KILLING OUR OWN the Disaster of America's Experience With______Atomic Radiation Harvey Wasserman & Norman Solomon with Robert Alvarez & Eleanor Walters
KILLING OUR OWN The Disaster of America's Experience with___________________ Atomic Radiation Harvey Wasserman & Norman Solomon with Robert Alvarez & Eleanor Walters A Delta Book 1982 -2- A DELTA BOOK Published by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York, N.Y. 10017 Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to use the following material: Excerpts from "Three Mile Island: No Health Impact Found" by Jane E. Brody from The New York Times, April 15, 1980; "Nuclear Fabulists" from The New York Times, April 18, 1980; editorial from The New York Times, November 23, 1980. (c) 1980 by The New York Times Company. Reprinted by permission. Excerpts from "The Down Wind People" by Anne Fadiman in Life. (c) 1980 Time, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Excerpts from "No Place to Hide" by David Bradley. Copyright 1948 by David Bradley. By permission of Little, Brown and Company in association with the Atlantic Monthly Press. Excerpts from NAAV Atomic Veterans' Newsletters. Reprinted by permission of the National Association of Atomic Veterans, 1109 Franklin Street, Burlington, Ia. 52601. Excerpts from the editorial "The Bomb's Other Victims" in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 1, 1979. Excerpts from the editorial "Old or Dead Before Their Time" in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 17, 1979. Copyright 1979 Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Excerpt of letter from Penny Bernstein to authors, used with permission of Penny Bernstein. Excerpt of letter from Pat Broudy to authors, used with permission of Pat Broudy. Excerpt of letter from William Drechin to authors, used with permission of William Drechin. Excerpt of letter from Bob Drogin to authors, used with permission of Bob Drogin.
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