THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3 NOVEMBER, 1922. 7813 Aioners for the Division of Stafford Borough, in Authority.—'King's Haibour Master, Ports- the Said County of Stafford
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3 NOVEMBER, 1922. 7813 aioners for the division of Stafford Borough, in Authority.—'King's Haibour Master, Ports- the said county of Stafford. mouth. : F. A. Barrett. By Command of their Lordships, > C. Gordon Spry. F. C. Learmonth, Rear-Admiral and Hydrographer of the Navy. PATENTS AND DESIGNS ACTS, : Admiralty, London. 1907 AND 1919. 1st November, 1922. Application for Restoration of Lapsed Patent under Section 20. GAS REGULATION ACT, 1920. Notice is hereby given, that Albert Maurice Aubert has made application for the restora- THE SOUTH ELMSALL, SOUTH KIRKBY AND tion of the Patent granted to him for an inven- NORTH * ELMSALL GAS (CHARGES) ORDER, tion entitled, " Improvements in regenerative 1922. tipping furnaces," numbered 120559 (16518 South Elmsall, South Kirkby and of 1918), and bearing date the 22nd day of North . Elmsall Gas Company, in pur- October, 1917, which expired on the 22nd day suance of the above Order, hereby give notice of October, 1921, owing to the non-payment that the; calorific value of the gas which they of the prescribed renewal fee. intend to supply is 400 British Thermal Any person may give notice of opposition Units, and that the date from which they will to the restoration by leaving Patents Form supply gas of the said calorific value is the No. 17 at the Patent.Office, 25, Southampton first day of January, 1923. Buildings, London, W.C. 2, on or before the . Dated this. 2nd day of November, 1922. .1st day of January, 1923. R. HORNBY PORTER, Secretary. W. TEMPLE FRANKS, Comptroller-General. Gas Works, South Elmsall, '34 near Pontefract.
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