Story of the Holy Ka'aba and Its People

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Story of the Holy Ka'aba and Its People Published on Books on Islam and Muslims | ( Home > Story of the Holy Ka’aba And its People Story of the Holy Ka’aba And its People Author(s): S.M.R. Shabbar [3] Publisher(s): Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [4] A detailed history of the Ka'ba, and each of the 14 Ma'sumin (Infallibles) Category: Fatima al-Zahra [5] Imam Ali [6] Imam al-Husayn and Karbala [7] Imam al-Mahdi [8] Prophet Muhammad [9] The 12 Imams [10] Important notice: DISCLAIMER: The Ahlul Bayt DILP team wishes to inform the reader that we try our best to ensure that the content of what we host is in line with the normative understanding of Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad and his successors, the Ahlul Bayt, and explained and interpreted by the learned scholars of the tradition. Part of this normativeness, is that we also present alternative view-points in matters where interpretation is broad owing to sources consulted. We take this for our readers an encouragement so that they commit themselves to consult various sources before forming a learned position. The Ahlul Bayt DILP Team Featured Category: Introducing the Ahlul Bayt [11] Resources for Further Research [12] A Short History of the Muhammadi Trust It was March 1969 when I phoned The Director of the Islamic Center at Regents Park in London, the Raja of Mahmudabad for an appointment to discuss about setting up an organization for the sole purpose of furthering the education of Muslim youth. I went to see Raja Saheb with my friend Sayyid Asghar Haider Kazmi. Unfortunately Raja Saheb was unable to see me that evening because of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman’s arrival in London who was with the Raja at that time. I went there the next evening and put before him a constitution by the name of Ahlebayt Academy. Raja Saheb red the paper and commented that if the name is changed to Muhammadi Trust it would appeal to a wider audience. We agreed and in this way Muhammadi Trust came into being. Although the name changed the object of the association remained the same, which is the education of the Muslim youth on the lines the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet wanted us to learn. The First Trustees were as follows: H.E. The Raja of Mahmudabad Sayyid Sadiq Husayn Shah Kazmi Dr.Sayyid Sikander Raza, Mirza Baqar Khorasanee Abbas Jethabhai Gokal Hasan Pirbhai Sayyid Muhammad Raza Shabbar (The writer of the present book) After the resignation of Hasan Pirbhai due to business commitments, Mr. Qasim Husayn who had arrived in London after taking retirement from the Pakistan Air force as Wing Commander, was appointed as Trustee and also its secretary. The Work of the Trust began in earnest. S.M.R. Shabbar Muhammadi Trust, London, March 1997 Introduction In 1980 we celebrated the 1400 anniversary of the Hijri Calendar and published a short biography of the 14 Ma’sumeen (infallibles). As this was just a one page biography of each Ma’sum, we thought that this time we should make an effort to give the biographies of Ma’sumeen in detail. Our first effort was highly popular and the 3000 copies of our first print were sold out quickly. We had to reprint and even all copies of the second edition were also sold out. Demand came from all countries from all five continents. Time passed but people still remember our effort and from time to time a call on the phone from Auckland New Zealand or Los Angeles USA reminds us that the need for some detailed biography is still there. Recently many more people asked about the book and we thought that the time has come to make an effort. Indeed Sheikh Mufid’s Al-Irshad is there, but this is, although authentic, tedious to read and understand. The book appears to be for research scholars only, ordinary people, especially the youth in the West who wish to know about the Ma’sumeen do not have a suitable, extensive, or authentic enough book which tells them who these Ma’sumeen were, what they did and what influence they left on the Muslim society of today. With this idea in the forefront, the following book is in your hands to read and understand about the 14 Ma’sumeen without taking too much of your time in understanding it. It is a simple, concise biography in simple English with all the necessary references at the end of each biography. Why were these Ma’sumeen called “Ahlul Bayt” ? Qur’an in 42:23 tells us in the words of Prophet Muhammad, “ I do not ask you for any recompense for this (communication