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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1966 FAOe TWENTY-fKaUl Average OaUy Net Press Run The Weather For._thijVeek Ended Cloudy, not ee cool toalgbt, and Bchnier, Grlgalls, Pllukas, Septcndwr M, 1966 low 80-05; pertly cloudy tomer* Dedication Reset 4 Requests and ’Tunsl^ properties. This W eek About Town 2. Roger Ricard, to change z w , U gb in 60e. The dedication of Man­ to Industrial Zone aU or part 14,757 MMnben o f the Professional chester’s new Senior Citi­ Before T P C of a parcel bounded by HUliard Manchester^A City of Village Charm . Women’s Club wrlll have a pot- zens’ Center, originally St., Adams St. and the Hocka- luck tom om w night at 6:30 at (CleMifled /Mworttolng OB Psge 91) PRICE SEVEN CENTi scheduled for Wednesday, The Town Planning Commis­ num River, and now in Res­ VOL. LXXXV, NO* 304 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 Center Church. There will be a has been set ahead one day sion (’TPC) will conduct pub­ idence Zone A. The TPC has program of vacation reminis­ to Thursday at 2 p.m. lic hearings tonight on one sub­ extended Ricard’s appUcation to cences. Hostesses are Miss Syl­ The dedication, open to division proposal and on three include the Bezzini and Gerich via Claflln, Miss Helen Carrier, zone-change requests. properties. Miss Mabel Trotter, Miss Ethel the public, will be witnessed by local and state officials Goslee and Mrs. Edwin J. Don­ ’The session will be at 8 in the 2. WiUiairi Peck and James and by representatives of aldson. Municipal Building Hearing McCarthy, to change to Indus­ church and civic groups. Boom. trial Zone all or part of a Busi­ Installation of officers for ’The subdivision plan 'is^^ing Mi*. Eugene Gallagher of ness Zone n parcel to the rear the 1966-67 year will be' a submitted by the Town of Man­ 406 Woodbridge St. has re­ of 73 Tolland ’Tpke. The Zoning highlight o f the prog^ram. chester, to divide into 12-build- cently been elected vice presi­ Board of Appeals, last Monday, dent and program chairman of Ing lots a town-owned parcel approved a variance for the the Hartford Chapter of St. Jo­ Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxil­ on the east side of Ferguson property. seph College Alumnae Asso­ iary will meet tonight at 7 at Rd., extending to Mountain Rd. ciation. the home of Mrs. Laura Loom­ If the proposal is approved, TRUCK TOWS SAFE SM our fino Manila is, 110 Starkweather St., for an the UAn will .sell the lots to INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) . Members o f the hiental Aid auditing of the books. Plans will prospective builders. — Burglars crashed a stolen selection of Fellowship Social Center will be made for the October pro- The zone change requests are tow truck through the ffont win­ meet tomorrow night at 7:30 gpram, which includes a potluck from: e dow of a food store recently and FAIRWAY ladles’ ’n girls’ p.m. Dr. Leo Litter will Jpresent supper and entertaining Mrs. 1. Atty. Leon Podrove, to drove away with the store’s safe slides of the Orient. ’This group Fred Oakes of Norwalk, depart­ change to' Business Zone III all dangling from the tow cable. Wrong Man ment president. *or part Of a parcel bounded by Ford, Chrysler 7 Nations is open to people from the A witness told police the men SACRAMENTO, CjJ'lf. greater Hartford and Manches­ Buckland St., Tolland Tpke. and loaded the safe into a pickup P flannel gowns and pajamas (AP)—-An armOr^.car driv­ ter areas who have been or are Preceptor Gamma Chapter of the Wilbur Cross Highway, and truck several blocks from the V Sizes to 48. Priced fr o m ...... er arrived at Valley Motor /To Cpnfer being treated for a mental or Beta Sigma Phi wUl meet to­ now in Rural Residence ■ Zone. store. ’The tow truck was aban­ -$ 1 .8 8 morrow at 8 p.m. at the home The TPC has extended Po- doned in a parking lot, police • open thura. and fri. nights till 9:00 • ^ Lines yesterday to make his emotional illness. Cut Back Prices weekly pickup of the fifn)^ o f Mrs. Franklin Bevins of drove’s application to include .said. ’The store owner estimated On Viet War money sack. But the mone; Llynwood Dr., Bolton. Slides the Padelsky, Ellason, Burnham his loss at 1800. DETROIT (AP) — Chrysler Ford bore the brunt of crit­ wasn’t there. taken by Mrs. Bevins and Mrs. f uuck its amtoim'ced icism from the White House and WASHINGTON (APV— Robert Little on a recent trip 1967 ftuto prices today, as Ford Solidarity House, home of the Neither was the other “ar­ President Johnson agreed DR. I. GERSHANOFF to Hawaii will be shown. did earlier, to make them more United Auto Workers Union, for mored car* driver” who, today . to attend next competitive with General Mo­ the original price increases. dressed like the. real article, month’s seven-nation con­ got there first, took charge Manchester Assembly, Order tors. President Johnson had termed ference of chiefs of state in Optometrist of Rainbow for Girls will meet of the sack and strolled Even 'with the revised figures, the increases regrettable and Manila aimed a t '^ i n g to tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic the average General Motors UAW President Walter P. Reu- away with $6,000. Announces that he is now Temple. Officers are reminded increase of,. $54 a car was still ther called them “ scandalous end the Vietnamese war. The conference was set up to wear short white dresses. lower than that o f its two main and shocking.’’ practicing full-time in his under the g;uidance of President competitors. The revised Chrys­ Here are some examples of I S e t O S Manchester office. Manchester Wates will meet how revised Chrysler and Ford Ferdinand E. Marcos of Oi* Waylands Mark 25th Anniversary ler hike averaged out at $64, Philippines for all the countries 35T East Center St. tomorrow at the Italian Amer­ while Ford was $66. 1967 prices stacked up against ican Club, Eldridge St. Weigh­ with military forces eng^aged .la Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Hartford by the Rev. Walter Ford, first of the automakers comparable GM offerings: Telephone 643-6030 ing in“will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Standard: Governors the conflict. Wayiand of 52 Deerfield Dr. are Cahill. ’They have a daughter, to annotmce prices on its new White House press secretary Members are reminded to bring Mrs. ’libor Banlakl o f Meriden, cars, made automotive history Chevrolet Impala, 2-door admiring a replica of a Rose Bill D. Moyers told reporters: food and other items for an and two sons, Andrew A. W ay- Monday night when it became hardtop, $2,740. auction. Back Vast “President Johneion is glad to Parade float given to them by land of Short St. £ind Warren the first major car maker ever Ford Ghlaxie 6, 2-door hard­ top, original $2,796; revised $2,- agree to this inidtation and win an aunt. Miss Kirstine Peterson Wayiand at home, and a grand­ to pull back on announced price be glad to Join the meeting of son. increases. 764. B R Project of Pasedena, Calif., for their Plymouth Fury HI, 2-door the other chiefs of state or , gov­ Wayiand is a construction City and state police, aided by a truck searchlight the work of search and rescue boats while stand­ It cut $41 from an average ernment, which are partici­ 25th wedding ceiebration at an hardtop, original $2,808; revised GREENWICH (AP)—A open house yesterday after­ superintendent for the Baldwin and illumination from thp Hartford skyline, watch ing on the East Hartford state boat launching area. price increase of $107 which was pating nations in the Philigh SAVE announced Sept 20. $2,767. sweeping plan which would LECLERC noon at their home. StewMt Electric Co., Hartford. pines, on or after Oct. 18.’’ Intermediates: / commit Connecticut and FUNERAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Wayiand were The couple left last night for Chrysler, which also was Pontiac Catalina, 4-dopt $2,- Moyers said the date still Is trapped when its announced New York for 99 years to married Sept. 27, 1941 at the a camping trip to the West 866. tentative. As to whether John­ price increases turned out to be ON YOUR FUNERAL Lady of Sorrows Church at Coast. (Herald photo by Pinto.) Mercury Monterey, 4-door provide public funds for son would use the trip to Manila g g larger than those of GM, original $2,949; revised $2,903. commuter service on the as a departure point for a m ajor slashed prices of 118 of its 128 Dodge Polara, 44oor original New Haven Railroad into swing through other portions of FUEL OIL SERVICE models. Five models remained $2,950; revised $2,918. New York City received Southeast Asia, to Australia and unchanged and five others were COOPERATIVE 1J Jnte WALTER N. Top Line: strong support today from New Zealand, lor example, 9 5 raised sllghUy: Moyers said that at this point ON. COMPANY Cadillac de.Ville, 4-door $5,- the , governors of both Don’t face another worrisome winter with a patched-up oil burner... The Chrysler pullback aver­ 625. there is no schedule xlor an on­ Div. Of Boland Oil Co. 23 Main Street, Manchester aged $28 across the line from an states. ward trip. There have been TEL. 64S-156S for tlje Lincoln - Continental, 4-door Gov. John N. Dempsey of Con­ Call 649-5869 originally announced hike of origlna) $5,647; revised $5,562. numerous reports from the area Chances are, you will earn a fortune in $92. necticut said the most attractive that a Johnson visit is expected.' Imperial crown, 4-door origi­ feature of the proposal was that Both Chrysler and Ford said nal $S,836 and unchanged. The journey across the Pacll- the next twenty years. Life insurance may “ it alms at a sustaining _wlution jc':;;;;ru '^ e “ Jota ^ n out of the part of the price adjustments American Motors, fourth larg­ help you preserve a very important part were made by making car and rejects the notion o f year- country in the- heat o f the politi­ est of the auto firms,, was slated to-year support which ,tes items, originally Intended as c a l. campaign. It, in sohW as-' of that fortune. As a local Sun Life to announce its prices a couple under threat of discontinuance." standard equipment on 1967 of days before its cars g^> on pects, was remtoisceat of 1962, representative, may I discuss cars, extra cost options. . Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of when Gen, Dwight D. Eisen­ Tivo Star Specials sale Oct. .6.. . New York, noting the import­ this matter with y o u j/ They cited a remote' cqntrol Most other 1967 cars go on hower scored toward the close dendoe for an outside re^-view ance of the commuter service to tiie PresidentiM campaign sale this week. New York City and the suburbs, Josephine mlrtor M an example of a with a psomiae that were he standard item made optionaL (See Page Sixteen) said his representatives' are Odell ready to move aliSad imme­ (See Page Teal ★ ★ diately with the complex, nego­ WHEN THfS COUPON IS PRESENTED tiations Which will be necessary. The plan, he said, “ 1$ imagih-' NASA Hay Host Travelers ^ ative, sound and workaole.^ It. Mez Grt)wiiig 'has niy wholehearted endorse­ 367 EAST CENTER STREET ment and Support." To ^Mbnatei^ MANCHESTER • Phone 649-4604 GET THIS HISTORY-MAKING The two governors m et, here (Residence iPhone 643-7600) at the Western Scientists specifically to discuss the re­ Tropica} Storm port, which .had itot .pfevjoj^y SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C03IPANY OF been made public. It is ,the work MIAMI, Fie. (AP) — Bunt. CjASHeATHCIlABALOOPAGW! Offered Space Ride of officials of the Connecticut Cdhea m Inez grew into a' monster Wiggery Beauty Transportation Authority (C^A) with IjOO-mlle winds today, and a ****** **************************+***********•****•****.***********•**** WASHINGTON (AP) — coimtries that can qualify — and the New York State Metro­ hurricane watch went into effect politan Commuter . TraiwpOTta- for Puerto Rico and the Virgin James E. Webb, administrator work 'With NASA scientists who 1. FREE BURNER INSTALLATION Then, the “ Budget Heating Plan" conve­ are preparing the first solar tlon Authority. (NYSMCTA). Islands. of the National Aer had been available when chid- OR THE HARTFORD GAS COMPANY "Um demtiitsarized z

Vernon Ellis Attacks GOP Stand DedipatienOci. S n ,, Sheinwolirlv on^^ridge The Mutohartcr : DtXN'T AIM FOB ODMFOBT South dealer Events SAVE On Regional Cooperation Citigeiu' Center, it Myrtle Both sides vuloertUa A Town Officials to Discuss and .Unden Sts., win be dedi­ CHOOMNO TOVB LEAD NORTH YEAR Town JMr»dtor Baymond L. have been far less than our cated Wednesday, Oct. S, at . Ity ALFRED BHEINWOLD A K 5 2 In Capital 2 p.m. with Secretary of Q 9 5 ON YOUR Law on Sewei* Tie-in Costs Bills, Cemocratie candidate for share of use and costs. Only de- O K Q S 3 2 re-electten, charged today that cisive Democratic a ction , State Mrs.. Blla B. Grtuso on Most bridge players have the Non-Enemy Deaths A proposed ordinance settings ian, State Senator, 35th District, hand to install toe officers ipistaken rtoUon. ^ t toe best ♦ ** . . . » “ the Repufffican . leadership in spurred on by Directors Staun- WASHINGTON (AP) — Al-“ FU EL O IL ' mryA niiM will Atty. Deo B. Flslierty Jr., Judge for toe 1M6-67 year.' le id lii- irom> > a suit « w e r tte-in otwts and rulM ^ ^ Ellington Diamct Manchester, split from within ler and Anderson, saved Man- A Q 1 H 1 6 4 * 9S,S Jiost 1,100 American service­ K-Q-J or Q- <7 8 3 2 ^ dlacuflsed by town officiate Ctaiping by a dissident factico, has made Chester fiom the fiasco, . .Xhe. cerem oh i^ open' to m en have died in Viet Nam un­ COOPERATIVE i^e are oom(ortable 54 0 A llO f C at a meeting toni{d>t at 7-o'- gcout Troop 11 of Ver- the fatal error of trying to ac- ..jt that Republican public, rWia Tl^-wtoeaaed L- 4 973 touched by en ^y fire. t^-ia host M stflite and toea|' ‘ V w ‘'Cwnf«rt and i At 5 OH. COMPANY clocK at Ute administration non started Its fall camping commMate their archaic leadeia^to M anchS, split SOUTH This llttle-ktrawn statistic of DIv. o f Boland OH Co. ofOciails ana b^ -rtpreseat^' iU9(|^ai^iJ^oh. * , v Manchester, and some of their i ■■■ ■ " ' — over toe head to work out the tlnis toM"g toe last trun^ out life Is, and shall always be, health officer deems their pres- gt.' Bernard’s Married Cou- not immediately kno^ candidates, aUegedly view the aircraft mishaps took 132 Mves, Open Forum dedicated to that purpose. meaning o f West’s hesitation, of dummy before South can ruff 8,600 employees were brought automotive accidents 45, drown- ent facility a health hazard. All pjgg will hold its first so- whether toe P *P " m te^n toward regional coopera- Declarer led a low club, and ^ club. Every letter I have ever writ­ Offered Ride FO R A Tolland County out of a ’’poverty’’ pay level. ings 27, sickness 7 and “ various Our Apologies, Too n e w housing developments, event for the club year to go to Saigon, to Ha- ^ alleviate problems com- $1 Mmion WeeMy Tab ten or shall ever write will be ■ ' vdth a Fall Frolic Dance at the »“ *<>>■ to boto capitate. West won with the jack. South must give vp two cilub He also played a leading role causes’’ 31. To the Editor, hdwever, will be required to mon to several towns In this I'm sorry If my terminology with, the sincere effort to serve Through Space SPECIAL No other detoite were die West shifted to a trump, but tricks In addition to the two in 1966 in ' reducing retirement U.S. combat deaths in Viet hook in. It Is the alm,.to even- P. A. C. Ballroom on______Oct.__ 8. area. It, as they seem to ad- , To Aid Cuban Refugees It was too late. East took the red “ aces, and West scores Vocational School Is Urged time coihputation of state em­ Nam from Jan. 1, 1961, through (re-development) confused you, the dlg;nity of the Individual, tually have the entire town Music will be played by toe c lo (^ im m ediately vocate^ inter-community rela- ace (Continued from Page One) OCCASION? and returned a trump, iq© points Instead of losing a ployees iltomi five to three years. last Sept. 17 total .5,160. Of or- anyone else. In thinking I promote hi^ rights and free- hooked into the filtration, plant Rhythmalres starting at 8:30 Oonshlpe were llm lt^ to those MIAMI, Pla. ( A P ) ^ '81-mU- Cubans come by boat, running a Souto won and ruffed a chib in TO^potai rubber. Tarpinian was critical of the these, 4,239 were killed outright, was referring*to “ re-newal’ ’ of do.m expression, and to make and the wives of the three astro­ Rent a new Comet or sy-iitem. p.m. with a buffet at 10 p.m. thA miuinn advisory, non-binding na- weekly tab lies ahead for gantlet of Castro patrols and dummy, 'setting up the rest of DaUr Questioa By Both Party Candidates lack_ of . state . facilities . in Tolland . ^ 483 died of wounds, 433 died Main ^ St., Manchester. I was Manchester a better community nauts. A long range sewer program , rpici^cts arc 82.50 per person it I^ ^ o da VmcTjurport ^.S. taxpayers to look after an treacherous seas. So far this hte suit. P a rtn e re ^ n T w lto 1 NT 500,000.00 in which to live. Mercury. Low Ra^es . . . (I* County, yet which are located ^hile missing and 5 died while about the $2.; He said Armstrong and has been proposed by Anderson- available from any ® .f .....uwi. k..., ------— Glastonbury,------many increased of refugees from month, the refugee center re- Ndw South got to hte hand to 18 points), and toe next play- ■The Republican and Democrat performs automatically to au- Most Sincerely, Daily . . . Weekly in the reinaining counties of the captured This category in- "bond issue’’ which I call re­ Gordon and their wives will Nichols Associates, engineers, member or at the door. “ learned that Archbishop Qiaatonbury homes would be a Cuban regime which reported- ported, 80 persons have m ate It a spade to draw the last er pasaea. Yon bold: Spndea, candidates for State Senator thority, and cornea to think of Paul C. Kaiser state, blaming' it on the previ- eludes silS 'killed in heliropter developm ^t'— {t'ls, you know. leave Oct. 7 for a goodwill tour Monthly. The line from the Junior High Table reservations may be made without water service from Man- ly costs the Soviet Union 81 mil- In 14 boats. The Coast Guard tnimp, after which he could k -B-2; Hearts, Q-FS; tNamoada, from the 35th district both ad- toe jaW W* **at*1r _ attributable to enemy action. Stavnitsky’s remarks and to the concluding that when this cor- adequacy of the Vernon soil to Saturday. planned near Wickham Park The Cuban Refugee Center, aeaa Monday, eight of them clubs. Pour hearts, bid and What do you aayf vocational school for Tolland commit crimes upon his release. Dr. Robert C. Seamans Jr., a.s.«rimllate wa.ste was proven He deplored the lack of a ijihe over-all total for the two voted down issues clar- respondent wrote about “ rede­ Boating Olasses wovua uot te able to. use the operated by ton Health, Bduca- from a rowboat. made. Answer; Bid S NT. The com- County in recent statements. merely to be sent back to prison, mental hospital providing treat- categories is 6,258. ified what I, was discussing in velopment” he was undertak- deputy administrator of NASA, when the Connecticut Depart­ Hedy Lamarr services the Metropolitan Dis. The Manchester Power Squad­ cA tion midnd Welfare Depar^ent, Widely published estimates Beveallng Bidding bined count (with your 10 , Democratic candidate Atty. shrinking, from the res^ riW l- ment on a day care basis, de- the fomim. We (I believe most ing to discuss the program of said Gemiqi 11 was the most ment of Health refused to ap­ trict. In Addition, any pollution successful mission to date In the LOS ANGELES (AP) — A West had heard North express points) must be 26 to 28 points. Charles Tarpinian of Mansfield, “ V <>« U»e outside world, Paw- prove a sub-surface sewage dis­ ron will■1. offer piloting 'fclass- , " tm* t < tu h V rrlglit UM Tarpinian’s critical comments gram’’ which would follow Talq>inian referred to the long Nam to Viet Cong control If it poo^ municipal building expan- board of representatives recent­ 3 nitsky, and makes it clear he made at the school. Judge Ralph H. Nutter denied ‘ "ni« problems of our core July 1, has passed the House ,16% Use Only Butter is to lead frumps immediately Oenenl Features Oorp. were made at a coffee hour In through on the training pro- waiting list for mental care, add- ^°ll®ws through ■with the kind of gi^n of $676,000, aerial maps at Economy Cains LPss ly, and it was decided once a was concerning himself not Cuba Set Round-np her request Monday to atop dis- dty, Hartford, seem to cause and received Senate committee Tolland where he and three grams of the jails, by placing that Juvenile ,court com- withdrawal of troops- j80,000. Union Pond at $50,000 643-5135 charge has been set, this charge NEW YORK — A study by with redevelopment, which is UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. — UIU Pack 221 of Vernon will tribution of the 'book pending the greatest amount of worry approval after a hearing. It was toe American Dairy Association other Democratic candidates the inmates in jobe upon their mltmenta have priority over toe by U-S- Ambassador i for one would like win not be reduced for those30 to be voted on Monday, but The world economy grew about la ^ hold Its fall round-up today at trial of her 89.6-milUon damage to those who would keep Man- reported headed for full Senate found that a third of American J discussed various problems they release \from jail. Tbe jobs waiting list of patients needteg ■Arthur J. Goldberg at the Unit- ^jjg ^gm to choose what I feel who decide to tie-in at a with the grab-bag public works 5 per cent in 1965, a rate some- 7:30 p.m. at Lake Street School, suit against its publitoers, Chester aloof from the prob- approval. housewives use only oleomarga- ife lt the county would be fac- would take advantage of the care. ed Nations. I Want in this package. Again, LEASING fln WITH bond issue scheduled to come what below the figure for the date. S ing. trainmg received by the prison- The Republicans are "dedl- “If American forces were my humble apology if I misled t^ a finjvtftic m ate at to- Boys interested in joining Cubs, Macfadden-BartelL >«"'■ her neighbors. Since The budget Is 88,400,000 higher rine in cooking. 'While 16 per before the voters, in one pack- preceding year, says a United ' One-Two-Three «riu h« nresent- “ id Who Hve south of the Wilbur Miss Lamarr, 81, says much H ^ o r d is the source of my than the past year. The 1966 fls- cent use only butter, 49 per ' Repko' vowed to renew hte ers. ^ cated to protecting the paat,’’ withdrawn, and North 'Vietnam­ you or any reader. ’* ese forces were withdra'wn,’ ’ the age, on Nov. 8. We are pleased Nations report. This year the Year Leasing Plans t i.iL irm tn ' Ctoss Hwy. are invited to attendof the book is scandalcus and livelihood, as it te for a great cal year budget began at 830 cent use a mixture of butter (demands for a regional voca- The InmateK should be kept Tarpinian said, adding ‘ 'it was At the same time, I hope I’m the correspondent has not chos- outlook is for continued expan- M ^ ^ 11 «ro to toe meeting with thejr parents, untrue. The publishers contend number of Manchester rest- million and was fattened by 812,- and margarine. ,]tional.1 school for Tolland Coun- busy wotkteg or learning skills nice to preserve the best of the Oregon Democrat said in a Sen­ misinterpreting your remarks All Makes and Models ate speech Monday, “ the Viet en to attack the redevelopment- sion, but with the pace held ■kaoviJ o- ATiit thAn no This will be the first meeting she approved the manuscript. dents, not only am I concerned 600,000 on the strength of Cas- ■______»ty. “ Getting this vocational which would help them outside., past, but there te so much in and caption as ,you did mine. would overrun the country renewal program. back by imbalance' in a number ^ t«Ln to niit tbk with Rudy Roggenkamp as cub- Hartford’s problems, but, tro’a-announcement just a year J school approved aud built .as This benefits both the prisoner the future to look forward to.’’ Cong What I'lyrote, as stated in my within a matter of months. of areas and “ recalcitrant ob­ AAvi-riA-nAA lAto AfVAAt master. The opening ceremony Virginia Lonergotl unUke my opponents, I shall con- ago that he would let Cubans m m ric ‘ soon as possible will be one of and everyone else mvolved, he Burokas criticized the poor former letter, was support of “ Despite all the shilllohs we stacles to growth” in developing MORIARTY to at to* meetlne- will be conducted by Mrs. Bar- «E W YORK (API - Not ev-' ^ J the first proects whicK I mtend said, adding the time goes faster camping facilities m the state, Mr. Stavnitsky’s and Della- FREIGHT CABS countries. J to undertake in the 1967 session for the prisoner when he Is work- adding the state was overlook- have poured into' South Viet a p p r o a c h p e a k iJara Rossldy’s den. a skit wUl er^*nlw ^ S ce ^ n iit ^ te a M"»®hester and I are able to Since the airlift started Dec. Ferra’s statement and good sol­ SOI CENTER STREET tOnigrht are May ^ wg presented bv Mrs 'Bettv Roe'- i # ^^4 ** still retain our Iden- i nearly 37,000 refugees have „ of the General' Assembly," he mg, and he is less of a proMem ing a “ large source of revenue Nam,’’ Morse said, “ We still id American principles. Cusker. A. Richard Lombardi, oe presemea oy Mrs. ijeuy «o g - kiss from an inspector after tak- S .t., x l ^ a CHICAGO — Producers of 70% OF METERS OUTSIDE OPEN EVENINGS * declared. than the inmate who has noth- which could be derived from out cannot leave and see Premier town lnUce It. AMessor Edgar ^ u w ie 1^ teen-airers who left a dam- ^ ' ago «ome Republican leaders bringing them here and starting envelope with maU orders. A Tri­ papers, and an offteer of the law required that one candidate BUSHNELL dent Prodactioa. • of Rt. 6, stating he would press Old Time Work minds all veteran toat SepL • .r,.., , were ready to commit Manches- them on a new life. The refugee be removed.. Although not sure • for such action as a member of _ . Violation Denied 164 EAST CENTER ST. te toe last day for filing honor- - puard note at dArfnl dncisinn T’m vArJ to a 4 million dollar bond is- center reported that only 11,000 state Aid to EducoHoa Past matron* and past pa- _ of taking the call! I felt I was able discharges with the sue for a poorly planned region- persons. mosUy aged Ld in- *the '67 legislature. Tarpinian and Repko both trona of Temple Chapter, OE8, the one who should withdraw. i!i|ij Tarpinian labeled the state In veteS^’s ^ T e r J i* p t iS into the thick brush tbehlnd the V^Jinia. 21, also baa a broth- ^ tn nA„nn _ v JusUce Department says Team- I did not believe it would be ililij MANCHESTER— 649-5261 n S o highways throughout the coim- mV TlnleVa gters Union President James R. / in y discharges filed after toe motel. Police searched the area er in law anforcement 'work. fair to the electorate to run jjijii fliiii ^ ^ ty "a mess” and pledged to ^ Ritual” after a businea# meet- Hoffa’a constitutional rights enTct toe m ^ th , wUl have to from 2:35 p.m., when the a c Michael Lteergan 1. a patrol- m L to for an office that I might not iiilii Ample Parkins’ Front aiid Rear ii'ili be applied to toe grand list of cldent happened, to 6:30 p.m, man with toe Transit Authority operaUon would In addiladdition to airlift refugma. DEPARTMENT OF THEATBE work for the improvement of the richest rtates in the coun- tomorrow at 8 pm:, at t o . w ^ e ^ t r to l^ d ^ d ^ n g JU . be able to serve due to mov- iiiii: BURNSIDE state highways 31, 32 and 89. October 1, 1967. Veterans who but were unable to find toe police...... , , ; try in per capitl Income, it rat- Masonic Tample. The ritual por- ing out of the community. I cer IHIIi Repko pomted out that he ed 48th in the amount ot sUt« traya AriaaiaaUoti’a degree tainly would have enjoyed, if served within toe territorial lim- ytxiths. , . - , ^ University of Connsetient was mstrumental in the ex­ niill Its of Viet Nam, after December The car, owned by Oscar Blue Fnfnkte Lame funds snent for Education. work of 1867. Costumes of toe ^offo aentenc^ elected,______servingo ...... on the...... board- •iili: pending of the highway pro­ "Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappen!” 8 1. 1963, or in naval or air force of Main St., Middle Haddam, rmr tp*mo t - SlilisCfUPnON s e r i e s — 196S.1967 The majority of education Pertod -wm be worn by all of w m ' f^d"*^ltv T education with such people supportive action In toe Bay of been token from the park- NW (^ ) -- gram to Include secondary road DHIVl improvements. costs are Jaid for by residents the participants. S^ttajL^ TeiT^ of S S r to Toffi^ after this date and the ing lot whUe Blue was at work Singer lY a^a Lalne u d a 7 EvMings: Six Ploys and On* Musical of the towns and clUes through officers portra^ng ate- S ^ ^ ^ r t o iV T n Ws m 2 ^ ^ Murphy, Mr. Bagley, and Mr. CHARCOAL BROILER RESTAURANT IN Jolte Faculties DOTiinican Republic after April »t the Aircraft Plant in East burinoaa associates are October 21 • 29 Lonia O. Coxa and the property tax, which is UH' tiona are Mrs. James W. Lewis, ine jury m ma m at on pietcher, whom I’ve come to When You Really Tarpinian referred to the president; Reginald E. Allen, coM^racy charges. know and respect'through var- 27. 1965, are now eligible for Hartford. 650 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE KHsm sg" w s, Bobert Chapman’s BHAY BUDD equitable, Tarpinian said. the cxemotionA reported the car as ™Vrboo Oneens Hotel, the overcrowded and antiquated jail ■vlce prealdent, Mrs. Herbert constltu- meeUngs. They are sin- — AT THE GREEN — ENDS TONIGHT 1st BUN November 10 • 20 Georgea Feydeau’s John Burokas, Demooratic Need Money The veteran’s administration missing to the East Hartford '^P^rtad Mon- facilities as being unfortunate. llli;: KEEP AN EYE ON AMEUBI candidatecanawate forlor mate State itepresen- Represen- law werf vlolqted'^by^ibs^^ony concerned has notified toe assessor’s of- poUce and officer Paul Belleroee H U E R A D (AND now The prisoners are the last peo­ When an accident or illness strikes They’re here! Golden Fried Chlckenbnrgera. Come to December 2-10 Claire Boothe’s TOE WOMEN ple anyone takes care of, he fice that it will no longer eend of the Vernon police department ^ T ou ecir Robert J. Richmond, Esther; fellow man in this community you and you really need money— the Charcoal Broiler today and try one. Give your taste February 24 - March 4 Victorian Sardou’a said, adding the legislature us­ of Teamsters Union Local 5 at the disability rating sUps, as it will work with the East Hart- Cities for the good school ays^ Mrs. E d w a r d Schumaim, means a great dea to me.'* Ing money—how will you get it? buds a treat. Hie children will love them aooo!! will ually cuts the amount of money Martha; Mrs. Earl C. Loveland, Baton Rouge, La. Hoffa claims has in previous years. The slips ford police in investigating the Quarter. It stands A SCBAP OF PAPEB terns and products turned out AVorking ■with such people on yon. No back room kitchen at the Charcoal Broiler; allocated for improvement of Electa; Mrs. Albert E. Ford, Partin invaded his privacy, Making your own is very illegal I are being mailed direcUy to the incident. March 31 - April 8 John W. Hallauer’s adaptation of by them. In spite of the heavy the board of education would watch your food prepared before your eyes. We use the jail system. conductor, and Mrs. James El­ tried to get priviledged'Informa­ The best answer is to have bought veterans with instructions to Donna Jean Streans of 7 (Jher- ®‘te of the f ^ e d quadroon ball- WUIHEBING HEIGHTS tax burdens placed on the com­ have been moat fulfilling and Speaking of his experiences liott, candidate. tion and then was paid to tell AEtna Life and Casualty’s Major give them to toe assessor. >Y Street, Hartford, was arrest- years a 100% pure charcoal, no gimmicks; no g;as, no electric, April 21 - 29 Thompson, Barer, Duller and munity residents. Burokas 1s op­ rewarding. as an attorney, he stated that Host and hostesses for re­ government agents what he had Medical Expense Plan. Call us to­ Any veteran receiving a slip ed Monday by Vernon police on for Negro glrte. but real charcoaL Try one of our steaks deliciously Bodger’s Musical Comedy posing incumbent representative Mr. Editor, to serve people there is not room m the jails freshments are Mr. and Mrs. heeu'd. should also have his discharge a warrant issued by Circuit ballroom has been reato^ broiled over red-hot coals and taste the difference. ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Atty. Robert King. In a brief filed Monday at the means more to me than any- day for complete informati . should be referred to toe super- , a car owned by George C. Gris- , ------■ (ntendent’s office. Dr. Ramsdell ka vdiich was on toe north aide MINE KILIA SOLDIER emphasizes that all census tak- of toe street. GROTON (AP) — Pfc. Joseph MRtnr JHiMs sniiiitMiiiii^^^ PLUS THE STOB^ OF “PETE’S PLACE” at 6:20 ■ ers In Vernon will carry identi- A two-caf collision on Spruce- of Groton has been fication cards signed by him St. at 8:15 p.m. yesterday was by exploding United and should anyone be approach- reported by town police. States mine while serving with WINDOW ad for census infonnatlon with- They said a car driven by EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT out proper identification, the Frances W. Callahan of 21 Hor- Davi, ^ son of Mrs. Pearl Davl iniperintendent’s office should ton Rd.___ was___ eastbound______onof Groton, was killed when the (5 r.M. TO 9 PJd.) SHADES be______notified_____ immediately.______' Efidridge St. and ooIUded with apcidentrfly exploded dur- Every Wednesday Mode to Order The enumeration will be tik- another at Spruce and Eldridge **** ^ «n by members of the PTO and Sts. fense Department ' said. THE NEW Bring your old rollers In FTA organizations of the fol- Police said the other car was J-____ L and save 85c per shade , lowing schools: Northeast, hila- driven by Jeffrey F. Squires, DOWNTOWN RENEWAL ALSO pie St, Lake St., Vernon Ele- 17, of 82 Oxford St mentaiy and Skinner Rd. ' • BOLTON LAKE HOTEL FISH FRY VENETIAN BLINDS CHILDREN UNDER IS Democrats Open Office —— — — ————— — — WILL FEATURE A TASTE-TEMPTING Campaign beadquartera win \M U t»iU £ur 89c be opened by Che Democratic SPECIAL ‘town committee Wednesday at ‘ PREPARED BY JIM MINICUCCT t'liiil 1.19 :::::: 1 7:30 p.m. at the Gulf Station at CINEMA! Storting Tomorrow WILL 1. Mr. Agostinelli is college trained; eucoessful in business, holds a high iilli! the corner of Grove and Hale dOVWNOB ST. tXIT TO MAIN ST.|' Wonderful Boneless Filjets military rank and is a solid faihily man. 1 St, ■wlto the quarters to be open gm FRdNK |VIRHd Fried fo a crisp golden brown. '^lOHAHAFrrMtf' REMEDY THE TRAFFIC SNARL until toe November election. M a^. Wed., Sat., Sun., 2 p ji CHICKEN and SPAGHEHI liiili 2. Mr. Agostinelli has conducted Intensive resiearch into the water situation Tbe general public, especuny Eve. 8:80 (Sun. 8 pan.) French Fried Potatoes • Cole Slew and wants to give the people of Manchester cleaner water. 1 An Seats Beoerved SiNaiRa list iilili AT THE CENTER IH FRONT MW voters, ReptibUoans and un- Tartar Sauce * Rolls, and iButter All You Can Eaf 5 iiiill - 3. Mr. Agostinelli feels that small bufiiness meh'and home owners aie im­ '■MUatod voters, as weU as 1.75 iilli! OF THE POST OFFICE I>enioerats, are invited to attend -AssaujTTQueeN c portant*. ; the openfiu; end meet the eandl- Retax and enjoy a cocktail in oi^ air-conditioned lEpMCPilM^ terrBM overlooking beautiful Bolton Lake. illiil \ '4 . Mr. Agostinelli is well equipped to cope with the various problems facing .'.Oatee.' MANCHESTER Manchester, because he has o^rated a successful business for fifteen GaadidateB expected to attend AIm Iiili! i ' Mile off Oakland Street on ToDand Turnpllca •re AttUUo Frassinem, of Staf­ FOR RESERVATIONS 643-9731 , \ years and is a life-long resident. "UBERTY VALANCF' ROUTE 44A—BOLTON ' I l l ’ ford Springs, candidate for Lieu­ iiiii! VOTE Y E S FOR RENEWAL ON OCt. 5. Mr. Agostinelli’s slogan “ Bring CJovemittent Back To The People” is not tenant Oovarnor; Gerald Allen, m m m “ Queen” 8:06 “ ValaneeT* 7:00 liiip ^ \ VERNON Es As JOHNSON iiiiit •air only common sense but American-Type Government. Vote Republican^ atata seprosentative;' NiclMrias . 1 Mile East o f VarnoB Clrola on. Bonte 86 TUa adverttsaaiari; paid fw by Maaoheeter Reritenta PawMk; Mgb ahariff, ToUand BOLTON LAKE HOTEL H i PAINT GOs 1 SPONSORED BY THE COMMITTEE POR NATHAN G. AGOS’TINELU m m m Itodtak *WAXJC DOMTBUN* mlu...... >TjZsSMn|in.jS Coanfy; A ^ . Cbailee Taipia- 723 MAIN ST.

