Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Emerging Novelists Of The Twenty First Century by Lyn Marven Emerging German Language Novelists Of The Twenty First Century by Lyn Marven. Geb. 1971, Senior Lecturer seit 2004, Ireland-Maynooth, Irland. Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (Fachgebiet) - Neuere dt. Literaturwissenschaft - Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Lehrgebiet) Anschrift: Department of German National University of Ireland - Maynooth - Maynooth - County Kildare - Republic of Ireland. Genderforschung Literatur im 20./21. Jahrhundert, , Literatur seit 1945 Komparatistische Literaturforschung Literatur und andere Künste. Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur Weibliches Schreiben Literarische Repräsentationen und Konstruktionen von Mutterschaft Deutschsprachige Literatur seit 1945 Schweizer Gegenwartsliteratur . Monographien in Auswahl : Valerie Heffernan: Provocation from the Periphery. Robert Walser Re-examined, (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007). Valerie Heffernan u. Gay Wilgus, ‘Introduction: Imagining Motherhood in the Twenty-first Century — Images, Representations, Constructions’, Women: A Cultural Review 29/1 (2018): 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/09574042.2018.1442603 Valerie Heffernan, ‘Mending the Torn Fragments of a Relationship: An Interview with Sarah Strong’, Women: A Cultural Review 29/1 (2018): 97-111. DOI: 10.1080/09574042.2018.1425538 Samuel Frederick u. Valerie Heffernan, ‘Introduction. Robert Walser: Modernist at the Margins’, in: Robert Walser: A Companion, ed. by Samuel Frederick and Valerie Heffernan, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2018, pp. 3-19 Valerie Heffernan, ‘Parodies of Power: Robert Walser’s Dramatic Scenes’, in: Robert Walser: A Companion, ed. by Samuel Frederick and Valerie Heffernan, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2018, pp. 209-227 Valerie Heffernan, ‘Dementia Narratives in Contemporary German Women’s Writing’, Journal of Romance Studies 17/3 (2017): 361-378. DOI: 10.3828/jrs.2017.27 Valerie Heffernan: ‘Robert Walsers dramatische Szenen’, in: Robert Walser- Handbuch, hg. v. Lucas Marco Gisi, Stuttgart: Metzler, 2015, S. 214-216. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Matrilineal Narrative and the Feminist Family Romance’, in: German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century, hg. v. Hester Baer und Alexandra Merley Hill, Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015, S. 37-53. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Mediating the Mommy Wars in Contemporary Germany’, in Stay at Home Mothers: An International Perspective, hg. v. Elizabeth Reid Boyd und Gayle Letherby, Toronto: Demeter, 2014, S. 129-139. Valerie Heffernan und Gillian Pye: ‘Trends and Transitions in Contemporary German- language Writing by Women’, in: Transitions: Emerging Women Writers in German-Language Literature, hg. v. Valerie Heffernan und Gillian Pye, German Monitor 76, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013, S. 1-34. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Perspectives on the Borderline: Julia Franck’s “Lagerfeuer”’ in: Transitions: Emerging Women Writers in German- Language Literature, hg. v. Valerie Heffernan und Gillian Pye, German Monitor 76, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013, S. 69- 89. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Julia Franck, “Die Mittagsfrau”: Historia Matria and Matrilineal Narrative’, in: Emerging German-Language Novelists of the Twenty-First Century, hg. v. Lyn Marven und Stuart Taberner, Studies in , Linguistics and Culture, Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011, S.148-161. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Unschweizerische Schweizerliteratur? Ruth Schweikert, , Zoë Jenny’, in: Schweiz schreiben. Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Mythos Schweiz in der Gegenwartsliteratur, hg. v. Jürgen Barkhoff und Valerie Heffernan, Tübingen: De Gruyter, 2010, S. 283-295. Jürgen Barkhoff und Valerie Heffernan: ‘Einleitung: ›Mythos Schweiz‹. Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Schweizerischen in der Literatur’, in: Schweiz schreiben. Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Mythos Schweiz in der Gegenwartsliteratur, hg. v. Jürgen Barkhoff und Valerie Heffernan, Tübingen: De Gruyter, 2010, S. 7-27. