
T Be « booster. Don’t knock. ^ X Let’s make Btimer Beach the, 4 . finest resort along the Jersey v Buy In Belmar 4 Coast. Spread the news ot its 4 4* attractions everywhere. 4* t € $ m l

SingliTCopy Four Cents

HEIRESS AGAIN ASKS FREEDOM SPUING LAKE HEIGHTS TO HAVE ITS FIRST ELECTION LOCAL HALL FANS BELMAR RAISES $1200 ONE LOCAL FIGHT BOARDWALK READY New York, May 27.—Children may cry for Castoria, but the grand Next Tuesday will be an eventful GET TREAT TOMORROW FOR HOLIDAY RUSH daughter and heiress of the baby day for our new neighbor, the FOR FLOOD SUFFERERS IN THE PRIMARIES young municipality of Spring Lake medicine originator will shed no STERNER’S WILL OPPOSE THE LOCAL RED CROSS WAS GREATLY CONTRACTOR H. A. SMITH BUST Heights, for on that day its citizens THE COUNCIL FIGHT FOR THE tears when she rids herself of a hus STRONG COLONIALS OF FREE­ are to select the men—and women ASSISTED BY OTHER NEARBY THREE YEAR TERM WILL FEA­ WITH CREW OF MEN—OTHER band she regards as a child.. HOLD AT MEMORIAL FIELD —who are to teach its infant steps MUNICIPALITIES GIRLS’ CLUB TURE THE JUNE PRIMARIES COUNCIL DOINGS Beautiful Lucile Elaine Morrison to safety walk the path of progress. Belden, who so meday will inherit The Belmar team, which will be RAISED $160 The elective officials to be chosen The only contest that will be wa- Council, last Monday night, re­ the Castoria millions amassed by represented on the diamond this are a mayor, six councilmen, a col­ ...... - gored locally in the coining June ported that lumber required to com­ Charles H. Fletcher, today demand­ , ...... season by the Sterner’s nine, will the Mississippi Relief Fund for! . . .. lector and an assessor. The clerk _ . _ _ . ; nrminripsprimaries wiwill be for fnethe three-vearthree-year plete the resurfacing of the board­ ed annulment because her husband eeloi ant uio asscssoi. ie c play their opening game to-morrow the Belmar branch of the American vv.ll be appointed by the mayor and afternoon against ,hc Colonial A c term of council. Councilmen Edwin walk was due to arrive and that lied about bis age when he married Red Cross has exceeded $1,200.00. rcunoil when it first assembles- of Freehold The ?ame will start Smock and Edwin Bigelow are can­ with 17 men ready to go to work, her in March, 192C. The quota was $700. The Presi­ Two candidates for mayor are 111 didates again for re-election, while the uncompleted stretch of walk be­ Instead of 26, Charles S. Belden promptly at three o’clock. The local dent's appeal for funds was made the field: Herbert L. Davis and Rod- Louis Silverstein and Harry Pflug tween Eighth and Tenth avenue was only 21, eight years younger team will have several well known April 22nd. On May 4th, $400 was _____ crick A. Allgor. Twelve citizens as- are the new entrants in the race. would be finished rn three days’ I ban his bride. ball players in their lineup, with sent, exceeding the first quota of Now the last thing Mrs. Belden pire lo a seat in council. They are Both Silverstein and Pflug have time. The standards for lights and Bill Resta, Dave Egbert, Eddie Wal- •Vi-yii.$3.50. Oilnil Mayiviay mu,6th, a secondseconu $400imuu , . , . - % wants to be accused of is being a Waller T. Pearce, Harry McKnight, . , . . , , many friends, and are out to win. the railing will be in position the zer, Bob Steward, Paxton and other was sent, which exceeded the sec- ... * ,, , ’ cradle snatcher. But that is not the William T. Herbert, Wilbus M. Pierce All of the four names mentioned are entire length of the walk, but its men. ond quota just issued. On May 24th only reason she gave Supreme Court Herman C. Bennett. Albert N. (Jay- Republicans. The Democrats have painting will be deferred until af­ On Monday, the team will play a third $400 was sent which exceed­ Justice Mitchell for desiring to dis- ton, Samuel B Jeffries, William H. no contest, and their candidates for ter the holidays. Mr. King also re­ two games, one V 10:30 and the ed a possible third quota by $150. Hallmyer, Allan D. Wickham, f^larry the three year term of council are, ported that he had a gang of men attach herself from Belden. other at three. Their opponents The money was raised by the Larson. Elmer E. Anderson and An­ Kenneth Conover and Frank Bri- at work cleaning up debris from the will be the crack Orioles of Red contributions of organizations rath­ drew F. Pearce. rlen, Jr. Mrs. Belden has been a Belmar Bank. Either Paxton or Steward er than by individuals. No personal beach. Two ladies are opposing candi­ Former Mayor Joseph Mayer is Upon the report of Councilman summer resident for many years, will toe the slab for the local boys, contributions were solicited. 1 ,, ... , . . dates for collector, Frances Ward , , , , the Republican choice for mayor, John Hillig, the contract for tele­ and resided at 201 Second avenue. to-morrow afternoon, with . Mike The Belmar branch includes (he , „ ... Heulitt and Adelaide B. Craig, and . .... , , ... . , , and will oppose Mayor George W. phone service for police calls made Burger behind the bat. Auxiliaries of Avon, Glendola and the assessorship is coveted by Emil VanNote, Democrat, at the Novem­ in November, 1899. with the New PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES TO BE Harry Lyon is managing the new Wall Township. All these sections F. Abersl and William Senkel. ber election. York and New Jersey Telephone HELD AT R1VOLI THEATRE local team, and has secured the ser­ contributed generously. Avon raised None of the candidates are seek 0 and Wall township over $/(). j J ing election on national party lines, William Connelly, Republican, and phone company, was superseded by The services of the Presbyterian ers in this vicinity, all players liv­ The Belmar Girls’ chib made $160 ; hut choose lo be designated various­ II. A. Smith, Democrat, are the can­ a private branch exchange and a church will be held, this Sunday, at ing in this vicinity and have played by a card party. ly as “Citizen”, “Economical Pro­ didates. switchboard will be installed in po­ I lie Rivoli theatre. The Bible school bail with several of the bes,‘ teams The organizations contributing gress” , “ Municipal Progress” , "Econ Borough Collector Thomas Joeck! lice headquarters providing two will meet at 9:45 a. in. at the thea- in this part of the county. The were the Presbyterian, Catholic, or “Efficiency”. is again running for re-election ancS trunk lines and placing extensions | ti e. The primary department, un- om.V grounds have been put in shape and Methodist, Baptist. Jewish, Baptist will be opposed at the November^ through the hoard. The additional! der the direction of Mrs. Babcock,! everything is ready for the opening (colored), and West Belmar Metho­ ELECTION BOARD election by Charles Reichey, Demo-* cost was figured to be about $25 per! wil meet in the Community Room LOCAL game. dist churches; also the Kiwanis club OFFICERS CHOSEN at. Thomas S. Dillon, The present! of the library. Girls’ club, Chamber of Commerce, <1 month. assessor, has no opposition. Upon the receipt of one bid for At the morning worship at 11:06 First National Bank, Belmar Public The selection of Hie three local WOMAN’S CLUB LUNCHEON All petitions were in last night at a one-ton truck, contract was award a. 111., the subject will be “The Great school, American Legion, American election boards have already been Hie borough hall, last night being ed to the Zobel company of Free­ Heresy”. The subject at 7:30 p. m. Legion auxiliary, BeTmar Fireman’s made at Freehold. Those who will The last meeting of the Woman’s the time limit for candidates to file service will be “The God of J hree Exempt association, Young Men’s . .... hold, the amount being $1,890. serve on the first district include, club for the season will be held on Councilman Edwin B. Bigelow re­ Men” . The Christian Endeavor So­ Athletic club, Belmar Fishing club, J thcir pe,,tl0ns’ Estelle Moore, Ennis Pierce and Mrs. Friday, June 3rd. There will be a ported that he intended to have a ciety will meet at 6:30 p. m. Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church. Eleanore Wines; second district, J. luncheon at the Legion home for set of rules prepared for the life Also the Miller sisters, Mrs. A. I). J. Bier, Rhoda Robinson, Mrs. Eliz­ members and friends- Reservations guards this summer which will cov- TO BE SELECTED FOR COUNTY Burgesser and Mrs. E. Kleinkauf, jr. abeth McConnell and Marion Van for this must be in to Mrs. W. L. er all of the bathing beaches in the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE It is especially gratifying to rec­ JOS. MAYER AGAIN Note; third district, Frank S- Lyon, Babcock by June 1st. Following boro. He reported that he would ord the spontaneous actions of the Mrs. Emma Erving and Miss Jessie the luncheon, the regular meeting take the subject up with the boro The committeemen and committee Boy Scouts and the school children TO RUN FOR MAYOR 1 Henderson will make Marion-n will be held the crub room, Pub­ solicitor, Gilbert VanNote and com­ yvomen that were picked and their Many of them contributed their Henderson. lic library, at 2:30, when reports pare the rules to coincide with the names to be on the ballot in the from the delegates to the State con­ modest luncheon money. The Bel­ Former Mayor Joseph Mayer will boro ordinance, now in effect. In June primaries are as follows: First mar Public school raised $50. and DILLON ON ROAD TO RECOVERY vention in Atlantic City, May 11-13, be the unanimously chosen Repub­ this way the bathing masters will district, George Titus, John Kelly will be heard. Wall Township schools, $69.2?. lican candidate for mayor in the lo­ have something definite to support and Mrs. Elizabeth Hillig, Republi­ There was received from West Bel­ Boro Assessor Thomas S. Dillon, cal primaries. He was induced to them in maintaining order at the cans; Carl Schroeder and Mrs. Bau­ mar school, $18.45; Lake Como, $16; who was suddenly taken sick while SOCIAL SERVICE RIVE become a candidate at a meeting of man, Democrats; second district, Allenwood, $726; Blandsingburg, beach. on duly at the local railroad station the boro Republican leaders in the Councilman Edwin R. Smock re­ Dr Stanley D. Palmateer apd $3.10; Villa Park, $1.44, New Bed­ early this week, is resting easily at The annual roll call of the Mon­ Llanymor hotel, Saturday night. ported that there would be a dis­ Anna Berger, Republican; Roscoe mouth County Organization for So­ ford, $5.43; Glendola primary, $6.44, William B. Connelly, a local real­ Jus home. and Glendola grammar, $6.10. play of fireworks as usbal at the Newman and Mrs. Eleanore Wines, cial Service has been under way in tor, is unopposed on the Republican head of Silver Lake on Monday Democrats; third district, Clarence MRS- HALLIMONB’S WILL the boro during the past week, with ticket for nomination to the unex- night, Memorial day, arrangements Stines and Mrs. Elizabeth Brackett, Miss Ethel Hance as chairman. Per­ pired two-year term left vacant by having been made with the con­ Republican; and Harry Goslin and Ihe resignation of Edward F. Ly­ In a will executed April 6, last, sons whq contribute yearly to this UNKNOWN SOLDIER’S ’ ' tractor for this annual observance Mrs. Mary Clayton, Democrat, man. Neither is Thomas D. Joeck, St Freehold, Annie Hallimond of worthy cause are asked to be ready TOMB IS SYMBOL of the d»y, ' y r i n - Belmar, bequeathed hand painted to assist Miss Hance and her help­ OF MEMORIAL DAY present collector, opposed for re­ ‘‘ .Clincil also received a import M. E. CHURCH s e r v ic e s V china and other personal effects to ers when called on. Although the nomination. s * Memorial Day is a holiday that Cook Howland had agree! lb quota for Belmar is small, new mem Mrs. Ranson Caygill of Mt. Vernon, that is celebrated throughout accept the original award hy the Special Memorial Day sermons N. Y.; a diamond brooch to Miss hers at one dollar per year are very CONGRESSMAN HOFFMAN the United States on May 30— condemnation board in the acqui­ will be delivered by Rev. E. H. Madeline Parsons of Cleveland, much desired a “holy day” when we honor sition of river front land, which Cloud, pastor of the First M. E. Ohio; bed linen and table linen to our soldier dead. In late years amounted to $6,447. The report church, Sunday morning and even­ Mrs, Bertha Hunt of Belmar; books MESSAGE OF THE AMERICAN it has taken on a significance was received with interest by mem ing. At the morhing service, 11 relating to Henry Ward Beecher l e g io n Po p p y which it never before had be­ hers of council. o’clock-, the minister will use as his and Abraham Lincoln to George cause it emphasizes the fact memorial theme, “ The Soul of Am­ • Buy me; I stand for service. Swain of Belmar, and the balance that we are a UNITED states, ST. ROSE’S MISSION erica Unconquerable”, and in the: "Wear me; I represent the sacri- \ of her estate she left to her daughter united in our reverence for evening at 7:30 the Subject will be Mabel J. Hallimond, for life, with cial blood of the men who fell in one national shrine. That .'he church of St. Rose has been “The Handicaps of Weights”. Ihe power to sell and convey at her Flanders Field” . shrine is the Tomb of the Un­ Sunday s'cifi'ool meets at 9:45, and ell filled every night this week by discretion, and what is left of the The Belmar Auxiliary of the Am­ known Soldier in Arlington (omen attending mission services Epworth league at 6:30. Prayer erican Legion is all ready for the estate after the daughter’s death re­ cemetery, and in it is symbol­ king held by the Redemptorist meeting will be at 7:36 p- in. Wed­ Poppy Day drive, Saturday, May verts to surviving neices and neph­ ized, as by nothing else, the Fathers. The mission is to continue nesday evening. ews of the testator. The daughter, 28th. true spirit of Meniorial Day. two weeks. This, the first week, Mabel J. Hallimond, is appointed Headquarters are at Ninth avenue There’s an interesting arti­ is being devoted to services for wo­ FIRST M. E. CHURCH executrix of the estate and F street, Moyer’s Pharmacy. cle called “The Unknown men. All next week services will Miss Kate Sherwood is in charge, Soldier”, by Elmo Scott Wat­ be held especially for men- assisted by members and friends. The musical program lor this Sun FOR SALE—Beautiful House in a son, in this issue of The Coast choice location in Freehold, N. J. day at the First M. E. church is as Boy Scouts are in charge of the Advertiser, which tells how HERBERT OUT FOR COUNCIL Address Geo. M. Adair, Freehold. West Belmar district. follows: America honors her greatest The local auxiliary has made Morning Service VISIT THE ZOO heroes—those who “keep the William T. Herbert is expected to Prelude—“Recessional” DeKoven The Twin Brook Zoological Paark, . 5,000 poppies. Spring Lake has ask bivouac of the unknown he elected councilman at the elec­ ed for 2,000 and Miss M- Clancy will Processional State Highway, between Middletown dead” . Be sure to read it for tion to be held at Spring Lake and Red Bank, is now open. Pay take charge of their sale at that Anthem—“O Lord, Our Governer it will give you a new concep­ Makes Memorial Address At PubHd Heights, next Tuesday- Mr. Her­ it a visit and see the finest exhibit Offertory—“Reverie” Sheppard place. tion of what Memorial Day School, This Afternoon bert has long been identified with of wild animals, birds and reptiles Solo—“There Is No Death” O’Hara ever shown in the State. Hundreds means to all of us. civic affairs at Como. He served in The Belmar W. C. T. U., at their ) Recessional of new arrivals now on display, in­ Read the Coast Advertiser. the late world war with Company cluding a most unusual exhibit of recent meeting, held a local insti­ Postlude in B Flat” Hosmer L, 311 Infantry, and is a member ot Giant Rhesus Monkeys, with nurs­ tute. The speakers were: Mrs. Exening Service the Herbert Worthington White Post ing babies in their arms. Open Laura Bimbler of Bradley Beach, Prehide in G Stults No. 151, American Legion- Daily county president; Miss Elma Mathis Processional — OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT— of Asbury Park, state and county A*f|*~ — ------Anthem—“Freedom’s Banner” WANTED—Room and Board for the p - NOTICE TO VOTERS months of July and August with recording secretary, and Mrs. Sadie Offertory—“Londonderry Air” Notice is hereby given to those refined Christian family. Address Sickles Smock of Wicatunk, county Anthem—“ Our Land, O Lor.d, With JRe Mollie Pitcher Restaurant I voters residing in the section known A. W. Eckert, 69 Baldwin Avenue, corresponding secretary. Miss Belle as “Rhode Island Point”, which is Songs of Praise” Schnecker AND DELICATESSEN T?heS Seaside Restaurant and Hotel Greene and Mrs. W. W. Pearce of now a part of the Borough of Bel­ Recessional mar, that the voting place for this Postlude—“American March” will open for the season at 710 F this place played a piano duet which is now open at 808 F Street section is in the Third District, lo­ street tomorrow with the singing of victory songs, cated at the Volunteer Hook and * (formerly Naylor’s), serving pure ______added much to the program. (.adder Co. House, Eleventh Avenue Hemes Cleaned foods with excellent service between E Street and F Street. Have I your home cleaned by Louis Shoes Shined at, Casaboirfs 1 FRED V. THOMPSON, M. D , Heckman, professional house clean­ Bill, the shoe shining fool, is at WANTED...____ Cash Registers in any Borough Clerk. er and icarelaker. Estimates are condition; large or small- Address A. MENZLER, Prop. cheerfully given. 18th Ave., near your service at the Modern Barber Box 792, Freehold, N. J. Read the Coast Advertiser. Briarwobd Terrace. Phone 1412. Shop on F street *■ ' . . . . • • » _» * * . .•__f__*__» V. L E. kiiti 111 irm ii'.i 1 nn 111111 isili 1..... 4* Telephone Belmar 928 Open Day and Night 4- 4* 4* REAL ESTATE 4* Schraft ’sChocolates 4* THOMAS R. HARDY 4* 4* MORRISON , EDWARDS FUNERAL DIRECTOR ( 4* / 4* 4* ar, N. J. Licensed ‘Emhaliper 4* 709 F Street RIVOLI SUGAR BOWL PHONE 1206 * Funeral Home. ©04 rStreet, Belmar, N. J. E- *$• ' Private Atito Ambtilaj Ce "Service 902 F Street Belmar, N. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J.

