Literature: Medieval Period Miriam Cabré and Sadurní Martí, Universitat De Girona
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Literature: Medieval Period Miriam Cabré and Sadurní Martí, Universitat de Girona 1. Research Tools and Reference Works Narpan: Espai de Literatura i Cultura Medieval, <>, offers an updated bibliographic list of medieval Occ. literature for 2010–11. V. Fraser and L. D’Agnolo, ‘Bibliography of Occitan Literature for 2008: Middle Ages to 1500’, Tenso, 25, 2010:75–98, and Id., ‘Bibliography of Occitan Literature for 2009: Middle Ages to 1500’, Tenso, 26:122–45, are organized by author and topic. Wendy Pfeffer and Robert Taylor, *Bibliographie de la littérature occitane: trente années d’études (1977–2007), Turnhout, Brepols, 652 pp., has a section on medieval literature. Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura trovadorica e occitanica, <www.rialto.unina. it>, has added new editions of Alaisina Yselda (with transl.), Alexandre, Blacatz, Blacasset, Eble d’Useil, Granet, Gui d’Useil, Peire Milo (with transl.), an anonymous poem, and the Lyon New Testament. Panorama crític de la literatura catalana: Edat mitjana. Dels orígens a principis del segle xv, dir. Albert Hauf, Barcelona, Vicens Vives, 2010, has an opening chapter by I. de Riquer (37–97) on Cat. troubadours with an updated bibliographic survey and selected excerpts from relevant studies. Some articles in AIEO 9 also offer surveys of recent scholarship: S. Vatteroni, ‘Littérature médiévale lyrique’ (13–209), N. Henrard, ‘Épopée, roman, théâtre... Les études dans le domaine des genres non lyriques occitans depuis 1981’ (21–29), and P. G. Beltrami, ‘Lirons- nous encore les troubadours, et comment?’ (101–20). Franco Suitner, I poeti del medio evo: Italia ed Europa (secoli xii-xiv), Rome, Carocci, 2010, 351 pp., includes discussion on 16 troubadours within a wide-raging essay on the typology of Western medieval poets. P. G. Beltrami, A che serve un’edizione critica? Leggere i testi della letteratura romanza medievale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010, 231 pp., selects numerous Occ. examples for his excellent introduction to textual criticism. Linda Paterson, Culture and Society in Medieval Occitania, Farnham, Ashgate, xii + 328 pp., collects previously published essays on Occ. identity, women, chivalry, court culture, and medicine. 2. Editions and Textual Criticism Editions. Troubadours mineurs gascons du xiie siècle: Alegret, Marcoat, Amanieu de la Broqueira, Peire de Valeria, Gausbert Amiel, ed. Riccardo Viel, Paris, Champion, 256 pp., complements his edition with a new linguistic analysis and ecdotic discussion, and Id., ‘L’Estruma in Alegret. Dall’agiografia mediolatina ad un verso trobadorico’, Romania, 128, 2010:234–50, analyses Alegret’s intertextual connections. F. Sanguineti, ‘Pour une nouvelle édition critique des poèmes d’Albertet’, RLaR, 114, 2010:121–38, underlines the need to take all MS witnesses into account and to date the corpus from biographical data rather than internal references. P. G. Beltrami, ‘Cercamon “trovatore antico”: problemi e proposte (a proposito di una nuova edizione)’, Romania, 129:1–22, reviews some editorial decisions and the effort to present Cercamon as a nobleman in Rossi’s Cercamon. Œuvre poétique, Paris, Champion (cf. YWMLS, 71, 263). L. Rossi, ‘Per Cercamon e i più antichi trovatori’, CN, 71:335–61, proposes new analysis of controversial loci in the works of Cercamon and other early troubadours in the light of the critical response to his edition. 