
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Data Bank Dean Croushore and Tom Stark

Understanding Asset Values: Stock Prices, Exchange Rates, And the “Peso Problem”

Keith Sill

ometimes, the present depends on the future: we can think of, what people expect will hap- Speople carry umbrellas when there is a fore- pen affects how they behave today. Exchange cast for stormy weather; football teams in the rates and prices of assets such as stocks and lead play zone defense late in the game, since bonds depend not only on the most likely future they expect their opponents to pass; advance- outcomes but also on possible but less likely purchase airfares are higher for holiday-travel outcomes. Sometimes a possible outcome can be times, when passenger traffic is expected to be so different from today’s conditions that asset heavy. In each of these cases, and many others prices, which incorporate such extreme possi- bilities, make financial markets look flawed, even if they are not. Economists call such a condition *Keith Sill is a senior economist in the Research De- a “peso problem.” partment of the Philadelphia Fed. No one knows the precise origin of the term

3 BUSINESS REVIEW SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 peso problem, but it is often attributed to Nobel probabilities of bad (or good!) things happen- laureate Milton Friedman in comments he made ing, model-based forecasts can prove inaccurate about the market of the early and the policy advice that rests on them can suf- 1970s. At that time, the exchange rate between fer. the U.S. and Mexican peso was fixed, as it had been since 1954. At the same time, the inter- PESO PROBLEMS, ECONOMIC est rate on Mexican bank deposits exceeded the FORECASTS, AND EXPECTATIONS interest rate on comparable U.S. bank deposits. Expectations are often an important ingredi- This situation might seem like a flaw in the fi- ent in our everyday actions and decision-mak- nancial markets, since investors could borrow ing. For example, grocery stores become more at the low interest rate in the , con- crowded than usual when the weather forecast vert into pesos, deposit the money in calls for a severe snowstorm. Firms may make and earn a higher interest rate, then con- additional investments in plant and equipment vert the proceeds back into dollars at the same today in order to meet projections of strong fu- exchange rate and pay off their borrowings, ture demand for their products. In the financial making a tidy profit. Friedman noted that the realm, prospects for variables like economic interest rate differential between Mexico and the growth and inflation help determine asset prices United States must have reflected financial mar- and exchange rates. ket concerns that the peso would be devalued. The most useful forecasts give the best ap- Otherwise, the interest-rate differential would proximations of what actually ends up happen- soon disappear as investors increasingly took ing in the economy. We judge the “goodness” of advantage of it. In August 1976, those concerns forecasts by the properties of their forecast er- were justified when the peso was allowed to float rors, which are the differences between a se- against the dollar and its value fell 46 percent. quence of forecasted values of a variable and its The difference in return on comparable U.S. and actual, or “realized,” values. Good forecasts have Mexican assets—which looked like an anomaly forecast errors that are zero, on average. If fore- to analysts who thought the exchange rate cast errors aren’t zero on average, the forecast is would remain fixed because it had been fixed biased: the forecast is more often too high than for 20 years—could be explained once investors’ too low, or vice versa. The presence of bias means recognition of the possibility of a large drop in that the forecaster is repeatedly making the same the value of the peso was factored in. mistake, a mistake we would expect to be elimi- More generally, peso problems can arise when nated as the forecaster learns from his past the possibility that some infrequent or unprec- misses. Good forecasts also have errors that edented event may occur affects asset prices. The aren’t predictable. If they were, the forecast could event must be difficult, perhaps even impossible, obviously be improved by correcting those pre- to accurately predict using economic history. dictable errors. Peso problems present a serious difficulty for economists who like to build and estimate mod- els of the economy and financial markets, then use them to interpret economic data. Empirical 1Calibrating an economic model is a two-step pro- economic models are designed to match features cess. First, the economist must construct a set of mea- of the economy. They are calibrated or estimated surements on economic variables that are consistent with the variables that appear in the model. Second, values using current and historical data on economic must be assigned to the model’s parameters so that the 1 variables. If the historical data used to calibrate behavior of the model economy matches as many fea- or estimate models do not accurately reflect the tures of the constructed data set as possible.