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Swimming against the current? Rolf Lappert’s “Nach Hause schwimmen”’, in: Figurationen – Gender/Literatur/Kultur 01/2010, S. 113-127. Valerie Heffernan: ‘„Nicht wahr, es klingt so schön“. Zur Musik des Walser-Textes’, in: Bildersprache Klangfiguren. Spielformen der Intermedialität bei Robert Walser, hg. v. Anna Fattori und Margit Gigerl, München: Fink, 2008, S. 219-225. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Robert Walser: Lange wohnte sie nun schon im Turm der Geduld’, in: Prose Project: Irish Germanists interpret German Short and Very Short Narrative Texts, hg. v. Florian Krobb und Jeff Morrison, Germanistik in Ireland Schriftenreihe Vol. 1, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2008, S. 133-140. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Walsers hybrides Subjekt. Zur dramatischen Szene “Die Chinesin/Der Chinese”’, in: Robert Walsers Ferne Nähe. Neue Beiträge zur Forschung, hg. v. Wolfram Groddeck, Reto Sorg, Peter Utz und Karl Wagner, München: Wilhelm Fink, 2007, S. 237-242. Valerie Heffernan: ‘Walter Matthias Diggelmann’s “Die Hinterlassenschaft” and the landscape of Swiss Vergangenheitsbewältigung’, in: From the Margins to the Centre. Irish Perspectives on Swiss Culture and Literature, hg. v. Patrick Studer und Sabine Egger, Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, S. 265-282. Dissertation (Titel): Provocation from the Periphery. Robert Walser Re-examined. Dissertation - Jahr der Publikation: 2007. Übersetzungen in Auswahl : Fritz Paul: "'As if he were a King' – The Rise and Fall of Ibsen’s John Gabriel Borkman". Translated by Valerie Heffernan. In: Ibsen on the Cusp of the 21st Century. Critical Perspectives. A Festschrift in Honour of Asbjørn Aarseth, ed. by Paal Bjørby, Alvhild Dvergsdal and Idar Stegane. (Laksevåg: Alvheim & Eide, 2005), pp. 125-139. Samuel Frederick u. Valerie Heffernan (Hg.), Robert Walser: A Companion, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press Valerie Heffernan u. Gillian Pye (Hg.), Transitions: Emerging Women Writers in German-Language Literature, German Monitor 76, Amsterdam: Rodopi Jürgen Barkhoff u. Valerie Heffernan (Hg.), Schweiz schreiben. Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Mythos Schweiz in der Gegenwartsliteratur, Tübingen: De Gruyter. Mitglied des Maynooth University Motherhood Project, Maynooth University, Irland (https:/ / www. maynoothuniversity. ie/ motherhood-project) Mitglied des "AHRC Motherhood in post-1968 European Literature Network", Institute for Modern Languages, Research, University of London, Großbritannien (https:/ / modernlanguages. sas. ac. uk/ research-fellowships/ ahrc-motherhood-post-1968-european-literature- network) Mitglied, German Studies Association (GSA) Mitglied, Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (AGS) Mitglied, German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI) Mitglied, Robert-Walser- Gesellschaft Mitglied, Association for Research on Mothering – Ireland (ARMI) Mitglied, An Foras Feasa (NUI Maynooth) Stipendien: Mexican Gov. Scholarship;; UCD Fellowship;; IRCHSS;; UCD Scholarship;; DAAD;; Swiss Gov. Scholarship. Emerging German Language Novelists Of The Twenty First Century by Lyn Marven. Our systems have detected unusual traffic activity from your network. Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it's you making the requests and not a robot. If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. If you continue to experience issues, you can contact JSTOR support. Block Reference: #4f7ed3b0-c2d0-11eb-8020-07f3ee9c0799 VID: #(null) IP: Date and time: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 11:55:50 GMT. Glasgow Review of Books. My best reads of 2016 are wishful thinking, an act of fictional construction of a life where I have copious free time to read for pleasure (accompanied by unlimited cups of hot tea, an unthinkable luxury when you have small children). When I’m working on a book – whether translating it or doing research as an academic – I’m usually too close to it to be able to sum it up in a few sentences, so instead of the things I have actually read this year, here are the books which I want to read: David Constantine ’s novel, The Life-Writer (Comma Press, which came out at the very end of 2015, is top of the list. Constantine’s short stories are things of wonder, poised between poetry and plot, and always over too soon, so a novel will be a real treat. I will probably pair it with Hermione Lee ’s 2008 collection of essays on lifewriting, Body Parts (Pimlico), just to bring it back full circle to my academic interests. Glinting on my desk is Ulrike Draesner ’s recent Nibelungen. Heimsuchung (Reclam, the title translates as Nibelungs: Visitation ) a sumptuous edition based around Art Deco illustrations by Carl Otto Czeschka as well as the thirteenth-century epic poem The Song of the Nibelungs . Draesner’s poetic texts reflect both ancient and modern perspectives, balancing word and image, and revealing difference rather flattening the historical distance. New volume on Contemporary German-Language Novels by SOCLAS researcher Lyn Marven. A new volume co-edited by SOCLAS’s Lyn Marven (German) examines fifteen contemporary novels in German by up-and-coming writers who are making an impact both at home and internationally. As well as co-editing the volume, with Prof Stuart Taberner of Leeds University, Dr Marven wrote the introduction and a chapter on Ulrike Draesner’s novel Mitgift . SOCLAS’s Dr Andrew Plowman and Dr Kate Roy also each contributed a chapter to the book. Some of the authors featured, like Karen Duve, , and Saša Stanisic, have already achieved international recognition; some, like Julia Franck, have won major prizes; others, like Clemens Meyer (who appeared recently at the Edinburgh Festival), Alina Bronsky, and Ilja Trojanow, are “emerging authors” who have begun to attract attention. Between them they represent a range of literatures in German, from women’s writing to minority writing (from Turkish immigrants and Eastern Europe), to “pop literature” and perspectives on the former GDR and on Germany’s Nazi past. The volume features academic essays on novels by Ulrike Draesner, Vladimir Vertlib, Terézia Mora, , Daniel Kehlmann, Clemens Meyer, Saša Stanisic, , Sibylle Berg, Julia Franck, Alina Bronsky, Karen Duve, Yadé Kara, Sven Regener, Kathrin Schmidt, and translations of excerpts from novels by Vertlib and Meyer. 21st Century. We can divide German-language literary production since 2000 into poetry, prose fiction and drama, although in practice many writers work across genres: German-language dramatists publishing since 2000 include (in alphabetical order): Lukas Bärfuss, Kerstin Hensel , , Fritz Kater (=Armin Petras), Dea Loher , Volker Lösch, Marius von Mayenburg, Felix Mitterer, Albert Ostermaier, René Pollesch, Rimini Protokoll (=Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel), Milo Rau, Kathrin Röggla , Eugen Ruge, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Roland Schimmelpfennig , Kerstin Specht, Botho Strauß, , Peter Turrini, Urs Widmer. German-language novelists and writers of prose fiction publishing since 2000 include (in alphabetical order): Zdenka Becker, Sybille Berg, Marcel Beyer, Maxim Biller, Klaus Böldl, Nora Bossong, Jan Böttcher, , Irena Brežná, Melitta Breznik, Alina Bronsky, Ann Cotten, Martin R. Dean , Friedrich Christian Delius , Esther Dischereit, Ulrike Draesner, Tanja Dückers, Özlem Özgül Dündar, Karen Duve, , Jan Faktor, Julia Franck, Ursula Fricker, Valerie Fritsch, Arno Geiger, Gunther Geltinger, , Thomas Glavinic, , Lena Gorelik, Annett Gröschner, Norbert Gstrein, Erich Hackl, Katharina Hagener, Ulla Hahn, Ernst-Wilhelm Händler, Eveline Hasler, Helene Hegemann, , Jana Hensel, Kerstin Hensel , Judith Hermann, Wolfgang Herrndorf, , , Felicitas Hoppe , Alois Hotschnig, Elfriede Jelinek , Zoë Jenny, , , Yadé Kara, Daniel Kehlmann, Navid Kermani, Abbas Khider, Anna Kim, Esther Kinsky, , Angelika Klüssendorf, Michael Köhlmeier, Angela Krauß, Daniela Krien, Rita Kuczynski, Günter Kunert, Meral Kureyshi, Katja Lange-Müller, Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Irina Liebmann, Jonas Lüscher, Tanja Maljartschuk, Jagoda Marinić, , Christoph Meckel, Birk Meinhardt, Eva Menasse, Robert Menasse, Clemens Meyer, , Kerstin Mlynkec, Terézia Mora, Herta Müller, Melinda Nadj Abonji , Ingrid Noll, Hanns-Josef Ortheil, Sharon Dodua Otoo, Angelika Overath, Aysel Özakin, Emine Sevgi Özdamar , , Katja Petrowskaja, Matthias Politycki, Marion Poschmann , Doron Rabinovici, , , Sven Regener, Anne Richter , Charlotte Roche , Kathrin Röggla , Peter Rosei, Gerhard Roth, Ralf Rothmann, Eugen Ruge, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Stefanie Sargnagel, Silke Scheuermann, Robert Schindel, Bernhard Schlink, Kathrin Schmidt, , Zafer Şenocak , Burkhard Spinnen, Peter Stamm, Saša Stanišić, Thomas von Steinaecker, Botho Strauß, Marlene Streeruwitz, Antje Rávic Strubel, Alain Claude Sulzer, Yoko Tawada, Alev Tekinay, Uwe Tellkamp, , Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Ilija Trojanow, , Senthuran Varatharajah, Vladimir Vertlib, Peter Wawerzinek, Richard Weihe, Wolfgang Welt, Andreas Martin Widmann, Urs Widmer, Michael Wildenhain, Josef Winkler, Natascha Wodin, Feridun Zaimoğlu, Judith Zander, Juli Zeh. German-language