Il V i n r


another person on the train Campai^ Aide knew the, Percy twins, but Sharon did not know the per­ To Test, son’s name. Daley would not BLJENl SPEAKING. say whether the person was a In P^cy Probe man or woman. Plana to question perhaps 150 LUTZ JUNIOR MUSEUM KRNniWORTH, 111. (AP)—A more persons abbut the slaying 38-year-old campaign wdrker also were revealed. m for Republican U.S. senatorial To accommodate the expand­ candidate Charles Percy-and a ed foree, the cpmmand post for friend of Percy's slain daughter, During this p«at stumper the of the stnieture will not only the investigation was shifted . ;*■ t. '■ ' Valerie, is to undergo a lie de­ frpundwork hM been laid for be appropriate to the eettingl from :the small Kenilworth vll» tector test today at his own re­ many exciting things at the but will give a fMling of in- lage hall to the larger poUise quest. Oek Orove Nature Center. A itegrtty ylth the past. The ar­ station in adjoining Winnetka. second trail Identified by blue Police Chief Robert M. Daley Daley sai<^ that questimilng of tist’s sketch and a "Scale model said Calvin Fentress Hi was to DOWNfOWN REWEWftL PAYS markers Is now ready to be of a covered bridge may be more than 100 persons so far have taken the test Friday but explored. A trail guide listing seen in the display case at the has turned up "no promising he was “ too nervous” at the points of special Interest along elevator entrance in the rear leads.” 5 big reasons time. FOR ITSELF AND FOR THE the trail will be available at the of the Manchester Savings Percy and other members of Daley said another Percy museum by the midde of Oc­ Bank. « his family have been in seclu­ tober. worker, Tully Friedman, 24, had sion at an undisclosed location Hopefully, activity will also taken a lie detector test at his be apparent this fall in the area since last week. — ' MILLION DOLLAR REPAIR DILL Autunm Is a wonderful time own request and passed it. ef year at the Nature Center. next to the Center’s parking Daley emphasized that nei­ lot. Arnold lawrence, the archi­ Brilliant splashes of red, orange ther men are suspects in the tect of an activity building and yellow leaves make the Sept. 18 slaying of the 21-year- FOR (SEWERS, WATER & TRAFFIC LIOHTS) woods come alive in an excit­ that will be located there. Is old woman.' V ingly different way. The crim­ now working on the final plans. Daley called for a bushy- NEEDED IN DOWNTOWN AREA / son reflections of the red The museum hopes that con­ haired young man seen with Cosmetics \ • 1.. maples in the pond give it a struction of the building will be Valerie and her twin sister, warm, almost' fiery glow. The started before winter arrives. Sharon, on a train some 30 ' r r s sounds are different, too—the Plans have already been for­ hours before the slaying to iden­ you should have a dull thud of acorns and the mulated for using the building tify himself. scurrying^ soimd o f squirrels as headquarters for expanded Daley said if the young man Liggeffs VOTE Y E S FOR RENEWAL ON OCT. use of the Nature Center for 2 busily gathering nuts for the does not come forward, Shs^on coming winter. Gone is the tap, instruction in the natural sci­ will be asked to help artists At The Pkrkade ences, conservation education This advMhttsement paid for by Manchester Residente tapping of the flicker, but the create a drawing of him. MANCHESTER bluejay and crow are still heard and real enjoyment of the out- Daley also disclosed at a news loud and clear. The cicadas are of-doors. conference Monday night that BOW silent b u t the air is filled Eljem invit«i you to visit the with the crickets’ cheery song. museum when it re-opens for Sven the sound of the stream the fall on Oct. 4. You will en­ Is more urgent as if it knows joy the many exciting new ex­ that fall is here. hibits. 7 Those who take a walk in the Nature Center this fall will see Hartford National a different kind of activity at Voter Session the point where the pond and the stream meet. It is here that Set Saturday the Jayoeea of Manchester are constructing a bridge for safe A 9 a.m. to noon voter-mak­ iH ^ and easy access to the other ing session will be conducted m m . Saturday for only those appli­ Minute by Minute... side of the nature area. TUs Is not going to be just another cants whose age and residency bridge. It is going to be an ex­ requirements have matured perience! Clinton Hendrickson, since Sept 1. who designed it, expressed his The three-hour session wlUbe reasons for the design in this held in the town clerk’s office in the Municipal Building. Charge Card: way: Hour by Hour... *1By cutting steps into the New voters signed up on Sat­ banks leading down to the urday will be permitted to vote si£ream, a small and sturdy in Monday’s town elections. ■ T'-. bridge would suffice for a safe Eligible applicants must have crossing. Why, not do this? It reached the age of 21 since can’t be done this way because Sept 1 or must have resided in we are dieaming. We are Manchester for at least six the face of the Nation dreaming o f a child, perhaps months. In addition, they must eight years old, coming onto be U.S. citizens. this place in summertime a few Town Clerk Edward Tomklel, years hence. list’s tiy to see in answer to many calls from with his eyes as he comes upon electors with absentee ballots, l i i l i i M . a leafy bend in the trail where said today tiiat only one referen­ is changing... a few steps lead down to a — dum question will be voted upon what? on Monday—a g2 million Bond i i i i *lHere Is an expanse o f Issue for the town’s share of the s weathered shingles and mel­ proposed $16.6 million Down­ lowed boards surrounding a town Renewal P roject Mf< »)>i I I mysterious darkness. A glimpse On Nov. 8, in the state elec­ of timber, hand-worked. A tions, the voters will have two haunted house? No—too long. cither questions to decide—a A tunnel? No—^sun is leaking $765,000 Bond Issue for a new hi. This plank floor shows wa­ Gardner-Spring Sts. School, and ter below. A bridge? All this a $2.5 mUUuu Capital Improve­ u E wood—I know! A covered ments Bond Issue. bridge, like the pictures of old­ en times. Our young venturer 8NETOO SEEKS BONDS moves down the few steps onto HARTFORD (AP)—The South­ the approach deck at a pace ern New England Telephone Co. remarkably deliberate for one has entered a request with the of his age. He peers ahead into State Public Utilities Commis­ ec.. the coolness then' moves into sion for permission to issue and the shadowy inside. I f you will sell $46 million in debenture call up certain of your child­ bonds. T j P hood memories, you can, in A company . spokesman said your mind’s eye, be this diild the money would be used to 4 ^ as he experienoes the bridga help pay for expansion pro­ These big timbers, strong, grams during the coming year, warm, roughly smooth. Strange including additional land and marks all over this thick floor. buildings. Creaky, ghosty. Something flit­ ting-in-overhead darkness. Ooo! Changing for the better M^tysiumaue Changing for the better as our ohildrexi Do all your shopping with one card. No need to lug around ‘ *a Anything from arm chairs to stereo. Choose goods. Choose Get one bill—pay with one check. No need to keep track of stack^ Here’s light—a window. Boy! replaced witli gleaming skysorapers, xaodem shops, new services. From chino pants to china . .. from children’s toys to of receipts. No need to write out piles of checks or mon^r ordersi Tm up high. How far down the leaxn more in the efficient new eohools rising every year pack of cards.” No need to cany big sums of cash, either; Your, You get one bill monthly from Hartford National. Pay vrithin 25 brook is. Out there a duck in hotels and park-like downtown centers to meet our eipanding population all-pmpose Hartford Nation^ Charge Card is welcome at thou­ appliances. You can buy what you want when you want it—take the cattails! So blue Is the sky. advantage of special sales, quantity buys, seasonal bargains. YoU days in full and there’s no bank charge. K your budget's pindied, The, clouds are like sailing sands of stores that are members of CAP (Charge Account Plan). M ps. I could climb these slant­ It helps you, as it helps them, to a hew age of shopping convenience! can plan your shopping to allow more free time for yourself. stretch payments out for a small service fee. ing chunks o f wood. Gee, this wonderful day. “ Of course, on some other day cur venturer will learn that this covered bridge is patterned af­ ter one still standing where U can be seen near Westchester where Connecticut Rt. Id cross­ JDL es the Salmon River. And not only its form will be from out iF of the past —many of its tim'bers and all of its siding once shielded curing Connecticut shade-grown tobacco. As to authenticity — its structure will illustrate the w' u. ^ 00 00 0000 00 town lattice system so widely used after 1840 in Ocnuiecticut. on MARY N. SMITH 2 2 Now perhaps it is clear why we the cannot have just a low foot­ O O bridge or even a' high prowl bridge. We are building eui ad­ venture.” y ** h> Remember: Costs nothing to become a Charge Card holder— This footbridge will provide cougar! and you need not he a customer of Hartford National to qualify a walkway to complete a trail circling the pond and afford a for yours. Just fill in and mail ^is coupon to start! viewing station overlooking the pond. The external appearance • « coming Sept. 30 / M r . R o bert B. D oyle, V.P. Hartford National Bank & Trust Company Charge Card Department Changing for the better ae we travel on Changing for the better a* induetrial 36 Pearl Street Hartford, Conn. MR. WILLIAM R DALTON great new superhighways, engineered tb 4peed ixs astfely parks and ^esearoh'centers replace dingy factories Buy anywhere you see tills sign throughout Connecticut. Not OF NEW YORK CTTY to work, to home, to recreation brighten the look of our land Gat cash In any HNB, office instantly! Short of ready cash when you need it most? Just present your Charge Card at any office of just in our service area! Pick up bu;^ when yoi?re on vacation, on GENTLEMEN: Please send me an application for the new, all-purpose Charge Card. I understand there is no cost or CONCERT ORGANIST TEACHER a bui^ess or social trip. At store after store, you’ll see the wel­ Hartford National—get fhe cash you need right then and there. obligation in this request. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS B y presenting your card you can bbnbw up to $250. on the spot coming sign of CAP. And even i f iPs associated loith a different It takes men and mi^lifaes. Imagination and money t o pnt a bright new I andpay it b ^ with only a small service charge added. hank, use your Hartford Nation^ Charge Card just the samel FALL TEACHING SCHEDULE \ * I r fa ce on C^onneotiont and the i^ation. Last year alone, Conneotiout INSURANCE 8TBEBC. Through the courtesy of Watkins Bros, in Man­ insnranoe oompanies invested almost two billion dollars in pnblio and COMPANIES . . 1 / chester and Hartford, classes will be held in their OF CTPY» .OTATIL JIIPCODE- music depts. Wednesday 1 P.M.-9 P.M. and all private ventures • • • a major contribution to the eopnomie rebirth of CONNECTICUT NATIONAL HERCHANTS: I f yott hate not y^ Joined the Hartford National Charge day Thursday. the American oity« AnothMP-jreason why Conneotiout insnranoe oom- Card program, just cheek here Q . We witt be happy to send you com­ plete infomuUio*, panioB are good for yon, for Gonneotiont and for the nations FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL MmbeeVjDJXL WHER£. MONEY $ 0 ^ TO WOM fOR PEOPLE E Y u m M t m HAZEL K. FINLAY, 44 GREENWOOD DR. 649-1411


■ \ I f ^AGIS 3IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2T, .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 PAGE SSVEI^ • ft Rights ^Violated* after a Brooklyn Judge ruled been advised o f her alterna­ police had failed to Inform her tives. Tlf^gh-Speed. Tubes Possible of her rights before she con­ “Thank you,” sh e, told Su­ Woman Admits fessed — a, violation of the Su­ preme Court Justice' Michael preme Court’s recent ruling on Kern after he' announced her FOR EXPERT Killing Child, defendants’ rights. release Monday. :es WHEEL ALIGNMENT—Wh e e l BALANaNG A prison term of up )o 20 . “Don’t thank; me,” Kem re-. I ' But Goes Free years faced Mrs. Powe after she RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING plied. “Thank the TIMted States. { COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE pleaded guilty to manslaughter Supreme Court. Tou killed the Coming forHailroad8 NEW YORIJ (AP) ' —All the April 13. She had told police she child and you should go to Jail.” SEE beat her son Anthony to death state had a ^ n s t Joan Powe NEW YORK (AP) — A few Commutensand other took to was her own admission that she with a rubber hose and a years ago they looked like broomstick Nov. 2, 1965. S2S,S40 CHCRCHES IN VIS. the hlirhways/Ths federal gov­ ClARKE MOTOR SALES somet'hlng putting through a ernment appropriated billions had killed her t-year-old son Buf/the plea was withdrawn BOSTON— The number of 301 BROAD STREET—643-9521 Grandma Moses painting, but for new roads, ftqd Detroit because he soiled his bed. That after the Intervention of a Legal churches, synagogues and mis-^ now the railroads talk of data' .bonfession was not enough. sions in the United States totals helped fill them with jMi^cUon Aid Society lawyer. The grounds processingi Jets, radkr and 300- at the rate of nine millioiNiaft a Mrs. Powe, 36, wsis free today were that Mrs. Powe had not Just over 333,340. mile-an-hour passeiiger tubes. year. The big long-haul lines are The big railroads admttti sopping up the red Ink that bkd they were inefficient. Where ohs split all over their balance line’s facilities duplicated that sheets, and billions ^ dollars of another they tried to merge. are marked for spading on the Where they couldn’t compete short-haul passengbr lines. for passengers they d ro j^d New or greqtly expanded rap­ them. Mercury Cougar a Two-Door Hardtop ^ id transit lines will be .built In at This Mercury Cougar, both a luxury Md sports car, ta n be seen now with other models at 'least 15 of the nation’s largest Roads often were clogged snd MoHarty Bros., 315 Center St. Exclusively a two-door hardtop, the Cougar emphasizes the cities by 1980. Some arO already blue smog veils hovered over In the first six months of 1966 European flair of styling with a long hood and a short deck. The model offers a choice of under construction, the largest some highways. Trahic Jams three V-8 engines, and three,different types of transmission. Fixed position dual sealed beam of them in the San Francisco became routine. Otie^ com­ headlamps are i^cealed b e ^ d vacuum-powered retractable doors, and the car has an Ill- area. plained they couldn’t accommo­ Inch wheelbase ibid over-all .’length of 190.3 inches. date their growing pt^latlons, For years the railroads com­ even 'without thblr automobiles. S. B. M. Depositors received more than plained about losing money. A REPUBLICAN\ N While everyone was trying to And the passengers complained (Bolton Officers Named*' about the service on everything match transportation faoiUties from rapid transit systems to to the needs of the population transcontinental lines. the population, itself, was n ,0 7 1,000.00 in Dividends jReiiee and Michael Awarded Now the talking seems to be changing. The move from rural The Teen Center Council re­ over, and money is being ap­ areas to urban and suburban cently held an organizational propriated by business and gov­ addresses speeded up. Metro­ 3*Prizes at the Exposition meeting at the Teen Center on ernments. In the next decade or politan areas spread into each School St. to make plans for mors Westinghouse Air Brake other. Transit through this Renee and Michael came be a celebration of the.Euchar- the coming season. Oo. estimates Canadian and congestion became an even big­ This week, over ,ome with two blue ribbons and 1st at 10 a.m. ’The Episcopal Despite the rainy weather, United States cities will spend ger headache. red from the Eastern States Church Women will have a quiet some fifty teen-agers attended more than 36 billion. The commuter, the rapid Ixposition last weekend. Renee day at Trinity Church, Portland, td elect officers and plan week­ BOARD OF EDUCATION So much research has recent­ transit rider, the frequent trav­ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. starting at 10 a.m. The adqlt ly dances and other social ac­ ly gone Into this old business of eler between cities, complained ymond Calhoun of Flora Rd., choir will rehearse at 7:30 j)-m. tivities at the Center. The ac­ ^1,000 S.B.M. DEPOSITORS railroads that‘s spectacular more loudly than ever. New ad­ nd a sophomore at Bolton and the church school teachers tivities, held from September changes are bbund to come reg­ ministrative units that tran­ High School. will meet at 8 p.m. to July, are sponsored by the ularly for decades. scended political boundaries, Michael is a grade of Cheviot Evening Prayer will be read Manchester Recreation and All this has come about while such as the San Francisco Bay heep, one of several that Renee ^ p.m. Sunday, and there wiU Park Department, the rails’ big competitors: Area Rapid Transit District, will RECEIVE a RECORD-BREAKINiB las been raising over the past ^ meeting of the Young Peo- At the meeting, the following Trucks, automobiles, highways were formed. ree years. pies Fellowship. Teen Council members and of­ were expanding. Into the pic­ Huge rapid transit plans now i St. Maurice Notes ficers were elected: Susan Pa­ f He has washed and polished ture meanwhile, came a big are under way, planned or being for the occasion and won the ’The antique show and sale gan!, president; Kit Droblak, new competitor, the airlines. studied in almost all our large lrst prize in an intennediate held last weekend at St. Mau­ vice president; Micky Ehlers, Whether because of poor ad­ cities. Abroad, Ltmdon, Paris, $370,000-0Q in DiVIDEHDS itting and sho\^anship class rice Church was very success­ treasurer; Eileen Hogan, secre­ Will Install ministration or because of the ’Tokyo and Moscow are working .nd the second prize in the ful and enjoyable, according to tary; Pam Bampton, committee competition, the rails went on the same problems. ightwegriht wether class. officials. adWsor. Elected as co-chair­ downhill fast. ’The New York For the longer distances, the i• Renee won her blue'-jibbon -in 'The annual drive for Indi­ man for committees were Joe Central found Itself in the au-' Department of (Commerce and blocking contest. ' Michael vidual affiliation with the Dio- Gorman, Jackie Clarke, Bev­ tumn of 1954 facing a 33S-milIion the Pennsylvania and New York Beginning Oct. 1st they will EARN EVEN MORE! couldn’t help here, for blocking cesan Council of Catholic erly Miller, Gail Krawic, Bruce A payment with an estimated 36 Central railroads are experi­ Involves working with a sheep Women began Sunday. The do May, Barbara Lynne, John Gal­ million in the bank. menting with Jet trains fbr the from the . These sheep nation should be included in the lagher and Nancy Herman. Passengers became a liability populous Washington-New York- ^ave not been pets, and each envelope, to be returned to the Serving as advisors to the on some lines, and the passen­ Boston corridor. Serylce may contestant is given an hour to collection plate this Sunday. Teen Council are Wally Fortin gers knew It- Long-distance begin next year. 4pruce them up. The annual rosary pilgrimage of the recreation division, Rich­ Continuing travelers took to airplanes. On the drawing boards are i Renee was chosen to repre­ will be hed Sunday at 3 p.m. ard Cobb, Robert Marci and They reached their destination vacuum tube trains, air cushion sent the state after competition at Our Lady of Grace, North Frank Conti. faster, more dramatically and vehicles,, and trains drawn by 4t the Tolland County fair ear­ Gilford. All members of the par­ even less expensively. magnetism. ner this year. She is a member ish are Invited. 4f the “Baa and Cackle" 4-H Those who wish to attend a Meeting Called School Club of Coventry. course on the new catechism ] At the moment she has four conducted by Sister Mary Hugh CoiintTV Cllltt sheep, and recently purchased a *bould register with Father J J Twins Having a Ball Shropshire yearling ram. She Cronin on or before Oct. 4, when meeting of the general hopes to start a oure-bred line, the‘Course-starts. .-i. _, . .. iwiV V , . membership of the Manchester Michael, in spite of his laurels. Church Sets Flair _ . _ . , . „ . Maintenance Thanks to Operation

AMERICAN LEGION Mondoy thru Friday phone 649-5203 7:30 P.M. Sunday— 7:00 P.M. You Can Vote By BINGO GOSPEL HALL Msmbsr of Psdsrtl Dspesit Intursnes Dorp. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 41& CENTER STREET 8 O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. MISSIONARY Absentee Ballot avinos ank Mr, Willlain McBride S B Herbert A, Phelon Jrl John Fletcher, Jr. Anita Murphy' . Walter Doll Jr. Roger B, Bagley ' of Talca, Chile, S.A. • If you will be absent from the State during vot­ formerly of Manchester, . ' " ; Conp. ing hours on October third. Verily, verity, laay unto you, • If you are iUt or physically disabled and unable of anchester to vote in person at the polls. M Jie.tliat heareth my word and FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION MAIN OPFiqe EAST BRANCH WtBT BlUlWIf belleveth on him that sent I CAR FAIR, INC. me, hath pverlastlng life and c • If you are a member of the Armed Forces. 923 Main Street E. Center St, Cor. Lenox Manchester PerkMa shall not come Into condem­ SO UTH WINDSOR OFFICE Sullivan Avenue Shopping Center nation: but is passed from FOR FURTHER INFORMATION—Tel. 649-2859 BURNSIDE OFFICE Burnside Avenue at C|wrch StrMLC*DtHsrtfenl m DKPUY - RECONDITIONED death unto life. Jofm 5:24 GET-^ACTION ^ VOTE REPUBLICAN StfETY CHECKED MITONODILES REPl^BLICAN HEADQUARTERS ALL ARE WELCOME ir MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1966 ir d '4*1 MAIN.STREET—HANCHESTER 806 MAIN STREET, MANCHEST^ PARKADE OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGI PHONE 643-1691 NO COLLECTIONS FOR VOTER INFORMATION. CALL REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS AT 806 MAIN STREET — 649-2850'' Don’t Delay, Get ^our Absentee "Vote In, Now! ' FAGE.JON® PAGE BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 196« 'MANCilLJiEir liJVLiaira HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.^ TUESDAY; SEPTOMBER 27, 1966

That means, the right wing will IHaitriypBtpr will Iniy aome proptrtiM and d[emolisn m o Ittside be out jto get Kuchel in 1966— Today in History th« building on them- Connecticut perhaps vtitli ^((utwellf^Rafiarty, . By n o , A mooU ^ Press the hlghlyr;^!!jp^ibYor('^‘^^ state Ettpnln^ Som« of th« land will remain in pub> Toaajr is'Tuesday, Sept; 27. •J2*i^.teBdent. the 27IW» day of 1$66. There are lie ownership indefinitely. It will be- Yankee XNC. M d^s lett m thenar, ’ BtiMin Stmt oomo streets antT"walkways ahd similar (Oontlaaed trom Page 8) B y A .H .O . ^1?;*’** HlgliMglit In History public facilities. Probably a greater per- pen tackling California’s 'inwn- nltloh th i;^ $^ o:q$'p n ity, ^ bh this date In i854, the first WALTER R. EBROUSON ^ceptage pf the 144 acres will become P ubltohcra r^^,probl% ij pii a prajj^Wlo, Furthei^wy. tf B(el«an ’ ll great to ah Atlantic^ jbuBdod o ^ b « r 1. liu public Mhd than at present. We begin to be afraid tha^ elected, the ipassta^ r” liner occurred when' All the spotlight attention being ii^h-|(!k^iglcal basis. FublMied Bveiy Eventne Except JtaBdaya 1968 preside|Ual ehoicd ot gitosa the. steahuhip “ Arctic,” enroute and Holidaya Entered at the P e« Cmice M Jrfost of the land the agency buys and given to campaign contribUj^ BMfaii'doliy^m * highly afi-' roots conseirVaUvas ^ a. movs- fWm , Liverpool, England, jo llanchaiter. Oooa.. as Second Clase Hsfl yUclears ean Off will be sold tq private devel­ tiohs and expenditures, and re^ tertalning' set', speech (written- ment th^tS.yftU bw oa)foatiy;a^ New York, sank 1,000 miles Sattar. ______porta thereon, is going t^ h a v c opers who 'lyill rebuild on it according « y himiCIfX .'Which exedriates' posed bym i^erotes in li^^ bwR' west pt the Irish coast with JOO ■ CBM9UPTIOM RATES to restrictions.^ and time limits set by a most unfortunate etfMt on state party yih.o how. back him persons' aboard, pREsraiNE PayiMs In Adraaca this 1968 state cfunpalgn. . public welfare—a'rnMt pqpuiai^ One Tear ...... the redevelopmratopnm t sgency. for govet^ . XndMd, the |tn^- in 1987, Germany’s Adolf Hit- C illd o v th"eme h ere-^ h lle igiipring the - Six Uontha ll^QS If this kind « t scrutiny con­ gle bet\^n the two grrot ler conferred with Italy's Benito ^fttraa Wonthd S4 Q rtjif Issues.) Thus it will become tax-producing tinues, several comfortable anqi 1 / One JContli Finish Tgoes Als own way in a wings o f ijthqrt'Tparty m ay reach Mussolini. ANTIFREEZE property again. Renewal officials fore­ traditional fictiona are going to a new fen^ioity in 1967.' In 1940, the Beriin-RomerTo- MEMBER campaign that has greatly In- be exposed. 1966 Fubyihera Newspaper kyo Axis Pact, was signed THE ASSOCIA' see a loss in this respect, however, of em sed his sUtur'e (though he The Asatkxiated Press entitled And if these fictions can’t b$, lyndicate Germany. '' \ ■/ $1,800,000 in Msessed valu^:. tf-alls his Democratic opponent to tbs use ol republic)----- ot .. all news dia- used any more, we can’t quite Ten Years Ago patches credited to tt^dp not otherwise cimdlt- wfille Reagan nabrowly leads TRANSPORT DEPT. ASKED Limit Two 37 ad In this paper a z a l e a the local news pub- The agency proposes to acquire prop­ see how any cainpalgn will ever The Bell X-2 rocket plane, the Itehed here. manage to Hmp toward its firi;, Brown). Eschewing philosophy, ■HARTFORD (AP)—The crea­ TONteHT & WEDNESDAY ONLY Alt rtshta of d^publieatioh ot apaetal die- erties the total assessments for Which world's fastest and highest fly­ ish. Flnqh discusses ways to handle tion ot a Stajte Department ot patches herejp^are also rsaerTai______is now $2,800,000. During the period ing craft, crashed while on a One o f the fictions which is t{ie population explosion. In the T ran^rta^ was once again “-j ^i^'ktYdwaros"^^ ^ ‘rce CAL. The leVald Printing Company, Inc., a*- when the land stands vacant, it, will be polls.; , called for, by Gov. John Demp­ aumes.'tio financial iwpoo.slblllty _typ«K most useful in the business ot Base, Calif. Capt. Wilburn Apt, assessed for tax purposes at only granMbal errors appearing in advertlsemanta accounting for party campaign ■,'.Bi)it the greatest.oource of in-: sey W edne^ay night. who wae at the controls, died. “^other reading raattar in Tha Mapehastdir $ 1,000,000. ening Herald funds is tl)e fiction which says traparty frtct|on haa been Dempsey,' in a tele'visiqn Five Years Ago that certain generous cash ^agan’suoff-hahd remark to a, speech, siid, the new depari- Former Vice President Rich- Prectone Hadialw Pull aerrica client «< R. B. A.iSerrica. hjfc Thia. loss, however, is offset by the amounts have been donated television. Interviewer that he ment. would he "responsible for ard Nixon said in Los Angeles Publirheri RepreaealatlTaa — Mathewa Special lyieney — New Terk, O a - expectation that new private investment this or that indliridual—often'; would npt. support liberal Re-. centralized planning ahd action '*i ghall not be a candidate for Eli^ctric Toothbrush eago. DetrUt and in real estate will be made within the an office holder if the donatlmf ];^blican Sen. Thomas Kuchel— in all transportation fields — president in 1964, I shall We a Sealer MEMBER AUOrr RDRBAU OP CIRCDLAp area. The agency regards such new in­ fis -to the party in power—often dr anybody elec—in the 1968 highways, railroad and mass candidate for governor of Cali- 2 TIONB. vestment of $8,250,000 as the minimum la party worker if the donation itepublican primary. That one transit, service/,aeronautic8, and fornia in 1662.” By Squibb Display adyartlatng eloaing hoart: to be expected. An investment of that is to the party still on the .m. Friday. Ths agency has determined that a pointing out, very early in the .Now. It. is almost' *Certaih ing, *;.Oul> leadership in roads Is of war by the Communist ViOt Oimdlttoiji rad Bno Classified deadline: 10:80 a.m. aaeb each day at pubUcatioa axoept Saturday — 8 s-sa. more reasonable figure for new real reporting season, the contribu-^ H^uchel willimt endorse Reagan. nationally recognised.” Cong in South Viet Nam. Only •T estate investment would be $11,125,000, tlons listed for some o f the Tuesday, September 37 Democratic jobholders or their. producing new assessed value 4C Tondi Of FSeganca relatives threaten to add up to $ 8 ,010 ,000. 7 more than the salary ths Quick and gentta ujo $Bd j m dewn action mta 'teetli raal^ What Is Ths Cost? The •noss” then of $1,800,000 in as­ holders in question get from ; Silver jpiate^ their position on the state pay-i clean and Iwvea m o v tn sessed value can be called a loss only if pleasantly tingling. When a project as InvolTed as Down­ roll. town Renewal cornea along it is bound the Downtown Renewal fails completely This Republican sniping! ☆ Salt ik PeODi^Sets to be attended by a certain; amount of to bring forth new real estate invest­ takes the deadpan attitude that | ment, an incredible possibility in view eonfusion oyer its mechanics. The divid­ ail these reported contributions' fior tho liHdi or ed responsiblllUes, particularly for fi­ of the high stake downtown property are legitimate gifts out of the« ipeelal on your jM. 149 nancing, puule the citizen who cannot owners and merchants have in the re­ financial resources of the peo­ SAVIXGS TTadKiooid devote full time to studying them. newal project. ple listed. In reality, however, Anne, Hated. no one really believes that such The most zealous opponents of any The one clear cost to the town’s tax­ specific individuals , really LOAN General Electric project learn the involvements well payers is the $2,000,000 bond issue and being that generous. The sus­ A. S S O CT r 1 O M ■ Rog«'69d. enough, however, and capitalize on the the interest which will have to be paid picion is that their names are inherent complication by suggesting re­ on that bond Issue. This figure—about being used in order to provide a RAIR dr™ legal cover for the funneling peatedly that ail itiiu ot hidden costs $2,800,000—is the out-of-pocket invest­ into the party coffers of money lie waiting to bankrupt the town tbeds- ment which the voters are being asked H ANCHCSTER*^» DtPItT riMAWCIAL IlifTITUTIOII obtained from eome other to make in the town’s future. ury. To them a financing'arrangement source—either from some pri- Which is at all obscure is bound to be /OOZ t/I^UM Street, JXmeae And even that expenditure bring8 cer­ 'vate or business or even crim l-, 70 clandestine. tain guaranteed benefits which do not nal source which loves which-j ever party it is very much, or i depend on anyone’s faith in renewal. A restatement of the-finahelal setup, from some source which is pay- { I.',. I p m AN CH OFFICE-ROUTE 31-COyENTRY ^ then, is in or^er as the voters approach It provides, for instance, for the ing off for past or present fa-i the election Monday'St Which thSy will widening and extension of Cottage St. vors. 1 be asked to vote to set the project in This year, with the spotlight \ to Afford a second north-south road, a motion. No uncertainty en the question playing around, may' be the* Line toofftmt iMimet fits irass Seed goal which before renewal seemed un­ easQy____ over laiteit tollers. orahHito'j -.- i Onr no. 99i o f Rnance need 1 cloud their minds M year for real sympathy , with] attainable. / medium, law heat idee* they go to the polls. , , , those poor people who are being j GET ACQUAINTED WITH MANCHESTER’S ttoxiA pins cool for imniner. Hated for donations so oonspic-{ It pravidea also for the widening o f Promea tait, oooftilAT ‘ The paramoimt questions obyiouslyr,is uously above their own actual] diylng. 4 tB ^ Famous Disston Lawn Rake Spruce St, which will probably never Itor nkkne Ml Jaaraa. Btad toetli, bardiTDod Wandli) I s the cost to town taxpayen. The direct flnancee. i OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION! come to pass without renewal. It pro- X>-18...... ■ '• cost to them, as town tai^ayers, will be But, in past yeari, the normal | 'Vides for widening Maple St. It pro­ 12,000,000 and the ihdnSy it costa to extent of such gifts was the* vides for making Main St. passable borrow $2,000,000. use of a name. >> i without eliminating convenient parking. The second comfortable and! I I Raising their, estimate on an intsrtrt ; traditional fiction being threat- i Pac'^iif* Eotion It provides for correcting the messy Oourteey The Sculptor ice rate of slightly more than S.5 per oeiit,'' ened by this campaign’s im-1 traffic situation at the Center. / the renewal officials have placed ttie “PAINTED SCULPTURE” By David Hayes polite attention to the issue of i campaign funds ia the usual ( cost of borrowing at $800,000. Thus the J o !- ^ J c ’ It provides more land for BenAet Jun^ pretense that the two parties* B ciU M o r BoUtm, V U k total direct cost of the project to the OWrRog ior High School and Nathan Hale actually report an3rthing lik e, Raby Oil 98c size . wiomEn irai* U 9 taxpayers as a whole is $2,800,000, or School. It provides for resolving a raft the total amount of money they \ 8140,000 for each'of the 20 years o f the of utilities problems which would have A Thought for Today actually apend on a cam i^gn. > proposed bond issue. This, the renewal to be tackled over the years piecemeal. In sid e By Rowland Evans Jr. Sponsored by the Manchester \ Normally and traditionally, j officials have determined comes to $7.80 . Council of Churches the parties will report .am much ; Halo Shatiiiioo 53* Cairy-All Bag a year, based on the 1905 Orand L4st, for Basically the cost of renewal is sim­ Robert D. Novak as can be legally accounted for { or gym toga. ' ' ’ ^ ^wr* ng. 199 the owner of a home assessed at $10,000. ple to describe. The cost is small. "Thou turnest men back to through the use of all avail- j R e p o rt the dust, and sayest ’Turn back, able fictional contributors* and • P As the total Orand List increases— O children of men!' For a thou­ the listing of all legitimate and ] verifiable expenditures. < and Downtown Renewal will certainly Fire The Best LOS ANGELES — Behind the and former State Chairman ed to dissuade Reagan from sand years in thy sight are but Keep Id Shiap^ help increase it-^the cost per home- facade of surface unity in Cali­ Casper Weinburger—are now backing a statewide anti-por­ as yesterday when it Is past, When the parties and candi-1 •ernz-O-lHatic owner for renewal will decrease. At the W e are not so sure, on the basis of fornia’s Republican Party this inside the Reagan higher strat­ nography referendum that or as a watch in the night. Thou dates report such formal fig-, same time, admittedly, if an individual latest developments, that there is any autumn, severe friction has de­ egy council. So is industrialist amounts to government censor­ dost sweep men away; they are urea, everybody starts playing i veloped between conservative John McCone (CIA bead under like a'dream , like grass which the guessing gameVtrying to : AHEKOWER taxpayer’s assessment increases, . his ^eat gulf between managing television ship. Although Reagan says he is renewed in the-*morning; In guess how much the pq^es or i Kit share of the total cost of running ths and managing baseball after all. Ronald Reagan and the mod-, Presidents Kennedy and John­ opposed the 1964 Civil Rights erates who have chosen to sup­ son), who succeeded in soften­ the morning it flourishes and is candidates really did spen^. { 9 9 town will increase proportionately. ■We noted here, a few dpys ago, that Acts because he thought it un­ ’ ' G ot ac|i|ua!nted with our many financial aervieas. You'll under­ How To Avoid Probate 2 port his cause. ing Reagan’s shrill attacks constitutional, he says he backs renewed: In the evening it fades In past campaigns, the usual • 8 8 Comps wale Mr. Michael Burke, the new president and withers.” (Psalm 90:3-6) guess as to actual expenditures,' List 4.95 " There is another cost to consider, less Almost surely, this friction against the University of Cali­ tlie anti-pornography proposal 149' television was providing the New York Here is the proper perspective including those of non-traceabie < stand, thOri, why for over 75 year$ ^'Savings & Loan" has. kept 19.9S direct and far more problematical. It is ' will "not” be escalated into an fornia at Berkeley. But at­ even if it is unconstitutional. Yankees, had put himself on record to about man. If the first two cash, haa run about double the * open break before the Nov. 8 tempts to moderate Reagan A more significant friction • 4 7 the cost of repaying to the state what­ verses of the Psalm set forth amount formally reported. abreast of fhie times providing the services people, like yourself, the effect that the present team of Yan­ election for governor between have not been entirely suc­ has been Finch’s inability to TbeFbcer tbt 5.75 ever portion of a loan-grant the success the eternal nature of God, then We doubt that either Con­ kee broadcasters would be retained. Reagan tmd Democratic Gov. cessful. Robert Finch, for­ con-vince Reagan to accept of ^He renewal project dictates paying. assuredly we see that these nibd rrTbst. Right n6w would be a good time to get acquainted by Tor hundreds eg And now it is reported that this same Edmund G. (Pat). Brown, be­ mer chief aide to • Richard necticut party really wants to ' Finch’s perceptive position pa- verses tell us something ataut jobs. Remiovee Mr. Burke had breakfast Monday morn­ cause ol State' Chairman Gay­ Nixon and now . candidate change this convenient custom < The state is scheduled to contribute the temporary nature of His for the present campaign. But ] ' startthg to save here and .earning our new, higher dividend rate. adder, paint, lays ItDA flfl& VD flDH. ing with Red Barber, the senior and lord Parkinson’s 11th Com­ for lieutenant governor, fail­ (See Page Nine) Valley 0 £ Dolls uit 5.95 about $2,200,000. The town is obligated creatures. if they don’t stop playing | toe, alo. dee. B lm 'Vl»tea| mandment —"Thous shall not toeing t» oHHolae to pay back over s 15-year period an veteiym broadcaster of Yankee games, It is not a pessimistic thought around with the Campaign ' Hope to see you soon! , , speak ill of any Republican — ■toBMiOh, a a t o % ] amount of money equal to.one third of and informed him that he was fired., the Psalmist places before his It being obeyed td the letter.” funds issue, they’ll queer the( So the two professions—rrunning tele­ readers. This’ is simply the way the increase in the real estate tax reve­ But the superficial, nature of Herald Yesterdays whole game for each other. * vision and running baseball—are quite life is- Our time is limiteii and Uit6.95 nue . realized within the renewal ares Parkinson's edict is revealed Tai-Faii T l is our temporary nature 4 ^ ’ during the period of the renewal. similar, after a ll.______behind the Republican scenes. 25 Years Ago 10 Years Ago which gives a sense of urgency On This Date One standing rule, in television and There, tensions indicate that the Miss Adelaide Grayson Mrs. Jacqueline Shaw, presi­ to our days. It is the ■way we This obligation does not apply to any baseball, is to- give a ]iroadcaster or a ideological gap between Reagan In 1777, British General Sir* state’s only licensed parachute^ dent, League of 'Women Voters, live 'that counts. It is what and Increase in tax revenue the town gets manager a vote of confidence just be­ and the moderates remains un­ William Howe entered Phlladel-; jumper, now, resides in Man­ urges town residents to attend whom we are Uving for that from anything outside the 144 acres in bridged and that moderates phla during the Itovolution. fore you fire him. chester, an employe of Pioneer “ meet the candidates” program matters. Thank God, that life is the center of town which constitute the have not yet surrendered in the Another favorite tactic, in both pro- Parachute Co. to question various candidates. urgent and not a day is to be In 1779, John Adams was ap­ m s W H m DRESS a renewal area. It does not apply to any battle for the heart and soul of fessions, is to select the best program, Jtanchester (jountry Club de- wasted, but lived J o r Hie pur­ pointed to negotiate a peace, ,the California Republican Par- Increase In tax revenue for increased the best manager, or the beat broad­ (jides to assess each male m e^- . Troops to man local Nike in- poses. ~ treaty with Great Britain. nnoug maler button down and eonflieil 2 ty. inventories. caster to be the one to be fired. iUr $16 and each female mem- staljationa arrive in town, wel­ Rev. John E. Post President' The impression of unity is glir- NEW HIGHER RA^E ORtords. Spread ooUan Hl^Dunt broaddoQig.' $5. tValuf You may not, from the practice of bet $8 to defray cost of‘develop­ comed in program sponsored by ' I -Superintendent. . Cleveland proclaimed amnesty For purposes of determining this ob­ en by the fact that lor the first m ^ such principles and tactics, get decent ment of new section of golf Manchester Chamber of Com­ Norwich District to perrons conviMM of polyga­ ligation. the renewal period is said to time in 10 years, all Republi­ eburse. >, merce. Methodist Church my under the Edmunds Act. i EFFECTIVE OCT! 1, 1966 be over when the l ^ k s are finally entertainment from television or much cans closed ranks following closed or seven years after the tO'wn winning baseball, but you sure have tfie Reagan’s landslide win in last 47 snd state sign the contract for the loan- latest thing in executives. June’s primary. Gov. Brown grant, whichever-is sooner. had. been confident that such PAID ON A U li^ ra l Republican business­ fetmuMBi ptMS. 1096 pdyMter, S0« eot- men as Leonard Firestone and too. With tab frox^ fly. 4 The state cannot get back more than A Sharp Needle / the $2,200,000 amount o f the loan-grant Justin Dart (head of Rexall ^ INSURED t o T . snd the interest on it. The more success­ Republican gubernatorial nominee Drugs) would defect from Rea­ gan and suppprt him. Instead, ful the project is in . increasing real Clayton Gengras Is pro'ving an unortho­ they are backing Reagan to SAVINGS estate tax revenues fl^m the renewal dox campaigner, which will do no harm. In New Haven last week he went out the man along with liberal Re­ srea, the more the town will pay back. publicans in the state legisla­ Fashion Handbags 066 o f his way to laud Democratic Mayor Comp. A t the end o f 15 years whatever is left Richard Lee for doing a ‘‘fine job” in ture. NO REGUUTIONS Qtodd groupbif oT aeasons latest a^of. unpaid becomes an outright grant to the area of redevelopment, schools, and But behind this unity is a VonehN* end adjustaUa ahouldor itgrlai. value the town. hotuing. There was a touch of Machia­ large element of real politic. B la^ braea, bayrldt, antlquo. 5.98 vellian intent in the Gengras move be­ In the event of a Reagan loss, PAID FROM DAY OF DeP< ^ Whether this should bo considered s cause Lee, who is clearly the most skill­ the moderates don’t want to be “ cost” to the town at all in terms of an ed mayor in the state, has a luke-warm blamed lor it in future intra­ OUARTERI.Y additional expenditure, is highly ques­ relationship with Governor Dempsey. No party struggles. tionable. It is much like borrowing doubt this stems from Mayor Lee's con­ More important, the moder­ Sneakers monty for investment and paying it cept of government, which' is oriented ates' want to "surround Rea> ' ■ At the bepmdng of back only if ths investment is s suc­ tdward far more activism than is gan” —a phrase that frequently ^ ii s r y , April, Jnly and October* Made Id TMA. Ton enehlooed, ateh and cess. espoused by Governor Dempsey, but pops up in political discussionB Inaole. tta n 'i end women’! e la ^ whatever the cause, Gengras was trying here. Fresh to politics, Reagan ;r.'.' 'i-'? The only wsy it can be viewed ss sn to widen the breach. has no tightly structured inner added oost is by assuming that ^ e real Furthermore, the GOP candidate was circle common to moet politi- -astate tax revenues from the area would on very bolid ground, and he obviously clane. Hence, by jumping into was hoping to pick up a few Lee voters. thle void, the moderates feel Increaae without renewal as much as Sail: tu w . and Iteds. Only Mayor Lee is probably the most capable they can hone down his right- Mmi. Thni W8d8. they will with it. Democratic politician in the state aside wing edges not only in the cam­ MaediwIsMMS Tsllmd Templln 1:19 AM. ts .1 :1 1 P J L Every indloation is that, far from in- from Senator Abraham Ribicoff. He paign but in Sacramento if he Tlngii Tfcri PrI, ...... could deservedly fill Senator Dodd’s seat ia elected. In brief, they are •rsaaiiig in assessed value at an accel- 9:90 A.M.ts 19 r .M . in the Senate if Dodd resigns following seeking to freeze out right-wing sratad pace, the downtown area is go­ Exit 93, Wilber draw Pariiway the Senate hearings, and there are not -elemente who represent tha Saturdiy ing to eontinue its proosas of deteriora- 9 A.M. to 4 P.M* MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY a few Democrats who would like to see hard core of Reagan’s support. All Stores Comfortably Air Conditioned 9:09 a m . I t I I F M . Lee approach the problem of governing To some exUnt, they have ~ EXTRA HOURS THURSDAY EVENING 4 to 8 the state. been succeisfuL Two RepufeU* AnoOMF k M «C 'M st to town Oeagraa haa ttaua punctured ttw gop* eans who sro uMiumM, to .tbit m n m about as a issnlt of tlM fact that •nwr with a rather sharp needle. ~ ffght 'Wing—stato assembly V —/ aMf iMVjumtr flto Muidiaatar EsdtvdopiMBt Agency MIDDLETOWN PRESS noritgr leader iRobert iConagaa ym t seesmmof tom 0 V “I 1 a M O H

KANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANdHEaTER. CONN., TUESDAY, SEi .liJ .d ER 27, MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TOESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ■PAGE TE N » r ’ •_“___1 for use by the'Community (joun- for the new- 'World W ar n Me­ Coventry Abandoning School District Hospital Notes Short Agenda oil on Boonomto Opportunity morial Plaque^i vdiich will te in­ es —41,900. T o t e fteanced ftem stalled at Manchdster High Visiting hours mm X to 8 p.m. 1 9 6 6 ^ Oeaeral Flmd surplus, iSohooL [eiuses to Resign A Poor Alternativer Curtis in all areas excepting mater­ For Oct. 4 to te used for the establish­ Loyzim Orrin R. Whitney Sr. nity whero they am X:80 to 4 ment o f a dental cUnlo for dis- EDUOATfNR TO SPRINGFIELD School Supt. William Curtia funds are available under the pjn. and 7 to 8 p.m. and private P I Bond^ Political The Ifancheiter Board of.Di. adirnntafed children. Orrin R. Whitney Sr., 70, of 09 SPRZNOFIBLD, Mass. (AP)— last night turned thumba down Vocational Act of 106d and oth- rooms where they are 10 am . reoton, mwting O ct 4 at 8 p.m. S. To the board of directors, From h lustry Commission Farmington, father of Mrs. '■ 1... ■ f Jidm B. Deady, 48, superinten­ on the possibility of abandoning er federal sources. to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested In the Municipal ^Siding Hear- for use by the Peimanent Me­ Kenneth Morgester of Manches­ ^ T. , a V . rv. « V . . . Eighth District board member/William Hankinsoh dent of schools In Wethersfield, the present Lincoln School Dis- Manchester’s application for „ot te smoke In patients' charged last njght that including Robertson Park BWim- ing Room, will be faced with morial Day Committee—$1,000. The b o a i^ o f selectmen has ment, .stating that "The 51st ter, died yesterday at a Farm­ Conn., has been elected super- trict. - the Head Start prog^m has a short agenda o f five items— To te financed from In increase • received abetter from Stephen District now has a single rep- ington convalescent hospital. roomau No more than two visi- ming m ing pool in a six-item package"'' package f w the N ov. 8 referen­ all proiwsed addiUonal ap­ intendei)t of the Springfield ,,Loy*ii9^ tify in g It that he does resehtative in the legislature in Reporting to the Board of Ed- still not been approved, how­ tors at one time per patient...... in the estimate of miscellaneous ,,Loy*iin/hotifying it that ne ooes reseniauve m uw n gurvlvors, besides his daugh- dumaaaaaaa was «*a "atinking «,*waa«aaaaaA political s^vsavawaa m aaavrwf ow,” ;,"n o>Z end_to resign "from the pl^ace o ever, supt. Curtis reported. propriations. revenue during the 1966-67 fis­ scho(d system. ^ Patiente Today: 2S7 Hankinson was backed, by The meeting 'wUl take place t^ntry Industrial Commis- before reapportionment. Head Start, which operated cal year, th * appropriation' The School Oommittee 'voted sons, two other daughters, a board president Victor E, Swan­ one day ■tafter the town elec­ unanimously Monday to appoint An Andover member agreed ; ; “ ;’her'two7isVers“ Ind ternative of doing away with the here last spring and during the ADMITTED YES’TBRDAY' would be used ib defray expens­ sion. .u- brother, two sisters and a grand district could not be accomplish- summer o f 1965 for 60 pre- son who reiterated his charge tions and the lame-du£k board Deady. He Is to take over the that the “ value of experience Mrs. Nancy- Arnold, Tqljand; es In connection With plans for a The letter is the result of the ed "unless the board made major school children, is supposed to that the North End is: b61ng is sure to Include some mem­ job in January. and a successful legislative Mrs. Claire Behrend, 53 Spruce a parads and dedication services '^board's request for resignations Funeral services will, be held changes in its policy regarding begin Oct. 10 and run the full- discriminated against. bers who will not te seated on record must not be underrated St.; Justin Benlncasa, Elling­ from all five membfers of the ...... tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Rose the maximum size of town ele- school year for a like number State Take ’The board voted to authorize Nov. I, when the new board Is ' commission in order "to start by our district as elect a ton; Laurie Berdat, 59 Scar­ Hill Funeral Home, 680 Elm St., jnentary schools. o f children at a cost o f $40,- Swanson to write an advertise­ sworn in. Democrat Rdtert 4' anew" The board’s letter stat- man to serve us in Hartford.” Rocky Hill.' Burial will be in Present policy, which Curtis OOO. borough Rd.; Ca^ol Brough, 22 . ment asking why the NorthitEkid Stone and Republican Robert . ed that ” in the interest of the Thorp noted the committee’s Orchard St., Rockville; Walter Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky called a good one, is that the However, Curtis said the Some Roads is being discriminated against, Stavnltaky, for example, are not *-Town of Coventrv, the Board of solidarity and unity of pur- Brown Jr., 86 School St.; Mrs. Hill. elementary schools should con- final approval has still not .and place it in a newspaper be­ Buick Electro Now at Bourne^s running for re-election. Belectmen wish ‘ to appoint a and pledged his support of Erna Covill, 6 Sterling PI.; Mrs. General Manager R o b e'i't Friends may call at the fu- tain no more than three class- come through, though school fore the referendum. Featuring a long, low side profile; tUs Buick Electra of the 225 s^ es for 1967 is presently The ■ appropriation Items, all incompletely new Industrial De- ^be entire Republican ticket and Jeannette Cushing, 75 Wells Weiss has asked the State Neither > General Manager being shown at Bourne Buick Inc. at 285 Main St Its classic linSs are emphasized by a up for public hearings and pos­ **velopment Commission. . .’’ , ®aid he has started his cam- neral home tonight from 7 to 9. rooms of each grade, for a max- officials have done "everythir imum of 21 rooms and approx- ?oS e’’ teVtTctilrTnS^^^^ Highway Department to consld- Robert ^eiss nor Edward Ryb- sweeping contoured line running the full length of the all-new body. A newly designed roof sible actions, are: Loyzim said he originally ac- paign and ’ I will knock on th^ Lvnne Hayward, 214 Hilliard. . , , ^ czyk, director of the Man­ line adds to the car’s smartness. Buick’s new 480 cubic inch V-8 engine with four barrel 1. To the Bocu’d of Education Mrs. Daniel 9. Sullivan imately 600 pupils. ing seeking the aid of Con St.; Mrs. Grace Hopper. 17 taking over rosponslbllity r'cepted the appointment to the door of every voter possible be- chester Redevelopment . Agen­ quadrajet carburetor powers the E3ectra 226. —$4,000. To be 'financed by an DEMOCRATS’ FAST ACTION To abandon the district, he g^ressman Emilio Q. Daddario. '.commlssion "because of my tore Election Day, Nov. 8.” Mrs. Mary . Reptune Daly ^ Hillcrest Rd.; Mrs. Dorothy tor Hartford Rd., Charter Oak cy, attended last night’s meet­ Sullivan, 49, of Hartford, sister said, would necessitate increas- equal grant under the Federal "deep concern about the lack of Women’s Club to Meet Johnson, Bloomfield; Roy St, Highland St and Keeney ing. Both said they had pre­ Economic Opportunity Act, for i.any organized plan to encourage The North Coventry Women’s o f Mrs. Madeline Heck of Man- '" 8 Waddell School beyond the noting that the delay is occa- Keefe, Blast Hartford; Mrs. 3 ^ prescribed limits, as well as ad- sioned bjT the “ slowness in vious commitments. Carbo at 60 the first allocation for adult 'business and industry to settle Club meets at 6:30 p-m. for a Chester, died yesterday at Mt. Rose Lumbruno, 29 Foxcroft Weiss has also suggested the The board had requested education. > -In our town. I am now and al- planned potluck supper in the Sinai Hospital, Hartford. ding on to Washington, Nathan funding major bills in Washlng- Hale and Bentley Schools Dr.. state widen E. Middle ’Tpke. to that the two attend last night’s 2. To the Library Board—$2,- FOR INDUSTRIAL PARK ' ways have been willing and able Church Community House. In Survivors, besides her sister ton.” Also, Herbert Meier, 150 "These are on sites which are He said that because of an­ four travel lanes from E. Con- board meeting to discuss var- 000. To be financed from tht " to serve on the commission.” charge are Mrs. Charles ^ r l , include, hej husband, "her par- Croft Dr.; Leslie Miller, Cole­ already too small,” said the su­ nual uncertainty over aid to ter St. east to the Bolton line, lous subjects including the pool. Whlton Trtwt Bhmd, for repairs K First Selectman Richatd M. Mrs. Naren Ellis and Mrs. Ftob- ents, two sons, a brother, five ridge, Neb.; Pamela Morton, Her Leading Men Speak perintendent. school programs, many school The manager . also feels the a traffic light on Main and at 'Whlton Library. ,‘ Galinat reported' that "no meet- ert Kingsbury. All interested other sisters and five grand- Emily Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Elea­ As for the possibility of plac­ superintendents are beginning state should extend the recon- _^Hilliard Sts., and urban re- HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Her Charles Bickford (“ Alina 3. To the Fire District Special •flngs have been called since a women are cordially invited. children. nor Mozzer, 136 Avery St.; “ She was very practical,” Plans will be made at the ing a new Lincoln ,at the south struction of Tolland Tpke. to 'newal. Christie,” ) : "A dellgtatfuUy hon­ recalls George Cukor, who di­ Fiind—$3,500. To te financed MAKES HEADLINE NEWS! Vyear ago, although we have The funeral will be held Roger McCarron, East Hart- leading men speak of Greta » ' «-• __... *•«« «-L 1 %M n .v a “Jlvlend Vflof 1VMemorial1.CII 14JI Id I r Field, iC lvl. elvlnow W UdX ' Buckland St. and help the town -Board members ag;reed that est and imasaumlng human from 1965-66 Fire District sur­ urged them to do so.” To which nieeUng for the club s rummage 'Thursday at 8:l5 a.m. from the ej.. onhool’a athleticP fa theifi. _' .ford; .. n Caroline__ It—_ -....A McConnell,——.11 oj 94 Garbo: rected her in ‘‘Camille.”^ "She Mxirxsar «rsa ssle Oct. 22. Articlcs for thc sslc mu____ tnA.iA,. or me mgh scnooi a ainienc la revamp the intersection of Robertson pool should be fi­ being. We found we had a mu­ knew her own temperament and plus funds, to replace a 1952 ..Loyzim replied, "How can we sale Oct. 22. Articles for the sale Thornaa F Farley Funeral cility, Curtis repeated earlier H ^ k eir*w ^ arted a^cTO i^n^ Bissell St.; Mrs. Jeannette Per- Ramon Novarro • ("Mata Tire alarm maintenance trtick. hat... lat Hurt. . . ' . . _____ MasKeii, wno aciea as cooraina- . . . . t„/1v Tjine Smith those two streets. nanced from the General Fhmd, tual liking for many things, how she could operate. People ■fattend meetings or do anything may be brought to the coming uuutie, 96 Webster St.. Hart , . tt j kins, 154 Judy Lane, South Hart” ): f'She was like a cha­ meeting and given to Mrs. An­ statements that such a move tdr of the two previous Head Reed. Coven- The suggestions are con­ as the other pools were, and not auch as hiking, swimming, ten­ distracted her, so she kept the 4. To the Board of 'Directors, j:,lf no meetings are called?” ford, with a solemn high Mass meleon, changing all the time, tonio Perocchio or Mrs. Henry would prove a poor idea. Start propam s here would Rodrigue. 174 tained in a letter' Weiss has from the Capital Improvements nis, scotch whisky and money.” set clear of strangers. As soon Loyzim’s letter also, in part, of requiem at St. Luke's from gayety to being with- Gankofskie, sale co-chairmen. To build on the site would not apply for the job this year 258 sent to State Highway Com­ Bonding Program. Twenty-five years after her as the scene was over, she got , stated that “ I do not Intend to Church at 9. Burial will be in require taking some of the draivn. She was very tlmid^ nat­ '''’~P T A Sets Supper because “**ena she feltvAlr sheanA had nart t to/ \ ' . . ^ missioner Howard Ives. - “ Every other pool ■was in the departure from films, Garbo offstage, so she could husband t resign and I wish you every suc- Rose Hill Memorial Park, present athletic field, Curtis- Foster St., Wapplng; urally ao, but she could be cute The Robertson School PTA make her decisions on the basis Weiss ' contend? 'that the General Fund,” Swanson said. remains an incandescent figure her strength. She had only so ;c e s s in finding people to serve Rocky Hill. said, which he opposes. Stauty, 610 W. Middle Tpke.; and funny, too. She was never has a planned potluck supper at of a known program.” Hartford Rd. - Charter Oak - “If people want this pool they to her coworkers and to the le­ much to give; that was why she .'lOn this commission who are will- Friends may call at the fu­ “Cutting down- on a site in Dewey Walker, 65 Russell St.; temperamental, but she did in­ 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Ronald-Scott, assistant su­ Highland Sts. complex will have to approve other things. gion of admirers of her cinema­ quit at 6 o ’clock.’’ i Ing to attend to its business.” neral home tonight ftom 7 to 9 these days when the trend in Charles Wellman Jr., 89 Mil­ sist on quitting every day at 5. DALE school. William Olds, director of perintendent, is currently, try­ serve as feeders for the pro­ tic art. Without even trying, she Of the four other commission and tdmorrow from 2 to 5 and ford Rd.; Mrs. Mary Young, We should have had this pool She never carried a 'wristwatch; Garbo’s career began to wane building is to try and increase ing to hire personnel for Head posed new Rt. 6 which will run was the most glamorotu star of .^memberSr two have resigned, 7 to 9 p.m. .... , RFD 2, Manchester; Mrs. - (Robertson) before Waddell,” her colored maid would signal In the late 1980s, but it bounced sites, would not be desirable, Start, even though he cannot zubrow, 19 Waranoke parallel to those streets and be he added. Hollywood’s'goldan era, having ,, one had a term which expired, **'• He will talk on the aims and har when the hour had arrived. back in 1939 when she played nor would it be good to mix ele­ assure applicants at tois point connected to them by six inter- g^^nson agreed with an successfully spanned the transi­ land the foimth has not replied oibjectives of WAOAP as con- Charles Apel Once we were in the middle of her first comedy, the brilliant CARNEGIE mentary and secondary pupils tion to sound. .oconcernlng the requested resig- c«™s Coventry. ^ Charles Apel, 85, formerly at pf ^ ^ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A DellaFera. scene where she seduces me. "Ninotchka” — said the ads: nation Parents are urgCd to return on the same, site,” Curtis said. "Garbo talks!” was the ad­ 236 Hilliard St., died last night to kold the jobs. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ste- St.^wlll also be a Rt. 6 feeder Committee chalr- Five o'clock came and she "Garbo laughs!” She tried an­ of a 1/V’>a1 PAT1 V01 VirVTTlA The current talk in cities of vertising catchword for her first ■I Red Oro«i Membership Drive the flyers to the hospitality phen Hubbard, 72 Mountain St:, “J**.that voters shouldn’t have walked right off the set.” other comedy, "Two-Faced creating "educational parks” dialogue film, "Anna Christie.” Woman,” but it turned into a ■Shelnii^arm em ber^irdrive chairman regarding the supper, a long illness. Rockville:Rockville; a daughter to Mr. to vote for all six items if they COURSE . with Grades 1-12, Curtis claim- Lew Ayres ("The Mss’’): Many a film buff can recite her ;fo r the American Red Cross The Bulletin Board chester Community College. want to vote for only one. disaster. The film ran afOul of Mr. Apel was born in Man- is really only a “means to 7 Nations and Mrs. Charles Tarbox, 258 "She was a very glamorous, initial line to the bartender of a for Men & Women will be conducted next month Coventry Fragment Society He says in his letter, that Hankinson said that the the censors, was shot over and Chester, March 18, 1881. a son an end” by ^ municipalities which Union St. irery remote figure. After each waterfront saloon: "Gimmie a with Walter L. ’Thorp as chair- meets at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in of Bernard and Martha Schmidt construction of , the Caldor Uoard has been communicating then released to critical disdain the Church Community House. are land-poor. DISCHARGED Y ESTER- scene she would retire to her visky — gikiger sde on the side itman for Coventry’s drive. Mrs. Apel, and lived in Manchester To Confer and poor business. The Second Congregational -Though the board has gone HAY- Tames Mackav HI 455 Shopping Center and the con- with General Manager Robert dressing room, and she was the —and don’t be stingy, baby.” -Maud Murphy and Miss Hilda all hi.s life. He was a retired XT___Tja -ui-onnino-. T>’r.Ker(- struction of an interchange for -Weiss and the board of dlrec- In 1041, MGM and Garbo » MOVING... __ Church choir meets at 7 p.m. on record as favoring land in Nevers Rd., Wapplng; Robert first to have a room that was She reigned thrmighout the M. Keller are co-chairmen. Interstate Rt. 84 will greatly tors and “all we get are prom- ag;reed to end her contract. The weaver and loom fixer at Che- Holbrook, 194 Hilliard St.; Mrs. closed off from the view of oth­ 30s as the screen’s top dramatic The Nathan Hale branch in- tomorrow in the sanctuary. honorary Center Springs Park as the best On Viet War boost the Tolland Tpke. traffic, jges. Studio viewed the situation re­ The First Congregational ’ Honorary Barbara Farrell, Irene Dr.,“ Ver­ ers. But she was very kind and actress, appearing opposite the . eludes eight towns in Tolland possibility for a niew school, Cur­ alistically. The Garbo mo'vles member of the Manchester (Continued from Page One) non; Glenn Carlson, 30 Meryl 'When It comes to the North indulgent to a boy who was just EXPANDING Church Pastor’s Council meets tis, the board’s building com­ best known actors: (3lark Gable County: CJoventry, Ellington, Eighth District Fire Depart­ End,” Hankinson said, “ Mr. had always prospered more in at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Kings- mittee and Town Jo­ elected, “ I will go to Korea.” Rd., South Windsor. starting out aa an actor. She in “ Susan Lennox,” John Barry Someiis, Stafford, Tolland, ment. Weiss is in South Windsor.” Europe than in the United seph Tamsky have been seek- DISCHARGED ’TODAY: was especially helpful on mv more in “ Grand Hotel,” Fredric Union, Vernon and IVllling^on. House -r ------., ------Marcos proposed the confer* ...... - Bonee Scores Swanson asserted that Rob­ States, and now the European Survivors include a daughter, alternatives, to date Without ence Monday night. He invited James Thompson Jr., West tlrat day, when I met her and March in "Anna Karenina,” ,, Co-chairmen for the over-all ertson pool was only one of market had vanished with the because Manchester Evening Herald Mrs. Roger Gilbert of Manohes- j^uch success. allied leaders to meet in Manila Hartford; Mrs. Saradean Toce, then had to go right Into the Robert Taylor in “Camille,’' eight-town cam paign are many incidents where discrimi­ war. Coventry correspondent F. Pau- ter; a brother, Conrad Apel of ciirtis said Tamsky is in Xhe Oct. 18 to "review prospects for Coventry; CSirlstie Jensen, Staf- scene which bad ‘The Kiss’.” Charles Boyer in "Conquest.” .Frfinklln G. Wfellec and Solo­ Road Bureau nation has been directed toward Garbo continued living in Hol­ more people and mon Kerensky. Une Little, tel. 742-6231. Manchester; a grandson and ppocegg preparing detailed a peaceful settlement of the ford Springs; Mrs. Patricia the North End. lywood and became an Ameri­ Chairman Thorp reports that two great great-grandchildren, reports on thp park land, plus conflict” in Viet Nam. Luft, Coventry; Philip Mauri, Atty. John Bonee of Hart- ‘I don’t feel anybody would can citizen in 1961. She had no more cempanles 'the service carri^ on in rela­ Flineral services will be held another, 10-to 15-acre piece of Korea is one of the countries East Hartford; Mark Coleman, ford, GOP candidate for U.S. feel so bad,” he said, “ but it need to work; she had earned tion to the families of men in Events in World Inez Growing tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the vacant land north of involved in this trip along with Andover; Kathryn Gabriel, representative from the First (discrimination) is prevalent in millions — in 1937 her income ■'the service amounted to ap­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 'st. and east of the railroad spur, Thailand, Australia, New Zea- Thompson-vllle; Lisa Hober, i -n- i- tnH want it! any area in the district,” • Nuclear Talks not speaking of military action, was $472,608 — and had invested proximately one case each day Main St. The 'Rev. Earle R. visited by officials recently. land. South Viet Nam, the Phil- E w t Htu-tford; Lynne Hayward, Congressional District, today T o ‘Monster’ Singling out the N or^ End’s pointing out that "all the armies in real estate, stocks and bonds. o f the year, 353 cases being Custer, pastor of North Metho- -While the terrain of the latter ippines and the United States. 2iI4 Hilliard St.; Mrs. Jane Me-' accused the Federal Bureau of ' LONDON (AP) — Prime Min Community Y which is “ sup­ of free Africa put together do In the early 1960s she moved handled on -the eight-town dist Churph, will Officiate. Bur- gite is quite rough, Curtis last Marcos, in Honolulu on the Dowell, 37 Edgerton St.; Mrs. Roads "of a whitewash, in its later Harold Wilson’s govern' Tropical Storm posed to be a recreation area,” not compare with the armies of her home to New York. H E R E A R E ■ ■ basis. Some of ■ these included lal will be in Buckland Ceme- night termed the west portion as stop of a state visit to the Jeanne Nichol and daughter, 40 ^nd evasive reply to my ment h along, he said, but he did not off Hackmatack S t, an auto- considered adMuate at the time . Is by on-alte inspection. anchester evening herald Brian MurrayMurrav ' and Adam Mur- Mur­ ^ne races were recommenuea oy whether they will include mobile owned and onerated bv ®°"a“ *®l®® aoequaie acme ume saying the traffic light should Monday. Two students were HEADLINE: M u /ii/s s Rotary Meets Tomorrow T* -| i • t » Douglas Pierce, business mana- - , . _ , “ I ■ . „ mooiie, ownea ana operaieu uy pf construction. he installed when Main -.St is TTie Russians argue that tech- OH. COMPANY HELP ray, all of South Windsor; a Div. of Boland Oil Co. Coventry Rotary Club meets k t m nology has adimaced so far that PiONEBL NOW PLANS $1 MIUION PLANT J llbllC RCCOFClS daughter. Miss Melissa Murray ger for the board, on the basis Th® Washington bureau ro- during rodevIloomenT Y O U l at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow for a of updated enrollment figures. Primer Rd., traveled 500 feet that it ia remieatlne ^ r®a®v®iopmem, spotm l nhnnicachecks sremm nnadiesfi.needless. TheyThev Monday forced University offl- TEL. 643-1553 . of South Windsor; his mother, Moyers added that 'he has across a field, entered the park- S o r ia t io n from its C^nnectU “ jidinner meeting in the First Warrantee Deed Establishment of the rate the misunderstanding. chaige that the Americans want ^e^utovM iritvw^em Oen CnnoTAiniMonBr Church vpstrv -A,. . .Mrs. Rose Bergeron Murray of heard through official channels ing lot and ran into him (Wid- e Develop Self-Oopfldence means that the town will re­ cut office to determine whether The board, however, did infer VhA^^iuh la invAsHiT-nHnD- fiii-l The CJolli-Wagner Realty Co. North Adams, Mass.; five that the South Vietnamese chief ham.) e Increase Your -Ability -to THE STORY BEHIND THE HEADUNES: ceive $32,500 for the education purpoees. • I , modifications are needed. Bonee that Weiss said the light should causes of the tioUUe were un­ Deal with People ther the possibility of Coventry i?. ^t. Pierre and brothers, Robert Murray of here of 62 I^artford pupils par­ of state, Nguyen Cao Ky, warm- Widham’s action against the tner tne poMiDiiiiy OT VAiveniry Minnie E. St. Pierre, property Bloomfield,------Alfred Murray of was promised that he would be pg installed during redevelop- der tovesUgatlon. e Win More Friends "If Menr^ Mohonny hod not woiltnd fast.... Plonttr would now bo cowplntliig Grange taking over the respon- ^ g Quaker Rd ticipating in the busing plan. ly welcomes prospects of the B-A Club is based on his claim kept informed of any new'pro- ment. Pacifists Speak Denver, Colo., Anthony Murray e “ SeH” ..,Yourself and Your sibillty for serving dinner to the ^ ^ ^ The amount is almost exactly Manila meeting. that Murphy was served intoxi- Ideas of Boston, Mass., Albert Mur­ The Manila meeting would eating liquors at the club and posals. Swanson sedd the letter was- IGNDON ( ^ ) - Conference Opens ELECT o plant in on odfolning Yown." Piontor Poroehufo OfRekd group. At the present time the -vra-inT, t equivalent to predictions made Bonee charged today, ‘”rhe confusing. "Because of the lan- tars from a ®rttlA paciflrt^ THHRilSf, Iran {AP) -T h e e Prepare for Leadenihip !,a d i« ’ Association o f the u ray of St. George, British West come exactly three weeks prior that, as a consequence, was in­ • Increase Your Income earlier by school officials. failure of the Federal Bureau of guage used, I thought he was gaaization grabbed the spoffl^ht g^ah of Iran opened the 55th Indies and George Murray of to the congressional elections in toxicated when the accident oc- • Improve Your Personality church does this. ^ AiLTt v t ’The revised capital Improve- Roads to attempt to fix the re- goingf to wait imtll Main St. was at eight Ikiodon theaters Mon- conference of the 68-nation to­ The club has a letter from to Albert V, Lind.say and James San Diego, Calif.; three sis­ the United States. There has curred. INDEPENDENT e Improve Your Ability to DEMOCRATIC ACTION MEANT: F. Shaw, property at 83 Oak ters, Mrs. rtnmflo-A= fAA In sponsibillty for this dangerous to'b e widened,” he said, day night to denounce the war ter-Parliamentary Union today Remember Names the mayor of a city in Paraiba, Lcia, o»xio. Arthur VanSten- ^,n"rmtAn.fA^nt «^rf^AiuAn*’®®" speculation in Washington He cjauuBclaims uamugea□amages lor in-m- condition is nothing more than in Weiss's Sept. 22, letter he St. burg of North Adams, Mrs. ^hflmard buft,,™^ to ^ ‘^at the Presi- juries suffered. some of which tn V io t Nam. jn Iran’s Senate building.: f Conquer Fear # mCREASED TAX REV^UES FOR TOWN Brazil, ' indicating that . the a whitewash, to cover up the noted he had asked the board in Quitclaim Deeds FYank Gra.sela Reacthms from the audiences gpeaklng to the 650 delegates e Speak Effectively money the club donated has ------, O f Schenectady rr stuSy f®"‘ -"‘'® "" permanent, and irresponsibility of the State a previous letter whether It were *. mixed. One audience Marion Hall Barrett to Al­ N.Y. and Mrs . Frank Recny of ^ rAAAm,r,AAHotiA„ » f » r Z *"®ve regarding the Viet Nam for expenses incurred. In French, the ruler called for # 300 JOBS KEPT IN TOW N been used to purchase school and a recommendation at a fu­ Highway Department and the shouted "shut up!” as a red- bert V. Lindsay and James F. situation just before the' elec- Police records show that ------a ----- — wanted a signal head installed . ti—.. A world disarmament «ind a furniture. Liverpool, N.Y. ture meeting. Shaw: property at 83 Oak St. tions. tnat Bureau s own failure to oversee front of the firehouse to be co- beaded demons^r cto ^ cam paign W solve \ Political Aides Named The funeral will be held from The budget, totaling $765,000, Murphy wa;|. Arrested on -the prooerlv the disbursement of 4 ^ # AN INDUSffRIAL PARK STARTED Lee N. Beachamp and Robert Only Monday, the WWfe House scene and was chargedchare^ed with »» ordlnatcd wlUi the main traf- OT the stage ^ tried to ^leak, economic and social problems The 51st Assembly District the Flynn-Roach Funeral Home, jg gioo.OOO less than requested but in another the audience - - Domonstration. A. Beachamp to Agnes T. ; - A fic light at Main and HUllard by democratic means. Committee to re-elect Walter L. „, ... 10 Quincy St., North Adams, o f the directors, who deleted an said in response,to queries that reckless driving. He appeared # A MAJod STEP FORWARD TOWARD A BROADER TAX BASE The federal government fur- cheered " girl!” as a IPU Prosident Rainer Maxilli Thorp of Coventry to the state P^Perty at 62 Academy with a solemn high Mass of $80,000 2 Mootings in St. The board agreed last night to . woman pacifist was led off the of Brazil aedd the conference ’legislature has organized and requiem at Notre Dame TV and left it up to the school for constructing the two roitds. ■ elected Gene Boyington as poli­ Town of Manchester to State House press secretary Bill D, guilty. His case was transferred postpone the installation of a IME MEN w h o 'ACHIEVED THIS , of Connecticut, access road Church, North Adams at 9 a.m. board td delete an additional Bonee hit the federal bureau signal heed temporarily but to Oto "P“ s of. Manchester Commu- Friend.9 may call at the fu­ to correct these death traps at Action Group. $2.5 million capital works pack­ none had been accepted. Ear- fined $50. The board voted also to write groups who are gaining in- Atty. John W. Allen as cam- .C"'>®8 ®’ with condition neral home tonight from 7 to a time when their existence con- His ■wife said later: “We were A uditorium age slated to go before the vot­ to Douglas Pierce, business ^ - creased Influence to world poU. paign chairman. ever abandoned by the Her this month during his Wash- Widham is being represented jj^ues out to stage eometbtog a bit dll- „ „ ^ 0' ers at the Nov. 8 referendum. a daily traffic lUUP’ manager fpy the board of edu­ 85 N o . McrinSt^,^ Other committee members f^^® highway u.se, ■The Benjamin J. Callahan rph„ 1 . • XX , ington visit, Marcos had urged by the Manchester law firm of .. ferent from the stereotyped ______The board last night also yjgjt j^e Philippines. Marte, Shea and Keith. cation, regarding the installa- No. MonehostBr are Dorcas Friedrich. Marion “ ®®^® to Funeral Home, 1602 Main S.t., gave the go-ahead to a pro demonstrations. This has teen Haines, George Munson and L. th® “ wn. Leaders of other Aslan nations Uon of additional fire alarms in EMBEZZLEMENT SENTENCE SAY YES TO PROGRESS East Hartford was in charge planned for some time. We have Attachments ^sed work-study , program for supF^rting* the"u."s. ‘commit^, Waddell, Btywers, and Bentley NEW HAVEN (AP) — Miss Edward Whitcomp of Andover; of local arrangements. the Impression that theater au­ T H U R S D A Y / Robert Widham against "’john high school BtudenU ^enrolled viet Nam also have Vernon schools. A copy of the letter Charlene E. Brackett, 23, of Put­ Hope Grunske, Milton Jensen, diences were generally favora­ P. Murphy, property, on Sum­ « vi“ i r 7 m vocational courses. strongly recommended that ------State News will be sent to Weiss. nam has received a one-year and Norma Tedford of Bolton, I ble and that it was all a great SEPT. 29th mit St., $75,000. Mrs. Marie C. Jensen jtg , 4,260 cost would be fed- ^^ke a trip to Asia. In other action, the board as­ suspended sentence after plead­ VOTE DEMOCRATIC •and Arthur J. Vinton of Cov­ success.” Robert Widham against the Funeral services for Mrs. erally funded and would pro- geveral Asian leaders urged Man In ju r ^ signed two projects to board ing guilty to the emtesslement entry. Roundup 7:30 P.M . Marie C. Jensen of West St. vide part-Mme jobs for 15 sec- vice President Hubert H Hum- o f $400 from the Putnam Branch Campaign strategy has been British American Club, : prop­ member Raymond Coleman. Blames Africans^ FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS erty on Maple St., $25,000. Bolton were held Saturday af- ondary students in order to aid phrey, when he toured Asia last In Car Crash mapped out and the commit­ (Continued from Page Ope) He is to check the feasIbUlty DAR ES a l l A i V r T^Ilzanla National Bank FRANK U. LUPIEN ternoon al Wethersfield Com- them in continuing their educa- Eebru’ary, to try to convince of renovating offices for jOie The sentence was handed te e has discussed Thorp’s cam­ Marriage Licenses ’ (AP) — President Julius Ny- BAST HAR1FORD: OLOF L ANDERSON JOHN J. HUTCHINSON Alvar Thurston Berggren Jr., munity Church. The Rev. Lester tions. , 1, 'A Worcester, Mass, motorist Scully’s defense counsel, Paul fire marshal and fire chief In down Monday to U.S. District IMPERIAL "400” MOTEL paign schedule for each of the Johnson he shpuld make such a erere blamed African nations 30 Leland Dr,, and Lynn Anne Nelson of Community Church Students aged 1(5 to 21 would twas treated for. head cuts at W. Flynn of New Haven, told the second story of the Eighth Court here. Mtos Brackett was To the Board of Education. 927 Mato Street 51st District’s three towns of trip. for the continuance o f colonial'' RAYMOND L ELUS HON. FRANCIS J. MAHONEY Sines, $7 Spencer St., Oct. 1, officiated. Burial was in Center be eligible, said Sidney Cohen, i Rockvllle General Hospital Clarie that the defendant’s District Fitehouse, and look In- also placed on probation for two Conference Room -Andover, Bolton and Coventry. ism and white supremacy to St. James’ Church. Cemetery, Bolton.occupational coordinator, pro- ! early today after he was thrown brother, a Roman Catholic priest to a board proposal to purchase years. (Top of stairs, 3rd Door Left) WILLIAM E. FITZGERALD FRANK M. SITAMLER A member from Bolton has parts of the continent. ,! Wed., Sept. 28—7:30 PJU. Robert James Harris, 466 W. Bearers were Thomas H. vided they were in need and from his car on Wilbur Cross whose name was not disclosed, badges for new volunter fire- _ “ We in Africa have disregard­ Fighting for Manchester ;atressed the importance of in­ Middle Tpke.. and Augustine John P. Jensen, John A. w-ere enrolled in the high About Town Hwy. had agreed to guarantee the men. form ing all voters in the dis- ed our potential power,” he said Martin' Hartford. Jensen Jr., Louis Dimock III, school’s'vocattCHial programs There will be a state meet- Police said the man, James surety on a $10,()00 bond for a The board tabled other pro- Be Our Oueat! N o Cost! :tWct on the meaning- of the at a banquet given by 'visiting schools for Manchester pu­ BuiMlng Permits -^ohn F. Dunphy and Sgt. Partielpe^ts would work in ing of the Marine Devil Dogs M. Cronin, 26, was heading west professional bondsman who is posals for further study. They No Obligation! changes wrought by the re­ President Qamal Abdel Nasser Newton H. Smith & Sons for Stewart J. Twible Jr. the schools at clerical or cus- tonight at 8 at the Marine when a tire went Hat. The car posting the actual bond. are: Underwriting expenses’ for SALEM’S pils. 100% against the cent legislative reapportion- of the United Arab Republic. William McGobhan. additions to .j. n* todial jobs a maximum of nine Corps Home, Meriden, swerved to the right and struck . rm , firefighting equipment, includ- TOWN ELECTION, “We Ibave thrown it away and a gfuard rail, throwing Cronin Tlieft ' fng helmets, boots and rain- Hartford bus program and Dale Darnegie dwelling at 14 Eastfield St., $1,- hours weekly, receiving $1.25 ------‘United let t l i ^ things continue.’ ’ 1 900. The funeral at John Patrick NORWICH (AP)—The theft of coats; purchasing walkl^talk- Old Fashioned per hour. The Rosary Society of St. ffrom the car. “ Umted and reaiUatlc action a safe containing some ^500 ool- ies for the sewer department, the menace of regional gov Courses Pendnal Ndticet , Charles PontIcelU for Alfred McVeigh of 'West Hartford, A similar worii program op- Bridget’s Church will have a ------b y Aj^can states using aH dip­ COURT RANSACKED lected for the United Fund was and instailating an air condl- Presented by Management H. Ritter, alterations to dwell formerly of Manchester, will be erated here during ' the sum- festiyal 'workshop tomoirow at lomatic and inteniatlmial Insti­ CANDIES em m ent. ing at 45 (Siester Dr., $1,200. — held tomorrow at 8; 15 a.m, from mer for 12 teen-agers. It proved 7:30 p.m. at the school. NE3W BRITAIN (AP)—Desks discovered today wdieiu the tionlng unit In the second story Development Institute MONDAY, OCT. 3 ; In Memoriam tutions' o f which we are mem­ R. Michael FYancoeur, Area the D ’Esopo Funeral Chapel, “ generally successful” where- , ------/ and cabinets were found forced Chamber of Commerce office of the firehouse. In loving memory of Harry Enfield Fence Co. for Kaare bers could soon begin to trans- Manager, 645 Framlngtda fltevenaoB who passM away' Seo- Hyer, fence at 43 W. Middle 236 Wethersfield Ave., Hart­ the teen-agers received ade- Dr. Barney Wichman of Man- open and ransacked to^ay'Ih the was opened, police said. fonn the situation in relation to mEDICRL Ave., Hartford Aembw 91, 1968. RAPip TRANSIT LO8INO ' Pq|d fiw by Tpke., $310. ford, with-i\ solemn high Mass quate supervision, Cohen told Chester will address the Hart- Juvenile (3ourt buildings The eafe . was apparently African freedom and African CALL NOW FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT - 647-9839 WASHINGTON— There are PHflRmflCY Tbough his smne has gone forever, Precision Building Co. for of requiem at Our-Lady of Sor- the board. ford County Podiatry Society at Police said a judge’s chair lifted to a wrindow,' allowed to economic development,” Ny- DemoenUo FHenda of Lnplea awl his hand m’e cannot touch, He recei'ved permLssiim to ap- a dinner ■ meeting tonight at 7 was slashed, potted plants'were fall to, the ground, arid then fewer rapid-transit-systems rid- TEL 2324MI This AdverUaement Bpeaseied by the DenwemMe Ynern Oommittee .We slull never loee sweet memories Sam Crispino, alterations .to rows Church, Hartford' at 9. ersre said. 844 iMAlN STREET of the one we loved mo much.' dwelling at 352 Hackmatack St., Burial will be in Mt. St. Bene- ply for the program after as- at the Marco Polo Restaurant, strewm about, and about $10 was hauled away by a waiting ve- ers jn the United States now H e amptaaslsed that b e waa Wire. Mary, Son, WHe and Family $1,500. diet Cemetery, BkwmliekL suring board memben that Bast Hartford. taken from a clerk’s desk. hide, they said. than in 1907. '■ r 4 t . * - *i. " t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O N N ., TUESDAY, SEPTORtBER 27, 1966 PAGE TWELVE TUESDAY, SEPTEMB^IR 27, 19^6 • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 Pages is to 24 1 _ ' Section Two South Windsor Baker Certified As Candidaite Zoning Board of Appeals The secretary of state’s office' Dr. Helfrick Named has certified and Approved the nominating petition o t Fred- Meets Oct. 6 on Variances ' erlck A. Baker of 14 Lilac St., School Physician The zoning; board of appeals independent candidate for state senator from the 4th Senatorial The board of education last night solved its dilemma will meet Oct S at 8 p.m. at the Fund for Fire Victims District of being without the services of a schMl physician by Wapplng. Blementary School to A fund to aid the family Baker’s name will appear on appointing Dr. Sylvia Helfrick, a pediatrician,' to the consider the following applica­ of Richard Murray, who per­ the Nov. 8 voting machines. He post on a part-time basis retroactive to Sept. 19; tions: ished in an early morning will oppose Democrat David M. ------T------r------She Is tl(e wife of Dr. Francis fire at his home on Fam- Sun o h Go., P. O. Box 71, Barry of Manchester, the in- W. Helfrick, also a pediatrician harii Rd., has been estab­ East Hartford, requests a vari­ ciunbent, and Republican who maintains a local practice. lished by neighbors and LENOX ance to allow construction of an George T. LaBonne of Olastmi- About Town The Helfricks live at 14 West­ '' !| townspeople. 299 E. CENTER STREET— 849-0896 addition closer to side and rear bury. minster Rd. Memorial Temple, Pythian lines than permitted on pre­ Mrs. Corrine Murray, wife The 4th Senatorial District em­ The board, in appointing Dr. Sisters, will meet tonight at 8 mises a t‘ the northwest comer of the victim, remains in braces the towns of Manchester, Helfrick unanimously, decided at Odd Fellows Hall. Refresh­ of Rt. S and Burnham S t This Hartford Hospital in a Glastonbury, “ East Hampton to pay her $600 monthly on a ments will be served. is an I zone. sterile unit where she is' be­ and Marlborough. '"EYE-GLASSES by ...... T month-to-month contract. Her ing treated for bums sus­ Baker, 60, is a self-employed Robert L. Murray, 712 Mng major responsibilities will con­ tained in the fire. carpenter. He is a native of The American Legion will 8t., requests a variance to allow Chevrolet Camaro at Carter^s sist of administering physical The four Murray children North Scituate, R. I. and has. DeBella and Reale Opticians; have a social meeting tonight two building lots with less than examinations to pupils, counsel­ escaped the blaze without in­ Pictured above is the Chevrolet Camaro which is now on display with other new models at lived in Manchester since 1967. at 8:lS at the Post Home. Ed­ the required front and square ing and supervising school nurs­ jury. Carter Chevrolet, 1229 Main St. The model boasU a 276 h.p. engine and has a luxurious cus­ He is an unaffiliated voter who * Complete ward R^bezyk and Lyman footage on premises known as es, and being on call for emer­ ' Cidnations to the fund may tom interior. With the Camaro aire offered such optional features as concealed headlamps had been registered RepubliCEui Hoops, representative of PROD Lots 27A and 27B, Main St. This Eye Glass Service gencies during school hours. be sent to the South Wind­ behind a lattice grille which opens and closes when lights are turned on and off, a h < ^ until May 24 of this year and Is (Promote Renewal of Down­ property is bounded approxi­ During the year, the school sor ■ Bank and Trust Co., with simulated louvers and a wide "bumble bee" paint band.pn the nose. A 350-cu.-inch V-8 a member of the Hartford Chap­ town), will present mOVies of mately north and east by other doctor gives about 1,800 physi­ John Fitch Blvd. Mrs. Mar­ «ng;ine is also optional equipment on the model. , - ter of the John Birch Society. property of Robert Murray, downtown renewal, with a qv®s- cals to children in grades 1, 4, garet Rossij 130 Griffin Rd. tlon and answer period. The south by Kate A; Burnham and 7 and 10 who have not been giv­ is acting as chairman of the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," KILLED ON PARKWAY event is open to the public, and West by Main St. This is R Ru­ en the exams by their own fam­ fund which will be adminis­ replied Couturier. GREENWICH (AP)—Marallnp refreshments will be served. ral zone. LBJ Receives Light Bill ily physicians. They are requir­ tered by the bank. Monteiro, 72, of Englewood, 2 Albert J. Marques, Jr., 148 ed in”e'very third grade to com­ GOD IN 49 CHARTERS N.J., was killed in an auto acci- 18 Asylum St. *1716 dedication o t the Senior Scantic Meadow Rd., requests ply ■with state law. the same time create recreation For ^Nonpolitical’ Tour WASHINGTON— Forty-nine dent on the Merritt Parkway Citizens Center and Installation a variance to allow construction Hartford Exanls of high school athletes state constitutions recogpiize our here Monday, of officers will be postponed im- of a carport closer to the side­ and wildlife areas. and attendance of a physician at The public is invited to attend LEWISTON, (AP) — ocratic Committee would have dependence on God as the Monteiro’s car ran off the Tel. 522-0757 tll Wednesday Oct. 6. The club A Birthday Cake for a Candidate line than permitted on his pre­ taken care of expenses.’’ . home sports events will continue the - meeting. However, tickets President Johnson saved money source of human rights and lib- road and overturned, police Enrico F . Rente will meet as usual tomorrow at mises. This is an A-20 zone. The only Republican on the Russ DeBella Room 104 to be handled by a group of John Bonee, left, the Republican congressional candidate for the first district, accepts a ealn are limited and reservations by turning off the White House erties. said. 2 p.m. at the center. volunteer male, physicians re- at a birthday party yesterday in East Windsor*_With him, from left, are Frank Brown, atatB George Butman, 26 Ravine j,e made by Oct 1. Addl- four-member board, Jules G. criiited by Dr. Walter Schardt, central committeeman; Mrs. Gloria Whitfield, party (birthday party) committee, and Al Rd., requests a variance to al- information and reserva- lights, but now he’s getting a Goudreau, said that although (AF Phoiuiax) ’The Junior Century Club will Soucy, high sheriff candidate. Brown sponsored the party, attended by a laiYe number low construction of a garage j,y contact- $784.77 bill for a well-illuminat the trip was billed as nonpolitl- a member ^'Ch'S school board. fold bulletins for Lutz Junior GOP workers. (Herald photo by Satemis). closer to the sideline than per- jjj g member of the local com- ed 25-minute speech In Lewis- cal “ it was to promote’’ ^cum - ’Flames surround bow of Standard Oil gasoline barge in flareup, after earlier This group, which this fall 7 Museum tonight at 8:30 at the _ .... J A. 1 _ J ... I M lag 0 w U/llliowi Ta UarVicim ■volunteered to give physicals mitted on his premises. This id miasion. ton. bent Rep. William D. Hatha­ .blast and fire subsided. Two men were killed and several injured in the ex- home of Mrs. Wayne Bolduc, to the high school football and an A-20 zone. Christian Noordendorp of The Finance Board of Lewis- way; D-Malne. jplosion. An underwater gash ruptured one of .the barge’s fuel tanks. 25 Edison Rd. side. He charged that his side i^ c e r squads, consists of Dr. James Milkie, 743 Clark St., Begi^obub Rd., has been re- ton, a Democratic stronghold in Johnson’s Lewiston speech of the street gets washed out came at the end of a swing ^ b e r t D. Breer, Dr. Frank Hor­ during nm-offs, while the empty Miss Pendleton, 96, Wapping, requests a variance to chairman for the coming Maine, voted Monday night to Miss Daryl Ann Bagley, through New England. Two Men Killed ton, . Dr. Alfred B. Sundquist allow a sig;n larger than permit- Louise Evans, Main send the biU to the White House, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger land across the street is pro­ ted on premises at 1060 Main St. as secretary. Oth- Mayor Robert L. Couturier, a "Well, where do I send it to?’’ HAVE HEART and Dr. Schardt. tected. YOU’VE B. Bagley of 66 Dale Rd., is en­ asked City Comptroller Laurier The doctors to date have been This is an A-40 zone. members Include Paul Van Democrat, told the board a rolled as a freshman at Ship- Near the end of his objections, Retires from Herald E. Roy. serving without pay, but the Stenger said that, if the subdi­ Nancy lacoboni, 360 Benedict jjjjg^ Foster St., Fred DeGia- member of the presidential ad- pensburg Pa. State College. She (Continned from Page' One) Dr., Wapping, requests a tern- gQmo, Edgewood Dr. and Wadter vance party had requested ex- "Send it to the White House at board Indicated it would work vision is approved, he would be Blast Rips Gas Barge has been selected to sing in the out a schedule for remunerat­ porary and* TOnditional permit Kupchunos, Avery St. tra lights for Johnson's Aug. 20 college women’s chorus. Interested in buying one or two 'window of her rambling house to allow the lock in g of supplies lo c a l groups Interested in oh- sp>eech at the City Park, DOWNTOWN RENEWAL WILL BAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A slon Rock and the Bethlehem man who ^ was working on a ing them and also passed a of the lots. He said that, as a near the center of town, typing to sell to students on her pre- tainlng a film entitled “The The bill for installing lights at gasoline barge, gashed when it Steel Co. near Pier 64 when the neaf^y pier. motion thanking them for their property owner on the same out news o f . meetings and The Action Sodality of St. volunteer services. ■ * . Myths and the Parallels" may the bandstand and In trees and struck a rock in San Francisco rock gashed Its hull and rup- The sailors injured had been ______street, he should be entitled to churches, keeping track of far­ 1 1 James’ Church will meet Sun- The board had been without Willard Dufour, 377 Smith make arrangements for a show- hooking up power cables was Bay, exploded In early morning tured one of the tanks carrying in a nearby bar and rushed to g^ ^ p g^ y,g gchool cafe- priority. mer residents, noting the weath­ a school physician since June St., Wapping, requests a var- jjig through the secretary of the submitted* to the city by the darkness today and killed three gasoline. the pier after hearing the blast, ^gfjg^ No one else spoke in opposi­ er, creating a column so in- when Dr. Joseph Barry retired lance to allow a breezeway and commission, Mrs. Evans. The Kerr Electrical Co. of Auburn, Welcome Here TOWN A STRONG HEART men, the Fire Department said. part of its cargo of fuel Both the patrol boat and the tion. Franklyn Parker of 30 di'vidualistic that her audience garage closer to the sideline presents the relationship of which did the w;ork. after 20 years in th? post. It y^cgijemy St. and Hayden L. extended well beyond the He­ Another four men. including spilled on the water. About Friendship Lodge of Masons than permitted on his premises, man to his environment and "Let’s send the 'bill to the had been unable to find a re. Griswold Jr. of 93 Steep Hollow bron town line. two U.S. Navy sailors who hours later the blast came while Coast Guard said fireboat visited Evening Star Lodge in placement because of the hours This is an R Rural zone. shows the disastrous effects o f White House,’ ’ suggested Cou- Lane spoke in favor. During these years, when en­ PINE PHARMACY jumped into flaming water in a /^r»QufCoast nGuard tia rr t rpatrol to tm l boathmiir andnn fl Aa Firemen w*.*w*» from me Unionville last night and con­ required and the pay, which Leonard Sig;n Co., 27 Chest- man’s abuse waste and misuse turler to the board. “This was a Coast A request by Atty. Leon Pod- velopes from Hebron arrived at <^6w N T O W N M A N o rescue attempts, were injured. San Francisco fire boat were rescued the injured ferred the- Fellowcraft degree. this year is budgeted at $4,700. nut St., Hartford, requests a gj jjis natural heritage. It gives nonpolitical trip. If it had been a 664 Center St. — 649'-9814 Guardman. rove, for a change to Business The Herald five times a week, Among the Injured was a seri­ investigating. r-iiorH Worshipful Master John L. Von- Both Dr. Schardt and School variance to allow erection o f a clear direction toward the so- political trip, I ’m sure the Dem- Zone III for a parcel bounded there have been many, county Superintendent William Curtis sign larger than perm ^ed on jution of these problems, ously burned civilian. Two of the th^ree _ men on the r ouna a i^uumeu n e d 22- S t a uuai. f h a i*»u. S - - by u Bucklandouuaiaiiu o*St., Tolland Tpke. editors, but only one Susan VOTE YES The Standard Oil Co. ^^arge patrol ^boat are missing^ the g °^ i“ “ o X o f “ toe San Franri^^ ^ M d X e'w U b u T croTslngh)^^^ premises known as 968 SulU- The Conservation Commission .■ 4/0 Pendleton, and her sparkling waa being towed between Mis- Coast Guard^ J said, and the other --.Oakland Bav Bridee and as- 0-0 Springfield,...... Mass., conduct - a study of the ques- opposed only by Gustave van Ave. 'This is a CX zone. meet Oct. 4 to hear a pro- es. ay oriuge m.u « Hiramic Legend, notes to her editors —none of was taken to a hospital. sumed it was connected with the > tions raised by the present ar­ Senkbeil of 117 Buckland St. whom she ever saw and some GOP Coffee Hour gram by Joseph A. Ward, chief h i rangement and ■will continue to A fire department spokesman explosion. Senkbeil insisted that the of whom-were less than a third A GOP coffee hour will be of the soil conservation service, Concordia We-Two Group will seek a permanent solution, held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the of the department of agriculture said its count of dead included a zone change from Rural Resi­ her age —often sidded a dash have a potluck tonight at 6:30 Board members agreed that home o f Mrs. Walter Morse, 81 and natural resources. dence Zone would affect the of humor to a humdrum day. □ RENEWAL KLH at Concordia Lutheran Church. to date they have had no real It’s this -wit and a youthful Palmer Dr. G. Warren West­ Nursing Aide Named □ value of his property. He took S 2 Savings Bonds Co-chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. policy regarding the physi­ brook, Republican candidate for The Public Health Nursing issue with statements by Atty. zest for life that keep Miss STEREO MUSIC Michael Haberem and Mr. and cian’s post and on such ‘mat­ re-election to the office of rep­ Association has announced the Podrove and by realtor Herbert Pendleton active and -will con- Taken in Break Mrs. Otto Heller. Miss Kathy ters as requiring physicals of Mrs. Marjorie Porter resentative to the General As- affiliation of Mrs. Elizabeth O N A H A P P Y MONDAY. SYSTEMS SAVE MoKinney that property values tinue to do so. She lives -with Krause ■will show slides of a elementary pujiils who par­ would not be affected and her grand-nephew, Horace aembly and Paul Britte, GOP B. Rowe. Mrs. Rowe ■will serve Two $25 savings bonds were ticipate In after-school sports. „ „ V , u town, and the roads have aB trip to Germany, and David Sellem, a y ^ g ba ^ elor w ^ improved, but the groatert^ candidate for election to the In the capacity of physical ther­ This advertisement paid for by Manchester Residents *50 stolen last night by a thief after Curtis said he plan^i to hpld might even be enhanced. t r »■ Stoneman of a trip west. teaches Grade 6 In West Hart- ^ ^ the schools, she state senate from the third dis­ apist. rsmiacktag a bedroom in the discussions -with Dr. Helfrick ■ Podroli* -said that "he has no trict will be present to meet ■ An^bne Wishing physical tfier- ' ON YOUR home of Lawrence Denette at definite plans at present for ford. He calls |ier. "Aunt Big”, thought Bhe^ had b«gua h*r The West Side Old Timers’ and Mrs. Mary Hlldltch, school _ a childhood dis^ ction between voters and answer questions apy services is asked to call the Shate hands 88 Hollister St. nurse head, to iron out the schooling at the age of thrsa NORMAN’S reunion oommiUee will meet her and his sister, who was “ lit­ conoerning their campaign plat­ public- health nurses office at ■V *: I f - FUEL O IL . Police said entry ^as gained problems change is allowed. The property or four in a one-room, one* .ST()I’ IN KOK tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the home tle” Susan. E forms. the town hall. by ripping a screen from a bed­ The board also made one tae Burr’s Comers _. .. . . teacher school that included ot Steven McAdam, 52 Weaver Informatioii Class Medicare patients under a AN KAK FI 1.1.1 NG COOPERATIVE room window. clerical appointment last night. Shopping Center.______® ^ boys of 18 and 19. Rd. Members are reminded all There was no opposition ex- love of learning and wli- schooling continued im­ The adult information class doctor's care and requiring such with 01 m o n .s I'k a 'HON OH. COMPANY The Denettes had gone out Mrs. Jean Moore was hired as ticket returns are due at this pressed last night to a request l^hde, and her qui(^ mma^ t h ^ (jer her father, a physician and of Our Savior Lutheran Church services may obtain such serv-, Dlv. of Boland Oil Co. for the evening and discovered a secretary, class three, at a •ill M\IMT (M(n KI). meeting. by Roger Ricard for a change *®ng He does the Beta Kappa graduate of ■Will, meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. ice for necessary therapy. TEL. 643-1558 the front door open when they salary of $3,408 for a 48-week 4 to Industrial Zone for a 150 by coohhig when h^ s home, ^d College, who taught New library Books Library Officers Oiosen ,M \N( HFSTKR returned at 9 pjn., police said. year. 150 foot parcel, boimded by ^ good cook, her French. German, Latin and The following new books are The South Windsor '’Library LS.Green There will be an open house Mrs. Phyllis A. Pavlech, a Adams St., Hilliard St and the adding that he d make ^ smattering of Greek. She available at Wood Memorial li­ Board of Directors has announc­ tomorrow from 7 to 8 p.m. teacher who is currently on a Hockanum River. someone a fine husband. graduated in 1901 from what iB brary: ed the following officers for the at Robertson School. Parents maternity leave of absence, was The property Includes a Sellers says Aimt Big does Wlllimantic State CoUega Fiction: Robbins, The Ad­ coming year; will have an opportunity to meet allowed to resign. She is leav­ house in which Ricard resides, ^®*' laimdry, by band, taught school for a-)rtiila ta ventures; Clavfell, Tai-Pan; Frank A. Golden, Jr., chair­ their children’s teachers. PTA ing the area to live in Massa­ memberships will be accepted and which he would convert in- including the sheets ‘Tm not Hebroi\uid Columbia... Barth, Giles G oat-i^y; Thorp, man; Robert Gilligan, vice- chusetts. “rhe Detective; St. 'Johns, Tell chairman-treasurer; and Mrs. by the room mothers. to a plumbing business. If the that old that X ^ She has al-ways been a a'rid No Man; Keys, I The King; request is approved. The parcel- ^ g for m yself’-a n d mied to her mother She r^- Mary Quigley, secretary. ' taokle double-crostics in the Kemelman, Saturday the Rabbi Other board members are The Disabled American Vet­ is now in Residence Zone A. celved her love —of poetry,______and Went Hungry; Malamud, ’The LS./M.FT erans Chapter and Auxiliary No Action No opposition develpped to a Saturday Review ■with great begfan writing both vers* Mrs. Alice Marie Pandozzi, gusto. Fixer; Davidson, The Menoralf= jam es P. Rafferty and Winthrop •will sponsor a bingo tomorrow request by William Peck’ and ^ _ and prose, some o t which was Men, and Jameson, Early Life q Viner. at 7 p.mi at the Rocky Hill Vet- James McCarthy for a change The recent vlBltor came upon bltahed. She won a prise with B y TPC to ..Jss Pendleton as she w m haK- ^ o f Stephen Hind. Jbhn Swift Cited efons Hospital. to Industrial Zone tor a parcel to the rear of 73 Tolland Tpke,, way through a game o f i»ll- giriy this spring that a slen- Mysteries: MeShane, Crimson John Swift, 736 Graham Rd., and now In Business Zone n . taire on the dtatag room ^ le , coUecUon of her verse was Madness,of Little Doom; Munro, has been cited f o r .. special Eta Ctaapter of Beta Sigma 4 Requests ■The Zoning Board of Ap­ which also contained the d ^ s puMighed for the first time, un- Die Rich Die Happy; Harring­ achievement in the operq,tion Phi will meet tonight at 8 at peals, on Sept. 19, approved a papers and some vltamtas. ^gj. ^^g «^gy ton, Blind Spot; Lockrldge, Mur­ and application of. blood analyz­ the home of Mrs. Amory Stans- der- Roundabout, and Procter, field, 90 Bridge St. Miss Pam ing medical electronic equip­ ucot iui a o—. permit a millworking operation, about the room, watched over ^|,jjg pggnj, were seleoted and His Weight in Gold." ment. Jones will be in charge of the night on one request tor a sub- Science Fiction: Knight ed., division and on three tor zone which replaces the Peck Lum- by an, anxious dog ^ an ta- p^jUahed by an old friend of The citation was made fol- program. Nubula Award Stories, 1965; and ____ changes, and tabled its votes ber Co. operaUon In the North different mother cat. jjjgg Pendleton’s, Prafesaof* lo^wing a course of tralnlfig in Temple, Shoot at the Moon. End Renewal Area. She had difficulty hearing Austiq.'Wairen of Aim Arbor. the latest techniques at Instru­ Mrs. Josephine Day of Man- ’“ '■*1 its Oct. 24 meeting. Non-Fiction:. McDonald, Gar­ MENTHOL The zone change request was her visitor,' partly because of Michigan. They have' remiiided mentation laboratory,-, Water- Chester will attend Odt. 10 The request —for the subdlvi- dening Under Lights; Hansel, io riLTtR CIGARETirS ta^ugh O ct 137 a convention of rion came from the Town of ,made to fulfill■ any future. . ■leas- ^ problem in her hearing aid; reviewers of Emily Dlcklnsoo. town, Mass. tag of a portion of the prop­ the conversation, consequently, but they are. Indisputably, So^ ESP, a Scientific Evaluation;' the National FederatiSh of Li- Manchester - tor permission Foulkes, Psychology of Sleep; Swift is a sales representative erty for other than the mill- was half oral and half -written, ggn Pendleton. censed Practical Nurses at the to subdivide a P“ - of Scientific Products division Sellers, who arrived later, re- Asked if she were otffl writ* Geyelin, Lyndon B. Johnson and the BUtmore Hotel, Los Ange- cel on the _eastjide of Ferguwn working operation. of American Hospital Supply called a time when she was not ing poetry, riie smiled and said the World; Mills, Care of An­ les, Calif. Mrs. Day la treasurer Rd. intp nine building lote. '^ e In the one action taken last Corporation. recei-ving his voice well and he she always keeps a pencil haa> tiques; Seven, Plays of the'Mod­ of the Connecticut Association, original plan was for 12 lots, night, the TPC approved a em Theatre and Sharp, Parents Portraits at Festival fourth extenrion for Peck—^for had resorted to saying "yes” dy and will take time now, after Mrs. Ken Kendall and Mrs. and is a delegae to the conven- because of the terrain and Guide to More New Math. ease­ completing the grading of his and "no,” and finally. Just 40 years of meeting deqidUnee^ Herman Ellenberger, co-chair­ tion. the existence of several Also, Lacoutre, Vietnam; Be­ Lucky Strike Green. ments, the plan was amended N. Mata St. gravel pit. nodding. A t this, his aimt had "to relax end syntax.” tween Two Truces: Under, men of the Fall Festival to be The extension is subject to a brightened. ’T can hear y o u so Mrs. Porter, who will now ca^ sponsored by the Wesley Me­ The-fine tobacco cigarette with merithpl. , The Marine Corps League -will to nine lots. Practical Mosaics; Shea, Con­ The TPC, in a previous ses­ new performance bond,' with its much better when you nod," she ry on. Is a Hartford native -wlio morial Church Oct. 14 have an­ have a social tomorrow at 8 temporary Furniture Making sion, Ijad already approved the value to he determined by Wal­ had said. came to Hebron eight years ago. nounced that Mrs. Natalie Gar- pm . at the Marine Home, for Everybody; Sutton,. Com- sale of the land. If the subdl-vi- ter Fuss, town director of pub­ Pressed to list some of the after marrying Kenneth Porter, plete Book of Model Railroad- 'rin will do portrait work at the Parker St. , . ^ sion is approved, and if the lots lic works. changes that had token place a dairy farmer. The couple hava tag; Dubay, The Human. Church; festival. are sold, the revenue will se­ —5 ------during her years as Correepoqd- two b ^ s , .Man end Craig. Mrs. Garvin, a well-known TWiM Louise L. Maher of 89 Goodman, Diet and Live; Solo­ cure to the Town Water Depart­ PUPILS SWAP SCHOOLS ent, Miss Pendleton immediate- A graduate of Windham EBgtt portrait artist of Wallingford, Henry St. is attending Moimt m on,, ed., LSD, Consciousness ment Fund and not to-the Gen­ PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — ly mentioned fire protection and Sd waa tured at the festival include t L o f officers of jthe McKlnriey explained last taght, does not Horn. Post and Auxiuiry at Faith aid the rM e^olrs, since it is Providence branch of the Eng-, Hebron has changed from an town’ chairman for the Red Italian Night Planned handicraft items made by refu- The mighty, lish-Speaklng Union. agricultural to a “bedroom"Cross drives In 1964 and 1 9 6 5 . The Father Rosenberger gees of the mission sponsored Congregational Church, 2030 dovmstream from them. Mata St, Hartford. The proposed lots would have Council Knights of Coliunbus self-help program around the main au, « ____ iwtfoot frontage and about 200- Will hold ah "Italian Night” Oct. world supported by various Professionally Dedicated Cub Scout Pack 65 of Lincoln foot depth and would be sold to 16 at the K of C Hall in Man- churches. new Ossycat. School will hive- registration individual, private, prospective Chester. The program will in------— To Your Good Health . . dude an Italian style dinner and Manchester Evening Herald (g-r-r-r-r-r-r) night tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the builders. Estimates have placed South Windsor correspondent, school auditorium. Cubs should a $5,000 plus value on each pro­ dance. Set-ups will be provided. ore some things that haven't changed. Tickets may be obtained from Ann Lyons, tel. 644-8582L Registered Wa'va got a (eroclous Pussycat on our be accompanied by at least one ^ „ Around '28 mites to a gallon of gas.. nurnnt The subdivision proposal was SPECIAL THIS WEEK Paul Cassarino, 540 Main St- or (Rinds: Tha Volbwogen Karmann Ghio. Pharmacist, ^ ■ ____ opposed last night by William Francis Tursi, 33 'Ash Rd. IRS GETS DONATION k't running around with a new, air-cooled 4Q;000 miles to o set of tires. . . VW parts highly skilled Cub Scout Pack 98 will have a H. Stenger of 812 Ferguson Rd. POWER CUSHION Conservation Groups Meet IfASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) and experienced, •ngina that's producing more power in oil' ot VW prices. . . qulci service , . . and a Local members of the town The Internal Revenue Service parents’ review night tomorrow Stenger charged that tae WHITEWALLS to protect price tag that remains 4 low $2250.* from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Buckley whole Idea was half-baked, with- O O O D /i E A R Conservation commission are here received $8 recently from (bur gears. ^ the hhealth So it's still on economy car. School The event U open to the out too much thought behind it. planning to attend the fall an anonymous giver, along 'with fln other words, it edn now beat on old of yoyour family. Kormonn Ghio at a stoplight.l Only now it growls all the way to tha entire family. He questioned the type of dwell- meeting of the Connecticut As- a hand-penned note reading: _____ tags which might be .construct- ■Delation of Conservation Com- "Dear sir, bonk. 1 It hos a new top speed of 82 mph. The "VFW Auxiliary will have ed there, and said that, with two missions Oct. 8 at the State “Here Is a little more for you PrescriRtiMS And newdisc brakes up front ithe kind you The Volktwageh a short business meeting to- or three cUldren to each home, Capitol Building. peodo to spend. Please spend It poy extra for on most other cors). night after the'Gold Star M oth-, the possible tax revenue would- -The morning session of the wisely. I try to be loyal to my 78.95 FMed ^ O f course, b ^ a Volkswagen, .there KARMANNGHIA ers dinner at 6:30 at the Post n’t compensate for town costs. 815>15 ijmettag will be devotad to talks govemmenL i ' t Home Membefs are reminded He said that the town would BUghtiy Blemished (PLUS TAXES) on subjects which will be seen "Please tty to be ■worth it.” While Ym ■"to bring an article tor a social be faced with great expense for during the afternoon bus tpur . ' '-i\______t TED TRUDON. Int. storm sewers in the„area and First Line—Orig. Equipment—We Giv^ Green Stamps planned ^or the group. Modern Sho^ * ■ ____ -that the $45,000 potential sale ■immples o f planned environ- V -' ' \ . \ VISIT THE The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, revenue would be eaten up In i ^ t will be shown Including 1146 TOLLAND.TPKE. •roLLAND TURNPIKE—TALUOTTVILLE ^ w to plan an industrial park MANCHESTER MmwMzal pastor of the Emanuel Lutheran expenses. . • MANCHESTER Church, will conduct a study Stenger questioned tha advls^ MORIARTY BROTHERS retain open space. Also on EXIT 83, WILBUR CROSS hour, "Mighty Acts of God,” to- blUty 'o f the berms, recently lha tour will be eauunples of PARKWAY 301 CENTER STREET->^64^5T35 SHOE BOX agaggeatod Retail Price Eart Goaet P.O.E., Loeal Thxee and Other Dealer DeUveqr morrow at 7:15 pm.., at the constructed on the east ride of How a modem sewage disposal 67 EAST CENTER STi Chargee, H^aiV. AddlttonaL Side View Minor Optional ak Extra Ceet. ch a ^ l of the church. 0 ^ Ferguson Rd., with none on hi* IfM t operates and how to pro- FINE WOMEN’S SHORI toet areas from floodhig suid at • _ !■ -...... , , W ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, "liftfctlCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1966 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEia^ M ^N O ilE oiW .EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966

