(f/ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1966 FAOe TWENTY-fKaUl Average OaUy Net Press Run The Weather For._thijVeek Ended Cloudy, not ee cool toalgbt, and Bchnier, Grlgalls, Pllukas, Septcndwr M, 1966 low 80-05; pertly cloudy tomer* Dedication Reset 4 Requests and ’Tunsl^ properties. This W eek About Town 2. Roger Ricard, to change z w , U gb in 60e. The dedication of Man­ to Industrial Zone aU or part 14,757 MMnben o f the Professional chester’s new Senior Citi­ Before T P C of a parcel bounded by HUliard Manchester^A City of Village Charm . Women’s Club wrlll have a pot- zens’ Center, originally St., Adams St. and the Hocka- luck tom om w night at 6:30 at (CleMifled /Mworttolng OB Psge 91) PRICE SEVEN CENTi scheduled for Wednesday, The Town Planning Commis­ num River, and now in Res­ VOL. LXXXV, NO* 304 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 Center Church. There will be a has been set ahead one day sion (’TPC) will conduct pub­ idence Zone A. The TPC has program of vacation reminis­ to Thursday at 2 p.m. lic hearings tonight on one sub­ extended Ricard’s appUcation to cences. Hostesses are Miss Syl­ The dedication, open to division proposal and on three include the Bezzini and Gerich via Claflln, Miss Helen Carrier, zone-change requests. properties. Miss Mabel Trotter, Miss Ethel the public, will be witnessed by local and state officials Goslee and Mrs. Edwin J. Don­ ’The session will be at 8 in the 2. WiUiairi Peck and James and by representatives of aldson. Municipal Building Hearing McCarthy, to change to Indus­ church and civic groups. Boom. trial Zone all or part of a Busi­ Installation of officers for ’The subdivision plan 'is^^ing Mi*. Eugene Gallagher of ness Zone n parcel to the rear the 1966-67 year will be' a submitted by the Town of Man­ 406 Woodbridge St. has re­ of 73 Tolland ’Tpke. The Zoning highlight o f the prog^ram. chester, to divide into 12-build- cently been elected vice presi­ Board of Appeals, last Monday, dent and program chairman of Ing lots a town-owned parcel approved a variance for the the Hartford Chapter of St. Jo­ Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxil­ on the east side of Ferguson property. seph College Alumnae Asso­ iary will meet tonight at 7 at Rd., extending to Mountain Rd. ciation. the home of Mrs. Laura Loom­ If the proposal is approved, TRUCK TOWS SAFE SM our fino Manila is, 110 Starkweather St., for an the UAn will .sell the lots to INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) . Members o f the hiental Aid auditing of the books. Plans will prospective builders. — Burglars crashed a stolen selection of Fellowship Social Center will be made for the October pro- The zone change requests are tow truck through the ffont win­ meet tomorrow night at 7:30 gpram, which includes a potluck from: e dow of a food store recently and FAIRWAY ladles’ ’n girls’ p.m. Dr. Leo Litter will Jpresent supper and entertaining Mrs. 1. Atty. Leon Podrove, to drove away with the store’s safe slides of the Orient. ’This group Fred Oakes of Norwalk, depart­ change to' Business Zone III all dangling from the tow cable. Wrong Man ment president. *or part Of a parcel bounded by Ford, Chrysler 7 Nations is open to people from the A witness told police the men SACRAMENTO, CjJ'lf. greater Hartford and Manches­ Buckland St., Tolland Tpke. and loaded the safe into a pickup P flannel gowns and pajamas (AP)—-An armOr^.car driv­ ter areas who have been or are Preceptor Gamma Chapter of the Wilbur Cross Highway, and truck several blocks from the V Sizes to 48. Priced fr o m ......................... er arrived at Valley Motor /To Cpnfer being treated for a mental or Beta Sigma Phi wUl meet to­ now in Rural Residence ■ Zone. store. ’The tow truck was aban­ -$ 1 .8 8 morrow at 8 p.m. at the home The TPC has extended Po- doned in a parking lot, police • open thura. and fri. nights till 9:00 • ^ Lines yesterday to make his emotional illness. Cut Back Prices weekly pickup of the fifn)^ o f Mrs. Franklin Bevins of drove’s application to include .said. ’The store owner estimated On Viet War money sack. But the mone; Llynwood Dr., Bolton. Slides the Padelsky, Ellason, Burnham his loss at 1800. DETROIT (AP) — Chrysler Ford bore the brunt of crit­ wasn’t there. taken by Mrs. Bevins and Mrs. f uuck its amtoim'ced icism from the White House and WASHINGTON (APV— Robert Little on a recent trip 1967 ftuto prices today, as Ford Solidarity House, home of the Neither was the other “ar­ President Johnson agreed DR. I. GERSHANOFF to Hawaii will be shown. did earlier, to make them more United Auto Workers