TOWN CRIERS’ DUEL Old Medical School First medical school in America was ROCKS BRITISH TOWN established at Perkasie, Pa., on May 3, 1765. In 1779 the rights and prop­ erty of the school were transferred to the University of Pennsylvania by the One of Contestants Has state legislature. Range of Seven Miles. Immense Masonry Work London.—Stentor, the famous her­ The great wall 'o f China easily is The Optimist ald of the ancient Greeks, renowned the greatest masonry structure in the “Who knows what for his loud voice, would surely have world. It is said to contain more hung his head for shame had he we’ll have for lunch?’ bricks and stone than there are in all visited the little village of Pewsey, the buildings in Great Britain. “I don’t know— but I Wiltshire, the other day, for twenty- h o p e it’ s M o n a rc h four of the loudest “loud speakers” in That Youthful Touch Cocoa and Teenie gag Britain were arrayed against one an­ Weenie Peanut But­ other seeing who could shout the loud­ Of course the modern woman dresses to look young. There is no ter sandwiches.” est. Pewsey Is so small it only appears “old” and “young” in clothes today. on large scale maps, but it certainly The same silhouette is used for grand­ was the noisiest place in all Britain mothers and debutantes. Two genera­ when the human “loud speakers” tions ago, the woman of forty was started “ broadcasting” for the town frankly middle-aged. She wore blacks criers championship of England and and browns, and upon the appearance Wales, with its silver challenge cup of her first gray hair she discarded and a goodly handful of golden sover­ hats for bonnets, which definitely eigns. classed her as an elderly lady. Today As the “big noise” the town criers the woman of forty is a very youthful COFFEE person—and she looks it !—American "c£ ® « h%co were immense, but they also provided an impressive spectacle, for most of Magazine. the towns that boast a crier provide For an Emergency Every genuine Monarch package bears the Lion him with a handsome uniform, a bell Head, the oldest trademark in the United States and a wand of office. Some of the Take a piece of cardboard and copy covering a complete line of the world’s finest food products — Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Catsup, Pickles, uniforms were picturesque in the ex­ on It the telephone number of the fire Peanut Butter, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, treme, and of great antiquity, and department, family physician, your and other superior table specialties. ELMO SCOTT WATSON some looked like courtiers out of the husband’s office or other numbers that O ONE knows where he middle ages, others like highwaymen, you might find necessary to use in an was born. It may have gallants of the bath which Beau Nash emergency. So often in an emer­ MONARCH been In Maine or in Cali­ controlled, or glorified trolley car con­ gency, such as sudden illness, a neigh­ Q u a lity fo r 7o yea rs fornia. Minnesota might ductors and bandsmen. bor or some one else to whom the num­ claim that honor, or Monarch ia the only nationally advertised brand of Mufti Wins. bers are not familiar may do the tele­ Quality Food Products sold exclusively through the Louisiana. Rut the name Some carried more gold lace than phoning. Hang this above your tele­ men who own and operate their own stores. of the state doesn’t mat­ REID, MURDOCH &. CO. any admiral in full uniform. One or phone and see what a convenience it Established 1853 ter, after all. For he was two there were in “ mufti,” or with is. Chicago Pittsburgh Boston New York an American. merely a peaked cap to denote their Jacksonville Tampa Los Angeles No one knows In what outfit he calling. Sad to relate, it was from Roman Appellation served. It may have been the infantry, these one or two soberly clad com­ is the old Roman Deal Direct— Save money. Regardless of size, the cavalry or the artillery. Or he may condition or location, some one someplace is petitors that the eventual winner came name of the modern Lebda, in Tri- looking for your farm. Buyers, sellers write have worn the silver wings of avia­ —Ernest Austin of Highworth, Wilt­ politania, an Italian possession on the for our money saving offer. People’s Realty tion. But the branch of the service Company, 306 Masonic Temple, Olean, N. Y. shire, who wore ordinary street Mediterranean coast of . It was doesn’t matter. He was a soldier— clothes. so called to distinguish it from a I Am in Touch With Hundreds ft fighting man. But the gayly clad ones howled no­ smaller Semitic settlement near the o f men and manufacturers who buy good In­ No one knows where or how he died. ventions. HARTLEY, 38 St.. Bangor, Me. bly, and there was not much in it be­ Carthaginian frontier—Leptis Parva. It may have been In Belleau Wood tween Austin and Walter Abbott of Leptis Magna was the chief city o f or at St. Mihiel, or somewhere on the Iceland to Be Heated Lyme Regis, who wore a carefully the ancient Tripolitis, the other two Bomme that he “got his.” A hand Reykjavik, capital of Iceland, will copied imitation of the dress of the grenade may have dealt him his death being Ceea (the present ) and be completely heated by water from town crier of that ancient borough in wound during some trench raid or It Sabrata (the modern Zuagha). the nearby hot springs if the plans


