Male U Mi an Excellent Performance Was Pre Water-Hou- Se in an Descriptive Of
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Fi r, i I 1 H L I l 99 3 KM nBB Kstabllshed July 3, 1S5. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4234. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1S96. PRICE 5 CENTS and not likely to meet with any strong loose rock from above the road ap- DR. JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITE SEAL OF THE REPUBLIC. objection, while, from an aesthetic WANT TO DISCUSS IT. pears to be no worse ou this line than point of view, it mu?t be considered a on other possible line, and in any telephone, 923. decided improvement. case can be almost wholly prevented. Per S. S. Australia, from the of remaining to Office, Corner Fort and Bere-tani- a The difficult problem of devising The length road Coast. Honolulu, February 21st. two human figures as supporters has be built is 1 miles as stated, of 8 per Streets. Camarino's Refrigerator, contain- been happily solved by introducing: cent., a usual width of 20 feet, and In Office Hoars: 9 to 11 a.m.. 1 to 4 p.m. Design Submitted by the Kamehameha I. and the Goddess of Attempt to Head Off Opium no case less than 12 feet. We estimate t- - ing a full of ic house SnnJ ivc, 9 !0 a.m. supply Liberty, both representing important the cost of completing the road, in- poods, such as California and "Anglo-Dane- ." epochs in the history of Hawaii the Bill Fails. cluding macadamizing, at $45,000. A. S. HUMPHREYS, Eastern Oysters, Celery, Salmon, old and new respectively. The con- 'There are several :eep grades be- Butter, Navel Oranges, Apples, trast of color and sex suggesting not tween Honolulu and the Pali which Cooking Pears, Mandarin Oranges. only reconciliation, but the fusion of can be easily improved. A large Attorney at Law, the races with one another. portion of the road is rough aud is Choice lot of fresh Pineapples from A FINE PIECE OF WORK. The irradiatiug sun above the shield WATERHOUSE MAKES A STAND. kejt so by allowlug the road to he-co- me HONOLUL tj, H. I. Pearl City, weighing from 7' to 10 is symbolic of the new era which the bed of a stream during heavy Oific: On Fvaahumanu street, lately pounds at cheap prices. dawned upon Hawaii with the advent rains. The cost of preventing damagb occupied by Mr. Thurston. MARKET. of the Republic, while the fabulous would here be much less than the CALIFORNIA FRUIT uei herself, cost of repairs, with the further ad- Old bird "Phceuix" is Hawaii Baldwin, Schmidt, Northrup and Ktco Telephone 378. 3t Sonfe Features of the Seal. rising, rejuvenated,- - from the ashes of vantage of having a good road at all WILLIAM C. PARKE, The Old and the Xew Blended. the monarchy. The taro leaves, ferns, Say Tliey Oppose the Measure le-po- rt times. There. Is no special difficulty CANNON & CO., Palama Gro- The Lone Star of the Pacific. etc., are suggestive of the fruitfulness ou Great Senl of the Republic. in properly draining the road. Attorney at Law. a of the soil and the tropical verdure of Legislative Business Booms Alonjr. ' Respectfully submitted, cery, received by the Australia To Be Considered on Wednesday. C. H. Kleuqel, ice-hou- se the country. AND full assortment of goods, The fact that the committee was of C. V. E. Dove, Agent to Take Acknowledgments Frozen Oysters, Celery, Cauliflower, the opinion that the old motto should J. S. Emerson, Office at Kaahuruanu at., Honolulu H.I. Salmon, Fresh Roll Butter ; also, be retained induced Mr. Jacobson to Pali Road Commission." Navel Oranges, Apples, Pears, give it greater prominence than here- The black list is opened. , These This report was turned over to the Representative Robertson and Sena tofore, and, in this particular, he fol- are the Members of the Legisla- LYLE A. DICKEY, Olives, Etc. 3t McCandless, the lowed out in all of Printing Committee. 1 tors Schmidt and the plan carried ture who have thus far put them- Attorney General Smith reported the seals iu the American States. re- JAMES L. HOLT, General Busi- committee appointed to secure designs selves on record for licensing for the commission to revise aud for a great seal yesterday recommended codify the penal laws. Mr. Smith Attorney at Law ness Agent, Accountant and Col- opium : report of commissioners the one submitted by "Anglo-Dane- ," Child Study. read the the 11 KAAHUMANU 8THEET. lector, Office on Kaahumanu Senator Cecil Rrown, who with tne consent of the Execu- G39. who turns out to be Viggo Jacobson, The child study class will hold tive had had the report, as made by Tel ep Lone 345. street. Telephone Prompt Senator John McCandless, well known