Union, for mored car* driver” who, today . to attend next competitive with General Mo­ the original price increases. dressed like the. real article, month’s seven-nation con­ got there first, took charge Manchester Assembly, Order tors. President Johnson had termed ference of chiefs of state in Optometrist of Rainbow for Girls will meet of the sack and strolled Even 'with the revised figures, the increases regrettable and Manila aimed a t '^ i n g to tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic the average General Motors UAW President Walter P. Reu- away with $6,000. Announces that he is now Temple. Officers are reminded increase of,. $54 a car was still ther called them “ scandalous end the Vietnamese war. The conference was set up to wear short white dresses. lower than that o f its two main and shocking.’’ practicing full-time in his under the g;uidance of President competitors. The revised Chrys­ Here are some examples of I S e t O S Manchester office. Manchester Wates will meet how revised Chrysler and Ford Ferdinand E. Marcos of Oi* Waylands Mark 25th Anniversary ler hike averaged out at $64, Philippines for all the countries 35T East Center St. tomorrow at the Italian Amer­ while Ford was $66. 1967 prices stacked up against ican Club, Eldridge St. Weigh­ with military forces eng^aged .la Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Hartford by the Rev. Walter Ford, first of the automakers comparable GM offerings: Telephone 643-6030 ing in“will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Standard: Governors the conflict. Wayiand of 52 Deerfield Dr. are Cahill. ’They have a daughter, to annotmce prices on its new White House press secretary Members are reminded to bring Mrs. ’libor Banlakl o f Meriden, cars, made automotive history Chevrolet Impala, 2-door admiring a replica of a Rose Bill D. Moyers told reporters: food and other items for an and two sons, Andrew A. W ay- Monday night when it became hardtop, $2,740. auction. Back Vast “President Johneion is glad to Parade float given to them by land of Short St. £ind Warren the first major car maker ever Ford Ghlaxie 6, 2-door hard­ top, original $2,796; revised $2,- agree to this inidtation and win an aunt. Miss Kirstine Peterson Wayiand at home, and a grand­ to pull back on announced price be glad to Join the meeting of son. increases. 764. B R Project of Pasedena, Calif., for their Plymouth Fury HI, 2-door the other chiefs of state or , gov­ Wayiand is a construction City and state police, aided by a truck searchlight the work of search and rescue boats while stand­ It cut $41 from an average ernment, which are partici­ 25th wedding ceiebration at an hardtop, original $2,808; revised GREENWICH (AP)—A open house yesterday after­ superintendent for the Baldwin and illumination from thp Hartford skyline, watch ing on the East Hartford state boat launching area. price increase of $107 which was pating nations in the Philigh SAVE announced Sept 20. $2,767. sweeping plan which would LECLERC noon at their home. StewMt Electric Co., Hartford. pines, on or after Oct. 18.’’ Intermediates: / commit Connecticut and FUNERAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Wayiand were The couple left last night for Chrysler, which also was Pontiac Catalina, 4-dopt $2,- Moyers said the date still Is trapped when its announced New York for 99 years to married Sept. 27, 1941 at the a camping trip to the West 866. tentative. As to whether John­ price increases turned out to be ON YOUR FUNERAL Lady of Sorrows Church at Coast. (Herald photo by Pinto.) Mercury Monterey, 4-door provide public funds for son would use the trip to Manila g g larger than those of GM, original $2,949; revised $2,903. commuter service on the as a departure point for a m ajor slashed prices of 118 of its 128 Dodge Polara, 44oor original New Haven Railroad into swing through other portions of FUEL OIL SERVICE models. Five models remained $2,950; revised $2,918. New York City received Southeast Asia, to Australia and unchanged and five others were COOPERATIVE 1J Jnte WALTER N. Top Line: strong support today from New Zealand, lor example, 9 5 raised sllghUy: Moyers said that at this point ON. COMPANY Cadillac de.Ville, 4-door $5,- the , governors of both Don’t face another worrisome winter with a patched-up oil burner... The Chrysler pullback aver­ 625. there is no schedule xlor an on­ Div. Of Boland Oil Co. 23 Main Street, Manchester aged $28 across the line from an states. ward trip. There have been TEL. 64S-156S for tlje Lincoln - Continental, 4-door Gov.
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