which tailors and modistes are fa­ First Gatherings of Latest Wraps Are miliar. Among these Is a soft but firm THIS NURSE Colonists in America material that lends itself to clevei manipulation and stitching known as There were three congresses held In Varied and Smart glorieau, of which an American de­ Drive him out! America before the first Continental signer has made a coat that will an­ congress of 1774. The first of these NOW HAS swer to complete a presentable cos­ met at New York on May 1, 1690, in Mannish Effects Are Losing Drive him out! tume for daytime. The model has a response to a call issued by the Gen­ Favor; Softer Styles in yoke, the lower edge of which Is cut eral Court of Massachusetts— “the first GOOD HEALTH in a point on each side in front and in call for a general congress in Amer­ Fashion Picture. ica.” The purpose was to confer on the back with a shallow, wide scallop “suitable methods for assisting each Spring wraps are more than or­ between two points. Tucked plaits on Praises Lydia E. Pinkham’s each side from the yoke down, both Vegetable Compound other for the safety of the whole dinarily interesting this year, both land.” Seven colonies were invited, to the wearer and to the designer. back and front, give freedom of move­ ment, though the lines are straight, *‘I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s of which four attended the congress. They are always a necessary part of Vegetable Compound for some time and The congress of 1754 met at Albany on the wardrobe, says a fashion writer and the coat is finished with notched I would not be with­ June 19, for the purpose of negotiating In the New York Times, but have collar and revers, side patch pockets out it in the house. a treaty with the Indians, and also to never before been demanded as essen­ and a narrow belt of the cloth. ,A As I am a children’s form a plan of union among the col­ tials in so many types and styles. The wrap of this description In a new nurse, I have to be shade of biege, with a soft felt sports on my feet a great onies. The “Albany plan,” sometimes first of several reasons for this is the deal and your medi­ called “Franklin’s plan,” was submit­ passing of the tailored suit, 'which has cine has helped me ted to the assemblies of the several not wholly vanished but' which has wonderfully. I was colonies through their governors, and been superseded to a cohslderable ex­ hardly able to do my to the king through the agency of the tent by street dress in many other housework when I He’ll exterminate us all! He stepped in Peterman’s! lords of trade, but failed of adoption variations according to the . accepted began taking it, and now -I am a strong both In the colonies and in England. mode of the day. Within.the memory IGHT! He will exterminate them Peterman’s Roach Food is the right R all! powder. and' well woman, The congress of 1765, better known as of this generation the best-groomed Peterman’ s Roach Food exterminates Here is the right insecticide for each able to do all that the “ Stamp Act Congress,” was held women wore severely plain, faultless­ every roach in your house. insect: and go out nursing besides. I have In New York city, opening on October ly tailored costumes consisting of It entices roaches from their hiding PETERMAN’S ROACH FOOD—«xter- also used the Sanative Wash and found 7, 1765. skirt, coat and shirtwaist. This , held places. They carry it on their legs and minates cockroaches. it beneficial.”—Mbs. Gertrude L. Stew, on year after year with slight changes bodies back to their nests. They wriggle PETERMAN’S ANT FOOD— external, a r t , 103 Davis St., Greenfield, Mass. over all the others there, over their nates ants. o f line and detail from time to time, yonng and their eggs. FLYOSAN— kills flies and mosquitoes. Valuable for Weakness almost to the exclusion of every other Special Offer Every one dies and disintegrates. No PETERMAN’S DISCOVERY— extermi- "I have found Lydia E. Pinkham’a model as a correct style. It is still odor. Nothing is left but a little dry nates bed-bugs. Vegetable Compound a valuable medi­ dust’. adhered to by some women of Inde­ PETERMAN’S MOTH FOOD — pro­ cine for weakness.”—Mbs. J. A. to Victims of Don’t try to fight roaches with a spray. tects against moths. Pietsch, Box 397, Lancaster, Pa. pendent views on the subject of dress, No spray can possibly reach the roaches, Hundreds of letters like these are some of whom are able to illustrate the young and the eggs far behind the Yon must have a specific insecticide baseboards and under the floors. for each insect. No single insecticide received by the Pinkham Medicine Co., with distinction the difference be­ will exterminate them all. We have had Lynn, Mass. Grateful women from Indigestion tween style and fashions. Some of Only the right powder can do that. nearly 50 years’ experience. We knots Pennsylvania to Washington, from these are not merely followers of tra­ that is true. Texas to Illinois and from Rhode Is­ Your Druggist Says Pleasant to Take, land to Nebraska say that their health Elixir Must Help Poor Distressed dition, but the young who maintain has improved since taking Lydia E, Stomachs or Money Gladly and present convincingly the impor­ Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. tance of individuality without being Peterman's has the right Refunded. insecticide fo r each in­ either eccentric or Victorian. You can be so distressed with gas sect. On sale wherever and fullness from poor digestion or One-piece frocks, two-piece or jump­ drugs are sold. Keep Stomach and Bowels Right dyspepsia that you think your heart er suits and the three-piece costume 2 0 0 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. B y giving baby the harmless, purely is going to stop beating. compose have taken the place of the vegetable, infants’ and children’s regulator. Your stomach may be so distended conventional tailored suit In the HOGAN- TESTED FLOCKS] that your breathing is short and gaspy. wardrobe of the average woman. With 25 50 io e MRS. WINSLOW'S SYRUP You are dizzy and pray for quick W . Leghorns and Anconas ...... $5.50 $10.00 at least two of these a separate coat Barred R ocks and Reds ...... $3.25 $6.00 $11.00 brings astonishing, gratifying results relief—what’s to be done. Whit© Rocks ...... $3.50 $6.50 $12.00 in making baby’s stomach digest Just one tablespoonful of Dare’s is an absolute requisite. These are the Whit© W yan dottes ...... $3.75 $7.00 $13.00 food and bowels move as j one-piece dress and the two-piece %c per chick cheaper in 1,000 lots. We guarantee 100% live arrival by prepaid parcel post. they should at teething: Mentha Pepsin and speedily the gas Booking your order on $1 deposit, balance 10 days before shipment or C. O. D. W e w ill time. Guaranteed free disappears, the pressing on the heart which consists of skirt and jumper or also allow you a discount of 5% if order is booked 21 days in advance. Illustrated cata­ logue on request. L. R. WALCK HATCHERIES, DEPT. 12, GREENCASTLE, PA. from narcotics, opi­ ceases and you can breathe deep and overblouse or sweater, for which ates, alcohol and all naturally. some sort of top coat is worn, creat­ It is a truth but too well known, CATARRH, nose and throat treatment. Head harmful ingredi­ Oh I What blessed relief; but why noises, deafness, ringing ears, foul odof ents. Safe and ing a sports ensemble, though lacking that rashness attends youth, as pru­ from nose caused by cruel catarrh. Dr, satisfactory. not get rid of such attacks altogether? the harmony of composition as to line dence does old age.—Cicero. Brown’s Improved one month treatment by Why have them at all? m ail $1 . Does what others claim to do. D r, Especially when any druggist any­ and color which are essential in the S. A. Brown, Ridley Park, Pa. where guarantees Dare’s Mentha Pep­ more formal ensemble. This makes MILLIONS IN TEXAS LOST MINES. Burled instant demand for several coats—as Treasures. Earn $25 weekly spare time. D im e sin, a pleasant elixir, to help you or and stamped envelope brings instructions money back. many as there are different types of ' and plan. B ox 718, Austin, Texas.