week from federal, state and the most Important raid Involv- Okinawa in Neits Agaifi G>sa Nostra clty exprts on the Cqsa Nostril, ing crime syndicate leaders ..i:.__ -a'..: He gave no Indication if Im- since state police surprised 60 munlty would be granted to the top hoodlums and their friends 13 against possible self-incrimi- at a 1957 gathering at Apala- ', .. rf- ' ' ■ t Hearing Off Island Is MaEjnr Stop nation, chin, N.Y. ^ -t-t *4 > ■ .‘‘to- Until Friday "If they balk and refuse, to 87 Lawlpn Road answer,” Hpntel said. “We’ll F o r U.S. Viet I^'Orces NEW YORK IKP)—A grand force them to answer.” He did g Cougar KARA, OWnaw* (lAiP) — TW» lies, Including the dis^tch of Manclif»tcr, Conn. Jury has put over until Friday elaborate, TtxUit laland bas l>*oome a KC130 Jets for the aerial refuel­ Ita questioning of IS Cosa Nostra The Mafiosi, arrested at a ICOUNTRY DRUG this week! major raar area for U.S. foroea ing of planes bound for Viet September 26,1966 chieftains while It receives an lavish banquet In an Italian res- at Mercury In VJat Nanv Nam. extenslve background briefing taurant last week, appeared in IS H E R E ! Shlpa take auppUea to t^et B62s could operate out of Oki­ from law enforcement officials, court expensively dressed and ^ Dealers Nam and come bkck loaded nawa, but American forces are Seven of the. 13 seized 1 ast seeipirigly at ease, wtth equi^ent that needs re­ careful not to undertake any week at a "Little Apalachin” “I^e arreste were described as pair. (Mdnawa has become a direct combat operation from conference were told to return center for maintenance of an Okinawa base. f t f -X? Friday and the other six next tanks, tnicks and artillery, and This Island officially belonga Monday. They were allowed to construction equipment to Japan. Ihe United States has go home after a bomb scare Last November, the U.6. 2nd 'administrative rights over Oki­ i i i | i disrupted Monday’s proceed­ Loglstioal Command moved in nawa and claims freedom of .,^.1 ings. with a background of experi­ action in the tue of its bases The crime syndicate execu­ ence in the Korean War, and in here. But in practice the United Hear Niwsbborsj tives were dismissed without the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, States has been careful not to and i i i i i i i testifying after a 90-mlnute HERE IS THE^^ PICTURE when it was rushed to BW ida take any action that might police search of the Queens on a standby basis. spark leftist antl-Viet Nam war , ean't p^eteHl’n. no. interested in W yon vote; I think d-eDenioe^kt. County Criminal Courts Build­ By February, Okinawa was demonstrations in Japan or Oki­ Pontiac Models Now at Paul Dodge ing failed to turn up any explo­ , handling more cargo in a month nawa. On display now with other models at Paul Dodge Pontiac Inc., 373 Main St., is this model sives. The 13 afe free on $100,- OF THE MANCHESTER TAX RATE than it had handled in the last ------1— do 000 bail each as material wit­ tim e months of 1966. the best job tor yon. of Pontlsu:’s Catalina series, a hardtop coupe with the Ventura option. The Catalina's distinc­ tive styling, interiors and colors, many standard equipment safety items and a wide selec­ nesses in the inquiry. In 'M[arch, "roll On" sMpe Area W eather Dlst. Atty. Nat H. Hentel said were ai^g^i^ to the Okinawa- tion of options have hel])ed to make this Pontiac one of the industry's largest selling cars. WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — the Jury would hear background IN THE HANDS CF BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES ' Viet Nam itxi. Every flve days but r a ALSO COHdRNED W H WHERE YOU VOTE! testimony for the rest of the ' one of the sh l^ leaves Okinawa Mostly sunny skies and pleasant temperatures are forecast for for Viet Nam with-4i,000 tons of 1 Cancer Claims Helen Kane, Schedules cargo loeul^ in ISO giant truck today, hut the weatherman says L • rr tliP Rpiiublican^er received withlast Thnrs- BY 1957, UNGER CO N TIN U O U S REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT, ^ trailers. The ships and ihq^trall- he egQMcta cloudiness to set in ' era provide a sort of perpiet^ later in the day. ‘Boop-Boop-a-Doop’ Girl WWWWRRWAftW THE TOWN OF MANCHESTER'S TAXES HAD REACHED AN ALL- motion. X, An extensive tow pressure sys- r r r south school p t a has CANDIES The trailers are loaded in ad­ 'tom in southern Canada for the NEWSTEW YORK (AP) — Helen **®<*’^I*H Ito fourth annual lee ^ / f cream smorgasbord for Satur­ TIME HIGH . . . AND THEN ... vance in Okinawa, then rolled laA. few days has relaxed its Kane, whose gay little girl’s NOW AVAILABLE AT grip On New England and no day from 2 to 4 p.m. on the onto the ships. In Viet Nam they voice made the phrase "boop- PINE PHARMACY sure pulled off the boats and tak­ longer iRQuences the weather Khool playground. ____ In 1962, the last year of Republican rule ^ 649-9814 en directly to the places where pattern hert^ boop-a-doop” a part' of the leg­ Participants will be able to CENTER ST. supplies are needed. As soon as A weak pressure area There are three serions mistakes « ^ . ^ M d S o t u the only one. end of the Roaring 20!s, died concoct their own sundaes at THE TAX RATE ROSE ANOTHER 4 MILLS IN ONE YEAR the trailers are unloaded, tanks now covers the hraa, bringing Monday at 62 after a 10-year 25 cents each, and there will be and other < equipment needing with it fair weather and also battle with cancer. a variety of toppings to suit ______. repair tme put on the trailers. light winds, the U.S. Weather She succumbed at her home both conventional and exotic In 1963 . . . A Democratic Majority Year...... 1 Mill Rise When the next ship arrives, they Bureau says. A combination of in Jackson Heights, Queens, tastea Each sundae will In­ 2. Boundaries between Districts S ev en as shown. clude a bonus of a lollipop. are rtdled aboard and brought these light winds and clear sMes only hours after watching a tel­ SAVE In 1964 . . . A Democratic Majority Year...... NO TAXRISE to Okinawa. has enabled significant radlation- evision rerival of "Three Little Co-chairmen of the event, to ' In the command compound, al cooling to taka place over­ 3. West Side Rec is District Six^oUuig p a , Words” a movie in which she which the public is invited, are i two shifts a day — several night, causing frost in many .sang " I want to be loved by Mrs. Philip Shrider, 43 Thayer In 1965 . . . A Democratic Majority Yeor...... i , ...... 9/10 of a Mill Rise hundred Okinawan civilians — areas. The high pressure sys­ • • „Krd will be In 1966 . . . A Democratic Majority Year...... NOTAX Rl^ ' coming in from the United cut during the day. Southeast "She got a great kick out of FUEL OIL states and going out to Viet to south winds will carry an ex­ H any 647-9839 and 647-985l> hearing her voice coming out held Saturday, Oct. 8. 'IS n and other Southeast Asian tensive area of cloudiness, and help you. Our phone n u n ^ s are o-n v , „ , loud and clear.” ppliresv rain into the area. The ”boop-boop-a-doop” re­ PETITION FOR ROSTOW COOPBRATIYE THIS IS NOT A GAME. THIS IS YOUR TAX MONEY. HOW Mpre^t^an 300,000 items — A mostly sunny day Is la frain that Miss Kane made a NEW HAVEN (AP)—A peit- OIL COMPANY from papeb-xUps and wrenches store. Cloudiness will increase, . - 1 , toxhi^ha. you vote Democratic . . . BUT it is MOST important of all that part of most of her songs had its tion from nearly 200 Yale Law Dlv. of Boland OU Co- DOES THE PICTURE LOOK TO YOU? to m e d i^ s u llie s and ammu­ and by tonight skies wiS be ov­ It IS important to/me that y birth in 1928 when sh e^ as ap­ School students has been pre­ TEL, 64S-156S nition —■ a^.stw»d here. Supply ercast Rain la likely to develop pearing at New York’s r*aram- sented to Eugene Rostow, a requlBltlonB from \^et Nam are by late tonight and contimM Into you VOTE on MONDAY, October 3. ount Theater. She inserted the HELEN KANE Yale University law professor fed into the coiiiniand’Vcomput- Wednesday. line at a rehearsal and it was a bought houses, swimming pools TOWN ELECTION NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 er. If the item Is a ^ la b l^ here, hit as soon as the public heard and businesses. But the In ^ t- ^ President the computer issues d j^tock or­ ments went bad and the fortune KLH der. Otherwise an order is dis­ I don’t know why I did it,” disappeared. petition, delivered to Ros- VOTE FOR • ANDERSON • ELLIS • FITZGERALD patched to ; the United Sta^s, FRESH CANDY she once told an interviewer. ”It she was Attempting a come- th- STEREO MUSIC usually with' a request for direct just came out like that.” back 10 years ago when cancer ««* l»norable settlement to toe shipment to Viet Nam. WHITMAN, SCHRAFTCHRAFT C>NHV CUPBOARD>BOARD ' The line and Miss Kane’s struck. ^ Viet Nam. It suggested SYSTEMS • HUTCHINSON • MAHONEY • STAMLER n d s.is perhaps the prime di­ squeaky-voiced gaiety carried There will be a Requiem Mass rect support operation given by ARTHUR D R U 6 her to Hollywood. There hen for Miss Kane at St. Joan of AT Oklnawa:^'ed forces to Viet films brought her salaries of up Arc Roman Catholic Church In Nam- But Oiere arc other activi- to $8,000 a.week. Jackson Heights at 10:30 a.m. ----- i------place on Monday. During toe good days — Saturday. Burial will follow at NORMAN’S "Money was falling off trees,” Long Island National Cemetery, V ISIT THE she recalled — Miss Kane Plnelawn, N.Y, SIOI’ IN rOK VOTE d e m o c r a t i c Coming This Week Yours sincerely, MANCHESTER, AN F.AK FlM.lNfJ This advertisement sponsored by Demoeratio Town Committee, Conti, Sec’y. S H O E B O X OFMON.s rif \'I ION Rep. Powell to Face i67 EAST CENTER ST, •U3 HARTFORD KO, FDfE WOMEN’S SHOES MANTHFSTEK

