HOTOGRAPHS (See Inside,Front Cove;) ^


Practice in all the Courts of the Territory. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS.

]R.ooms 1? and 16, Keriney 1 *o1 0 Cor. BVorit axacl .Colurribia Stss. , W. T.



—>«a-THE' rH Leadinn House of the Northwest, S20 IFToaat St. SBATItLB. "W. «XV ( Under Odd Bellows' Hall )

DIRECT IMPORTERS OF: Crockery and Ciassware, ' Brackets,.. Chandeliers and Lamps, Baby Carriages, Plated Ware and Cutlery, Reeking Horses & Wagons, House Furnishlrg Goods, Baskets of ev,$ descripVon,- Toys and Fancy Coo. Wooder e •»*< WiUfe / Ware, Oil Paintings, Clocks in lo ,e varieties, Steel Engravings & Chromos Pipes,' (!) Looking Classes, Raxors anui -Razor ^tror, s, - d Bird Cages,. Purses, Bags, Etc. rl •

-—BE SURE ASTI> JD,Or,iE TCs> SJ'BIPIIB lO, 25 SLnd SOo. Oov.r ters. f iST" A .'Visit to our Estafc!s «lnnei>t wilt mci'e than i-ei»a„ yoij H


:'.::":i.il5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. IKHITE .«bMUMfiAY 5 72f;< F-ont Strec* SEATTLE CITY AND

Q^ea/Z^e @>€td$c <24$&avy


TV. $\*uu»* ^- Rg-W>n4^ ^

^fci fen

CORNER: Second and Columbia Sts.,


-^Groups v and * Children's •> PicturesJN-J


IVI. S. BOOTH, Mariafger,

Commercial Street, SEATTLE, W. T. One Block from Railroad Depot and Steamboat Wharves.


-*-# First-Class Restaurant in Connection.$<-

cFimtfu oFmnh'&zd cHooms, Sinq-ia and &n Suifo.


Free Coach to and from all Steamers. Special Rates by the AVeek, SEATTLE CITY AND


DEALERS IN ^JjimSiXiauow and&icfazSy


No. 717 Front Street,

SEATTLE 5 »» . 5 > --V— :?. O Bos 730. The Carlton House, OXiTTa-CrXA., "W. T.



N. W. Cor. Commercial and Main,

•THE OINrX/Y"- First-Class $ i and $ 1.25 per (lay House


Dining Room Light and Commodious.

Table Supplied with the Best the Marke. Affords.

Large and Comfortable Bedrooms.

Prompt and Polite Attention,

Tie Comfort M Coraience of Ms a Specialty.


Where the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars are to he found. Also A OOOI) SSISjlLIAKJtt TAS1E.


Free Coach, to and. from all Steamers.,!!^ SEATTLE CITY AND

Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance. TAYLOR & BURNS, General Office in Butlers Building",

OjipiKi'/i' Oi-ciili'iitnl Hotfl, .1ASIES ST., SEATTLE, W, T

The Largest and best American and Foreign Insurance Companies repre- seuted.' Every legitimate form of iusvtrance written. Fair HcljnHtmeuts of losses and prompt settlements guaranteed.


Instantaneous Photographer


Fwo Doors from Marion, SEATTLE. W. T. . Elegant, artistic and superbly finished Photographs, equal to the "best on the Pacific Coast, and the finest marte In Seattle. Families, Clubs, Groups and Children's Photos a Particular Specialty. AU work wan-anted first-class. Every Negative is preserved. .Duplicate copies ew always be had. Owing to the lightning rapidity of the Dry Plates nov being used, no diffi­ culty is experienced m photographing infants. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. ..P. STONED

Foreign and Domestic Fruits. &aite]i, Field and Grass Seeds, •yiiS Vroni Street. ' SEATT1E, W. T. is- Milk Bread Bakery ^.nSTXD COlSTPEGTIOlTEEir, ej^*FRONT STREET,*^® Near Masonic Hall, SEATTLE, W. T, ,„CITY MARKET W. W. EVANS .& CO., Beef IPorlc Packers * And Dealers in ' Fresh Meats and Vegetables, Choice Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Leaf Lard put up on the premises, and every class of goods pertaining to the business. Poultry and Game in Season. Hotels, Restaurants and Shipping Supplied at Short Notice. All Orders Promptly Silled. Stock Bought and Sold. _70HEra7HATFIELD7~ SHIPPING AND Commission Merchant, Flour, Hay, Grain and Peed OF AIiL KINDS. fESLEK'S WH1E!, P. O. Box 158. SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE CITY AND


Daily CHRONIC! Weekly

James St.. opp, Occidental Hotel.


Per Annum, by Mail, - $10.00 Per Annum, $2.00 Per Monti), bv Mail. 1.00 Six Months, 1.25

Largest Circulation in the City.


THE Seattle Daily Call


f Sundays Excepted, )




Ten Cents per Week, Delivered by Carrier,

Fifty Cents per Month, or $5.00 per Year, by Mail-

OFFICE: Mill Street, Rear of Rostoffice.


The Oldest Newspaper in the City of Seattle, and the

Leading Newspaper of Territory.

The Full Associated Press Report Taken.

Having Double the Circulation of any other paper, the


vertising Medium.

Tim Weekly Post-Intdlk/eneer is an 8-p<:/(/«, (li-colmnri pa-pur. and, at $2.00 -per annum in ad-vance. in the i-heop- ?rt [taper in the Northwest.

The Daily is delivered in the City at the rafr. of 25 vents per week; ly mail, $10.00 per amimn.



Have constructed Marine Ways, just north of the Barrel Eaetory, capable of hauling out a vessel of 500 tons. We are now prepared to take contracts for fcjtmtili&g' tint, a*niil«llsig', lengthening or Imaltiimg Vessels or Steamers on short notice and reasonable terms. Ship Carpenters and Caulkers sent to any place on the Sound. We will give all jobs personal attention. We also guarantee satisfaction to all parties having dealings with us. Satisfactory Bonds will be given whenever required. Postoffiloe Box 791. SEATTLE, W. T.

•nam HUBumOca ^8 _..B.-, Jifaa.— , iffinnmtto rF 1W


PERFECT FIT Guaranteed in Every Case.


Pine Pants Made to Order from $5 up, at Short Notice. [eep on M tie Finest an4 Largest Stoct of Domestic (Ms, 9S9 FR.0MT ST., SEATTLE, W. T. 12 SEATTLE CITY AND

The Fashionable Tailor, 71! Front St., near Poncin Building, SEATTLE, W. T.

IiABGS ASSORTMENT OP Foreign and Domestic Ms.


1 Buy my Woods Direct, and am Prepared to Furnish STYLISH ST ITS AT REASONABLE PRICES.

The Oldest German Paper in .

Has a WUe Circulation on the Sound and is read both in North America and Europe.

FilisM Every TMay. Ascription $3.00 per Tear.

For rates of Advertising, address, R. DAS1US, Proprietor and Editor, Reinig Building, (P. 0. Box 697.) SEATTLE, W. T. KING COUNTY DIKECTQBY. 13

-'HP. 923 Front St., Cor„ Ulaclisan. Importers and Jobbers of /inpc QnrI I "•Q'QOrS TOJ3ACCO AND CIGARS. Grain. Hop and. Commission Merchants. We buy from Mjumt'ac-tmers direct, and solicit custom of the trade only.

in tne%ir J^ w& ... ST

Biivers and Exporters of FURS, HIDES AMD SKIMS. Branch.Stores at Neah E;ty mid Qiiillaynte. A. M. BROOKES." Secretary. SUTCLIFFE BAXTER, Prest. and Agent. Oflice with S.. BAXTER. & CO., Front St., Seattle. ft fill WWW rp^^fffP1 PP4^5ff?Wp; 51

Seattle, Washington Territory.


Tlie 'rrne 'S'«»ae<' is an 'Independent Sunday Morning Journal, and is a First-Class Family Newspaper. Mint- Tnsc Xoite is devoted to Literature and. Art, and will contain a huge amount of Original Matter, Editorial and Communications from well known writers. Its columns will be of interest to Clergymen and all professional men and society people.

( 25 Cents per Month, ) TERMS: -, - Post Paid. ' $2.50 per Year, 3

Advertising Bates furnished on application. 5. G. YOUNG, Editor and Manager,


II 1 §aa fe» las raw 3 S ajlai Keeps on hand the Finest Brands of c^ „ {0; L^'* J - - . /. •> Also Connected -with the .Bar is a Billiard Mail,.Ten Pin Alley, Club Rooms. Beer Hall and Lunch Counter. Jj^JDlH LEVY, Sleeper, Under Yesler-Leary Block, Cur. Front and Mill Sts., SEATTLE. W, T.

OCA I I L»LL HCO 1 J i i n L ~> Unier Kev Management. i3> \C^T?I i ^^y f I LA—' i | | * j TheTraveling Public will find &JFEk^ ' ft^ H£^$^&h /2r£=* this the Cheapest and Best House in Town. ig^No CSiinese Employed W|i About the House. insjftkf E5| Meals, 25c. =-_ri_f»» fSS Singlgle Roomsfi , 25c. j&.. J". TXQI3, Proprietor, r¥o. ni Mill Street, SEATiXE, W. T.

. SHORT & STEVENS, PBOPRESTOKS, ' Washington Street, Hear Commercial, (Opp. Judge Lyon's Court)


Table Always Supplied with the Best that the Mar­ ket can Afford.

Twenty-one Meal Tickets for $405©= KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 15 •W\AJE3XJ <& BOTD, Proprietors Retail Department People's Market Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Tripe, Etc. E. S. Commercial St.. between Mill and Washington, J. D. McDERMOTT, Mannfiiciurer- awl DeuW in- If II lil-HAI FI1T1II, . ,^11G Otierr3r Street,3v^- s.K.v.srri.'K, w. rr. GEORGE EGEH, General Blacksmithing. REPAIRING NEATLY DOME. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ACL WORK C-UAKANTKKU. N. S. Jackson, bet, Commercial and 2nd, HKATTJLK. W. T. Pi. OBIIEJkJDJLtE, ->$ AUCTIONEER '*<- General Commission Merchant Twelve dears' Kxi»ei-Ien<-e in tlie Kwsinesx. Business entrusted to my wire -wilt have my personal attention. Address, t>OS'.r-I-''JFI€K, SISAXTf-.E, W. T. 16 SEATTLE CITY AND

(HnooeHHom to JOHN KEENEN,) Stone Gutters and Builders, "'" Cemetery Work of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED.

PnrtieB living nt H distance, l,y Hondinir a ,u soription of what lln.y wiHh, (.lm have Prf Dtwigns, etc., sent to them to choose from. ^^ Marble Works, Harrington & Smith's Wharf.

All Orders Promptly Filled and HntiHfaotion Guaranteed. SEATTLE,- T*7". T. PEOPLE'S + MARKET, 0". TXT". BOIviST, Proprietor, (Successor to L. W. F088.) Wholesale l>ealcr in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb and Veal, AIiSO OFFICE OF DUWAMISH I>AIIt\. Fresh Milk and Oream delivered daily. Ohoioe Butter and TSagjj Specialty. Orders from aU parts of the Sound promptly filled. Address, * G. H. SMITH, Manager. ^ BRANCH OFFICE of Seattle aiul Walla Walla Tr*il»»* WagonRoaa Co. WALTER A. BULL, of EUensbarg,T*jM; Tito roM doiuieotB Seattle and Ellensburg (the firstpoin t m *m*. Washington) distant from Seattle 120 miles. Fox' all information address CEO. H. 8MITHr8©oretaiyr _ C, H, McISAAC & CO]S








We send our book forth, to our patrons, fully confident that it is worth- to them all it costs. A book that is -worthy of public esteem needs no apology. Peeling that our untiring energy toward the attainment of success in this branch of literary effort has been rewarded, we assume that a "valedictory" of this nature is superfluous. The DIRECTORY is the work of many hands, and its completion has involved no little expense and trouble. Pa­ tience is our redeeming virtue. It is an idol deserving of worship. There­ fore we pay it reverence. Our bump of gratitude is largely developed, and we trust that an acknowledgement of thanks to our patrons is as kindly received as given. Our sincere thanks are also due and given to those who have kindly assisted us, "With adieus kindly repeated and the hope that our volume for 1885^6 may be the medium of great convenience we wish our patrons in particular and the people of Seattle and King county in general, unbounded prosperity and happiness. THE PUBLISHERS. November 1, 1885. GENERAL INDEX.

Page Page Abbreviations, City 51 Miscellaneous Information, Abbreviations, County 171 City 29-41 Alphabetical List of Names, Miscellaneous Information, City 51-169 County 49-50 Alphabetical List of Names, Miscellaneous Institutions County ,. 171-195 and Societies 36 Board of Trade 29 Newspapers 38 Business Directory 197-230 Police Department 29 Banks SO Postoffioe 30 Cemeteries 30 Public Buildings, Halls and Chamber of Commerce 29 Business Blocks • 38 Churches 30 Railroads r.... 39 Circuit Judges 50 Schools, Private 32 City Government 29 Schools, Public . 31 City Council 29 Secret and Benevolent Socie­ Colleges' 32 ties 34-38 Counties, Comprising Dis­ Sketch of Seattle City 25-28 tricts 50 Sketch of King County 43-46 County Officers 49 Sketchhs of Towns and Villa­ Oourts-U. S 50 ges in King County 46-48 Fire Department 32 Steamboat and Transporta­ Harbor Charges 40 tion Lines 39-40 Hospitals 32 Streets and Avenues 40 Incorporated Companies 32-33 Temperance Societies 37 Justices of Peace, Precincts Territorial Courts 50 of King County 49 Territorial Officers 49 Libraries 38 Ward Boundaries 29 Military 38 Wharf and Dock Directory.. 40


Page Allen Alexander 11 Newell George 28 Baxters. & Co 13 Niesz, Whittlesey & Co Bay View Brewery 28 embossed lines on cover BaylisH. R 130 Oak Restaurant 14 Bode Henry 12 Palace Restaurant 41, 130 BorstJ. W 16 Peiser Theo. E 6 Brunswick Hotel 3 Piper A. W 7 Burns Arthur 222 Powell L.J 159 Caldwell R. G top lines Price G. Willis.. .inside back cover Cheadle R 15 Brewery 28 Boot and Shoe Store, Schram J. & Co back cover insert opp page 108 Sohricker & Adams front cover Chilberg A. & Co top lines Seattle Chronicle 8 City Meat Market 7 Seattle Post-Intelligencer 10 Columbia and Puget Sound RR 170 Seattle Restaurant 14 Crane G. W bottom lines Short & Stevens 14 Daily Call The 9 Stafford J. A 7 Damus R 12 Stone C. P 7 Dearborn L. F 222 Sweeney & Co 28 Die Tribuene . ..'. 12 The True Tone 13 Eger George 15 Tice A. J 14 Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co University of W. T 159 top lines and back bone Wahl & Boyd 15 Evans & Co 16 Washington Fur Co 13 Evans W. W. & Co 7 W. T. Employment Bureau Finkelstein M 11 bot. lines Golden Rule Bazaar front cover White Elephant 14 Gordon Hardware Co back cover Whitworth & Thompson.. .top lines Hall Publishing Co 9 Wolters& Co 14 Harmon Mrs L. C 5 Tesler College insert opp 168 Hatfield J. A 7 Young S. G 13 Hotel Brunswick 3 PORTLAND, OEEGON. Judkins J. R 2 Brunswick & Balke Collender Co. 24 Kellogg & Albertson 169 Johnson Wm. & Son.insert opp. 131 Kilbourne E. C .. inside back cover Parke & Lacy insert opp. 130 Lair P. J. & Co.. insert opp page 108 Tatum & Bo wen bot. lines Lange J. P opp. 168 Zacher, Ed. G 23 Levy Jack 14 TAOOMA, W. T. •Lobe E. & Co front cover Traver G. W insert opp 222 McDermottJ. D 15 OLYMPIA. Mitchell & Sparling 169 Carleton House 4 New England Hotel 5 KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 21 Oregon and California

Passing through the finest portion of Oregon, the Willamette, Umpqua and Bogue Brrer Valleys, which are noted for their FINE AND VARIED SCENERY.

To those seeking Homes these Valleys offer Special Inducements. Fine Climate, Rich Soil,

—AND— Abundant Harvests.

'2 -13DLW0DM nuM M SanFmEClSCu, L72 mw^72

At Ashland close connections are made with the stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Co. for all points in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCiSCO^JHE EAST.

Short .-.Staging.-. and.-. Jfiwst-Glass.-. Accommodations. Fare—Unlimited, $36; Limited, $32.

M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars DAILY between am MTPortland and Ashland.J^i * Remember that this is the Scenic Route. * For full and complete information, apply to the undersigned,



TO T3 a: UJ © 0 CHICAGO,

CD CINCINNATI. 53 S» O M o " o -< Wo w m ~ .zj WASHINGTON, > = t5

«5 "O NEW YORK, o » J3

c go ~M ALL EASTERN CITIES. m Z W. H. MEAD, Qen'l Agent,

4 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. KING COUNTY DIKECTOBY. 23' PORTLAND: BootlShoe Upper Manufactory

ED. C. ZACHBR, Proprietor,

T25-I Third- St., . PORTLAND, OR.

Ladies' Uppers a Specialty.

Boot and S>b.o@ XJp>p>ers,

IffiATHER and ViarOIN&S.

Shoe +. Manufacturers' + Goods,

Shoe- Store Supplies.

ISTPrices Reasonable and all Work Guaranteed.

ED. G. ZACHER; Proprietor,


Sole Manufacturers and Patentees of the





oBiiiimd and ofooi ofaii^.

Main Office and Salesrooms: 133 Front St, POBTiAND, OE.

653-655 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Cor. Market and, Huron Streets, CHICAGO. 860 JBroa&way, NMW TOUK. 8, 10, 12 West Sixth St., CINCINNATI.

2±1 SHarTiet Street, SI. 'XOWCSi SEATTLE CITY


SEATTLE. In 1851 a number of sturdy, adventurous and intelligent pioneers formed a " train," and after acquiring all information ascertainable, set their faces toward the Northwest, it being their firm determination - to found a city somewhere in this region which would ultimately rival San Francisco. After encountering untold hardships, the colony at last located upon the shores of Eliott Bay, an arm of Puget Sound, and named the place Seattle. The name was given to the future metropolis in honor of Chief Seattle, a noble red man who was a true and loyal friend to the settlers. The "Queen City " of the Northwest, in addition to being the capital of King county, is situated about midway between the end of the Sound which connects with the Pacific Ocean, and its south or upper terminus. Seattle's chief merit as a commercial center is its accessibility from all portions of the " American Mediterranean"—It is beyond a peradventure the true center of the Sound country—And is connected by means of conr stantly increasing steamboat and railroad facilities with all parts of the Northwest. Steamers for California and other points leave every few days, and sailing vessels flying the flags of every nation are constantly arriving and departing. Alaska, the great undeveloped Territory of the extreme Northwest, is tributary to Seattle, the latter being the nearest great city to that country. The mineral wealth, the timber, fish and furs of Alaska will sooner or later reach their consumers through Seattle.

LOCATION AND ADVANTAGES. The "Queen City" extends along the breast of the deep and well- sheltered Eliott Bay for four miles, and then reaches backward and east­ ward over gently sloping benches and plateaus for a distance of two miles to . This noble sheet of pure spring water is twenty-five miles long and from three to seven miles wide, and deep enough to float the largest vessel that sails the blue ocean. , a similar body of water about a mile square, lies in the northwest suburbs of the town, and is a great summer resort. Lake Washington is only eighteen feet above high tide on the Seattle water front, and Lake Union eleven feet. A narrow 26 SEATTLE CiTY AND strip of land, some hundreds of feet only, separates Lake Union from Puget Sound, while Lake Washington is separated from her sister lake by an equally narrow space. A ship canal is now in process of construction between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, which, when completed, will make this city practically an island, vessels passing from the Sound into Lake Union, thence into Lake Washington, and thence by the latter's out­ lets, Black River and Duwamish Eiver, into Puget Sound again. SCENEBY AND CLIMATE. The scenery of Seattle and vicinity approaches.Jthe sublime. As you near the city the houses upon terraced elevations loom up prominently, notably its public edifices, such as the Territory' Providence Hospital, the Public Schools, etc. The snow-clad summit of the Olympic or Coast range on one side of the Sound are clearly visible from all parts of the city, and the noble Cascade Mountains behind the town with the majestic Banier towering above all, can be equalled by no similar scene in the world. The waving forests of living green coming down to the water's edge on all sides form a pleasing contrast to the virgin snows of the massive mountains. The climate in the summer and in the fall is delightful, the combination of sea and mountain air producing a most invigorating atmosphere. Though somewhat humid in winter, it is so mild that roses, geraniums and other varieties of flowers bloom in the open air in the month of December. To the scenery it is impossible to do justice—an exquisitely beautiful combina­ tion of blue sky and bluer waters, and of the bright green of the grass and the darker color of the vast fir and eedar forests away to the left; the bold, brown range of the Olympic Mountains on the right, seemingly not ten miles away, is Mt. Eanier, a mass of snow and ice, 14,444 feet high, and red, white or gray, according to the condition of the atmosphere and the position of the sun in the sky. It towers like a huge Colossus above the great Cas­ cade range and can be seen standing out against the sky a hundred miles away. In lines that will live as long as the English language itself, Byron pronounced Mt. Blanc the monarch of mountains. But Byron never saw the matchless Banier. In all its history but two men have been known to reach its summit, and they were obliged to cut footsteps in the frozen snow with their axes. Mt. Banier has no fewer than fifteen glaciers, two of which have been made accessible to tourists. Their magnificence completely defies all power of language to describe, and we are struck dumb with aston­ ishment and awe as we gaze upon them imbedded as they are in the mighty bosom of the mountain, the stupendous sides of the canyons, in which they lie, forming alone one of the most inspiring pictures upon which the eye of man ever rested. Comparing them with the glaciers of the Alps, Senator G. F. Edmunds, of Vermont, says that the finest effects he ever saw, during a long tour through the mountains of Switzerland, fell far short of what is seen at Mt. Banier. Eliott Bay is studded with sloops, schooners, ships and steamers, while in the distance you can frequently perceive a full-rigged ship with every KING COUNTY DXEECTOBY. 27 sail spread, making her way slowly but surely out to the ocean. ;(Veteran travelers, who have seen a great deal of the world, unhesitatingly compare Puget Sound to the Mediterranean Sea, and some even go so far as to assert the former excels in beauty. This land-locked harbor of Seattle could easily accommodate the navies of the world; soundings prove the fact that as good anchorage can be had here as in any haven on either continent. A prominent gentleman, who has traveled extensively, says the harbor and town of Seattle greatly resemble Naples and the picturesque bay of the same name. The contiguous mountains materially increase the resemblance. New wharves and warehouses are constantly being erected along the line of the water front, and a broad gauge steam railroad also girdles the beautiful crescent known as Eliott Bay. The United States Government intends to establish a navy yard at Seattle in the near future, in order to protect, if necessary, American life and property in this region. PEOVIDED WITH WATEB. The city of Seattle is to-day, without exception, the best watered town in the United States. The ground is honeycombed with springs of purest water, coming from the inexhaustible streams formed by the melting snows of the Cascade Mountains. Several water companies, one with a capital of $250,000, compete to supply every house and factory with this indispensable fluid. The city is lighted with gas, and negotktwns are now being made for the introduction of the electric light. SEATTLE TO-DAY. Seattle has to-day a population of 12,000 souls, and with its already varied manufactories the busy hum of industry js heard on all sides. Three daily and five weekly newspapers are well supported. There are eight educa­ tional institutions, instructing over 200$ children, which buildings were erected at a cost of over $150,000. The Territorial University, Yesler Col­ lege, Academy of Holy Names, also flourjsli, and have a large attendance from all parts of the territory. Churches of a 1 denominations are here and well attended. The streets are being rapidly opened, graded and side- walked, and a new and thorough sanitary system of sewerage has been intro­ duced, thus adding to the salubrity of the city. The taxes are very light, twenty mills covering general tax, inoluding county, territorial, school, road and special,—sixteen mills on property inside of city limits, four mills extra on property outside of city,—and it is very gratifying to the pride of the residents of the city of Seattle, as well as of the county, to be able to say that their city and county are entirely out of debt. In proportion to the increase in population, real .estate is gradually advancing. During the last two years $5,000,000 has been expended in city improvements, both public and private. " Seattle" is now, and always will be, the largest city in the territory. THE FUTUBE. Prosperity smiles on all sides. The unprecedented fio"w of immigration is rapidly elevating Seattle to the front rank of Pacific Coast cities. The magnificent brick and stone buildings, the National Banks, the hotels, stores, 28 SEATTLE CITY AND warehouses and emporiums of all kinds indicate progress and stability. Street railroad «ompanies have been organized for the purpose of construct­ ing lines from the shores of the Sound along Jackson street, the most beautiful thoroughfare, to Lake Washington. The road is completed -and cars are running to Lake Union and Belltown, or North Seattle. It will not be long before street railroads will gridiron the town so that transporta­ tion will be as easy as in New York or San Francisco. The buzzing saw, the whistling steam, The sailors' shouts, the hammer's rattle, All show it is no idle dream To call the future town Seattle. Puget Sound Brewery, SWEENEY & CO., Proprietors.


«—RACE TRACK,—» p. o. Box »65. SEATTLE, W. T.



i^° Orders from abroad solicited and promptly filled.

Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds at Rough1Dressed Lumber PACKING CASES AND BOXES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. South Seattle, - Wash. Ter. Seattle City and King County Directory.



Banks. Bev. J. P. Ludlow, pastor. Sunday The First National,'Yesler-Leary services 11 A. M. only; Sunday block. Incorporated Sept. 26, school at close of morning service. 1882. Cap. $150,000. .J. K. Lewis, Catholic. Pres.; W. I. Wadleigh, Cash.; John Church of Our Lady of Good Help. Goodfellow Assistant Cashier. —Northeast corner Fourth and The Puget Sound National of Seat­ Washington, Bev. Francis Pre- tle, Occidental block. Incorpor­ fontaine, pastor. Sunday services, ated Sept. 1882. Cap. $50,000. Easter to October, 7 A. M. and 10:30 Surplus $8,000. Bailey Gatzert A. M; October to Easter, 7:30 A. M. Pres.; Elisha P. Ferry, Vice-Pres,; snd 11 A. M. Vespers (summer), 7 , Cash. p. M.; winter, 4 p. M. Sunday Merchant's National, Safe Deposit school, 3 P. M. Building. Incorporated June 20, Congregational. 1883. Capital $50,000. A. Mac­ First Congregational.—Third be­ intosh, Pres.; W. H. Beeves, Vice- tween Clay and Lake, Bev. Phares Pres.; B. A. MoFadden, Cashier. Harrison, pastor. Sunday ser­ Bankers. vices, 11 A. M. and 7 p. M. Sun­ day school at close of morning ser­ Dexter Horton & Co. vice. Prayer meeting Thursday Edward B, Downing & Co. evening. l»©st Office. Plymouth Congregational. — East Time Table of Arrival and Clos­ side Second between Seneca and ing of Malls. Spring, Bev. Henry L. Bates, pas­ General Delivery open from 8 A, M. tor. Sunday services, 10:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.; Sunday school at close to 6 P. M.; Sundays from 4 to o p. of morning service. Young peo­ M. Money Order and Eegistry ples' meeting, SundayJ 6 p. M. Department from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. O. J. Carr, P. M. Episcopal. Cemeteries. Chapel of the Good Shepherd—Cor. Seattle Masonic Cemetery.—East Second and Blanchard. Bev. John side Lake Union: A.B.Young, H. Buckhead, minister in charge. Pres.; J. A. McPhee, See.; G. W. Sunday services, 7:30 p. M. Wed­ Harris, Treas.; O. 0. Long, Supt. nesday, 7 p. M. Sunday school, Washelli Cemetery.—East side Lake 2:30 p. M. Holy Communion, Union, under the charge of the monthly, A. M. City Council. Trinity Episcopal—Northwest cor­ Odd Fellows' Cemetery. — Near ner Third and Jefferson. Bev. Smith's Cove, North Seattle, under Dean G. H. Watson, Bector. Sun­ the auspices of Seattle Lodge No.7, day services, 11:15 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Friday, 7:30 p. M. Holy Churches. Days, 10:30 A, M. Sunday school, Baptist. 10 A. M. Holy Communion, First First Baptist.—East side Fourth be­ and Third Sundays in the month. tween Cherry and James, Bev. D. J. Methodist. Pierce, pastor. Sunday services, Methodist Episcopal-Second, near 11 A. M. and 7 P.M.; Sunday school Columbia. Bev. J. N. Dennison, at close of morning service; prayer Pastor. Sunday services, 11 A. M. meeting Tuesday and Thursday and 7 p. M. Sunday school, 12:30 evenings, p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday Scandinavian Baptist.—Southwest evening. Young People's meeting, corner Fourth and Stewart, Nieho- Sunday, 10 A. M. olas Hayland, pastor. Methodist Episcopal (Branch of)— Second Baptist.—North side Jeffer­ Corner Ninth and Weller. Bev. son between Ninth and Tenth, J. N. Dennison, Pastor. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 31

Methodist Episcopal (Battery Street) Treas.; L. J. Powell, Sec. Faculty: —Corner Third and Battery. Bev. L. J. Powell, A. M., Pres., Instruct­ L. A. Banks, Pastor. Sunday or in Mathematics and Astronomy; services, 10:45 A. M. and 7 p. M. O. P. Lee, A. M., Professor of En­ Methodist Free—North side Pine, glish Literature, Bhethorio and between Ninth and Tenth. Bev. Elocution; O. B. Johnson, Profes­ George W. Coleman, Pastor. Sun­ sor of Zoology, Geology and Bot­ day services, 11 A. M. and 8 p. M. any; George O. Curme, A. B., Pro­ Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. fessor of Ancient and Modern Lan­ Methodist Protestant —^Northwest guages; Bev. D. J, Pierce, A. M., corner Second and Madison. Bev. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Clark D. Davis, Pastor. Sunday Sciences; E. V. Bigelow, Assistant services, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Teacher of Mathematics; J.M.Say- Sunday school at close of morning lor, Teacher in Normal Depart­ service. Prayer meeting, Friday ment; Miss Minnie Thorndyke, at 7:30 P. M. Teacher of Instrumental Music; Scandinavian M. E.—Southeast cor­ Miss Gertrude Kierski, Instructor ner Fifth and Pine. Bev. Andrew in Voice Culture and Vocal Music; Farrell, Pastor. Sunday services, Miss K. D. Allmond, Instructor in 11 A. M. the Art Department; Miss Nellie G. Powell, Teacher of the Normal Miscellaneous. Training School; Miss Anna F. Church of Christ—No. 33 Seneea, Sparling, Assistant Teacher iu between Third and Fourth. Training School. Steps are being First German Reformed Church— taken to form a Medical Depart­ Corner Seventh and Cherry. Bev. ment in connection with the Uni­ Godfrey Graedel, pastor. Sunday versity. services 11 A. M.; Sunday school 10 A. M. Public Schools. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran BOABD OF DIBEOTOBS. Gethsemane—East side Third Thomas Burke, Chairman, term ex­ street, between Pike and Pine. pires Nov. 1885. Dillis B. Ward; Bev. Gustavus A. Anderson, pas­ term expires Nov. 1886. Henry G. tor. Sunday services 3 p. M, ; Wed­ Struve, term expires Nov. 1887. nesday 7:30 p. M. Angus W. Young, School Clerk, Christian—Seneea, between Third term expires Nov. 1885. The reg­ and Fourth. Bev. P. Dillard Hol- ular meetings of the Board are man, pastor. Sunday services 11 held on the first Monday of each A. M. and 7:30 p. M.; prayer meet­ month at 2 o'clock, at the office of ing Thursday 7:30 P. M.; Sunday the School Clerk. Annual meet­ school 10-A. M. ing for the election of teachers, Presbyterian. the first Monday in July. High School, between Madison and First Presbyterian—Southeast cor­ Marion and 6th and 7th. Edward ner Third aud Madison. Bev. F. S. Ingraham, Principal; Horace O. A. Strange, pastor. Sunday ser­ Hollenbeck, First Assistant; Em­ vices 11 A. M. and 8 p. M.; Sunday ma A. Shumway, Second Assistant. school at close of morning services. Central School—Edward S. Ingra­ ham, Principal ex officio; Horace Educational. O. Hollenbeck, Vice-Principal; University of Washington Terri­ Frances E. Nickels, Katherine F. tory—Fourth, between University Cheasty, Anna L. Penfield, Tillie and Seneca. Board of Begents: J. Piper,|Lilian Burrows, Carrie H. Hon. H. G. Struve,Hon. A. Denny, Schumway, Ida M. Vrooman, Hel­ Hon. , Hon. B. L. en L. Pearce, Nettie Densmore, Sharpstein, Hon. G. A. Weed. Of­ Jennie C. Lombard, teachers. ficers of the Board: Hon. H. G. Denny School, between Battery and .Struve, Pres.; Hon. O. Jacobs, Wall and 5th and 6th. Orrin S. 32 SEATTLE CITY AND

Jones, Principal; Benson L. North- A. Perry, Secretary and Engineer; rup, Vice-Principal; Mary E. Con­ • 52 members. don, Clara Karnes, Flora A. Par­ Washington Engine Co. No. 2— sons, Nora L. Latimer, Sarah East side Third, bet. Mill and Chatham, Lizzie Ward, teachers. Washington. L. P. Ferry, Fore­ South School, south side Main be­ man; James E. Clarke, Secretary; tween 6th and 7th. Mmta Foster, James Dunham, Engineer; 65 Principal; Joseph W. Anderson, members. Vice-Principal. Seattle Hose Co. No. 1—South side Jackson Street School, east side Columbia, bet. Front and Second. Market between Jackson and King. Josiah Collins, Foreman; 17 mem­ Hettie L. Green, teacher. bers. BECAPITULATION. Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1—East Number of school population be­ side Third, bet. Mill and Wash­ tween 4 and 21 years, 2,597; in­ ington, Wm. Bogers, Foreman; crease over last year 394. Number Jack Levy, Secretary; 54 mem­ entitled to school privileges for bers. 1884 and 1885,1,960. Number reg­ Lake Union Engine Co. No. 3 (Lake istered, 1,478. Union)—W. M. Jones, Foreman; Miscellaneous Schools. H. E. Houser, Secretary; 52 mem­ Academy of the Holy Names— bers. Southeast corner Ninth, and Jack­ Engine Co. No. ^—Battery, bet. son. Conducted by the Sisters of Front and Second. B. Abernethy, the Holy Names, Sister Mary Foreman; Charles Baker, Secre­ Justina, Sister Superior. Board­ tary; 28 members, ing pupils, 20; day pupils, 55. Total, 75. Hospitals. Catholic Parochial Schools (for Grace Hospital, in course of con­ boys)—Basement Catholic church, struction and will be in operation Fourth and Washington. Prof. April, 1886)—Thirteenth street, Wm. W. Pepper, Principal, Bev. near Madison. Incorporated May, Father Em. Demaney, Assistant. 1883; under the management of the Episcopal church. Five resi­ German School—Southwest corner dents of King County constitute Cherry and Seventh. Godfrey the Board of Trustees. Fee for Graedel, Principal. annual membership, $25; life mem­ Kindergarten School—North side bership, $500. Rev. George 3. of Pine bet. Third and Fourth. Watson, President; W.R.Forrest,; Alwine Foedish, Principal. Vice President; W. A. Jennings, Trinity School (for boys and girls)— Secretary; W. A. Harrintgon, j West side Seventh bet. Spring and Treasurer. j Seneca. Bev. George H. Watson Bector, Mrs. W. A. McPherson Providence—Under the allspices of the Principal. Sisters of Charity. Has accommo­ dations for 125 patients; also 25 Yesler College—Second, bet. Uni­ private rooms. Fifth, bet. Spring versity and Madison. J. Paul and Madison^ ^„„^ , Lange Principal, Eugene Zillere D Head Master. Seattle General Hospital—East side Fourth bet. Terrace and Jefferson. Fire Department. James W. Currie, President; J. E. Volunteer. McDonald, Vice President; J. Chief—Gardner Kellogg. Louis Fanning, Secretary; S. Car­ First Assista?it Chief—Lawrence S. man, M. D., Treasurer and Man­ Booth. ager. Chief Engineer—Fred. A. Minnick. Seattle Engine Co. No. 1—South Incorporated Companies. side Columbia, bet. Front and Sec­ Black Diamond Coal Co.—Incor• ond. D, MeKean Foreman; W. porated 1864. P. B. Cornwall, Pres,; KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 33

J. H. Bobinson, Sec; Bank of bet. Madison and University. In­ California, Treas. Northeast cor­ corporated 1883. Capital $20,000. ner Commercial and King. Wm. Campbell, Pres.; J. 0. Kel- Coal Co.—Incorporated log, Secy.; John B, Williamson, Aug, 16, 1884. Capital $500,000. Supt. J. J. McKinnon, Pres.; John Col­ Safe Deposit Co. — Incorparated lins, Vice Pres.; L. J. Oolman, April 7, 1884. Capital $100,000. See. and Treas.; James M. Col- J. B. McDonald, Pres.; A. Macin­ man, Mngr. Foot of Columbia. tosh, Sec.-Treas. Front opposite C. & P. S. R. R. The—Incorporated Cherry. . Dec, 1880; capital, $575,000. Eli­ Satsop Railroad Co.—Safe Deposit jah Smith, Pres.; A. A. Denny, building. Incorporated Nov. 12, Vice-Pres.; Wm. B. Thornell, Secy. 1883. Capital, $100,000. Isaac and Treas. Office cor King and Dobson, Pres.; J. B. McDonald, 2d Sec; A. Mcintosh, Treas;. J. W. First National Bank—Yesler-Leary Currie, Supt. building. Incorporated Sept. 26, 1882. Capital, $150,000. J. B, S. A. R. C. Mfg Co.—Post building. Lewis, Pres.; W. I. Wadleigh, Incorporated April, 1885. Capital, Cashier; John Goodfellow, Asst. $50,000. Guy C. Phinney, Pres.; Cashier. Fred H. Peterson, Sec-Treas. Di­ Gordon Hardware Co.—Incorpor• rectors: Wm, H. Beeves, John ated Oct. 1, 1883. Capita] $10,000. Keenan, Guy C. Phinney. J. B. Lewis, Pres; G. B. Adair, Seattle Electric Light Co.—Incorpo­ Sec. Treas. and Mngr. Front, op­ rated Sept. 30, 1885; capital $50,- posite Cherry. 000. George D. Hill, J. M. Fink, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co.—In• T. H. Oann, F. W. Sparling, S. Z. corporated April 3, 1882. Capital, Mitchell, incorporators. Office 629 $100,000. George W. Hall, Pres. -Front. and Mngr.; W. B. Forrest Sec. and Seattle Gas Light Co— Incorporated Treas. Foot of Commercial. 1878. Capital, $50,000. Dexter Hor- Lake Union Furniture Co.—Incor• ton, Pres.; Norman Penfield, Sec; porated 1883. Capital, $10,000. Arthur A. Denny, Treas. North A. J. Charleston, Pres.; H. J. Nor- side James between Front and den, Sec.; Wm. Koch, Treas. Lake Second. Union. Seattle General Hospital—East side Lowman & Hanford Stationery Fourth between Terrace and Jef­ and Printing Co. Southeast ferson. Incorporated June 19,1885. corner Front and Cherry. Incor­ James W. Currie, Pres.; James porated March 1885. Capital $25,- B.McDonald, Vice Pres.; J. Louis 000. James D. Lowman, Pres.; Fanning, Sec; S. Carman, Treas. John N. Jackson Sec; Clarence and Mgr. Hanford, Mngr. Seattle Hardware Co—625 Front.. Merchants' National Bank—Incor• Incorporated March 7,1884. Cap­ porated June 20, 1883. Capital ital, 150,000. M. D. Ballard, Pres.; $50,000. A. M. Macintosh, Pres.; A. P. Burwell, Vice Pres.; A. S. W. H. Beeves, Vice Pres.; B. A. Burwell jr, Sec.; E. F. Sox, Treas. McFadden, Cashier. Safe Deposit Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern R. R. building. Co—The Safe Deposit building. Northwestern Cracker Co.—Incor• Incorporated April 28,1885. Cap­ porated April 18, 1885. Capital, ital, $500,000. J. E. McDonald, $30,000. Capt. David Gilmore, Pres.; Thomas T. Minor, Vice Pres.; Pres.; Joel P. Beynolds, Vice C. H. Kittinger, Sec; F. H. Os­ . Pres.; Charles Craig, Treas.; Wm. good, Treas. A. Jennings, Secy. West side Seattle Lumber Co—Incorporated Front between Spring'and Seneca. May 15, 1884. Capital, .500,000. Puget Sound Iron Works—Front Alfred H. Anderson, Pres.; J. B. 34 SEATTLE CITY AND

McDonald, Sec; A. Macintosh, Secret and Benevolent Treas. Safe Deposit building. Associations. Seattle Post Intelligencer—Incor• Masonic. porated October, 1881. Capital, Washington Council Knights Ka- $50,000. Frederick J. Grant, Pres.; dash, No. 1, A.:A.:S.:R—J. F. Samuel L. Crawford, Sec; Ed­ Damon, 32 deg., Gr. Cr. 0. of H. mund P. Meany, Treas.; Thomas Preceptor; E. S. Ingraham,32 deg.: W. Prosch, Mgr. Post building, First Lieut. Commander; H. Pe­ Mill street. terson, 32 deg., Second Lieut. Commander; O. C. Shorey, 32 deg. Seattle Street Ry Co, The—Incor­ Chancellor; J. T. Jordan, 32 deg.. porated October, 1883. Capital, Orator; Samuel Kenney, 32 deg. $50,000. F. H. Osgood, Pres.; Almoner; C. J. Wright, 32 deg. George Kinnear, Sec. Office and Becorder; H. Butler, 32 deg., Treas­ stable, northeast corner Pike and urer; Wm. H. Gilliam, 32 deg. Second. Master of Ceremonies; E. J. Ames. Spring Hill Water Company—In• Turcopillier; J. W. Edwards, 32 corporated 1878. Capital, $250,000, deg., Draper; Wm. E. Phillips, 32 Bailey Gatzert, Pres.; , deg., First Deacon; Wm. Walker. Sec; J. P. Lipski, Treas. Office 32 deg., Second Deacon; J. W northeast corner King and Com­ George, 32 deg., Bearer of Beaude- mercial. seant; Cyrus Walker,32 deg'.,Bearer The A. P. Hotaling Co—219 Com­ of Second Standard; J. A, Camp­ mercial. Incorporated May 26, bell, Third Standard Bearer; Oran 1883. Capital, $25,000. Henry S. Kitelev, 32 deg., Lieut, of Guard; Algar, Pres.; Wm. Q. Chase, Sec. H. N. Moore, 32 deg., Tyler. and Director. Directors: Isaac Washington Chapter Rose Croix. Kaufman, E. S. Bothschild, John No. 1, A.:A.:8.:R.—J. F. Damon, C. Nixon, Wm. V. Chase. 32 deg, Wise Master; E. S. Ingra­ The Seattle Lumber and Commer­ ham, 32 deg., Senior Warden; H. cial Co—Incorporated 1881. Cap­ Peterson, 32 deg., Junior Warden; ital, $100,000. Isaac Dobson, Pres.; 0. 0. Shorey, 32 deg., Orator; Angus Macintosh, Treas.; D. B. Samuel Kenney 32 deg., Almoner; Denton, Sec. Water Front, from C. A. Wright, 32 deg., Secy.; H. Madison to Main, Butler, 32 deg., Treas.; W. H. Gil­ The Puget Sound National Bank of liam, 32 deg., Master of Ceremo­ Seattle—Occidental Block, Incor­ nies; J. A. Campbell, 32 deg., Ex­ porated September, 1882. Capital, pert; W. E. Phillips, 32 deg., As­ $50,000. Surplus, $8,000. Bailey sistant Expert; J. W. George, 32 Gatzert, Pres.; Elisha P. Ferry. deg,, Guard of Temple; H. N. Vice-Pres.; Jacob Furth, Cash. Moore, 32 deg., Tyler. Washington Ironworks Co— South­ Washington Lodge Perfection, No. east corner Second and Jackson. 1, A.:A.:S.:R.—'E. S. Ingraham, Incorporated December, 1880. Cap­ 32 deg., Master; W. H. Gilliam, 32 ital, $100,000. JohnM. Frink.Pres.; deg., Senior Warden; Samuel Ken­ James Eeadman, Sec; George W. ney, 32 deg., Junior Warden; J. F. Harris, Treas. Damon, 32 deg., Orator; H.Butler, 32 deg., Almoner; 0. A. Wright, 32 Washington Fur Co—923 Front. In­ deg., Secy.; Amasa Miller, 32 deg., corporated August, 1884. Capital, Treas.; O. 0. Shorey, 32 deg., Mas­ $50,000. Sutcliffe Baxter, Pres. and ter of Ceremonies; I. Parker, 32 Mngr.; A.M.Brooks, Sec andTreas. deg., Senior Expert; J. T. Jordan, Western Mill Co. — Incorporated 32 deg., Junior Expert; H. Peter­ 1883. Capital, 30,000. D. T. Den­ son, 32 deg., Captain of Guard; H. ny, Pres. and Mgr.; J. Frankland, N. Moore, 32 deg., Tyler. Meets Secy. Lake Union. third Tuesday in each month. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Seattle Commandery No. 2 Knights Lodge of Washington will be held Templar—Sir E. S. Ingraham, in Olympia, June 2, 1886. Eminent Commander; W. E. GBAND OHAPTEB. Boone, Generalissimo; A. B. Slew- Officers.—Andrew McCalley, Grand art, Capt. General; A. M. Palmer, High Priest; Wm. W.Poole, Dept. Prelate; H. F. Phillips, Sr. War­ Grand High Priest; Fred Fursh, den; J. H. McGraw, Jr. Warden; Grand King; Walter J. Thompson. J. A. Stewart, Treasurer; 0. H. Grand Scribe; Thomas M. Beed, Minick, Eecorder; C. W. Lawton, Grand Sec; John Fox Damon, . Standard Bearer; H. Peterson, Grand Chaplain; Eugene Buch­ Sword Bearer; Wm. H. Llewellyn, anan, Grand Capt. of Host; Henry Warden; C. D. Knight. Sentinel. M. Porter, Grand Eoyal Arch Begular Conclave 1st Friday in Capt.; Henry Drum, Grand Prin. each month at Beinig's Hall. Sojourner; Wm. B. Andrews, STJBOBDINATE OHAPTEE. Grand Master Third Vail; O. F. Seattle Royal Arch Chapter, No. 3. Weed, Grand Master Second Vail; —E. S. Ingraham, High Priest; Charles N. Daniels, Grand Master Wm. W. Poole, King; W. V. Bine- First Vail; E. J. Graham, Grand hart, Scribe; H. F. Phillips, C. H.; Steward; Henry F. Phillips, Geo. Kinnear, P. S.; John H. Mc­ Grand Tyler. Meets first Monday Graw, E. A. C; H. Gormley, M. in June, 1886. 3d V: H. Peterson, M. 2d V; H, STJBOBDINATE LODGE. Hill, M. 1st V; C. W. Lawton, Eureka Lodge No. 20—Wm. W. Treasurer; W. Bickards,Secretary; Poole, W. M.; Henry Gormly, Sr. H. N. Moore, Sentinel. Meets 3d W.; Albert L. Spencer, Jr. W.; Thursday in each menth at Ma­ Hiram Burnet, Treas.; Joseph A, sonic Hall. Stuart, Sec; Henry F. Phillips. GBAND LODGE. Sr. Deacon; Alex B. Fletcher, Jr. Deacon; BenjaminB. Freed, S. S.; Officers:—M. W. Louis Ziegler,Grand Wm. B. Boss, J. S.; Oharles'D. Master, Spokane Falls; E. W. Joseph, Dep. Grand Master, Ka- Knight, Tyler. lama; Wm. Eudolph Andrews, Sr. St. John's 'Lodge No. 9.—B. T. G. Warden, Cheney; Nathan Wheeler, W. M.; J. A. Hatfield Smith Porter, Jr. G. Warden, S. W.; A. H. King, Jr. W.; Samuel Olympia; Benjamin Harned, G. Kenney, Treas.; O. C. Shorey, Treasurer, Olympia; Thomas Mil- Sec; C. P. Dam, Sr. Deacon; L. burne Eeed, G. Secretary, Olym­ Van Doran, Jr. Deacon; C. D. pia; Harrison Whitson Eagan, G- Knight, Tyler; Charles Craig, Sr. Chaplain, Walla Walla; Walter Steward; Frank A. Pontius, Jr. James Thompson, G. Marshal, Ta- Steward. coma; Andrew McCalley, G. Stan- Odd Fellows, ard Bearer. Walla Walla; Wm. ENCAMPMENTS, Whipple Poole, G. Bible Bearer, Unity Encampment No. 2—F. W. Seattle; John Lysons, G. Sword Wald, C. P.; D. S. McCowan, H. Bearer, Kalama; Oscar Fitz Allen P.; J. H. Woolery, S. W.; G. L. Weed, G. Orator, Spokane Falls; Manning, J. W.; E. B. Buck, Wm. A. Fairweather, G. Lecturer, Scribe; W. W. Evans, Treasurer. Sprague; George Washington Meets second and fourth Friday Morse, Sr. G. Deacon, Ooupville; each month. Alexander C. Campbell, Jr. G. Olive Branch No. 4—E. C. Allan, P. Deacon, Puyallup; Bobert Bankin. G.; J. T. Bon aid, N. G.; Frank Sr. G. Steward, Cheney; Thomas Sredel, V. G.; James H. Woolery, Giles Nicklin, Jr. G. Steward, Eec. Sec; Geo. W. Hall, Treas.; E. Whatcom; John Theodore Shelton, Steinle, Permanent Sec; C. H. G. Tyler, Centralia. The 29th an­ Maddock, Warden. Meets every nual commemoration of the Grand Wednesday evening. 36 SEATTLE CITY AND