4 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA AUnderstanding Funny Thing AssetHappened Values: on Stockthe Way Prices, to the Exchange Data Bank Rates, and the “Peso Problem” Dean Croushore and Tom Keith Stark Sill

When the economy is stable, forecasters us- bility of an unusual or unprecedented outcome. ing historical data have a hope of predicting the Indeed, forecasts may look bad despite the fact future with some accuracy. “Stable,” in this con- that forecasters make their estimates using the text, doesn’t mean unchanging. Rather, it means best information at their disposal and the best that the future is similar to the past in that the practices. When peso problems are present, fore- likely occurrence of any future economic outcome casts that look bad may actually be good. is about the same as what we observed in the The Forward Premium Puzzle. Economists past. For example, if people conclude, based on have examined whether peso problems can ac- an analysis of economic history, there’s a 1 per- count for some apparent anomalies in the be- cent chance the stock market will crash in any havior of asset returns. One such anomaly is the given year, they can confidently extrapolate that forward premium puzzle in foreign-exchange analysis into the future if the economy is stable. markets.3 This puzzle is closely related to the But if the economy is unstable, such an extrapo- forecasting issues we have been discussing. lation may not work well. If the economy is not In the foreign-exchange market, investors can stable, people’s beliefs about the likelihood of purchase forward contracts on . A future events may, correctly, be different from forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell a what was observed in the past. on a certain future date for a certain Peso problems may occur when the economy future price, called the forward rate. We might faces this sort of instability. In this environment, think that the forward rate would be a good pre- using historical data to predict the future is diffi- dictor of what the spot exchange rate will turn cult because the future may be much different out to be on the day the forward contract ma- from the recent past.2 Wars, nationalizations of tures, since the forward rate is a price that em- industries, and severe political turmoil are ex- bodies financial market participants’ beliefs amples of unusual events that are extremely dif- about the future value of the spot rate. (The spot ficult to predict. But when markets think there is rate is the price at which a currency can be bought a chance such events may occur, that perception or sold for immediate delivery. If you go to your can have a dramatic impact on forecasts and local bank and convert dollars to francs, the con- forecast errors. Forecasts may capture the possi- version takes place at the spot exchange rate.) In bility of unusual events, but until the events ac- an efficient market, the forward rate will equal tually occur, forecasters may seem to make per- the market’s expectation of what the spot ex- sistent errors and their forecasts may look bi- change rate will be when the forward contract ased to someone who is not aware of the possi- matures. The forward rate prediction may be high or low in any given month, but on average, it ought to be correct.4 Economists would then say that the forward rate is an unbiased predic- 2More technically, peso problems can be interpreted tor of the future spot rate. as a failure of the methodology of rational expectations However, when we look at the data, the for- econometrics, which requires that the ex post distribu- tion of economic variables be equal to the expected ex ward rate is not an unbiased predictor of the fu- ante distribution of the same variables. Another way to interpret the peso problem is as a small-sample prob- lem in statistics. If the sample of data is large enough in the sense that the occurrence of rare events in the data 3See the 1994 article by Gregory Hopper for more on coincides with their true likelihood of occurrence, then the forward premium puzzle and the efficiency of the the ex post and ex ante distributions will be the same foreign-exchange market. and analysts will have more success modeling inves- tors’ expectations. 4Assuming investors are risk-neutral.

5 BUSINESS REVIEW SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 ture spot rate. Statistical analysis shows that the casts to infer beliefs about the future value of the forward rate tends to stay above or below the peso or the probability of a devaluation. spot exchange rate for extended periods. One contributing explanation for this finding is the REGIME SWITCHING AS AN peso problem.5 If foreign-exchange markets think EXPLANATION OF PESO PROBLEMS there is some chance the exchange rate will fall, One approach economists have used to model then until it actually does, the forward exchange peso problems is to suppose that the economy rate will remain below the spot value of the ex- goes through changes in regime.7 In general, re- change rate, since the forward rate embodies the gimes represent different environments. A market’s expectation. Research by Martin Evans simple example of changes in regime involves and Karen Lewis shows that the peso problem political parties and control of the legislature. is potentially an important component in an ex- Sometimes Democrats are in control, sometimes planation of the forward premium puzzle.6 Republicans, and over time, control of the legis- Let’s look at a simple example. Suppose the lature switches back and forth between the two spot exchange rate has been fixed at 20 cents per parties. Legislation and fiscal policy might be peso, and investors think there is a 95 percent different under each of these regimes, and the chance it will remain at 20 cents but a 5 percent overall performance of the economy could be re- chance that the exchange rate will fall to 10 cents gime-dependent as well. per peso. Then the expectation, or expected While politics offers a good example of a re- value, of the future exchange rate is 19.5 cents gime-switching process, we want to think more ([0.95 x 20] + [0.05 x 10]). As long as the ex- generally about the economy’s shifting ran- change rate remains fixed at 20 cents per peso, a domly between two (or more) regimes. Examples forecast error of 1/2 cent per peso will persist— of regimes might include periods of high or low it will occur every period until either the peso is inflation, periods of rising or falling exchange devalued or markets revise their expectations rates, or economic recessions and expansions. about devaluation. Someone casually evaluat- The key is that in one regime the disturbances to ing these forecasts might conclude that market the economy are different from what they are in participants are irrational, since they seem to be another regime.8 These disturbances affect eco- making the same mistake over and over. An nomic variables, so the behavior of variables economist is more likely to think that the market such as inflation, interest rates, or real output is getting things about right. We can then turn growth could be different in the different regimes. the problem around and use the market’s fore- Regime switches are irregular events for the