/ Chairman, Democratic Charge of Contempt Town eommlttec of Manchester NEW YORK (AP)—Rep. The congressman’s attorneys i r ALUMINUM PROIHJCTS ic Adam Clayton Powell, D-N.Y., sought a writ of prohibition stripped last week of many of that would have prevented his Combinarion Windows and Doors his powers as a House commit­ contempt trial, but toe Appel­ tee chairman, now faces trial on . \ late Division turned down the Door Canoides, R(dl-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, criminal contempt charges motion. Re-oovwed. Take Down Service and Storage. Boat Canvas growing out of a libel Judgmient Henry R. Williams, one of Repaired or Made New To Your Pattern. All Work Custom he lost more than three years Pow^l’s attorneys, said he IMMe, Grommets —- Eyelets — Fasteners. Air-Condltloner z: ago. would try to block toe trial by Coven Custom Msde for Coninierclal and Home. Waterproof­ The Appellate Division of ing Compound For Tents, Boatcovers and.Canvas. We Do insisting the State Supreme Resoreenlng of Aluminum Screens. Shapes and State Supreme Court ruled Mon­ oimrt does not have toe author­ day that the Harlem congress-’ ity to hold it. for Table Tops f o r m o r s c o n v e n i e n t v o t i n c t h e r e man must stand trial for evad­ A civil order for PoweU’s ar­ MANCHESTER AWNING CO. AREJOW SE|N DlStRlCIS ing court orders In connection rest was Issued two yean EST. 1949—195 W. CENTER STREET—649-3091 You ccMi do many with toe defamation of charac­ after he had been held in e(vU things with gloss ta­ ter action. contempt of court. That order ble and de^ tops An attorney for Powell said he has never been enforced be­ would attempt to block toe rul­ cause of toe congressman’s and they ore eo^ ing and head off toe trial sched­ congressional immunity. to keep clean. Let uled for Wednesday. During periods when Oongreas us help you with Powell, whose control over is out of session and hia imlnim- < • RENT suggestions.' the Education and Labor Com­ ity no longer in effect, Powell mittee was limited by a vote of avoids New York. When he does A Completely Safety BDrrora'Oot To All Slses his colleagues last week, was come to toe city, he appears on OPEN 8 AM. to S P.M. Judged to have defamed Esther Simday, a day when civil ac­ Checked Car SAT. 8 AM. to NOON James, a 68-year-old Harlem tions cannot be executed. widow, on a television program Powell is not required to be / J. JL WHITE GLASS CO. in I960. He had called her a present Wednesday when State BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH "bag woman” or greift collector Supreme Court Justice William 31 BISSELL ST. Phone 049-7322 for corrupt policemen. C. Hecht is expected to assign ONE FIXED FEE After'. various adjustments, toe matter to a trial Justlca. , NO MILEAGE CHARGE the courts ordered Powell to pay / Mrsj Jam es $160,000 in $600-a- week installments. The contempt charges, Involving five separate HAU FOR RENT PAUL DODGE specifications, developed from liis failures to answer subpoenas For parties, showers, reoep-' during litigation. tions, meetings. Conqdete LEASING and RENTALS Acting imder a law which pro- Idtohm fadllUes. Large en- 3 7 3 M ain S tre e t, M an ch ester— ^Phone 6 4 9 -2 8 8 1 ' vides penalties of up to 30 days doaed parking lot. Inqirire: in Jail arid a $250 fine for crimi­ nal contempt. Supreme Court . Lilfiiianlan HoN S4 GOLWAY S IB M K t Justice Irving Saypol last month ordered a trial to determtoe the Mancheater . . . degree of Powell’s "wllfullness’' Fhonea: 648-0618 or 648^8188 . in ignoring toe subpoenas. HC) I NBHBBR* TUB 0&D6R OP THB 0(»JDBN BULB Rove'up to Rie distinguished RUMMAGE SALE SPONSORED BY THE Fulfilling An motoring of a previously owned - DEMOCOfeATIO ^ M E N ’S CLUB OF MANBHESTEB Uncoln Continental We have an unusually Urgent Need cha'ce selection of Continentals recently traded by their pre- |«ious owners for the 1966 version of America’s most distin* THURSD)(y , s e p t . 29 W hen a funeral director’s assistance is euiUied motorcar. Their prime condition (many stilt carry th» 9 A.M, AT needed, it’s needed prMnptly, regardless SEE HOW YOU CAN SAVE . . . MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY, CALL, feear-ar warranty) assuras thair second owners many years of the hour. A telephone call to us assures l i d miles of .unsurpassed motoring emllence, togeUier with; MOTTS COMMUNITY M U OR VISIT YOUR NEAREST S.B.L.I. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK immediate, ctHnforting service whether ! most impressive savings. We'D be gla d te q upte y w tlwi EAST CENTER ST. nestingly low terms— this wiek I it’S’inidnight, noon o r any time in between. THE iAVIN<3S BANK OF MANCHESTER 923 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 or CALX. 649-5203 MORIARH Please send without oUHgaHon Information about tOVlLCOST Savings j SBII Bank Ufa Insurance. ^ lUMiPTMlT CHAH6E' All skwh dWided Ihifougli cento line d( sWet^ IMPOMAHI CHAHOt^ BINGO Name. BROTHERS801 CENTER STREET — 6i8-6U6 \ V (Street No.) (StreetName) (City/Town) ■■Ooanectlcat'a Oideet Unooin-Mercury Dealer* EVERY WED. NIGHT AT 8 P.M. AVAILABLE AT 45 MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS IN CONNECTICUT OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT THURSDAY NO OBLIGATION, You Don’t Hava To Be A Depositor to Got S B L I ELKS CLUB ROCKVHLE '* * ^ ® S S S M ‘8Mlm . RWdWIMLOflNM.*^ J


r / \' IN n 3 ^ V


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 196g Michael W. Bourque, Barbara PAGE SIXTEEN Students Earn Brackett, James Button, Susan Charlamb, Ruth (3hatel, Nancy Small Percentage of UFO’s Library Passes Deganne, Kathleen Didan, Ste­ Hehrpn phen Dunlap, David Eddy, With Governor Dempsey's leadership’^ Tolland 12th Grcvit A total of 53 pupils at Bennet Garth Eddy, Barbara Edgar, TV-Radio Tonight Junior High School who are on Lawrence Elkin, Patricia Far­ New Vehicle Court Cases Zone Panel May Be Bugs with ‘Glow On’ the honor roll have been given rell. special honor passes 'to use the Also, Diane Fontana, William MCANOHESTER SESSION DENVER, Odlo. (AP) — Are million, to set up new ant colo- a thunderstorm which has left Geyer, John Grabyalny, Carolyn To Be Seen To Meet on Television •some of those Unidentified nies, the air saturated with a dlffer- library.orary. Habererh, Gall Heller, Michele I Karl D. French, 23, of 444 Flying Objects recently sighted He dirondered what these giant ent kind of charge than there The permanent passes allow toward, Alison Jacobs. Linda 5:00 ( 3-10-22) Movie 7:16 (SO) ^ r t s Camera St. Subdivision ( 8) Hike Doutiaa ___(40) Peter Jennings, nwa over parts of the United States swarms would look like at night was just before the storm, the honor students the privilege Jacobs, Gregory Johnston, Law­ 1>V BurokasJiurokas center and West Palm 7:80* (10-80-32^) Girl from tJNCiLB Beach, Fla., pleaded not guilty (12) . Merv Griffin merely flying ants or other In­ if they could glow. Perhaps ants ‘The theory,” he said, “Logi- of leaving study halls at apy rence.icahn, JaJte Karp, Sandra (18) Ralph Kailna (C) sects with a "glow” on? could pick up enough static cally explains many of the A special demonstration of a to a substitute charge of mis- The planning and zoning com­ (10) Big Picture (12) Daktarl (C) time to go to ' the library. In Knybel,' Ellen Kravitz, Michael mission will meet tonight at 8 (80) Woody Woodpecker ( 8-«0) Combat (O Norton T. Novitt, an______amateur electricity to make them give characteristics of the UFO phe- addition, they are given special Kutcher. full-scale self transit combina- conduct with a motor vehicle (40) The Huneters i;(18) Subacriptiott- 1 TV‘ Denver scientist whose hobby is off light. nonrena sudh as niateriallZ|itlon tion rail and road vehicle proto- »nd the case was continued to in the town office building to 6:80 (40) woody Woodpecker (M) Billot ^rtOD. study facilities In the library Also, George Lundberg, Susan consider the application of Jes- (18) Topper (M) Science ROporter the study of the electric proper- To find out’he glued 24 ants and disappearance, hovering annex. MacClean. Robert McAllister, type called the StaRR car will oct. 6 for probable cause heaf- see A. Hills to subdivide prop­ (80) Wblrlyblrdt (10-2042-80) occasional Wtfa ties of Insects, thinks it’s highly around the outi^de of a plastic and departure, glowing and pul be viewed today by Tolland’s j^g. (30) Scope possible. Not necessarily insects ball. A static electric gene)rafor sating lights of various colors, Those who have received the Susan McClafferty, Kimberly This is how we erty on West St. into eight lots. 1:46 (33) Harshall DUlop Rounders (C) representative to the Capital French was originally charg- 8^3) Red Skelton (O was connected to the ball with a apparent high velocity rotation privileges this fall were given Miller, Eli Okrant, Wayne Commander Robert. Caffazzo, 8:00 ( 8-40) News, 8p6rU, Wtather (Mj1^1 Book Beat- U - with a built-in glow, such . their passes last week during Pierce, Shirley Rogns, .Karen Region Planning Agency, John gj ^ith negligent homicide after Jones Keefe Post No. 95, AL (34) What'e New? fireflies, but insects which have thin wire. The ball was- sus­ of the objects, varieties of Burokas. a. passenger in the car French (80) seahunt 8:00 ( 8-40) PruItU, Southampton brief ceremonies conducted by Saundens, James Schreiber, Syl- has announced that the execu­ (30) I Led Three Uvea < - (C) somehow attracted an electric pended from the ceiling of his shapes and sizes, humming Burokas, who is the Demo- driving was killed in ah (18) Merv Griffin,' (10-20-22-80) Movie (C) home laboratory with threads. noises, pitting of ground sur­ George Bradlau, principal; Al- via Spangberg, Frank Stamler, tive committee will meet to­ (24) Point of View charge so great that they give Ian Cone, vice principal, and I-’®*® Steely, Robert Swadosh, cratic .candidate for representa- accident in Glastonbury on June night at 8 in Legion Hall. (33) Rocky and Hia VYiendt 8:30 ( 8-12) Petticoat Junction t o off Ughts. Sure enough, when he cranked faces, scorching of vegetation, tive from the 48th District, is jg. 8:16 (1040-23) News, Weather ( 8-40) L,ove on Rooftop (C) residues of chemical sub­ Maurice Chevalier, guidance Patricia Sylvester, get clean water Executive committee mem­ (40) Maverick (24) Art of Seeing a In 20 years of UFO sighting the generator the entire ball attending the demonstration as police say that French lost 8:80 (10-22-80) Huntley - Brinkley seemed to glow with a dim blue stances, seasonal appearance in counselor. Also, Warren Thurnauer, bers include Commander Caf­ 10:00 ( 8r40) PuglUve (O reports other scientists have The students are as foliows: Robert Trotter, Barry WalcH, a member of CRPA’s transpor- go^trol of his car on .Rt. 2, it Oldsmohile’s Holiday Coupe in Town (C) (18) Subscription TV said__ the__ __ shiny-bodied^ ______insects light. The bodies of the ants late summer and Indian sum- — ------— — ------tation commute. His guests g^p^ck a second vehicle and fazzo, Senior Vice Commander The Holiday Coupe shewn above is powered by a 425 cubic inch Super Rocket V-8 engine, (20) New Horizons (24) World Theater X mer, and lack of communication William Alesbury, Kathleen An Donna Wirta, Dustin Wood Jr., Walter W. Donald; Junior Vice ( 8) Newswlre ( .8-12) News Special (C) ilght.be mistaken during day- were discernible as brightef* --- , ------. . ^ are Selectman Stuart Danforth, overturned. Howard F. Fentln, and'is one of four body styles offered in the O Idsmoblle Delta 88 series for I®67 which (13) Newabeat i 11:C0 ( 3-8-10-20-22-80-40) Naws. light for flying .saucers. specks of light as the elect.riBity with...... toe airborn objects. . J--.- .. John Bickley, Patricia Boll Robert Yules, Richard Zarbo. representing the town, and (34) Travel. Time representing me town, miu „„ , oridrewater Mass was Howard E. Porter, strongly reflects the knowledge Oldsmobile gained from the development of the highly suc­ Sports, Weather But the glowing Insect theory drained off them into spa6e. SamuelSiOTUel BinsEinstein, representing Bridgewater, s j^chard Grant, Chaplain G. ( 3) Walter Cronklte fC) (12) Newsbeat cessful front wheel drive Tdronado. Complete new styling, including a new silhouette *nd 4:46 ( 8) Peter Jenning*. Newa 11:18 (40) Sports Final '1 original with Novltt, a sclen- “If* simply an qmission of the Planning and Zoning Com- , ...... , Richard Ives and Leonard C.' exterior appointments give the Delta 88 stronger series identification for 1®87. Additional (30) Newa. Sporia. Weather (10-20-30) Tonight (O Gerald Rogowskl, 19, of Rock- portgr. 7:00 (33-8A40) News, Weather 11:80 ( 3-8) Movie (C) llfio illustrator with the U.S. electric corona light,” he ex- interior luxury also marks the Delta 88 this year. The models can be seen now at Manches­ ( 3) Movie 11:16 (40) Country Music (Cf) Geological Survey in Denver, plained. ^^The’staRR car has been han- ^ The Hebron Andover Rams ter Oldsmobile at 512 Yfi Center SL (34) What’s New? 11:30 (12) Movie ed as a practical solution to ^^ond in operating a fidget football team will prac- (8 ) TwIHaht Zone (22) Election Returns .\nd he believes it may account Th® htivered, moved er- mass transportaUon problems, vehicle while his tide tonight at 8 p.m. on the (20) Hunlley-Brinklcy (C) 11:48 (22) Tonlkht (C) for a smalt part of, toe 7 per ractically as pulses of static 2 (10) Eye Dentity 13:38 (40) 'M'-Squad cent of UFOs which toe Air electricity drained off with dif­ 2 and is designed to travel on reg- suspension and was Rham High School athletic field, (33) Maas. Highlighta 1:00 (40) Air ^ rc® mm- fO nlar streets as well as on auto- *^00. According to Prose- tgaj„ jogj j^g fj^gt ggnie Sun- iCorce admits it cannot explain. fering intensities from toe ants. Much Interesting Gossip BBT. 8ATDRIV\t*» t v WEEK POE OOMPLBTE U8T1NCI mated guideway networks. The Mirabile, Rogow- ^ay to the Coventry Panthers, RtPORIS It all started with Novitt three R' also gave off a crackling demonstration will be held in 20 to 6- Some 130 spectators summers ago when he was A sound. Novitt said a swarm of Westboro, Mass. offense on Aug. 30 witnessed the defeat. .'.’ODAV’S C * .’I At White House Dinner member of a Denver mdon- several million ants would emit a very loud, humming or buzz- WASHINGTON (AP)—A lot Of others at her Uble exchanged '.vatch team, one of thq groups RdtS> FI% Democratic Notes ' nf nn expres.sed Radio 0 Edward Adzima, a history ^ ° .special thanks to Mrs., Richard side business and interesting autographs on their dinner men- of ■volunteers around toe coun- ing noise. RAGWEEoi ^ ■ may thoM nnwa bnmdcMts of tO «r IS ‘.ry who help toe National Aero “Np new scientific principles teacher at Ellington High address, pleaded inno- ^iken who ran the food conses- are involved,” he said. “It is School, will speak on the his- o^ratm g a gi^^ ^n^ Andover Fire De- POLLEN ‘i AA i T ■tatMinn (••rTT etbinr dliort n a m e a a ts.) '.lautics and Space Administra­ state dinner. George Hamilton, Oemtoil astro- tion keep trabk of some of toe rather an application of a natu­ tory of the Democratic Party ”’°tor vehicle while her license partment, who supplied the am- 7:36 Public Affairs ral combination of the princi­ at the Oct 7 meeting of the suspension, rewless bulance. Both will be on hand COUNT For instance, at Monday naut Lt. Cmdr. Richard F. • :<»UiiW John wade 8:(K) Yankees vs. Senators largs artificial satellites. 7 7 10:20 Dial 12 l:M Dick Reainien Novitt had set up a telescope ples of three sciences — meteo­ meeting which is open to the resisting an officer, gj Sunday's game with the Ea-st night’s party given by President Gordon Jr., the wife of eetro- 1:8S Newe, Sicn (NT 1:30 News, Sign Off 0 Johnson for Chancellor Ludwig naut Cmdr. Charles Oonrad Jr., , WTIO—IBS* in a Vacant lot to see If he could rology, atmospheric electricity: public. continued to Hartford Mustangs which will WBvBe-n* 6:00 Afternoon Edition physics, electrostatics of assem­ The towri committee meeting Hartford on Oct. 25 for be played at Rham Field at 2 Erhard of West Germany: and architect Edward Durell |:0C Hertford UIgbllghIa 6:00 News, Sports, Weather spot a satellite during daylight. SpEPialS Po<‘eo C' I.O.' Di'S'-’c/on 8:00 Qeallfhl bled small airborne objects; will begin at 7:30 with a short trial by-jury,...... ■p.m...... Half-time entertainment a 24 hOL/.' sampling —Lynda Johnson wore a gold Stone, 6:36 Americana He picked up a bright object U:00 Wiet Hours 6:65 Red Sox vs. White Sox traveling too fast to be a satel­ and entomology, gathering of business meeting. A. Abair. 31. of Col- will be a demonstration of West­ and diamond ring on the third "I found I signed my own WlNr—1888 9:40 Nlghlbeat insects.” Loula Gladstone, the Demo- Chester was fined $25 for speed- ern Square Dancing by the "C” finger of her left hand, but says card too, isn't that ridiculous,’’ • ;(MI News 11:00 News Sports. Weather lite. It soon was Joined by a sec­ ■ 16 £ ^ k Up Hartford 11:30 Art Johnson Show ond object. Fascinated, he He said the same Is true of cratic candidate for state tng krid $100 fo'r operating a Twirlers. Donated Commodities will be she’s not engaged to her escort she .said later. . 8:00 News. Sports WPOP—1418 g(08samer, toe networks of cob- comptroller, wiU speak at a motor vehicle while license un- Oyange Installation of late, George Hamilton. The Erhard left right after the 8:80 Bditorlal Roundup 5:00 Jim Meeker watched the two objects de- distributed Wednesday from 3 *:4i Lowell Thomas 6:30 Ken Griffin scend until they nearly reached webs that float in the air during DemocraUc outdoor rally OcL der suspension. Me. was. charged Hebron Grange will hold in- to' 5. p.rri.' at the town hall on ring, she said, was given to her concert at 11:48 p.m., an early 7;« The World Tonight 10:00 Hotline stallation of officers tonight at gj. by a spinster Aunt Effie Patillo departure as White House par­ 7:U yyank Gifford 12:00 John Sherman the ground. Taking his eye from spider migration seasons, 8 at 4 p.m. on Glen Dr. The wtth speeding after being stop- the telescope he wag startld to The Denver experimenter be- rally is open to all residents of P«d on Rt. 2 in Glastonbury on 8 p.m. at Gilead Hall. Kenneth The Hebron Congregational ®u her mother's side. ties go lately, and everything Porter will he installed as mas- wound up by 12:30 a.m. find that toe apparent landing iieves there are at least four the town, and will be attended a radar ■ check • -earlter ‘ ,this Church Council will meet to- , —Lynda hasn't decided on a .rite was in front of a garage a ways in which ants apparently by local and r^ o n a l candi- month. The suspension violation tor Porter has h®®n master gj g p jjj smith-Gellert^ job yet either. Learning her fa- Quality 19" PORTABLES* dates. was added after his record re- twice before, each time for a .short distance away. He hurried ®a® P*®it ®P * glow: - Lounge. ther intends to travel to Manila to the spot' and found two Individual ants become HUtorical Society Meet* sealed that at the time of his tvm-^ar next month, she said she may Bear Outwits winged ants. •* charged, on toe ground and then The Tolland Historical Socie- his license had been un- Others to be installed are: Manchester Evening Herald go along with him and let a job FEERANDO ORCHARD^ He surmised the bright light joto a swarm, creating a mass ty will meet with teachere and suspension. ^ow ; lecturer, Hebron correspondent Mrs. decision wait. Zoo Keepers # Nqtive TVee-Rfpened Peaches he had observed was sunUght of many different electrical with automatic fine tuning principals from the local When Judge Max Reicher Mre. Genevieve ^ym gton; as- Marjorie Porter, tel. 228-9116. But, she approached Civil glinting from their iridescent charges. Khools tomorrow from 4 to 5 i>riposed the fine, Abair said, “I ^ s ^ t steward M r^ Marilyn Service Commission (Chairman' (Continued from Page One) # J. H. Hole Variety Ants fly up through succes- p.m. in the Hicks Memorial don’t have the money.” M ss Amy John W. Macy Jr., her father s pjgg loaves , of bread and a These arc excellent for freezing and canning. Reaearch produced toe fact sively more highly charged lay- ...in elegant wood cases! School cafeteria. "That’s your problem,” Judge Hooker, treasurer. Miss Olive chief talent scout, and told him , . , toat at certain times of toe year ers of air. The meeting is being held in Reicher said, "you’ll have to gb Warner; secretary, Mrs. Paul Ford, Chrysler jokingly "I still don’t have a —also— male and female ants sprout Ants create their own static conjunction with the Connecti­ to jail.” Blow; Ceres, Mrs. Kenneth Por- job" "We've kept her hungry for Tour family deserves the best in TV—a magnificent Magnavox, which -will give you "Then 1 guess Til have to go 1 Flora, Mrs. Winthrop Por­ Reduce Prices wings to take part in an air- electricity by rubbing together cut Leag(ue of Historical Socie­ —Instead of listening with three days,” explained Dr. Na- McIn t o s h a p p le s and 'oome mating ritual. The winged in flight, much like a person better pictures and sound—whether from near or “difficult stations than youve ties, which has urged such a to jail,” Abair said. l®r, and lady assistant steward, According to court officials, Mrs. Russell Anderson- The of- (Continued from Page One) about 180 other guests to the than Gale, assisUnt zoo ants gradually group together does when he shuffles across a ever experienced from a portable! Magnavox is more reliable, too—because it uses reception by all member socie­ half-hour of chamber music that director, hoping the food would FARM FRESH APPLE CIDER into giant swarms, some esti- mg. ties throughout the state! Abair later paid the fine. fices of steward, pomona and Analysis of Ford’s new price followed the dinner, four top- jure her upward, exclusive Space-Age Bonded Circuitry; plus many other advanced features usually A final continuance was giv- gatekeeper will be filled at a mated to contain as many as 37 AnU often swarm right after S The aim of the reception is schedule for 76 models showed level officials spent the time jt did. She climbed — but out- Birch Moutain Rd., off Hebron Ave (Rt. 91) found only in higher-priced TV! ______f L'- 5 to familiarize the teachers 'with en in the case of Arlan P. June special election prior to instal- prices had been adjusted on 65 conferring. Sitting around an gjde the ladder. She used it only GLASTONBURY. CONN. 's <*S» Saving the Connecticut River takes federal as wall as state action. Hera Governor local history, and to sea how ^V®mon. who is charged with lation , ^ , iv, o, l u empty table were Secretary of - - to .— hang s on while she devoured the society can assist them in oWabing money under false Austin Emmons of Columbia of them, with 21 still carrying ugfengg Robert S. McNamara, the food Stock Ownership Documents Dempsey discusses bill for Connecticut River National Recreation Area wlih Interior the teaching of the town’s his- Pf®tensea on two counts, fraud- and his team will perform the the original price tag. The big- Undersecretary of State George .. Then - Secretary Stewart Udall on rivor inspoction trip in September ’65. tory to the school children. a check and two ritual. A buffet luncheon wiU fol- the top-of- W. Ball, John J. McOoy, former the moa David Cook, chairman of the ®°'^ats of sj^eding. June s at- „ „ „ the-Une Lincoln Continental high commissioner in Germany Disclose Wives Hold More Automatic Fine Tunlng-always | board of education, and a na- where two models were cut $95 and now chairman of the Advls WASHINGTON (AP)—The definition of beneficial o’wner- “ remembers” to keep each channel live of TtoUsnd will Speak on Elementary School Principal ory Committee on the U.S. Cartoonist Dies wiVM of some Amerlcata busl- Bhip. * perfectly tuned. Model l-T124onT-227 the History of Ttolland He ■will ***^*'’^ ***®" ®’^*® ^ contact his Ray Gardiner has announced the Arms Control and Disarmament One filing since then showed Governor Dempsey is concerned witli the pollution of our E E Ford announced that the price ijeM execiiUveB are far more mobile cart, with 172 sq. In. screen and be follow^ by Clyde’ Hall, a ^ M’® attorney’s re- new system of milk money.col- STAMFORD (AP)—Cartoonist that the wife of a Texaco, Inc., prosperous than their husbands, director owns 1,464,510 common telescoping dipole antenna. rivers and streams. That’s why he personally set the machinery money audio-visual could be t® tJct. 3. Milk money for October will be let's new Camaro„ ------...m which ment. will strip "The Gumps.” died Mon- at least as far as *>ck owner­ shares of the company’s stock. in motion that will restore Connecticut’s beautiful waterways. used to teach history. ^ ship In their husbands’ compa­ The records disclosed her hus­ A gmeral discussion will fol- band, Lester J. Norris, owns $ - A Clean Water Task Force of 100 leading citizens met in _ 5.. j Spruce SL nies is concerned. amoimt will be 80 cents for the original price of the Mus- was "serious business.” «d»®n was stricken in his EATOWI 118,680 shares with another 118,- October of ’65 at John Dempsey’s bid, and then made’32 Doiniments in the files of the WITH CART Vila 1 o a 9 4 tang 6, two-door hardtop had —The featured violinist, Wil- Stamford home a ^ was pro- 1215^2 SILVER LANE—EAST HARTFORD 595 shares owned through a 159?S ^ »**** Mirabile said that Mrs. Grezel’s Securities and Exchange (Com­ trust or holding company. recommendations in May ’66. These included a $150 million child’s history of Tolland will d a u V h tT r ’ w ho"orrgi;;ily a * ? I T ^ been ^sted at $2,610.08 That liam KroU, confided to White nounced dead ^ a hospltah mission showed today that toe be considereiL broughrthe i3 d I f"** ® Cahforn.a Test ^ House aides that he hadn’t been A native of anc.nnati, Edson "ALL MEATS ore FRESH C U T — Another filin/*. showed that the bond issue for state grants to municipalities for sewage treat­ P _ , ___ ovougiii, uie cuarge wojiiTO iw Mental Matunty last week. in Dip White House since he ner- *il»o was author and creator of holdings of some wives are as family of O W- ^ Humphrey, P Junior Women’s Fsamon Snow drop the matter and would not httle less than $5 under the m ine vrnue nouae since ne per _ _ _. ‘nr.^n..n>o «IU wuulu jiui. Achievemcnt tests will be formed there as a child orodiav the comic strip "Dondl. NONE ore PRE-PACKAGED!" much as 60 times greater than board chairman of the M.A. ment plants, and tax write-offs to industry for waste treatment The Tolland Junior Womens appear as a witness for the administered to Grades 4-6 in Camaro price of $2,468. ______vi. those of their executive hus­ Hanna Oo., owns 206,542 shares Ford said of the price adjust­ before President (Jalvln Coo- He began his career as a free Club will hold its second An- »tate. Under the circumstances, ru***nl*ri.'fr,H,ne jjjgg lance cartoonist in 1920, and be- bands. In some cases the per­ of the firm’s stock. Humphrey, plants. nual Fashion Show OcL 11, at he said, the state had no case. ments: STORE HOURS: ^—Fbrmer actress Arlene e*me sports cartoonist for the centage is even higher. however, owns ^,0(X) shares 8:15 p.m. in Fiano’s RestauranL The case of Rocco Tralli, 45, The results of these tests are "Most of the reductions result Tnes., Wed. 9 to 6 • Thors., FrL 9 to 9 The doiniments were filed as a On May 18, ’66, the Hartford Courant said, "In appoint­ used to help the school deter­ Dahl, who now writes a beauty old New York Evening GrajAic plus another 228.660 shares Bolton. of 84 N. School St. was refer- from changing to optiimal some Sat. 8 to 6 (Closed All Day Monday) result of a new <»mmi3sion rul­ througli trusts, toe records mine the effectiveness of the equipment previously an- advice column, said she and in 1925. | ing a non-partisan group to make this study and report. Women’s fasihions from Mam’ red to the Family Relations Of- ing requiring businessmen to showed. “ selle of 'Vemon, and children’s fice and continued to : Oct. 25, program, watch progress of nounced as standard. For exam- ______, repcirt major stiKk held in their Howard Hall, a dlrs,»tor of the Governor John Dempsey has sought to face the problem fashions from "Vouth Centre of Trzdll was arrested on’Bept. 10 children from year to year and pje, op,;,most cars, color-keyed cofhpanies by their wives and leaker Oats Co., previously had sqiia.rp.1y, and to develop concrete patterns of procedure for Manchester will be modeled by as a result of domeKic dis- aids to further to identify chil- de luxe seat belts with warning minor children. reported holdings of 110 shares members and tiicir children. turbance. dren who may need special help, light and remote control for the HAVE YOU AN The ruling is in line with com­ in the company. SEC records th e future. . . It is, in fact, a trumpet call for action. It cannot Tickets for the show are avail- William J. Tackach, 23, of School Nurse Days outside rear view mirror have EVENT SCHEDULED mission policy for fuller disclo­ showed his wife owns 2,246 be ignored,” able from club members or West Hartford, was fined $100 Mrs. Dorothy K irk lj^, school been made optional, Superb sure of the ownership of corpo­ shares. chairman Marcia Wortman, speeding. He was arrested nurse, has changed her days at “The balance of the reduction TH A T CALLS for WED. ONLY rations sejllihg securities to the Another board chairman, Da­ It will not be ignoi^d. It has top p r ^ ty in the Governor’s Weigold Rd. ®" 2 in Glastonbury after a the school to Tuesday, Wednes- resulted ■ from lower base FOOD? public. vid Van Alstyne Jr. of toe New Beautiful Colonial styling-complete Committee chairmen include radar check Indicated he h a4 d a y and Thursday beginning im- prides.” QATER/m office. It is being submitted for immediate action at the nmet Bxiatlng la,w requires Idria Mining & Chemical Co., wfth matchingT-225 mobile cart, will Joyce Walsh, models; Priscilla been driving art 98 m.p.h. Tacke'^ediately. parents are request- industry observers were not It may be a wedding, a ban­ ARMOpR’S ★ STAR directors or officers of a compa­ 1 quet or Just an informal get- previously had reported owning add> touch of beauty to any decor. General Assembly. For the legislation this program needs, Halt, entertainment; Marilyn *®b told the court that he had ed to notify the nurse' when a surprised by Ford’s decision to 9EE(//QE ny to report to the SEC the no common shares of his com­ Lentocha, tickets; Jean Pollan- J'*®'' returned from Europe child is ill. This helps to keep g second look at its price tbgether.of a society, lodge or Model 1-T137, with all the advanced re-elect Governor John Dempsey. •oine friendly group. amount of stock owned benefi­ pany although he listed 24,(XX) sky d(x>r prizes; Joyce Dewart, i*''bere he had been doing some track of disease which is com- schedule. Admittedly it was cially either directly or indirect­ shares in the names of children. features of model 1-T124 above. proirram- Peggy Trueb and driving and had gotten used to mon and try to avoid Us spread, caught in a rough competitive .i-v We Are Prepared to ly- An additional holding of 85,660 ______situation when its price in- Because of some .confusion (Ximmon common shares snizres byuy his luo wife wit® was Fine Arts Committee, decora- “® P®®^®® *P®®® Umit. Radar was used on Rt. 85 in creases turned out to be bigger Serve You to Tour CANNED HAM over the meaning of beneficial reported as a result of the new tions. i Brooklyn, the area of the high school Mon- than those of its two big com- ownership, toe commission ear- ruling, '•* wi hcart ' ‘ The Bulletin Board ^ho led ^ lic e on a chMe jgy afternoon by Resident peUtors. GM and Chrysler. Complete Satisfaction ^ Met this year said that generally M 6 9 ? The Untted Cimgregational in MMsachusetts and were later Trooper Raymond ! Andrews in m addition to refiguring its Our catering service Is set up speaking a person is regarded Arrested in union after a nit - ^ . . . Youth <3holr will rehearse at an effort to curtail /the speeding prices, Ford announced Monday to be flexible enough to ad- as a beneficial owner of securi­ 6:30 tomorrow night in the an^d run accident on the Wilbur gj,(j gg^gcars jnaking unnecessary —as Chrysler had done several commodate any size gathering. ties if the stocks are held in the FOR RENT 1 churth and the Adult Choir at speeding arrests hours earlier-that its car war- Why not cstU us gnd talk over name of a spouse or minor chil­ 8 and 16 nun. Movie Pro­ the detailsT 7:30.----- were made In the one afternoon, ranty would be extended to cov- dren. jectors—eound or silent, also M ^chusetts Stato'^llce. iphe radar will continue to be er steering, suspension and It said reports, proxy sollcia- S3 mm. slide projectors. Manchester Evening Herald ■The nien, i^ rl N. Reighn, 2l, ^g^^ various parts of Hebron wheels on its new cars. This tione, registration statements WELDON DRUG CO. This 2 and Pedro Sanchez, 19, have 2 Tolland corretpondent Bette to further aid in safer driving, was in addition to the 60,(XX)- and other materials filed after 767 Mata SL—TeL 64S-6S21 Slim, trim...lightweight PERSONAL TV been in | Tolland State Jail for Bulletln Board mile or five-year warranty for GARDEN GROVE May 1 should reflect the new ' QUatrale teL 876-2S4S. the p u t month in lieu of $1,000 .. I ...... V . „ 1. Selectman Ralph C. Boyington the car’s power train—the en- TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-5314 fvi has announced that the Federal gine and transmission. wanted in the Bay State for Get the best— high-powered 12* TV Stocks in Brief teeft of a motor vehicle. model 1 -U H ^ w ith 71 sq. In. screen. James Johnson, 44, of Hart- can If NBW YORK (AP)—The stock ford was fined $25 for breach of 8 out of 10 homes Brings you clearest, sharpest pictures maricet mounted a lively rsJly peace. He was arrested at his and better sound— even from distant man with trading at the fastest pace place of employment on Main stations. Earphone, telescoping YOU SAVE $1.00! . In aout a week early this after­ St. after a woman employe call­ hove cold room antenna, plus far more dependable noon. ed and told police that he had 0 Space-Age Bonded Circuitry. In several The volatile glamor stocks caused a disturbance at the "wcRecewirTheW gh(^riind^n*ttttea^^ posted gains running to 2 or $ place. IS YOURS ONE OF THE 8ff?? beautiful colors. points while key stocks along « The following cases were also YES on MONDAY eAtl terun sins art diagonal m«aiw«.) broad front eulvanced from disposed of: Willard Bolivar, 84, Fresh, Lean, ‘‘Oountiy Style” fractions to about a point of 16 Laurel S t, intoxication, Worm op that The Dow Jones Industrial av­ $10; Robert P. Bowen, 17, of 55 erage at noon waa up 6.62 at Lenox S t, unnecessary noise DOWNTOWN RENEWAL hard-to-iiNt room 796.42. with a motor vehicle, $15; Fred Only ’89 ®° TTiis would have been consid­ C. Carlson, 28, of 482 W. Middle erably better except for a 4)4- Tpke., speeding, $27; John Ca­ with the M W paint reaction by Du Pont. ron, 60, of Rockville^ intoxica­ ' ONLY QUESTION SPARERIBS5 Big Thrbe autos were ail frac­ tion, $15; James M. Curley, 24, tional gainers despite the de- of Rockville, speeding, $25; Nel­ Cm&L CHASBR Year-after-year...you’ll see and enjoy your favorite eiskm by Ford and Chrysler to son Hardy, 27, of Andover, lY IRON FIREMAN sports best on a magnificent Wlagnavox! loU back part of their auto breach of peace, $25; Louis Ma­ VOTED ON NEXT MONDAY cares ther, 36, off Andover, driving THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW DB- . price ihereases to bring them VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT­ more in line with General Mo­ without a license, $10, and un­ ING vrill keep yonr cold or chilly loom necessary noise with a motor oOWNTOWN MAN/9 Y E S C M c i h f tors’. w arm and eoiy, with filtered, diculat- ADJUSTED, DELIVERED, SERVICED BY OUR OWN MECHANICS The Associated Press average vehicle, $15; Edgar Morgan Jr., w v w ip g ss* ing, tocnDotUtkally controlled heat.; of 60 stocks at noon was up 1.9 19, of 302 Adams St, speeding, V Ornkm fUhni vm Operating coal up to 75% lea thM ^ FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 1931 $25; Philip Turkington, 18, of w NMt *MM fma M vmM c c . ^ ftSk » Itltar. ” other add-on beaten. Heats cold bath- Re-elect Governor Dempsey rails up 1.1 and utilities up .8. Coventry, speeding, $35, and O II4M4NI RRltmltt room, enclosed porch, attic room, or ^ HMtMdit. any space th a t needs extra heat. were made by International entry, speeding, $40. * FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION, •*•***" 4 liwwrtwl Mk M MtH Vote pemocratic— Tdp Lever ' • a OHM- roGARTY BROS.. Inc. Dmpteif for Gevsnor Commtttte, WWkm P . CoUsr, Trmmrer corner of church R19 BROAD STRBEl^—TEL. 649-4539 130 CENTGS Siaeer M9-7537

