Official U. S. Bulletin and Employment Wort, the Fuel Administration

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Official U. S. Bulletin and Employment Wort, the Fuel Administration Victory i Loan May 10 : Victory \ April 21, (iffirtall.#.l«Uftitt • : Bonds i PUBLISHED DAILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * • COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities Vol. 3 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, MAECH 15, 1919. No. 5G2 GOVERNMENT COOPERATION DEPORTATION ORDER AFFIRMED NATIONAL DEFENSE COUNCIL WITH OIL INDUSTRY URGED IN 19 OUT OF 31 ALIEN CASES EMERGENCY COMMITTEE IS The Department of Labor this morning BY GARFIELD IN LETTER TO decided the cases of the 31 aliens in whose ORGANIZED TO LOOK AFTER behalf attorneys representing the Indus trial Workers of the World recently sub THE PETROLEUM COMMITTEE mitted applications for reopening and re EMPLOYMENT OF SOLDIERS consideration. In 19 of the cases the previous decisions ordering deportation VALUE DURING WAR were reaffirmed, and the Commissioner of WILL TAKE UP WORK TO U. S. AND ALLIES Immigration at New York was directed to OF THE U. S. SERVICE proceed with deportation as promptly as shipping conditions will permit. In the Wisdom and Necessity of other 12 cases the applications for re Action Taken by Director opening were granted, and on reconsider Continued Cordial Rela ing the contents of the records in the light Clarkson and Approved by tionship Pointed To— It of additional matter presented and repre Secretaries of War and sentations made by the attorneys the Com Would Help "to Make Safe missioner of Immigration at New York Labor Intended to Meet was directed to parole the aliens. the Democracy for Which Paroles Previously Refused. Problem Caused by Lack We Have Fought"— Din In most of these 12 cases parole had of Federal Funds — Col. been offered the aliens on the basis of ner to Chairman. their original hearings and before they Woods, Chairman. were removed from the State of Washing A message" urging continuance " in ton, but they refused to accept parole. For the purpose of meeting the emer some effective way " of the cooperation Thus the department lias disposed of gency cnused by the radical curtailment between the Nation's oil industry anil the 31 of the 54 aliens who were some time of the machinery of the United States Em Government, and emphasizing the value ago brought to New York from the far ployment Service, due to lack of funds, to the allies of such cooperation during West under orders of deportation, and in Grosvenor B. Clarkson, Director of the the war. by the industry under the super whose behalf a writ of habeas corpus was United States Council of National De vision of the Fuel Administration, was applied for at New York, such writ being fense, with tlie concurrence of the Secre contained in a letter sent to-day by the refused by the court with the understand taries of War and Labor, announced to? United States Fuel Administrator, Harry ing that the attorneys would be allowed day the formation by the council of the A. Garfield, to the national petroleum war to take the cases up with the department emergency committee on employment "for service committee. at Washington. soldiers and sailors, with the following The 23 cases not accounted for in the personnel : Mr. Garfield's Letter. foregoing were not reconsidered by the The letter conveyed Mr. Garfield's re department either because the attorneys Col. Woods, Chairman. grets that Important conferences previ who had applied for the writ of habeas Col. Arthur Woods, special assistant to ously arranged in Washington prevented corpus found on taking the matter up the Secretary of War, to handle employ his attendance at a dinner to-night in with the department that they were not ment of discharged soldiers, chairman. New York given by the committee to A. C. interested in the aliens or because the Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secre Bedford, its chairman, upon whom the aliens themselves asked the attorneys to tary of the Navy. French Government has conferred the withdraw the appeal in their behalf. E. N. Hurley, chairman, United States title of chevalier de la legion d'honneur. Some of these have already been de Shipping Board. It said in part : ported ; the remainder will be deported as Nathan S. Smyth, Department of La " Permit me to take this occasion to promptly as shipping facilities will per bor. express to the committee my apprecia mit. G. I. Cristie, Assistant Secretary of tion of its services, and to convey to Sir. Agriculture. Bedford my felicitations upon the honor NEW CREDIT TO ITALY. B. S. Cutler, Chief, Bureau of Foreign paid to him. I can well understand the and Domestic Commerce. desire of the French Government to recog The Treasury Department has extended Mathew Woll, American Federation of nize the services of Mr. Bedford and his an additional credit of $16,900,000 to Labor. committee. It is unnecessary to recite Italy, making the total loaned to Italy by Elliot Gnodwin, general