TheThe Cathedral of St. John Cathedralthe Evangelist of St. John Most Rev. Edward C. Malesic the EvangelistBishop of Cleveland 1007 Superior Avenue E 11 April 2021 - Divine Mercy Sunday Cleveland OH 44114-2582 Most Rev. Richard G. Lennon, SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 2021 FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 2021 Bishop of Cleveland216-771-6666
[email protected] Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15 Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15 1007 Superiorweb: Avenue E Julia Rita Normile & Thomas Mc Laughlin 7:15 Intention of Teddy Ashker Cleveland OH 44114-2582 4:30 People of the Cathedral Parish 12:00 Joseph Andryscik Since 1848, this historic Cathedral 2:00 pm PHSR Intention of Victims of Cancer 216-771-6666Church in the middle of Cleveland’s
[email protected] center has served Catholics and 2:00 pm Wedding: Carroll / Bolstad SATURDAY, 17 APRIL 2021 web: SaintJohnCathedral.comthe wider community of Cleveland SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 2021 Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21 as a prayerful oasis and spiritual Pauline Archer Since 1848,home. this historicAs the Bishop’sCathedral Church, the Divine Mercy Sunday Church in theCathedral middle isof theCleveland’s “Mother Church” Acts 4:32-35; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:10-31 4:30 People of the Cathedral Parish civic centerfor has overserved 710,000 Catholics Catholics and in the 10:00 am Transitional Diaconate the wider communityDiocese of of Cleveland.Cleveland All are MONDAY, 12 APRIL 2021 Ordination Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8 as a prayerfulwelcome! oasis Yourand generousspiritual support is 2:00 pm Wedding: Maldonado / Williams home.