Sexual Reproduction in Seed Plants, Ferns and Mosses

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Sexual Reproduction in Seed Plants, Ferns and Mosses Sexual reproduction in seed plants, ferns and mosses Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on sexual reproduction inseed plants, ferns andmosses 20-24August 1984, Wageningen, the Netherlands M.T.M. Willemse and J.L. van Went (compilers) -^ BIBUO FF (Stichting voor: gredeling) Droevendi INGEN CPRO-DLO BIBLIOTHEEK Postbus1 6 6700A A Wageningen Pudoc Wageningen 1985 CONTENTS The 8th international symposium on sexual reproduction in seed plants, ferns and mosses 10 Congres "organization 11 PART 1 Microsporogenesis, microgametogenesis, anther and pollen germination in vitro 13 Brown, R.C. & B.E. Lemmon. Ultrastructure of meiosis in the moss Entodon seductrix 15 Chauhan, E. & M. Lai. Cytochemical and ultrastructural tudies on sporogenesis in the moss Physcomitrium cyathicarpum Mitt 16 Bednara, J. & B. Rodkiewicz. Distribution of plastids and mitochondria during sporo­ genesis in Equisetum hyemale 17 Keijzer, C.J. Anther development of Gasteria 20 Shridhar & D. Singh. Anther development and pollen formation in Cucurbitaceae 21 Souvré, A., L. Albertini, A.C. Dhar & M. Petitprez. Microspore and pollen grain forma­ tion in Rhoeo discolor Hance 24 Pacini, E., G.G. Franchi & L.M. Bellani. Pollen grain development in the olive (Olea europaea L.): ultrastructure and anomalies , 25 Sou^é, A., L. Albertini & A.C. Dhar. The effect of cold (4 °C) on H-proline and C-hydroxyproline incorporation in microspores, tapetum arid connective of Rhoeo discolor Hance. A radioautographic study 28 Wiermann, R. Biochemistry of pollen pigmentation 32 Herich, R. & A. Lux. Degradation of tapetal cell nuclei during the formation of micro­ spores 33 Jensen, W.A. The effect of a chemical hybridiying agent on the development of wheat pollen 34 Habintore, E., J.P. Tilquin & A. Serrhini. Genetical approach of autosterility in Camélia sinensis L 35 Sawhney, V.K. Hormonal and temperature control of male-sterility in a tomato mutant 36 Van Marrewijk, G.A.M. & L.C.J.M. Suurs. Characterization of cytoplasmic male sterility in Petunia x hybrida (Hook) Vilm 39 Bino, R.J., S.J. de Hoop & A. van der Neut. Cytochemical localization of cytochrome oxidase in anthers of cytoplasmic male sterile Petunia hybrida (Hook.) Vilm 44 Noher de Halac, I. Sterility of microspores in Oenothera hookeri Velans 47 Noher de Halac, I. Stages of tapetal cell cell development in sterile anthers of Oeno­ thera hookeri Velans 50 Tan, M.M.C., 3. de Bruin, G.A.M. van Marrewijk, A.J. Kool & H.J.J. Nijkamp. Isolation of Petunia hybrida cytoplasts 51 Schröder, M.B. & R. Hagemann. Plastid content of generative cells in Liliaceae 52 Hagemann, R. & M.B. Schröder. New results about the presence of plastids in generative and sperm cells of Gramineae 53 Rowley, J.R. & B. Walles. The surface coating of microspores and microspore mother cells in Pinus sylvestris 56 Willemse, M.T.M. Light absorption of pollen tube walls 57 Barnabas, B. Effect of water loss on germination ability of maize pollen 58 Van Lammeren, A.A.M. Microtubular configurations during endosperm and pollen develop­ ment in Zea and Gasteria as visualized by immunofluorescence 59 Derksen, J. & J.A. Traas. Growth of tobacco tubes in vitro; effects of drugs interfering with the cytoskeleton 64 Miki-Hirosige, H., S. Nakamura & Y. Yamada. Fine structural research on