Male U Mi an Excellent Performance Was Pre Water-Hou- Se in an Descriptive Of
Fi r, i I 1 H L I l 99 3 KM nBB Kstabllshed July 3, 1S5. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4234. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1S96. PRICE 5 CENTS and not likely to meet with any strong loose rock from above the road ap- DR. JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITE SEAL OF THE REPUBLIC. objection, while, from an aesthetic WANT TO DISCUSS IT. pears to be no worse ou this line than point of view, it mu?t be considered a on other possible line, and in any telephone, 923. decided improvement. case can be almost wholly prevented. Per S. S. Australia, from the of remaining to Office, Corner Fort and Bere-tani- a The difficult problem of devising The length road Coast. Honolulu, February 21st. two human figures as supporters has be built is 1 miles as stated, of 8 per Streets. Camarino's Refrigerator, contain- been happily solved by introducing: cent., a usual width of 20 feet, and In Office Hoars: 9 to 11 a.m.. 1 to 4 p.m. Design Submitted by the Kamehameha I. and the Goddess of Attempt to Head Off Opium no case less than 12 feet. We estimate t- - ing a full of ic house SnnJ ivc, 9 !0 a.m. supply Liberty, both representing important the cost of completing the road, in- poods, such as California and "Anglo-Dane- ." epochs in the history of Hawaii the Bill Fails. cluding macadamizing, at $45,000. A. S. HUMPHREYS, Eastern Oysters, Celery, Salmon, old and new respectively. The con- 'There are several :eep grades be- Butter, Navel Oranges, Apples, trast of color and sex suggesting not tween Honolulu and the Pali which Cooking Pears, Mandarin Oranges.
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