked hand cut and spicy coated chicken breast fillet.

Coated Chicken & Poultry Products 86581 CP Foods Southern Fried Chicken Strips 1 2kg 11.61 23.22 60483 Cajun Butterfly Chicken Breast 1 10x160g 2.07 20.70 Chicken Kebabs & Vegetarian Fully cooked whole muscle chicken strips with a light and Fully cooked butterfly of chicken breast seasoned with cajun spices crispy southern fried coating. 51835 Chargrilled Butterfly Chicken Breast 1 10x160g 2.01 20.13 Coated Chicken Fillets SFC Concept 13415 CP Foods Breaded Chicken Fillet 1 24x90g 0.85 20.43 22937 SFC Southern Fried Chicken Portions 1 25 36.45† 78449 CP Foods Southern Fried Chicken Fillets 1 18x110g 1.22 21.93 Whole muscle chicken: 25 drumsticks, 25 Oyster thigh in a southern fried 74267 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Fully cooked whole muscle chicken fillet with a light and crispy style spicy coating with packaging: 25 boxes, box liners, serviettes and salt sachets. 63479 DPP Breaded Southern Fried Chicken Goujons southern fried coating. Battered Breast Mini Fillets 23272  DPP Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets 110-130g 1 3kg 10.32 30.96 Vegetarian Prime matured, grain fed chicken breast fillets lightly seasoned 20527 Quorn Mince 10 1kg 12.85 with a breadcrumb coat. 20779 Quorn Pieces 10 1kg 14.56 15058 DPP Breaded Southern Fried Chicken Breast Fillets 140-160g 1 3.6kg 10.74 38.68 85096 Crispy Crumb Vegetarian Nuggets 17g 1 2kg 4.95 9.89 32451 Hot n Kickin Chicken Breast Fillet 1 2.7kg 8.50 22.94 13409 Central Foods Vegetable & Cheese Country Bakes 1 20x110g 0.63 12.69 Portioned from whole chicken breast fillets in a hot n kickin batter, flash fried, fully cooked and individually quick frozen. 81455 Vegetable Kiev 1 12x125g 1.00 12.06 A vegetable-based Kiev made with carrots, green beans, cauliflower and Poultry sweetcorn, with a cheese and garlic sauce filling, all coated in crisp golden Turkey breadcrumbs. 13393 Fenton Barnes Cooked Turkey Saddle 1 3.63kg 6.82 24.75† Uncooked Chicken Portions 74660 Chicken Breast (DPP Gold Label) 1 10kg 5.31 53.10† Big Plate Chicken 23272 DPP Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets 110-130g 69132 American Battered Breast Fillet 35522 Breaded Plain Chicken Escalope 1 10x220g 2.04 20.43 Flattened chicken fillets coated in crunchy breadcrumbs. Marinated Chicken Breast 22577 Garlic & Herb Open Chicken Breast 1 12x170g 2.17 26.04 95632 Honey & Mustard Open Chicken Breast 1 12x170g 2.17 26.04 70540 Lemon & Pepper Open Chicken Breast 1 12x170g 2.17 26.04 13496 Lime & Chilli Open Chicken Breast 1 12x170g 2.17 26.04 Fully Cooked Diced/Strip Chicken 69816 Diced Breast Chicken 19mm 5 2kg 8.58 17.16 31668 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Diced Chicken Breast 12mm 4 2.5kg 8.26 20.66 87312 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sliced Chicken 5mm 4 2.5kg 7.57 18.92 68049 Diced Breast Chicken 10mm 4 2.5kg 9.24 23.10 59401 Plain Chicken Strips 12mm 4 2.5kg 8.26 20.66

87312 5mm Sliced Chicken 13488 British Shredded Chicken in BBQ Sauce 4 500g 15.06 7.53 20779 Quorn Pieces 58981 Steamed Cooked Chicken Fillets 4 2.5kg 8.20 20.50 Fully Cooked Range Chicken Portions 76825 Steam Cooked Half Chicken 397-454g 1 4x6 1.72 41.18† 75266 Steam Cooked Half Chicken 310-390g 1 5x6 1.50 45.05† 28854 Chicken Portions 283-340g 1 4x10 0.92 36.61†

13488 British Shredded Chicken in BBQ Sauce 81455 Vegetable Kiev 80470 Roast Chicken Tikka Kebab with Green Pepper & Onions

162 163


Fast Food & Main Courses Vegetarian Meals 68301 Scheff Mediterranean Wellington 1 12x226g 2.50 30.00 Fast Food & Main Courses 79440  Scheff Vegetable Lasagne Verdi 1 12x350g 1.98 23.74 Selection of seasonal vegetables marinated in olive oil, tomato and garlic sauce, Tasty vegetables including aubergine, mushroom, tomato, onion in a herby oven roasted to bring out a rich flavour and mixed with mozzarella cheese, topped white sauce, layered with spinach pasta and topped with creamy basil sauce. with mature Cheddar and encased in golden puff pastry case. 18547 Scheff Vegetable Lasagne 1 8x450g 2.37 18.92 85598 Scheff Brie, Potato & Courgette Crumble 1 12x340g 2.99 35.86 Broccoli florets & sliced courgette in a creamy brie sauce topped 53349 Scheff Broccoli & Cream Cheese Bake 1 12x340g 2.64 31.68 with breadcrumbs & nuts. Broccoli florets in a cream cheese based sauce, topped with sauté potatoes. 52718 KK Nut Roast Slice 1 24x140g 1.01 24.30 61746 Scheff Macaroni Cheese 1 12x400g 2.64 31.68 86609 Scheff Stilton & Vegetable Crumble Cooked macaroni pasta in a cheese sauce. 68301 Scheff Mediterranean Wellington 16913 KK Vegetable Nut Roast with Apricot & Goat’s Cheese 1 12x290g 3.25 38.96 11349 Scheff Spinach & Ricotta Cheese Canelloni 1 12x400g 2.90 34.83 14264 Quorn Roast 1 8x454g 4.87 38.98 71849 Scheff Spinach & Mushroom Lasagne 1 12x400g 2.15 25.80 63220 Scheff Pumpkin & Red Onion Tagine 1 12x400g 3.23 38.70 S pinach & Mushroom mix layered between lasagne sheets and A spiced pumpkin tagine with sweet cranberries, apricot, roasted red onion, topped with a creamy white sauce. fennel and sultanas, flavoured with cinnamon and warming spices. 86609  Scheff Stilton & Vegetable Crumble 1 12x340g 1.96 23.50 40999  KK Three Bean Smoky Chilli 1 12x400g 1.72 20.63† Vegetables in a creamy stilton sauce, topped with a cheese flavoured crumb. Smokey spiced tomato sauce, with red & yellow peppers, kidney, cannellini & black turtle beans. 21841 Scheff Broccoli, Mushroom & Stilton Pasta 1 12x340g 3.23 38.70 Broccoli florets & sliced mushrooms with tri-colour fusilli pasta Premium Vegetarian Burgers Vegetarian Meals in a creamy stilton sauce. Vegetarian , Vegetarian & Seafood Fish Meals Burgers, 97005  Paramount Luxury Veggie Burger 1 24x100g 0.73 17.46 33959 Scheff Mediterranean Vegetable Risotto 1 12x340g 3.11 37.41 A premium burger made with lentils, carrot, onion, garlic and tomato puree. 60996  KK Butternut Squash Lasagne 1 12x420g 2.14 25.68† 94730 Paramount Aromatic Garden Burger 1 20x145g 1.23 24.51 Butternut squash delicately infused with a tomato sauce,interleaved with A lightly spiced mix of broad beans, peas and spinach, coated in oat lasagne, spinach and goat’s cheese sauce, finished with bechamel. and herb flecked breadcrumbs. 13141 Mushroom, Cranberry & Brie Wellington 1 14x215g 2.70 32.44 73762 Scheff Falafel Burger 1 30x120g 0.75 22.58 Woodland mushrooms, spinach and sauteed onions, enhanced with fresh 61746 Scheff Macaroni Cheese 97005 Paramount Luxury Veggie Burger Brie cheese for a full rich flavour, wrapped in golden pastry. Fish & Seafood 90501  Paramount Luxury Fish Pie 1 12x400g 3.54 42.52 Salmon, smoked haddock, Alaskan pollack and prawns in a creamy leek sauce, topped with mashed potato and a sprinkling of toasted breadcrumbs. 14982 Scheff Tuna Pasta Bake 1 12x340g 2.38 28.51 Flaked tuna with tri-colour fusilli pasta in a creamy spinach sauce.

71849 Scheff Spinach & Mushroom Lasagne 90501 Paramount Luxury Fish Pie

79440 Scheff Vegetable Lasagne Verdi 14982 Scheff Tuna Pasta Bake

60996 KK Butternut Squash Lasagne 53349 Scheff Broccoli & Cream Cheese Bake 40999 KK Three Bean Smoky Chilli 94730 Paramount Aromatic Garden Burger

164 165


Fast Food & Main Courses 36231 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Luxury Chicken Kiev 1 10x200g 3.12 31.19 Fast Food & Main Courses 46141 Boneless Breaded Chicken Kiev 1 12x170g 1.76 21.14 25310  Scheff Green Thai Chicken Curry 1 12x350g 3.42 41.02 Chicken breast in a Thai Green style sauce. 44700  Scheff Chicken Curry (No Rice) 1 12x320g 2.64 31.68 Strips of chicken in a rich sauce of coconut cream, ginger, lemon juice and onions. 20999  Chicken Pasta Leonardo 1 12x445g 2.35 28.20† 36231 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Luxury Chicken Kiev Chargrilled chicken pieces and fusili pasta in a spicy cheese, sundrenched tomato and jalapeno sauce. ORDER ONLINE Beef/Lamb 92631 Pyman West Country Cottage Pie 1 12x350g 2.43 29.20 Locally handmade in the heart of Devon using,West Country minced beef cooked in a traditional way with onions carrots and peas and a rich gravy, and buttery mashed potato. 82254 Pyman West Country Beef Lasagne 1 12x400g 2.43 29.16 A ward winning beef is used in this lasagne with tender layers of pasta and Poultry, & Lamb Beef Ordering Online West Country beef mince, and a béchamel sauce topped with West Country Cheddar cheese. 45772 Scheff Lasagne Verdi 1 12x360g 2.37 28.44 A traditional bolognese sauce of lean minced beef and sun packed plum tomatoes, layered with spinach pasta, topped with creamy bechamel sauce and dusted with Cheddar crumb.

25310 Scheff Green Thai Chicken Curry 33777 Scheff Big Beef Lasagne 1 8x500g 3.23 25.80 15234  Scheff Chilli Con Carne 1 12x350g 2.28 27.36 Beef mince, red kidney beans and capsicum in a based base. 89974 Scheff Lamb Moussaka 1 8x450g 3.04 24.29 Mutton mince topped with sauté potatoes, creamy white sauce You can order from andaubergine slices. any web enabled 69776 Scheff Kids Spaghetti Bolognese 1 20x250g 1.44 28.81 device

There has never been an easier way to order online. Our platform is quick and easy to use and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like.

20999 Chicken Pasta Leonardo • Save time and be in • Your current statement control of your orders. Important nutritional and and past invoices can be allergen information is viewed and printed. • Online ordering means available to view online you can order from your and download to a csv • You can view and print smartphone, tablet or PC. file. your personal stock and order sheet. • All the latest product From your order card, information, new products you can even download • Get a feel for what the and pricing are updated the information for your products look like with daily. most recent purchases. product images. This is 44700 Scheff Chicken Curry (No Rice) perfect to get a closer look • Advanced search facility This is a valuable, at new products or see gives you a quick and what it would look like on convenient resource easy way to find specific the plate. products or brands. which will save you time.

Want to start ordering online? Visit, follow the link to order online, click on the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

33777 Scheff Big Beef Lasagne 15234 Scheff Chilli Con Carne

166 167


Fast Food & Main Courses 27583 Scheff Deep Dish Lasagne 1 2x1.6kg 20.86 44089 French Butter Crépes 4 100 0.29 29.41 Fast Food & Main Courses 69742 Scheff Chicken Curry 1 2x1.4kg 19.14 (Use with suitable sweet or savoury fillings). Tender chicken breast in a mild curry sauce. 40428 American Pancakes 4.5” 1 120 0.29 34.36 82241 Scheff Chilli con Carne 1 2x1.4kg 14.19 American-style pancake with a “fluffy”, sponge texture. Beef mince, red kidney beans and capsicum in a based base. 57465 Plain Omelettes 1 12x200g 1.26 15.09 Premium Dishes 57214 Plain Omelettes 1 24x100g 0.63 15.01 92623 Braised Liver & Onions 1 12x350g 2.09 25.03 83160 Cheese & Tomato Omelettes 1 16x170g 1.24 19.87 Tender lamb’s liver in a rich onion gravy. Yorkshires & Stuffing Balls 57309 Chicken Tikka Masala Indian Selection 57214 Plain Omelettes 22966 Chicken Balti 1 12x350g 3.05 36.63 73105 Baked Yorkshire Puddings 1 30x8” 0.75 22.48 57309  Chicken Tikka Masala 1 12x350g 3.05 36.63 15444 Baked Yorkshire Puddings 1 28x6” 0.61 17.02 Tender chicken marinated and cooked in garam masala spices served in a rich 18663 Baked Yorkshire Puddings 1 60x4” 0.28 13.70 sauce finished with creamy yoghurt and coriander. 69478 Baked Yorkshire Puddings 1 60x3” 0.14 8.25 48660 Chicken Korma 1 12x350g 3.05 36.63 18629 Sage & Onion Stuffing Balls 25g 1 4kg 0.08 12.60† Succulent pieces of chicken blended into a coconut and aromatic spiced sauce. 48912 Beef Madras 1 12x350g 3.66 43.86 Guacamole

Multiportion Meals & Ribs Meals Multiportion 40263 Chicken Jalfrezi 1 12x350g 3.05 36.63 25281 Guacamole 12 1x454g 4.47 Pancakes & Pizza Crepes, Chinese Selection Pizza 18395  Chilli Beef in Batter 8g 1 2kg 41.99 Ready-made Delicious pieces of lean and tender rump beef seasoned in a crispy batter and fried to a golden brown. 73040 Chefs’ Selection by Caterforce Cheese & Tomato 5” Pizza 1 1x30 0.45 13.55 34030 McCain Cheese & Tomato Multi-portion Pizza 91/2” x 7” 1 2x6 3.00 36.00 Ribs The kids’ favourite with a generous tasty topping. Massively versatile, 73040 Chefs’ Selection by Caterforce 62871 A1 Rindless Back Bacon M 69312 Pork Loin Full Rack BBQ Ribs 1 6x475g 4.32 25.89† Cheese & Tomato 5” Pizzas serve the portion size and shape that you need. M 33708 Pork Loin Barbecue Half Rack Ribs 1 12x250g 2.24 26.91† 50397 NEW Chicago Town Garlic Dough Balls 1 5x40 0.18 36.30 M 24678 Individual BBQ Riblets 1 10x350g 3.57 35.70 53168 NEW Chicago Town Chicken & Bacon Pizza 30cm 1 8x495g 0.18 29.87 M 38813  Individual BBQ Pork Ribs 1 20x5 2.15 44.18 46145 NEW Chicago Town Pulled Pork Pizza 30cm 1 8x635g 3.85 30.83 Baby back loin ribs in barbecue sauce. 82029 NEW Chicago Town Pepperoni Pizza 30cm 1 8x686g 3.73 29.87 Minced Beef/Bacon 95416 NEW Chicago Town Cheese Pizza 30cm 1 8x665g 3.73 29.87 Pizza Crusts - Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce 62871 A1 Rindless Back Bacon 4 1x2kg M.P The finest quality Italian style stone baked pizza bases. 20880 Minced Beef 10 1kg 6.13 71087 Thin & Crispy 1 48x7” 0.32 15.48 Wright’s Frozen Savoury Sauces 61884 Thin & Crispy 1 50x9” 0.37 18.58 51521 Diane Sauce 1 24x75g 0.43 10.23 52681 Thin & Crispy 1 20x12” 0.88 17.63 64849 Pepper Sauce 1 24x75g 0.58 13.85 31140 Thin & Crispy 1 20x14” 1.05 21.07 50567 Stilton Sauce 1 24x75g 0.57 13.57 The finest quality American style pizza bases. 42901 Deep Pan 1 28x9” 0.58 16.25 69312 Pork Loin Full Rack BBQ Ribs 69478 Baked Yorkshire Puddings 40343 Deep Pan 1 10x12” 1.27 12.69 13244 Deep Pan 1 10x14” 1.38 13.76 Dough Balls 72593 Kara 9” Thin Doughballs 1 1x60 0.42 25.20 33147 Kara 12” Thin Doughballs 1 1x30 0.77 22.99 Pizza Toppings 73864 American Sliced Pepperoni 12 1x1kg 6.75† 36267 Spicy Beef 10 1x1kg 6.80† 48771 Spicy Chicken 10 1x1kg 7.44† 38215 Shredded Ham 10 1x1kg 5.40† 21937 Spiced Pizza Sauce (Tin) 6 1x2.5kg 3.49† 67177 Garlic & Parsley Spread 1 1x2.5lt 7.98

38813 Individual BBQ Pork Ribs Refer to our range of Kara Doughballs

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

18395 Chilli Beef in Batter You can order from any web enabled device Refer to our ramge of Chefs’ Selections Pizza Bases Refer to our range of Pizza Toppings

168 169 Fast Food & Main Courses

ORDER ONLINE Online Ordering Online

You can order from any web enabled device

There has never been an easier way to order online. Our platform is quick and easy to use and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like.

• Save time and be in • Your current statement control of your orders. Important nutritional and and past invoices can be allergen information is viewed and printed. • Online ordering means available to view online you can order from your and download to a csv • You can view and print smartphone, tablet or PC. file. your personal stock and order sheet. • All the latest product From your order card SAVOURIES & information, new products you can even download • Get a feel for what the and pricing are updated the information for your products look like with daily. most recent purchases. product images. This is BAKERY perfect to get a closer look • Advanced search facility This is a valuable, at new products or see gives you a quick and what it would look like on convenient resource easy way to find specific the plate. products or brands. which will save you time. 172 Suet Puddings 178 Pastry 172 Pies, Pasties & Savouries 180 Bread 172 Savoury Slices 188 Burger Buns & Baps 174 Scones 189 Hot Dog Rolls Want to start ordering online? Visit, follow the link to order 177 Sausage Rolls 189 Garlic Bread online, click on the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch shortly 178 Quiches after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

170 171

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Suet Puddings 50043 Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 36x185g 0.83 29.91 50064 Chicken Tikka Pasty 1 42x185g 1.00 41.82

Savouries & Bakery 48566 The Great British Pudding Co. Steak, Mushroom & Ale 1 8x370g 2.74 21.93 Savouries & Bakery 50076 D-Shape Pasty 1 36x185g 0.75 27.11 81677 Wrights Steak & Kidney 1 8x390g 2.31 18.51 50025 Traditional Beef & Vegetable Pasty 1 36x180g 0.70 25.28 78805 Wrights Steak & Stout 1 8x390g 2.61 20.86 13752 Corned Beef Pasty 1 36x185g 0.67 23.97 64657 Wrights Steak & Ale 1 8x390g 2.61 20.86 50111 Cheese & Onion Lattice Finger 1 36x80g 0.38 13.63 97864 Wrights Lamb & Mint 1 8x390g 2.61 20.86 Lewis’s Pies Wrights Baked Square PIes 52337 Regal Steak & Kidney Pie 1 18x250g 1.31 23.61 34300 Cheese & Onion 1 12x268g 1.61 19.28 41003 Lewis’s Unbaked Lamb & Mint Pasty 1 25x185g 0.99 24.73 81677 Wright’s Steak & Kidney Pudding 50025 Wrights Traditional Beef & Vegetable Pasty 51713 Chicken & Mushrrom 1 12x268g 1.60 19.16 A combination of lamb, onion, vegetables and mint sauce. 58894 Peppered Steak 1 12x268g 1.93 23.14 41001 Lewis’s Unbaked Mega Rancher Pasty 1 24x220g 1.03 24.77 47945 Steak & Ale 1 12x268g 2.03 24.38 A delicious combination of sausage & baked beans in a spicy sauce in puff pastry0 Tom's Pies Chunk of Devon Tom’s Pies are purveyors of the finest gourmet and multi-award winning pies, lovingly handmade in Devon. They are created from only the 74578 NEW Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pie 1 21x253g 1.89 39.69 best and freshest ingredients, sourced locally wherever possible. Our trademark thin and buttery short-crust pastry allows plenty of room for the delicious and varied fillings. 23343 NEW Honity Pie 1 21x230g 1.89 39.69 45585 NEW Steak & Ale Pie 1 21x253g 1.89 39.69 Pies, Pasties & Scones 91043  Chicken, Ham Hock & Leek 1 1x6 2.21 13.30† Slices & Savouries Pies, Puddings, British red tractor chicken and ham hock with leeks. 85511 NEW Sheep Pie 1 21x253g 1.89 39.69 19573 Spicy Lamb with Chickpeas & Chorizo 1 1x6 2.21 13.30† 86885 NEW Steak Pasty 1 20x272g 1.37 27.40 Based on a Moroccan theme Tom uses the best Chorizo they can source, the 59908 NEW Large Steak Pasty 1 18x365g 1.67 30.06 filling is cooked by chefs like a traditional casserole and baked before being 40272 NEW Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 20x272g 1.32 26.40 carefully wrapped in their delicious pastry. 88034 NEW Roast Vegetable Pasty 1 20x272g 1.37 27.40 64246 Steak & Ale 1 1x6 2.21 13.30† 51713 Wrights Chicken & Mushroom Square Pie Only the finest cuts of silver skirt beef are used to ensure there are great big 57564 Wrights Cajun & BBQ Pork Street Pie 41860 NEW Sausage Roll 1 30x200g 1.07 £32.10 chunks of meat in the delicious filling and the locally produced ale provides a wonderful sweetness to the flavour. Baked Pies & Pasties 64062 Ham Hock & Pea 1 1x6 2.22 13.30† Wright’s The ham hocks are cooked slowly for a long period, when braised overnight 14741 Wrights Steak & Kidney Pie 1 12x230g 1.38 16.56 this produces a beautifully soft and succulent ham. The stock from the braise 14743 Wrights Chicken & Mushroom Pie 1 12x230g 1.39 16.67 is also used in the Bechamel based sauce, with generous helpings of fresh parsley for good measure. 15319 Wrights Wrapped Chicken & Mushroom Pie 1 12x230g 1.47 17.67 19237 Chicken & Wild Mushroom 1 1x6 2.36 14.15† 14745 Wrights Steak & Onion Pie 1 12x230g 1.35 16.17 Shortcrust pastry pie with a filling of chicken thigh & wild mushrooms in a 50087 Wrights Traditional Beef & Vegetable Pasty 1 24x210g 0.99 23.84 creamy bechamel sauce. 50011 Wrights Wrapped Traditional Beef & Vegetable Pasties 1 24x210g 1.07 25.69 81293 Mushroom & Spinach with Hazelnuts & White Truffle Oil 1 1x6 2.21 13.30† 33631 Wrights Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 30x175g 0.92 27.46 Tom’s best selling vegetarian pie. The wonderful combination from the white truffle, oil, hazlenuts and the mushrooms all produce a great flavour, 38979 Wrights Wrapped Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 36x175g 1.00 36.01 perfect with lightly buttered seasonal veg and potatoes this pie always Wright’s Street PIes - Oblong shaped with own sleeve proves a hit case. 57564 Cajun & BBQ Pork Street Pie 1 15x150g 1.90 28.50 91043 Tom’s Pies Chicken, Ham Hock & Leek Pie 64844 Butternut Squash, Mixed Beans & Cheese 1 1x6 2.21 13.30† Refer to our range of Chunk of Devon Pies King’s Pies Shortcrust pastry pie with a filling of butternut squash & mixed beans in a mildly spiced tomato sauce with cheese. 21236 King’s Steak & Kidney Pie 1 12x230g 1.35 16.15 47981 King’s Beef & Onion Pie 1 12x230g 1.35 16.15 Unbaked Savoury Slices 50351 King’s Chicken & Mushroom Pie 1 12x230g 1.35 16.15 41005 Lewis’s Pies Steak Slice 1 30x195g 1.03 30.96 47610 King’s Chicken Balti Pie 1 12x230g 1.35 16.15 50054 Wrights Peppered Steak Slice 1 36x175g 0.94 33.95 60888 Wrights Cheese & Onion Slice 1 36x175g 0.91 32.93 Rowe’s Frozen/Unbaked Pasties Our genuine hand-crimped Cornish pasties are what we’re famous for. Having spent over 60 years perfecting our recipes we’re confident 50120 Wrights Chicken & Mushroom Slice 1 36x175g 0.82 29.56 that they’re the best in the county – but why not try one for yourself and make up your own mind? Our best seller is undoubtedly our 39739 Wrights Burger Bar 1 20x165g 1.16 23.22 traditional steak Cornish pasty but we’ve also got plenty of other equally delicious tempting flavours, including vegetarian options. Unbaked Pies, Pasties & Savouries 32132 NEW Cornish Pasty - Cocktail 1 40x135g 0.81 32.32 Wright’s 99918 NEW Cornish Pasty - Small 1 20x285g 1.36 27.20 50021 Steak & Kidney Pie 1 32x195g 1.19 38.12 42946 NEW Cornish Pasty - Medium 1 15x359g 1.65 24.74 50032 Chicken & Mushroom Pie 1 30x195g 1.14 34.25 61711 NEW Cornish Pasty - Large 1 12x420g 2.32 27.87 60888 Wright’s Cheese & Onion Slices 75812 NEW Chicken Balti Pie 1 24x240g 1.14 33.58 75681 Wrights Piri Piri Chicken Street Pie Speciality Pasties 30377 NEW Potato & Corned Beef Pasty 1 30x240g 0.80 23.89 13578 NEW Chicken & Vegetable Pasty 1 20x290g 1.38 27.60 23106 NEW Beef & Vegetable Pasty 1 30x220g 0.94 28.14 A hand-crimped flaky-pastry pasty filled with tender pieces of chicken breast, potatoes, swede, onion and leek in a creamy, peppery bechamel sauce, topped with millet and coriander crumb sprinkle. Vegetarian Pasties 27509 NEW Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 20x285g 1.25 25.00 A hand-crimped flaky-pastry pasty filled with a blend of Davidstow Cornish cheddar and processed cheeses combined with potato,onions and mustard in a tangy plum sauce. Scones 90872 Plain Scones 1 12x4 0.25 12.12 28627 Sultana Scones 1 12x4 0.27 13.00 Saffron Cakes 43654 Saffron Buns 1 6x4 0.47 11.17 39739 Wright’s Burger Bar 41001 Lewis’s Unbaked Mega Rancher Pasty 87068 Saffron Cake 1 10x600g 3.70 37.05

