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Mena Digital School Report 2 0 2 1 mena digital school report 2 0 2 1 Building Expertise in Digital Transformation for North Africa and the Middle East mena digital Table of Contents school report 04 Preface 06 Executive Summary 08 Digitisation and Its Discontents 10 Key Findings 14 Vision Digital Learning Path and MENA DS Curriculum 20 Policy Relevance 22 Excursus: The Potential of Digitsation and Automation to Shape a Feminist Futre of Work in the Middle East 26 Testimonials and Expert Assessments 40 Conclusions and Recommendations 42 Authors This publication was financially supported by a grant from the German Foreign Office. The texts printed reflect the opinions of the authors, not those of the institutions involved in the publication. 1st edition Welcome Copyright: Candid Foundation gGmbH Editing: Stian Overdahl · Layout, typesetting, design and graphic design: OK Printing: Druckerei KönigsDruck - print media and digital services 0 3 mena Preface mena digital digital school school report report the social contract and the risks and stakes. Digitisa- be used for education and development initiatives on tion also offers an opportunity, be it to make rural lo- the ground, and help participants seize opportunities cations more attractive for development, to enable around digital transformation; and they will also draw A New Generation of more efficient and transparent administration and a attention to this important topic and showcase coop- fairer, more ethical use of digital tools. erative and innovative ways of coping with the dra- Digitisation Experts — matic challenges ushered in by digitisation. Institutions in the MENA region are in the main cur- What is MENA DS? rently unable to respond comprehensively to the eco- On behalf of the Candid Foundation, the authors nomic changes described above. The outdated higher would like to thank numerous experts and coopera- education sector has not been able to develop the tion partners from the following institutions who have Alongside anthropogenic climate change and global MENA region seems far behind in this endeavour on a necessary skills; there is a lack of networking and re- shared valuable advice and insight and contributed to population growth, the digital transformation of the global scale. This applies to economies and employ- gional strategies to develop countermeasures. How- the project’s success: world’s economy is a universal challenge that requires ment, but also to media, civil society and the state, ever, Europe cannot claim to have all the answers and innovative, cooperative and multilateral solutions – all with the latter already challenged by multiple institu- all the policies needed to address this challenge. Dig- Agence française de développement, Arab Reform the more so in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) tional crises, social unrest and regional conflicts. itisation offers an opportunity to do so on an equal Initiative, Augmania, Auswärtiges Amt, Babbel, region. This report outlines an innovative, interdisci- footing and could be a starting point for cooperation Barenboim-Said Akademie, Bertelsmann Stiftung, plinary educational path to address the challenges of Nevertheless, the southern and eastern Mediterrane- between governments, societies and the private sec- BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt, CIVICA, DAAD, digital transformation in the European neighbourhood. an, the Middle East and the Gulf region will be strong- tor in the European Union’s neighbourhood. Deutscher Bundestag (Party groups of Alliance 90/ ly affected by the digital transformation of the world The Greens, CDU/CSU, FDP, SPD), Doha Institute for It is envisioning a MENA Digital School to educate ex- economy. Some countries in the MENA region depend This is where the MENA Digital School comes in. It is Graduate Studies, Education Outcomes Fund, Einstein perts on digital transformation so that they can – in on supplying manufacturing to global industries. envisaged that it will act as a modern learning plat- Center Digital Future, EMA, European Commission, the near future - understand the complexity and in- Shifts in global value chains and increased automa- form and thus stimulate reform efforts in the educa- Fernuniversität in Hagen, Fieldfisher, Ghorfa, GIZ, teractions of digitisation in the fields of technology, tion of production processes are coming up against tion sector, through regional and local cooperation. Hertie School of Governance, Institute of Finance economy, civil society, media, and public administra- economies that specialise in the production of raw By putting the students and their projects in the fore- Basil Fouleihan, Iraqi Parliament, iRights.Lab, King’s tion – and so lead and implement these measures for materials and less complex consumer