gowns, for the styles, this year, are Coat of Green Cheviot Has Modish Wanted— At Once. Hundreds Lady Embroid­ RURNSandSCALDS Electricity Found Aid conspicuously marked in their con­ Shawl Collar In Tan Calfskin. erers to work at home spare time; we fu r­ nish everything; pay guarantee; write at Stop the throbbing end smarting trasts. A sports coat, to be sure, may once. Chisholm Mfg. Co.,Bx. 5, Chisholm,Me. at once with a soothing touch of to Duration of Life be made to answer for the greater hat to match and one of the latest SALESMEN AND AGENTS Every child born today has the pros­ number of frocks, for so many differ­ mannish mufflers in ivory silk, may A small fortune for specialty salesman and be suitably worn over a crepe geor­ crew managers. Will grant you absolute pect of living five-sixteenths of a year ing widely from the accepted design monopoly and fix you for life. No capital longer than if born in 1911, according of sports dress—in the numerous soft, gette or satin frock in the same color, required. Address BOX 95, East Ave. Sta­ tion, Rochester, N. Y. R e s i n o l to figures recently compiled. Undoubt­ snappy, but feminine models—must for morning and informal afternoon edly this remarkable result has been affairs in town or country. » Bird Seed Special, direct from breeder of have each a wrap, to which the lat­ canaries to you. 3 lb. best seeds, % lb. song When the judge is unlearned, It Is brought about by better living condi­ est creations classified as “sports” an­ Novelty in Treatment. food freshly made. 3 pcs. cuttle bone, $1. the robe we bow to. tions, through modern science and ed­ swer perfectly. Beginning with the Another in this same type of coat Feel Stiff and P. O. B O X 220, New R ochelle, N. Y. ucation. Despite the intense speed of is made of rep in Flemish blue, with Shorthand Mail Course: practical, thorough. simplest, most naive sports suit, which Inexpensive; write for leaflet. Gregg Short­ Bell-Ans Halts Over-Acidity Twentieth century life, with its ten­ means any combination of skirt, with a collar of ombre lapin in gray and Achy? hand School, 15 Linden St.,Framingham,Mas®, sion and dangers to the nervous sys­ jumper, overblouse or sweater, a top white. This model Is ultra-smart, the tem, life Is easier than ever before In upper part being given a blouse effect O feel constantly lame and achy is This Widely Used Sure Relief Can Be coat is required. too often a sign of sluggish kid- the history of the world, and the nat­ with clusters of tucked plaits, at the T BURSAL ENLARGEMENTS Depended On Every Time. Feminization of Styles. neys. ural result is longer life. Present expression of the mode, In­ sides, front and back, released above Sluggish action permits waste poi­ Absorbine reduces thickened, How disagreeable, bow exasperat­ That electricity has played an im­ cluding sports wraps and suits, is at­ the strap belt and laid flat to the bot­ sons to remain in the blood and is apt swollen tissues, curbs, filled ten­ dons, soreness from bruises or ing, how embarrassing to be a sufferer portant part In bringing this about Is tributed to the general feminization tom of the coat. This detail is intro­ to make one languid, tired and achy, with dull headaches, dizziness and 3trains. Stops spavin lameness. from gas, belching, heartburn, sick unquestioned. It has made industrial of styles. The swing from the man- duced in the sleeves, fitted close at the working conditions immeasurably bet­ wrist, which are finished with narrow often a nagging backache. A common Does not blister, remove hair or headache, nausea and other digestive lay up horse. $2.50 at druggists, ter by supplying good light, by making straps and are full above the forearm. warning that the kidneys are not act­ disorders. BELL-ANS for Indigestion ing right is scanty or burning secre­ or postpaid. Valuable horse book ventilation easier and more effective, This coat has a slenderizing effect and Is a harmless, pleasant Sure Relief. tions. 1-S free. Write for it today. by providing a simple form of power. an elegance in style that will answer Tested by over 30 years’ use. 25c and Assist the kidneys at such times Read this: "Horse had large swelling It has revolutionized domestic labor, charmingly for afternoon and to be with Doans Pills. Since 1885 Doan’s just below knee. Now gone; has not re­ 75c Pkgs. at all drug stores, or send appeared. Horse good as ever. Have nsed with its elimination of tedious, nerve- worn with the more elaborate gowns. have been winning friends the country for free samples to Bell & Co., Inc., Absorbineforyears with great success.’* racking, back-breaking tasks through The hat designed for this wrap is one over. Ask your neighborI Orangeburg, N. Y.—Adv. the medium of the modern electric ap­ of the new high-crown turbans of the 50,000Users Endorse Doan’s: pliance. blue cloth combined with silver cloth. George Face mire, 22 Orange St., a b s o r b in e Keep pace with progress or get left Another variant of rep in navy blue B ridgeton, N . J ., eayss “ M y kidneys were behind. not acting right and the secretions were scant Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot” Is powerful, but is used for a more formal coat, in and painful. Every morning i felt tired and eafe. One dose will, expel Worms or Tape­ languid and m y back was so lame I had to free book worm; no castor oil needed. Adv. which the straight blouse effect is cre­ have assistance in dressing. I started using PAEUPCD ated by a triangular motif of tucked Doans Pills and in a short time was insplen- u AH u E j i sent on request did health. 1 gladly recommend D oa n s' REAL COMFORT Airplane to Be Fast cloth on each hip, and a softer'collar Tells cause of cancer and what to do for for hot, tired,! A new airplane that is claimed to be line is given with soft revers, trimmed PILLS pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it sore, perspiring able to travel between Rome and New on the outer edge with sheared cara­ DOAN’S 60c today, mentioning this paper. Address York In six hours and between Rome cul in metal gray. This line of fur Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. smarting FEET extends around the neck, ending ab STIMULANT DIURETIC KIDNEYS and London in one hour is being ex­ IbsterM U bum Co. Mlg.Clwm.DuHalo.NY ruptly at the lower point of each cas­ Shake amined by experts in Europe. It is proposed to fly the machine at an al­ cading rever, and is added to the up­ Callouses into titude of 25,000 feet, where the atmos­ per edge of the original flaring cuffs Inside Stuff Quick, safe, sure relief from I y o u r phere is so rarefied that there would of raglan sleeves. There’s an old saying that no man painful callouses on the feet. | SHOES? be little air resistance. In all of the coats of this descrip­ Is a hero to his valet. One might also At ail drug and shoe stores tion, some more elaborate than others, state that there are few secrets from m S c h o i i ' s the novelty in treatment Is in tuck­ the delivery boy. Max Cohen, having Ex-Kaiser’s Wealth ing, stitching, spacing with plaits and moved into his new home in Lanker- zin o -p a d s ’X r ^ T , The former emperor of Germany, In the placing of the shoulder line and shim, asked the boy about certain peo­ Wilhelm II, is conceded to be one of the belt. Almost all of the latest mod­ ple living farther up the street. the nation’s wealthiest men, with an els have belts, and In those that have “Let’s see,” said the boy. “It can’t income of more than $1,000,000 a year not, the waistline, still extremely low, be pork and no fat—that’s number two. Green’s W. N. U., NEW YORK, NO. 22-1927. from estates and investments. is defined with the stitching. Usually And it ain’t two pounds of rump and the new coat is cut full length, but juicy—that’s number seven. Oh, I August Flower some exceeding stylish models are but know who you mean I It’s top side and three-quarter. One built of a new tender and don’t pay—that’s the For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc. cloth has shoulder and sleeve cut all party !”•—Los Angeles Times. Relieves Distress after Hurried in one, with seam tucking outlining a Meals or Overeating. ' Being a front panel, and a cluster of inverted THEIR HEARING RESTORED gentle laxative, it keeps the di­ “kick” plaits below the waist at each An Invisible Ear Drum invented by gestive tract working normally. side of the front. The back of this A. O. Leonard, which is a Tiny Mega­ 30c & 90c. At all Druggists. coat is severely plain, with two invert­ phone, fitting Inside the ear out of sight, G. G. GREEN, Inc. WOODBURY, N. J. ed tucks forming a line from neck to is restoring hearing and stopping Head hem down the middle of the back. A Noises of thousands of people. Re­ Smart Afternoon Coat of Black Satin strap belt is sewn at each underarm quests for Information to A. O. Leon­ Heart Strain Lined With White Crepe. seam and buckles at one side of the ard, Suite 643, 70 Fifth Ave., New York “Did you interest yourself In tha front. A round collar of summer er­ City, will be given, prompt reply.—Adv. athletic Contest?” nlsh models of several seasons past Is mine closes the neck in front. illustrated in designs in which are in­ “No.” A moving picture of the Buzz Family A scarf of the same cloth as the “Nor the beauty contest?” troduced intricate tucking, a trimmed coat is substituted for collar on some National Hall of Health LIT spray clears your home o f flies and mos­ finish to collar, cuffs, revers and, in The National Hall of Health is lo­ “No. They’re both hard on tha of the new models, particularly on heart.” quitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, some of the latest coats, a scarf in those that are made of the finer cloths, cated in the southeast court gallery F any one of several new arrangements. of the Arts and Industries building of and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to of smooth surface. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills contain There are still the strictly tailored French Models Picturesque. the Smithsonian institution, at Wash­ only vegetable ingredients, which act gently mankind. W ill not stain. Get Flit today. sports coats, made of English, Scotch ington. as a tonic laxative, by stimulation—not irri­ Some picturesque liberties are taken tation. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. A dv and American goods of sturdy char­ in the latest models from Paris. One acter, just as there are one-piece and is in the combination of colors, by It takes half a life to learn how to Time Isn’t exactly money, but some two-piece dresses of the strictly de­ adding a decorative scarf to a plain live. Even then we practice little of people spend one just as foolishly as signed sort without a suggestion of coat, illustrated effectively with a what we teach or know. the ether. trimming or a softening detail, In­ coat of green kasha and a scarf plaid- tended for service and comfort in mo­ ed in shades of violet. In contrast toring, traveling and athletic activ­ to the coats with collars of fur and BALDNESS DESTROYS ities generally. those having scarfs of different di­ i'ff/fttf 'i •' A ” ’ Flies Mosquitoes Moths These are the togs for sports attire mensions are those on which the col­ M EN you have been looking “ The yellow can which are the only models accepted by Ants Bed Bugs Roaches •with the black band” lar is very small, or non-existent. for something that will grow the genuine sportswoman, but the Chanel has designed a street coat of HAIR on a BALD HEAD. label attaches to some less severe, but tan and brown mixture corded with Here it is in FORST'S Original in ways equally attractive. These are plaid brown, on which the collar is a SCHWEGLERS” the coats which are built of the new straight narrow band, with small re­ Bare-to-Hair THOROBRED fabrics of which so many have been ‘LIVE AND L A Y ' vers. A coat which has a cape of the grows hair and will savewhat brought out this season. They are They live because they are bred from healthy, free range breeders inverness type is made collarless, and you have. It’s a world’s sen- that have thrived and gained in vigor for generations. They la y be­ the reps, the different variants of one in olive green kasha lined with cause they are from selected and tested high egg power stock, - White, ' sation. Brown and Buff Leghorns, Barred and White Rocks, R. I. Reds. kasha and the novelties in worsteds citron green crepe had a narrow Anconas, Buff Orpingtons, White Wyandottes. 12c and up. 100% and woolens known by original names, live delivery guaranteed. Postpaid. Member International Chick standing collar with a strap of the W. H. FORST, Mfg. Scottdale, Pa. \ Assn. Write today for FREE C h ick B ook. because the weaves are themselves kasha and^crepe at each end. These SCHWEGLER’S HATCHERY 214 Northampton BUFFALO, N.Y, original, o* new forms of goods with straps are not tied, but hang straight.