172 173

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Crantock Bakery Crantock Bakery was founded in the small village of Crantock in Cornwall. Their success meant that they soon outgrew the village and Savouries & Bakery Savouries & Bakery moved a few miles inland to a purpose built 27,000 sq ft unit. A £2 million pound investment programme was completed in 2007. Frozen/Unbaked Traditional Layered Steak Pasties 75914 Steak - Giant 1 24x454g 1.67 39.97† 42513 Steak - Large 1 30x340g 1.17 35.04† A pasty comprising of diced potato, beef, onion, swede & seasoning encased 21474 Steak & Ale Pasty in a D-Shape hand crimped edge shortcrust pastry. 17819 Steak - Medium 1 36x283g 1.05 37.95† 84349 Steak - Small 1 50x227g 0.85 42.50† Cornish Mixed Pasties 35246 Traditional Cornish - Medium 1 36x283g 1.03 36.98† Speciality Pasties 70301 Full English Breakfast 1 36x283g 1.16 41.70† A pasty comprising of baked beans, herby sausage, scrambled egg & bacon encased in a hand crimped D-Shape flaky pastry. Pies, Pasties & Scones Crantock Bakery 95410 Beef & Stilton 1 36x283g 1.24 44.76† A pasty comprising of diced potato, beef, onion, swede, stilton cheese sauce and seasoning in a D-Shape hand crimped shortcrust pastry. 21474 Steak & Ale 1 36x283g 1.09 39.09† 99548 Chicken 1 36x283g 1.13 40.56† 84729 Spicy Chicken 1 36x283g 1.12 40.20† 67912 Lamb & Mint Pasty A pasty comprising of diced potato, chicken, onion, tomatoes, sultanas, lime pickle, mango chutney, seasoning and curry powder encased in a D-Shape hand crimped edge. 51595 Chicken & Bacon 1 36x283g 1.16 41.91† 50842 NEW Chicken & Chorizo 1 36x283g 1.20 43.20† 95417 Cheese & Bacon 1 36x283g 1.00 36.14† 59776 Ham, Cheese & Leek 1 36x283g 1.10 39.53† 75056 Pork & Apple 1 36x283g 0.95 34.19† 67912 Lamb & Mint 1 36x283g 1.10 39.53† Vegetarian Pasties 21989 Cheese 1 36x283g 0.93 33.52† 90254 Cheese & Onion Flaky 1 36x283g 1.07 38.56† 67930 Davidstow Cheese & Onion 1 36x283g 0.98 35.32† 86924 Broccoli, Cheese & Sweetcorn 1 36x283g 1.09 39.35† 90254 Cheese & Onion Flaky Pasty 24913 Medium Vegetable 1 36x283g 0.90 32.35† 11110 Spicy Vegetable 1 36x283g 1.06 38.20† 29450 Wholemeal Vegetable 1 36x283g 0.90 32.35† 85959 Spinach & Ricotta 1 50x200g 0.79 39.42† Turnovers & Slices 55668 Mature Cheese & Bacon Turnover 1 30x132g 0.75 22.51† 89382 Peppered Steak Sliced 1 36x170g 0.74 26.65† 55197 Cheese & Sundried Tomato Slice 1 36x170g 0.75 26.83† Sausage Rolls 92571 Scored Sausage Roll (5”) 1 100x92g 0.33 33.49† 37835 Jumbo Scored Sausage Roll (7”) 1 80x142g 0.51 40.45† A sausage roll comprising of pork & seasoning encased in a rich puff pastry. Straight edge, sealed on the side of the base with ‘V’ cuts across the width. 381074 7” Unbaked Sausage Roll 1 40x147g 0.44 14.70† 11110 Spicy Vegetable Pasty Pork Pies 64443 Unbaked Small Hand Raised Pork Pie 1 60x142g 0.97 58.41† Baked 14445 Cheese Pasty 1 12x255g 1.01 12.16† 39731 Large Steak Pasty 1 10x311g 1.28 12.76† 61548 Full English Breakfast Pasty 1 12x255g 1.18 14.21† Scones 42028 Plain 1 1x45 0.28 12.46† 77958 Fruited 1 1x45 0.30 13.64†

61548 Full English Breakfast Pasty

174 175

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Proper Cornish Chef’s Selections by Caterforce Sausage Rolls Cornish to the core, we’re based in Bodmin in beautiful North Cornwall, use Cornish produce wherever possible and make our traditional 39715 NEW Unbaked Sausage Roll 1.5” 1 1x250 0.12 30.66 Savouries & Bakery Savoury & Bakery Cornish pasties to an old family recipe handed down through generations. We’ve been making pasties since 1988 and, dedicated to 51274 NEW Unbaked Sausage Roll 4” 1 1x48 0.26 12.36 sharing the delights of Cornish fare. 86960 NEW Unbaked Sausage Roll 6” 1 1x60 0.35 21.24 Unbaked Cornish Pasties 15674 NEW Unbaked Jumbo Sausage Roll 8” 1 1x40 0.45 17.89 52188 Layered Steak Pasty 1 14x510g 1.74 24.35† Wrights Sausage Rolls 80540 Mixed Steak Pasty 1 18x368g 1.40 25.20† 80881 Unbaked Sausage Roll 6” 1 66x6” 0.46 30.06 A traditional Cornish pasty consisting of fresh vegetables mixed with diced 86082 Unbaked Jumbo Sausage Rolls 1 48x8” 0.60 28.88 beef encased in a hand crimped pastry case. 89520 Baked Jumbo Sausage Rolls 1 35x8” 0.72 25.24 39715 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 83899 Proper Cornish Cheese & Onion Pasty 22329 NEW Layered Steak Pasty 1 20x283g 1.30 26.06† Unbaked Sausage Rolls 1.5” 73764 Baked/Wrap Jumbo Sausage Rolls 1 35x8” 0.75 26.25 13352 Mixed Steak Pasty 1 20x283g 1.16 23.16† Pork Pie Unbaked Speciality Pasties 71665 Pre-sliced Pork Pie Log 4 1x18ptn 0.90 16.17 10970 Chicken, Bacon & Leek 1 20x283g 1.25 24.98† 28796 Wrights Baked Small Pork Pie 1 1x36 0.76 28.60† 67153 Chicken & Vegetable 1 20x283g 1.27 25.35† Delifrance Continental Savouries - Ready To Bake Diced chicken & vegetables in a white sauce in a hand crimped pastry case. 86879 Ham & Cheese Basket 1 40x110g 0.76 30.55 38675 Pork & Apple 1 20x283g 1.20 24.00† 79258 Chicken & Leek Basket 1 40x110g 0.82 32.98 D iced Pork mixed with chunks of apple, fresh vegetables and seasonings Delicious basket shaped puff pastry filled with chunks of chicken, turkey encased in a hand crimped pastry case. and leeks in a creamy emmental cheese bechamel sauce. Ready to bake. Proper Cornish Rolls & SavouriesSausage 22185 Steak & Stilton 1 20x283g 1.54 30.73† 63654 Mediterranean Vegetable Basket 1 40x110g 0.67 26.88 Peas, spinach, red peppers, courgettes and sundried tomatoes. Unbaked Vegetarian Pasties Cheese Lattice/Twist 83899 Cheese & Onion 1 20x283g 0.94 18.72† 89298  Lantmannen Cheese Twist 1 50x90g 1.00 50.33 43620 Vegetable 1 20x283g 0.89 17.83† All butter croissant dough hand twisted with a mixture of mature tangy Bake Off Sausage Rolls cheddar and nutty emmental and a dash of dijon mustard. Topped with even 39715 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce more cheese. 10970 Proper Cornish Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pasty 16543 8” Standard Sausage Roll 1 40x173g 0.41 16.54 Unbaked Jumbo Sausage Rolls 8” 54453  Lantmannen Spinach & Ricotta Plait 1 36x120g 1.02 36.61 53022 NEW Premium Unbaked 8" Sausage Roll 1 40x177g 0.70 28.19 Spinach in a Mascarpone and Ricotta sauce with pieces of soft white cheese, 79660 NEW Pork & Chorizo Sausage Roll 1 40x177g 0.70 28.19 encased in a pastry plait and topped with finely grated cheese. 84047 NEW 6” Chorizo Sausage Rolls 1 1x40 0.38 15.30 Bake Off Bites 40511 Cheese & Bacon Bite 1 30x135g 0.77 23.16† Thick cut back bacon with mature Cheddar cheese wrapped in light puff pastry. Baked 94520 Beef Pasty 1 40x113g 0.52 20.90† 74356 Beef Pasty 1 20x255g 1.01 20.18† 22134 Traditional Steak Pasty 1 40x113g 0.75 29.80† A traditional Cornish pasty consisting of fresh vegetables layered with diced beef encased in a hand crimped pastry case. 25511 Traditional Steak Pasty 1 20x255g 1.16 23.16† 52188 Proper Cornish Layered Steak Pasty 87815 Traditional Steak Pasty 1 18x340g 1.40 25.20† 86879 Delifance Ham & Cheese Baskets Baked Vegetarian 10399 Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 40x113g 0.54 21.55† Potato, onion and Cheddar cheese encased in a hand crimped pastry case. 33024 Cheese & Onion Pasty 1 20x255g 0.94 18.72† Baked Pies 98613 NEW Handmade Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pie 1 12x265g 2.09 25.02 35861 NEW Handmade Mushroom & Asparagus Pie 1 12x265g 2.09 25.02 17336 NEW Handmade Steak & Ale Pie 1 12x265g 2.24 26.82 35861 NEW Mushroom & Asparagus Pie 1 12x265g 25.02 98613 NEW Chicken, Bacon & Leek Pie 1 12x265g 25.02 17336 NEW Steak & Ale Pie 1 12x265g 26.82

79660 Pork & Chorizo Sausage Roll 89298 Lantmannen Cheese Twists

80540 Proper Cornish Mixed Steak Pasty 54453 Bakehouse Spinach & Ricotta Plaits Refer to our range of Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sausage Rolls

176 177

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Mini Quiches 80689  Savoury Tartlet Selection 6 3x30 0.53 48.12 Savouries & Bakery Crisp, short pastry cases with three different fillings: asparagus, Savoury & Bakery sundried tomato and mushroom Baked Quiches 10” 79629 Three Cheese Medley with Onion Quiche 1 1x12ptn 0.80 9.55 17093 Quiche Lorraine with Smoked Ham 1 1x12ptn 0.80 9.55 62791 Tomato & Basil with Salsa Quiche 1 1x12ptn 0.80 9.55 88796 Spanish (Vegetable) Quiche 1 1x12ptn 0.80 9.55 80689 Frank Dale Foods Savoury Tartlet Selection 80399 C heese & Broccoli Quiche 1 1x12ptn 0.80 9.55 (Wholemeal Pastry) Pre-Portioned Baked Quiches – Ideal For Function Catering 25142  Classic Lorraine Pick-ups 10 1x24ptn 0.53 12.69 A rich shortcrust pastry case generously filled with smoked Suffolk bacon, Cheddar cheese and onion. Decorated with tomatoes, parsley and chives. 44848 Smoked Bacon & Blue Cheese Pick-ups 10 1x24ptn 0.53 12.69 Strips of smoked British bacon, Stilton, chives and Dijon mustard. Encased in a crunchy Parmesan and herb pastry case. Quiche 36200 A sparagus & Cheddar Cheese Pick-ups 10 1x24ptn 0.53 12.69 Planète Pain Succulent and vibrant green asparagus, Cheddar cheese, garlic, parsley and sea salt. Encased in a crunchy Parmesan and herb pastry case. 36451 Mexican Salsa Pick-ups 10 1x24ptn 0.52 12.69 A colourful mix of red and green peppers, succulent sweetcorn blended with red chillies, tomato and coriander. Encased in a crunchy Parmesan and herb pastry case. 25142 Frank Dale Foods Classic Lorraine Pick-ups 66155 Brie & SunBlush Tomato Pick-ups 10 1x24ptn 0.53 12.69 The creaminess of Brie cheese combined with the intense flavour of sunblush tomatoes- slow roasted in oil, oregano and garlic. Encased in Parmaggio pastry, it’s bursting with flavour. Bar Quiche The Bar Quiche is a 14”x5” short crust pastry case filled with quality ingredients. Its shape is ideal for cutting into fingers or squares for buffets and contract catering or cut again lengthways once or twice to create bit size canapes. Fully baked and frozen so just thaw and serve or reheat as required. Approx 16 portions. 71750 Classic Lorraine 6 1x16ptn 0.45 7.26 63102 Cheese & Onion 6 1x16ptn 0.45 7.26 Pastry Vol-au-Vent Cases 85926 Jus-Rol Vol-au-Vents Cocktail 12 60x2” 0.08 5.11 77278 Jus-Rol Vol-au-Vents Entree 12 36x2.5” 0.13 4.61 Refer to our range of our Jus-Rol Vol-au-Vents Block Pastry 22872 Jus-Rol Puff Pastry 1 4x1500g 17.22 14223 Jus-Rol Short Crust Pastry 1 4x1500g 16.38 60232 Jus-Rol Filo Pastry 1 8x500g 20.38 22620 Puff Pastry Sheets 23”x 15” 1 12x625g 27.93 17995 Puff Pastry Squares 5”x 5” 1 96x55g 0.18 17.64 59563 Puff Pastry Squares 12” 1 1x24 0.94 22.66 If it’s not French Pie Lids 16349 Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Rounds - 6” 1 96x54g 0.20 19.28 51583 Jus-Rol Puff Pastry Oval Pie Tops 6”x 4” 1 96x60g 0.23 21.71 it’s not a baguette... 68822 Jus-Rol Shortcrust Pie Lids 6”x4” 1 48x88g 0.35 16.71 60986 Large Oval Pie Lids 7”x 5” 1 40x85g 0.38 15.24 At Planète Pain we only bake truly authentic French

22872 Jus-Rol Puff Pastry bread made using traditional recipes. With a passion for using the finest ingredients we work with over 4,000 wheat farmers and millers in Eastern France. The soft water naturally found in our region makes for a light crust. To complete the process all of our breads are baked in our state of the art stone oven.

Find out more by speaking with a Hunt’s Sales Representative. Check out... 14223 Jus-Rol Short Crust Pastry

178 179


Savouries & Bakery Part Baked Petit Pain Savouries & Bakery 92351 NEW White Baguette 1 34x225g 0.42 14.17 84263 Le Pain Chic Petit Pain White 1 70x55g 0.16 11.15 11871 NEW Barra Gallega 1 50x115g 0.35 17.29 20761 Kara Petit Pain Malted Wheat 1 70x55g 0.19 13.37 38936 NEW White Half Demi Baguette 1 50x135g 0.19 9.48 Ciabatta 21091 NEW Wholemeal Half Demi Baguette 1 50x135g 0.22 11.14 11835 Panefresco Ciabatta Roll 95g 1 40x95g 0.33 13.12 94629 NEW White Petit Pain 1 100x55g 0.11 11.24 27797 Panefresco Ciabatta Roll 120g 1 40x120g 0.36 14.53 78505 NEW Wholemeal Petit Pain 1 100x55g 0.11 11.18 27567 Panitaly Ciabatta Rustica 1 90x100g 0.50 44.72 11871 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Barra Gallega 53067 NEW Plain Panini 1 60x110g 0.24 14.25 40776 Planète Pain Brioche Roll Baguettes 60657 NEW Ciabatta 1 50x120g 0.32 15.82 56947 Le Pain Chic Mini French 1 45x90g 0.22 10.08 95098 BDJ Part Baked Wholemeal Baguette 1 40x125g 0.29 11.52 Planète Pain 59295 Delifrance White Baguette 1 30x210g 0.56 16.83 Part Baked Crusty Rolls 65101 Parisien Baguettes 1 20x440g 1.16 23.23 74852 Delifrance White Batch Crusty Rolls 1 40x90g 0.30 11.98 65219 Full Baguettes 1 30x280g 0.79 23.56 71296 Delifrance Part Baked Pain Rustic Rolls 1 40x100g 0.40 16.19 18270 Full Baguettes 1 40x225g 0.65 26.02 Bread - Fully Baked Products

Breads 43964 Demi Baguette - Dejeunette 1 60x110g 0.32 19.34 Breads 72353 Demi Baguette - Malted Wheat 1 50x125g 0.50 24.80 Planete Pain 91580 Demi Baguette - Multi Seeded 1 50x125g 0.47 23.81 85818 Quick Bake Half Baguette 1 50x125g 0.43 21.48 68309 Demi Baguette - Wholemeal 1 50x125g 0.47 23.63 75531 Country Style Rustic Baguette 1 50x115g 0.59 27.78 14115 Demi Baguette Farinee (Floured) 1 40x125g 0.46 18.56 89646 Country Style Rustic Seeded Baguette 1 50x115g 0.59 29.58 83778 Baguettines - Half Baguettes 1 50x125g 0.36 17.90 60606 Pre-Sliced Malted Wheat Ciabatta 1 75x100g 0.52 38.83 53067 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Panini 69532 Petit Pain Mini 1 150x35g 0.14 21.13 12904 Panefresco Grill Marked Panini 53966 Oval Deli Roll 1 50x120g 0.49 24.70 50812 Petit Pain Malted Wheat 1 100x55g 0.23 23.50 40776 Brioche Roll 1 60x85g 0.53 31.99 61261 Petit Pain Large 1 70x90g 0.26 18.33 60072 Focaccina 1 40x120g 0.52 20.69 Demi Baguettes 76349 Petit Pain Large Malted Wheat 1 70x90g 0.33 26.39 11147 Le Pain White Half Baguette 1 1x30 0.32 9.58 42470 Grillini - Pre-marked Panini 1 60x110g 0.59 35.54 13930 Le Pain Pre-Sliced White Half Baguette 1 1x30 0.33 9.80 24064 Short Plain Panini Length 25cm 1 60x110g 0.42 25.28 48224 Le Pain Malted Wheat Half Baguette 1 1x30 0.38 11.43 73399 Plain Oval Panini 1 50x130g 0.50 25.49 Provencette Paninis 82046 Panini with Herbs 1 60x110g 0.49 29.51 All of the Provencette breads come with branded bags in the box for a take-away option. 73397 Panini with Sesame Seeds 1 50x130g 0.53 26.52 41317 Provencette Plain Panini 1 50x105g 0.37 18.30 73400 Panini with Sesame & Nigella Seeds 1 50x130g 0.53 26.52 30920 Provencette Large Panini 1 50x125g 0.41 20.53 69657 Rectangle Panini 1 70x110g 0.36 25.28 Panefresco Paninis 89659 Rectangle Panini Grain Topped 1 50x110g 0.40 20.08 44470 Panefresco Plain Panini 1 1x30 0.35 10.46 51972 NEW Ciabatta Village 1 36x110g 0.40 14.47 12904 Panefresco Grill Marked Panini 1 1x30 0.39 11.55 74422 Ciabatta Sandwich 1 40x120g 0.62 24.78 73422 Planète Pain Sour Dough Roll 45568 Kara Baker’s Basket Fully Baked Breads 39809 Ciabatta Rustique 1 40x120g 0.69 27.53 45568 Kara Baker’s Basket 1 12x5 0.28 16.99 30017 NEW Bar Marked Ciabatta 1 40x120g 0.38 15.05 A collection of five great premium rolls all in one case, poppy swirls, 34807 Super Sandwich White 1 50x140g 0.42 20.98 wholemeal rolls, oat rolls,seeded rolls and white stamped rolls. 31161 Super Sandwich Oignons (Onion) 1 50x140g 0.51 25.58 14465 White Petit Pain 1 70x55g 0.19 13.42 13863 Super Sandwich Mediterranean Herbs 1 50x140g 0.45 22.70 24407 Wholemeal Hoagies 1 54x8” 0.37 20.09 73422 Sour Dough Roll 1 50x100g 0.33 16.74 64593 Plain Bagels 1 45x115g 0.45 20.10 77547 Triangle Multi Cereale 1 60x110g 0.44 26.38 22923 Americana Soft Deli Roll 6” 1 1x48 0.27 13.19 The triangle shaped roll with a selection of mixed seed topping gives this 70733 Footlong Sub Roll - Semolina 1 30x154g 0.62 18.73 product a distinctive visual appeal, with a delicious nutty flavour. Kara ‘Delicious Range’ Deli Rolls 68898 Triangle Blanc 1 60x120g 0.35 21.25 The Delicious Range provides the market with a point of difference and the end consumer with more choice. The range differentiates from A stone baked white triangular roll with a soft bite. commodity standard bread or premium ciabatta that consumers might not be willing to pay extra for. 13236 Sour Dough Spelt Loaf 1 24x250g 0.81 19.34 89986 Classic Deli Roll 1 1x36 0.37 13.39 60250 Long Bocatta & Olives 1 25x280g 1.47 36.79 A soft white deli roll dusted with semolina. The Spanish version of a ciabatta, with added black olives. An ideal 51972 Planète Pain Ciabatta Village accompaniment for pasta dishes or as an up-market sandwich carrier. 89986 Kara Classsic Deli Roll 16226 Italian Deli Roll 1 1x36 0.37 13.39 A soft white roll with Italian herbs and seasonings included 10091 Poppy Seed Batard 1 12x440g 1.46 17.49 throughout the bread. The Batard is a bloomer style loaf 70993 Quattro Deli Roll 1 1x36 0.37 13.39 10343 Multigrain Batard 1 12x440g 1.79 21.44 A soft white deli roll topped with a mix of four seeds; brown linseed, 77169 Hotel Selection 1 120x35g 0.23 27.43 golden linseed poppy seed and millet. Sesame, poppy seed and soured dough dinner rolls 39697 Rustic Deli Roll 1 1x36 0.37 13.39 43204 French Bakers Basket 1 5x30x35g 0.23 33.85 A soft malted grain deli roll with inclusions of malted wheat, 30g white petit pain, 30g multicereal petit pain, 50g ciabatta with herbs, oats and barley topped with a malted grain mix. 50g multigrain ciabatta and 50g wholemeal ciabatta. 34555 Mediterranean Roll Selection 1 100x60g 0.29 28.56 Sundried Tomato Square, Herb Triangle, Onion Square and Black Olive Square. 11855 Round White Loaf 1 10x500g 1.51 15.05 74775 Round Rye Bread Loaf 1 10x500g 1.69 16.90

13236 Planète Pain Sour Dough Spelt Loaf 70993 Quattro Deli Roll

180 181


Savouries & Bakery Tascas are fully baked, folded, soft bread pockets that are perfect for operators wanting a quick and easy sandwich with a difference. Convenient Savouries & Bakery to use and great for portion control, it couldn’t be simpler; thaw, fill and serve, either cold, warmed in an oven or toasted on a Panini grill.

