Former Newarker sings her w .y t

•:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •:•

84th Year, Issue 16 c 1994 For the week beginning May 6, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35~t THis WEEK Contract time MIDDLE RUN REMOVAL Christina teachers launch In sports talks with school officials By TONJA CASTANEDA traini ng, th at they ca n be advo­ cates or th eir own posi ti on with ­ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER out being enem ies or th e ot her Negoti ati ons between th e sid e, according to a pamph let Christina School District and produced by the chool di strict. Christina Educational The goa ls of Win-Win nego­ Associ at ion, representin g th e ti ati ons are to develop an agree­ over I ,300 teachers empl oyed in ment th at can be accepted and the di stri ct, have begun. supported by both pa rties to For th e first time in solve prob lems: strengthen rela­ Delaware, di strict negotiations­ tionshi ps and organization prob­ which bega n April 18- are lems; lift morale through devel­ bein g ca ll ed coll aborati ve bar­ opment ol' a sense of involve­ gai ning or Win-Win ment and open candid com mu ­ Negotiations. ni cation, according to the pam­ Win -Win negottattons phlet. involve direct communication Pres id en t or th e Chris ti na between th e school bo ard , Ed uca tional Associati on Sue employees and administrat ion. Mason said past negoti atio ns Each s id e recogni zes, have gone on for 15 months. through outside facilitation and See CONTRACT, 4A ....

Newark catcher Jeff Simpson applies the tag during Tuesday's game against NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY JENNIFER RODGERS district rival Christiana. Karen Crosby , Sharon Crosby and Carol Evans of Mill Bourne in the Newark area stand behind a mound of debris thai neighbors collected from the wooded lots behind their homes last Saturday. Neighbors and New Castle County employees are working to remove what Evans said is a very serious problem. Middle Run, a CHRISTIANA BASEBALL tributary of White Clay Creek , runs behind Evan 's home. Recently she found rusted sealed drums , refriger­ ators, and more. When it rains , Evan 's said Middle Run overflows and the water washes over the rusted WINS SIXTH STRAIGHT drums (their contents are unknown) and into Newark's drinking water supply- White Clay Creek. CONTEST lB Deer Park Farm property for sale TUESDAY. By JENNIFER l. RODGERS tab le th e vote after mu ch publ ic The investigation didn ' t take ...... debate. long. Les than two week later, NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Residents oppo~e d townhouses Roy Lopata. director of planni ng in i11 at otherwi~e single-family-home Newark, said Sobolewski had with­ The Old Deer Pari-. l·arm hou ~c neighborhood and demoli1ion of the drawn his subdivision request. . SPARTAN'S NICHOLS and th e surroun ding 1.2 1 anes of farm house. wh ich is registered as According to Todd Ladu tko, land at 4R West Park Place is no an hi storic bui ldin g. realtor associate at Patterson NEWARKPDSTSTAFFPHOTOBYNANCVTURNE R longe r slated for demolition - it 's Sobolewsk i told resident s and Sc hwartz. the as king price is ACCEPTS SCHOlARSHIP Members of Pilgrim Baptist en route to their new church Saturday. now for sa l · planning commi ss ioners he wo ul d $275,000. • The ow ne r, Ed Sobolewski. investigate the poss ibility of incor- Ladutko sa id th ere have been recentl y app li ed to subdivide the p rating th e 15 0-year-old Greek ··n um erous inquiries" about th e OFFERAT lB COngregatlon leads property in order to bui ld five luxu- Reviva l style mansion into his pro- land. including one from a buyer U.N.C.C. way to new building N~;~~k .~b· ;~ po;ss to ic at me~~~L~4A~ By NANCY TURNER oo

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By JENNIFER L. RODGERS ment, whic h is more than 1 ,600 Railroad tracks split the proper­ "DelDOT's only option is to recoi;1- townhouses and apartments. ty, and Brian Schuler, director of mend that the County either deny NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Pe ttinaro Corp., the owner and planning, said the Delaware this application or approve it otl'lty developer of the land , wants to Department of Transportation has with deed restrictions indefinite!¥ Ne w Castle County Planning rezone the land to accommodate contacted Pettinaro about building a limiting development to the equiva­ Board members decided to post­ housing and 24 acres of commercial train station. (Pettinaro remodeled lent of what could be develope.d pone their recommendation on space that would face US 40. the Wilmington Train Station seven under the existing R-2 zoning." :' rezoning a 144-acre parcel of land At a January meeting with resi­ years ago.) Some restrictions proposed were off US 40, adjacent to Lebanon dents from surrounding develop­ "I think they're amenable to con­ bus stops with shelters, sidewalks, Churc h Road, after a meeting ments, Gregory Pettinaro, a partner sidering that (train station)," fencing along the railroad tracks, Tuesday that lured about 50 local in th e business, said a satellite Schuler said. improvement of Lebanon Church residents to Wilmington. police station, a post office, a park Janice Hawkinson, chairman of Road and reservation of land ~Jn Ne w Castle County Planning and ride and restaurants might be the Bear/Glasgow Planning and both sides of the Conrail tracks for Board 's monthly business meeting incorporated into the 24-acre com­ Zoning Committee, said about 12 a future commuter rail station. • 1 featured a public hearing about the mercial space, but plans were still people spoke out against Pettinaro's "I think there still needs to lre proposed Queensberry de velop- in the "sketching stages." proposal .. dialogue set with the community;" According to Schuler, Pettinaro Pettinaro said. "Overall, I think requested the planning department things went O.K." : Brothers receive electrical postpone its recommendation to the As far as recommendations that planning board for 30 days "in could stem from DelDOT's Rouie burns after train mishap here order to provide additional input for 40 Corridor Study, Pettinaro said: "We will wait until it comes out and the shock .. community." By JENNIFER L. RODGERS whatever recommendations ate Police said Benjamin, 18, tried Hawkinson said she requested made, we will try to follow." , NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER to stop his brother from falling, but county council not vote on the pro­ The earliest possible date the was burned on the hand and arm posal until the Delaware planning board could receive a rec­ Three men who hopped a slow when he reached out to he lp. Department of Transportation's ommendation is June 21; however, moving freight train on the Conrail Perella, 18, who was uninjured, Route 40 Corridor study is finished . Schuler said the planning depaa­ tracks near South College A venue took the Meiser brothers to DeiDOT officials said, during a ment hopes information from fhe in Newark got more than a ride. Christiana Hospital. public meeting held March 10, the study should be finished by Route 40 corridor study will be NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BYJ ENNIFER RODGERS According to Newark police, Benjamin was treated and available to consider before making Benjamin and Mark Meiser, broth­ released from the hos pital, but September 10. a recommendation. · Chris Walker of Wilmington and Ed Osienski of Newark, former ers from Wilmington, and their police said Mark 's burns were In a letter referring to an inde­ "The department may not have a employees of Grinnell Fire Protection, picketed the company while friend Dominic Perella climbed the worse and he had to transferred to pendent traffic impact study done recommendation in June dependirig company employees were installing fire protection in an addition of ladder leading to the roof of the Crozier-Chester Bum Center, where by Traffic Planning and Design, on where the DeiDOT initiatiYe the DuPont building on Del. 896 in Glasgow. The labor dispute train on Sunday, May 1 at 5:30a.m. he remains in critical condition. Inc., T . William Brockenbrough, may go," Schuler said. · between employees and Grinnell is currently in court, according to Mark, 20, apparently struck an Conrail and Newark police con­ Jr., the county coordinator, says: .~ Walker. The disgruntled employees protested for six hours Friday, overhead high voltage power line tinue to investigate the accident, April29, and again this week. and was thrown to the ground by according to Lt. William Nefosky. Teacher contract talks to begin

Newark's historic Deer Park Farm property now up for sale ..... CONTRACT, from 1A Midwest and West," she said. "It is used to avoid strikes and general ..... SALE, from 1A Mount Everest," Ladutko said. doesn't sell. roaming on the property. Mason said with Win-Win, a hard feelings." The land was rezoned in 1982 in Sobolewski has been out of town The building has since served as facilitator- being paid by both the Metts said recently negotiators interested in converting the hi storic orde r to make room for John and unavailable for comment. a home for Justin Pie and his fami­ district and teacher's association­ formed committees for the next six farm house into a bed and breakfast. Presley, the owner at the time, to The farm house was built around ly, the Red Men's retirement home, has been hired to teach the process, weeks to discuss individual issues; However, Ladutko said he has build fiv e townhouse condomini­ 1840 by James S. Martin of three different University of which should result in a contract She said participants will then told potential buyers that "due to ums that would be part of the farm Philadelphia. According to informa­ Delaware fraternities, and most settlement in about 45 days around negotiate and each side will bring unrealistic expectations of the com­ house. Construction never began tion compiled by the Newark recently- the Newark Center for June 3-4. 100 questions to the table about dis­ munity and their uncooperative atti­ and the land remai ns a deteriorating Historical Society, Martin was Creative Learning. She said the teachers' chose trict concerns. tude" they would have a hard time "eyesore." reputed to have gained his wealth In 1975, Presley bought the farm Win-Win to avoid arguing during The issues will include teacher rezoning the land to accomodate The realtor said Sobolewski from the fur trade. He bought the house. He never constructed five negotiations. "We want to sit down salaries, working conditions, stltff their plans. would probably go ahead and sub­ 263- acre farm from Henry Whitely. townhouse condominiums because and do what is best for education," development, inter-district transf~r "I told them (interested buyers) divide the property to build four The house was named Deer Park he didn't have the money. said Mason. policies and benefits such as health- that it would be easier to climb to single famil y homes if the land because deer could often be seen Christina Superintendent Iris care. . Metts said she has negotiated with "We're determined to conte Win-Win before. "This type of together and make resolutionsf' negotiating is popular in the aid Metts. ' A Public Forum on Health Care Reform Citizen's Voice for Citizen's Choice Monday, May 9, 1994 at 7:30p.m. FOUNDED IN 1977 Clayton Hall, University of Delaware Express your concerns and ask questions of OPEN HOUSE Congressman Michael Castle SUN MAY 15th 3-5PM · · Governor Thomas Carper Become a part of our wann and ~ A NASA astrophysicist, Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Delaware .. _ M exciting learning environment. .. and TCI Cablevision, Inc. ~~ a former drug addict and .• . • • • Child"n ages 2 112- 5 c:1 More info: Call the League of Women Voters: 571-8948 ~ iD=~'k• a Christian Science practitioner : ~ Funded by a grant from the League of Women Vote rs Education Fund 292 W. Main St., Newark • 302·292·2533 • Marilyn Tokarsky, Directress .. and the Kai ser Family Foundation describe their own experience with · 1 ... CHRISTIAN PROBLEM-SOLVIN~~ in a special half-hour TV broadcast.:: Saturday morning, May 14th, at 9:30 am~ on WPHL Channel17- Cable Channel 7....: ;.. ., :· Decorate For Spring POOLS FROM *750

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ol/(oi!\1/\!I/J SPRING AAA-1 Pools M&M FLOORINO: ,,,,11 •1 1:/1' HOURS ... 4G 1111, ,..,... Plaia, ...... ~ 111,11, 1 .t Mon ·Fn 10·6 -:_(,-Ill l<•llllt Ill J:, .tr I )J ,, "' 1 "l1l S;~t.&Sun 104 302-328-7722 '.'.",:.',.;;;;·.. ---- D.. 302·838·4833 • MDI 410·388·888J Obituaries MAY 6, 1994 • NEWARK POST • PAGE 5A ...... , ...... ······!•··············· ...... Sterck School celebrates 25 years Dawn M. Riley Catholic Church, Newark. Burial was in All Saints Cemetery, King Jordan, the President of "- Newark resident Dawn Marie By TONJA CASTANEDA began teaching deaf students in a During the 1968-69 sc hool year, Kirkwood Highway. Gallaudet University, who is the ·Riley died Tuesday, May 3, 1994, NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER house on Van Buren Street in the school was opened within the first deaf president of the institu­ ·,of cancer in Christiana Hospital. Wilmington in 1929 using money Newark School Di strict and dedi­ tion. " Mrs. Riley, 22, was a homemak­ The Margaret S. Sterck School, from private sources. cated to Sterck, who died in the Acti vities on April 30 included a er and enjoyed ceramics and crafts. Delaware's School for the Deaf, ln 1945, the State School Board 1980s. Hilda W. Heath I 0 a.m. basketball game at Sterck She attended Cornerstone United kicked off its 25th Anniversary last mandated public funding for the Today, S terck School serves with a fami ly picnic afterwards. A methodist Church, Bear. Newark resident Hilda W. Heath weekend. education of deaf students who approximately 140 students ranging 25th Anniversary dinner-dance was • ' She is survived by her husband died Sunday, May I, 1994, at home. The celebration will began April were either put into special classes from preschool to age 21 from held at 7 p.m. at Claymore Square Mrs.Heath, 83, was a Newark 29. with a student ceremony. It con­ within the Wilmington Public across Delaware. About 30 students of five years, Jason John Riley; two in Wilmington. •'sons, Casey Donovan Riley and resident for 67 years, retiring from cluded May I with a rededication schools, or sent to reside at the reside in the residence hall behind The school for the deaf gets its ·:Joshua Stephen Riley, both at the janitorial department at the ceremony at 1 p.m. featuring Dr. I. Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in the school. name from Margaret S. Sterck, who hbme; her parents, George Jr. and University of Delaware 18 years Philadelphia. Deborah B. Robitaille of Fairfax, ago. Va.; a brother, S. George Robitaille Previously, she was a reception ­ Ill of Fairfax, Va.; her maternal ist for a doctor and worked at Pilgrim Baptist congregation celebrates opening of new church grandparents, Harry Ve rnon and Rhodes Drug Store, both in Among the most prominent are the church," said Davis. Newark...... CHURCH, from 1A a blessing to have such a beautiful Marion J. Baker of Newark; and her original stained glass windows from In 1978, Davis commiss ioned She was a member of Newark building, but the building alone will -paternal grandmother, Betty J. Walker of Mt. Zion Miss ionary the old church which date back to the construction of a hollow wood­ United Methodist Church. not make the church. Its the people Hermansky of Newark. Baptist Association; David Minus, 1913 and shine as a reminder of the en cross in which to collect building She is survived by a niece, Hilda and the spirit are the church." · · A service was held May 6 at former pastor of Second Baptist church's heritage. The rest will funds for the new church project. H. Steele, with whom she lived, and On Saturday, during the service, ·Gebhart Funeral Home, New Church of Pottstown (Pa.); Paul come later. Over the years the cross was kept in several other nieces, nephews, the congregation was presented Castle. Burial was in Gracelawn Hayes, associate pastor of Pilgrim For more than 80 years, the the church sanctuary and filled grandnieces and grandnephews. with symbolic furnishings from Memorial Park, Minquadale. Baptist Church; and Roger Pilgrim Baptist congregation made many times over; but it was the first A service was held May 4 at each department of the church . · The family suggests contribu­ Woodard of Peoples Baptist their church home on New London dollar that was dropped inside the Robert T . Jones & Foard Funeral They consisted of a hymnal from t-ions to Cornerstone United Church. "First Lady of Pilgrim" Road in what was a "theatre for the cross by the man who built it that Home, Newark. the music department; church keys Methodist Church, Bear. Alma Woodard offered the wel­ blacks, which was first owned by Davis most remembers. Burial was in Head of Christiana from the tru stees; an offering plate come. Robert Jones, Sr." according to the "I took out that first dollar, Cemetery, Newark. from the ushers; a Bible from the -earmella M. Wilson The land for the new church, church's "70th Anniversary wrapped it in wax paper and taped The family s uggests contribu­ pastor; a communion set from the _, Bear resident Carmella Marie which is handsomely bordered by History", published in 1983. it on the back of the cross," said tions to Delaware Hospice, in care deacons and deaconesses; a broom . Wilson died Monday, May 2, 1994, city parkland, was purchased by the Before that, services were held in a Davis. "I did it because you never from the custodians; a spoon from of heart failure at home. of the funeral home. congregation in J 986. Prior to con­ tent on Church Street. Theirs is a spend all your money. You always the dietary committee; a church • . Mrs. Wilson, 52, was a native of Margaret S. struction, which began during the deeply rooted congregation, now have to save a liule back for the record book from the clerk; and a Montgomery, W.Va.; she moved to winter of 1993, its destiny was layered by multi-generational fami ­ future. That's what we did and first aid box from the nurses. . D~Iaware in 1953. A bookkeeper Woltemate Falasco marked only by a solitary iron lies who give it strength. with God 's grace we are here And then there was a cherished for 23 years, she worked in New Newark resident Margaret Sheila cross. During the life of the church, today." one dollar bill that was removed Castle County's Register of Woltemate-Falasco died Saturday, After years of fund raising, din­ there have only been three head "This is a blessing that this new from the old hollow cross. It was Chancery and Department of Senior April 30, 1994, of a heart attack in ners, bake sales and financial gifts, pastors: Ernest C. Twyman (1913- church has materialized . said framed in glass and presented to Services, retiring in 1991. St. Francis Hospital. a modern brick church, with com­ 1946), Issac S. Holmes (1947- Pilgrim Baptist Associate Pastor Rev . Woodard by Deacon Davis, · She enjoyed reading, traveling, Mrs. Woltemate-Falasco was a mercial kitchen, offices, fellowship 1975), John C. Woodard (1976-pre­ Paul Hayes who spent the better marking a long road th at had been and working with computers. live-in health-care worker for 10 hall and a 260 ft. by 54 ft. sanctuary sent). part of the month with his hands in traveled by members of Pilgrim " ' Her husband, James V. Wilson, years. has risen in the space. The church And then there have been mem­ the paint cans along with the Rev. Baptist Church between the begin­ : died in 1978. she is survived by two She is survived by a son, Denis still needs asphalt to cover the loose bers like Cleveland Davis who, Sammuel Jackson and his son from ning and the fulfillment of their sons, Michael A. Wolanski of Woltemate of Newark; and a grand­ rocks in the parking lot, and there is having attended Pilgrim for more Mt. Eden Church in Wilmington. dream. · Millsboro and David E. Wolanski daughter. no extra money for landscaping, but than 50 years, is the oldest deacon "I' m glad to be a part of it. " And all God's people said, of Newark; a brother, Charles B. A service was held May 4 at the main components are in place. in the church. "God can do anything but fai l," "Amen." Anthony of Townsend; and a sister, Rostocki Funeral Home, "It was a dream to build a new added Hayes 's wife, Muzella. "It is . Julia M. Clouser of Newark. Wilmington. Burial was in Bethel _ · Mass of Christian Burial was Cemetery, North East, Md. offered May 5 at St. John's Historical society hosts Continental Fibre Company reunion here ...... REUNION, from 1A city events, such as the Memorial Bridgeport, Pa. bought the compa­ renunion that 250 former employ­ Day Parade. ny. In 1972 the Keene Corporation ees and descendants of the founder the company in 1905. In 1917 John The Wrights were also involved bought it. attended. It was a record breaking perfected a new product- a form of with the University of Delaware. "By 1977 they (Keene Corp.) number for the historical society. laminated bakelite that was even John Pilling and N.N. served on the determined the plant and the equip­ May 12, will be second reunion. stronger than vulcanized fiber. university's board of trustees and ment was so dilapidated they This year 's theme will be: "The "Over the next several years, just after their death, willed most of couldn't operate there anymore," Rise and Fall of a Fiber King." · ..t t6 East Glenwood Ave • SMYRNA • 302-653·5633 about every fiber company perfect­ their land and their houses to the Thomas said. "They moved to "This may be the last event of OPEN WEEKDAYS 9·9 • SATURDAY 9-6 • SUNDAY NOON-51 ed this and gave it it's own name," I university. John Pilling Wright built Bear." this nature because the people Thomas said. "Continental called it what is now the university presi­ What little of the original com­ employed at Continental are of an FREE Men's or Women's BluBiocker® Sunglasses with purchase* Delecto and it made millions." Reg. Ret. $49.95. As seen on TV. dent's house on Kent Way and E.B. pany exists is known as Arion, II 00 age where they are passing away or John Pilling and Samuel's other Wright built his home across the Governor Lee Road in Bear. Arion becoming invalid," Thomas said . BASSETT MATTRESS & BOX SPRING two sons, E.B. and N.N. ran the street- the university's Blue/Gold This Is top ol the line bedding and one ol the bast deals that we aver medal These manufactures silicone a nd teflon "About 75 people that auended the are all overruns, cancellations and close-out labrlcs. This Is one heck of a price on business after their father died of Club. and Thomas said two people who bedding, complete with a warrAnty gf goo full yaar replapemgnt at no chama last event aren't going to be there complications due to old age in After World War II the industry worked for Continental Diamond this year because they have either Rag. Rei. OUR CASH PRICE SPECIAL 1926. became more competitive because and Budd companies are working at passed away or are invalid." Single $589.95 $259.95 $119.95 Most industrial plants in the pl .. ~ tic was perfected. The Wright Arion today. The event, which begins at 5 Double $729.95 $309.95 $149.95 1920s were nothing but sweat Queen $859.95 $399.95 $199.95 fan. ly influence began to dwindle, Thomas said he often heard peo­ p.m. at the Aetna Fire Hall on I King $1099.95 $519.95 $259.95 shops, according to Thomas, but the 11r ' rding to Thomas and the com­ ple ask if the hi s torical society Ogletown Road, is open to the pub­ I Wrights pioneered employee incen­ pa becam e investor-owned. would do something to commemo­ I lic. Tickets, which include dinner, FREE Men's or Women's BluBiocker® Sunglasses with purchase* tives, such as company picnics, Thon1.1S said: "[t was the beginning rate the Continental Fibre Co. are $16. For more information, call Reg. Ret. $49.95. As seen on TV. baseball and bowling teams, and a of the end of a family atmosphere." In September of 1990, Thomas Bob Thomas at 731-0955. SERTA MATTRESS & BOX SPRING company band that played at many In 1955, the Budd Co. out of did. The Historical Society held a We Hsve The New 1994 Covers Single ...... Reg. Ret.~609.95 ...... OUR CASH PRICE ~129.95 Douole ...... Reg. Ret. 749.95 ...... 0UR CASH PRICE 169.95 , Queen ...... Reg. Ret. 889.95 ...... 0UR CASH PRICE 249.95 := FOR PICKUPS AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE, BRING •• CASH OR CREDIT CARDS. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ;:: L----~::~:!~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~----~ ,'...... GODWIN'S SHELL '. ,I .• ! .,. • SPRING SPECIALS ~ FREE FREE ~ FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT • Mounting • Valves SHOP HOURS With Purchase of 4 • Balancing • Lifetime Rotation ? 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Remnant Prints P185n5R14 61.52 P235/75R15 79.38 195/70R14 57.82 ... ~ ·~,P,:•:,n\,eo.~,:t;Ji":~'i~r- :x;n:,e~5;3 ~~ • Upholstery Remnants Sale ends Mqy 15. L.:.P.;.;19;,;sn;.;,;5;,R;.:,14;;,_.;,64,;-8;;,;;;4______..______.: SHOCKS & STRUTS SHELL TIRES ARE MANUFACTURED BY KELLY SPRINGFIELD: M!r~!s':uo!r~~s GODWIN'S SHELL SERVICENTER we • ~:A~~~';;~i;:-~n·:'J~ SINCE 1971 EMPLOY , =~ ::~::~~'ln-;.-:;zdru:-klle .!14.88 acyl. TECHNICIANS I $44.88 4 Cyl. $84.88 I Cyl Newark • (302)738-665S • Ogletown Rd . & Kirkwood Hwy. 368•4322 CERJ!,AED . . •. ~;:~:~ii~i:-: North Wilmington • (302)655 -6154 • Fairfax Shopping Ctr., Concord Pk. S. COLLEGE AVE. & W. CHESTNUT HILL RD. • MOST CARS a LIOHT TRUCKS NEWARK, DE VISA ' . I INSTALLATION AVAILABLE • ill• MUOI P-t AI Tlmt Of Otdor. IXI'II!U 1-:11-M PACE 6A • NEWARK POST • MAY 6, 1994 I I I ..

