
Magister Murtaugh Syllabus - 2015-2016 [email protected]

Latin III Roman – The Monarchy &

Course Description: In this course, we will cover the first half of Roman history (Monarchy & Republic) through its Authors. These factors will give you as a student, a solid foundation for understanding your future studies of the Roman world. Our texts will vary between source and English translations of The Great Roman , , , and . There will also be other supplementary readings and exercises. Further, the class will focus on etymology to improve students understanding and command of English.

Objectives: To acquire a comprehensive understanding of Roman History To build an evolving vocabulary To foster an appreciation for classical civilization and its contribution To improve English skills in writing, reading, speaking, and listening

Materials: 1. Ancient (Zoch), (Livy), Parallel Lives (), Bellum Iugurthinum, De Coniurantione Catalina (Sallust), Commentarii de Bello Gallico (Caesar), Divus Iulius (Suetonius) (Provided by the School) 2. Two Composition Notebooks (Provided by the Student) 3. Writing Utensils (Provided by the Student)

Expectations and Discipline: Students must uphold the “Pillars of Character” and follow all RPA policies, i.e. dress code, discipline, etc. The learning environment of student and their rights are paramount at RPA. Any student who threatens the others’ rights to learn, as well as his/her own, whether through class disruption or otherwise, will be removed from the classroom to face disciplinary action.

In short, the truly successful student will seek to acquire the four cardinal virtues of the ancients: SAPIENTIA Wisdom IUSTITIA Justice FORTITUDO Fortitude TEMPERANTIA Temperance

Grading: Class Participation – 30% Notebooks – 25% Quizzes - 20% Exams - 15% Project - 10%

Renaissance Public Academy | Introduction to Latin | Magister Murtaugh | 2015-2016

Class Participation – 30% You will be required to participate in class discussions, activities, and projects. This includes doing your homework, raising your hand for questions, being involved during small groups, and staying quiet during appropriate times.

Notebooks – 25% Taking notes is of the utmost importance. Not only does it help you sharpen your writing ability it keeps a daily log of your critical thinking, progress, and participation. I will be collecting the notebooks randomly and periodically throughout the trimester to check your progress. Your notebooks will become your study guide for quizzes and test.

Google Classroom Supplemental materials like documents, texts, readings, and other assignments will be posted in your Google Classroom. We will take some time setting this up during the first week of school. And it will be implemented fairly quickly. All assignments pertaining to the google classroom will either be completed in your notebooks or online and will count toward your notebook grade. If you need help accessing this information please let me know, ASAP. PASSWORD: ofh0k9

Quizzes - 20% Every other week there will be a quiz on the material covered up until then. All the quizzes will consist of Multiple Choise, Fill in the Blank, Written and Translation. These will be based on our readings and studies in class. You will be given ample notice of the Quizzes by way of the schedule (listed below).

Exams – 15% There will be two tests, a Mid-Term and a Final. These tests will cover all of the material covered up until the date of the test. There will be plenty of time to prepare and study for the tests as I have set aside the days just prior as study hall/test preparation days.

Project – 10% Each student will choose a Historical Moment, Figure, Battle, Monument, Speech etc. Each Project will focus on a Historical Figure must be presented in one of five forms; 1) An Essay, 2) Power Point, 3) Movie, 4) Speech or 5)Your Choice. The options to present will be explained at a later date.

Trimester Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 Exam/Intro Founding Monarchy Monarchy No Class Week 2 No Class Monarchy Livy Quiz Projects/Certamen Week 3 Res Publica Livy Res Publica Livy Projects/Certamen Week 4 Res Publica War Livy Quiz Projects/Certamen Week 5 1st Punic War 2nd Punic War Livy Livy No Class Week 6 Macedonia 3rd Punic War Livy Quiz No Class Week 7 Exam Prep Exam Prep Exam Conferences Conferences Week 8 The Gracchi Plutarch Jugurtha Sallust No Class Week 9 Marius/ Plutarch/Sallust /Cataline Quiz No Class Week 10 1st Livy Caesar No Class Week 11 Gallic Wars Caesar No Class Quiz Projects/Certamen Week 12 Civil War Livy/Plutarch Assassination Suetonius No Class Week 13 Exam Prep Exam Certamen Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Public Academy | Introduction to Latin | Magister Murtaugh | 2015-2016

Syllabus Acknowledgement Form

Please sign and return on 1st

I have read the course expectations and will contact Magister Murtaugh at any time with any concerns or questions. I understand the severity and consequences of cheating and/or plagiarizing. I am also aware that absences and disciplinary expectations will be in congruence with the Renaissance Public Academy Handbook. Most importantly, I agree to respect Magister Murtaugh, my fellow students and RPA as a whole.

Class: ______

Student: ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Renaissance Public Academy | Introduction to Latin | Magister Murtaugh | 2015-2016