asaily % MM* advnesd about / -

' l i PAGE NINETEXIl t ■ , X >. . f ItANCHESTlSR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27* 1966 ------;------1 I lii^ PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTEK EVENINGJIERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 I THE Dodgers’ Staff Set for Stretch Drive Notre Dame on Move Up Grid Poll Herald Angle A Sr.*' Clim b from By Grid Briefs Lions Place EARL YOST Pittsburgh Steady Does It Frankie Boy 1 Ron Fairly Makes Eighth Spot Sports Editor Joe Looney M oundsm eh T o Fourth In Most Departments Retter Things Ahead for Yale fUANg/iOeiNiON's RENEGADESSGADES — E d Whit- . JE . Of^yTuE v e a o B o p On Market comb 142—362, Irene Plsch S50, NEW YORK (AP)— Weeb Ewbank, boss of the om ' PfU s/<3 U P ek/e r v In D ebut at New Stadiu^rt\^ Better things are ahead for Yale’s footbair team,' win­ ► ^ ir NEW YORK (AP) — Betty Blakeslee 343 aten New York Jets, is enjoying the best of all 'Below Par MAJOR T iT U B / ' beaten ner of only three of nine starts a year ago in Carmen NEW YORK fAP^ __ Ron When Fairly homered in the OIANT8-BBAVE8-- Notre Dame’s football team DETROIT (AP)—Rebel­ sible worlds for a football coach. Cozza’s maiden season as head coach. Up from the sen- NEW YORK ,.,n.xv (AP)—The Fflirlv made a big hit in his inning, it marked his first Juan Marichal pitched a six- is over its tough opening lious running back Joe Don e l k s — Joe Picaut 189-561, ------American fVmtbaU LMgus: game hurdle and is gain­ Looney was placed on the John Acefo 150—382, Bob Kasin- T 1 itatirtlea releaaad today almr) Mtional w h i* official Busch Memorial ^jj,y p^^. against six defeats. One of the young men-who distinguished themselves quite nicely in „ , cached its critical ing ground swiftly in the trading block by the De- ski 152—3S0, Harvey Duplin 138, leammates. Lead th# jau laadmg nva ©< the au^ Stadium debut, and John yic^a appearance, he walked, hits was Felipe Alou’s 31st hom- the Elis’ 16-0 success last Saturday at the spacious Yale with^Pittsburg>- troit Lions Monday: But Hap Pitcher 354, A1 Atkins 360, cs . T9 a t®®ni catagoriaa ia ofTaosa tad Briggs did the same in his Re didn’t play the rest of the er for AtlanU. The Giants easily weekly Associated Press Bowl. there were no immediate Salyatore 357. , scoring Farade defenae. leading Los Angeles . . latest performance at Con- time the Dodgers were there offset that blow, however, as college poll. right-* Quarterbock Brian Dowling meeting, with Vermont ~ Pm The Irish made the most rap­ Maine Marltime’a Dave J®* Namath’a , nie Mack Stadium. ‘ because of torn cartilage in the Willie McCovey unloaded his Yale takers. and pile-driving halfback Calvin Saturday at Storrs. p itch in g ach es and pa>nS. id advance among the leaders "W e’re exploring, talking to TRI-TOWN - _ Bill DeMeb ^ Lynch have " « > **aw York ad'. Reviewing both, the Pitts- l«ft side of his rib cage. 36th homer, a two-run ‘ n Hill are the two young men who Unless there is a drastic pitcher-thin P ir ^ s , trail- thla week, moving from eighth grUm *^owling'and'ca^^^ quite a7ew clubs,” A spokesman 2m* co-ownefsliip of hold the key to Yale’s imme- change in form it’s going to be the Dodgers by 2ti games burgh Pirates Uiought highly of The Dodger right fielder the first inning, and Tom Halier nia/» fnii-fh An fha ati-anatvi Brian Dowung anu L.aivm mil ^______, T Mario Scussel 205-201—663, Will ,i,. ■m,„, w.naianA MlUva In the air, IS more than HouatOT connected with twp on In the Place to fourth ^ toe stre^‘i;;h "or toe Z lo n a r F o c ^ h a T llT u . 205-201-563. Will E n g .a ;7 ;;u ;g e foot- |n th. air. 1. . diate football fortunes. Hill is a ^ j^ng season on the hill at with five to pla^ will use Bob neither. didn’t stop with the homer. on the pasting « ; fourth. of their 26-14 victory over „ / vp a aiason lonp rivafrv tea*" s®ld Monday. "Right now, Kuhnly 671, Dick LeDuc scoring lead, but Southern 6-3, 218-pounder who gained 69 Veale, Vern Daw and Woody Fairly hit a two-run homer his though. He added two singles, Georga Blanda. * * * Purdue. Ifor " ! statistical supremacy on nothing has changed.changed He’s still Ron Simmons 203. Howie Ed- Connecticut’, explosive Dick ^ t e r w G e ^ yards in 12 carries, caught lour ‘ « « « Fryman thy^est of the way. Of first time up, then added two drove'in another one and scored wards 219'. Boston, paced by burly Jitt i TIOERS-ANOELS— Michigan State strengthened Saturday In Yale’s opening suspended and no longer prac- Nocera is right be)i!nd after a passes for 39 yards and scored „ , the tr lo ,/^ ly Fryman is com- singles as the Los Angeles on^morft. Nance, leads the rushing ^ en se Detroit’s Denny McLain al­ its lead in the poll, moving 35 g;ame win over Connecticut. ticlng with the team. sparkling 1966 debut. the second touchdown. H e r e n t h e r e pletely/Mund physically. Dodgers defeated St. Louis 6-3 Briggs didn’t make his en- points ahead of runner-up CONSTRUCTION — Otto Adams and Lynch scored a with 139.7 yards gained pOg- lowed California just four hits in Halfback Hill leads in three Looney was suspended In- gamc along But most important was the ^ nine-point bulge in the Los Angeles, with six left, has Monday night. Briggs, mean- trance at Connie Mack Stadium icin g s and won his 2^^^ UCLA. The Spartans, who led Mayer 138 —374, Pete Kalos pair of touchdowns each in toe ground. Stg** categories— rushing, receiving definitely by the Lions Sunday Diego Is second with 199. blocking of the Neg^ro speedster. patting honors in the Drysdaie, Don Sutton, while, singled home the winning until the sixth inning when he against 13 defeats Gates by 10 points-a week ago, collect­ 139 —372, Ed Lamarre 141 — Maine Maritime’s 44-3 "romp and kick returns, while quar- when he refused to carry a play 371, Russ Deveau 370, Don The Jets' total offense abewt'* Tabbed another Levi Jackson,, j^mgrican League Baltimore’s Claude Osteen and the country’s ran in Philadelphia’s 11-inning beat^out an infield single as a McLain in the ed 23 first-place votes and 367 terback Dowling heads the to quarterback Milt Plum. The over Froetburg State in Main­ Flavell 140 - 366, Clarence Me- land janj Saturday night to boostboo'st ^ Hill nearly brake l(»se on the Robinson appears to be No. 1 arthritis, patient, Sandy 6-4 victory over the Pittsburgh pinch hitter and eventual^ home Mickey points in the balloting by 40 re­ passing department, is the front Lions defeated Atlanta 28-10. I opening kickoff, just failing to defending champion Koufax, set lor the stretch Pirates. - scored;, the ran that gave the gional selectors. UCLA had 11 Connell 3W, Frank McNamara two-Rame scoring outputAiilmit withwiui Kansain his final start of that if they split in their last six of,]y other National seven hits in Boston’s opening- State after trbu^Ing Penn State begins its Yankee Conference SP O U SE S- Gloria, Darling i^^^els by tallying three totich- boy at 6-2 and 193 pounds, he the tegular steason Saturday Coy of Vernon provided Central Connecticut with displayed a large, red welt to 138-157—400, Kay Fountain 343, (j^wns as Southern Connecticut oh^ In rushing defense with ^ can seat 36,498 for football.. games the Pirates would have league game, third-place San game shutoiut over Washington, 42-8 and the Brufnqafter defeat- footbqll schedule at home Sat­ threw 17 pcMses, hitting on 10 against the San Francisco its margin of victory last Saturday over Kutztown, newsmen Monday, but later ad­ Bill DePietro 136, Jim Madlgan j^ic^ed off a nine-game schedule aU^ed per gam# ttd” Officiating at Yale last Satur­ to win all five of theirs for a tie. Francisco remained four games Dalton Jones supported him ing Syracuse SI-UH m I Satur- „rday when the Huslties play for-’VS yards. Two of the aerials Giants. 17-14. 'The sophomore, who employs the soccer-style mitted Dr. Richard A. Thomp­ 380, Harry Bemis 356, Ronnie a 40-7 rout of Trenton Oakland ia second In passing day left much to be desired with ‘ "Things are a little better out by whipping Atlanta 8-2. with three hits and three runs « 38-3. Nebraska fell two tlonal at home in the process, X-Country Manchester at Bagley 481. . scored three touchdoWn# In toe i^tas to a 26-7 dacUlon oyff Rutgers. third baseman with Coach Wally The rookie left-hander, who known sportscaster has been Supply Opposition movies, I am convinced more against------Rockville „ High, „ , _ I felt pl®c®s despite ^ a 28- 7 triumph . The Catamounts _ . had . an^ open Bulkeley ------opener and was Idle 'last week- Norwich, andMiddlebury’s 3 * * * Fortin’s basebaU team in Louis- j,as won 12, will be followed by released from his contract. . Soccer —Manchester at Platt HAPPY HOLIDAY— Dolores end, and Rhode Island end C3»arlia Beall, vtoO taUled on f PHILADELPHIA (A P )— The Philadelphia Phillies than ever that we gave the our boys did a fine job in three over Utah State while Arkansas, date on Saturday while Connec- T flo k ip a ville, Ky., in, 1949 was Paul Veale and Law Saturday and Barber, 58, said Monday Maloney game away last Friday of the four quarters played. 27-8 winner over Tulsa, slipped tlcut was losing to Yale in its 1 Wednesday, Sept, 28 Smith 149-349, Janice Duperron Frank Geiselman, who tallied 35-yard pass in a 14-S ’rietorg vrrcMi. sHcikicB Hornung, standout Green Bay Sunday if the two ailing hurlers that he was told at a break­ cast themselves today in the role of spoilers. night. A t least two of their The second quarter Is when we one notch to sevento. baptism of fire under new Head Soccer —Lyman at Cheney 143, Dolly Gaston 134-865, touchdowns on pas? plays e o v over Wesleyan. Up front Yale has something Packer halfback. The local can make it. Tommy Sisk, a 10- fast meeting with Michael "W e’re going to try to win a s ------■ • scores were the results of brok- broke down and it cost us eight El*'^*,** Coach John Toner.______going, too, especially defensive man, current pragram director game winner, looms as the No. Burke, Ihe new head of the many games as we can," said relief, grabbing his 19th win en plays that should have been points. Rockville is the smallest (^llfornia, - — in the Recreation Department 1 replacement. After that it’s I Yankees, that his contract Manager Gene Mauch, “ so we against 12 losses, tackles Glen Greenberg and A,in,„ vardaire. iMa- team we face thisthl^ vearyear and we Owrgia Tech and Tennes------here, spent a year in the Louis- catch-as-catch-can. 01-'P=R»aa4 would . not be renewed for can finish as high as possible in Mauch, whose 1964 club blew stopped minus yardage. (Ma Captain Bob Greenlee. The can’t allow ourselves to make see replaced Purdue, No. 7, and ville summer rec program 17 The Dodgers’ staff seems the 1967 season. the National League standings." the pennant after leading the loney won 24-19). . two hulking linemen-were sim­ mental errors against bigger Baylor, No. 10, among the rank­ ply tremendous and were main­ years ago. sonaewhat better equipped for It was the first move an­ The Phils are in fourth place, race almost to the last day, says Much of this of course is due ing teams. opponents and expect to come ly responsible for UConn’s of­ 4> « a the ran at a second straight nounced by Burke since he two -games ahead of Atlanta, he "understands exactly how to the inexperienced kids we out a winner. (East won 21-8) Georgia Tech, 2-0, walloped fensive being stifled through­ Conclude Campaign Tonight took control of the club last and have five left to play — two' the Pirates feel to lose in the were using. ’ITils can be and will Vanderbilt 42-0 and moved into O ff the Cuff ^ ^ ^ ■ week after the resignation against the ■ second-place Pitts- last week.” "V out most of the afternoon. Don Drysdaie, who has won be corrected. i will work hard Tennessee, 5 of Dan Topping. burgh Pirates and the final "But I can’t worry about This Yale, team has size. It’s too bad both East Cath- his last three starts, goes for which opened its campaign by We learned a on fundamen­ S Greenberg going 6-2, 235 and lie High and Manchester High Los Angeles tonight against the three against league-leading Los them," he said- "We're going to beating Auburn, 28-0, took over I great deal from tals and try to Greenlee two' inches taller and football teams will play home Cardinals’ Ray Washburn, RSox in Last Chanee Angeles. beat them if we can every time lOth place. this loss. We eliminate the five pounds heavier. games on the same Saturday at- Don Sutton, the Dodgers’ Philadelphia had to go 11 in- we go out. And the same goes 1. Michigan St. 22 367 know that we Out­ Following Saturday’s skirm- ternoon. Both are listed at home rookie right-hander, gets rings Monday night to edge the for the Dodgers. That’s what the mistakes. 2. UCLA 11 332 must spend a I standing play­ Ish with Rutgers, Yale will the next two Saturday’s, East Wednesday night’s assignment Pirates 5-4 with Jim Burning, in game is all about." 3. Alabama 2 266 To Move Up in Race great deal more ers last week on jump into the meat of the facing Windsor and Kolbe at against Larry Jaster, who has 4. Notre Dame 2 ’ ’ 261 time on tack- offense were schedule against Ivy League Mt. Nebo and Manchester en- ®hut out Los Angeles four CHICAGO (A P )— The Boston Red Sox get their last j Jlng and pur- 6. So. California 1 208 competition. Brown and Co- tertainlng IPlatt of Meriden and straight times chance to move up in the American League standings National League Art Saverick'Mn 6. Arkansas 203 i suit. W e know the line and Co- lumbia coming to the bowl be- Wethersfield at Memorial Field. Sutton missed two weeks with tonight as 'they wind up their 1966 campaign in a twi- W. L. Pet. G.B. Bristol Attains Goal Don Robert ,7. Nebraska 203 that our second- Captain Bill La­ fore a trip to Ithaca on Oct. 22 It would be nice to have one ^ pulled muscle in his forearm night doubleheader with the Chicago White Sox. Los Angeles 92 64 .590 — 8. Michigan 1 122 E E Pittsburgh . 90 67 .573 DaveWiggln '""7 cy for the backs. On defense, 9. Georgia Tech 66 to face Cornell. local school playing home each apparently has recovered The ninth-place Red Sox re------2',i bad, and has to Saverick was again selected D O YO U San Fran. ... 88' 68 .564 4 It wouldn’t be too surpris- Saturday. .The four game jpffi- the injury. mained a half game behind (jjg jj, i^e seventh on Signing Red Contract be strengthened. We found out .^om Dwyer in the 10. Tennessee 64 Ing if the Ella came into the cials needed an escort to esc'ape Koufax and his arthritic left Washington and Just one game j^^es’ safe bunt a sacrifice and Phila...... 85 72 .541 ■ 7>4 where oUr personnel was weak Dartmouth meeting—Oct. 26 at irate fans at last Friday night’s elbow go after victory No. 26 ahead of the New York Yankees g -j. Tillman’s sincle. Atlanta . . . . . 83 74 .529 9 ', CINCINNATI (AP)—"The only way you’re going to was the and where changes have to be choice at linebacker. Other boys New Haven—undefeated" Notre Dame-'West Haven High Thursday with A1 Jackson likely by splitting a doubleheader with ‘ Relief specialist Don Me- St. Louis 79 77 .506 13 < make it to the major leagues is by managing,” Dave made. If our kids ckn benefit Party on Friday e * <•> to pitch for the Cardinals. who played well were Rich Rob­ game in New Haven. Aihletic the Senators Monday before Mahon took over for Bennett in Cincinnati C-nemnati .. 74 80 .'481 ‘ 17 Bristol, a former high school history teacher, said to from these mistakes, (hen I feel For th* final weekend of the only 486 paid fans in the nation’s erts, averaging 8.85 yards per Director Whitey piurek of West the last of the seventh and was Houston .... 68 88 .436 24- himself a few years ago. ------we will jell and can still have For Red Smith Big Difference New York .. 64 92 .410 28 carry, John Alubickl and Jim Big difference Saturday at Haven -the" loser* Vo-'eiid'hU Angeles Manager capital. tagged for two quick runs on a a fine season. When he made his thoughts Juknis at quarterback while Golng-away party for Ronnie . N E E D ' school would never play another Alston plans to use Claude Boston won the opener 5-0 be- single and Lock’s 16 homer. Chicago .... 58 99 .369 34'/a New Haven was at quarter­ known, he was told: “ Forget On toe bright side, we did see Bill Siwy in toe line- threw P P Osteen, who’s 17-13, Drysdaie hind the seven-hit pitching of Monday’s Results (Red) Smith, Connecticut State back. Yale’s Brian Dowling K®*"* anywhere under the lights, The Red Sox picked up a rim it. You don’t have a chance. Major League some things that encouraged us. soipe nice blocks. moved the Blues well while Pete The officials, the New Haven and Koufax in that order rookie right - hander Darrell in the ninth on a single by Tony San Francisco 8, Atlanta 2 Amateur golf champion, is against Philadelphia. You never played in the big The offensive blocking was more THIS Saturday we open at scheduled Friday night at 8 Petrillo coudn’t get untracked Register reported, ruled a for- Brandon, but dropped the night­ Conigliaro, a double by George Philadelphia 5, Pittsburgh 4, leagues.” = L e a d e r s = than adequate and our backs home against Windsor High, o’clock at toe Brltish-American In his varsity debut for the ward pass that hit the ground cap 3-2 on a two-run homer by Scott and an infield out. How 11 innings Don Lock in the seventh inning. But Bristol attained his goal National League for toe most part ran their holes Windsor Is a big team 'with a Club. Huskies. completed which led to the ever, the threat died as Tillman Angeles 6, Louis 3 New York at Oncinnati, rain Monday when he wan named Batting (400 at bats) —Alou, well. Once in a while when some good passer and an excellent SmitH wUlJeave Oct. 4 for a Paul Graner, starting UConn ganie’s only, score.. .Nearest Headed for the earliest season filed out to end the game. finish within me’mory, the Red Only games scheduled manager of the Cincinnati Reds Pittsburgh, ..344; Alou, Atlanta, of the newer backs ran the split end. Last week they passed hitch in the Marine Corps, fullback, took over the signal- available hotel or motel rooms Sports Night Sox started out as if they in­ Today’s Games At 33, he’s the youngest .331. wrong hole our attack bogged the ball almost 60 per cent of Tickets are available from calling and passing duties be- 1° Baltimore the second week- foVYPOWER tended to sweep the twinbill. Chicago (Ellsworth 7-21) at the majors today. Runs batted in — Aaron, At- down and we could not control the time. Ralph DeNlcola, assistant golf fore halftime and did an ade- in October-when Baltimore Making a third appear­ They picked up four runs in the New York (Ribant 11-8), night He actually took over the ball lanta, 122; Clemente, Pitts- the ball the way we .should. If you remember last year’s pro at the Manchester Country quate job. He also blocked a will host the World Series-is 40 ance on the ninth annual Masonic Sports Night pro­ first four innings in making Pittsburgh (Veale 15-12) at club as interim manager when burah, 116. Again this is inexperience and game, we lost 7-0. Windsor put Club, at the Pro Shop. point-after-touchdown try. miles away. .Manchester High Brandon’s job ea^y. Philadelphia (Jackson 15-14), Don Heffner was fired July 13, Home runs — Aaron, Atlanta, can be corrected. up a strong defense and they ------Brightest light for UConn Impressed in its losing 24-19 gram Tuesday night, Oct. 1 ulll be Hal Goodnough, am­ Dalton Jones collected three Sein Francisco (Sadecki 6-8) at and the "who’s he" tag was Alien, Philadelphia, 40. beat us on a pass play. wAs Nick Turco, another sopho- effort to Maloney High in Meri-" Dale Ostrout, in his first game It will be toe home debut and bassador of goodwill with hits and drove in as many runs, Atlanta (Jarvis 6-1), night immediately, applied to ’11*16 » Stolen bases— Brock, St. Lou- U.S. Grand Prix more. The defensive wingman den last Friday night. The un­ of varsity quarterbacking, did a we will^work very hard to show the New York Mets. Site while Jose Tartabull had three Houston (Giusti 14-13) at Cin- young, serious student of base- is. 12; Jackson, Houston, 46. pretty fair job and will improve was all over the field, making derdog Indians had the Silver East CatnoHc fans some excit­ will be the Masonic Temple.^ singles and stole two bases. Joe cinnaU (Ellis 12-1,8), ni^jit ball. Pitching (15 decisions) —Re- Features Best tackles and batting down pass­ City eleven on the ropes before with each game. He kept calm ing footbalh ^ ^ runners Bill Baseball will be the prin­ Foy had a, pfir of singles. Los Angeles (Drysdaie 12-16) Bristol is a little awed at his Angeles, 14-1, .933; and showed a lot of poise. Bryce es. losing in the final period. .Ma-- _ , j A, , j Lacy, John Ambicki and Rick WATKINS GLEN. N.Y.—All cipal topic with Goodnough Brandon, who was helped by at St. Louis (Washburn 11-8), own fast rise. The highest he Marichal, San Francisco, 24-6, One game doesn’t make a loney’s Don Bradley is said to Carpenter and Frank Woods ran haveX three boys of the world’s greatest drivers handling the show. three double plays, struck out Wednesday’s Games reached as a player in organized season but Coach John Toner be the finest running back in very well and are going to help , . . the most powerful road Speakers will be Dick Mc- seven and wSked only one in Chicago at New York baseball was Class B, and he ; and his aides have a lot of Meriden histdry. His 53-yard play. With some dbwnfield racing cars ever built . . . a Auliffe of the Detroit Tigers evening his* record 8-8. Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, N had never sat in a major league American League work to do to get the UConns touchdown nw gave Maloney its Chuck (3arson and Kent Ough blocking and aggressive line record 5102,400 guaranteed and Ed Kranepool of the Southpaw Dennis Bennett al­ San Francisco at Atlanta, N dugout before this season batting (400 at bats)-F. R6b- ready for the Yankee Confer- margin of victory. did a nice job in the line and play. I feel we should move th^ purse . . . America’s fastest Mets. lowed only three hits in six in­ Houston at Cincinnati, N "I had seen only 23 major ‘"ston, Baltimore, .316; Oliva, we expect a great deal from ball. 'f ^ d circuit . . . five leading . 4-.V Dinner will be served at nings in the nightcap, but was Los Angeles at St. Louis, N league games before this year," Minnesota, .307. them throughout toe season. Mt. Nebo has been a good HOUwood stars. 7 o’clock. Tickets are avail­ lifted for a pinchhitter in the American League he said.' ’’Last___ year when _I was _ Runs batted IrT — F. Robin- We are going to work and home for East and I’m hoping Ovev 76,000 spectators are Rejects Fahiilous Deal able at the Masonic Temple seventh. Ken McMullen homer­ HZ'* W. Pet. G.B. issrgned to scout the Minnesota ed for a 1-0 Washington lead in timore, 107. wor.H hard this week to get toe boys play toe brand of foot- expected to see these highlights Y e s. . . if you want to earn a high wage while yon leani xBaltimore . 96 new or from committee members. ,615 — Twins for the Reds, who then ready for Platt High of Meri- ball that East is capable of b y , of the Grahd Prix of the United the second, but the Red Sox tied Detroit ...... 87 9*/i were lighting lor the pennant, Home runs — F. Robinson, den and you can expect to see welcoming Windsor to the "vio- states at l^a^kins Glen next Houk Told td Write Ticket Minnesota 11 I never had seen as many as Baltimore, 49; Killebrew, Min­ a different ball game Saturday lent world of East Catholic Foot - — . . - Chicago . 16’,2 three big league games in nesota, 36. weekend. The 248-nflle classic at Memorial Field. ball.” is America’s only^^ce for toe skills like machining, toolmaking, w e ld in g ... with excelieiit Cleveland 17>4 row.” Stolen bases :::r Buford, Chica­ To Manage Detroit Tigers Qieney Opens Soccer Season California 19'/a ------go, 60; Campaneris, Kansas Formula I World Chatnpionship 2 DETROIT (A P)—TTie Detroit None of the principals or Ti- ' Kansas City 71 86 .452 2 City, 49. of Drivers and Constriictois. 2 Free Press said in today’s edi- gers, officials was immediately A ~ f n f f c /y g i f T s Y t Y l A Washington , 71 88 .447 2 A1 Geiberger’s 1966 PGA Pitching (16 decisions) —Mc- Hold Halftime Advantage First to arrive on toe scene opportunities to move into a higher-paying job! tion that Ralph Houk, manager available for comment. I C l . l l U v J l l Boston ...... 71 89 .444 2 championship marked his fifth Nally, Baltimore, 13-5, .'722; Bos- will be at least 20 of the sleek of the New York Yankees. h®s The Tigera have had three Taking over the soccer reins, Bruce W escolt and Jeff Powell, New Y6rk .. 68 88 .436 2 victory as a , pro golfer. well, Minnesota, 12-5, .706. 200 mile-per-hour,' single seat turned down, "a fabulous deal" managers Ibis' year. Charlie Coach Bob Pintavaller leads the on the wings. Wescott, accord- x-Clinched pennant GP machines which will he to manage the Detroit Tigers. Dressen, who suffered his sec- Cheney Tech soccer squad into ing to Pintavalle, has been flown here from five different f Monday’s Results House Receives Bill If you want to leam mort and earn mora, you want more P »yp o w », No specific offer was made ond heart attack early this the 1966 season tomorrow af- most impres.sive In practice Boston 5-2, Washington 0-3 countries. Seventeen of toe TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY ^ cars will arrive in New York And the place to get it is the Aircraft. but Houk was told he could year, died Aug.' lO. He was re- ternoon against visiting Ly- this fall, moving up from half- Detroit, 2, California 1 Experienced Boys Lacking INTRODUCTORY TRAlNINtt IHIOailAIIS • write his own ticket in Detroit, placed by Bob Swift, who en- man Memorial of Lebanon. Pin- back. Only, games scheduled City Sunday and Monday from If you're inexperienced, you’ll be taught valuable skills, start at good —80 hours of basic machine and ralatad meaning a long-term salary up tered the, hospital in July and tavalle, who learned his soccer Filling in the gaps up front For Proposed_ Merger Englind, Italy and Swltzer- classroom instruction. pay and get regular increases while you learn. What’s more, you can i } • I to 3100,000 a year,” said the was discovered to be .suffering at West Hartford’s Hall High, will be a ‘‘ (jair of promising Detroit cu tn South Windsor Soccer WASHINGTON (AP)—’The nation’s two major pro- land. Two Hondas will travel by earn an extra 10% bonus when you start on the second shift, plus «tory by Joe Falls,, sports editor fram cancer. Frank Skaff, an- will guide the Rangers through athletes in inside-left John fornia (Brunet 12-12), night Having some early season rience he picks up this fall, he fessional football leagues lead at ;halftime in their bid overtime in most departments. And that’s only the btginning. Trained ADVANCED TRAlNINtt PIIOftRAN%: McLartn of Courses ranging from 22 weeks to f l of the Free Press. other Tigers coach, replaced a 10-game schedule. Cook and inside-right John Cleveland (McDowell 8-8) at problems this fall is Coach should become one of "better to gain congressional approval of their proposed mer- N^^^iand. wiu workers move ahead fast at P&WA, into better'jobs that mean more weeks in Machining, Sheet Metal. Teel* "He turned it down over the Swift. ’(We’re a little green," re- Goodrow. Minnewta (Perry.-9-7) ___^,1______u ,u. gouth around. Holcombe teams New Zealand. wlU be transport­ Charlie Shares anil the ger, paypower for years to come. . Die and Gaga Making, Machine WapalT weekend.” Falls’ story said. ------ports Pintavalle, "but the boys Defensively, the Rangers Boston (Stan^ 8-8 and Osin- with senior letterman Roger ed from Detroit where a new and Pipe Making. ^ Houk has three years 1'''t on Nine of the last 11 Kentucky have come on real strong. We have halfback Jerry Davis and ski 3-3) at Chicago (John 14-10 Windsor High soccer squad, brother But the second half should be portant as that without holding y-S, 3-Htra engine' Is be You'll get important extra benefits, too. . . lik# paid holidayt and Ed King. as tough as any played by one any hearings," said CeWer. He installed. The McLaren Is a, four-year contract with tho Derby winners were stabled at have some good material and fullback Jim Lacicero return- and Howard 9-5), 2, twi-night With 21 of 24 varsity players shares expects an vacations, and excellent insurance and retirement plans.- Coma In APPRENTICE PROttllAMS*-Qeuraaaf|nf* All-NCCC of their teams on a Sunday aft- refused to act three weeks ago y ,, ^ar in the field pow- Yankees, owned by the Colum- ffialeah before their trip in we’re out to achieve a winning ing. Davis will handle the cen- New York (Bahnsen 1-1) .at from last year’s team grad- berth for Roger. and find out about the hundreds] of career opi^ortunitlM opon now ing from thrae to ftmr yM n In ttiK bia Broadcasting System. . Louisville. season. That will take a lot of terhalf job, flanked by Jim Ga- ernoon. on a Senate-passed measure to ^^^d by an American engine. Metal. Machining a n C tO M & iM a lia ld ifr Washington (Richert 14-14), uated, inexperience has Two sophomores. Including The Senate approved Monday completely exempt toe merger •t Pratt & Whitney Aircraftl hard work.” : briel and Dan Scavetta while K-ansas City (Krausse 14-9) at plagued Shares, seeking his first McCormack and center-forward a bill that would sancUon toe from antitrust laws. "I can’t Cheney, which plays host Marty Uriano, with help from Baltimore (McNally,J3-6), ni^ht victory tonight against NCCC George Fortin, make up the combining of the National and puy a pig in the poke. again Friday to East Granby Roger Richard, will team with Wednesday’s Games rival Stafford High-at home. The front line. Flanking are Ed Za- American football leagues. The ,.j senate acted pre- High, meets three new soccer Lacicero. Hal Strickland, who- Automatic Detroit at California, N Bobcats earned a tie with East gorski and Kevin Noridge, up bill was sent to the House, gjpitougiy in passing the bill opponents this fall in Wood- ’ll also get help from Richard; G. T. LaBONNE tl Cleveland at Minnesota Windsor High and lost to Suf- from last fall’s JV squad. Left where it will be given to toe stock Academy, Prince Tech will be in the nets. „ New York at Wapldnjftpn, N field High in earlier encounters, footed Dennis Cloutier handles without holding any hearings on Transmission Judiciary Committee, chaired it and without any discussion on VISIT THC gMPLOYRiNT Om W , 400 and ASSOCUTES, INC. and 'Somers ‘ High. "W e know Behind the first team, Plnta-i Plays Tonight Kansas City at Balllmore, N “ Experience is lacking,” said tile lef.t wing spot. by Rep. Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y. Hundndt of good jobs ovoUobh la: very little about these clubs,", valle has Gene Leduc, Chet the floor.” TrouiiloT Pratt & Main Street, East hsrtferd, Cenncctieut. ■Former UConn basket­ Only games scheduled Sharos. "We hope to make up Letterman John Zagorskl pre­ Celler, long a foe of granting I Pintavalle says. "Many oppon- Lockner, Terry Wilslnski, Steve W in «e Road Teat smd MACHINING • INSPECTION Other ConnecSeut plents io North Haven, Greeter Hartford's DYN AM IC. Insurance ball great, Toby Kim­ fer it by hustle, hard work and vldes a big foot at fullback special exempUons to antitrust Seuthingten and Middlata^. K gveMMo. ents have dropped us because Bolieo, Dave Colbrett, John Eettmate W hitney good attitude. We are aiming with help from a pair of JV laws, served notice Monday that it All Work Guaranteed AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS bring your mWtary diaehafie pnpera (00* of league requirements.” .jUbera, and Dick Newman. ball, above, will be one Rumor Market Central Agency to improve on lest year’s 6-4-2 gradiiafes in Sy Chaponls and toe bUl would not get by the 4r Budget Terms SHEET METAL • BENCH WORK 214),- birth c e r t U ^ and MeW 9ecurM|r A pair -of losses hurt the' Schedule; of the featured per­ SEATTLE, Welst W ^h. (AP) — record and I am looking for Martin Kibbl, both showing , House as easily as it did the He’s not big. In fact, at 5-10 •4rFreeTowtag P ircra ft card whan you vitit our olfiee^ BRIN G ? Y( Rangers before practice began. Sept. 28 Lyman Memorial, 30 formers ^in tlje intra-" Radio Station KVIKVIi said Monday a constant Improvement over great improvement from last' and j.90, he’s small compared to No Low-Price “Como-on" TOOL & DIE MAKING Last -year’s top soccer player East Granby. squad game tonight of Senate. night it had learned from a rel­ the sekson." season. The sports bill was passed by some of toe mammoth lineback­ .Eattmatee flmt Coat Yon AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING Bairy’-Clraig; transferred _to -an- Oct. 4 Woodstock Academy, 7 members of the Boston iable source that Bob tSemoh" Among’ the sophomore is Jack Senior Bill Davis, 6-3, 205 ers seen these days in college Money u OPIN .POR VOUR.OONV|NliNef Mentttf the Senate Judiciary Ctommittea other high sqhool and Jlrn Tom- Vlnal Tech, 12 at Lyman EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING Rirougn FrM ay-t-ejn. to 0 p js.. Tuoeday* I I YANl Celtics at East Hart-, manager of the Seattle Angels McCormack, a right wing. "He pounds. is in the >nets and last week without any hearings football. ko, who Pintavalle counted on Memorial, 14 at East Granby, in the Pacific Coast League, will should help us a lot,” says Shar- Sharos is more *h|in pleased But in the eyes of Central Monehttslttr WELDING • GUARDS Wedneaday m d Thursdey eveningi tt ford High. Game' and by toe full Senate without f i p jn „ and Seturdeye - t e.m. to I t nann. for line '4uty, reported to 19 ®t Somers, 21 Prince Tech, starts at 7 :30. The be offered the position of field os. He has been doing a great with his progress, Connecticut Coach BiU Lolka, TransmiisioR Co. FIRM EN • GEAR INSPECTORS \ WARM-UP^ TIME school with a broken arm. 2 7Prince Tech, 81 at Vlnal Tech. discussion. I ' manager of the Boston Red Sox. job for his first year, showing Other members that should The bUl exempts action al­ Bob Risley has to be rated with It BBAINARO PUVCB Six Ifttermen are back, how- -AH games start at 3 :15. Celtic team has been FOUNDRY PRESS OPERATORS divided into two Lemon, former pitching great good sp^ed and good- scoring see action are linemen Mike ready___ taken______by___ toe_____ leagues„ ______but the leading linebackers In New (Benr Seymour Ante An equal opportunity employer Preceding Yankee ballgames ever, led -by Captain Dave B a r ------for the Cleveland Indians, man- potential.” ' ‘ Haley, Gary Guastamachlo, does not grant them complete England at this early point In Rt««e, Main St.) rera, who usum es th e' center- Six collegians ran back kick- squads, Whites and aged Seattle to the Pacific Cout Sharos'also has high hopes for ftick Soares and John O'Briant MANCHESTER Greens. Four 12-min­ future exemption from antitrust the season, 848-OOM WINF-1230 ON YOUR DIAL foiwan^ position. Barrera offs 100 yanls during the J965 League pennant this season and sophomore Jeff Holcombei (’Ha and halfbacks Fred Doocy and action. ™®y be the Start your future today at P tS eW A shwld pace an offense that in-' football season. Three others ute periods will be to second place In th^^RTestem win start at halfback,” ShArai Pete Glmmartlno, both fresh- "X can’t accept a bill as im- best,” declared Ixilka. eludes two other, lettermen, covered 99 yards. plaji^Bd. ■■ ' '" A Di'vision of the POL las^ seEison. reports, ’ “and w ith ' th e ' expe- men.


