1 © Derek Marshall Access Arrangements The Alicedale boulders are on private land. The farmer has been so kind to allow us to boulder on his land, but he has requested that anybody bouldering at Alicedale contact him before going onto his property. Contents Please contact Derek 083 681 8713
[email protected] Area 1 Page 7 for access details. Area 2 Page 42 Area 51 Page 62 Area 3 Page 70 Area 4 Page 78 Area 32 Page 80 Legal Note, Liability & Disclaimer All climbing is dangerous & always at your own risk. No responsibility for inaccurate or incomplete information will be accepted by the various contributors to this guide. The landowners accept no liability at all. Climbers take full responsibility for themselves at all times. It took consistent effort, time, work & organization to get this guide ready for your pleasure! All the information & photographs are Copy Righted. You are more than welcome to download, e mail, view & print out this guide in its unchanged format, with logos & all information intact. This guide may not be uploaded to a web site other than Take note of the following basics: www.easterncaperockclimbing.co.za. without written permission. 1. Please be mega polite & don’t inconvenience the farmer in any way. 2. Please don’t make fires, litter, play music or do anything stupid. 3. Please don’t touch the Bushman paintings at all. Accommodation 4. Please don’t damage the fence as you climb over it. The owner of the bouldering at Alicedale hires out a really nice old farmhouse. This is the recommended accommodation.