39415 Plain Tasca 1 24x95g 0.63 15.09 A semi circular shaped baked dough product containing olive oil, folded over to allow easy splitting for the purpose of additional fillings. 33894 Caesar Tasca 1 24x95g 0.66 15.91 A semi circular shaped baked dough product containing olive oil & black pepper, topped with regatto cheese shavings, folded over to allow easy splitting for the 39415 Pan’ Artisan Plain Tascas purpose of additional fillings. . 31798 Red Onion Tasca 1 24x95g 0.65 15.54 A semi circular shaped baked dough product, containing red onion pieces and olive oil, folded over to allow easy splitting for the purpose of additional fillings. Speciality Breads - Full Baked, 100% British Wheat 21347 Mini White Tin Loaf 1 48x55g 0.24 11.70 82122 Mini Multigrain Tin Loaf 1 48x55g 0.24 11.70 A miniature version of the multigrain loaf. Perfect for soup, ploughman’s

Bread or meal accompaniment. Breads Speciality 35495  Mini Brioche Slider Bun 1 60x20g 0.26 15.80 Fully baked mini rich sweet moulded bread bun. 73852 Glazed Brioche Bun 1 50x90g 0.76 38.00 Individual, sweet, moulded glazed bread bun. 79715 White Cottage Loaf Roll 1 40x130g 0.72 28.94 A traditional English cottage loaf-shaped roll, lightly floured. Perfect for 21347 Speciality Breads Mini White Tin Loaves accompanying a ploughman’s platter. 87807 Multigrain Cottage Loaf Roll 1 40x130g 0.72 28.94 18963 Large Ciabatta Roll 1 35x130g 0.79 27.58 99200  Individual Ciabatta Roll 1 30x100g 0.82 24.60 With a natural hand finished appearance this roll is ideal for filling, for use as a pizza base or makes great bruschetta. Made with extra-virgin olive oil. 30706 Round Ciabatta Roll 1 40x100g 0.76 30.38 78498 Rosemary Focaccia Roll 1 40x100g 0.75 30.18 85297 Pan Rustic 1 45x100g 0.60 27.02 An authentic French country roll, hand shaped with a rustic floured finish. 48039 Sour Dough Loaf 1 18x270g 1.88 33.88 35561 Sundried Tomato Ciabatta 1 20x270g 1.84 36.72 Fully baked, hand-moulded slipper shaped bread flavoured with tomato, having a light floury crust and open-textured crumb. 19969 Brioche Loaf 1 9x270g 2.19 19.70 35495 Speciality Breads Mini Brioche Slider Buns 69184 Tomato & Basil Focaccia Loaf 1 6x360g 2.43 14.58 99727 Olive & Oregano Focaccia Loaf 1 6x360g 2.43 14.58 12878 Mediterranean Olive Bread 1 8x600g 3.30 26.38 Fully-baked, open textured, hand finished bread with black olives.

99200 Speciality Breads Individual Ciabatta Rolls

99727 Speciality Breads Olive & Oregano Focaccia Loaves 31798 Pan’ Artisan Red Onion Tascas

182 183 Savouries & Bakery Savouries & Bakery Kara Foodservice Kara Foodservice Kara

184 185


Savouries & Bakery Bread - Gluten Free Savouries & Bakery Genius 28083 NEW Gluten Free Seeded Roll 1 25x68g 0.34 15.73 31325 NEW Gluten Free Sliced White Bread 1 6x535g 20.25 69015 NEW Gluten Free Sliced Brown Bread 1 6x535g 20.25 The Chough Bakery Run as a partnership for 25 years, the business is a craft bakery located on the quayside at Padstow - until 2005, all production was based 95851 The Chough Sliced White Bloomers there. Two expansion projects in 2005 and 2006 saw investment of circa £250,000 in three industrial units on the edge of Padstow. All bread, cake and confectionery products are now made at the industrial unit using state of the art bakery equipment. The business is dedicated to local sourcing when available. Square (Underpan) Loaves 21103 Sliced White Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.90 7.60 15664 Sliced Multigrain Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.96 7.85 25229 Uncut White Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.90 7.60 98343 Uncut Multigrain Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.96 7.85 Bread & Gluten Free Gluten & Bread Delifance Farmhouse Loaves 56425 Uncut White Farmhouse Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.90 7.60 41460 Uncut Multigrain Farmhouse Loaves 800g 1 1x4 1.96 7.85 Bloomers 95851 Sliced White Bloomer 800g 1 1x4 1.90 7.60 Refer to our range of The Chough Bakery Bloomers 32704 Sliced Multigrain Bloomer 800g 1 1x4 1.96 7.85 92558 Uncut White Bloomer 800g 1 1x4 1.90 7.60 45006 Uncut Multigrain Bloomer 800g 1 1x4 1.96 7.85 Baps 58260 Gourmet Burger Bap 1 1x24 0.38 9.08 98369 Sour Dough Bap 1 1x24 0.38 9.08 84434 Focaccia Bap 1 1x24 0.38 9.08 Speciality 57529 Focaccia Traybake 1 1x3 2.85 8.55

98369 The Chough Bakery Sour Dough Baps

HIGH IN FIBRE LOW IN FAT Craft the ultimate sandwich using thick, flavoursome slices of gluten free bread from Genius. High in fibre and low in fat, this is the easy way to add delicious gluten free items to your menu.


186 187

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Jackson’s Bakery Burgers, Buns & Baps Continued 11590 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 5” Floured White Bap 1 48x5” 0.23 11.00 Sandwich Bread Savouries & Bakery Savouries & Bakery 79191 Kara Mighty Floured Bap 6” 1 24x6” 0.48 11.56 52682 White Sandwich Bread 14+2 1 10x800g 1.28 12.75† 47882 Malted Sandwich Bread 14+2 1 10x800g 1.33 13.25† 70542 Kara Malted Grain Bap 5” 1 48x5” 0.32 15.18 98659 Wholemeal Sandwich Bread 14+2 1 10x800g 1.29 12.92† 87865 Kara 5” Beer Bap 1 48x86g 0.33 15.43 79514 White Sandwich Bread 18+2 1 10x800g 1.28 12.75† 50280 Kara 5” Seeds & Oats Bap 1 48x86g 0.33 15.44 69017 Wholemeal Sandwich Bread 18+2 1 10x800g 1.29 12.92† 90410 Kara Gourmet Brioche Bun 1 1x54 0.52 27.89 88162 Malted Sandwich Bread 18+2 1 10x800g 1.33 13.25† 75341 Americana Sliced Brioche Bun 1 1x48 0.40 19.39 Split Tin 54140 Bakehouse Gourmet Burger Bun 1 40x100g 0.55 21.81 52682 Jackson’s Bakery White Sandwich Bread 14+2 13904 Kara Premium MK5 Floured Buns 59429 Split Tin White 18+2 1 8x800g 1.70 13.60† 13904 Kara Premium MK5 Floured Bun 1 6x8 0.27 12.87 With more than a century of baking tradition dating back to 1985, Kara’s premium 70146 Split Tin Malted 18+2 1 8x800g 1.75 13.99† floured bun recipe produces a soft eat product with a premium taste to ordinary Bloomers buns. Ideal for use as a hot food carrier for gourmet burgers, or with cold meats 31679 Sliced White Bloomer 12+2 1 6x900g 1.94 11.62† and salad. Sliced for convenience. 62468 Sliced Malted Bloomer 12+2 1 6x900g 1.98 11.86† 12790 Kara Delidog Roll 1 1x36 0.36 13.09 75330 Sliced White Bloomer 14+2 1 6x900g 1.94 11.62† Hot Dog Rolls 14082 Sliced Malted Bloomer 14+2 1 6x900g 1.98 11.86† 59198 Kara Hot Dog Roll 1 48x6” 0.16 7.60

Bread 79765 Sliced White Bloomer 18+2 1 6x900g 1.94 11.62† Rolls Dog Breads Hot & Misc Buns, Burger 83919 Americana Hot Dog Roll (Side) 1 48x6.5” 0.17 8.01 71116 Sliced Malted Bloomer 18+2 1 6x900g 1.98 11.86† 89430 Americana Hot Dog Roll (Top) 1 48x6.5” 0.17 8.01 Fletcher’s Bakery 58876 Americana Jumbo Hot Dog Roll (Side) 1 48x8.5” 0.31 14.66 Sandwich Bread 46201 Americana Jumbo Hot Dog Roll (Top) 1 48x8.5” 0.31 14.66 71422 White Thick Loaves 1 8x800g 1.16 9.25† 90295 Americana Super Hot Dog Roll 1 48x11” 0.38 18.06 62774 Wholemeal Thick Loaves 1 8x800g 1.16 9.25† 88162 Jackson’s Bakery Malted Sandwich Bread 18+2 83578 Half & Half Bread 1 8x800g 1.16 9.25† 70542 Kara Malted Grain Baps 5” Sweet Finger Rolls 52676 Americana 6.5” Sweet Finger Rolls 1 1x48 0.17 8.21 Delifrance A fully baked, white sweet finger roll. Can be topped and turned into an iced-bun. Part-Baked Bloomers Crumpets 26409 White Bloomer 1 20x400g 1.08 21.63 32382 Baked English Crumpets 1 1x72 0.16 11.83 58508 Organic White Bloomer 1 14x460g 1.60 22.40 Ready baked traditional English crumpet. 27241 Triple Grain Bloomer 1 20x400g 1.38 27.54 English Muffins Burger Buns & Baps 93908 Kara English White Muffins 1 1x48 0.27 12.92 38059 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sesame Seed Bun 1 48x4” 0.17 7.98 16790 Americana Sesame Seed Bun 1 48x4” 0.17 8.00 Garlic Bread 12113 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sesame Seed Bun 1 48x4.5” 0.26 12.05 23015 Garlic & Herb Slices 1 1x108 0.14 14.90 83668 Americana Sesame Seed Bun 1 48x5” 0.25 12.23 52375 Garlic & Parsley Ciabatta Halves 1 42x76g 0.38 16.02 84067 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sesame Seed Bun 1 48x5” 0.26 12.18 Naan Breads 75419 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Unseeded Bun 1 48x4” 0.16 7.65 31679 Jackson’s Bakery Sliced White Bloomer 12+2 12790 Kara Delidog Rolls 14152 Mini Tear Drop Naan 1 24x75g 0.29 6.86 64193 Americana Seeded Oval Bap 1 1x48 0.21 10.25 39846 Teardrop Naan Bread 1 24x130g 0.37 8.94 99168 Kara Oval Maize Topped Bap 1 1x56 0.24 13.52 88203 Kara 4” Floured White Bap 1 48x4” 0.16 7.70 Pitta Breads 95201 White Pitta Bread 1 72x60g 0.15 10.62 13900 Large White Pitta Bread 1 20x6x70g 0.13 15.63 37211 Large Wholemeal Pitta Bread 1 12x6x70g 0.16 11.65 Tortillas 77879 Flour Tortilla 12” 1 10x10 0.27 27.41 60664 Flour Tortilla 10” 1 5x10 0.20 10.06 60915 Flour Tortilla 6” 1 10x15 0.09 13.86 18052 Spinach Tortilla 10” 1 5x10 0.25 12.43 84741 Tomato Tortilla 10” 1 5x10 0.25 12.43 16442 NEW Original Paninette 10” 1 5x20 0.36 35.48 58508 Delifrance Organic White Bloomers 23015 Garlic & Herb Slices

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

16790 Americana Sesame Seed Buns 75419 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Unseeded Buns 77879 Flour Tortilla 12” You can order from any web enabled device

188 189

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT The Pastry Room Frozen Mixes Use from frozen CoffeeShop 40551 Butter Shortbread Mix 1 2x2.25kg 22.41 SP 44737 Sweet Crumble Mix 1 2x2.25kg 22.41 SP 26034 Sweet Scone Mix 1 2x2.25kg 19.56 SP 10807 Gluten Free Pie Pastry Mix 1 2x2kg 17.10 SP 38535 Gluten Free Cookie Mix 1 2x2kg 22.49 SP 98835 Gluten Free Scone Mix 1 2x2kg 22.49 SP

Refer to our range of Pastry Room Frozen Mixes Croissants Ready To Bake 57993 Delifrance Butter Croissant 1 60x50g 0.38 22.73 60191 Bakehouse Straight All Butter Croissant 1 42x85g 0.34 14.30 46056 Bakehouse Premier Croissant 1 48x70g 0.45 21.61 74725 Planete Pain Croissant Au Beurre 1 30x80g 0.53 16.00 54162 Delifrance Almond Croissant 1 48x95g 0.65 31.15 64455 Delifrance Chocolate Croissant 1 48x95g 0.65 31.15 31132 Delifrance Mini Croissant 1 120x25g 0.21 25.37 Croissants & Vennoisserie Fully Baked 50480 Kara Butter Croissant 1 48x50g 0.43 20.90 58454 Delifrance Fully Baked, Wrapped Croissant 1 1x32 0.60 19.26 Viennoiserie Ready To Bake 64455 Delifrance Chocolate Croissant 34540 Bakehouse Pain Chocolate 1 48x90g 0.45 21.69 60256 Delifrance Pain Chocolate 1 60x80g 0.45 27.09 66383 Planete Pain Pain au Chocolate 1 40x65g 0.53 21.27 62016 Bakehouse Pain au Raisin 1 36x105g 0.55 19.88 19617 Planete Pain Pain aux Raisins 1 30x100g 0.78 23.02 80650  Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Danish Selection 1 36x85g 0.57 20.43 Three Royal Danish pastry flavours, cinnamon, vanilla and apricot. 37407 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mini Danish Selection 1 120x40g 0.30 36.44 Bite size version of your favourite Danish - Maple Pecan Plait, Cinnamon Swirl, Vanilla Cream Crown/Raspberry Crown and Apple Coronet. 61211 NEW Schulstad Signature Mini Danish Selection 1 5x24 0.32 38.68 Salted Caramel Plait, Cherry Chocolate Coronet, Strawberry Shortcake Crown, Toasted Coconut Swirl and Lemon Cheesecake Coronet. 72001 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Maple Pecan Plait 1 48x100g 0.60 28.70 Maple syrup filling in a plait of light pastry, topped with toasted pecan nuts. 29607 Portuguese Egg Custard Tart 1 1x48 0.68 32.81 A traditional part baked Portuguese tart with a rich caramelised egg custard 80650 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Danish Selection filling encased in a light crispy pastry. 20110 Vanilla Crown 1 48x97g 0.55 26.21 28759 Cinnamon Danish 1 48x85g 0.47 22.71 41061  Delifrance Chocolate Twist 1 60x100g 0.64 38.66 All-butter croissant dough hand twisted with creme patisserie and dark chocolate chips. Fully Baked 79154 Danish Pastries Mixed Pack 1 30x80g 1.04 31.28 Individually wrapped, Maple Pecan, Custard Crown, Cinnamon Swirl. 36650 Delifrance Fully Baked, Wrapped Pain au Chocolate 1 1x40 0.65 25.08 COFFEE SHOP 19193 Delifrance Fully Baked, Wrapped Maple Pecan Plait 1 1x48 0.74 35.52 Mini Tart Selection 24975 NEW Mini Coffee Shop Tart Selection 1 3x12 0.78 27.91 12 x Salted Caramel, 12 x Lemon and 12 x Chocolate 72001 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Maple Pecan Plait 191 Frozen Mixes 192 Flapjacks, Shortbread 191 Croissants & Cookies 191 Viennoiserie 194 Traybakes & Traycakes Want to start ordering online? 192 Cream Cakes 196 Round Cakes Visit, 192 Doughnuts, Muffins 198 Loaf Cakes follow the link to order online, click on & Cupcakes 202 Gluten Free Cakes the Contact Us link and fill in the form. 192 Scones & Teacakes 202 Wrapped Cakes Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

41061 Delifrance Chocolate Twist

190 191


CoffeeShop 92338 Mini Cake Assortment 1 8x5 0.41 16.50† Using the finest ingredients, The Pastry Room mixes give everyone the CoffeeShop (8 varieties - 5 each of Finger Doughnut, Chocolate Eclair, Cream Slice, Carrot Cake, Cream Scone, Black Forest Muffin, Chocolate Fudge, Vanilla Slice.) opportunity to make delicious sweet and savoury bakes in minutes. Gluten free 79653 Dairy Cream Cake Assortment 1 5x3 0.95 14.21† 76879 Split Cream Doughnuts 1 1x12 0.91 10.94† mixes are also available which gives you a convenient way to add gluten free 67676 Chocolate Eclairs 1 16x110g 0.82 13.15† options to your menu and minimise the risk of contamination. Doughnuts, Muffins & Cup Cakes 15791 Filly Cocoacreme Doughnut 59002 Sugar Ring Doughnut 1 60x62g 0.28 16.83 78526 Plain Ring Doughnut 1 48x50g 0.31 14.94 41705 Jam Doughnuts 1 60x77g 0.31 18.36 33056 Giant Sugar Jam Doughnuts 1 60x107g 0.47 28.22 80385 Crembel Iced Top Doughnuts 1 36x60g 0.54 19.29 12 x ring doughnuts topped with crembel and multi coloured sugar strands. 12 x ring doughnuts topped with chocolate crembel and mixed vermicelli. 12 x ring doughnuts topped with delightful pink crembel and mixed sugar strands. 71163 NEW Crispy Caramel Doughnut 1 1x48 0.65 31.02 Cream Teacakes Cakes, Scones, & Cookies Room Pastry The 37093 NEW Filly Berry Doughnut 1 1x48 0.73 34.96 15791 NEW Filly Cocoacreme Doughnut 1 1x48 0.65 30.96 22506 NEW Filly Vanilla Doughnut 1 1x48 0.65 30.96 53181 Plain Iced Yum Yums 1 1x40 0.56 22.34 48836 Kara Mixed Mini Muffins 21g 1 2x36 0.21 15.29 36 x choc chip & 36 x double choc 53181 Plain Iced Yum Yums 24659 Kara Wrapped Mammoth Double Chocolate Chip Muffins 1 24x105g 0.74 17.75 16010 Kara Wrapped Mammoth Blueberry Muffins 1 24x105g 0.72 17.32 44415 95% Baked Double Chocolate Muffin 1 24x125g 0.93 22.31 44416 95% Baked Blueberry Muffin 1 24x125g 0.92 22.00 44417 95% Baked Raspberry & White Choc Muffin 1 24x125g 0.87 20.83 63728 95% Baked Banana & Toffee Muffin 1 24x125g 0.88 21.23 39946 95% Baked Lemon & Poppyseed Muffin 1 24x125g 0.88 21.05 99251 CSM Reduced Fat Muffin 1 24x215g 0.85 22.49 40067 NEW Banana & Chocolate Muffin 1 36x110g 1.22 43.90 Bursting with the flavour of bananas and topped with chocolate, chopped almonds and a crisp dried banana to finish. 25721 NEW Chocolate Nougat Muffin 1 36x115g 1.06 38.10 This chocolate muffin base has a delicious creamy chocolate nougat filling, topped with dark chocolate and a sprinkling of milk and white chocolate curls. 44417 95% Baked Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffin 88833 NEW Raspberry & Yoghurt Muffin 1 36x110g 1.22 43.90 A yummy yoghurt muffin oozing with a raspberry filling and topped with delicious soft cream cheese and raspberry pieces. 96049 NEW Triple Caramel Muffin 1 36x110g 1.10 39.60 With a gorgeous gooey caramel filling, topped with a caramel icing and chocolate chips. 98835 10807 67336 NEW Cup Cake Collection 1 1x16 1.27 20.27 NEW GLUTEN FREE NEW GLUTEN FREE Belgian Chocolate, Carrot & Mascarpone, Red Velvet and Sicillian Lemon. SCONE MIX PIE PASTRY MIX Scones & Teacakes (2x2kg) See page 191 (2x2kg) See page 191 70668 Fletcher’s Plain Scones 1 60x60g 0.28 16.51 55639 Handmade Cake Company Plain Scones 1 1x18 0.66 11.86 49933 Handmade Cake Company Sultana Scones 1 1x18 0.72 12.98 79316 Fletcher’s Sultana Fruit Scones 1 60x60g 0.33 19.84 59403 Fletcher’s Giant Sultana Scones 1 60x109g 0.51 30.75 17887 Kara 5” Spiced Tea Cakes 1 48x5” 0.35 16.85 40067 Banana & Chocolate Muffin 50228 Fruited Tea Cakes 1 48x5” 0.30 14.28 PASSIONATE 84822 Fruited Tea Cakes 1 48x4” 0.25 12.06 Flapjack, Shortbread & Cookies 51296 Triple Chocolate Shortbread 1 60x70g 0.57 33.90 85638 Thaw & Serve Milk Chocolate Cookie 1 48x72g 0.69 33.22 76990 Thaw & Serve Triple Chocolate Cookie 1 48x72g 0.70 33.44 ABOUT 59944 Supreme White Chocolate Cookie Pucks 1 90x50g 0.29 26.49 17330 Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie Pucks 1 90x50g 0.29 26.49 42647 Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Pucks 1 90x50g 0.32 28.49 87174 Chocolate & White Choc Chips Cookie Dough 1 1x5kg 28.12 41735 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 1 1x5kg 27.94 89355 CSM Fruit Flapjack 1 60x80g 30.75 PASTRY 22432 Wrapped Gingerbread People 1 36x50g 0.41 14.71 49933 Handmade Cake Company Sultana Scones

192 193


CoffeeShop 93786 CSM Fudge Brownie 1 2x2.4kg 30.19 CoffeeShop 38839 Dawn Foods Carrot Cake 1 1x2 15.54 Coffee Shop/Tea Time Traybakes From The Handmade Cake Company 69928 Granola Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.10 13.20 Oats, raisins, coconut, apricots, pumpkin and sunflower seeds bound together with golden syrup and butter. 37738 The Handmade Cake Company Salted Caramel & Nut Slice 75807 Lemon Drizzle Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.20 14.34 A new all butter sponge with lemon oil and lemon curd finished with crunchy sugar pearls and a drizzled lemon icing. 89327 Classic Chocolate Brownie 1 12p/ptn 1.18 14.10 A classic all-butter brownie made with lots of chocolate and baked for longer at a lower temperature. It’s creamy but genuinely chocolatey without being bitter. 57605 Rocky Road Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.24 14.84 Mini marshmallows, raisins, digestive biscuits and dusted with icing sugar. It’s unashamedly melt-in-mouth and full of flavour.