•" ·~ _.,


... ' Newark makes the honor roll ·~ Our OF THE Arne •" he atmosphere in the city council cham­ Newark Business Association's only staff per­ bers was not unlike that of a University son are evidence that the city's committment Tof Delaware classroom the day a profes­ has not been reduced in tight economic times. sor hands back fmal exams. The "students" - At the same time, various groups of citizens local officials, downtown business operators organized in an effort to preserve the many and interested residents - were hushed April historic aspects of Main Street. The battle for 27 as they waited anxiously for their grades. the State Theatre was lost but the Evans The assessor in this case was Matt House is being preserved for posterity. Hussmann, a senior program assistant with the Community forums this spring attest to citi­ National Main Street Center, a program of the zens' continuing interest in their downtown. National Trust for Historic Preservation that is Meanwhile, local business operators have headquartered in Washington, D.C. As part of done their part. In spite of tremendous a statewide grant, Hussmann came to Newark demands upon their time and resources just to to evaluate efforts here to revitalize the local survive in business today, dozens of business­ business district. He also would offer sugges­ people formed the Newark Business tions for future action. Association in 1986 and a select team of The assembled Newarkers had reason to be unsung heroes have worked hard (and often on pins and needles. Over the past few years, thanklessly) to promote the downtown, aid this city has made a serious committment to member businesses, and serve as both a watch its downtown. dog and advocate for local business. Elected officials, such as the mayor and city Therefore, it was no surprise that a collec­ council, have made it clear they are interested tive sigh was heard last week when Hussmann in maintaining the vitality of local business. gave high marks to these various segments of While being fiscally responsible, they have the Newark business community. In fact, he been quick to commit funds to further city praised Newark as the best of eight Delaware operations that benefit the business communi­ communities that he has assessed this spring. This week's photo, courtesy of John "Fletch" Thornton of Newark, captures a spring, 1933, shot of the D&G Feed ty. While all of us who live and work here distributorship, located near the site of the present-day Newark McDonald's off Main Street. Mr. Thornton, a When the present city manager arrived on know its changes and lament its weaknesses, trucking contractor at the time, is pictured at left with his 1927 Reo Speedwagon. Feed company owner George R. leek is shown at right with his 1932 Ford delivery van. Mr. leek's brother from California, at center, is the job, he brought extensive experience with this impartial expert declared Newark's down­ unidentified. Readers are invited to loan photos and post cards from the past for publication. Special care will downtown revitalization efforts in upstate town "healthty" and one that required no be taken. Call Scott lawrence, editor, at 737-0724 for details. New York. The mayor and council were strong medicine. He spelled out challenges smart to capitalize on this. The city manager facing our downtown but proclaimed that we and others, such as planning director Roy - the city and its people - have choices to PAGESFROMTHEPAST Lopata, have maintained a conscious and con­ make about the future. Sadly, in many com­ tinuous focus on the importance of preserving munities Hussmann visits, the townspeople • News as it appeared in the Newark Post throughout the years and envigorating Newark's downtown. A have few, if any choices. study was commissioned to assess the busi­ As the future is charted, we salute all who Issue of May 7, 1919 ... ume of business could not be acted Westminster Foundation - Phoeni~ ness needs and it was acted upon. New side­ have played a role in assuring that one of B. & 0. Gives Town on last night. Center, asked for and received ver­ Newark's greatest resources has survived and Issue of May 7, 1969 ... bally the restraining order from walks, the interest-free facade improvement 15 Feet of Ground Judge William Marvel. The written Joan program and partial city funding of the boasts a prognosis of longevity in the future. The regular monthly meeting of Trade Union Strike May order was apparently not in prope~ the Newark Council was held on Delay Schools order and had to be retyped. I Monday evening. George L. Mcdill, A current strike by construction Issue of May 4, 1989... I a representative of the Greater trade members that has hit Northern Christina Tax Vote is Tuesday There's still homework to be done Newark Development Company, Delaware will seriously endanger was present to make inquire con­ the planned fall opening of the new Tuesday is decision day for res ~­ ll of Matt Hussmann 's organization that represents a Acting on any one of cerning light and water concessions Wilson Elementary Schoolo in Pike dents of the Christina Schoo,) comments last week wider cross section of the Hussmann 's suggestions will for properties on Depot Road and Creek Valley. District. Voters will go to the poll~ just outside the town limits. Russell I. Grimm, director or May 9 to cast ballots on a proposed A were not comforting. Newark community. require significant time, talent tax. increase that would raise $3.7 Prospective builders must furnish research, planning and development He verbalized what most Hussmann was right when he and maybe money. Patting piping and wiring, he was infonned. for the Newark Special School million for the construction of add ~­ know: preserving a viable said the city, local businesses, ourselves on our backs and A comunication from the B. & District said on Tuesday that also tion classroom space to seat abot1t local business district such as historic preservationists, the not acting on the difficult 0. Railroad company granting endnagered by the strike action are 600 students. • Council 15 feet of ground near the the classroom additions to the Voters will also select a membOr Newark's requires vision, university and other interest­ challenges presented by to the Christina Board of Education. constant attention, and some­ ed parties must design a Hussmann would be contrary station, was presented. This will Smith, Brookside, and McVey ele­ eliminate the dangerous curve at the mentary schools, which are also Board President James W. Kent ha;s times costly remedies. framework in which they can to Newark's track record of junction of Main Street and the planned for fall opening. filed for reelection and is oppose~ We find it interesting that better work together, even late. Inaction would be a Lincoln Highway by permitting a Last week, Grimm said, he had by Eugene Bradfield of Newark. • after one day in Newark, though there has been much breach of responsibility to the wider street. been given an optimistic report by The tax. increase is needed to contractors on the settlement of the meet the classroom needs of the albeit an intense one, this success in this arena to date. present and future citizenry. Building & Loan Association growing school district, according downtown revitalization Hussmann believes that the We need to wait for strike, but now they are saying it Lends $26,000 will last past this week and even to Dr. Capes Riley, Christina direc­ expert arrived at the conclu­ Main Street Center can offer Hussmann's formal report, No surer indication of the fact longer. tor of special projects and planning. si on that many local officials us some help in this area in read and digest it, take advan­ that business is booming in Newark Phoenix Still Open, Court Tripp, Amick Seek Seat and businesspeople privately coming weeks. We hope so. tage of free Main Street can be cited than the fact that at last Two long-time Newarkers have profess. He said, in essence, He also pointed out that Center training here in night's meeting of the Building and Fight Looms filed for the 5th District seat on city Loan Association $26,000 was The Phoenix. Center will stay council. Jane M. Tripp and Arthur while Newark has accom­ strategic efforts for economic Delaware next month, and open at least until the end of May as restructuring " have fallen loaned and other applications H. Amick both filed petitions with plished much, it Lacks an then begin the difficult next received that on account of the vol- a result of a Court of Chancery election officials earlier this week. overall business vision for the through the cracks" and "real step toward the revitalization restraining order issued this week. The 5th District seat was vacated future and the broad-based data about real issues" is of Newark's downtown. Newark City Manager Edward last month when Ronald L. Gardner organization that is necessary absent. Up-to-date data about Last week, Hussmann This column is compiled each week Stiff last Wednesday ordered the was elected the city's mayor. closing of the Presbyterian Student to strengthen its weaknesses. Main Street rents and how summed up his findings sim­ by staff writers Tonja Castaneda, Council declared a vacancy in the Jennifer Rodgers and Tricia Activities Center for violations of seat and set a special election for As we have noted, they compare state- and ply by stating, "It's evident Strader from historic files. The cityi zoning, building, and fire June 20. Both candidates said they Hussmann praised the city, nationwide is essential to fill­ that a lot of people care, real­ wording of the news articles has codes. On Monday an attorney for would like to serve the city. "This is the Newark Business ing empty storefronts down­ ly care about Newark's down­ been preserved as it originally the Synod of the Chesapeake, a great place to live," said Amick, Association and others for town. The already-in-place town." appeared to accurately reflect the which sponsors the Orchard Road who is the father of State Rep. center under the name of the their efforts. But he was quick facade program must be mar­ The business leaders of period in which it was wrilten. Steven H. Amick. to point out that an improved keted "one on one," he sug­ Newark have evidenced this understanding of our market gested. passion in the past and must must be gathered by a new Easy to say, hard to do. do so in the coming months. FROM LEFT FIELD NEWARI( POST Ignorance of the law is no excuse + GrealerNew•rk'sHometownNewspaperSince 1910 + By MARTY VALANIA she be punished according to our Vol. 84, No. 15 ...... laws - even if the crime wasn' t SPORTS EDITOR that big of a deal in that country. Publisher: James B . Streit, Jr. Why should it be any different Editor: G. Scott Lawrence his whole uproar about the Sports Editor: Marty Valanla for an American traveling or liv­ this week's caning of an Staff Reporters: Tonja Castaneda, Jennifer Rodgers, Nancy Tumer ing abroad. Contributing Wrltera: Jack Bartley, Elbert Chance, John Holowka, Marvin Hummel, James Mclaren, Shirley Tenant, Phil TAmerican teenager in Toman It's not like we have an impec­ Singapore is driving me crazy. Compoaltlon/Photo Production: Julie Norona cable record for hindering crime More media attention has been Office Manager: Trtcia Lynn Strader in this country. . Advertising Manager: Tina Wlnmlll given to this kid than the bar­ I'm not saying caning is a pun­ Class"lad Advertising Maner.r: Bonnie Leltwller barous happenings in Rwanda. Clsu"lad Telephone Selaa anegar: Ginny Cole ishment that I would want in the I've even read a newspaper's Account Repraantetlvea, John Coverdale, J, It's not like this law was just Valanla Polls show that most /1 is IM policy oflh< Nrwtut I'OJI lVII IO willtlloldfrom IM public llrOit iltmJ oflfl/ormDiion which art a'"""" of p•blic record 1111 advtrliJing put on the books for this Americans agree with this senti­ an,d MWJ art acctpltd altd prlnltd 0#!11111 IM 10/t diKrtliOII of lht P•bl_lsMr. Rtathrs art tnco•ragtd 10 usttht Opinion Pas• ·lo t ptal lhtir American teenager. No, this is the York governor Mario Cuomo says mmdJ. P/taJt rtmtlftMr: Ltlltrs sllollld bt llrolltlrl prtM>I:Inr altd concut • Ltlltrs dtrylaltd·Dtlawart·D.C. l'ms If a person from Singapore - or to be subjected to the loud, but MIOdathHt,IIN Nt11/0ftlll Nrw~r AuociDIIDft 11nd IM Ntwort B11si11us ness of it or not, caning is the distinctly minority, opinion put Auoclati

The "No Fine Print" Home Equity Loan. 7.35~~ Other rates may look good- but beware of their fine print. Our 7.35% fixed rate applies to 60-month loans with payments automatically deducted from your Delaware Trust checkin g or savings account. For a $5,000 loan, your fixed monthly payment would be only $99 .84. Rates may change, so apply now. Caii1-800-437-LOAN. 8 a.m.· 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. PAGE SA • NEwARK Posr • MAv 6, 1994 '

RELIGION e FRUGAL GOURMET • ARTS For this singer, it's hopefully a matter of time By JOHN ROBINSON From a tiny home office in North ety of musical styles. six years. Celtic Concert at the Milburn Stone East, Md., the internationally­ She has performed throughout In Europe, her reputation preced­ Memorial Covered Bridge Theatre SPEC IAL TO THE NEWARK POST renowned former Newarker pack­ America, Canada and Europe, and ed her. Coming to America meant in North East, Md ., May 6 from 8 to ages press releases daily and prac­ has opened concerts for Gene giving up local popularity and start­ 11 p.m. If singer-songwriter tices new material. Vincent, Tommy Makem and the ing over. "It was hard. But I think in Performing with Harrison will be Christina Harrison Seven years ago. she decided to "Chieftans." the time I have been here l have Charlie Hill, bass guitar and vocals; give up her teaching job in London She says a record contract would done very will for myself," she said. Douglas McConell, highland pipes becomes a million­ and move to Newark to pursue a free her from the secretarial duties "If I am going to make it, this is and Scottish small pipes; Peter aire, she'll sing for career in music. Seven years and of booking and bookkeeping, allow­ where it will be." O'Manion, flute, recorder, tin whis­ three recordings later, Harrison has ing her to concentrate full-time on Harrison's compact disk and tle, clarinet and saxaphone; and charity, read, tend played for and impressed audiences her music. tape releases include "Exiles," a Nick Watson, percussion. her garden and trav­ of thousands. "My music is my full-time job," compilation of original, folk, Celtic Also appearing are North A c lassically-trained soprano, she says. "I spend all my days send­ and country songs; "Bonnie Eastern Regional Champion el. "Simple plea­ Harrison transcends genres, mixing ing out (press releases) and practic­ Scotland I Adore Thee," an acoustic Highland Dancers Kaylee traditional Celtic music, country ing my music." rendition of all-time favorite McConnell and Jennifer Vinson, sures," she calls them ballads and contemporary and clas­ Harrison is a lifetime veteran of Scottish and Irish ballads; and award-winning Celtic harpist - all far from the sic folk songs. The Scottish-born live performances, beginning in her "Wee Folk Songs," selections of Martha Clancy and Irish, Scottish balladeer plays guitar and has per­ mother's small hotel on the out­ original and traditional songs for and maritime music performer maddening pursuit of formed solo and with various skirts of England's Lake District. At children. Charlie Zahm. a recording contract. groups, experimenting with a vari- 14, she was singing in dance halls, She is currently working on Advance tickets are $12.50 and restaurants and local theatres. material for a new CD release, can by purchased at the theatre. After receiving classical voice which she said will feature more Tickets at the door are $15. training, she performed soprano songwriting and original work. "I For more information, call ( 41 0) solos and formed a folk band which have really been concentrating on 287-1037. Christina Harrison, formerly of played throughout Britain. my songwriting," she said. "It's Editor's note: John Robinson is Newark, is appearing In the Spring Harrison produced and directed something I would like to devote a staff writer at the Cecil Whig, the Celtic Concert at the Covered an original musical, "Sitting on the more time to." Newark Post's sister newspaper in Bridge Theatre in nearby North Fence," and played the lead. role for Harrison is headlining the Spring Elkton,Md. East, Md. May 6. Make cleaning the attic profitable: organize a garage sale and cash in f you've been Kindly friends of Old Prof, putting off clean­ NEWARK OUTIOOK Who seemed mentally off, FROM THE Still' OF THE Cooi'I:RATivE Ex!NION Orna:AT UNIVERSTIYOF DFL\WARE Fed his follies to new word processor. I Ing out your The machine got quite ill favorite storage From this lunatic swill, What are the jobs?. First, find the other's pricing to be sure you're not space-the attic, the best place to hold the sale and get competing with each other. Before And disgorged painful puns from Professor. the place ready. This task includes your sale day, visit some other garage or under the protecting a connecting or adjacent garage sales in your neighborhood A most untidy Cat steps-think about all home and belongings from over­ to get acquainted with the accept­ In pursuit of a Rat, the money you could enthusiastic early birds and curious able range of sale prices. Also, start Upset tons of Trash: messy critter! shoppers. Lock doors, secure valu­ collecting used bags and boxes to make by placing all ables and make barriers to keep package your customers' purchases. She'd had offspring galore, people at the sale location. Give careful consideration to Yet was yearning for more. those dust collectors It 's best, of course, to store non­ what you put in your ads; readers She was clearly devoted to litter. in a garage sale! The sale items out of the sale area. If like specifics. Think twice about this isn't practical, put up signs­ including a phone number unless prospect of making NOT FOR SALE. Even if you 're there are lots of helpers. Some peo­ moving, you still need that lawn ple will call about sale items, and Paynter Though the thrust of a woodpecker's beak may uncover a some money with mower for a few more weeks. others will call for directions to the clothes and shoes, and have a good worm, it is less destructive than that of a nuclear missile. minimal effort may Another job is publicizing the sale. If early birds aren't welcome, book to read during the less-than­ event. Set the date well in advance specify in the ad "no early sales." peak hours. Make sure everything Perfumers may well dispute the Existentialist theory that even make house­ so that there's time to get the word Establish ground rules. Decide has price tags- use masking or existence precedes essence. cleaning more bear­ out and to gather and price all sale on the number of days for the sale, adhesive tape- and arrange items items. If you have enough volun­ alternate dates in case it rains and so they're easy to see. If several able. teers, one person might place the hours for the sale. families provide items for the sale, Now is a good time have such a newspaper ads, another make notes Don' t let pre-dawn early birds consider color-coding the price tags Why did Dracula bite a Man-of-the-Year cover just before sale, right after spring cleaning and for community bulletin boards and get a head start. Right before the and recording sales separately. This dawn? before summer vacations begin. still others work on making signs to sale, discuss who will work which makes it possible for a fair division -He had to do his thing in nick of TIME. And if you're planning to change post around the neighborhood. hours, how to keep track of sales, of profits after the sale is over. your residence, getting rid of things Check local ordinances to what who' ll go to the bank for lots of Finally, enjoy the sale, and keep you don't need will mean fewer is allowed and what isn' t in your change and plans for baby-sitting in mind that after the sale is over, Why would a tenni champion avoid the Mafia? things to move. neighborhood. Verify with your and meals. there will be lots of storage space to -Because it's a raquet, and his net profits could be Be your own PR person. insurance agent that you're covered Decide on what happens to left­ start filling up all over again. faulted. Convince your family, your neigh­ against liability in case someone is overs. Several charitable organiza­ bors and, yes, even some of your injured during the sale. tions will welcome your donations, This week's author: Mary Ann Paynter, Ph.D_, Family Life Author's note: unsuspecting co-workers , that Team up to decide prices. The maybe even send a truck to pick Lunacies like these have been inflicted on my poor wife, children and col­ you 're all going to have a great time old adage that "one person's trash is them up and give you a tax­ Educator, Delaware State leagues f or years. They have been greeted by both groans and guffaws - th e and make Jots of money by holding another's treasure" is often true of deductible receipt for gifts to chari­ University Cooperative Extension, latter, perhaps, to pacify the punster and offset a further barrage. To its vic­ a garage sale. After recruiting their these sales. Just the fact that your ty. Explore other options, too­ Wilmington office. If you have any tims, punning can be seen as a disease, since any laughter, however sparce, help, make a master plan and dele­ mother-in-law gave you that aqua­ nearly new stores, recycling and comments or questions about can be comagious. I hope readers will tackle this word-play nonsense with gate jobs. Make certain that every­ marine bud vase doesn' t mean you other used merchandise outlets. garage sales, call the Cooperative zest, thereby assuring them Eternal Joy and a letter from Ed McMahon. body understands and does his or have to put it in the "free gifts for On the day of the sale, plan to Extension agent at (302) 577-2284. her job. toddlers" box! Check on each get up e arly, wear comfortable

Vision Teaser Super Crossword

ACROSS Salaam 81 Fashionable134 Falling 37 NYPD targel 84 Thinaan, 1 Winter pear 48 Verbal resort ground 31 Flu, quaintly to a baker 5 Worn-out explosion 83 Red-hoi 135 Adolescent 38 Director 85 Blood 8 Chocolate 52 Blushing receiver? 136 Nightly Hooper components substitute crooner? IMI Shy primates revenue 40 Veg out 87Prasant 14 Melville 56 He's a love 88 Red cap DOWN 45 More like 88"God's monomaniac 58 Neon's 88 Shady 1 Cantata a pin little-" 11Grenobla relative character? composer 47 Marian's man 88 Stay ahead greeting 50 Gel one's 100 "Tha Nama 2-podrida 48 Dumbltruck 112 Bruce or 18 Deborah of goat of tha Rose" 3 Pole, lor ona 50 "Andrea-" laura 'The King 110 Rod of tennis Iitie 4 Route 51 Wound up 84 Staunch and I" 82 Whara 101 Crude cartel 5 Go downhill 53 First nama 85 Taka five 20 Papaya's yachts start 103 Change tha last in fashion 87 Splinter favorite 84 Final last decor 8 Certain jib 54 Trouble group shade? 87 Party potable 106 Various 7 Marineland 55 Arden and 102 Yesterday's 21 Excuse Hit begins "In 108 Performer performer Plumb !9gs ~~~J~~!Si~~~~~~~~ 22 Fiery haNan the begin In the pink? llihing refrain 57 Reserved 104 Stmply t adraaa? nlng .. ." 114 Other, in 8 Standardize t1 Unreserved marvelous Fi •net at leut Sill dillerences in delllll be1WHn ~ . 25 Upecale 88 ln·your-faca Oviedo 10 Mr. Saba t3 Voice type 105 Acid suffix shop ~am 115 Soul, to 11 - Tin Tin t5 Left open 107 Northwest­ 2tl French pori, 70 Disapproves, Sarlra 12 Racetracks H Actress ern st. La - briefly 118 Keep- 13 Conviction Normand 101Sturdy 27 -lama n Sanguine (persevere) 14 Pia- mode U Sharp 1011mmobila 28 Talta h like TV actor? 117 Like a cold 15 Valkyrie 70 Conductor's clan • isn't 7t Necklace 118 Government nama concern 11 o Cornhuakar 30 Appfaclalad, pert sac:urlty 18 In ra 71 Baatles city In tha '501 T7 Monty's 123 Carl ol 17 Church beater 111 Kathie Ln's 31 Vut milieu "Coemos" supporl? 72 State with cohost q1111ntlllas 71 Eva or Zsa 125 Scarlet 21 Hang out Seoul? 112 In any way 33 Florid Zsa woman (with) 74 Rac:urring 113 like Pttar senator? 71 Elm City on TV? 23 Maller's thama orC.tharlna 37 Benevolent collegian 121 Usa one's 1l1a - Pllk" 71 Pianist 111 Proficient 41 Rochester's 10 Ring noodle 24 Auscuhatlon Templeton 120 Recruit-to-be love material? 130 Comic aound 7t Draft 121 Mont. 42 Mirror 82 Mrs. Jim Robar1 21 Coup d'- material? neighbor Image? Anderson 131 Can. 32 "Thrn Man 71 Walk to 112 Unli of force 43 Inflatable 84 Lowdown province - Ba~" a eh" 124 Farm animal •am? types 132 Penn ol 34 Bosta 11 Ba 100 121 Word form .....,r+-+--fl" ...,_ •.....-a-. . ,._--.":'.,...-. ,-.,-.-,..-~~----1 .", 44 Belmonts' • Fll for a king "Carillo's wah«? intarasted? lor •rac:ant" ...... -..-c ....,._ ...... 'J....._I!..._.., :--.a bigwig IOFuaawlth Way" 35Hol.lnawaw' 13Columbus' 117 Star1 to paint h'lllr+-t--+-+-- 41 - u leathlfe 133 Oflant 31 Full ol joy blrlhp!Ke 111Madetracka MAY 6, 1994 • EWARK POST • PA E 9A Woomer, Jester engaged Births Friday, Apri I 22 Newark, daughter. THE INTERIOR® Mr. and Mrs. John E. Popovlch-Joanne and Stephen, Jewell-S usan and Michael, ALTER NATIVE and Lee Woomer Jr. of Newark, son . Newark, son. Bear an nounce the engage­ Radulski-Cathy and Mitche ll , Cogglns-Cheryle, Newark, daugh­ The Home Furnishing Center ment of their daughter, Newark, daughter. ter. Julie Kathryn, to Charle~ Wolfe-Sandra and Richard, Bear, Carpenter-Jill and Daniel, Bear, William Jester Jr., th e son son. so n. SPRING SALE- TWO WEEKS ONLY! of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Summers-Amanda and Mi hael, and Joan E. Jester Sr. of Newark, daughter. Sunday, April 24 Newark. Taylor-LaToya, Bear, daughter. The bride graduated Saturday, April23 from Glasgow Hi gh School Llou-Peilin and lui-Chuang Wu , Monday, April 25 in 1987 and the Universi ty Newark, son. Hitchen-Donna and Alan, Newa rk, of Delaware in 1991. She is Storto-Dottie and Mark, Newark, son. • employed by Advo, lnc. son. The groom graduated Kahler-Deborah and Dennis, Bear, Tuesday, April 26 from Caravel Academy in so n. Norris-Geri lynn and Michael, 1984 and Delaware Baranowski·Dawn and Mark , Newark, son. Technical & Community Newark, twin sons. Marris-Kimberley and Ravale, College in 1993. Presently Crane-Lesli e and Alan, Newark, Newark, son. he is working for the Bank twin sons. Cushing-Do nn a and Francis, of New York (Delaware). Scott-Re nee and Clarence, Newark, son. A May I 995 wedding is planned. Julie Kathryn Woomer and Charles William Jester Jr. "I WANT MY PATIENTS TO KEEP THEIR PERMANENT TEETH." RELIGION Modern dentistry gives us the FlLE tools to protect your teeth so you'll Monday, May 9th through Saturday, May 21st have a permanent smile for the SAVE 20-40% ON FABRIC Kingswood U.M. fundraiser Saturday rest of your life. The congregation of Kingswood United Methodi st Church, Comprehensive dentistry, an WALLPAPER. BEDDING & Brookside, will conduct a "New to You" sale on Saturday, May 7, from effective program of dental care, ACCESSORIES 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothes, white elephant items, baked goods, and is a process of personal contact Mother's Day flowers will be ava ilable. The church is located at 300 with your denti st and careful Look for Specially priced clearance items throughout the store! Marrows Road, Newark. For more information, call 738-4478. planning. I have designed my ' Healing Mass practice around giving all of my We Feature FAMOUS BRAND savings at The monthly Healing Mass of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington patients. comprehensive care. tremendous Savings. is scheduled for May 6 at St. Mary of the Assumption Chuch in Ask your dentist about Hockessin, beginning at 8 p.m. The Rev. William B. Kaufman, associ­ comprehensive care. Or call my MON.-SAT. ate pastor of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington, will preside and office and make an appointment. 1325 Coach's Bridge Rd. act as homilist. Music will be prov ided by Kevin & Clare Sarkissian of I'll be glad to talk with you 10-5 Holy Rosary Parish in Claymont. St. Mary 's Church is handicapped Newark, DE. 19713 priv~tely about what modern All Sales are accessible, and there will be a re served seating area fo r the elderly and (302) 454-3232 Final! infirm. For more information, call 239-5982. ALAN TURNER , D1 D1 S1 dentistry can do for you. 135 BIG ELK MALL NEW PATIENTS CALL ELKTON, Md 21921 WELCOME (410) 398-9500

NEWARK WESLEYAN CHlJRCH 706 West Church Rd.- Nt_•wat·k NEWARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ~ (302) 737-5190 INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US Church School ...... 9:15 & 11 a.m . Sunday School- all ages ...... 9:30am (Infants through Adults) Morning Worship ...... 10:30 am .. Celebration of Worship ...... 8, 9:30* & 11 * a.m. Sunday Evening Adult & Youth Activities.6:30 pm Handicapped Accessible/Nursery Provided ('Nursery Available) Church Pastors: Clifford A. Armour, Jr & Samuel L. Greening, Jr. Small Group Bible Studies· throughout the week Kids Clubs- ...... Wed 6:30 pm Laura Lee C. Wilson , Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry - Pastor Joseph C. Mutton- 69 E. Main Street • Newark, De Director Our facilities are accessible for those "A Family Church- Grounded In The Word with handicapping conditions. And Geared To The Times" (302) 368-8774 FIRST CHURCH OF New Ark United GLASGOW REFORl\IED CHRIS'I~ SCIENTIST PRESBYfEHL\N IJt•lawat·<· Ave. & llaines St. ·· EPI~'f:o':!ff!gfit~cH·~-' uehurch of Christ CHURCH Newm·k, lklawat'(' Chestnut Hill Rd. & old'Newarif Rd . . ~~~ Newark, DE • 368-4655 Sunday Service ...... 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ...... 10:00 a.m. ~Glorious Holy Eucharist...... 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Presence Christian Ed For All .. Sept. -May Testimony Meeting ...... 7:30p.m. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Reading Room Church & NURSERY ...... Sat., 10:00 a.m.-Noon THE REV. KAY SCOBALL. VICAR ALL ARE WELCOME CIULD CARE PROVIDED "The Little Church With The Big Heart GUpin Manor Elementary Sc:hool Growing In The Spirit. • 203 Newark Avenue Elkton, MD 21921 GRACE EVANGELICAL (410)642·3024 THE FELLOWSHIP :\h·..ting At YWCA FREE CHURCH :HH S. CniiPg'<' A\'{•., NPwat·k, DE 737-370:1 • 738-5829 @l!tP

Sunday Bible Classes ~:'SIJip (All Ages) ...... 9:CO a.m. OGLETOWN Praise and VIUshlp !with Communion) .. .lO:OO am Sunday ... 10:30 BAPTIST CHURCH Worship Service NURSERY AVAlLABU: (Nursery Available) ...... 10 a .m. Children's Ministry & Nursery TWO MORNING "Sharing Christ In Mutual Ministry" MEETING AT INDEPENDENCE SCHOOL The Rev. Curtis E. uins, Ph.D PAPER MILL ROAD WORSHIP SERVICES ALL WELCOME David Brady, Pastor 1 456-0408 8:30A.M. • 11:00 A.M. SERMON SALEM UNITED The We t Virginian EVANGELICAL AGAPE ATable Prepared METHODIST CHURCH in Concert PRESBYTERIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. 469 Salem Church Road Friday May 13 at 7 pm CHURCH OF NEWARK (302) 738-4822 (302) 738-5907 Otis L. Doherty, Sr. Pastor VIsitor Expected. 308 Possum Park Rd. "Child care prouided!" Newark, DE· 737-2300 A Spirit-Filled * Morning Worship ...... 8:30am & 11 :00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL Local Expression Of Sunday School ...... 9:45 am Sunday 316 Red Mill Rd. The Body Of Christ '* (All Ages 9:15am) Worship 8:25 & 11 :OO a.m. Newark, Delaware HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE WORSHIP 8:30 & 1 0:30am Fellowship Time 9:30a.m. Sunday Worship ...... 1 0 :00a.m. (302) 737-2511 Nursery & Childcare at all seNices Sunday School Unle Lambs Nursery. All Programs & 10:00 a.m. At Howards Johnson's, Rt. 896 & 1·95 Located at the comer of Red MHI Rd and Evening Worship 6:30p.m. Rout,e 273 at the "Unused Oyernass " Children's Church, Available All Services (302) 834-2928 Sr. P11stor, Wednesday "A Church where wu are "YOU ARE WELCOME" 2274 Porter Rd., Bear, DE Dr. Ro,.rt Auffarth Hon:P. Meeting ...... 7:30p.m. accepted and loved!" Rev. Dr. J. Ron Owens, Pastor