7This view is somewhat different from the view that 5Another possible explanation is risk premiums in peso problems are due to small probabilities of cata- the foreign-exchange market. Risk premiums represent strophic events that may happen only once. The prob- compensation to the asset holder for taking on the risk of lem with one-time events is that they are very hard to holding the asset. See the survey article by Karen Lewis model. If an event is repeated, even infrequently, there is for an in-depth discussion of risk premiums and the a possibility of its being described statistically. See the peso problem as explanations for the predictability and 1996 article by Martin Evans for a survey of research on variability of excess returns. the regime-switching view of the peso problem.

6However, Evans and Lewis find that the peso prob- 8A disturbance is an unpredictable event that affects lem by itself cannot resolve the forward premium puzzle. the economy. Examples include dramatic changes in oil They do show that the bias introduced by peso problems prices, weather-related catastrophes, or technological can be economically significant. innovation.

6 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA UnderstandingA Funny Thing Asset Happened Values: on Stockthe Way Prices, to the Exchange Data Bank Rates, and the “Peso Problem” Dean Croushore and Tom Keith Stark Sill economy: they happen repeatedly but infre- gime-switching behavior.9 quently. We can easily see how this regime- Another variable that seems to undergo re- switching instability could give rise to peso prob- gime-switching is the exchange rate. Research lems. Suppose the economy has been in one re- by Charles Engel and James Hamilton and by gime for a long time, but people now think there Martin Evans and Karen Lewis found that, from is a sizable chance that it will switch to another regime. Their behavior, which reflects their be- lief that the economy may switch regimes, could 9See the article by James Hamilton for technical de- be hard to interpret if we looked just at recent tails on fitting regime-switching models to data. history and falsely as- sumed the economy would always stay in the FIGURE 1: Regime Switching and the Exchange Rate current regime. How prevalent is this regime-switching insta- Marks per Dollar Exchange Rate bility? We see it in many economic and financial variables. As an example, consider output growth over the business cycle. Recessions are repeated but infrequent events— there have been nine re- cessions since World War II. The economy behaves differently in recessions than in expansions. In recessions, unemploy- Source: Author's calculations ment rises, real output falls, and investment and consumption drop. In ex- Probability That Dollar Is in Appreciating Regime pansions, unemploy- ment falls, real output rises, and investment and consumption increase. We can think of reces- sions as one regime for the economy and expan- sions as another, different regime. Indeed, econo- mists such as James Hamilton have success- fully modeled real output growth in the United Source: Author's calculations States as following re-

