Lot 1 52,4X46cm 280 450 Lot 2 53X35cm 100 200 Lot 3 42X34cm
Lot 1 Master of the Female Half-Length-manner of, Portrait of a 52,4x46cm 280 450 lady holing an book by a table with a goblet, dressed in a red costume with fur arms; oil on wooden panel, framed. Lot 2 Antiphonary page in red and black colours on parchment, 53x35cm 100 200 described in Latin and music notes. Central Europe, 16th Century. Lot 3 Austrian School late 17th Century, Full portrait of Emperor 42x34cm 900 1500 Leopold I (1640 – 1705), Holly Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and Croatia and King of Bohemia. Standing and holding a letter, next to a table with the crown and the hat and sceptre, surrounded by a red curtain in front of a park and castle view; oil on wooden pannel; on the reverse old brand lable; framed. Lot 4 Tyrolian or Bavarian artist around 1700, Twelve scenes from each 240 480 the life of Jesus Christ (Birth of Jesus, The Circuncition, The 18x25,5cm Betlehemetian Child Murder, The Baptism, The Entrance to Jerusalem, The Healing of the Sicks, The Temptation, The Last Supper, The Judgemet, The Crossway, The Crucifixion, The Resureccion); water colour on parchment, laid down on wooden panels, partly with glass covers. Lot 5 Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574-1625)-follower, Jesus 27x18cm 180 300 carrrying the Cross; oil on wooden panel, framed. Lot 6 Casket in medieval manner, in the style of the Embriachi height 14cm, 600 1200 Family, rectangular form with extended upper and lower width 22cm, border and top with sarcophagus ending; richly carved ivory depth 10,2cm decorations on the border and tops, in the centre and on top with boxwood portraits decorated; on four turned feet; inside old velvet; parts missing.
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