Sheet Cakes & TeaSheet Cakes Time 78582 Classic Butter Shortbread 1 12p/ptn 1.12 13.49 by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections A deep, classic butter shortbread made to a traditional recipe. 65568 Apple Shortcake 1 12p/ptn 1.32 15.82 Two layers of real butter shortcake, with a thick Bramley apple filling, sprinkled generously with Demerara sugar. 47538 Caramel Shortcake 1 12p/ptn 1.37 14.28 A sticky caramel sandwiched between a shortcake base and a 58018 The Handmade Cake Company Toffee Popcorn Slice layer of Belgian milk chocolate. 86944 White Chocolate Caramel Shortcake 1 12p/ptn 1.39 16.63 A sticky caramel sandwiched between a shortcake base and a layer of white chocolate. 31247 Caramel Heaven 1 12p/ptn 1.15 13.66 A flapjack base topped with our own golden caramel and finished with cranberries, dark chocolate chunks, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. 85150 Black Cherry & Almond Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.37 16.41 A buttery shortcake base, topped with a chopped black cherry compote, then a real frangipan sponge, finished liberally with sliced almonds. 39267 Chocolate Fruit & Nut Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.42 17.09 Also known as tiffin, old fashioned chocolate refrigerator cake with pieces of biscuit, walnuts and sultanas in a gooey chocolate fudge base, covered in a Bake from new dark chocolate topping. frozen 37738  Salted Caramel & Nut Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.40 16.79 in under 20 A shortcake base, topped with a smooth and sticky caramel with nuts and undertones of smoked sea salt. Finished with a glossy milk chocolate drizzle. minutes 19187 The Handmade Cake Company Red Berry Blondie 65091 White Chocolate & Cranberry Tiffin 1 12p/ptn 1.50 18.02 Crushed digestive biscuits, cranberries and walnuts, bound together in a white chocolate fudge mixture and topped with white chocolate and more cranberries. 44034 Honeycomb Tiffin 1 12p/ptn 1.32 15.84 Crushed digestive biscuits, toffee pieces and honeycomb, bound together in a milk chocolate toffee fudge mixture, topped with milk chocolate and sprinkled with honeycomb and toffee pieces. 30618 Maple & Pecan Cake 1 12p/ptn 1.40 16.79 Crushed biscuit, rolled oats and prairie pecan nuts wrapped in maple flavoured syrup and melted caramel, smothered with dark chocolate. 13195 All Butter Flapjack 1 12p/ptn 1.12 13.49 A winning combination of butter, jumbo oats and rolled oats and golden syrup with a contemporary twist. Let’s talk 87386 Raspberry & Coconut 1 12p/ptn 1.28 13.27 Lashings of raspberry jam on a shortcake base with a unique toasted coconut topping. 80229 The Handmade Cake Company Pretzel Crunch 58018 Toffee Popcorn Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.16 13.95 Brownie A chocolate biscuit base topped with popcorn covered in a toffee 72001 Maple Pecan Plait with Maple Sauce 1x48 syrup, drizzled with milk chocolate. Danish 80650 Large Danish Selection 1x36 19187 NEW Red Berry Blondie 1 12p/ptn 1.26 15.14 37407 Mini Danish Selection 1x120 80229 NEW Pretzel Crunch Brownie 1 12p/ptn 1.41 16.86 63826 NEW Cinnamon Swirl Traycake 1 12p/ptn 1.23 14.76 There’s few finer ways to start the day than Chefs’ 89145 NEW Eton Mess Slice 1 12p/ptn 1.50 17.94 Selections by Caterforce pastries. Our selection pack features three classics; supplied pre-proved, ready glazed Gluten Free Traybakes From The Handmade Cake Company and with piping bags of icing. The mini selection contains 90315 Gluten Free Caramel Shortcake 1 15p/ptn 1.23 18.47 bite-sized versions, or you could choose Maple Pecan Plaits 42324 Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie 1 15p/ptn 1.09 16.38 – the UK’s best-selling Danish pastry. Available exclusively in your area from Hunts’ Foodservice

90315 The Handmade Cake Company Gluten Free Caramel Shortcake

194 195


CoffeeShop 27475 Coffee & Walnut Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.31 18.28 CoffeeShop Soft coffee sponge topped & filled with coffee fudge icing, finished with pieces of walnut. 28867 Rich Fruit Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.29 18.12 Our traditional luxury eight inch fruit cake, stuffed with vine fruits and cherries. 53687 Large Toffee Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.40 19.58 A toffee sponge with dates, filled with a soft icing and finished with a caramel sauce and real pieces of crushed toffee. 35736 The Handmade Cake Company Orange & Poppyseed Cake 36123 Traditional Chocolate Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.36 19.03 A moist chocolate cake filled and topped with an all butter chocolate buttercream icing and sprinkled with white and milk chocolate shavings. 95037 Belgian Chocolate Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.60 22.45 A moist sponge filled with a light chocolate ganache, topped with a dark chocolate ganache and decorated with ganache piping. 26295 R ed Velvet Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.51 21.11 A red vanilla cake with a slight hint of chocolate, topped with vanilla cream cheese icing and a sprinkling of the red sponge crumb.

The Handmade Cake Company Handmade The 70089 Buttercream & Jam Sponge 1 14p/ptn 1.36 19.03 Cake Company Handmade The Our light Victoria Sponge made with a good strawberry jam and our own buttercream, dusted with caster sugar. 58503 Iced Lemon Drizzle Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.32 18.49 A light buttery lemon sponge drizzles with a zingy lemon syrup and topped with a fondant icing. 47654 Blueberry & Lemon Drizzle Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.28 17.97 16192 The Handmade Cake Company Pina Colada Cake A new Madeira-like sponge with blueberries, steeped in a tangy lemon syrup and finished with caster sugar. 35620 Harvest Apple Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.49 20.86 A moist, spicy apple sponge with sultanas and walnuts mixed in. Finished with an apricot glaze and sliced almonds. 78434 Zucchini & Lime Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.59 22.25 A light zucchini sponge with a lime drizzle and lime curd filling, covered with a fluffy soft cheese and lime icing, finished with chopped pistachios. 44269 Carrot Cake - Uncut 1 14ptn 1.62 22.68 70707 Carrot Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.66 23.23 35736 NEW Orange & Poppyseed Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.35 18.86 16192 NEW Pina Colada Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.55 21.72 95960 NEW Earl Grey & Blackcurrant Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.38 19.29 27108 NEW Hummingbird Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.55 21.72 13303 The Handmade Cake Company Triple Layer 32449 Triple Layer Coffee & Walnut 1 14p/ptn 1.62 22.73 Carrot & Orange Cake A moist coffee sponge filled and topped with a coffee fudge icing and finished with chopped walnuts. 49554 Triple Layer Raspberry Victoria Sponge 1 14p/ptn 1.67 23.36 The same soft sponge we bake as a sandwich for our current buttercream and jam sponge – only 3 of them instead of 2! 13303 NEW Triple Layer Carrot & Orange Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 2.03 28.36 Gluten Free Cakes from The Handmade Cake Company 64622 NEW Gluten Free Cappuccino Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.33 18.62 25989 NEW Gluten Free Victoria Sponge 1 14p/ptn 1.38 19.31 96123 NEW Gluten Free Carrot Cake 1 14p/ptn 1.52 21.31 Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Cakes 26622 NEW Red Velvet Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.05 14.71 Three layers of red sponge, filled and masked with cream cheese flavoured 64622 The Handmade Cake Company Gluten Free frosting, side decorated with white chocolate flavour flakes and sprinkled with Cappuccino Cake dried raspberry pieces. 13414 NEW Tiramisu Layer Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.26 17.63 Three layers of vanilla sponge with Marsala wine and coffee soak, Mascarpone cream and milk chocolate shavings, dusted with cocoa powder. 24786 NEW Chocolate Mallow Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.26 17.05 Three layers of chocolate sponge with vanilla flavoured frosting and chocolate fudge, top decorated with white chocolate icing, pink & white mini marshmallows and colour mixed stars. 46179 NEW Pistachio & Rose Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.32 18.49 Three layers of pistachio flavoured sponge with lemon sauce, rose flavoured buttercream, decorated with a ring of pistachio nuts and dried edible flowers.

28867 The Handmade Cake Company Gluten Free Victoria Sponge

196 197

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Chefs’ Selections By Caterforce Tea Time Cakes

CoffeeShop 21192 Carrot Cake 1x14p/ptn 0.86 11.99 CoffeeShop Two layer carrot cake made with carrot, desiccated coconut, pineapple, sultanas and walnuts. Filled and topped with a smooth vanilla frosting and finished with a sprinkle of nibbed walnuts. 59409 Chocolate Cake 1x14p/ptn 0.86 11.99 A moist two layer chocolate cake, split & filled with a chocolate frosting. The top of the cake is finished with more chocolate frosting and sprinkled with dark chocolate curls. 63303 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 33900 Victoria Sponge 1 1x14p/ptn 0.86 11.99 Coffee & Walnut Cake A two layer Victoria sponge cake split & filled with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream. Sprinkled with granulated sugar. 63303  Coffee & Walnut Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 0.86 11.99 A two layer coffee and walnut sponge, filled with a coffee frosting. The cake is topped with coffee frosting and nibbed walnuts. 81227  Lemon Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 0.86 11.99 A lemon flavour victoria sponge sandwiched with a zesty curd and lemon butter frosting. The cake is topped with lemon frosting and crunchy sugar nibs.

Round CakesRound & Loaves Handmade Cake Loaf Cakes UnibakeLantmannen 46606  Banana & Walnut Loaf 1 2x11p/ptn 0.92 20.21 A moist banana and walnut loaf made with very ripe bananas, sultanas and lots of walnuts. It comes topped with Demerara sugar and walnut pieces. 82293 Fruit Loaf 1 2x11p/ptn 0.97 21.26 A traditional fruit loaf made with sultanas, raisins, cherries. almonds and candied peel. Finished with an apricot jam glaze. A little spice but 81227 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Lemon Cake not too strong. Sidoli Loaf Cakes 73502 Cherry & Almond Loaf 1 1x19p/ptn 0.81 15.46 A moist almond flavoured sponge studded with juicy glace cherries, topped with a sprinkling of crunchy sugar pearls. 22127 Naughty Chocolate Loaf 1 1x19p/ptn 0.75 14.17 Even more chocolaty than the rest, this loaf cake is finished with a rich chocolate sauce and piled high with dark chocolate chips. 61311 Lemon Drizzle Loaf 1 1x19p/ptn 0.81 15.46 Made using lemon oil infused with grated lemon zest, soaked in lemon juice then finished with crunchy sugar crystals. 27299 Sticky Ginger Loaf 1 1x19p/ptn 0.75 14.17 A dark moist ginger cake smothered in sticky ginger sauce encrusted in chewy ginger pieces. 46606 The Handmade Cake Company Banana & 11829  Toffee & Pecan Loaf 1 1x19p/ptn 0.81 15.46 Walnut Loaf The gooiest of toffee cakes made with vanilla flavoured fudge pieces. Smothered with lashings of toffee sauce with chopped pecan nuts on top. Sidoli Gluten Free Cakes 33794 Carrot Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.13 15.82 A round moist gluten free carrot cake which is filled and topped with sweet frosting and decorated with a sprinkling of hazelnut pieces. 50207 Chocolate Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.13 15.82 A round moist gluten free chocolate sponge cake which is filled and topped with layers of smooth chocolate fudge. 90352 Gluten Free Brownie 1 1x12p/ptn 1.07 12.84 Rich chocolate brownie sponge base with dark chocolate pieces and milk chocolate pieces in varying proportions. 94178 Gluten & Lactose Free Carrot Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.47 20.62 89171  Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.14 15.97 85413 NEW Gluten Free Double The Love Chocolate Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.84 25.78 11829 Sidoli Toffee & Pecan Loaf

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Our platform is quick and easy to use and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like.

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

89171 Sidoli Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge Cake You can order from any web enabled device

198 199


CoffeeShop 19959 Toffee Traybake 1 1x15p/ptn 1.38 20.70 CoffeeShop A rich dark ginger cake made with stem ginger, smothered in lemon buttercream, topped with crumbled ginger nut biscuits. 37388 Squidgy Lemon Traybake 1 1x15p/ptn 1.32 19.84 A rich dark ginger cake made with stem ginger, smothered in lemon buttercream, topped with crumbled ginger nut biscuits. 55544 Carrot Cake Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 0.97 17.49 Packed full of grated carrots, pineapple and just the right amount of coconut. Filled with a fabulous American style frosting, topped with 48008 Sidoli Bakewell Tart Slice even more frosting. Finished with several handfuls of roughly chopped walnuts. 77799 Chocolate Brownie Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 1.00 17.91 A seriously fabulous chewy chocolate fudge brownie totally smothered in rich chocolate fudge. 33322 Ginger & Lemon Crumble Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 1.03 18.50 A rich dark ginger cake made with stem ginger, smothered in lemon buttercream, topped with crumbled ginger nut biscuits. 44999 Lemon & Blackcurrant Drizzle Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 0.97 17.91 Traycakes & Teatime Cakes Soft zesty lemon sponge made with lemon oil, laced with juicy by Caterforce Chefs’ Selections blackcurrants gently soaked in lemon juice and topped with natural lemon curd. Finished with crunchy cinnamon & muscavado crumble. 48008 Bakewell Tart Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 1.26 22.70 Sweet short crust pastry base smothered in fruity raspberry jam, baked with an almond sponge heavily laden with ground almonds. Coated in a white fondant icing finished with a feathering of 38617 Sidoli Gingerbread Sparkle Cake chocolate sauce. 11662 White Chocolate & Raspberry Slice 1 1x18p/ptn 1.00 17.91 A light melt in the mouth fairy sponge cake infused with white chocolate surrounding juicy raspberries topped with crunchy sugar crystals. Sidoli Tea Time Cakes 42122 Victorian Fruit Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.33 18.59 89235 Carrot Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.24 17.35 An American “style” round carrot cake cut in half, filled and topped with sweet frosting and decorated with a sprinkling of walnut pieces. 39170 Angel Sparkle Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.28 17.87 A three layer moist sponge cake comprising of two pink layers and one yellow layer sandwiched with strawberry jam and sweet buttercream. The gateau is smothered in buttercream and finished with a sprinkling of colourful crunchy spheres. 84544 Triple Chocolate Sparkle Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.36 19.03 30911 Sidoli Chocolate Orange Cake A round moist three layer chocolate cake comprising of chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate flavour cake layers filled with chocolate buttercreams and finished with a coating of vanilla buttercream covered in chocolate crispies and gold chocolate pieces. 38617 NEW Gingerbread Sparkle Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.36 19.03 30911 Chocolate Orange Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.24 17.35 27344 Hummingbird Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.24 17.39 25544 NEW Sticky Salted Caramel Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.47 20.58 It’s always better Coffee Shop / Tea Time Cake Slices (Pre-packed) 62113 Sidoli Chocolate Fudge Cake Slice Wedge 1 12x80g 1.16 13.91† A rich, dark moist chocolate cake with a layer of rich fudge in the middle 33900 Victoria Sponge Cake 1x14p/ptn then completely covered with more fudge. with a slice of 21192 Carrot Cake 1x14p/ptn 77829 Sidoli Flow Wrap Carrot Cake Slice 1 1x16 1.19 18.96 81227 Lemon Cake 1x14p/ptn 27344 Sidoli Hummingbird Cake 15259 Sidoli Flow Wrap Chocolate Fudge Slice 1 1x16 1.19 18.96 59409 Chocolate Cake 1x14p/ptn 21185 Sidoli Wrap Toffee Fudge Slice 1 1x16 1.35 21.56 cake! 63303 Coffee & Walnut Cake 1x14p/ptn Want to start ordering online? A traditional selection of pre-cut tea time cakes that you can reply on for quality and value for money, slice after Visit, slice. follow the link to order online, click on the Contact Us link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch shortly after to confirm your account and you will be ready to place your orders online.

25544 Sidoli Sticky Salted Caramel Cake

200 201

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT The Handmade Cake Company “Cakes 2 Go” The new “Cakes 2 Go” range come in rectangular, individually wrapped portions. CoffeeShop CoffeeShop Use for up to 14 days after defrosting at room temperature for 4 hours.

77636 Butter Flapjack 1 18x65g 1.02 18.30 An updated version of the classic flapjack - a winning combination of butter, jumbo and rolled oats, sugar and golden syrup with a contemporary twist. 24418 Boston Brownie 1 18x60g 1.10 19.78 The ultimate fudge brownie - topped with chocolate chips. 87548 Caramel Shortcake 1 18x65g 1.23 22.17 24418 The Handmade Cake Company Boston Brownie Sticky caramel between a rich shortcake base and a layer of Belgian milk chocolate. 85104 Gluten Free Caramel Heaven 1 18x72g 1.22 21.91 A gluten-free flapjack base topped with golden caramel and finished with cranberries, plain chocolate chunks, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. 52169  Gluten Free Caramel Shortcake 1 18x55g 1.37 24.66 55997 Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie 1 18x65g 1.24 22.40 An all butter, smooth fudge brownie. Made without gluten and baked in a segregated gluten-free area.

Cakes to & Honeybuns Go 67966 Gluten Free Katie’s Fruity Cereal Bar 1 18x55g 1.06 19.09 Honeybuns A light, chewy cereal bar generously packed with fruit, puffed rice, oats and seeds and drizzled with a smooth yoghurt finish. 64858 Gluten Free Raspberry & Almond Slice 1 18x70g 1.29 23.16 A gluten-free shortcake base topped with a light, moist almond sponge and feathered and filled with a seeded raspberry jam.

52169 The Handmade Cake Company Gluten Free Honeybuns From Dorset - All Gluten Free - Wrapped Caramel Shortcake 13425  Almond Cookies 1 24x70g 1.05 25.27† A beautiful version of the amaretti biscuit. Crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. Award winning. Dairy Free. 15295 Almond & Pistachio Cookie 1 24x50g 1.17 27.99† A polenta shortbread with added ginger topped with lemon curd and a lemon frangipan. Award winning. Dairy Free. 38426 Triple Chocolate Tinker Cookies 1 24x50g 0.96 23.15† An intensley chocolatey cookie made with a hint of espresso coffee. 77272 Chocolate Caramel Shortbread 1 30x85g 1.09 32.93† A toasted almond and polenta shortbread topped with caramel and dark chocolate. 68438 Milk Chocolate Brownie 1 30x75g 1.06 31.83† An indulgent Belgian milk chocolate brownie with coffee. 19926 Almond Moon 1 30x85g 1.12 33.62† Polenta shortbread layered with cranberry curd and handmade frangipan. 64858 The Handmade Cake Company Gluten Free Our take on a Bakewell Slice. Award winning. Raspberry & Almond Slice 72726 Snowy Hills 1 30x85g 1.12 33.53† A polenta shortbread with added ginger topped with lemon curd and a lemon frangipan. Award winning. 68473 Congo Bar 1 30x85g 1.28 38.50† A Polenta shortbread topped with pecans,caramel, coconut curls and Belgian milk chocolate. 87879 Heathcliffe Brownie 1 30x75g 1.04 31.20† A dark chocolate brownie with orange. 62987 Plain Flapjack 1 30x75g 0.78 23.27† Pure vanilla and lashings of butter. Our flapjacks are now gluten-free. 71311 Cranberry & Pecan Flapjack 1 30x75g 0.93 28.01† Topseller. Try it - you’ll fall in love.

68438 Honeybuns Milk Chocolate Brownie

Did you know you can place ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

Our platform is quick and easy to use and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like.

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

13425 Honeybuns Amondi Cookies You can order from any web enabled device

202 203


Catering Desserts 36154 Sidoli Treacle & Stem Ginger Tart 1 1x12p/ptn 1.11 13.29 88616 Kitchen Range Individual Apple Pies 1 40x78g 0.38 15.24 45602 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Country Apple Pie 1 2x8ptn 0.62 9.99 28723 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Bramley Apple Pie 1 1x14p/ptn 0.77 10.79 A fully baked deep dish Bramley apple pie containing large juicy chunks of apple in a sweet shortcrust pastry. 67399 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Caramel Apple Pie 1 1x14ptn 1.06 14.83 36154 Sidoli Treacle & Stem Ginger Tart A sweet short crust continental pastry case filled with layers of custard, jellied apples and traditional crumble, topped with caramel fudge. 28784 Sidoli Gluten Free Caramel Apple Pie 1 1x14ptn 1.06 14.81 Premium 25076 Sidoli Bramley Apple Pie 1 1x14p/ptn 1.10 15.42 70727 Sidoli Tart au Chocolate 1 1x12p/ptn 1.37 16.45 10567 Sidoli Tart au Citron 1 1x12p/ptn 1.05 12.58 66819 Chantilly Patisserie Tarte au Citron 1 1x16ptn 1.43 22.95 A sweet butter pastry case filled with a creamy lemon filling Tarts,Pies, & Gateaux Cheesecakes and dusted with sweet snow. Almondy Tarts - Gluten Free - Defrost Slice in 10 Mins 48613 Almond Tart with Daim 6 1x12p/ptn 1.38 16.56 An irresistable almond base and golden butter cream with crunchy almond caramel all deliciously covered in smooth milk chocolate.

28784 Sidoli Gluten Free Caramel Apple Pie 29708 Almond Tart with Peanuts & Caramel 6 1x12p/ptn 1.38 16.56 An almond biscuit base with butter nougat cream with caramel and roasted peanuts all deliciously smothered with milk chocolate. 95157 Almond Tart with Toblerone 6 1x12p/ptn 1.38 16.56 An irresistible almond base with rich chocolate cream and smooth milk chocolate mousse, topped with a generous sprinkle of Toblerone pieces, all smothered with milk chocolate. Cheesecakes & Gateaux Value Whole 26444 Blackcurrant Cheesecake 6 1x15ptn 0.73 11.00 Richly flooded cheesecake with juicy whole blackcurrants. 17241  Strawberry Cheesecake 6 1x15ptn 0.73 11.00 Lavishly flooded with succulent, ripe, whole strawberries. Incredibly tempting.

25076 Sidoli Bramley Apple Pie

DESSERTS 70727 Sidoli Tart au Chocolate

205 Pies & Tarts 205 Cheesecakes & Gateaux 210 Individual Hot Desserts 210 Individual Cold/Ice Cream Desserts 211 Kids Desserts

10567 Sidoli Tart au Citron 17241 Strawberry Cheesecake

204 205


Desserts Value Whole 50393 Sidoli Chocolate Lumpy Bumpy 1 1x12p/ptn 1.69 20.23 Desserts 22777  Fruits of the Forest Cheesecake 6 1x15ptn 0.73 11.00 Layers of moist chocolate sponge, rich chocolate flavoured mousse and Fine quality whole blackcurrants, redcurrants, raspberries ‘Lumpy Bumpy’ cheesecake enrobed with chocolate flavoured ganache and and blackberries come together in an exciting combination of sprinkled with nuts, chocolate chunks and drizzled with chocolate fudge. taste and appetising colour. 50770 Sidoli Toffee Lumpy Bumpy 1 1x12p/ptn 1.69 20.23 28682  Caterforce Black Forest Gateau 1 1x18ptn 0.48 8.70 Toffee flavoured sponge base, toffee flavoured mousse and ‘Lumpy Bumpy’ A delicious combination of real dairy cream and blackcurrant cheesecake layers. Covered with caramel coloured chocolate ganache. filling layered between a light textured chocolate flavoured Chocolate chunks, caramel pieces and chocolate fudge topping. sponge. Decorated with cream rosettes, dark cherries and a 58750 Caterforce Toffee Crunch Pie 1 1x14p/ptn 1.20 16.74 22777 Fruits of the Forest Cheesecake 85898 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Key Lime Pie generous layer of chocolate flavoured flake. A chocolate pastry case layered with sticky caramel and chocolate, sprinkled 28305  Caterforce Strawberry Gateau 1 1x18ptn 0.48 8.70 with honeycomb pieces and heaped with creamy toffee flavour mousse, A combination of real dairy cream and strawberry filling layered decorated with chewy butterscotch pieces, drizzled with chocolate sauce between a light vanilla sponge. Decorated with cream rosettes and and garnished with milk chocolate pieces. covered with a strawberry fruit topping with sides decorated with 66772 Sidoli Toffee Banoffi Pie 1 1x14p/ptn 1.19 16.68 nibbled nuts. A digestive biscuit base topped with fudge and banana pieces, with a 21928 Caterforce Coffee Mandarin Gateau 1 1x18ptn 0.48 8.70 cream topping. A combination of real dairy cream and mandarin filling, layered in a light textured coffee sponge. Decorated with cream rosettes, 80656 Alabama Chocolate Fudge Cake 1 1x16p/ptn 0.88 14.05 mandarin segments and a top coating of coffee flavoured flakes. Chocolate fudge is that must-have flavour for your menu. Try this rich, Cheesecakes & Gateaux incredibly moist chocolate sponge oozing with a richer, smoother chocolate Cheesecakes & Gateaux 36953  Caterforce Chocolate Fudge Gateau 1 1x18ptn 0.48 8.70 fudge which also creates the coating. Irresistible hot or cold. A rich chocolate sponge filled and covered with a delicious chocolate fudge icing. Hand decorated with a spiral swirl 18127 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Raspberry Bakewell Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.32 18.49 - a truly indulgent gateau. Sandwiched almond sponge and whole raspberries with a layer of jam and almond butter icing. Topped with almond butter icing, stripped almonds 20033 Caterforce Banoffee Gateau 1 1x18ptn 0.48 8.70 and sour cherries. Real banana, toffee filling and mascarpone enriched dairy cream sandwiched between layers of toffee sponge decorated 25005 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce 85898  NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Key Lime Pie 1 1x14p/ptn 1.00 13.98 28682 Caterforce Black Forest Gateau with mascarpone enriched dairy cream, toffee sauce, fudge Lemon Shortbread Cheesecake Sweet pastry case with a layer of homemade lime curd and topped with merginue. drops and digestive biscuit crumbs. 49399 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Mango, Passionfruit 2 1x10ptn 0.73 14.62 Premium Whole & Coconut Roulade 32175 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Lavish Lemon 1 1x18ptn 1.00 18.00 Meringue sheet wrapped around mango and passionfruit curd with whipped cream and sprinkled with coconut. A shortcake and lemon sponge base, topped with a sumptuous layer of tangy, light lemon mousse and finished with cream, 16762 NEW Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Raspberry, White Chocolate 2 1x10ptn 0.75 15.05 lemon curd lacing and white chocolate flakes. & Prosseco Roulade Meringue sheet spread with fresh cream and prosecco raspberry jam and 85780 Alabama Chocolate Fudge Cake 1 1x16ptn 0.84 13.38 topped with white chocolate and rolled. 76298  Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Formidable Fudge Cake 1 1x18ptn 1.07 19.22 67854 NEW Chocolate Junkyard 1 1x14p/ptn 1.24 17.31 Two layers of rich chocolate fudge sandwiched between three layers of moist chocolate sponge, all encased in the Pre-Portioned Cheesecakes rich chocolate fudge. 94916 Sidoli Strawberry Eaton Mess Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.29 18.05 67650 Caterforce Chocolate Death Wish 1 1x18ptn 1.10 20.24 A creamy cold set cheesecake infused with strawberries and topped with Two layers of chocolate cake sandwiched with a layer of rich broken meringue and drizzled with strawberry coulis. chocolate fudge, topped with a mountainous layer of chocolate ganache, all under chocolate cream topped with tempting 80421 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce White & Dark 79410 Strawberry & White Chocolate Chip Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.40 19.56 28305 Caterforce Strawberry Gateau chocolate flakes. Chocolate Cheesecake A crunchy digestive biscuit base topped with a traditional cheesecake, rippled with real strawberry and feathered with a strawberry coulis and gently baked. 88131 Sidoli Big Baked Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.67 23.36 Old fashioned vanilla style New York recipe baked cheesecake nestling on a crunchy biscuit base. 25005 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce 1 1x12p/ptn 1.25 15.05 Lemon Shortbread Cheesecake 80421 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce 1 1x12p/ptn 1.25 15.05 White & Dark Chocolate Cheesecake 11525 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce 1 1x12p/ptn 1.25 15.05 Mango, Lime & Coconut Cheesecake 40570 NEW Blueberry & Apple Crumble Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.24 16.67 39202 NEW Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.51 18.17