secretary. the important part played by petroleum in the United States $1,421,500,000. The Chamber of Commerce of the United the war. grand total of credits extended the allies States. is $8,857,157,830. S. P. Bush, Industrial Board of the Great Basic Industry. Department of Commerce and president "Abundant testimony has been offered of the Buckeye Steel Casting Co., of Co by the chiefs of the naval and military lumbus, Ohio. forces to justify those immediately en Notice to Postmasters E. J, Ayers, Interior Department. gaged in the production and distribution John W. Ilallowell, of Boston. of petroleum and its products in claiming Postmasters throughout the Grosvenor B. Clarkson, Director. Coun a place among the few great basic indus cil of National Defense. tries which furnished the supplies neces United States are hereby notified Tlie secretary of the committee will bo sary to winning the war. that all post offices have been E. H. Greenwood, who has been associ " The national petroleum committee dropped from the mailing list of ated with the Department of Labor in Its was in existence prior to the creation of The Official U. S. Bulletin and employment wort, the Fuel Administration. It had brought A representative of the Railroad Ad together in effective cooperation the com that henceforth they will receive ministration probably will be designated peting elements of the industry. But to no more copies of this publication. later. (Continued on page 2.) The organization of this committee has THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1019. been made necessary by the lack of appro- WILL ASK LAWYERS TO HELP prhitions for the continuance of tlie Fed- MARITIME CONTROL OF TRADE ernl Employment Service on its present PROTECT LIBERTY BOND OWNERS basis to the close of the fiscal year. No TO TURKEY AND ASIA MINOR funds from any other source being avail Rules for Shipments Destined to The Federal Trade Commission au able at the present time, the service has thorizes the following : • been forced to order the closing of all Mediterranean and Black Thousands of attorneys throughout the of its branch offices except those in 56 Sea Ports. Cnited States are to be asked to volunteer important industrial centers and reduce their efforts in the Government campaign its entire organization in all sections to to protect liberty bond holders from fake about 15 per cent of its normal working The War Trade Board announces (W. force. Except in a comparatively few T. B. R. 047) that the following plan is stock investment schemes. in effect for the control of maritime One large organization already has pro parts of the country the conduct of the ceeded to notify its membership to this work of finding employment for war and traffic to Constantinople. Asia Minor, the other civilian workers by the Department Black Sea (Including the Sea of Azof), end. the const of Asia Minor, whether occu The lawyers will be asked to send at of Labor will have to be entirely discon once to the Federal Trade Commission tinued, and to some extent the work of pied or unoccupied by allied troops, and the Bulgarian coast of the Mediterranean the names, addresses, and " literature " of finding suitable occupations for dis stock peddlers seeking to induce liberty charged soldiers and sailors will be Sea. ' bond holders to " exchange " their bonds greatly hampered. The allied naval authorities in Con For this reason the emergency commit stantinople will examine the manifests of for questionable securities. tee on employment for soldiers and sailors all ship* destined to Constantinople and will endeavor to supplement and assist the Black Sea (including the Sea of GOVERNMENT COOPERATION the present organization of the Federal Azof), and In the case of any ships having Employment Service to such an extent prohibited cargo (see W. T. B. R. 041, WITH OIL INDUSTRY URGED that the work which it has performed in issued March 12, 1919, giving list of com modities the shipment of whieli to Black (Continued Trom page 1.) the past will continue. Sea ports is restricted), said authorities Bureau Not Seriously Affected. will take the necessary measures to pre my mind a more significant fact was the The Bureau for Returning Soldiers and vent the unloading or the transit of the ready response of the committee to the Sailors of the Employment Service, which prohibited merchandise. call to service by the Government. The has nearly 2.000 branch bureaus, should Naval authorities, in agreement with supervision of the industry required un not be seriously affected by the present the military authorities of the associated der the provisions of the Lever Act and situation for the reason that many of governments in Constantinople, will pre by Executive order of the President might theso iye supported either by the com pare the list of ports of the Black Sea have been rendered exceedingly difficult, munities in which they are located, by and of the Sea of Azof, with which all but the relations established between Mr.
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