CREDIT Allies Push Tanks, Troops up to Line Dividing Berlin
A TUESDAY, AtJGUST 22, 1261 fJUSM FOUBTBEN Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather ;BI{tnrl)f90trr lEtirhittg UrmUi For the Week Ended ForeeMt ef U. S. Weattwr Ban aa June S, 1961 OocMlennl min er driule to (Hcperienoa haa been In BoUon to build a garaga 16 foot from ^ Bloom fi^ Binee 1959. Mias Abbs side line of hU property on Odor HALL FOR RENT 13,3.30 night. Low 68 to 70. Cloudy, eeel A bou t Town 8 'tea ch ers was also appointed freshman dra- Mill Rd. since aonlng regulations with periods of rain and MioWh u For partteo, showers, reeep- ' Member ef the Audit matioa assistant to complete the ZBA Airs Request stipulats~that ouch a building must H m ftiadur School SUtt of Zion tie a s, m eetin gs. Com plete UtohJ^ Borean ef CIrenlaUoi T huraday. High fai 70s. revised drsmatic club progrsm be 25 feet from the side line. Xvanrolicml lAiUicimn Church will en faeUltlea. Largo eaetesod Manchester— A City of Village Charm Join System scheduled for the new school year. meet tomoiTow nljlit at 7:30. The From Kjellquist parklag lot. In May, Donald Thomas and Miss ChuKh Council mcaU Friday Grain iPrice Raised SUght new teachera were ap Carolyn Beardsley, who will teach night at 7:M . The jnnlBg board of appoola will hmiii chi VOL. LXXX, NO. 275 (TWENTY-EIGHt PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1961 (daastfled Adverttaing on Page 26) PRICE FIVE CENTS pointed to the adiool ayatem by English at the higli school In the Ankara—A 20 per cent cut o*> Inquira UH I HaN fall, were named director and as hold a public hearing tonight at 8 government-made steel has been U GOLWAY STREET M n.
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