76298 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce 11525 Chef’s Selections by Caterforce Mango, Lime Formidable Fudge Cake & Coconut Cheesecake Gluten Free Pre-Portioned Cheesecakes 35779 Sidoli Gluten Free New York Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.46 17.56 A gluten free cheesecake with a crunchy gluten free digestive biscuit base topped with our best selling luxury baked vanilla cheesecake. 84752  Sidoli Gluten Free Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.45 20.32 A gluten free biscuit base topped with creamy gluten free cheesecake swirled with a strawberry additive. 98237 Sidoli Gluten Free Triple Chocolate Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.72 24.06

85780 Alabama Chocolate Fudge Cake 32175 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Lavish Lemon 35779 Sidoli Gluten Free New York Cheesecake

206 207


Desserts 17621  Honeycomb Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.85 22.24 20727 Flourless Chocolate Torte 1 1x16p/ptn 1.14 18.18† Desserts Traditional cheesecake on a biscuit crumb base with a sweet honeycomb. Simple, elegant and timeless, like a little black dress. Perfect when you crave a 80594 Lemon Pavlova Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.85 22.24 knock-out chocolate punch in an unassuming delivery, this flourless - and gluten Tangy cheesecake topped with zesty lemon curd and crushed free - chocolate torte is made with a blend of four chocolate and finished with a meringue, sugar dusted. sexy ganache topping. Ready for dressing up or presenting as-is. 68245  Toffee Profiterole Cheesecake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.85 22.24 91863 Chocolate Lovin Spoon Cake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.87 26.20† Traditional cheesecake with profiteroles and sweet rich toffee. T hree layers of dark, moist chocolate cake sandwiched with the silkiest smooth chocolate filling and finished with elegant, dark chocolate ganache. 18509 Strawberry & Clotted Cream Gateau 1 1x14ptn 1.46 20.48 39177 New York Cheesecake 1 1x16p/ptn 0.99 15.85† 17621 Chantilly Patisserie Honeycomb Cheesecake Sweet sponge, fresh clotted cream, strawberries and white chocolate. 20727 Sweet Street Flourless Chocolate Torte T he iconic cheesecake - creamy, smooth and luxurious. Made with the Eaton’s Patisserie freshest cream and cream cheese. Cheesecakes 57472 Salted Caramel Brulee Cheesecake 1 1x16p/ptn 1.45 23.18† A s it bubbles and cooks from white to pale golden to amber, the 61550 Luscious Lemon Cheesecake 1 1x16ptn 1.28 20.42 one-dimensional sweetness of sugar gets transformed into a rounded, A tangy lemon cheesecake heaped with moist lemon sponge and sweet lemon complex flavour with slightly dark notes and almost nutty undertones. cream and decorated with white chocolate and lemon curd. Years of caramel making has taught us how far to push the cooking sugar 96064 Strawberry & Clotted Cream Cheesecake 1 1x16ptn 1.28 20.42 before pouring in the fresh whipping cream. Layered with tangy cream A traditional cheesecake blended with strawberries and clotted cream and cheese and swirled on top, our salted caramel is perfection. topped with sweet strawberries and cream. Cheesecakes, PavlovasCheesecakes, & Gateaux 37376 Raspberry & White Chocolate Brulee Cheesecake 1 1x14p/ptn 1.96 27.44† Sweet & Pavlovas Street, Meringue 76035 Strawberry Cheesecake 1 1x16ptn 1.18 18.90 A silken smooth, yet refreshingly light white chocolate cheese all aswirl A traditional biscuit base topped with cream cheese blended with fresh with vibrant red raspberry. Hand-fired and glazed in simple elegance. cream, finished with sliced strawberries. Pavlovas Meringues & Pavlovas 50791  Raspberry Pavlova 1 1x14ptn 1.50 21.00 Whole A crispy meringue base with cream filling, topped with meringue 90047 Sidoli Lemon Meringue Pie 1 1x12ptn 1.11 13.30 68245 Chantilly Patisserie Toffee Profiterole Cheesecake petals, whole raspberries and glazed. 57472 Sweet Street Salted Caramel Brulee Cheesecake A traditional short crust pastry case with a zesty lemon filling, topped with a generous helping of meringue & baked to perfection. Gateaux & Tortes 86484 Banoffi Meringue Roulade 1 2x10ptn 1.05 21.07 44283 Zesty Citrus Cream Torte 1 1x16ptn 1.25 20.04 A biscuit base topped with layers of lemon cream, sweet moist lemon sponge 58255 Lemon Meringue Roulade 1 2x10ptn 1.05 21.07 and decorated with lemon curd and Cape gooseberries. 45873 Raspberry & White Chocolate Roulade 1 2x10ptn 1.05 21.07 47637 Rustic Chocolate Medley 1 1x16ptn 1.30 20.80 77239 Raspberry & Hazelnut Roulade 1 2x10ptn 1.05 21.07 Layers of chocolate truffle and moist chocolate sponge, topped with an Pre-Portioned assortment of chocolates and a rich chocolate drizzle. 36049 Sidoli Lemon Meringue Pie 1 1x12p/ptn 1.11 13.30 Sweet Street Desserts 45746 Lemon Raspberry Crumb Bar 1 1x16p/ptn 1.00 16.09† A refreshingly tart lemon curd graciously married with bright raspberries all sitting on a buttery cake and crisp crust. Finished with crunchy crumbs and a dusting of powdered sugar. 86475 Caramel Carrot Cake 1 1x12p/ptn 1.82 21.88† Moist, spiced carrot cake baked with walnuts, pineapple chunks and raisins. 50791 Eaton’s Patisserie Raspberry Pavlova Filled with a tangy cream cheese icing and a caramel walnut cream. 39177 Sweet Street New York Cheesecake Drizzled with caramel. 15986 Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack 1 1x8p/ptn 1.70 13.63† S weet and salty peanut butter crunch, light and creamy milk chocolate and buttery caramel layered twice on brownie cake. Finished with peanuts. 26367 Rockslide Brownie 1 1x16p/ptn 1.21 19.34† A rich, but surprisingly light textured brownie topped with butter-luscious caramel, piled high with brownie cubes,toasted pecans and drizzled with milk chocolate ganache.

86475 Sweet Street Desserts Caramel Carrot Cake 45873 Raspberry & White Chocolate Roulade

15986 Sweet Street Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack 26367 Sweet Street Rockslide Brownie 36049 Sidoli Lemon Meringue Pie 37376 Sweet Street Raspberry & White Chocolate Brulee Cheesecake

208 209

UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE UNITS UNIT PRICE PRICE PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT PER CASE OF SALE KG.PTN PER UNIT Sidoli Freezer To Table Desserts Individual Ice Cream 90021 Whole Orange Givree 1 1x6 1.44 8.62†

Desserts 33005 Lightly Lemony 1 1x14p/ptn 1.39 19.46* 90020 Whole Lemon Givree 1 1x6 1.44 8.62† Desserts A round digestive base topped with layers of tangy lemon sherbet,clotted cream flavour ice cream and lemon curd. The surface is then topped with a Individual Desserts layer of demerara crumble and finished with a sprinkling of white chocolate meringue pieces and feathered with lemon curd. Fischer 41471 Parfait Caramel 1 24x135ml 1.25 30.08† Individual Ice Cream Desserts A caramel sauce surrounded by caramel ice cream with caramel Ice Cream - Freezer To Table (Vanier) pieces then covered in chocolate. 69877 Raspberry Pavlova 1 1x16 1.86 29.74† 74210 Mint Parfait 1 24x135ml 1.25 30.08† 54420 Vanier Mango & Passionfruit Cheesecake A simply wonderful raspberry ice cream with fruit pieces piped on an Italian 8946 Sidoli Individual Gluten Free Syrup Sponge Pudding A centre of dark chocolate sauce surrounded in mint ice cream, meringue base coupled with a raspberry puree and the creamiest of vanilla covered in dark chocolate. ices crowned with a light and crunchy meringue rosette. Kids Desserts 70129 Toffee Topolino 1 1x16 1.84 29.40† 49735 Kuaky - Chocolate 1 1x12 1.21 14.49† A sumptuous toffee ice cream on an Italian meringue base, finished with vanilla ice cream containing crunchy praline pieces overflowing with a soft 57435 Punky - Vanilla 1 1x12 1.14 13.69† creamy toffee. Topped with a rosette of soft meringue. 40139 Vacky - Vanilla 1 1x12 1.21 14.49† 70384 White Chocolate & Blackcurrant Florette 1 1x16 1.92 30.74† 18960 Barry - Vanilla 1 1x12 1.21 14.49† A hand crafted white chocolate florette surrounding a meringue base topped 81599 Toro - Vanilla 1 1x12 1.21 14.49† Freezer to Table & Individual Puddings with a blackcurrant parfait, a full fruit sauce and white chocolate filigree. Puddings Kids & Individual 13389 Ice Cream Sponge Rolls 12 3x13” 11.07 54420  Mango & Passionfruit Cheesecake 1 1x20 1.83 36.54† An intriguing mixture of cheesecake and ice cream form a lovely smooth vanilla D Sidoli Ice Cream Sundaes layer on a gluten free crunch base. Topped with soft mango & passionfruit sauce 21430 Chocolate Dream Delight 1 12x150g 1.08 12.94† with mango pieces. Finished with hand piped chocolate decoration. 12781 Toffee Dream Delight 1 12x150g 1.08 12.94† 35786 Lemon Ice Cream Cheesecake 1 1x20 1.83 36.54† 13033 Strawberry Dream Delight 1 12x150g 1.08 12.94† 82820 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Profiteroles A fresh tasting cheesecake ice cream in a petal shape, on a base of crunch, with Chocolate Sauce decorated with a mouth watering lemon sauce and a soft meringue, with 49657 Sidoli Gluten Free Apple & Blackberry Crumble D Sidoli Ice Cream Sundaes crunchy zest meringue pieces and chocolate filigree. 22949 Caramel Toffee Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† Profiteroles 58748 Chocolate Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† 49169 Mint Chocolate Swirl Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† 82820 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Profiteroles with Chocolate Sauce 1 Av 70 0.28 19.80 15057 Raspberry Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† Individual Desserts 66374 Strawberry Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† Individual Tartlettes (Chantilly Patisserie) 89911 Wildberry Ripple Sundae 1 1x6 1.15 6.89† 79661 Tarte au Citron 1 1x16 1.80 28.80 Cool Delights Insulated Tubs Lemons, egg and cream simply baked in a classical tartlette. 68983 Vanilla Ice Cream 1 60x80ml 0.14 8.57† Deluxe Individuals (Chantilly Patisserie) 50247 Strawberry Mousse 1 60x90ml 0.14 8.67† 45372 Luxury Summer Pudding 1 1x12 1.93 23.20 Individual Portion Mousse Traditional summer berry pudding with marinated fruits and berries. 81467 Strawberry Mousse 10 10x105ml 0.29 2.95 Hot Desserts 56527 Chocolate Mousse 10 10x105ml 0.29 2.95 48787 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Individual 81718 Raspberry Ripple Mousse 10 10x105ml 0.29 2.95 Sticky Toffee Pudding 41471  Fisher Parfait Caramel 48787 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sticky Toffee Pudding 1 12x220g 1.33 16.00 92193 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Chocolate Pudding 1 12x220g 1.33 16.00 73693 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Ginger Pudding 1 12x220g 1.33 16.00 43527 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Treacle Pudding 1 12x220g 1.33 16.00 ORDER ONLINE 25238 Belgian Waffles 1 20x90g 0.48 9.68 46553 Blackberry & Apple Crumble 1 12x150g 1.25 15.01 Individual portions of baked apple and blackberry fruit filling topped with crunchy crumble. 56813 Rhubarb & Apple Crumble 1 12x150g 1.25 15.01 I ndividual portions of baked rhubarb and apple fruit filling topped Did you know you can place with crunchy crumble. your Hunt’s order online? 66333 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Spotted Dick 1 12x130g 0.80 9.55 32539 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Chocolate Chip Sponge 1 12x130g 0.80 9.55 Our platform is quick and easy to use 88140 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforcel Golden Syrup Sponge 1 12x130g 0.80 9.55 and you can place your order whenever, wherever you like. 25238 Belgian Waffles 81975 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Jam Sponge 1 12x130g 0.80 9.55 18960 Barry - Vanilla 51776 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Sticky Toffee Sponge 1 12x130g 0.80 9.55 Save time and be in control. 89461 Sidoli Individual Gluten Free Syrup Sponge Pudding 1 12x150g 1.32 15.80 Individual portions of gluten free sponge pudding with a light syrup See pages 12-13 for more information. sauce topping. 49657 Sidoli Gluten Free Apple & Blackberry Crumble 1 12x175g 1.48 17.74 20954 Ladybird Blackberry & Apple Crumble 1 1x10 1.55 15.54† This all time classic fruit combo set off beautifully in a farmhouse style crumble tart surround. 57910 Chantilly Bread & Butter Pudding 1 1x12 1.95 23.40 Traditional pudding layered with fruits and spices baked with Royale custard and muscovado sugar.

You can order from any web enabled device 81975 Chefs’ Selections by Caterforce Individual Jam Sponge 1303 Sidoli Strawberry Dream Delight

210 211 Desserts


Mövenpick Our award winning  avours are meticulously sourced from around the world to create the perfect serve, every time


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® Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. 212 213

UNITS UNIT PRICE PER CASE OF SALE PER UNIT Mövenpick Luxury Ice Cream Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 30532  Vanilla 1 5lt 23.06† Premium vanilla ice cream with real vanilla, including the most precious part - the seeds of the vanilla bean. 85567 Strawberry 1 5lt 27.21† A creamy, fruity and refreshing ice cream embellished with strawberry pieces. 81920 Swiss Chocolate 1 5lt 25.11† Premium Swiss Chocolate shavings blended in a cream ice cream. 68270 White Chocolate 2 2.4lt 14.50† 30532 Vanilla Ice Cream A white chocolate ice cream with fine chocolate shavings that melt on your tongue. 76918 Panna Cotta Raspberry 2 2.4lt 12.66† The classic Italian dessert, a lavish blend of Swiss cream with an enticing ripple of fresh raspberry coulis. 33927 Banana 2 2.4lt 12.50† A delectable blend of delicate ice cream and refreshing banana sorbet, enhanced with pieces of banana. 64875 Maple Walnut 2 2.4lt 13.24† Wall’s Ice CreamIce & Sorbet Delicate caramelised walnuts mixed with premium maple syrup make this ice cream pure pleasure. 56226 Pistachio 2 2.4lt 15.55† A traditional, rich and creamy flavour, combined with delightfully crunchy pieces of pistachio. 17636 Rum & Raisin 2 2.4lt 12.82† Inspired by the flavours of Jamaica, this ice cream combines 51224 Mint Chocolate Ice Cream exquisite raisins with rum sauce. 22638 Cappuccino 2 2.4lt 12.66† Aromatic coffee ice cream enriched with mild cream and melt-in-your-mouth chocolate pieces. 51224  Mint Chocolate 2 2.4lt 12.71† Refreshing mint ice cream with crunchy pieces of chocolate. 42576 Caramelita 2 2.4lt 13.55† Temptingly sweet pieces of caramel in a rich and creamy ice cream. 17943 Creme Brulee 2 2.4lt 12.50† Traditional Crème Brulee in the form of an ice cream. 34179  Hazelnut 2 2.4lt 13.55† Caramelised hazelnut pieces add a crunchy and sweet note to this tempting ice cream. 42282 Double Cream & Meringue 2 2.4lt 15.55† The taste and texture of Swiss double cream from Gruyère with caramel coulis and pieces of meringue. 34179 Hazelnut Ice Cream 75806 Coconut & Swiss Chocolate 2 2.4lt 14.92† Coconut ice cream, perfectly paired with Swiss chocolate ice cream and enhanced with delicate coconut pieces. 13408 Blackcurrants & Cream 2 2.4lt 15.23† Smoothest panna ice cream is the perfect companion for pure Swiss cream with a velvet-textured blackcurrant sorbet.. 73143 Mango & Cream 2 2.4lt 15.23† The smoothest panna ice cream made only of Swiss cream is the perfect partner for this refreshing mango puree sorbet.. 24293 Vanilla Brownie 2 2.4lt 12.72† The famous Bourbon Vanilla of Madagascar ice cream from Mövenpick enriched with generous pieces of brownie and with a fine caramel coulis. Sorbet Mövenpick Luxury Fruit Sorbets 82172 Lemon 2 2.4lt 10.61† 13885 Lemon & Lime Sorbet 13885 Lemon & Lime 2 2.4lt 11.17† 44102 Raspberry 2 2.4lt 14.85-† 47578 Raspberry & Strawberry 2 2.4lt 15.02† 47829 Blackcurrant 2 2.4lt 12.71† 39181 Mango 2 2.4lt 13.34† 13487 Passion Fruit & Mango 2 2.4lt 14.18† 87480 Pear 2 2.4lt 12.00†

39181 Mango Sorbet

216 217

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Wall’s Cornetto Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 4892 NEW Caramel Crunch 24x120ml £23.28* £1.50 4772 Classico 24x125ml £20.40* £1.30 6639 Strawberry 24x120ml £20.40* £1.30 4203 Classico £1 PMP WSL 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 5740 Strawberry WSL 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 8894 Mint 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 4652 Mint £1 PMP WSL 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 5340 Chocolate WSL 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 5756 Chocolate £1 PMP WSL 30x90ml £19.50* £1.00 3364 Peanut Butter Love 24x120ml £23.28* £1.50 5410 Cookies & Cream Dream 24x120ml £23.28* £1.50 Wall’s 6748 NEW Double Peanut Butter 20x80ml £24.60* £1.90 3802 NEW Double Chocolate 20x80ml £24.60* £1.90 Wall’s Impulse Ice Cream Ice Impulse 7496 NEW Double Caramel 20x80ml £24.60* £1.90 2210 NEW Honeycomb 20x100ml £24.60* £1.90 7861 Classic 20x120ml £23.40* £1.80 7774 White 20x110ml £23.40* £1.80 5890 Mint 20x100ml £23.40* £1.80 9636 Almond 20x120ml £23.40* £1.80 4517 Infinity 20x100ml £24.60* £1.90 7691 Pink Raspberry 20x100ml £24.60* £1.90 1903 Black Espresso WSL 20x100ml £24.60* £1.90 Wall’s 7178 Exotic 25x90ml £21.00* £1.25 1028 Mojito WSL 35x65ml £28.60* £1.25 9293 NEW Red Berries 25x90ml £21.00* £1.25 Wall’s Chocolate Snack 6835 Feast 35x90ml £22.40* £1.00 8269 Feast Mint 35x90ml £22.40* £1.00 7607 NEW Feast Bar 30x60ml £19.50* £1.00 Wall’s Children’s Range 6957 Mini Milk (Choc, Van & Straw) 44x35ml £14.04* £0.50 7865 Twister 35x80ml £22.75* £1.00 8051 NEW Twister Blackcurrant 35x80ml £22.75* £1.00 7353 Orange 24x105ml £15.60* £1.00 1360 Calippo Bubblegum 24x105ml £15.60* £1.00 8496 Calippo Shots 24x163ml £19.44* £1.25 6062 NEW Calippo Shots Chuppa Chups Lemon Cola 24x77ml £19.44* £1.25 6500 Haribo Push Up 30x85ml £24.30* £1.25 3279 Funny Feet 25x79ml £16.25* £1.00 5894 Music Tornado 30x78ml £19.50* £1.00 Cornetto Soft Dispensing 7168 Soft Vanilla 15x145ml £12.66* £1.60 7167 Soft Vanilla Choc Chip 15x145ml £12.66* £1.60 7169 Soft Strawberry 15x145ml £12.66* £1.60 3913 Soft Caramel 15x145ml £12.66* £1.60

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

218 219 Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Lickalix OkoBay

220 221

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Nestlé Children’s Lines Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 9057 Smarties Push Up 20x85ml £17.33* £1.30 9313 Rowntree’s Fruit Pastille 32x75ml £20.27* £0.95 6789 Fab Strawberry 32x58ml £20.27* £0.95 4117 Rowntree Fruit Screamers 18x75ml £19.20* £1.60 3002 Milkybar Ice Cream Stick 32x32ml £12.80* £0.60 Nestlé Ice Cream Snacks 5162 Maxibon Cookie 24x150ml £25.60* £1.60 2111 Nobbly Bobbly Natural 24x70ml £14.40* £0.90 7200 Toffee Crumble 24x70ml £14.40* £0.90 9504 Kit Kat Cone 24x125ml £25.60* £1.60 Nestlé Adult Indulgence 6321 NEW Daim Stick 20x110ml £21.33* £1.60 Treats Adult R&R Impluse Ice Cream Ice Impluse 6256 Festival Original 24x85ml £13.60* £0.85 7995 Festival Mint 24x85ml £13.60* £0.85 3992 Luxury Classic Stick WSL 24x120ml £22.40* £1.40 7375 Luxury White Stick WSL 24x120ml £22.40* £1.40 Treats Refreshment 5 352 Strawberry Split 20x73ml £11.33* £0.85 7429 Refresher Cider 20x70ml £11.33* £0.85 9321 Bubblegum Lolly 24x55ml £9.60* £0.60 Treat’s Children’s Lines 5289 Zzapp 30x70ml £17.00* £0.85 1842 5 Ice 20x85ml £11.33* £0.85 4763 Snocreme Vanilla 48x53ml £16.00* £0.50 5669 NEW Whizzer Ice Cream 30x80ml £15.00* £0.75 Cadbury Impulse 7065 Flake Original Cone 24x125ml £25.60* £1.60 4390 Flake Strawberry Cone 24x125ml £25.60* £1.60 9424 Dairy Milk Swirl 24x100ml £25.60* £1.60 4815 Dream 24x100ml £25.60* £1.60 1334 Crunchie Blast Stick 24x100ml £25.60* £1.60 5557 Caramel Stick 24x100ml £25.60* £1.60 1948 NEW Marvellous Popping Candy Stick 20x90ml £21.33* £1.60 8957 NEW Button Cone 24x100ml £16.00* £1.00 Refreshing Impulse 9389 Fruit Shoot Apple & Blackcurrant Squeeze Up 24x110ml £14.40* £0.90 5224 Fruit Shoot Orange Squeeze Up 24x110ml £14.40* £0.90 2155 R Whites Lemonade Lolly 24x75ml £16.00* £1.00 8342 Del Monte 100% Orange Juice 24x75ml £19.20* £1.20 Oreo 9810 Oreo Cone 24x130ml £22.40* £1.40 6609 Oreo Cookie Sandwich 24x135ml £25.60* £1.60 1378 Oreo Cookie Stick 20x100ml £21.33* £1.60