poets publishing since 2000 include (in alphabetical order): Jürgen Becker, Marcel Beyer, Bas Böttcher, Volker Braun, Zehra Çirak, Max Czollek, Heinrich Detering, Esther Dischereit, Ulrike Draesner, Wiglaf Droste, Özlem Özgül Dündar, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Elke Erb, Nora Gomringer, Durs Grünbein , Dorothea Grünzweig, Ulla Hahn, Kerstin Hensel, Adel Karasholi, Thomas Kling, Barbara Köhler, Uwe Kolbe, Michael Krüger, Günter Kunert, Kito Lorenc, Friederike Mayröcker, Christoph Meckel, Albert Ostermaier, Bert Papenfuß-Gorek, Monika Rinck, Ulrike Almut Sandig, Evelyn Schlag, Lutz Seiler, Ludwig Steinherr, Antje Rávic Strubel, Anja Utler, , Michael Wildenhain, Uljana Wolf. German-language autobiographies published in this period include those by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Ika Hügel-Marshall, Ruth Klüger, Emine Sevgi Özdamar and Gert Schramm. Travel writers include: Irena Brežná, Navid Kermani, Katja Petrowskaja, Ilija Trojanow. Sociologists and political scientists include: Ulrich Beck, Axel Honneth, Oliver Nachtwey, Wolfgang Streeck. Journalists include: Jakob Augstein, Maxim Biller, Dietmar Dath, Kübra Gümüşay, Georg Löwisch, Bascha Mika, Ines Pohl, Jürgen Schreiber, Alice Schwarzer, Margarete Stokowski. Bloggers include: Rainald Goetz , Kübra Gümüşay, Rasha Khayat, Sascha Lobo, Ronja von Rönne, Stefanie Sargnagel. If the writer you are looking for is not on this page, then he or she may be on the 20th century page instead, e.g. Günter Grass , . Further Reading. Claudia Breger, An Aesthetics of Narrative Performance: Transnational Theatre, Literature, and Film in Contemporary Germany (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2012) Tom Cheesman, Novels of German-Turkish Settlement: Cosmopolite Fictions (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2007) Sarah Colvin (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of German Politics & Culture (London and New York: Routledge, 2014) Paul Cooke, Representing since Unification (Oxford: Berg, 2005) Anne Fuchs, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, and Linda Shortt (eds.), Debating Cultural Identity (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011) Katharina Gerstenberger, Writing the New : The German Capital in Post-Wall Literature (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2008) Katharina Gerstenberger and Patricia Herminghouse (eds.), German Literature in a New Century: Trends, Traditions, Transitions, Transformations (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2008) Elisabeth Herrmann, Carrie Smith-Prei and Stuart Taberner (eds.), Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015) Karen Leeder (ed.), From Stasiland to Ostalgie. The GDR Twenty Years After, Oxford German Studies , 38:3 (2009) [special issue] Karen Leeder (ed.), Schaltstelle: Neue deutsche Lyrik im Dialog , German Monitor 69 (Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2007) [contains several essays in English] Lyn Marven and Stuart Taberner (eds.), Emerging German-Language Novelists of the Twenty-First Century (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011) Linda Shortt, German Narratives of Belonging: Writing Generation and Place in the Twenty-First Century (London: Legenda, 2015) Stuart Taberner (ed.), German Literature in the Age of Globalisation (Birmingham: Birmingham University Press, 2004) Stuart Taberner, German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization & The Berlin Republic (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2005) Stuart Taberner (ed.), Contemporary German Fiction: Writing in the Berlin Republic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) Stuart Taberner (ed.), The Novel in German Since 1990 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011) Stuart Taberner, Transnationalism and German-Language Literature in the Twenty-First Century (New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) Denise Varney (ed.), Theatre in the Berlin Republic: German Drama since Reunification (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2008) Web Links in English. English language reviews of contemporary German-language authors. International Poetry website (in several languages) Online introductions to contemporary German authors (in English, German and Russian) Mediating Modern Poetry, University of Oxford. Information on contemporary German-language women writers, based at the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing (CCWW), School of Advanced Study, University of London, edited by Katherine Stone.