Seattle Lodge No. 7—H. H. Meeker, Bussell, G. G.; Oliver Hall, G. W., N. G.; Jacob Harding, V. G.; C. Coif ax, W. T.; W. H. Saylor, Grand H. Merrick, Becording Sec; A. E. Medical Director, Portland, Or. Hummer, Permanent Sec; Charles Columbia Lodge—Present member­ Baker, Treasurer; E. P. Buck, ship 164. Meets Monday evening Warden; W. H. Hughes, Cond.; A. in Masonic Hall. D. P. Pickard, Thurlow, I. G.; G. L. Manning, P. M. W.; Wm. M. Morse, M. W.; B. S. N. G.; T. G. Teachman, L. S. Benjamin B. Freid, F.; A. E. Thur­ N. G.; H. J. Bequa, E. S. V. G. low, O.; O. G. Boot, Becorder; S. Meets every Tuesday, Bell's Hall, G. Benedict, Fin.; E. G. Caldwell; North Seattle. Beceiver; W. M. Goodman, Guide: B. N. Stull, I. W.; A. C. Biddell, Knisflits of Pythias. O. W.; H. B. Bagley, M. D., Medi­ GBAND LODGE. cal Examiner. J. T. Jordan, P G. C, Seattle; Alki Lodge No. 33—George W. Bobert G. Park, G.C.,Walla Walla; Boardman, P. M. W.; A. L. Spen­ A. S.Nicholson,G.V.O.,Vancouver; cer, M. W.; F. W. Seaman, F.; F. E. Young, G. P., Seattle; D. J. Charles Von Dungen, O.; Frank Coleman,G.M. of Ex.,Walla Walla; Seidell, Becorder; D. T. Wheeler, John Forbes, G. M. at A.,New Ta- Beceiver; Charles Goldstein, Fi­ coma; Jesse E Belyea, G. I. G., nancier; B. B. Colt, G.; Charles Utsalady; Joseph Wires, G. O. G.; McDonald,, I. W. Meets in Ma­ Supreme Bepresentatives—H. A. sonic Hall every second and fourth Bigelow, Seattle; G. W. Alexan­ Thursday. der, Tacoma. Third annual session of the Grand Lodge con­ Grand Army of the Kepublic. venes at Seattle third Tuesday in Stevens Post No. 1.—Meets every May, 3886. Tuesday night. Post Officers—P. Harmony Lodge No. 5— Moses O, A. P. Spaulding; S. V. C.,B. F. Korn.P. O: CarlE. Bassler, C. C; Bogardus; J. V. G, H. Sheehan; L. M. Bobbins, V. C; Fred H. Adjutant, W. L. Ames; Quarter­ Peterson, K. of E. and S.; Moses master, H. A. Bigelow; Surgeon, Keezer, P.; C, M. Spaulding, M. J. M. Kollock; Chaplain, S. F. of E.; F. Anthony, M. of F.; Jacob Hoskinson; Officer of the Day, Harding, M. at A.; G. W. Young, James Alexander; Officer of the I. G.; Fred Muella, O. G. Meets Guard, D. Franklin; Q. M. Ser­ every Thursday evening, Eeinig's geant, W. H. Harris; Sergeant block. Major, W. E. Wilson. Past Post Queen City Lodge No. 10—Harry Commanders—G. D. Hill, George Hagermaker, P. C.; D. T. Brown, W. Tibbetts, G. W. Bullene, A. C. C; F. Clayton,V C; J. A. Carry, Slorah, W. H. White, D L. Mc- K. of E. and S.;, J. C. Haines, P.; Cowan, I. H. Griswold. W. G. Eonald, M. of Ex.; W. H. U. S. Grant Post No. 26.—P. C, A. Fink, M. of F.; W. E. Legerwood, Slorah; S. V P. C, W. H. DeWolf; M. at A.; H. M. Shaw, I. G.; J. B. J. V. P. C, S. E. Clough; Surgeon, Smith, O. G. Meets every Tues­ M. V. Mills; Quartermaster, Geo. day evening, Eeinig's block. Probst; Officer of the Day, D. Ancient Order of United Work­ Warner; Officer of the Guard, men. Benjamin Fuller; Chaplain, Geo, GBAND LODGE. W. Morgan. Officers: T. B. Handley, P. G. M. W., Hillsboro, Or.; George B. Dor- Miscellaneous Societies. ris, G. M. W., Eugene, "Or.; J. T. Illinois Club.—E. M. Carr, Pres.; Brown, G. F., Olympia; D. H. Mrs. Bandolph, Vice-Pres.; W. P. Boss, G. G, Victoria; D.T.Wheeler, Bell, Sec; Mrs. Densmore, Treas. G. E, Seattle; E. L. Durham, Meets room 6, Yesler-Leary, block, G. Beceiver, Portland, Or.; G. T. last Friday in each month. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 37 r O. G. T. Seattle Lodge No. 6,— Pres. ; Lawrence J. Coleman, Sec.; Laura E. Hall, W. C. T.; Lizzie Miss Edith J. Sanderson, Cor. Ward, W. V. T.; A. P. Brown, E. Sec. Meets twice a month at the H. S.; H.H. Green, L.H. S.; J. W. Congregational Church. Bixby, W. E. S.; Kate Ward, Wr. A. Queen City Council of Chosen S.; M. M. McMillan, W. F. S.; Car­ Friends—W. T. Pullman, G. 0. rie B. Jones, W. T.; John Webster, Deputy of Washington Territory W.O.; S. E.Davidson, W.M.; Ab- and British Columbia; C. Jarrel bie Jordan, W. D. M.; Edith Gar­ Kaufman, P. CO.; S. Kriedel, C.C.; rison, W. I. G.; John Nelson, W. Dr. Sundberg, V. C; C. S. Egbert, O. G. Meets Monday evening at Secretary; W. T. Piflman, Treas­ Odd Fellows' Hall. urer; Anna DeGraf, Prelate; Aug­ Irish National League.—Terranse ust Vahlbusch, Marshal; C. Titus, O'Brien Pres.; John Collins, W.; Anna Shultz, I. G.; B. Hahn, Treas. Meets first Wednesday O. G. Meets Masonic Hall first ' in each month, room 6 Yesler- and third Tuesdays in each month. Leary block. St. George's Benevolent Society of King County Medical Society—Dr. Seattle—W. E. Williams, Presi­ G. A. Weed, Pres.; Dr. J. C.Sund- dent. Meets in Boom 6, Yesler- berg, Sec. Leary block, on first and third Knights of Labor, Queen City As­ Saturdays in each month. sembly No. 3413—M. McMillan, Seattle Rod and Gun Club—M. W. M. W.; Walter Walker, E. S. Stackpool, President; Dr. T. T. Meets every Wednesday at 7:30 P. Minor, Vice President; Maurice M.. in Masonic Hall. McMicken, Secretary ;W.A. Hardy, Knights and Ladies of Honor—Dr. Treasurer; Wm. Eobertson, J. F. Churchill, Past Protector; O. P. McNaught, F. B. Bowman, H. H. Lee, Protector; Miss Carrie Palm­ Lewis and L. S. Booth, Board of er, Vice Protector; H. B. Loomis, Directors. Treas.; Miss Emma Clark, Sec; Seattle Lodge No. 342,1. O. B. B — Dr. Mary Brown and Dr. Church- J. Hershberg. President; Samuel hill, Ex-Physicians; O. E. Anrud, Simon, Vice President; J. Bosen- Guide; George W. Crane, Watch­ berg, Eecording Secretary; Henry man; J. F. Damon, Chaplain. Sole, Financial Secretary; Fred. Meets twice each month in parlors Bories, Treasurer; Charles Kauf­ of Dr. Churchill. man, A. M.; E. Mayer, G. Meets Marine Engineers' Beneficial Asso­ first and third Sunday in every ciation No. 38—Henry Denny, month. Pres.; Thomas Benjamin, Vice- The Ladies' Relief Society—Mrs. Pres.; W. A. Perry, Cor. Sec; John Leary, President; Mrs. C. M. Peter Moran, Fin.Sec; BobertMo- Sanderson, Vice President; Mrs. ran, Treas. Meets 7 P. M. on the Bailey Gatzert, Treasurer; Mrs. J. second and fourth Saturday of C. Haines, Secretary; Mrs. T. T. each month, One's Engine House. Minor, Assistant Secretary. Meets Orphans' Home —Under the auspices in Odd Fellows'-Hall, first Tues­ of the Ladies' Belief Society. Mrs. day of each month. Mary Jenson, Matron. Turn Verein (Seattle)—D. Eohlfs, Oratorio Society—Officers: John President; Prof. Steinle, Vice Leary, Pres.; Otto Banke, Vice- President; E. Damus, Secretary; Pres.; Bernard Pelly, Sec; W. L. A. Schlossmacher, Treasurer. Wadleigh, Treas.; J. W. Hughes, Meets Eeinig's building, first and Lib.; S. G. Young, Musical Direct­ third Tuesday in the month. Gym­ or; Miss Minnie Thomdyke, Ac­ nasium on Monday and Friday companist. Meets Monday 7:30 evening at 8 o'clock, foot of Main p. M. Boom 21 Yesler-Leary block. street. Plymouth Club—C. E. Bowman, Washington Territory Medical So­ Pres^; Bev. H. L. Bates, Vice- ciety—-Dr. E. L. Smith, Pres.; Dr. SEATTLE CITY AND

Mary Brown, Vice-Pres.; Dr. J. 0. per year by mail. The Hall Pub­ Sundberg, Secy. lishing Co, proprietors. Woman's Christian Temperance Un­ Die Tribuene — Beinig building, ion—Mrs. 0. K. Jenner, Pres.; weekly, Thursday, $3 per year. Mrs. Crockett, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Budolph Damus, publisher and Parkhurst, Secy.; Mrs. W. H. proprietor. Beeves, Treas. Meets at 3 p. M. Nordvest Kusten—Foot of Columbia each Friday at the M. E. Church. opposite the bay, published twice Woman's Guild of Trinity Church a month, $1.20 per year. Fraus —Mrs. James McNaught, Vice- Lager, editor and proprietor. Pres.; Mrs. George H. Watson, Seattle Daily Chronicle—Butler's Secy.; Mrs. SutcliffeBaxter, Treas. building, daily and weekly, Eepub­ Meets quarterly at Trinity Church. lican, 25 cents per week, delivered Y. M. C. A.—Southwest corner Front by carrier to any part of the city and Marion. A. G. Burwell, Pres.; 25 cents per month, $12 per year F. G. Strange, Vice-Pres.; G. Wil­ by mail. Mert Dishon, publisher. lis Price, Secy.; E. Calvert, Treas. Seattle Post-Intelligencer — Post building, Mill street (daily and !ii»raries. weekly), Eepublican. Daily in Catholic—Under the auspices of the town 25 cents per week, daily by Church of Our Lady of Good mail $10 per year, weekly $3 per Help. Basement Catholic Church, year, weekly in advance $2 per Fourth and Washington. L. S. year, delivered by carrier to any Booth, Librarian. part of the city. Y. M. C. A—In their hall,_ south­ Seattle Sunday Star—Issued every east corner Front and Marion. Sunday, Kirk C. Ward, editor, Seattle—At the University, Fourth, office, rooms 5 and 6 Poncin build­ between University and Seneca. ing. Terms: One year $2.50, six Odd Fellows—Eastside Front, be­ months, $1.50, three months 75 tween Bell and Battery. Dr, Mer­ cents. rick, Librarian. The True Tone—Published every Sunday, devoted to literature and Militia. art, 25 cents per month. $2.50 per Watson—C. Squires, Gov. and Com. year. S. G. Young, editor and in Chief, Olympia, W. T. manager. Company D, N. G. W.—J. C. Haines, Capt;. J. H. McGraw, Public Building's, Halls and First Lieutenant; Edward Hunt, Business Blocks. Second Lieutenant. Number of Public Buildings. members, 60. City Hall, east side South Third, be­ Company B, Seattle Rifles—Joseph tween Mill and Washington. Green. Capt.; C. L. F. Kellogg, Court House, south east corner Jef­ First Lieut.; L. B. Dawson,Second ferson and Third. Lieutenant. Meets Tuesdays and County Jail, northeast corner Mill Thursdays at the Armory, foot of and Third. Main street. Engine House, No. 2, east side South Grant Cadets—Fred Struve, Capt.; Third, between Mill and Washing­ Charles Wilson,First Lieut.; Duns- ton. /more Daly, Second Lieut. Meets Engine House, No. 1, Columbia, be­ Mondays and Thursdays in tween Front and Second. Brown's building. Post Office, north side Mill, between Front and West. Newspapers. Halls and Theaters. Daily Call, The (evening daily), rear Arion Hall, corner Pike and Fifth. of postoffice—Ten cents per week, Masonic Hall, 612 Front. delivered by carrier to any part of Odd Fellow's Hall, southeast corner the city, 50 cents per month, $5 Front and Marion. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 39

Odd Fellow's Hall, Front, near Bell's Stone's building, 625 Front. Hotel, North Seattle. Sullivan building, 710 Front. Turner Hall, Brown's building,Front White's building, southeast corner street. Front and Columbia. Yesler's Hall, southeast corner Front Young's block, south side Washing­ and Cherry. ton, between Fourth and Fifth. Y. M. C. A. Hall, southwest corner Young's building, south side Wash­ Marion and Front. ington, between Commercial and Bijou Theater, Second, between Mill Second. and Washington. Yesler-Leary building, northwest Opera House, Front, between Marion corner Front and Mill. and Second, Standard Theatre, Second, between Railroads. Washington and Main. Columbia and Puget Sound R. R. Co.—John L. Howard, Supt.; T. Business Blocks. J.Milner, Asst. Supt; W T. Thor- Arcade building, 621 and 623 Front. nell, Cashier and Genl Pasngr and Brown's block, ftorthwest corner Freight Agt.; T. W. Oorbett, Spring and Front. Local Agent; H. S. Martin, Train Butler building, north side James, Master and Coal Agt. between First and Second. Satsop Railroad Co.— Office Safe Bryant's block, west side South Deposit building. Incorporated Fifth, between Washington and Nov. 12, 1883. Capital, $100,000, Main. Isaac Dobson, Pres.; J. E. Mc­ Colman's building, southeast corner Donald, Sec; A .MacIntosh,Treas.; Mill and Commercial. J. W. Currie, Supt. Denny Block, west side Front, be­ The Seattle. Lake Shore and East­ tween Marion and Madison. ern R. R. Co.—Office Safe Deposit Frauenthalbuilding,104Commeroial, building. Incorporated April 28, Gilmore's block, west side Front, be­ 1885. Capital, $500,000. J. E. Mc­ tween Spring and Seneca. Donald, Pres.; Thomas T. Minor, Gordon Hardware building, 627 and Vice Pres.; C. H. Kittenger, Sec; 629 Front. F. H. Osgood, Treas. Kenny block, northeast corner Co­ lumbia and Front. Steamboat and Transporta­ Kenyon building, northwest corner tion Lines. Front and Madison. Alaska Route—The steamers Ancon McNaught block, east side Commer- and Idaho from Portland, Or., and cial,betweenWashington and Main. way ports to Alaska. McPhee's building, west side Fifth, LakeWashington andBotheVsLand­ between James and Jefferson. ing—Steamer Evril, Capt. Alex Mehlhorn block, west side Front, be­ Sawyer. tween Cherry and Columbia. Olympia and Oakland Route— Occidental block, junction James Steamer Willie, Capt. P. L. Willie. and Mill. Olympia, North Bay and .Oyster Opera building, northeast corner Bay—Steamer Jesse. Front and Marion, Port Townsend and Neah Bay— Pantheon building, west side Com­ Steamer Dispatch, Capt. James mercial, between Washington and Morgan. Main. Port Discovery and Port Towns- Poncin building, 633, 635 and 637 end—Steamer Etna, Capt. Eace. Front. Port Townsend and Port Discovery Post building, north side Mill, be­ —Stage and steamer, Wm. S. Sea- tween Front and West. vey, Propr. Stage Line. Eenig's building, southeast corner San Francisco Seattle and Victoria Front and Marion. Route—Pacific Coast Steamship Stetson & Post block, northeast oor- Company's steamers Geo. W. El­ ner Marion and Second. der and Queen of the Pacific. 40 SEATTLE CITY AND

8eattle,Port Townsend and Victoria get Sound ports, foot of Jackson —Steamer Eliza Anderson. street. Seattle, Port Townsend and Semi- Tester's Wharf—Landing place for ahmoo—Steamer Bustler, Capt. A. steamers running to White Eiver, O. Benjamin. Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom and Seattle, Oakland and Olympia Upper Nootsack, and also for Port Route—Steamer Iola, Capt. Eu­ Townsend and Victoria, foot of gene LeBallister. Mill street. Seattle and Snohomish Route— Harrington & Smith's—Landing Steamer Nellie, Charles H. Lowe, place for steamers running to Port Master. Blakeley, Port Madison, Snoqual- Seattle and Port Madison Route— mie and way ports, foot of Wash­ . Steamer Augusta. ington streets. Seattle, Port Gamble, Seabeck and Commercial Mill Co.'s — Foot of Union City Route—Steamer Jo­ Madison street. sephine. Coleman's—Foot of Columbia and Seattle and Colby Creek Route— Marion streets. Steamer Colby. W. D. Scott & Co.'s—Between Madi­ Seattle, Utsalady, Laconnor and son and Spring streets. Whatcom Route--Steamer W. F. Stetson & Post's—Foot of Commer­ Monroe. cial street. Seattle and Whatcom Route—Wash• Seattle Mill Co.'s—Foot of B street. ington Steamboat and Transporta­ Squire's—Foot of Jackson street. tion Co.'s line. Steamer Wash­ Mann ing's—B ell to wn. ington. Seattle and Port Blakeley Route— Harbor Charges. Steamer Success, Capt. James Nu­ J. H. Woolery, Harbor Master. gent. There are no specified rates regu­ lated by law for pilotage and tow­ Seattle and Port Blakeley Route— age to Port Townsend and the Sloop Maria, Capt. Antone Ed- Straits. Tugs make their own strom. prices, which vary, making any Skagit River Route.—Steamer Glide. schedule unreliable. The follow­ Skagit River Route—The Washing­ ing rates are charged for landing ton Steamboat and Transportation freight on city wharves and slips, Co. Steamer Daisy, Capt. H. Eioh- On merchandise and produce, 50 ards, cents per ton; on brick, 25 cents Seattle and Tacoma Route—Steam• per thousand; on stone, 20 cents er Zephyr. per ton; on lumber, 50 cents per Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia Route thousand feet; on horses, mules —Steamers Idaho and Messenger. and horned cattle, 25 cents each; Tacoma and Henderson Bay Route on sheep, hogs, and other live —Steamer Bob Irving, 0. E. Berg­ stock, 5 cents each. In cases not man, Master. provided for above, such rates and Tacoma, Seattle and Victoria Route charges as the harbor master shall —Steamers Olympia and George deem reasonable. It is unlawful E. Starr. to land freight on city wharves, in­ clines, etc, without first procuring Wharfand Bock Directory. permission from the harbor mas­ C. A. P. S. R. R. Co.'s Ocean Dock ter. —Landing place for P. C. S. S. Co.'s steamships for San Francisco Street Directory. and other ports, foot of Main Commencing at the docks, the streets street. running nearly north and south, C. & P. S. R. R. Co.'s City Dock- parallel with the water front, are Landing place for O. E. & N. Co.'s named and numbered as follows: steamers for Port Townsend, Vic­ Water, West, Front, Second, Third, toria, Olympia, Tacoma, and Pu­ etc, to Thirty-first street. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 41

Commencing at Yesler's Dock, foot the following streets running of Mill street, going east, you pass northeasterly: Jefferson, Terrace, at right angles,Water, West, Front Alder and Cedar. Here Mill street and all the streets numbered from intersects Broadway. From this Second up, on the left or north point Broadway takes a northerly side; on the right or south side, at course, and on the right or east right angles with Mill street, are side you pass the following streets: Water, West, Commercial, Second, Lake, -Prince, Eaton, Crawford, Third, etc., to Thirty-first. Barclay, Jessie. Willow, Edes, Commencing on Mill street, at the Knights, Filbert, Division, Choat, Occidental Hotel, Front street runs Gould, Hayes, Bancroft and Haw­ northwesterly and parallel with thorne. the water front. On the right or The streets south of Mill street to east side, you pass James, Cherry, Twelfth run due east from the Oolumbia,Marion,Madison, Spring, water front, and are named as fol­ Seneca, University, Union, Pike, lows: Washington, Main, Jack­ Pine, Stewart, Virginia, Lenora, son, Weller, Lane, Dearborn, Blanchard, Bell, Battery, Wall, Charles, Plummer, Norman, Jud- Vine, Cedar, Clay, Lake Avenue, kins, Addition, Town, Seattle, Eagle and Grant, where Front in­ Woodstock,Brunswick,Pine,Plum, tersects Depot street in North Se­ Hill, Walker, College, Bay View attle. Depot street runs east and Avenue, Lander, McClellan, For­ west, and forms a dividing line be­ rest Avenue, Stevens, Winthrop, tween the streets last named and Hanford, Horton, Hinds, Lyons, the following streets on the left or Orleans, Court, Yesler and Market. north side of Depot street, begin­ The numbering of business blocks is ning at the water front, which are as follows: Commencing on Mill named as follows: Banner, Tem­ and Front streets, the numbers perance, Kentucky, Warren, Pop­ begin with 600; on Second street lar, Oak, Ash, Box, Willow, Birch, with 500; on Third street with 400; Lombard, Farm, Dexter, Vine, and so on out to Sixth street. On Orion, Eollin, Bismarck, Moltke, Front street the numbers run Lake, Brook, Lincoln, Howard, from 600 up. The numbering on Albert, Pontius, Mary, Cedar and Commercial street begins on Mill Fir. street with 100; Washington, 200; Commencing on Mill street, at the Jackson, 300, and so on. Every Occidental Hotel, and going east, 20 feet in the business portion of you pass on the left or north side, the city is entitled to a number. PALACE RESTAURANT,

HAEBY E. BAYLIS, Proprietor.

t^s Colman Row, Front Street. «r^>

Perfect in all its Departments. Private Rooms for Ladies. Regular Meals.

Special Orders Cooked at the Lunch Counter, which is Open Day and Night.

!3S"*Regular Board at Reasonable Rates. 4 42 SEATTLE CITY AND THE GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. Northern Pacific Railroad THE ONLY LINE BTTNNING Pullman Palace Cars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Cars, With Berths Free of Charge, FROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS TO THE EAST, Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Only ltossn.s; SSr Meals 75c.

Fastest Time ever made from the Coast, over the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, And all points throughout the EAST and SOUTH-EAST, via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Tnrongh Emigrant Sleeping Cars are hauled on regular Express Trains, eastbound, over the entire length of the Northern Pacific Bailroad. For Tickets, Bates, Maps, etc., call on or address,

Gen'l Western Passenger Agent. Or W. F. CARSON, Trav. Pass. Agent,

5^0. 2 Washington St., Cor. Front, PORTLAND, OREGON. Seattle City and King County Directory,


Includes part of that country stretching from the mid channel or central part of Puget Sound eastward to the summit of the Cascade range of mountains. Its area is almost as large as that of some of the Eastern States. The population of the county is 16,160, and the following towns and villages are located within its borders: Arthur, Black Diamond, Cherry Valley, Duwamish, Fall Biver, Franklin, Green_Eiver, Houghton, Juanita, New Castle, Novelty, Osceola, Eedmohd, Eenton, Salmon Bay, Slaughter, Squak, Sunnydale, Titusville, Tolt, Union, Vashon, White Biver and Woodinville. Sketches of all these towns will be found elsewhere; also full list of the county officials will be found in the miscellaneous portion of the Directory.

TOPOQBAPHIOAL. The topography of the county can be briefly described. The surface of the western two-thirds is undulating, with an occasional bluff which rises to give variety to the scene. The east third is somewhat mountainous, being agreeably diversified with foothills, gulches, ravines and ridges, with occasional stretches of table-land.

WATEB SUPPLY. Perhaps no region in the world is similarly blessed with water, that liquid so indispensable to humanity and to animated nature, and without which agriculture and all avenues of trade would come to a standstill. From the sombre fir-covered summit of the noble Cascade Eange hundreds of livers, creeks and streamlets come rushing down joyously to meet the dark waters of the "American Mediterranean," bringing with them life and gladness to every tree, plant, herb and flower, which grow in semi-tropical profusion on all sides. SOIL MABVELOUSLY FEBTILE. The soil in most parts of the county is simply marvelous in its fertility. The land is composed in parts of river bottom, swail and prairie. The river bottoms are from one-half to four miles wide, and in aggregate length are as follows: Duwamish river 12 miles, Black river 2 miles, White river 40 miles, Green river 15 miles, Cedar river 10 miles, Squak slough 18 miles, Upper Snoqualmie river 20 miles; making a total of 107 miles of land that is arable. Swail lands usually consist of a rich, black loam from two to four feet deep, and are scattered at intervals about the oounty. Some excellent tide or peat lands abound along the shores of the Sound and its numerous estuaries. 44 SEATTLE CITY AND

WHAT CAN BE GBOWN. Among the numerous fruits successfully cultivated here is the apple (in many varieties), pears, plums, cherry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, Burrant, etc Peaches of a fine flavor and prodigious size are annually raised on the sunny slopes and sheltered covers of the shores of Lake Washington and vicinage, Oats, barley, potatoes, cabbages, rutabagas, turnips, pars­ nips, onions and kindred esculauts thrive all over the county. Wheat has not yet been cultivated on a large scale, and the cool summer nights, which are so conducive to human health, do not appear to agree with grapes, corn and melons. Pumpkins and squash flourish. The astonishing success farmers have attained in hop culture has induced many to raise this valua­ ble plant exclusively, and thousands of acres are devoted to raising hops alone. The sugar beet has been cultivated satisfactorily on White river, and a|beet sugar factory is an industry shortly to be established here. Cran­ berries are indigenous and are gathered by the natives, who sell them to Seattle merchants, who, in turn, supply the markets of the Northwest.

TBEES AND TIMBER. The fir, an evergreen, ranging in age from a day's seed to 500 years, and from the size of a man's finger to 300 feet in height, with an average diame­ ter of six feet, is the most conspicuous tree. Thousands of men are engaged in felling these monarchs of the forest and converting them into lumber. The superiority of fir for building and manufacturing purposes is conceded by all workers in wood, and particularly is it available for bridge making and ship building. Within a radius of forty miles of Seattle there is annu­ ally cut and manufactured into lumber the enormous quantity of 400,000,000 feet. This industry alone requires twenty-five saw mills, some of which have a capacity of 200,000 feet per day. Among other varieties of lumber are white pine, maple, ash, tamerack, oak, larch, hemlock, cottonwood, pop­ lar and sycamore, but fir and cedar take the precedence. GOAL LANDS. Among the treasures which the benign Creator bestowed upon this favored land is coal in inexhaustable quantities, and of superior quality. A coal bed extends through the entire length of the county. The veins will average ten feet in thickness, lie between strata and sandstone, and will show a pitch of from 8 deg. to 35 deg. The varieties so far discovered are known as lignites and bituminous. About twelve miles east from Seattle lignites are found, and about ten miles from the lignites bituminous coal appears. The lignite and bituminous belt occupies an area nearly twenty miles wide, reaching north and south through King County. At the town of New Castle is the largest coal mine in the county. This is being actively worked, and the output is rarely less than 2,000 tons per day. The coal is transported to Seattle, a distance of 18 miles, by rail, where large bunkers are erected. Steam colliers, steamers, and ships from all quarters of the earth come into the magnificent harbor of Seattle and take coal to the different ports»of Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, South America and Cali- KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 45 fornia, thus showing to what extent the industry is developed. Over $2,000,- 000 has been expended in developing these mines and providing facilities for transportation. Anthracite coal is also said to abound, but has not been prospected for yet to any extent. A thin seam of this valuable product of the carboniferous era has been discovered in , but its ex­ tent or productiveness is comparatively unknown at this time. A semi- anthracite seam, ranging from five to eight feet, was discovered between Cedar Eiver and Snoqualmie Pass. IBON INTERESTS. A mountain of ore has been discovered near Snoqualmie Pass, which as­ says 80 per cent, of pure iron. Near the east end of that pass immense beds of red hematite have been found, and in the center of the pass vast deposits of magnetic ore have been rewarded the patient prospector. Crystalline iron ore and hematites abound to such a wonderful extent that enough iron can be produced in King County alone to more than duplicate the railroad system of the entire United States. This ore is singularly free from im­ purities, and is fully equal to any mined in the world. In the Snoqualmie Pa3s, which is the lowest in the Cascades, there is enough iron to justify any corporation in building a railroad to it from Seattle, and in going to and from that point the road would pierce a coal belt twenty miles wide. Seattle's future is so bright, owing to these natural resources, that her citi­ zens are justified in looking forward to the time when she will rival Pitts­ burg as a manufacturing center. The facilities for fluxing are unsurpassed, limestone, coal, wood and water being in abundance. OTHER MINERALS. Near the eastern borders of King County some excellent copper ore of a high grade has been found and will be developed in the near future. Gold has been discovered in various parts of the county, particularly on the slope of the Cascades. - Eich specimens of quartz have also been found. Eich outcroppings of silver have recently been discovered, and the assays have proven highly satisfactory. STONE AND OLAY. Immense quarries of variegated marble and gypsum are known to exist, and a blue stone available for building purposes has also been found. A large bed of superior clay, admirably adapted for pottery, lies only five miles from Seattle, on the Duwamish Eiver, just on the line of the railroad. This is an industry which could be profitably followed, as there is no pottery on Puget Sound. PISH AND PISHING. The lakes, streams and rivers of King County swarm with fish, prin­ cipally mountain trout and lake trout. In the Sound the fishermen oatoh huge shoals of herring, smelt, hallibut. flounder, perch, cod, rock cod, bass, and last, but not least, salmon. A large amount of capital is invested in the salmon canning business. One cannery alone puts up 12,000 cases each season, and one fishery salts the same number of barrels of that delicate fish, Oysters of a delicious flavor are cultivated, and clams, crabs, muscles and numberless other varieties of shell fish are found in all parts of this vast inland sea. 46 SEATTLE CITY AND

TO THE TOURIST AND SPORTSMAN. Probably no region in the Northwest offers such attractions to the tourist and sportsman as King County. Pleasure boats, steamers, sailing vessels and row boats are to be had at all times. Horses and carriages are also to be hired and it is only a few hours drive or ride from Seattle to Snoqualmie Falls, where the river of that name makes an abrupt decent of 5284 feet, and this, with the sublime surroundings, makes a scene as grand and majestic as Niagara Falls. The rivers and streams afford unparalelled pleasure to dis­ ciples of Izaak Walton, while the hardy hunter can enjoy himself to his heart's content. In the wooded foothills some miles from Seattle, deer, bear, elk, grouse, pheasants, quail, etc., can be easily found; on the many sparkling lakes (there are thirty-three in the county) fishing can be carried on until the angler is satisfied. CLIMATE AND HEALTH. Seattle and King County are as healthy as any city and county in the United States. The climate is particularly healthful to invalids, the air being pure and bracing at all times ; while the sea breeze, coming in from the broad Pacific, imparts life and buoyancy to all who inhale it. Seattle is located in the same latitude as Paris, France, and not many years will elapse until it becomes as favorite a place for the people of the Northwest to rendezvous as the gay-French capital now is to Europeans. The winter climate cannot be improved upon. The mercury rarely falls to zero, while as a general rule it stands in the neighborhood of 40 degrees above all winter round. The rainfall during the wet season amounts to over 30 inches, thus giving the husbandman a sure crop. The old adage that " crops never fail in King County," is one of the truest sayings that ever was uttered. Health seekers will find the summer climate all that can be desired, the nights never being sultry, and the days never becoming oppressively warm. The summer time, with its out-door recreation, its camp life, etc, makes it the most pleasant season of the whole year. Nature has evidently favored us beyond compare in the matter of climate and weather. "Cyclones," "cloud­ bursts," " blizzards," disastrous overflow of streams, earthquakes, and other kindred disasters are unknown here; no thunder and lightning, no droughts, grasshoppers, venomous reptiles, potato bugs, scale bugs; no yellow fever, cholera or like plagues were ever known here. Perennial flowers bloom, and grass keeps green all the year round. The peculiarity about King County is, that most of the Eastern people who remain and enjoy its climate for a few months never desire to leave it.


Arthur.—A on Cedar Eiver, 27 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, and 12 southeast of Eenton, the nearest railroad station. Seat­ tle is the nearest banking point. Settled in 1879. Ships lumber. Popula­ tion, 84. Mail, by special supply from Benton. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 47

JSlaclc Diamond.—A mining town on the C. & P. S. B. B., 30 miles southeast of Seattle, the nearest banking and shipping point. Coal mining is the principal industry, and large quantities of coal were shipped to Seat­ tle in 1884. Population. 350. Mail, daily. Express, W., F. & Co. Cherry Talley.—A postoffice on the Snoqualmie river, 49 miles north­ east of Seattle, the county seat, and 18 southeast of Snohomish, the nearest shipping point. Seattle is the nearest banking point. Ships farm produce. Population, 30. Mail, three times a week. Duwamish.—A postoffice on the river of the same name, 5 miles south of Seattle, the county seat, and nearest banking and shipping point. Settled in 1852. Population, 550. Mail twice a week. Fall City.—A village on the Snoqualmie Biver, 30 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, and 22 east of New-Castle, the nearest railroad station. Seattle is the nearest banking point. Population, 30. Mail twice a week. Franklin.—A village on the C. & P. S. E. E., 53 miles south­ east of Seattle, the county seat, shipping point and nearest banking point. Settled in 1884. Coal principal industry. Population, 50. Mail twice a week. Oreen River—A postoffice on river of the same name, 35 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, and nearest shipping and banking point. Franklin nearest railroad station. Settled 1884. Ships farm pro­ duce. Population, 150. Mail twice a w eek, Houghton.—A postoffice on Lake Washington, 7 miles northeast of Seattle, the county seat, nearest shipping and banking point. Settled in 1875. Population, 200. Mail twice a week. Jnanita.—Also known as Hubbard, is a village on Lake Washington, 11 miles northeast of Seattle, the county seat, shipping point and nearest banking point. Settled in 1870. It contains a water power saw-mill, and ships lumber and shingles. Population, 150. Mail twice a week. New-Castle.—A mining camp on the C. P. & S. E. B., 19 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat and nearest banking point. Settled in 1870. Coal mining is the principal industry, and large quantities of coal are shipped. Population, 992, principally miners. Mail, daily. Express, W. F. & Co. Novelty.—A postoffice on the Snoqualmie Eiver, 19 miles northeast of Seattle, the county seat, nearest shipping and banking point. Settled in 1870. Exports lumber, grain and general produce. Population of vicinity, 50. Mail, three times a week. Osceola.—A village on the White Eiver, 40 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, and 6 north of Wilkeso'n, the nearest railr-iad station. Settled in 1870. Ships grain and general produce. Population of vicinity, 560. Redmond.—A postoffice in King County, 10 miles northeast of Se­ attle, the county seat, shipping point and nearest bank location. Settled in 1882. Population, 100. Mail twice a week. 48 SEATTLE CITY AND

Renton.—A town on Cedar Biver and the C. & P. S. B. E,, 12 miles southeast of Seattle, the nearest banking point. Settled in 1877. It contains a steam saw mill, churches, a public school and a number of special and general stores. Coal mining is the principal industry and over 100 tons of coal per day are shipped. Population, 782. Express, Wells, Fargo & Co. Mail, daily. Salmon Day.—A suburb of Seattle, 1 mile north on the bay of the same name. Settled 1869. Population, 150. Slaughter.—A postoffice on the White Eiver, 25 miles southeast of Seat­ tle, the county seat, and 14 north of Sumner, the nearest railroad station. Seattle is the nearest banking point. Population, 330. Mail, twice a week. Snoqualmie.—A village on the river of the same name, 36 miles east of Seattle, the county seat, nearest shipping and banking point. Settled in 1860. The principal shipments are hops and lumber. Population, 100. Mail twice a week. Squak.—A village on Sammamish Lake, 20 miles southwest of Seattle, the county seat and nearest banking point, and 5 west of New-Castle, the shipping point. Settled in 1864. The shipments comprise hops, hay, fruits and produce. Population of vicinity, 100. Mail twice a week. Sunnydale—A village on Admiralty Inlet, an arm of Puget Sound, 15 miles south of Seattle, the county seat. Settled in 1875. Population 50, Mail twice a week. Titusville.—A postoffice on the White Eiver, 15 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, 5 miles sout(h of Black Eiver, the nearest railroad station. Settled in 1860. Ships farm produce. Population 420. Mail twice a week. Tolt—A postoffice on Snoqualmie Eiver, 20 miles east of Seattle. Set­ tled in 1865, Population 30. Mail twice a week. Union.—A suburb of Seattle, one mile northeast, between Lake Union and Lake Washington. Settled 1875. Ships farm produce. Population 75. Vashon.—A postoffice in King County, 20 miles southwest of Seattle, the county seat, and 12% north of Tacoma, the nearest railroad station and banking point. Population, 350. Mail, by special supply. White River.—A postoffice on the river of the same name, 20 miles southeast of Seattle, the county seat, and 6 from Black Biver, the nearest railroad station. Seattle is the nearest banking point. Population, 232. Mail, twice a week. Woodin-ville.—A postoffice on the Sammamish Eiver, 15 miles north­ east of Seattle, the county seat, nearest railroad station and banking point. Population, 50. Mail, twice a week. Seattle City and King County Directory.


County Officers. Renton—H. H, Snow, Justice; Thos. Councilman.—Orange Jacobs. Nelligan, Constable. Representatives.—Charles F. Mun- Newcastle—Thos. Donald, Justice; day, John E. Kinnear. John Sullivan, Constable. Joint Representative.—J. E. Lewis. Osceola—G. W. Canfield, Justice; Judge of Probate—Wm. I). Wood. Charles E. Thomas, Constable. Deputy Clerk of District Court.— Samamish—G. E. Wilson, Justice; J. P. Ludlow. Andrew O. Beetstrom, Constable. Commissioners.—0. M. Van Doren, Seattle—Geo. G. Lyon and Geo. A. C. W. Lawton, W. W. Perrigo. Hill, Justices; Lewis Van Doren Sheriff.—J. H. McGraw. and H. G. Thornton, Constables. Auditor.—S. C. Harris. Slaughter—Daniel Winter, Justice; Treasurer.—George D. Hill. Leonard Branan, Constable. Assessor.—Wm. H. Hughes. Snoqualmie—D. A. Thompson, Jus­ Surveyor.—Albro Gardner. tice; A. J. Bush, Constable. School Superintendent.—O. S. Jones. Squak—Geo. W. Tibbitts, Justice; Coroner.—L. E. Dawson. S. D. Gustin, Constable. Wreck Master.—Isaiah Waddell. Tolt—C. N. Templeton, Justice. _ Vashon—Wm. L. Livesley, Justice; County Commissioners. Abram Castler, Constable. Cornelius Van Doren, C. W. Lawton, White River—George W. Ward, Jus­ W. W. Perrigo. tice; 0. E. Carpenter, Constable. Falls City—J. H. Moore, Justice; James Beubes, Constable. Justices' Frecincts of King- Sunny dale—Anson Harris, Justice; County, Michael Kelly, Constable. Arthur—G. W. Davis, Justice; G.W. Titusville—John Alexander, Justice; Ames, Constable. C. H. Guiberson, Constable. Duvals—Geo. P. Boyce, Justice; Union—D. F. Brownfleld, Justice; Carl Peetz, Constable. Miles Merritt, Constable. Duwamish—J. C. Card, Justice; L. Crawford, Constable. Territorial Officers. Green River—W. G. Simpson, Jus­ CAPITAL, OLYMPIA. tice; Alfred Breman, Constable. Governor—Watson C. Squires. Houghton—J. W. Demott, Justice; Secretary—H. N. Owings. W. Green, Constable. Treasure!—T. N. Ford. Juanita—Eliza A. .Forbes, Justice; Auditor—T. M. Seed. Z. Thompson, Constable. Superintendent Public Instruction Black Diamond—Fred Hanson, Jus­ —O. W. Wheeler tice; T. Dwyer, Constable. Librarian—Miss — Newell. Salmon Bay—John Boss. Justice; Delegate to Congress—Charles Voor- Mrs. J. Anderson. Constable. hees, Colfax. 50 SEATTLE CITY AND Territorial Courts. couver, first Monday in April and Chief Justice of Washington Ter­ first Monday in November; atChe- ritory—Eoger S. Greene, Seattle. halis, second Monday in January; First Judicial District Judge — at Oysterville, second Monday in Samuel C. Wingard. Walla Walla. August; at Kalama, fourth Mon­ Second Judicial District Judge— day in April and fourth Monday in John P. Hoyt, Olympia. November; at Tacoma, fourth Mon­ Third Judicial District Judge— day in May and fourth Monday in Eoger S. Greene, Seattle. November; at Montesano, first Fourth Judicial District Judge— Monday in September, George Turner, Yakima. Third District—At Seattle, first U. S. District Attorney — W. H. Monday in April and first Monday White, Seattle. in October; at Port Townsend, Assistant U. S. District Attorney— fourth Monday in February and C. H. Hanford, Seattle. fourth Monday in August; at La- Clerk of Supreme Court—E. G. Conner, Second Tuesday in Febru­ O'Brien, Olympia. ary and second Tuesday in Aug­ Marshal—Jessjg George, Seattle. ust; at Snohomish City, second Clerks First District Court—A, Monday in March and second Beeves Ayres, Walla Walla; C D. Monday in September; at What­ Porter, Colfax. com, second Tuesday in January Clerks Second District Court—B. G. and second Tuesday in June. O'Brien, Olympia; J. L. Lysons, Fourth District—At Yakima first Kalama; J. H. Wilt, Tacoma. Tuesday after fourth Monday in Clerks Third District Court—James May, and first Tuesday after sec­ Seavey, Port Townsend; J, P. Lud­ ond Monday in October; at Col­ low, Seattle. ville, third Monday in October; at Clerk Fourth District Court—S. T. Goldendale, third Monday in May Munson, Yakima. and first Monday in October; at United States Commissioners—A. Cheney, second Monday in April Beeves Ayres, Walla Walla; Ed­ and first Monday in October; at win Eelis, Tulalip; James Seavey, Ellensburg, third Monday in Octo­ Port Townsend; B. G. O'Brien, ber. Olympia; Joseph H. Houghton, Supreme Court—At Olympia. sec­ Tacoma; Charles D. Porter, Col­ ond Monday in July. fax; James P. Ludlow, Seattle; Eben Smith, Seattle; Oliver Wood, Counties Comprising IMstricts. Neah Bay; John Salter, Steila- First—Walla Walla, Columbia, Gar­ coom; S. C. Davidson, Ellensburg; field, Assotin, Franklin, Adams, John V. Meeker, Puyallup; C. A. Whitman, Spokane. Missimer, Snohomish; B. N. L. Second—Pierce, Thurston, Lewis, Davis, Skagit; James Power, La Mason, Chehalis, Pacific, Wahkia­ Conner; Jacob Stitzel, Colville. kum, Cowlitz, Clarke. Third—King, Kitsap, Jefferson, Is­ Time and Place of Holding Courts land, San Juan, Callam, Whatcom, First District — At Walla Walla, Skagit, Snohomish. first Monday in May and second Fourth—Skamania, Klickitat, Yaki­ Monday in November; at Dayton, ma, Kittitas, Douglas, Stevens. third Monday in June, first Mon­ day in January; at Colfax, second IX. S. Courts. Monday in December and first First District—Walla Walla and Monday in June; at Pomeroy, Colfax. first Monday in February and Second District—Olympia, Vancou­ August. ver. Tacoma. Second District—At Olympia, sec­ Third District—Seattle,Port Towns- ond Monday in June and second end. Monday in December; at Van­ Fourth District—Yakima, Cheney. SEATTLE CITY




ABBREVIATIONS. adv advertisement n s north side ave avenue n w cor northwest corner bds boards opp opposite bel below rms rooms ool'd colored res resides cor corner s south, or south of e east, or east o s e cor southeast corner e s east side s s south side n n or north of s w cor southwest corner n e cor northeast corner w west, or west of nr i near ws west side

Abbott George F, carp, res n e cor Jackson and Market. Abegg James, elk, res e s Front bet Union and Pike, upstairs. Abernethy Robert,Wholesale and Eetail Boots and Shoes, cor Front and Madison, res same. Able Albert F, Prop Home Eestaurant foot Mill, Yesler wharf, res n s Jackson bet 2d and 3d. Abraham Louis, salesman L Kline & Co, bds Arlington Hotel. Abrams Robert, res e s "West bet Battery and Wall. Academy of the Holy, Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names, Sister Mary Justina, Sister Superior, s e cor 9th and Jackson. Ac e te Choice Suburban ;0 RS^ ESMIM, Llewellyn ,& Co.


