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Material written by Ringle Tutor Midori Chen

Ellen DeGeneres: The price to pay for social progress


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[Summary in English]

I. Ellen DeGeneres Ellen DeGeneres’ path to fame began as a small-time local comedian.

• Born in 1958, Ellen grew up in . She attended the University of , majoring in communication studies.

• In 1981, she was the emcee at Clyde’s Comedy Club in New Orleans. From there, she toured around the United States doing comedy shows, and was named Showtime’s “funniest person in America” in 1984.

• Her comedy career led to the beginnings of her TV career in 1994, when she was given a show on ABC titled Ellen. It was during the run of Ellen that she came out as a in 1997 on The Show.

• In 2003, she began to host the daytime talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which has become one of the most well-known daytime talk shows in the world.

• Ellen is a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist, and married her girlfriend in 2008. Other famous aspects of her career include the ED lifestyle brand, the Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund, voicing the character of Dory in (2003) and (2016), several published books, and her 2018 comedy special Relatable. ⇒ Despite her modest beginnings, Ellen has become one of the most famous and influential people in the entire world, with an ever-widening portfolio in the entertainment industry.

The story of her early life was by no means glamorous. In fact, it was rather the opposite, populated by trauma.

• After leaving university, Ellen worked as a clerk at a law firm. She described feeling “totally lost” at this point in her life, having no ambition and no idea what she wanted to do.

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• She held various [1] odd jobs, including working as a salesperson at JC Penny’s, a waitress at TGI Friday, a bartender, a hostess, and a house painter.

• After [2] to her father, Ellen was told to move out, because her father and stepmother had two young daughters, and they didn’t want Ellen “influencing them.”

• She also has described her experiences being sexually molested by her stepfather.

• When Ellen was in her early twenties, her girlfriend was killed in a violent car accident. They had been living together at the time, had been at the same concert, and the girlfriend left before Ellen. Driving home, Ellen actually passed the scene of the car crash, but not knowing it was her girlfriend, did not stop.

⇒ Later in her life, Ellen would talk about all these events in her life in order to champion hope and compassion in her audience.

II. Rise to Prominence

In the 80’s, Ellen’s career as a nationally beloved comedian began to take off, informed largely by her background and the stories of her past. • The tragic and sudden loss of her girlfriend actually led to Ellen writing a piece called “Phone Call to God.” She had just moved to an awful basement apartment infested with fleas, and she wondered what it would be like to just pick up a phone, call God, and ask why her girlfriend was gone and the fleas were there.

• She performed this piece in 1986 on Starring , which could make a comedian’s entire career. Ellen became the first woman in history to be invited by Johnny Carson to take the seat of honor on his couch after her performance.

• This, and being named the funniest person in America by Showtime, are widely considered to be keystone moments in Ellen’s initial career in standup.

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⇒ In a career-making moment, Ellen performed at her best and received the endorsement of famous comedian Johnny Carson on national television. She would then go on to become a major TV star in her own right.

Ellen came out publicly as a lesbian in 1997. • The next keystone moment of Ellen’s entire career began with her 1994 ABC Ellen, in which she played a neurotic bookstore owner with her trademark observational humor. The sitcom received many awards and nominations throughout its run, and was vastly popular.

• In an interview with Oprah, Ellen came out to the public as a lesbian. As to what motivated her coming out, Ellen talked about “living with so much shame and so much fear, that [she] just couldn’t live that way anymore.” Her character on Ellen also came out as a lesbian in “.”

• While she specifically stated she didn’t have a political agenda by coming out, only wanted to “free herself from the heaviness,” Ellen still received extremely negative backlash. Disney, the parent company of ABC, pulled funding from publicity for Ellen, and the sitcom was suddenly cancelled in 1998 (Ellen only found out about the cancellation when it was printed in the newspaper).

• “The Puppy Episode” actually received four Primetime Emmy nominations and won two of them (for Outstanding Picture-Editing and Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series). Despite this success, Ellen said “the phone didn’t ring for three years.” By coming out, Ellen effectively lost her entire career.