7 BUSINESS REVIEW SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 the early 1970s to the late 1980s, the U.S. dollar Any asset whose current price depends on un- went through roughly three appreciating and certain future payments could be affected. Take two depreciating regimes against the German the case of stock prices. A standard model of mark. My own calculations, using similar meth- stock prices relates the current price of a share to ods, confirm their results (Figure 1). The figure’s the stream of future dividends that the stock- upper panel shows the pattern of the mark/dol- holder expects to receive from owning the share. lar exchange rate over the sample period. The All else equal, when expectations of future divi- figure’s lower panel shows the probability that dends are revised up, the price of stock goes up. the dollar was in the appreciating regime. The When expected future dividends are revised closer the probability is to 1, the more likely that down, the price of stock goes down. But in an the dollar was in the appreciating regime. The economy where peso problems can occur, the closer the probability is to zero, the more certain link between stock prices and information about that the dollar was in the depreciating regime. future dividends becomes more complicated. The bottom panel indicates that the dollar was Let’s suppose the economy goes through re- in the depreciating regime twice and in the ap- gime changes that affect stock prices. In other preciating regime three times over the sample words, the behavior of dividends over time de- period. pends on which regime the economy is in. In the Many economic variables display behavior “good” regime, dividend growth tends to be that looks like regime switching. Properly inter- high. In the “bad” regime, dividend growth preting economic forecasts and forecast errors tends to be low. It can still be the case that in can be difficult when this type of instability is some years dividend growth is low in the good present. In the mark/dollar example, just as we regime or high in the bad regime, but these are saw in the simple dollar/peso exchange-rate unusual outcomes. Since stock prices depend example, if forecasters expect a regime switch to on expected future dividends, stock prices will occur and it does not, their forecasts may appear also depend on which regime the economy is in. to be biased. Further, the bias will persist until If the regime is good, stock prices will be high. If the regime switch occurs or expectations are re- the regime is bad, stock prices will be low. vised. But persistent bias doesn’t necessarily However, because dividend growth can be mean that forecasters are doing something low in the good regime or high in the bad re- wrong. It may be that we don’t have enough gime—although it doesn’t happen very often– information to see the full range of possible out- investors can’t be certain which regime the comes that forecasters are considering. If we did, economy is in at any given time. Therefore, in- we could approximate how often regime switches vestors must form a belief about the current re- are likely to occur, then use that information to gime based on their observations of the economy. help us interpret forecasts. If we had enough New information on economic variables may data to correctly assess the full range of possible strengthen or weaken investors’ belief that the outcomes, forecast errors that appear biased economy is in a particular regime. They may when we look at an incomplete sample would believe fairly strongly that the economy is in one look unbiased when we used all the data. Good particular regime, but it is unlikely they are ever forecasts would look good. absolutely certain. This uncertainty means that stock prices will be a weighted average of the PESO PROBLEMS, ASSET VALUES, good-regime dividends and the bad-regime divi- AND FUNDAMENTALS dends. The weights reflect the strength of inves- Exchange rates are not the only financial vari- tors’ beliefs about which regime the economy is ables that can be influenced by peso problems. in.

8 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA UnderstandingA Funny Thing AssetHappened Values: on Stockthe Way Prices, to the Exchange Data Bank Rates, and the “Peso Problem” Dean Croushore and Tom Keith Stark Sill

In this environment, news about future divi- Thus, in an environment where peso prob- dends can affect stock prices in three ways: (1) lems may be present, new information about divi- there may be new information about good-re- dends can affect stock prices in complicated gime dividends; (2) there may be new informa- ways. Stock prices may jump around even if tion about bad-regime dividends; (3) there may there is no new information about dividends in be new information that changes investors’ be- the current regime. Stock-price models may also liefs about which regime the economy is in. be affected by peso problems. If dividends do Suppose investors believe the economy is cur- indeed depend on which regime the economy is rently in the good regime and news arrives that in, an investigator may falsely conclude that a suggests future dividends in the good regime particular model performs poorly if he fails to will be higher. As we have already stated, this account for regime switching when evaluating news will lead to an increase in stock prices. the model’s performance using historical data. Alternatively, the economy might be in a good Peso problems can lead to stock-price behavior regime when news arrives that leads investors that appears inconsistent with the view that stock to believe that, were the economy to switch to the markets are efficient and investors are rational bad regime, dividends would be even lower than (see Stock Market Bubbles). they previously thought. Dividends in the good An Equity Return Puzzle. A striking fact regime may be unaffected by this news, but the about the U.S. economy relative to the economies stock price drops right away because the stock of other industrialized nations is the extent of price is a weighted average of the good-regime the real appreciation of the stock market. The dividends and the bad-regime dividends. So empirical facts are well laid out in a paper by stock prices could change even if expected divi- Philippe Jorion and William Goetzmann: the real dends in the current regime don’t change.10 return on equities has averaged about 4.7 per- Finally, new information may affect investors’ cent for the United States, compared to a median beliefs about which regime the economy is in. real return of 1.5 percent for a sample of 39 other For example, they may become more confident countries.12 No country has a higher real return that the economy is in the good regime. Recall than the United States over the period 1921 to that stock prices are a weighted average of the 1995 (Figure 2), even though many other coun- share price in each regime and that the weights tries’ stock markets have long histories of con- depend on the strength of people’s beliefs about tinuous operation. the economy’s current regime. If those beliefs Why does the United States have this change, stock prices will change.11 uniquely high real return to equities? Jorion and Goetzmann conjecture that it may be due to the fact that disasters have largely bypassed the U.S. economy. For example, at the beginning of the 10More technically, when peso problems are present, 1920s there were active stock markets in many financial markets take account of future capital gains countries, including France, Russia, Germany, and losses associated with regime switches. See the 1996 article by Martin Evans for a detailed discussion. Japan, and . But the stock markets of all of these countries were interrupted by war, 11Researchers have fit regime-switching models to stock dividends and fundamentals. See the papers by Evans (1993); Shmuel Kandel and Robert Stambaugh; and Steve Cecchetti, Pok-Sang Lam, and Nelson Mark for examples. These papers illustrate the conditions un- 12The real return on equities is measured as the real- der which peso problems can influence the behavior of ized return from capital gains and dividends minus the stock returns. inflation rate.