Adair George B, Manager Gordon Hardware Co, res w s 3d bet Union and Pike. Adams Charles E, carp, res cor Mill and Hyde. Adams Clarence W, farmer, bds Charles E Adams, Adams Miss Flora M, teacher, bds Charles E Adams. Adams Ho W (Schricker & Adams), res w s 3d bet Pike and Pine. Adams Joseph, carp, res s e cor 9th and • Pine. Adams Morris E, carrier Post-Intelligencer, bds s w cor Mill and Hyde. Adsit Charles, traveling agt, rms Lyman Wood. Agasse Francois, cook Our House, bds same. Agassiz Richard R, elk First National Bank, res n s Cherry bet 4th and 5th. Akeezer Moses, carp, res w s 5 th nr Terrace. Albee Luther F, bds Charles R Foster. Albion Saloon, Wm Waugh prop, 1109 Front. Albertson Robert B (Kellogg & Albertson), res n s Marion bet 4th and 5th. Alcorn James L, mngr Saddle Rock Restaurant, rms e s 2d nr Cherry. Alden. Mrs Amanda, drsmkr, n e cor Front and Bianchard res same. Alden A E» Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agent, office Justice Lyon's court, Washington st, res n w cor Madison and 8th. Alden Wm, carp, res n e cor front and Bianchard. Alexander James (Hering & Alexander), res n e cor 6th and James. Alexander Wm J, carp, res S Seattle. Algar Frank C (Shaw & Algar), res n s Union bet 5th and 6th. Algar Henry S, President, of,the A P Hotaling Co, res n e cor 11th and Charles. Alicoate James, business mngr Bijou Theater, res w s Commer­ cial near Main. Alkorn James, waiter Saddle Rock Restaurant, rms St. Charles Hotel. Allan Robert, clerk Co Auditor's office, rms John H. McGraw. Allancl Robert, cook, rms Blue Front Lodging House. Allen Alexander, Prop Allen's Ship Ways, res 7th and University. (See-page 11.) Allen Alexander J, ship carpenter, bds Alexander Allen. u n 8 P*rsES°o E RS Will Save Money;™™ u s Dep Mineral S W T Whitworth & Thomson, - Mai- n 'St., opp. the-^ Arlington' . -


Allen Benjamin B, warehouseman City Dock, bds Mrs C A Stowell. Allen Charles R, musician, res nw cor 3d and Jackson. Allen David, res 211 south 5th. Allen Frederick A, clerk 0 & P S R R, res 611 2d. Allen Harry, lab, res Water bet University and Seneca. Allen Hannah E (wid Henry S), res 709 8th. Allen James, ship carpenter Allen's ship ways, bds Alex Allen. Allen & rVelson, Railroad Contractors, Bridge Builders, Pile Drivers, Carpenters and Builders, foot of Commercial. Allen Robert, cook Myers & Co. Allen Robert C, elk Waddell & Miles, rms s s Marion, bet 2d and 3d. Allen's Ship Ways (Alexander Allen, Prop), North Se­ attle. (Seepage 11.) Allen Watson (Allen & Nelson), R R contractor, res s e cor 12th and Dearborn. Allen "Win F, Prop Pantheon Billiard Hall, res nw cor 7th and Washington. Allmond Charles H (Allmond & Phillips), res n e cor Commer­ cial and Jackson. Allmond Douglass, printer Chronicle, bds Mrs Lydia Allmond. Allmond Miss Katherine D, teacher University of Washington Territory, bds Mrs Lydia Allmond. Allmond Mrs Lydia, res e s Front bet Virginia and Lenora. Allmond & Phillips (0 PI Allmond, W R Phillips), iron foun­ dry, s w cor Jackson and 2d. Ammond Ammond (Wickstrom & Ammond), res Wisconsin House. Alney Hiram, Capt str Gazelle. Alvord Elisha H, student, res es 6th bet Spring and Seneca. Alvord Irving, student, res e s 6th bet Spring and Seneca. Ames Charles B, clerk Charles F Frasch, bds Willis L Ames. Ames Willis L, printer, res w s 8th bet Pike and Pine. Amey Alfred, night clerk Oak Lodging House, rms same. Anderson Aaron, carp, res West, bet Lenora and Virginia. Anderson Alfred A, Pres Seattle Lumber Co, res LaCrosse, Wis. Anderson Anton, lab Commercial Mills, res 8th and Lenora. Anderson Anton P, painter, res w s 8th, bet Union and Pike. Anderson August, mach Hall & Paulson, rms cor Cherry and 2d. Anderson Augustus C, res n w cor Cherry and 4th. Anderson Bessie, domestic George B Adair. Imbricating, Compound and Cups, Cyl­ inder and Spindle Oils, latum & Bowen PORTLAND, OR. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. A. Chilberg i Co. 8. E. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 54 SEATTLE CITY AND

Anderson Bros (Charles M and Oliver P Anderson), Sur­ veyors and Draughtsmen, Room 5, Yesler-Leary Block. Anderson Charles M. (Anderson Bros), U S Deputy Mineral Surveyor, rms n e cor 10th and Cherry. Anderson Emil, painter, res e s 7th bet Lenora and Virginia. Anderson Frank, Prop Svea Saloon, cor Mill and West, rms same. Anderson Frederick L, lab Charles McDonald, res Lake Union. Anderson George A, fisherman, res foot Union. Anderson Herman, painter, bds Mrs Olene Anderson. Anderson Janne, carpenter, rms J P Thygsen. Anderson John S (Flynn & Anderson), res e s 5th bet James and Jefferson. Anderson Joseph W, asst South school, bds S Ingraham. Anderson Mrs Mary M, res e s 10th bet Jackson and King. Anderson Mathew, supt Puget Sound furniture co, res 618 5th. Anderson Mrs Olene, res e s 7th bet Lenora and Virginia. Anderson Oliver P (Anderson Bros), and Manager for D T Wheeler & Co, Abstracts, res n e cor 10th and Cherry. Anderson Peter, laborer, res w s 3d bet Main and. Jackson. Anderson Richard, ship carpenter, rms Half Way House. Anderson Thomas, saloon South Seattle, res same. Andrews J R, pressman Seattle Chronicle, res s e cor 4th and Madison. Andrews L H, conductor C & P. S. R R, res n e cor Commer­ cial and Jackson. Andrews Lyman B, res n s Madison bet 3d and 4th. Andrews Peter, bds Mary A McConnell. Angelo John, fisherman, res foot Union. Anrud Ole, watchmaker, bds Hans Unsum. Anthony Ferdinand, Bookbinder Opera House Block, res e s 3d bet Marion and Madison. Atkins Frank, cash boy San Francisco store, bds Mary J Atkins. Atkins Mary J (wid Henry A), res s w cor Columbia and 4th. Atwood Rev Albert, res Alley Spring, bet 3d and 4th. Atwood E F, conductor C & P S R R. Atwood Ferguson, watchman, bds Albert Atwood. Arcade The, W P Boyd & Co Proprietors, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Arcade building. Arcade Saloon, Pritchard & Lester, Proprietors, s w cor Washington and 2d. Argens Henry (Neuman & Argens), res s s Mill bet 4th and 5th. Through Tickets TiM: EAST 7&

Arion Saloon, Fuhrmann & Kallsen Proprietors, s w cor 2d and Mill. Arlington Hotel, Julius W Smith Proprietor, cor Commer­ cial and Main. Armstrong Anthony, stone cutter Wm M Carkeek, bdsTremont House. Armstrong|August, dishwasher Emanuel Myer, rms s w cor 6th and James. Armstrong Wm, lineman Sunset Co, res w s 6th bet Union and University. Arnold George G, hop raiser, res w s 4th bet Jefferson and Terrace. Aronson Sigismund, bkkpr Schwabacher Bros, res s e cor 2d and Pine. Auerbach Hyman (Toklas & Singerman), res Spokane Falls. Aurora Saloon, Alonzo F Hill propr, 112 Commercial. Austin Clifford C, lab, res cor West and Battery. Austin Edward, carp, rms n s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. Austin Winfield S, lawyer, bds Harriet E Parkhurst. Ayers Frederick, brick mason, res w s 9th bet Cherry and Co­ lumbia.

Bagley Alvin, physician, bds Herman B Bagley. Bagley Clarence B, printer, res Mercer add. Bagley Daniel, pastor Bethel M P Church, res Mercer add. Bagley Herman B, physician 114 Cherry, res n e cor Spring and 4th. Bailey Henry, capt str Glyde, res e s 5th bet Union and Uni­ versity. Bailey Matthias, blksmth C & P S R R, res w s 3d bet Lenora and Bianchard. Baity James E (col), cook Queen Chop House, res s w cor 8th and Pike. \ Baker Charles, grocer w s Front bet Bell and Battery, res same. Baker Eby, lawyer, bds James H Payne. Baker E C, warehouseman C & P S R R rms Albert Atwood. Baker Jason E, atty at law Arcade bldg, bds James Payne. Baker John O, physician s w cor Commercial and Mill, res w s 3d 1 s of Marion. Baldwin Wm, weigher Cedar River Coal Co, res s s Columbia bet 5th and 6th.

BOUGHT ANI3 SOLD. "Washington Territory Employment Bureau, CityaniCoityScrij Washington St., near Commercial. By owninava g apidlyacre tractsro,Y s ESHELMAN, ManyB ecomeEich ing*° city-,• and -so it Llewellyn & Co. will prove in Seattle (Post Building.) 56 SEATTLE CITY AND

Baldwin Wm, engineer, res w s 7th 1 n of Pike. Ball D F, carp C & P S R R. Ball Frank, slaughterman, J W Borst, rms slaughter house Mc­ Allister add. Ball Frank, car repairer, res S Seattle. Ballard Devillo P (Ballard & Wilcoxen), res s w cor Terrace and 9th. Ballard Jo, printer Post-Intelligencer, res e s 2d bet Seneca and University. Ballard Lucinda M (widow Irving), res w s 3d bet Spring and Seneca. Ballard Martin D, pres Seattle Hardware Co, res s s Seneca bet 2d and 3d. Ballard Wm R, capt str Zephyr, bds Philura R Thorndyke. Ballard & Wilcoxen (D P Ballard, I Newton Wilcoxen), Attorneys at Law, Poncin Block 637 Front. Bane Thomas H, mach Seattle Iron Works, res s e cor Catherine and 12th. Banks Rev Ashael B, general missionary for the Sound, res s s Terrace bet 6th and 7th. Banks Rev Louis A, pastor Battery Street M E Church, res Bis- mark st Lake Union. Barker David W, elk C & P S R R, res w s 9th 1 s of Terrace. Barker Fred W, elk J F McDonald, bds Wm W Barker. Barker W D, watchman City Dock. Barker Wm W, res e s 6th bet Washington and Main. Barnard George A, carp, res 10 Wall. Barnes & Co (Wm H T Barnes, Daniel Buchanan), druggists, 2029 Front. Barnes Heil, tinner Waddell & Miles, rms rear Seattle Brewery. Barnes Wm H T (Barnes & Co), res 2029 Front. Barnum Perry E, lab, res s w cor 7th and University. Bartholomew Mrs Cynthia A, lodging house n e cor Commer­ cial and Jackson, res same. Barton Samantha (widow H O), res n w cor 6th and James. Basler O- A, Prop Seattle Steam Laundry, res cor Waterton and Almy, Lake Union. Bassler Carl, fireman str Monroe, res s w cor 9th and Lane. Bateman Mearn^, bartender Oliver Bernard, rms same. Batensneyder George, lab George Newell, res S Seattle. Bates Rev Henry L, pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, res s e cor 2d and University. Northern Pacific ^SEf PalaceDinimi Cars Whitworth & Thomson,Mai n Street, opp. thj^^^^^K^e Arlington. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 57

Baudin Benjamin, bartender Steamboat Saloon, rms same. Bauerlein Frank, City Editor Daily Chronicle, rms 1010 Front. Bauman Peter, prop Lake View Hall, Lake Union Dist, res same. Baxter Daniel K, res e s 4th bet Mill and Washington. Baxter Sutcliffe (S Baxter & Co), President and Manager Washington Fur Co, res cor 3d and Marion. Baxter S & Co (Sutcliffe Baxter, Albert M Brooks), Whole­ sale Dealer in Liquors, Grain, Hops, Wool, Oil, Tobacco and Cigars, 923 Front. (See page 13.) Bay View Brewery, Hemrich & Co Props, South Seattle. (See page 28.) Bay View Saloon, John Hemrich jr prop, 1006 Front. Bayer Paul, lab, res Box bet Depot and John. Baylis Harry R, Prop Palace Restaurant, res e s 4th bet Union and Pike. (See ad/vl) Beach Elisha, runner Hotel Brunswick, rms Mrs Lou Blocksom. Beach Louis E, miner, res s w cor Stewart and Eleventh. Beadle John T, prop Oak Lodging House over Oak Restaurant, s s Washington bet 2d and Commercial. Beau James R, res Harrison bet Pontius and Mary. Beatly Robert H, carp, res e s 2d bet Mill and Washington. Beattie Wm, blacksmith foot of Madison, res Main bet 2d and Commercial. Beaumont Alfred, cook Palace Restaurant, rms cor Front and Stewart. Becker Jacob P, blacksmith e s 2d bet Washington and Main, res n e cor 9th and Stewart. Beckmann Carl, res cor Pine and 12th. Beede Creorge K (Beede & Howe), Manager Puget Sound and British Columbia Theatrical Circuit and Proprietor Tontine Saloon, res n e cor 5th and Union. Beede & Howe (G K Beede, J P Howe), Proprietors Puget Sound and British Columbia Theatrical Circuit, G K Beede manager, office Yesler-Leary block. Beede Thomas, cashier Palace Restaurant, rms Walter Harmon. Behrman Jacob, bkkeeper M & K Gottstein, rms n e cor Front and Madison. Bell Austin, res s w cor 3d and Bell. Bell Francis A, coal agt C & P S R R, rms 1103 Front. Bell's Hotel, s e cor Front and Battery. Bell Samuel, carp Western Mill Co, res Molke, Lake Union. ' 5 _____ Tatum JP# RmAfon A^ente for R-H0K & c0's c_isei-_oot_ 1 fl IU111 06 D U W C11 and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fife, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance, A. Chilberg i Go, Cor Cominerolal __._ 2_3.11 Streets. 58 SEATTLE CITY AND Bell Wm N, real estate, res e s Front bet Bell and Battery. Bellew E, laborer, res e s 2d bet Vine and Cedar. Benedict Samuel G, tel opr, res s w cor Stewart and 2d. Benjamin Amos O, capt str Rustler, res Vine bet West and Water. Benjamin Thomas C, engineer str Washington, res s s Madison nr Randolph. Benjamin Wm B, carpenter, res s s Madison nr Randolph. Bennett E, hostler G O Haller. Bennett Thomas W, contractor and builder foot Columbia, res s s Marion bet 3d and 4th. Beninghausen Gerhard, watches and jewelry, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill, rms Max Olericus. Benson Allen W, carriage maker w s 3d bet Washington and Main, res n s Washington bet 6th and 7th. Benson Charles, res n w cor Madison and 8th. Benson George, longshoreman, rms Mill Street House. Benson James, bartender F O'Hara, rms same. Benson Olof, laborer, res foot Pike. Berb Alfred, Washington boiler works, res n s Union bet 2d and 3d. Berg Knud, bootmaker Yesler wharf, res Bell town. Berklin Charles, laborer, res cor 2d and Cherry. Berlinski Abraham, clerk, rms Sherman L Heck. Bernard Oliver, Proprietor Office Saloon s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d, rms same. Berry Stephen, laborer, res 422 James. Bersch Jacob (Bersch & Hink), res w s 6th bet Alder and Ter­ race. Bersch & Hink (Jacob Bersch, John Hink), proprs Tivoli saloon, 13 Mill. Bigelow David, carpenter, bds Isaac N Bigelow. Bigelow E Victor, teacher University of Wash Terry, bds Isaac N Bigelow. Bigelow Harry A, route agent The Daily Call, res n s Pike bet 3d and 4th. Bigelow Isaac N, carpenter, res w s 3d bet Pine and Stewart. Bijou Theater, James W Smith propr, James Alicoate mngr; seating capacity 1100, w s 2d bet Washington and Mill. Bird Frank W, engineer 0 & P S R R, res w s 2d bet Jackson and Main. Bird John, app Washington Iron Works Co, bds Frank Bird.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. OJPEICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-Lear-y-Block, E. 6. CALDWELL,, Dentis_>UU11MLt , All -work first-class and Cor. Mill _ Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted, KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 59

Bird John, bartender Bijou Theater, rms same. Bischer Albert, carpenter. Bixby J Willard, clerk Safe Deposit Co, rms same. Black Diamond Coal Co, P B Cornwall Pres, J H Dob- inson Sec, Bank of California Treas, n e cor Commercial and King. Black Wm, laborer Arlington Hotel. Blackmail Miss Edith, student, bds Mrs Mary Packard. Blackman Wm, res n w cor Bianchard and 2d. Blackwell Wm J (George T Maginnis & Co), res e s 8th bet Cherry and Columbia. Blaine David E, propr Michigan Mill, res e s Front bet Pine and Pike. Blaine Elbert F (McGilvra and Blaine), res e s Front bet Pike and Pine. Blair Oliver P, dairyman s e cor Mill and 12th, res same. Blair Miss Susie, bds s e cor Mill and 12th. Blake Miss Mary, bds Russel 0 Graves. Bianchard & Co (John M Bianchard), propr Bank Exchange 200 Commercial, res w s 6th bet James and Jefferson. Bianchard George, cash boy San Francisco store, bds George B Bianchard. Bianchard George B, res n s Seneca bet 2d and 3d. Bianchard John M (Bianchard & Co and Bianchard & Partridge), res w s 6th bet James and Jefferson. Bianchard Merrell, bartender, rms 200 Commercial. Bianchard & Partridge (J M Bianchard, R B Partridge), insur­ ance, Yesler-Leary building. Bianchard Wm, machinist Washington Iron Works Co, res s s Seneca 1 w of 3d. Blanke A, res w s 4th 1 s of Madison. Blenkins Frederick, carp, res n e cor 7th and Stewart. Block Henry, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, bds B Gatzert. Blocksom Charles, news boy, bds Mrs Lou Blocksom. Blocksom Lou (wid Elijah), res 415 Washington. Blocksom Miss Maud, apprentice Wash & Pritchard, bds Mrs L Blocksom. Blomquist Ole, logger, bds San Francisco Hotel. Blue Front Saloon, Emil Davidson, Mill next to Yesler's mill. Boardman George W, painter, res n s Union bet 3d and 4th. Boardman G Walter, painter, bds George W Boardman. Boardman Miss Mamie, pianist, bds George W Boardman. I.T. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, "~_ft_£E__ Seattle. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.,!Eit wmmm^m,


Boarman Frank B, bkkpr, bds s w cor Main and 11th. Boarman Miss Margaret, bds s w cor Main and 11th. Boarman Mary (wid Thomas), bds s w cor Main and 11th. Boca Beer Hall, Gumbert & Dickman props, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. Bode Henry, The Fashionable Tailor, 711 Front near Pon- cin bldg, res n\s Spring bet 2d and 3d. (Seepage 12.) Boegli Jacob (Boegli, & Theiler), res 1008 Front. Boegli &, Theiler (Jacob Boegli, Joseph Theiler), Proprie­ tors William Tell Saloon, basement Post building. Boehmer Mrs Carrie, res w s 9th bet Pine and Pike. Boehmer Martin, bartender Oscar A Kraus, rms e s 9th bet Pike and Pine. Boehringer Christian, brewer Seattle Brewery, res Nagle add. Bogan Frank, waiter Brunswick Restaurant. Bogart James, city jailer and janitor, res South Seattle. Bogardus Byron F sr, plasterer and contractor, res and office s e cor 9th and Olive. Bogardus Byron F jr, plasterer and contractor, bds Byron F Bogardus sr. Boivone Frank, ship carp Allen's ship ways. BoK Saloon, Martin J McDonough propr, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Bolton Charles, cook Palace Restaurant, rms Hotel Brunswick. Bolton Wm H, bootmkr H Jones & Son, rms Tremont House. Boman Frank, junk store, w s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Bonett Frank, clerk Ocean dock, bds cor Commercial and Jackson. Bonney Lyman W (O C Shorey & Co), res s s Marion 2 e of 3d. Booman Frank, laborer, res s e cor 3d and Pine. Boone & Meeker (Wm E Boone, George 0 Meeker), architects, Yesler-Leary building. Boone Wm E (Boone & Meeker), cor Alder and 7th. Booth Mrs, nurse, rms L H Graves. Booth Laurence, Deputy Auditor, bds Manville S Booth. Booth Lyman E (Burgert & Booth), res w s 3d 1 n of Union. Booth Manville S, Manager Hotel Brunswick, res n e cor 5th and Jefferson. Booth Norman O, clerk Auditor's office, bds Manville S Booth. Borella Anthony, sawyer Commercial Mills, res n e cor 4th and Terrace.

PAIIENOERS Will Save Money WKSSBS? offlcial Snrveyors Seattle w T Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp, th'e Arlington' - . -


Borella Anthony E, clerk Wm H Pumphrey & Co, bds n e cor 4th and Harris. Boren Carson D, carpenter, bds Mrs Sarah Denny. Boren L Gertrude, res 1410 2d. Boren Wm R, farmer, bds L G Boren. Bories Fredrick, mngr Herman Bories, res n s Marion bet 2d and 3d. Bories Herman, harness and saddle maker, 817 Front. Borst Jeremiah W, Wholesale Butcher and Proprietor People's Market and Duwamish Dairy, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington, res Snoqualmie Prairie. (See page 16.) Bornstein Julius (E Lobe & Co), res n s Union bet 4th and 5th. Borton Artley E, bkkpr S Coulter & Sons, rms n e cor Wash­ ington and Commercial. Bossert Andrew J, carpenter, res e s 7th bet Virginia and Lenora. Bosshardt Adolph, tailor M Finkelstein, res Front nr Madison. Both well James K, Manager F S Chadbourne & Co, rms W Frank Epler. Boudin Bernard, barkeeper Steamboat Saloon, rms same. Boutwall B J, agent Seattle General Hospital, rms same. Bow Wm H, res Elaine bet Fountain and Almy. Bowen Henry, blacksmith, res n e cor Lenora and Third. Bowen J Ezra, expressman, res w s 7th bet Stewart and Virginia. Bower Walker L, brakeman O & P S RR, rms 503 8th. Bowman Alonzo C, stenographer and notary McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell, res s s University nr 2d. Bowman Correlli E, Lawyer, 604-J Front, res w s 8th bet - Pike and Pine. Bowman C Elmer, lawyer, res n w cor Stewart and 2d. Bowman James H, res s e cor 2d and Wall. Bowman Miss Laura, music teacher, bds James H Bowman. Box Miss L A, over Parisian Millinery Store, 2d. Boyd George (Wahl & Boyd), res s e cor 5th and Terrace. Boyd "Wm P (Wm P Boyd & Co), res n e cor 4th and Cherry. Boyd "Wm P & Co, Dry Goods, Clothing and Gents' Fur­ nishing Goods Arcade building, Front st. Boyden James E, foreman machine shop Washington Iron Works Co, res 811 Main. Boyle Wm, logger, res 12 Wall.

Mill, Mining and Woodworking Machinery, Fngines and Hollers, and JLubricating Oils, Tatuni & Bowen vrntWiATsn. nRKKftir. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. A. Chilberg i Co. and R. M. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange, S. E. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 62 SEATTLE CITY AND

Boyle —, pattern mkr 2d and Commercial, res alley bet Jack- sou and King and 2d and Commercial. Breckett Wm, real estate, rms Thomas Wright. Braeuer John, pastor German M E church, res 1611 4th. Braeuer John W (A Vahlbusch & Co), bds John Braeuer. Braden L E, ship carpenter Allen's Ship Ways. Bradley Charles T, laborer, res s s Madison bet 9th and 10th. Brannen John, propr Brannen Saloon, res n e cor Commercial and King. Brannen Saloon, John Brannen propr, n e cor Commercial and King. Brasen Nicholas, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways, res s w cor Pine and 9th. Brash Charles, with Puget Sound Hide Co, res s e cor 2d and Marion. Brawley Wm R, carp, bds Harriet E Parkhurst. Bree George, engineer, bds e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Brehan Gus, lab, res Baxter's addition. Brehm Conrad, saloon South Seattle, res same. Breitenstein Edward (Eyles & Breitenstein), res w s 7th bet •Lane and Dearborn. Brennen Thomas D, mariner, res s s Columbia bet 2d and 3d. Brewster Miss Emma, dressmkr A C Fisher. Brewster Wm J, ship carp Washington Steamboat and Trans­ portation Co, res w s 2d bet Bell and Bianchard. Bridges Christopher M, tinner Waddell & Miles, rms 2113-J Front. Bridgman Miss May, dressmkr, bds D C Townsend. Briggs Benjamin F, cashier Dexter, Horton & Co, res s e cor Spring and 6th. Briggs Edward, elk, rms n e cor 3d and Union. Brill John P, lab N P brewery, res Lake Union. Brisco Edwin S, Dept Treas and elk Auditor's office, bds Mrs Elizabeth Foss. Brittain James E, res w s Front bet Pike and Union. Britton Ernest 0 (Britton & Griffith), rms w s 2d bet Spring and Madison. Britton & Griffith (E C Britton, L H Griffith), props Skating Rink w s 2d bet Seneca and Spring. Brock Lewis T, druggist 222 Commercial, res s e cor Terrace and 5th. - Bronson Michael, stone mason, res e s Stewart bet Front and 2d.

Through Tickets Throughout EAST AWVDOCV! OFFICE—Booms 9 and lO Yeslei'-lieary Block. R. A. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 63

Brooks Andrew, baker, res n w cor Marion and 8th. Brooks Albert M (S Baxter &'Co), res cor 3d and Marion. Brown Amos, capitalist, res 1110 Front. Brown Almon P, elk C P Stone, rms L G Boren. Brown Beriah sr, res e s 7th bet Jefferson and Terrace. Brown Beriah jr, res e s 7th bet Terrace and Jefferson. Brown Charles, lab, res Aloha bet Elaine and Waterton. Brown Charles H, foreman Seattle. Candy Factory, res e s 2d bet Seneca and University. Brown Charles R, carp, res cor 7 th and Alder. Brown Nicholas, fish dealer "foot of Columbia, res 4th bet Mill and Jefferson. Brown Thomas, bkkr Yesler's saw mill, rms James Craig. Brown Wm, sand dryer, res w s 3d bet Union and Pike. Brown Wm, oiler C & P S R R. Brown —, shoemaker, res Denny add. Brownfield Curtis, steamboat carp, res Orion st, Lake Union. Broyles Lodelius H, salesman The Arcade, bds Occidental Hotel. Brunswick Hotel, MS Booth Mgr, 216 Commercial. (See page 3.) Brunswick Restaurant, Adam Cannon Prop, Commer­ cial bet Washington and Main. Bryan Edgar, sewing machine agent 813 Front, res Lake Union. Bryant Judson G, bds Louis A Dunlop. Bryant Gilbert S, engineer Commercial Mills, res w s 11th bet Pine and Olive. Bryant Willie, bds Mrs J Bryant. Bryant Wm J, U S Local Inspector, office over City Drug Store, res 12th nr Jackson. Bryer Frank W, ticket agent Bijou Theater, res same. Buchanan Daniel (Barnes & Co), res 2029 Front. Buchner George, porter J Schram & Co, res foot of Weller. Buck E P, finisher Hall & Paulson, res e s 2d bet Bell and Bianchard. Buck Mary Anne (widow Daniel), bds Edward P Buck. Buckley Edward, porter New England Hotel, bds same. Budlong's Boat House, George & Niles C Budlong props, water front bet Columbia and Marion. Budlong George (Budlong's Boat House), water front bet Co­ lumbia and Marion, res e s 2d bet Union and Pike. Budlong Niles C (Budlong's Boat Flouse), res same. Buel Henry L, gardener, bds John J Nolop. Accident, Fire and Life. Crane's Bureau INSURANCE, Steamship and R. R. Tickets at SEATTIB, W. T. al r

Bnlkley Clinton A, linesman W U T Co. Bulkley Edward C, linesman W U T Co, bds New England Hotel. Bullene George W, U S local inspector, office over City Drug store, res same. Burch Rufus E, carp, res e s 8th bet Spring and Madison. Burger Catherine, chambermaid Arlington Hotel. Burger Emma, chambermaid Arlington Hotel. Burgert Amos (Burgert & Booth), res cor Mill and Williamson. Burgert & Booth (Amos Burget, Lyman E Booth), harness and saddlery, 618 Front. Burgess J R, watchman Commercial Mills, res Bismark st Lake Union. Burgess Walter, boom man Commercial Mills, res cor Molke and John. Burgess Wm E, foreman O I Go's saw mill, res Sutter bet Jack­ son and King. Bureau, Thomas H Smith prop, Yesler-Leary bldg. Buritt Mrs Catherine, prop Central House, res s e cor Front and Virginia. Burritt Walter W, house raiser, res Central House. Burke James, drayman, res w s Front bet Bell and Battery. Burke & Haller (Thomas Burke, G Morris Haller)," Law­ yers, Kenney Block. Burke Miss Mary, dressmkr, bds James Burke. Burke Thomas (Burke & Haller), res 4 Stetson & Post blk 2d st. Burke Wm L, lab, res e s 6th bet Spring and Seneca. Burns Arthur, Real Estate 604-J Front, res Mercer Island Lake Washington. (See adv.) Burns George L, drayman, res cor Molke and Harrison. Burns Francis J (Taylor & Burns), res n w cor Pike and 2d. Burns J F (Taylor & Burns), res n w cor 2d and Pike. Burns Richard, runner Ocean House, bds same. Burnell Edward S, engineer, res w s 2d bet Madison and Spring. Bnrnell Edward W, lather, res w s 2d bet Madison and Spring. Burnell John M, moulder Washington Iron Works Co, res w s 2d bet Madison and Spring. Burnette Charles H, Supt of South Prairie and Renton Mines, office with Whitworth & Thomson, res Hiram Burnette. Burnette Frank, warehouseman Ocean Dock, bds at foot of Jackson. Burnette Hiram, res e s 4th bet Columbia and Marion. Northern Pacific =K2" » m Cars. *_and Office Business Promptly and accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Burr Richard, ship carp, rms Thomas Taylor. Burrows Mrs Lilian, teacher Central School, bds Jules C Lipsky. Burwell Anson S, Sec Seattle Hardware Co, bds A S Burwell. Burwell Austin P, Vice Pres Seattle Hardware Co, res A S Burwell. Burwell Austin S, res n e cor Cherry and 7th. Burwell Edward B, salesman Seattle Hardware Co, res e s 6th bet Seneca and University. Bush John, lab, res South Seattle. Busha Clarence, waiter Queen's Chop House, bds Wm Busha. Busha Thomas, elk, bds Wm Busha. Busha Wm, saloonkpr, res n e cor Main and 5th. Bushnell Elias K, carp, res foot of Cedar. Butler Hillory, capitalist, rms Butler's building. Butler Horace S, whitewasher, res s s Wall bet 2d and 3d. Butler Tobias, plasterer, res Alley 6th bet Mill and Washington. Butterfield Oliver D, lab, rms E E Plummer. Buzly Isaac W, res n s Union 2 e of 3d. Byrne John F, carp, res n e cor Pike and Front. Bywater Charles M, engineer, 7, 8, 11 and 12 Maynard add. Bywater Walter M, res 0 M Bywater.

O Cabanski Martin, tailor II Bode, res Warren bet John and Depot. Cade G W, lab O I Go's saw mill. Cade Isaac, farmer, bds Samuel G Benedict. Cade John W, brakeman 0 P & S R R, bds James W Osborn. Oady Frank G, carp, res Edes & Knight's add. Oairns George, waiter Domestic Restaurant, res 922 Front. Calberg P W, watchman Hall & Paulson. Caldwell Charles A, lab Stetson & Post, res n s Spring bet 3d and 4th. Caldwell John, Proprietor Domestic Restaurant, 922 Front, res same. Caldwell Robert C*-, Dentist, Yesler-Leary Block, cor Front and Mill, res n e cor Pine and 9th. (See top lines!) Calhoun Mary A (widow S G), res s e cor 3d and Pike. California Bakery, George H Wright propr, w s Front bet Bat­ tery and Bell. California Clothing Emporium, Isadore Harris propr, n e cor Front and Columbia. T . On Manufacturers of Patent Saw-Mill Ma- I __TiBITI _V Kn\A/Pn chinery, Mining Machinery,Engines and I UlUill Vtt DUVYGII Boilers, PORTLAND, Or. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. chiiberg & Co ' _i._e_.ta___.£_l_3___ _>f—._


California Saloon, Patrick O'Shea propr, s s Mill bet 2d and 3d. Calkins Arthur L, expressman, res Belltown. Calkins Miner S, res cor Warren and Depot. Calkins Wilfred (Calkins & Reddish), rms 1103 Front. Calkins & Reddish (Wilfred Calkins, J T Reddish), groceries and feed, 1101 Front. Callahan Daniel H, engineer C & P S R R, res e s 3d bet Pike and Pine. Calligan Robert, pres No 1, fire dept, res 416 Cherry. Calloway Miss Anna E, physician, office and res Daniel M Crane. Oalson Frederick, laborer, bds Wisconsin House. Calvert Ephraim, draughtsman Whitworth & Thompson, res e s 2d bet Union and Pike. Cameron Sol, carpenter, rms James A McPhee. Campbell James (Wald & Campbell), res e s 11th bet Cherry and Columbia. Campbell James, laborer, res s w cor 11th and Spring. Campbell Thomas H (Dougan & Campbell), res w s 7th bet Pike and Pine. Campbell Wm, pres Puget Sound Iron Works, res Blakely Kitsap county. Campbell Wm, master mechanic 0 & P S R R, res n w cor University and 3d. Canavan Edward, painter, rms old Bijou saloon. Cann Judge Thomas H, Attorney-at-Law, Notary and Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon and California, Stone Building 625 Front, res n e cor 9th and Terrace, Cann Thomas H jr, collector T LI Cann, bds same. Canning George, baker n w cor Union and 3d, res same. Cannon Adam, Proprietor- The Brunswick Restaurant Commercial bet Washington and Main, res University bet Front and Second. Cannon Mrs Charlotte (widow James), res n w cor 12th and Norman. Caplm Maximillian, tailor Samuel Kenney. Card George W, laborer L S Card, bds same. Card Lewis S, feed and sale stable cor s 2d and Washington, res s w cor 3d and University. Carey James A, insurance agt Poncin bldg, res cor 10th and Stewart. Carkeek Morgan J, contractor and builder, res 411 Commercial.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific iNO^CHANCE OF CARS of any class. R, A. Caldwell Dentist, 0*£^Z32?&z£xo _v. w. wutuyvb_{ _vu_uy) All work first-class and Cor. Mill and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 67 Carkeek Stephen, stone mason, res w s 10th bet Stewart and Virginia. Carkeek Wm M, propr Puget Sound Stone Yard s s Mill near Yesler's wharf, rms 411 Commercial. Carle Thomas J, engineer, res Elaine bet Aloha and Filbert. Carlisle J Howe, drayman, rms McPhee's bldg. Carlson John, lab, bds Wisconsin House. Carlson Miss Sarah, waitress San Francisco Hotel, bds same. Carlyle James, teamster, rms James A McPhee. Carman Sir a, HI D, Manager Seattle General Hospital, res same. Carmichael Rose (widow John H), res n w cor Main and 8th. Carney John E, bricklayer block 5 Bay Side add, S Seattle. Carpenter Ara, lab, res cor 3d and Clay. Carpenter E tin el, lab, bds Ara Carpenter. Carr Edmund, janitor Central School, rms same. Oarr Eugene M (Carr & Preston), res n w cor 2d and Bianchard. Carr & Preston (E M Oarr, Harold Preston), attorneys-at-law, Yesler-Leary bldg. Carr Joseph H, logger, rms Esmond Hotel. Carr Ossian J, postmaster, res West bet Bell and Bianchard. Carr Oscar A, porter Waddell & Miles, res Euclid nr Yesler's add. Oarr Samuel B (Hood & Carr), res nr junction of Cemetery and Madison. Carroll Laurence D, waiter Seattle Restaurant, rms same. Carter Alvan C, pressman Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, res n w cor 10th and Pine. Carter Winston (col'd), boot black stand outside Bank Exchange, rms Pacific blk. Case Charles, stevedore, res 1608 Front. Case Wm F (R C Templeman & Co), bds Arlington Hotel. Caspers James, painter, res s w cor Columbia and 8th. Cassell J A, engineer 0 & P S R R. Cassell John S, brakeman 0 & P S R R, res Temperance, Den­ ny add. Castro Andrew, Fisherman, Dried and Salt Salmon Dealer. foot of Union nr the Bay. Caulfield Michael, moulder, bds T II Bane. Cavanaugh Samuel L, teamster, res w s 3d bet Union and Uni­ versity. Cawden Charles, carpenter, res n s Stewart bet 7th and 8th.

I_f nilQM tn I (1311 Approved Security Opens the Bureau, IflUIICy lU LUCtlli Washington St., near Commercial, Seattle, Choice Suburban ^Tracts Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.


Cedar River Coal Co, J J McKinnon Pres, John Collins Vice Pres, L J Coleman Sec and Treas, James M Coleman Mngr, office foot of Columbia. Cedergrien Otto, tailor H Bode. Central School, Edward S Ingraham principal, s s Madison bet 6th and 7th. Chable Amelia (widow Farncis), bds Winslow Lotka. Chadhourne F S & Co, Dealers in Furniture, J K Both- well Mngr, 635 and 637 Front. Chamber of Commerce, Bailey Gatzert Pres, H L Yes­ ler Vice Pres, R Scott, Rec Sec, T T Minor, Cor Sec, A Macintosh Treas, Yesler-Leary blk. Chambers Frank, carp, res Orion, Lake Union. Champoux Ephraim, prop Steamboat Saloon s s Mill and Yesler's wharf, rms n s Columbia bet Front toxl 2d. Chandler Henry, lab, res N Seattle. Chapman Otis F, painter 110 Commercial, rms Mrs Wright. Charleston Andrew J, Pres Lake Union Furniture Mnfg Co, res Bismark st Lake Union. Oharlesworth George, paper hanger, res e s Front 1 n of Lenora. Charley's Laundry, s e cor Mill and 5th. Chase George L, upholsterer, bds Mrs Mary M Chase. Chase Mrs Mary M, res cor 10th and Howell. Chase "Wm V, Secretary and Director The A P Hotaling Co, res n s Pike 2 e 7th. Chatham Miss Sarah, teacher Denny School, res s e cor James and 2d. Cheadle Raphael, Auctioneer and Genei-al Commission Merchant, Grocer and Provision Dealer, res Lake Union. (See page 15.) Cheasty Miss Ellen, milliner, bds Edward S Cheasty. Cheasty Edward C, salesman The Arcade, bds E S Cheasty. Cheasty Edward S, carp, res e s 5th bet Pike and Union. Cheasty Miss Catherine F, teacher Central School, bds Edward S Cheasty. Cheasty Miss Nellie M, millinery 810 Front, res e s 5th bet Pike and Union. Chester Miss Ida, actress Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Chestnut E L, carriage painter s s Columbia bet Fixmt and 2d, res s s Madison. Cheung Ki Tsing, physician, 202 Main.

PAIIENOERS Will Save Money™™" u Si Depi Mineral w rf rW T Whitworth & Thomson, -Main St., opp. they° Arlington° '. -


Chew C W, painter, bds Wisconsin House. Chicago Boot and Shoe Store, P J Lair & Co Props, 613 Front. (See insert opp name.) Ohilberg Andrew (A Chilberg & Co), res n w cor Spring and 11th. Chilherg A & Co (Andrew Chilberg), Vice Consul Sweden and Norway, Commission Merchant, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance and Railroad Ticket Agent, Foreign Exchange, s e cor Commercial and Mill. (See top lines.) Chilberg Benjamin I, elk Nelson Chilberg, res s s Seneca bet 5th and 6th. Ohilberg Charles J, res n s Jefferson bet 9th and 10th. Chilberg Edward, insurance agent, rms Nelson Chilberg. Ohilberg Henry N, prop Seattle Pharmacy, n w cor Marion and Front, res same. Ohilberg J Edward, bkkpr Nelson Chilberg, bds same. Ohilberg Nelson, groceries and provisions 619 Front, res n e cor • 5th and Spring. Ohisholm Wm, machinist C & P S R R, res s s Seneca bet 3d and 4th. Ohristensen Miss Lizzie, milliner, bds 514 8th. Ohristensen Nels, section boss C & P S R R, res 514 8th. Christopher John, lab, res w s 7th bet Lenora and Virginia. Choir Melody, book agt, res n w cor Madison and Williamson. Ohoynski Moritz, cabinet maker Washington rear of Horton's bank, rms same. Ohoder Herman, cabinet maker, res s e cor 9th and Lenora. Christ John, fruit stand, res s w cor Mill and 6th. Churchill Miss Fanny, student, bds Mrs Mary Packard. Churchill Frederick A, physician, office and residence s e cor 4th and Madison. Chung Tong Yee, genl mdse s s Main bet 2d and 3d. City Clerk, Wm R Forrest, Office City Hall. City Hall, e s 3d bet Mill and Washington. City Jail, e s 3d bet Mill and Washington. City Dock, foot Main. City Drug Store, G Kellogg & Co Proprietors, s w cor Commercial and Mill. City Meat market, Wm W Evans & Co Proprietors, n e cor Front and Cherry. (See page 7.) Clancy Charles F, bartender Esmond saloon, res 615 8th. Clancy Frank W, mate, bds James Clancy.

Imbricating, Compound and Cups, Cyl­ inder and spindle Oils, Tatum & Bowen PORTLAND, OR. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. A. Chilberg! Co. S. K. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 70 SEATTLE CITY AND

Clancy James, res n s Main 2 e of 4th. Clancy John, waiter Emanuel Myers, rms James Clancy. Clancy Thomas, propr Esmond Hotel, bds James Clancy, Clancy Thos IT, bartender Esmond Hotel, res n s Main bet 4th and 5th. Clark Cutling, secy Washington Lake Mills, res Lake Washing­ ton. Clark Edward R, expressman, rms Belltown. Clark James E, printer, res n s Jefferson bet 5th and 6th. Clark J E, cook, res n w cor Jefferson and 6th. Clark Martin H, shoemaker Treen, Raymond & Turrell, rms over Hasbrook & Terry. Clark Rufus S, boat builder foot Madison, res s e cor 2d and Spring. Clark S Gardner, farmer, res s s Pine bet Front and 2d. Clark Wallace, laborer, res w s 3d bet Union and University. Clark Wm, laborer, res se cor Commercial and Jackson. Clark Wm, waiter, bds Wm Busha. Clark Wm, carpenter, bds J E Clark. Clark Wm B, Tonsorial Artist n e cor Commercial and Main, res n s Terrace nr 5th. Clark Wm H, oyster opener Queen Chop House, rms Young's block. Clai-ke Charles, stair builder, res n e cor Pike and Front. Clarke Charles S, printer Post-Intelligencer, rms Fred Marco. Clarke Dilluzon, clerk Pillman and Wright, bds T D Clarke, Clarke Edward, expressman, bds Joseph E Clarke. Clarke Joseph E, watchman, res foot of Battery. Clarke Thomas DJunngr Puget Sound Furniture Co, res e s 4th bet Spring and Seneca. Claussen Michael, laborer Sweeney & Co, res same. Clay Miss Dora, student, bds Mrs Mary Packard. Clayton Frank W, jeweler L P Smith & Son, res 110 Columbia. Clayton Bros (Pitner E Clayton), Millinery and Se'wing Machines, 610 Front. Clayton Pitner E (Clayton Bros), res e s 3d bet Seneca and Spring, Clayton Plummer H, res 510 Front. Clayton Ralph, res Ash bet Depot and John. Clericus Max (Clericus & Korn), res s s Pike bet 5th and 6th. Clericus & Korn (Max Clericus, Isaac Korn), druggists, 1002 Front. Through Tickets „•_!£_• EAST r_5E_ OFFICE—Rooms 9 and id, Yesler-Ieary JBlock. E. U. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor. Will _ Front entrance on Fronti Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 71

Olockler Charles, ship carpenter, Allen's Ship Ways. Close Joseph, brick maker, res Water bet Vine and Cedar. Olough Sullivan E, carpenter, res n e cor 2d and Bianchard. Coburn Joseph, ship carpenter Allen's ship yard. Cochran Jesse F (Cochran & Parker), res n s Union bet 3d and 4th. Cochran & Parker (Jessie F Cochran, Isaac F. Parker), sign writers, 903 Front. Cochran J Thomas, clerk C P Stone. Cochran John T, clerk, bds Jesse F Cochran. Coffman Wm M (Sharp & Coffman), res 2116 3d. Cohen Jacob, glazier, rms Sherman L Heck. Coker Charles G, bar tender, bds same. Cole Archibald, painter, res foot Marion. Coleburn Forrest, ship joiner, Washington bet 2d and 3d. Coleman G W, pastor Free Methodist Church, bds Hiram II Pease. Colkett W John, asst postmaster, res Lake bet Harrison and Republican. Colley Frank C, cook Wisconsin House, bds same. Collins Charles B, bootblack and porter Hotel Brunswick, rms same. Collins George W, teamster, alley bet Commercial and 3d and Jackson and King. Collins John, propr Occidental Hotel, res s s James bet 2d and 3d. Collins Josiah, mngr Spring Hill Water Co, res s w cor 6th and Madison. Collins Mary, (wid Patrick), bds Thomas D Brennen. Colman James M, Manager Cedar River Coal Co, res s s Columbia bet 4th and 5th. Colman Liawrence J, Secretary Cedar River Coal Co, bds James M Colman. Colt Norman B, ins agt, rms Sarah J Russell. Columbia House, Willard A Morse propr, n w cor 3d and Co­ lumbia. Columbia and Puget Sound R R Co, John L How­ ard General Assistant Manager, T J Milner Assistant Su­ perintendent, W A Thornell Cashier and General Passenger and Freight Agent, T W Corbett Local Agent, H S Martin Train Master and Local Agent, n e cor 2d and King. (See adv.)

BOUGHT AND SOLD: Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City and County Scrip -Washington St., near Commercial. By owning acre tracts ESHELMAN, near a rapidly grow­ Many Become Rich inj^J£^E5g city, and so itt Llewellyn & Co. will prove in Seattle (Poet Building.) 72 SEATTLE CITY AND

Comery John, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Commercial Tttills, Isaac Dobson President, Manufacturers of Rough and Dressed Lumber, water front Irom Madison to Marion. Compton H F,watchman Western Mill Oo,res 2d and Bianchard. Compton Horace F, surveyor, bds Levi F Compton. Compton Levi F, bridgebuilder,e s 2d bet Lenora and Bianchard. Concordia Saloon, Vidns Schmid propr, s s Mill opp post office. Condon Catherine, res 415 Cherry. Condon Horace S, plumber, bds Wisconsin House. Condon Mrs Mary E, teacher Denny school res Molke st Lake Union. Condon Samuel, printer Post-Intelligencer, rms e s 4th bet . Madison and Spring. Conning Andrew, patternmaker Washington Iron Works Co, rms Rev C D Davis. Conover Wm H, elk M & K Gottstein, res w s 2d bet Cherry and Columbia. Conrad Benjamin, lab Commercial Mill, res 621 8-th. Conrad Milo, elk Wells, Fargo & Co, bds 621 8th. Constine Charles, lab, res e s 10th bet Pine and Pike. Constine Israel, harnessmaker, bds Charles Constine. Oonstraman Mrs Wilhelmina (widow Isaac), bds John J Knoff. Convery John, carpenter, res e s 6th bet Union and Pike. Cook August, sausagemaker Wahl & Boyd, rms Albert F Able. Cook Clarence, farmer, res w s 3d bet Jefferson and Terrace. Cooksey George, miner, bds Charles Maidment. Cooledge John, lab Commercial Mills, res Mrs Yesler's 1st add. Coombs W Mortimer, app Washington Iron Works Co, bds n e cor Lenora and Front. Coombs Samuel F, watchman, res n e cor Lenora and Front. Cooper David T, boilermaker, res n e cor 2d and Virginia. Cooper Harry P, bkkpr J W Borst, res e s Front bet Mai-ion and Madison. Cooper John P, trav agt, rms w s 2d bet Spring and Madison. Coppin Charles, supt Ooppin's Water Works, res s e cor Colum­ bia and 9th. Ooppin's Water Works, Harrington, Smith & Co props, Charles Coppin supt, s e cor Columbia and 9th. Copeland Cyrus P, elk Brunswick Hotel, res w s 2d bet Madison and Spring. Copeland Wm, ship carp, res s s Stewart bet 11th and 12th.