and capital ground, not only will modern didactics be practised, College London, Office of Former German President the benefit of fairer and more prosperous, secure and goods. but students’ management and innovation skills will Christian Wulff, Robert-Bosch Stiftung, Senatskanzlei inclusive societies. also become practically and academically attainable. Berlin, Smart Africa Secretariat, Spanish Foreign According to the International Labour Organization The hope is that this will increase employability, in Office, Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Tunisian Startups, This report is based on a collaborative research pro- (ILO), growth in automation is already leading to sig- contrast to a purely academic curriculum. ZDF. ject implemented by the Berlin-based Candid Foun- nificant job losses in peripheral countries. At the dation with the support of the German Federal For- same time, global trade platforms in the United States Through its location in Germany, the school could Aline Abboud, Sima Abd Rbbo, Heba Aguib, Ines Amri, eign Office.* It was initiated and supervised by and China are focusing on the consumers of these function as a connection node for its cooperation Abdalrahman Al-Dalaq, Abdulbari Al-Muddaris, Kilian Professor Ayad Al-Ani, a specialist on digital transfor- countries, thus reducing regional trade activities. partners, providing an important networking opportu- Belz, Zeineb Ben Haouala, Hanae Bezad, Ramon Blec- mation, organisational science and the economies of North Africa in particular is affected by automation of nity (so far lacking in the region). It could create a ua, Sawsan Chebli, Mo Chehab, Jutta Croll, Amenalah developing countries, and Daniel Gerlach, the Candid the information and communication technology sec- space for innovative, unrestricted discussion of reform Derouiche, Bijan Djir-Sarai, Asiem El Difraoui, Omnia Foundation’s director general and an expert on the tors, so that even high-tech sectors may provide little measures. The demand for such an educational offer Eteyari, Frank-Dieter Freiling, Laura Ginzel, Clara MENA region. Leo Wigger implemented it as the head stimulus or even experience job losses. These and seems to be strong, both in the states of the MENA re- Gruitrooy, Alexander Haghani, Christian-Peter Hanelt, of project, assisted by Dina Khadum. The authors of other challenges caused by the digitisation of econo- gion, in particular its developing economies, and in Eu- Bassant Helmi, Marlen Homeyer, Nadiem Houry, this report consulted with numerous inter-disciplinary mies can lead to economic dislocations, migration rope, where governments are always looking for suita- Andreas Huber, Amel Karboul, Jad Kawtharani, experts from the fields of economics, social science movements, and even major conflicts in the region. It ble, sustainable instruments to help them develop and Bassma Kodmani, Michael Köhler, Aurelien Krejbich, and regional studies. During the project phase, more may also have a detrimental impact on the most vul- stabilise this region in the European neighbourhood. Nizar Maarouf, Louisa Mammeri, Verena Metze- than 35 interviews with experts from Europe and the nerable groups, such as women and young people, Mangold, Lamia Moubayed, Michelle Müntefering, MENA region were conducted. who work in these sectors. Since the establishment of such an instrument by Naseef Naeem, Omid Nouripour, Katiana Orluc, means of a MENA Digital School is an elaborate, long- Dominic Orr, Aydan Özoguz, Ada Pellert, Livia Puglisi, Digital transformation – also referred to synonymously Non-inclusive digitisation may result in economic and term project, this report intends to open up the possi- Peter Ramsauer, Rania Reda, Björn Richter, Inna Rudolf, Preface Preface · as ‘digitisation’ and ‘digitalisation’ by economists – media monopolies, surveillance states and more au- bilities, opportunities, risks and starting points for Amel Saidane, Jörg Schäffer, Linda Scheik, Nils · 0 happens every day. Its consequences are long-lasting thoritarian rule. Much depends therefore on a digiti- such an innovative project. The results will be of par- Schmid, Gerhard Seiler, Carsten Siebert, Fathallah 0 4 and dramatic, and whereas liberal European democ- sation of both the private and the public sector that is ticular benefit to the MENA region’s developing coun- Siljilmassi, Anna Steinkamp, Inga Trauthig, Enzo 5 racies are still searching for adequate policies, the ethical and inclusive, strategic, and mindful of both tries. They will bring to light valuable insights that can Weber, Irene Weinz, Dagmar Willems and many more. *The conclusions and opinions brought forward in this report are entirely those of the authors and not those of the Federal Foreign Office. mena mena digital digital school school report
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