penman. semi-month- printed in order to place Attention Guaranteed. the their regular ly meet- A. Hocking. Judge Foster, itfr. Jaco! son's design embodies Senator it in proper form before the Legisla- of a - LITTLE, of old -- eal ing Wednesday at 2:25 at the High ture. The necessity revision in GILBERT2.F- D hoo e of the features the All kinds of SECOND-HAN- 24. the penal code was pointed out by n-- w School building. The subject for Monday, Feb. FURNITURE sold cheap for cash and includes others that are to Mr. Smith. The report was referred Law," If the lower House copies after the to the Joint Judiciary Committee. Attorney at at the I X L, corner Nunanu and despatching measures King streets. Senate in the Brown's Opium Bill. IIILO, HAWAII. Fur- brought before it, the first regular If you want to sell out your was on hand with or for bar- session of the Legislature of the Re Senator Brown niture in its entirety, public will be a one. his opium bill and read It through for gains, call the I. X. L., corner short of the Senators. The DR. C. Clifford RYDER, at The Senate began business at the the information of Nuuanu and King streets. bill provides not only for the licensing FORMERLY OF THE: usual hour Monday morning. Senator of opium but also the licensing of was on which leaves opium dens, of which there shall not CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Derby, D. D. S. Dental Baldwin hand, A. J. Kauhane as the only member yet to be more thau four In Honolulu. Office: No. 73 Beretania street, Rooms 100 Alakea &t, between Senator Baldwin moved that the opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. Beretania and Hotel.. Treatment arrive. l ill be referred to the Printing Com- TKIEPIIOXE 241. Chairman Rice of the Printing mittee. of dead teeth and roots a specialty. presented appropria- Waterhouse said he could 9 a. m. to 4 p, m. Committee the Senator H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Office hours, tion bills for current accounts and not let it go to the committee without GEO. Tel. 615. a protest. He said the majority of salaries and pay rolls, Minister King's the Senate were present and they bill for the revision of the Laud Act might as well put themselves on rec- Dentist. THE SINGER received Following out 54 first awards for sewing ma- and the bill referring to the biennial ord now as later. this Fort Street, Opposite Catholic period. idea he moved that the bill be re- Mission. chines and embroidery work at jected. Seconded by Senator Rice. 111., Senator Brown from the committee - Chicago, Hoars, from 9 n. ra.- to 4 p. m. the World's Fair, Mr. Baldwin said he thought the being the largest number of on rules submitted the'recommenda- - bill should meet with the full vote of awards obtained by any exhibitor tion to do away with the engrossing the Senate. He was personally op- DR. I. MORI, of bills and provide typewritten copies. posed to licensing opium, but It was and more than double, the num- an important problem and many peo- ber giyen to "all other sewing ma- Report on Pall Road. ple had changed their opinions in re- Office Fort street near Bretnnia. Hours was difficult ques- 7 to :30 a. ru. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Satur- chines. For sale, lease and rent. The Pali road commission present cent years. It a day and 1 p.m. Telephone tion tor meet. There was undoubt- too Repairing done ed its report as follows : amount of opium smug- 530. 113 Bethel edly a large Residence Arlington Hotel. B. BERGERSEN, 'We have carefully examined the gled and a full discussion of the bill Nuuanu Pali with reference to the could do no harm. - City Carriage Company have re- construction of a new wagon road. Senator Schmidt seconded Mr. DR. E. C. SURMANN moved to the corner of Fort and DESIGN FOR GREAT SEAL. 'On the South aide the gentle slope Baldwin's motion. e. valley presents no dif- Waterhouse called for the streets; Telephone No. Submitted. by Anglo-Dan- into Nuuanu Senator Has removed to Garden Lane. Merchant ficulties. On the North side there is ayes and noes. He said : "We might 113. First-clas- s carriages at all a very steep rocky slope. Here a line as well come to an understanding ou hours. JOHN S. ANDRADE. Hawaii in the matter of scrolls or the hour will be the care of children. of road with a grade of 13J "per cent this matter at once." Telephone 181. escutcheons. Dr. Cordelia Green who is at the was located by W. R. Lawrence in Senator Wright thought Mr. Water well-know- 1882. house was trying to force matters. G. R. Harrison, Practical Piano In working out his ideas he seems head of the n sanitarium This location runs through the M.