NorthernPacific t ™2*" Palace DininE Cars Whitworth & Thomson,Mai SIJ^^^S^n Street, opp. the Arlington. '


Copp James A, dairyman, cor Prince and Kenney. Corbett J Wallace, ticket agent C & P S R R, res w s 9th bet Jackson and King. Corbett Thomas W, local agent C & P S R R, res n s Jackson bet 4th and 5th. Cordray Charles, res w s 9th bet Cedar and Fir. Corfee Edward, waiter Opera Chop House, bds same. Corner Saloon, Wm McMaster prop, s w cor 3d and Washington. Cornwall Arthur W, Agent Black Diamond Coal Co, bds Occidental Hotel. Coslund Charles, lab, res foot of Pike. Cosmopolitan. Restaurant, Jacques Orteig Prop, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Cosper Ocean F, trav agt, res s s Marion bet 2d and 3d. Costello Bridia, domestic Wm W Evans, bds same. Costello Michael J, lab, res s w cor Seneca and 11th. Costopech Mitchell (W V Rinehart & Co), res w s 8th bet King and Weller. Cottage By the Sea Saloon, John Feigh prop, next to Yesler's mill. Coughlin John, brewer Puget Sound Brewery, res race track, Cotterill George C, chainman Whitworth & Thomson, bds n w cor 2d and Bianchard. Coulter Alfred S (S Coulter & Sons), res n w cor 4th and Columbia. Coulter Clarence W (S Coulter & Sons), res e s 3d bet Cherry and Columbia. Coulter Fletcher T, elk S Baxter & Co, res Front bet Madison and Marion. Coulter Samuel (S Coulter & Sons), res Portland. Coulter S & Sons (Samuel, Clarence, W and Alfred S), Proprietors Seattle Meat Market, 217 Commercial. Council Room, City Hall. County Court House, s e cor 3d and Jefferson. County Jail, s e cor 3d and Jefferson. County Supt of Schools, Orrin S Jones. Cowen Miss Dora, dress maker, bds Jacob Cowen. Cowen Edgar, moulder, bds Jacob Cowen. Cowen Jacob, laborer, res n w cor Front and Bell. Cowie Charles A, elk W H Cowie & Co, bds s w cor 8th and Main. Cowie Wm H (W H Cowie & Co), res s e co.r 8th and Main. 6 Delamater Steam Pumps, Eclipse Tur­ 1 bine Water Wheels, Jtnuber and TatumA'Bowen *leather . Belts, POKT_A__», OR. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance. A. Chilberg i Go. Cor Cor_.__erc5._l „_.„ __ill Streets. 74 SEATTLE CITY AND

Cowie W Ii. & Co (Wm H Cowie), second hand store 116 2d bet Washington and Mill. Cowles Edward K (Cowles & Foster), rms n e cor Commercial and Main. Cowles & Foster (Edwin K Cowles, Henry Foster), pro­ prietors Grotto Saloon 5 Mill. Cox Gassendi, capt str Arrow, res n w cor Union and 6th. Cox Miss Hessie, teacher, bds J F Curtis. Cox Miss Lizzie H, milliner Mrs Margaret Pease, bds cor John and Bismark. Cox. Richard S jr, law student Burke & Haller, bds G O Haller. C & P S R R Ocean Dock, Wm Van Waters Agent, wharf foot of Main. Craig Charles, treas N W Cracker Co, res w s 3d bet Union and University. Craig James, hack driver, res s s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. Cramer Amos L, planer Commercial Mills, res w s 2d bet Pine and Pike. Crane Daniel M, res 1010 4th. Crane CJ-eorge W, Washington Territory Employment Bu­ reau Washington bet Commercial and 2d, res s w cor 12th and Charles. (See bottom lines.) Cranney George J, teamster, bds James Cranney Cranney James, clerk, res e s 8th bet Pine and Pike. Cranney Thomas, sawyer, bds James Cranney. Crawford Wm, shoemaker Treen, Raymond & Turrell. Crawford Wm S, rms St James Hotel. Crawford Samuel I<, Secretary Post-Intelligencer, rms e s Front bet Cherry and Columbia. Crater C M, cook Saddle Rock Restaurant, res s s Cherry bet 2d and Front. Crede Frank, fruit grower, res Lincoln bet 5th and 6th. Cresswell Mrs O Annie, res foot of Clay. Crist Philip (Crist & Hartig), res n s Madison near Cemetery road. Crist & Hartig (Philip Crist, George Hartig), Props Eagle Saloon, s ,s Washington nr the wharf, Crocker Charles H, farmer, res 6th bet Howard and Albert. Crocker Daniel B, res n w cor Seneca and 2d. Crocker Montgomery D, painter, res n w cor 2d and Seneca. Crocker Ulysses G, elk, res n w corner 2d and Seneca.

tin THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific*N O CHANGE OF CARS of any class. 16. CALDWELL, Dentist, |°3S£S__r Cor. Mill _ Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 75

Crockett Samuel D, carp Hall & Paulson, res s w cor Washing­ ton and 5th. Crockett Wm H, cattle buyer, res w s 3d bet Bell and Bian­ chard. Crook Albert, lab Western Mill Co, res Belltown. Crook Allen, lab, res e s Front 1 s of Bell. Crossen Bernard, farmer, res e s 8th bet Olive and Stewart. Cross Herbert, rms Brunswick Hotel. Crow Joseph. W, machinist, res n w cor 5th and Pine. Crozier George, woodman, res opp Siegel, blk 28 Yesler 1st ad­ dition. Cullity Mrs Eliza, nurse Seattle General Hospital, res n e cor Terrace and 4th. Cunningham John, grocer, n e cor 7th and University, res same. Cunningham Mrs Maggie, rms Central House. Cunningham V, plasterer, res Lake Union. Curme George O, teacher University of Wash Terry, res e s 5th bet Spring and Seneca. Currie James W, Supt Satsop Railroad Co, res s w cor Union and 6 th. Currie George W, route agt Daily Chronicle, res e s Sutter nr Weller. Currier Wm B, barber Wm A Scott, rms cor Broadway and Mill. Curtis Jesse, porter Dr J S M Smart, rms same. Curtis John F, mechanic, res cor John and Bismark. Curtis Miss Laura, domestic Charles Hopkins. Curtis Stephen W, solicitor, res 408 Madison. Curtis Theodore D, bkkpr,res es 10th bet Columbia and Cherry. Curtis Wm G, lab, res w s 4th bet Bianchard and Bell. Cutler Albert, mail clerk Post-Intelligencer, rms Charles M. Spaulding. Dacord Henry, gardener Academy of the LLoly Names, bds same. Dahlem Charles, painter, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lenora. Dahlgnist Louis, clerk San Francisco Hotel, bds same. Dahlguist ©lof P, Proprietor San Francisco Hotel s w cor Commercial and Main, res same. Daily Call The, The Hall Publishing Co Proprietors, rear Postoffice. (See page 9.) Daley Charles, steward Queen Chop House, res rear of 503 8th. Daly Dunsmore, mngr W U T, bds Henry J Hughes. Damon Rev John F, Congregational minister, res n e cor Mar­ ion and 5th. Business Broker, CEO. W. CRANE, SEATTIK, W. T. REA: L ESTATE _ MONEY BROKERS, Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co,, _=OSt _3_5.lc__._-


Damon John L, machinist, bds John F Damon. Dam Christian P, bkkpr Commercial Mills, rms Mr Whiteside. Damns Rudolph,. Publisher and Proprietor Die Tribuene rms e s 2d bet Spring and Seneca. (See page 12.) Danford James, expressman Sears' livery stable, rms same. Daniel David, laborer, res Temperance street Denny's add. Daniels Ephraim, gardener, res rear of John E Good. Daniels Harry, printer Lowman & Hanford S & P Co, rms J L Steves. D'Arcy James J (James J D'Arcy & Co), res w s Commercial bet Main and Jackson. D'Arcy James J & Co (James J D'Arcy, Wm Kane), saddlery and harness, foot of Main. Davies Griffith (G Davies & Co), res n s Marion bet Front and 2d. Davies G & Co (Griffith Davies), bookseller and stationers, 122 Cherry. Davies Henry A, clerk Charles Louch, bds Mrs Davies. Davies Rev Clark D, pastor Methodist Protestant Church, res n s Madison bet Iront and 2d. Davis Ivan L, musician Bijou Theatre, rms cor 2d and Cherry. Davis James R, lab Western Mill Co, res n e cor Bell and 3d. Davis Patrick, baker Opera Chop House, bds same. Davis Simon, clothing 122 Commercial, res n e cor 3d and Madison. Davies Thomas, teamster Miller Bros, rms same. Davis Wm, engineer, str Eliza Anderson, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Davis W A, lab O I Go's saw mill, bds James R Davis. Davidson Emil, propr Blue Front Saloon, res same. Davidson Nicholas, ship carpenter Allen's ship ways. Davidson Samuel, clerk San Francisco Store, bds Mrs Ripley. Davidson Samuel R, clerk San Francisco Store, rms Columbia House. Davison Stephen E, expressman, n w cor 4th and Pine, rms same. Dawe Philip, bartender Standard Theatre, rms same. Dawson Asa D, elk Washington Employment Bureau, res n e cor 3d and Union. Dawson Mrs J M, rms n e cor 3d and Union. Dawson iiewis 1_, Physician and Surgeon, office and res 2020 Front.

S PAIIESCTRS Will Save Money ™I™?_ Whitworth & Thomson, ^ _^££."__£*


Dean Charles F, candies and fruits w s Front bet Bell and Bianchard, res same. Dean George, baker George W Canning, res same. Dearborn Benjamin B, mercantile printer, 629 Front. Dearhorn JLeonard F, Real Estate e s Commercial bet Main and Jackson, res n e cor 2d and Jackson. (See adv.) Dearborn Wilbur F, real estate, res s w cor 12th and Charles. De Costa Frank, deck hand, res e s 3d nr Tremont House. De Graf Mme Annie, suits and cloaks 709 Front (up stairs), res same, De Graf Miss Annie, dressmkr Mme De Graf, bds same. De Graf George, elk San Francisco store, res w s Front bet Co­ lumbia and Cherry. Delaney Patrick, lab, res n w cor Green and Main. Delfel Charles, barber Seifort & Delfel, res same. Delfel George C, Prop I X L Saloon, 9 Mill. Delfel Wm(Seifort & Delfel), rrns s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Demanez Emanuel, chaplain Providence Hospital. Demouilpied Frank A, clerk, res s s Charles nr 11th. Demartini Joseph, lab, res e s 7th bet Lenora and Bianchard. Demartini James, surveyor, res s e cor 7th and Bianchard. Dempsey Thomas IT, foreman Daily Chronicle, res Alley bet Le nora and Front. Denison John N, pastor M E Church, res s e cor 2d and Co­ lumbia. Denny Arthur A (Dexter, Horton & Co), res s e cor Front and Union. Denny Charles L, asst teller Dexter, Horton & Co, bds s e cor Front and Union. Denny Charles, clerk, bds Arthur A Denny. Denny David T, capitalist, res Republican bet Vine and Dexter. Denny Henry L, engineer, bds Samuel Denny. Denny JohmB, notary public, bds David T Denny. Denny Rolland H, teller Dexter, Hortorn & Co, res n e cor Front and Union. Denny Samuel, carp, res s e cor Pike and 7th. Denny Samuel T, capt str Merwin, res n s Pike bet 5th and 6th. Denny Sarah (wid John), res s e cor 3d and Union. Denny School, Orrin S Jones principal, u s Battery bet 5th and 6th. Denny Wilson, jeweler, bds Arthur A Denny.

U n« 91 and 93 Front Street, Portland, Or. TrlfSlfSI W OnWPO Wood & Iron WoftiM Machinery, sta­ ll IUIBI W WU »f M 91 tionary and Marine Engines * Boilers, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. A. Chilberg!Co, and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. S. Bt. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets.- 78 SEATTLE CITY AND

Densmore Miss Nettie, teacher Central School, bds II A. Bigelow. Denton David B, Sec The Seattle Lumber & Commercial Co, rms Mr Cosper. DeVoe Harriet E (widow Elijah), res w s 4th bet Spring and Seneca. De Voe Helen, music teacher, bds Harriet De Voe. De Voe Miss Marmora, physician (Horn), bds Harriet De Voe. Dew Drop Inn, Frank Wilton Propr, 120 Cherry. De Wolf Wm H, mariner, res w s 10th bet Stewart and Virginia. DeWolfe Frederick S, lawyer, res e s 2d bet Union and Seneca. Diaz Mrs Amelia, res 114 Washington. Ditohle Carmi, Brick Manufacturer South Seattle, res same. Dickey Albert, upholsterer. Dickman Frederick (Gumbert & Dickman), res n e cor 6th and Alder. Die Trihuene, Rudolph Damns, Publisher and Proprietor, Reinig building. (See page 12.) Dietweiler Eugene, head cook Arlington Hotel. Dietz Charles, driver Seattle Brewery, rms over Office saloon. Diggs Samuel, bootblack (col'd), rms Gross' boarding house. Dillon Mrs Ellen, dressmaker, res n s Main bet 3d and 4th. Dillon James, miner, res 711 8th near Dearborn. Diller Leonard, capitalist, res n e cor Front and University. Dimock Frederick C, salesman The Arcade, rms H A Bigelow. Dingee Arthur S, clerk C P Stone, rms L G Boren. Dishon Mert (Hefner & Dishon), Proprietor and Manager Seattle Daily Chronicle, res e s 2d bet University and Seneca. Ditz Charles, rms 113 Washington. Dixon Miss Blanche, actress Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central lodging house. Doane Harry, Physician and Surgeon, Medicated Baths given to Patients only, Mill below Post Office, rms e s 2d bet University and Union. Dofrson Isaac, Pres The Seattle Lumber & Commercial Co, and Pres Satsop Railroad Co, res e s 4th bet Marion and Columbia. Dodds James, barkeeper White Elephant, bds Wm Busha. Dodds Mrs Martha, bds Sarah Malson. Dohm Hiram, steward Occidental Hotel, res 616 5th. Domestic Restaurant, John Caldwell Proprietor, 922 Front.

ThrOUgh llCketS Thruughoutthe EAST AtCityDock. OFFICE—Kooms 9 and 10 Yesler-lieary- Bloete. R. fl. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 79

Donovan Wm, bartender O K saloon, rms Brunswick Hotel. D'Oyley Christopher, carpenter Washington Iron Works Co, bds Henry Perkins. Dorsaz Fred H (Dorsaz & Schwerin), rms Kenyon blk. Dorsaz & Schwerin (Fred H Dorsaz, Edward Schwerin), pho­ tographers, Kenyon blk cor Front and Madison. Doran Thomas J, bartender Flynn & Anderson, rms West End house. Dougan James (Dougan & Campbell), res n e cor 7th and Pike. Dougan & Campbell (James Dougan, Thomas H Campbell), props Seattle Employment Bureau and ' real estate dealers, Mill below Postoffice. Douglas R W, dryer Seattle Steam Laundry, bds same. Dowling W J, moulder Seattle Iron Works. Downing —, property man Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Downing Edward B (Edward B Downing & Co), res cor 4th and Columbia. Downing Fdward B & Co (Edward B Downing, Charles H Kittinger), Bankers, Post bldg Mill and Commercial. Doyle Andrew, carp, bds St James Hotel. Doyle Oloe A (widow R L), res es 6th bet University and Union. Doyle J W, carp C & P S R R. Doyle Laurence, drayman, res Lake st, Lake Union. Draper E J, fireman C & P S R R. Drew Charles, moulder Washington Iron Works,'rms Lewis H Tenny. Dresser George, bds L D Henderson. Dresser Mrs Olive A, bds L D Henderson. Driggs Eliza A (widow Jeremiah), res w s West bet Wall and Battery. Driggs Granville B (Hill, Osborne & Co), res w s West bet Wall and Battery. Drisko Mrs Nellie, rms Columbia House. Drown Wm, ticket elk City dock, bds s e cor Commercial and Jackson. Drummerhouse John, engineer C & P S R R. DuBois Harriet A (widow Darwin), bds David A Mitchell. Dnche Mrs, res u s King bet 10th and 11th. Dudley Frederick M, law student McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell, rms James Campbell. Duff James E, clerk, res e s 2d 3 n of Seneca.

Washington St., near Washington Territory Employment Bureau, Commercial, SEATTLE. 13-

Dullum J, sash maker Stetson & Post, bds S A Heystrom. Duncan James D, carp J W Borst, res Ridge rd, S Seattle. Dungen Charles V, barber Occidental Hotel. Dunham James, engineer Engine Co 2, rms same. Dunlop Louis A, res 11th between Virginia and Depot. Dunning Ohristanne (widow George), res 108 Cherry. Dupont Frank, fish dealer foot Columbia, res foot Union. Durgan James H, engineer, res e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Durie David E, produce and commission Yesler wharf, res n Main bet 5th and 6th. Durham F, engineer C & P S R R. Dutchy Young, prof gymnastics, bds Lake View Hall. DuVall Francis M, farmer, res Pontius add. DuVall Robert, lab, bds F M DuVall. Duwamish Dairy, J W Borst Prop, 3-J miles s of City.

Eagle Saloon, Crist & Hartig Proprietors, s s Washington nr the Wharf. Eames I B, res s e cor James and 2d. Ellenhouse —, carp, res w s 8th bet James and Jefferson. Edison Electric Eight Co The, Mitchell & Sparling Agents for Oregon and Washington Territory, Gordon Hardware bldg. (See adv.) Edmonston Stephen, plasterer, res cor 15th and Columbia. Edsoni Edward P, Attorney-at-Law and President Puget Sound Land Loan and Abstract Association, rms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows' Bldg, res w s 6th bet Cherry and Columbia. Edston Miss Annie, bds J P Thygsen. Edstrom Anton, lab, res Alley 5th bet Washington and Mill. Edwards Andrew J, capt str Pearl, res e s Front 2 n of Battery. Edwards Charles, lab Stetson & Post, rms Edward Gunnison. Edwards Captain steamer Pearl, res w s Front bet Battery and Wall. Edwards John W, real estate and insurance 713 Front, res's e cor Columbia and 12th. Eger €5-eorge, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, n s Jackson bet Commercial and 2d, res same. (Seepage 15.) Egge Miss Belle O, dressmaker Mrs H C Maddocks, res s w cor 6th and Stewart. Egge Miss Maria O, dressmaker Mrs H 0 Maddocks, res s w cor 6th and Stewart. Northern Pacific "SSS" *o Diriu cars. l.aiifl Office Business Promptly and accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp. the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Eklof Andrew, lab, res foot of Pike. Elder Thomas B, general store w s Front bet Wall and Battery, res same. Ellicott SalvadorE,U'S Oustomslnspector Post bldg, rms James W Curry. Elliott John J, millwright, res n w cor Catherine and 14th. Elliott J Austin, chicken ranch, res Lake Washington. Ellis W H, capt steamer Helen, res e s 5th bet Terrace and Jefferson. Ellison Wm, engineer, rms Esmond Hotel. Ellison Wm, prop Sportsman's Headquarters, res cor Commer­ cial and Washington. Emerson Michael, butcher Wahl & Boyd, bds Thomas Emerson. Emerson Mrs Patrick, res e s Front bet Stewart and' Virginia. Emerson Peter, teamster, bds Thomas Emerson. Emerson Thomas, helper Washington Iron Works, res 10th and Seneca. Emerson Wm, elk Latom & Co, bds Thomas Emerson. Emery Charles I), attorney-at-law 18 Commercial, rms same. Engleman Bernhart, barkpr Central Saloon, bds same. Ennis Charles, carp, bds Wm J Eimis. Ennis Frederick, mechanic, bds Wm J Ennis. Ennis Win;J, mechanic, res w s 9th n of Mill. Epler Jacob A, farmer, res n s Union bet 4th and 5th. Epler W Frank, res n s Union bet 4th and 5th. Erb Jacob F (Myers & Co), rooms Eureka Lodging House. Ericksen John, lab, res foot of Union. Ericksen Gerhard, tinner John Leek, rms Anton P Anderson. Erickson H L, wood carver Commercial Mills, res 6th bet Mill and Washington. Esary Andrew J, lab, res w s 9th bet Virginia and Lenora. Escalet Mousier, cook Brunswick Restaurant, rms Columbia House. Escalet Mrs M, chambermaid Hotel Brunswick, rms Columbia House. Eshelman James F (Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co), res n w cor 6th and Spring. Eshelman, Elewellyra & C© (James F Eshelman, Wm H Llewellyn), Real Estate and Money Brokers Post build­ ing, Mill street. (See top lines and back bone!) Esmond Hotel, Thomas Clancy proprietor, n e cor Commercial and Washington.

__ _ r* Agts.for K. HOKM E •_ CO'S Printing- Presses also, JOHJISOI'S TYPE, Tatym&BoweorEtcMatei. -iai PORT-ASTD, 0«E«®ar. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. A. chilberg & Co 7 p__.sre__.xa.


Esmonin CI, prop Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mill, 110 Cherry, res same. Eureka Bakery, Wm Meydenhauer prop, 725 Front. Evans Miss Annie, bkkpr City Meat Market, bds W W Evans. Erasis & Co (James A Evans), successors to John Keenan Stone Cutters and Builders, Harrington & Smith's Wharf. (See page 16.) Evans Miss Fanny, music teacher, bds W W Evans. Evans George, butcher City Meat Market, bds W W Evans. Evans James A (Evans & Co), rms James A McPhee. Evans Joseph C, elk, bds W W Evans. Evans Wm, boilermaker Penney & Kelly, bds Villard House. Evans Wm, butcher City Meat Market, bds W W Evans. Evans "Wm W (W W Evans &, Co), res n s James bet Front and 2d. Evans W W & Co (Win W Evans) Props City Meat Market, n e cor Cherry and Front. (See page 7.) Ewald Fritz, bookbinder F Anthony, rms w s Front bet Union and Pike. Ewell Miss Clara, milliner, bds John P Ewell. Ewell John A, brickmaker, bds John P Ewell. Ewell John P, brickmaker, res n s Main bet 7th and 8th. Ewing Allan G, lab, res foot of Union. Eyler John (Eyler & Breitenstein), rms w s 9th bet Lane and Dearborn. Eyler & Breitenstein (John Eyler, Edward Breitenstein), black­ smiths, n s Jackson bet 2d and 3d. _? Fanning J Louis, sec Seattle General Hospital, rms same. Farley Joseph, moulder Washington Iron Works Co. Farnham John, carp, res cor 7th and B. Farr James, lab, res block 6, Burke's 2d add. Farrar Converse P, brick mason, rms Moses A Keezer. Farrell Rev Andrew, pastor Scandinavian M E Church, res s cor 5 th and Pine. Farrows —, res Mill e of 8th. Fanble Andrew, cooper, res Denny's 3d add. Faust August, carp, res Eastern add. Fay Frederick A, runner New England Hotel, bds same. Fay Mathew, liquor dealer, resw s 2d bet Main and Jackson. Fease Abraham, cooper, South Seattle.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and lO Yesler-_eary Block. , R. G. Caldwell, Dentist,Al °*l work first-class and Cor. Mill and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 83

Feigh John, prop Cottage By the Sea Saloon Yesler wf, res same. Felmley Andrew J, lather, bcls John D Felmley. Felmley John D, carp, res s s Union bet 7th and 8th. Ferguson David, watchman Yesler's wharf, res cor 2d and Brook. Ferguson Mrs F A, chambermaid Hotel Brunswick. Ferguson Isabella (widow John), res 421 Washington. Ferguson Miss Sylvia, student, bds Mrs Mary Packard. Ferris Chauncey W, cashier Ocean dock, bds Arlington Hotel. Ferry Elisha P (McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell), res No 3 Stetson & Post blk. Ferry James P, printer, bds E P Ferry. Ferry Lincoln P, fruits and confectionery 608 Front, res same. Fick Claus, baker California Bakery, bds California Bakery. Finck Wm H, watches and jewelry 222 Commercial, res s s Seneca nr 5th. Finkelstein M, The Tailor 919 Front nr Madison, res w s Madison bet Front and 2d. (See page 11.) Finnigan Bernard, shoemaker Commercial opp Arlington Ho­ tel, res s e cor Lake and Williamson. Finnigan James, laborer, res w s 3d bet Main and Jackson. First National Hank The, J R Lewis Pres, W I Wacl- . leigh Cash, John Goodfellow Asst Cash, Yesler-Leary Block. Fish James, laborer, res Water bet University and Seneca. Fisher Mrs Alice C, dressmaker 617 Front, res same. Fisher James, shoemaker, rms Tremont House. Fisken Archibald J, bookkeeper Harrington & Smith, rms s w cor 4th and Columbia, Fitzgerald J D, machinist, bds New England Hotel. Fitzhenry Robert, lathsawyer, res u e cor 11th and King. Fitzmaurice John, waiter J A Meinen, rms New England House. Fitzner Erdman W, driver NP Brewery, res Lake Union. Flaherty Thomas, laborer Stetson & Post. Fleckenstein John, barber F A Keene, rms 1103 Front. Flemming George, laborer, rms Tremont House. Fleming Smith, carriagemaker foot of Madison, res w s 11th 1 s of Stewart. Fletcher Alexander, Contractor, res n s Pike bet 2d and 3d. Fletcher David L (col'd), bootblack n e cor Commercial and Washington, rms Grand Central Hotel. Flood James W, laborer, bds D A McDanniel. Flynn & Anderson (Robert T Flynn, John S Anderson), proprs West End House, 13 Mill. '

SUInn_il# tfl I SlSlfl Approved Security Opens the Bureau, Washington St,, near Commercial, Seattle. Ao r e ts Choice Suburban F 0 R5f° Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.


Flynn Patrick, saloonkeeper, rms s s Washington bet Commer­ cial and 2d. Flynn Robert T (Flynn & Anderson), res Oak bet Depot and John. Flynn Thomas W, logger, rms West End House. Foedisch Miss Alwine, pi'in Kindergarten school, bds L Reinig. Fonda E I, machinist, bds Opera chop house. Foo Kee, restaurant, e s 3d bet Main and Washington. Foreman Otto, saloon, res Pontius' add. Forrest Wm It, City Clerk and Sec Hall & Paulson Fur­ niture Co, res e s 4th bet Cherry and Columbia. Forstrom Ollaf P, carpenter, S Seattle. Forsyth James, bartender Occidental Hotel bar, bds same. Forward Thomas, logger, res n s Howell bet 10th and 11th. Foss Levi W, butcher, res 1010 Front. Foster Abraham, boilermaker, res Roll in st Lake Union. Foster Mrs Asenath M, lodging house s e cor James and 2d, res same. Foster Miss Bernice, bds Charles R Foster. Foster Charles R, sawyer Stetson & Post mill, res n w cor 13th and Catharine. Foster Ceorge H,' Manager Yesler's wharf, res cor Depot and Lake) Foster Henry (Cowles & Foster), res Columbia opp Engine House No 1. Foster John, ship carpenter Allen's Ship Ways. Foster John H, mariner, res 112 Columbia. Foster Miss Minta, principal South School, bds W E Jones. Foster Miss Nina, bds Charles R Foster. Foster Silas H, farmer, res Brook bet Depot and 2d. Fostrom Alfred, slaughterman S Coulter & Sons' ranch, bds same. Fountain Beer Hall, Fred Gasch Proprietor, National Lager Beer always on draught, w s Front bet Poncin block and Columbia. Fountain Wm W, brick mason, res n w cor Stewart and 2d. Fox J M, dentist 822 Front, rms same. Francis Phillip J (col'd), janitor Dexter, Horton & Co, res s s Jackson bet Commercial and 2d. Francisco Joseph, saloon keeper s s Washington bet 3d and 4th, res same. Frandsen Willie, laborer, rms 514 8th. E T ?___&_?» Will Save Money ;£™L E ? u s Dep Mineral Surveyor forW T Whitworth I Thomson, ' Mai' n 'St., opp. the Arlington.' '


Franklin Benjamin, candymakor A W Piper, rms Kenyon's blk. Frankland Charles W, printer Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, bds James Frankland. Frankland James, secy Western Mill Co, res cor Republican and Lake. Frasch Charles F, Staple and line Groceries s e cor Com­ mercial and Mill, bds G Grot. Frasch C R, elk Charles F Frasch, bds G Grot. Franenthal Jacob (Franenthal Bros), res No 2 Stetson & Post building. Franenthal Samuel (Franenthal Bros), res No 2 Stetson & Post building. Franenthal Joseph (Franenthal Bros), res No 2 Stetson & Post building. Franenthal Bros (Jacob, Samuel and Joseph), dry goods, 104 Commercial. Frearson Wm, res foot of Union. Frederick H A, drayman, res Lake Washington. Frederick Peter, Produce and Commission Merchant w s 2d near Mill, res s w cor 3d and Pike. Freed Benjamin B, teamster, res w s 9th bet Pine and Olive. Freed James, bds Benjamin B Freed. Freeman Alfred (col'd), shoemaker cor Front and Columbia, res 5th bet Madison and Spring. Freeman Mrs Rosana F, nurse, res w s 5th bet Spring and Madison. Fresel Charles, lab, bds Villard House, rms over Ballard & Soxs. Freygang Charles J, elk Wald & Campbell, rms Columbia House. Frink John M, pres and supt Washington Iron Works Co, res e s 7th bet Union and Pike. Frisch Erik, Jeweler and Watchmaker cor 2d and Colum­ bia, res same. Frizel Charles, rms 604-| Front. Froening Frederick, driver A W Piper, rms 617 Front. Foening Lizzie, domestic Pitner Clayton. Frost Wellington, milk carrier J W Borst, rms People's Market Commercial. Frye George F, manager Seattle Co-operative Society, res n w cor Pike and 6th. Frye Marion J, carp, bds George F Frye. Frye's Opera House, Beede & Howe Lessees and Mana- agers, cor Front and Main.

Ofl I HI j_ DftlAfOn A£ents for R. HOE & CO'-S Chisel-Tooth TGiyilly&DUffylS and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or. COMS¥gIS§gOPI 1VIE it CHANTS, A. Chilberg I Co n Vice-Consul Sweden, and Nor-way. H. P.. Cor. Comniei'cial and Mill Streets 86 SEATTLE CITY AND

Fuhrman Otto (Fuhrman & Kallson), res Stewart st Lake Union. Fuhrman & Kallson, Proprietors Arion Saloon, s w cor 2d and Mill. Fuller Benjamin F, barkkpr "Tontine," rms G F Beede. Fuller Frank, hstlr Langston Livery Stable, rms 81 Washington. Fuller O H, brakeman C & P S R R. Furth Jacoh, Cashier The Puget Sound National Bank of Seattle, res e s 8th bet Pine and Lenora. Furry George W, elk Seattle Hardware Co, bds Edward F Sox.

Gr Gaffney Joseph, boilermkr, rms Alfred Berl. Gafney L, lab C & P S R R. Gaffney Thomas, res n. s Pike bet 10th and 11th. Gaffney T, res e s Front between Stewart and Virginia. Gage Robert, teamster, res w s 7 th bet Pike and Pine. Gaines Mrs, cook San Francisco Hotel, bds same. Gale J Marion, printer, res e s 2d bet Cherry and Columbia. Gallagher Jane (wid George), res s s Madison bet 5th and 6th. Gallagher John A, elk John Sullivan, bds Jane Gallagher. Gallagher Wm R, elk Alfred Snyder & Co, bds Jane Gallagher. Gamble Haidy M, nurse, bds Wm N Bell. Gamble Samuel, lab Seattle Steam Laundry, bds same. Ganzel Frederick, carp Commercial Mills, res Molke and John. Garbutt Joseph, carp, res Nagle add. Gardner Albro, civil engineer and surveyor, Gordon Hardware Bldg, res s w cor 3d and Bianchard. Gardner Christopher, laborer Western Mill Co, res cor Lake and • Harrison. Gardner John D, butcher s w cor Mill and 4th, res same. Garner Eli (col'd), waiter Arlington Hotel. Garrison Miss Edith, housekeeper Wm A Jenning. Garrison George, farm hand, bds Joseph Shoenbachler. Garrison Joseph, plasterer, res 10th bet Virginia and Lenora. Garrison Lorenzo, stevedore, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lenora. Garrison Mariner L, fisher, bds Lorenzo Garrison. Garritt Eleanor J (widow James), res n s Pike bet 5th and 6th. Crasch Frederick, Proprietor Fountain Beer Hall w s Front bet Poncin Building and Columbia, res n w cor 5th and Terrace. Crat_c.rt Bailey (Schwabacher Bros & Co), President Spring Hill Water Co, res n w cor 3d and James. fhroughTickets ti_t EASTMJKE R.&. CALDWELL, Dentist, r'HSSHi' Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front .Seattle W.T. -warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 87

Gaul Mrs Annie, bds D A McDanniel. Geertsen Christian, cabinetmkr Hall & Paulson, bds C P Plough. Gee Lee, laundry, 131 Mill. Gee Sam, wash house, n w cor Washington, and 2d. Gee Wa, laundry, n s Main bet 3d and 4th. Gehl John, laborer, res w s 4th bet Main and Washington. Geiger John, tailor H Bode, res St James Hotel. General German Immigration and Benevolent Society, E P Ed- son sec, rms 3 and 4 Reinig's blk cor Front and Marion. Gerhardy Henry, butcher, res n e cor Jackson and Commercial. Gerhen II, shoemaker, rms Tremont House. Gering Edward, watchmaker, res Columbia bet 1st and 2d. Gerke Antone (Melhuish & Gerke), res foot of Marion. Germania saloon, August Wolff prop, 3 Mill. George Jesse W, U S marshal 604-| Front, res n e cor 4th and Cherry. George Martha (widow J H), rms Anton P Andersen. George Nicholas, fish dealer foot of Columbia, res Water bet Spring and Madison. Getchell Serena L (widow Lee), res n s Bell bet 2d and 3d. Giddings Howland M, carpenter, res Edes & Knight's add. Giddings Raymond, carrier I>ost-Inlelligencer, hds, ne cor 14th and Columbia. Giering A Edward (Requa & Giering), rms II J Requa. Gifford John, laborer Commercial Mills, bds George W Gillette. GilhTian James, blacksmith Washington Iron Works Co, res Belltown. Gillette George W, clerk Harrington & Smith, res e s 2d 2 s of University. Gilliam Wm, carpenter, rms S D Libly. Gilliland Mrs James, res s s Olive bet 8th and 9th. Oilman Albert M, machinist, res e s 4th bet Spring and Seneca. Oilman Daniel H, lawyer and mngr Seattle, Lake Shore & East­ ern R R Co, res w s 4th bet Spring and Seneca. Oilman Luther C, clerk Burke & Haller, rms Albert M Gil- man. Gilmore David, pres N W Cracker Co, res s s Seneca bet 2d and 3d. Crilmore Will H, Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobacco n e cor Main and Commercial, rms same. Gilson George F, lab, res s s Wall bet 2d and 3d. Gilson George N, engineer, bds George F Gilson.

BOUGHT AND SOLD. Washington Territory Kmployment Bureau, City anfl Comity Scrip Washington St., near Commercial. w m* . » By owning acre tracts I ESHELMAN,

M will provme in Seattl, e I (Post Building,) 88 any Become RicSEATTLh r»T3&E CITY ___AND 5;n; Lieweiiyn & co. w will ln'ft¥ft in Seattle CPofit nnildinsr.-) Gilson Wm B, machinist Washington Iron Works, bds George F Gilson. Gilvery Richard, teamster, res s s Madison bet 7th and 8th. Gladden Joseph R, clerk New England Hotel, bds same. Glaser Mrs Christina, res s s Wall bet Front and West. Gleason James, laborer, res s s Jackson nr 12th. Gleason W~m H (W IT Gleason & Co), res Mill nr Lawton's Nursery. Gleason W H & Co ( Wm H Gleason, Carl Nelson, Paris McCain), Proprietors Seattle Dairy, Pure Unadulterated Milk and Cream Fresh every day, Jackson nr Lawton's Nursery, depot basement Mcpherson's grocery store. Glenn John, pastor Free M!ethodist Church, res cor Broadway and Jefferson. Glick Win F, laborer, res cor Depot and Box. Glisman A, laborer O I Co. Glisman E, laborer, res Ecles & Knight add. Globe Printing Co The, Joseph A Stewart prop, foot of Madison. Glore Michael, cabinet maker, res s w cor 10th and Mill. Glynn James (B Murphy & Co), res Ocean House. Goetz Albert E, foreman Puget Sound Hide Co, res w s 7th bet Columbia and Marion. Goff C E, brakeman. Gold Bar Hotel, A E Wayne propr,Toot of Washington. Golden Rule Bazaar, E Lobe& Co Proprietors, 820 Front. (See front cover.) Goldsmith Charles, clerk Seattle Bazaar, bds s s Commercial bet Main and Jackson. Goldsmith James S, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, rms B Gatzert. Goldsmith Joseph, trav salesman,,res e s Commercial bet Jack­ son and Main. Goldstein Charles, Hatter Yesler-Leary block, res s s Pike bet 3d and 4th. Goldstein The Matter, Yesler-Leary block. Good Miss Lillie, bds John E Good. Good Miss Carrie, bds John E Good. Good John E (J E Good & Co), res Florence st near Washing­ ton, Jackson st add. Good John E & Co (John E Good Mrs M E Sawtell), brass foundry, foot of Commercial. Good Jonathan, cook Seattle Restaurant, rms same. Good Wm O, expressman, res 813 Main. Northern Pacific ^S^S11' PalaceDinii Cars Whitworth & ThomsonSlai, S^^^asssn Street, opp. tlie Arlington. *


Goodburn Robert, carp, res Temperance st, Denny's add. Gooding George W, carp Commercial Mills, res Judkins' add. Gooding Harvey S, engineer, res Water bet Battery and Bell. Goodman Emanuel, clothing, Occidental block, res w s North 2d bet James and Cherry. Goodnow O, music teacher cor Marion and 2d, rms 911 Front. Goodnow Mrs —, dressmaker, rooms 911 Front. Gordon Hardware Co, J R Lewis Pres, G B Adair Secy- Treas and Mangr, Jobbers of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Sporting Goods, Ship Chandlery, Loggers' Supplies, Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Tools, Carriages, Wagons, Farming Tools and Agricultural. Machinery, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover.) Gordon Samuel S, clerk First National Bank, bds Arlington ' House. Gordison John, ship carp Allen's Ship Yard. Gorham Win II, elk and notary Struve, Haines & McMicken, rms Mrs L Ballard. Gorman Frank, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways, res w s 5th near Terrace. Gorman W O, bds Arlington Hotel. Gormerly Henry, contractor and builder, res n e cor 3d and Pike. Goss Elijah M, Mangr Sunset Telephone Co, res n w cor 2d and Seneca. Gottstein It as sell (M & K Gottstein), res n w cor 5 th and Marion. Gottstein Meyer (M & K Gottstein), res Chadrew, Neb. Gottstein M & K (Meyer and Kassel Gottstein), Whole­ sale Liquor Dealers, n e cor Columbia and Front. Goucher Henderson H, lawyer, room 10 Arcade blk, res e s 8-th bet Pike and Pine. Goulett John, head carp O R & N, res Lincoln bet 5th and 6th. Gove Aquilla, engineer str Cascades, res e s 9th 2 n of Stewart. Gove George, W (Gove & Wilson), propr of steamers Glide and Cascades 79^ Washington nr wharf, res s s Madison bet 5 th and 6 th. Gove & Wilson (George W. Gove, Thomas G. Wilson), hop growers, garden Snoqualmie Prairie, office 79^ Washington nr wharf. Gove Warren, steamboat capt, res s s Madison bet 5th and 6th. Gowen John, logger, rms Esmond Hotel.

_ 7 | _• "i" OR Manufacturers of Patent Saw-Mill Ma- I RI IS ITS N. KfiWP II clrinery, Mining Machinery, Engines and IU1UIIIUU UU VVUll Boilers, PORTLAND, Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine insurance. A. Chilberg 1 Go. Cor Co_.mercial __._ __5.11 Streets. 90 SEATTLE CITY AND

Gowen —, traveling agent, res s e cor James and 2d. Graedel Godfrey, pastor First German Reformed Church, res s w cor 7th and Cherry. Graham Daniel, saw filer, res e s 10th bet Olive and Howell. Graham Richard J, tailor 813 Front, res e s 10th bet Stewart and Virginia. . Graham Victor, boilermaker Penney & Kelly, bds Villard House. Graham Walter, farmer, res Mercer add. Grand Central Lodging House, Olley S Morse prop, cor Com­ mercial and Jackson. Granstrom Lndwig, carp, res w s 8th 1 s of Virginia. Grant Frederick .1, Pres Post-Intelligencer, rms w s 2d bet James and Cherry. Grasse John C, Dentist, Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas admin­ istered, office over Smith & Son's jewelry store Sullivan blk, res w s 3d 3 s of Spring. Graves Lorenzo H, carp, res s s Marion 1 e of 2d. Graves Russel C, res 8th bet Pike and Pine. Graves Willard I, foreman Duwamish Dairy, res at dairy 3-| miles s of city. Gray Mrs O G, nurse, rms 911 Front. Greaney Patrick W, bkkpr, bds Ocean House. Greek John, fisherman, res Water bet University and Seneca. Green Capt, str Emma Haywarcl, rms 911 Front. Green Eben C, driver Schwabacher Bros & Co, rms Mrs Stull. Green Harry IT, printer The Seattle Chronicle, res s w cor 2d and Marion. Green Miss Hattie L, teacher Jackson St Public School, bds Mrs Sawtele. Green Joseph, mngr Northwest Fruit Co, res e s 3d bet Pine and Pike. Green Mary G (widow Wm A), bds Wm L Green. Green P, lab Stetson & Post. Green Mrs R S, milliner cor 2d and Marion, res. same. Green Wm L, lab, res w s 6th bet Union and University. Green —, printer, bds Opera Chop House. Greene Miss Hettie L, teacher Jackson St School. Greene Roger S, lawyer, res w s 9th bet Jefferson and Terrace. Greene Wm E, gardener, res Grange bet Elaine and Waterton. Greenlaw Mathew, ship carp, rms Half Way House. Greenus Albert E (Harris & Greenus), res e s 3d bet Union and Pike.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-Ieary-Block, R. 6. CALDWELL, Dentist, AM work first-class and Cor, Mill & Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KLNG COUNTY DIEECTOEY. 91

Greenwood. George, boilermaker, bds San Fh-ancisco Hotel. Greenwood Ira, tel opr Western Union Telegraph Co, res 2d bet Seneca and Madison. Gregg Capt, rms Lyman Wood. Griffin Frank, ship carpenter, res 611 8th. Griffin Rachel S (wid Wm S), res e s 8th bet Terrace and Alder. Griffith Edward C, driver II A. Frederick, rms n s Pike bet 6th and 7th. Griffith Luther II (Britton & Griffith), and bkkpr Young & McKeon, rms w s 2d bet Spring and Madison. Griffiths James, engineer, res Virginia bet Front and West. Griffiths Evan J, carpenter, res n s Pike bet 6th and 7th. Grist John, fruits and confectionery s e cor Commercial and Mill, res s w cor 6th and Mill. Griswold Charles, laborer, res rear of 503 8th. Griswold De Alton, scale maker, res Pontius' add. Griswold Isaac H, carpenter, res Ward's add. Grow Wm B (Wiggins & Grow), res n e cor 6th and Pike. Grose George (col'd), bartender Our House, bds same. Grose Wm (col'd), propr Our House s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf, res same. Grossman John, shoemaker 115 Cherry, res n s Lane bet 7th and 8th. Grot Mrs Helen, res e s 6th bet Terrace and Jefferson. Grotto Saloon, Cowles & Foster proprietors, 5 Mill. Grueninger Charles (Grueninger & Bitner), res s w cor Front and Pike. , Grueninger & Bitner (Charles Grueninger, August Bitner), beer bottlers, s w cor I ront and P ike. Grubb & Johnson (P Grnbb, O Johnson), props U S Saloon, n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Grubb P (Grubb & Johnson), res n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Guild John, carpenter Bijou Theatre, rms Standard Theatre. Gumbert Frank (Gumbert & Dickman), res w s 5th bet Mill and Washington, Gumbert & Dickman (Frank Gumbert, Frederick Dickman), proprs Boca Beer Hall e s Commercial bet Mill and Wash­ ington. Gunderman Wm, baker, rms 4th bet Madison and Marion. Gunderson Martin, varnisher, res cor 2d and Brook. Gunnison Edward, laborer Stetson & Post, res alley 5th st bet Mill and Washington. ^EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, "^2X1, Seattle REAL ESTATE & MONEY BEOKERS, Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co., -Post _3_I1_I_._.


Gunterman Miss Alice, printer The Seattle Chronicle, bds Henry Gunterman. Gunterman Miss Eva, candy maker Seattle Candy Factory, bds Henry Gunterman. Gunterman Henry, carp, res w s 4th bet Marion and Madison. Gunterman Wm, candy maker Merchant & Co, bds Henry Gun­ terman. Guttenberg Wm, cabinet maker, res w s 4th bet Pike and Pine. Guthrie Edmund, pile dri ver,res e s 4th bet Mill and Washington. Guy Francis M, miner, res w s 3d 2 s of University,


Habin Miss Etta, chambermaid Occidental Hotel, res same. Haffner Wm, ship carpenter, Allen's ship ways. Hagamore Mrs Sarah, res foot of Union. Hagareston Frank, cook Brunswick restaurant. Hagen Henry, baker, res 4th bet Cedar and Vine. Haggenmaker Harry, bartender Gold Bar Hotel, res same. Haggstrom Andrew S, helper Washington Iron Works Co, res n w cor 4th and Pine. Haines John C (Struve, Haines & McMicken), resn e cor Union and 7th. Hallert Wm, carpenter, bds St James Hotel. Haley John, nightwatchman Washington foundry, bds Villard House. Half Way House, w s Front bet Lenora and Virginia. Hall Abijah L (Hardy & Hall), res 903 Front. Hall Miss Dorah M, music teacher, bds Mrs Laura E Hall. Hall Frank 1A (The Hall Publishing Co), bds Mrs Laura E Hall. Flail Fred D, bookkeeper, rms Poncin blk. Hall Frederick M (The Hall Publishing Co), bds n e-.cor 4th and Madison. Hall George, sawyer, rms Western House. Hall G E, tallyman, Stetson & Post. Hall George W, pres and mngr Hall & Paulson Furniture Co, res Virginia bet 10th and 11th. Hall & Paulson Furniture Co, George W Flail Pres and Mngr, WR Forrest Sec and Treas, foot of Commercial. Hall Horace M, physician Safe Deposit bldg, res cor Front and Madison.

PAIIESOERS Will Save MoneyT,KS_SS__- Whitworth & Thomson, <^'_^__S_I-


Hall Isaac M (Hall & Smith), res n s James opp Occidental Hotel. Hall & Smith (Isaac M Hall, Eben Smith), lawyers, n s James bet- Front and 2d. Hall Job W, stage driver, res Ash bet Depot and John. Hall Mrs Laura E, res s s Pine bet 7th and 8th. Hall Lincoln E, driver D W Treat, bds Jacob W Hall. Hall Publishing Co The (Walter A, Frederick M and Frank L Hall), Proprietors The Dailg Call, rear of Post- office. (See page 9.) Hall R L, bds New England Hotel. Hall Mrs Sarah, res 1010 4th. Hall Valentine, oper W U T Co, rms Ursula Wyekoff. Hall Walter A. (The Flail Publishing Co),.bds n e cor 4th and Madison. pjall Wm F, barkpr, "Bureau" rms Grand Central. Hall Wm Finley, Real Estate and Notary, Stone Bldg Front opp Cherry, res e s 3d bet Spring and Seneca. Hallan James J, carp Seattle Iron Works, res n s Dearborn bet 9th and 10th. Haller G Morris (Burke & Haller), res n e cor 12th and James. Haller Colonel G G, U S A, res n e cor 12th and James. Haller Theodore N, student Burke & Haller, bds G O Haller. Hamilton George, cook Occidental Hotel, bcls same. Hamilton Samuel, bds Martha Whitehead. . Hammond Miss Loleta, teacher, bds Wm Hammond. Hammon Nellie (wid Frank), bds Henry 0 Maddocks. Hammon Walter (Hammon & Thurlow), res. 3d bet University and Union. Hammon & Thurlow (Walter Hammon, Alfred Thurlow), boat builders Water bet University and Seneca. Hammond Wm, ship carp, res Temperance st Denny's add. Hamlin Miss Laura, music teacher, bds Mrs M A Hamlin. Hamlin Martha A (wid Dr Philo), res w s 9th bet Dearborn and Lane. Hamlin Miss Nettie, bds-Mrs M A Hamlin. Hamlin Philo D, civil engineer, res n w cor 9th and Dear­ born. Flamlin Wm G, druggist, bds Mrs M A Hamlin. Hand Matthew W, carp, res 2d bet Howard and Albert. Flanford Appy J (wid Edward), bds Frank Hanford.

Mill, Mining and Woodivorkin g Machinery, Engines and, Rollers, an-d, lubricating Oils, Tatum & Bowen PORTIiAJSD. OKIU-OX. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. A. Chilberg i Co, S. E. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 94 SEATTLE CITY AND

Hanford Arthur E, notary public C H Hanford, Colman blk s e cor Commercial and Mill, res e s 4th bet Cherry and James. Hanford Clarence, Manager Printing Department Low- man & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, res n w cor 2d and Marion. Hanford Cornelius H, lawyer Colman blk s e cor Com­ mercial and Mill, res n s Pine bet 8th and 9th. Hanford Frank, bkkpr Harrington & Smith, bds e e 4th bet James and Cherry. Hanford Thaddeus, with Daily Gall, rms 604-J Front,bds Frank Flanford. Hannegan James D, elk W D Wood, res St James Hotel. Hanscome —, lumberman, rms Eureka Lodging House. Hansell Calvin E, elk The Arcade, bds Rebecca J Sires. Hansell G Frank, clerk Schwabacher Bros & Co, bds Rebecca J Sires. Hansen Albert, jeweler Yesler-Leary bldg, rms n e cor Front and Madison. Hansen Mrs D S, grocery s w cor 9th and Stewart, res same. Hansen Hans J, mngr 9th street grocery, res same. Hansen Leo, laborer, foot of Union. Hansen Rudolph, jeweler A Hansen, res s e cor Front and Madison. Hanson Mrs, res foot of Virginia. Hanson Mrs Annie, housekeeper James M Colman. Hanson A, laborer Stetson & Post. Hanson Emelius W, agt Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines e s Front bet Union and Pike, res same. Hanson Miss Flattie, opr Sunset Telephone Co, bds Mrs I Han­ son. Hanson Harold, messenger W U T Co, bds Mrs I Hanson. Hanson Mrs Ingeria, res Virginia bet Front and West. Hanson Miss Olava, teacher, bds Mrs I Hanson. Hanson Peter, laborer, res s s 2d bet Jackson and King. Hanson T, engineer C & P S R R. Hapgood Gilbert W, painter, res w s 7th bet Seneca and Uni­ versity. Flarden Augustus, purser s s Idaho, res s s Terrace bet 8th and 9th. Harder Joseph A, clerk C & P S R R, res 511 2d. Harding Captain, rms Jacob A Epler.

