JUNE 2020 TO JUNE 2022

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In January 2020, Bryant commissioned artist, Arone Meeks to create a piece of bespoke artwork.

The brief was simple: This signature artwork needed to symbolise Bryant's partnership approach of working hand in hand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Arone took our brief and created something extraordinary.

THE STORY BEHIND THE ARTWORK: Building Together: This work describes the location: The Great Barrier Reef to the right, showing both the inner reef and outer reef, the virgin rainforest to the left, and the only place in the world where these two natural forces of nature come to meet. The internal design is a representation of the Bryant logo icon, reworked to take on the forms of windbreaks, and traditional dwellings. The boat above is that of an outrigger from the Torres Strait, and below an Aboriginal . To the left of the icon, there are three figures, each one representing (from the top) the Torres Strait, Bryant and an Aboriginal figure with a feathered headdress. They are supported by a windbreak/dwelling shape and all have a hand attached to it, suggesting each has some input into the structure.

THE ARTIST Arone Meeks was born in 1957. He is a Kuku Midigi man. Arone grew up in Yarrabah and El Arish, Mission Beach, Far North Queensland, although his country is the area around Laura, Cape York. He currently resides in Cairns.

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Our Vision for Reconciliation 04 A Message from Our Directors 05 Our Business 06 Our RAP 07 Our Reconciliation Journey 09 Relationships 10 Respect 14 Opportunities 17 Tracking 21

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Bryant’s vision is to provide employment, training and economic opportunities through construction. Bryant will do this by developing stronger economic and social relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities while we deliver much needed infrastructure. These relationships will strengthen cultural understanding and build respect free of racism, and give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, businesses and organisations the opportunity to participate in and benefit from our business activities.

Bryant appreciates construction is more than bricks and mortar. It provides valuable opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to develop life-long skills that will enhance their economic, social and community capability.

Ultimately Bryant is seeking to support in a practical way the socioeconomic equality of our .

Bryant is determined to support Reconciliation by leaving a positive socioeconomic footprint whenever it works in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan is a public statement of our commitment to Reconciliation.

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Bryant acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Elders past and present on whose ancestral land our offices are located and all the lands in which the company undertakes its projects.

Bryant is proud to stand by a strong and growing commitment to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, organisations and communities towards achieving a common goal of reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan reflects our ongoing commitment to reconciliation and demonstrates how it can be achieved in our daily activities. As a project management and construction business, Bryant will continue to provide much needed infrastructure whilst developing meaningful relationships, mutual respect, a shared pride, and prosperity for all Australians. Bryant has been delivering high quality educational, residential, medical, and residential infrastructure throughout the Cairns and Cape York regions for over 40 years. Bryant has learnt construction projects are not just about bricks and mortar, as they provide valuable opportunities to enhance community capacity through employment, training, and business opportunities.

When engaging with clients, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, subcontractors, consultants and our employees, Bryant looks to establish positive, productive, and lasting relationships through open communication, honesty, and mutual respect. Our second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan therefor therefore reflects our values of inclusiveness, integrity, excellence, and innovation. As part of this commitment we have established an Indigenous Partnership Team to enhance our focus on developing, supporting, and fostering networks with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, and businesses. Bryant will continue to encourage increased awareness, appreciation and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, and cultures. Our Reconciliation Action Plan establishes a framework to promote increased economic and social participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through real employment, training, and business opportunities.

Lorraine Grant Chris Bryant Director – Corporate Services Director – Operations Bryant Building Contractors Pty Ltd Bryant Building Contractors Pty Ltd

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Bryant Building Contractors Pty Ltd (Bryant) is a successful design and construction company, based in Queensland. We focus on commercial construction for the private and public sector, and we have significant experience in residential developments and local, state and government facilities. We've built everything from offices to social housing and mining accommodation; childcare centres and aged care facilities; to university buildings, sporting complexes and police stations. Bryant is particularly experienced in the successful delivery of schools and education projects, as well as construction in remote and challenging locations.

Bryant was originally a small family-based construction company that started operating in Cairns in the early 1980s. Over the past 40 years, Bryant has steadily grown as a reputable construction and project management company that – at the time of writing - employs 54 fulltime staff members and a further 10-15 people for project specific work.