f I THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1927 ing our right of franchise in an in-1 THE COAST ADVERTISER telligent and sane-thinking manner j and by taking an active part in the I ELECTION NOTICE LOUIS BAER activities in our communities, by j tliese and many other methods we Owner and Publisher NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE DISTRICT BOARDS OF —w------—— can raise our standard of citizen­ Publication Office and Plant ship. REGISTRY AND FLECTIONS IN AND FOR THE BOROUGH OF 704 Ninth Avenue, Belmar, N. J. THATCH ER BELMAR WILL MEET IN THE PLACES HEREINAFTER DESIG­ NATED. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorne of Telephone 2083-W BO ILERS -FUR NACES -RANGES Ninth avenue returned home Wed­ First District (River Ave- to center of Eighth Ave.) at Goodwill Hose Entered as second-class matter at nesday from St. Petersburg, Fla., Co. House, Seventh Avenue, between E and F Street. Second District (Eighth Ave. to center of Eleventh Ave.) at Borough the postoffice at Belmar: New where they spent the winter- Mr. Hail. Ninth Avenue and E Street. Jersey, under the act of Congress, Thorne was the official photograph­ S 3 - er for the Braves and Yankees dur- ~L 'rhinl District (Eleventh.Ave. to Southerly Boundaries) at Volunteer Subscription Kates i in the training season in Florida. Hoox and Ladder House, Eleventh Avenue, between E and F Street One year ...... $1.48 On account of Monday being Mem TUESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1927 Six months ...... IS orial Day, the local bank qfnd muni­ between the hours of one P. M. and Nine P. M. (daylight saving time) for Three months ...... 4§ cipal offices will be closed. the purpose of registering all persons entitled to vote at the ensuing Pri­ Single copy ...... *4 ffAiy Architects mary and General Election. Reginald B. Pyle of Glendola has specify ThatcherBoiiers Notice is further given that the said Boards will also sit in the same Naws Items of Local and Personal announced that he will be a candi­ places between the hours of Seven A. M. and Nine P. M. (daylight saving Interest Invited time) on date for a Republican nomination TITHEN an architect writes “ Thatcher for freeholder. He ts secretary of v v Round Boiler” into the heating speci­ TUESDAY, JUNE 21st. 1927 In ordering the change of subscrip­ the Wall township Republican club fications he knows that the owner will for the purpose of conducting a Primary Election for the nomination of tion address, please give the old obtain complete heating satisfaction and and he was a member of the Repub­ candidates for as well as the new address. comfort, even on the coldest days. lican county committee for ' eight Two (2) Members General Assembly. years. Under the Harding adminis­ There is a correct Doiler to meet your individ­ One (1) Surrogate. ual requirement. Your dealer will tell you the ACQUISITION AND DEVELOP­ tration he was a deputy collector size you need. Two (2) Members of Board of Chosen Freeholders (3 years). MENT of internal revenue. Mr. Pyle says One Mayor Two (2) Years. Mail ros'-hrm for liter­ bis effort for nomination is based ature describing the I THE THATCHER COMPANY* Two (2) Borough Councilmeo. Three (3) years. many excellent fea ­ Newark, New Jersey One (1) Borough Councilman. Two (2) years. Another Shark riverfront prop­ on the need of the Asbury Park sec­ tures of lit ^ boiler and tion of the county being represent­ other Thatcher j Name ...... One Borough Collector, Three (3) years. erty owner has seen fit to accept 1products. ed on the board of freeholders. I One Borough Assessor, Three (3) years. J A ddress ...... the award made for his property by Another candidate for one of the Members of the Republican and Democratic County Executive Com the board of condemnation, accord­ Republican nominations for free­ mittee (3 male and 3 female). ing to a report issued after an exe- holder is William M. Ber'gen of this Said Boards will also sit at the same places between the hours of One cutive session of the boro council, P. M. and Nine P. M. (daylight saving time), for registration purposes on place. Mr. Bergen has served as a H I M M l III! ! 1 t-M M 1 H < this week. 1 he repoi t is gratifying- j freeholder for a number of years, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1927 It removes one more unnecessat y , but was defeated for nomination at and finally on hindrance to the legal transfer ° f the last election, Guard Your Furs TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1927 title to the coveted frontage from ( Thomas M. Gopsill of Red Bank between the hours of Six A. M. and Seven P. M. (daylight saving time) the private property owners to the }jas fj[eq a petition for nomination PUT THEM IN COLD STORAGE for the purpose of conducting a General Election for fooro. Now, it is only a question of ^ as one Gf the Republican candidates Furs Stored in Cold, Dry Air Two (2) Members General Assembly. attending to odds and ends in legal for the assembly. Mr. Gopsill serv- One (1) Surrogate. Fur Coats, $3.00 Cloth Coats, $2.00 detail to insure the proper transfer etj tu.s jjrst term in the assembly last Two (2) Members of Board of Chosen Freeholders, (3 years. t)f title. j winter- Peter F. Dodd of Asbury One (1) Mayor, Two (2) years. We all know, of course, that the [>arj, who was also elected to the I. VOGEL & SONS Two (2) Borough Councilmen, Three (3) years. boro will not attempt to improve j assembl ylast year, is not expected One (1) Borough Councilman, Two (2) years. the riverfront property this sum- [0 he a candidate this year. John 158 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. One (t) Borough Collector, Three (3) years. One (1) Borough Assessor, Three (3) years. iner; such an improvement is u°t J A. Kelly of this place has announced (Phone Long Branch 1863 and we will call for them) to be expected at this time. As soon ^ that be will seek nomination as a ds0 a bond issue regarding State Highway System. as the administration finds it ex j Republican candidate for the as- Places of meeting of Boards of Registry and Election: pedient, however, it should consider ^ sembly. said at the corner of the C. You- dredths of an acre, be the same First District. Goodwill Hose House, 7th Ave.. between E and F Street the adoption of a systematic plan of j Another candidate for a Repub- man’s tot so called and thence (it more or less, Second District, Borough Hall. 9th Ave. and E Street. development that will culminate in iican assembly nomination will be along the Youman’s lot last afore-1 Also another tract or lot of land Third District, Volunteer Hook and Ladder House, 11th Ave between said and also along the line of tne adjoining the above described tract, E and F Street. the changing of the riverfront from Donald Sterner, who filed his pe­ Charles Conover lot so called, north being tract two described in a deed lts present condition into the much f ition. yesterday, forty-mine degrees east ten chains from Jacob Garrabrandt to Sam Y. FRED V- THOMPSON. M. TV, looked for municipal park i* i«- -| M r .‘ sterner is vice president of and fortyItwo links to a corner ot Morris, dated May 2, 1862, and re­ Borough Clerk, 1 One suggestion for an improve- lhc Belmar Chamber of Commerce. said Conover lot of land and in the corded in Book 164, page 295, etc. ment plan comes to mind. When other land of James F, Youmans’ ; Beginning at a stone in the high­ He has been county commander of thence (2) north thirty-six degrees SKAFF PASSES AWAY the matter of acquiring the river- way at the northeast corner of the the American Legion and president and fifty minutes west, thirteen above described tract; thence (1) GETS 39 DAYS, $30 FINE FOE ■ front was under discussion, it was chains and eighty three links along of the North Jersey shore united south filty-two degrees, thirty min- SECOND MARRIAGE Shible Skaf, 47, a real estate op­ suggested that the council should said James F. Youman’s other land.utes east, five chains and seventy- chambers of commerce and also the erator, interested in shore proper-. plan to improve a certain section of to a point at or near the middle of live links along said highway; president of the American Legion the first aforesaid public road that I way; thence (2) south thirtv-flve Freehold, May 27.—James Fisk of hes having an estimated valuation the frontage every year, and should home here. Mr. Sterner says that not try to make too speedy or elab­ while some time ago he decided not orate a change at one time. That to be a candidate for the assembly, suggestion appears >o he most prac­ he had been so urged by men and tical and deserves weighty consid­ ninetyone links to a stake or stone; southeast corner of the aforesaid ...... * “ *“ *'*'“ " * T “ hatl been UI for two 'weeks. women leaders in the Republican thenpe (4) south thirt-seven degrees lot; thence (4) north forty-six de~ Belmar last April, luesday, Skaf purchased the Buena Vista eration when the administration de­ party of Monmouth county that ho and- forty minutes west six chains grees, thirty minutes east ten chains pleaded guilty before Judge Jacob hotel from G- W.Leonard, which cides on its plan of action. had reconsidered his former deci­ and fifty-six links along the last and seventy-five links to the place Steinbach, jr., and was. sentenced is now' being managed by the Ar- aforesaid public road to a point At any rate, now is a good time sion and would he a candidate for to think about the riverfront situa­ where it intersects with the other ::Le,'srs™ sU“ ”“® e,8hv» ««™ » < » ... u» ,.„.d 8.«s. <5 w,* * the assembly nomination. public road that leads to New Bed­ tion. The first stage, that of acqui­ Also another lot adjoining the ‘‘° “ nt,y *ai1’ „ ------— ford; thence (5) along the middle of aforesaid, beginning at a point the l’ isk alleSes that while m France MRS. VERON SURPRISED sition, is almost completed; the sec­ MONUMENT FOR HERO the last aforesaid public road, south intersection of the southerly line of during the World war, he was. told ond, that of development, should forty-nine degrees and forty-five The Spring Lake chapter of the said road with the center line of the that his wife had secured a divorce- The Ladies’ auxiliary of the Vol­ not be far behind. The acquisition minutes east twelve chains and Daughters of the American Revolu- thirty-five links to the aforesaid unteer Hook and Ladder company was planned for and is practically , tion ‘will erect a monument at place of beginning, and containing the said New Bedford road, one lhls was abruptly Mr brought w, r kUr- to a gave a surprise party in honor of attained. Perhaps more than half Brielle in memory of Captain Sam fifteen acres and eighty one-hun­ chain and ten links to a c o r n e r ; halt by the appearance of his legal Mrs. Walter Veron’s birthday at her the battle is won. Te remains now. Allen, ieader of the Minute men of dredths of an acre. Being the same thence (2) south forty-nine degrees, wile, home on 15th avenue, Monday. A however, to plain for the develop1- Monmouth county during the Revo­ premises described in a deed from forty-five minutes west four chains Charles T. Hendrickson and wife and forty-six beautiful table lamp was presented ment of the riverfront, so that the 1lutionary war. The monument will links to a corner; to the said John W. Martin, dated thence (3) south sixty-seven de­ Crushed His Foot to her. A cold supper was served work of improvement will begin as ( tje located on the old Stephen Allen Oct. 3, 1902. and recorded in Mon­ grees, fifteen minutes west, t h r e e ------in cafeteria style, furnished by the soon as practical, and will follow a panil where six British Tories and mouth Co. Clerk’s Office in book chains, be the same more or less,' Chester Fary, son of Oliver Fary 708 of deeds, page 214, etc. guests. logical, economical and well con- their chief were captured, tried and lhai'k Iive*‘> last hnday by men at has removed her on the site. Secretarial School however, that in planning for the Allgor; thence (1) north fifty-two led in a deed from Jane A. Hulick work 011 the new bridge. It is be- degrees, thirty minutes west along | and Charles L. Hulick, her husband, lieved that the canon ball was one from Newark to week end, whether it be at the shore re g llE R IF F ’S SALE.—By virtue of a the middle of said highway four- to John W. Martin, dated Feb, 15, used in the Revolutionary period. 408 ELEVENTH AVENUE in the mountains, an auto tour, or j O writ of fi. fa. to me~directed, is- teen chains and thirty-two links to I 1912, recorded in said Clerk’s Of- Belmar, N. J. what not, he or she will not forget sued out of tHe Court of Chancery the highway leading from Brittain! (ice in Book 922 of deeds, page 158. the real purpose of Memorial Day- of the State of New Jersey, will he Hurley’s to the Old Chapel; thence i Seized as the property of John W. Absolutely No Mo~e Twins. and will continue under the exposed to sale at public vendue, on ) (3) along the middle of said high-J Martin, et als. taken in execution j most approved methods of in­ Just as its name implies, it is a A year ago last Christmas twin* Monday, the Sixth Day of June, 1927) way southwesterly to the south line j at the suit of Josephine Wood, and came to Hobby’s house, as last Christ­ struction. day set aside in honor of the sold- j between the hours of 12 o’clock (at <>f a lot of land conveyed by James! to be sold by mas drew near grandma, asked Bobby iers of the past, who have died and 1 o’clock, eastern standard time), in Morris to Robert F. Morris; thence HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff. For Full Infsrmation what he wanted Santa Claus to bring. Phone 1571 given their all in the service of the afternoon of said day, at the! <•*) along said south line south I Dated May 9, 1927. “Well,” he answered, “most anything; oip it hn Court House, in the Borough of thirty-nine degrees cast, fifteen J. Everett Newman, Solicitor, their country. It will he altogether ( Kreehol(I, (;ollnty of Monniouthf N ew ; chains and twenty links more or ______except no more w li fitting and proper to sacrifice some Jersey, to satisfy a decree of said! *css 1° a stake standing at the south- portion of our time to pay homage court amounting to approximately enst corner of the aforesaid lot con- in one way or another to the vet- $3258-00. '’eY ^ by James Morris to Robert erins who'have died for us i A11 the following tracts or parcel ]}■ Morris; thence (4) along the cast crai s no ae e u,. | of land and premises hereinafter hne of sald tract north forty-six The Fir s t Na tio n a l Bank the various service organizations, particularly described, situate, lying: degrees and thirty minutes east ten) are c,oj?nizant of their duty in this! and being in the Township of Walk chains and seventy-five links to the B E JVY AN- FsL , JXT .nJT. respect. Indeed, one of the vital County of Monmouth and State of place of beginning. Containing l reasons that are existent today is I 1 ’ thirty acres and twenty-five hun- that they may carry on the work (io!a village ‘ (formerly* Chapel)