⇒ Widespread homophobia in the public as well as the entertainment industry completely washed away decades of Ellen’s hard work, rendering her jobless and depressed for years.

III. Career Revival

Despite the setbacks, Ellen did not let negative public opinion destroy her life and passion.

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• In the depths of depression, Ellen started receiving letters from LGBTQ teenagers thanking her for coming out. Many of them had been on the brink of suicide, they wrote, but having a prominent celebrity come out to the public gave them hope. Ellen said that these letters showed her that she “had a purpose,” and “it wasn’t just about [her] and it wasn’t just about [being a] celebrity.” She went into therapy and started taking antidepressants. • Her career started picking back up again when she was offered her own talk show, the host position for the 2001 , and the role of Dory in Disney and ’s Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo would become the second-highest grossing film of 2003 and play a big part in Ellen’s return to prominence. During all this, Ellen continued to show up to celebrity events with various girlfriends. • The Ellen DeGeneres Show premiered in 2003, and in 2004, received 12 Emmy Award nominations, which is the highest number of nominations received by a talk show in its season. As of 2019, has won 61 Daytime Emmy Awards, and averages over 4.2 million viewers per episode. Ellen herself also holds the record for most awarded person by the People’s Choice Awards, having won “Favorite Daytime TV Host” 14 times. • Since then, Ellen has gone on to host more Emmy’s and also the Oscars. In 2016, Ellen received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a US civilian can receive, from President for her contribution to the arts. Both Ellen and Obama [3] got choked up during the ceremony, during which Obama lauded her for “coming out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago,” for “having paid a price,” and for “[countering] what too often divides us with the countless things that bind us together.” • [4] True to form, Ellen’s return to standup on Netflix in 2018 would be titled “Relatable,” echoing precisely what Obama said was her gift to the public: things, traits, and experiences we all share that can facilitate bonds of compassion between all human beings. ⇒ By staying true to herself—not only in the sense of being openly and supporting other LGBTQ people, but also being a charming and relatable comedian—Ellen rebuilt her career from the ground up, and has succeeded in developing a veritable entertainment

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empire. She is arguably the most famous lesbian in the world, and has maintained a long, extremely successful career.

IV. Takeaways

Here are four lessons we can take away from Ellen DeGeneres’ life. • The hardships of coming out: even in the culturally liberal global arts center of Hollywood, Ellen was effectively blacklisted for coming out. Her years of experience in comedy and six years on her sitcom meant nothing, and she became the butt of many jokes on other people’s “comedy” routines. Even today, homophobia has yet to be entirely eradicated from global media, and it still takes tremendous courage to come out publicly and on the internet. Some other famous celebrities who are openly LGBTQ are: , Megan Fox, , , , Elton John. Freddie Mercury, the subject of recent hit biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, was of course not heterosexual as well.

• Stay true to yourself: Ellen has spoken repeatedly about the weight and shame of being in the closet. For LGBTQ people, not talking about their sexualities is akin to lying by omission, since the default assumption is that everybody is heterosexual. In her at Tulane, Ellen said, “it was important for me to lose everything because it made me realize the important thing is to be true to yourself. ...I will always be okay, because I know who I am.”

• The personal is political: even though Ellen never meant for her coming out to be a grand political stance, she has nevertheless become a popular political figure for her identity alone. She is a popular, financially successful, and happily married lesbian, and she spearheaded not only LGBTQ rights, but also women’s rights as well. A common refrain in the activist writings of queer women of color (primarily in the United States) is that “the personal is political,” meaning for marginalized identities, even personal successes and achievements have larger political ramifications, because the odds have

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been stacked against them. Ellen’s existence alone has saved the lives of numerous suicidal LGBTQ teenagers.