ThrOUgh TlCKetS Throughoutthe EAST At City Dock. OFFICE—Booms 9 and lO Yesler-lieai'y Block. R. 3. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIEECTOEY. 95

Harding Charles, property man Bijou Theatre, rms Standard Theatre. Harding Jacob, general trader, res Water bet University and Seneca. Hardwick Frank H, bkkpr Gordon Hardware Co, res s e cor James and 2d. Flardy Wm A (Hardy & Hall), res s s Wall bet West and Water. Hardy & Hall (Wm A. Hardy, Abijah L Hall), gunsmiths, 905 Front. Flarker Aloysius, commission merchant, res e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Flarkins Frederick, trimmer O I Go's saw mill, bds F W Harkins. Harkins Frederick FI, carpenter, res cor West and Vine. Harkins Harry, engineer, bds F W Harkins. Flarkins Wm, contractor, res n s Vine bet Front and 2d. Harlock P, coal dumper, C & P S R R. Harmon Miss Annie, bds New England Hotel. Harmon Mrs I> C, Proprietor New England Hotel, res same. (See page 5.) Harmon Walter, ship carpenter, res e s 3d bet Union and Uni­ versity. Harney James, engineer, bds Ocean House. Harris George, carp, rms S L Cavanaugh. Harris George P, lab Cedar River Coal Co. Harris George W, res s e cor 4th and James. Harris & Greenus (Wm H Harris, Albert E Greenus), house and sign painters, Marion opp Opera House. Harris Henry, tailor s s Mill bet 2d and Commercial, res s w cor 2d and Madison. Harris Isadore, prop California Clothing Emporium, res n e cor Madison and Front. Harris Jerome O, res n w cor 7th and Washington. Harris Sigmund, elk Fsadore Flarris, rms n e cor Madison and Front. Harris Sylvan us C, Co Auditor, res n w cor Union and 7th. Harris Wm H (Harris & Greenus), res Marion opp Opera House. Harris Wm N, mailing elk Postoffice, rms 218 Commercial. Harrington Wm A (Harrington & Smith), bds Arlington Hotel. Harring'ton &, Smith (Win A Harrington, Andrew Smith), General Merchandise, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill.

IKI01ID AI-IOET Acci(ieilt>Mre anfl Life- Crane's Bureau I IN O U it All ULi Steamship and R, R, Tickets atSEATT1B , W. T.

Harrison Henry, butcher, res cor West and Lenora. Harrison John, lab, res foot of Pike. Harrison Rev Phares, pastor First Congregational Church, res cor 3d and Clay. Harrison Robert, rms Eureka Lodging House. Harrison Wm C, lather, res s e cor Water and Battery. Hart Charles, carp, res Cedar bet Front and 2d. Hart Joseph, sawyer Commercial Mills, res Box st, Bell Town. Hartley Andrew J, mechanic, res Vine bet West and Water. Hartley Miss Cassie, dressmaker, bds Andrew J-Hartley. Harty Frank, lab, res Depot bet Warren and Kentucky. Hartig George (Christ & Hartig), res 817 Main. Hasbrouck Wm A (Hasbrouck & Ferry), rms n s Cherry bet Front and 2d. Hasbrouck & Terry (Wm A Hasbrouck, Edward L Terry), Druggists, 702 Front. Haskell Howard, porter San Francisco Store, i*es Alley bet Vir­ ginia and Lenora. Haskell Warren, butcher S Coulter & Son, bds Howard Haskell. Hatfield John A, Shipping and Commission Merchant Yes­ ler's wharf, rms Mrs Thorndike. (See pagel.) Hathaway Henry E, lawyer Franenthal Bros, res s w cor 7th and Spring. Flatt Wm IT, lab Stetson & Post, res Stewart bet Front and 2d. Hauser Adolphus E, carp Western Mill Co, res Moltke bet De­ pot and John. Hauser Julius C, lab, res Alley 7th bet Main and Jackson. Hawley R T, student, bds I T Alvord. Hawthorne Horace H, surveyor Whitworth- & Thomson, bds Willard C Hawthorne. Hawthorne Willard C, carp O I Go's saw mill, res n s Union bet 6th and 7th. , Hay]and Rev Nicholas, pastor First Scandinavian Baptist Church, res s w cor 4th and Stewart. Hayter Wm, engineer C & P S R R, res s e cor Commercial and Jackson. Hayter Wm, machinist C & P S R R. Haywood Wm C (Wm 0 Haywood & Co), res s s Cherry bet 9th and 10th. Haywood Wm C &, Co (Wm C Flaywood J S Lorraine), Publishers Puget Sound Railway and Navigation Guide, Gordon Hardware building, 627 Front. Northern Pacific _____£_ Palace Dj_u Cars. _and Office Business Promptly and accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Hazard Mrs Mantie C, res cor John and Rollin. Headlee Francis M, student T J Flumes, bds same. Flealley J, Washington Iron Works. Heck Sherman L, waiter Opera Chop House, res w s 3d 2 s of Madison. Hefner & Dishon (Flenry Hefner, Mert Dishon), real estate, McNaught block. Flefner Henry (Hefner & Dishon), res 1218 2d. Hegstrom Mrs S A, res w s 4th bet Pine and Stewart. Heinig Emil, butcher and sausage maker, Mill st next Seattle Brewery, s s Mill bet 6th and 7th. Helms Josiah C, carp, res n e cor 10th and Charles. ITemen Frank P, saloon Half Way House, res same. Hemnner John, fisherman, res foot of Union. Hemminway Louis, elk 0 P Stone, rms L II Graves. Hemrich Andrew (Hemrich & Co) Bay View Brewery, South Seattle. (See adv.) Hemrich &, Co (Andrew and John Hemrich), Bay View Brewery, South Seattle. (See adv.) Hemrich John (Hemrich & Co). Hemrich John jr, propr Bay View Saloon, 1006 Front, rms same. Henderson Park, elk Lowman & Flanfrrd Stationery and Print­ ing Co, bds J B Henderson Belltown. Henderson LeGfand D, res Rollin st, Lake Union. Henderson Wm, runner Occidental Hotel, bds same. Hendrick Joseph W, furniture finisher, mis Mrs Whiteside. Flenry James D, cigars and tobacco, Mill opp Commercial, rms n w cor 5th and James. Flenry Miss Nellie, teacher, bds Beriah Brown. Henry Wm T, mail elk, bds Beriah Brown. Hering & Alexander (Wm Hering, James Alexander), barbers 611 Front. Hering John J, barber Queen City Barber Shop, rms 719^ Front. Hering Wm (Hering & Alexander), res Brown's bldg, Front. Herndon James A, painter, res s s Jackson bet 10th and 11th. Hershberg Harry (IT Hershberg & Co), rms Wm Worthington. Hershberg H & Co (Harry Hershberg), clothiers, 816 and 818 Front. Hershberg Jacob, clerk II Hershberg & Co, rms Wm Worth­ ington.

IiUtoricating;, Compound and Cups, Cyl­ inder and Spindle Oils, Tatum & Bowen PORTI.AHfl), OR. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. cmiberg & Co 7 -_.sre_.ta. 98 SEATTLE CITY AND

Henze Charles, driver George W Canning, res same. Hibbert Charles, salesman S Baxter & Co, res n e cor Front and University. Ilickson Thomas, carpenter, res Nagle add. llidliff E, res Bismarck bet Depot and John. Hilton George, farmer, res Lake Union. Hill Alonzo F, propr Aurora saloon 112 Commercial, res s s . Union bet 5th and 6th. Hill Charles H (Skidmore & Hill), res n s Lake Union. Hill David H, capt str Blakely, rest West bet Clay and Cedar. Hill George, bartender, rms Alonzo F Hill. Hill George A (Hill, Osborne & Co), res w s West bet Battery and Wall. Hill George D, county treas, res cor 5th and Spring. Hill George IT, bartender Alonzo F Hill, bds A F^Hill. Hill George L, bartender Palace saloon, rms Pantheon bldg. Flill Henry II, carpenter, rms James A McPhee. Hill Homer M, journalist, res e s Front bet Bell and Bianchard. Hill, Osborne

un THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NI O CHANCE OF CARS of any class. - .#»\FICJJ—RjO

_ilnf1fll# frt I n_n Approved Security Opens the Bureau, IflUllCy IU LUG IE i Washington St,,nearCommercial, Seattle, Choice Suburban ^Sff:Melman, Llewellyn & Co.


Houghton Jonathan S, physician, res Mercer add. Howard Thomas J, farmer, res s e cor Elm and Mill. Howe J P (Beede & Howe), res Portland. Howe Miss Louise, res n s Pine bet 6th and 7th. Howell J Carroll, apprentice the Seattle Gallery, res cor Cherry and 12th. Howes Edward A, carp, res s w cor James and 7th. Hoyt Mrs C T, s e cor James and 12th. Hoyt John M, freight elk, rms n w cor Columbia and Front. Hoyt Miss Viola, elk, bds Mrs Mary Vestel. Hoyt Samuel, mate str Zephyr, res n s Union 1 e of 3d. Hubbard James, cash boy White House, res 5th bet Virginia and Lenora. Hubbard W, carp, rms n s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. Hubbart Adam E, carp, bds Elisha IT Hubbard. Hubbart Elisha II, miner, res e s 5th bet Lenora and Virginia. Hubbell John M (Jones & Hubbell), res cor 3d and Marion. Huerta Manuel, fruits and candies, w s Front bet Madison and Spring. Huff Edgar T, elk J Strauss & Co, res 8th and Jefferson. Hughes Miss Ida, school teacher, bds Lyman W Bormey. Hughes Flenry J, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, res" 5. Stetson & Post's blk. Hughes James W (Hughes & Miller), rms Arnsa S Miller. Hughes & Miller (James W Hughes, Henry W Miller), proprs London Tea Co, 823 Front. Hughes Wm H, city and county assessor, res James H Payne. Hultgren Alfred, bartndr Svea Saloon, rms same. Hull Isaac D, ship joiner, res foot of Cedar. Hummell Miss Cora, elk San Francisco store, bds J FI Hum in ell. Hummell Ira, waiter, bcls J FI Hummell. FFummell John FI, carp, res s e cor 11th and Mill. Hummell Miss Mary E, bds J FI Hummell. Hummell Richard M, lab, bds J IT Hummell. Hummer, A E, druggist, res cor Stewart and 2d. Humes Joseph, carp, res e s 5th bet Pine and Stewart. Humes Thomas J, Attorney-at-Law, Arcade bldg, res cor Broadway n of Madison. Hung Fung Low & Co, restaurant e s 3d bet Mill and Wash­ ington. Huntley Edward H, bartender Bank Exchange, res 1930 Front. Huntley Elijah, cabinet maker, res e s 6th bet James and Cherry.

I__«t RrtlinH »_f"II ft __ By Purchasing east Bound M#.II P~..« ____.«... THR0UGH T|CKETS PASSENGERS WilIf IIIl aaVSavGe MoneIYIUIICVy Fr0m SEATTLE u s Dep Mineral SU Whitworth & Thomson, ' Mai' n 'St., opp. the Arlington^"^W.T. .


Huntley George E, ship carp Allen's ship ways, res e s 2d bet Vine and Cedar. Huntoon Daniel R, supt of mines, res 112 Bell. Hunt Edward, ins agt, bds John W Hunt. Hunt John W, res w s 4th bet Mill and Washington. Hunter James, cook John Morley, rms Mill. Street House. Hunter John W, expressman, res s s Mill bet 3d and 4th. Hurlock B, brakeman C & P S R R. Hurst Amos, real estate agent, res cor Oak and Depot Hurst Harry, upholsterer, bds Bell Town. Hnse Mrs Augusta, boarding house, res s e cor Commercial and Jackson. Huson Edward L, spar maker, res s s Mill 1 e of 5th. Hutchinson Archibald, brakeman C,& P S R R, rms John Mc­ Donald. Hutchinson John IT, tinner J Schram & Co, rms 1103 Front. Hyde David N, jeweler cor 2d and Columbia, res e s 3d bet Co­ lumbia and Marion.

Idaho Saloon, John McCaryprop, 219 Washington. Ihrig Louis -G, upholsterer Lynch & Wood, rms David Holacher. Independence Saloon, Louis V Sclmyder Prop, West nr Mill, res same. Ingraham Edward S, prin Central School and City Supt, res 1909 2d: Isaacs Mark L, elk San Francisco Store, res w s 3d bet Spring and Madison. IXL Saloon, George 0 Delfel Prop, 9 Mill.

Jacklin Grace (widow Danielj, res e s 3d bet Union and Pike. Jackson David W, carp, res n w cor Bush and Weller. Jackson H W (col'd), waiter Arlington Hotel. Jackson John, bkkpr, res w s Front bet Virginia and Stewart. Jackson John N, sec Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Print­ ing Co, bds w s5th bet Pike and Pine. Jackson Sarah (widow Marcus), bds John Jackson. lackson Samuel, capt str Washington, res s e cor 5th and Virginia. Jacobs George S, sec and agt Washington Steamboat and Trans­ portation Co, res n e cor Union and 4th. Jacobs Fliram J, lawyer Jacobs & Jenner, bds O Jacobs.

Tatiim Si DniAion Asents for R-H0E & co's cinsei-Tooth IdlUlll 06 DUVfUll and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vice-Cousiil Swed,cn and Norway. A. Chilberg!Co.°°" or. Commercial and Mill Streets 102 SEATTLE CITY AND

Jacobs & Jenner (Orange Jacobs, Charles K Jenner), At- torneys-at-law, Arcade bldg. Jacobs Orange (Jacobs & -Tenner), res e s 4th bet Spring and Seneca. Jacobson August, bartender, res s e cor 2d and Washington. Jacobson John, laborer Commercial Mills, res foot of Union. Jacquilard Andrew, bartender Fountain beer hall, rms Mrs Brennan s s Columbia bet 2d and 3d. Jager Frederick, Proprietor Pike Street Store, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions s s Pike bet 4th and 5th, res same. James Edward, washer Seattle Steam Laundry, bds same. James John, patternmkr, res Water bet University and Seneca. James Nathan, shoemaker Treen, Raymond & Turrell. Jamieson John L, waiter Gold Bar Hotel, bds same. Jay Joseph, laborer, res South Seattle. Jefferson Eugene IT, asst sec S L S & E R R Co, rms Brown's building. Jenner Charles (Jacobs & Jenner), res n e cor 11th and Wash­ ington. Jennings Charles, engineer steamer Gazelle. Jennings Win A, sec N W Cracker Co, res n s Marion bet 4th and 5th. Jensen Charles, boilermaker Penney & Kelly, rms at works. Jensen Frederick, upholsterer, res rear of W V Rinehart & Go's store. Jensen Ole, laborer, res foot of King nr 7th. Jensen Tellef A, steamer captain, res s e cor 4th and Pine. Jenson Mrs Mary, matron Orphan's Home, res same. Jepson Lemuel B, pile driver, rms Mrs Ellen Dillon. Jessen Miss Annie, waitress St James Hotel, bds same. Jeucher , clerk, rms Eureka lodging house. Jobst Frank W, bkkpr John A Hatfield, rms Mrs Helen Grot. Johns Joseph, res e s 6th bet Pike and Pine. Johnson A, laborer Stetson & Post. Johnson A, laborer O I Co. Johnson Oke, cabinetmaker Hall & Paulson, res Ash bet Depot and John. Johnson Alexander, lab Commercial Mills, bds Wisconsin House. Johnson Alfred, ship carpenter, Allen's ship yards. Johnson Andrew (Johnson & Peterson), res 118 Cherry. Johnson Andrew, bricklayer, res s s Jackson bet 6th and 7th. Johnson Andrew, laborer, res foot of Pike. Through Tickets ^SSEAST '__£_£ OFFICE—Rooms <} and 10, Ycsler-J^eary Block. R. 6. CALDWELL, Dentist All work first-class a ltd, ^Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 103

Johnson A J, carpenter, rms 911 Front. Johnson Charles A, tailor M Finkelstein, res s e cor Taylor and Market. Johnson Charles G, carpenter Stetson & Post, res 7th cor Vir­ ginia. Johnson Constantine A, carpenter, res Eastern add. Johnson C M, lab Stetson & Post, bds Wisconsin House. Johnson Frank, carpenter, res n e cor Weller and Sutter. Johnson Frederick, teamster, res Box bet Depot and John. Johnson H, laborer O I Co's saw mill. Johnson FI B, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Trail, and Wagon Road Co. Johnson James, carpenter, res w s 5th bet Virginia and Stewart. Johnson John, ship carpenter Allen's ship ways. Johnson Joseph M, printer Seattle Sunday Star, bds James Johnson. Johnson Miss Minnie, cook, bds James Hallan. Johnson O (Grubb & Johnson), res n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Johnson Orson B, teacher University of W T, res s e cor 5th and Seneca. Johnson & Peterson (Andrew Johnson, Anton S Peterson), 2d hand goods, 118 Cherry. Johnson Thomas (col'd), waiter Arlington Hotel. Johnson Samuel, printer, bds James Johnson. Johnston Frederick, clerk C Esmonin. Johnston James, laborer, bds Wm K Johnston. Johnston John D, painter, res e s 11th nr Plummer. Johnston Wm K, laborer, res Prince and East. Johnston Robert G, helper Washington Iron Works, res foot of King nr R R track. •Jonasson Andrew, cabinet maker, res n s Seneca bet 7th and 8th. Jones Miss Abbie, teacher, bds Benjamin F Jones. Jones Benjamin F, mechanic, res 1302 5th. Jones David, laborer, res 1709 Front. Jones H, blacksmith C & P S R R. Jones Harry, shoemaker, res e s 5th bet Terrace and Jefferson. Jones Harry, lab Seattle and Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Jones & Hubble (W E Jones, J M Hubbell), feed and commis- ion merchants, 907 Front. Jones Humphrey (IT Jones & Son), res se cor 5th and Jefferson. Jones IF & Son (Humphrey & Wm B Jones), boot and shoe manfrs and dealers, Occidental Square.

BOUGHT AND SOLD. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City and Connty Scrip Washington St., near Commercial. By owning' acre tracts neai- a rapidly grow- ESHELMAN, in„ city, and so it Many Become Rich will prove in Seattle Llewellyn & Go. (Post Building.) 104 SEATTLE CITY AND

Jones James F, engineer, res e s 2d bet Stewart and Pine. Jones J Paul, clerk Jones & Hubbell, bds Wm E Jones.' Jones Joel S, dept collector IT S Customs, res w s 5th bet Union and Pike. .Jones Orrin S, County Superintendent of Public Schools and Principal of Denny School, res 1306 6th. Jones S D, runner Arlington Hotel. Jones Thomas A, Lake Union ice Co, res s w cor 4th and Bianchard. Jones Thomas E, Lake Union Ice Co, bds Thomas A Jones. Jones Win B (IT Jones & Son), res ss Jefferson bet 5th and 6th. Jones Wm E (Jones & Hubbell), res e s 10th bet Stewart and Virginia. Jones —, laborer, bds James Norris. Jones —, policeman, res Moltke and 6th. Jordan John B, elk Charles Lonch, bds John T Jordan. Jordan John T, contractor, res w s 3d bet Pike and Pine. Jordan Michael, laborer O I. Go's saw mill, res e s 6th bet Jef­ ferson and James. Jordison John, capt schr Maggie, rms 120 Cherry. Jucker George N, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, rms Eureka Lodging House. Judge Patrick, laborer, bds Ocean House. Judkins Bavid R, Photographer s w cor 2d and Colum­ bia, res n e cor Depot and Poplar. (See inside front cover!) Jull Wm, wiper, res 6th near foot of King. __: Kaehler Reinhold, bookkeeper, rms Eureka House. Kaeppler Joseph, brewer Bay View Brewery, res South Seattle. Kahaley John L, drayman, bds Peter Mclntire. Kalberg Peter N, machinist, res cor Moltke and John. Kallsen Mrs Christina, res e s 5th bet Terrace and Jefferson. Kallsen John (Fuhrmann & Kallsen), res e s 5th bet Jef­ ferson and Terrace. Kane Wm (James J D'Arcy & Co), res San Francisco. Karnes Miss Clara, teacher Denny School, bds Wm Blackman. Kaufman Charles, clerk D Kaufman, res n s Marion bet 7th and 8th. Kaufman David, boots and shoes 807 Front, res n e cor 7th and Marion. Kaufman Isaac, director The A P Hotaiing Co, res Portland. Whitworth & Thomson, MaiJ_»^.«^S5_S_J3S_n Street, opp. the Arlington*. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 105

Kaufman Samuel, clerk D Kaufman, bds David Kaufman. Keagle B, laborer Stetson & Post. Keane John, boot maker basement McPhersou's grocery store, res n e cor 13th and Olive. Keating James, helper Washington Iron Works, res w s 4th bet Main and Washington. Keating Michael M (M M Keating & Co), res n s Bianchard bet West and Front. Keating M M & Co (Michael M Keating) paints, glass and wall paper, 110 Commercial. Keating Wm, helper, bds James Keating. Keenan John, res s w cor Main and 12th. Keene Frank A, barber e s Commercial bet Mill and Washing­ ton, res 406 11th. Keerl John W, laborer N P Brewery, res Lake Union. Keevan John, laborer, res e s Front bet Vine and Cedar. Keggle Benjamin, turner Stetson & Post mill, rms 503 8th. Kehoe Michael, sailor, res Lake st Lake Union. Keiler Charles, propr Saddle Rock restaurant e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. Keith Caroline J (wid Joseph S), res 1521 3d. Keller Francis, Physician (Horn), n s James bet Front and 2d, res same. Kelley F, boomman O I Co sawmill. Kelley John, blacksmith R R shops, bds Catherine Powers. Kelley Olivia C (wid Nelson), res s e cor 2d and Battery. Kellogg John, county jailer, rms court house. Kellogg

Kelly Frederick, laborer () I Co, res Denny's 3d add. Kelly

un THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific Nl O CHANGE OF CARS of any class, OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-.Tjeary-Block, B. 6. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor, Mill _ Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 107

Kimball Wm FI, elk Frank Kimball, res Opera House blk. Kimbrel E L, teamster, rms Isabella Ferguson. Kindergarten School, Miss Alvine Foedisch prin, n s Pine bet 3d and 4th. Kindling Frederick, lab, res s s Madison Nagle add. King Thomas, ship carpenter Allen's ship ways, res Denny's 3d add. Kinkella Joseph, cook, res foot of Pike. Kinley E, watchman Stetson & Post. Kinnear George, real estate, Stone bldg 625 Front, res n e cor, 3d and Spring. Kinnear John R, Attorney-at-Law Stone bldg 635 Front, res s w cor Front and Nine. Kirk Samuel, elk A B Stewart, rms 619 Front. Kirch James, engineer, res s s Marion bet 7th and 8th. Kirschner Fred, driver Bay View brewery, res South Seattle. Kittenger Charles H (Edwad B Downing & Co)," res s w cor 4th and Columbia. Klenen Frederick, res s e cor 2d and James. Klinker Julius, butcher S Coulter & Sons, rms 817 Main. Kline Lazarus (L Kline & Co), res San I'rancisco. Kline L & Co (Lazarus Kline, Samuel Rosenberg), clothing, 208 Commercial. Knight Charles, lab Western Mill Co, res Bell Town. Knight Charles D, bkkpr, res n w cor Taylor and King. Knight Miss Mabel, waitress Oak Restaurant, bds same. Knight Samuel F, photographer David Judkins, res e s 2d bet Pike and Union. Knighton Alonzo, rms Pantheon bldg. Knipe Robert, insurance and real estate agent Colman blk s e cor Commercial and Mill, res s e cor 3d and Bianchard. Knochie Henry, lab, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lenora. Knoff John J, printer The Globe Printing Co, res s s Bianchard bet 3d and 4th. Knox Oscar, farmer, res s w cor 5th and Virginia. Knudson Ole, plumber Waddell & Miles, rms St James Hotel. Koch "Wm, Treasurer Lake Union Furniture Mfg Co, res e s 7th bet Stewart and Virginia. Koleman James, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, res n w cor 3d and Marion. Kollock John M, physician, res s w cor Madison and 5 th. Korn Alexander (J Schram & Co), res San Francisco. Business Broker, GEO. W.CRANE, SKATTIJB, W. T. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co,™ ™PII22i™


Korn Benjamin B, conductor, bds Moses Korn. Korn Isaac (Clericus & Korn), rms 1002 Front. Korn Moses (J Schram & Co), res n s Washington bet 10th and 11th. Kosmo S, fisherman, res foot of Union. Kraus Oscar A. Prop Znr Quelle Saloon 109 Cherry, res e s 9th bet Pike and Pine. Kreidel Samuel, clothing 824 Front, res n w cor 5th and Pike. Krieger Fritz, printer Die Tribuene, res Pontius' add. Kriegk Max. Physician and Surgeon I'rye's Opera House bldg, res same. Krohna Charles, capt str Success, rms Esmond Hotel. Krug Adolph, bkkpr Queen City Bakery,res s w cor Cedar and 4th. Kruse Wm, lab, res cor B and 7th. Kump Peter, tinner J Schram & Co, res e s 6th bet Jackson and Main. Kuong Lee Lung & Co, merchandise, w s 3d bet Main and Washington. Kurz Bernard, saloon keeper, res cor 6th and Moltke. Kusters Rev J H, asst priest Church of Our Lady of Good Help, res same.

Lacey Charles P, lab, res w s 12th bet Plnmmer and Charles. Lacy Dillurzon L, bds Thomas Clark. Lachenal Mme, laundry e s Commercial bet Jackson and King, res same. Iiagerlof Frans, Editor and Proprietor Noidvetkusten, rms n e cor 4th and Mill. Lair P J (P J Lair & Co), rms 613 Front. Lair PJ„ Co (P J Lair, J A Rengstorff), Chicago Boot and Shoe Store, 613 Front. (See opp page.) Lake's Ship Yard, Thomas W Lake prop, foot of Lake avenue. Lake Thomas W, ship builder, res foot of Lake avenue. Lake Union Furniture Manufacturing Co, A. J. Charleston Pres, IT J Norden Sec, Wm Koch Treas; fac­ tory Lake Union, office and salesroom cor Mill and 2d, opp Occidental Hotel. Lake View Flail, P Bauman prop, foot of Moltke st. Lake Wm, ship carp, bds Thomas W Lake. Lake Washington Hotel, Cutting Clark prop, Lake Washington.

s PAIIESOERS Will Save Money ™S2s_ Whitworth & Thomson, "ZtXZSZS&J-


Lake Washington Mill Co, Guy C Phinney Pres, C Clark Sec and Treas, lumber manfrs, Lake Washington nr Jack­ son, office room 1 Post building. LaMont Rev Daniel, pastor, res 2d and Marion. LaMont John, ship carp, res e s 9th bet Lane and Dearborn. Lancaster Charles, elk Nicholas Brown, bcls Mrs Helen M Lan­ caster. Lancaster Wm, dishwasher Seattle Restaurant, bds Mrs Ellen Lancaster. Lancaster Mrs Ellen, house cleaner, res foot of Union. Landeroth P, lab Stetson & Post Mill Co. Lang James M (J M Lang & Co), res n e cor 3d and Union. Lang JI & Co (J M Lang, M A Vestal). Druggists, n e cor 3d and Union. Lang Milton, elk the Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Print­ ing Co, res n w cor Front and Columbia. Lange J Paul, Principal Yesler College, res same. (See insert.) Lange Ferdinand, res w s 8th bet Jefferson and James. Langill Archibald, machinist, rms Sarah Malson. Langston John, prop Langston Livery Stable, 81 Washington, res n w cor 8th and Union. Langston Livery Stable, John Langston propr, 81 Washington. Lanier M, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Lanson George, bootmaker, res Lake Union. Larsen Louis, blacksmith, res w s 11th bet Pine and Olive. Larsen L, helper C & P S R R. Larson Hans, farmer, res e s 5th bet Pine and Pike. Larson John, lab, bds Wisconsin House. Latimer Lenora N, teacher Denny school, bds Arthur A Denny. Latimer Norval IT, bookkeeper Dexter Horton & Co, bds n e cor Front and Vine. Latimer Wm G, real estate n e cor Front and Vine, res same. Latour Isidore (Latour & Co), rms Charles M Spaulding. Latour & Co (Isidore Latour, Joseph A Baillargeon), dry goods, Opera House block, Front. Laue Henry, carpenter, res n s Jefferson bet 4th and 5 th. Lawhorn Marion G, bds C O. Young. Lawrence Mrs A P, housekeeper Occidental Hotel, bds same. Lawrence John P (Morgan & Lawrence), res Lake Union dist. Lawrey James, driver Seattle St R R Co, rms same. 91 and 93 Front Street, Portland, Or "Wood & Iron -Working machinery, Sta Tatum & Bowen tionary and Marine JEn^ines &, Boilers FFire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. A, Chilberg!Co. Sj. _!. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 110 SEATTLE CITY AND

Lawrey Mrs H T, dressmaker, rms 4 Canyon block. Lawson Augustus G, laborer O I Co, res e s 8th bet Terrace and Alder. Lawson IT G, laborer O I Co saw mill. Lawson John, laborer O I Co saw mill. Lawton Charles W, Proprietor Seattle Nursery, res n s Mill nr Randolph. Laycock John FI, painter, res s s Madison bet Front and 2d. Leake Irwin, laborer, bds John Leake. Leake John, farmer, res s s James bet 9th and 10th. Leary John, Secretary Spring Hill Water Co, office rm 5 Yesler-Leary Block, res n e cor 2d and Madison. Leary John, drayman, res w s Front bet Stewart and Virginia. Leballister Charles, res Water 2 s of Battery. Leek John, Manufacturer Galvanized Iron Cornices foot Columbia, rms Otto Ranke. Ledger Mrs Francis IT, bds Flarriet E Parkhurst. Ledgerwood Wm E, agent W F & Co, res e s Front bet Union and Pike. Lee Edward, ship carpenter, Allen's ship yard. Lee Kee, laundry, n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Lee O P, teacher University of Washington Territory, res Uni­ versity grounds. Lee Tai, laundry, foot of Marion. Lee U, laundry, w s 2d bet Washington and Main. Leland Henry, rjrinter Post-Intelligencer, res ws 3d 1 n of Co­ lumbia. Lemery L, Washington Iron Works. Leonard A, turner Stetson & Post. Leonard Austin T, laborer, res n w cor Lake and East. Leonard Miss Mary B, bds A T Leonard. Leonard Miss Marion, apprentice Wash & Pritchard, bds Mrs Lou Bocksom. Leonard Thomas A, laborer, res cor Lake and East. Le Roy Aurthur J D, laborer, res s s Cherry bet 6th and 7th. Leslie Mrs Lizzie, rms Luther M Robbins. Leslie , architect, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lenora. Lester John T (Pritchard & Lester), rms s w cor Washington and 2d. Le Sourd David G, Presiding Elder M E Church Seattle dis­ trict, res w s 4th bet Pine and Stewart. Let Andrew, laborer, res Warren bet Depot and John. ThroughTickets £_££ EAST £&!__ OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 _esler-liea_y Block. R. fl.Caldwell , Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ill

Levy Charles (Levy Bros), rms n e cor Front and Madison. Levy-Bros (Moses and Charles), cigars and tobacco, 113 Com­ mercial. Levy Benry E, Proprietor Seattle Bazaar 210 and 212 Commercial, res n s Columbia bet Front and 2d. Levy Jack, Propretor White Elephant Saloon, Billiard Hall and Theatre, res cor Main and 2d. (See page 14.) Levy Jacob, pawnbroker and tailor e s Commercial bet Main and Washington, res 1204 Front. Levy Moses (Levy Bros), rms n e cor Front and Madison. Levy Robert, gents furnishing goods and loan office, 803 Front, rms Hotel Brunswick. Lewis Bowai'd II (J R & IT FI Lewis), res n w cor James and 4th. Lewis James, logger, bds Wisconsin House. Lewis James Bamilton, Lawyer 604-| Front, bds Arl­ ington. Hotel. Lewis Joseph M (J R & H IT Lewis), and President Gor­ don Hardware Co, also President 1st National Bank, n e cor Cherry and 3d. Lewis J K. & M B (Joseph R Lewis, Howard II Lewis), Lawyers, office n e cor 2d and Cherry. Lewis Philip II, res n e cor 2d and James. Lewis Swan, runner, rms St Charles Hotel. Leyba Luis, fireman, rms Wm E Jones. Leyland Frank, tailor Richard J Graham, rms same. Libby Sylvanus D, str captain, res s e cor 2d and Union. Lichtwerk Henry, machinist, res w s 7th bet James and Cherry. Lindberg Julius, res w s 6th bet Union and University. Lindfors Ludwig, laborer, res n s Dearborn bet 9th and 10th Lindsey George, foreman Seattle & Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Lindsley Edward L, Expressman, res Republican bet Dexter and Vine. Lindsley Wm, teamster, rms 911 Front. Lindsley Wm L, driver N Chilberg, rms Denny blk. Lipsky Jules C, treas Spring Hill Water Co, asst mngr Schwa- bacher Bros & Co, res e s 3d bet Seneca and Spring. Littell Orlando B (Oroke & Littell), res e s 2d bet Pine and Pike. Littell Thomas, law student, bds Orlando B Littell. Llewellyn, Wm H, mngr Puget Sound Tele Co, res e s 3rd, bet Lenora and Bianchard. Llewellyn, Win B (Eshelman, LWellyn & Co), rms J F Eshelman. ^-tfiR-^qq 1°ca^oTo<_for Eshelman, Llewellyn 4>UtJ (JJUU iJJOU installments. eSS CO. (Post Building.) 112 SEATTLE CITY AND

Lobe Emile (E Lobe & Co), res San Francisco. Lobe E & Co (Emile Lobe & Julius Bornstein), Props Golden Rule Bazaar, 820 Front. (See front cover.) Logger Saloon, Oliver Parent Prop, s s Mill opp Postoffice. Lohse Henry, brick mason, res s s James bet 6th and 7th. Lombard Jennie C, teacher Denny school. Lombard RR, engineer Western Mill Co, res cor Lake and Har­ rison. London Tea Company, Hughes & Miller props, 823 Front. Longfellow Daniel, mngr Washington Steamboat and Transpor­ tation Co, rms at office, Yesler's wharf. Loom is Benry B, Lawyer room 12 Kenny blk, rms 416 Cherry. Lorraine John S (Wm C Haywood & Co), rms Eureka Lodging House, Lotka Winslow, mechanic Commercial Mills, res s s Stewart bet 10th and 11th. Louch Charles, groceries and provisions e s Front bet Pike and Union, res same. Low Charles, capt str Nellie, res s s Pike bet 5th and 6th. Lowe Theodore W, printer The Daily Call, res s s Pine bet 10th and 11th. .Lowman James D, pres Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, res 1006 4th. Lowman &• Banford Stationery and Printing Co, James D Lowman Pres, John N Jackson Sec, Clarence Hanford Mngr, s e cor Front and Cherry. Lowman & Banford Stationery and Printing Co, Printing Department and News Store, Clarence Hanford, Mngr, basement of Post building, office and store s e cor Front and Cherry. Lunke John, grocer Moltke nr Lake Union, res same. Ludlow Mrs Annie, res s s Spring bet 3d and 4th. Ludlow James P, elk of District Court, pastor of Second Baptist Church, res e s 11th bet Jefferson and Terrace. Ludlow Wm L, asst elk District Court, bds James P Ludlow. Lukanovic Frank,fisherman, res Water bet University and Seneca. Lunn Andrew (Lunn & Peters), res e s 6th bet Jefferson and James. Lunn & Peters (Andrew Lunn, Henry M Peters), props Mill Street House, 11 Mill, Lutz Mrs M, dressmaker 108 Columbia, res same. Northern Pacific 'SKS" MB Dinim Cm. WfiitWOrtil __ ThOmSOn. *»»* aecnratelinfttended1™?©, * TT _h_WVVW_WU %W t_WH_VU) Main St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W.T. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 113

Lutz Martin J, bartender August Wolff, res n s Columbia bet Front and 2d. Lyder Israel, carpenter, res Edes & Knight's add. Lysle Thomas, grocer e s 3d bet Spring 'and Seneca, res same. Lynch Bartholomew B, farmer, res S Seattle. Lynch Omer W (Lynch & Wood), res w s 10th bet Stewart and Howell. Lynch Timothy, janitor Church of Our Lady of Good Help, rms same. Lynch Timothy, farmer, res e s 12th 2 n of Canal. Lynch & Wood (Omer W Lynch, Lyman M Wood), furniture dealers, 917 Front. Lyon Miss Carrie, elk J M Lyon, bds John M Lyon. Lyon G-eorge G, Justice Peace n s Washington bet Com­ mercial and 2d, bds Arlington Hotel. Lyon John, brick mason, res Pontius' add. Lyon John M, books and stationery, 713 front, res n s Columbia bet 2d and 3d. _\_:c McAllep John W (McDonald & McAUep). McAllister Alford, barkeeper Esmond Hotel, res same. McAlpine Andrew N, mate str Olympia, res s s Terrace bet 8th and 9th. McAndrews Martin, boots and shoes s s Washington bet Com­ mercial and 2d, res s e cor Jefferson and 6th. McBeath John A (J A McBeath & Co), rms J A McPhee. HcBeath J A & Co (John A McBeath, Fred Marco), Horse- shoers, S 2d bet Mill and Washington. McBride Lucinda, res Yesler add. McCain Arthur N, milk deliverer Gleason & Co, bds same. McCain Charles, laborer Gleason & Co, bds same. McCain Flora N, bds Paris McCain. . llcCain Paris (W IT Gleason & Co), res n s Mill opp Law- ton's nursery. McCall D, laborer, rms Tremont House. McCann Michael M, boot and shoemaker foot Marion, res same. McCarthy Eugene salesboy, Post-Intelligencer, bds Mary Mc­ Carthy. McCarthy Mary (wid Eugene), res w s 4th bet Jefferson and Terrace. McCary James, barkeeper Idaho saloon, res 219 Washington.

Agts.for K. HOF. _ CO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHStSOH'S TYrE, Taium& Bowen Etc. PORTJLASfO, OltKOOX. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10, 1 Yesler- Leary Block. U. CALDWELL, Dentist, AH work fi.rst-class and Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 119

Maginnis John, driver George T Maginnis & Co, rms n e cor Commercial and Main. Maginnis Thomas, bottler George T Maginnis & Co, bds s w cor 9th and Jackson. Maguire Mrs John, rms w s 2d bet Spring and Madison. Mahn Edward, rms Grand Central lodging house. Mahone D, flagman C & P S R R. Mahone James II, carpenter, bds Mrs C A Stowell. Mahoney John, laborer, res s s Washington bet 7th and 8th. Maidment Charles, manager, res n e cor Seneca and 6th. Maidment Charles J, plumber Young & McKeon, bds Charles Maidment. Maidment Richard W, butcher, bds Charles Maidment. Maitland Alexander, sec Seattle Co-operative society, res 911 Front up stairs. Males Frank, engineer George Newell. Malloy Thomas, logger, bds Esmond Hotel. Mallory. Charles, engineer, res s w cor Madison and 11th. Malson Sarah (wid A W), res e s 9th bet James and Jefferson. Mann Joseph, lab Stetson & Post. Mann Luther, engineer, res John bet Bismark and Rollin. Manning Edgar, tinner, bds G L Manning. Manning G L, yard man Western Mill Co, res Water bet Cedar and Vine. Manning Miss Mary, delivery elk post office, bds G L Manning'. Manogue James, logger, res n w cor 9th and Jackson. Manwaring Edward, fruit stand n e cor Commercial and Wash­ ington, rms Thomas 11 Clancy. Maple Jacob, cattle driver J W Borst, rms People's Market Commercial. Maple West, cattle driver J W Borst, rms People's Market Commercial. March Wm S, boot black outside Grotto Saloon, rms California Lodging House. Marco Frederick (J A McBeath & Co), and carriage maker e s 2d bet Washington and Mill, res w s 3d bet Cherry'and. Columbia. • Marden Henry H, stmr capt, rms Central House. Mareno R, painter, rms e s Front bet Stewart and Virginia. Marker John, shoemkr, Jones & Son, res n s King bet 11th and 12th. Marrs R, with Washington Iron Works.

BOUGHT AND SOLD. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City and Connty Scrip Washington St., near Commercial. B _ _ __ «•» , • S' owning,rt acre tract, s ESHELMAN, Many Become Rich r_T5^ ___-Kj; Llewellyn & Co. » will prove in Seattle (Post Building.) 120 - SEATTLE CITY AND

Marsh Frank, boilermkr, res 19th bet Virginia and Lenora. Marsh Mary A, res e s 7th between Spring and Seneca. Marshal] Ezekiel L, rms S D Libby. Marshall J ames F, elk San Francisco store, rms 6 Colman blk. Martin diaries, mechanic, rms Isabella Ferguson. Martin H, fireman C & P S R R. Martin Henry G, grocer Lake Washington. Martin IT W, coachman Arlington Hotel. Martin Nicholas FI, yard master C & P S R R, res n e cor Commercial and Jackson. Martin Robert C, machinist 0 & P S R R, res n e cor Commer­ cial and Jackson, Martin Thomas, foreman Langston livery stable, rms 81 Wash­ ington. Mascoline Charles, fish market, foot of Columbia. Masel George T, butcher John C Masel, bds same. Masel John C, butcher n s Union bet 2d and 3d, res s s Union bet 6th and 7th. Masel Sylvester V, butcher John D Gardner, bds J C Masel. Mason Elmore E, steward, bds David H Hill. Matheson Angus R, fireman str Gazelle. Mathews Charles, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Mathews Patrick, laborer, bds Wisconsin House. Matthews Austin, cook, res 20 Wall. Matthias Franklin, res n s Main bet Commercial and 2d. Mattullach Barrel Manufacturing Co, Water bet Eagle and Lake. Mauer Henry, res n e cor 4th and Terrance. May James IT, lab, res e s 2d bet Battery and Wall. Mayhew A, ship carpenter Allen's ship ways. Mayhew Jacob, res 1010 Front. Meany Edmund S, Treasurer Post-Intelligencer, res e s 6th bet Spring and Seneca. Meaney Margaret (wid Stephen) bds Edmund S Meaney. Meari'y Stephen J, architect, rooms 13 and 14 Poncin blk, res same. Meeker George C (Boone & Meeker), res Tacoma. Meeker Henry FI, bkkpiyres w s 8th bet Union and Pike. Meggs J S, lighthouse keeper, res Mercer add. Megrath John, contractor, res w s 4th bet Lenora and Bianchard. ITIehlhorn August (Mehlhorn & Probst), res e s 2d 2 n of Columbia. Northern Pacific 1!£S2KT Palace Dining Cars Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. chilberg & co 7 • _vg-ea_ta.__re:_tsi.. 114 SEATTLE CITY AND

McCary John, propr Idaho saloon, res 219 Washington. McCauplaud Mrs Mary, bds Leonard P Smith. McClair James IT, printer Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, bds Caroline J Keith. McClaire Joseph Q, hostler Union livery stable, res n w cor 3d and Pine. McClaire Morton S (McClaire & Quirk), res e s 3d bet Marion and Madison. McClaire «fc Quirk (Morton S McClaire, James Quirk), Proprietors The Seattle Gallery, 719^ Front. McClanaghan Enoch, machinist, res s e cor 4th and Battery. McOlellan John L, laborer, res cor Bismark and Republican Lake Union. McColough Arthur A, painter Wm H McOolough, rms F Woodman. McColongh Wm H, house and sign painter foot of Columbia opp the bay, rms F Woodaman. McCoombs Frank, teamster, res w s 8th bet Pike and Pine. McConaha Miss Eugene, bds Ursula Wyekoff. McOonity , laborer, rms Grand Central lodging house. McConnell George F (G F McConnell & Co), res s e cor 8th and Mill. McConnell G F & Co (GeorgeF McConnell), prop Palace saloon, s e cor Columbia and Front. McConnell Mary A (widow James D), res s e cor 8th and Mill. McConnell Samuel, longshoreman, rms Mill Street House. McCormick Humes B, laborer Stetson & Post, res 711 8th nr Dearborn. McCormick James H, farmer, res e s 9th bet James and Cherry. McCormick Owen, railroad contractor, rms Mrs Dunning. McConville James, ship carpenter Allen's ship yard. McCowan David L, res n w cor Bell and 3d. McCrae Frank, clerk Peter Frederick. McCrea George, ship carp Allen's ship yd, rms Half Way House. McDairmed J, carpenter C & P S R R. McDanniel David A, teamster, res Lincoln bet 1st and 2d. McDaniel Jacob M, driver Peter Frederick, res cor Lincoln and 2d. UIcBermott James B, Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture 116 Cherry, Box 46, res s e cor 5th and Terrace. (Seepage 15.) McDevitt James, laborer, res foot of Stewart.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any classi OFFICE—Rooms 9 and lO Yesler-_eary Block. R. Gr. Caldwell, Dentist, All work fflrst-class and Cor. Mill and Front, Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. -warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 115

McDonald Alexander, milker Seattle dairy, rms W H Gleason &Co. McDonald Alexander N, laborer Gleason & Co, bds same. McDonald Charles, ship and machine blacksmith s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf, res 809 2d. McDonald Henry, laborer, bds 1919 Front. McBonald James R, Pres S L S & E R R Co, Pres Safe Deposit Co, Sec Satsop Railroad Co, Sec Seattle • Lumber Co, office Safe Deposit Bldg, res e s 3d 1 s of Pine. McDonald John C, blacksmith Charles McDonald, bcls Our House. IflcBonald John F, Cigar Mnfr, Choice Brands Cigars and Tobacco 220 Commercial, res w s 3d bet James and Jefferson. McDonald Joseph II, blacksmith Charles McDonald, rms Bruns­ wick Hotel. McDonald Mrs Mary, res w s 5th bet Jefferson and Terrace. McDonald & McAllep (Robert II McDonald, John WMcAllep), soap mnfrs Yesler wharf. McDonald Michael, saloon 112 Washington, res same. McDonald Robert II (McDonald & McAllep). McDonald , res South Seattle. McDonough Martin J, prop Bo K saloon, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d, res same. McDougall Colin, agent Seattle General Hospital, rms same. McDougall John B (Toklas & Singerman), bds Mrs Foster, 2d bet Cherry and Main. McDougall Malcolm, lumberman, res s w cor 3d and Spring. McEachern John, ship carp Allen's ship yard, res foot Union. McEfresh George 11, conductor C & P S R R, res s s Mill bet 5th and 6th. McElhatten Miss Bridget, ironer Seattle steam laundry, bds same. McElroy Belle (widow John), bds Henry Sheahan. McElroy James C, logger, res e s 3d bet Virginia and Lenora. McFaden C P, drayman 12th and Pine, res same. McFadden Robert M, cashier Merchants' National Bank, res cor 2d and Senaca. McFarland M, finisher Hall & Paulson. McFarlane Archibald, finisher, bds Walter McFarlane. McFarlane Louis G, painter, bds Walter McFarlane. McFarlane Walter, res e s 11th bet Stewart and Virginia. McFerrian Benjamin, hostler Union Livery stable, rms same.

Approved Security Opens the Bureau Money to Loan, Washington St,, near Commercial, Seattle. Choice Suburban^" Jjjgfc EsMllM, Llewellyn & Go.


