
Parish Report for & Milcombe

Cllr Kieron Mallon County Council April 2017

As I reflect on my first four years as the County Councillor for Bloxham and Milcombe I would like to firstly thank the members of Bloxham and Milcombe Parish Councils for their help and dedication. I can add to this the co-operation of your District Cllrs, this has made my role a lot easier than it otherwise could have been.

For most of this time the finances of the County Council have been the main concern with unenviable budget constraints leading to all services being under constant review. I have assisted in preserving as many services as possible. Through my intervention in previous OCC budgets the council has set whole council all group budgets and not along Party Political lines.

I have consistently backed the planning wishes of the parish council in its dealings with Council and assisted in their aims to secure section 106 monies from developers. I have also brokered meetings between CDC, OCC and the Parish to release funding when it seemed to be lost or stuck in the system.

Traffic and highway issues are always high on my agenda with the A361 being the backbone of my Division from Easington in through Bloxham, past Milcombe before it goes into the Division at .

I have increased safety wherever possible especially at the Wykham cross roads with the introduction of vehicle activated speed signs. The Government has announced extra money for the A361 and whilst no details are available yet I am working with Victoria Prentis MP and the County Council. The Government will be asking for expressions of interest and bids. This money will be for the whole length of the main A361 and not just our section and will probably rely on actual accident records of the police and not anecdotal evidence or near miss incidents.

I have frequently spoken to the various shops in Bloxham on parking issues as well as liaising with the bus companies and local householders near the bus stop to try to maintain safety. I have also had the gullies and drains cleared at this location to prevent standing water problems. This was on top of major “grip” (drainage) clearances and cleaning on the stretch of the A361 between Bloxham and South Newington. I have also put pressure on all agencies to try to relieve flooding problems in the village and thank the team of volunteers who rally round when flooding occurs.

The major success of the last year was working on a scheme to continue some sort of children’s provision at Bloxham Butterfly Meadows children’s centre following County Council cuts. I set up meetings and helped to bring together Bloxham Primary School, the County Council and the Parish Council. After many meetings with the Governing body and Headmaster, a bid backed by me for transitional money from OCC and some monies from Bloxham parish has allowed a service to continue on the same site. This centre serves not only Bloxham but Milcombe and other villages west of Banbury and we were grateful for monies pledged from both and Milcombe for the cause.

The 488 bus will continue and not be affected by the loss of subsidies due to developer funding.

One major problem I inherited from my predecessor was the closure of Old Bridge Road, This sorry saga is now in its sixth? year. After repeated and strong representation I am now informed that we are at the top of the long county bridge list and exploratory works are now being undertaken and the reopening should be later this year (fingers crossed).

The 40 year threat to services at the Horton General Hospital continues through whatever Government the NHS falls under. This time the Oxford Universities NHS Trust and the Clinical Commissioning Group are doing their worst to centralise services at the JR in Oxford. The reasons why this would not be good for N.E. Oxfordshire are well known to you all.

I was heavily involved with the last campaign leading to the 2008 Independent Reconfiguration Panels recommendations not to reduce services, especially midwifery, where I was asked by my peers to give evidence. I am similarly involved this time as a Cllr and took motions to all levels of local government and have attended and spoken at many meetings to oppose these plans. I have to say I think the Oxford NHS Trust have held a grudge against us from the 2008 decision and have learnt many lessons since. The confusing and some may say underhand way in which the trust is and has undertaken the current consultation and its plans for healthcare in the north speak volumes to me, but the fight will and has to go on.

The subject of the future of Local Government in Oxfordshire is high on the Political Agenda with nearly all Cllrs from all Political Parties on the County Council supporting a one whole unitary council for Oxfordshire and the abolition of the City and District Councils. This is being strongly opposed by Cherwell, West Oxfordshire and Oxford City councils. I am also strongly in opposition to these plans. The issue of the Horton Hospital is a good example of what an Oxford centric centralising massive organisation can do to an outlying area such as us in the Banbury locality.

I have nothing against unitary councils as a concept and believe that a three way split of Oxfordshire with a single unitary North Oxfordshire, a South Oxfordshire and City Borough would be the best option. That way savings can be made without losing the local element that makes councils such as Cherwell and West Oxfordshire the success they are. The County plan is now with the Secretary of State and a decision for one council or the status quo will be made by him in the summer. I thank Banbury Town Council and Bloxham and Milcombe Parish councils for their support on this issue.

Most Cllrs of all Political parties at Co. Hall accepted a 19% pay rise in allowances last year; I along with your neighbouring Conservative County Cllrs (George Reynolds, Wroxton and Arash Fatemian, ) refused to accept this increase at a time whilst cuts were taking place. All four Banbury/N. Oxfordshire Labour Co. Cllrs voted against the rise but have taken the extra money! I continue to be one of the lowest paid basic rate Cllrs on OCC. I hope this gives my constituents real value for money.

I am currently Oxfordshire’s representative on the and Crime Panel, this does not involve operational policing but scrutinises the Police and Crime Commissioner and his budgets. I have been elected by my peers on this strategic three counties panel as the Vice Chairman for which I receive a small extra OCC allowance on top of my basic rate as a back bench Cllr. My accountant every year informs me I am mad and must be well below the minimum wage for the hours put in.

I have dealt with many local constituents issues and have constantly made myself available to the parish councils and my constituents. I hope to continue as your County Cllr for another term and have put myself forward for election on May 4th.

It has been an honour and a privilege to have served you and our area and if elected will continue to put the needs of our area first at Co. Hall.

Cllr Kieron Mallon Oxfordshire County Council, Bloxham & Easington Division (and not forgetting Milcombe)