of the revelation) except the love of the near kinship." (Mawaddata fil-Qurba). Asking the believers to love the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt. In 33:33 there is further elaboration of the Ahlul Bayt and their status. This state of purity, which distinguished Muhammad (S) and his family (Ahlul Bayt) from the common Muslims, agreed with the elevated ranks of the families of the earlier Prophets, but this elevation was not unconditional, they had to be rightly guided to achieve that status. This guidance was confirmed by the following verses, Verse 33 goes like this: "God desires only to remove any impurities from you, o people of the House (Ahlul Bayt) and to purify you completely.” Who are the people of the House (Ahlul Bayt)? The pronoun referring to them is in the masculine plural, while the preceding part of the verse is in the feminine plural. This change in gender has evidently pointed the finger to the Five people of the mantle (Ahl Al-Kisa) i.e. Muhammad-’Ali-Fatima-Hasan- Husayn. For this Verse was revealed when the Prophet (S) was in the house of his daughter Fatima under a Kisa. She is the narrator of this Tradition. When these Five persons were under the Kisa she used a sentence “Fa Lamma Aktamalna” And when we were complete (Under the Kisa). She did not use the word Ajtam’ana, i.e. when were all gathered or assembled together for it would show the possibility of addition or subtraction from the Five. The word ‘Aktamalna’ clarified the position that these Five had completed the assembly without further additions. Tabari in his commentary and Imam Fakhruddin Razi in his Tafsee-e-Kabir in their commentaries on this verse support this interpretation and the names of Five people with the exclusion of the wives of the Prophet. The Ahlul Bayt of Muhammad (S) meant, as was consistent with the general usage of the term at the time, primarily his blood relations, the same people who were also forbidden to receive Alms ( Sadaqa) in order that their state of purity not be soiled or questioned. This also elevates them to the status of infallible (Ma’sum), that is, free of mistakes in all avenues of life. To further confirm the names of these Five persons, in 3:61, the Verse of Mubahela clarifies this position in front of the large audience of Muslims as well as Christians. This Verse goes like this: “ If one disputes with you in this matter (concerning Jesus) after the knowledge which has come to you, come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us swear an oath and place the curse of God on those who lie.” And the personalities Muhammad (S) took with him were the same Five people of the Kisa. He himself as Prophet of God, his Daughter Fatima (sa) as the women of the family, his two grand sons as the sons and his cousin ‘Ali (as) as the “Self” of the Prophet. When the Bishop of Najran saw these faces he realized the truthfuof the Prophet and refrained from verbal confrontation of curse on those who lie. Qur’an’s logic plays a great part in understanding what God wanted us to know and what to do when matters are under dispute or subject to various interpretations. 3:31 tells us, “ Say (O’ Muhammad) if you love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins.” In this Verse, the Prophet is introduced as an exemplar to whose behaviour and morality people should conform their own behaviour and morality, and whom they should take as their precedent. This in itself is a proof of the Prophet’s immunity from sin and error, because, if it were possible for sin and error to proceed from him, there would be no purpose in God, introducing him as a leader and a precedent. This position then after the Prophet, passed to the Household (Ahlul Bayt) and according to a Hadith, which many Sunni and Shi’i scholars have narrated in their books on the life of the Prophet, in histories and in their own books on Hadith from nearly thirty companions of the Prophet. The Prophet chose his Household (Ahlul Bayt) for the leadership and Imamate. He said, “ I leave among you two precious things: the Book of Allah and my Ahlul Bayt. These two will not be separated until they encounter me at the pool of Kawthar (in paradise). Do not run ahead of them, for you will be ruined, do not neglect them, for you will be ruined and do not seek to instruct them for they are wiser than you.” Looking at the above Verses of the Holy Book, let there be no doubt in the minds of any readers, believers or non believers, that the Prophet on orders of the Qur’an was a Ma’sum and so were his Ahlul Bayt.
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