PRAISE ASSEMBLY FIRST PRESIIYIUliAN : OUR REDEEMER. 1421 Old Baltimore Pike· Newark CJmRC.ll , , ·. . LUTHERAN CHURCH . 737-5040 ·292, West St. • Newark q~· John~a · A,~A,~~ ::; · FIRS~~~~LY lltfu~~h~ ~~~r:l (302) 73141644 . C.he•• :Btn ht~, ' Ne..._..k ·= 129 Lovett Avenue (SO:i) · 7S7--6~; ?6 . Sunday School ...... 9 :15 a.m. Newark, DE 19713 2n E. DELAWARE AVENUE, NEWARK , .... 104 Sunday Worship 9:15 run ...... Christian Education ...... 10:00 a.m. & 5 :30p.m. !0:30am ...... Worship Sunday School 368-4276 731·8231 SUNDAY; SUNDAYSCHOOL ...... 9:45AM Wednesday ...... 7:00 p.m. 7pm ...... Youth Meeting & Bible Classes ...... 9:00a.m. WORSHIP ...... 11:00AM * Nursery Provided Divine Worship ...... 10:00 a .m . FAMILY NIGHT (YOUTM GROUP, WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP DINNER ...... 5:4SPM ROYAL RANGERS Ramp Access Summer Worship ...... 9 :00 a .m . '· • ·'., Join .usas we welcome , BIBLE STUDY ...... 6:45PM MISSIONETTES • RAINBOWS) For The Handicapped Holy Communion NURSERY AT ALL IJERVICU · · tiur new pastor HANOICAI'I'EO ACCI:SSIIJL! Paul H. Wahars, Pastor Pastors Barry P. Dawson ...... 1st & 3rd Sunday · Tom Reigel, Youth Pastor & Jeffi-ey W. Dandoy CARL H . .KRVEUZ, JR., PASTOR OR. DAN MACOONALO, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES GORDON WHITNEY, MINIST£R OF EVANGELISM CHRISTIANA Bible Study 9:30am RED LION UNITED PF\C \IH·. R RED LION EVANGELICAL WORSHIP SERVICES METHODIST CHURCH I' R I S BY I I· R I \ "\ < II I IH II PRESBYTEH IAN FREE CHURCH 1545 Church Road· Bear, DE 19701 CHURCH Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. (loca lcd AI Tho lnlcrsoclion Of Rl 7 & 71) & Christian Academy Junior Churches 10:30 a.m. Corner Of Rt. 896 & 40 1400 Red Lion Rd., Bear DE Sunday School 834-1599 (302) 368-4565 . 15 N . Old Baltimore Pike Evening Worship 7:00p.m. 834·8588 Ages 2-Adult ...... 9:30am Worship ...... 10:30 a.m. Christiana, DE 368-0515 FAMILYNITE Worship Adult & Children Sunday School 9a.m. WEDNESDAY 7:00p.m. Nursery & Jr. Church Avail .. 10:45am Sunday School ...... 9: 15 a.m. Sunday ...... 9:45am Worship Service 10:30a.m. Wednesday ''Family Ni1ht" Youth Fellowship ...... S:OO p.m. Evening Service Worship ...... llam 6:30p.m. Adult Bible Study Children's Club (Ages 8-12) .... 6:30pm "A Church proud of its past with a Rainbow • Missionettes Youth Group (Teens) ...... 6:30pm 'l'islon for tht futurt." NURSERYAVA~LE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Sr. Minister Asst. Minister Royal Rangers Worship & Study ...... 7:00pm PATRICIA SINGL.-:I'ON, PASTOR R6Hrl B~ Cu,.fflirtl, Pulor Rev. Irvin R. Pusey Ronald Cheadle Nursery Provided "Crossroads" WNRK Sundays 9:00am Hand ' Accmibli PACE lOA • NEWARK POST • MAY6, 1994 Tasty Italian bread offers a variety of culinary uses ou will enjoy 3 cloves garlic, chopped Heat a large frying pan and add 1 Using a small paper sack on your 1 medium yellow onion, chopped tablespoon of the oil. scale, weigh out a total of 2 pounds making your own 1 large red bell pepper, cored and 1HE Add the dried bread cubes and and 3 ounces of flour. Make a batter Y breadsticks and sliced into 1/2-inch strips drizzle with the remaining oil. Saute of the water and yeast, together 3 tablespoons chopped parsley and toss over medium heat a few with 4 cups of the weighed out Craig, my assistant, has a I 3/4 cups canned plum tomatoes, minutes until lightly browned. flour. recipe for filled Rolled crushed with juice Sprinkle with the remaining Beat for 10 minutes with the Bread that will delight I teaspoon dried oregano FRUGAL ingredients except the cheese and paddle of an electric mixer. It will 1/3 pound wine-cured hard Italian continue cooking. pull away from the sides of the mix­ the kids. alami, sliced 1/8-inch thick and Toss together until the season­ ing bowl. When you bake a batch of Italian chopped ings are evenly coated and the crou­ Add the salted water. Add the bread, don't throw out the leftovers. I 1/2 cups grated aged mozzarella tons are golden brown. remaining flour and knead for 5 If left uncut, the loaves will last a chee e GoURMET Remove to a large bowl and minutes in a good machine, using a few days and then can be used for 1/2 fre hly grated Parmesan cheese sprinkle with the cheese. Toss dough hook, or 15 minutes by hand. croutons, bread soup, bread salad Pinch of red pepper flake By JEFF SMITH together again and allow to cool. You may need to add more water and more. That's the Italian way: Salt and pepper to taste Use as a garnish for soups and to get a moist, elastic dough. Place Frugal! salads. Store the croutons in a the dough on a plastic counter, or Dissolve the yeast in a mixing until all is tender, thickened and make and they will keep for a good sealed container. on a piece of plastic wrap, and FILLED ROLLED BREAD bowl wi th the tepid water. Add the some of the liquid has evaporated. week. Your salad8 will be much cover with a large metal bowl. (serves 6-8) sugar, olive oil, salad oil and salt. Stir in the remaining ingredients improved. ITALIAN PEASANT BREAD Let rise for 1 to 2 hours or until Mix in I 1/2 cups of the flour for the filling. Allow the mixture to I suggest that you use our Italian (makes 2 or 3 loaves) doubled in bulk. and whip until a batter has formed cool completely. Peasant Bread (recipe below). Punch down, and let rise for I When you make this fine loaf, and begins to pull away from the Press the dough out into an 18- Whenever you have leftover bread, 1/2 hours. Punch down again, and your .kids will think you're a genius. sides of the bowl, about minutes. by-13-inch lightly oiled non-stick cube it as instructed below and Please don't be confused by this mold into 2 or 3 loaves. Maybe you'llthink the same. 10 Stir in the remaining flour and sheet pan. Spread half the pepper place it in a plastic container in the title. Italian peasant cooking is Don't worry too much about the knead until a smooth dough is mixture lengthwise down the center freezer. When you have enough for among the best cooking in the shape. It doesn't matter. Place the THE DOUGH achieved. of the pan of pressed-out dough. a batch of croutons, remove from world. I've learned a great deal loaves on a large floured cotton Allow the dough to ri se twice Fold one layer of dough over the the freezer, defrost and allow to dry about Italian bread baking. This flour sack towel or simply buy cot­ r cipe works really well. 1 package fast-rising dry yeast right in the bowl and punch down pepper mixture. Spread the remain­ out. ton musl in from the fabric shop. 1 cup tepid water (about ll 0 after each rising. ing filling on top of the fold. Fold Sprinkle the loaves with addi­ degrees) Heat a large frying pan and the remaining dough over the top of 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 packages fast-rising dry yeast · tional flour and cover them with an 2 teaspoons sugar brown the sausage until crumbly. the pepper mixture. 3/4 pound dried bread cubes (Use 2 1/2 cups tepid water (about 110 additional towel or fabric. 2 tablespoons olive oil Remove and drain the excess fat Bake in preheated 375-degree leftover fresh-baked bread artd cut it degrees) Preheat the oven to 450 degrees." 1/4 cup salad oil and discard. oven for about 50 minutes or until into 3/4-inch cubes. Place on a 2 pounds and 3 ounces good-quality It's important that you place a pan 1/2 teaspoon salt Set the cooked sausage aside. golden brown. sheet pan and allow to dry unbleached white-bread flour of hot water on the bottom shelf. 2 3/4 cups unbleached flour Heat the frying pan again and Allow to cool until warm. Slice overnight on the counter.) (about 6 1/2 cups)-do not use all ­ This will assure you of a great crust, add the oil, garlic, onion and bell and serve. Salt and pepper to taste purpose flour. When the loaves have risen to 1 teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 tea- THE FILLING pepper. 1/8 teaspoon paprika double their original bulk, place Saute for 5 minutes and add the REAL CROUTONS 2 cloves garlic, crushed spoon water . them upside down in the upper one­ . parsley, crushed tomatoes, cooked 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley Cornmeal-optional, but necessary if third of the oven. You can use 1/3 pound mild Italian sausage sausage and oregano. Simmer you are using a wooden board or either baking sheets, pizza stones or Real croutons are very imple to 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan (bulk or removed from casings) uncovered for 20 minutes more cheese "peel" for sliding the dough onto bread bricks- available in any 2 tablespoons oil hot bricks or a pizza stone gourmet shop. Bake in the oven for about 25 Dissolve the yeast in the water. minutes, or until the bread is nicely Let stand 5 minutes. Stir to dis­ browned and the loaves sound hol­ solve. low when you thump their bottoms with your finger. Cool on a rack. © 1993 by Frugal Gourmet Inc. lmt Excerpted from "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Italian," by Jeff Charue·s Smith. Published by William Join us for our delicious Morrow and Co., Inc. Distributed Painting by New York Times Special Mother·s Day Buffet Service Feature/Syndication Sales. SUNDAY MAY 8TH t 2-1 P.M. Since 1984 ·Interior Voted One o£ the Best Top Three ·Exterior Out-0£ State Restaurants In the 11th Annual Reader's Choice Guide/ ·Power Make Your Mother's Day Open 7 days a week Water l (a 1 ! for lunth &. dinner Washing Reserva t ons r Y Caterings • Wedding • Banquets Bring Mom to listen to our 1•800•926•5802 • Wallpapering Caribbean Island Music in our 410·275·8177 downstairs Sassafras Grill Cll:l • M-Th1t:aoam-9pm On the Sassafras River, Georgetown, MD - c;;;;;;~~~;~ Fri & Sal. 11 :30am -10pm 2milessouthofCeciltononR1.2l3 - llliloil!l Sunnoon-Bpm A.W• .rS Mother·s Day ~: -1~\i· Buffet Special : 4eiyjV RAW BRA 1 5 PM . SEAFOOD RESTAURANT - \ • Chicken Marsala @ Mom's Dinner Is: Broiled Flounder WILemon Pepper Sauce $13.95 f/2 Price : Tenderloin In A Bemalse Sauce (with 3 or : Green Beans Almondlne, Wild Rice more adults) , Parsley Red Potatoes, Salad, Dessert And A Mom's Dinner 1s -. GRIHD ERIRc FREE Glass Of Champagne For Mom I FREE IcoHO...... , , e"\'i Conowingo. MD . ••u -- 1!1 : • ~c\\e\\ Call for 41o-378-3874 (w1lh 4or p...'llc·t

Kindergarten Registration

May 10 & 11 May25 &26

To register your child, please take shot records, proof of resi­ dence (electric bill), your child's birth certificate with state seal and proof of guardianship, if applicable, to the nearest 250 lbs Packed. Trimmed Steaks. Christina School District school during school hours. $31 56 Roast & Ground Beef, • Pork & Fryer Poultry pu .,uk..-fl" rMck State law requires that your child be 5 years old or older Includes 75 lbs Pork & Poultry FREE by Oct. 31, 1994, to enter kindergarten in Sept. 1994. • No Money Down • No Payment For 30 Days Ev~ning Registration • No Interest Or Finance Charge ~~~~~~----~~----~LL~ May 10, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Special No. 2 per week At all K-3 schools, Bancroft. and Bayard 200 lbs $11 21 fcfreft!~~ks 300 lbs $12.96 for 13 weeks with check U.S.D.A. Choice • with check Examples: 150 lbs. U.S.D.A. Choice $1.79lb. equals $268.80 • T-Bone Steaks • Round Steaks plus 150 lbs. bonus pack. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. SIJ"""lY.D..A:::£. .MAY 8-t:h. • Strip Steaks • Top Round Steaks Weight 100-600 lbs. lB, 3C, 1 Don beef chart below • Sirloin Steaks • Sirloin Tip Roast Consists of' The Steel Band Returns! • Porter House Steaks • Filet Mignon • Sirloin Steaks Cabin John's Terrace at Schaefer's Canal House • Ground Beef & More • T-Bone Steaks Example: 130 lb inspected at $1.89lb. $246.70 • Club Steaks plus 70 lbs. bonus ABSOLUTLEY NO CHARGE. • Rib Steaks Weight.l40 lbs. and up !A, IB 3C's plus 70 lbs. • Bar-B-Que Ribs • Rib Eye Steaks Plu-.. this 70 lhs. Bonus: • Standmg Rib Roast hIll' ( ,, .!tlt \ IJ \(I~ 10 Jh, S;tll\,[~t· • English Cut Roast IIIII" l'tl! 1.. ( hop' :' Jh, lln1 Do~' • Ground Beef & more (II Ill. 1\.11 1111 All Meat Cut By_ Only

Steaks & Roast Orders ~.,.,ton Meat Market ~~~~~~._....J.._. ....,.. 1655 Elkton Rd. E,Yoy casual fare dining & dancing to the $481. rhythmic sounds of our steel Band in a festive to 410-392-2700 island atmosphere on the C&D CanaL $12 82 SCHAEF R"S Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8 ~~r ... - ... (l&out'i& Chesapeake City, MD Sat. & Sun 10-4 ~"' ~ w;u.. 410-885-2200 THEATRE • EVENTS • EXIDBITS • NIGHTLIFE • MEETINGS

BOWLING with Newark Senior AESOP'S FABLES performed by I MAYS 4413. FRIDAY Center. 737-2336. Mr. Zickletoose and Topa (ventriloquism & puppetry) 11 a.m. and 2 DJ DANCE PARTY 8 p.m. at Air Transport Comm and, New Castle. CELEBRITY NIGHT with KYW-TV 's Ukee Washington and oth­ ''IOLANTHE" 8 p.m. by p.m. at headquarte rs on Art Lane, Newark . $4. Reservations 368- $6. l-800-ECOLOGY. ers 6:30 to 9:30p.m. at Buddy 's in Wilmington , to benefit Bayard Ardensingers at Gild Hall, Arden. 8391. MOTHER'S DAY llANQUET 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. at Emmanuel House. Free. 654-1184. $11 at door. 475-7094. CHILDREN'S SALE-A-BRATION clothing and bake sale 9 a.m. Dining Roo m, Wilmington. Fee. 652-3228. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S to 1 p.m. at Newark United Methodist Church, E. Main St. 479-7546. MUSIC CONCERT & ART SHOWING 6:30p.m. at First I MAY 11 CHORAL CONCERT 8 p.m. at WILDFLOWER, NATIVE PLANT & SEED SALE 9:30a.m. to Unitarian Church of Wilmington. Fee. 478-2384. CHESS with Newark Senior Center at 9 a.m. 737-2336. Loudis Recital Hall , University of 4:30a.m. at Brandywine River Museum. Free. (610) 388-8327. WINTERTH UR POINT TO POl NT races begin at2 p.m. at mu se­ GUIDED GARDEN WALK Wednesdays in May at Winterthur Delaware. Fee. 831-2204. FAMILY FUN FAIR with games, activities and food I 0:30 a.m. to um on Route 52. Fee. 888~600 . Museum. Admission . 888-4766. 6 "HAIR" by Harrington Theatre 2:30p.m. at CACC Montessori School, Hockessin. 239-2917. MOTHER'S DAY WILDFLOWER WALK 1 p.m. at White Clay U IVERS ITYS I GERS concert 8 p.m. at Loudis Reci tal Hall, Arts Company 8 p.m. at Wolf Hall, OPEN HOUSE/FAMILY DAY noon to 4 p.m. at Marine Corps Creek Preserve, Landenberg, Pa. Free. Registration 655-5740. University of Delaware. Free. 831-2577. Univ. of DE. Fee. 831-8421. headquarters, Kirkwood Highway. 998-6695. "WALKS" at 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30p.m. See Saturday. "HAPPY IHRTHDA Y, LEO LIONNI" party for children's author "THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG" 6 p.m. at Candlelight Music NEWARK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA season closing concert SI'EED THE JILOW 2 p.m. See Saturday. 7 p.m. at New Castle Public Library. Free. 328-1995. Dinner Theatre, Ardentown Thursdays through Sundays until May 7:30p.m. at Loudis Recital Hall, Universi ty of Delaware. Fee. 656· PATIENCE 3 p.m. See Saturday. CENTER CITY CHORALE 12:30 p.m. at first and Central 28. Fee. 475-2313. 5863. THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG 5 p.m. See Friday. Presbyterian Church, Wilmington. Free. 654-5371. "THE MEETING" of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X PLANT SALE 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Center for Creative Arts, Yorklyn. HAIR See Friday. DELIGHTFUL DANDELIONS See Monday. 8 p.m. at Delaware Theatre Company, Wilmington. Fee. 594-1100. 239-2434. WILDFLOWER See Saturday 'POOLS" at Wilmington Friends School on School Road, BROOKSIDE COMMUNITY FLEA MARKET 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. I MAY 12 Wilmington., at7:30 p.m. Fee. 576-2913 in Brookside, off Marrows Road. Rain date May 8. Refreshments. I MAY9 CHORAL GRO P with Newark Senior Center at 10 a.m. 737-2336. "PATIENCE" Gilbert and Sullivan's satire about love and courtship NATIVE PLANT SALE 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ashland Nature Center, AEROniCS with Newark Senior Center at 9:45 a.m. 737-2336. MU IC CONCERT by University of Delaware Dept. of Music 8 by Univ. of DE Opera Workshop Ensemble at 8 p.m. at Loudis Hockessin. Free. 239-2334. THE ACTOR 'S LAB at O'Friel 's Irish Pub. Free. 656-5097 p.m. at Loudis Recital Hal l. Free. 831-2577. Recital Hall. $5.831-2577. FLEA MARKET & CRAF1' SHOW I 0 a.m. to 3 p.m . at St. DELIGHTFUL DANDELIONS 10 a.m. at Delaware Museum of WARBLER WALK 7 a.m. at Brandywine Creek State Park. Free. GARY VALENTINE and AL CAZ 9:30p.m. at Comedy Cabaret, Georges Historical Society, North St. Georges. 834-4411. Natural Histo ry. Admiss ion. 658-9111. Registration 655-5740. Wilmington. Fee. 652-6873. CRAFTS & COLLECTABLES FAIR 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Amstel SENIOR RECITAL 8 p.m. at Loudis Recital Hall, Un iv. ofDE. IOLANTHE See Friday. BRANDYWINE BAROQUE 8 p.m. at Cathedral Church of Saint and Dutch house gardens in Olde New Castle. $3. Tour included. Free. 831 -2577. THEY 'RE PLAYING OUR SONG See Friday. J.ohn, Wilmington. 594-4535. Rain date May 9. 322-2794. HAIR See Friday. WILMINGTON FLOWER MARKET opens 11 a.m. at Rockford FLEA MARKET 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Mark' s United Methodist I MAY 10 Park with various types of entertainment. Free. Parking $2. Shuttles Church on Limestone Road, Stanton. 994-4735. BOWLING with Newark Senior Center at9 a.m. 737-2336. available. 995-5699. FAMILY ENTERTAINERS on Saturdays in April and May at SOLAR ECLII'SE 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Brandywine Creek Tell us abou t your events, exhibits, or meetings. MAY MARKET 9:30a.m. to 6 p.m. by Arasapha Garden Club in Winterthur Museum, Route 52. Admission. 888-4600. Stale Park. Free. Registration 655-5740. Send infonnation two weeks prior to: Tricia Strader Olde New Castle. Free. Proceeds benefit Amstel & Dutch houses. WILDFLOWERS FOR MOM 2 p.m. at Brandywine Creek State HEARING SCREENINGS by Riverside HospitaliO a.m. to 2 p.m. Newark Post, 153 E. Chestnut Hill Road, Newark, DE 19713 322-5813. Park. Free. Registration 655-5740. in hospital Certified Bearing and Speech Center. Free. 764-6121 ext. PICNIC & POETRY UNDER THE CATALPA 12 p.m. at White Clay Creek Preserve, Landenberg, Pa. Fee. (2 15) 255-5415. '~PEED TilE PLOW" 8 p.m. "WALKS" ON THE WILD SIDE 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. at Thursdays through Saturdays until SATIJRDAY Delaware Museum of Natural History. Admission. 658 -91 11. ExHIBITS May 14 at Wilmington Drama WALKING GROUP with Newark Senior Center. 737 -2336. League, Wilmington. 655-4982. THE MEETING 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. See Friday. IOLANTHE See Friday. 'IMAJOR BARBARA" 12:30 p.m. paper collages through May 27 at Members' Gallery, Delaware Center at University of Delaware Loudis HAIR 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. See Friday. DELAWARE for Contempomry Arts. 656-6466. ltecital Hall. Fee. 831-2577. THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG See Friday. ROWE NA MACLEOD coll ages exhibit at Delaware Center for '!I'HE WAY OF THE WORLD" COMEDY CABARET See Friday. ART LOOP at Tideline Gallery in Greenville on May 6 from 5 p.m. Contemporary Ans through May 7. 656-6466. '!:30 p.m. at University of Delaware FOOLS See Friday. to 8 p.m. Includes wide variety of gifts , crafts, collectibles, paintings PAINTINGS BY DOUG HARING on display through May 31 at 7 by American anists. Refreshments. 651-9444. toudis Recital Hall. Fee. 831-2577. MAY MARKET 9:30a.m. to 3 p.m. See Friday. Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village, Dover. Admi ssion. 1- "NANCY SA WIN'S COUNTRY" showing of paintings and sketch­ 734-1618. es through May 7 at Esther Shallcross Marshal Gallery in Center for "LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS" watercolors exhibit throughout May Creative Ans, Yorklyn. Reception 2 to 5 p.m. 239-2434. at Hardcastles Gallery, Wilmington. 655-5230. ANNUAL CCA MEMBERS' SHOW renects interests of members BETIY ELMORE exhibit featuring electrical tape which allows the of Center for Creative Arts through May 7 at Center in Yorklyn. 239- visually impaired to paint, through May 31 at Newark Free Library 2434. during regular li brary hours. "RE-BIRTH, THE EGG AN DSPERM" newwo rk at Kaleidoscope ZACHARY WILSON ac!)'lics ex hipit.,"~ Qtbq' · · ~~f ~~(: . ~A Gallery,located in HardciiStles in the Newark Shopping Center, through May 30 at Newarlc"Municipa ~u ijdi~&..El~IOJl Roa4,.dpnng through May II . 733-0441. regular business hours. 366-7(1}1. · WALTER 0. EVANS COLLECTION OF AFRICAN·AMERl· IMAGES OF CHILDHOOD exhibition of paintings, late 19th & CAN ART display at Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington through 20th century illustrations, furniture and more recalling childhood May 22. Fcc. 571-9590. memories, from May 5through June 4 at Somerville Manning LOUISE CLEARFIELD paintings on canvas and works on paper at Gallery, Breck's Mill, Greenville. Opening reception May 6 at5:30. Station Gallery in Greenville throughout month of April. 654-8638. 652-027\. JANET DIXON exhibition at Newark Municipal Building, Elkton 19TH CENTU RY WEDDING TRADITIONS at Historic Houses of Road, throughout April during business hours. Free. 366-7(1} I. Odessa traces early customs, clothing, and festiv ities, from May 3 "ANIMALS AS ARCIIITECTS" interactive children's ex hibit at through June 30. Fee. 378-4069. Delaware Museum of Natural Hi story on Route 52, through May 14. "GOOD VIBRATIONS" ex hibit about the physics, aesthetics and Admission . 652-7600. perception of sound at Delaware Children's Mu seum in Wilmington. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE GRADUATE OF FINE ART Fee. 658-0797. STUDENTS exhibi t at Delaware Center fo r Contemporary Ans, "SKY HIGH" outdoor sculpture by New York sculptor Wendy Wilmington , through May 27. 656-6466. Lehman at University of Delaware campus, Amstel Avenue and West E. AVERY DRAPER SHOWCASE features contemporary kimonos, De laware Avenue, through fall1994 semester. 831 -2791.

White Clay Shopping Center Salem Church Rd. & Rt. 40 (n~ ar KPnny Roger's Roasters) . The Winterthur Point-to-Point annually attracts thousands of spectators to a day full of equestrian activities. Post time for the first of five feature races is 2 p.m. Other highlights include an antique carriage parade and a tailgate picnic competition. The 1994 events are scheduled, rain or shine, for Sunday, May 8. For more informa­ (3o~fit&.o tion, call 888-4734 or 888-4766. r------~ 1 Buy OnePair , Get One 1 • Eye Exams, 9-8 pm Mon.-Sat. Wed no appt. necessary for afternoon or evenings by I FREE. I DEADLINE 2WEEKS BEFORE EVOO • NEWARK Posr, 153 E. CKI!STNIJI' HILL ROAD, 19713 Dr. Marsha Ross Berman, Optometrist MEETINGS • Large Selection of Designer Frames Eyeglasses group second and fourth Tuesday at I p.m. ROTARACT CLUB 7:30p.m. at • Contact Lenses * Selected Group of single vision I MAY9 at Newark Senior Center. 737-2336. Mcintosh Inn, Newark. Free. 368-23 11 . • Eyeglass Repair Service SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE STAMP GROUP 1:30 p.m. at Newark RACE, ETHNICITY & CULTURE lec­ • Lab on premises plastic lenses. Both pairs must be of 1 CLASS series at~ p.m. Monday nights Senior Center. 737-2336. ture series Wednesdays through May at • Most Insurance Accepted L. t!!! s2_me_gre.!_cripti~. Bifoc_2-ls $20_mo!!. _. through May 23 at St. Thomas Episcopal SILENT MEDITATION meeting by 12:20 in University of Delaware Ewi ng 'lb Help You In These Time Of Recession, Our Designer Frames Are Always Heavily Discounted ... Check It Out! NP Church on South College Avenue. 453- Unitarian Universalist Society Tuesdays Room of Perkins Student Center. Free. 1290. through May 17 at 7:30p.m. at Chinese 831-2791. "WELCOME SPRING" LUNCHEON American Community Center, by Newark Christian Women's Club II Brackenville and Valley roads, Hockessin. I MAY 12 a.m. at Best Western on Del. 273.$9.737- Free. 737-4247. BROWN BAG SUPPER SERIES 6 p.m. 4382. NOON HOUR GRIEF SUPPORT at New Castle Economic Devel opment NEW CENTURY CLUB OF NEWARK GROUP II :45 a.m. at Franciscan Center Corp. in Wilmington. Continues for 6 ses­ noon in the New Century Club Building, in Wilmington. 656-0711 . sions through May 25. $150. Re crvations. Newark. 738-3055. Wool-w-orth "ADDICTION IN THE FAMILY" 656-5050. • SEPARATED AND DIVORCED SUP- explores addiction as a disease and effects GLASS COLLECTORS SEMINAR 2 NEWARK SHOPPING CENTER • MAIN STREET • PORT GROUP meeting 7 p.m. at on family 7:30p.m. at Reorganized p.m. to 4 p.m. at Captain's Deck • Franciscan Center in Wilmington. 656- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Retirement Community, Claymont. : 0711 . Saints, Milltown Road. Free and open to Reservations 798-3500. - MONDAY NIGHT LECTURE SERIES public. POETRY READINGS by Harry Humes 8 p.m. at Mt. Cuba Astronomical "FAMILIES CARING FOR ELDERLY at 7:30p.m. in Memorial Hall of Grass Seed- Annual & Perennial • Insecticide Observatory, Greenville. Fee. 654-6407. RELATIVES" 7:30p.m. at Adult Day University of Delaware. Free. 831-1440. Variety of Lawn Chemicals Care Center on Del. 72, Newark. 831- DELAWARE VOLUNTEER COORDI· • Rose Bushes ...... J/$10 •Orchid Corsages I MAY 10 6774. NATORS meeting 9 a.m. to noon at BECOMING & BEING SENIOR CITI· • Azaleas ...... 4/$10 • Bedding plants "UNDERSTANDING THE LIFE Hagley Museum & Library Soda House. • Rhododendron ...... J/$10 • 6" Hanging Baskets ...... $5 ZENS workshop every Tuesday through STAGES" workshop by 7:30p.m. at $5. Registration (800) 815-LTNK. May at Newark Senior Center. 737-2336. • 8" Flowering Hanging Baskets ... 2/$15 • 6" House plants ...... $5 Kentmere Nursing Care Center, • 10" Flowering Hanging • 5" Clay Cactus Gardens ...... $5 INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Wilmington. 652-3311. Baskets ...... 2/$25 • Ceramic, Plastic Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. through May • African Violets ...... 2/$3 & Oay Pots ...... 49t+ 10 in Memorial Hall, First and Central I MAY 11 • Gardenias ...... $5 • Garden Gloves ...... $2/$3 Presbyterian Church in Wilmington. Free. NEWARK WHITE CLAY KIWANIS • Mini Roses ...... $5 • 2 Gal. Potted Roses ...... $10 656-2721. dinner & meeting at Holiday Inn on Del. • Hibiscus ...... $10 • 10" Show Plants ...... $10 BATTERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT 273 at6:30 p.m. $12. Guests welcome. • 4" Geraniums ...... 2/$3 • I Qt. Perennials ...... $2 GROUP meets Tuesdays 7:30p.m. at 737-6530. M, T, TH & SAT 9:30-5:30 Emmaus House. Free. 737-2241. "REPRODUCTIVE HEAL Til CHAL­ W & F 9:30-8 FIRST SCHOOL OF VENTRILO­ LENGES FOR THE NEW HEALTH QUISM teaches basic ventriloquism 6:30 CARE SYSTEM" discussion sponsored I jl I p.m. to 8:30 .m. Tuesday evenings through by Friends of Planned Parenthood at 7:30 May 17 at Art Lane, Newark. $85. 368· p.m at Arsht Hall, University of Delaware. COIIAL AM A 8391. Free. 655· 7296. A AN PATIIWAYS TO CHANGE s~pport INK Fax your news, ad copy & classifieds to the NEWARK Pa;r 737 ·9019