McGee John W, blacksmith, res n e cor S 11th and Weller. McGilvra &, Blaine (John J McGilvra, Elbert F Blaine), Lawyers, Frauenthal Bldg. McGilvra John J (McGilvra & Blaine), bds Stetson-Post block. McGilvra R, laborer O I Co saw mill. McGinnis Edward W, cashier City dock, bds Arlington Hotel. McGinnis II, ship carp Allen's ship yard. McGinnis John, teamster, rms n e cor Commercial and Main. McGough James, painter,* e cor Front and Madison. McGraw Mrs Arra, dressmkr, bds Rowena McGraw. McGraw John IT, Co Sheriff, office Co Court House, res s s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. McGraw Rowena (wid Newton), res n e cor Cedar and 4th. McGraw Vick S, carp, res e s Front bet Bell and Bianchard. Mclnnis Hugh, ship carp, res w s 8th bet University and Union. Mclimis John, elk Occidental Hotel, bds same. Mclnnis Patrick, caulker Allen's Ship Yard, rms 503 8th. Mclntyre Charles, tinner Young & McKeon, bds Susan Mc- Intyre. Mclntyre James, plumber Young & McKeon, bds Susan Mc­ lntyre. Mclntyre John, baker California Bakery, res s e cor Front and Bianchard. Mclntyre Peter, elk, res n s Cherry bet 6th and 7th. Mclntyre Susan (wid Michael), res w s 7th bet University and Union. Mclntyre Wm, upholsterer A Vahlrush & Co, res 7th bet Union and Pike. Ulclsaac C B &, Co, Publishers Seattle and King County Directory, 110 Front Portland, Or. McKay Russell B, elk Northwest Fruit Co, rms s w cor Front and Madison. McKenna O, brakeman C & P S R R. McKenney —, lab, res s end w s Taylor. McKeon Daniel P (Young & McKeon), bds Occidental Hotel. McKeon Frank, helper Young & McKeon, rms Sarah J Russell. McKinlay David R, Dep Sheriff, res n e cor Main and 6th. McKinney David J, railroad conductor, res n e cor Commercial and Main. McKinnon Daniel, blacksmith Wm Beattie, rms J A McPhee. McKnight Alexander, elk Thomas Lyle, rms Margaret Mc- Knight. PS^S^SrWillSaveWneyyzfj^ u s Dep Mineral Whitworth & Thomson, ' Mai' n 'St.. opp. the Arlington^^^^. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 117

McKnight J Charles, elk Wald & Campbell, rms e s 2d bet Union and Pike. McKnight James, lab Western Mill Co, bds Margaret McKnight, McKnight Margaret (wid John), res e s 2d 1 s of Pike. McKnight Samuel, photographer, bds Margaret McKnight. McKowin Frank, teamster, bds Thomas McKowin. McKowin Miss Ida, dressmkr, bds Thomas McKowin. McKowin Thomas, ship carp, res w s 3d bet Vine and Cedar. McKuen Daniel, blksmtli, rms J A McPhee. McLaar Hugh, tinsmith, rms Charles McSorley. McLachlan Wm, house mover, res cor 10th and Lenora. McLaughlin Hiram C, watches and jewelry 612FVont, res same. McLaughlin John, elk A B Stewart, rms 619 Front. McLeod Alexander, barkeeper, rms Joseph Stephens. MeMaster Wm, propr Corner saloon, res s w cor 3d and Wash­ ington. McMicken Maurice (Struve, Haines & McMicken), res s w cor Union and 7th. McMillan Mrs Emma, dress maker, bds Daniel Graham. McMillan Malcolm, machinist Seattle Iron Works, bds James II Bowman. McMillin Lewis, chainman Whitworth & Thompson, res s e cor Edes and Kenney. McMullen Charles, laborer, res n s Main bet 7th and 8th. McrVaught, Ferry, McrVaught & Mitchell (James McNaught, Elisha P Ferry, Joseph F NcNaught, John IT Mitchell), Lawyers, McNaught's block e s Commercial bet Washington and Main. McNaught James, (McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell), res s e cor 4th and Spring. McNaught Joseph F (McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell), res e s 6th bet Columbia and Marion. McPhee James A, res w s 5th bet James and Jefferson. McPherson Miss Laura B, music teacher n w cor 7th and Jeff­ erson, res same. McPherson Nelson G S, accountant n. w cor 7th and Jefferson, rms same. McPherson Wm A, Staple and Fancy Groceries Occiden­ tal Square, res n w c*or 7th. and Jefferson. McPherson Mrs Wm A, teacher Trinity Parish School, res n w cor 7th and Jefferson. McRae Alexander, carpenter, res cor Prince and Kenney. 1" OI\ Manufacturers of Patent Saw-Mill Ma- I rHIim Xi KflW/Pri chinery, Mining; Machinery, Engines and I UlUIII %Sb UUYYGII Boilers, PORTLAND, Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vice-Cons id Sweden and Norway. A, Chilberg i Co, S. E. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 118 SEATTLE CITY AND

McRae Miss Emma, bds M McDougall. McRae Frank, clerk, bds A McRae. McRae Miss Laura, teacher, bds A McRae. McSorley Charles (McSorley & Co), res South Seattle. McSorley Charles II (McSorley & Co), res South Seattle. McSorley & Co (Charles and Charles II McSorley), milk depot, n w cor Mill and West. McSorley Hugh, laborer, res South Seattle. McSorley Hugh J, harness maker, res s s Jackson bet 2d and Commercial. McSorley James, laborer, res South Seattle. McSorley John, laborer, res South Seattle. McSorley Miss Susan, res South Seattle. McTeigh Michael, harnessmaker Burger & Booth, rms ss Spring bet Front and 2d. McWilliams James C, supt Spring Flill Water Works Lake Washington, res same. McWilliams John A, engineer Spring Hill Water Works Lake Washington, res same. _5v£ Macdonald J Forbes, Carpenter and Builder West near foot of .Columbia, res w s 2d bet James and Cherry. Macias Isabel, waiter, res e s 4th bet Washington and Main. Macias Mrs Mary, res e s 4th bet Washington and Main. Mac Iiitosh Angus, Treasurer Satsup Railroad Co, Seattle Lumber Co, Safe Deposit Co and President Merchants' Na­ tional Bank, res s e cor 3d and Univerity. Mack Flenry, bartender Cowles & Foster, rms same. Mack John II, stage manager Bijou Theatre, rms Grand Central lodging house. Macklem Mattie, res n w cor 4th and Main. Maculsky Alexander E, com merchant, bds Henry G Struve. Maddocks Mrs H Carrie, dressmaker Arcade bldg, res s w cor 9th and Seneca. Maddocks Frank, elk E Lobe & Co, bds s w cor 9th and Seneca. Maddocks Henry C, laborer, res s w cor Seneca and 9th. Maddocks Moses R, res e s 4th bet Cherry and Columbia. Maginnis George T (George T Maginnis & Co) res s w cor 9th and Jackson. Maginnis George T & Co (George T Maginnis, Wm J Black- well), props Seattle Soda works, 20 Mill. Through Tickets t.alp;,t EAST ISS Whitworth &- Thomson, ^S?^-^ V V _1 W VV Wi VH WW iUVIUUMi, Main Street, opp. tlie Arlington. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 121

Mehlhorn & Probst (August Mehlhorn, George Probst), Beer Hall, 723 Front, Meinen J Anton, Lunch Counter White Elephant Saloon, rms Blue Front saloon. Meister Alexander, barkeeper, bds George Meister. Meister George, propr Central saloon s e cor Front and Pike, res Cherry bet Front and 2d. Melby Gustav, cook California Bakery, bds same. Melhuish & Gerke (Wm Melhuish, Antone Gerke), reparing and cleaning, foot of Marion. Melhuish Wm (Melhuish & Gerke), res foot of Marion. Melse Edward W, clerk Auditor's office, res w s 6th 1 n of Union. Menden George, saloon race track, res same. Mendoza J Arthur, gymnast Bijou Theatre, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Merchant Andrew (R Merchant & Co), res 1105 Front. Merchant Robert (R Merchant & Co), res s s Pine bet Front and 2d. Merchant R & Co (Robert and Andrew Merchant), proprs Seat­ tle Candy factory, 1105 Front. Merchant's National Bank, A Macintosh President, W II Reeves Vice-President, R A McFadden Cashier, Safe Deposit bldg. Mercer Thomas, res Mercer add. Merrick Charles II, physician office 2124 Front, res Water bet Battery and Bell. Merwin Wm K, steambt capt, res e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Merrifield Alison, stone mason, res n s Pine bet 6th and 7th. Merryweather FYank, shingle mill, rms 1103 Front. Mesdag Taco, bkkpr, res n s Madison bet 6th and 7th. Metcalf M 0, plasterer, rms Western House. Metcalfe James B, Attorney-at-Law rooms 17 and 18 Poncin blk 637 Front, res s w cor 11th and Main. Meydenbauer Miss Minnie, bkkpr Eureka Bakery, bds Wm Mey- denbauer. Meydenbauer Wm, restaurant and bakery, res n e cor 3d and Co­ lumbia. Meydenbauer Wm jr, waiter Wm Meydenbauer, bds same. Meyer Herman, butcher Gold Bar Hotel, rms 112 Cherry. Meyers Hugo S, prop Senate Saloon, res n e cor Commercial and Jackson. Meyers Robert, moulder, bds Wisconsin House. ' _9 TI amm O&n BowenManufacturer gasSTIS;^s of Patent EngineSaw - Mill sMa an-d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine insurance A. Chilberg i Go. Cor Co3_3_eicial __.„ __5.11 _treets_ 122 SEATTLE CITY AND

Meyers Wm (E J Powers & Co), res n w cor Union and 6th. Michaels John, asst M A Kelly, bds n e cor 7th and James. Michael George F, elk Gordon Flardware Co, res n e cor 7th and James. Michel John, Custom Boot and Shoemaker Mill opp Com­ mercial, res n e cor 7th and James. Michigan Mill, D E Blaine prop, foot of Clay. Mickelson Charles, driver Seattle St R R Co, rms same. Middleton Robert, printer Post-Intelligencer, rrns w s 5th bet Union and Pike. Miles Thomas, clerk Charles Touch. Miles Thomas, laborer, res s w cor Front and Pine. Miles Ziba 0 (Waddell & Miles), res w s 2d bet James and Cherry. Milham Samuel, expressman, res Mercer's add. Milner Thomas J, Asst Supt C & P S R R, res w s Front bet Pike and Union. Miller Amsa S, res e s 3d bet Marion and Madison. Miller Andrew, carp, res Alley 7th bet Main and Jackson. Miller Augustus W, res Lincoln bet 4th and 5th. Miller Bros (Joel and Leander Miller), draymen, Gilmore's wharf foot of Seneca. Miller Charles I< Sr, Physician, Office 108 Cherry, res Melrose, King Co, P O box 44. Miller Christian, carp, res West bet Bianchard and Lenora. Miller Frank C, porter Schwabacher Bros & Co, rms Isabella Ferguson. Miller Henry W (Hughes & Miller), res e s 3d bet Madison and Marion. Miller Jacob, deckhand, rms James A McPhee. Miller Joel (Miller Bros), res w s 3d 2 n of Pike. Miller Leander (Miller Bros), res s e cor 2d and Madison. Miller Lorenzo, treas No 1 fire dept, bds Occidental Hotel. Miller Peter B M, Physician Arcade Bldg, res s e cor 5th and Cherry. Miller Sinclair, elk Wm C Heywood & Co, bds P B M Miller. Milligan Willis, bartender Arlington Hotel. Millner Lee, bartender, rms Esmond Hotel. Mill Street House, Lunn & Peters proprs, 11 Mill. Mills Ambrose L,carpenter,res w s 11th bet Madison and Spring. Mills Mrs Lizzie H, dressmaker over 133 Mill, res same. Mills Martin V, dep sheriff, res over 133 Mill.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of anV class. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-leary-Blttck, R. G. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor, Mill _ Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 123

Miners' Saloon, Louis Silvain propr, Yesler's wharf. Minick Frederick A, res Windsor House. Minor Thomas T, physician and pres P S Tel Co, Opera House block, res n e cor 12th and Cherry. Misener George, carpenter, res w s 4th bet Union and Pike. Mitchell Charles L, saddlery 113 Mill, res 7th bet James and Jefferson. Mitchell Oonstantine, fisherman, res foot Union. Mitchell David A, physician, res w s 3d 2 n of Seneca. Mitchell Frank J, carp, res s s Seneca, bet 6th and 7th. Mitchell James 0, auctioneer, rms Central House. Mitchell John B (McNaught, Ferry,McNaught & Mitchell), rms s e cor James and 2d. Mitchell Jonathan F T, ship builder, res e s Front bet Virginia and Lenora. Mitchell Mrs Matilda, bds John M Kollock. Mitchell & Sparling (Sydney Z Mitchell, Frederick II. Sparling), Surveyors, Civil Engineers and Electricians, 629 Front. (Seepage 169.) Mitchell Sydney Z (Mitchell & Sparling.) Mitchell —, bkkpr, rms Lewis VanDoren. Mittelstadt Martin, bds Mrs Carrie Boehmer. Moallenback Henry, lab, res 6th nr foot of King. Mock M A, mail carrier, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Model Brug Store, J M Lang & Co Proprietors, n e cor 3d and Union. Moen Benjamin, shoemkr e s 2d bet Mill and Washington, res same. Mohn J E, tinner John Leek, rms Anton P Andersen. Molina Mary (wid Amador), res e s 4th bet Terrace and Jef­ ferson. Molina Thomas, pantry boy Occidental Hotel, bds Mrs Mary Molina. "Monarch" Saloon, E J Powers & Co Proprietors, 34 Commercial. Monell Lizzie (wid Charles), bds n e cor 11th and Washington. Monroe David, bds J E Clark. Montgomery Alexander, cigars and tobacco 116 Commercial, bds New Arlington. Montgomery Frank C, Editor The Seattle Chronicle, res s s Pike bet 5th and 6th. Moody Wm, cook Esmond Hotel.

Business Broker, CEO. W.CRANE, SEATTLE, W. T. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.,REA L ESTATE & MOM BROKERS, Post _3_5.lcli_.g-- 124 SEATTLE CITY AND

Moody —, deckhand, rms Eureka Lodging House. Moon Daniel, tinner John Leek, res Lake Union dist. Moore Charles E, painter, bds Mrs Helen L Pearce. Moore David, lab, rms Tremont House. Moore Frank, ship carp, rms Half Way House. Moore George N, photographer 710 Front, res e s 9th bet Spring and Seneca. Moore Hank, ship carp Allen's ship ways. Moore Jane B (wid Horatio N), bds Mrs Helen L Pearce. Moore Mrs Mary M, chambermaid Ocean House, bds same. Moores Mrs Elizabeth C, dressmaker, res 2d bet Columbia and Cherry. Mora II Bros (Peter and Robert), Machinists and Engineers' Supplies, Yesler's wharf. Moran James, laborer, res w s 12th bet Plummer and Charles. Moran Miss Maggie, dressmaker, bds 416 Cherry. Moran Paul, machinist Moran Bros, bds Robert Moran. Moran Peter (Moran Bros), res s e cor Columbia and 9th. Moran Robert (Moran Bros), res n s Lenora bet 3d and 4th. Moran Sherman, blacksmith, bds Robert Moran. Moran Wm, moulder Penney & Kelley, res e s 9th bet Cherry and Columbia. Morgan George W (Morgan & Lawrence), res 920 Front. Morgan & Lawrence (George W Morgan, John P Lawrence), saloon, 920 Front. Morgan Wm, printer, rms Chronicle office. Morley John, lunch counter s w cor Commercial and,Washing­ ton, rms Grand Central hotel. Morris Miss Una, rms n e cor 8th and Weller. Morris Wm, laborer, res 520 8th. Morrisey David J, waiter Bijou Theatre, rms same. Morrisey Thomas, bartender Bijou Theatre, rms same. Morrison Frank, printer Chronicle, res s w cor 8th and Union. Morrison James, propr Pacific and Puget Sound soda works, res w s 8th bet Columbia and Cherry. Morrison Joseph, laborer, res Denny's 3d add. Morrison Robert C, carp Commercial mills, res 617 8th. Morse Charles W, carp, res n s Vine bet Front and 2d. Morse Melvin O, barkeeper Frank Smith, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Morse Willard A, propr Columbia House, n w cor 3d and Co­ lumbia.

PAIIESCERS Will Save Money wESs? Whitworth & Thomson, °tl^MS_T-


Morse Wm M, contractor arid builder, res and office e s 9th bet Pine and Olive. Morteson Martin, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Morton Charles, porter Schwabacher Bros & Co, res n e cor 6th and Washington. Mosbar Charles G, cook, bds John N Dennison. Mount Rainier Beer Hall, Charles Ross Propr, Yesler wharf. Mower Andrew, propr Opera saloon, res 108 Columbia. Mozley Henry L (col'd), barber Wm A Scott, rms cor Broadway and Mill. Mueller John, laborer Bay View brewery, res South. Seattle. Muir Walter, laborer, res Water bet Cedar and Vine. Mulford Dora (wid Frank), bds Sarah Nickerson. Mulhollam C R, logger, bds Wisconsin House. Mull Jacob, res Water bet Cedar and Vine. Muller Frederick, waiter, res 5th bet James and Jefferson. Mulson Kate, domestic David Kellogg. Mumford Urban- B, lawyer, 814-| Front, rms same. Munday Charles F (White & Munday), rms 809 2d. Munroe Wm, civil engineer, rms Columbia House. Munroe Wm F, capt Wm F Munroe, res w s Front bet Pike and Union. Murphy Benjamin (B Murphy & Co), res Ocean House. Murphy B & Co (Benjamin Murphy, James Glynn), props Ocean House, n s Main nr Ocean dock. Murphy George W, lab, res w s 9th n of Mill. Murphy James, engineer, rms 1103 Front. Murphy James, prop Old Bijou Saloon s e cor 3d and Wash­ ington, res same. Murphy John, prop Pike Street Meat Market s s Pike bet 4th and 5th, bds J D Thompson. Murphy John B, Manufacturer of Plaster Decorations foot of Madison, res same. Murphy J Luttrell, Atty Puget Sound Land, Loan and Abstract Assn, res n w cor 6th and Columbia. Murphy Miss Maggie, teacher, bds Michael Murphy. Murphy Michael, lab, res w s 7th bet Virginia and Lenora. Murphy Michael F, cigars and tobacco 815 Front, rms 1103 Front. Murphy Win P, policeman, res n w cor 6th and Seneca. Murphy —, planer Stetson & Post.

Millj Mining and WoodworUing Machinery, Engines and Eoilers, and Tjubricating Oils, Tatum & Bowen POBTl__V__T>. oxtE^oar. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange, A. Chilberg 1 Co, 1i. B . Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 126 SEATTLE CITY AND

Myers Bakery and Coffee House, Myers & Co props, 118 Com­ mercial. Myers & Co (Emanuel Myers, J F Erb), bakery, Commercial bet Mill and Washington. Myers Emanuel (Myers & Co), rms Frederick Bories. Myers Robert, moulder Washington Iron Works, bds Wisconsin House. Mylen F W, teacher, rms Orrin S Jones. 2ST Naher, Adolph F, elk Swabacher Bros & Co, bds Charles Naher. IVaher Charles, Watches and Jewelry Yesler-Leary block, res s w cor Mill and 7th. Naher Gus, watchmaker Charles Naher, bds Charles Naher. Neally James, tailor Samuel Kenney, res w s 2d bet Virginia and Stewart. Needham Arthur, clerk Samuel Kreidel, bds Arlington Hotel. Neff Charles, res 2d and Marion. Neiger Frederick, teamster Miller Bros, rms 1317 3d. Neil -, teamster, res Mercer's add. Neill Mrs Elizabeth, res e s 6th bet Pike and Pine. Neilson John, painter, lot 1 Yesler's 1st add.. Nelson Andrew S, cabinetmkr, rms Mathew Anderson. Nelson Andrew, laborer Spring Hill Yfater Co. rVelson Albert \* (Allen & Nelson), res n w cor 10th and Dearborn. Nelson Andrew M, laborer, res S Seattle. Nelson Benjamin W, sausagemaker City Meat Market, rms n e cor 3d and Mill. Melson Carl (W IT Gleason & Co), rms W H Gleason. Nelson Charles, laborer, res s e cor 6th and Pike. Nelson Charles, actor Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central lodg­ ing house. Nelson Charles, laborer, res w s 8th bet King and Weller. Nelson Frederick, 'longshoreman, rms Mill Street House. Nelson Hans, teamster, res w s 3d bet Bell and Bianchard. Nelson John, tailor 814-J Front, res same. Nelson Ole, shoemaker e s 2d bet Main and Washington, res same. Nesbit Harry, carpenter, res e s 12th 1 s of Catherine. Nesary Benjamin, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret A Nesary. Through Tickets T_2E5_ EAST __&_£ OFFICE—Rooms 9 and lO ITesler-lieary Bloek. R. A. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor, Will and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 127

Nesary John, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret A Nesary. Nesary Margaret A (wid John II), res n e cor 7th and Lenora. Nesary Miss Telitha, dressmaker, bds Mrs Margaret A Nesary. Nesary Thomas, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret A Nesary. Nesary Wm, laborer, bds Mrs Margaret A Nesary. Nester John, architect Commercial Mill, res e s Front bet Pine and Pike. Neuman & Argens (Louis Neuman, Henry Argens), gun and locksmiths, e s Commercial bet Washington and Main. Neuman Louis (Neuman & Argens), res n s James bet 6th and 7th. Neven Patrick, laborer Seattle Nursery. New Depot Saloon, Win E Townsend propr, 313 Commercial, res s e cor 8th and Columbia. New England Botel, Mrs L 0 Harmon Propr, n w cor Commercial and Main. (See page 5.) Newell Allen, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Newell Fred W, bkkpr George Newell,- bds same. Newell ©eorge, Saw and Planing Mill and Box Factory South Seattle, res same. (See page 28.) Newman Solomon, tailor, e s 2d bet Mill and Washington, res same. Newton Michael, lawyer, cor Front and Columbia. Nichols Edward, steamboat capt, rms Mrs M J Nichols. Nichols George, fisherman, res Water bet Madison and Spring. Nickels Edward, elk Schwabacher Bros & Co, bds e s 3 bet Pike and Union. Nickels Mrs Francis E, teacher Denny School, res e s 3d bet Uuion and Pike. Nickerson Sarah II (wid Andrew), res s e cor 7th and Virginia. Nielson Peter, sausage maker City Meat Market, rms s e cor Cherry and Front. Niesz Uriah B (Niesz, Whittlesey & Co), res nee cor 9th and Cherry. Niesz, "Whittlesey & Co (U R Niesz, W H & C F Whit­ tlesey), Real Estate, Complete Abstracts of Title to all lots and lands in King County, Titles Examined, Loans Nego­ tiated, Collections Made, Safe Deposit bldg. (See lines on cover!) Nightengale Miss Selina, dressmkr A C Fisher, bds same. Nilson John, tailor II Bode. WTT\¥MPLOYMENT BUREAU, ""^XSL, Seattle. t33-$fiR- U installments. SZ CO. (Post Building.) 128 SEATTLE CITY AND rSTilson John, night watchman San Francisco Hotel, bds same. Ninouse Pierre, laundryman Mme Laclenal, res e s Commercial bet King and Jackson. Nixon John C, Director the A P Hotaling Co, res n e cor Commercial and Main. Nolop John G, coachman Hotel Brunswick, res cor Lake and and Filbert. Norager Charles E, miner, res e s Front bet Pine and Pike. Norden Beer Hall, Frederick Homan prop, s e cor Mill and 2d. Norden Herman J, Sec Lake Union Mnf Co, bds A J Charleston. Morman Hamilton, logger George Newell. Nordvest Kusten, FVans Lagerlof editor and prop, published twice monthly, foot of Columbia opp the Bay. Norris James, lab, res e s 5th bet Mill and Washington. Norris Thomas, sawyer, res w s 9th bet Pine and Pike. Norris Thomas, gardener, bds James Norris. Norton Edwin D, prop New England Hotel bar, res e s 8th bet Dearborn and Lane. Northrup Benson L,teacher Denny School, bds George VanDyke. Northern Pacific Brewery, A Slorah propr, Lincoln bet 5th and 6th. North Pacific News Co, John Stratman prop, Mill below, post office. Northwestern Cracker Co, Capt David Gilmore pres, Joel P Reynolds vice pres, Charles Craig treas, Wm A Jennirig sec, w s Front bet Spring and Seneca. Northwest Fruit Go, Joseph Green mangr, Mill next postoffice. Northern Pacific Express Co, Wm H Pumphrey agt, w s Com­ mercial bet Washington and Mill. Norwold Henry A, tailor, s s Mill opp postoffice, res n e cor Pike and Front. Nowell Miss Elizabeth, domestic Mrs Kriedel. Nugent James, capt str Success, address on board. Nunan Frederick J, machinist 0 & P S R R, bds Thomas Nunan. Nunan Thomas, ship carp, res e s 9th bet Spring and Seneca. Nunan Thomas E, upholsterer, bds Thomas Nunan. Nunan Mathew D, elk San Francisco store, bds Thomas Nunan. Nursery Miss Q, dressmaker Mine DeGraf, res Lenora near 7th. Nymman John G, lab, res rear of W V Rinehart & Go's store 8th st. Northern Pacific 'SKK" Palace DMi Cars. Office Business Promptly accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson,Main St.,3 opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Oak Lodging House, John T Beadle prop, over Oak Restaurant s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Oak Restaurant, Short and Stevens props, s s Washington nr Commercial, res. same. (See page 14.) Oakley N L, sticker Hall & Paulson Furniture Co, res n e cor Commercial and Jackson. O'Brien George, tel opr, rms Ursula Wycoff. O'Brien George M jr, tel opr W UTel Co, rms e s 2d bet Cherry and James. O'Brien Michael, shoemaker, res s s Jackson bet 5th and 6th. O'Brien Philip D, florist, res cor West and Virginia. O'Brien Terence, logger, res n s King bet 8th and 9th. Occidental Hotel, John Collins prop, Occidental block. Ocean House, B Murphy & Co props, n s Main nr Ocean Dock. O'Connor Maurice, bds Ocean House. O'Conner Michael, res Albert bet 5th and 6th. Office Saloon, Oliver Bernard Prop, Wines Liquors and Cigars, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. O'Hara Charles F, saloon cor Battery and Front, res same. Ohm N S, res Pontius 2d add. Olander Robert, lab, bds Villard House. Olbart George, waiter Saddle Rock Restaurant, res e s 2d nr Pine. Olbrich Mrs Mathilda, dressmkr, bds Matthias Bailey. Old Depot Saloon, Henry Kersay prop, e s Commercial bet Jackson and Main. Oldfield James, foreman, res Bismark st Lake Union. Oleson Matilda, domestic Peter B M Miller. Oleson Otto, lab O I T Go's saw mill, res n s Terrace bet 6th and 7th. Oliver Lewis, steamer capt, res s e cor 8th and Marion. Olney Leroy, bds C C Austin. Olson John, lab, res n s Dearborn bet 9th and 10th. Olson Ole, lab, res n s Dearborn bet 9th and 10th. O'Neil Magnus, bartender Blue Front Saloon, rms same. On Tai & Co, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, 125 Mill. Opera Chop House, Mrs Mary J Wright prop, opp opera house, Front street. Opera Exchange Saloon, Morgan & Lawrence props, 920 Front. Opera Saloon, Andrew Mower propr, Marion opp opera house.

. fl S_ liuforicating, Compound and Cups, Cyl- T arad w alum & Bowen ^ -^s__™, <>__ Fire, Life and Accident Insurance .A. chiiberg&co.


Oregon Improvement Co, F A Bell mangr, cor Commercial and King. Oregon Improvement Go's saw mill, Wm E Burgess foreman, foot of Main. O R & N Co City Dock foot Main, Wm Van Waters agt. Oroke & Littell (M F Oroke, O B Littell), props Seattle Steam Jobbing Works, n s Union bet 2d and 3d. Oroke Milliard F (Oroke & Littell), res w s 8th bet Stewart and Virginia. Orphan's Home, under the auspices of the Ladies' Relief So­ ciety, Depot bet Howard and Albert. - Orr Andrew, rms 1103 Front. Orr James (col'd), head waiter Arlington Hotel. Orth Adam, Boot and Shoe Manfr and Dealer, 714 Front, res same. Orteig Clement, steward Cosmopolitan Restaurant, bds same. Orteig Jacques, Propr Cosmopolitan Restaurant, res same. Osborn Benjamin T, carp, lot 5 blk 12 McLeary 2d add. Osborn James W, logger O I Go's mill, res w s 7th 1 n of Seneca. Osborn Richard, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, room 4 Post building, res W s 2d bet Stewart and Virginia. Osborne Eben S (Hill, Osborne & Go), res s w cor 4th and Seneca. Osgood Frank H, Treas SLS&ERRCo and Pres Seattle St Ry Co, res n e cor Madison and 7th. O'Shea Patrick, propr California Saloon, s s Mill bet 2d and 3d. O'Sullivau David, section hand S 0 & Puget Sound R R, bds Villard House. Otis Clark 0, general missionary for Western Washington, res n w cor 4th and Lenora. Our Mouse, Wm Grose Propr, s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf. PALAOETRESTAU RANT, HABEY E. BAYLIS Proprietor. <^*s—Colman Row Front Street.—^s^>

Perfect in all its Departments. Private Rooms for Ladies. Regular Meals. Special Orders Cooked at the Lunch Counter, which is Open Day and Night. IHyRegular Board at Reasonable Rates. Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific S CHANGE OF CARS of any class. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and lO Yesler-Leary Block. H. A. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor. Mill and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 131

Pacific Coast Steamship Co Ocean Dock foot Main, Wm Van Waters agt. Pacific Drug Store, Clericus & Korn props, cor Front and Mad­ ison. Pacific Market, John D Smith prop, n e cor Front and Pike. Pacific and Puget Sound Soda Works, James Morrison prop, 7171 Front. Pacific Oakum Factory, Gordon Hardware Co Agents, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover!) Packard —, res South Seattle. Packard Mrs Mary, res s s Cherry bet 10th and 11th. Page B L, farmer, res Lake, Lake Union. Page H II, farmer, res Lake, Lake Union. Page Isaiah H, farmer, res Lake, Lake Union. Palace Meat Market, Louis Steen prop, 814 Front. Palace Restaurant, II R Baylis Prop, 809 Front. (See adv opp,) Palace Saloon, G F McConnell & Co props, s e cor Columbia and Front. Palace Saloon, John Shepich prop, West nr Mill, res same. Palmer Alfred Iv, Attorney-at-Law and Notary, Poncin blk 637 Front, res s e cor 2d and Lenora. Palmer Miss Carrie V, student A L Palmer, bds same. Palmer Lincoln E, apprentice F A Keene, res s e cor 11th and Jackson. Pancoast Albert, switchman, res e s 8th bet Dearborn and Lane. Pantheon Billiard Hall, Wm ¥ Allen Prop, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 30 Commercial. Pantheon Building, w s Commercial bet Main and Washington. Parmelee Thomas T, bds Beriah Brown. Park House, Pritchard & Smith Props, race track. Parke James, contractor and builder, res n s Mill cor 6th. Parke & ]_acy, Mining and Mill Machinery and Supplies, 66 N Front Portland Ore. (Seepage opposite.) Parker Mrs Abby, res e s Front bet Virginia and Lenora. Parker Andrew, carp, rms n e cor 3d and Union. Parker Charles W, clerk Hasbrouck & Terry, res e s Front bet Union and Pike. Parker Frederick A, foreman sawyer Stetson & Post, res s e cor Plummer and 10th.

MftnQM If! I flQfl Approved Security Opens the Bureau, iYBUIlUJ IU LUOlll Washington St., nearCommercial, Seattle, Ao e ts Choice Suburban FO;R0 SALRsE Eshelman, Llewellyn & Go.


Parker Georp-e W, waiter Occidental Hotel, bds same. Parker Isaac, machinist, res n s Marion bet 5th and 6th. Parker Isaac F (Cochran & Parker), res 903 Front. Parker James E, carp, res Water bet Cedar and Vine. Parkhurst Arthur, elk Yesler's wharf, rms same. Parkhurst Harriet (widow Henry), res e s 2d 1 n of Cherry. Parkhurst Harry, elk' San Francisco Store, bds n e cor Cherry and 2d. Parent ©liver, Prop Logger Saloon, s s Mill opp Post Office, res same. Parsons Miss Flora, teacher Denny School, bds Mercer's add. Partridge Reuben B (Bianchard & Partridge), res e s 9th bet Cherry and. James. Patchell Frank, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Wagon Road Co. Paterson John, boilermaker Penney & Kelly, bdsVillard House. Patrick Herbert, tinner, res West bet Lenora and Virginia. Paulson Erasmus, carpenter, res w s 10th bet Howell and Stewart. Paulson Paul (Hall & Paulson Furniture Co), res n s Main 1 w of 11th. Paulson Paul, pile driver, res n s Main near 11th. Payne James H, carpenter, res cor Harrison and Temperance. Peacock Charles, carpenter, res w s S 11th nr Plummer. Pearce Helen L (widow Wm), teacher Central School, res n s Spring bet 7th and 8th. Pearl Wm II, cook Occidental Hotel, bds same. Pease Hiram H, house renter, res n w cor 8th and Spring. Pease Mrs Margaret D, Millinery 710 Front, res same. Pearson John P, first mate T F Oakes, res n w cor Madison and 11th. Peiser Eliza (wid Nathan), res s s Marion bet 3d and 4th. Peiser Theodore E, Photographer, cor 2d and Marion, res w s 3d bet Columbia and Marion. See page 6.) Peel P, tinner T B Elder. Pelly Bernard, res s w cor 6th and Madison. Penfield Anna L, teacher Central School, bds Norman Penfield. Penfield Floyd, clerk, bds Norman Penfield. Penfield Howard, sailor, bds Norman Penfield. Penfield Lima, teacher, bds Norman Penfield. Penfield Norman, sec Seattle Gas Light Co, res n w cor Pine and 8th. Penfield Russell, app Washington Iron Works, bds Norman Penfield.

TS PAHESOERS Will Save Money ™™E u s DepMineral Whitworth & Thomson, --Mai-- n St.' , opp. the^0^.. Arlington. .


Penman Henry, steward, bds I D Hull. Penner Henry C, carpenter, res Moltke st Lake Union. Penner Gustav E, cabinetmkr, res Lake Union. Penney

Delamater Steam Pumps, Eclipse Tur­ bine Water Wheels, Knibner and Tatum & Bowen Leather Belts, POKTLABTO, OR. COM MiSSiONI MERCHANTS, A. Chilberg! Co.: Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. —. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 134 SEATTLE CITY AND

Philbrick Gilman T, tallyman, res s w cor 13th and Catherine. Phillips Hugh 0, student, res n s Spring bet 7th and 8th. Phillips John, surveyor, rms Joseph Stevens. Phillips Joseph, res foot of Bianchard. Phillips Wm R, laborer Seattle Iron Works, res w s West bet Battery and Wall. Phillips Rachel (wid James II), res ss Bianchard bet 3d and 4th. Phinney Guy 0 (G C Phinney & Co), res s e cor James and 12th. Phinney G C & Co (Guy 0 Phinney), banking and real estate dealers, Post bldg. Phinney James F, lumberman, resn e cor 8th and Spring. Pickard Dudley P, carp, res Lincoln bet 4th and 5th. Pickering' Joseph F, Assistant Business Manager to G. K Beede's Theatrical Circuit, rms 1103 F>ont. Pierce Rev D J, pastor 1st Baptist Church and teacher Univer­ sity of W T, res 9th. and Terrace. Pike Street Market, John Murphy prop, s s Pike bet 4th and 5th. Pillman & Wright (Wm T Pillman, Orlando S Wright), furni­ ture and second hand store, s s Cherry bet Front and 2d. Pillman Wm T (Pillman & Wright), res ns Pike bet 2d and 3d. Pinckney Joshua B, farmer, res Nagle add, Pinckney Wm, policeman, res n e cor Bell and 3d. Pinkham Albert S, res Aloha bet Elaine and Cnshing. Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mill, CI Esmonin prop, 110 Cherry. Piper Andrew W, Bakery and Confectionery 617 Front, res w s 11th bet Pike and Pine. (See page 7.) Piper Charles V, elk Andrew Piper, bds same. Piper Herman J, candy maker A WPiper, rms 117 Front. Piper James E, elk A W Piper, bds A W Piper. Piper Paul A, printer Post-Intelligencer, rms A W Piper. Piper Miss Tillie J, teacher Central School, bds Andrew W Piper. Placke Miss Christina, dressmaker, bds D Rohlts. Plasker Joseph, wTaiter Arlington Hotel. Plough Christian C, Danish Vice Consul, res w s 9th bet Olive and Stewart. Plough Christian $, Proprietor Villard House, res same. Plough Soren W, cook Villard House, bds same. Plum O E, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Plummer Elwood E, lab O I Go's Saw Mill, res foot of King nr 7th. Through Tickets ^Zrit EAST IKE* OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 1 O Yesler-Ieary Block. E. G. CALDWELL, Dentist, All rvork first-class and _ Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 135

Plummer Edward II, watchman C & P S R R, res n w cor 2d and Jackson. Plummer Mrs S I, res n w cor Jackson and 2d. Poindexter Chalmers, bkkpr, res s e cor Pike and 5th. Police Court, Gordon Hardware bldg, GA Hill Justice. Pollock James, elk Samuel Kenny, res n w cor 6th and Main. Poole Arthur, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Poole Wm W, carpenter, res e s 6th bet Union and Pike. Poncin Gamma, propr Poncin block 637 Front, res n w cor 4th and Marion. Pontius Albert M, real estate, bds Mrs M J Pontius. Pontius Frank, druggist, res w s 7th bet University and Union. Pontius Lincoln IT, real estate, bds Mrs M J Pontius. Pontius Mrs Margaret J, Real Estate n w cor Front and Madison, res same. Post John J (Stetson & Post), res 1 Stetson & Post bldg 2d st. Post Office, Mill opp Commercial. Powell "EJaf , President of University of Washington Territory, res University grounds. (See adv.) Powell Mrs L J, supt boarding deparment University of W T, res University grounds. Powell Miss Nellie G, teacher University of WT, res University grounds. Power John M, blacksmith e s 2d bet Pine and Pike, res n w cor Box and John. Power Thomas J, res Denny's 3d add. Powers Catherine (wid Nicholas), res e s 4th bet Pike and Pine. Powers Edward J (E J Powers & Co), res n s Union bet 4th and 5 th, opp University grounds. Powers E J" & Co (Edward J Powers, Wm Myers), Proprs Monarch Saloon, 34 Commercial. Powers James, stone cutter, rms 911 Front. Powers James, stone cutter, res 11th bet Virginia and Lenora. Powers John, laborer Puget Sound brewery, res race track. Powers Mrs Mattie, dressmkr, e s 11th bet Virginia and Lenora. Pratley Richard, bricklayer, res cor 2d and Columbia. Pratt Putnam R, fruit grower, res Mercer add. Prendegast Henry, driver New England hotel, bds same. Preston Mrs Elma A, bds Peter Mclntyre. Preston George II, lawyer room 11 Kennedy block, res s w cor 6th and Madison. Preston Harold (Carr & Preston), rms Wm Blackman.

BOUGHT AISTL) SOLD. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City anfl County Scrip -Washington St., near Commercial. By owning acre tracts ESHELMAN,!! Many Become Hich ?_T5sr___"sn; Llewellyn & Co. » will Drove in Seattle (Post Building.) 136 SEATTLE CITY AND

Preston Nehemiah, milkman, res n w cor 9th and Stewart. Preston Otis W, lumberman, res Mercer add. Preston Wm L, lumberman, res Mercer add. Preston W T, surveyor, res s w cor 6th and Madison. Price G- Willis, Dentist, rms 2 and 3 Kenny block n e cor Front and Columbia, rms same. (See inside back cover!) Price James, moulder Washington Iron Works Co, rms Lewis II Tenny. Pritchard MrsLCJ (Wash & Pritchard), bds Mrs W A Wash. Pritchard & tester (Richard Pritchard, John T Lester), Proprs Arcade Saloon, s w cor Washington and 2d. Pritchard Uichard (Pritchard & Lester and Pritchard & Smith), Saloon e end Jackson nr Lake Wasington, res same. Pritchard & Smith (Richard Pritchard, Thomas Smith), Proprs Park House and Race Track, Race Track. Probst George (Mehlhorn & Probst), res s s Mill bet 8th and 9th. Proctor Gardiner, farmer, res Mercer island. Prosch Charles, printer Post-Intelligencer, res w s Front bet Pike and Pine. Prosch Chester, printer Post-Intelligencer, bds w s 4th near Virginia. Prosch Frederick, foreman Post-Intelligencer, res w s 4th bet Virginia and Lenora. Prosch Thomas W, M.ngT Post-Intelligencer,res wsFront bet Pike and Pine. Providence Hospital, Conducted by Sisters of Charity, Sister Peter of Alcantara Superioress, e s 5th bet Madison and Spring. Pruce J, Washington Iron Works. Puget Sound Hrewery, Sweeney & Co, Proprs Race Track. (Seepage 28.) Puget Sound Furniture Co, John Leary pres, D T Wheeler sec, T D Clark mngr, M Anderson supt, 909 Front. Puget Sound Hide Co, Wool Pullers, Dealers in Wool and Tanners, David Kellogg Mngr, Yesler's wharf. Puget Sound Iron Works, Wm Campbell pres, J C Kellogg sec, John R Williamson supt, e s Front bet Madison and Uni­ versity. Puget Sound Land, Loan and Abstract Association, Edward P Edson pres, Junius Rochester sec, J Luttrell Murphy atty, rms 3 and 4 Odd Fellows' blk cor Front and Marion. Northern Pacific ^KKf PalaceDinina Cars , ar Whitworth & Thomson, Mai___^i«^»?j_^^?e?™n Street, opp. the Arlington**™ . KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 137 Puget Sound National Bank of Seattle The, Bailey Gatzert Pres, Elisha P Ferry Vice Pres, Jacob Furth Cashier, Occidental Block. Puget Sound Sign Works, Harris & Greenus props, opp Opera House Marion st. Puget Sound Stone Yard, Wm M Karkeek propr, s s Mill near Yesler's wharf. Puget Sound Telegraph Co, Wm H Llewellyn Mngr, s s Cherry nr cor 2d. Pumphrey Thomas R, Insurance 718 Front, rms Moses A Keezer. Pumphrey Wm II (W II Pumphrey & Co) N P Exp agt, res s e cor 8th and Pine. Pumphrey W H & Co (W II Pumphrey), Books, Station­ ery and Musical Instruments and N P Express Agents, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Pundt Benjamin, carpenter, bds James Tannar. Purcell James, carp 0 & P S R R, bds San Francisco Hotel. Q Quail Frank, laborer, Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Go. Quail Frank, cook, rms Esmond Hotel. Quan Woo, Chinese laundry, Jackson below Commercial. Qualle Miss Betsey, dressmkr A G Fisher, bds same. Quartman Peter J, bootmkr John Michel, rms same. Queen City Bakery, Wm Ritterloff prop, 915 Front. Queen Chop House, George L Rice prop, 34 Commercial. Queen of the Pacific Saloon, Frank Smith prop, Main below Oommercial. Quigley Patrick, laborer, rms e s 7th bet Lenora and Bianchard. Quilter James M, clerk Gordon Hardware Co, rms w s 5th bet Jefferson and Terrace. Quinn John, musician Bijou Theatre, rms cor 2d and Cherry. Quinn John, waiter Occidental Hotel, bds same. Quirk James (McClaire & Quirk), rms s s Columbia bet 2d and 3d. Quong Ohong Co, genl store, e s 3d bet Washington and Mill. Quong Tong Yuen & Co, groceries, w s 3d bet Main and Wash­ ington. Quong Wa, laundry s s Washington bet 3d and 4th. Quong Wing Co, genl store, e s 3d bet Mill and Washington.

Welamater Steam Pumps, Eclipse Tur­ bine Water Wheels, Rubber and Tatum & Bowen Leather Belts, PORTLAND, OK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance A. Chilberg i Go. Cor Coraraercial __._ __ill Streets. 138 SEATTLE CITY AND


Radloff Wm, baker, res 4th bet Madison and Main. Ragen Thomas, expressman, res 1 s of Thygsen's grocery store. Rainer Charles, waiter Arlington Hotel. Randall A, mechanic, res Nagle add. Randolph Joseph II, cook, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lenora. Randolph Miss Mary, teacher of painting, bds Simon P Ran­ dolph. Randolph Preston B, engineer str Edith, bds Simon P Randolph. Randolph Simon P, capt str Edith, res n w cor Columbia and 11th. Ranke Otto, contractor, res n s Pike bet 4th and 5th. Rappoport Max, clerk Alexander Montgomery, rms Columbia House. Raisin U M, lawyer, bcls Occidental Hotel. Rathbone Edward, laborer Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Rauenzahn Daniel, foreman S Coulter & Sons' ranche, res same. Raymond George F (Treen, Raymond & Tnrrell), res e s 9th bet Spring and Seneca. Raymond Walter A, secretary, bds Herman B Bagley. Readman James, sec Washington Iron Works Co, bds Occi­ dental Hotel. Redding Henry, watchman Arlington Hotel. Redding Miss Louise, tailoress M Finkelstein, rms Front nr Pine. Reddish Jo T (Calkins & Reddish), rms 1103 Front. Reed Helen B (widow John G), res Lake Washington. Rees James A, cook John Mofley, rms Grand Central Hotel. Reeves Wm H, vice pres Merchants' Nat Bank, res n w cor Seneca and 3d. Regan James, carp, res Madison, Nagle add. Reid David F, carp, res n s Pike 1 e of 3d. Reilly Wm, shipper F S Ohadbourne & Co, rms Denny blk. Reinig Leonard, grocer, res s e cor 5th and Madison. Reitze Charles, foreman sash and door factory Commercial Mills, res 9th and Dearborn. Reitze Charles F, lumberman, res n e cor Charles and 10th. Reitze John B, machinist, res 619 8th. Rengstorff John H (P J Lair & Co), rms 613 Front. Requa & Giering (II J Requa, A E Giering), watchmakers, 609-| Front.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of anv class. OFPICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-lea/ry-Rlock, B. C-. CALDWELL, Dentist All %vork first-class and Cor.^lVlill _ Front,entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 139

Requa Henry I (Requa & Giering),res Columbia bet Front and 2d. Reuh John, wagonmaker A W Benson, res s e cor 5th and Wash­ ington. Reynolds Edward, bkkpr, rms Butler's bldg. Reynolds Hiram, teamster, res Madison nr loth. Reynolds John, bartender Old Bijou Saloon, rms same. Reynolds Joel P, vice pres N W Cracker Co, res s s Seneca bet 2d and 3d. Rhodes L, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Rice Adam, carp, res s s James bet 10th and 11th. Rice Frank E, elk G Davies & Co, bds Mrs Ripley. Rice George L, prop Queen City Chop House,rms Pantheon bldg. Rich Charles 0, real estate, res Rollin, Lake Union. Richards George G, upholsterer James D McDermott, res e s 11th bet Pike and Pine. Richards Wm, laborer, res Water bet University and Seneca. Richards —, machinist, bds Ocean House. Richardson Frederick, farmer, bds n e cor Charles and 10th. Rickard Darius W, laborer, bds A C Fisher. Ridge Lawn Poultry Yards, Edward A Turner Prop, Ridge 1-| miles s of Postoffice. Rinehart Miss Anna M, bds Wm V Rinehart. Rinehart Wm V (Wm V Rinehart & Co), res w s 8th bet King and Weller. Rinehart Wm V jr, student, res Wm V Rinehart. Rinehart WT&Co (Wim V Rinehart, Mitchell Cos- topech), Grocers, w s 8th bet King and Weller. Ripley Charles H, farmer, res Edes & Knight's add. Ripley Joseph M, boarding house, res s e cor 2d and Cherry. Ritterhoff Wm, propr Queen City Brewery, 915 Front, res 1103 Front. Roach Alexander, mariner, res w s Front bet Virginia and Stewart. Roach Charles, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Roan tree James, musician Bijou Theater, res same. Bobbins Luther M, contractor, res w s 2d. bet Virginia and Lenora. Roberts Edward, lab, res Water bet University and Seneca. Roberts Franklin W, painter s s Columbia bet Front and 2d, rms L H Graves. Roberts John, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Roberts Timothy -P, carp, res S Seattle. B ok er GEO. WTCRANE, =L?; T REAL ESTATE & MOM BROKERS, Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co,J Post _3_lia.i_.g-. 140 SEATTLE CITY AND

Robertson Wm, bkkpr Waddell & Miles, res n e cor 2d and Seneca. Robinson Mrs Catherine H, dressmkr, res s s Cherry over tel­ egraph office. Robinson George, logger, rms West End House. Robinson Mrs 0 Henrietta, dressmaker Mme DeGraf, res Cherry bet 2d and Front. Robinson Miss Pauline, student, bds Mrs Ripley. Rochester James, lawyer Poncin block 637 Front, res n e cor Pine and 2d. Rockman Louie, bartender O K Saloon, rms 911 Front. Rodgers Wm T, engineer C & P S R R, res Alley Commercial st bet Jackson and King. Rodgers W T, engineer 0 & P S R R. Rodman Mrs Ida, rms 113 Washington. Roger's Bolton, clerk, res w s Commercial bet Main and Jack­ son. Rogers Bolton, bartender, res w s Commercial near Main. Rogers Nathaniel L, elk D E Durie, res n e cor 3d and Lenora. Rohlfs Deidrick, cabinetmkr Hall & Paulson, res n e cor Clay and 2d. Rohne Paul E, sexton Episcopal Church, res w s 2d bet Main and Washington, Rombley John, ship carp Allen's Ship Ways. Romey Ernst, Prop Seattle Brewery, res n s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. s Ronald James T, Attorney-at-Law and Prosecuting At­ torney for King, Kitsap and Snohomish Counties, rooms 15 and 16 Poncin block 637 Front, res s w cor Broadway and Prince William. Root Orlando G, physician Yesler-Leary block, res 1836 Front. Root -—, lab, res n w cor 8th and Lenora. Roper James, hostler J F McNaught, rms same. Rossburg Emma, domestic F W Wald. Roseburg Henry, carpenter, res Denny's 3d add. Rose James T, fruit stand s e cor Washington and 3d, res n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Roseman Frederick, waiter Occidental Hotel, bds same. Rosenberg Samuel (L Kline & Co), bds Arlington Hotel. Rosenherg Joseph, of L K G Smith, res s e cor Front and Madison. Rosenburg Henry W, laborer, res s e cor Jackson and Bush. ,_&____ Will Save Money ™™& Whitworth & Thomson, ^5ZZi5&£?


