Designing Soft Keyboards for Brahmic Scripts Lauren Hinkle Miguel Lezcano Jugal Kalita Colorado College University of Colorado University of Colorado Colorado Springs, CO, USA Colorado Springs, CO, USA Colorado Springs, CO, USA lauren.hinkle
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Soft keyboards allow a user to input text with and without the use of a physical keyboard. They Despite being spoken by a large percent- are versatile because they allow data to be input age of the world, many Indic languages through mouse clicks on an on-screen keyboard, have escaped research and development in through a touch screen on a computer, cell phone, the realm of text-input. There exist lan- or PDA, or by mapping a virtual keyboard to guages with poor or no support for typ- a standard physical keyboard. With the recent ing. Soft keyboards, because of their ease surge in popularity of touchscreen media such of installation and lack of reliance on spe- as cell phones and computers, well-designed cific hardware, are a promising solution as soft keyboards are becoming more important an input device for many languages. De- everywhere. veloping an acceptable soft keyboard re- For languages that don’t conform well to quires frequency analysis of characters in standard QWERTY based keyboards that order to design a layout that minimizes accompany most computers, soft keyboards are text-input time. This paper proposes us- especially important. Brahmic scripts (Coulmas ing various development techniques, lay- 1990) have more characters and ligatures than fit out variations, and evaluation methods usably on a standard keyboard.