, I PAGE 12A • N EWARK POST • MAY6, 1994 After this weekend it's 'c'est fini' for the Del. Symphony's Classical Concert Series THE ARTS


''All good things must come to Symphony Orchestra does all it can a n end." (I know that's the to e ncourage young peo pl e to truth because my mother attend. told it to me- usually at bed This fina l concert of the season time.) One of the very good would be a fine one for you to take things that is coming to an end a youn g person who might not be this weekend is the Classical familiar with great music. The Concert Series of the Delaware prices are certainl y affordable, an d Symphony Orchestra. It has the performances wi ll be great. been an exciting season with W hen you go, and l hope you great conductors and great wi ll , be sure to look for the 1994-95 soloists and with the orchestra in season brochure which will be in fine fo rm. But this weekend, c'est the lobby of the Grand Opera fi ni . House, accord ing to the DSO's The 1993-94 season is going out Elizabeth Garcia. With the dis­ in fine style. The first of the three counts now avail able, you ca n get a concerts in the final series was last head start on th e pleasure of all the night. There is one tonight and one concerts in the Class ical Series next tomorrow at the Grand Opera season. House, 818 The Market Street Mall T he De laware Symphony in Wilmington. Downbeat at 8 p.m. Orchestra has been bringi ng us The DSO's music director great music for over sixty years. Stephen Gunzenhauser will be on Go in tonight or tomorrow night the podium for the final three con­ and see what audiences come back Acclaimed American pianist Michael Ponti is appearing this weekend certs, and that is always good news. concert a ft er concert, year after with the Delaware Symphony Orchestra in the final three concerts of the It is a rare occasion when a great year. Classical Series. evening of m us ic does not flow Enjoy! from his podium. Guest soloist is pianist Michael Ponti, called "ten pianist in one" by "High Fidelity" magazine. The program is unusual in that it features not one by two piano con­ certos. On the program are both the Tchaikovsky No. 3 a nd the Rubenstein No. 4. This shoul d be a STRR BUILDERS superb evening for lovers of piano music! Also on the program is William C. Cahall, President Anatol Liadov 's "Baba Yaga" and R i m sky- K orsakov's Fully Licensed and Insured Over 22 Years Experience "Scheherazade." The latter was one of the fi rst LPs I got when the 33 I / 3 format cam e forth from Columbia - back in the dim red dawn of time. I still love the opus. By the way, the LP featured Eugene O rma ndy a nd the Phila de lphia Orchestra. There is very little 1 can tell local * Family Rooms &... Garages * * Vinyl Siding &... Roofing * audiences about Steven. His artistry and his musicianship are * Screened Porches &... Decks * * Replacement Windows &... Doors * legend here. I would, however, like to share some information about ~ Kitchens &... Baths ~ our guest soloist, Michael Ponti. ~ Maintenance Free Exteriors * This American artist has won audi­ ence and critical acclaim since his debut. He has a phenomenal tech­ Hew Construction + Alterations + Additions nique th at has been thri ll ing audi­ ences on both sides of the Atlantic. His orchestral repertoire includes itesidential and Commercial over 40 works and he offers recital audiences 30 programs from which to select. T he conductors with whom Ponti has performed reads like a Who's Who of international music. The conductors include Com m issiona, F ruehbeck de B urgos, Hempe, Lopez-Corbos, 834-4958 Mackarras, Mas ur , Mehta, Sawall ish, Slatkin, Tilson-Thomas and many more. The Delaware Symphony soloist Air & Rsll • Cruises has an extensive discography with AY, MAY 7TH, VISIT HISTORIC MIDDLETOWN, DE·· over ni nety recordings. His record­ • Tours • Hotels • Car Rentals • ed work includes the entire piano Group Tour & Cruise Specialists literature of Rachmaninoff, Scriabin No Service Charge and Tschaikovsky. Join in the all-day festivities and enjoy unique tax-)ree shOpping! There are sti ll tickets available for tonight and tomorrow night. If St. Joseph's MAY FAIR- Helicopterri des, PettingZoo , Games, Rides, ·Indoor Dining &More! ~ ld World CMslmu Omamenls•Emmett Kelly, Jr.•Ruastan Ncsllnv • Country Furniture OollrFontanlnt-"Detewert' ttemrPtus11'f'lexl Toys Hours: Mon-Frt1Q-5, Sat 10-1, C1.m.goMG.d..v.Cards by Hallmark • Wedding, Baby, Anniversary Gills • Cards Closed Sun & Tues 2a,,w. Maln St .•. Middletown.DE • (302l 37.8·4263 13 E. Main Middletown DE SCHOOLS • UOF DELAWARE • LEAGUES St. Mark's nips St. E Nichols signs with IN SPORTS swerved to the right as O 'Connor cau ght the UNC-Charlotte By MARTY VALANIA ·N Ewt.'lii< ·Piis+ ·sPciRrs EDIToR· .. ·.... ·.. ······ .. ··· ··· .. · ball and att empted the lag. The runner's By MARTY VALANIA momentum took him hy the plate without .New.\i1K 'r'osi: sP'oi1rs 'ioiroii ...... ·.. .. touching it. Time seemed suspe nd ed as MILLTOWN - For th e second ti me in as Saggione, O'Connor, both teams and the The long recruiting proce~~ is final ly over for many weeks the St. Mark 's and St. fans wai ted for an umpire's ca ll that n •ver St. Mark 's pitcher Jamie ichols. Eli zabe th high sc hool base ball teams came. CARAVEL Nichols, who was named to th e engaged in a classic struggle. This time the Saggione realized first that thi s meant 1993 /\11 - Spartans, with an exciting four-run rall y the play wasn 't over and dove hack to the alholic onference team, has signed a letter of intent to play baseball at the Uni versit y of orth over the final two innings, came out on top plate just ahead of O 'Connor's second tag SOFTBALL Carolina at Charl oll e (UN C) next year. In the 5-4. attempt. This time the umpire emphaticall y end, the 6-foo t, 4-inch pounder cho. e U C It was a fitting ending to what was a signaled safe tt nd the Spartan bench erupted 2 15 ov r James Madison, Georgia Tech, Maryland DROPS scintillating two-game, regular-season high with joy. and Wimhrop. Nichols, who carries :.t grade­ schoo l baseball seri es between the 1wo The play c apped a two-run seve nth 3.95 point-average and plans to major in phys ical ther­ schools. inning and gave St. Mark's its ninth straight apy, recei \ cd letters of intere ·t from over I 00 TWO The Spartans' Joe Saggione raced down victory. 2B the third base line as Viking catcher Paul " Another great high school baseball schools. O'Connor set up a roadblock and waited for the throw from short center field. Saggione See NICHOLS , 48.... u I CONTESTS See SPARTANS, 58 .... St. Mark's pitcher Jamie Nichols _j

PARKS&REc Christiana baseball SOFTBALL team rips off six SEASON straight victories OPENS By JOHN HOLOWKA G lusgow errors to take a 6-3 lead. "Luck il y we had e nough runs NEWARK POST SPORTS WRITER and e nough sense to stay in the 5B game," said hristi ana Coach John CH RI STIANA- Mike Scherer Wittman. ''We came ou t a little bit knocked in three runs and starter Oat early on but we've had a run of Dave Reichard went tl1e distance as four rea l emotional games and par­ hri stiana defeated G lasgow 6-5 in ticularly after oncord . The guys a F light A baseba ll game last were rea ll y up for that one. So you Bender resigns Thursday. · have 10 expect a little bit of a let­ The Viking had taken a 6-3 lead down but the y hung in there." in the bonom of the sixth inning but '"Reichard pitched about as good as Caravel Glasgow nudged back with two as you can pit ch.'' Wittman said . runs in th e seventh with two out ''Take away the error: and he hasn't court esy of a pair of Christiana given up a run. I didn ' t think it athletic director e rrors. Re ic ha rd then reri red th e would he a slu gfest but I though By MARTY VALANIA final batt r on a pop fly for hi s sec­ we'd score between s ix and I 0 .NEwt.'fit('posisPo'Ris'Eoii-cili'"'"''"'"''''""'"' ond win of the sea- run ~ son. J:::.. i R e i c h a rd " Afte r that last • gave up seven BEAR - Lou Be nde r has resigned (error) went through hits. no earned from hi s position of athletic director at right fie ld I just Reichard runs, struck out Caravel Academy. He wi ll , however, pumped it up," said two and added continue to be the Bucs' basketball Re ic hard, a senior pitched about as to his ca use coach. ri ght- hande r who wi th a pair of Bender teaches driver's education at improves to 2- 1. " l good as you can s ing les and a Delcastle Hi gh and has been trying to zip had to get th at last run scored . down to Caravel as quickly as possible at out. We were fired pitch." Glasgow ' the end of the chool day to assume his up from th e last athletic director duties. tu IIUTTMAN s tarter Ri ch game against ____J JOH IJJ.I.LL Groff surren- "There's just not enough time to get Concord (a 12-9 CHRI STIANABASEBALL COACH dere d seven everythin g done," Bender said . " I' m out victory) so I g ue s hits and was on the road most of the day so I can't get we took off u little re lieved by any work done [at Delcastle] and then 1 bit and relaxed. Bria n Barone get down here and take most of my time "We j ust got to get everybody wi th none o ut and two on in the just doing day-to-day things. There's just fired up a nd into th e gamo; from sixth . no time to work on future things like now on. We started the season out Against Glasgow the Vikings schedul es. real rough," Reichard said. " But won the ir fifth ~ trai g ht game and " My health is O.K. That's got nothing we got down and won one game fourth consecuti ve conference to do with [the dec ision!. I' m looking where the pitcher went th e whole matchup whi le boosting th eir record fo rward to staying on wi th basketball. W

------==~------Caravel softball falls ATHLETE OF THE WEEK to Wilm. Christian

By MARTY VAlANIA "We only got three hits," Baker sa id . "We've got to get more than NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR that if we expect to win these games." BEAR - If there is such a thing Tt was the fourth tim e this eason as a team having another's number; that Caravel has suffered a one-run then the Wilmington Christian soft­ loss. ball team has Caravel's. "A couple of years ago, we ' d The Warriors rallied for two find ways to win the close games," sixth-inning runs to nip the Bucs 3- Baker said. "Thi s year, we're not 2 Saturday afternoon. It was doing that. Wilming ton Chris tian's s ixth " Jf we're going to be a good s traight victory over Caravel - team, we've got find ways to win many of them close contests similar the close games like this." to Saturday's. Caravel has just four games left The loss was Caravel 's second before the state tournament starting straight (7-0 to Padua) and dropped Saturday with a home game against its record to 7-5. Polytech. "We're just playing to the other The Bucs team's tempo," said Caravel Coach Smyrna 7, Caravel 5 - Steve Baker. "We're le tting the also fell to once-beaten Smyrna! 7- other team dictate to us. 5 Tuesday afternoon. It was the Trailing 1-0 through three third straight loss for Caravel, which fell to 7-6 on the season. innings, the Bucs struck for two runs in the fourth inning to take the With two runs in the tirst inning and three more in the third, Smyrna lead as Tammy Hanby and Chantel Daunno both beat out infield hits jumped on top 5-0. and came around to score. Caravel, though, rallied with two Wilmington Christian answered, runs in the third inning on Chantel though , in the sixth a Tammy Dauno's two-run single up the mid­ dle. Williams and Sarah Sylvester both picked up run-scoring singl es. The Henlopen Conference cham­ pion Eagles answered with two runs Caravel Coach Steve Baker tries to rally his team into the state tourna· Those RBis, however, were set up ment for the sixth straight year. by two infield mi sc ues by th e of their own in the fourth on Bucs. KellyThompson's two-run double to left field. CHAZ FRIANT - GLASGOW HIGH Warrior pitcher Jessica Three hits strung together in the ~, Chambers, who limited Caravel to fifth inning plated two runs and got just three hits, then got out of a "Without a doubt, she's as Caravel within 7-4. Kristen By MARTY VAlANIA 1 two-runner jam in the bottom of the good as anyone in the state," said DiFilippo had the big two-run sin­ NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR .LL. ~ sixth to preserve the lead. The Bucs Glasgow Coach Larry Walker. gle in the inning. went down in order in the seventh Friant is hitting .476 with 22 Caravel added another run in the In a game known for its pitch­ as WCS continued its three-year runs-batted-in and two home runs sixth inning as Kati Salony singled ing, Glasgow's Chaz Friant shines \\~~ru\: mastery. on the season. She has a .558 on­ up the middle and hustled home when she's hitting. Wilmington Christian picked up base-average and a very impres­ from third on a dropped third strike. The All-State second baseman Newark, DE its first run of the game in the sec­ sive .810 sl ugging percentage. That, however, was as close as had a big week that was highlight­ ond inning as Williams doubled to The junior is also a force in the the Bucs would get as Smyrna ed by her five-RBI game in left field and eventually scored on a infield, routinely making plays Is Happy To Extend pitcher Jennifer Pase shut them Glasgow's 6-5 extra-inning win wild pitch. that other second baseman don't. down in the seventh inning to over Flight A rival Concord. Special Rate Packages Caravel pitcher Kati Salony gave "Oh my gosh! She's literally up just four hits while striking out secure the victory. Friant hit a home run and a dou­ To Our Friends Associated With ble versus the Raiders and drove taken six legitimate hits away six and walking just one. FAIR HILL in the winning run in the eighth from hitters this year," Walker inning. "She made a great play [against Concord] in a first and RACETRACK Matt DiGiacobbe, Adam The victory knocked Concord EVENTS Kirkwood Power Flannigan, Alex Facciolo, Brian out of a first-place tie in the con­ third situation when she back­ O'Conner and Josh Michener. ference and left the Dragons as handed a shorthop throw from the wins by shutout catcher and fired a strike to the In the second game, the Blast one of two remaining teams atop fell 6-3 to the Concord Cobras. catcher to nail the runner trying to ' The under-13 Kirkwood Power the league. Adam Stull er scored all three goals. Friant also went 2-for-2 with steal home." defeated the under-14 Kirkwood Friant has been a starter on a Lazers 2-0 last Sunday in NorDel an RBI and a run scored in a 4-2 win over Christiana; two double varsity team since she was in Soccer League play. KSC Explosion triumph eighth grade. While that is cer­ Goals were scored by Jason and two runs scored in a 6-4 vic­ The under-nine Kirkwood tainly unusual; it's not hard to see Dzielak and Greg Czerwinski. tory over Ursuline and a grand Explosion defeated the why it has happened. Ryan Dizon manned the goal for slam in the Dragons' 4-1 victory Downingtown 2-0. Ryan Flannigan the the third consecutive shutou. over Brandywine. and G regg Mattea scored once each The Power will face th e and Matt Brown was in goal. Kirkwood Jag uars this week in a makeup game. making advance Caravel hoop players honored for past season · reservations please Blast spits two identify yourself as a The Non-Conference Basketball (Caravel), Jason Rosseel (Caravel), (S u ssex Tech) and Nick Zdeb participant visiting Fair The under-!] Kirkwood Blast Coaches Association named its Michael Smack (S ussex Tech), Bud (Wi lmington Christian). shutout th e under-12 Bear Bandits 1994 All-Conference basketball Waters (Sussex Tech) and Scott HONORABLE MENTION ~ 8-0 las t weekend . team last month. West (Wilmington Chri stian). Dan Barnes (Caravel), Charles Holiday Inn Goals were scored by Adam Caravel, Ferris, Polytech, Sussex SECOND TEAM - Jon Markle Denby (Ferris) and Albert Daniels Rt. 273 & 1-95 • 302-737-2700 Stuller (two), Mark Romanczuk, Tech and Wilmington Christian are (Caravel), Dave. McDonald (Ferris). I the five non-conference schools (Wilmington Chri stian), Mike PLAYER OF THE YEAR _:_ from which the team was selected. Monger (Caravel), Kenji Nettles Jason Rosseel (Caravel) FIRST TEAM - Lionel Butler (Polytech), DeShong Riley COACH OF THE YEAR - Lou Sweeney Seed Company (Po lytech), Scotl McFarland (Polytech), Mauriscio Vasconcellas Bender (Caravel)

~ Si~ Price Iy_pg Size Price There's no more elegant way to bting tlte outside irt then with an Andersen Patio Door. ChampionTM Weed Stopper Lawn Food But for all of natures' beauty there are times when you don't want to let the outside in. Perennial Ryegrass 10 lb. $17.17 Plus Trimec 15,000 Sq. Ft. $28.14 Andersen Patio Doors are among lite most weatherlight doors in the country. And you The Best Shade Mixture 3/b. $8.59 should see fo r yo 11rselfj11st how secure an Andersen Patio Door can be. Professional Survivor™ & 19·3·6 Trimec 10,000 Sq. Ft. $11.60 Stop by Kelly's Window's Doors today to see the Ander en Frenchwood Patio Door. Tall Fescue Mixture 25/b. $37.06 We're your Andersen Window Center. That mea/Is we can offer the utmost in support and setvice for our customers. From Computer Aided Design, to fnstallatio11 Setvices, to {ind i11g a Contractor, Kelly ~5 ca 11 see every project through {rom tart to finish. Kelly's, your one stop Window & Door Design Center. At Kelly's ... Windows and Doors are our business! ~ Miracle Gro™ Miracid Composted Manure 40/b. $1.36 Roundup RTU 20 oz. Top Soil 40 lb. $1.26 Professional Lawn Edging -Valley View 20 ft. length Strips $9.90 Potting Soil 40/b. $1.36 w/connector & spikes Boxed $12.90

Size Price Shds •GuHos • Garaps •F111ilun Sunflower Hearts 251b. $17.50 The Natural™ for Azaleas 50 lb. $9.81 Ea Rhododendrons, Evergreens Thistle Seed 10 lb. $8.57 Nobody builds it better than the Bear. The Natural™ for Lawns 50 lb. $15.84 Ea Feeders & Accessories 100% Organic (8-1-10) 10,000 sq. ft. 20% OFF Every Day STORAGE SHEDS GAZEBOS • a ll wood • available in oval , octagons and cons! ruction rectangles Coupon • wide range • varieties oF sizes, of sizes ~ SID ~ ty le and and Granular Lime 50/b. $1.62 colors option Pelletized Lime 50/b. $2.39 • Fu lly Peat Moss 4 cu. ft. $7.54 a emblcd. • maintenan c free vinyl iding eeney Seed Company HOURS: Mond•v·Frlday 8 •.m.-e p.m• BLACK&\'BEAH ..turday 8 a.n.•• e p.m. STRUCTURES• SUncl•v••·m.•2p.m. MeatereeNI, Vlu, Dl8cover, Amu Oear, DE, 781 Pulaski Highway (Route 40, 2 mile west of Route 13) 328- 1804 BURPEE &LIVINGSTON SEEt.PAOISIVERY DAYJ Expire 6/30194 MAY 6, ] 994 • NEWARK POST • PACE 38

u V N·~ 94 Cavalier RS $12,467.97 Sonoma ...... $8,568.01 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 94 S-Series Super Sport $13,997.98 94 Tracker ...... $9,937.57 Metro ...... $6,943.86 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM S-Series Ext. Cab ...... $10,514.73 94 Lumina Euro Sedan $15,377.98 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM Cavalier Coupe ...... •.· .... $8,999.43 C1500 WIT ...... $11 19 455.89 94 GMC Conversion Van $19,995.97 1 PENNY PRICE FROM I 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM C1500 4x4 ...... •.... $14,253.47 Cavalier Sedan ...... 1 PENNY PRICE FROM $9,247 .95 C1500 Ext. Cab 1 PENNY PRICE FROM Silverado ...... $15,147 .64 Prizm ...... $1 0,995.62 USED CARS 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 91 FORO FESTIVA- Super Economy ...... 2,498 Lumina Minivan ...... $15,603.44 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 88 PLYMOUTH RELIANTSW-Auto, Air, Shore Ready •. 2,897 Astro Passeneer ...... $15,675.37 Cavalier SW ...... $11,462.97 89 NISSAN SENTRA- Gr~at Summer Work Car ...• 2, 998 1 PENNY PRICE FR(JM 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 88 HYUNOAI EXCEL- Auto, Air ...... 3, 1 97 ~~~J~ici;;aoif ...... $17 ,244.93 Corsica ...... $11,898.45 87 CAVALIER SW-1 Owner, 30K Mlles ...... 3,498 88 PONTIAC GRANO PRIX- 6 Cyl, Auto, Alr ...... 3, 787 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 86 CHEVY CAPRICE SW- V8, Ready To Tow ...... 3, 999 Lumina Sedan ...... $13,597 .47 88 DODGE DYNASTY SON- V6, Auto, Alr ...... 4,687 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 90 CHEVY LUMINA SON- Auto, Air ...... 4, 787 WE DISCOUNT Caprice Classic ...... $16,486.99 85 FORO F-250W/PLOW-4x4, V8, Auto ...... 5,998 91 FORO TAURUS SON- V6, Auto, All Power ...... 7 ,499 1 PENNY PRICE FROM '94 93 HYUNDAI EXCEL GS- Air, Super Economy ..... 7, 797 BLAZERS Caprice SW ...... $18,445.98 88 MERCURY SABLE SW- 3rd Seat, w/Leather .... 7, 999 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 87 GMC SUBURBAN- Tutone, V8, Tow Speclal .... 8,498 91 PLYMOUTH LASER AS- Auto, Air, Crulse ...... 8,997 '94 91 OLOS CUTLASS- V6, Auto, Tilt...... a, 998 YUK(lN~ SPORTS 91 LUMINA MINIVAN- V6, Auto, 7 Pass ...... 9, 797 91 CHEVY CAMARO RS- T-Tops, Beach Beautv .. 9, 799 CARS 92 CHRYSLER LEBARON CPE- Low Ml, Loaded. 9, 997 Cavalier RS ...... $10,785.49 93 CHEVY CAVALIER RS- Auto, Air, Cassette ...... 9, 997 '94 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 90 CHEVY ASTRO XT- 8 Pass., Auto, Alr ...... 9, 998 (JN Beretta ...... $11,549.7 6 91 PONTIAC SUNBIRO CONV.- Summer & Sun ... 9, 999 ERSION 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 90 CHEVY ASTRO VAN- 8 Pass, Auto, A i r ...... 11 ,497 VA S '94 Camaro ...... $13,016.47 93 CHEVY S-10 P/U- Long Bed, V6, Tilt ...... 12,498 1 PENNY PRICE FROM UBURBANS 92 MERCURY SABLE LS- Loaded, w/Leather... 1 2, 997 Lumina Euro Coupe .... $14,965.38 93 GMC C1500 P/U- Bed liner, AM/FM ...... 1 2, 998 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 93 CHEVY LUMINA EURO- V6, Auto, Loaded ... 13,499 Cavalier Convert ...... $16,540.91 93 FORD PROBE GT- 6,000 Miles ...... 1 4, 998 1 PENNY PRICE FROM 92 FORO CLUB XLT- 8 Pass., All Power ...... 14,999 Corvette ...... $29,899.01 1 PENNY PRICE FROM Impala SS ...... IN STOCK 1 PENNY PRICE FRQM