\ - V i-l -

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EAGE TtVENTY-ONB MANCHESTKK EVENING HEE a LP, MANCHESTER, CONN-r TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ^27, 1966 Help Waated«-F«niale 3S Help WanfO—ilate Iff BY PAGALY And SHORTEN -T ^ r finstneM SsnrlMt t h e r e o i t g h t a b e a l a w U WOMAN V^ANTEJ^etoe or two AU!rO'.il!idRT8 ■“ ‘ , OffMred i s ^lays a wetlCIo take care. jOf v trade. Pull or part-time d r iv w H o d g e p o d g e DID OUR LtraE WGflT ! ^ PROFESSIONAL Oeenlnl; — IT VWOlD dhlld and do houaecleanlng..bouaecleaning.. p)ua Inside work. Apply M w WRE1CHLE*/ DO theater Auto Parts, yrO'jIrted O ftM ACB088 *M uM efllMe Carpeto, lumlture, waJU end 8E A . Call 643-7t44., . - ______CAMHP c THAT«0H,WELL' noeravU all cleened In your KIPS Viliu fiWEU. ' ____ WB ONLV -IWlMe tMA3] HE must VI heme, fully Jntnired. Cell HltMe 1t?APE? MACTUifE oi»EhA'iK)Ra want- 0EWORSE tor cuiyins IS fS e ed for 6 day, 46 ijour week. ‘ ■ •i- , yuniTi »OOOByCW«i^J;'6LW^ 41Put<4ajlv get vicemadter, W ^ m H. NEWS OVER­ JS¥^ES“ ** saaoMdasIS' $1.80 per hour to start, will '■ CUSTODIAN iiSNNI^ NEW*CASTlN6 K»tHEK)Pm.^« , s»Tie pikbtotheJ SEAS THAN t t OMitfart. ^ 4BOM irti# toohi train. N. P. BallenbeeY Co., PffESCOTT PIKE.' FOLK^XJOMT VVAMT 4TBPS. ft^ewalka. atone walle, A C 0 \0OTTOMOFTHE> A LOST U Srttetibi aikaiiM , » d:;AR3IFfEO ADVERTISING DEiPT. HOURS tirieiplaceaV flagatone terracea, Bunker Hill Rd.„.AndovBt,. 7«., .4 i TRAI6 W NEWS AHYMORE, « 0 1 ' DIKE*/; H'-SOIRB/ UO«MB MAaMrarlta TARt-tlM E MORNINISS 6 IVB 'EM THE U6 KT TOUCH ON THE tOAIUraowuBdE ' • A-»i ^ 5 PAI. : - All \OonCrete repairs Iteeaon- 8051. UAthraa OVOBt WORLD 4CBNE/ INTHE CAMPAION ISDCTOtM ah)e prlcea. M8*Q8B1. S2RMEHtii iilM tif COP^-CI^ING 'fIMM POR CLASSlUlED ADVT. $25 IN FAMOUS, brands, free Hf POR LADY ASTRONAUT‘S X WAS 17Diy BSAbemd a o ftn a U f^ .'t' ■' C all ’ BUGGS BUNNY TMB ONE WHO ORietNATEO THB UBron^M np ■niMaa m o n d a t 'iiini ruiD A Y iqlito AjMkr^ M'rk/RDAy t a m . T Y M W R m ^ is — Standard you run $l-a'-week shop-^-mall M Sanx t Gmm llTtkMlart* ^tor . '•'^J^^A L SERVICiafi.:: v«f* club for few'^frieVida. Bend AAE AN< > IN OUTER SPACE*' S 5 s r ^ e(dMta(rar.) haiiftd. irei»ieW-aV/4 ^ SSNoOilW MOBodudM 649.6384. 6OT Cn/IR A COLDi WANTS VER HAIR CUT MVBI3 MBtednSM :^^ l*iBASR R e a d Y O U R a d clilnea rented eMv. repaired. log.'? No ffbUgatibon., Popular •7Intfiih elnui 1010m MtnMO *itwwe DON'T VA T'OMY WITHCXJT FAIL/ AAOUTHi Z71larriiiM|8t n motor Tthkla 11 Cwnmaalfto AD X tiM to n l AAo'*:4n takeii over the pMnfM h Pickup eoid dellv®ry\|ervlce.. Ouh Plai^\ Department .«i602, asfUdliig bed eonventonrt^.ThO MdVeri|aer,.lehonld .m d . We ed tlie r f i m .u HAVE AWy BUTX DON'T WANT •l&ibtSr |tat DOWN MNlghtMl Tale Typewriter Seiwlce, 649- Lynbrook,'N.'Y... . -----— ——^ ^ O O T V ? VA 6ETTIN' fom IDnpoftp* aiNmber .ttmM ' DAY IT APYI5AR8 ondiJlpYQRT BRtlORS In time f«r the 49M. • . — . b m a l u jDLBcrrROinc . f ir m nilarlMPli Utm 94 BOiDtolwa^aWi^ next lniiemnii.'.inio-lli»(nM. is r«apoiiolblertor only ONE Ineer' LIVE IN companion to el(|etly j,*}p. We Are oonbi 1 LEFT nHuom nfm riMt:iHt omtited .lneeitteh roi' eny ndvertMmnent end thes Mly SALES AND Service on Artena, woman. „Manche«er. h^fm'diP ‘ ^ytive tn,rate»-aiid offer opf MHateOUiM to the iMttot..^C* **mejie'YdedT Ineertidn'. thrors which do net Hahn EcUpSe, Jacobson lawn ces. ' CaU 648-6046,• lO - -■ - •E/AAT, BlckiuiM leeeen l i i ,vi|ue of thd AtvwlhMniMt wlR' Hot-.he eerreete4 hp portualty and :ciuiUang*; ■ to SCHOOL* MGreekwiirted •T *hkell5w : hwertloau .. mowera. Alao Hhmclite chain 5 p.m; thbae wanting a small shop iat» Mltoiiiaaraid a a ^ and International Cub mOaj^ere worWnf wlth' Cfce* ■7 “ S S r * IfbuiiMOiMIHET/PE- COUNTER GIRL -for:? nm^‘ witn' eww Cadet Traetora. Rental equip­ VMEM fiOMEBOPV^ BRAT !a ner weekr tolerancOSi nlechaidcally chal» r 6 ^ I ment and aharpenlng aervlcc -midnight. 3-4 nights per week.* ' 7;.n ^ i r - 9 iBeehTtOe. loU WM»I MKKlt^$, ALL Iff FDi?> Please apply.Mist?r Dan«t. ?55 l e W « f . n on all-makea. L & M Equip­ 12 t r M ^ 2 7 1 1 8 7 5 ^ 3 1 3 6 ment Oprp., Route 8S, Vernon,. -ABlQliG Affine w ,...M i a .u T p a ,, , ss v^,rV ri2r!S»2 n ' 1 nwMeffoPf iffToiEMf 875-7806 Mancheatcr Exchange iC, CLERK--TYPIST for’ centrally', -jflicre. Mr. Kubiak. >1WWWWw . —Enterpriae li^ . IS I r IT t / k n k O A ' located Insurance claims office. .... t »..ii ^ hHnV ju. Stvi Sk eft j^NOTHEK 1 bookkeeping a n d Account­ p , awKfyusH/ Opportunity for advancement, SETBACK FOR H MfLVMlMEE.MA nr TroaUa Reaching Our Advertfser? ing services (or small bualness- Tr. lief. U. t. Ni. Off.—.Al rlthtt reterved fringe benefits. A pply- at , aoBAL UNDER ^it04 by United Feitwre tyaJeelOee. t l L . BY V. T. HAMLIN STAN0IN6* es. Call 643-8152. —— ------— American UnivemiaT Inaurjanee A L L Y OO P ra rr Id-Hoar Answering Serviee — ------— ^ ^ C0„ 320 Main Sl.. Manche'stex, ^ ^ equal. epportua* 2 M.HERS,— tlL DO >*MATEVER WASK.^J Help Wanted-Female ^ HaPTlOUl<^1 A noi }C -J ^ anvimmsI BurniA£*i5art Free to Herald Readers Household SefTlME Paintlna— Paperinc 21 Help%anted—-Female 3 5 ______AVHAYFBOM LET HER ME ACAINB IP ilil'iilHH i»H want hrteetiieifleB ea at ear elaaelllml advertteeeaealef O ffered 1.1-A TOP QUAUTYwmrlTat lo w ^ ^ IT R B S S - some experience HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR g^rls ^ M alf a « n ^ .__ _1_11 .»n fnr 'waitressdesired. work. .Monday-Frlday, nart-Ume 11:80 for.'waitress work, part-time ______. . . ._____ .. :■. _ .^ M».aaeiiar ht tbe Bveedr aiaeplf m M the REWEAVING of bums, moth prices, interior and exterior C A R N n A L BY DICK TURNER painting, . top grad* paint -2 p.m. Apply In person, Jane after school and some week- EXPERIENCE^ pDjgrijide»». t a r c i i E N . holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ Alden Restaurant, Vernon Cir­ eilds. Must be neat in appear- surface grinders ' and. B iU ^-, dow shades made to measure used free estimates. Call Ray □ - EDWAMlS Belllvequ, 646-2110. cle, Vernon. ance.•and haye a desire to work port operators,'; l^p wage*, j P all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys and leam to be a. good fringe benefits/65 hPUr week, s m e s p e r ^ n ! sr made while you wait. Tape re □ MSWERINfi SCRVIK made while you wait. Tape f®,' im t e h IOK’ AND exterior waitress. Not more than^three- Apply E A S Gag* Company,:' □ corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 pgi^^jng, wallpaper removed. TOY DEMONSTRATORS days during school week,"good Mitchell Dr;, Manchester. ,.i|' ' ,Here is an;excellent a p f^ * 7 6484500 - 075-2518 Main, 646-5221. fully insured Rene Belanger, pay, good gratuities, pleasant ---- ^— pJ—-f- |i tnnUy to Join Searr wit- 42 43 44 II 17 r and leave your to age- Yenll hear from ear advertteev la 643-0512 or 644-0804. Join New Biig;land'.s oldest, conditions. Brass Key Restau- WE HAVE a position 4>il*h ;4n ‘ atandlng sales staff. Coma and largest Tc^ Party Plan. rant. Main SL. Manchester. --various------phqsers.fbf'------wii«. tnetal Itotifl-' | Jig ttiae W tth ^ MdlaE aU gfVMdiiB at tha telepheaa. Buildina— Contractinc 14 prepared.'to •discuss-' preirt* T < y ^ NAME YOUR own price, paints Highest Commissions. No ening. The Klbi^’ Oompaay. *!iiill| -jjQg bxperitoce sa*d' yduf W Investmeht, No ■ .coUectlhg, QUALITY Qarpentry — Rooms, Ing, papering, removal, sand*, CLERK-TYPIST — Perilrianeivt b^i hapny t o ^ W of tha AM «*•' . Automobfica For Pals' 4 ing. Interior, exterior, special­ No delivering. Call or write opening, small wholesale sales many,ny ^beral beTiefits. GpeWngs - general mer- •-5W S“ ST ■ .1 , ^ dormers, lurches, basements, today SANTA’S TOY PAR- 1662 ^ R D convertible, good reflnlshed, cabinets, buiU-lns, izing 3 family. Quality work­ office, good typing and figure for first and second shifts. Ap­ chandlslng organizations. r w MftL nx ft*.« TlElS. Avon, Connecticut, skills essential. day, 40 hour KZRALD condition, all new tires, rea- formica, aluminum, vinyl, manship. CaU 647-6564, Jiffr^r 6 ply in person .Klock Ooropany, Bff ST 673-3455 or evenings 673- week, usual benefits. Bast BY AL VERMEER t) - sonable. Call-Tom Brown,, *49- steel, ceramo siding. William Kenny. n 9829. 1272 Tolland Tpke.,'Manchester FIHSCILLA*S POP 5 Hartford, 289-4389. (jhieck Sears liberal-'' em» BOX LETTERS 8247. Robbins Carpentry Service. PAINTING AND paper hang- ______ELECTRICIAN OR eldeUioun’e . ploye program, -top oommis- , , THEY SAY 649-3448. Ing, good work, reasonable CLEAN UP WOMAN wanted WANTED — Woman over 35 to helper. Cedi 644-0109, evenlnga Sion Sind generous ckr ex- i VtaUf* NCIT------8 Z' YES, 1 SALARIES MAVE^ BY J. B. WILLIAMS' For Your 1959 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door ae- AB»Xft.Ti^lNa'I OUT OUR WAY - -dan, . power Steering, new NEWTON H. SMITH A SON — rates, 35 years in Manchester,- mornings, Tuesday, Saturday, assume office duties on part- 644-8078.- ' ';t'^ pensesi Apply PersqnneL' KNOW. MORE TWAIN time basis, typing essentiaL ______, DOUBLED.' InfonnatioB . brakes, new- muffler system. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ your neighbor is my recom­ 3 hours. Apply Cavey's Res­ Dept., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ok ca ll; BUT IT’ST 1 KNOW, BUT we'LUHtJLD OFF TILL . mendation. Raymond Fiske, taurant, 45 Yfdst Center St. Call 1-633-5114. WANTED — Full-tline-hron^ 643-1581 for an app•; SKtATO'rlBMAHOT ^ AIWCKSIR/VEOr “A child can put It together . . . If hit father leavee " C O O Q SIR / -oomrertlble," 4-speed fltior shift; Leon Cleszynskl, Builder, *48------Shopping Parkade'. him alonel” ^ Ficiaiyi' "‘'" ''i radio, heater, dark blue with 4291. STAFF NURSE WANTEID. , T... - , , ! Ctotony Oo^ HflUard Jfc, Man- SAD SACK/ Bonds—Stocks— Contact Mrs. Anderson. 649r - K-i-% t-J : ..v I Chester.-'chaster. ’ :'s L06fT / - Ifftvwri sutdo' ppincet- white top, white interior, 8,000' Mortgfasres 27 . original miles, too hpt for me TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST 7426 for application and inter- ■■ .''ii t s book- Pleas* return valuable view. MiSchester Pwh^lc - ■' THE TXCTICIAM . to handle. Call private owner, Roof)nii'*~^ff^fiC Iff MORTGAGE LOANS — first E paperi. Ma+ krtp money. 278- second, third, .all kinds realty^, With varied duties. Inter­ Healfh Nursimg Assoc, - . .. _ 3268 between 8-4. 643-2853 after 5:30 p.m. BIDWELL HOME improvement 1.-1TT-: -— it '■i''ir '--X u r to L .ta p ...... etatewlde, credit rating unnfc& . esting work with many 1965 OLDSMOBILE Model 442, Co. —Roofing, siding altera­ OPBNllM'?T6r, career type - '^ 0 jaiid operate^ BY WALT WETTERBERQ LOFT — black and white' kitten, tions, additions and remodel­ •ssary. Reasonable, confiden­ employe benefits. Some ex­ THE WILLETS 4-speed, radio, healer. CaU be­ an with Fuller RruSh Ootopsay Brii^i^^'^jKiUsrs vicinity Hawthorne^ and MWdle ing , at , all types. Excellent tial, quick arrangements. Alvin perience prMerred. In Man­ in management position, hlgh'- ■ u t r tween 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. 643-4001. (ket "TSp-'and -operate) O IMi NCA. be. TX Bf«. MJ. Pet CM. Tpk*.r ctoldreri5l- pl|. feaB 6*9- workmanship. 649-6495. Lundy * Agency, 627-7971, 983 chester area. Write brief sterting guarantee. Call 644- ■*Tain St., Hartfold, evenings- resume, handled in confl- T M o s /r 1962 f1!)RD Falrlane, rcylinder, 0e02 or 233-9627. t»ED CARS A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, sld- All Benefits . . . -door, new tires, excellent con- 233-6879. ' dehce to Box BB, Herald. - LOST:— rtaSsBrok No. 28-^^, 4 ing, painting. Carpentry. Alter­ HM '^Itlon. Call 643-6912. WANTED — Woman to live in BY FRANK O’NEAL Savfni^-'ftop^dnehl of' the ations and additions. Ceilings. An Equal. Opportunity F ot AfiJIlakcS' SH O R T R IB S Business Opportunity 28 and care tor family. Must have ConliecH'cut' Bank fc ’Trust PONTIAC —.1960, Starchlef. 2- -Workmanship guaranteed. 299 RESPONSIBLE WOMAN want­ references. Call 649-8436. Employer- .-.r . / iTSONtVTKlE KIN© Company. ' Application made door..T|pQrt co^pe. Automatic Autumn St 643-4860. SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- ed for small busy office. ------—------CARTER CHEVROLET / amp QUEElV MAViN© for peyntohL -''IranslnisslOn^ power steering limited funds available for sof Knowledge of office procedure BABY SITTER, 5-10, vicinity of C O . . I N C . including bookkeeping and Bunce " *'"Dr. '**"Call *-*—**"between “9 a.m.- • - ' ANcJTHERONEOFIH&R FOUNIi—- hiwdlTnai# 'jttorigrel, and,':power brakes,, two hei* R oon nsan ffC hlm iM 7B lff-A cod mortga^s, payments to p a in t e r s HELPER wanted, 123S'Main St. , HEATED ARGUMENTS tirea, excellent condition. Orig-. ------Milt your budget. Expedient typing absolutely essential. 0 p.m., 649-3665. so'me experience preferred but .,.1 Call; Lee Fcacchia, War­ IMK* ■ilnal ■ owner, $525. 643-OOW. '--ROOFING-REPAIR of roofs, serYce. 3 .1 b . Realty. *48-5126. Call Manchester Public Health not necessary. Call after 8, 649; ,1 Phono ff49-523ff V'- den; ■643-85IH; • ■■'’ ■ EXPERIENCED salespersons. T h e best in gutters and con­ Nursing Association. 649-7426. Women’s wearing apparel. 3 or 9658. r' ’ l$fll PONTIAC, 4-door hardtop, ductors. Repair of chimneys, -xA-i- FO U N D V ^ale cockeg-.spaniel, 4 full days or toll work week. .. Catalina; please call 649-3470 af­ too. CaU Coughlin, 643-7707. Private Instructions 32 buff;. pdlOr. Call Lee Fracchia, Apply Tweed's 773 Main St. ...------Dog W arden/643-8594. ,r ter 8 p:m. CRANE PIANO and violin stu- '-'-ji— Vi------ROOFING — Specializing re CLERK , COMPANION - HOWSEKEEP- I960 tai^R O LET, white Im- pairing roofs of all kinds, new dto. Private instruction. .Bren- lD0NfTBEUCVETHl5 I; IXiST — ‘ P w fcboi ‘■^No. S-7319. ER Irtterested in good home pala' convertible, extra clean, roofs, gutter work, chimneys ton Pell Crane., 742-7425, flute, CN EM OUR^/ Savings Bank of; Ma'nchester. with elderly gentleman. Call power steering, padded dash, cleaned, repaired. Aluminum . trombone also available. Small modem ali;-condl- Application made for payment. *43-4018, 6-8 p.m. MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI eeat belts, call 875-2939. siding. SO years’ experience. tioned office, full benefits, YOUNG MAN'TO LEARN Free estimates. Call Howley Schools and Classes 33 BY ROY CRANE Anndd^nients HOUSEWIVEa AND MOtHEpS BUZZ SAWYER ' Truck&r-^Ttactors ff 643-5361, 644-8333. interesting work. Call Mrs. earn excellent wages plus printing BUSiKiSff COMBON,CHtPef Wm^BEOOfABOFlNB ELECCROLUX ■ vacuum clean­ Caesar, 289-2708. many fringe • benefits mahagr holif weeli, -vacation, hospitalization, pension WELL, MAVDE THEY'RE SAVING OH, B O V / IHEOeiS NOW/NO LflCE P I O N ^ eP U Z m N A T M A D e ers; sales and sendee, bonded 1951 DODGE half .ton picK-up, ing our .shack bar.ln. new and 371/2 AHVMM THIS C3aJN7R/GI2S«I-? H ea tin g um I Phimbinf 17 TRACTOR-TRAILER MISSILES WHEN THEM UNTIL WE MAKE A.STRIKE. L o a < c A r A NICB ICN 3.H \«B IN reiiresehtaUve. Alfred Amell, 1957 engpne, excellent' ■ body, pleasant surioundlngs. :Counter plan. Good'opportunity for ap ambitious young man. ■YOU FLEW OVER YOUR PHOTOS SHOW A CAMOUFlAStO t r e e w ^ AN AUTUMN RAIN» !/ ' liew paint Job. 742-6587 after 6. B O m PLUMBING and heat­ Apply, in person. , ■ / ; 119 BiYap Dr^ Mawm»tor. JOBS WAITING FULL-TTME public health nurse help, part-time day or. night. THE TON Kl 9AM SITE, A TAMKER, AMD DOWN/ 644-8141, i',, '• . ' ing repairs, altiffctlons, elec­ A i^ y snack bar, Kings Dept; CAMOUFIASED OIL TANKS ______' ' ■ ' J966)#X)RD T panel truck,.V-8, Coventry Public Health Nurs­ BVER, SAWYER?. tric and gas hot ‘water heat­ Store, 840 Broad St.-- - iiaitrtypgfer M THE JUNGLE. n sTj. ynin- : local ElecttolUx body excellent condition, motor ers. Call 643-1496. e a r n $200 PER 'WEEK . ing . Association. C all'742-6542. branch offlde W complete »®rv-, ';fieed6 work,: $75. 643-8626. _ — ------AND HIGHER CLEANING AND LAUNDRY BABYSIT^R FOR tW(>-small woman, lull time. Vernon Ha- children, preferably vicinity S t. fora,’,0.. i 628-0«O6.; m r n . 'Sing Jservice, 'S S complete S S new fr 2bath­SS; TRAIN NOW — PAY LATER picK.tQJ.'truck, $200. CaU 649i room installations, and bath­ ven, 875-2077,. : James St. Call after 5. 648-1454.' 7867; ■' room remodoling, 80 years in TRAIN IN -YOUR AREA . 0F’?MANC»I»TEBL. " 1 ' i'. ‘ JPenwhais ; , '3 business. Earl VanCamp. 649- PART-TIME WANTeId. t-^ ride, to P$eW; East Auto Accessories—'nres 6 4749. .______HarffoVd, i second- shltlj Man- CORVTttE engine 283, HELP WANTED i 'jlp p tl chesiqr Green area-.MO-OSIO. ' cbhiiifefisiy" rebuilt; 1962 heads, Millinery, Dressmaking 19 Earn while you learn. Game Room SuperriMirs • Leam on all makes and extras, adaptor, best offer. Monday thru'Friday, 6-9 p.m. s t u d e n t n e e d s ride to Cen­ DRAPES —custom made to models of equipment until $1A5 to fl.60 per hour; must be *1 yean eld. 649-1763. Young man and young woman to learn, floristry, CAPTAIN EASY - BY LESLIE TURNER tral Connecticut State College your measurements, Hnqd or qualified for inunedlate BY LANK LEONARD from ' Manchester ^Wapping unlined, reasonable. For mort employment. QUALITY selling, arranging and display. Must be artistic. Bashetbial) SupsrYiwra.: * • ' . r m C K T F IN N TRAINING IS LICENSED area. 644-6<858. / ^ T f ^ e r a ^ information call alter 3 p.m .,, Monday thnr.muirsdaer, S-9 pJB. „ POIMHI.Jjef» /VEP^ANiPATU TAKE50MB BOMB-' HEE mo RICH ID BE HPIFFIBM Mi. t«mimHEE.BmMSDA XEOWYER a n d a c c r e d it e d . ASK CaU For Appointment -+■ 643-1913. $1A5 to $1.50 per itourt iiw t l^ v e. weU-nMfsM NO HOPE OP (5HATTERlN'PfcTECn»P.Bl»TK0lW‘ ’ coiusaot»,otccop»\ toom x - ^ — yMtr,UK A EXTnnmiU HTP WANTED'-“_£ ,B:5'.BtS' $500.6500. g*m4, v •’htobUff Homes 6-A ABOUT OUR IRON CLAD knowledge ef sporiq^ irC A N T K I^ L'LAUam r? I f t e i f s j b s k h s &!)X S turnt a UEMeHTW a u ^ w o u Bon COACWHIK OH-7HAMK Gtnar pem ole V wouio a rich billionaire ehu eUARPEO JO FEAR IWJEPWlO First ■ National Bingo,,: even GUARANTEai. M U R R y ! CEXK5 lOdaTHeffV BVEFBOpy BUT HE56LP, LIKE nieNACMUB BAKE HE ju n o i / '“ ■■ ^959 'v a n d y k e mobile home, LAUGHIN'/ 6 0 0 b H E $ S ! ..J tttM H B split. Call . M9-3891. Moving—rTtuddng— Flower. Fashion Swimming Instructor ' t-- ■ H a WELOCATE — • PA PLAeUSf 2 bedrooms, storms and. Stotorday m ondof 10-1$| m oae.popi AJOMRFOR, Storage______M Call Hartford 249;-7771 anytime. .Thunday. 6-8 p.niS'S9 fM m enriwi r i d e wAlrtTlfi Ytoto' "'Wkllwr v actoqns; colored appliances, ' $1.« to $1.80 per nbdri St area to "rraveleks or vlcln- ' oxneUent condition. ■ Ideal tor MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught m Ity.St. area to » : Ci:-Call 649-14db. njr Jake. Call 649-6043. C lerk 4 3 trucking and package delivery.' ■I,'If: / / / Refrigerators, washers and • Monday tbirtt.'.l^dj)^ 6- 10 'p jik t' RIDE W A N ^ P ‘Ofpm Center or Helo Wanted—Femal# 35 tnatlhejayauaeld* ServliB»— sto've moving speciality- Fold­ ,’V '" West Center St.-'Jto capltol re­ ing chairs tor rent. *49-0752. ■' ------■' ------■. ft ,■ gion. Hours S:8ijj4>,30''hegi,nning Storage ; . 10 ^--- :------,---- Teen'Ceraer vate room. Driver’s ')ie i^ e Moi^y, Ooi 1|f' W-3266 ^ te r g! 32 X 2T,' r approx-: ' y N m eld. preferred-W not iwsBb|»^y. V),:::: 6. 3 1 *1^ yilJOQ squaxfcieet 'stor- PaintliiffHnmtorincI 21 *.«4i ' 648-1601 until 6, 649-66|7T..'Hffer USE Coul^- ,|i)gBra P. Lewie eustoth pUnt- Volley Ball , w a « tbE> . M n it 6. ______. Tuesday;' ■■ and: East Middlb^?^e;::,t ?fil* ML tor li^'enahulactur/ interior and exterior, pa- 9 649-1919 1 )^ * 6 * 6-7/ Hard St. -T:30 • Monday-Friday. J^rban s^; wallpaper re­ MAID — Conn. Motel, must be Basketball Referees Can after 4:80, M9-7016. moved. Wallpaper hooks on re­ 'Willing to work weekends, no Monday thru Thursday, 6-10 ___ 11,1 ij- , I’g I Business Services quest F ^ insured. Free ee- phone calls. Apply "in person, $2.50 and $4.00 per ipsme: for ohlldreB aad » m u BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS tlinates. CaU $4$4M$$ 400 Tolland Tpke. - ^ BEST RESULTS, league games. ; HR. ABERNATHY AutomobBee F4>r S a k t ^ Offtred 13- decorating WE'VE SOT TO FIND ;]^in Boys WHO'O BUY > NBB3D CA?7 Your credit N^^S a substitute Monkey thru Friday,, 6-tO VfO. , VOU'flEAN IGNORAMUS! A ...ANpIFYDU DIDNToWNTHE IT, WITH THAT SOME WAY TO LURE ed ^ f W on down pay-...*aws,: trall (MtAfWvy 3^0 ItEALty TELL you OFPI OUR CUSTOMERS for quality. Conn. Painting and , 16c pet string■ sot up; must old. POUL-LiPi A DRIP! A MWPIT UNIDENTIFIED ment? Bankrop)?■ . ------Repossess-1. .k.Wn-.Vao, k-Wn, Vac, rototfUers.k Also sales UNDERWATER BACK. DAVY. Decorating, #49-4298. LOW cosm Tooi AMt. AND A ^ siolhTi’ Don't despair! gee Poiv.; $nd, series on aH la-wn-aqulp- AEMlWTHg *Ti BUrTHERING CREATURE OUT Women’s Activity Supervisor, 1 1^.^' T»««iiiw*'aXFkiit IrMVft.*' .JnAnt. 'Cftn EXTERIOR AND interior paint- USED CMS CASH RAlnS (15 WORDS) Schedule-depend on demandj • >OU>E l o NUMSKULL! A c o m p l e t e ■IHEAAOST l O tag. Wallpaper books, • paper- $1.60 .to $1410 per hour; -organise ead preaeM SELECTION OiiG Doy 45e _J 5 ® T » ...... ETTUPia hanging. Ceiltags. Floors. Ful­ Six Days .,...$1,T8 10 Days ....,$3.00 W.omen’f recreational actlvlttee. oop ia sr limiFlirra ly insured, workmanship guarr NINCOMPOOP Girjs*lEtowiingSupervi^r /,/• . - I MOtos*. ^ Jdaln. , ," anteed. Lm PeUetier, 649-6828. BOURNE BUIW im m e d ia t e ACnON IN THE If . no answer 643-9043. ■ ' 'CUesday and; Wednesday, ,, BN7IRE "The House of V - CaU before.l0:30 weekdays (9 A .M . S at^ aya ). You $1$6 - $1.60 per hour; Y phadlng. —- ;----- / " “ /" 'v ^ CRBaqte ’BY- •' SHATIPENING service —Saws, Customer S*ti*faot)oln^ OPPICE! NO ONE WILL carT'JWo cMh ^needed. IM car ^ ltoiy&, toes, shears, skates, PAINTaiCr BY pick Fontaine, can Btart on . Sd or cancel an ad same day* , _ •:■ ■".’r ■ %% COMB NEAR OUR selection. -Ai^ for^^Mr. .Arun* - - rotaly blades. Quick service, Interior and exterior. Paper 285 MAIN ST, . For appltcations apply.to„?ERSONNBL,OF|[1CB, Noale^nl PLACE WHILE banging .and wall paper remov- E u T t t t t u j %1 t h a t u u c is ner, |89-83N, dealer. . fianffol Eouloment Co. 88 Main MANCfiBSTEte J Building, 41 Center S t i ^ Mucheeter, ConnecUeot a r o u n d . ^ ----- 'v'-'. '.’'/’ -I. -- ' ■ . Manchester:-Mours dally al.~' Dutch Boy and DuPont. 243-^862 649-4571 Quality workmanship. GaQ 643^2711 Cbtorified Dept. 11 KARMAN OHIA — 1965 boupe, 7-5. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7- evenings, 346-959S. white, excellent. 649-0152, *• *48-7958.

