| \ Cia N nd | ‘En a Ne ODE HAP sa TYSex Suse we va — 6 Yh, Bm LO) ay) z al-Hafiz Aba Bakr Ahmad Ibn ‘Ali al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (d.463H) of Hadith Disciplesbeing a translation of his Sharaf al-Ashab al-Hadith wa Nasibatu Ablu’l-Hadith | The Messenger of Allah (3%) said: ““May Allah cause a slave to flourish who heard my words and understands them, then he conveys them from me. There may be those who have knowledge but no understanding, and there may be those who convey knowledge to those who may 399 have more understanding of it than they do. [Aba Dawid #3660 and Tirmidhi #2656] Disciples of Hadith The Noble Guardians With accompanying notes of the author advisingAblu’lHadith by al-Hafiz Abt Bakr Ahmad Ibn ‘Ali al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (d. 463 H) Dar as-Sunnah Publishers BIRMINGHAM First Published in Great Britain June 2020 / Dhu’l-Qa‘dah 1441H by Dar as-Sunnah Publishers DAR AS-SUNNAH PUBLISHERS P.O. Box 9818, Birmingham, B11 4WA, United Kingdom W: www.darassunnah.com E:;
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