i PACE 4B • NEWARK POST • MAY 6, 1994 Babe Ruth SPORTS~OUNCEMENTS dedicates new field Babe Ruth tryouts scheduled r The Newark Babe Ruth 16- 18 year-old division will hold an open '· tryout Sat., May7 at I p.m. at Glasgow High for any 1.6-18 year-old in opening players wishing to play in the league. ~he date .w•ll be Sunday; The league will begin play June I. Reg1strat1on fee IS $65. For addi­ tional information, call Dave Fetterman at (610) 869-8466 or 366- ceremony 1400. By MARTY VALANIA Babe Ruth bake sale next weekend NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR The Newark Babe Ruth will hold its annual fl ea market and bake The Newark Babe Ruth opened sale Saturday, May 14 at Glasgow High's baseball field from 8 a.m. its season in grand tyle last on. Rain date is set for May 2 1. All donations of dry goods will be accepted at the field Friday, May 13 from 4 to 8 p.m. Food items will Saturday morning. !I The league dedicated a new field be accepted the morning of the event. .q hri s Cline F ield - at Kirk Middle School and had a host of II' dignitaries on hand for the ceremo­ Youth billiards tourney slated ny . Cline, who played a ea on of The second annual Richards Paving Inc Youth Billiards Tournament Newark Babe Ruth, was tragically will be held May 21 at the Boys and Girl s Club at 109 Glasgow Dr. in killed in February, 1993 when he Newark. All youth ages 8-17 are eligible. T here will be four $500 wa hit by a car near the intersec­ scholarships awarded as well . tion of Route 4 and Marrows Rd. Through donations and a lot of hard work, the league wa able to Hockey coaches wanted build a field on the Kirk grounds. "We've put a lot of work into The Delaware Chiefs ice hockey club is looking for coaches for the thi s fi eld," said League President 1994-95 season. Head coache and assistants are needed at all levels of Rick Cortilcs o. "We really have to play. Send resume to 269 E lk ton Rd., Newark, DE 197 11 or call thank the Christina School Board, Charlie Pens at 731 -2924. Dr. Iris Metts, Frank Rishel, Ki rk Principal Laverne Terry, Assistm.l Principal Susan Lesher and many Newark Babe Ruth president Rick Cortilesso presents plaque to Jerry and Sandy Cline at Saturday's ceremony. County girls summer hoop leagues others for the help we' ve received in building this field." The New Castle County Department of Parks and Recreation will Christiana Hi gh, Newark High and Jerry and Sandy Cline, Chris' Rep. Steve Taylor, State Senator year-old division as well as the 14- sponsor girl s under- ! 5 and girls under- 19 basketball leagues this sum­ Glasgow Hi gh. Thi s field will help parems, were on hand to throw out Jim Neal and State Senator Roger 15 year-old division of the league. mer. Registration for all teams wi ll be open for all teams May 1. us get more games in." the ceremonial fi rst pitch at the new Martin. " Thi s will help the league," Franchise teams must register by May 15 . The season will run from field . Also taking part were State l11e field wi ll be home to the 13- Cortilesso sa id. " We play games at June 7 to July 28. Teams will play a 10-game schedule plus playoffs on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Newark High. Team entry fee is YOUTH BASEBALL SCORES $360. For more information call 323-6418. Baseball season opens at local fields County men's summer hoop leagues The New Castle County Department of Parks and Recreation will sponsor two outdoor men's ba ketballleagues this summer. Teams NEWARK AMERICAN Twins 9, Cubs 8 - The Twin s home plate were the keys to th e Warrington and Mike Marra to beat may register for a Monday-Wednesday league or a Tuesday-Thursday had a five-run third inning ra ll y to gam e . Mike Sharp, Matt Rya n, the Mariners in a well-pl ayed game. league. The season will run from June 6 to August 11. The entry fee is Major Division beat the Cubs. Andy Donovan got Bobby Sheppard and Mark Marra also made a great play at sec­ $440 and may be submitted tarting May1 . Registration will stay open the save for the Twins while catcher Dickerson helped team to one of the ond base to end the game. The until May 27. For more information call323-6418. Indians 6, Dodgers 3 - Austin John Brennan tagged the potential best defensive games played to Mariners were led by the pitching Kisner knocked in two runs in the tying run at the pl ate to end the date. Jesse Crossan was the wi nn ing and hitting of Greg Sturgis. Pitcher bottom of the fifth inning to key the game. Sean Heller and Matt pitcher. Danny Bowman and Bobby Danny Hougentogler earned the Indians. Jamie Malgire had 10 McCullum each had two hits for the Sheppard had key hits. win for the Yanks. Athletic scholarships available strikeouts for the Tribe. Steve Twins while Zachary C lark had Hauer had three hits for the tJ1ree for the Cubs. Braves 3, Twins 0 - M ark Royals 9, Tigers 8 - John Over 100,000 collegiate athletic scholarships are available each year • Dodgers. Dickerson and Sean Heller hooked Brayman, Ryan Ohliger and Drew to male and female high school and junior college athletes. Contrary to Phillies 16, Dodgers 1 - Kyle up in a terrific pitcher's duel even­ Kisner pitched the Royals to the popular belief, students don't have to be all-state to qualify. Much of Braves 13, A's 4 - Strong pitch­ Coleman had three hits and allowed tually won by the Braves. victory. Drew Kisner led the Royals this money goes unused. ing by Paul Putown, Jesse Crossan no runs whi le pitching three innings Dickerson pitched five innings with with two hits and Bobby Mitchell For more information on how to get a collegiate athletic scholarship, · and Mark Dickerson helped lead the to lead the Phillies. Ken Malin I 5 strikeouts and gave up no hits on drove in the winning run in the bot­ send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the National Sports · Braves to the victory. chipped in with two hits and Dustin hi s way to the victory. Patrick tom half of the last inning. Fritz Foundation, 6l!A Willow Drive, P. 0. Box 940, Oakhurst, NJ 07755. Meckc and Pat Beukema reached Hudson, Joey Mindrup and Bob Dallago had two hits for the Tigers. Giants 14, Expos 13 - The base each at bat. Steve Hauer led Sheppard all collected hits for the Giants rallied for four run s in the the Dodgers with strong hitting and Braves while Adam Hix and Scan Mariners 11, Tigers 5 - Keith Track openings at Holy Angels last inning to win the game. Greg fielding. Heller had hits for the Twins. Kowanick pitched three shutout R ead and Ken Fowle r provided innings, striking out nine and giving The Holy Angels Athletic Association is accepting reg istration for strong pitching. Ph illi es 6, Ind ians 2 - Steve Indians 9, Orioles 8 - The up just three hits. Greg Sturgis and the 1994 track season. The team is open to a ll children in grades 4-8 Bowman shut the Indians out for Indians rall ied for nine runs in the Devin Bearden pitched in relief. that reside in the Holy Angels parish area. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 at Tw ins 14 , A's 10 - The Twin three innings and combined with top of the fourth inning to earn the Frank Smith al so made a g reat Christiana Hi gh. There is a $25 registra ti on fee. Registration can be came from behind to beat th e A's Michah German to improve the victory. Sean Call ahan had two hits catch to prevent three runs from done at practi ces. on the strength of Joh n Brennan's Phillie record to 2-1. Gem1an also and two RBI for the Indians while scoring. bases-loaded triple and Sean ripped a long home run and finished Jon Gag! iardi no had two doubles Graham Barker, Greg Heller' 2-for-4 night. The game the night with three hits and three and scored two runs for the O 's. S turgis,D ary l Boyer , Philip ,, featured 21 walks. Andrew RBL Trevcr Davis had two hits to Chris Vitale was the win ning pitch­ A lbertson, Preston Hubbard and Heckrote was the winning pitcher. lead the Indians. Kyle Coleman er. Jonathan Malgire had hits for the d Mel Baldwin was 3-for-4 for the also had two hi ts and Tony Manno M arin ers. Scott Lyons, Luke A 's while Ian Patton and Tony walked three times. Minor Division Crossan and Adam Lehman had hits Kirkwood Phoenix fares Tanzi IIi both had two hits. for the T igers. Braves 8, Cubs 5 - Heads up Yankees 5, Mariners 4 - The defensive play and five put outs at Yankees had key hits by E rik in well in Kirkwood Seasons turn soccer tournament NAG softball comes to Newark around with wins ...... HENS, from 18 records. runs (the team had four total) and Eight players that saw significant 16 runs-batted-in...... POST GAME , from 1 B Team wins two; loses one 1.68 E.R.A) and Janna Kedersha (5 - playing time hit over .300 and the Junior catcher Kari Manlove, 10, 3.35 E.R.A.). team recorded an impressive .297 from Glasgow Hi gh, played in 20 The Colonials nipped the The Kirkwood Phoenix girl The Bethesda Broncos, "We could use all three pitchers average. games and hit .273. Dragons 9-8 in extra innings the soccer team represented their clu b Maryland state champions, caught in one game if we have to," Contributing to that barrage was A firs t-round v ictory over first time around but have since lost well as they won two games and the Phoenix off guard early and Ferguson said. freshman shortstop Kristen Kayatta, Vermont would advance the Hens games to Brandywine and Mount lost one in the under-13 Premier scored from twenty yards out just Offensively, the Hen had one a fom1er All -Stater from St. Mark's to a 9:45 Saturday morning tilt Pleasant. Division of the Kirkwood Girl's m inutes into the first half. The the their best years in school histo­ High. Kayatta, whil e staning all 41 against Maine. The winner's brack­ Kudos to both Glasgow and Invitational Tournament last week­ Phoenix scored what they hoped ry. The team set or tied 20 offensive games, hit .3 14 with three home et fina l is scheduled for 3 p .m . Chris ti ana for the great turnarounds end. was the tying goal late in the first Saturday. and making the spring baseball and Crisp combination passes were half but an offside penalty nullified softball seasons very interesting the order of the day as the Ph oenix th e score. The Broncos went on to locall y. took command of the first half of score two more unanswered goals play against Inter-County Select in th e second half to advance to the (Pa.) Kelly Romanczuk dropped a championship. MCDONALDS LPGA CHAMPIONSHIP pass to Beth Belanger, who tall ied Ma ureen Tohidi 's second half from 15 yards out to g ive the goal gave the Phoenix a 1-0 victory Phoeni x a 1-0 lead just five minutes over Toms River (N .J .) Sunday MAY 12·15, 1994 into the game. afternoon . Goalkeeper Christy Outstanding defense by both Ganc, and th e Phoenix defense, . Overnight Package Offered defen e dominated the rest of the shut Toms River the rest of the way game and the Phoenix held on for to gain the win. By The HOLIDAY INN the 1-0 win. Newark, DE Rt. 273 & I-95 1994 RESIDENTIAL CAMPS-Director John Ellis Deluxe Hotel "One Week Living Like ASoccer Pro" WeAre Our 12th year Accommodations Ideally • Preparing for high RESIDENTIAL CAfv1PS SCHEDULE Full-American school or college soccer? Situated SUNJUN26 Breakfast • We have the expertise and FRIJUL 1 Only 3 Miles experience • Our Teaching Academies: Buffet Luncheon SUNJUN 10 From Forward, Midfield, Mary Washir90n Cc*ge at DuPont Clubhouse FRIJUL 15 Fredericksbulg, VA · Complimentary Goalkeeping & Defending One-day Admission • Outstanding camp - SUNJUL 17 Western Malyllnd Colege Shuttle facilities at historic/ Ticket FRIJUL22 Westminster, MD Area You know thai unusual look on your pet 's face It's aggravation scenic locations: lie tor sh~l IS 1n pam from flea biles. lie's tned scratching and whm1ng MD, VA,PA SUNJUL24 Academy and rolling over. bul noth1ng seems 10 work • Boys & girls 8-18 Mertellburg FRI JUL30 Mercerstug, PA Delaware State II 's 11m~ )OU ca m~ to us We'll get nd ol all I'Our pet's fl ea.~ and show )'OU how to keep them from r~ luming •Di&~l•bl• Accommodations SUNJUL31 lkcause when somt one depends on you, you can depend on us Westam Matyllnd Co1ege ' Tax Not FRIAUGS Westminsler, MD included Allenllc v.tlrtnlry All ac'rlrr Glugow Vtttrlnary Cent• Llntana Veterinary Center SOCCER ACADEMY SUNAUG7 CAU FOR RESERVATIONS 302-737-2700 110 PeopiM ...... Dl - LMIIInl Drive, II Cllllln, Dl (703) 385-01 ~ FRI AUG 13 (Ja)IM-1111 poa)DW27I FAX 711-1711 MAY 6, 1994 • £WARK P OST • PAC£ 58 SPARE THOUGHTS Newark Parks & Rec softball underway A bowling column contributed 1Yy Blue Hen Lanes By MARTY VALANIA Mankin. "This is our fourth year in over El Sombrero. darkness wi th Eas t End winning 18- Two of the most sought after award for leag ue bowlers are High .NEwA'Ri<'Posr ·s,;a·firs·Eoiroli ...... ·... .. the league and we're sort of try ing Defending League champion 6 following a nine- run seco nd that Avera ge and Mos t Improved Bowler. As the fall-winter season begins to improve last year' 6-30 record. East End/Bud Light started the sea­ broke the game open. to end , league . ecretaries report the foll owing end of sea on awards. This year we 're hoping to be com­ son off with a pair of victories Catcher Jim Brown went 3-for-3 f-rom the Sunday Night Mixed League - High Average (Men) ­ Six teams were unbeaten after Roger Vanderl aa n, 204 ; Hi gh Average (Women)- Brenda Shorter, rain dam pened the opening week of petitive." against Yankee Restaurant at Ed na with three run sco red, two doubl es ln other Gold League games: C. Dickey Field. and an RBI and Hale batted 2-for-2 185; Most Improved Bowlers were Patrick Case (plus 27 pin ) and Newark Parks and Recreation Mens Julie Moore (plus I 3). Softball League action. Thirytsomething (2- 1) beat A.P.M. In a 15-8 win over Yankee with three RBf. Grundy hit 2-for-2 24-4 and Cafe Bellisimo 8-4 , but Restaurant Paul Hale hit 4-for-4 with two RBI as 12 East End ba tt ers Th ursday Mix.-Ups Leag ue Awards went to Diane Gatrell for In the Gold Leag ue K.J.'s Auto Women' Hi gh Average (166); and Roland Welker (Men's lligh Repai r defeated Schumacher 10-6 Time Out Sports (2-0) edged including a homer and three RBI had hits and 10 ba tters record ed Thirtysomething 5-4. A.P.M. and and scored three runs, pitcher Steve RBis. Average) 189; Ja on Reed (plus 20 pins) was men's Most lmproved behind a six-run second inning ami Iv iiehel le Baker (plus 16) was the women 's. when K.J.'s balled around and belt­ Cafe Bellisimo are both 0-1. Grundy went 3-for-4 with two nms "We played really solid in both Deco-S ign (2- 1) swept scored, a homer and six RBT, and games, said East End Man age r High Average for the men in the Interfaith Fell owship League was ed nine hits. Dave Green Jr.hit 2- taken by Richard Alex ander ( 182) amlthe women 's honor went to for-3 wit h two runs scored and an Schumacher 9-14, 4-9, Williams shortstop Curt Bedford hit 2-for-2 Mike Brogan. "l still say th is is one Co. Realtors (1 -0) beat First with an RBI and played errorlessly. of our best defen ive team s ever." Sandy Curlett ( 137) for the women. Most Improved Bowlers in thi s RBI and Kevin Hill knocked in a league were Deborah Engl ish (plus 10) and Ben Han (plus 15). pair of runs. Advantage Mortgage 10-8 and FA East End took it to Yankee early, Wed Mortgage (l-2) beat Moondogs Bar The Phill ie Spring Phever League High Average wi nners were Mi h: K.J .'s trimmed 3 Deco-Sign 3-2 scoring three in the bottom of th e Rounding out the Blue League: & Grill 16-14. Moondogs is 0-1 and Ma Atccr (I 62) and Li a Jone (157). Jarrett Lee improved nine pins and scored all its runs in fourth first off Grundy's three-run homer Yankee Restaurant bea t El Schumacher 0-3 . and then sealing it in the fourth with Sombrero I 1-5, Cra b Trap ( 1-0) as did Joan MaeAteer. Chuck Martin and Jone Bonaventure of the inning. Steve Smethurst doubled In the Blue League Deer W.L. Gore League took Hi gh Average A wards with 185 and 163 home two runs and Tom Duetsch a seven-run second highlighted by nipped Iri sh Pub (0-1) Il - l 0 and Park/Delaware Valley Cable is 3-0 Hale's three-run homer. Taylor's Ink (2- 1) swept State Line res pectively. Most Improved Woman in the le ague went to Donna recorded the other RBI. Beauches ne, plus seven pi ns and Martin was a dual winner with both following a 14- 10 win against The second game went I /2 0 "That game was definitely a 4 (0-2) 22- 11 , 15-7 Taylor's Ink and a 16-10,4-1 sweep inning and was called because of High Average and Most improved at plus II . nailbiter," said Mana Mark Monday Morning Ma yhem High Av e rage ~ sa w Brian Thompson as the men's winner with a 182 average. Joann Jamison captured both the Most lmproved and women's High Average (up 13 pins to a 11 5). Ed Western Y Blast splits doubleheader Burris was Most Improved man wi th a plus 15 . . NFL Jacket League Awards were earned by Ch uck Smith, with a The Western YM CA Blast Brandt , Chris hnrlt on and Mark hrgh average of203. Karen Ward captured the women's award wi th a under-10 soccer team played a dou­ Lloyd. Patrick Hud son and Bryon 171. The Most Improved in thi s league were Dan Gordon (pl us 15) and ble match thi s past Sunday in Fong shared the goa !tend ing dut ic .. Li nda McCaffrey (plu s eight). Downingtown, winning one and The Downingtown Speeds ters losi ng one. beat the Blast 3-1 in th e other ga me. The Blast defeated the Kirkwood The Blas t record is now 1-3- 1. Strikers 3- 1 on goals by Todd

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l~l~i\'I'IJIUN C:J: • Disc Problems J~J) OKONOl\rU~Z & ))J~IUli\ 1\NN I•IJ~IU • Car Accident - Injuries l~lli))J\V, lli\V I :J'I,II I 00Ll Photo by: BOB McCLAIN U:OOI,II Dr. Kris Hollstein, CHIROPRACTic ORTHOPEDIST ewark's Mark lutes slides into home in 7-6 loss to Christiana. MOST INSURANCES COVER: Aetna/DuPont, MBNA, THP, Cigna, BC/BS POS, Auto. Accident Insurance, ON S'l'i\C:JI~ 1\'1': and Traditional Plans Viking nine on a roll '1'111~ )JJIJUJUN S'l'ONI~ )IJ~)IOUIJU. INTRODUCTORY OFFER - WITH THIS COUPON . '1'111~1\'I'IU~ ~VIKINGS, from 18 Frank Williams and Jared Deal I 000 NOil'I'II 1~1\S'I' Un. NOU'l'II 1~1\S'I', )J)). szsoo Initial Examination* each scored for Christiana. For NO OBLIGATION •EXPIRES 5113194 Balls just starting rolling Glasgow Buzz Winterringer went "And we've been working on 2-for-4 with an RBI and scored, CJI~NI~UJU. St 'l'INCJ our hitting; that's one of the things Jeff McLaughlin hit 2-for-3 and AJ.J. 'I'U~Kiri'S- $5.00 Caii ... 30Z-453·9355 ~~~oiNTMENT! ve really stressed is trying to get scored , and Matt Telep and Antoine Near Christiana Mall ood habits and be thinking at the Haman each had hits. : late. We' re more aggressive this CHRISTIANA 7, NEWARK 6 - ~ I~OU 'I'U~IU~'I'S )j ear than last year at the plate. Led by a three-run first-inning the (.!tH)) 2U7-IO:J7 e ' re trying to get guys to swing at Vikings also picked up their sixth DIAMO"D STATE CHIROPRAmC tches they can hit rather than straight win with a 6-5 victory over Funded In Part With A Grant From Suite 103, LaFayette Bldg. tches the pitchers can throw." Newark on Tuesday afternoon. 25 5. Old Baltimore Pike ~ For the Vikings Andre Duffie The Cecil County Arts Council Pitcher Sam Ward improved his Christiana, DE 19702 batted 3-for-4 and scored, and Stiff, record to 4-1 with the win . IUECHil Ask Any Pro! POOL PICXIGI SPIC!IL 1RKE CONTROL OF GRRSS RND 3 #54 POUNDS #1 0 4'·12' TELESCOPIC WEEDS 1HIS SPRING UJI1H ECHO # \. #4 ~ Higho:.~xe Rate ~Aiu~~um '" -'\.\ ~ QUICK TABS HANDLE PROFESSIONRL POUJER IDOLS! : - T \1 #6TE ST KIT #11 30' 1·1/4 VACUUM SAND : · 'In& ·-7· 0 #7 HAND SKIMMER HOSE t.._... FILTER ' Out WEIGHTED DELUXE THRU WALL #8 THERMOMETER #12 FILTER MEDIA SALE w'';s~'::SS,:'c LADDER VACUUM KIT SKIMMER #9 POOL BRUSH $159.99 (Regularly 179.99) EAGLE POOL PACKAGE WILDWOOD OVAL POOL PACKAGE 0 12' X 20' ••... 15 ft •••••••••••• 0 $1399° GT2000 $979° 0 12' X 24' •... 18ft••••••••• 0 $1 599° IDEAL FOR SMALLER YARDS $1059° 0 0 15' X 25' ••••• • Powerful21.2 cc two-cycle engine 21 ft ••••••••• $1 249° $1699° • Pro-Fire Electronic Igmtion for easy starts 0 24ft••••••••• 0 15' x 30' •.... $1999° • Easy-to-use semiautomatic dual-line head $1399° 0 16' X 33' ••••• with automatic line cut-off 27 ft ••••••••• $1 459°0 $2199° • Li9,htweight-under 10 lbs. FENCE & DECK OPTIONAL • 16' cutting swath

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HOCKESSIN, DE MIDDLETOWN, DE Grave{>: Hockessin Woodward 's Lawn & Outdoor 6 10 s . Scott St. M2 . ~~~2~f" 302·378·2849

NEW CASTLE DE NEWARK, DE Delaware small Engine Center Newark Kubota e~~g~~~~~d . 2063 p~b~~~Ji~Jc t e . 40)

WILMINGTON, DE 1lJlri 1 %~1kn~d . JOE ORDI"I'S POOL 302·652·0463 Mon·Fri 10· DARLINGTON, MD RISING SUN, MD BEA~~ :~c:gK PL. 302-324-1999 Clark Salas & Service Inc. Duvall'f Lawn & Garden Sat. 10·5 1607 Whltelord Rd . FINANCING 410·457-4 100 65~ 18-~gf3~B~1~ve . NEW CASTLE, DE AVAILABLE l3EJ Sun12-4 PA E 68 • NEWARK P OST •MAY 6, 1994 Kirkwood Wizards drop third Arsenal wins The Kirkwood Arsenal won one game and tied one Sunday. straight contest The under- ! 0 Arsenal defeated Do wningtown I -0 Sunday with David Troise scoring the lone goal. Brian Stefano was credited with the Team to face Greeks this weekend ass ist. The offensive effort was sup­ Threatening skies and missed Less than five minutes later, po rted by Jimmy A le stock, Joe coring opportunities were the Wi zards' forward Mike Edwards Goodfriend and Geoff Rogers. Ben buzz words a the Delaware tied the game with his third goal Se ner m anned the go a l with Wizards dropped their third game in as many games. In fact , defense prov ided by Nate Bush, of the season 2- 1 to the New York Edwards ha scored all three Ryan Falgows ki and Michael Fever last Saturday night at Delaware goals this season. Manl ove. Gla, gow High before a crowd of Following a scoreless sudden In the second half of the double­ 2,200. death overtime, with less than header, the Arsenal ti ed the Rose The Wizards wasted numerous three mi nutes remaining in the Tree Rockets 1-1. scoring chances throughout the fina l overtime, Fever forward Goodfriend recorded the Arsenal match before giving up the game­ Jorge Acosta beat Whitcraft from goal. Offensive helped was provid­ winning goal wi th Jess than three the left side of the box for the ed by Danny Jone , Steve Sergi and minutes remaining in overtime. game-winner. Joe Head whi le the defense was The ga me's fi rs t score came The Wizards will face th e heade d by Sener, Chad frmn Fever micltielder Cesar Greeks Saturday night at 7: 35 at Grussemeyer and Keith Kirk. Silva, beating Wizards goalkeeper Glasgow High. Tickets are avail­ David Whitcraft 14 minutes into able at Save on Sneaks and B&B the second half. Tickettown. Strikers victorious Gold player Frank Broomall and Gold queen lindsay Davis of St. Mar~'s, along with buddy Katie T he Wes tern YMCA Strikers Loehr, particpate in one of many Blue-Gold activities leading up to thts v.ear's game on June 25. defeated the F.C. Rangers 2-0. Local players joining Broomall on the Gold team will be Pat Bufano (Chnstlana), Rodney Burnett The game was highlighted by (Glasgow), Corey Curtis (Glasgow), Antoine Haman (~lasgow), Chris Ralston (Newark) •. Jody Russell DSB Kickers win 1·0 s trong defensive play by both (Newark) and Marvell Watts.(Christlana). Caravel's Bnan Greene, Mike Caldwell and Bnan Burke will teams. Bryheem Hancock led the play on the Blue team. Strikers de fense with strong play in The und er- 11 DSB Kickers Jones, Michael Slater, Bakesh Khan goal. He recorded hi s third shutout scored a I -0 vic tory over the and David Vanderslice. of the cason. Kirkwood Force Sunday. The offense was led by Brya n Assi sting Hancock were Jason Danny Kambe scored the only DiPasquantonio, Danny Kambe, Grandison, Don Phillips, LecRoy Spartans again edge St. Elizabeth goal of th e contest while David Abraham Nirnroozi , Michae l DeShazor and Luke Dilowrth. Ev in Sarawesky recorded the shutout in Baaden, Chris Vacca, Brando n Albert scoed the first goal and Pat IJIIl- SPARTANS, from 18 That left bases still loaded with Conference lead. goal. Walker, Mic hael Metz, Michael M cKay the se cond. The wi n one out and Tim Hamberger at bat. That didn't appear to be the case, Contributing to the defensive LeFrancois and John Kirk. improved the Strikers record to 4- game," said an emotionall y drained Hamberger hit a very short fly ball though, after St. Elizabeth plated effort were Jimmy Nichol, Donny 1- 1. St. Mark's Coach Tom Lemon. to center field to set up the frantic three runs in the fifth inning to take "We got a wake-up call in the six th ending at home plate. what appeared to be a commanding inning and were able to come back. " I told him he was going," 4-1 lead. Matt Donovan, who lost I think it's a sign of good baseball Lemon said of the fi nal play. "If another heartbreaker on the mound, club when you can come back and there was no outs, I wouldn't have hit a booming two-run triple over beat a good team." sent him. But we already tied the the right field hill to cap the three­ Trailing 4-3 e ntering the sev­ game and wanted them to make the run rally. Think Spring with enth, the Spartans' Will Vanjonack play." St. Mark's, which had been lim­ led off with a si ngle up the middle. O'Connor and the Vikings were ited to just five hits by Donovan Saggione followed with a perfect vehement in their assertion that thro ugh the first five innings, got drag bunt down the first base line Saggione was tagged out on the back in the game when Bob Fad Dave Tatnall and the for a hit. Kevin Mench then walked first swipe. Saggione said he didn't slapped a two-run single to center to load the bases. know whether he was tagged or not. field in the sixth inning. Two batters later, with one out, It was the second great game that "We just had to bear down," said • Jamie Nichols, who pitched a three­ the two teams had played this sea­ Ni chols, who admittedly didn't \vHBt\ hitter to record his fourth straight son with the Spartans winning the have one of hi s best games despite 1260AM Sb win of the season, singled in Tony first 3-0 in a 10-inning struggle. giving up just three hits. "ll felt rear Felcher - who was pinch-running The win tightened St. Mark's good to be able to get a big hit in _' for Vanjonack - to tie the game 4-4. strang le-hold o n the Catho li c that last inning. I kept telling the: · guys that [Donovan) was getting: Lawndand ~f§t~ell:30 ~~ tired and we should be able to get to : 1 him; and that's what happened." : Satur ays Nichols signs with UNCC D.J. Lawler also had a run-scor-: in g single in the second inning to: IJIIl- NICHOLS, from 1B UNC-Charlotte has posted a 27- provide St. Mark's with its first run.: 20 (as of May 2) record this season "It's a beautiful place," Nichols including a 9-5 record in the Metro ·de Nursery and said of UNC-Charlotte. "The school Conference, good for a second n & Garden Ctr., C~~~;~;: Thomas power has great fac ilities; plays in a good place position behind nationally Sponsors: Ap~~/l~vs Market, kH~b[~~~ ooctor of Newark baseball conference and they have ranked South Florida. Bender Garden Ctr.,A ' hardson's Mar e , two coaches from Wichita State ­ The 49er program is also one Equipment, IC one of the best baseball programs in that has produced several major the country." league pitchers including the leaves Head Coach Loren Hibbs guided Florida Marlins' coveted closer the 49ers to a Metro Conference Bryan Harvey. championship and an NCAA Nichols, who pitches for region­ Tournament appearance la st year in al power Post l in the summer, has A.D. post his first season at the helm of the recorded a 4-0 record this spring program. Hibbs is a product of the and has given up just two earned IJIIl- BENDER, from 18 perennially nationally ranked runs in 41 innings. He has also Wichita State program, where he struck out 38 batters in those 4 I According to Rice, Caravel plans to played and coached for 11 years innings. see if anyone teaching at the school before gaining the top spot at UNC­ would like the job before advertis­ Charlotte. ing the position to the public.a