At the time of writing, four of Bryant’s employees identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Bryant operates across Queensland, into the Northern Territory and New South Wales. Over the past 40 years we have delivered projects from as far south as the Richmond Valley in NSW (Casino Aboriginal Medical Service), right up through regional and coastal Queensland, including multiple projects in the Torres Strait. We have also been active in the Gulf of Carpentaria and as far west as Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory where we worked for several years delivering community and mining facilities. Through our project management and construction operations, Bryant has had the long-term privilege of working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations across our geographical reach.

In recent years Bryant has worked together with these communities to complete projects in Aurukun (44 houses), Bamaga (school hall), Doomadgee (nutritional centre), Groote Eylandt (health care centre), Doomadgee (school facilities), Weipa (trade school centre) and residential housing in Kowanyama, Mapoon, and Badu Island in the Torres Strait. Bryant has learnt that much can be accomplished by establishing productive and enduring partnerships with local community councils, the communities themselves and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

We have full-service offices in Brisbane and Cairns and branch offices in the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Rockhampton and Toowoomba:

Brisbane 3/31 Anthony Street, WEST END, Qld 4101 Cairns 32 Minnie Street, CAIRNS, Qld 4870 Rockhampton 21 Tamarind Ave, Norman Gardens, ROCKHAMPTON, Qld 4701 Sunshine Coast 2 Loang Court, Mountain Creek, SUNSHINE COAST, Qld 4557 Gold Coast Unit 1/2 Davenport Street, SOUTHPORT, Qld 4215 Toowoomba Suite 3, 213 Margaret Street, TOOWOOMBA, Qld 4350

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Bryant is committed to working towards reconciliation and recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians. Since its inception, Bryant has been fortunate enough to work in partnership with numerous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, councils and businesses to complete much needed construction projects.

During this time, Bryant very quickly learnt it needed to structure and resource itself to meet community needs. Accordingly, several years ago, Bryant established an Indigenous Partnership Team comprised of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, which identified the need for a RAP outlining public support for Reconciliation. The Team also recognised we needed a strategy to achieve it and developed Bryant’s Indigenous Employment Strategy in conjunction with our first RAP. Having a culturally diverse and highly skilled workforce also provides Bryant with a competitive edge in terms of securing and delivering projects.

Bryant’s RAP is a living document that became an integral part of its core business and belongs to all our employees. It is a plan outlining our commitment to support a reconciled Australia. It also outlines the values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities can expect when they work in partnership with Bryant.

Our RAP is an indication of our ongoing commitment to advancing reconciliation and in doing so, will contribute to in health, education and employment between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the broader Australian community. Bryant will do this by providing employment, training and business opportunities when working in partnership with community to deliver education, residential, medical and community facilities.

Bryant’s RAP Champions are Directors Chris Bryant and Lorraine Grant, who is of Torres Strait Islander heritage. However the RAP will be championed by all senior managers as this ensures Bryant will meet its corporate and social responsibilities.

The RAP Working Group is comprised of the Indigenous Partnerships Officer, the Human Resources Manager and two Directors.

Geoffrey Villalba has been Bryant’s Indigenous Partnerships Officer since early 2013. Geoffrey is of Torres Strait Islander heritage and has over 35 years’ experience working for both the Australian and Queensland Governments. During this time, he worked in a variety of portfolios including treasury, transport, youth affairs, tourism, Indigenous affairs, Indigenous education, employment, training, regional affairs and disability. As Indigenous Partnerships Officer, Geoffrey ensures Bryant meets its Indigenous employment, training and economic commitments when delivering Identified or Indigenous projects.