• Don’t quit: “not when you want to give up… when you think you’re not good enough… when luck is not on your side… when something unfair is happening to you. Don’t quit.” Through the key moments of her life, Ellen evaluated and reevaluated what was important to her. When living and healing was important to her, she turned a personal tragedy into a career-making piece. When shedding her shame was important to her, she came out to the public. When the lives of LGBTQ teens across the US were important to her, she chose to remain out and proud of her sexuality, defying the censure of her industry. By keeping true to her values, Ellen never quit her path, even [5] when the going got hard.

⇒ Ellen’s dedication to comedy, honesty, and compassion between people has given us a cultural icon to look up to. She has championed LGBTQ issues, anti-, enviornmental justice, and other causes like building habitats for gorillas amidst global deforestation. Viewers of her show will know that Ellen regularly spearheads humanitarian causes, like building schools, stopping animal abuse, feeding US food deserts, donating to children’s hospitals, so on and so forth. Throughout its 15-year history, The Ellen DeGeneres Show has gifted well over $50 million US dollars to individuals and groups in need. Ellen is a lesbian, successful comedian, and amazing humanitarian.

What can you take away from Ellen’s life? How do you think she has contributed to the current global climate regarding LGBTQ people coming out?

Discuss Ellen with your Ringle tutor and receive feedback on your English usage.

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[Video clip]

Please watch these video clips.

• Video #1

[source: TheEllenShow]

In case you missed my Tulane speech, watch it here!


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• Video #2

[Source: OWN]

Ellen DeGeneres Stands in Her Truth | | Oprah Winfrey Network


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• Video #3

[Source: Johny Carson]

Ellen Degeneres Funny 1st Appearance Doing Stand Up Comedy on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show


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• Video #4

[Source: BBC ]

Barack Obama 'chokes up' giving Ellen DeGeneres 'Medal of Freedom' – BBC News


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• Video #5

[Source: TheEllenShow]

BTS Get Scared by a Fangirl


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Please read the article

l Article #1

[source: https://www.betterworldinternational.org/blog/ellen-degeneres-making-world-better-place/]

How Ellen DeGeneres is Making the World a Better Place

https://www.betterworldinternational.org/blog/ellen-degeneres-making- world-better-place/

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l Article #2

[source: https://vocal.media/longevity/most-inspirational-ellen-degeneres-accomplishments]

Most Inspirational Ellen DeGeneres Accomplishments

https://vocal.media/longevity/most-inspirational-ellen-degeneres- accomplishments

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[9 Key Questions]

1. Why did you choose this topic for today’s class discussion?

2. Have you ever watched The Ellen DeGeneres Show? Do you like it? What do you think is its appeal?

[source: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/ellen-degeneres-says-shes-considering-leaving-the-ellen-degeneres-show]

3. What is the political climate like for LGBTQ celebrities in Korea? Is it safe to come out? Are there many people out? Why or why not?

4. What is the political climate like for LGBTQ celebrities outside of Korea, from your perspective?

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5. Films like Bohemian Rhapsody, Call Me by Your Name, and Carol have received success of various degrees in South Korea with their prominent LGBTQ content. What do you think of this? Does it reflect cultural values?

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6. Do you watch standup? Is there a culture of standup comedians in Korea like there is in the United States?

[source: https://news.joins.com/article/22422955]

7. Have you done odd jobs? Have you ever experienced aimlessness (career or otherwise) through any period of your life?

8. Do you have identities, thoughts, or values that you know will jeopardize your career? Have you ever risked your career or success to express these thoughts?

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9. Do you think Ellen has made a difference in the world? In what ways? Which do you think is most important?

[source: https://makinggayhistory.com/podcast/ellen-degeneres/]

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[Key topic related terms and expressions]

[1] odd jobs: 잡일

l [영영사전] small jobs of different types, especially those that involve repairing or cleaning things

l [Ringle 에서 드리는 팁] You can work, do, or take odd jobs. People also often say they have some odd jobs “here and there.” l [예문] He’s had to pick up several odd jobs on the side just to make ends meet. 그는 단지 먹고

살기 위해 한편 몇개의 잡일을 구해야 했다.

l [예문] “I don’t mind living off whatever odd jobs I can find.” she said. "나는 내가 찾을 수 있는 잡일도 마다하지 않아"라고 그녀는 말했다.