224 225

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Häagen Dazs 100ml Tubs Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 4867 Vanilla 12x100ml £14.57* £1.75 7448 Cookies & Cream 12x100ml £14.57* £1.75 7846 Strawberry Cheesecake 12x100ml £14.57* £1.75 2818 Pralines & Cream 12x100ml £14.57* £1.75 Häagen Dazs Ice Cream Sticks 6622 NEW Salted Caramel Stick 12x80ml £15.99* £2.29 8036 NEW Vanilla, Caramel & Almond Stick 12x80ml £15.99* £2.29 3937 NEW White Almond Stick 12x80ml £15.99* £2.29 2056 Cookie Cream Stick WSL 24x80ml £27.70* £1.85 Lovingtons Traditional Dairy Ice Creams & Real Fruit Sorbets 8694 Blackberry 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 6294 Blood Orange Sorbet 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 5161 Chocolate Chip 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 3155 Clotted Cream Vanilla 20x125ml £16.09* £1.29 Haagen Daz Haagen Impulse Ice Cream Ice Impulse 6271 Double Caramel Chocolate 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 5560 Green Apple Sorbet 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 3753 Lemon Zest Sorbet 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 1581 Mango & Passionfruit Sorbet 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 1942 Mint Chocolate Chunk 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 8834 Raspberry Ripple 20x125ml £16.09* £1.29 4687 Cornish Sea Salted Caramel 20x125ml £16.09* £1.29 5783 Strawberries & Cream 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 3144 Ginger 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 6325 Lovingtons Vanilla 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29 2543 White Choc & Choc Honeycomb 20x125ml £15.39* £1.29

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

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226 227

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Franco’s Ices Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 7512 NEW Lemonade Refresher 1x30 £7.94* £0.80 8986 NEW La Festa Choc 1x24 £13.66* £0.90 4298 NEW La Festa Mint 1x24 £13.66* £0.90 3062 NEW Salted Caramel Lolly 1x20 £9.95* £1.20 7929 Mr Bubble Lollies 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 8826 Lemonade Flavour Lollies 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 7242 Cola Flavour Lollies 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 9858 Cherry Brandy Flavour Lollies 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 4192 Orange Flavour Lolly 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 6882 Raspberry Flavour Lolly 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 6718 Banana Flavour Lolly 1x30 £6.50* £0.60 4294 Mr Snow 1x24 £7.89* £0.55 3714 Cider Refresher 1x30 £7.94* £0.80 4702 Orange Refresher 1x30 £7.94* £0.80 5138 Clown Push Up 1x24 £15.48* £1.15 Franco’s Ices Impulse Ice Cream Ice Impulse 3148 Rockets 1x36 £6.82* £0.60 6555 Mr Magic 1x24 £11.82* £0.90 2238 Blackcurrant Ice 1x24 £13.14* £0.95 4758 Choc-O-Lic 1x30 £7.87* £0.65 6246 Fruit Twizzle 1x20 £11.79* £0.90 1269 Strawberry Splits 1x30 £9.80* £0.80 4787 Sonny Cola 1x24 £11.39* £0.90 6303 Sonny Orange 1x24 £11.39* £0.90 4403 Splendor Chocolate 1x12 £10.37* £1.40 8237 Splendor Mint 1x12 £10.37* £1.40 4087 Splendor Strawberry 1x12 £10.37* £1.40 3430 Mystic Cone Strawberry 1x24 £14.95* £1.10 9952 Mystic Cone Choc & Nut 1x24 £14.95* £1.10 6581 Mystic Cone Mint 1x24 £14.95* £1.10 9509 Maxilove 1x30 £19.50* £1.25 1434 Smurf 1x20 £9.95* £0.90 8287 Monty White 1x20 £15.50* £1.60 1519 Monty Classic 1x20 £15.50* £1.60 7202 Lemon Ice Push Up 1x24 £13.14* £0.90 1399 Toffee Dream 1x22 £11.00* £0.90 3269 Wassup 1x30 £10.41* £0.80 8754 NEW Swap Ice 1x30 £7.49* £0.80 6626 NEW Whammy £1x30 £15.50* £1.15

Did you know you can place ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download to a csv file.

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See pages 12-13 for more information.

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PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Ice Impressions Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 2366 Big Caramel Crunch 110ml 1x20 £19.00* £1.49 5941 Big Grande Chocolate 1x20 £19.00* £1.49 5695 Big White Maestro 1X20 £19.00* £1.49 9658 Big Cookie Maestro 1X20 £20.50* £1.59 9833 Big Mint Maestro 1X20 £19.00* £1.49 6692 Big Strawberry Maestro 1X20 £20.50* £1.59 1211 Daddy Cool 1X16 £7.58* £0.79 9222 Mio Mint Cone 1x16 £11.80* £1.30 1726 Mio Strawberry Cone 1x16 £11.80* £1.30 2223 Mio Vanilla & Nut Cone 1x16 £11.80* £1.30 6773 Mio Vanilla & Chocolate Cone 1x16 £11.80* £1.30 3056 Shuffle Orange Ice Lolly 1x20 £6.50* £0.50 6208 Space Runner 1x30 £4.90* £0.30 9093 Monster Ice Cream Push Up 1x24 £16.69* £1.20 4503 Peppa Pig Ice Cream Stick 1x20 £9.29* £0.80 Mars Impulse Ice Cream Ice Impulse 9019 NEW Minion Ice Cream Lolly 1x24 £11.69* £0.99 2433 NEW Talletto Orange 1x24 £8.80* £0.59 9185 NEW Talletto Strawberry 1x24 £8.80* £0.59 Mars Ice Cream Bars 5686 Mars Ice Cream Bar 24x74ml £23.24* £1.49 2877 Snickers Ice Cream Bar 24x72.5ml £23.24* £1.49 1585 Twix Ice Cream 24x58.5ml £23.24* £1.49 7454 Bounty Ice Cream Bar 24x66.1ml £23.24* £1.49 Mars Ice Cream Sticks 5572 Maltesers Teasers Stick 24x90ml £27.46* £1.76 Galaxy Ice Cream 9917 Galaxy Almond 20x94ml £20.80* £1.60 5729 Galaxy Caramel Swirls Stick 25x88ml £26.00* £1.60 4231 Galaxy Vanilla Bar 28x60ml £13.65* £0.75 M&M Ice Cream 5180 M&M Ice Cream Cone 24x110ml £25.74* £1.65

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PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Yarde Farm Tubs Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 6416 NEW Dairy Salted Caramel 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 5169 Blackcurrant & Clotted Cream 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 9027 Bubblegum 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 9334 Chunkie Chocolate 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 1504 Clotted Cream Vanilla 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 7424 Honeycomb Delight 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 1324 Lemon Sorbet 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 7597 Mint Choc Chip 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 5527 Rum & Raisin 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 6360 Strawberries & Clotted Cream 12x120ml £7.69* £1.19 Ben & Jerry’s 100ml Cups + Wich 8930 Chocolate Fudge Brownie 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 8850 Cookie Dough 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 2227 Caramel Chew Chew 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 Marshfield Farm Marshfield Impulse Ice Cream Ice Impulse 5612 Vanilla 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 2924 Strawberry Cheesecake 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 1525 Peanut Butter Cup 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 9528 Frozen Yoghurt Vanilla Honey Caramel WSL 12x100ml £12.00* £1.50 4322 NEW Wich Cookie Dough 20x80ml £36.00* £2.49 7497 NEW Wich Fudge Brownie 20x80ml £36.00* £2.49 Kelly’s 120ml Mini Pots 2009 Vanilla 24x120ml £24.00* £1.50 2018 Strawberries & Cream 24x120ml £24.00* £1.50 2006 Chocolate 24x120ml £24.00* £1.50 2912 Honeycomb Crunch 24x120ml £24.00* £1.50 Roskilly’s Mini Cups 4660 Caramel Crunch 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 6897 Chocolate 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 6620 Clotted Cream 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 2751 Mint Choc Chip 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 1791 Orange & Mascarpone 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 4252 Strawberries & Cream 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 4532 Pear & Elderflower 24x120ml £20.76* £1.70 Marshfield Farm Dairy Ice Cream 125ml Tubs 9063 Sunny Vanilla 12x125ml £7.00* £1.09 (Fresh Double Cream & Butter, Traditional Cornish recipe) 6949 Very Vanilla (Award Winner) 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 6950 Succulent Strawberry 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 6951 Chocoholic Heaven 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 6953 Toffee Fudge Fiasco 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 9436 Honey & Stem Ginger 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 4045 Rich Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 7682 Fresh Lemon Sorbet (Award Winner) 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 1312 Mint Choc Chip 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 9021 Heavenly Honeycomb 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 2693 Blackcurrant & Clotted Cream 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 8074 NEW Vanilla Clotted Cream 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 7851 NEW Strawberry & Clotted Cream 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 7957 NEW Salted Caramel 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29 6435 NEW Bubblegum 12x125ml £9.20* £1.29

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

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PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Häagen-Dazs 500ml Take Home Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 1268 NEW Macadamia Nut Brittle 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 8541 NEW Summer Berries & Cream 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3568 Vanilla 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3563 Belgian Chocolate 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3567 Strawberries & Cream 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3565 Cookies & Cream 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3566 Pralines & Cream 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3576 Strawberry Cheesecake 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3841 Cookie Dough Chip 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3570 Baileys 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 7434 Salted Caramel 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 4159 NEW Chocolate Salted Caramel 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 3593 NEW Coffee 8x500ml £30.74* £5.62 Häagen-Dazs 300ml Take Home Ben & Jerry’s Ben Take Cream Ice Home 2380 NEW Cookies & Cream £3.50 PMP 6x300ml £15.64* £3.50 6362 NEW Salted Caramel £3.50 PMP 6x300ml £15.64* £3.50 3704 NEW Strawberry Cheesecake £3.50 PMP 6x300ml £15.64* £3.50 1937 NEW Vanilla £3.50 PMP 6x300ml £15.64* £3.50 Ben & Jerry’s 500ml Take Home 1371 Phish Food 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 1750 Chocolate Fudge Brownie 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 4814 Cookie Dough 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 2183 Caramel Chew Chew 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 9157 Half Baked 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 4534 Peanut Butter Cup 8x500ml £30.00* £5.59 9812 S'Wich UP 8x500ml £30.80* £5.59 5681 NEW Spec-u-Love Cookie Core 8x500ml £30.80* £5.75 7348 NEW Utter Peanut Butter Cookie Core 8x500ml £30.80* £5.75 3307 NEW What-a-Lotta Chocolate Cookie Core 8x500ml £30.80* £5.75 Roskilly’s 500ml Tubs 8426 Caramel Crunch 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 9422 Chocolate 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 6691 Clotted Cream Vanilla 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 4656 Cornish Fudge 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 8033 Mint Choc Crisp 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 7745 Raspberry Yoghurt Ice 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 9322 Strawberries & Cream 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 8583 Strawberry Cream Tea 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 6224 NEW Lemon Sorbet 6x500ml £17.13* £4.80 Marshfield 500ml 5967 NEW Blackcurrant in Clotted Cream 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 4073 NEW Caramel Fudge in Clotted Cream 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 2165 NEW Chocolate Fudge Brownie 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 3437 NEW Cookies in Clotted Cream 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 9715 NEW Luscious Lemon 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 6775 NEW Salted Caramel 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 7334 NEW Strawberries in Clotted Cream 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 9083 NEW Vanilla Clotted Cream 6x500ml £11.94* £3.49 Childhay Manor by Yarde Farm 5042 Chunkie Chocolate 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69 2296 Clotted Cream Vanilla 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69 9860 Honeycomb Delight 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69 1859 Mint Choc Chip 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69 2690 Rum & Raisin 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69 7067 Strawberries ‘n’ Cream 6x500ml £10.60* £2.69

234 235

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Wall’s Take Home Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 9336 Wall’s Soft Scoop Vanilla 6x1.8ltr £10.38* £2.49 1688 Wall’s Classic Cornish Vanilla 6x1ltr £13.20* £3.29 Wall’s Take Home 6004 Vanilla Original 6x650ml £11.70* £2.85 6099 Mint 6x650ml £11.71* £2.85 7602 Vanilla Original £1.65 PMP 6x650ml £6.66* £1.65 Carte D’or 5957 Vanilla 6x900ml £16.50* £3.99 5319 Rum & Raisin 6x900ml £16.50* £3.99 2438 Strawberry 6x900ml £16.50* £3.99 1215 Classic Caramel 6x900ml £16.50* £3.99 9364 Praline 6x900ml £16.50* £3.99 4027 NEW Gelateria Lemon Meringue 6x900ml £18.30* £4.49 8670 Gelateria Caffe Latte 6x900ml £18.30* £4.49 Wall’s Take Cream Ice Home 5852 Gelateria Chocolate Inspiration 6x900ml £18.30* £4.49 6461 Gelateria Salted Caramel 6x900ml £18.30* £4.49 1771 NEW Exotic Mango Sorbet 8x500ml £22.00* £3.90 6388 NEW Sicilian Lemon Sorbet 8x500ml £22.00* £3.90 9087 NEW Sweet Strawberry Sorbet 8x500ml £22.00* £3.90 Magnum 3180 4 Magnum Classic 10x4 £30.50* £4.59 7847 6 Mini Magnums Classic, Dark & Mint 6x360ml £19.20* £4.29 5745 6 Mini Magnums Baileys 6x360ml £19.20* £4.29 Cornetto 1952 4 Cornetto Strawberry 6x4x90ml £9.80* £2.49 Lovington’s Traditional Dairy Ice Cream 1626 Blackberry 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 4724 Clotted Cream 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 1706 Coffee 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 5395 Double Caramel Chocolate 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 6399 Honeycomb 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 9161 Lemon Meringue 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 4074 Mint Chocolate 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 4738 Raspberry Ripple 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 6126 Cornish Sea Salted Caramel 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 4828 Ginger 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 8465 Double Cream Vanilla Bean 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 8570 NEW Chocolate Chip 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 8964 NEW Vanilla 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49 9749 NEW White Chocolate Honeycomb 6x500ml £10.99* £3.49

236 237

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Cadbury Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 6535 4 Cadbury Buttons Cones £2.00 PMP 6x4 £8.20** £2.00 1027 4 Crunchie Bars £1.50 PMP 12x4 £12.30** £1.50 3610 Flake Tub £3.00 PMP 6x480ml £12.30** £3.00 2117 Oreo Tub £3.00 PMP 6x480ml £12.30** £3.00 7949 NEW Daim Tub £3.00 PMP 6x480ml £12.30** £3.00 Take Home Multi Packs 8504 6 Barrett Refresher £1.00 PMP 12x6 £8.20** £1.00 2477 6 Del Monte Fruitini 8x6 £5.47** £1.00 7161 6 Vimto Push Up £1.00 PMP 12x6 £8.20** £1.00 Ice Cubes & Magic Stick Pops 11713 Ice Cubes 6x2kg £4.99 N 3409 Mr Freeze Ice Pops Cola & Raspberry 80x90ml £6.95* £0.20 Lyons Maid Take Home Lyons Maid Take Cream Ice Home 5277 Ice Cream Roll £1.50 PMP 12x250g £12.30** £1.50 8840 Vanilla Brick £1.50 PMP 12x1ltr £12.30** £1.50 2132 Vanilla 6x2ltr £10.25** £2.50 3601 Neapolitan £1.75 PMP 6x1ltr £7.18** £1.75 4061 Vanilla £1.75 PMP 6x1ltr £7.18** £1.75 6175 Raspberry Ripple £1.75 PMP 6x1ltr £7.18** £1.75 5132 4 Strawberry Cones £1.25 PMP 6x4 £5.13** £1.25 2740 4 Strawberry Splits £1.00 PMP 6x4 £8.20** £1.00 1737 NEW 8 Choc Ices £1.25 PMP 12x8 £10.25** £1.25 4980 NEW 3 Chocolate Sticks £1.25 PMP 8x3 £6.83** £1.25 Franco’s Takehome 8182 NEW 6 Rockets £1.50 PMP 8x6 £8.00** £1.50 1539 6 Screwballs £1.50 PMP 8x6 £8.00** £1.50 7622 6 Mr Bubble £1.25 PMP 8x6 £7.50** £1.25 2197 8 Lemon & Lime Pops £2.00 PMP 8x8 £10.80** £2.00 1524 8 Orange Splits £2.00 PMP 8x8 £10.80** £2.00 4350 NEW 6 Banana Lollies £1.25 PMP 10x6 £7.50 £1.25 Hunt’s Soft Scoop 1ltr 32076 Vanilla 4x1ltr £5.76* 81432 Raspberry Ripple 4x1ltr £5.80* Hunt’s Soft Scoop 2 Litre 80147 Vanilla 1x2ltr £2.71* Mars 3989 4 Mars Pack 12x4x51ml £16.02* £2.08 9189 4 Snickers Pack 12x4x53ml £16.02* £2.08 Nestlé 3184 6 Strawberry Fab £2.00 PMP 8x6 £10.93** £2.00 9611 NEW After Eight Dessert £2.00 PMP 6x750ml £8.20** £2.00

238 239

PACK UNIT RSP 1x4 Litre 1x5 Litre SIZE PRICE Code Price Code Price Marshfield Farm 1 Litre Marshfield Scooping Marshfield Farm Real Dairy Ice Cream “Locally Made” with 70% Organic Dairy Milk Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Very Vanilla (Award Winner) IMPROVED 6973 £14.50* 2207 £18.10* 6963 Very Vanilla (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Succulent Strawberry 6974 £14.50* 9591 £18.10* 6964 Succulent Strawberry 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Chocoholic Heaven 6975 £14.50* 1887 £18.10* 7005 Chocoholic Heaven 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Coffee Mocha 6976 £14.50* 4547 £18.10* 7007 Mint Choc Chip 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Mint Choc Chip 6977 £14.50* 9115 £18.10* 5167 Choc Fudge Brownie (Contains Gluten) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Chocolate Fudge Brownie (Contains Gluten) 1432 £14.50* 9186 £18.10* 7009 Toffee Fudge Fiasco 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Toffee Fudge Fiasco 6979 £14.50* 9191 £18.10* 7010 Rum & Raisin 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 2207, 6973 Very Vanilla Rum & Raisin 6981 £14.50* 3507 £18.10* 3607 White Choc & Honeycomb Crunch (Contains Gluten) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 White Choc & Honeycomb Crunch (Contains Gluten) 6075 £14.50* 7720 £18.10* 5333 Honey & Stem Ginger 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Honey & Stem Ginger 5387 £14.50* 6739 £18.10* 4986 Caribbean Coconut 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Caribbean Coconut 8073 £14.50* 2880 £18.10* 4142 Cookies & Cream (Contains Gluten) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Cookies & Cream (Contains Gluten) 1317 £14.50* 9200 £18.10* 5825 Blackcurrants in Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Blackcurrants in Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 5903 £14.50* 6020 £18.10* 7328 Heavenly Honeycomb 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Heavenly Honeycomb 8070 £14.50* 4668 £18.10* 7011 Rich Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Rich Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 6984 £14.50* 9131 £18.10* Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping Take Cream Ice Home 8479 Raspberry Pavlova (Contains Gluten) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Raspberry Pavlova (Contains Gluten) 8149 £14.50* 2189 £18.10* 6996 Fresh Lemon Sorbet (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Caramel Fudge in Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 8968 £14.50* 3168 £18.10* 6998 Luscious Mango Sorbet (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Sunny Vanilla (Double Cream Cornish Recipe) 9915 £10.20* 1032 £12.75* 8166 Blackcurrant Sorbet 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Fresh Lemon Sorbet (Award Winner) WSL N/A £9.05* 5977 £18.10* 4147 Caramel Fudge in Clotted Cream (Award Winner) 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Raspberry Sorbet WSL N/A 3551 £18.10* 7006 Coffee Mocha 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Blackcurrant Sorbet WSL N/A 3213 £18.10* 9591, 6974 Succulent Strawberry 9221 Strawberries in Clotted Cream 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Orange Sorbet WSL N/A 3550 £18.10* 1556 Mango Madness 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Funky Banana 2847 £14.50* 7527 £18.10* 9448 Funky Banana 1x1ltr £3.70* £5.59 Mango Madness IMPROVED 4820 £14.50* 1938 £18.10* Kelly’s 1 Litre Ice Cream Strawberries in Clotted Cream 6403 £14.50* 9346 £18.10* Morello Cherry & White Choc Chunk IMPROVED 7124 £14.50* 4205 £18.10* 4391 Dairy Vanilla WSL 6x1ltr £14.31* £3.49 Salted Caramel AWARD WINNER 3574 £14.50* 8089 £18.10* 4347 Clotted Cream Vanilla 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 Blueberry Bliss Frozen Yoghurt IMPROVED 6848 £14.50* 1404 £18.10* 8610 Honeycomb & Clotted Cream WSL 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 Candy Floss Crunch 7532 £14.50* 3778 £18.10* 1669 Clotted Cream Strawberries WSL 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 Lemon Crunch 7159 £14.50* 6960 £18.10* 3984 Blackcurrant & Clotted Cream WSL 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 NEW Gingerbread & Clotted Cream 1941 £14.50* 4459 £18.10* 4904 Raspberry & Clotted Cream WSL 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 NEW Chocolate Orange 6384 £14.50* 7365 £18.10* 2856 Salted Caramel WSL 6x1ltr £16.36* £3.99 NEW Marshfield Bubblegum 4394 £14.50* 9011 £18.10* Kelly’s 2 Litre Ice Cream 5715 Kelly’s Dairy Vanilla 6x2ltr £18.41* £4.49 6975, 1887 Chocoholic Heaven PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Kelly’s Cornish Parlour 950ml Ice Cream Brimbles Quality Ice Cream Scooping 9862 NEW Honeycomb Crunch 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 6989 Vanilla 1x4ltr £4.00** 7752 NEW Berry Eton Mess 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 6990 Strawberry 1x4ltr £4.70** 9382 NEW Chocolate Brownie Salted Caramel 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 6991 Chocolate 1x4ltr £4.70** 2848 NEW Lemon Curd Tart 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 8063 Raspberry Ripple 1x4ltr £5.40** 5854 NEW Praline Caramel 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 2083 Bubblegum WSL 1x5ltr £13.75** 7925 NEW Clotted Cream 6x950ml £16.36* £3.99 7015 Vanilla 1x10ltr £10.00**

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

7720, 6075 White Choc & Honeycomb Crunch

2880, 8073 Caribbean Coconut 9200, 1317 Cookies & Cream 2189, 8149 Raspberry Pavlova

240 241

PACK UNIT SIZE PRICE Marshfield Farm Cream Of Cornish 10 Litre Scooping Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 7495 Sunny Vanilla (Double Cream Cornish Recipe) 1x10ltr £21.00* Marshfield Farm Quality Fruit Sorbets (100% Dairy Free) Scooping 6999 Fresh Lemon (Award Winner) WSL 1x2ltr £7.40* 7001 Luscious Mango (Award Winner) WSL 1x2ltr £7.40* 2392 Blackcurrant WSL 1x2ltr £7.40* 6746 Raspberry WSL 1x2ltr £7.40* 4981 Orange WSL 1x2ltr £7.40* 9279 Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream Kelly’s Scooping 3038 Mint Choc Chip WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 1451 Toffee Chocolate Fudge WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 3040 Rum & Raisin WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 9811 Lemon Crunch WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 3036 Coffee Latte WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 8267 Rhubarb Crumble WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* Kelly's Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping 7661 Cookies & Cream WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 7111 Gingerbread WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 1488 Salted Caramel WSL 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 9279 Chocolate Coconut 2x4.5ltr £41.80* 8641 Cherry Pie & Custard 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 4143 Toffee Apple 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 9811 Lemon Crunch Ice Cream 9466 Blackcurrants & Clotted Cream 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 1983 Bubblegum 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 4964 Clotted Cream Vanilla Bean 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 7095 Candy Floss 1x4.5ltr £20.90* PRESENTING THE FULL 3475 Cherry Chocolate Brownie 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 5318 Chocolate Hazelnut 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 2016 RANGE! 4514 Chocolate 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 8107 Cornish Vanilla 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 7977 Cream Tea 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 7361 Eton Mess 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 6476 Stem Ginger 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 4010 Honey Caramel Swirl 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 6925 Mango Sorbet 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 1488 Salted Caramel Ice Cream 3497 Marmalade 1x4.5ltr £20.90* 3476 Strawberry 1x4.5ltr £20.90* Hunt’s Scooping 4 Litre Ice Cream 25239 Vanilla 1x4ltr £5.17** 89991 Strawberry 1x4ltr £5.17** 16842 Chocolate 1x4ltr £5.17** 30700 Coffee 1x4ltr £5.17** 88545 Raspberry Ripple 1x4ltr £5.17** 79896 Mint Choc Chip 1x4ltr £5.17**