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Geoffrey is also responsible for developing and nurturing productive partnerships with Indigenous communities, businesses and various levels of government to identify employment, training and business opportunities for our First Australians. He is also responsible for monitoring strategic government policies and programs relating to Indigenous housing, employment, training and business and representing Bryant at various business and government forums. Geoffrey has a wealth of government and industry experience and firmly believes construction is more than bricks and mortar as it provides valuable job, upskilling and business opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

For the past five years Geoffrey has been an active member of the Construction Industry Indigenous Participation Reference Group which is a joint Construction Skills Queensland and Queensland Government committee seeking innovative ways to increase Indigenous employment and business participation in construction

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Since developing our first RAP in 2014, Bryant continues to work in partnership with First Australians, training and employment organisations, other members of the construction industry and local, Queensland and Australian Governments to identify employment and training opportunities and ultimately a pathway to employment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Bryant regularly supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities by engaging with local business and service providers as well as employing, mentoring and training local jobseekers. Bryant has found by developing relationships and working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities it is able to complete high quality projects in a timely fashion whilst providing important training and employment opportunities. Meaningful and productive partnerships with employment and training organisations, councils, TAFE and community organisations have allowed Bryant to deliver its core business whilst supporting local businesses and transferring construction industry knowledge and skills. More information about these partnerships can be found at

Bryant recognises providing such opportunities will contribute to the Council of Australian Government’s initiative of ‘Closing the Gap’ in the focus areas of health, education and employment. We are fortunate to be involved in an industry that provides meaningful opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our first RAP provided many enduring benefits for Bryant and its service delivery partners. For Bryant, a RAP provided a blueprint of how it can contribute to and celebrate reconciliation. As a result of our first RAP Bryant has:

• Celebrated and participated in National Reconciliation Week • Celebrated and participated in NAIDOC events • Provided hands on and online Cultural Awareness Training for almost all staff. • Established and nurtured productive working relationships Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Councils, communities and businesses.

For our service delivery partners and clients, our RAP is a public statement of our commitment to reconciliation through the provision of training, employment and business opportunities when delivering much needed infrastructure.

Learnings from our first RAP will assist Bryant with the implementation of this current RAP. The key learnings were that Bryant is accountable for its actions under an Innovate RAP and all staff have a role to play in our journey to reconciliation. By choosing an Innovate RAP we have a strategy identifying specific actions and their timelines. Our first RAP resulted in greater recognition and appreciation of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, an increased level of cultural awareness, a shared celebration and greater understanding of NAIDOC and National Reconciliation Week and finally, a public recognition of Bryant’s commitment to Reconciliation.

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Bryant is committed to establishing and nurturing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, and stakeholders to increase partnerships that will achieve positive social, cultural and economic outcomes. These relationships are important to Bryant as they help ensure Bryant is able provide infrastructure in a timely and culturally appropriate manner, it meets the needs of community and results in valuable employment, training and business opportunities for local communities.

Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables

1.1 Participate in and support HR Manager 27th May – 3rd June 2021 and Organise at least one internal NRW event National Reconciliation Week 2022 each year. (NRW) celebrations that promote stronger relationships between Indigenous Partnership Officer May 2021 and 2022 Develop and communicate an information Aboriginal and Torres Strait and Marketing Manager and activities sheet to encourage Bryant Islander peoples and other employees to participate in and celebrate Australians NRW.

Circulate ’s NRW resources and reconciliation materials to our staff

RAP Working Group members to participate

in an external NRW event.

Register all our NRW events on HR and Marketing Managers May/June 2021 and 2022 Reconciliation Australia’s NRW website.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables RAP Working Group May/June 2021 and 2022

Marketing Manager May/June 2021 and 2022

1.2 Promote Reconciliation Directors June 2020 and 2021 Present and promote Bryant RAP through our sphere of influence. commitment to all relevant areas of the organisation to ensure all employees have an understanding of how their area can contribute to Reconciliation.

Directors June 2020 and 2021 Communicate our commitment to Reconciliation publicly

Project Managers May 2021 and 2022 Explore opportunities to positively influence our external stakeholders to drive reconciliation outcomes.

Collaborate with RAP and other like- Project Managers May 2021 and 2022 minded organisations to develop ways to

advance reconciliation.

1.3 Build and maintain external Directors December 2020 and 2021 Maintain and update a list of key Aboriginal relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations within peoples that are mutually Bryant’s sphere of influence that could be beneficial

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables approached to assist in the understanding of the potential activities of the RAP.

Project Managers June 2021 and 2022 Organise at least three meetings per year with key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations within our sphere of influence.