Stock Market Bubbles hyperinflation, or political turmoil. Presumably investors thought The text focuses on the case where stock prices are de- there was some probability that the termined by their dividends. But stock prices may have U.S. market would be disrupted as another component: a bubble. The bubble theory of stock well. But this event has not occurred, prices suggests that stocks might go through long periods so historical equity returns have not of under- or overvaluation relative to the value implied by reflected it. The large realized return their fundamentals.a One type of bubble is a rational bubble. in the United States may be tied to Rational bubbles reflect investors’ self-fulfilling beliefs that investors’ recognition of the possi- the price of a stock (or other asset) depends on variables bility of economic disruption and unrelated to fundamentals. When bubbles are rational, stock market interruption that never there are no obvious profit opportunities to exploit; inves- materialized—it may be, in part, a tors are efficiently using all relevant information to assess the asset’s value.b peso problem. Whether rational bubbles can be found in asset prices is Investors generally do not like a matter of ongoing research for economists. Some statis- risk. Risk-averse stock market inves- tical tests give results consistent with the presence of tors want a high return on invest- bubbles. Others show that bubble components seem to be ment in normal times to compensate unimportant.c One difficulty in testing for bubbles is that them for the risk of the extreme losses peso problems can give rise to the appearance of bubbles, they would incur if the stock market even if they are not really there. Take the case where crashed or was interrupted by war dividends are either in a good or bad regime. Suppose the or political turmoil. The United economy is in a good (high-dividend) regime and positive States has not experienced the ex- news arrives about future dividends in the bad (low-divi- treme financial market disruptions dend) regime. As described in the text, the current price of stocks will adjust to this news, even though dividends and that many other countries have. Per- fundamentals in the current regime may be unchanged. haps, by the luck of the draw, U.S. The change in the price of stocks might therefore be unre- stockholders have been rewarded for lated to the observed fundamentals in the current regime: catastrophic events that happened it looks like a bubble. Thus, environments in which peso not to occur.13 problems are present may make it look as if there is a bubble component to asset prices even when asset prices are actually being driven only by their fundamentals. 13The real return on equities can be inter- preted as an equity premium. A very influ- ential statement of the equity premium aFundamentals are the factors that economic theory sug- puzzle in the U.S. data is the paper by gests are important determinants of stock prices. They include Rajnish Mehra and Edward Prescott. Build- such variables as profits, interest rates, and dividends. ing on Mehra and Prescott, the paper by Thomas Rietz attempts to explain the eq- b See the article by Lee Ohanian for more on rational bubbles uity premium puzzle using a model that in asset prices. has a peso problem environment. More re- cently, the paper by Jean-Pierre Danthine c See the article by Ohanian for a review of the literature on and John Donaldson investigates peso testing for bubbles. The evidence is mixed. One major problem problem implications for the equity pre- in testing for bubbles is that it involves a joint test of a particu- mium in a production economy. Other re- lar model of asset prices and the presence of a bubble. That is, search has tried to explain the equity pre- researchers may find evidence for bubbles simply because their mium puzzle in a model where stock mar- model of fundamentals is wrong. ket fundamentals follow a regime-switch- ing process. These efforts have been less

10 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA UnderstandingA Funny Thing AssetHappened Values: on Stockthe Way Prices, to the Exchange Data Bank Rates, and the “Peso Problem” Dean Croushore and Tom Keith Stark Sill

FIGURE 2: Real Returns on Global Stock Markets

Source: Adapted from Philippe Jorion and William N. Goetzmann, “Global Stock Markets in the Twentieth Century,” Journal of Finance, 54, June 1999, Figure 1. Used with permission.