[2] come out: (공식적으로 동성애자임을) 밝히다, 커밍아웃하다

l [영영사전] to reveal yourself as gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, etc.

l [Ringle 에서 드리는 팁] the phrase in its entirety is “come out of the closet,” where the closet is a metaphor for keeping one’s sexuality secret. It can be shortened further to just “out,” and the opposite is being “closeted.” l [예문] Leslie isn’t out to her parents yet, so we should keep a low profile. 레슬리는 아직

부모님한테 커밍아웃하지 않았으니, 우리 좀 조용히 해야겠어.

l [예문] For many people, coming out doesn’t have to be widespread and public; it’s enough to

simply tell those closest to them. 많은 사람들에게 커밍아웃은 널리 퍼질 필요가 없고,

대중적일 필요가 없다; 그들에게 가장 가까운 사람들에게 간단히 말해도 충분하다.

l [예문] Many of the most homophobic people are often closeted themselves, refusing to acknowledge their own sexualities and instead choosing to express vitriol to those who are out. 대부분의 동성애 혐오자들은 종종 그들 자신의 성 정체성을 인정하지 않고 대신 커밍아웃한 사람들에게 독설을 표현하는 것을 선택하면서 그들 스스로 옷을 입는다.

[3] to get choked up: (눈물이 나려고) 목이 메이다

l [영영사전] a prelude to crying; to feel tears beginning to form and become unable to speak

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l [Ringle 에서 드리는 팁] this is one of those colloquialisms that are entirely reliant on the preposition. To simply “choke” can mean to gag, or it can mean to mess up at an important moment in a sports context. To “choke up” can mean to start crying, but it can also be an instruction to move your hand further up a handle as to wield tighter control over something like a club or a bat. l [예문] Everybody got choked up during the groom’s speech at the wedding. 신랑의 결혼식 연설

도중 모두가 목이 메었다.

l [예문] Feeling herself beginning to get choked up, Elizabeth paused in her deposition to gather

herself. 목이 메기 시작하는 자신을 느끼며 엘리자베스는 몸을 모으기 위해 증언에서 잠시


[4] true to form: 예상대로인, 아니나다를까

l [영영사전] behaving the way other people expect someone to, based on previous experience

l [Ringle 에서 드리는 팁] can be used both genuinely and sarcastically. Sometimes used as “true to type.” l [예문] True to form, he attempted to pawn off his work on everybody else. 아니나다를까, 그는

자신의 일을 다른 사람들에게 떠넘기려 했다.

l [예문] Will the Big Three remain true to form this tennis season as well, or will the new

generation finally be able to take a Grand Slam? 역시 이번 테니스 시즌에도 빅 3 는 예상대로일까, 아니면 신세대들이 마침내 그랜드슬램을 탈 수 있을 것인가.

[5] the going gets hard/good: 상황이 어려워지다/좋아지다

l [영영사전] the negative or positive changes in a situation

l [Ringle 에서 드리는 팁] “going” here is being used as a noun with the article “the,” referring metaphorically to the specific progress in question. l [예문] Even when the going gets hard, my mother taught me to never quit. 심지어 상황이 좋지

않더라도, 엄마는 나에게 절대 포기하지 말라고 가르쳤다.

l [예문] Sean advised his client to sell off her stocks while the going was still good, because the risk of a price crash was only going to increase. Sean 은 고객에게 상황이 좋을 때에 주식을 팔라고

19 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다. This material is exclusively prepared for Ringle Customers

조언했는데, 가격 붕괴가 일어날 위험도 증가하기 때문이다.

20 본 자료는 저작권 법에 의해 보호되는 저작물로, Ringle 사에 저작권이 존재합니다. 해당 자료에 대한 무단 복제/배포를 금하며, 해당 자료로 수익을 얻거나 이에 상응하는 혜택을 누릴 시 Ringle 과 사전 협의가 없는 경우 고소/고발 조치 될 수 있습니다.