Edition 11/2017 Blackfriars Priory School The OPtimist News & Highlights PRAYER STUDY COMMUNITY SERVICE Blackfriars Priory School 17 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082 PO Box 86, Prospect SA 5082 T: +61 8 8169 3900 E:
[email protected] bps.sa.edu.au facebook.com/BlackfriarsSchool CRICOS: 02485B Members of the Provincial Council assembled outside the St Albert the Great Chapel Visit of the Provincial Council of the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea) Blackfriars Priory School was honoured to host the historic, inaugural visit of the Dominican Provincial Council to Blackfriars Priory School during the final week of Term 3. The Provincial Council, under the leadership of the Very Reverend Fr Anthony Walsh (OP) assembled at Blackfriars to meet with the Chair of the School Board, Mr David O’Loughlin and myself to discuss the vision and direction of Blackfriars Priory School, including consideration of the Master Plan for the future development of our School. The Provincial Council is the elected group of Friars governing the affairs of the Order of Preachers in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The Provincial Council has ownership of and ultimate governance responsibility for Blackfriars Priory School. We were honoured to host the following members of the Provincial Council: • The Very Reverend Fr Anthony Walsh (Provincial) (AUS) • Fr Kevin Saunders (former Provincial) (AUS) • Fr Kevin Toomey (NZ) • Fr Thomas Azzi (Provincial Bursar) (AUS) • Fr Matthew Boland (AUS) • Fr Henry Natowosi (PNG) • Fr Joseph Truong Pham (AUS) • Fr Joseph Vnuk (AUS) • Fr Stephen Kamoa from the Solomon Islands was an apology.