t - ; \ / A \ ■ MANCHEci'i'LK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-THBES T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 Homeo For Sale 72 Snbnrlmn For Sale 75 Suburban For Sale 75 PAGE TWENTY-TWO BosiiiMK LocatloM Htrtises For/Sale 72 Hooses For Sale 72 Apartments— Flato-^ For Rent 64 MANCHESTER — 8 room BOUTON— $18,900, immaculate BAST HAR’TFORD —$16,500, :ers Doirs—Birds—Pete 41 Household Goods 51 Mnslcal Ins^mente 58 Rooms Wlthant Board St Apartments— Flats— MANCHESTER — 7 room Colo­ MANCHESTER — likd laastr a Tenements oS^ 4 room Ranch, large land- Neat s-hedrobm home on treed Tenements <3 StNOLB GROUND floor room nial with enclosed porehes faadly flats and duplexes built Ranch, 1% baths, 8-ear garage, GROOMIRG arid boarding aJl WEOTINGHOUSH! .tove, ^ ATTRACTIVK ROOM'tor work- 8 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, large aeaped lot. New modem kitch­ lot, All city utilities, inunad* ing girl or couple. No children. 5H ROOMS, $116, second floor, ROCKVILLE — 3H room apart­ for rent, heat, alr'«ondlUonlng front and rear, hear bus line by Damato. Spacious rooms, gallon gas water heater, ISO. conditioned, separate heating •ystems, top recreation room, wooded lot, en, real value. Bel Air Real Eatate, 648-9882. breeds, Harmony Hills, H. C. Board optional. Telephone in heat, hot water, one child, no ment, in resldenUal area. Included, off street parking, and Varj^anck School. Easy to In cre a se Toll to 300 Chase, Hebron Rd., Bolton, 649-1717. V eoes. toko care of lanm. Good loca­ quality workmanship. Oppon* centrally lobated. Low 20’s aa- V Estate, Realton, 848-9882. CLASSIFIED room. 643-6745. pets. 649-2366. Adults. $120 monthly. 6494824, Lappen Building^ 184 Bast C ^ South Windsor namede pilots flew an addtficaal 64S-S427. ter St., 649-6261. ' tion. J. D. R o ^ Estate Co., tunlty knocks, assunmbla oumable with $4 000. Fhllbrlck (Coattauwd from Page on e) SINGER automatic aig - sag'in 876-1166. Agency, 649-8464. SOUTH WINDSOR — 7 room OAK RIDGE COLONUL 161 aortiee. ANTIQUE cabinet grand piano WElXi HEATED ROOM, pri 24 LOCUST ST. — 7 room apart­ 84S-B12#. mortgegu, excbllant finiuic- FOX *^fERRIBR — Male, 8 cabinet, like new, does every­ Oarrieon Gbkmial, $ bedrooms,’ Below replacement cost mlseing. It was the 887th plahe Vietnamese mUltary in good cpndtion. Call 644-0674. vate entrance, continuous hot ment, $120. Call 643-3436 be­ Ing. Hayes Agency, 846-018L months old, reasonable. Call thing, originally over |300, take Biuiiieau Looitlom H om es For Rent 66 UANCHBBTiat — s temiiy, 8 Coventry living room with fireplace, din­ Only a change of job puts reported lost over the north to jj^adquArters r ^ r t e d only « e advertising water and shower, parking, tween 9-6 p.m. ing room, Mtcben with dish­ 649-2609. over last 6 mmUily payments and 8 flats, on bnk Una, $17,- PRIVACY — running brook, 8 CAPE WITH ACREAGE this one year old, 8 room the war. action of any #lze, a cloah In the gentleman. 101 Chestnut St. For Rent 34 BOLTON LAKE — winterised 4 of 19 each. Call 523-0031. Office and Store 800. PhUbilck. Agency, Real- •cres; 80x80 recreoelon room, Oversized custom 6 % washer and range, family custom built four bedroom, In addition to 93 killed In the goru, ggq miles noytheaiA «< CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS DACHSHUND PUPPIES, AKC, rooms, furnished, garage, |140 SIX ROOM apartment. Adults tors, 649-8404, plus 8 room Randi, far, far rooms, 1% baths on 3% room, one car garage, ample 2 bath home on market latest fighting, the Koreans re- galgon. There a company o f 8 AJA. to 5 P JM« ready to go, miniature and KELVU7ATO.R automatic wash- Equipment 54 DESIRABLE store or office ' monthly, heat fumMied. Lease storage. Prestige Real Estate. Apartments— Flat^— only. No pets. Call 649-8769. below replacement coit. Hut- acres with 600 feet of river Immediate occupancy. ported lor Communists cap- Vietnamese infantry ^reported standard, champion blood er, good condition, moving, s^ l e — office cabinet. space, ground floor, clean, at­ and references required. Va­ Tenements 8.3 dilna Agency, 649-5324. front. Spacious' rooms of­ 289-6827, Mrs. Hewinson 688- Make offer. Low 30’s. Don hired and 71 weapons seized i,nung lo Communist troop# lines. Also Weimaraners., must sell, |40. 649-0064. tractive and reasonable. In­ cate by June 27. Call 648-6746. W33xD17xH42, drop lid desk, POUR CLEAN ROOMS, garage, BALDWIN. ROAD fer delightful living. Ideal­ 2848. Sisco, 649-6306. with quantiUes of grenades, taking Ught ca#ualtles^\ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Southington 1-628-6573. dial ''combination, one letter, WE HAVE customers waiting second floor, 59 Woodland St. quire Manager, State Theatre MANCHESTER — 7% room MOVING — Glenwood gas and ly located for family at EAST HARTFORD — fondly mortar shells and ammunition: ^ ^ .s. spokesman reported i^ MONDAY Tkm FRIDAY 10:8# A.M. — SATURDAY 0 AAL two card'’files. Also office cab­ for the rental of your apart­ Call after 6, 649-9766. 643-7832. Cape. 4 or 8 bedroom#; reo 8 B & W AKC ENGLISH SETTER pups, gas stove, beds, bureau, divan, Suburban fVr Rent 66 UConn or Mansfield. $18,- home, Saunders St., 14 rooms. H ie BARROWS and Involved in the latest fighting Qve-mon band at Vie* inet, W30xD17xH32, comtlina-.. ment or home. J. D. Real 6 %-room Ranch, good con­ room on Uvlng level, one car show prospects, females; rocker, good for rec room. Mis­ ROOM APARTMENT, heat, INDUSTRIAL Space — 4,000- dition, nicely landsciqied. 900. Mr. Lewis, 649-5306. Income return,' eeparate heat­ ' WALLACE Co. wairUie loth Company, 1st Regi- guerriUas today on a ham- tion vault, two letter, one card Estate, 643-5129. ’ MANCHESTER — Bolton town garage, $16,900. Fhllbrlck whelped May 24, sired by Ch. cellaneous items. Call 9-12 hot water, stove, refrigerator 6,600 square feet, first floor Price reduced for quick sale ing ayateme. Selling in upper ment oKtte Hger Division. In- miles southwest of Sal- files. Desk chair, 649-5064. ' line, 8 room apartment, $120, Agenjpy, Realtors, 649-S464. B & W Manchester Parkade Canberra Blue Shadow. j,jM9- a.m., 644-1609. LOOKING for anything in real furnished. Please call after 6 space, centrally located. Will to settle estate. 20’s. For further Information eluded in um latest enemy death g^i. The spokesman said th6 DIAL 643*2711 quiet neighborhood, references The BARROWS and Manchester 649-5306 3971 or 875-7406. estate rentals — apartments, p.m., 643-0678. subdivide. For particulars FIViD BEDROOMK 2 ' full call the R.F. Dimock Co., 649- toll, the KOtems reported find- guerrUlas assaosinated the os- RCA CONSOLE TV, 19” , A-1 ’ required. 648-S98S. WALLACE Co. Antiques 56 homes, multiple dwellings, no call Warren E. Howland, Real­ batiu, modem Mtcben with 8245; BOL/TON 8 room home with ing 23 bodlesNp a cave today gietant hamlet chief, another condition, $45, picture tube FOUR ROOMS and garage, tor, 360 Main 643-1108. Manchester Parkade fees. Call J;. D. iReal Estate, at., WAPPING — Beautiful new 4% Arthur A. Knofla bullt-luis, 2 fireplaces, walk­ 2 baths, swimming pool, large along with 16 wi official and one olvUian. ^Continued From Prtctding Pago only one year old. 649-7972. TWO MATCHED antique chairs, close to shopping, churches, out basement, screened porch, Manchester 649-5306 ■VHJRNON—7 room Cape, large usable bam. . .all on a four xhe Tiger trodm reported Articles For Sale 45 643-5129. STORE — center of Mandiester, rooms, tiled bath, ample doe- U.S. AID officials said today Victorian era, excellent condi­ schools. Adults . preferred. Realtor garage, huidy location. Phll- kitchen, fireplace, c o u n ^ size acre parcel. Vacant. Offers their own casualties ll$ht during Help Wanted—Male 36 Help Wanted— Male 36 M’ ’~WEOTINGHOUSE electric newly remodeled store, trotA ’ eta and caWnete, heat, hot wa­ WEKT SIDE —6 room" Cape, at least 160,000 persons may RICH, STONE - FRBIE loam, tion, best offer. Call 643-6930 RENT MAN in need of rentals, Available October 1. 649-5786. brlck Agency, Realtors, $4»- lot in an area of fine homes. wanted. T. J. Crockett, Real- the five days of fighting range, best offer. Call 643- and Interior, reasonable rent­ ter, responsible adults only, no excellent location. Owner an­ have to be evacuated froni p l u m b e r s - o r plumber’s MEN WANTED for janitorial $15. GraveL sand, fill, stone, between 7:30-9 p.m. Have tenants willing to sign 8464. ^ Only $14,900. Hayes Agency, tor, 643-1577. Farther north, other 4258. als. Brokers In'vlted. 622-8114. ^ pets. 444-1668. 648-5440 649-5988 xious, open to offers. T. J. flooded areas South Viet Nam helpers, experienced preferred. duties, " 7 :30-9:30, mornings, - manure, white sand box and lease, plus escrow. 649-4342 or 1RREE ROOMS, stove refrig- 646-0131. — 4 ^ forces were in action. A compa­ erator, heat, hot water, cen­ MANCHESTER — Cape, 6 Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. BAST HARTFORD — Oak St. if the waters rise another 16 a t Warren Gottier Plumbing A Manchester area. Call 524-0620. patio sand. 643-9504. . 649-3566. ny of the 2nd ROK Marine b H^ Wearins: Apparel— Blurs 57 trally located, reasonable. 12-6 rooms. In good condition. Base- WA-urn v b e d r o o ^ IWUTON - r room Ranch, plus .20 inches. TWO 21” TVs, $50 for both or OFFICE TEN ROOM older home plus area. Beautiful 6-room Ranch, gade clashed______with a_____ Viet____ Cong Heating, 875-0719, 647-9681. SCREENED LOAM for die best 4% ROOMS, $125., 3% rooms, p.m., 649-8404. Wanted To Rent 68 ment partly finished, one car large finished rec room and $30 for one. 649-5038. 2-rooms over garage located each apartment, built-in ap­ large kitchen, 8 bedrooms, ^ unknown size 12 miles [ore than $,000 persons ha'V* in lawns and gardens. Deliv­ $115, heat, hot water, stove, Suite of rooms suitable for doc­ WANT—^Rent Immediately, two garage, wooded lot, handy to bar. Two full baths, 2-car ga­ large living room with Swedish j b e ^ m o v e d to higher ground in CERULEAN SQUIRREL stole, 4V4 ROOM apartment, stove, In center of Manchester. Ideal pliances, aluminum storms CAREER ered-from our .screening plant refrigerator, parking, 15 For­ tor’s office available in State adults and four dilldren need bus, shopping, etc. $16,900. rage, large wooded lot, superb fireplace,fIfATkInpA . nriAone rjircar garage,tmnurtt ^ " me wKnnilaf-Mlpopulated ricarice uiAand Engagement Broken very reasonable. Call 649-3716. refrigerator, heat, hot water, for large family. $22,900. Phll- and screens, each floor of this coast. OPPORTUNITY Also gravel, aand and fill. est S t, off Main St., 646-0090, Theatre Bldg. CaU Manager —' 5-6 rooms In Manchester, Bast Phllbrlek Agency, Realtors, condition. Reduced to $25,000 beautifully landscaped lot, city 1 area. Officials asll- JANITOR YOUNG COUPLE disposal furnished, nice loca­ hrlck Agency, Realtors, 649- home Is laid out like a single The Korean marines called In *)ig“ George H. Grifflng, Inc. And­ 643-5675. Hartford area. Call 649-7048 649-8464. Call R. F. Dimock Company, tion, $150. monthly. 649-0308, 8464. Ranch. Excellent location, $4,- water and sewers. Prestige .-uiierv barraaes and in mated the entire #ug** over. 742-7886. WILL SACRIFICE Wanted—To Bay 68 643-783? anytime. Realtors, 649-5246. RealD«..i iTatntAEstate, 289-6827,ooQ.iia<>7 «M ! r. Dut- oarrago* an cent of the rieft TWaWng Here’s,ah excellent oppor­ 1 Boudoir Chair large, pleasantly furnished apartment, 1% baths, appli­ Morning 10-2 and 11-2 and upholstery cleaning with dining room, modem kitch­ built-ins, treed lot, rec room, TPC A ction tunity to join Sear’s out- rooms, parking. CaU 649-2358 ances and utilities, $165. J. D. i quality built buildings. Call for Realtor, 646-0469. ‘Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. Waverly, Mo.; BoonevUle, Mo.; Apply ■Blue Lustre. Rent electric 2 Vanity Lamps en with built-ins, family one car. g^arage, patio, $19,500. GAMBLER OR HAND'SrMAN — sthnding sales staff. Come for .overnight and permanent Real Estate, 643-5129. ~~‘' DO YOU NEED details. Hayes Agency, 646-0181 ___ , - , Jefferson City, Mo.; and Wash- 2 Pillows room and lav on first floor. Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, Manchester and Bolton line are <<, John B. Barninl and Rtctaand prepared to discuss previous shampooer $1. Olcott Variety NORTH COVENTRY — Bolton, ington, M o./near St. Louis. 1 Pair Blankets guest rates. Four bedrooms and 2-fuU W. Howes have appeMed a experience and your future MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN Store. AVAILABLE NOW — 6 room 649-8464. close to this 7-room “ phis en­ COVENTRY $2,800 assumes mortgages on River samples will be taken 46 W. Center St., Manchester 1 Cocktail Table ROOM with kitchen privileges, apartment, second floor, Busineia Property baths up. Two-oar garage. closed porch” house. There is 5% room Ranch. Garage, flro- 24 hours a day by research Sept IS, 1966 action by Om with one of &e world’s Wooded landscaped lot NEW LISTING — Manchester, largest general merchandis­ MILLIONS OF RUGS have been 2 Table Lamps central location. Mrs. Dorsey, adults, 21 Huntington St., 649- For Sale 79 a 2-car garage aa a bonus for place, 170’ frontage. Imme­ teams 'from Yankton, to about T^iwn Planning Oommisalon PAYPOWER? Owner transferred. 7 room flreplaced Cape. 4 bed­ ing organiaztion. cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s 1 9x12 Rug 6023 before 2 p.m. the new owner. All this for diate occupancy. Pasek, Real­ eight miles above the mouth of (TFC), denying a bhange to 14 Arch St. ROCKVnXE — Building with , rooms, rec room, wall to •wall Three bedroom Ranch, fire­ America’s finest. Rent electric 1 Floor Lamp only $8,500. J. D. Real Estate tors, 289-747(5, 742-8243. the Missouri where it empties Busines# Zone HZ fo r t h ^ Check Sear's liberal em­ POULTRY FARM worker. Call carpeting, breezeway, central­ place redwood cabinets, shampooer $1. The Sherwin 1 Smoker PLEASANT ROOM to rent, THREE ROOM modem apart- Yes . . . if you want to earn a high a going paint wd w^lpaper WARREN E. HOWLAND Co., 643-6129. into the Mississippi River north property off Demlng and Mb- ploye program, tcq) commis­ 742-6232. business including stock is Daallni* ly located. Leonard Agency, nice kitchen, garage, extra SOUTH WINDSOR — 7 room Williams Co. 36 Piece Dinnerware Bet privileges, parking, call 643-' ment, heated, private porch of St. Louis. i;?aU St#., now in Reaidariea sion and generous car ex­ being offered at a sacrificed large lot, priced to aell, 24 Piece Silver Set 7030 after 4 p.m. and entrance, centrally lo- wage whiie you ieam new akiiis iike Realtors, 646-0469. MANCHESTER — 102 Helaina split level, 8 large bedrooms, Homyk said the study would zon e A. penses. Apply Personnel SEVEN used Venetian blinds price. Owner is considering re­ Rd., 6 room Cape. Recently $16,500. large rec room 'with Roman ___ WANTED — oil truck driver. 18 Yards Tloor Covering ------— ------cated, $100 > monthly. 643-0644. be repeated Dec. 5 and the re- action was based on Dept., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or call and used fixtures, 22M to 36” FOR RENT — Front room, cen- tirement, IdeaL Terms az^ 860 Main St. MANCHESTEJR—5% room cus­ repainted inside and out. New 643-1581. for an appoint­ Call 649-2871. M & M Oil. fireplace,, hiring room, dining i i t cOTpored, wide, as is $10. 649-7597 after MONTHLY ' trally located, free parking. 69 LOVELY CLEAN 4 room apart- machining, teeimaking, weiding . . . ranged. Prestige Real Estate, tom built Ranch, fireplace, oil the uncertainty o t Wilbur Croa# ment. inlaid kitchen floor, bathroom room, kitchen and large laun-. FULL AND part-time help need­ 4:30. PAYMENTS Birch St. 649-7129. ment, centrally located. Adults 389-6837. Mrs. Beardaley 389- 648-1108 hot water heat, paneled reo tiled to ceiling, fireplace, large S. IVAR JOHNSON dry room, extras Include built- Highway changes. ed for landscaping work, no ex­ ______ONLY $12.93 -----^------' I • " ' only. No pets. Available Octo- with exceiient opportunities to move 6161. room, call now. Hayes Agency. lot. Being Transferred. For ap­ in bronze double oven and sur­ Barnini had said that, if the LARGE ROOM, desk, double j 643-1297. SEARS ROEBUCK perience necessary. Call Grant- / Free storage until wanted. Free 646-013L pointment call owner, 648-1980. 246-6851 247-4704 face imlts, dryer, alidlng glass ■one change were granted, ha bed, walk in closet, next to ______!------Columbia and CO. land, Nursery, 643-0669. Boats and Accessories 46* delive^ anywhere in Connecti­ RESTAURANTS — Tour choice CONCORDRD.----- — beautiful------« ______door in rec room, built-in couch would construct a “KiUday shower, meals for errands. 649- FOUR ROOM FLAT, first floor, into a higher-paying joh! of four. Priced $8,800, $8,000, Ranch, large living room, for- $16,900 — 6 RTOM I^cJi, fir^ PICTURE BOOK 4 room Ranch cut. Free service. Free set-up in rec room, one car garage, House” — type motel, restau­ Manchester Shopping Patkade centrally located, stove ahd place, ceramic bath, alumi­ 19’ MFG BOAT complete with reliable men. Orig- 5459. $7,000 and one Includii^ real mal dinlhg room, cabinet kitch­ with enclosed breezeway and EAST HAJVTFORD — 7 room ample storage space, large and Girl Scouts rant with Uquor, and a servica 90 h.p. motor. Will finance if __ garage included. No children. If you want to team more and earn more, you want eatate, $170,000. For more in­ en, 2 bedrooms, recreation num storm windows, attached garage situated on a treed one station on the parcel. Manchester, Conn. ASB. Inal price for all this merohan- ROOM, private bath Colonial 4 bedrooms,' Hiring beautifully landscapied lot necessary. 649-2871. 649-8733. more PAYPOWER and the place to get It is the aircraft. formation PhUbrick Agen­ room, landscaped yard. Mar­ garage, Manchester. Hutchins acre. Full finished rec room, The TPC had ruled that a SIDING dise was $548.93. Some fortu- entrance, parking. room, dining room and kitchen, Prestige Real Estate, 289-6827, cy. 649-8464. lon E. Robertson, Realtor, Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. 2 bedrooms, 12 x 18’ kitchen, sone change would be Inad­ nate person can purchase it all FOUR ROOM duplex, range, re­ If you’re Inexperienced, you’ll be "taught valuoable extras include carpeting, built- IKr. Dutton, 633-2800. Start Drive I APPLICATORS room privileges. Call 643-9895. 648-6968. paneled living room. Perfect visable at this ttane baeaiusa o f SHORT ORDER COOK —flex­ _ , . - - . -n for only $398.93. On display at frigerator, $100. monthly. skills, start at good pay and get regular Increases while MANCHESTER — near bus. in phone, drop in range, natu­ starter home. Wolverton Agen­ Mrs. Carl Gosllne has been the linc^tainty faotof', and. be- ible hours. Apply in person. To work in local area. Top Florists— ^Nurseries 49 main store. Applicances are re- ROOM suitable lor two Available Oct. 15. Three room, you learn. What’s more, you can earn an extra 10% Houses For Sale 72 Older 6 room Colonial, 2-ear ral woodwork, one ca r garage, Wanted— Real Estate ?7 bonu^ when you start on the second shift, plus over­ NEW T7VO tanfiy flat — 64, cy, Realtors, 649-2813., ______named chairman of the local -cause the chan|^ rniidit open Howard Johnson Restaurant, pay—plenty of work. Only JAPANESE YEWS, $2 each, dig conditioned and fj^y guaran- first floor,. refrigerator, range, enclosed porch, quiet city water, near achools and people, board optional. 643- time In most departments. And that’s onl.v thp begin­ MODERN RANCH — 6 rooms, Bowers school area, large THINKING OF Celling? For Qlrl Scout Drive, according to the area to speCulaUon and for 394 Tolland Tpke., Manches­ experienced men -with stag­ heated, $95. 649-3566; 649-4342. street Only, .$16,900. Hayes ehopplng. Prestige Real Es­ your own, 179 Fem St., Man- teed. 4 ^ 4643. 400 East Center St. ning. Trained workers move ahead fast at P&WA, Into plua office and . ree room Uteben, 31* living m m , R(X3KLE3DGE — 7 room con­ prompt courtious service I'that Mrs. Walter Albert, pubUcity purpose's which might itot, »U- ter, Exit 94, Wilbur Cross ing and equipment ' need Phone for Appointment Agency, 646-0131. tate, 38»4S27. Chester. 643-7278. bettor Jobs that mean more paypower for years to in basement. On beauUfuUy arate funiacea, dty uUUtlea. temporary Split h ey o l Modern gets results call Louis Dimock chairman. timately, be the best and high- n g fa w a y .. ASK FOR "CARL” apply. TOWN OF MANCHESTER come. Also older 2-famUy, CaU Leon Raised Ranch, kitchen, large Uvlng room with SOUTH YITNDSOR — Executive 247-0358 or 527-9036 .. shrubbed lot 1% baths, large Realty, 649-9828. kickoff coffee hour was held uses. Ctaszynskl, BuUdsr, 649-429L 1% baths, garage, extra large cathedral ceiling, one fuU and 8 room custom built Ranch, Baminl ahd Howe# call the collect, Lynn, Mass., You’ll get Important extra beneflto, too . . . like flagstone patio off dining area. at the GosUne home Sunday for Call SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT two half baths, family room, TPC action, “lUegal, arbitrary Garden— ^Farm— ^Dairy NOTICE paid holidays and vacations, and excellent Insurance $23,900. Phllbrick Agency, 646- RANCH — 6 rooms, 8 bedrooms lot, excellent location, low 20’s. air conditioning, breezeway, Legal Notices captains and solicitors. Mater­ 8-4425 If you have no means of trans­ garage, $28,000. Phllbrick garage and aU the extras that and contrary to- state statute# Products 50 and retirement plans. Come in and find out about the 8464 2 full baths, rec room with Call Irene Kwiat. Leonard Ag­ ials will be distributed and the portation I'll send my auto for Agency, 649-8464. you would expect in this truly LIMITATION OBDBR and to the town diarter.’* Also Aluminum & Roofing and WARNING OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION hundreds of career opportunities open now at Pratt ft baths, tormal dining room, ency, Realtors, 646-0469 or 742- A T A COURT OP PROBATE, drive beg;ins that day' and wiU PAINTERS STRICTLY fresh eggs for sale. you. No obligation on your part Whitney Aircraft! 67 PRINCETON ST. — 3 bed­ fine home. Out of state owner TTiey claim that the effect screened .in porch, garage. 8849.* MANCHESTER — 6% room held at Manchester, irithin and for continue for two weeks. Nightcrawlers, Tomaszewski. whatsoever. s.. rooms, fourth possible, 2 wants fast sole. Hayes Agency, H?® Manchester, on the ^ of the denial was to conflacate MONDAY, OCTOBER 3,1966 $20,900. PhUbrick Agency, BOY WANTED for clerking and Box 363, South Rd., Bolton open baths, large closets, cedar older Colonial, large rooms, aist day ot September, 1966. CSipWns lor seven teams tave uselee# their land, „ . _ The Electors of the Town of Manchester are hereby warned TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY * 649-8464. Present, Hon. John J. Wallett, EXPERIENCED prescription delivery, very daily 649-6472. A—I^B —E—X -T ’—s closet, oil hot water heat. Wg yard, designed for ChUd-______JudKo. been named as follows: Mrs. ^ being represent­ 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD to meet at their respective polling districts in said Manchester, Immediate Occupancy ren, 2-car garage. Oidy $ie,9(X). SOUTH WINDSOR — 6- room Estate Of Grace ponuceiii. late Loster Cooper, Mrs. Chester flexible hours, afternoons, eve­ INTRODUCTORY TRAINING PROGRAMS—If you dinette, Jalousied porch, 2-car MANCHESTER — Largo 7 room or Gr^ PonUceiH. late ijester Cooper, Chester ^ ^ Manchester Atty. liCOtt GRAPES — pick your own. 16 'NTOHTS TILL FR.M. on Monday, October 3, 1966, for the following purposes: Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Ranch in exceUent condition, ^ District, de- oudmandson, Mrs. Clifford nings, weekends, good^ pay. don’t have shop experience, you’U be given 80 hours of garage with electric doors, Ranch, 2% baths, modern Podrove. quart basket, $135. Bring con­ ______\ 1, To elect nine members of the Board of Directors, a Town Large 6 room Colonial, 1% one car gar#ge, fuU basement,'__On iiMUon of paries^Poimctiii, Erickson, Mrs. Carl Kraschnef- Work in Manchester’s largest \ Clerk, a Treasurer, three Selectmen, seven Constables, three Intensive training on the machine you have been hired custom buUt. Immediate oocU' kitchen, to m a l dining room, BOWERS AREA — oversized ------iph* action 1# returnable in tainers. After 4 p.m. Saturdays to operate. Instruction will be In the machine training tiled baths, dishwasher, large lot, ideal neighborhood, ' Ski, Mrs. Raymond Caouette. County Court pf Oom- WM. DICKSON drug store. Apply . Manager, Hackmatack MOVING _ miscellaneous Members of the Board of Education for the term ending 1969 peney, mid 30’a 649-4498. family room, 24x34 wltti fire­ cape of eight rooms, six on one after 2 p.m. 270 school right in the East Hartford plant at the same high stove, gaihage disposal, near schoola s ^ ' shopping. ORixERBD: That six numths Mrs. John Currier and Jflxa. gjgg Plea#, Mr. Dworkin. Liggett Drug, ree Members of the Board of Education for the term ending place, 2-car garage, large lot rear. house furniture, call 643-6485. "Aircraft” rate of pay. fireplace, garage, porch, floor. Ideal residential section, Prestige Real Eatate, 289-6827. from the Zlst day ot September. 'M’rOuiule Manchester Shopping Parkade. 19TQ, and two Members of the Board of Education for the va- with fruit trees, $28,000. PbU- good lot.; Owners transferred. 1966 be and the same are limited HU^mcviuaae, . ■ &. SON city utUities, lot 100x300. Mr. Dutton, 633-2800. and allowed-for the creditors with- "The OouncU operating — NATIVE PEACHES and apples MAPLE secretary desk, milk can^f. term ending 1968. ADVANCED ’TRAINING PROGRAMS — Courses HEAR YEI HEAR YEl brick Agency, 649-8464. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- . 2. To act as required by Chapter V, Section 25 of the Town Ifortgege money is avaU- In whlrii to bito# in their clai™ funds,” said Mrs. Albert, "are' in season now. Ferrando’s Or- gl:j^ lamps, TV lamps, chair- ranging from 22 weeks to 93 weeks In Machining, Sheet 1577. - ^ Help Wantefl— Charter (fecial Act 193 of 1947, as amended) to approve or able. tfSto?‘ ls“^e<5:d to ^ i^buc no^ used for organizing troops, traJh' chards. Located Birch Moun- ped, excellent condition. 649- Metal, Tool, Die and Gage Making, Machine Repair and ASSUMABLE MANCHESTER—Six room Co­ Legal Notices NOTICE Male or Female 37 disapproveUie following public Improvement and capital project lonial, 1% hatha, modern kitch­ lice to the creditors to bring in ing leaders, . sponsoring Girl 649-0920 tain Rd., Glastonbury. Man- 56O6. - Pipe Making. MORTGAGE MANCHESTER Vicinity, 4- their claims within said time al- to be financelk^y the issuance of general obligation bonds: oUb Scout ^rticlpatlon in nU nation- PUBLIC HEARING ItBGISTERED Nurse, 7 a m.- Chester Road to Hebron Ave. — ------—------■ en with buUt-liie, stove, diab- CHARLES LESPERANCE room R anch,. caiport, aluml' OKDBB OP NOTICE lowed by publisbln# a ofm ( a. Contribution of funds' to Manchester Downtown Renewal I APPRENTICE PROGRAMS — Courses ranging niim eiAiww ooiPblnatifm stonn ^ AT A CXXIBT OF PROBATE, order in some newroaper nayin# a ai and international, poi^ ADDITIONAL 3 p.m., two days, alternate (Rt. 94) left on Hebron Ave. to HOTPOINT refrigerator good Project No\2 (Conn. R-80) consisting, of approximately from three to four years in Sheet Metal, Machining and wa#her and dispoaal. 6 hed- 649-7620 condition, maple bedroom set. Financing no problem on , . ,, held at Manchester, within and for circulation in said probate district 'rnaintenance of real- appropriations weekends. Nursing borne. Call Birch Mountain Road. 144 acres i n ^ e Central Business District of the Town of Tool ft Die Making. rooms, $19,900. PhUbrick A g­ windows and doors, fuU ceUar, the district ot Manchester, on the within ten days from the date of tunlUes, m ^ ten an ce or real OIL DRIVER — Experienced 643-7582. this lovely Garrison Colonial uiis order and” return make to this dent and day camps, recrult- BOARD OP DIRECTORS 876-9121. ______Manchester. ency, 649-8464. ooppeir plumbing, lot 100x300, 30te day of September, A b . 1^ . oil driver for local fuel pump­ RIPE OR GREEN canning to------— featuring living room with TOWN OF MANCHESTER, ANCHESTER — modem, Im- $12,900. Chambers Realty, W iS Sr; Judge, “ “ it adn^lstrafive person­ ing, year 'round work, uni- matoes, half bushel, ,$1. Tol- MOVING — Hotpoint »>leptric The question to be voted on will be: Hundreds of good jobs available in: "f fireplace, formal dining room, COLONIAL—one year old, 7 ” ' nel and development of resour­ CONNECTICUT MAN OR WOMAN to drive (Question 1. Shall thXTown contribute $2,000,000 to Man­ laculate 6 room Cape, 124 x 643-2325. Eatate of Louise Ooda aka. Louisa lorms supplied. Call 289-5431, land Tpke., Manchester, across refrigerator, 8 cubic feet, freez­ kitchen with dishwasher and rooms, huge modem Mtch i Mallatto Coda, late of Manchester, ORDER OF NOTICE ces______and materials.” Notice is hereby given tiiat school bus, 7-9:30 a.m.; 2-4.30 chester Downtown Renewal Project No. T | 168 lot, breezeway, garage, after 6 call 236-3186. er compartment. Westinghouse disposal, large family room, wltli fireplace plus all huUt- PRIVACY — Wooded custom in ™UpoS said district, deceased. Aflred Ooda he^? a^ MiS^Ster.^wlt^n^Md^r She added that the Columbia the Board of Dlrectora, Tqwnrf p.m., good pay. Call after 5 from Caldor’s. ' pursuant to^^ection 8-135 of the Statutes of screened porch, jconvenlent lo­ *“*"**“ Upon application of Alfred Ooda electric range, 4 burner, visual MACHINING 4 bedrooms, one fuU and 2 ins, 3% baths, large master Ranch, fireplace, fqyer, fUdi- aka. Alflo Coda, ezocutor, praying the. dtatrict of Manchester, on the neighborhood served 144 g irls Manchester, Connecticut, wiU p.m. H. A. Frink? Wapping, Connecticut? cation. Bel Air Real Estate, AA. -A Aa. AaII ..A iS 1 tt!tU .A A .. aF O A A *«t >VA •• A 1 QfSA ^ _____ GRAPES FOR SALE. Already oven and utility drawef. 17 haU-baths, attached gfuage Ubdroom with full both, reo washer, disposal, wall to waU for authority to sell certain real es- 16th day of September. A.D. 1966. , f __ nne naMmHo tmnn holil a Public Hearing in the TELEVISION 644-1902. A vote of YES will approve the public improvement and capital 648-9332. teto partkaiarly described,in said Preseht, Horn John J. Wallett, last year —one CaUdetM ^p. n«a a _ xi— picked, bring own container, School St., 1-9 p.m. project: a vote of NO will disapproi^ the public improvement INSPECTION end situated on a high lot room with fireplace, 2-car ga­ carpets, 2-car garage, HutoUiiB appiicaUon on file. It Is ' Judge. two Junior troops and three Municipal Building Hearing 224 Charter Oak St., 643-8368. TECHNICIAN OOUNTESR HELP — Days or and capital project. of % acre In the Vernon rage, $39,900. FtaUbrlek Agen­ $18,600 — MANCHESTER. 6 Agency, Realtors, 649-6824. .^ ip E p a > : the toresoing Estate of Gr®Bo^ i|l‘® Brownie troops. The troops are Room, 41 Center Street, Man- •Hiite. Many other features ainrisppUcaUon teat ton be heej^ and deter- of Mancheater* in aaid dUtrict. de- ^ nights, full or part-time. Ap­ The full text of the question is on file o p ^ t o public inspection AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS cy. Realton. 649-8464. room Ranch, carport, base­ mined at the Probate office in Man- ceaaed. . s now being organized for the new Chester, Connecticut, Tuesday, GENERAL ELECTRIC ply in person. Howard John­ FRIGIDAIR refrigerator, 13', In the Office of the Town Clerk, Municipal Building, during busi­ that must be seen. CaU Doii# cheeter, in eald DUtri^ on the 6th Upon application pC Nlcholaa season. . October 4,1966, at 8:00 pun. on MANCHE3STER — 6 .room ment, fireplace, famUy kitchen, son Restaurant, 394 Tolland Housebold Goods 51 like new. Call 649-0276. ness hours. Smith. day of October. AD. Sfe. at eleven Neborsky praying Oatataadlng Taxes proposed additional approprla- Ranch, basement garage, lot near Bowers School. Hutchins Lots For Sale 71 o'clock In the forenoon, and that no- ment purporting to me last wui , Requires ’Tpke,, Manchester, Exit 94, SHEET METAL tioe be given to aU persons inter- and testament of said deceased pe As of Aug. 31, there was stiU tlons as foUows: SEVyiNG machines (last year’s 106x286, rec room. Tills house Agency,______Realtors, 649-5824. TV 'raiCHNICIAN Wilbur Cross Highvnay. *!Si1ichi^f S h L ^ S ' v o t i n g It^saTM unicipal Election wiU be frona 8:00 'SiefTt^'* “ $!«,«» to be p«dd in taxes due To: General FundBu^et 1986/ ______^____ models) never used. Sacrifice is lost sM ^klng lOT Its nw BEDROOM — iast single or 2famUy ^ eU m gs. 2,^ pteoeofhearii^^ by ORDERED:. tlw torwhig ^ grand Ust, 67, Board of Education COUPLE OVER 55, to live ip $35. or $2 weekly. 646-0247. New mornings or evenings, 649-0168. BENCH WORK JARVIS REAIiTY CO,, owners. In expanding service depart­ 1, AsKJng $17,900. J. D. garage, good Please caU for partloulars. publishing a copy of this order in appUcaUon be heard and dete^ aaaaaHhw' to Mm IPredariek ...... $4,000 with active older gentleman. England Appliance. REALTORS, Real Bstote Oo., 646-6139. ixtaaIa,; w am iti, rbwutnwMnn eornMnalnow^ beyiag a circular nuned at the Probate office in Mm ^ aoooMlng w MTS. S T o a e n cx ...... ment. DISTRICT 2 - Y.M.C.A. Building, .79 North Main Street for' professional, laige Uvlng Wesley R. Smith CoOBtruenoo ^SdfuSrict. lU least seven Chester In said Distil^ on the 17th Lowman, tax ooUector. to be financed from funds un- Must be congepldl and enjoy ttsfd refrigerators DIS'TRICT 3 - Buckley School, 250 Vernon Street TOOL « DIE MAKING room, formal dining room, Co. 643-1567. days before the day of said hear- day of October, AD. 1966. at ten busy life. Free robm and board USED refrigerators, 649-1300, Bvea 649-2619. BRICK RANCH — Modern ______tag,’'toa p i»a rH they aee“causae o’cTlock in the'foren<»n. and that T h e fe 'Win be W resident Mid der the Econonde Opportu* TOP SALARI]^ DISTRICT 4 - Highland Park School, 397 Porter Street; $16,000. CaU Keith Agency, 648- nlty iAct of 1964, PXi. No. 88- in exchange for housekeeping automatic washers, INVITATION Mtchan with buOt-ins, TWO ACRES 860“ frontage on said time- and place and be heard notice be given to an perawis m- jg non-resident taxpayers listea DISTRICT 5 - Nathan Hale School, 160 Spruce Street 1923. iwvy relaUve thereto, and by mailing on terested In sa^d estate of t ^ penort for faUure with guarantees. See them at AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING baths, formal dining room, ______paved road, 7 miles from Man­ 452, Section Outstanding employe benefits duties. Husband may work DISTRKJT 6 - West Side Recreation Building, 110 Cedar or before September 33, 19667 by pendency of said To: Library ijtoard 1968/67 progranu \ . elsewhere if desired. 20 min- B. D. Pearl’s Appliances,. 649 T O BID Street Mj^NCHESTER -r 8 -bedroom PARKER STREET — Immac- chester, $1,990. Terms, Owner, certified mall, a copy of thla order the time and place of bearing to pay taxes due by Aug. 31. Main St. Call 643-2171. ' - v ear garage, A A Zone, $33,600. to til parOes to totereat and return on, to Th® report wUl be maUod oilt Budget - •$2|000 titps to Aircraft. Write details Sealed bids will be received at DISTRKJT 7 - Verplanck School, 126 Olcott Street EXPERIMENTAL Colonial, dishwasher, bimt-lns, ulate colonial. Six rooms in aU 742-8090. moke to thla Court der to sonje ne^paper -navuig a . FhUbilok Agenqr. Realton. foT repair work to Whiton I4- CAREER OPPORTUNITY to Bpx J Herald. the office of the General Mana- Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, this 27th day of September, diiqKisal, baths; aluminum phis the rec room, attached JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, circulation to-said district, ti leajj sboitly. CONTEMPORARY sofa bed, ^ 649-8464. BEST BUY^— Large wooded braiy,' to be financed frasa $30, office desk, $20, length &er, 41 Center Street Manches- 1966. sidtDg, stonn windows, aowiun, garage. This home must be ooi John F. Shea Jr.. Atty. sevm days before U'* ^ Mrs. Lowman added that Must be high school gr^uate p j u n TEK. — part-time to op­ EDWARD TOMKIEL MACHINING • WELDING lot in prime residential area Robert F. Stengel. Atty. to h ^ $8,101 is atlU due on the Aug. W hi^n Trust Fund. only $19,900. Hutohlns Agao- seen to be appreciated. Lot is with Inechanical ability. Experi­ Mouton jacket, size 16, Town Clerk of Bolton, $3,600. .CaU 64SH612 erate model .160 W. Multilith .; That Vbe IBIh JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. for establishment o f a Den­ CONNECTICUT Robert B. Weiss, plants In North Haven, Southington and Middletown. If large ahrabbed park-like lot. ______tending are Instructed to use it Female 38 equipped restaurant.. Larg# to selL Suburlian For Sate 75 -*JiS.®". tal Clinic, to be financed from N A 'n O N A L Notice isi hereby given that General Manager HOME SITES available, bring your military discharge paperb (DD- niheaite parking loL MSny pos* $38,600, FhUhrick Agency, 649- ______forenoon at'ttie Probate Office to dosses.have already begun, 1965/66 Surplus. RELIABLE- WOMAN would the Board of Admission of Elec­ 214), bii^ certificate and social security card when ■IbUitidA Call Mitten Agency, 8464. VERNON — large 8 room Goto- ^ at^^lfSSS^Ter.^^rttWnMd for Mondays, for Grades 3,-S and 4 CORPORATION you visit our office. '■ < To: General Fund Budget 1966/ like caring for infant or pre­ tors for the Town of Andover Realton, 648-6930. nlal, 8 bedrooms, living room, signed 'for a hearing on the allow- the District of Manchest^, on the 3.15 ^ 4 p.m. Interviewing applicants for BOLTON-MANCHESTER LINE WESLEY R. SMITH Mnm ones of aald administration account 20th day of September. 1966. 67, Board of Director#^ school child, excellent care. will be in session in the Town HORSEBACK RIDING fui^ne? good fireplace, positicai. as insurance in­ OPEN FOB YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday CONSTRUCTION CO. Oimng, room , -with eald estate, aacerttinmentascertainment of Present.______Hon.— ------John--- J. Wallace, $1.00^ Have references. 643-8867. Office Building on Saturday, through Friday—8 a.m. to 5' p.m., Tuesday, ’Wednesday r a n c h — 6 rooms, lot 125x100, Located near a riding staible is kitchen and large family room, ^^d order of distribution and judge. — 1...__ Manchester Ereidiig Herald vestigators. Training in for Permanent Memorial-Daif® October 1st, 196^, from 1:00 and Thursday evenings 'tU 8 p.m., and Saturdays-— ' fuU basement, good sized this 6-room Ranch, "Cleaner 2% baths, one car garage, ex- thii Court directs that notice of Estate of A. ^5" n«KMMi AAmanondent. Vlrwlnls Hartford for work out oif, RECEPTIONIST — Secretary- 643-1567 the Urns and place assigned for said of Manchester, to said District, de- H*bron correaponaent, V ir g in ia Committee, for expense# p.m. to 5:00 p.m.,ifor the pur­ Prestige Area 8 a.ni. to 12 noon. rooms. Owners are looking for than Mister Clean” 'with a 20x cellent condition, close to shop- ^ given "tT "til persona Moaed. , . r Ti.,f m Oartoon, te t 228-92X4. cur Manchester office. Sal­ Girl Friday, mature, experi­ connection with parade andg* pose of admitting all persona an offer, surprise them and 40 ghrage, good'location, Ver- ping and school. Prestige Real known to be In te re ^ ttierete to Onnw^n of J. a ary, bonus, car expense plus- enced, desires permanent posi­ aonear and be heard thereon by Chestnut St, Manchester, conn., e*. dedication services a t n ew ^ who are found to be qualified Only two 4 bedroom, 8-rooirr Colonial^ left. Will make one. J. D. Real Estate nan-Manchester line. J. D. Real Estate, 289-6827. Mrs. Beards- * eonv of order to ecutor. liberal employe benefits. tion with Medical or Dental l^temorlal Plaque, to be to be electors of the Town of; build to your plans or select a one acre tree- Oo., 648-5120. $16,900—5 ^ room Ranbh, flra- Estate Oo., 643-5129. Specialist. Others considered. PRATT & BolhSexe.UkeWhim^ nanoed from incraoaa in eotl-L f^uaUfications: High school Andover. \ shaded home site and have a builder of your placa, bullt-lns, extra large ------.ne are llnUtrf I^cellent references. 643-2811. EVERETT W . b o w e r s s c h o o l — Wooded BOUTON - COVENTRY town credltora wtth- GHICAaO Researchers mate of miscellaneoua tera'p graduate, some knowledge ______The qualifications are aa fol- choice build your home. lot Gall Irene Kwiat tioonard MANCHESTER — 4 and 4 ex- lot, a new Oolcnlid, ready lor Agency, Raaltors, 646-0469 or pandable two family, garage. line, 8 liedroom Ranch, family tmlbOT l^whST to found that woman appte- nue#. . X of tyj;>ing. Full or part-time WOMAN WOULD LIKE to baby lows: ' Applicant must be 21 WHITNEY Robert M. Stone, VAN DYNE decorating. Only $21,900. As­ size kitchen. Urge \Mng J?hn D'*Dwat. Atty.* l«*d“ ec::d to' give public no- cUte nonsense w it such a play poaitlons available. For in\ sit days in my home. Reason- years of a$;e and must 'be a FINANCING AVAILABLE 742-8349. ^**1 condition. Mit­ BUILDER sumable mortgage. TJ. Crock­ ten Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. with fireplace, only 114.900. one 06n*muHon Plaxa. Hartford, tice to t^ IS ii” on words, much more than men Secretary terview appointment call^ able CaU 876-6981. resident of the Town of Ando- Board of Director# Planning.To-Add A Boom? ett,[Realtor, 643-1(^77. . MANCHESTER — near M ain ------— ^------Hayes Agency, 646-0131, N22-6291, Hartford, between r------—------—— ver for six month’s.'’ AIRCRAFT ------S S iU e ^'d E » : • a ^ V 'S f do. Men are fonder of h^Ule DIRECTIONS: Porter St. to Camp Meeting Rd. to 4-famlly home. Excellent MANCHESTER Green area — ------—— i1,900, acres o t land. $69,900. iaat sals. Bayae Agen<7i MS- ahaded M . Burry, only $14,000. f e humor. tambar 1966b package pies, pure whites, others beau- Signed Planning Se^oe I AgeBcy. Raelton. #!»• brick A ga aef, 9494464. PART-TTME man, 0i$L Bayaa Agency,1 646-0181. etor*. Manchester vicinity; tifully marked, bred for tern- . Ruth K. Munson, Available LAWRENCE F. FMNO -p M94S71 Start yoiir fuhira tocknf at n u n .f Fri., Sat., 8-1. WHjb perament, champion lines. 742- Town Clerk at Phone 246-4781 \ B ok M, Herald. 8970 or 742-8459. Andover, Conn. ,/

/ V- TUESDAY, SEPTEMisfeR 27, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR illattir^^st^r lEuftting Igi^raUt Average DaUy Net Prem Run ilw'Week Ended Weather M, l9M F air^^l ton^ht, low'4(Mff| ' partly to m o n w ,. Mlfit In the-60*. About Town \ TO>e Democratic Women’* ' • ^ HoncheBter-^A. City o f Village Charm Caub of Manchester Is sponsor- tnc a rummage sale Thursday VOL. LXXXiV, NO. 305 (FORTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) AIANGHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 (Classifted Advertising-on Page St) PRICE SEVEN CENW at 9 a.m. at Mott’s Community Hall, to false ifunds for the coming election campaigns. Mrs. Frank Ruff of 152 Cooper St., chairman, and Mrs. John Cronin BOA andBIRDLE of 14 Canterbury St., co-chair­ man, remind members to bring articles for the sale -to Mott’s Bomb in Error; tomorrow from 6:30 p.m. until closing.

Yeoman 3 C. Paul p. Mar­ ':i1 tin, son of Mr. and Mrs. EHlia iliil M. Martin o f 85 BJ. Middle hincolns^ow at Moriarty Bros, Tpke., is parUcipatihg in the This Lincoln Continental Coupe for 1967, on display now with others at Moriarty Bros., 315 South China Sea antisubmarine Center St., shows subtle Improvements in its classic styling, and significant advances in SALE! warfare training exercise "Sil- comfort, safety and convenience. ’The two-door hardtop body style seen on the car was in­ verskate” aboard the Aircrattt troduced in the 1966 model and helped Lincoln Continental increase its riiodel year sales to Carrier USS Keafharge with the 63,000, an Increase of one-third over the previous year. Available also is a four-door sedan. Seventh Fleet, Continental also offers the only four-door convertible built in America, and the exclusive Ex­ SAYE*m / State News ecutive Limousine. ...o n the exciting new Living* Lightly Padded Bra, reg. $4.95 now H oly Smoke 35 Killed John G. Tylw’t husband of only $3.95. Just the merest bit of delightfully soft fiber-fill lining in HOLiiYWOOD (AP) — '^ r s . Germaine G. Tyler of 12 Carl L. McHugh, son of Mr. ^ -rw ho., T-fioonfiv Firefly, owned by Frank R. The Sisters of Notre Dame de the cups gives you the gentle, natural shaping you’ve always 5,340 Loans Burt Ward, who plays Bat­ In Hon Ba Eli] [iw ood . y Manchester, won third Namur will have a Building and Mrs. McHugh o f 209 Hills- man’s daredevil partner Rob­ been ------~ — ------— , town Rd., has recently enlisted wanted. MachMe washable, even in bleach—keeps its life month Marine corporal whileurWiA P‘a-ce place in the New England Own- Fund Bazaar' Saturday Oct. 1, in, ran into real life trouble ed Amateur Owner-to-Ride and Saturday Oct. 8 at their in the U.S. Navy, and will at­ after nionth/ Fully lined nylon lace cups. White. 32A-36C Approved for Explosions serving in ^ e tN a m . He is the yesterday when a movie set Jumper Stake Friday night at novitiate, 1561 Benson Bd., tend "boot camp’’ at the Re­ son of Mr. and'^rs. Edvidn explosion went wry and he the All-American Horse Show Fairfield. cruit .’Training Center, Great SAIGON, South Viet B yjek o f 308 W. Center St. Collegians was burned. After treatment, at the Eastern States Exposi­ Lakes, HI. He is a gn:aduate o f Nam (AP)—Two U.S. Ma- he went back to work, but rine planes veered, about tion, West Springfield, Mass. Kenneth W. Stephenson of Manchester Migh School, and r i l i HARTFORD (AP)—The his cape was singed by the Camp Meeting Rd., Bolton re­ was employed at Burton’s Shoe SAYE*2SS , ' -I 3,000 yards from their '-'■WM Connecticut Foundation for fire. 'xStorey Circle of South Meth- Store, Main St. mm strike zone and dropped OVER 3 MILLION cently enlisted in the U.S. ...and discover how you can look 5 pounds thinner in a ' 1 Financial Assistance to odiht Church will have a lunch- ___Navy.^ He will______attend ’’Boot____ W 600-pound bombs by error Golden Playtex* Girdle—regular or long leg panty. (Both Vi Higher Education reported PRESCRIPTIONS eon mbetog tomorrow noon at Camp” at the Recruit Training Members of the American yesterday bn a friendly today that 5,340 college Safely Compounded! Hhe home '^ f Mrs. Glen Arm- Center, Great Lakes, 111. Legion Auxiliary are invited to available in pull-on or zipper styles.) These are the girdles Montagnard village. The Policemen in San Francisco remove the body of a 16-year-old Negro yo'uth,' loans representing a total Air Strike strong, 17 Quhker Rd. Hostesses _____ attend tonight at 8 the joint you’ve seen on TV—that support your tummy like firm, explosions killed 36 porsoni ARTHUR DRUG are Mrs.•s. ArthufArthui*' Seymour and shot by police when he ran from a car that was reported stolen. The incident o£ more than $6.3 million V W. Hal Winchell, son of Mrs, installation o f officers o f the young muscles... make you look 5 pounds thinner and wounded 16. Mrs. Harold Richmond, Rocky Hill American Legion touched off a night of racial violence in the city, quelled only after National Ruth W. Winchell of 843 Main have been approved as of Postponed, !Hie -village was Hon Ba, la and Auxiliary at Center School, instantly. The soft cloth lining gives you co d Guardsmen were'called to the scene. (AP Photofax) • ' St., has recently returned for I iill 'Sept, 20 to Connecticut stti- -n i~ ji 1 Ji northern Quang Ngai Province, his sentdr year to the Cambridge Rocky Hill. comfort, too. And, the new Long Leg Panty dents for the 1966-67 year. J a . 0 S C 1 1 6 u 1 1 1 0 'C I n'^**’* American Marines Were School of Broadcasting, Boston girdle slims your thighs as never before. ■ Of these loans, 4,9l9 were campaigning in Operation Prid- PMEHURST FOR Mass. In San Francisco X. Manchester Power Squadron made by commercial ikinks, 255 NEW YORK (AP) — With ^e to check toe inftow of Nortt Pull-on styles (Girdle or Long Leg Panty) -by -savings and loan associa­ W E D N E S D A Y ------is sponsoring free piloting class- . . Vietnamese troops across the (D istcovsA, The Gi’eat Books Discussion es in safe boating starting to- tions, and 175 by federal credit rou nd-th e-clock negotiations ^id demUltarized sons Maaket* reg.$10.95 N e w t s ’ ? SHOPPING Group will ihcet tomorrow at morrow at 7 p.m. at Manchester X- unlbiik continuing amid reports of prog- ing the frontier, 8 p.m. at Wkiton Library.. High School. Instructors are Cal The foundation said that the V.S. CHOICE Zipper styles (Girdle or Long Leg Panty) ress, the AFL-CIO Transport Hie bombs and a wlnd-drivea ‘tBartleby” by Hetman Mel- Beggs and Don Marsh. The Negro Youth’s Death loans by commercial banks to- Workers Union today postponed fire leveled 120 homes, about ville will be discusse'd... New classes are open to the public, reg. $12.95 NOW *10” taIed’"more than $5.8 million. a dawn strike against American three-fourths of the huts making LAMB LEGS Lb 69c members are invited. , -Sen. Douis 1. Gladstone, D- Airlines and rescheduled it for up the village. CHICKEN LEGS ...... lb. 49c Sizes XS, S, M ,L. hridgeport, chairman of tiie 6:45 p.m., EDT. H i e ‘ U.S. command also dis- CHICKEN BREASTS ...... lb. 69e ,, “ ; , ,, Manchester Elks are sponsor- i , Manchester ^ d g e of Masons ^ champagne Party from 9 (Extra large sizes $1.00 more> foundation, said the figures rep­ - •- mMM At 6 a.m., just 46 minutes be- closed that American troopo CHICKENS, S-lb. avg...... ea. 31.11 resent "an outstanding example CHICKENS, 4-lb. avg...... ea. gl.47 will meet tonight at 7:30 at Ma- ^ „ Saturday Oct. 15, LOOK FOR THE GIRDLE IN THE TALL TUBE fore the walkout against the na^ hkve launched four new search- sonic Temple. A fifty-year jjom e, Bissell St. of cooperation on the part of HOME STYLE Touches Off Rioting lion’s second largest domestic and-destroy operations and ar# membership presmtation will be tickets may be obtained from Connecticut’s full-service banks” airline was to have begun, a operating in the Mekong Delta made after a business meeting, Tomklel', town clerk, or with the foundation and college union spokesman announced the for the first time in toe Vl«4 SAUSAGE MEAT 59c Don’t deby-4sd» advantege of tl% Mkriiigs on At least three « automobiles partial demolition had taken by Elwyn J. Noble, grand the steward at the club. Fred SAN FRANCISCO (AP) students. strike was being postponed for Nam war. Until n ow ’ the huga these beautiful new Playtex Brat and C^dks were turned over and set fire. place. lodge district deputy. There Lea, co-chairman for the event, Incensed because a white Under, the program, funds 12 hours "in view of progn’ess.” delta rice bowl — much of H At the height of the disturb­ As police' bundled a man into P IN E H U R S T will be a talk on the Manches­ reminds members that tickets before Ibb offer cxpirea<^ policeman killed a Negro guaranteed by a reserve set up American announced that aU now under deep flood waters — ter renewal project, and a set­ ance, 400 San Francisco police, a pati;0r wagon, he shouted: by the legislature are loaned di- (BidJCDVSUL are limited and reservations ...... __ youngster fleeing a stolen flights would operate normally b^ been an area of operation# GROUND MEATS back tournament. Xif... r. 50 California highway patrol­ " You’re going to die whitey! If :reotly to students by loCal \ | should be made early. car, rioting Negroes smash­ as talks continued. At 7:30 . Swito Vietnapiasa men and ‘Ub' traffic policemen Wb'don’t get you, the Viet Cong -banks. the first American flight out of trobiw. • ■ , ed windows, started fires, fought back rioters. As'^the cur-, .tirill.” TJ.S. CHOICE Airman Thomas V. Andreoli, ' Six per cent simple interest is Kennedy International A l^ rt ,Pb?y hgbt contact’ .with the son of Mr. and M!iS. John W. looted, overturned vehicles, few took affect after midnight. Police dosed; off a 12-square charged on- the’ 'loan,' with' the took off on schedule, bound for enemy was reported in toe font ROUND STEAK GROUNDib 99c Andreoli of 97 Bretton Rd.; has HOUSE MANCHESTER, and threw barrages of the highway patrol was reUm^ed block area at Hunters Poinf, foundatipn payiqg liaU the in- Providence, R'.I. ; hew operatiqhs,' which were PINEHURST REGULAR been selected for training at SAVE CONN. bricks last night in two when Police Chief Thomas Ca- which is in..iha. southeastern-te^.^ due ikiring years ed eol- , ITie brief by . the tin- launcKed ^eerlier this nicnto but Indiana University as an Air San Francisco districts. hlll decided Uie (^risU;-Was avert- pfu-t of San FJc^ciscp ^leyiit’gttendaim** : • : i''’ ion said; . ' . l ^ fc H ot ahnounced until lb. 59c HAMBURG Force language specialist. He Rioting irtarted in th* Hunters ^

A . ^ . : . .11 A "I \'