110 Occitan Studies Manuscript Transmission. Stefania Romualdi, Edizioni diplomatiche a confronto: i canzonieri provenzali B (BnF, fr. 1592) e A (BAV, Vat. lat. 5232), Modena, Mucchi, 296 pp., is a palaeographical edition of MS B collated with the graphical and textual variants of MS A. M. Cabré and S. Martí, ‘Le Chansonnier Sg au carrefour Occitano-Catalan’, Romania, 128, 2010:92–134, offer new hypotheses on the manuscript’s codicological make-up and its criteria and milieu of compilation. C. P. Hershon, ‘Le chansonnier de Béziers. Édition semi-diplomatique [1st part]’, FL, n.s., 150, 2010:7–298, edits an 18th-c. MS related to troubadour MS I. A. Ciaralli, ‘Intorno a Reis glorios di Monaco (BSB, Clm 759): Nota paleografica e codicologica’, CN, 70, 2010:45–58, describes this late 12th-c. MS and analyses the circumstances in which Monaco’s piece was copied on the initial guard-leaf. S. Resconi, ‘Note sulla sezione iniziale del canzoniere provenzale P’, CrT, 12.1, 2009:203–37, comments on the likely origin of the numerous attribution problems and proposes a geographical origin for the sources of this section. B. Solla, ‘Compilazione e assemblaggio del canzoniere provenzale L’, CN, 71:55–85, analyses the codicological make-up and tries to define a copy sequence. L. Sunderland, ‘Marcabru in Motion: “Dire vos vuoill ses duptanssa” in chansonniers A and C, and in Matfre Ermengaud’s Breviari d’amor’, Glossator, 4:115–29, compares the shift in focus in the versions copied in two MS witnesses and in the quotations by Matfre Ermengaut. V. Beltran, ‘La mise en page de los cancioneros’, Convivio. Cancioneros peninsulares, ed. Vicenç Beltran and Juan Paredes, Granada U.P., 2010, 31–56, suggests that Petrarchan MSS were a major influence in the change of the standard lyrical layout. 3. Cultural and Historical Background Vicenç Beltran, La creación de una lengua poética: los trovadores entre oralidad y escritura, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 115 pp., compares the satirical procedures of Lopo Liáns, Rustico Filippi, and Raimbaut d’Eira in the context of a gradual construction of a troubadour script from an initial oral period. L. Barbieri, ‘Exemples mythologiques de courtoisie dans la lyrique des troubadours’, CCMe, 53, 2010:107–28, remarks on the rarity of mythological themes in early troubadours, while he detects a growing presence in late non-lyric genres. W. D. Paden, ‘Imaginer Bertran de Born’, Bertran de Born, seigneur et troubadour, ed. Luc de Goustine, Moustier- Ventadour, Carrefour Ventadour, 2009, 97–123, draws a multi-faceted portrait of Bertran de Born by reviewing historical data and lyrical passages. M. Cabré, S. Martí, and M. Navàs, ‘Geografia i història de la poesia occitanocatalana del segle xiv’, Badia, Translatar, 349–76, analyse available date about MS circulation and court patronage in order to reassess the role of early 14th-c. poetry in the transmission of troubadour lyrics. M. Navàs, ‘La figura literària del clergue en la poesia de Ramon de Cornet’, MSR, 9, 2010:75–93, characterizes Ramon de Cornet’s self-portrait by comparing it with contemporary cultural trends. V. Beltran, ‘Els trobadors, la política i el pensament’, Miscel·lània in memoriam Alfons Serra-Baldó (1909–1993) en el centenari del seu naixement, ed. L. Llecha Llop and L. Anoll, PAM, 29–42, dwells on the role of satire in troubadour lyrics. S. Kay, ‘La Seconde main et les secondes langues dans la France médiévale’, pp. i, 461–85 of Translations Médiévales. Cinq siècles de traduction en français au Moyen Âge (xie-xve siècles), ed. Claudio Galderisi, 2 vols, Turnhout, Brepols, 2191, 1575 pp., deals with the boundary between citation and translation in Dante, Guilhem Molinier, Jean Renart, and some troubadours and trouvères. The same author’s ‘L’arbre et la greffe dans le Breviari d’amor de Matfre Ermengaud: temps du savoir et temps de l’amour’, pp. 169–81 of L’Arbre au Moyen Âge, ed. Valérie Fasseur, Danièle James-Raoul, and Jean-René Valette, PUPS, 2010, 208 pp., analyses the reinterpretation involved in inserting quotations. M. Cabré, ‘Trobadors i cultura trobadoresca durant el regnat .