germinating lily pollen tubes in vitro and in vivo 68 Kroh, M. & B. Knuiman. Membrane-structure and events in non-plasmolyzed and plasmo- lyzed tobacco pollen tubes: a freeze-fracture study 71 Cresti, M., F. Ciampolini, D.L.M. Mulcahy & G. Mulcahy. Ultrastructure of Nicotiana alata and Petunia hybrida pollen tubes grown in semi-vitro conditions 72 Hough, T., P. Bernardt, R.B. Knox & E.G. Williams. Use of fluorochromes in pollen biology 73 Cadic, A., R.S. Sangwan & B.S. Sangwan-Norreel. Stress related structural modifications in the pollen of Datura 74 Dashek, W.V., C.S. Ridenour & R.R. Mills. Lilium longiflorum pollen germination and tube elongation as markers for solfur dioxide 75 Sangwan, R.S. & B.S, „Sangwan-Norreel. Early indicators of in vitro transformation from gametophyte to sporophyte in Datura 76 PART 2 Stigma, incompatibility and pollen germination in vivo 79 Ramm-Anderson, S. & R.B. Knox. Localization of pollen surface glycoproteins using monoclonal antibodies 81 Said, C, P. Zandonella, T. Gaude & C. Dumas. Cytochemistry of the stigma surface components using the print technique 83 Owens, S.J. Stigma structure and the pollen-stigma interaction in Caesalpinioideae - Leguminosae 84 Kenrick, 3., P. Bernardt, R. Marginson, G. Beresford & R.B. Knox. Acacia breeding systems 88 Kormutâk, A. Incompatibility between Pinus nigra Arn. and Pinus sylvestris L. and overcoming it with chemomutagenic substances 90 Wojciechowska, W. Immediate distinction between self-pollination and cross-pollination and between self-compatibility and self-incompatibility in Papilionaceae - prelimina­ ry report 93 Serrhini, A., 3.P. Tilquin & E. Habintore. Cytological approac of sterility and incompati­ bility in Tea (Camélia sinensis) 96 Tilquin, J.P., A. Serrhini & E. Habintore. Incompatibility in Camélia sinensis; a general approach 97 Nakanishi, T. & M. Sawano. Pollen tube behavior by carbon dioxide in relation to over­ coming self-incompatibility in Brassica 99 O'Neill, P., M.B. Singh, T.F. Neales, R.B. Knox & E.G. Williams. Carbon dioxide blocks the stigma callose response following incompatible pollinations in Brassica .100 Gaude, T., A. Palloix, Y. Hervé & C. Dumas. Molecular interpretation of overcoming self-incompatibility in Brassica , 102 Dickinson, H.G., I.N. Roberts, C.J. Elleman, G. Harrocf, & M.I. Zuberi. Early events on the Brassica stigma following compatible and incompatible intraspecific matings 105 Hodgkin, T. & G.D. Lyon. Pollen germination inhibitors associated with the self-incom­ patible response of Brassica oleracea L 108 Kenrick, J., V. Kaul & R.B. Knox. Self-incompatibility in the nitrogen-fixing tree Le­ gume, Acacia retinodes: pre- or post-zygotic mechanism? Ill Larsen, K. Cell surface recognition glycoproteins and their possible role in angiosperm self-incompatibility 112 Rouse, J.L., R.B. Knox & E.G. Williams. Unilateral hybridization in Rhododendron 115 Kaul, V., J.L. Rouse, R.B. Knox & E.G. Williams. Early post-fertilization development in Rhododendron 116 Willemse, M.T.M. & M.A.W. Franssen-Verheijen. Pollen tube penetration in the style of Gasteria 118 Williams, E.G., P. O'Neill & T. Hough. The pollen • tube as an experimental growth system v 119 Gilissen, L.J.W. & F.A. Hoekstra. Style-controJled corolla wilting'in Petunia hybrida L 121 PART 3 Megasporogenesis, ovary, embryo sac development, fertilization and embryo and endo­ sperm development 123 Sheffield, E. & E.G. Cutter. Cryo scanning electron microscopy