Peso Problems Spell Trouble for Value At returns on the assets that make up an institution’s Risk Models. Value at risk (VAR) models esti- portfolio. Because VAR models rely so heavily mate the largest loss a portfolio of assets is likely on the historical pattern of asset returns, they to suffer under relatively normal circumstances. may be unreliable in environments where peso Financial institutions use VAR models to deter- problems are present. mine the potential losses on their portfolios.14 Suppose that the day-to-day change in asset For example, a bank may want to know the maxi- returns switches between small-change and mum loss it might incur on its portfolio over a large-change regimes. If a VAR model is con- specific period. A VAR calculation might show structed using historical data from only the small- that, on average, in 95 trading days out of 100, change regime, it would understate the maxi- the maximum loss on the bank’s portfolio is not mum loss a portfolio would suffer should asset expected to exceed $10 million in a day. returns switch to the large-change regime. A VAR VAR models are constructed using historical model would be less likely to understate poten- tial losses if the historical data used to construct it included both small-change and large-change regimes. In practice, though, VAR models tend successful. See the 1996 survey article by Martin Evans to weight the most recent observations on his- for a technical discussion and references. torical returns most heavily. As we have seen, 14See the 1996 article by Greg Hopper for more on when peso problems are present, the recent past VAR models. is not a good guide to the true underlying distri-

11 BUSINESS REVIEW SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000 bution of asset returns. Thus, VAR models may peso problem is that it makes it more difficult to not accurately estimate the maximum loss a port- correctly interpret the predictions of economic folio may suffer. forecasts and asset-pricing models. Whether peso problems contribute to asset- CONCLUSION pricing anomalies is largely an empirical issue. Peso problems can arise when people assign We have discussed mechanisms by which peso a positive probability to events that might occur problems can potentially affect asset prices. The but that are not well-represented in historical principal difficulty in studying peso problems data. Because asset prices embody the financial is how to model people’s expectations when the market’s perceived probabilities about possible economic environment is unstable. Small future values of economic variables, they are changes in expectations can often lead to large particularly sensitive to peso problems. Peso changes in people’s behavior and, thus, in the problems do not reflect a market failure or a mar- behavior of economic variables such as asset ket inefficiency. Rather, peso problems reflect prices. The literature on testing for the presence economic analysts’ difficulties in using histori- of peso problems and the literature on building cal data to properly model people’s expectations economic models that incorporate peso-problem about the future. While the peso problem most explanations of asset-price behavior are prom- commonly comes up when analyzing foreign- ising but still new. Nonetheless, the literature exchange markets, we have seen that it may af- makes clear that it can be dangerous to base fore- fect any asset market where expectations deter- casts about the future behavior of financial vari- mine prices. The principal consequence of the ables solely on their recent behavior.


Cecchetti, Steve, Pok-Sang Lam, and Nelson C. Mark. “The Equity Premium and the Risk-Free Rate: Matching the Moments,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 31 (1993), pp. 21-46.

Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and John Donaldson. “Non-Falsified Expectations and General Equilibrium Asset Pricing: The Power of the Peso,” PaineWebber Working Paper Series in Money, Economics and Finance, Columbia Business School, PW-97-19 (August 1998).

Engel, Charles, and James Hamilton. “Long Swings in the Dollar: Are They in the Data and Do the Markets Know It?” American Economic Review, 80 (1990), pp. 689-713.

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12 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA UnderstandingA Funny Thing Asset Happened Values: on Stockthe Way Prices, to the Exchange Data Bank Rates, and the “Peso Problem” Dean Croushore and Tom Keith Stark Sill

Hamilton, James. “A New Approach to the Economic Analysis of Nonstationary Time Series and the Business Cycle,” Econometrica, 57 (1989), pp. 357-84.

Hopper, Gregory. “Is the Foreign Exchange Market Inefficient?” Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, May/June 1994.

Hopper, Gregory. “Value at Risk: A New Methodology for Measuring Portfolio Risk,” Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, July/August 1996.

Jorion, Philippe, and William Goetzmann. “Global Stock Markets in the Twentieth Century,” Journal of Finance, 54, June 1999.

Kandel, Shmuel, and Robert Stambaugh. “Expectations and Volatility of Consumption and Asset Returns,” Review of Financial Studies, 3 (1990), pp. 207-32.

Lewis, Karen. “Puzzles in International Financial Markets,” NBER Working Paper No. 4951 (Decem- ber 1994).

Mehra, Rajnish, and Edward Prescott. “The Equity Risk Premium: A Puzzle,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 15 (1985), pp. 145-61.

Ohanian, Lee. “When the Bubble Bursts: Psychology or Fundamentals?” Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, January/February 1996.

Rietz, Thomas. “The Equity Premium: A Solution,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 22 (1988), pp. 117-31.