Ross Charles, Proprietor Mount Rainier Beer Hall, rms w s 3d bet James and Mill. Ross David, solicitor, res Lake and Randolph. Ross J, shuteman 0 & P S R R. Ross Robert, ship carp Allen's ship ways., Rostein Louis A, clerk Seattle Bazaar, bds e s Front bet Madi­ son and Spring. Rothschild E S, director The A P Hotaling Co, res Portland. Rott Victor, propr Central Barber Shop 805 Front, rms Colum­ bia House. Rouhlac J II, clerk C P Stone, rms L G Boren. Rown L S, real estate Stone bldg Front opp Cherry, res s s Union bet 7th and 8th. Ruden J, rms 1103 Front. Ruden Oran F, pattern maker Washington Iron Works Co, rms Brown's bldg. Rueckriem Charles, baker A W Piper, rms 617 Front. Ruff George C, laborer, res 2d bet Clay and Lake. Rufus Nicholas, fisherman, res Water bet University and Seneca. Ruh John, carriage maker, bds A W Benson. Russell Robert, drayman, res s e cor 4th and James. Russell Sarah J (wid Thomas S), music teacher, res s e cor 3d and Cherry. Russell Samuel, carp, res s w cor Cherry and 4th. Russell Wm, clerk London Tea Co, bds Sarah J Russell. Ryther Noble E, laborer, res Mill e of Hyde. S Safe Deposit Co, J R McDonald President, A Macintosh Secretary and Treasurer, Front opp Cherry. Sage John 0, baker A W Piper, rms Brown's block. Sander, Fred E, Real Estate s e cor Commercial and Mill, res s w cor 8th and Pine. Sanderson John H, res s w cor Seneca and 3d. Sanderson Isabella, domestic W J Blackwell. San Francisco Store, Toklas & Singerman Proprietors, s w cor Commercial and Washington. San Francisco Hotel, Olaf P Dahlquist Prop, s w cor Main and Commercial. Sanger Halle, Charles G Steinweg Prop, Yesler Wharf. Satsop Railroad Company, Isaac Dobson Pres, J R McDonald Sec, A Macintosh Treas, J W Currie Supt, office Safe Deposit bldg. TatuTT _ m &On Bowen Iiubricating— ™,d Compoun *rs_x___»«»d and Cups, Cyl-. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange, A. Chilberg i Co, S. E. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 142 SEATTLE CITY AND

S A R C Mfg Co, Guy C Phinney pres, Fred II Peterson sec and treas, Wm II Reeves, John Keenen, Guy C Phinney, directors, rm 1 Post bldg. S A R C Gazette, G 0 Phinney editor and prop, rm 1 Post bldg. Sauriol F M, ship carp, Allen's Ship Ways. Savage Charles, fisherman, rms Palace Saloon. Sawtell Albert, lab Commercial Mills, bds Albert Sawtell. Sawteli Albert P, lab Commercial Mills, bds Albert Sawtell. Sawtell Arthur M (JE Good & Co), res e s Green 2 sof Jackson. Sawtell Mrs M E (John E Good & Co), res Jackson. Saylor J M, teacher University of W T, res University grounds. Scheuneman Charles, carp, bds St James Hotel. Schillestad Frank W, cabinet maker Ole Schillestad, bds 1909 Front. Schillestad Ole, Undertaker and Cabiuet Maker 112 Cherry, res 1909 Front. Schirman Henry, carp, bds St James Hotel. Schlossmacher Albert, merchant tailor 606 Front, res same. Schmid Lucus, carp, res Nagle add. Schmid Vidus, prop Concordia Saloon s s Mill opp post office, res n w cor 9th and Marion. Schmidt Arnold R, barber 606 Front, rms s s Marion bet 2d and 3d. Schnutcnhaus Leonard, Prop St James Hotel, cor 2d and Mill, res same. Schnyder Louis V, Prop Independence Saloon, West nr Mill. Schoemaker, Henry, cooper, bds Joseph E Clarke. Scholpp Frederick, brewer Bay View Brewery, res n s Lane bet 7th and 8th. Schone August, painter, res Rollin st Lake Union. Schram John (J Schram & Co), res s w cor Madison and 10th. Schram J Sc Co (John Schram, Alexander Korn), Stoves and Tinware, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. (See back cover.) Schricker & Adams (Wm E Schricker, Ilo Adams), Law­ yers, rooms 15 and 16 Kenney Block. (See front cover!) Schricker Wm E (Schricker & Adams), res w s 3d bet Pike and Pine. Schroeder Herman, cabinet maker Hall & Paulson. Schultz Julius, helper Young & McKeon, bds Mrs Rosa Schultz. Schultz Moses, apprentice L Kline & Co, bds Mrs Schultz. Through Tickets „:!£_: EAST S_£_S OEEICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yeslei--_eary Block. R. G. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and . Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 143

Schultz Mrs Rosa, res w s 10th bet Seneca aud Spring. Schwab Michael A, wood turner Commercial mills, res Union add. Schwabacher Abraham (Schwabacher Bros & Co), res San Fran­ cisco. Schwabacher Louis (Schwabacher Bros & Co), res New York. Schwabacher Sigmund (Schwabacher Bros & Co), res San Fran­ cisco. Schwahacher Rros & C© (Louis, Abraham and Sigmund Schwabacher, Bailey Gatzert), General Merchandise, w s Commercial nr Mill. Schwerin Edward (Dorsaz & Schwerin,) rms Kenyon block. Scott Andrew, washer Seattle steam laundry, bds same. Scott George W, carpenter, res 11 s Cedar bet 4th and 5th. Scott Roswell, real estate, notary and conveyancer Yesler-Leary block, res s w cor Pine and 4th. Scott Roswell M, carpenter, bds Roswell Scott. Scott Samuel, painter, res n s Stewart bet 6th and 7th. Scott S W, bds Arlington hotel. Scott Wilber D, grocer, 1206 Front. Scott WD & Co, wholesale grocers, cor Commercial and Jackson. Scott Wm A (col'd), barber 4 Mill, res cor Broadway and Mill. Scott —, laborer University of W T, bds same. Scovill Albert H, carpenter, res e s 9th bet Virginia and Lenora. Scoland Jacob, capt str Queen City, res e s 7th bet Virginia and Lenora. Sculet Ernest, cook Delmonico, rms Columbia house. Scullin Samuel A, bds New England Hotel. Scurry John G, civil engineer, res n e cor 3d and James. Sealander Axel R, tailor 1003 Front, rms same. Seaman W Frank, res n s Marion bet 4th and 5th. Sears Homer A, propr Union livery stable, res same. Seattle Bazaar, Henry E Levy Proprietor, 210-212 Com­ mercial. Seattle Roiler Works, Penney & Kelly Proprietors, Yes­ ler's wharf. Seattle Boot and Shoe Store, David Kaufman propr, 807 From Seattle Brewery, Ernst Romey Proprietor, Mill bet 3d and. 4th. Seattle Candy Factory, R Merchant & Co proprs, 1105 Front. Seattle Cigar Manufactory (Chinese), W Gen prop, e s 3d bet Washington and Mill. ¥. T. EMPLOYMENT BD__IL^£^


Seattle Steam Laundry, George A Easier Prop, cor Waterton and Almy, Lake Union. Seattle Street Railway Co The, F H Osgood Pres, George Kin­ near Sec, office and stable n e cor Pike and 2d. Seattle Sunday Star., Kirk C Ward Editor and Proprie­ tor, Poncin blk 637 Front. Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co, George II Smith Sec, office Peoples' Mkt Commercial. Seavey Arno W, machinist Commercial Mills, res Bisinark, Lake Union. Seavy John, barber, res 419 Washington. Lee Lee, laundry, Lake Union. Seidel Frank, farmer, res w s 4th bet Bell and Battery. Seifort John R (Seifort & Delfel), rms s s Washington bet Com­ mercial and 2d. Seifort & Delfel (John R Seifort, WmDeltel), barbers, s s Wash­ ington bet Commercial and 2d. Selden James M, capt U SSI, res n s Pine bet 2d and 3d. Senate Saloon The, Hugo S Meyers prop, n e cor Commercial and Jackson. Settle Mary E (widow Josiah), res n s University bet 2d and 3d. Sevey George W, carpenter, res s w cor 5th and Pine. Seymour John, laborer, res Water bet University and Seneca. Shahahan John, laborer Sweeney & Co, res same. Sharpe & Coffman (Wm T Sharpe, W M Coffman), props Seat­ tle Iron Works, s w cor Jackson and 2d. Sharpe Wm T (Sharpe & Coffman), rms Mary J Atkins. Shaw & Algar (Charles H Shaw, Frank C Algar), saloon, 115 Commercial. Shaw Charles II (Shaw & Algar). Shaw Earl, waiter, rms 113 Washington. Shaw Mrs Fay, rms 113 Washington. Shaw Frank, driver Occidental Hotel, bcls same. Shaw Harry L, elk G Kellogg & Co, rms over City Drug store. Shaw Henry M, driver Wells Fargo Express Co, rms n w cor 7th and Pine. Shaw Jacob H, laborer, res cor Broadway and Jefferson. Shaw Lineaus E, roofing and painting e s Commercial bet Main and Jackson, res same. Sheahan Henry, tallyman, res e s 11th bet Jackson and King. Shearer J W, engineer 0 & P S R R.

Agts.for Jtt. HOE «_ CO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHHTSOIB'S TYPE, Tatiim& Bowen Etc. POBT1A1D, OBEGOIf. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance A. chilberg & co _i.g-e_.ta.


Shearer Reuben, engineer C & P S R R, res n s Jackson bet 6th and 7th. Sheldon Henry C, cigars and tobacco 905 Front, rms Mrs Green. Shepard Edward, clerk city clerk's office. Shepich John, prop Palace saloon, res same. Sherman Frederick, mate, res n e cor 3d and Union. Shaw Charles II, saloonkpr, res n s Washington 2 w of 10th. Shields Charles, waiter Occidental Hotel, bds same. Shifter John, proprietor St Louis beer hall, res Front bet Marion and Madison. Shiim Robert, farmer, res w s 5th bet Jefferson and James. Sboenbachler Joseph, dairyman, res Nagle add. Shorey Oliver C (O Shorey & Co), res s e cor 3d and Columbia. Shorey O C & Co (Oliver 0 Shorey, Lyman W Bonney), under­ takers, 801 Front. Shorey Miss Leilla, music teacher, bds Oliver C Shorey. Short Samuel P (Short & Stevens), res w s 2d bet Bell and Battery. Short & Stevens (Samuel P Short, Wendell E Stevens), Proprietors Oak Restaurant, n s Washington nr Commer­ cial. (See page 14.) Shorten James, waiter Brunswick restaurant, rms Central House. Shotten Louis, agent Blakely Mills Co, rms Charles Low. Shreve Benjaman F, carp, res e s 2d bet Bell and Bianchard. Shultz Wm A, waiter, res s e cor Commercial and Jackson. Shumway Miss Carrie II, teacher Central School, res cor Madi­ son and Randolph. Shumway Miss Emma A, teacher High School, res cor Madison and Randolph. Sidney Margaret (wid George), res 503 8th. Siegle John, teamster, res Prince and East. Silvain Louis, propr Miner's saloon, res s s Columbia bet 8th and 9th. Silver Sophia, laundress Mme Lachenal, res e s Commercial bet King and Jackson. Simmers Howard II, surveyor Whetworth & Thompson. Simmington James, barkpr, res w s 4th bet Washington and Main. Simms Peter, logger, rms Esmond Hotel. Simpson Mrs J W, nurse, rms n s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. Simpson Robert, carp, rms n s Terrace bet 4th and 5th.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping .Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. tiBB. G- Caldwell, Dentist, _?3£S___r Cor, Mill and Front, Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. -warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 147

Simon Samuel, clerk Frauenthal Bros, res w s 4th bet Marion and Madison. Simon Andrew, millwright, res West bet Bianchard and Bell. Simon Miss Carry, teacher, bds Andrew Simon. Simon Miss Lulu, teacher, bds Andrew Simon. Sinclair Miss May. student, bds Mrs Mary Packard. Sing Lee, laundry, n s Washington bet 5th and 6th. Singerman Paul (Toklas & Singerman), res n w cor 10th and Washington. Sires Rebecca J (wid David C), res n w cor Pine and 3d. Skidmore Joseph H (Skidmore & Hill), res w s Lake, Lake Union. Skidmore & Hill. (Joseph II Skidmore, Charles II Hill), Proprietors Sound Marble Works, foot of Madison. Skoning Charles, butcher Palace market, rms 812 Front. Skoning Frank, butcher Palace market, rms 812 Front. Slatery Jack, Washington Iron Works, bds Wisconsin House. Slatterly John, helper Washington Iron Works Co. Slattsery Jacob, helper, bds Wisconsin House. Sloan Samuel, farmer, res w s 5th bet Pine and Stewart. Sloan Samuel H, laborer, bds W K Johnston. Sloane Thomas, teacher, res n s Lenora bet 7th and 8th. Slorah Andrew, propr North Pacific brewery, rms Mrs Wyckoff. Small Edward W, supt Seattle street railroad, res e s F'ront bet Pine and Pike. Smart James W, logger, res s s Lane bet 9th and 10th. Smart John W, fireman C & P S R R, res n s University bet 2d and 3d. Smart J C, fireman str Washington, res n s Union 2 e of 5th. Smart Joseph S M, physician (alio), s s Mill opp Front, bds e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Smart Nathan, lumber, res e s 5th bet Union and Pike. Smith Alfred A (L P Smith & Son), res cor Front and Seneca. Smith Andrew (Harrington & Smith), res San Francisco. Smith Miss Annie, dressmaker, bds James Smith. Smith Miss Carrie, bds James Smith. Smith Mrs Catherine, propr Windsor house, res same. Smith Catherine (wid Andrew), bds Edward Huntley. Smith Charles, marble cutter II M Wright, res 3d bet Union and University. Smith C, laborer O I Go's saw mill. Smith Daniel S, res West bet Lenora and Virginia. fUlfill—)If tfl I fl_ll1 Approved Security Opens the Bureau, lYlUIlOj lU LUOESB Washington St,, near Commercial, Seattle. Ac Choice Suburban ^R g«!» E___1_0, Llewellyn & Co.


Smith Eben (Hall & Smith), res n s Marion, bet 3d and 4th. Smith Mrs Eliza, res s w cor Madison and 11th. Smith Edward L (Smith & Willard), res s e cor Madison and 7th. Smith Edwin W, capt str Fanny Lake, res e s 9th bet Stewart and Virginia. Smith Frank, barber, res e s 6th 1 s of Pike. Smith F, laborer O I Go's saw mill. Smith Frank, musician, res e s 6th bet Cherry and Columbia. Smith Frank, saloon keeper, rms Grand Central lodging house.. Smith Frank W, farmer, bds Mrs Eliza Smith. Smith George, carp, bds Horace Smith. Smith George A, car oiler C & P S R R, bds Lysander Smith. Smith George II, slaughter house, South Seattle. Smith George F, stock dealer, res e s Front 2 n of Bianchard. Smith George H, Manager J W Borst and Secy Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co, res e s Front 2 s of University. Smith George J, clerk Harrington & Smith, rms George W Gillette. Smith Gilbert B, freight elk Ocean Dock, bds Eben Smith. Smith George Venable, attorney-at-law Poncin bldg, res in e cor llth and Howell. Smith Henry, cook Queen Chop House, rms Pantheon building. Smith Henry A, butcher Pacific Market, bds John D Smith. Smith Henry G, sawyer O I Co's saw mill, res s e cor 5th and University. Smith Horace, teamster, res e s 10th bet Stewart and Howell. Smith Hugo V, bkkpr, res w s 7th bet Union and Pike. Smith James, lab O I Co's saw mill, res foot of Union. Smith James, teamster, res n e cor 9th and Charles. Smith James R, bootmaker Adam Orth, rms Mrs Pontius. Smith James W, propr Bijou and Standard Theatres, res w s 4th 1 n of Marion. Smith John, bds Theodore D Curtis. Smith John, butcher, res n w cor Pike and 7th. Smith John D, prop Pacific Market, res cor 7th and Pike. Smith John D, real estate, res n e cor Union and 4th. Smith Joseph, lab 0 I Co. Smith Julius, moulder, res w s 6th 1 n of Union. Smith Julius W, Propr Arlington House, cor Commercial and Main. -E_iFBo^nd-l_7ri^^ PASSENGERS Wilff IIIl OOVSaveC lflUH_]Moneyf ™V« m SEATTLE. Whitworth & Thomson, U-__^!£1_2_S_T'


Smith L K €J- (L K G Smith, Joseph Rosenberg), Cigars and Tobacco, Yesler-Leary blk Mill st. Smith Miss Lena, rms Independence Saloon. . Smith Leonard P (L P Smith & Son), e s 6th bet University and Union. Smith L P & Son (L P & A A Smith), jewelers and watch­ makers, 708 Front. Smith Lysander, carp, res w s 12th bet Plummer and Charles. •Smith Orson R, drayman s w cor Bush and King, res same. Smith Stewart, asst bkkpr, res Eben Smith. Smith Thomas (Pritchard & Smith), res race track. Smith Thomas H, prop Bureau, Yesler-Leary bldg Mill st, rms James W Smith. Smith Victor II, elk, res w s 6th 1 n of Union. Smith & Willard (E L Smith, Rufus Willard), physicians, Poncin bldg 637 Front. Smith W A, music dealer, rms n e cor Pike and Front. Smith Ward E, rancher, res 2 miles n of Ren ton. Smith Walter P, foreman S Coulter & Son, rms Clarence W Coulter. Smith W Parry, real estate and insurance, n s James bet Front and 2d. Smith W P, jeweler, res Mercer island. Smith Wm A, music dealer 821 Front, rms same. Smith Wm R, carp, bds Mrs Lizzie Smith. Smith , barber, rms David H Webster. Smith , res Cedar bet 3d and 4th. Smithers Frederick G, farmer, res 711 8th nr Dearborn. Snow Creorge H, Mngr W U T Co, res n w cor 11th and Pine. Snyder Albert M, attorney s s Mill opp P O, res s e cor 6th and University. Snyder Alfred (Alfred Snyder & Co), res n s Seneca bet 7th and 8 th. Snyder Alfred & Co (Alfred Snyder), grocers and seed merchants, s s Cherry nr 2d. Snyder Andrew J S, city bill poster s s Mill opp P O, bds s e cor 6th and University. Snyder Edward, elk Samuel Kreidel, bds cor 6th and University. Snyder Fred V, laborer, res S Seattle. Snyder J, engineer res Alley bet Pine and Pike. Snyder L V, saloon, res S Seattle. w ft n. Manufacturers of Patent Saw - Mill Ma- I 9fllET1 fU nftWPn clnnery, Mining Machinery, Engines and laiUIII Uw DUVV-II Boilers, PORTLAND, Or. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. A. Chilberg I Co, °S. E. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 150 SEATTLE CITY AND

Snyder Nicholas S, propr Daily Record, basemt Post bldg, rms Pantheon bldg. Sodee John, machinist, opp lot 8 blk 25 Yesler's 1st add. Soderberg N, lawyer, rms F W Harkins. Soloman Julius, clerk I Harris, rms n e cor Madison and Front. Soloman Lewis, clerk, rms Mary Thorndyke. Soom Woo, laundry, n e cor 2d and Main. Sonder Jerome M, laborer, rms Front next to Central House. Sox Edward F, treas Seattle Hardware! Co, res n s Marion bet 3d and 4th. Sparling Miss Anna F, teacher University of W T, res 8th bet Madison and Spring. Sparling Frederick H (Mitchell & Sparling), res w s 8th bet Spring and Madison. Sparling Frederick W, physician, res s w cor Spring and 8th. Spencer Albert L, planer O I Co saw mill, res s s Mill opp Lawton's Nursery. Spencer John, plumber and gas fitter 815 Front, res n w cor Pine and Front. Spencer Louisa, music teacher, bds John Spencer. Spencer Robert P, plumber John Spencer, bds same. Spencer S Watson, carpenter, res Lake st, Lake Union. Spencer Wm, ship carp Allen's ship ways. Spencer Wm II, plumber John Spencer, bds same. Sportsman's Headquarters, Wm Ellison propr, 812 Front. Spray George W, teamstsr, res e s 5th bet Pine and Stewart. Spriggs Levi, bootblack stand outside Boca saloon, bds Saddle Rock Restaurant. Springman John S, carp Commercial Mills, res Wall bet Front and West. Springer Samuel, barkeeper Corner saloon, res s w cor 3d and Washington. Spring Hill Water Company, Bailey Gatzert Pres, John Leary See, S C Lipsky Treas, n e cor King and Com­ mercial. Spaulding Charles M, sawyer, res e s 5th bet Cherry and Col­ umbia. Stacy Martin V B (Washington Fur Co), res n e cor 2d and Columbia. Staempfle Charles, barkpr Charles F Frasch, res w s 9th bet Cedar and fir. Through Tickets VLSjSt EAST 7&S2L OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yesler-Ieary Block. R. G. CALDWELL, Dentist All %vork first-class and, Cor. Mill & Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 151

Stafford John A, Art Materials and Picture Frames 914 Front, res same. (See page 7.) Stafford Mrs Nettie E, dressmaker foot Marion, res same. Stagg Charles A, hostler Union Livery Stable, res same. Stagg Mrs Laura M, nurse, res s e cor 3d and Pine. Stagg Miss Lottie M, milliner Clayton Bros, bds Laura M Stagg. Stagg Miss Julia, bds Laura M Stagg. Standard Theatre, James W Smith propr, w s 2d bet Washing­ ton and Main. Stanley Archibald J, clerk Wm P Stanley, bds same. Stanley Wm P, books and stationery 1005 Front, bds Frank A Turchell. Stanton Mrs Annie, rms Frank Gumbert. Stanton John, cook Emanuel Myer, rms Eureka Lodging House. Stanton Miss Kate, milliner Clayton Bros, bds Mrs F Dickman. Stanton •—, waiter, rms Eureka Lodging House. Starr Samuel. B, res Lake Washington. Starkey Benjamin, driver Charles F Frasch, bds Margaret Starkey. Starkey Margaret (wid David W), res s e cor Bell and Fourth. Startup George, laborer, res cor Oak and John. Startup George G, teamster, bds George Startup. Startup Jeremiah G, druggist, bds George Startup. Startup Joseph G, machinist Seattle Iron Works, bds George Startup. Steamboat Saloon, Ephraim Champoux prop, s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf. Stedlemann John, carp, res 4th bet Clay and Lake. Steele John L, carrier Post-Intelligencer, res e s 5th bet Jeffer­ son and Terrace, Steen Louis, prop Palace Market 812 Front, res West bet Wall and Vine. Steger Maximilian, dishwasher Oak Restaurant, bds same. Steiger Jacob, laborer O I Co, res Thomas, Denny's 3d add. Steinle Emil, prof music, rms Max Clericus. Steinweg .Charles CJ-, Prop Sanger Halle Yesler's wharf, res s e cor 2d and Pike. Steinweg Miss Lottie, dressmaker, bds Rufus S Clark. Steinman F, carpenter, foot Columbia. Stephen Herman, carp, res cor B and 7th. Stephens Joseph, carpenter, res 207 S 5th. Stephenson Wm L, bds Austin S Burwell.

" " BOUGHT AND SOLIX Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City ana Gointy Scrip -Washington St., near Commercial. By owning acre tracts near a rapidly grow­ ESHELMAN,! ing city, and so it Llewellyn & Co. Many Become Rich will prove in Seattle (Post Building.) 152 SEATTLE CITY AND

Sterns John, carpenter George Newell. Stetson A Edward (Stetson & Post), bds Occidental Hotel. Stetson George W (Stetson & Post), res e s 10th bet Main and Jackson. Stetson Leroy W (Stetson & Post), bds Occidental Hotel. Stetson and Post Mill Co (G W Stetson, J J Post, A E Stetson, L W Stetson), sash and doors, foot Commercial. Stevens Charles, bkkpr Stetson & Post, rms n e cor Commercial and Main. Stevens Daniel, bds Andrew J Esary. Stevens Eunice, bds Mrs Olivia C Kelly. Stevens Miss Maggie, dressmaker A. C Fisher, bds Lyman Wood. Stevens Wendell E (Short & Stevens), rms over Oak Res­ taurant. Stevenson. Wm, saloon keeper, rms Esmond Hotel. Steves Bros (Lewis A & Wm A Steves), drayman, foot Madison. Steves Frank L, teamster Steves Bros, rms foot Madison. Steves John L, ship carp, res e s 2d bet University and Union. Steves Lewis A (Steves Bros), rms Mrs McKnight. Steves Wm A (Steves Bros), res Port Ludlow. Stewart Alexander B, Druggist 615 Front, rese s 3d bet Cherry and Columbia. Stewart Charles J, laborer, bds Wisconsin House. Stewart Harry, pugilist, bds Lake View Hall. Stewart Herbert H, ship steward, bds Frederick Blenkins. Stewart Jacob A, bookkeeper Pacific market, res n s Lenora bet Front and 2d. Stewart Joseph A, prop Globe Printing Co, res e s 10th bet Stewart and Virginia. Stewart Lyle V, elk Occidental Hotel, bds same. Stewart Miss Mary, dressmaker A 0 Fisher, bds same. Stewart Murdock, coal dumper C & P S R R, rms 503 8th. Stifter John, prop St Louis beer hall 814 Front, res same. Stiger J, laborer O I Co saw mill. Still Ezekiel, taxidermist, res Orion, Lake Union. Stiles Ira, carpenter, res n w cor 10th and Dearborn. Stiles Sarah A (widow Zebadiah G), bds L E Beach. Stone Corliss L, salesman C P Stone, bds same. Stone Corliss P, Groceries and Provisions 715 Front, res w s 2d bet Madison and Spruce. (See page 7.) Stonebraker E, laborer, lots 1 and 2 Black Bay Side add. Northern PacificIS£SXfPalaceDiilaCars B Whitworth & Thomson, MaiSy^^£^5_^%5__:™n Street, opp. the Arlington.


Storey Matilda (widow Robert), dressmaker, bds Frederick II Whitworth. Stormfertz Edward II, carpenter, res Alley 5th bet Mill and Washington. Stowell Mrs Cynthia II, res s w cor Washington and 8th. Strange Ferdinand G, pastor 1st Presbyterian Church, res w s 9th 2 s of Terrace. Street Frank, route agent, rms J L Steves. Stratman John, propr North Pacific News Co Mill below Post- office, rms n e cor Front and Madison. Strauss Jacob (J Strauss & Co), bds Arlington Hotel. Strauss J & Co (Jacob Strauss), dry goods, 7.18 Front. Strauze Michael, propr Queen City Barber Shop 719 Front, res s s Marion 1 w of 4th. Street Francis M, business manager Seattle Sunday Star, res e s 2d nr Union. Streeter Wm, bell boy Occidental Hotel, bds same. Strom Peter, carpenter, res e s 5th bet Mill and Washington. Struve Harry K, student W S Wood, bcls II G Struve. Strove Henry G (Struve, Haines & McMicken), res n w cor 2d and Pine. Struve, Haines & McMicken (II G Struve, J C Haines, Maurice McMicken), Attorneys-at-Law, Poncin Building, 639 1st. St James Hotel, Leonard Schnutenhaus Proprietor, cor Mill and 2d. St Louis Beer Hall, John Shifter prop, 814 Front. St Upery Oelestine, waiter Brunswick Restaurant. Stull Henry, teamster Harrington & Smith, res w s 5th bet Jef­ ferson and Terrace. Sturtzer Ralph, real estate, rms Amos Cramer. Sufferin Mrs Louisa F, res e s 2d bet Virginia and Lincoln. Sullivan Jerry, stone ctr II M Wright, bds New England Hotel. Sullivan John, driver, rms Steves Bros' stable. Sullivan John, elk Calkins & Reddish. Sullivan John, fruit, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 120 Commercial, res e s Front bet Cherry and Columbia. Sullivan John, rms Sullivan blk. Sullivan Michael, lab Seattle and Walla Walla Trail and Wagon Road Co. Sundberg John C, physician Yesler-Leary blk, res Front bet Pike and Pine.

Mill, Mining and Woodworking Machinery, Engines and Boilers, and Lubricating Oils, Tatum & Bowen POBTIJAJSO, OBEOOK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance. A, Chilberg!Go. Cor Co2r_._o.e2:cia.l __._ _£ill Streets. 154 SEATTLE CITY AND

Sundell Ida, domestic G O Haller. Sunset Telephone Co, Elijah M Goss mngr, s w cor Cherry and 2d. Suie Wa & Go, groceries, w s 3d bet Washington and Main. Sutherland Archibald 0, groceries, s s Main bet 2d and Com­ mercial, res n e cor 9th and James. Sutherland Wm, horseshoer J A McBeath & Co, rms James A McPhee. Sutton Albert L, student W D Wood, bds J M Sutton. Sutton James M, expressman, res Albert bet 2d and 3d. Suponizka Thomas, rms Grand Central. Lodging House. Svea Saloon, Frank Anderson Prop, cor Mill and West. Swain Jajnes A, bartender Pritchard Lester, rms same. Swanson Emma, domestic — Stewart. Swenaon C, sawyer 0 I Co saw mill. Sweeney & C© (E F Sweeney). Prop Puget Sound Brewery, Race Track. (Seepage 28.) Sweeney Charles C, salesman J Rosenberg of L K G Smith, res 1103 Front. Sweeney Edward F (Sweeney & Co), Puget Sound Brew­ ery, Race Track. Sweeney R L, waiter, rms L II Graves. Swiss Beer Hall, Abraham Brugger prop, e s 2d bet Main and Washington, res same. Swyney J H, plumber Young & McKeon, res e s Front bet Madison and Seneca. Symington James, bartender Oliver Parent, res w s 4th bet -Main and Washington. Symons Pentecost, expressman, s s Jackson nr 8th, rms same. 17 Talbott Norman, expressman, bds John W Hunter. Tai Wing, cigars, s s Mill bet 2d and 3d. Tanner James, carpenter, res n w cor Battery and 4th. Tanner Mrs Jenny, dressmaker, bds Samuel Russell. Tansek John, .fisherman, res boat landing foot of Columbia. Tatro Freeman, lather, res s e cor Water and Battery. Tatum &• Bowen, A -F Hildreth Manager, Manufacturers of Saw Mill Machinery, Mining Machinery, Engines and Boilers, 91 and 93 Front street, Portland, Or. (See bot­ tom line.) Taylor Albert, barkeeper Hotel Brunswick, rms same.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANGE OF CARS of anv class. OFFICE-BOOMS 9 ana 10, Yesler-Leary-Block, R. 6. CALDWELL,1 Dentis•""""«!•t ) All work first-class a,nd, Cor, Mill _ Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted, KING COUNTY DIBECTOEY. 155

Taylor & Burns (Wm II Taylor, Francis J Burns), Insur­ ance, Fire, Marine, Life and Accident, Butler's bldg. (See page 6.) Taylor Ira, waiter Gold Bar Hotel, bds same. Taylor James, lab Stetson & Rost, res s s Madison nr Broadway. Taylor John, sash maker Stetson & Post, res n s King nr 12th. Taylor Thomas, ship carp Allen's Ship Yard, res s w cor Blan-- chard and 2d. Taylor Wm, carpenter, res w s 11th nr Dearborn. Taylor Win, carpenter, res n w cor 12th and Norman. Taylor Wm II (Taylor & Burns), res w s 3d bet University and Seneca. Teachman G G, lab Commercial Mills, res Bell Town. Teachman Henry, plasterer, res Denney's add. Teinme Henry F, section foreman, res Bismark st Lake Union. Templeman Richard 0 (R C Templeman & Co), bds Arlington. Hotel. Templeman R C & Co (Richard C Templeman, Win F Case), lumber inspectors, n s Main bet Commercial and 2d. Tenny Lewis, apprentice Washington Iron Works Co, bds Lewis II Tenny. Tenny Lewis II, foreman foundry Washington Iron Works Co, res n s Main bet 5th and 6th. Terrell Mrs Easter A, waitress Oak restaurant, bds same. Terrell Miss Mary, waitress Oak restaurant, bds same. Terry Charles, civil engineer, bds John G Scurry. Terry Ed-ward 1L (Hasbrouck & Terry), rms Howard II Lewis. The A P Hotaiing Co, Henry S Algar Pres, Win V Chase Secy, Wholesale dealers in Wines, Liquors and Ci­ gars, 219 Commercial. Theiler Joseph (Boegli & Theiler), res w s Front bet Pike and Union. The Puget Sound National Bank of Seattle, Bailey Gatzert Pres, Elisha P Ferry Vice-Pres, Jacob Furth Cash, Occidental block. The True Tone, Samuel G Young Propr, rms 21 Yesler- Leary block. (See page 13.) Thieme Moritz F, harnessmaker Burgert & Booth, rrns Butler's building. Thomas Belle (wid James), bds James II Payne. Thomas Rev David, Presbyterian, Lake Washington.

Accident, Fire and Life. Crane's Bureau INSURANCE, Steamship and R. R. Tickets at iSEATTLE, W. T. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.,ML 5™^™™,


Thomas Frank M, Paints, Oils and Paper Hanger, Front and Madison, res same. Thomas Joseph, sawyer, res e s 3d bet Washington and Mill. Thomas Jude, warehouseman, res cor Harrison and Orion. Thomas & Morgan (Wm II Thomas, John D Morgan), proprs Philadelphia saloon, s w cor Commercial and Washington. Thomas Richard, blacksmith, res Water bet University and Seneca. Thomas Warren, laborer, res Rollin bet Depot and 2d. Thomas Wm M (Thomas & Morgan), rms grand Central lodging house. Thompson Benjamin, watchman Stetson & Post, rms Thomas Wright. Thompson Martin, carpenter, res n e cor 8th and Olive. Thompson Warren S, lineman W U T Co. Thompson—, on board str Star, rms Walter Harmon. Thompson Reginald H (Whitworth & Thompson), City Surveyor, res s e cor Mill and 9th. Thorn R E, laborer O I Co. Thorndike Miss Lucy, dressmaker, bds Mary Thorndike. Thorndike Mrs Mary, furnished rooms,'res e s 2d 2 s of Marion. Thorndyke George F, purser, bds Philura R Thorndyke. Thorndykke Miss Minnie, teacher University of W T, bds Phi­ lura R Thorndyke. Thorndyke Philura R (wid Eben A), res w s 5th bet Union and Pike. Thornell Wm R, sec and treas C & P S R R, rms H F Whitney. Thornton Harry, opr Sunset Telephone Co, bds 8th bet Cherry and Columbia. Thornton Henry G, constable, res e s 8th bet Cherry and Col­ umbia. Thornton Hiram, driver Duwamish Dairy, rms dairy 3^ miles s of city. Thornton Thomas W, driver Duwamish Dairy, rms McAllister addition. Thurlow Alfred (Hammon & Thurlow), res 3d bet Bell and Battery. Thurlow Ernest M, carrier Post-Intelligencer, bds Alfred Thur­ low. Thurlow Eugene, patternmkr Seattle Iron Works, res cor James and 5th.

M East Bound \U\\\ €*«%..» M« «" THROUGH TICKETS PASSENGERS WilIf IHl SavWB»e0 MoneIflUIiQWy From SEATTLE. Whitworth & Thomson, ^E^__iLT-


Thurston Daniel W, student Ballard & Wilcoxen, bds Opera Chop House. Thygsen James P, grocer, res Jackson st add nr Jackson st. Tice Andrew J, Propr Seattle Restaurant, res same. (See page 14.) Ticknor Benjamin, bds Seth Ticknor. Ticknor Seth, mechanic, res n e cor 8th and Pike. Tift Julius A, clerk Charles Lonch, res w s 9th bet Marion and Madison. Tighe James P, bartender, rms West End House. Till John, carpenter, res cor 8th and Stewart. Titus Charles E, cook Occidental Hotel, res s s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. Tivoli Saloon, Bersch & Hink props, 13 Mill. Toklas Ferdinand (Toklas & Singerman), res San Francisco. Toklas &, Singerman (Ferdinand Toklas,Paul Singerman, John B McDougall, Ilym'an Auerbach), Proprs San Fran­ cisco Store, s w cor Commercial and Washington. Tontine Saloon, G. K. Beede Propr, Yesler-Leary Block. Torkelsen Thomas, laborer, bds Wisconsin House. Toubhauce Frank, laborer, rms Independence Saloon. Townsend Dennis C, cigars and tobacco 4-| Mill, res w s 11th bet Stewart and Howell. Townsend W E, saloon, res s e cor Columbia and 8th. Tracy Acellus, teamster, res s e cor 4th and Pike. Treat C H, snip carpenter Allen's Ship Yard, res s s Bell 2 e of Front. Travel* Creorge W, Real Estate and 'Insurance, Loans and Notary Public, rms Pacific ave opp Central Hotel, Tacoma, W T. (Seepage opp Real Estate in classified.) Treat David W, grocer n e cor 3d and Union, res same. Tremont House, W N White & Co proprs, s e cor 3d and Mill. Treen Frank A, shoemaker, bds L A Treen. Treen I

Agts.for K. HOB «& CO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHNSON'S TYPE, Tatum& Bowen Etc. POBTLMD, OKEfiOW. OFFICE—Booms 9 and lO Yesler-Leary Bloclt. E. Gr. Caldwell, Dentist, All worfc first-Class and Cor, Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBEOTOBY. 159 The University of Washmetou Territory


^TANDS at the head of the Educational System of the Territory. It M affords the very best advantages for education. Four courses of study, namely :

CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, NORM/L/ND are presented to those who may wish instruction.

Special Advantages are offered in Music, both Instrumental and Vocal, The French and German Languages and Elocution.

The expenses are very reasonable. The fare in coming to and returning from the University once a year will be deducted frim tuition charges. For further information, address XJ. J". _POTX7-_EH_I_, SEOATTL/ED, W. T.

Near Cor, Commercial Qpatflp W,T. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, and Washington Sts., UOdlllO. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. A. Chilberg i Cb and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. 9 SyB^Cor.JMill and Commercial Stoeets. 158 SEATTLE CITY AND

Turner Alvin C, carp, res n e cor 8th and Dearborn. Turner Augustus F, clerk, res Mercer add. Turner Mrs A F, teacher, res Mercer add. Turner Ed-ward A, Real. Estate, Insurance and Prop Ridge Lawn Poultry Yards Occidental blk, res Ridge 1-| miles s of Postoffice. Turner Myron C, books and Stationery Front, res n e cor 8th and Dearborn. Turrell George J (Treen, Raymond & Turrell), res Tacoma. Turnbull —, res Jefferson bet 4th and 5th. Twichell Frank A, clerk Wm P Stanley, res w s 6th 1 s of Union. Tyler Mrs Nellie, res e s 7th bet Virginia and Lenora. XT Ulan Theodore, carpenter, res n s Washington bet 5th and 6th. Illin Erick, ship carp foot Washington, res n e cor 8th and Marion. Ulin Erick jr, tallyman Commercial. Mills, bds Erick Ulin sr. United States Saloon, Grubb & Johnson props, n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. Union Livery Stable, Homer A Sears prop, Commercial opp Arlington Hotel. University of Washington Territory, L J Powell Pres, 4th bet University and Seneca. (See page opp!) Unsum Hans, carpenter, res n s Madison nr 16th. Uren Andrew, machinist and blksmth, next Allen's ship yard. United States Meputj Mineral Surveyor, Charles M Anderson, rm 5 Yesler-Leary bldg.

Vacheux Mrs Flavie, laundry s s Main bet 2d and Commercial, res same. Vacler Charles, rms basement G W Young's blk. Vader Miss Ellen, pastry cook Oak Restaurant, bds same. Vahlbnsch August (A Valbnsch & Co), res Albert bet 2d and 3d. Valbusch A & Co (August Vahlbnsch, John Brauer), Whole­ sale and Retail Furniture Dealers, 811 Front. Vail Charles J, ship carp Allen's ship yard, res 18 Wall. Valentine Peter, fisherman, res Water bet University and Seneca. Valois Felix A, school teacher, res King bet s 8th and 9th. Van Brocklin Frank, clerk, bds John W VanBrocklin Van Brocklin Hiram, machinist Seattle Iron Works, bds John W Van Brocklin. Through Tick_«^_i___li_J__5__: ^JRRR-tQQ toS__-_^fte Eshelman, Llewellyn MlU«J"'{POO~lPOg installments. & C6. Jf(rjtBuUdmci.)(P„stSaiwL 160 SEATTLE CITY AND

Van Brocklin John W, millwright, res s w cor Terrace and 6th. Van Doren Lewis, constable n s Washington bet Commercial and 2d, res w s 6th 2 s of Union. Van Dyke George, lab, res Bismark st Lake Union. Van Kirk Moses, bds Frank Hartig. Van Waters Wm, Genl Agent C & P S R R, Pacific Coast Steamship Co, and Ticket Agt'N P R R City Dock, res 114 James. Vamey Edward, actor Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central Lodg­ ing House. Vasser John, lab, res 613 8th. Vaughan John, farmer, res Mercer add. Vaughan W E, res Mercer add. Vermont A, cook, res w s Front bet Virginia and Stewart. Vestel Mrs Mary A, res n e cor 2d and James. Villard House, Christian S Plough Propr, 15 Mill. Villie James, ship carp Allen's Ship Yard, res e s 3d bet Union and Pike. Voight Frederick, ship carp Allen's Ship Yard, bds Western . House. Vollsted Gustave R, steward Gold Bar Hotel, bds same. Von Dungen Charles, barber Occidental Hotel, res s s Colum­ bia bet 2d and Front. Vrooman Ida M, teacher Central School. Vrooman Mavison, ship carp Allen's Ship Y'ard. Vrooman Sydney B, attorney-at-law Poncin bldg, res n w cor Columbia and 11th.

Wa Ohong, general store n e cor 3d and Washington. Wade Mrs Rachael, nurse, rms n e cor 2d and Union. Waddell Isaiah (Waddell & Miles), rms s e cor 3d and Cherry. Wadded & Miles (Isaiah Waddell, Ziba C Miles), hardware, stoves and tinware, Mill opp Commercial. Wadleigh W I, cashier First National Bank, res n e cor 4th and James. Wagner Mrs Annie, bds James W Smith. Wagner Robert, bartender Charles Ross, rms w s 3d bet James and Mill. WaM &. Boyd (Jacob Wahl jr, George Boyd), Props Retail Dept People's Market, e s Commercial bet Mill and Wash­ ington. (See page 15.) Northern Pacific SEST Palace Dim Cars y Whitworth & Thomson,Main ^=^^£^St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Wahl Jacob jr (Wabl & Boyd), res n e cor 6th and Wash­ ington. Wakely Thomas L, manager, res n s Union bet 4th and 5th. Wakefield Depalmer G, student, res n s Spring bet 7th and 8th. Wald

Jjubrlcatingf, Coniponnd and Cups, Cyl­ inder and Spindle Oils, Tatum & Bowen PORTXArYD, OK. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. chilberg & Co.


Washington Iron Works Co, John M Frink pres, James Read- man sec, George W Harris treas, s e cor 2d and Jackson. Washington Steamboat and Transportation Co, George S Jacobs Secretary and-Agent, Yesler's Wharf. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, George W Crane Proprietor, n s Washington bet Commer­ cial and 2d, res s e cor Charles and 11th. (See bot lines. Waters Charles, rms 1103 Front. Watson Eev Bean €r H, Pastor Trinity Episcopal Church, n s Jefferson bet 2d and 3d. Watkins E, machinist Washington Iron Works, res n e cor Com­ mercial and Jackson. Watson James II, elk C & P S R R, bds Arlington Hotel. Waugh Wm, prop Albion Saloon 1109 Front, res same. Wayland Confucius L, law student, res Alley Front bet Bian­ chard and Lenora. Wayne A E, prop Gold Bar Hotel and Restaurant, foot of Washington, res same. Weber Charles, machinist Washington Iron Works Co, bds e s Commercial and railroad track. Webster David II, lab, res s s Marion 1 w of 3d. Webster George, lab, rms Tremont House. Weed Gideon A, physician Yesler-Leary blk, res 1409 Front. Weiss John P, bartender Cottage by the Sea Saloon, rms same. Welbon Win II, foreman Western Mill Co, res Harrison bet Moltke and Bismark. Welch George, lab, res w s 2d bet Commercial and Main. Welch James, policeman, res e s 6th bet Seneca and University. Welch John, tailor 221 Washington, res same. Wellman Murdoc, brakeman C & P S R R, res w s 2d bet Spring and Madison. Wellman Mrs Rachel, boarding house, res w s 2d bet Spring and Madison, Wells Benjamin, salesman. City Meat Market, rms same. Wells Edgar B, fireman, bds Herod Wells. Wells, Fargo Express Co, Wm E Ledgerwood agent, Mill opp Commercial. Wells Herod, carp, res n s King bet 8th and 9th. Wells T J, lab Stetson & Post, rms Oak Lodging House. Wenzler John, bartender, res n s James bet 6th and 7th. Westcott Mrs Emma, rms Eureka Lodging House. West D W, oiler C & P S R R.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars Northern Pacific NO CHANGE OF CA_S of any class. OFFICE-Roonis 9 and 1© Yesler-_eary Block. Ra G. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor. Mill and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOKY. 163

West John, engineer stmr Success, res Port Blakely. West John, lab O I Co Saw Mill, res Nagle add. West E M, lab Stetson &' Post, West Wm, student, bds Byron F Bogardus. West End House, Flynn & Anderson prop, 13 Mill. Westfall Henry, brick mason, res cor West and Pike. Western House, Frederick Voight prop, s e cor 6th and James. Western Mill Go, lumber manufacturers Lake Union. Western Washington Territory Bible Society, Ole Schillestad mngr, 112 Cherry. Western Union Telegraph Co, George D Snow Man­ ager, s w cor Cherry and 2d. Westwood Amos, artist, rms Frederick Kelly. Weymouth Frederick, carpenter, rms Joseph Stephens. Whaley Miss Frankie R, mailing clerk postoffice, bds Joseph Whaley. Whaley Joseph, helper Washington Iron Works Co, res n w cor Bell and 4th. Wharton Hiram, str capt, res e s 7th bet Virgi.iia and Lenora. Wharton Samuel D, res e s 6th bet Pike and Pine. Wheeler Duncan T (D T Wheeler & Co), res n w cor 5th and Union. Wheeler D T & Co, abstracts of titles and searchers of records, O P Anderson mgr, room 5 Yesler-Leary block. Wheeler Edward, agt W C Squire, rms Hotel Brunswick. Wheeler E Gilbert, carpenter, res w s 12th bet Plummer and Charles Wheeler John M, Stair Builder and General Jobber, Shop foot Seneca, P O Box 379, res w s 11th bet Pine and Olive. White Elephant Saloon and Billiard Hall and Theatre, Jack Levy Propr, Yesler-Leary block cor Mill and Front.' (Seepage 14.) White Elephant Theatre, Jack Levy Propr, Yesler- Leary Block. (Seepage 14.) White George A, boatman Budlong's boat house, bds WW White. White George G, engraver L P Smith & Son, res e s 4th bet Pike and Pine. White Horace, dishwasher St James hotel, bds same. White Mouse The, Frank C Young Propr, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, 706 Front. White John J, bookkeeper, rms Central house.

nnf&\l tfl i filSin Approved Security Opens the Bureau, M U!fy| IU LUOSSB Washington St,, near Commercial, Seattle, Ac e Choice Suburban ;0 R gg!" Eslelman, Llewellyn & Co. 164 SEATTLE CITY AND

"White & Munday (W II White, Charles F Munday), At­ torney's at Law, 720-J Front, (Seefront cover!) White Stephen B, driver Alfred Snyder & Co, bds WW White. White Thomas J, rancher, res 2 miles n of Renton. White Wm, cook Occidental hotel, bds same. White Wm H (White & Munday), U S District Attorney for W T, res cor Broadway and Madison. White Wm N & Co (Wm N White), propr Tremont House. White Wm N (Wm N White & Co), res Tremont House. White Wm W, res n w cor 9th and Columbia. Whitehead Oasins M, lab, bds Martha Whitehead. Whitehead Miss Ida, teacher, bds Martha Whitehead. Whitehead Martha (wid W M), res cor 2d and Cedar. Whitehead Miss Minnie teacher, bds Martha Whitehead. Whiteley J Harry, bds John Whiteley. Whiteley John W, carriage painter, res e s Front bet Pike and Union. Whiteley John W jr, painter, bds John W Whiteley. Whitemarsh Charles E, machinist Seattle Iron Works. Whiteside Mrs Hanna A, furnished rooms, 1103 Front. Whittlesey Charles F (Niesz, Whitlesey & Co), e s 9th bet Cherry and Columbia. Whittlesey Wm H (Niesz, Whittlesey & Co), res e s 9th bet Cherry and Columbia. Whitbeck Arthur B, clerk San Francisco Store, rms New Eng­ land Hotel. Whitforcl Leonard C, dentist 720i| Front, res same. Whitley Samuel, waiter Oak Restaurant, bds same. Whitney Harry F, bkkpr Toklas & Singerman, res s e cor 2d and Seneca. Whitworth F Harrison (Whitworth & Thomson), res s s Seneca bet 4th and 5th. Whitworth I_ev €Jeorge F, Pastor White River Pres­ byterian Church, res s e cor 4th and Seneca. "Whitworth & Thomson (F Harrison Whitworth, Reg­ inald II Thomson), Civil Engineers and Surveyors, n s Main bet Commercial and 2d. (See top lines.) Whyte John M, teamster S Coulter & Sons, res S Coulter & Sons' ranch. Wicklund John, laborer, rms Pine bet 6th and 7th. Wickstrom & Aminonds (Peter Wickstrom, Ammond Am- monds), props Wisconsin House, s e cor Mill and 2d.