of reproduction in cryptogams 125 Tigerschiöld, E. Gametangia in Ceylonese species of the fern familie Thelypteridaceae 126 Llewellyn, G.C.,* J.D. Reynolds & W.V. Dashek. Water fern (Marsilea quadrifolia) repro­ duction as a bioassay for aflatoxin B. and T-2 Tricothecene toxin 127 Pennell, R.I. & P.R. Bell. Fertilization in Taxus baccata L 131 Polito,. V.S. & Nai Yan Li. Pistillate flower differentiation in Juglans regis: a develop­ mental basis for heterodichogamy 134 Went, J.L. van, N.M. van Beek & J.M. van Tuyl. Ovule development in relation to ovule position and flower development in Lilium 135 Sniezko, R. & C. Harte. Genetic basis of callose pattern, megaspore degeneration and polarity in the ovules of Oenothera 136 Schulz, P. Ultrastructure and ultracytochemical localization of acid phosphatase in the dyad, tetrad and developing megaspore of Capseila bursa-pastoris 137 Cass, Û. & D. Peteya. Aspects of megagametogensis in Hordeum vulgare HO Wilms, H.J. Behaviour of spinach cells in pollen tubes prior to fertilization 143 Russell, S.D. Sperm specificity in Plumbago zeylanica 145 McConchie, Ç.A., S. Jobson & R.B. Knox. The structure of sperm cells in Brassica 147 Kadej, A. & F. Kadej. Sperm cells in the fertilization process in Lycopersicon esculentum 149 Czapik, R. Secondary nucleus in Rosoideae 150 Van Went, J.L., C.H. Theunis & A.P.M. den Nijs: Embryo sac ultrastructure before and after fertilization in Cucumis stivus 153 Bannikova, V.P. & T.A. Plyushch. Embryo sac ultrastructure in Peperomia blanda H.B. et K. before and after fertilization 155 Choisez-Givron, D. Sexual reproduction in the genus Fuchsia. Embryogenesis in F. Fulgens 156 Longly, B., T. Rabau & B.-P. Louant. A cytological method for detecting coexistence of sexual and diplosporic reproductive processes 1 157 Abeln, Y.S., H.J. Wilms & A.J.P. van Wijk. Initiation of apomictic seed production in Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L 160 Nijs, A.P.M. den & P. Milotay. Pollination and fertilization in pickling and slicing cucumbers 165 Singh, M.B., R.B. Knox & E.G. Williams. Gamete competition in oil seed rape: effect of pollen - galactosidase deficiency on fertilization 166 Georgieva, I.D. Cytochemical investication of Lilium regale embryogenesis after pollina­ tion with -irradiated pollen 167 Erdelskâ, O. Some structural features of the embryo/endosperm interaction in angio- sperms 168 Schel, J.H.N., A.A.M. van Lammeren & H. Kieft. Ultrastructural analysis of embryo- endosperm interactions in developing maize seeds (Zea mays L.) 171 Shah, C.K. Reproductive physiology of Limnophyton obtusifolium (L.) Mig. A histochemi- cal analysis 172 Shah, C.K. Grass embryos - A SEM and histochemical analysis 173 Viegi, L. & G.C. Renzoni. DNA measurements in the chalazal proliferating cells of Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic 176 Ryczkowski, M. Respiration rate of the embryo in its natural environment in vitro 177 Ryczkowski, M., A. Kowalska & W. Reczynski. Element concentrations in the s^p sur­ rounding the developing embryo 180 Borzan, Z. Hybridization between Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris and morphology of chromosomes 181 Pretovd, A. In Vitro embryogenesis of flax (Linum usitatissium) 182 Maheswaran, G. & E.G. Williams. Direct somatic embryogenesis for rapid genotype propagation 183 Batygina, T.B. Applied aspects of embryology 185 Chebotarus, A.A.
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