8444 Mango Sorbet

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7001 Luscious Mango Sorbet You can order from any web enabled device

242 243 1x4 Litre 2x4.5 Litre Code Price Code Price Childhay Manor by Yarde Farm Real Dairy Scooping Ice Cream Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Apple Pie & Clotted Cream WSL 5583 £15.70* 9666 £32.67* Blackcurrant & Clotted Cream 9966 £15.70* 4399 £32.67* Banoffee Crunch 2354 £15.70* 5945 £32.67* Blackcherry Kirsch N/A N/A 5908 £32.67* Blackcurrant WSL 7511 £15.70* 6767 £32.67* Brownies ‘n’ Cream N/A N/A 5930 £32.67* NEW Cherries ‘n’ Custard 5980 £15.70* 3117 £32.67* 5908 Blackcherry Kirsch Ice Cream Chilli & Lime 4383 £15.70* 5540 £32.67* Chocolate Orange N/A N/A 7790 £32.67* Chocolate 3619 £15.70* N/A N/A Chunkie Chocolate 8146 £15.70* 6846 £32.67* Chunkie Ginger 1923 £15.70* 7664 £32.67* NEW Cinnamon Crunch 8983 £15.70* 7107 £32.67* Clotted Cream Vanilla 7217 £15.70* 5677 £32.67* Coconut 4950 £15.70* 9551 £32.67* Childhay Manor Childhay Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping Coffee 8794 £15.70* 7287 £32.67* Cookie Dough & Clotted Cream 8422 £15.70* 4832 £32.67* Cream Tea 9170 £15.70* 9006 £32.67* Dairy Vanilla 3880 £15.70* 1921 £32.67* English Toffee 2471 £15.70* 9218 £32.67* Eton Mess N/A N/A 9353 £32.67* 8146, 6846 Chunkie Chocolate Ice Cream Honeycomb Delight 6958 £15.70* 3267 £32.67* Irish Coffee Mist WSL N/A N/A 9047 £32.67* Jaffa Cake WSL N/A N/A 5248 £32.67* Lemon Meringue 5187 £15.70* 4777 £32.67* NEW Lime Cheesecake 2169 £15.70* 1089 £32.67* Liquorice Fudge 5984 £15.70* 5573 £32.67* Maple Walnut 5364 £15.70* 6596 £32.67* NEW Millionaires Shortbread 1462 £15.70* 5812 £32.67* Mint Chocolate Chip 9754 £15.70* 4754 £32.67* Nutty But Nice WSL N/A N/A 5860 £32.67* NEW Oreo 2424 £15.70* 7103 £32.67* Peanut Butter N/A N/A 6627 £32.67* Pistachio N/A N/A 1148 £32.67* 9184 Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Raspberry Pavlova 4960 £15.70* 6097 £32.67* Rum and Raisin 9404 £15.70* 7265 £32.67* Strawberry Cheesecake WSL N/A N/A 9184 £32.67* Strawberries & Clotted Cream 9031 £15.70* 2736 £32.67* Strawberry 2737 £15.70* 3268 £32.67* Toffee Fudge 2624 £15.70* 4081 £32.67* Tropical Mango 8673 £15.70* 7562 £32.67* Turkish Delight 8767 £15.70* 9247 £32.67* Tutti Frutti 5278 £15.70* 1805 £32.67* White Chocolate with Maltesers 2182 £15.70* 9363 £32.67* Salted Caramel 5979 £15.70* 5650 £32.67* Soft Scoop Blue Bubblegum 6673 £11.99* 1619 £28.58* Soft Scoop Chocolate 5200 £8.03* 8898 £22.52* 9031, 2736 Strawberries & Clotted Cream Ice Cream Soft Scoop Mint Swirl WSL 2853 £11.99* 5785 £28.81* Soft Scoop Strawberry 8696 £8.03* 2787 £22.52* Soft Scoop Vanilla 1685 £7.65* 8540 £19.94*

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

244 245 1x4 Litre 2x5 Litre Code Price Code Price Lovingtons 4 & 5 Litre Scooping Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Banana’s & Cream 6927 £14.47* 9442 £32.64* Blackberry 5555 £14.47* 9852 £32.64* Butterscotch Chip WSL 5341 £14.47* 6761 £32.64* Chocolate 9919 £14.47* 7284 £32.64* Coffee 4922 £14.47* 1308 £32.64* Double Caramel Chocolate 9653 £14.47* 2285 £32.64* Double Cream Vanilla Bean 9663 £14.47* N/A N/A 9119 Chocolate Ice Cream Ginger 4689 £14.47* 3272 £32.64* Honeycomb 3188 £14.47* 4523 £32.64* Lemon Meringue 6560 £15.79* 2393 £36.26* Lovington’s Vanilla 3017 £14.47* 5742 £32.64* Mango Madness 8683 £15.79* 9378 £36.26* Mint Chocolate Chunk 8436 £14.47* 8097 £32.64* Raspberry Ripple 2979 £15.79* 3539 £36.26* Rhubarb & Custard 2261 £14.47* 1957 £32.64* Lovingtons Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping Rich Dark Chocolate WSL 5584 £14.47* 1348 £32.64* Rum & Raisin 8822 £14.47* 8304 £32.64* Sea Salted Caramel 3111 £15.79* 6343 £36.26* Strawberries & Cream 6410 £14.47* 4559 £32.64* Strawberries & Clotted Cream WSL 9544 £15.79* 7612 £36.26* Toffee Fudge WSL 6968 £14.47* 5251 £32.64* 8683 Mango Madness Ice Cream NEW Triple Chocolate 3736 £15.79* 1129 £36.26* NEW Toffee Clotted Fudge Swirl 8301 £15.79* 1326 £36.26* Turkish Delight 9829 £14.47* 1643 £32.64* Vanilla Clotted Cream 4410 £15.79* 5721 £36.26* White Choc & Choc Honeycomb 4095 £14.47* 4527 £32.64*

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Lovingtons 10 Litre Scooping 2696 Vanilla Clotted Cream 1x10ltr £36.84* 9199 Honeycomb 1x10ltr £32.45* 7675 Mint Chocolate 1x10ltr £32.45* 5552 Rhubarb & Custard 1x10ltr £32.45* 2979 Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream 2752 Rum & Raisin 1x10ltr £32.45* 4894 Strawberries & Cream 1x10ltr £32.45* 6217 Toffee Fudge 1x10ltr £32.45* 9358 White Choc & Choc Honeycomb 1x10ltr £32.45* 2170 Chocolate 1x10ltr £32.45* 8970 Blackberry 1x10ltr £32.45* Lovingtons Country Ice Cream – A range of Smooth Non Dairy Ice Creams 1365 Blue Bubblegum 1x4ltr £6.75* 3454 Blue Bubblegum 2x5ltr £18.59* 8952 Chocolate 1x4ltr £6.75* 3183 Mint Chocolate 1x4ltr £6.75* 8491 NEW Raspberry Ripple 1x4ltr £6.75* 3617 Rum & Raisin 1x4ltr £6.75* 5936 Strawberry 1x4ltr £6.75* 7693 Vanilla 1x4ltr £6.75*

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

3111 Sea Salted Caramel Ice Cream

246 247

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Roskilly’s 4 Litre Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 7399 Caramel Crunch 1x4ltr £16.92* 4802 Wild Cherry & Chocolate Flakes 1x4ltr £16.92* 9188 Clotted Cream & Vanilla Seeds 1x4ltr £16.92* 7487 Cornish Golden Fudge 1x4ltr £16.92* 6786 Green Mint Chocolate 1x4ltr £16.92* 2990 Mocha Coffee 1x4ltr £16.92* 3298 Orange & Mascarpone 1x4ltr £16.92* 3526 Blackcurrant Cheesecake 9028 Rich Chocolate 1x4ltr £16.92* 5382 Rum & Raisin 1x4ltr £16.92* 7397 Strawberry 1x4ltr £16.92* 2651 Toffee & Hazelnut 1x4ltr £16.92* 1662 White Chocolate & Raspberry Ripple 1x4ltr £16.92* 8169 After Eight Mint Choc 1x4ltr £16.92* 1886 NEW Blackforest 1x4ltr £16.92* 7711 NEW Butter Popcorn 1x4ltr £16.92* Roskilly;s Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping 1031 Milk Shake Ice Cream 1x4ltr £13.08* Roskilly’s 4.5 Litre 6 352 Blackcurrant Cheesecake 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 3512 Bubblegum 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 6804 Caramel Crunch 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 6880 Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt 3612 Wild Cherry & Chocolate Flakes 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 3171 Chocolate, Brownie & Marshmallow 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 2623 Clotted Cream & Vanilla Seeds 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 6653 Cornish Ginger Fairing 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9351 Cornish Cream Tea 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 1495 Cornish Golden Fudge 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 7462 Green Mint Chocolate 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 6025 Malty Mystery 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9142 Orange & Mascarpone 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 5733 Pistachio 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9927 Rum & Raisin 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9449 Salt Caramel 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 7275 Toffee & Hazelnut 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 4276 White Chocolate & Raspberry Ripple 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 1058 Passionfruit & Mango Sorbet 4055 Rich Chocolate 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9016 Strawberry 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 1026 Banoffee 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 3959 Gooseberry Frozen Yoghurt 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 6880 Raspberry Frozen Yoghurt 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 1058 Passionfruit & Mango Sorbet 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 4273 NEW Cherry Sorbet 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 7618 NEW Cherry Yoghurt 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 9097 NEW Lemon Meringue 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 2080 NEW Sherry Trifle 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 1676 NEW Armadilo 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 8863 NEW Blackforest 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 8119 NEW Butter Popcorn 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 3959 NEW Chocolate Sorbet 2x4.5ltr £33.88* 4273 Cherry Sorbet 3959 NEW Ginger Beer Sorbet 2x4.5ltr £33.88*

Did you know you can place ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

See pages 12-13 for more information

248 249

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Carte D’Or Arti-Scoop Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 2610 Rum & Raisin 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 2977 Mint & Chocolate 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 8803 Triple Chocolate 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 4357 Vanilla 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 8947 Cream Caramel 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 1419 Strawberry Sauce 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 7917 Strawberry Cheesecake 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 2610 Rum & Raisin Ice Cream 6324 Vanilla & Choc Cookies 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 9599 Bubblegum Marshmallow 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 4935 Greek Yoghurt & Honey 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 3133 Praline 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 9779 Raspberry Sorbet 1x5.5ltr £17.13* 2791 Lemon Sorbet 1x5.5ltr £17.13* 7171 NEW Pistachio 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 5620 NEW White Chocolate 1x5.5ltr £21.80* Electrofreeze Scooping Ice Cream Ice Scooping 4819 NEW Coconut 2x2.4ltr £21.80* 1450 NEW Galetaria Chocolate Brownie 1x5.5ltr £21.80* 9923 NEW Mandarin Sorbet 1x5.5ltr £17.13* Childhay Manor by Yarde Farm Real Dairy Scooping Ice Cream 8695 Chunkie Chocolate 1x10ltr £35.37* 2977 Mint & Chocolate Ice Cream 4611 Clotted Cream Vanilla 1x10ltr £35.37* 9450 Dairy Strawberry 1x10ltr £35.37* 6442 Honeycomb Delight 1x10ltr £35.37* 5437 Maple Walnut 1x10ltr £35.37* 7452 Rum n Raisin 1x10ltr £35.37* 3712 Toffee Fudge 1x10ltr £35.37* 4395 Soft Scoop Blue Bubblegum 1x10ltr £20.62 7633 Soft Scoop Vanilla 1x10ltr £17.69 Childhay Manor by Yarde Farm Sorbets 2140 Mango 1x2.4ltr £8.32* 1440 Lemon 1x2.4ltr £6.12* 9344 Blackcurrant 1x2.4ltr £8.32* 6663 NEW Elderflower 1x2ltr £8.90* 9779 Raspberry Sorbet Lovingtons Real Fruit Sorbets 1332 Blackcurrant 1x2ltr £11.05* 5820 Lemon Zest 1x2ltr £11.05* 7131 Mango & Passionfruit 1x2ltr £11.05* 2281 Mango 1x2ltr £11.05* 2512 Raspberry 1x2ltr £11.05* 4477 Blood Orange 1x2ltr £11.05* 7646 Green Apple 1x2ltr £11.05* 1486 Elderflower & Mint 1x2ltr £11.05*

WSL = Whilst Stocks Last

2140 Mango Sorbet

Did you know you can place ORDER ONLINE your Hunt’s order online?

Important nutritional and allergen information is available to view online and download to a csv file.

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See pages 12-13 for more information. 1440 Lemon Sorbet

250 251 Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice ICE CREAM’S WAFFLE CONES 1. 2422 SMALL WAFFLE CONE 1 x 294 £38.65N 2. 3275 MEDIUM ICE WAFFLE CONE 1 x 216 £41.82N 3. 5478 MEDIUM WAFFLE CONE 1 x 195 £34.07N BEST FRIEND 4. 4201 LARGE WAFFLE CONE 1 x 128 £29.27N


1. 2339 TWIN WAFER CONE 1 x 200 £10.65N 2. 5109 TEDDY BEAR CONE 1 x 175 £10.38N Cone Guide Cone Guide 3. 2375 TULIP WAFER CONE 1 x 330 £10.65N 4. 5088 JUMBO CONE 1 x 192 £10.65N 5. 6495 MEDIUM WAFER CONE 1x 300 £10.65N 6. 3889 SMALL WAFER CONE 1x 400 £10.65N

1. 2. 3. 4.

3943 HONEYCOMB CONE 1 x 56 £19.79** 1600 JAZZ CONE 1 x 56 £19.79** 5875 BUBBLE CONE 1 x 56 £19.79**

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. 2023 SMALL SUGAR CONE 1 x 225 £19.26N 7. 2. 7219 TALL SUGAR CONE 1 x 168 £33.49N 3. 2024 SMALL SLEEVED SUGAR CONE 1 x 165 £21.42N 4. 2186 TALL CHOCOLATE SUGAR CONE 1 x 126 £42.39** 6. 8.

5. 1276 LARGE CHOCOLATE WAFFLE CONE 1x 120 £60.32** 6. 3806 TALL CHOCOLATE WAFFLE CONE 1x 168 £65.98** 7. 4945 MEDIUM CHOCOLATE WAFFLE CONE 1x 198 £69.18** 8. 1682 TALL WAFFLE CONE 1x 168 £445.17N 5. 1238 SMALL CHOCOLATE WAFFLE CONE 1x 132 £42.85N 1. 2. 3. 4.

252 253

PACK UNIT SIZE PRICE Ice Cream Mix Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 4733 Jersey Gold (White) 12x1ltr £16.69** 6623 Meddow Mix (White) 12x1ltr £15.79** 1273 Angelito (White) 12x1ltr £15.33** 2352 Mr Whippy 12x1ltr £20.70** Dairy Ice Cream Mix 3317 Jersey Luxury Mix (Off White) 12x1ltr £19.05** 3314 Kelly’s Dairy Mix 12x1ltr £23.39** Shake Mix 9139 Kerrymaid Thick Shake 12x1Litr £14.99 N Competitive Pallet Prices Available on all Ice Cream Mix. Please ask for details Fresh Mix 5784 Criminisi Fresh Pasteurised Mix 1x5ltr £8.25* 5482 Oldfield Fresh Pasteurised Mix 1x5ltr £7.50* Jersey Dairy Jersey Ice CreamIce Mixes & Sundries Sundries 6165 Cadbury 99 Flakes 1x144 £15.22** 4151 Vanilla Fudge Fingers 1x144 £15.10** 4150 Oyster Delights 1x36 £11.66 N 1385 Multi Coloured Plastic Spoons 1kg (approx. 900) 1x1kg £7.38** 9443 Screwball Cups 1x112 £3.66** 1617 Mixed Sugar Strands 1x1.5kg £5.82 N 7314 Banana Boats Strip 1x100 £14.69** 5682 Florentine Wafers Tin 1x200 £17.34 N 4050 Rossini Curls Tin 1x200 £18.76 N We also have a wide range of novelty items and toppings available on a “Bought to Order” basis Please ask Telesales for more details 8945 Choc Malt Balls 750g 9994 Honeycomb 750g 9825 Mini Marshmallows 1kg 1557 Mint Crisps 1kg 6674 Sparkly Fountain 100 1029 Novelty Bug Mugs x36 2036 Novelty Sea Animal Mugs x36 6499 Novelty Wild Animal Mugs x36 4476 Chocolate Mini Beans 1.2kg 4438 Lemon Crunch 1kg 1171 Mini Fudge Cubes 1kg 5414 Orange Crunch 1kg 3231 Strawberry Crunch 1kg 6381 Novelty Clown Mugs x36 2057 Novelty Sea Pirate Mugs x36 9570 Chocolate Poppin Candy 1kg 2271 Meringue Pieces 750g 4555 Mini Flags 144 6858 Small Foil Parasol 144 3603 Toffee Chips 1kg 3435 Novelty Football Mugs x36 2964 Novelty Farm Animal Mugs x36 And much more available

254 255

PACK UNIT SIZE PRICE Non Branded Ice Cream Tubs Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice 2040 Small Waxed Tub 100ml 1x100 £7.55** 3238 Medium Waxed Tub 160ml 1x100 £8.53** 2059 Large Waxed Tub 1x160 £17.23** Marshfield Farm Branded Tubs 2060 Small Marshfield Farm Tub (1 Scoop) 1x100 £7.54** 5523 Medium Marshfield Farm Tub (2 Scoops) 1x100 £8.24** 2052 Large Marshfield Farm Tub (3 Scoops) 1x160 £18.23** Kelly’s Branded Tubs 2053 Medium Kelly’s Tub 160ml 1x100 £10.43** Roskilly’s Branded Tubs 4076 Small Roskilly’s Tub 1x100 £7.33** 6933 Large Roskilly’s Tubs 1x100 £10.32** Jersey Dairy Branded Tubs Jersey Dairy Jersey Mr Whippy Mr 6340 NEW Small Roskilly’s Tub 1x100 £7.49** Topping Sauces 2413 Chocolate Syrup 1x6kg £11.95 N 4267 Raspberry Syrup 1x6kg £11.95 N 6470 Strawberry Syrup 1x6kg £11.95 N 8445 Lime Syrup 1x6kg £11.95 N 9362 Bubble Gum Syrup 1x6kg £11.95 N 8555 Butterscotch Syrup 1x 6kg £11.95 N Slush Mixture 4026 Blue Raspberry 2x5ltr £28.45** 2975 Strawberry 2x5ltr £28.45** Clear Cups 8692 12oz/340ml Clear Cup 1000 per box £48.00 N 1794 20oz/560ml Clear Cup 1000 per box £51.00 N Spoon Straws 3315 Spoon Straws 200 per box £3.09** Small = 1 Scoop Medium = 2 Scoops Large = 3 Scoops

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256 257 Ice Cream & Accessories & Cream Ice Angelito


260 Vegetables 271 Pies 262 Potato Products 272 Pizza 266 White Meat 276 Traditional Ready Meals 268 Fish & Seafood 280 International Ready Meals 270 Red Meat & Yorkshire Puddings 282 Desserts

258 259

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Ross 450g Vegetables Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 3804 Baby Carrots 12x450g £10.89 £1.19 3847 Broccoli Florets 12x454g £11.35 £1.20 4604 Mixed Vegetables 12x450g £10.15 £1.09 7373 Sweet Corn 12x450g £12.90 £1.39 2552 Garden Peas 12x450g £13.23 £1.49 2554 Sliced Green Beans 12x454g £10.60 £1.15 2556 Premium Sprouts 12x450g £10.49 £1.15 2555 Cauliflower Florets 12x450g £10.45 £1.15 Ross 1kg Vegetables 6139 Baby Carrots 1x1kg £1.45 £1.85 7123 Broad Beans 1x1kg £2.53 £3.23 5458 Broccoli Florets 1x1kg £1.89 £2.45 4619 Button Sprouts 1x1kg £1.75 £2.29 6379 Casserole Mix 1x1kg £1.25 £1.65 Ross Vegetables 1779 Chopped Spinach 1x1kg £1.45 £1.85 1471 Mixed Vegetables 1x1kg £1.39 £1.79 6414 Garden Peas 1x1kg £1.56 £1.98 4591 Petit Pois 1x1kg £2.09 £2.69 8575 Sliced Green Beans 1x1kg £1.49 £1.95 9513 Sweet Corn 1x1kg £1.89 £2.45 1920 Cauliflower Florets 1x1kg £1.49 £1.99 9483 Chopped Cabbage 1x1kg £1.39 £1.79 Pinguin 1kg Vegetables 1452 Swede 1x1kg £1.09 £1.39 Birds Eye Vegetables 5409 Garden Peas 18x1.58kg £34.59 £4.99 4479 Garden Peas £2.49 PMP 8x860g £17.49 N £2.49 1544 Petit Pois £2.49 PMP 8x640g £15.99 N £2.49 2268 Sunshine Mix £2.49 PMP 6x540g £11.89 N £2.49 Onion Rings 3206 Battered Onion Rings 1x450g £0.80 £1.00 Cream of the Crop 3113 Honey Roast Parsnips 8x600g £10.89 £1.79 Aunt Bessie’s 6832 Onion Rings 12x375g £19.75 £1.99 6900 Honey Glazed Parsnips £1.75 PMP 12x600g £17.49 N £1.75 7754 Carrot & Swede Mash £1.75 PMP WSL 12x500g £17.49 N £1.75

260 261

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE McCain Potato Products Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 8349 Oven Chips 15x454g £15.79 £1.69 4764 Oven Chips 5x454g £5.39 £1.69 1624 Oven Chips £1.50 PMP 15x454g £14.79 N £1.50 2538 Oven £1.50 PMP 5x454g £4.99 N £1.50 3503 Oven Chips 15x907g £28.99 £2.69 9677 Oven Chips 5x907g £9.89 £2.69 4435 Oven Chips £2.50 PMP 15x907g £27.99 N £2.50 7026 Oven Chips £2.50 PMP 5x907g £9.49 N £2.50 1295 Home Chips 15x750g £28.39 £2.49 3025 Home Chips £2.50 PMP 12x1kg £22.68 N £2.50 7195 Home Chips £2.50 PMP 6x1kg £11.59 N £2.50 7894 Curly Fries 12x750g £22.99 £2.59 4135 Curly Fries 6x750g £11.69 £2.59 4541 Southern French Fries 15x750g £32.99 £2.89 6265 Chippy Chips £1.75 PMP 15x907g £20.89 N £1.75 McCain Potato Products 6252 Chippy Chips £1.75 PMP 5x907g £7.09 N £1.75 3908 French Fries £2.50 PMP 12x907g £24.99 N £2.50 3811 French Fries £2.50 PMP 6x907g £12.69 N £2.50 4525 Lightly Spiced Wedges £2.50 PMP 16x750g £30.49 N £2.50 9020 Lightly Spiced Wedges £2.50 PMP 8x750g £14.49 N £2.50 2786 Home Roast Potatoes WSL 12x750g £23.89 £2.59 8378 2 Jacket Potatoes 12x2 £19.79 £2.09 2641 Homefries 1.5kg 8x1.5kg £26.49 £4.19 8326 Micro Chips £1.00 PMP 12x200g £9.99 N £1.00 9560 Micro Chips £1.00 PMP 6x200g £5.09 N £1.00 6164 NEW Hash Browns £1.99 PMP 15x625g £23.70 £1.99 9052 NEW Hash Browns £1.99 PMP 5x625g £8.09 £1.99 Birds Eye Potato Products 5065 10 Potato Waffles £1.99 PMP 10x567g £15.79 N £1.99