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Grandview 398-9098. 885 -3568 Shelby or Apartment 88 5·5392 Audrey/Melissa . Farms, 710 Bullen Dr, south over the canal .- 1 ACTION ADS North East Small black dog acre . $36,500 . Please call found near 195 exit, Route tor more info. 302 4 lines, 5 days , $10. For any 272. 410 287-3456. items $100 or over. Get a Chlldrens Birthday Parties at 368-8552. second week for only $2 when IF YOU FINO AN ITEM the Pari)' Castle or in your you purchase Results home by Kingdom Karac­ Insurance. Giveusacalltoplaceanadll tors . Pl ease call 410 210 410 398-1230 There is NO CHARGE to run a 398-6104. Houses For Sale 3 line ad all weeki 7cr:...:a.:c=h .:,:S :...:.ale~Fi -r s-:t P=-re-s.,...b ..,.C,,.. in Newark. May 14, 9-4. By Owner 102 Milano Dr. $20/a table, proceeds to Pinewoods. Bear, De. 3BR • • • • • • youth wo rk camp. 302 & a loft or Bedroom , 2.5 ba, AUCTION 292-1386 or 302 454 -1814. garage, fireplace, family ELKTON, MD room , a screened deck . SERVICE RESULTS $136,500. Please call for Meadows AI Elk Creek G INSURANCE! more info, 302 368-8552. 439 Muddy Lane A Now you can purchiN Re­ Chesapeake City 3 BR Cape e e s auha lnaur~nce with any Ac· Cod , Waterv iew C&D 410-398·0470 • • • • • • • • • • • PUBLIC AUCTION tton Ad or Wheel Deal Canai.Den. FR. $159,900 . For 20¢ to 40¢ a day, you Must se ll , Call Cecil: 410 E purchaN an additional week 939-200 2. L MOHDAY HIGHt MAY 9I 7PM of aclval1tatng with Action E Ada Mlllngltama Undtr $100 GOVERNMENT HOMES from • • • • • c • • MOBILE HOMES- 2 CAMPER $1 , (U Repair) . Delinquent • • or $100 & Over. And lor only TRAILERS - 25' BOAT $1 .00 per line you purchue tax properly . Reposses­ E an addltlo!WI month ol ldver­ sions . Your ar ea 1 805 L 962·8000 Ext GH -9045 tor E #128 - 1985 14X70 PARKWAY MOBILE HOME· tlalng with Wheel Dellal c 2 BR , 2 full baths, center rais ed kitchen w/elec. Atk Ut Howl current repo list. • • • • • • Call Today • • stove & refrigerator, sepa rate laundry room Lake Murra y Bargains 1.2 Ac w/washer & dryer, open beam ceiling, fireplace, 398-1230 lakefront - $24,900 built-in stereo, wall to wa ll carpet, master BR CECIL WHIG 1+ ac lake access - $8,900 w/garden tub & large walk-i n closet, all solid pine English Village Apls. G CLASSIFIED Beautifu lly wooded home­ A cabinets, nice home, CIA. vinyl siding site on spectacular new d(l­ Fox Hall Office s #540 • 1986 BRIGADIER KNOXVILLE 28X52 velopment. Great fishing, 302-366-8790 • • • • • • • • • • DOUBLE WIDE • 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, awesome views , quiet. sec· laundry room , center kitchen w/refrigerator, lrg. lud ed lot, paved rds, util s, Iron Hill Apls. E L living room soils te sted . Exc financmg. 2A4 Burleigh Court E #910 • 1991 SANDPIPER BY COBRA 34' Call now 1 800 554-9564 302-366·8228 • • • • • • c • • • • • TRAVEL TRAILER - Gas stove & refrlg., built- In Caro li na Counrty • Properties . microwave & stereo, fu ll bath w/shower, sleeps 8, G all oak cabinets, this camper Is like new, root sA air/con d. side roll-out awning EQUAL HOUSING • • • • • • • • • • • #326 • 1990 COACHMAN CATALINA 34' OPPORTUNITY TRAVEL TRAILER • Gas stove & refrig, stereo, MD full bath w/garden tub , Onan generator w/roof NC All real estate advertised 1982/92 25' CHRIS CRAFT BOAT less than 100 herein Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. Rancher 3 brs . 3 baths, club Elk River Manor Apts. E hrs. on new engine, Mere. V-8 , 175 fuel tank L capacity, self contained sewage, full head, Ice box, which makes II illegal to room, 2 tier deck , 2 car ~arage • 900 River Manor Dr. E fresh water tank, boat in very good cond ., boat will advertise any preference, owner transferred . Pnce re- 410·287-9676 • • • • • • c • • • • be commissioned to buyers satisfaction . limltallon or discrimination duced to $118,900 . Call Ray baaed on race . color, Creswe ll for deta ils , 932-2625 E TERMS: ALL ITEMS AUCnON ORDERED BY: religi on . au, handicap . or 410 879-3880 . Cedar Hill Apts. $1500.00 DEP BANK OF BALnMORE L tamiuat status or national The Prudentl'al 59 Cedar Hill E AT TIME OF AUCnON BALTIMORE, MD origin, or intention to make 41 0-287-9050 • • • • • c • • • • BAL DUE BY FRI., MAY 13TH AUCnON HELD AT: any auch praterences, 30 DAY REMOVAL nME HUNTER'S SALE BARN, INC. timltatiolllordilcrtminatlon. TOME REALTY CO. RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS RT. 276, RISING SUN, MD 21911 PERRYVILLE, MD 410-658-6400 We will not knowingly· R!:~!.~~m.~.~.~?. .~PR~~!~_I.~ g accept any adver118ing 101' Concord Apartmenls E YOUR AUCTION FAMILY: real estate which Is In Little New York Road· Do you L NORMAN E. HUNTER, CAl · CAROL A. HUNTER, CAl violation of the taw. All want to help your mother-in- 702 Concord DR. E 41 0-642·2713 c RONDA L. HUNTER · CHRIS E. HUNTER persona are heraby law?? Look at this rancher , 3 • • • • • • • • • • ITEMS ON DISPLAY ON OUR LOT· informed that all dwellings bedrooms. full bath, country Douglas Apartments CAN 8/E SEEN DAILY ldver1iled are av.illble on kitchen. living room, den, 224 Blythedale Rd. G A '==:;:======~!.:a:n:eq:ua:t:oppo=:rtun:ity:;bllls=:·~~b asement/ includes an at­ 41 0.378-2191 r tached efficiency with 3 bed- • • • • s • • rooms . full ba th, country White Horse Apartments kitchen & living room . 5443 Pulaski Hwy. SPRING IN TO AGREAT $119,900. 41 0·939-1366 PLACE YOU CAN CALL HOME 410·642·&&n • • • • • • Camp Meeting Ground Road­ Look at this two story colonial, 2 bedrooms , lull bath, country Turnquist Apartments kitchen, living room and family room . Den & built in garage in basement/ includes an effi­ ciency on second floor with 2 bedrooms. full bath, country NEWARI< POST &2 kitchen & living room. 17.77 + lfl,v·I j!~OJ.!9~~... or • acrn. $189,500. 1-800-220-1230 ~ • 24 Hr. Maintinance Seroice Howard B Tome Broker CLASS/FIEDS: K~S • Convenient Location 565 Blgga Hwy, Rlalng Sun, 410 378-35661 658·5510 P ACE 8B • N EWARK POST • MAY 6, 1994 210 234 254 254 266 Houses For Sale Sites For Rent Apartments Unfurnished Apartments Unfurnished Office S ace For Rent LEGAL NOTICE 4A C Farm in Cec1l County , Mobile Home Lots 2BR·Efkton 1st floor, $470 mo Tide's End Down town North Office Space For Rent t 400 SHERIFFS SALE scribed in accordance with a recent survey by 3BR, Rancher, 2ba, coun· Base rent $225 includes lot, + sec dep, lncl heat, no East, ava11 immed. Old Mi ll sq It office space available The following Real Estate will be exposed to Zebley and Associates, Inc., professional land sur· try kitch , LA, fam ily Am trash removal . septic & cold pets. Call 41 o 398·0694 Plaza Studio, $295, 1BR - in prestige building located Public Sale at the Court House Southeast Corner of veyors of Wilmington, Delaware, dated July 27, wlflreplace, clu b Am & of­ $320-$420 . The P1ers, 1&2BR water. Park undergo ing phased aher 6pm. Ate 273 (E Main St) Rising Eleventh and King Streets, City of Wilmington, 1988, as follows, to-wit: fice in basement, 3 stall avail, $430-$4 75. No pets, sec Sun MD . Can be subdi­ 1n upgrades. Rental discount ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE! New Castle County, DELAWARE, on Tuesday, the BEING the same lands and premises which barn w/run in shed . program. Ap pl ication fee & sec dep req 'd. 410 287-8888. vided. Ample parking. Fos­ $137 ,500 . 410 658·6712. Super qual ity & value. Select lOTH day of MAY, 1994 at 10:00 A.M. By Virtue of First State Enterprises, Inc. by deed dated August 4, dep req 'd. 410 287-6429 studios . Fr $344, 1BR Fr $409, sett Co. 800 535-5141 or M-F 1·5, Sat 10·1 410 658-5598. Writ of 1988 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of You CAN own your own home ! 2BR Fr $459, 3BR Fr $549. 256 SHERIFF'S SALE Deeds in and for New Castle County, State of No downpayment on m1fes ma­ New priVate security system Business Property/Rent By virtue of a writ of LEV FAC 1158 MR A.D., Delaware in Deed Book 742, Page 344, did grant and terials, allract1ve construction 236 ava1 !. Mi cro oven, Hlhw incl . 272 convey unto Timothy W. Knox and Francine L. Limited Offer subject to ava ila· 1994 Tax Parcel No. 08-049.30-377 financing. call M1les Homes to­ Mobile Homes-Sale STORE FOR RENT Rooms For Rent ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lo ­ Knox, his wife, in fee. day . 1 800 343·2884 ext 1. biil ty . Newark. 302 737·5681, Donna. Limited offer, subject to NORTHSIDE PLAZA cated in New Castle County, Dela ware as shown on Seized and taken in execution as the property of 14 X 80 3BR, 2 ba, 1993 Locust Point 1 BR.$75weekly avai l. ELKTON a Plan of Garden Quarter Apartments as prepared TIMOTHY W. KNOX AND FRANCINE KNOX, Skyline, below appraised (1) 20'x 70' + 1/2 utilities . 410 by Mann-Talley, Inc., Engineers and Surveyors, HIS WIFE. value, great cond. 410 Chesapeake City 1BR, recen· Call 410 398-1 691 392-6064. TERMS OF SALE; 10 % DOWN AT TIME OF tly remodeled, cia, suitable dated June 24, 1964, and revised July 29, 1969, more 392-9668. MOTEL ROOMS particularly bounded a nd described as follows, to SALE. BALANCE DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 6, for 2 people, convenient to 258 EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 1992-Pine Grove 14x70 , 3Br, stores. $395 mo. Sec dep wit: 1994. 2ba, cia, shed, 2 decks, Houses Furnished 41 0·392·9623 BEING the same lands and premises which MARCH 31, 1994 req'd . 1yr lease. Call John 302·658·4191 we ll maintained home on Litzenberg, agent/owner Garden Quarter, L.P ., a Delaware limited partner­ SHERIFF'S SALE . nice lot, settlement hel p 41 0 398-3877 . Elkton Charming 2 BR cottage North East & Elkton. Afford­ ship by Deed dated July 29, 1985 and of record in the By virtue of a writ of LEV FAC #57 MR A.D., offered. $32 ,900. Call 302 on Elk River. 20 mins from able budget motel units . Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for New 1994 Tax Parcel No. 08-049.20-100 998-9227 or 302 455-9268. Greenbank 1BR or 2BR apt, U of D Campus. $500 + $85. No dep req'd. 410 waterfront priv. $550 mo all Castle County, Delaware in Deed Book 262, Page 347 ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land with ut il s. 301 891·3451 or try 287-9877 or 410 392-9623 . did grant and convey unto Baltic Associates, L.P., a the twelve apartment buildings thereon erected, sit­ utilities inclu , $300 sec dop 410 392-2781. 232 & ref req 'd. 410 287·6073. MOTEL ROOMS & Delaware limited partnership. uate in Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle County and State of Delaware, being Building Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, Mobile Homes-Rent Historic So Chesapeake City EFFICIENCY APARTMEI\'TS Seized and taken in execution as the property of 250 2 BR. Canal v1ew. No pets. 260 BALTIC ASSOCIATES, L.P., A DELAWARE LIM­ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 as shown on the Plan of 3BR Unit Ready for occu­ Avail imed. $450 mo. Call Houses Unfurnished eLKTON & ITED PARTNERSHIP. Heritage Court Apartments, as prepared by Mann­ pancy . Newer carpet. Ceil­ 302 378·3856 M · F. 9- 4. WILM INGTON AReAS TERMS OF SALE; 10% DOWN AT TIME OF Talley, Inc., Civil Engineers and Surveyors, of 41 Ing ian. Nice lot w/ shade. North East Lge 2 BR, 2nd Floor 2BR Holl in gsworth Manor 0-392-9623 302-658-4191 SALE. BALANCE DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 6, Wilmington, Delaware, dated September 20, 1963, Base rent $395 . Sec dep w/washer/dryer & yard. clean, outside storage, end 302·656-7373 1994. as revised January 13, 1970, Plan No. 456, more par· req . M-F 1-5, S 10-1. 410 $500 + $250 sec dep. No fenced yard . $450 mo. 410 West End Gardens Daily & MARCH 31, 1994 ticularly bounded and described as follows to-wit: 287-6429. pets. 410 287-2927. 398-2026. weeky rentals. Rooms & effi- SHERIFF'S SALE BEING the same lands and premises which By virtue of a writ of LEV FAC 1144 MR A.D., North East-2B R 2nd fl. heat, Carpenter's Point Waterfront, ciency apts. Rooms inclu de Heritage Court, L.P., a Delaware Limited 252 water. sewer & trash remove I 3 BR , 2 BA. $850 mo + utils. cable TV , HBO. Apts fully furn - 1994 TAX PARCEL NO. - 08-045.10-217 Partnership, by Deed dated July 29, 1985 and of Apartments Furnished incl'd, you pay elec. Lg yard, 215 987-9320 . ished w/cent air & heat, remote ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and quiet area. $515 mo +sec dep. Port Deposit 3BR in town, with control TV's. 410 398-3700. land with the buildings thereon erected, known as for N ew Castle County and State of Delaware in 4t0 287·2107. off street parking, $550 mo. 1105 HIGHLAND AVENUE, MARSHALLTON Deed Book 263, Page 1, did grant and convey unto HEIGHTS, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19808 MOTEL ROOMS · PIN E HILLS APTS 410 378· 2388 or 410 276 Mediterranean Associates, L.P., a Delaware (C)) EFFICIENCYAPART~fENTS Ca ll about our 658-4810 . Townhomes & Condos BEING THE SAME LANDS and premises which Limited Partnership, in fee. LOW U.ATES 1 & 2 BR SPEC IALS Sm 2BR Country Setting 50 RICHARD F. KLOSIEWICZ AND MARY JANE Seized and taken in execution as the property of 410-392-9623 302-658-4191 Heat & Hot Water lncl'd yards from North East River KLOSIEWICZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, by certain MEDITERRANEAN ASSOCIATES, L .P ., A Elk ton, MD 41 0 398·9496 w/water righ ts . Avail to Exciting Newa! Elkton Manor Deed dated the 14TH day of SEPI'EMBER A.D. 1979 DELAWARE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. show . 410 287·8695. Apts accepting apps for 1 , 2 and recorded in The Office of the Recorder of Deeds TERMS OF SALE: 10% DOWN AT TIME OF So. Cecil County wlh arbor & 3 BR apartments. 1 BR · in and for New Castle County, Delaware in Deed SALE. BALANCE DUE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 6, TWO DAY AUCTION view. 213 BR , LR, DR , eat­ $335, 2 BR - $395, 3 BR - Record G, Volume 107 Page 193, did grant and con­ 1994. in-kit, 1 BA. screened porch $415. Utils extra. For appt vey to STEPHEN W. FERRIS AND KATHLEEN MARCH 31, 1994 PEIIOD FVINI1VIE • lUGS • DECOUTIYE AIT OIJEPEN FOR PUBUC COMMENT The above agenda is intended to be followed, but Ia Your ld IJlPWS in The Newark Post, The Cecil subject to cbangea, deletiona, additiona &: modifica­ Whig, IJ1d The Weekend Shrobated to the said A 'Quality' Consignment Shop ~··,.,.,.,.,.. Executrix on o.r before For The Entile Family. con..,_, lloutlqw HERE, CALL the 12th day of December, ,..,.,_ FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT LYNNE TESCH AT 737-0724 A.D. 1994, or abide by the Qorbl..,. lt.rttktri/I!Wml, s.... rriOMy 8hopplng, OR CAll TOLL FREE {800) 220-3311 law in this behalf. ~Sttri'Umllul'f,SOI Nm rriOM1 COM/gnlng. Catherine A. Rawson ~K"~ r, TODAY! Executrix For - lllform8tlon Drcorrrlor """'· call302-ae-tao 1 Vanco A. Funk, III, Esq. ,.,,., ~ 398-1230 273 E. Main St. - .-Slot. . Fox Run Shopplns CenW l..SOO.ll0-1230 NEWARK POST Newark, DE 19713 10 • . 111. -$p .... Rt.401 ... De GRE.ATt.ll NEWARK'S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER StNCt 1910 np 616,5113,5120 PACE lOB • NEWARK POST • MAY 6, 1994 360 362 362 362 362 404 432 432 432 wanted To Buy Yard/Garage Sales Yard/Garage Sales Yard/Garage Sales Yard/Garage Sales Chlldcare Needed Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous W1nted caah paid for gold , 5f7 8 am - ? Bridge St, Lena's Elkton-213 West Main St Fri & Per~vllle Ar ea 352 Otsego St, Cornerstone Christian Day- Friendly Home Partl" nr:Ni Glendale, Newark 'h mil e W of at 517.8-3. Rain Date Sun AIRLINES NOW HIRING !I En· Retail Merchandl eer needed has openings for demon- ailver jewelry or oostume Sub Shop. Lot's of Clothes I Sat, 5/6-5/7, 9am -4pm . care needs sr. stall . Must try level- customer service/ for Grocery Resets and jewelry or antiques & furni ­ Largest amount on Rt 7 on Rt 40 . 4 W Clair- 518 . 8 Fami~, furniture, have 90 hr Early Ch il dhood strators . No cash Invest-, Women 's sz 4-22, books, mont Dr, Fri 516 & Sat 517, baggage handlers. Many regular coverage of Na- ture. Call Dave at The Gold toys , hshld items. Saturday . bikes, 20 Gl oe vehicles. Dev. CPRIF Atd . Contact ment. PT hours w/FT pay ., 9-4. Rain or shine. Furni- other positions. $400 - tional Brands. $8.00 per 2 catalogs, over 700 items ., Mind 410 77B-3121. Per'0111e-433 Aiken Ave Sat Kim Dotson. 410 398·8552, $t200 weekly. Local or Re- hour. Grocery Reset exper- Children• Resale Newark Un­ Elkton Area 3482 Old Elk Neck ture , cookbooks, glass- M-F 8:30-4:30 or Send re- Call t 800 488-4875. Wanted child size 4 wheeler. ited Methodist Church . ware, occ Japan. milk , 9am-2pm. Crib, wrin- location . For information ience preferred. Send brief Rd, Sat 517 , 9·2. Multi tam· 2er washer & much more. sums to PO Box t353, history of experience to: PO Siz e 50. 410 2B7-B770 . Great Barga tns/Baked ily, household , tools, musi· glass, princess house, re- and a.f:Piication . Call BOO OFFSET STRIPPER/ Elkton Md. 2t922. 647·7 20 ext A-162 . Box 1644, Bel Air, MD World Colnt accumulation or Goods. Sat 517, 9 am - 1 cal figurines, 10 spd btke. cords, collectables, loads Rls ln~ Sun Ar ea 220 Post Rd , CAMERA TECHNICIAN &Ingle pieces . Htghest pm . 302 479-7546 of stulflll Fr 516, Sat 5/7 & Sun 518. 2t014. Elkton Heights Community 422 $$ AVON $$ H e~ pa$ your Lar~e volume printing plant is prices pa id. Call 410 t30 S. Main , Multi family , antiques, holiday billsl arn 200 - The Aberdeen Pollee Depart· Earleville Rt 282 at the pro­ Sat 517, 9 am- 3pm (ra1n Multi -Faml~ childrens ite ms, truck General Office see ing an experienced Offset 275 - 8376 between duce stand near the Beach North ast, Md. Video $2000/month. Sell where & ment Is currently acceptinP. date 5114) Furniture, tools, wheels, hunting equip . applications for Police 0 - Stripper/Camera Room Tech- 5-6 :30pm only, ask for Bob House, 517, 9am-4pm. Lots appli ances, toys, clothing Tapes , Clothing , Antique when you like. It's not just niclan to work night shift. Sr. Glass Ware. Camera Rain or shine . HOME TYPISTS, PC users door to door anymore. t fleers. MD certification re- of everything, including pa­ lor all ages, housewares, qulred, lateral transfers Dulties will include: Camera tio furnl!ure. something for everyone! Equip. Hshld items. Much Risi ng Sun Area 799 B~gs needed . $35,000 ~otent i a l. 800 388·631t . operations for production of po- FAX ITI more. Sat/Sun, 517 & 518, Hwy , Sat 517 , 8-3. a1n Deta ils call t 805 62-8000 welcomed. Starting salary sttive prints, positive hall-tones, 410 398-4044 Elkto n Multi family, 79 Union BILLING CLERK Challen~ i ng $23, 1t6. Interested cand1 - Elkton- 18 Apple Lane Mea­ 9-4 . date 5114 . Lg 5 family, furni- ext 8·9045. oreportunity for a bl ing & newspaper page negative's. Place your ad quickly in the dowvi ew. Sat 5/7, Valley Rd, Between Blue- dates must a~ree to-a back- Newark-12 Timber Creek ture, carpet roll ends. c erk . Responsibilities in- Stripping of tabloid & broad Cecil Whig by using our FAX. 9am·2pm. Lots of boys ball & Union Church Rd. Nautical Flea Market Sat. May 428 Pcround chec and psy cho- sheet format negatives with Sat 417 & 4/8, ttam. Lane Woodmere. Fri & Sat, elude daily billing, credit ogical examination . Appl- clothes, mens & wom ens t4, 9-2, sponsored by Manufacturing memos, invoice mailing, til- numerous color overlays &pro- clothes & other odds & 516-7, 9am-4pm . MOVING icants should ~pl y In Elkton Union Hospital Good as SALE . Crib, matternity & Great Oak Yacht Club. At ing, and other billing related cess color. ends . ~arson at the Aber een Po- LEGAL NOTICE now shop, t 52 Railroad ch ildrens clothes. turn, Great Oak Landing on Fair- duties in a computerized P latemaki n~ procedures in- Elkton 2021 Blue Ball Rd Ave. Bag sale . Thurs 515, lee Creek , Chestertown . Automotive Components, envlrnment. ce Dept. 101 W Bel Air eluding multtple burn, close re- appls, tools. Inc DBA, NC' tOO is hiring Ave, Aberdeen, MD . The IN THE COURT Huge Garage Sale, Sat 517, Fr i 516 & Sat 5/7, Rain date, Sun. May t5 . If you enjoy a fast-faced, non ~ister, newspaper work. Famil- 9am til ? Lots of draperies, 10am-2pm. North East United Methodist entry level. Please forward City of Aberdeen is an tarity with pin register oontrol OF COMMON PLEAS Church Flea Marke t & resume to : Attn Terry Pope, sm ilk1ng environment with equal opportun ity bedspeads, pi llows, lamps. FAX ITI ~ocedures is necessary . Ap~le FOR THE STATE Elkton Woodcrest Shores, 35 Bake sale, Sat 517, B-t2:30 . 7007 Pencader Dr Newark, a progresstve company, employer. OF DELAWARE Furniture oopper & brass , Kimb erly Cir, Sat 5/7, 4t 0 398-4044 please send resume with aclntosh knowledge a pus black & wh ite tvs, ale, ba­ Venders Wanted . Call 41 0 De t9702. No walk-ins or but not required . IN AND FOR 8·4pm, Multi Family, in- 3'92-8704 to rent a tab le. phone calls. sala ry requ irements to : Ri- Discovery Toys-Raise rur skets, dishes, clothing & lants. ch ild ren & maternity chard Stagliano, VP/ family & your income I lex- Very competitive cot:npensa- NEW CASTLE COUN- toys. Thousands of Items. North East Area 14 Roosevelt tion & benefit package with TY clothes, skates , typewriter Finance, Un ited Electric able & fun. Call Ilene, 301 Elkton 42 Acadamy Dr oH Rt & more . Ave. 011 Mechanics Valley 430 Comfrany, PO Box 262-2039 opportuni~ lor advancement. IN RE: Change Of Name Rd . Sat 5/7, 8-3. MoviMJ 400 Medical/Dental Suppl~ Thts is a igh volume camera 2t3North,Fri5/6& Sat517, 10 28 , Wi mington DE Of Falrhlll 290 t Singerly Rd, Sat Sale, furn iture , clothing, t room op eration. Only hard Darrell Lamont 9-? Washer/dryer, girls clo· 517, Bam -2pm, air com- 19850. thing 0-4T , some boys, bike & more. Cardiac Rescue Tech/ working individuals seeking a Hubbard pressor, snow blower, Pa ste-Up we need aPT person challenge & appropriate com- baby & household itoms. desk , clothes &mise items. North & South Chesapeake Emergeni' Medical Tech/ PETITIONER(S) City Spring Yard Sale & St needed F /PT. Must have skilled in newspaper paste· pensation need applh. Must be TO FIND IT FASTI up. Macintosh exp pref'd 0 willing to work n1g ts. Send Fire Creek Fri 5/6 & Sat 5/7, Rose of Lima Flea Market. 8ood driving record . 4t0 Nature Love Look to the index on the first 8-4. Washer/Dryer, bikes. Sat 517, 9-5. Call 410 98-3333. but not re~ ' d. Late alter- Housecleaning resume, apply in person or call page of classified section freezer , bed room sui t. lots noon & ear y evening hrs . for appl ication : NOTICE IS HERE­ 885·24 t 5 or 885-5285 for Bring in a Crowd I Top Hours ... Top Pay to find an item easily! ol furniture & misc. more information . Send resume to compos1- Chesapeake Printing BY GIVEN that Darrell Adv ertise your Top Company Lamont Hubbard, in­ yard /~arage tion mana~e r P.O. Box 429, Earn $6.50 -$t0 hr while (Cecil Whig) sale In the Cecil Whig or just Elkton, M 2t922, tends to present a $tO . (4 line ad, 3 days, addi- cleanin~ PiT. No nigh ts , 601 N Bridge Street Petition to the Court of Love 'Chlldtpn? Love To~s? wknds, olidays . Wkly pay- BARTENDING tional lines $t ea). AND if it checks . Car needed, paid Elkton, MD 21921 Common Pleas for the t -2 Week Classes rains on your sale (t /4" or Earn extra income sel ing State of Delaware in and Discovery To~s . Call Ilene mi leage. Call MERRY 301 398·3311 Job Placement Ass istance more), give us a call, we'll run it MAIDS 302 426-9800. E.O.E. for New Castle County, to 302 -652-t t70 a second week lreel. 301 262-203 . change his name to Nature Love. Darrell Lamont Hubbard Petitioner(s) np 4/29,5/6,5/13 LEGAL NOTICE HOME SERVICE Estate of Oliver A. Short, Deceased. Truck 0 I RECTO RV Notice is hereby given AEROBIC GET IT that Letters Testament­ CLASSES Driving 705 721 733 734 748 ary upon the Estate of IN GEAR Training Bakery Elderly Care Lawn Care/Landscaping Lawn Mower Repair Repairs & Remodeling Oliver A. Short who ATTEND Cecil Community departed this life on the 1()~ ABE/GED College Creative Custom Cakes AU Phases Of 3rd day of March, A.D. i·li•ll•ldlid'f114 Home Improuments & Repairs CLASSES North East, MD cakes customized for all A Better Choice A. Grahams Lawn 1994, late of Millcroft your upcoming special oc­ Senior Care in my home. For r;;o~~,;;FREEl Large & Small Retirement_ Home, 255 '}"'~ CALL 392-3366 (410) 287-1038 cassions. Call now for Gra­ more Info call 4t 0 398·2066. Service South Wind Construction Possum Park Road, HEALTH& FOR MORE INFORMATION or duation cakes . 4t0 Quality Work at Prices you can MHICN26427 392·3494 Newark, De. 19711, were Cecil Ext 209 658-9238. Afford - Lowest Rates Around . !~Dij,~=;~;~~;d FITNESS CLUB 1-(800) 722 410 392-4427 or 642-02t3. Hnrdwood Floors duly granted unto 380 College Square CECIL 8 weeks Frr Training Electrical MOBILE MOWER I Installed I Stained - Thomas A. Short on the COMMUN.!IT 300 Hr Course 708 Berry's Yard Service will take MOWER REPAIRS Old fo'loors &n&d & Finished ' 11th day of April, A.D. care of your yard. Reson­ I 302 737-3652 COLLEGE Brick & Stone David L Streeter Jr ring Fix-Up 1 Donald G. Vam., & SoiU, Inc 1994, and all persons ~ .". . Jullfl etaSil• Electrical Contractor, MD. Lie# able rates. Call for free 302· 737-5953 estamates 410 378-2272 . Special I indebted to the said 32 Classes A Week ' ···"Formfng Now Masonary Work Brick Block 272t , New Construction re­ On Power TYNDALL deceased are requested to Stone, specializing in chimneys modeling , repairing, residen­ Cut Rate Lawn Mowing Com­ Mowers! I HOME IMPROVEMENT · · make payments .to the BEAUTY SCHOOL~ ~ARATE ADVERTISE & stone lire places. 410 tial, commerctal. 4t0 939·0309 mercial, residential. Free 24 Radkle Lane I 30yrs experience in all phases .. Executor without delay, 398-8332 . or 658-2070. estimates. 410 398-0385. of home Improvement. ELKTON~ MARYLAND 21921 I and all persons having American Service Electric 24 hour ser· Fine Trim Lawn Ca ll today lor free estimate. , TO ADVERTISE (4101 392-3364 1 410 287-9459 - demands against the Roberts Martial 710 vice. New/old const. Res! Mowing & Rotc Tilli ng deceased are required to Carpet, Floor Ser. commlind. Specializing in CHEAP!! L~~~~!!:!:~.J exhibit and present the I nstitote Arts YOUR home automation . 410 4t0 398-0t78 FRfiMitiG, same duly probated to the Academy SCHOOL 287-5825. 737 BLOCK, BRICI(, said Executor on or of Grahams Lawn Miscellaneous before the 3rd day of • Self Defense Classes For DONALD G. VARNES COtiCRETE Men, Women & Children OR TRAINING 727 November, A.D. 1994, or Hair AND SONS, INC. Gardening Service Unable To Leave Your abide by the law in this •Includes Exclusive Quality Work at Prices you can Design Women's Classes BUSINESS Hardwood Floors House? We will run your behalf. Garden Tilling Alford- Lowest Rates Around. errands for you . Shopping, D.A.R. Thomas A. Short 14 Aberdeen Plaza w/Female Instructor CALL • Sanding/Finishing Using a Troy-Silt tilfer. Call 4t 0 392-4427 or 642 -0213. banking, cleaners & pre­ Executor Aberdeen, MD 21001 Call For Free Pass Today Hate Mowing & Lawn Work? scriptions, Etc. Call 4 tO Builders AMYZERN • Installation John 4t0 287 -3t35. Pl ease Piet H. van Ogtrop, Esq. (410) zn-1140 Instructor: Rob Johnson have garden dim ensions when Call Andersen Home Ser.vices. 658-4881. aleo willaub work 206 East Delaware Big Elk Mall 398·1230 OR calling . Excellent service & reasonable Wright's Trucking Co Com ­ fDl' othe.. coatnc&orL · or Our Family's Been prices. 4t0 392 -64t2 or 302 Avenue 41 0 392-5500 mercial & Residential, For ALL your .J¥1m• 1 1 Newark, DE 19711 (410) 575--7148 410 392-5522 1-800-220-1230 Doing Floors For 728 731-3113 . heavy hauling lor MD & DE . 1mprovement Needs. np 4122,4129,5/6 Over 30 Years Hauling Jlms Lawn & Garden mowing, Will haul sand, gravel, Lieensed, Bonded lo Inoured pruning, mulch ing & tilling, stone, fill dirt, mulch. Call 410-378-2928. (302) free est 410 392-4973. 