Indigenous Partnership Officer June 2021 and 2022 Meet with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait and Directors Islander stakeholders and organisations to develop guiding principles for future engagement.

Develop and implement an engagement Indigenous Partnership Officer June 2021 and 2022 plan to work with Aboriginal and Torres and Directors Strait Islander stakeholders and


1.4 Promote positive race Conduct a review of HR policies and relations through anti- Directors and HR Manager July 2021 procedures to identify existing anti- discrimination strategies discrimination provisions, and future needs.

Directors and HR Manager July 2021 Develop, implement and communicate an anti-discrimination policy for our organisation.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables HR Manager and Directors July 2021 Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisors to consult on our anti-discrimination policy.

HR Manager and Directors July 2021 Educate senior leaders on the effects of


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We strive for a better understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures and barriers faced. We work towards building a more culturally aware, respectful and accepting work environment. Building sustainable relationships with all Australians based on integrity and respect has been an integral part of Bryant’s success.

Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverable 2.1 engage employees in Project Managers January 2021 and 2022 Develop, implement and communicate a understanding the protocols cultural protocol strategy or document. around Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country to Indigenous Partnership Officer January 2021 and 2022 Increase staff's understanding of the ensure there is a shared and Project Managers purpose and significance behind cultural meaning behind the ceremonies. protocols, including Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols.

Indigenous Partnership Officer January 2021 and 2022 Provide an Acknowledgement of Country at and Project Managers all important events and meetings

Indigenous Partnership Officer January 2021 and 2022 Identify at least one significant event for and which a Welcome to Country from a HR Manager Traditional Owner will be included

2.2 Engage employees in HR Manager and RAP Working January 2021 and 2022 Develop and implement a cultural cultural learning to increase Group awareness training strategy understanding and appreciation

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverable of Aboriginal and Torres Strait HR Manager June 2021 and 2022 Provide opportunities for RWG, RAP Islander peoples, cultures, Champions, HR Manager, Directors and knowledge and histories. staff to participate in cultural awareness training.

HR Manager and RAP Working June 2021 and 2022 Consult local Traditional Owners and/or Group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisors on the development and implementation of a cultural learning strategy.

Conduct a review of cultural learning needs HR Manager June 2021 and 2022 within our organisation.

Investigate local cultural immersion HR Manager June 2021 and 2022 opportunities for staff

2.3 Celebrate and participate in HR Manager May 2021 and 2022 Review HR policies and procedures to NAIDOC Week ensure there are no barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week.

HR and Marketing Managers June 2021 and 2022 Organise at least one internal event to celebrate NAIDOC Week.

Marketing Manager June 2021 and 2022 Encourage Bryant staff to participate in local NAIDOC Week events.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverable HR Manager June 2021 and 2022 Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in local NAIDOC Week events to

engage with their culture and community

Develop and communicate an information Marketing Manager June 2021 and 2022 and activities sheet to encourage Bryant employees to participate and celebrate in NAIDOC Week.

HR Manager July 202 and 2021 RAP Working Group to participate in an external NAIDOC Week event.

2.4 Recognise and celebrate Marketing Manager May 2021 and 2022 Develop and distribute a fact sheet and Aboriginal and Torres Strait calendar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dates of significance Islander significant days/events to Bryant staff.

May 2021 and 2022 Encourage employees to celebrate other HR Manager and Directors significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander days and/or events

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Our goal is to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations with opportunities for greater economic participation, independence and social inclusion. It aligns with our key values to provide opportunities supporting First Australian communities to enhance pride of place, the development of life long skills, community capacity, self-esteem and leadership.

With the support of its delivery partners, it is important for Bryant to provide employment and training opportunities for both our own Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander jobseekers we employ when working in community. Providing these opportunities ensures Bryant meets its social and corporate responsibilities efficiently and with minimum impact on the communities in which we work.

An Indigenous Partnership Team with an excellent knowledge of industry and highly developed communication and engagement prowess provides Bryant with a competitive edge in securing and delivering business. It is vital Bryant’s Indigenous Partnership Team receive the appropriate training and support to enhance their skills and knowledge for Bryant to maintain its competitive edge.

