Advanced – Preliminary Round 1
Yale Certamen 2020 Written by Samir Al-Ali, Nestoras Apodiakos, Margot Armbruster, Aspen Bombardo, Domenic Ferreris, Ram Gollapudy, Noah Harris, Connor Harrison, Minyoung Hwang, Kyle Jain, Michael Kearney, Carina Layfield, Mindren Lu, Noah McThenia, Dante Minutillo, Gabe Molina, Ali Murray, Matt Nelson, MaryAnn Placheril, Nikhil Ranjan, Ben Ream, Henry Schott, Colton Shepard, Jason Tan, Matt Thomas, Teddy Trakas, Ben VanGelder, Bryan Wu, and Jonathan Yuan. Edited by Michael Kearney, Dante Minutillo, Nikhil Ranjan, and Matt Thomas. Advanced – Preliminary Round 1 1. What does the Lexicōn Recentis Latīnitātis call a “nāvis sīderālis,” which serves as the main map of the hit game that the Romans might’ve called “Inter Nōs”? STARSHIP / SPACESHIP B1: From what Latin verb, with what meaning, do we derive the noun “crewmate”? CRĒSCŌ, (TO / I) GROW B2: Using a gerundive and the noun impostor, impostōris, say in Latin: “We must condemn the impostor for his foul crime.” FOEDĪ/SORDIDĪ CRĪMINIS/SCELERIS/FACINORIS // PROPTER/OB FOEDUM/SORDIDUM CRĪMEN/SCELUS/FACINUS IMPOSTOR NŌBĪS DAMNANDUS / CONDEMNANDUS (EST) 2. Holders of what political office were given sacrosanctity by the lēx sacrāta of 494 B.C., had the right to propose plebiscites to the concilium plēbis, and generally defended the common people against the excesses of the patricians? (PLEBEIAN) TRIBUNATE/TRIBUNE // TRIBUNE (OF THE PLEBS) B1: The lēx sacrāta was an important concession made to the plebeians after what man persuaded them to return from their first secession? AGRIPPA MENENIUS (LANATUS) / MENENIUS AGRIPPA B2: After the last plebeian secession, what plebeian dictator passed a law named after himself which ensured that plebiscites were binding on all citizens? (Q.) HORTENSIUS 3.
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