4t0 392 -0258 . Llc1306'71. RAY'S HAULING Lawn Cutting & Vacuum 740 737-5953 Clean-up No job too small CRIME PREVENTION DIRECTORY *Gravel For or too large. Call 4tO Painting & Papering TYNDALL 713 Driveways 287-5256 or 4 tO 287-3632. Home Child Care Mushroom Soil Lawn Cutting Reasonable Bob Mears & Son Pa inting TAKE A BITE OUT or· * rates . Call 4t 0 398-0949 Improvement The best job at the best *Topsoil lve mesg w/answering Carol's Pl ayhouse Daycare price. lnt!Ext, Free Esti­ 30 yrs experience home settin g. Accepting *Mulch service. mates. 302 836-8t78. potty trained & up . Rt 896 & *Sand Lawn's Mowed & Trimmed in all phases of Rt 4, Newa rk . 302 Sen ior citizen discounts Five Star Painting home improvement. 456-9779 . Lie * Garage & Yards avail . Call 302 455-9268 . 30 years exp, interior, extenor, #t500288400 . Cleaned S.V.S Lawncare & Mainte­ power wash1ng, water proofing, nance clean-up , mulching , fully insured, free estimates. Call Today ~II SUMMER Free Estimates mowing , lime, fertilizer, sm 4t 0 287-8834. :\" co11_.. Tips from the Cecil FUN trees, shrubs & nusery stock. for Free Estimate ALARM at 41 0-398-8419 Residential & Commercial, In­ ® County Sheriffs Office Centreville School sured . 4tO 275-t 844 . DATA ~ on how to avoid FIRE • BURGLARY • A unique program designed to 729 410~287~9459 MEDICAL ALERTS strengthen skills or assess students Heating ~!f.,.~i becoming a crime victim. COMMERCIAL ­ with learning weaknesses. RESIDENTIAL LARSON•s 751 INC. • Keep your car and house locked, even while Hall Day Program e:3Q-12:00 SALES SERVICE Sincel984 Sewing Alterations you are at home. Keep ground floor windows * Full Day Program a:3Q-5:30 DAVE'S HEATING TREE SERVICE INSTALLATION Extended Hours 7:30.8:30 2605 Eastburn Center secured. * & A/C & LANDSCAPING SERVING CECIL & JUNE 22 · AUGUST 5, 1994 Service & Installation 10 Slip Covers drapes, pillows, • Park in well lit ar eas and away from cars, SURROUNDING CO'S Our Theme This Year Ftee Eslimales YEAR finest qual ity sewing. Call Newark, Del vans or other l arge vehicles that obscure SINCE 1970 "Down Under" Certjfied · 16 '/'S eJP MULCH Grace Fr ie nd , 410 FREE ESTIMATES • Creatures & Treasures ol the Sea Dave Rogers, Owner 398 -045t. your view of the vehicle. INSURED • LICENSED SPECIALS (302) • If you return home and find that your home Animals From Australia 410-392-6504 :192-3698 (302) 571-0230 1 800 949-45Bt 520JYARD has been entered, do not go inside. Go to 1-800-446-3046 6201 Kennen Pike. CeOirevllle. DE 19ao7 368.. 1711 someplace safe and telephone the Sheriff's ELKTON, MD DAVE'S HEATING & Large Quantities Office or police. Daycare Thomson Ests, im­ AIR CONDITIONING Discounted • There are some precautions that can be taken med open in gs ava il. Mela­ CIIMl ERIClS EVERYONE! Home and Personal Service & Installation to strengthen your home again st break ins. Alarm Systems nie at 410 398-6052. Lie. •GROUNDS OON'T GET MAD #07 041739. ~AINiTENANCE They include: Home, Vehicle and Used Furnaces & OON'T Gf.T EVEN Install deadbolts on all doors, ABC DAY CARE HOME Re· Used Water Heaters • MULCH & TOPSOIL ooood pick up hitch-hikers. If someone is following you, drive SAFES openings, 3 yrs & up , 1604 Appleton Rd. Door-.- . to a shopping center parking lot, service station, police AES MHIC1137t05 party. $8. Have references, Main Street, Warwtck. Free Es­ LOCKS lunches & snacks provided . MD 21921 Weddings, graduations also. timates. 41 0 755-6642 . station, fire station or some other well lit, public place. 410 392-9723. 34469. t BOO 787-7283 Elkton, ...... M.. tereard•VIIa IJr-- Licensed, lie# Within 30 miles of Elkton. Aak the Sheriffs Office or police to come and do a Bonded, Insured 410-398-3082 Call Bob, 410 392-69.28, any­ IF YOU FIND AN ITEM -u.s. ..--r-ALOOI "Home Security Survey" 10 HOMES WANTED SerWJo .. 01-c-Co Colora, Maryland 715 time. Give us a call to place an adll To train our apprentices on • Large Line of Plants 1M1 ._CortiiiiRd., ._ 41o.858-4349 Cleaning There Is NO CHARGE to run a the Installation of vinyl • Bulk Mulch for pick­ 3 line ad all week I aHD10101 1-800-262-4341 siding. All wo1k surpervlsed 747 and guaranteed. up or delivery _., Power Washing Michael A. Pitrizzi • Sodding ACTION ADS Owner Quali~ Tel. (302) 738-2980 To Advertise 1st $2995 • Free Estimates You've Noticed Ill 3 LINES Q Newark, DE 19711 :z2EEFERRED 24'x32'x1 0' Your neighbors noticed ill We11 s~rvtc~ •S F. URITY Cleaning Service We also offer a oomplete line clean ill Andersen Home Ser­ 5 DAYS Your Senrice of windows , doors, roofing, vices, Specialist in Pressure $5.00 Spring Sl*.lal decks, kitchens & baths. TO Washing of: · ~ Call Bonnie America's ADVERTISE •Decks •Siding >Guitars . Items under $100 PAUL PENNACHI 10%off Energy Saver YOUR 410 392-6412or 302 731-3113. Prlvale party rattl, excludea •your Tolsl Home & 1'11 Monlhl StMiltls co1nmerclal, automotive & Business Security Csnlsr· • OVER 10VRS EXPERIENCE 41 0-426-9763 SERVICE SEND A TEDDYI ,..., eetate, Each 1dd'l line 410·398-1230 20$/dly. Your ad 1pp11n In ViaK Our Showroom at • COVERING TRt STATE AREA 800-787-7283,,. CALL A great way to say happy birth­ 724 Pulaski Highway • LIMITED OPENINGS ..... day, thanks or job well done. the Cecil Whig, New1rtc Polt FIRST STATE 398-1230 & Weekend Shopping Quiet.. Bear, DE 19701 AVAILABLE 1.. 00.220.1230 Your 311ne message with a cute SECURITY SYSTEMS or • FREE ESTIMATES little teddy bear published In the Residential and 302-322-8225 Long Dlet1nce MOIDE CALL 398-1230 ·. $35& Up Cecil Whig for only $5. Add~ Commercial Custom 24 H~ MONTOAINO • IIUROl.AAYII'IM ~ • OCTV • tional linea, S1 ea. 410417-1121 Alarm Systems IHTEACOU • ACCESS COHTI'IOI. 1-800-220-1230 ' I •l lfl fl ·,g '1 -1·12 MAY G, 1994 • F.WARK POST • PACE 118 434 442 442 452 502 638 806. 818 Part· Time Restaurant Restaurant Trades Business Opportunities Ty In & Resumes Motor Homes Power Boats Farm A&&i&tant Experienced Walt Staff Apply Front D11k Poeltlone Br ight, 500 AMB ITI OU S SELF STAR· SU NLINEfTOYOTA 17' 1980, 861nvader 18' VolvoPenta VO , Helmark Steel is accep ting ap­ alter4pmONLY .Nophone well groomed persons plications for the fol lowing TE RS needed to demons­ self contained . good work· cudd y cabin w/trail er, am/ PART·TIME ASSISTANT calls. Poor Jimmy's Re· needed lor front desk posl- positions: Structural Steel trate Gookin' The Ame rl· ing cond 1 ~ on , tagged ~ I fm stereo, marine radio, staurant. 2360 Pulaski tions. Some general work Fitters/Welders/Lay-out & can Way party merchan- 9195 Asking $6500. Ca ll new bottom paint, $5000 . Part- ~me, miscellaneous wage Hwy. North East, MD . exp preferred . Must be Ma intenance Personne l. dise. Wo rk own hours . Free Typ ing Newark, reliable, accu· 302 731 -5063. 410 275·8153. employee to assist In caring for kit. No coll ectin_g : no deli v· rate, over nile svc , econom­ Local Food Service Co seeks available for 1st & 2nd Must be proficient at read- I .::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;;;;:. ACTION ADS 8' Wooden Pram Dinghy. chickens at the Poultry Re­ FT Cook/Cash ier to work shifts as well as weekends ing struct ur al bluep rints . 1• ery . Also book1ng parti es. ical, you write It-I'll type 11. Needs some work, but IS search Un it, University of Dela­ 3 lines. 5 days, $5. For any AM'PM shift, Mon . Fri , at & holidays. No phone calls Welders must be exp'd w/ .-ic~ai~I4~1~0 i3~92i· 4~1i2 i1 .._._ ~3 0~2-4~!56~- ~93~43~..... ;;;; items under $100. Get a sec­ usable & does not leak. ware, Newark. Approximately dient location in Newark. please. Apply in person FCAW . Ma inte nance · 502 ond week for only $1 when you $85. 410 287-6988. 20 hrs wk. Assist in care & exp'd in mechanical, elec­ 1 Exp in both front & back of Tues · Fri 10 am · 4 pm . Business Opportunities pur chase Results Insurance. Boston Whaler 13 1/2' w/ 6 hp leading of poultry & in prepar­ house opporations req 'd, Ho li day Inn , Newark , DE . trical & hydraulics. Appli ca· Ing facilities fo rresearch & tions may be picked up at Ev~n r ude motor & new Cox teaching projects. Call Bob AI· must have out going per- Summer Help Ass istant Mana- 813 S Market St. Wilm DE. INTERIOR DECORATING &00 BOO 808 tra il er . Exc cond. $2300. phln, Un it Mgr, at 302 sonality & own trans, comp gers, FT & PT, 20-40 hrs M·F, 7:30am-4:30pm. NO Deorating Den. #1 Interior Travel Trailers 410 885-2771 . 831·8739. hourly rates w/benetits per week . Call Sue at Little PHONE CALLS PLEASE. decortatlng franch ise co., is Evln rude-14 ' 1966 . Fiberg· avail. Please call 30 2 Caesars, 302 456-9087. expanding. If you enjoy de· Kountry Alre 24' 1975, roof lass, w/1980 30hp Evin­ The UNIVERSITY OF DELA· 656-3879 on Mon, May 9, Get Results! from 9am-1pm . Ask for Place your ad In the Cecil Whig ccrat1ng & want you r own air, sell contain ed , nice rude engine & trailer. OHer WARE is an Equal Opportunity 452 bus iness, call 302 cond1t1on. $2200. or best at l1eld bids only. Dead line Employer which encourges ap­ Food Service director . today, have it sold tomorrow! Trades Call 410 398·1230. 234·2663 . Ask about ca­ oiler. 410 658-5934. 5126194 . Min $1200 bid. plications from Minority Group SEND A TEDDYI I!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! reer seminars. Pa ckage Deall Ford F250 CVFC has the right to r&­ Members & Women. A great way to say happy birth· Car~entera or Helpers FT. 454 Be Your Own Boss Poss1ble XL T, 1990 Lariat d1esel w/ fuse any bid . 4 10 day, thanks or job well done. d d 'f ext cab, full y loaded, low 275-8686. Your31inemessagewithacute ransportation nee e 1 Truck Drivers $2500 Pfr · $8000, FfT Malibu Co_m_p_ S""ki..,..,"" Bo-a-t-.,..,19-8-9, 438 little teddy bear published in the not local. Rate of pab mon thly processing insu r- miles. Terry, 198 9 32' 5th Position Wanted Cecil Whig for only $5. Addi· $6-$13 dep on exp. 41 Drlvera ance clalns for Phusicians, RPB COMPUTER SERVICE wheel. fu lly loaded, mint 19ft. 350 Mere inboard. tional ~nes, ea. 398·8929 lve mesg. Come for the mo ney, stay for Healthcare prov iders. Soft· PC Support, Assistance, Trou­ 32' Gu lf Stream Sun Clipper cond iton, AC , awning, gar· custom trailer. ma g wheels. 51 den tub , lots morel Sleeps Exc cond . Low hrs . MUST Young woman w/10 yra exp 1,;~;:;:;;;;;;:;::::;;;:=:=:; ware purchase req'd plus bleshooting DOS , Win, Word­ RV 1991 , salt contained . the stab ili ty . J.B. Hunt, one of ccm puter. Fin ancing avail- tOK miles, loaded, screen­ 6. Must sacrifice ! All for SELL. $11 ,900/b.o. 410 would like to clean your I 1 Perfect, Lotus, Database. 410 home. Reasonable, avail We Are In Need Of America's largest & most sue- able. 1 800 722 -SA MS . 398-6423 house & awning included . $26,000. Will sell sa p· 885-2460, eves. Ask lor We Are In Need Of cesstul transpor tation compa­ Exc cond. 410 885·3066. erately. 302 368·1199. Louis. any time. Refs avail. 410 lndiYiduals Who nies, pays its drivers some of Build your tuture .. . wlth 287-3875 if no answer, Iva Have Typing, Data Individuals To Work the best salaries in the Mateo Tools As a mobile 624 We ll craft·23' 1989. Ecli pse. mesg . Thank you. Entry, And Word In Production business . Mateo tools distributor, you Mortgages & Loans 804 810 260hp, 110 , less than 150 Processing Skills To Assembly. Inexperie nced drivers call: have the worldclass tools Motorcycles Campe rs hrs, s1nk , stove, priv ate IF YOU FIND AN ITEM 1 800 845-2197 your customers want & the head, much more, high & Give us a call to place an adll Work In Cecil & Experienced dr ivers ca ll : support you need to build a We buy Mortgages and Trust dry kept. $15,800. 410 There Ia NO CHA"RGE to run a Harford County Packaging throughout 1 800 368-8538 solid business of yo ur own . Deeds. D1d you sell pro p· 87 Honda Fat Cat 2 wheel St oltzf us RV'S & Marine 287-6793. 3 line ad all weeki the Cecil & Harford arty? ATV , new cond, low hrs. A very lg selecti on ol new & Areu. J.B Hunt We can show you how ! For Receiving payments? $895. 410 275-84 90 after used RV 'Siboats. Rt , mi N Wel lcra lt·28' 1987. T/260 , County areas. Top pay The best run for the money. Details call: 1 800 368·6651. Why WaitI Fast. Cash nowI 202 8 Top pay along with 5 30 sleeps 6, full ba, new car- along with temporary EOE. Subject to drug screen. Mateo Tools Any size-Nationwide. Great : pm. of W1lm. 1 800-860 -1 406. pet, fre shly painted & d&- 4403 Allen Rd price. Call 800 659-CASH LEGAL NOTICE temporary and and permanent pos­ Harley Davidson 1988, 1200 Stoltzfus RV'S & Marine tail ed , low hou rs. $35,000 . penmanent positions Drivers Get on board wi th the Stow, Oh 44224 (2274) . sportster, exc condition, A very lg selection of new & 302 455-1894. itions available. Two risi ng sta rl OTR/Shorthau l . available. Two fonms of 216 929 4949 lots ol chro me . $6750. or used RV 'Siboats. Rt202. 8mi N IN THE COURT OF forms of ID, phone and opportunities, home weekly Investment req'd $42,500 638 10, phone and car b/o. 410 392-9547. of W1im. 1 800-860-1406. Look to the index on the first COMMON PLEAS car required shorthaul, no sli p seatin g, F hi 11 d b p T 1 & R page ol dass1fied sec tion required. excpay & be nefits. Burling· ranc se o ere y ros· yp ng esumes Suzuk i DR 650 1990. Dual FOR THE STATE ton Motor Carriers 1 800 pectus Only Sport, 1300 miles, excel 816 to find an item easi ly ! OF DELAWARE Bernard Personnel Bernard Personnel JOIN -BMC. EOE. Bring in a Crowdl Mac Secretary cond.$2200/bestoffer . 410 Miscellaneous Vehicles IN AND FOR 11 N. Parke St. Drivers Lease Purchase Plan Advertise your yard/garage Speciali zing in Medical & legal 392 ·9041 afte r 6pm . 820 NEWCASTLE 11 N. Parke St. Aberdeen. Earnings $600 + weekly. sale in the Cecil Whig for just records. term papers & thesi s. Yamaha 650 Specia l II 1981. 1990-Suzukl Quad Sport li ke Sail Boats COUNTY Aberdeen. home every weekend , $10. (4 line ad, 3 days, addi- pro perty discr1pti ons tor Real- Always ga raged , good new, low hrs , helmet & IN RE; CHANGE OF Call 398-6030 Call 398-6030 selection of equipment, 25 tional lines $1 ea) . AND if it tors, business proposals, re- con d. Has new ti res & extras incl'd. Asking $2200 South Coast 22' 1975. 1/g, NAME OF or273-1470. yrsold , Cias sACDL, 3yrs rains on your sale (1 /4" or sumes,spread sheetson excel speed/clutch cables, orbestotler. 410392-4355 swing keel 8hp, olb, trfr, or 273·1470. rad io. extras. $2800 or blo. LORETTA YOUNG- cw 514 , , np5l exp. 717 352-7609 or 717 more), give us a calf, we'll run it & graph ics by MAC. Call 302 12,1 00 miles . $825/best of- days ask for Ke lly or 41 o LLOYD, cw 5/4,515,516 np 516 515 516 6 Call 302 762·2717. ...._ __ 7:3:79:. =====:l.=:fe:r.: 4:1:0 :3::98:-1:3:41:. after 4pm . Petitioner ;:====~==3=52:· =::;:==:l.:a:s:ec:o:nd:w:e:e:k:tr:ee;;:l.::;:;;;:;:;~,:3 ~22:·5:7:3 4:. ==!.:~28~7 - 6672 TO ;~ t LORETTA M. YOUNG PETITION FOR NAME NEWARK POST* CHANGE CECIL ilit.J WHIG 1. Petitioner is a resi. ~ Greater Newark's Hometown Newspdpel Slnc.e 19 10 + dent of New Castle County, Delaware, residing at: 1159 Bunker Hill Road, Middletown, DE 19709, phone number: BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL 378-6004. 2. Petitioner was born on 12/07/58 in Wilmington, DE. 3. Petitioner desires to change her name from D•I•R•E-•C•T•O•R• Y LORETTA YOUNG­ LLOYD to LORETTA M·. YOUNG. A REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESSES & PROFESSIONALS 4. The reason for the proposed name change is FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION CALL MARK AT 1-800-745-1942 divor~ andinadverlant l'a.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-r~~~~:j~~~======~~iiiiiiiiii::~~~==~~~~~~;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ changeomlBSlon from ofdivor~ named pe • I SPOTLIGHT tliion. IN THE ~ 5. There are no credi· FOR INFORMATION t01'8 or other persons who ON THE will be adversely affect· IBQUJ,DEN ed by this name change. DIRECTORY 6. There are no crim· ina! proceedings pend­ Air Conditioning • Heat Pumps ing against Petitioner. Sales, Service, & Installation CALL MARK AT ; WHEREFORE, (302)368-2553 ( 41 0)398-9060 ~etitioner respectfully ..,-r~ • 1•800•745•1942 prays that the Court enter a;n Order changing her name from LORETTA AUTO REPAIRS '!;OUNG-LLOYD to LORETTA M. YOUNG, Dempsl's 604 Corner Ketch Rd . pursuant to 10 Delaware Newark Code, Section 5901 to Service nter 239·4996 5905. LORETTA YOUNG­ COMPLETE DOMESTIC & FOREIGN LLOYD REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN np 516,5113,5120 COMPUTER & ELECTRICAL REPAIR SATELLITE EQUIPMENT & SYSTEM • COMPUTERIZED/ , TUNE-UPS CITY OF NEWARK DIAGNOSTIC , • s UTS EMISSION TESTING SHOCKS & TR NEWARK RENTALS STARVIEW SATELLITE SYSTEMS DELAWARE ' • ALIGN MENTS S INCE 1985- 150 CHANNELS BOARD OF ADJUST· • FUEL INJECTIONT ESTING , TIRESALES & SERVICE Newark Rentals Inc. provides everything from • • Featuring Toshiba & Wineguard MENT : ~=~T SYSTEMS • CLUTCH REPLACEMENT • 'fwice the Sports Than on Cable PUBLIC HEARING hand tools to heavy equipment for contractors • More Movies & Fami ly Entertainment NOTICE • Systems from $38.00 per month· 100% Finan. MAY 19, 1994 ·7:30P.M. Pursuant to Chapter BURGLAR ALARMS and homeowners, canopies and tents, chairs, 1~0~~~: · 368 -3344 32, Article XIX of the lawn ang garden, small engine repairs and Code of the City of . ..&..H ALARMDATACORP. Newark, Delaware, no· TOWING SERVICE tice is hereby given of a I COMPLETE HOME 00 I delivery available. Located in the Sandy Brea public hearing at a regu · ~ECURITY SYSTEM $450 Jar meeting of the Board 6 MO. FREE MONl'I'ORING $11"700 Industrial Park, 109 Sandy Drive, Newark. Call TOWING of Adjustment on NO LEASE YOU OWN I vALUE SNOOK'S SERVICE Thursday, May 19, 1994 CALL 1-800·966-8811 368-8547 or 1-800-221-3871. ~ Ligh t & Heavy Duty at 7:30 p.m. in the 302-368-1711 Council Chamber, New­ ~ Auto & Truck Towing ark Municipal Build­ HOME IMPROVEMENTS ADVERTISE HERE Radio Dispatched· Long & Short Distance ing, 220 Elkton Road, CHILD DAYCARE We 're As Close As Yol! r Phone Newark, Delaware, to CHESAPEAKE 398 5898 hear the following ap­ 24 Hour Servtce • peals: MOTHER HUBBARD ~ HOME IMPROVEMENTS For Directory 1. The appeal of CHILD CARE CENTER ~ , Vinyl &Wood Replacement Windows Ages 12 Mos.-7 Yrs. ' TRAVEL AGENCIES Christopher M. Cochran, 6:45 am to 6:00 m All Styles &Typ es Information for the property located at Quality Educational lfrograms Maintenance Free • Energy Efficient 11!/Y Keystone Travel Agency 99 South Chapel Street, Provi di ng u Lovi ng, Nurturi ng Environment Professionally In stalled Call Jnin Our /\AA G 11'1 1p ftlt ~f"t·c • n l minJ!Iil t for a parking variance. Enroll Now· At 1991 PricCII!tl • Free Esti mates Chapter 32, Section 32· 407 D White Clay Center Dr. Newark ...... 454·1122 398 2111 10-DAv SounmR CAtunnEAN C RUISE 47(j), Code of the City of 2050 S. Colleue Av. Newark...... 368-7584 Charlestown • Mark 1\to.tntd II ,IU:tn tl Alllrtt\A I itW'\ Newark, Delaware, re· MS Sl A'l FNll . \~1 .. , " ~ ­ quires two off-street at Ot:L 2(Jth parking spaces for any COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT • Ho ul-l' -7---· conversion of an owner­ KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING 1-800-745-1942 NH\V/\RK J(iR-7700 occupied dwelling to a rental unit. Applicant WILLIS COMMOttiCATIOtt IlK. has one parking space at REMOVAL & INSTALLATION KITCHENS ...... ,. 99 South Chapel Street MAINTENANCE & REPAIR and is requesting to use • 2-W.AY RADIO EQUIP. COMPUTER SYSTI BATHS ~ - VCR, CAMCORDER & ELECTRONIC REPAIRS • REPEATER SYSTEM • CC'I'V RENTAL & SERVICE STORES & YARDS second space at 162 South • PREVENTrvE MAJN1'ENANCE Chapel Street, which ap­ LICENSED & INSURED HANqX!YJ!!{~·:]NC·~ · plicant owns. Chapter 32, 719 SEYMOUR RD . BEAR 322-4784 2121 Bear Corbitt Rd . Rt. 7, Bear Section 32-47(b) requires . 834-2929 or 737-8268 ~ ~~!'~!~ a~~!~N~Tt~~ KS •• , • the distance between the ~ TO H EAVY EQUIPMENT land use and spaces to be Why Do-It-Yourself FOR CONTRACTORS & HOMEOWNERS s1nce 1962 no more than 600 feet SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS •All Makes & Models •Broken Tapes Repaired from the building to SANDY BRAE INOUSTRJAI. PARJ( (I O'J SANDY DRMI NEWMIK • Film to Video Transfers • Tape Duplication which they are assigned. Find a Quality Home LANDSCAPING - l-- L, j Improvement Service ]68-8547 Delivery Auail. HQO.ZZ1·317J 173 Main St. Newark • 454·1 344 Applicant is requesting (across trom Happy Harry's) FREE ESTIMATES an 80 foot variance. ,&! ~·, In Our Directory ZONING CLASSIFI­ CATION: BC ~~ · \V.:• For Information 2. The appeal of Fairway Valley, Inc., for J : ;:{ Call Mark at 1-800-745-1942 MEDICAL the property located at 304 392-4448 Amoroso Way, Lot 39, 1-800-660-2408 The Hunt at Louviers, AND PROFESSIONAL for a use variance. Applicant proposes to create a second dwelling PEST CONTROL SERVICES PODIATRIC MEDICINE EYE CARE unit (mother-in-law & SURGERY suite) on lot, which is in OLEWINE•s violation of Chapter 32, 1 Section 32-9. TERMITE & PEST CONTROL ZONING CLASSIFI­ RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL ~~~'!Ai~J~t€~is, • Additions • Alterations • Baths ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE CATION: RT AlEE INSPECTION & ESTIMATI I AGAINST BREAKAGE OF LENS OR FRAME I · Any questions re· • Roofing • Siding • Replacement Windows LOCALLY OWNED • LICENSED & INSURED 10% DISCOUNT WITH ADI f~rding the above ap· 1r FREE ESTIMATES 1r ASK ABOUT OUR FINANCING ' 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE' LENSES DUPLICATED . SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS Insurance Work A Specialty I 'Peala may be directed to ELKTON 31Nt04 337 E. Main . Newark , o~ ... 2 737 5087 I ~}le City Secretary's CALL TODAY 410.398-6942 \...(F'!!fa~ ln.,!ear) _- ~ _ :_ _ Office, 366-7070, prior to the meeting. Thomas J. Pelle(ITene FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION CALL MARK AT 1-800-745-1942 Chairman npMI PACE 12B • NEWARK POST • MAY6 , ]994 820 854 860 862 862 862 862 Parts/Accessories Autos Under Autos Under $5000 Autos Under , exc Dodge D1ytona Turbo. Z Ford·Etcort LX 1990. · 32k Chevy-Corvette 1984. cond , lots ol extra's, pop 427 Big Block steel crank, I As 7000 Buick Century 1990. V6, ale, Chevy-Celeberty 1986. V6, Camaro·Z28 1984. Good 1984, Auto , leather 1nt, 93 Chevy Cav ler 1 auto , 98K miles . Ask ing b a1 amlf eond , new trans. $2000 or miles, pis, plb, aJc, cass tires, fully loaded. $8750. top. $5400 or beat offer. pimple rods , Crane Cam, power seats & windows, miles, new car warranty. $4800. Make offer. 410 ps, P ' c, m stereo, stereo, like new, 1 owner, __4.:..: 1..:.0...::3.:.:98:...:·8:.:.7..:.:42::.·--­ Can see boat at Sasafrau square port, dosad cham- Fully loaded . $8590 . Estate _ . runs great, new ti res . best offer. 410 287-3229. 1 will pass inspection. $950 398 5000 garaged, must see, MD in- FORO FESTIVA·'II1 Super River. 717 859-1022. ber heads, Victor Jr intake neg . Call 410 398-3750 af­ sale. 410 642-2634. ;:-:-.:,..:.::::-'-:'-:...:.;.,-::-::-:,..-::----,- $1300 . 410 392-0617 after Buick-Riviera 1980. Exc cond, __5"'- p_m_,. --:---:--:::--- FORD ESCORT CPE·'IIO Auto, spected . $4500 . 302 economy. 'l.oc* to the Index on the first 1O'h to 1 compression , ter 4pm . Bronco-85 rebuilt350 + trans, 1 $2500 . 410 885-5120 . Chevy Corsica L T 1990, ale, PS , PB , amlfm cass. 832-9670. $ 2,498 page o1 c:IUiified section Fresh . 410 287-5716 lve custom soft top ind'd, ask· $4,695'. 10 find an item easily I msge · Ford Granada 1980 . 6 cyl, ing $4200 . CHEVY CAMAA0-'83 Auto, black, auto, 6 cyl , ps, pb, Nl~tlan·Pulear 1987. Red , 5 auto, 98k miles, runs but Porsohe-70 911T, all original, ale , amlfm . $1 ,995'. ale, am/fm stereo, cruise & spd , CBS&, T·tops. $3400 . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiii I Alm s & Tlrea Mopar 14" Small needs trans or engine work . black w/black interior, ask· tilt, 94K miles. Good Condi­ $107* mo 410 392-9294 lve mesg . Bolt ralley rims w/trim rings $200 /best offer. 410 ing $4950 . 410 398·1036 tion. $4500. 410 378-4728 60 months Olde Celale 1986. Loaded I MD & tires . $200 or best offer. 287 -8104 . after Spm. $112*mo aher Spm. 121111 dliwncmllotJit.Mialsllliln Inspected. $2000/best of­ 1969 Dart Grill, 67-69 Bar­ 24 months fer. 410 392-2411 . racuda creme trim, perfect Ford LTD 1983. Full power . 12000 dliwn CJ!IWilfe, rtt lae! adltllf'AI Dodge 600 Turbo Convert!· cond . 8'11. 3:23 posi unit runs good. $1 000/best of­ CHEVROLET CAVALIEA-'89 ble 84. Auto, ps, pb, fully center section $150, good fer . Must Sell ll 410 4 door. 4cyl, auto, PS, PB , ale , loade d. 61 k orig m1s. Runs gears. Make offer on rest. 392 -0722. maroon. & looks great. Orig owner. 410 398-5978 . Ford Tempo 1984 . Red, 2dr, $4495 $2650 . 302 633·6686. ~ FORD PROBE GT-'93 6,000. parts car, body & Interior in OXFORD, PA Plymouth Sundance 1988. excellent, ale, amlfm ste­ ~ EAGLE PREMIER Sdn-'88 Claret Red w/detailed pin 860 Hillcrest $14,998 Autos Under $1000 reo, auto, needs motor, Auto Sales OXFORD , PA V6, auto, AC , power locks, 61 0 932·0500 stripes, amlfm cass , air, 852 new tires . Best olfer . 410 5312 Pu laski Hwy Perryville & seats, loaded. sunroof, PS, PB, white let­ Automotive Financing 642-331 2 ask for Steve. _...:6~1 ~0 .....:9:...:3:.::2.....:-0:...:5.....:0...:.0=-- l ~~~~g~i- Ford·Muetang LX 1988. Sspd , ter tires . $3995/best offer. (2) Mo nte Carlos 1978. Good 410-642-2071 Chevy lroc Camaro 1987. TPI, $4 795 78K, ale, p/1, am/fm cass , 410 392-0423 Chris or shape. $950/both or Best Olds Cutlass 1979. Still runs , exc cond. Black. $3800 . CHEV Y BEAETIA GT-'89 V6, 4FP, auto, t-tops, loaded , Ad t g Margie. ' AUTO LOANS' Otter. 410 398-4159. needs work $250 firm . 410 16" rims , new GM fenders, VaD a e 410 392-6647. Auto Dealer will arrange low 885-2146. Maroon , 2 dr. ale, PW, PL, cass, tilt, cruise. PONTIAC T·1 000·87 4cyl, AMC Concord OL 1982 , $5 ,795' hit in drivers door . -c41D-392-4200 Mazda 626 LX 1986. 4dr auto , auto, PS , ale, wh ite hatchback. JEFF co st Financing even if you'Ve needs transmission work . Pontiac 6000 1984. 4dr, rebuilt $1700/best offer. Call be- 800-394-(ARS loaded , power everything, been turned down elsewhere . Ask i ng $ 1 5o . 4 1 o motor, fender damage, fore 3pm days, 410 !! RT.40, 80K, immaculate in & out. $1995 D'AMBROSIO Loan available lor Bankrupt! 398-9554 . good car. Best olfer. 410 $152* mo 398-7210 . 11:'!!3 Elkton, liD $4995/best offer must sell. Bad Credit, No Credit. Cal 658-6495. 61 0 932-9090 48 months DODGE ARIES SE-'84 4cyl, =Fo::-:A:-::D-:E=-::Se::C-:cOAT SW·'86 410 398-9107. Hill~rest Maxine 302 322-8600 . Fl at-1974 needs engine work, 12000 liMn lli!IWilfe, M lae! adllnl t8r1, FORO TAURUS SON·'80 V6, body in good cond , $900 or 862 auto, PS, PB, ale, two tone 4cyl , auto, PS, PB, nice fam ily MERCURY L YNX-'85 4cyl, Auto Sales auto, all power . 5312 Pulaski Hwy Perryville 854 best offer. 410 398-2704 . Autos Under $5000 paint, nice car. car. 4spd , blue, hatch back . 41 0-642-2071 $7499 Auto Parts/Accessories Chevy Camaro t979. AJc , ps , $2495 $1995 $1795 pb, V8, 4bbl. $800 or best Camaro 1982 . 48k original Flberglan·Truck Cap high after. 410 275-8474 · miles, 4 cyl, ps, pb, ami!m. Hillcrest Hillcrest Hillcrest ~ Auto Sales Auto Sales Auto Sales top , for full size 8' bed Datsun 280Z 1977. Parts car, al e, garage kept, m- OXFORD, PA p i cku~ . $200 . 302 motor&transmisslongood . spected . $3200 . 410 5312 Pulaski Hwy Perryville 5312 Pulaski Hwy Perryv:lle 5312 Pulaski Hwy P&rryvllle 455-05 5 after 5pm. Make offer. 410 392 -9 150. _ :::..:39=2-=·2...:..41:..:0;_. ____ 61 0 932·0500 410-642-2071 410-642-2071 410·642-2071