REITERATE STAND ON' W ill Decorate Graven Candidate tor Republican PROPERT SIGNS Members of the American Legion Nomination for Freeholder Following a discussion that re­ , will meet at the post rooms Decor- sulted from the action of some prop­ j atiofi Day morning at nine o’clock Rivoli Theatre erly owners in replacing for sale j to decorate graves. and for rent signs they had taken ! On Sunday morning, May 29th, off their properties, the members of the Legionaires will join with Nep­ Hie Belmar real estate board reiter­ tune Township at services in front ated their stand against signs. The of the monument at th eentrance to majority of the property owners are Ocean Grove. F Street Belmar, N. J. cooperating with the board in its On Decoration Day afternoon, the movement to have a?I signs, includ­ Legion members will again be away ing those f reaoltors, removed from and will take part in the Memorial properties. Day program at the Arcade, Asbury PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK A resolution to have papers drawn Park, under the auspices of the As­ up for the charter of the hoard was bury Park Legion. It was decided also passed. Arrangements are he- that the next meeting of the local ing made by the board to have a post will be on the first Monday in general advertising campaign. August, and at that time plans wilt Monday, May 30th— be made for the annual carnival. FRED THOMPSON with his great horse SILVER KING in “ DON M IKE” Comedy: “Lots Of Grief” f o r s a l e ; - Matinee, 3:00 P, M. WILLIAM M. BERGEN Choice Bungalows and Houses, well located + $$,500 to $30,009 ♦ Tuesday, May 31st— Primary Election, Tuesday, June 21 LOTS — ACREAGE ESTHER RALSTON and RAYMOND HATTON in I have served 12 years as a mem­ Phone Belmar 838 4, ber of the Board of Freeholders of “FASHION FOR WOMEN” + Also a Good Two-Reel Comedy Monmouth county, and have served as director and as chairman of im­ portant committees on that board- | J. N. Garrabrant Agency I Wednesday, June 1st— I know the needs of the county REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE—MORTGAGE LOANS CHESTER CONKLIN and HARRISON FORD in and know those needs can be most + We offer to Buyers and Borrowers a reliable service which “THE NERVOUS WRECK” economically secured, and if nomi­ 4* is based upon the knowledge and experience of our Long es­ Don’t Miss Seeing “THE COLLEGIANS” nated and elected I pledge my best + tablished agency. Pathe News efforts, as jn the past, to give the 4* Students’ Matinee, 3:15 p. m. best that is in me to the end. Tenth Ave., opp. Depot Belmar, N. T Your voe for me at the primaries! Thursday, June 2nd— will be appreciated. HARRY LANDON in his greatest picture Paid by Wm. M. Bergen Com. 4- 4* “LONG PANT S” 4* Phone 1817 Tripp and Fall Comedy MONMOUTH COUNTY SURRO­ GATE’S OFFICE t f In the matter of the Estate of Os­ ■I* car J Ritz, deceased. 4* “G” B e a u t y Shoppe Friday, June 3rd— Notice to creditors to present MARIE PREVOST with Star Cast in claims against estate: Pursuant to the order of Joseph 4*I O pens at “FOR WIVES. ONLY” L. Donahay, Surrogate of the Coun­ 4* Fox News Pathe Review ty of Monmouth, made on the Twen­ 'it* ty-fifth day of April, 1927, on the, 1005 F St, Belmar, N. J. application of The Merchants Na­ Saturday, June 4th— tional Bank of Asbury Park, N. J.. j Mr. Gailuccio will offer to the ladies of Belmar a RICHARD DIX in a picture full of action (body corporate). Administrator of 1 the estate of Oscar J. Ritz, deceased.' most complete beauty culture service ou phases of “KNOCKOUT REILLY” notice is hereby given to the credit­ beauty culture, including hair, skin and scalp service, ors of said deceased to exhibit to superflous hair treatment, French packs, marcel wavipg, Buster Brown Comedy the subscriber Administrator as aforesaid, their debts and demands shampooing and permanent waving. Aesop’s Fables against the said estate, under oath, Matinee ,3:00 p. m. within six months from the date of Jessie Gailuccio, Prop. the aforesaid order, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefore against the said sub­ scriber. AUXILIARY MEDAL AWARDS Dated. Freehold. N. J., April 25 1927. The Legion auxiliary of the Her­ THE MERCHANTS bert Worthington White Post will NATIONAL BANK present the medals and certificates WARNER'S Asbury Park, N. J. “Your Prescription Oirtiggi.ai” to the winners of the “Americanism contest” on May 28th, at the Rivoli 10th AVE. ami F ST. theatre. Mrs. Jay W. Sterner, the BELMAR, N, J* Americanism chairman, will make Phone gef. 1266 Sunday the presentation. The reading of .7 5 the essays by the winners and the ftOUNU presentation will take place during 2nd Ave. an«jl Maim St. mar Eursions the intermission in the regular per­ Bradley Reach, N. J. formance, which is approximately Phone A. P, 5Q30 New York 9 o’clock. The medals are oh dis­ SUNDAYS play at Mr. Wm. Hurley’s store. , May 22, June 19 Prescriptions left with us to July 24, august 21 The Ladies Aid of the West Bel­ be compounded are pat up Special Through Train mar M. E. church will hold a har­ only by registered pharma­ Direct to Pennsylvania Station vest home supper on July 20. cists, formerly of Petty’s Pre­ 7th Avenue and 23rd Street scription Dep’t.. Newark, N, J., Daylight Saving Time 1 ' 1 assuring you utmost accuracy Lv. Behnar - 8.49 A. M. Koglm & Jerxistedt and care. v / h en a guest has to scurry all the way Returning, leaves New York, We solicit your patronage. Vv downstairs to the one telephone in the Pannsylvania Station, 5.20 P. Wall Cloth Hanging M„ Newark (Market Street) Painting Inside and Out hotel lobby. Sometimes it is very incon­ 5.43 P. M. BOX 162, AVON, N„ J, WARNER’S venient— even irritating. Phone 5848 A. P„ “Nothing But the Best” Pennsylvania Railroad W ouldn’t your guests be better satisfied if they could make and receive telephone calls without leaving their rooms ? F P 5-20-27 P 0 3072 A d 32 TO ALL HOLDERS OF A new coat o f house paint may bring people in but only thorough-going service SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS will keep them and bring them back year NOTICE OF REDEMPTION ARE YOU THE RIGHT MAN after year. All outstanding Second Liberty Loan 4 per cent bonds of 1927-42 (Second 4’s) for this Distributor OpportunityJ ln.forrv.Mion o f profit to you on hotel switch- and all outstanding Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 % per cent bonds of 1927-42 (| board service will be furnished by our nearest (Second 4t/4’s) are called for redemption Business Office. Just call them on the telephone on November 15, 1927, pursuant to the terms of their issue. Interest on all SOMEWHERE in this city is a man or group o f men who Second 4’s and Second 4l4 ’s will cease on will not only recognize at once this unusual opportunity said redemption date, November 15, 1927. for profitable business, but will be ready and eager to Holders of Second 4’s and Second N E W YORK - TELEPHONE ■ COMPANY H i ’ji will_ be entitled to have the bonds make the most o f it. redeemed and paid at par on November 15, 1927. Such holders may, however, briefly, here is the proposition: An absolutely revo­ in advance of November 15, 1927, be offered the privilege of exchanging all or lutionary type o f automatic household refrigerator-- part of their bonds for other interest- Electrolux Servel—a sensational success in every city in bearing obligations of the United States. which it has been introduced—is now ready in larger Holders who desire to avail themselves of the exchange privilege, if anti when quantity production to take care o f a limited number announced, should refluest their bank or o f additional markets. Your city will be one o f these, if trust company to notify them when information regarding the exchange offer­ we can find the right distributor. ing is received. Electrolux Servel is far ahead o f any other automatic Further information may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank or branch, refrigerator. To begin with, it has no machinery what­ or from the Commissioner of the Public ever— no moving parts — nothing to make a noise — Debt, Treasury Department, Washington. nothing to wear out — practically nothing to require A. W. MELLON, attention or service. It is the most economical to buy, Secretary of the Treasury. to install, to operate. It is a complete self-contained cabinet refrigerator—built o f steel to last a lifetime. It Washington, May 9, 1927, works on the simple principle o f applying an automati­ cally controlled source o f heat (such as a small gas flame) to a liquid which alternately evaporates and condenses Highest Gash Market Prices within a sealed system o f metal cylinders. Absolutely Paid for W O O L . Ship quickly and silent, safe and sure. gel the benefit of present good market Think o f the appeal such a remarkable piece o f house­ conditions. Write, wire or phone tor hold equipment is bound to hold for hundreds o f pros­ prices. Any quantity. pects all around you. If you can begin to picture in your KEYSTONE HIDE CO - S. H, Livingston, Supi. own mind this wonderful sales and profit opportunity, Lancaster, Pa. write or telegraph us now and our sales representative will gladly arrange to meet you in your own city for de­ Aid For Rural Schools tailed discussion. The state board of education has allotted $5,000 to rural schools in ELECTROLUX SERVEL Monmouth county as emergency slid, 51 East 42nd Street, New York City Millstone receives $2,000. Howell, $1,000, Wall $1,000, Farmingdale $500 and Neptune City $500. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J,