Bryant always seeks to provide employment, training and business opportunities when working within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. By employing local jobseekers and supporting local enterprises Bryant is able to work in partnership with community to deliver infrastructure in a timely and efficient manner. Such opportunities provide an economic stimulus and valuable life skills to build community resilience. .

Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables 3.1 Investigate opportunities to HR Manager December 2020 Review HR procedures and policies to ensure increase Aboriginal and Torres barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Strait Islander employment Islander employees are addressed

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables HR Manager December 2020 Review and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy, including professional development, traineeships and apprenticeships.

HR Manager December 2020 Develop and implement a plan to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff across Bryant’s office and work sites

HR Manager and Directors December 2020 Mentor and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to take on leadership positions.

HR and Marketing Managers December 2020 Advertise job vacancies to effectively reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.

Build understanding of current Aboriginal HR Manager December 2020 and Torres Strait Islander staffing to inform

future employment and professional

development opportunities.

Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait HR Manager December 2020 Islander staff to consult on our recruitment, retention and professional development strategy.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables 3.2 Develop partnerships with HR Manager December 2020 Continue to develop and engage with key key organisations and organisations and individuals to access individuals to create Aboriginal funding opportunities for training and and Torres Strait Islander employment initiatives associated with training and employment construction and other trades. opportunities December 2020 Continue to consolidate relationships with key organisations and individuals to access funding opportunities for training and employment initiatives associated with construction and other trades.

3.3 Investigate opportunities to Business Support December 2020 Review procurement policy to remove increase Aboriginal and Torres barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Strait Islander supplier diversity Islander businesses. within Bryant Business Support December 2020 In consultation with State and local governments, develop a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander providers, in different locations whom Bryant could approach to source products and services.

Business Support December 2020 Give preference to subcontractors and suppliers who support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

Indigenous Partnership Officer December 2020 Promote opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses at

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables commercial, industrial and government forums.

Business Support December 2020 Investigate Supply Nation membership.

Develop and maintain commercial Business Support December 2020 relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses 3.4 Develop opportunities to HR Manager April 2021 and 2022 Investigate sponsorship opportunities with mentor, build capacity, self- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander esteem and leadership through communities that address capacity building, sponsorship skill shortages or economic priorities identified in community plans.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables 4.1 Establish and maintain an HR Manager and Directors June 2020 RAP Working Group oversees effective RAP Working group development, endorsement and launch

(RWG) to drive governance of the of the RAP. RAP. RAP Working Group March 2021 and 2022 RAP Working Group to meet quarterly June 2020,2021 and 2022 each year to monitor the implementation and to report the RAP

September 2020 and 2021 progress to Bryant Board.

December 2020 and 2021

RAP Working Group June 2020 Establish and apply a Terms of Reference for the RWG.

Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait RAP Champions and HR Manager June 2020 Islander representation on the RWG

4.2 Provide appropriate support HR Manager and Directors Completed by June 2020 and 2021 Define resource needs for RAP for effective implementation of implementation. RAP commitments HR Manager Progress Report in June 2021 and Engage senior leaders and other staff 2022 in the delivery of RAP commitments.

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Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverables Indigenous Partnership Officer Progress Report September 2020 Define and maintain appropriate and 2021 systems to track, measure and report on RAP commitments. HR Manager June 2020 and 2021 Appoint and maintain internal RAP Champions from senior management.

4.3 Build accountability and HR Manager 30th September 2020 and 2021 Complete and submit RAP Impact transparency through reporting Measurement Questionnaire to RAP achievements, challenges and Reconciliation Australia. learnings both internally and HR Manager September and December 2020 Report RAP progress to all staff and externally. March, June, September and senior leaders quarterly. December 2021 March and June2022

HR Manager and Directors October 2020 and 2021 Publicly report our RAP achievements, challenges and learnings, annually. Investigate participating in HR Manager May 2022 Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer. 4.4 Bryant RAP Refresh Project Manager December 2021 Bryant will refresh and launch an updated RAP.

CONTACT DETAILS Name: Geoffrey Villalba Position: Indigenous Partnerships Officer Phone: 0438 828 331 | Email: [email protected]

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