$189* mo 24 months ~~~~ down aiil'rllll, Ill lals llldtinl

1993Y. Mustang Cobra 1 only 5,000 made, full ..OXFORD, PA power, fully loaded, black O _ on black, very fastl, on~ 61 932 0500 ~f ~~00 .m~igs3 ~~J ~ f FORD TAUAUS·'91 V6, auto, -::--:~.!.7~~~:..:-:7~-7 92 9 l ale, PL, am/fm, cruise, cass. BulckleSabre, 1990. PW, PL , $7,995' 1994 DODGE SHADOW CPE 1995 DODGE NEON SDN PS, gold . $11,995. Cloth bucket seats, rear fold down seat, EFI , Dual airbags, cloth seats, 16 V SOHC Eng.# 94-604 Plnno Pontiac Buick $179* mo Oxford, PA airbag,lndy Red #94-592 60 months 215-932-2892 12000 dllln aiil'rllll, llilals llf~nl MSRP $9,311 DISC. 412 MSRP $9475 $11 ,808 COLGRAD 400 DISC. 507 700 REBATE 1,000 COLGRAD 400 ~ COLGRAD 400 TRADE WORTH 2,500 TRADE WORTH 2,500 OXFORD , PA TRADE WORTH 2,500 $89 $74 610 932·0500 FINANCE OR LEASE 84,999 ~~~~~o: _~!? ~1~~~ 0~ 1~! 48mo. BUY 0 8&,g,a 8 0 8B,IPB 1994 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM 1994 DODGE RAM WAGON JEFF 6 cyl, AT, AC, AM/FM, airbag, Em Green #94-622 V6, AT, AC , cruise, tilt, sunscreen, rear del, 8 pass. 6 ct ~~~r !~!JIM.~u~~!~!~E D'AMBROSIO AM/FM cloth seats seats, rear wipers, int. wipers #94-674 610 932-9090

MSRP $14,952 DISC. 1,200 MSRP $19,186 COL GRAD 400 DISC. 3,287 REBATE 1,5 00 COLGRAD 400 Ford Mustang LX 1992. 5.0L, TRADE WORTH 2,500 TRADE WORTH 2,500 emerald green , 5spd, fully loaded. $10,900 . 410 398-9098. Ford Probe LX 89. ale, tilt, pwr mirrors, amlfm cass, sun ~~!~ 0~1~! 89,352 ~~~~! 0~1!! 812,999 ~~~ 0~1!! roof. Exc cond. $6800 or 48 mo. 26 mo. BUY 48 mo. BUY 48 mo. blo. 410 658-2624. 1994 LEBARON CONVERTIBLE 1994 CHRYSLER CONCORD£ 1994 CHRYSLER N GTC, cloth seats, PW, PL , al um. wheels, AC , Dual airbags, PW, PL, tilt, cruise, ABS, AM/FM Dual airbags, PW, PL, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass. airbag, EM. Green #94-623 cass ., 16" Alum wheels. #94-268 ABS , AM/FM cass #94-562 90 Cu1l01 Supreme V6, FE perf pkg , ABS, all pw, 27k _..-~~.a_"---., MSRP $22,508 MSRP mi , very dean , $8995. 410 392-6996. DISC. 2,400 DISC. 3,355 JEFF COLGRAD 400 COLGRAD 400 HONDA PAELUDE-'86 D'AMBROSIO Auto, ale, pwr sunroof. TRADE WORTH 2,500 TRADE WORTH 2,500 610 932-9090 $5450 ~ 1344 Marrows RdNewerk DE 302-368-6262

JEFF D'AMBROSIO 61 0 932-9090 LeBaron GTS 1986. Auto, aJc, PS, PB, cruise, am/fm , tilt. $1595. 302 366-8806. MAZDA RX7-'90 Sspd, sunroof $12,900 ® 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE 302-368-6262 Motel A·Delux Roadater 1931 . Restored, in exc cond . Cell After 4pm 410 preme 1993. 287-0942. 8500 miles, loaded w/many Nleun 86 . 300ZX . Fully extras, gold w/tan interior, loaded, t-tops, 1111rage kept. factory warranty . Exc. cond . $5500 . 410 $14,300/best offer . 410 287_8330_ 6 4891 !!!!l -___;;.;;.58.:c..' .;.:;.;;..;.....::.:as:;,:,;_. - 1 Nl11an·Aitlma GXE 1994 & DODGE SHADOW CONV-'91 93. Full power, w/aJr beg, Auto, air, cass, PW, PL, sum- 12k miles, new car war- mer funl 1143002A ranty . $13,1150 . 410 $9899 885-2681 · Advantage Old• Cutt11a c1er,. 1989. Black1 4df, 6cyl, fully 41CI-3tl-4200 loadea, quiCk ahatp, ·d• pendable, one owner . $6,000 . 410 885-3326. MAY6, 1!}94 . 864 868 868 872 A1.1tos Over Four Wheel Drive Drive OLDS CUTLASS-'91 VS , auto , Shelby Dakota Truck 11143 of Chevy Suburban, 1986 .4 X 4, Ford -Bronco 11 1988, XL T. Chevy lilt. only 1500 made , fuel In­ 350 , auto , ale , blue. $9995. Lo aded, 5s pd. $7 400 or spd manual , tires & jected va 318 magnum, Plnno Pontiac Buick best offer. 302 738-9960. radio, inspected in spring ol 200hp, low miles, auto w/ 93. $900 or best offer. 410 Oxford, PA Ford Bronco XL T 4X4 1983. electric over drive, shelby 215-932-2892 398-2457 call Tim. wheels, ps , pb, ale , amlfm Rebuilt motor, PW, PS, a.c, $212* mo black, mag wheels w/ Chevy Silverado P/U 1993, 60 months cass , mint cond , tow pack­ DODGE DAKOTA 4X4·'90 Mark Ill Conversion, red, age, inspected. Best offer. Li ttle red wagon, limited editi on , desert dualer tires. $20 00. 1ml doon CI.IIWa:le, s'.all fees adlli~ side pipes , flairs ide, auto , V6, 41 0 392-9150. has extras . $17,800. 410 Mr B Johnson 410 398-2375 ask for Dale. 592-6680 af1er 6pm . cas s player, 4X4, only 34K GMC 3/4 Ton 1984 . 4 wheel miles.II14 8111 -A DODGE DAKOTA-'93 V6, AT, JEFF Thunderbird Super Coupe drive, loaded, many new parts . $4000/bestolfer. 410 AC, tilt, cruise, ca ss, LE pckg, D'AMBROSIO 1990. PS, PB , PL. power Taklna Best Offer tool box. $1 0,995'. trunk, power antenna, ale , 398-4159 . ~ 61 0 932-9090 auto, moon roof, white w/ Advantage OXFORD , PA Oldamoblle Clerra , 1989. red interior, inspected , 39K , 410 - 3112~200 872 $233* mo 610 932-0500 remainder of Ford factory 800 -394-CARS 60 months Auto, ale, PS, PB, brown . Pickups Ford Rang er 1986 new en­ $5995. warranty. $11 ,500 . 410 _1:I!! RT. 40, ~ 2rol doon CllhiJa:le, ~Jm fees illfin 592-6680 after 6pm. e Elkton, MO__ gine, many new parts , good Plnno Pontiac Buick 1985 Chevy P/U full size w/ cond , $1700 . or best offer. Oxford , PA TOYOTA CAMRY LE-'89 FORD EXPLORER-'91 Call anytime410 275·2511 . 4DR, 4 wheel drive XLT . cap, V8, auto, set up for 215·932-2 892 auto, ale, loaded, 1 owner towing w/heavy duty trailer $7895 $17,500 Ford Ranger XL T 1993. 4 cy l, PlYMOUTH LASER RS-'91 hitch . $4200 . 410 2.3L, Sspd, amlfm stereo. Auto, air, cruise. 275-1280 . a l e , great co n d . CHEVY C-10 P/U-'86 1/2 Ton OXFORD , PA $9,500/bes t offer. Ca ll Jean $8997 Custom Deluxe P/U, 6cyl, auto, at 410 392-3179 . PS , PB, am/fm . 610 932-0500 ® ® DODGE DAKOTA-'93 V6, AT, X MAZDA P/U-'92 1344 Marrows RdNewerk DE 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE $2695 AC , ti lt, amlfm. $1 1,495 '. 4 4 302·366·6262 302·368·6262 $11 ,900 TOYOTA COROLLA-'93 JEEP GR CHEROKEE Hillcrest $253* mo CH EVY ASATO VAN-'90 8 Mane~ers Special LARED0-'93 4X4, 6cyl , auto , Auto Sales 60 months JEFF 5312 Pulaski Hwy Perryville pass, auto, air. A/C, low m1les, 1 owner am/fm cass, PW, PL , tilt, cruise , ~ 2000 down CllhiJa:le, rJm loo saa! 1~ D'AMBROSIO $9500 airbag, red. $18,999'. 41 0·642·2071 ~ $11 ,497 61 0 932-9090 CHEVY S-10 P/U-'92 1344 Marrows RdN ewa rk DE $374* mo V6 , auto, air, stereo cas s, rear 302·366·6262 PL VMOUTH SUNDANCE·'92 72 months sli ding window, 22K miles. 2dr hatch , auto, air, stereo, '$2C OI! diiWilaisl-lliile, siaiifees illt!wl #147036-B NISSAN KING CAB-'89 sunroof, 37K miles. Tax es & ~ : 5spd , ale, sunroof, 31" tires ® OXFORD , PA tags down . #148090A 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE $10,695 $12,450 878 Only $159 a 302·368-6262 Advantage 610 932-0500 JEFF Wa nted/Autos & Trucks month Toyota Corolla OX, 1990. 41 D-3Q2-4200 Dodge Dakota TK , 1992. V6, D'AMBROSIO 5spd , ale, PS, red. $6995. 800-394-CARS air, auto, red. $12,495. WANTED 79-83 Toyota Bed . ~ 61 0 932·9090 302 368-796 7 or 410 Advantage Plnno Pontiac Buick OXFORD , PA !!! RT. 40, Plnno Pontiac Buick Oxford, PA !!!!' Elkton, NO Oxford, PA ~ CHEVY ASATO VAN-'90 8 392-3339. 4111-392-4200 1344 Marrow s HdN ewark DE 800-3114-CARS 215 -932 -2892 610 932-0500 215-932-2892 pass, auto , a11. WANTED Tow Dolly to buy. .. -c CHEVY SIL VERAD0-'92 302-368-6262 302 36 8-7967 or 410 !I RT.40, JEEP WRANGLER·'92 V8 , loaded $1 1,497 392-3339 . - l!f Elkton, liD - $14,900 NISSAN KING CAB-'92 866 High output 6cyl, auto, tilt, am/ 4cyl, auto , am/fm ca ss w/eq. PLYMOUTH DUSTER cass, hard & soft tops . Islander 35K mile s. COUPE·'92 Autos-Antiques Pkg . 28Kmiles. JE FF Auto, VS, air, rear deck spoiler, I~~~~~~~~ $13.445 $8545 fog lamps, custom alloy Chevy 58 2dr HT, 348. Call for D'AMBROSIO wheels, stereo. #147043-A Advantage ® Advantage· details 41 0 648-6965. 61 0 932·9090 41 Cl-392-4200 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE 41HN-4200 JEFF $8975 Chevy Nova SS -1973. 350, 302·366·6262 1011-384-CMS 4spd. El Camino-19 69. 800-394-tAAS D'AMBROSIO I! RT.40, !!! RT. 4G , 350 , auto. Impala SS -1962. Chevrolet Silverado P/U , l!!! Elkton,IID 61 0 932-9090 Advantage· 327, 4spd. Must sell. 410 !!!!! Elkton, liD . 41 200 1991. VB , auto , air, blue . o-3n .... 885-268 1. Jeep Grand Wagoneer 4x4 $1 2,995. 800-394-CAIIS Sellers Registration street '89. Low miles, all op tions, Plnno Pontiac Buick II RT.40, rod . Must see. 610 new inspoction, all new Oxford, PA Fee - $5.00 I!!!! Elkton, liD . 932-2523. fl uids . Elec sun roof, alloy 215-932-2892 EVERY THURSDAY 7 PM whls, towing pkg, black . U.S . Rt.40 & PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE·'92 Shelby GT 500 1967 . Vin $10 ,200. 410 287-3420. Mec:hanic:s Valier Rd. 51K miles, Sspd , am/fm stereo, #02777, 428CI, 4spd , Dark rear , fold down seats . blue, 2x4's, very original , SUZUKI SIDEKICK-'90 #141144-A wood wheel, black interior, 5spd, co nvertibl e, 4X4 . 1·800·233·4169 Kelsey Hayes mag stars. $7995 Advantage 410 59 2-6680 . Bad Credit 410.392-4200 868 1994 EAGLE . 'fBOD-394-CARS No Credit Four Wheel Drive - •- . \!! RT. 40, ® Dealer will arrange SUMMIT "''~.-r -=T.:"""'';_"""' 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE 5!! Elkton , liD Bronco II 1988. 4 X 4, ale , cruise, tilt, 5spd . $6000. 302-366·6262 low cost financing. 410 287-0026 . JEEP WRANGLER-'90 S·10 1986. 4X4 , 43K on 5spd , Hard top. PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM-'90 motor, trans rebuilt $11,995 NO REJECTS ' Au'to, air, am/fm stereo, 48K 4/12/94 , am /fm cass , miles. #1 0358-A mags, teal & black. was not We finance $6995 used off road. Moving must sell! $4350/best offer. 410 BANKRUPT • BAD CREDIT • NO CREDIT Advantage 398-4859. ® 2 DR. Summit Equipped with Air Cond. , Power Steering, 410o3Go4200 i 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE Call Mr. James CJS Jeep 1974. Restored , FIG Power Brakes, Rear Window Defrost, AM/m Stereo, and IOOo~AS body,lif1 kit, rag top , racing 302-368-6262 RT. 40, buckets, fu ll cage, RIB 304, Toyota 4 Runner87. $4000 or much more. Stk. #44016 I Ellltiii,ID . C/0, supreme cond , must blo. High mileage but in (302) 738-5200 see. $8500 . 410 676-7830 great shape . 410 ~. PL VMOUTH DUSTER·'94 alter 6pm. 658-9878. ·· ~dr , hatchback, auto, air, V&, 'amlfm cass. only 11K miles. #142007-A . $10,785 ::. Advantage 4111-382-4200 800-3M-(ARS ,, II RT.4t, _ I!! Elkton, liD _ PlYMOUTH LASER-'90 Auto, ale, am/fm cass , tilt, cruise. $6,495' . $147* mo 60 months ~ 2000 down casllltra:le, Si ~ ~es adlliwl

~ ANCHOR OXFORD, PA Pontiac & Buick 123 Bridge St. 4003 N. DuPont Highway 610 932-0500 Route 13 at 1-495 Plymouth Reliant LE, 1988. Elkton, MD 800·241 -6644 Auto , PS, PB , ale, blue . $4995. NO HASSLE • LOW PRICES 41 0-398-0700 LARGE SELECTION Pinna Pontiac Buick Oxf ord, PA 215-932-2892 CARMAN FORD PONTIAC FIREBIRD-'89 !-£3DGYillb 193 S. Dupont Hwy Auto , T-Top sd, loaded $6995 Oxford, PA New Castle, DE 19720 Taurus • F-Serles • Escort • Muslano• Probe 610-932-2892 (302)323-FORD ~ baa1? A·t Mc!lol' Jlontleo-"' 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE ll t-..::::::=:::.=;....1..::..=;_.=;::;;.;:~ 1 018' friendly, low ltey 302-368-6262 T llllleiP80J)Ie- .-..elY to _.. PONTIAC GRAND AM-'91 AI. 272 & Old Baltimore Pika - you In making !line ale, "' lniJ)O'I'tent dec181ona. We're Excellent cond, loaded, Nottingham, PA w family owned and operated for auto 61 0·932-9090 "' over :SO yea111 now,ao we know how to give $6995 T you the pe111onal attention you de.. rvel For Fax~ Quotes '94 Buick Skylalk 4 Door, Sedan,V6 Engine, Automauc 4 Sp. Transmisston. Anti-Lock Brakes. Cruise Control, Alr Conditioning, ® AMIFM/Stereo/Cassene. Rear Defogger. ISE Package, Dark Green, VIN#RC282984. • 1344 Marrows RdNewark DE 302-366-6262 MSRP ...... $16,98 1 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX-'88 Rebate...... $ 750 $14 94 - _ 6cyl, au to, air. Discount...... $ 1,289 • , $3,787 '94 Poadiac BoameviDe SE 344 Marrows Rd ., Newark 4 Door, Sedan, Automatic Transrrusston. Dual Air Bags, Power Brakes. Anti-Lock Brakes, Power Steering, Cruise Conll'Ol, Air Conditioning. Power Windows. Power Locks, Power Seat, Power MlrroiS, Monotone Appearance 302-368-6262 Package, ISE Package, Rear Defogger.... And Morel, VIN#R4226237 - USED CARS ' MSRP...... $22,715 No Credit DIScount ...... $ 2,167 s19 54 - _ Bad Credit Rebate ...... $ 1,000 • No Problem! Newark Toyota BUICK@ lmr•nrt Outlet @~DEALERS !li!le!gllit{,'@.J. '

Pontiac Grend Prix LE 1990. 2 dr, VS, 28k miles , loaded, , exc cond . $8500 . 302 731 -7245 alter 12 noon . :liontlac LeMan• 1970 . Pro AI. 272 & Old Balllmor• Pike :. ~ street, 400 motor, 400 Nottingham, PA 123 Bridge St., Elkton, MD • 398-0700 " trans . All rebuilt w/ga~ea ,. & tac, fuel cell & raang 6~090 " ' sl ick s, open headers . 800-423·4479 "· u $3500 /be st offer. 410 ~ •· 885-5757 eVIl, 215 ForFMOW. Sales: Mon.-Fri. 8-7, Sat. 8-3 Service & Parts: Mon.-Fri 7:30-5 - • ·44-1220.

\ PACE 148 • NEWARK P OST • MAY6, 1994 ' '

Auto, AC, 2.0L engine, Dual airbags & More. #151015 . ~~-·~ ... Auto, AC, 7 passenger, dual airbags, rear window lllggage rack, cassette & more! #145044

19 4 C R SLER LHS Chrysler's fully equipped, full size luxury sedan. #144087. • c List Price $30,352 Emerald green, auto, A/C, power windows, power top, only Stock #148089 Equipped, not stripped! $27,973 airbags & more. #14~~-6_., • . __ _ ,1/~\ LIST PRICE $14,001 11 or s 7 r· - ~ -·· . . .. ~ .. -·~ :l · -.J.:· ..-..~, o..-.. 8415 '90 GRAND MARQUIS SDN '92 .JEf.,PWRANGLER '93 Dodge Ram 250 Work Van Auto, AC, PW, POL, Till, Crulr.t>, Load~d Gray, V8, Auto. AC, Cao,s, PW, PL #10350 $5,995 $14,495

'92 DODGE DAK'OTA Gray, V6, AC, Cass, #1400038

------$10,495 '90 DODGE B-250 CONVERSION VAN :J2K, VS, Auto, Air, Pw, PI, Gap!. Choirs, &<>fa 8ll

*Tax and tags for state of residence additional. Payments based on $1,000 cash or net trade in value. Gold Key purchase 12k per year, all rebates have been applied. See dealer for details DAILY AND WEEKLY RENTALS AVAILABLE MIDDLETOWN CHESAPEAKE CITY I Advantage GLASGOW ELKTON Route 40 41 0·392·4200 ~ RT. 40 IE 0 ~ Advantage Dodg~ ~ JJ m !!0Plymoath NEWARK FAIR HILL Elkton, MD 800·394·CARS


ONLY SL, V-8 ENGINE, ONLY YO UR CHOICE 2.3 LITER EFI, ENGINE, 2 OR., 4 DR., OR DUAL AIR BAGS, WAGON, AIR COND., P/S, P/8, AIR BAG $18,499~"- 4WHE~~~~N~~~~~ -~ AIACT'..:'i~~~ $12 ' ]• 99 ~ C:.::."'l SLIDING REAR WINDOW AM/FM , REAR : 47- --AIC, CASS., PIW& L, ... • CHROME WHEELS, DEFROSTER , J__ - ·----·-· : - TILT, CRUISE. I....,__ ..- · COLOR KEYED REAR OR • , • • ; •• (STK#543027) • (STK# 540015) 1 OR BUMPER & MORE (STK# 547027) $ 9h 0 . $153 I mo. (24 mo. lease) (24 mo. lease) (24 mo. lease)


$359/mo. 8 ON THE LOT FOR $3_ 9/ no. (24 mo. lease) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (24 mo. lease) 25 IN STOCK!

SEDAN, AT AC, ONLY 59,000 MILES STXAC SW, AT, AC, CASS, ONLY 5,000 MILES $4,495. 00 $5,995. 00 $9,495. 00

... ""';.r~·''. ---~~------'90 GMC HI TOP_C.ONV.·VAN ·, '87 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP '90 :FORD TAURUS '9.\ LINCOLN MARK VIII .·: . TV FRONT & REAR AC , PW, PL 1• VERY SHARP SW, AT, AC, PW, PL, 58,000 MILES BLACK, 280 HP, LEATHER ROOF, ABS 00 $11 ,995. oo ·- . $4,995. 00 7,895.00 $28,995. . ------'92 FORD TEMPO '93 FORD THUNDERBIRD '91 FORD F150 XLT LARIAT GL, SON, AT, AC, PL, PW, CASS CP.:. AT AC PW. Pl. CASS.B TO CHOOSE FROM AC, PW, PL $8,995. DO $13,995. 00 $10,995. DO