»J« »|a a^a a-J-e a|a a^o »|a a|a aja aj« a|a a|a a|a a|a a|a »|» * ►Ja *|* a|a *|* aj« aje »Ji aja *Ja *Ja a|a aja aja aja aja *J« yxKXooocxxxxxxxx>CKDcocxxxn fSBSES ❖ ❖ Know Your Sweetheart! 4* * 4- by His Handwriting 4- 4* ADVERTISER’S BUSINESS 4- By EDNA PURDY WALSH •J* * Editor, Character Reading: Magazine. EC M isc m i * OOOOCXXDOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOGOO Guide 4- (Copyright.) 4- 4- Has He Imagination? 4* * ❖ ❖ 4 - ❖ j0jijrrfrr‘ *“ ...... •J»*$*«$**$*«$*«5**$**5m$**J**§*4$**5**$**$**5**$*<5*45mJ**$h$**5**$**$**$* 4 - | BUICK CADILLAC tfOtk * Phone 210 4« Tel. 1263 0 . R Newman s",i® ,U 5| 5 4* Storage Batteries and 4* Accessories HUDSON and ESSFY * W. E Hefter She (Distinctive tjranite 4- 4* PLUMBING - HEATING of DarrefVt, 4* Erving & Freer Full Line of Supplies -:- The creative quality of imagination 4* Is another and perhaps the most vatu, ? AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING 1 EXID E (Nest to Bank) Battery Service M EM ORIALS^ THE. HIGHEST GRADES, RANGING 4- able asset discernable in the writing. Oxy-Acetylene Welding •:• Large loops, easily recognized, fly­ 708 F Street BELMAR FROM THE SIMPLE MARKER TO THE FAMILY 4- and Cutting ing tails on words, soaring t bars, MONUMENT ARE TO BE FOUND HERE 4* 9th Ave. BELMAR, N. J. X F Street Belmar, N. J. Phone 518 * lowering loops descending and collid­ • » 4- ing with words on the lower line— ...... 4* these are all signs of the active, crea­ —rrrrfffifjjjjjj ERECTED,IN ANY CEMETERY 4- tive mind known as the imaginative ❖ 4- mind. 4« Imagination checked by reason is W. A Robinson THOMAS S. BIRCKHEAD 4- deduced by strong t bars, occasional S. Dresden « f unlooped letters and back curling ter­ BICYCLES " CARPENTER Office and Yard,, Allen Avenue 4- minals. Ladle’s and Gent's and Adj. Atlantic View Cemetery £ The quality of imagination is found Repairs and Supplies BUILDER 4* Jobbing Promptly Attend­ Phone 1179 to be more rampant in the writing TAILOB that slants forward and this makes the ed to. Estimates Cheer­ t P H O N E 443 4 v Impulsive type. Baby Coach Wheels fully Given. Manasquan New Jersey 601 EIGHTH AVE. When you trace the writing with a EIGHTH AVENUE AND F STREET toothpick, you will be able to deter­ and Tires BELMAR, N. J. 1111111 • 11 it it 111 in m i ir n j 11 h n i i i. fr mine whether it was written slowly BELMAR, N. J. Phone 518-R or with great speed. If made rapidly, Base Ball Goods ' '•*••■***»*«»*» * ‘ rrrrrf f f fiiijij j j th«t faculty of imagination is stronger * 4> than when the writing is made slowly. 4* 4* Opp. Public s School 4* Constructiveness W e Design 4* W A N TED :- Dead or Alive 4* 1108 F street BELMAR 4* 4- C t fC<* uu (2v^ ❖ 4* 4* 4- and Build Your Radio or Car Battery 4* 4* » j? ^L4vt4*4« Belmar, New Jersey N. J enough to be creative. a specialty. Upright strokes reaching high with y y ‘i- 4-4-» )■ *:♦ the forceful marks, such as t bars 908 F Street BELMAR and terminals flowing on to the right, 4- 4* are to be found throughout the letters 4* PHONE'BELMAR 1900 4* 4* of the constructive writer. And if Hutcftiflstn's lit Shop 4- YOUR HOME TOWN 4- 4* the capitals are large but finally- Exclusive Agency for 4* formed and simple, the writing well GIRLS WANTED 4* the Prettiest Place on Earth 4- done from the standpoint of clarity', 4- COLUMBIA AND MINERVA 4- 4* we will surely find a person who is 4* 4* really constructive. W e offer you clean, 4- STERNER 4- C lea n U p YARNS steady employment 4* f m dP a in t U p making Pajamas. You 4* BUILDING MATERIAL 4- The Go-Getter A need not be experienced. W ? will pay you good “From Cellar to Chimney” wages while learning the trade, which will enable 4- COAL per T o n ...... $14.00 f 4- 4- you to earn $20 to $25 4* 4- a w?ek. 4* 4- Do your share by keeping 4* 12th & R. R. Aves. Belmar, N. J. 4* you- home attractively painted. 4- 4* Painting is goor economy, too. Valeo Mfg. Co. ;■ 4* 4- 4" 4* 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* T4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* v 4* 4* 4 4- 4* 4* 4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* It prevents decay and saves re­ First Ave. near Railroad pair bills. Entering the home—Is it bright ASBURY PARK The writing of the “go-getter” actu­ and cheerful. If not, we can ally looks as if it was going to get paint or paper your walls as THE BICYCLE OF something. It has the signs of fores they are most important. And SUPERIORITY and action. The slant will be medium about your furniture, we have but the strokes that make up the discovered a way to make your For real riding qualities this yvriting will show decision. They will a2£B5H5Z5E5HS2S25E5Z5Z5ZSZ525HSaj bicycle excels all others be­ be made fairly heavy and t bars will old furniture new and modern cause it is manufactured with be to the right and with pronounced by decorating it in the new regard to smooth, flexible, run­ pastel shades. Just phone or ning equipment, and strong, pressure. sturdy frame worn plus beau­ Capital letters in the writing of the drop a postal. ty of design. Every compon­ man or woman with initiative will be ent part of these bicycles on large but writing will have the appear­ FRANK BRIDEN, Jr. sale here is made of the best ance of one who is ambitious and BELMAR materials obtainable. backs up his ideas with action. Ordi­ 702 F ST., BELMAR, N. J. 'SIS narily, large writing means many A re You in Need of JOS. C. STEWARD ideas and an impulsive nature that SEPARATE ROOM S 1106 F St. Belmar causes the writer to change his mind 7 th. Ave. Phon@-505*J and neglect his efforts often. The BEL MS Cards “go-getter” type often writes words sas- Blanks that are connected and frequently DON’ T FORGET omits loops on y’s and g’s. Folders There is an absence of flourish US------Dodgers about the writing of one who knows Receipts what he wants and goes after it. Margins will be even and writing When you need any­ WANTED! Envelopes FOUNDATIONS either on the level or uphill. Ter­ thing in the line of Statements minals will run to the right. Your Job Printing Business neat and attractive Bill Heads FOR FORTUNES Note.—Do not make Anal judgment until other signs in writing are studied. Printing. Invitations $ If W e Can’t Please You $ Packet Heads ARE RIGHT HERE IN THE ADVER­ Giant Pine Letter Heads On the shores of Lake Biwa, near Don’t Come Again TISING COLUMNS OF THIS PAPER Kito, in western Japan, is the hamlet Call at this office of Karasaki, famous for its gigantic- Ail IF WHAT YOU’RE SELLING pine tree. The tree is more than HAS MERIT, ADVERTISE IT 90 feet high, its trunk is 37 feet in circumference and the spread of its PATRONIZE The Merchants who ad- branches is 240 feet. This/ tree has Good Work Is AN AD. WILL SELL IT FOR YOU more than 380 large branches, held the merchants who adver- vertise in this paper will in position by a wooden framework. tise in this paper. They will . . . r Our Specialty To shield it from wind arid weather H r 1 jiveive you best vaiues lor your treat you rignt. a little roof lias been erected over the ' v . O'-' top. In front of the tree stands a ciXj a uo Lit/ w oo'AS. u/y 'o J -Licney. 3SSH5Hi52S252SEFR5H5HSESHSHS2SE5EB i Shinto shrine. THE COAST ADVERTISER, BELMAR, N. J.