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262 263

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Aunt Bessie’s Potato Products Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 9703 NEW Croquettes £1.99 PMP 8x550g £12.19 £1.99 1787 NEW Crispy Homestyle Chips £1.99 PMP 8x900g £12.49 £1.99 8691 NEW Mash Potato £1.99 PMP 8x700g £12.19 £1.99 1007 NEW Crispy Homestyle Roast Potatoes £1.99 PMP 8x907g £12.49 £1.99 Bannisters Potatoes 8494 4 Loaded Potato Skins Cheese & Onion 12x260g £14.99 £1.59 6356 4 Loaded Potato Skins Cheese & Ham 12x260g £14.99 £1.59 2568 4 Ready Baked Jacket Potatoes 12x800g £20.49 £2.09 6305 Cheese Filled Jacket Potato 8x375g £12.49 £2.00 6524 Cheese & Beans Filled Jacket Potato 8x375g £12.49 £2.00 Aviko 2355 Hash Browns £1 PMP 10x500g £7.29 £1.00 8890 Herb Diced Potato £1 PMP 8x500g £5.99 £1.00 9565 Oven Chips £1.29 PMP 8x850g £8.29 £1.29 Aunt Bessies Potato Products 5605 Sweet Potato Fries £1.99 PMP 8x450g £12.29 £1.99 Froveg Potato Products 5097 Straight Cut Chips 59p PMP 12x454g £5.22 N £0.59 4515 Savoury Jacket Wedges 59p PMP 12x454g £5.22 N £0.59 Potato Products 9007 Clarebout American Thin Fries 12x750g £8.99 N £1.00 9662 Clarebout American Thin Fries 6x750g £4.59 N £1.00 8791 Premier 3 way Cook Chips 12x750g £7.90 N £1.00

264 265

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Birds Eye White Meat Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 7747 NEW 2 Crispy Chicken £1.99 PMP 12x180g £19.79 N £1.99 4952 Chicken Burgers £1.50 PMP 12x200g £15.63 N £1.50 8286 Chicken Chargrills 12x170g £26.99 £2.89 5791 2 Chicken Original Chargrills 12x182g £26.99 £2.89 9645 2 Chicken Southern Fried Chargrills 12x200g £22.89 £2.39 5015 NEW 14 Chicken Dippers £2.49 PMP 8x257g £15.79 N £2.49 8127 ºNEW 4 Chicken Burgers £1.99 PMP 12x200g £18.99 N £1.99 7768 2 Chicken 1/4lb Burgers 12x227g £19.69 £1.99 3707 NEW 2 Chicken Inspirations Cheese & Ham 8x240g £16.99 £2.50 9817 Chicken Breast Fillets 10x500g £24.39 £2.99 Harvest Chicken Products 4806 NEW Chicken Portions 12x1kg £21.79 £2.39 9817 NEW Chicken Fillets £2.49 PMP 10x500g £24.39 £2.99 SFC Sothern Fried Chicken Products Birds Eye Birds White Meat 4507 Bargain Box 6x800g £22.79 £4.79 2615 Boneless Box 6x600g £19.99 £4.09 8640 Chicken Nuggets £1.00 PMP 12x200g £9.90 N £1.00 8379 Chicken Kievs £1.99 PMP 12x280g £18.49 N £1.99 3657 Chicken Mini Fillets 10x400g £21.49 £2.79 5658 Chicken Poppets 12x190g £12.59 £1.29 8170 Chicken Poppets 6x190g £6.39 £1.29 7041 Hot ‘n’ Spicy Wings 10x500g £24.99 £3.09 Western Brand Breaded Chicken 1652 4 Chicken Burgers £1.00 PMP 9x180g £7.31 N £1.00 8659 Chicken Nuggets £1.00 PMP 9x180g £7.31 N £1.00 4629 Chicken Pops £1.00 PMP 9x180g £7.31 N £1.00 4439 Chicken Dippers £1.00 PMP 9x180g £7.31 N £1.00 Highbury 2 111 NEW Highbury Whole Chicken 7x2.1kg £31.49 N £5.69 Ready Foods 8 198 NEW Hot & Spicy Chicken Wings £2.29 PMP 12x500g £19.49 N £2.29 6043 NEW Piri Piri Chicken Thighs £2.29 PMP 8x500g £12.99 N £2.29 7639 NEW Sweet Chilli Pulled Chicken £3.29 PMP 8x425g £19.99 N £3.29

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266 267

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Birds Eye Fish Products Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 2082 4 Cod Cakes in Crunchy Breadcrumbs 8x198g £9.09 £1.69 4823 10 Fish Fingers £1.00 PMP 12x250g £10.43 N £1.00 9289 12 Cod Fish Fingers £2.50 PMP 12x336g £27.04 N £2.50 3077 12 Omega 3 Fish Fingers 12x336g £31.33 N £3.19 5655 2 Cod Fillets in Batter £2.00 PMP 8x200g £13.49 N £2.00 5823 2 Cod Fillets in Crumb £2.00 PMP 8x200g £13.49 N £2.00 4138 NEW 2 Garlic & Herb Coated Fish 10x225g £27.99 £3.49 9581 NEW 2 Lemon & Pepper Coated Fish 10x225g £27.99 £3.49 8682 2 Fish Fillet Burgers 8x227g £19.60 £2.99 Young’s Fish Products 4937 10 Cod Fish Fingers £1.99 PMP 12x280g £19.58 N £1.99 9912 Mariners Pie £1.39 PMP 12x340g £12.99 N £1.39 6707 Admirals Pie £1.39 PMP 12x340g £12.99 N £1.39 2337 Chip Shop Fish & Chips £1.39 PMP 12x300g £12.99 N £1.39 7967 Low Fat Ocean Crumble £1.39 PMP 12x300g £12.99 N £1.39 Young's Birds Eye Birds Great Heritage, 8635 Salmon Crumble £1.39 PMP 12x340g £12.99 N £1.39 7920 Salmon Fillet Dinner 8x380g £17.89 £2.79 4528 Breaded Scampi £2.50 PMP 12x220g £25.83 N £2.50 8829 Prawns £4.00 PMP 12x180g £38.49 N £4.00 Great Products! 9962 Cod in Parsley Sauce £1.09 PMP 14x149g £13.99 N £1.09 8461 Cod in Parsley Sauce £1.09 PMP 8x140g £7.09 N £1.09 7944 Cod in Butter Sauce £1.09 PMP 16x149g £13.99 N £1.09 6551 Cod in Butter Sauce £1.09 PMP 8x140g £7.09 N £1.09 1038 Ocean Pie 16x140g £20.49 £2.29 2506 Ocean Pie 6x400g £10.43 £2.29 5711 10 Value Fish Fingers £1.00 PMP 12x250g £9.69 N £1.00 6501 Value 4 Fish Cakes 99p PMP 12x200g £9.60 N £0.99 2910 NEW Cod in Batter £2 PMP 8x240g £12.99 N £2.00 9719 NEW Chip Shop Cod Fillets in Breadcrumbs £2 PMP 8x240g £12.99 N £2.00 Smoked Fish 5287 Jubilee Kippers Boil in Bag 12x170g £11.69 £1.49 Whitby Seafood 6350 Breaded Whole Scampi 8x225g £21.92 £3.39

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268 269

PACK UNIT RSP PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE Aunt Bessie’s Mr Brains Faggots Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 9204 12 Baked Yorkshires £1.75 PMP 12x220g £17.29 N £1.75 1477 Mr Brains Faggots 6 for 4 12x656g £21.35 £2.39 5375 Yorkshire Pudding Batters 12’s 12x370g £21.39 £2.29 8994 Mr Brains Faggots 2’s 12x222g £12.79 £1.39 4071 Yorkshire Pudding Batters 12’s 6x370g £10.89 £2.29 4037 Mr Brains Faggots 4’s £1.49 PMP 12x439g £ 13.39 N £1.49 3817 Dumplings 12x390g £16.99 £1.99 Birds Eye Pies & Sausage Rolls 1674 Dumplings 6x390g £8.59 £1.99 7182 Individual Steak & Kidney Pie £1.00 PMP 10x155g £8.13 N £1.00 3818 Sage & Onion Stuffing Balls 12x310g £16.99 £1.99 9407 Individual Chicken Pie £1.00 PMP 10x155g £8.13 N £1.00 8272 Sage & Onion Stuffing Balls 6x310g £8.59 £1.99 9015 4 Sausage Rolls 6x360g £8.59 £1.79 Robert’s Fresh Pack Pies 2649 Yorkshire Puddings 12’s Baked 1x6 £5.65 £1.59 4271 NEW Mighty Beef & Onion Pie £1.99 PMP 8x650g £12.99 N £1.99 Plumtree Sausages 3432 NEW Mighty Chicken & Vegetable Pie £1.99 PMP 8x650g £12.99 N £1.99 9638 Pork Sausages 10x450g £10.89 £1.69 2208 Mighty Cottage Pie £1.49 PMP 12x680g £13.29 N £1.49 9635 Pork & Beef Sausages 10x450g £11.09 £1.79 8572 NEW Mighty Steak Pie £1.99 PMP 8x600g £12.99 N £1.99 Richmond Sausages 3067 Chicken & Vegetable Pie 4’s £1.49 PMP 12x4 £13.39 N £1.49 Pies & GarlicPies Bread Red Meat & Yorkshire Meat Red Puddings 5450 10 Richmond Sausages £2.00 PMP 8x454g £12.69 N £2.00 Great British Pudding Birds Eye Red Meat 5 111 2 Suet Steak & Kidney Puddings £2.00 PMP 8x550g £12.29 N £2.00 7719 4 Quarter Pounder Burgers £2.99 PMP 12x454g £28.49 £2.99 Fresh Pack Sausage Rolls 4083 Burgers 4’s £1.59 12x227g £16.29 N £1.59 3408 Party Sausage Rolls 50 12x50 £14.79 £1.59 G A International Meat Products Findus Pancakes 9391 Lamb Chops £2.99 PMP 6x400g £14.75 N £2.99 5837 4 Chicken, Bacon & Sweet Corn WSL 10x230g £9.99 £1.49 1025 Pork Chops £2.39 PMP 6x400g £10.39 N £2.39 Garlic Baguettes 4997 Minced Beef £2.00 PMP 10x400g £15.39 £2.00 1044 Lands Garlic Baguettes 3 for 2 8x3 £10.69 £1.69 Yankee Red Meats 4356 Perfect Partners Garlic Baguettes 12x338g £8.89 £0.99 2510 4 Quarter Pound Burgers £1.79 PMP 6x454g £8.49 N £1.79 8582 NEW 2 Garlic Breads 6x2 £7.99 £1.69 5455 4 Beef Grills £1.75 PMP 8x340g £11.29 N £1.75 The Original Pancake Company 9623 4 Gammon Grills £1.75 PMP 8x340g £11.29 N £1.75 7458 NEW 4 Cheese Pancakes 10x220g £9.99 £1.49 6790 4 Lamb Grillsteaks £1.75PMP 8x340g £11.29 N £1.75 6598 NEW 4 Minced Beef & Onion Pancakes 10x220g £9.99 £1.49 Ready Foods 2930 NEW 4 Chicken, Bacon & Sweetcorn Pancakes 10x220g £9.99 £1.49 7254 NEW BBQ Pulled Pork £3.29 PMP 12x425g £29.99 N £3.29 52110 NEW Chinese Ribs £2.29 PMP 8x375g £12.99 N £2.29

270 271

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE San Marco Pizza Products Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 7181 Deep Pan Margherita Pizza £1.50 PMP 7x405g £8.66 N £1.50 3915 Deep Pan Americano Pizza £1.50 PMP 7x410g £8.66 N £1.50 8360 Thin Cheese & Tomato £1.00 PMP 10x253g £8.75 N £1.00 6390 Thin Pepperoni £1.00 PMP 10x251g £8.75 N £1.00 Good Fellas Pizza Products 9850 Deep Pan Deliciously Cheesy 7x417g £17.89 £3.19 4397 Deep Pan Pepperoni 7x419g £17.89 £3.19 7142 Deep Pan Meat Fiesta 7x414g £17.89 £3.19 6230 Deep Pan Flamin Hot Fella 7x395g £17.89 £3.19 2330 NEW Cheese & Garlic Bread 7x223g £8.40 £1.50 1163 NEW Single Cheese & Tomato Pizza £1 PMP 12x133g £9.75 £1.00 4499 NEW Single Deep Dish Pepperoni Pizza £1 PMP 12x135g £9.75 £1.00 4431 NEW Thin Chicken Pizza 7x345g £17.89 £1.00 7045 NEW Thin Margherita 7x345g £17.89 £3.19 Goodfella's Pizza 1180 NEW Thin Pepperoni 7x340g £17.89 £3.19 Gino’s 3794 Cheese & Tomato Pizza £1.39 PMP 6x285g £6.75 N £1.39 5465 Spicy Chicken Pizza £1.39 PMP 6x300g £6.75 N £1.39 2766 Hawaiian Pizza £1.39 PMP 6x305g £6.75 N £1.39 5250 Pepperoni Pizza £1.39 PMP 6x285g £6.75 N £1.39


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272 273

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Chicago Town Pizza Products Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 7962 NEW Stuffed Crust Sloppy Joe 10x500g £23.69 £2.99 5680 NEW Stuffed Crust Four Cheese Melt 10x480g £23.69 £2.99 5329 NEW Stuffed Crust pepperoni 10x490g £23.69 £2.99 8256 NEW The Thin One Triple Cheese 6x305g £10.49 £2.19 9233 NEW The Thin One Hawaiian 6x325g £10.49 £2.19 1430 NEW The Thin One Pepperoni 6x305g £10.49 £2.19 2967 NEW Twin Chicken Club £2 PMP 12x320g £18.69 £2.00 8743 NEW Twin New Yorker £2 PMP 12x320g £18.69 £2.00 8615 NEW Micro 13cm Pizza 4 Cheese £2.00 PMP 12x310g £18.69 N £2.00 1221 NEW Micro 13cm Pizza Pepperoni £2.00 PMP 12x320g £18.69 N £2.00 1929 NEW The Deep Pan Pepperoni £2.00 PMP 6x415g £9.36 N £2.00 6371 NEW The Deep Pan Cheese £2.00 PMP 6x405g £9.36 N £2.00 Ristorante Pizza Products 3925 Mozzarella 7x335g £15.99 N £2.89 Dr OetkerDr & Chicago Town Pizza 2220 Speciale 7x330g £15.99 N £2.89 8188 Hawaii 7x355g £15.99 N £2.89 2951 Funghi 7x365g £15.99 N £2.89 3982 Pollo 7x355g £15.99 N £2.89

274 275

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Birds Eye Roast Meats & Traditional Meals Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 9418 Roast Beef Platter 6x400g £19.80 £3.99 7742 Roast Chicken Platter £2.50 PMP 6x400g £12.99 N £2.50 2319 Roast Beef Platter £2.50 PMP 6x400g £12.99 N £2.50 7741 Battered Fish, Chips & Peas £2.50 PMP 6x395g £12.99 N £2.50 4644 NEW Shepherds Pie £1.99 PMP 8x400g £12.49 £1.99 Birds Eye Vegetarian 3419 NEW Steam Fresh Cheesy Pasta 8x350g £12.69 £1.89 3019 NEW Steam Fresh Mediterranean Vegetable Pasta 8x350g £12.69 £1.89 3361 2 Veg Burgers 8x250g £12.39 £1.99 6069 10 Veg Fingers 12x284g £11.19 £1.29 Chefs' Classics Meals 5411 NEW Beef Hot Pot £1.39 PMP 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 5107 NEW Cottage Pie £1.39 PMP 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 Birds Eye Birds Traditional Meals Ready Findus Vegetarian Meals 9766 Cauliflower Cheese £1.39 PMP WSL 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 1260 Macaroni Cheese £1.39 PMP WSL 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 Ross Ready Meals 7999 Beef Hotpot £1.00 PMP 12x310g £9.75 N £1.00 2633 Cottage Pie £1.00 PMP 12x320g £9.75 N £1.00 7437 Chicken Curry £1.00 PMP 12x320g £9.75 N £1.00 8762 Spaghetti Bolognese £1.00 PMP 12x320g £9.75 N £1.00 Aunt Bessie’s Meals 8790 Toad in the Hole £1.75 PMP 12x190g £16.80 N £1.75 Farmgate 3232 Beef Yorkshire £1.49 PMP 8x300g £9.72 N £1.49 Linda McCartney Vegetarian 2699 Sausages 6’s 12x300g £17.49 £1.99 6797 Sausages 6’s 6x300g £8.89 £1.99 7374 4 Veg Burgers 12x200g £12.39 £1.39 Quorn Products 5594 Quorn Burgers 12x200g £19.39 £2.19 8274 NEW Quorn Burgers £2 PMP 8x300g £12.80 £2.00 7488 Quorn Mince 12x300g £27.49 £2.99 7051 Quorn Mince 6x300g £13.99 £2.99 6365 NEW Quorn Sausages £2 PMP 8x336g £12.80 £2.00 1479 Quorn Lasagne 8x300g £9.69 £1.69 2831 Quorn Swedish Balls 10x300g £24.39 £2.99

276 277

PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Family Favourites Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 2793 Quarter Pounder & Chips £1.00 PMP 12x575g £9.60 N £1.00 9684 Chicken Nuggets & Chips £1.00 PMP 12x575g £9.60 N £1.00 1951 Fish Fingers & Chips £1.00 PMP 12x575g £9.60 N £1.00 7148 Sausages & Chips £1.00 PMP 12x575g £9.60 N £1.00 Yankee Snacks 8076 Doner Kebab 2’s £1.49 PMP 6x320g £7.19 N £1.49 1645 Southern Fried Chicken 2’s £1.49 PMP 6x240g £7.19 N £1.49 5302 Cheese Burger £1.49 PMP 6x270g £7.19 N £1.49 4207 Beef Burgers £1.49 PMP 6x240g £7.19 N £1.49 Kershaw Ready Meals - NEW £1.69 PRICE MARK 6115 Cook’s Pie & Mash £1.69 PMP 8x346g £11.73 N £1.89 2435 All Day Breakfast £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 7909 Chicken Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 5991 Cottage Pie £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 Kershaws Traditional Meals Ready 4221 Sausage & Mash £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 1375 Sausage & Chips £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 8911 Sausage Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 8122 Steak Pie & Chips £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 3858 Beef Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 6642 Beef Stew £1.69 PMP 6x375g £7.99 N £1.69 5899 Fish & Chips £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 2279 Lamb Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 5753 Liver & Onions £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 7761 Pork Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 3700 Steaklet & Chips £1.69 PMP 6x360g £7.99 N £1.69 4790 Turkey Dinner £1.69 PMP 6x400g £7.99 N £1.69 4465 Chips & Curry Sauce £1.29 PMP 6x500g £5.89 N £1.29 9607 Beef Curry £1.69 PMP 6x450g £7.99N £1.69 4863 Chicken Curry £1.69 PMP 6x450g £7.99 N £1.69

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PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Raj Spice Curries Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 5181 Chicken Korma £1.39 PMP 8x375g £8.86 N £1.39 2759 Chicken Tikka £1.39 PMP 8x375g £8.86 N £1.39 5553 Chicken Madras £1.39 PMP 8x375g £8.86 N £1.39 3569 Beef Rogan Josh £1.59 PMP 8x375g £10.26 N £1.59 Mayflower Chinese Meals 3465 BBQ Spare Ribs 6x400g £14.89 £3.09 3467 Chicken Curry 6x227g £9.89 £2.09 3470 Egg Fried Rice 6x227g £5.99 £1.29 3471 Special Fried Rice 6x227g £8.19 £1.79 3472 Sweet & Sour Chicken in Batter 6x255g £14.49 £2.99 3473 Sweet & Sour Pork 6x255g £14.49 £2.99 4646 Chicken & Mushroom 6x227g £11.09 £2.29 3466 Curry Sauce 10x227g £4.89 £0.69 5285 Cheesy Chips £1.09 PMP 12x265g £10.69 N £1.09 Raj Spice Raj International Meals Ready 1646 Curry ‘n’ Chips 12x330g £12.39 £1.29 9939 Beef Curry 12x227g £19.99 £2.19 1587 Sweet & Sour King Prawn in Batter 12x255g £32.69 £3.39 Yankee International Meals 4659 Lasagne £2.49 PMP 6x900g £12.49 N £2.49 9605 Doner Kebab Meat £1.99 PMP 6x500g £9.45 N £1.99 Findus 5262 Chilli Con Carne £1.39 PMP WSL 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 7571 Meatballs & Mash £1.39 PMP 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 Birds Eye International Meals 9472 Spaghetti Bolognese 8x340g £12.49 £1.99 9274 Chicken Curry & Rice £1.75 PMP 6x400g £8.39 N £1.75 3132 Chicken Tikka & Rice £1.75 PMP 6x400g £8.39 N £1.75 8238 Chicken Korma £1.75 PMP 6x350g £8.39 N £1.75 7317 Chicken Jalfrezi £1.75 PMP 6x350g £8.39 N £1.75 4669 Lasagne £1.99 PMP 8x400g £9.39 N £1.99 Chef's Classic International Meals 6117 NEW Chicken Curry £1.39 PMP 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 9415 NEW Sweet & Sour Chicken £1.39 PMP 12x320g £13.39 N £1.39 Holy Cow Ambient Curry Sauces 8929 NEW Tikka Masala Curry Sauces 6x250g £8.50 £1.99 2518 NEW Goan Prawn Curry Sauce 6x250g £8.50 £1.99 7408 NEW Mughlai Korma Curry Sauce 6x250g £8.50 £1.99 2443 NEW Madras Chettinad Curry Sauce 6x250g £8.50 £1.99 1812 NEW Mangalore Malabar Curry Sauce 6x250g £8.50 £1.99 8424 NEW Kashmir Rogan Josh Curry Sauce 6x250g £8.50 £1.99

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PACK UNIT RSP SIZE PRICE Aunt Bessie’s Frozen Foods Frozen Foods 6072 Jam Roly Poly £1.59 PMP 6x300g £7.66 N £1.59 7162 Spotted Dick £1.59 PMP 6x300g £7.66 N £1.59 5282 Chocolate Sponge £1.59 PMP 6x330g £7.66 N £1.59 8665 Sticky Toffee £1.59 PMP 6x330g £7.66 N £1.59 2622 Perfect for 2 Cherry Pie £1.29 PMP 6x360g £6.35 N £1.29 5640 Perfect for 2 Apple Crumble £1.29 PMP 8x240g £8.45 N £1.29 5372 NEW Twin Apple Crumble 6x290g £8.99 £1.99 5748 NEW Twin Chocolate Sponge 6x180g £8.99 £1.99 2688 NEW Twin Rhubarb Crumble 6x290g £8.99 £1.99 6913 Apple Pie £1.75 PMP 7x550g £10.25 N £1.75

Coppenrath & Wiese 3242 Apple Strudel 12x600g £18.99 £2.09 2203 Black Forest Gateau 4x375g £6.99 £2.29 Coppenrath & Wiese Coppenrath Desserts 5531 Chocolate Fudge Cake 6x450g £10.59 £2.39 8734 Chocolate Gateau 4x350g £6.99` £2.29 8708 Lemon Swirl Cheesecake 6x445g £8.89 £1.99 2263 Strawberry Cheesecake 6x485g £10.39 £2.29 3741 Strawberry Gateau 4x375g £6.99 £2.29 1849 Summer Fruit Cheesecake 6x500g £10.39 £2.29 6264 Toffee Cheesecake 6x395g £10.39 £2.29 6793 NEW Banoffee Cream Pie 6x500g £10.39 £2.29 7690 NEW Lemon Meringue Pie 6x475g £10.39 £2.29 4872 NEW Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake 6x445g £8.89` £1.99 Greens Fruit 6398 Apple Slices 1x1kg £1.74 £2.31 5335 Blackberries 1x450g £1.62 £2.04 9976 Blackcurrants 1x450g £0.95 £1.18 7215 Blueberries 1x450g £2.15 £2.66 2820 Cranberries 1x1kg £2.78 £3.39 9775 Fruit Summer Mix 1x1kg £2.90 £3.59 2509 Mixed Melon Balls 1x450g £1.20 £1.48 9446 Strawberries 1x450g £1.19 £1.52 8299 Summer Fruits 1x450g £1.51 £2.86 1314 Raspberries 1x1kg £4.78 £5.84 Fresh Pack 4548 Apple Crumble £1.49 PMP 8x400g £8.19 N £1.49 3453 Apple Pie £1.49 PMP 8x440g £8.49 N £1.49 Mr King’s Desserts 2211 6 Dairy Eclairs 1x10 £15.45 £1.95 2236 Profiteroles with Belgian Sauce 12x263g £15.45 £1.65 8475 NEW Profiteroles 6x263g £7.89 £1.65 Jus Rol 3535 Puff Pastry 6x500g £8.99 £1.89 3536 Short Pastry 6x500g £8.99 £1.89

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