Telephone 1136-R LA VANCE & HOWLAND FARM CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS PLANS FURNISHED t 't , ESTIMATES GIVEN over seven acres on county road, 1015 Fourteenth Avenue Belmar, N. J. near town, bungalow, six rooms,

improvements, bam, feed house,

several large hen houses. This

Theodore H - Bennett farm is a good development F u n e ra l Director proposition that will be a sure money maker. Rock bottom price and $10,000. Terms, half cash. r t CfatDda b a harniIes» Su6stKa|»|fa*i Licensed EmbaJmer Treating Dropi and Soothing [Syrttpv q relievo Infant* la arms nsd ChUdrea att ages a|j E. B. BIGELOW Constipation IWinS OoIIa | OFFICES TENTH AYE, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Flatulency ' E o Sweeten Stonsadl REStOENCES 1201 B S T. Sole Agent, Belmar, N . J. Diarrhea Regulate Bowel* AM* 160 » assimllatkn of Fbdl; promoting Cheerfulness, TLai, an] T elephone 577, Any Hoar. Day Night i.. Natural Sleep without Opiates '".v/t J ^ To matt teitj'ions, riwxyi look fer the tigrmtnr* of ^ U **"""" ' “ . sstgsfeiacfa g^ Hqnjidias •verywteas recoiamend & ^

Plumbing & Heating ^ H e a t i n g VSpedalfcs Repair Work F. J. NEWBERY Eactris Water Pumps and Repairs Phone 1014-M Jos. C .R e w a rd 416 12th Ave Belmar, N. J, m -K J 1 1 € S F B I mmssissm sm

I Phene Below 6G1-W Better Than — . FRAMES MADE TO OBDEB MOSQUITO » • \ STORM SASH SHUTTER* " Home Made Bread ! ! \ Plana Arranged and Esthqatcs Offered * S e c t i o n * PETER MACLEARIE & SON Blank Bread, scientifically compounded from and BUILDERS First Presbyterian Church tiie purest materials, baked in a sanitary Bakery in u a m r a Corner of Ninth avenue and East an oven just the right temperature is more whole­ , and Workshop A Street Behan* H .J. Street The Rev. Andrew Richards, some and nourishing than home made bread. Now Bet ISth end 19th Avca. A.B., Th.B., pastor. Manse phone Bel mar 38S-M. is a good time to try it. Junior Christian Endeavor Servios lean %■ io*o a. m. Divine worship at 10:4S TRY OUR CAKE a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible School at -10OS f M - TeJepiwa 3:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor Saiw Light as a feather^ yet full of substantial good­ ice at 7:08 p. m. ness. Set one of specials before you tonight—-and a h a b e r s t i c k & km First Methodist Episcopal oal! cut the piece big. U W » . StLiPACH Corner of Seventh and D streets. 4tev. Edward Harrison Cloud, pastor. PLUS QUALITY & SE R V IC E taiaua Sanitary, Plumber Sunday School, 9:45. Worship, 10: 3® Our Reputation Is Made 'SL m. and 7:30 p. m. Strangers weir ■ ...... come. Buy Coal Now For the Winter at the low est Price. BELMAR BAKERY 1004 P Street, b e t . 10th andTlth Avea. EGG—STOVE—NUT Firs* Baptist Church BELMAB, N. J..;,: i ' $14.00 Per Ton First Baptist Church, Ninth avo- A. MENZLER, Proprietor niMwia uiw w m m hue, between C and D streets. Rev. PEA, $11.50 I*. T. Morris, D.D., pastor. Morning BUCKWHEAT, $8-00 Per Ton worship begins at 11 o’clock. ' Snn- 809 F Street Belmar, N. J. ■day School at 2:30 p. m., and Eve­ BE SATISFIED . v* ; .... ning Service at 8 o’clock. Toung peo­ M O N M O U T H ple's meeting each Friday evening at Jlitt you alw|y» that ‘ you are getting . t o'clock. Coal & Supply Co., Inc [value jAu ibould 'for you money in— Mt. Olive Baptist Church 16th AVE. AND RAILROAD FURNITURE and | HdUSEFURNISHINGS? \ » _ Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Seven­ Phone 706 BELMAR, N. J. Look ever our large itock and let u 'Ijaota teenth akenue and F street. Rev. J' J. PERLMAN’S price* bofore you buy elsewhere. Davis, pastor. Morning worship be­ gins at 11 o’clock; Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 8 o’clock. Belmar’s newest Ladies’ and Gents’ Apparel 6 | 1ST. M A IShlNi^ER Drayer meeting Wednesday evening 5J31SHSI5ISM3IS15JSEI3EM5I5JMS]BJ^J5J3)3JHr mt & o’clock. Strangers will find a Shop o 703-and 705 F Street, Belmar, N. Ji (hearty welcome. ;f —------' <" Always Plenty of Bargains V ss.«. . BELMAR S I 7 F STREET * ' BELMAR, N. J. | 47— Eighth Are. and F. Street. , PRINTING 1 We Give S. Sc H. Trading Stamps $ 18— Tenth Ave. and P Street. l 49— Twelfth Ave. and River Rd. >ooooooooocoooooooooooooo©oooo<> ®3— Third Ave. and A Street BUSINESS CARDS Sib— Fifth and Ocean Aves. a FRANK P, .ERBE . 127—Fifth Are. and C Street. TICKETS 14— Sixth Ave. and F Street. 36— Seventh Are. and D Street BILLHEADS Spring Lake Florl&t || 41— Fourteenth and Ocean Area. 43— Tenth Ave. and C Street STATEMENTS -44— Eighth Ave. and A Street TREES SHRUBS ~ HEDGE PLANTS, Eta. 46— Eleventh Ave. and A Street LETTERHEADS BEDDING PLANTS .. CUT FLOWERS, Etc. *8— Fourteenth Ave. and F Street Funeral Design* • R — Thirteenth Ave. and D Street ENVELOPES SPECIAL TAPS 807 Ludlow Ave* near Third Spring Lok* N. J. 1-1-1, Chiefs call. 2 taps, test alarm NEAT WORK T elephone 59 given every evening at 7:39 o’clock. 1 tap, Broken Circuit; 2 taps, Fire GOOD STOCK Out, given after fire is extinguished.

BELMAR Belmar 704-"W[ COAST ir*J DON’T FORGET Phone 1124-W ----- OS------J ADVERTISER BRICE BROS. — Electrical Contractors— When you need any­ LEON T. ABBOTT thing in the line of PATRONIZE PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR WIRING w FIXTURES M MOTORS neat and attractive Estimates Given Printing. the merchants who adver­ fill 12th AVENUE BELMAR, N. 1 tise in this paper. They will 4 1 5 13th AVENUE BELMAR, N. J. -v ». Juyji treat youvright. ^

a fe ty d s 2 P KirscmaumCwrmsJ%\J$wc'

® f s p Cool Fabrics, Yes! i a e w p ® Fine tailoring,

cB o th are necessary i f yo u seek com plete

h ot - weather comfort

J F you’ll consider the facts, you will realize W h at Hudson Did why good tailoring is an important item in summer clothes. T h e best o f lightweight suitings will not make a comfortable suit “Demonstration Week” unless it holds its shape and style in the test i o f wear. Y o u get cool, stylish fabrics in In addition to hundreds of new records for speed, ^Kirschbaum Kool Togs”— and the comfort \ power, acceleration, hill-climbing and inter-city which results from skillful tailoring— work­ i reliability runs, during a nationwide “ Demonstra- manship o f the same fine standard obtained >, tion Week” , the Hudson Super-Six contributed in Kirschbaum heavier-weigbt garments. these brilliant new marks in the local arena of motor Two‘ piece suits in all the supremacy: preferred lightweight fabrics

/ Continuing a Second W eek and U p / of Demonstrations

..M E N ’S & BO YS’ OUTFITTER-; HUDSON Super~Six 907-909 F. ST. BELMAR 0. H. Newman, Belmar, N. J.

t *


i f y e m r ' , i ' V; PHONE ,i l'),i >n O l / t ■ a is#* .HE Ife. YOUR ORDERS TC hf< ‘ A +n V BELMAR 539 .**©> G -"" 1

W hen the weather is stormy— when you are in a hurry— when you can’t leave the house, or at any other time, PHONE YOUR ORDER TO US. "M If anything, we are more careful in filling telephone orders, because we appreciate the confidence you impose in us. No waiting. You are always first when you telephone, and it will be delivered promptly, Wkem. gasoil or if you prefer our solicitor will call daily for your order.. as good as WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Itandardf High Grade Meats, Groceries t radical i and Delicatessens PAINTS « L Is out Sheffield Farms Milk and Cream EOR THE HOUSE, THE GARAGE V Question. PORCH FURNITURE, ETC

SEEDS LAWN MOWERS SPADES AND HOES 'tMtiMi;niiiiHaiiiiiiiiiintaiiiiiiiiinitainiiirHiiitaiuiiiiiiiiini[iiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiiiiitiiniinniiiMiiniiuiiiitaiiiimiiiiii3iiiiiii= HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS GETS NINETY DAYS AND LOSES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS HIS LICENSE FOFR VARIOUS TRADES The United States Civil Service If it Is sotneti’ing fbfr talker House or Garden j f Charged with driving an auto WE HAVE IT 4 " while under the influence of intox- | commission announces open compe­ t i n g liquor. Percy Glab, 31, o f, Wtve examinations to fl 1 vacancies W e s t Belmar, was fined $200 and m positions of automobile mechan.c costs by Boro Recorder James B. cabinetmaker, e ectncan painter, Taylof’s Department Store Housel in the local police court. In dumber, steamfitter, and tinner in J the Departmental Service at Wash­ Paul G, Taylor, Proprietor default of the fine, Glab was sen fenced to 90 days in the county jail. ington. The salaries are $1,500 and $ 1 ,- His license will be sent to Motor 9th Ave. at F St. Belmar, N. J. 080 a year. A probationary period Vehicle Commissioner William L. of six months is required; advance­ Dill for disposition. place, F ment after that depends upon indi­ nhvs’ will be -rated on their [ the First . M.. E., church, served . a" Glab was arrested by t’ficers Peter vidual efficiency, increased useful­ ... ^ Ability, and training and ex splendid chicken supper, Monday F. Cummings and Harry Stout, who n e w d r y a g e n t appointment as a prohibition agent ness, and the occurrence of vacan­ Mfiii'te ( j night to the members of the quar- noticed his auto crossing the Shark I terly conference and their wives. has been under discussion some cies in higher positions. Full information may be obtained Basil B, Bruno of Long Branch, time. It was understood that Sen­ River bridge in a zig-zag manner. They stopped Glab and, alter ques­ Applicants must have re? ■ from the United'State: Civil Service who was defeated for sheriff last ator Edge sponsored the name of Salvationists Seek $3,500 tioning him, had him examined by their twentieth but not their f f-h Commission,’Washington, D. C-, or fall by Harry N. obnson, is now Bruno for the office. The men ar­ The Salvation Army at Asbury,' Fred V. Thompson, who pronounc­ birthday oh the date of from the Secretary of the local federal prohibition agent. This rested last week are Eustacio Gar­ Park is preparing for its annual ed him under the influence of intox­ lion. board of civil service examiners ai was dis< lowed last week with the cia, a Spaniard, and Angelo Broino Competitors wii| ■■ . . Use post' office or customhouse in appeal for funds in which it will arrest of two South Eatontown men of Asbury Park. icating liquor and not in a condi­ to report for • seek lo raise $3,500 to carry on the<- on charges of selling liquor. Bruno’s tion to operate a motor car. iitninationi at any iniy city. The ladies of the official board of year’s work-