East BOUnd •••••.*. ._ "By Purchasing s PASSE!NCER S Will Save Money ;£™_ u Hi forW T Whitworth & Thomson, Maii^,n St., oppr^S. the Arlington'. '

KING COUNTY DIBECTORY. 165 Wickstrom Peter (Wickstrom & Ammonds), res Wisconsin House. Widger Miss Delia, dressmaker, rms Eureka Lodging House. Widger Miss Minnie, propr Eureka Lodging House w s Com­ mercial bet Main and Jackson, rms same. Wig August, cabinetmkr, res w s 7th bet James and Cherry. Wiggins & Grow (Miles Wiggins, Wm B Grow), House, Sign, Ornamental and Fresco Painters, Kalsominers and Paper Hangers, rear of Brunswick Hotel. Wiggins Miles (Wiggins & Grow), res n s Pike bet Front and 2d. Wiggin Wm S, miner, res n s Pike bet Front and 2d. Wilbur Charles F, logger, rms Esmond Hotel. Wilcox Lemuel, res n e cor Spring and 7th. Wilcox Urban F, baking powder mnf'r, res Mercer add Lake Union. Wilcoxen I Newton (Ballard & Wilcoxen), res w s 9th bet Cherry and Columbia. Wilder G W, carpenter, res Edes add. Wilhelm Frederick, carpenter, res s s Cherry bet 5th and 6th. Wilkinson Joseph W, clerk Schwabacher Bros & Co, res n s James bet 6th and 6th. Willard Rufus (Smith & Willard), res s s James bet 2d and 3d. Willey Samuel H Jr, Mgr New England Hotel, res same. Williams Mrs Annie, domestic George II Wright. Williams Emery, machinist, s e cor 9th and Seneca. Williams F, machinist Washington Iron Works, bds e s Com­ mercial bet Jackson and R R track. Williams" Francis, foreman coal mines, res w s 5th bet Pike and Pine. Williams Frederick, butcher Evans' Slaughter House, res Beach road. Williams George W, driver Seattle St R R Co, rms same. Williams Joseph, gymnast Bijou Theatre, bds Arlington Hotel. Williams Joseph, laborer, rms Joseph Stevens. Williams Richard. B, res n e cor .3d and Battery. William Tell Saloon, Boegli & Theiler Proprs, basement Post Building. Williams Wm E, boilermaker, res s s Madison e of Broadway, Williamson Alexander, brickmason, res 14 Wall. Williamson Daniel R, carpenter, res Mercer add. Williamson John R, supt Puget Sound Iron Works, res n e cor 2d and Spring.

I*elainater Steam Pnmps, Eclipse Tnr- toine Water Wheels, Jtublber and Tatum & Bowen I-catlxer Belts, POKTIiAWO. OB. GOWl MISSION MERCHANTS, A. Chilbergl Co.; Vice-Consul Siveden and Nortvay, IS. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 166 SEATTLE CITY AND

Williamson Le Roy, lab Western Mill Co, res Mercer add. Williamson Mary J (wid James E), res 15th nr Pine Ward's add. Wilson Alfred, ship carp, rms Seattle Restaurant. Wilson George, hostler Seattle Street R R Co, rms same. Wilson James, barkpr White Elephant, Wilson Joseph, grocer, rms David Gilmore. Wilson Thomas G (Gove & Wilson), res Snoqualmie Prairie. Wilson Wm E, contractor and builder, res w s 8th bet Union and Pike. Wilton Frank, Prop Dew Drop Inn 120 Cherry, res same. Wimmer Andrew, cabinet maker, res 22 Wall. Wincapaw John, ship carp Allen's ship yard. Wincapaw Robert W, carp, res s s Columbia bet 10th and 11th. Wincapaw Thomas J', Cigars, Tobacco and Notions 124 Commercial, rms n e cor Commercial and Washington. Winscott John T, carpenter, res 13 Mill. AVinscott Mrs Mary, needlewoman 13 Mill up stairs, res same. Winslow Frank F, Inspector of Customs rm. 1 Post bldg, bds Arlington Hotel. Winslow J H, agent, rms 1103 Front. Winsor House, Mrs C II Smith prop, Columbia bet Front and 2d, Winters Charles, lab, res e s 7th bet Spring and Seneca. Wirth Rev James A, res Albert and 3d. Wisconsin House, WTckstrom & Ammonds props, s e cor Mill and 2d. Wissinger Andrew, carp 0 I Co's sawmill, res w s Bush 1 s of King. Wessinjet A, yardman O I Co's sawmill. Wolfe John N E, cook Oak restaurant, res 2113 Front. Wolff August, prop Germania Saloon 3 Mill, res s w cor Cherry and 7th. Wolters Anton (Wolters & Co), res Eureka House. Wolters &, Co (Anton Wolters), Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 717 Front. (See page 4.) Wood Miss Fannie, actress Bijou Theater, rms Grand Central Lodging House. Wood George D, tinner Waddell & Miles, bds St James Hotel. Wood Henry, clerk Thomas Wood, bds same. Wood Henry C, conductor C & P S R R, res s w cor Main and 9th. Wood Lyman bookkeeper, res e s 2d 2 s of University. Wood Lyman M (Lynch & AVood), res s w cor 8th and Union. through Tickets „_!&•_ EAST _"_?£_ OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yesler-Leary Block. E. 6. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and, Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 167

Wood Thomas, general store 2201 Front, res same. Wood "Wm D, Attorney-at-Law, Judge and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Probate Court of King County, Yesler-Leary Building, res e s Front bet Bianchard and Lenora. Woodman Samuel, printer Post-Intelligencer, rms s w cor Cherry and 2d. Woodward Henry S, res w s 3d 2 n of Spring, Woolery James H, Chief of Police, Harbor Master, Of­ fice Gity Hall, res e s 5th bet Seneca and University. AVoolery Miss Margaret, res s s Terrace bet 4th and 5th. AVoolery Wm D, with Stetson & Post, res w s 5th bet Union and Pike. Woolf J N, laborer 0 I Co saw mill. AYoollen Isaac, res n e cor Taylor and Washington. AVorthington Edward, elk E Lobe & Co, bds w s 3d bet Colum­ bia and Marion. Worthington Wm, res w s 3d 2 n of Columbia, Wren John, bartender Gold Bar Hotel, rms next Standard Theater. Wright Charles, waiter Opera Chop House, bds same. Wright Charles A, clerk C P Stone, res s e cor Marion and 5th. Wright Freelove C (widow John W), bds Charles A Wright: Wright George H, prop California Bakery, res same. Wnght J A, fireman C & P S R R. Wright John R, fireman C & P S R R, rms Joseph Stevens. AVright Mrs Mary J, prop Opera Chop House, res cor Marion and Front. Wright Marion L, carpenter, res 7th bet Olive and Stewart. Wright Mock, carpenter, res s e cor Commercial and Jackson. Wright Orlando S (Pillman & Wright), res e s 6th bet Colum­ bia and Cherry. Wright Thomas, carpenter, res w s 4th bet Union and Pike. Wunder Annie C (widow Michael), res nw cor 6th and Terrace. Wunder Gertrude, dressmaker, bds Annie C Wunder. Wusthoff Fred W, clerk Gordon Hardware bldg, res s s Colum­ bia bet 6th and 7th. Wyckoff Ursula (wid L V), res e s 2d bet James and Cherry.

Yaco G, fisherman, res foot of Union. Yansen Ellen, domestic M McMicken. Tarns John, ship carp Allen's Ship Yard, res Lake, Lake Union.

Washington St., near Washington Territory Employment Bureau ; Commercial, SEATTLE. By owning acre tracts ESHELMANJ Many Become Rich _srss*___"_rs Llewellyn & Co. » will orove in Seattle (Post Building.) 168 SEATTLE CITY AND

Yarno John T, boat builder, Water bet University and Seneca, res Lake Union. Yates Mrs Mary E, res s e cor 3d and Cedar. Yesler & Anderson (Henry L Yesler, John S Anderson), Props Yesler Mill Co, res Mill. Yesler College, John P Lange Prin, 2d bet University and Madison. (See opp page.) Yesler Mall, Henry L Yesler Prop, s. e cor Front and Cherry. Yesler Henry I*, Mayor and Prop of Yesler's Wharf and Saw Mill, office rear of North Pacific News Co, Mill st, res n e cor James and Front. Yesler Mill Co, Yesler & Anderson Props, n s Mill. Yesler's Wharf, Henry L Yesler Prop, Yesler's Wharf. Yik Shing Tong, physician, w s 2d bet Washington and Main. Young Andrew, fish dealer, rms Mary McCarthy. Yonng Andrew B, real estate, res e s 4th bet Columbia and Marion. Young Andrew M, bkkpr The Arcade, bds Andrew B Young. Young Angus W, insurance agent, room 1 Post building, res s s Pike bet 3d and 4th. Young Miss Belle, elk San Francisco Store, rms Mrs Russell s e cor 3d and Cherry. Young Charles O, engineer Hall & Paulson, res east end Mill s side. Young Frank C, The White House, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, 706 Front, res n s Marion bet 4th and 5th. Young George AV, res 413 Washington. Young Horace II (Young & McKeon), res w s 4th bet Colum­ bia and Marion. Young Jesse O, elk F E Sander, bds Andrew B Young. Young John, fish dealer, rms Mary McCarthy. Young Luther D, carp, res Mercer add. Young _c McKeon (Horace II Young, Daniel P McKeon), Plumbers and Gas Fitters, 721 Front. Young Samuel CJ-, Editor and Manager of The True Tone, rm 21 Yesler-Leary blk. (Seepage 13.) __. Zachariah Ponta, fisherman, res foot Union. Zeeb Jacob, waiter, rms J McPhee, NWerFPacifre s Whitworth & Thomson,Mai n Street, Z%$m^^^opp. the Arlington.


Zeek Isaac N, carp, res n s Pine bet 9th and 10th. Zeek Miss Phoebe, seamstress, bds Isaac N Zeek. Zellenay Adolph, upholsterer, bds Charles Zellenay. Zellenay Charles, res es 16th bet Pike and Pine. Ziller Eugene G, prof of languages Yesler College, res same. Zirnjiebel Joseph, carp, bds St James Hotel. Zwiefelhofer John, cabinet maker Hall & Paulson, res Houghton Lake Washington. Zur Quelle Saloon, Oscar A Kraus, Prop, 109 Cherry.


STJ"_^'T7"__l-_rO_^S, oname>ezc> and ofacfoiciano.

Engineering and' Electrical Work Done at Short Hotice.




Ctitoznvus at Xaw,

2d Floor Gordon Hardware Building. SEATTLE, WASH,

91 and 93 Front Street, Portland, Or Wood & Iron Working Machinery, Sta Tatum & Bowen tionary and marine Engines & Boilers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fife, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance, A. Chilberg i Go. Cor Co___.___.erc5.a-l a___.cL __£_.!! Streets. 170 SEATTLE CITY AND Columbia & Puget Sound

______;.____— _.__J._-C_) _____) ^.,..^..-.^.•r_...... r


— TO THE •— Tourist ^Commercial Traveler

Running frequent Trains


The thriving mining towns of



Through the picturesque valleys of


DEPOT: Second and King Streets.

X. JT. MILMER, W. R. THORNELL, ABBt. Superintendent. Gen. Freight and Pass. Agent.

un THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific Nl O CHANCE OF CARS of anv class. SEATTLE CITY



ABBREVIATIONS. f farmer lum lumberman 1 laborer mnf r manufacturer carp , carpenter mer merchant Following each name are given: First, business; second, number of section, township and range; third, assessed valuation of property; fourth, postoffice address.

Aaron James, miner, Black Diamond. Algar P, f, Duwamish. Abraham B, 1, Black Diamond. Allen Arthur, miner, Cedar Moun­ Abraham Jo, 1, Black Diamond. tain. Abrahams Louis, blacksmith, Black Allen 0 F, teacher, Kent. Diamond. Allen Hannah, f, $1100. Abraham L & Co, saloon, Black Dia- Allen JohnB, f, 10 25 3 $980 Hough­ Diamond. ton. Abrams Eobert, 29 24 4 $14340. Allison Mary J, teacher Benton, Ackerson & Moore, 13 22 2 ., 600. Alvord F M, f, 22 418 $19380. Adair Alexander, f, 23 26 6 $310 Du- Alexander D T, f, 12 25 3 $470. valls. Alexander John, carp, 30 22 5 $1130 Adair O, f, Green Biver. Kent. Adams John, miner, $20 Kenton. Alexander W J. 16 244. Adams Peter, miner, Benton. Ambrose A, miner, Black Diamond. Ager Jane, 12 22 4 $400. Ames G W, f, 2 22 6 $750 Arthur. Agnew Jack, miner, Benton. Anderson A, f, 22 25 5 $40 Woo'din- Agnew James, miner, Benton. ville. A.gnew Peter, barkeeper, Newcastle. Anderson A C, 25 25 4. Albert S, carpenter,Black Diamond. Anderson Alexander, miner, Kenton. Albert Sebastian, carpenter, Benton. Anderson Charles, 1, Benton. A.lgar J N, f, Duwamish. Anderson C, miner, Benton. REAL ESTATE & MONEY BROKERS, Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co., Post _3-u.ilc-_.__.gf_ 172 SEATTLE CITY AND Anderson Grace, f, II 25 3 $500 Se­ Bagg J W, miner, Newcastle, attle. Baggs H, 1, Osceola. Anderson J, butcher, Squak. Bailey Clara A, f, $380. Anderson J, 1, Green Biver. Bailey Henry, 1, $100. Anderson J, f, Green Biver. Bailey Matthias, f, $730. Anderson John, butcher, Benton. Barnum M C, f, $1950. Anderson John, f, 17 24 6 $3940. Baker Chloe, 28 25 4 $460. Anderson J A, 1, Squak. Baker D S, f, Kent, Anderson John F, f, 22 26 5 $1030 Baker J, 1, Kent. Woodinville. Baker John, 1, Black Diamond. Anderson Naomi, f, $1100 White Baker M C, 32 26 5 $320. Biver. Baker Wm, 1, Duwamish. Anderson Niels, f, 36 23 4 $1620. Ballard O A, surveyor, Slaughter. Anderson N P, $90 Houghton. Ballard L W, f, 13 21 4 $2760 Seat­ Anderson N S, 19 25 5 $110 Houghton. tle. Anderson N S, f, Green Biver. Ballard W B, 24 25 3 $1010. Anderson R A, f, Squak. Balantine B, logger, Snoqualmie. Anderson W H, I, Kent. Balentine B, 1, Black Diamond. Anderson —, f, 6 25 7 $70 Novelty. Baldwin A, f, Duwamish. Andrews JB, f, 20 25 4 $1090. Bales A, 1, Benton. Andrews P, f, Houghton. Bales Franklin, 1, Kenton. Andrews Wm, f, $240 Slaughter. Baltis John, f, Duwamish. Andreen J, f, Houghton. Bannerman D, miner, Black Dia­ Andrios L B, f, 14 24 3 $4760 Seattle. mond. Andursundt A, f, Green Biver. Bannerman J, logger, Houghton. Angreen John, f, 9 25 5 $660 Hough­ Bangs F L, carp, Black Diamond. ton. Bangs Marshall D, cook, Black Dia­ Anicich Anton, f, $20 Osceola. mond. Anrud O E, f, Houghton. Bankson C H, 29 24 5 $630 Novelty. Applegate S C, butcher, Benton. Barrett A, 11 21 3 $340. Apps J, f, 18 21 5 $140 Slaughter. Barrett E, miner, Newcastle. Arey Charles, f, 1 23 3 $100. Barrow Mary O, 6 23 4 $100. Aricich A, f, Green Biver. Barriotte Ernest, miner, Benton. Armstrong J T, miner, Newcastle. Barker D, mining expert, Black Dia­ Arndt A, 1, Green Biver. mond. Arobere A, f, Duwamish. Barker J M, f, Vashon. Arthur John, 12 21 3 $240. Barker W W, f, 14 25 6 $320. Ashworth B, eng, $70 Houghton. Barnes C, 1, Black Diamond. Ashworth Wm, 18 25 4 $600. Barnes C, 1, Osceola. Ashworth Wm, f, 18 25 4 $600 Seattle. Barnes J C, f, Osceola. Aspden Joseph, miner, Benton. Barnes John S, 19 20 6 $1440 Os­ Atkinson G W, 18 26 7 $160. ceola. Atkinson John M E,agent forO I Co, Bartlett Charles C, 24 25 3 $50. C&PSBB, WF & Co Express Bartlett H, f, Benton. and port master, New Castle. Bart F G, miner, Newcastle. Attridge B D, $1030. Barton C A, f, Vashon. Avazine A, miner. Black Diamond. Barton Lee M, f, 8 25 4 $70. Ayres & Green, f, $850 Falls City. Barquist M, f, 7 26 5 $670 Juanita. Bacon A T, carp, Kent. Barry J, 1, Osceola. Back John, 1, Black Diamond. Bassa John, 1, Benton. Bael Samuel, f, Duwamish. Bassen Paul, f, $60 Kenton. Baer S, 1 22 4 $1070 White Biver. Bassen Rowell, $20. Bagley Bros (John and Peter), saloon Bascoun S, 1, Black Diamond. keepers, Newcastle. Batista N, 1, Black Diamond. Bagley E M, f, $30 Osceola. Batism Seymour, f, Kent. Bagley Daniel, 34 24 5, Battis A, miner, Black Diamond. Bagley L G, $140 Benton. Batts P, 1, Osceola.

East Bound By Purchasing THROUGH TICKETS PASSENGERS Will Save Money From SEATTLE. Official Surveyors, Seattle, W. T. Whitworth. & Thomson, Main St., opp, the Arlington.


Baumorster J, 1, $40 White River. Blake J W, 24 22 4 $150. Baxter Sutcliffe, 4 24 4 $3460 Seattle. Blackburn J L, f, Vashon. Baxtrom O, f, Juanita. Blackburn J T, lumberman, 29 23 3 Bayne Perry, $30 Squak. $280 Kent. Beach A L, physician, $570 Benton. Blackman J J, 6 22 5 $400. Bean A J, f, Osceola. Blackwell —, 19 25 5 $810. Bean James, f, 21 25 3 $450 Seattle. Black Diamond HoteLJohn B Bangs Bean W, 1, Osceola. prop, Black Diamond. Beaton A, 1, Osceola. BLACK DIAMOND STORE, Mc­ Beaton Thomas, 8 25 4 $10. Laughlin, Jones & Co Proprs. Beattie Wm, $200. Blair D, f, $230 Osceola. Becker Charles 28 26 4 $740. Blick W H. 3025 43 $80 Seattle. Becker E, f, 27 26 4 $410 Seattle. Blim Marshall, 22 25 3 $14940. Becktel J K, f, $90 Houghton. Bloom Benedict, miner, Newcastle. Bedal James, 1, Benton. Bloomfield Mary A, 24 233 $640. Beede A T, f, Slaughter. Blose P, 27 26 5 $240. ' Bell J, 1, Osceola. Blowers J C, f, $210 Seattle. Bellew Edward, f, $1150 Benton. Blyth Joseph C,'f,7 26 5 $338 Juanita. Bellew Wm, f, 6 23 3 $400. Blyth John B, 7 26 5 $1060 Woodin- Ben Solomon (Indian), 16 23 5 ville. Bender & Brannaman, 7 21 5 Boan G H, f, Vashon. Slaughter. Boatman Willis, 26 21 4 $480. Benham J F, f, Vashon. Bode Henry, tailor, $510 Seattle. Benham Smith, f, $260'Duvalls. Boestler John, f, 31233 $120 Vashon. Bennam Edward, f. Bogdan M, 22 23 6 $30. Bennis N, 1, Osceola. Bogue Michael, $370 Cedar Biver. Benson A "W, teacher, $440. Benton, Bogue Sybie R, 13 214 $640. Bergstrom A P, f, Juanita. Bohuke Carl, f, $130 Osceola. Berges B F, contractor, Osceola. BohlH, 1, Black Diamond. Bergman Charles, 17 26 5 $480. Boman G M. f, 26 24 4 Juanita. Berger Charles A B, 16 25 4 $1470. Bothell D & G, f, 8 26 5 $1130. Berge W, 1, Osceola. Botsford E W, carp, Houghton. Berney J, 1, Black Diamond. Bosdet George,f, 33 20 6 $840 Osceola. Berringer W K, miner, Newcastle, Bosdet G J, f, 34 20 6 $120 Osceola. Berry DH, $20 Vashon. Bostwell S O, logger, Snoqualmie. Berry Helen, 29 24 6 $30 Squak. Borst Joseph W, f, 21 24 6 $7430 Se­ Berry S H, f, Vashon. attle. Berry Wm, 1, Duwamish. Borilla Eliza, 2 25 4 $1640. Berry Wm M,f, 17 21 5 $400 Slaugh­ Bow E, f, 25 23 4 $4630 Duwamish. ter. Bow W H, 24 25 32 $12000 Seattle. Bert, J 1, Osceola. Bow J T, f, Duwamish. Bickers A J, f, Vashon, Bowden J, 1, Black Diamond. Biokeringer Henry, 16 24 4 $200. Bowen Charles A, $400. Biery J G, carp, Newcastle. Bowers W, 1, Osceola. Big John (Indian), 22 21 5 $210. Bowman Bichard, 1, Newcastle. Big Tom (Indian Wil-etch-ta), 18 21 Box Sim, 1, Benton. 5 $770 Slaughter. Boyce George P, f, 36 26 6 $730 Nov­ Biggs Wm, 9 21 4 $1490. elty. Bigelow M, f, Houghton. Boyce J H, $150 Novelty. Bill (Indian), f, 32 25 6 $110 Osceola. Boyer John T, 21 25 4 $1200. Bill J, f,,17 21 5 $80 Slaughter. Boyd James, 1921 5 $2270 Slaughter. Billings J, f, Juanita. Boyd J, $70 Slaughter. Birmingham Wm, 23 22 4 $670. Boyd Wm, 1, 24 25 3 $60 Kent. Bishop Albert, 1, $20 Green Biver. Boyd W P, f, 8 25 4 $2640 Slaughter. Bissell John, f, 20 23 4 $570 Sunny- Boylan M, miner, Newcastle. dale. Boyle Daniel, miner,Oedar Mountain. Bixell Joseph, blacksmith, Renton. Boyle G W, 32 26 7 1

Agents for R. HOE & CO'S Chisel-Tooth Tatum & Bowen and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. A. Chilberg!Co.and^ R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Excliange. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 174 SEATTLE CITY AND Bradley D E, logger, Snoqualmie. Burk Peter, ], Duwanrsh, Bradley T B, logger, Snoqualmie. Bnrk & Rush, 6 26 4 $200. Brady J, 1, Osceola. Burke Henry D, 6 26 4 $270 Kent. Brady J C, 1, $30 Green River. Burnell Arthur, 21 24 4. Bragg W H, carp, Benton. Burnell E jr, 1, Black Diamond. Brannan P, miner, $560 Benton. Burnell E sr, engnr, Black Diamond. Brannan Alfred,f, 26215 $1280 Green Burnett C H, 21 23 5 $620. River. Burnett Hiram, 28 24 53 $760. Brannan Joseph, 6 215 $4810 Slaugh­ Burr T, f, Duwamish. ter. Burran G. f, Sunnydale. Brannan K F, f, $580 Snoqualmie. Burrows A, f, Houghton, Brannan Lavant, f, 31 22 5 $780. Burrows George, gardener, Vashon. Brannan Peter, 1, $120 Benton. Burrows James, gardener, 19 22 3 Brannaman H, f, Slaughter. $180 Vashon. Brassen N, f, 24 25 3 $2480 Seattle. Burns John C, f, $8400 Duwamish. Breimhall M, f,- Arthur. Burns John E, f, 24 25 3 $140. Breimhall S, f, Arthur. Burns JW, 1, Black Diamond. Brestenstein —, f, Slaughter. Burnes Joseph, 1, Vashon. Brewer Andrew, f, 30 26 7 $240. Burns Joseph, $370 Duwamish. Brewster Albert, f, 28 25 4 $960. Burns Michael, f, 25 21 5 $1110 Bridgers Mathew, f, 26 23 2 $260 Green River. Vashon. Burns Michael, miner, Benton. Bright Mary A, 18 23 3 $90. Burns Owen, f, Benton. Briggs C, 1, Osceola. Burton E M, 20 25 4 $150. Brisco C, 1, Black Diamond. Burton Henry, f, $100 Duvalls. Broadway E, f, $220 Vashon. Burton Henry, 1, Duwamish. Brooks F, 1, Green Biver. Burtenshaw W A, f, Arthur, Brooks Geo W, 18 26 7 $230. Bush A J, f, 30 24 8 $670 Falls City. Brooks Levy, 1, Black Diamond. Bussell C B, bkkpr, Snoqualmie. Brooke P, f, Osceola. Bush James, f, 21 24 6 $2580. Brodrick P, 1, Osceola. Bush John, miner, Benton. Brown Amelia M, f, 24 25 3 $50. Bush W B, f. Brown Beriah, f, 25 23 4 $4770. Butsch Budolph, f, Vashon. Brown Cicero, f, 21 25-4 $1400. Byan Elroy, lumberman, Renton. Brown Emma, f, 27 26 5 $1150. Byrd W P, 1, 24 25 3 $25. Brown G, musician, Houghton. CaculichM, f, Kent. Brown L H, f, 14-24 7 $200. Cade Ben, 1, $350 Benton. Brown Mary I E, f, 19 23 4 $480 Oady Charles, 1, $100 Osceola. Falls City. Cade Grant, f, Benton. Brown & McCall, $250 Novelty. Cade Isaac, f, 10 25 5 $680 Benton. Brown O S, 12 21 4 $1480 Slaughter. Cade N R, f, Kent. Brown Bobert, f, Benton. Calkins A L, f, 10 26 5 $80 Juanita. Brown Theo, 17 23 5 $3890. Caldwell J E, 21 24 4 $160. Brown Thomas, engineer, Benton, Calhoun Isaac P, elk, $20' New­ Brownfield C, carp, Benton. castle. Bruce J, 1, Osceola. Callagher Peter, miner, Newcastle. Brunett Charles, carp, Benton. Calligan B H, clerk, 28 25 4 $3130 Bryan J, 1, Osceola. Newcastle. Buck Adelaide G, 30 25 4 $2230. Calmin J C, 1, Benton. Buck F R, 23 26 5 $400. Calver E W, f, Renton. Buckley A, steward, Benton. Cameron J, miner, Black Diamond. Buckley John, miner, Renton. Cameron John, 1, Duwamish. Buckley P, carp, $90 Houghton. Campbell D B. f, 4 23 4 $890 Du­ Bucklan G, 1, Osceola. wamish. Buckna W H, 1, Osceola. Campbell George, miner, Newcastle. Buffan A C, 1, Newcastle. Campbell J, f, 30 26 7 $240. Buggs C N, 1, Kent.

To all Points Sold by Agents Through Tickets Throughout the EAST At City Dock. OFFICE-Booms 9 and lO Yesler- „eary Block. R. Gr. Caldwell, Dentist, All woi-lt first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 175

Campbell James, miner, Cedar Chements A B, logger, Snoqualmie, Mountain. Chenner Joe, logger, Vashon. Campbell John B, f, 24 25 3 $60. Cherry Thomas, musician, 20 24 6 Campbell Thomas, miner, Newcastle, $270 Squak. Campbell Thomas, miner, Cedar Chestnut W, 1, Green Biver. Mountain. Chishelm Angus, f, 11 26 6 $320. Oanfieid G, f, Osceola. Chrislie B H, cook, Benton. Canfield Thomas H, 2 23 4 $1970. Ohristensen C A, 1, White Biver. Cannon Richard T, 26 24 7 $400. Ohristensen James, $250 White Cantrill M, blacksmith, Black Dia­ Biver. mond, Christman A H, carp, Vashon. Oarbin J G, f, Slaughter. Christman A J, f, Vashon. Card J C, f, Duwamish. Christman L, carp, Vashon. Carit J A, 13 26 3 $240. Christopher Thomas, f, 1 21 4 $4560 Carlo J, 1, Black Diamond. Slaughter. Carlson C A, 1, Black Diamond. Church E M, f, Houghton. Oarnes Wm, 6 25 4, $530. Church H C, f,'Houghton. Carney Daniel, f, 19 20 6 $320 Osce­ Clark F, 1, Osceola. ola. Clark James, $300 Duwanish. Carnisky James, miner, Newcastle. Clark James O, 26 22 6 $1600. Carpenter C E, f, White Biver. Clark James H, f, 26 222 $30Vashon. Carpenter J E, $290 White Biver. Clark M H, shoemkr, $70 Houghton. Oarr E M, engineer, Osceola. Clark B S, $150. Carr Jefferson, f, Vashon. Clark Thomas, miner, Newcastle. Carr M, teamster, Black Diamond. Clark Wm, f, 19 22 5 $1800 Kent. Carr O A, f, Juanita. Clark W B. miner, Renton. Carson Frank A, 27 21 4 $240. Clay Wilson S, 12 24 7 $400. Carter H M, carp, Snoqualmie. Clayborn G, f, Osceola. Carter James, f, Sunnydale. Cleary E, fireman, Black Diamond. Carter R P, f, Vashon. Clendenin Wm C C, 24 25 3 $25. Cashell John, 1, Benton. Cloudy F A, f, 13 22 4 $740 Kent. Casler A, f, Vashon. Olyner H V, f. Casper O F, f, 36 22 6 $1600. Cocheate J, miner, Black Diamond. Castelo Pat, 1, White Biver. Coisinens J, logger, Seattle. Caton J, f, Juanita. Cook O L, f, 8 25 4 $210. Caughlin John, 1, Black Diamond. Cook David, f, Vashon. Cavanaugh M L, f, 28 24 4 $11300 Cook F P. brickmaker, 20 22 3 $190 Duwamish. Vashon. Caws Matt. $20 Benton. Gook Thomas, miner, New Castle. Chalemehan Samuel, f, 21 21 5 $170. Cole Albert, carp, 7 22 3 $360Vashon. Chamberlain —, 1, 33 24 4 $80 Osce­ Cole C B, logger, Snoqnalmie. ola. Cole G N, logger, Seattle. Champlain W, f, Seattle, Cole J, f, Slaughter. Channette J, miner, Black Diamond. Cole James, f, $1030 Slaughter. Chapin Ida, 1, $40 Hubbard. Coleman J M, f, 32 24 5 $1710 New­ Chapin J W, f, Juanita. castle. Chapin J W. 1, $30 Hubbard. Coleman James M jr, f, Newcastle. Chapel P, 1, Osceola. Cole W, f, Seattle. Charritte C, 1, Black Diamond. Oolford T, 1, Osceola. Charleston Alexander, lum, Vashon. Collins Henry, saloonkpr, Newcastle. Charlton Thomas, 1, $230 Osceola. Collins Stephens, 5 23 8 $400. ' Charton John, f, Osceola. Colman —, 1, Duwamish. Chatlerton John, lum, Vashon. Colyer Patrick, elk, Black Diamond. Chavat John, 22 23 6 $450 New­ Comeford J P, 20 25 7 $320. castle. Comes —, f, Osceola. Chichuahua John (ind), 1, 20 25 4 Cone James, f, Vashon. $130. CondesmanS S, f, Vashon. Business Broker, GEO. W.CRANE SEATTLE, W. T. « Lots for sale for Cash or on Eshelman, Llewellyn installments. $33-$66-$99 az Co. (Post Building.) 176 SEATTLE CITY AND Condon John S, f, 8 25 4 $160. Cummings Martin, f, 11 22 4 $1120 Oonklin 0 H, cooper, Vashon. White Biver. Conover W H, f, 22 24 4 $140. Cumming R, 1, Osceola. Conway W, f, Juanita. Cunningham C E, f. Coon Joseph, 1, Duwamish. Cunningham G, f, Vashon. Conners M H, mer, Kent. Cunningham P E, Snoqualmie. Copeland J T, carp, Snoqualmie. Curran G B, 1, Osceola. Cooper Charles, joiner $60 Snoqual­ Cum John, 1, Duwamish. mie. Curtis J, miner, Black Diamond. Cooper Isaac, f, $1500 Newcastle. Curtis J, postmaster, Houghton. Cooper Isaac, miner,Ced ar Mountain. Curtis James, $350 Houghton. Cooper L S, 1, White Biver. Curtis James F, 17 25 5 $800 Hough­ Cooper Mike, miner, $460 Newcastle. ton. Cooper W A, f, Osceola. Curtis J P, capt, Houghton. Cooper W H, f, $150 Osceola. Curtis M M, teacher, Houghton"*. Corbin J G, 13 21 4 $820 Slaughter. Curtis N J, carp, Houghton. Cornville E, 18 20 6 $480, Ousick James, miner, Newcastle. Cornnant Baymond, miner, Newcas­ Custer C S, mer, $600 Benton. tle. Custer George W, carp, Renton. Cornwall W A, f, Slaughter. Ouster Susan T, $640 Renton. Oosmey W J, f, Kent. Cutler R, 1, Black Diamond. Cota Eugene, f, 18 206 $420 Osceola. Ouyle Henry, $90 Osceola. Cotter J, carp, Black Diamond. Dailey Joseph, f, $460 Kenton. Coulter S & Sons, 34 26 4 $7120 Se­ Daily W, miner, Black Diamond. attle. Dailey Richard, 1, $160 Osceola. Counter Olive, $500 Slaughter. Dane Edward, f, 30 26 5 $340. Oourville Bros, 18 20 6 $1000 Osce­ Dands George E, f, Newcastle. ola. Danen Miller H, 1, Duwamish. Oourville E, f, Osceola. Daniels L A, f, Juanita. Courville Gilbert, f, $120 Osceola. Daniel W, f, Osceola. Oourville L, f, Osceola. Davey E W, $50 Houghton. Oowgar A, i, $160 Osceola. Davidson T, logger, Vashon. Craige John, f, 22 22 3 $460. Davides Gottleib, 17 25 4 $230. Cramer A. 1, Black Diamond. Davidson D W C, 24 25 3 $2150. Cramer E H, f, $160 Arthur. Davis Benjamin, miner, Newcastle. Crawford A L,f, 20 23 4 $800 Duwam­ Davis 0 M, f, 28 22 5 $480 Kent. ish. Davis D A, 1, Black Diamond. Crawford J, f, $130 Duwamish. Davis D B, miner, Black Diamond. Crawford J E, 33 23 4 $1365 Duwam­ Davis E, miner, Black Diamond. ish. Davis E B, miner, Newcastle. Crawford M K, 1, $50. Davis George O, f, 26 21 6, $8040. Crawford W. f, 13 25 3, $1240 Seattle. Davis George W, 2 22 6 $240 Arthur. Crawford Wm, f, 32 26 6 $320. Davis John, miner, Newcastle. Oresini 0,1, Black Diamond. Davis John, 1, Black Diamond. Crisp S A, 1, $520 Green River. Davis J C, eng, 29 25 5 $420 Hough­ Crow J J, f, Kent. ton. Crowley M, f, Kent. Davis M, 1, Black Diamond. Cross W H, miner, Newcastle. Davis N, 1, Black Diamond. Crosson B, f, 29 26 5, $320 Seattle. Davis Phillip, miner, Black Dia­ Croach James, miner, Newcastle. mond. Orabb F M, teamster, Newcastle. Davis Reese, miner, Black Diamond. Cruyen J H, f, Vashon. Davis Richard, f, $40 Slaughter. Culver E W, f, 22 23 5 $1170. Davis Simon H, f, $550. Culver T, carp, Black Diamond. Davis T A, miner, Black Diamond. Cumberland W H, logger, Houghton. Davis Thomas T, miner, Newcastle. Cummings 0 H, bkkpr, $30 Benton. Davis T W, miner, Newcastle. Cummings J W, f, Vashon. Davis T X, eng, Black Diamond. Is t_e ONLY Trans-Con­ Northern Pacific tinental Line Running Palace Dining Cars. Kiand Office Business Promptly and accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.

KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 177 Davis W, 1, Black Diamond. Donnelly Annie, $120 Renton. Davis W W, machinist, Black Dia­ Donnelly Francis, f, 28 25 7 $370 Nov­ mond. elty. Davis W E, foreman, Black Dia­ Donnelly & McMahon, 1, $300 Squak. mond. Donelly S, sawyer, Snoqualmie. Davis WH, 28 2543 .. Donlan M, f, 34 24 6 $480 Squak. Davis Wm J, f, Arthur. Donovan D, 1, Osceola. Davis W J, 1, Black Diamond. Donovan Thomas, f, Duwamish, Davis Wm L, 34 20 6 $120. Doran Frank, 29 24 5 $1560 Newcastle. Davis W X, 1, Black Diamond. Douglas Henry, carp, Renton. Davison S E, $1180. Doust H B. f, 3 24 6 $150 Squak. Davy E M, mason, Houghton. Dowling J, foreman, Black Diamond. Dawson Abrahams, f, 21 22 3 Downey Patrick, f, 23 22 4 $3100 Vashon. White River. Day Allen, $50 Squak. Downey Patrick, f, Houghton. Day B F, f, Seattle. Doyle A, carp, Black Diamonk. Day 0 N, f. 18 25 4 $720 Seattle. Doyle James, 1, Newcastle. Day Lucius, f, 6 26 7 $160 Duvalls. Drew Fred, f, 26 24 3 $240. Dayton C A sr, f, $60 Vashon. Droyer J, f, White River. Dayton C A, f, $60 Vashon. Duane Frank, f, Newcastle. Dayton C E M, f, $30 Vashon. Duane W J, f, Vashon. . Day hi John, f, Vashon. Dubois Charles, f, 2521 5 $840 Green Debenditte J,'f, $50 Osceola. River. Demchar F, 1, Black Diamond. Dudley G S, f, 31 24 4 $3050 Duwa­ De Mott John W, f, 5 25 5 $550 mish. Houghton. Duffy Bernard, 9 24 5 $660 Newcastle. Derbert C J, f, 9 25 4 $550 Seattle, Duffy & Collins, $300 Newcastle. . Dermody Wm, 8 24 7 $200. Duffy Patrick, miner, 11 24 5 $560 Desmond Wm, logger, Vashon. Cedar Mountain. Devenport Joel, 1, $120 Squak. Dunlap C H, f, Juanita. Dewane W J, 1, $30 Vashon.' Dumas Rudolph, 11 25 4 $250. Dickermyre H, trapper, Duwamish. Dunn P J, saloon, $190 Renton. Dickson D, miner,BJack Diamond. Dunn R, millwright. $160 Houghton. Dierning J,- f, $150 Squak. Dunean F H, f, Houghton. Digal F, butcher, Duwamish. Dunlap C H, f, 32 26 5 $520 Hough­ Dillon Isaac, f, 17 25 4 $580. ton. Dillon J, carp, Black Diamond. Dunlap Joseph, f, 34 24 4 $935 Du­ Dillon L, 20 23 5 $1200. wamish. Dilsworth B B, minister, Vashon. Durell C, 1, Vashon. Ditlevesen Fred, boot and shoe mak­ Dutton W J, 19 25 43 $260. er, Benton. Duvall James, f, $2160 Duwamish. Doane O L, f, Vashon. Duvall Sarah E, 28 25 40 $20. Dobson J, miner, Newcastle, Dwyer J, 1 22 4 $1700 White River. Dobson John, miner, Newcastle. Dwyer Thomas, constable, Black Dobson Bobert, miner. Newcastle. Diamond. Dobson Thomas, miner, Newcastle. Dyer J W, 1, Renton. Dodds N H, painter, Houghton. Eager Frederick, carp, Black Dia­ Donley R., f, Osceola. mond. Dolan J, f, Green River. Easter W W. capt, 18 25 5 $30 Dollai-hide R H, f, Seattle. Houghton. Dolton J, f, Osceola. Easterbrook C, f, Juanita. Doolittle D, 1, Osceola. Easterbrook G A, f, Juanita. Donald Thomas, f and Justice Peace, Edge Thomas, miner, Newcastle. 34 24 5 Newcastle. Edgerton J C, miner, Newcastle. Donnelson John, briekmkr, Vashon. Edmonds A L, miner, Black Dia­ Donnelson P, f, Seattle. mond. Domiell W W, 1, Newcastle. Edwards J D, f, Slaughter. . n w% Manufacturers of Patent Saw-Mill Ma- T ines and atum & Bowen 'Ss;?SffiS."sy'En Fire, Life and Accident Insurance AChjlber9&co. 7 Ageata. 178 SEATTLE CITY AND

Edwards Joseph, 1, Black Diamond. Fancett James E, f, 18 21 5 $1030 Egan M W, lum, Slaughter. Slaughter. Eirhart Levy, cook; Black Diamond. Fancett J F, 1, Slaughter. Eisbert M, f, $30 Vashon. Faucett J T, f, Slaughter. Elder Wm, 8 25 4 $650. Fancett Wm T, f, $160 Slaughter. Eliott C B, f, Osceola. Fawkes Joseph, 1. Benton. Elliott George, f, Newcastle. Fay Phillips, f, 28 20 6 $690 Osceola. Ellicott T, f, Vashon. Fecker Joseph, butcher, Benton. Ellis J F, 35 24 3 $360. Fell Joseph, f, $50 Osceola. Ellis W, engineer, Black Diamond. Felch Clinton G, steward, Black Ellis W A, lab, Duwamish. Diamond. Ellison Oley, lab. Feming S, 1, Osceola. Ebbert John, f, White Biver. Ferguson C F, f, 32 26 7 $320. Elder Wm. f, Kent. Fernsworth James, miner, Renton. Elsey David S, f, $110 Sunnydale. Fewings J, 1, Black Diamond. Elsey David S jr, 1, $40 Sunnydale. Field John, f, $170 White River. Elsey John C, 1, $50 Sunnydale. Fife Wm H, f, 30 22 3 $380. Elwell John, 24 26 6 $1940 Snoqual­ Finken Frederick, f, 26 26 6 $240. mie. Finnie John, bricklayer, Duwamish. Elwood A, f, $50 Green Biver. Finnigan Bernard, 17 24 6 $400. Emerson P, f, 10 22 4 $1820 White Finnigan Charles, f, $220 Osceola. River. Fisk A A, f, $150 Duwamish. Emerson Thomas, f, 8 25 4 $1200. Fisk P W, foreman, Osceola. Engblum O, carp, Kent. Fitzgerald John, 1 21 3 $120. Engle H, f, Osceola. Fleming Andrew, f, $50 Osceola. Engler David, 1, Kent. Fleming C. f, Kent. English J, f, Osceola. Fleming M, 1, Black Diamond. Ennis F, carp, Black Diamond. Fleming B, f, Kent. Entwistle James, f, Tolt. Fletcher A H, f, 28 26 4 $180. Entwistle Wm, 1, Tolt. Flint Benjamin, f, 25 24 3 $1850. Erickson C, f. Juanita. Flogel Jeremiah C, f, 26 22 6 $1600. Erickson J, 1, Slaughter. Flynn Robert, f, 8 22 4 $650 White Ernst J, carp, Black Diamond. River. Errison A, f, Osceola. Flynn Robert, carp, Vashon. Estabrook C W, 1, $50 Woodinville. Foley C, 1, Osceola. Estabrook G A, 1, $30 Woodinville. Fonda C T, lighthouse keeper, Se­ Essenay Joseph, 4 25 7 $210 Novelty. attle. Eva James, miner, Newcastle. Ford Edward, 8 25 7 $400. Evans E J, miner, Newcastle. Ford Patrick, 1, White River. Evans D, miner, Black Diamond. Ford Sylvester, f, 34 26 6 $250 Nov­ Evans Harold, saloon, 10 21 7 $1610 elty. Benton. Forge C, f, Osceola. Evans Henry W,blksmth,Ntwcastle. Forging C, 1, Black Diamond. Evans J D, miner, Newcastle. Foost Wellington, bricklayer, Du­ Evans O, engineer, Newcastle. wamish. Evans P, f, Juanita. Forbes Dorr, 4 25 5 $1250 Juanita. Evans Richard, miner, Black. Dia­ Foresman James, 8 24 7. mond. Foreget Charles, $470 Osceola. Evans W, 1, Black Diamond. Forsythe John, carp, Newcastle. Evans W G, miner, Newcastle. Forsblad John, $30 Slaughter. Evans W J, miner. Newcastle. Forrest George, f, $30 Osceola. Fabean C, 1, Black Diamond. Forest James, miner, Renton. Fabean J, 1, Black Diamond. Forrest P, $270. Fagerberg A J, f 20 25 5 $865 Forrest R M, f, $140 Osceola. Houghton. Forrester E S, 30 26 7 $160. Falk Dona, 23 25 3 $460. Forsblade J, f, Slaughter. Farr James, 24 26 3 , Forward T, logger, Vashon.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific T^^HANCFOF CARS of any class. OFFICE-Kooms 9 and lO Yesler-„eary Block. . It. G.Caldwell,-Dentist, All work fta-st-class and Cor. Mill and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 179 Foster Joseph, f, 15 23 4 $7430 Du­ Gilman Albert M, 33 24 6 I wamish. Gilman JolmW, 9 223! Foster Stephen, f, Duwamish. Gilmartin T, 1, Black Diamond. Foster Wm J, 26 22 6 $1600. Gilmore Alexander 20 25 4 $400. Fountain John, 23 23 4 $1110 White Ginacho P, 1, Black Diamond. River. Ginder A, carp, Black Diamond. Fountain John, f, Duwamish. Giveler M, carp, Kent. Founder M,f, Newcastle. Glass D B, f, Osceola. Fournier W F, f, Newcastle, Gleason Martin, 10 23 6 $600. Franckini B, 1, Osceola. Gloid J, f, Slaughter. Francis H S, 20 23 5 $1600. Glynn M, 1, Black Diamond. Francis Thomas, miner, Newcastle. Goff A M, miner, Houghton. Francis Wm E, 34 23 6 $1600. Goldmyer Wm. 9 24 7 $450 Falls Francis Wm E, 32 23 6 $560. City. Framer Wm, miner, Benton, Goldtripp Wm, 1, Arthur. Fraser J J, miner, Black Diamond. Goldsmith Louis, 24 25 3 $110. Fraser S, miner, Black Diamond. Goodien A, 28 22 4 $360. Frederick Frank, f, Kent. Goosen P J, f, Vashon. French 0 O, $560 Houghton. Gordon Alexander, f, 9 23 4 $1230 French George B, 24 25 3 $30. Duwamish. French H D, f, 8 25 5 $485Houghton. Gordon Alex, f, Sunnydale. French S F, f, 8 25 5 $800 Houghton. Gordon John, f, Duwamish. French Z, $930 Green River. Gordon Lucinda, $1940 Duwamish. Frost G, 1, Black Diamond. Gordon O B, 1. Osceola. Frost O, f, Vashon. Gordon Warren J, f, 5 22 3 $790 Frost O, f, 14 25 3 $4800 Seattle. Vashon. Fruman J, f, Seattle. GorBu'ch J 0, teamster, Vashon. Fulk Ashby, 1, Kent. Goss Peter, 1, Houghton. Fuller George H, f, 5 22 3 $910 Gould Robert J, 32 23 3 $480. Vashon. Gove John, f, 12 21 4 $3920 Slaugh­ Fuller L D, 26 25 7 $160. ter. FurnellSM, 28 24 6 $240. Gowen M F, 1, Duwamish. Gains H J, f, Renton. Gow A, 6 22 5 $720 Kent. Gallagher P 0, miner,BlackDiamond. Grady Mathias, 1, $20 Renton. Gallagher S, logger, Snoqualmie. Graf H, butcher, Renton. Gamble Samuel, sailor, Renton. Graf John, prop Renton Hotel, Ren­ Garbarano A, miner,Black Diamond. ton. Gard Pat, 29 26 4 $160. Graham D, f, Duwamish. Gardener, Charles, f, Sunnydale. Graham H, miner, Renton. Gardener J, 1, Black Diamond. Graham James, miner, Newcastle. Gardener Joseph, hotelkpr, Renton. Graham Mrs Margaret, prop Ameri­ Gardiner Wm, printer,$50 Sunnydale. can Hotel, $340 Renton. Gardner Benjamin, 2 23 3 $200. Graham Patrick, miner, 26 23 6 ! Gardner Charles, 6 22 4 $160 Duwa­ Newcastle. mish. Graham Robert, f, 14 22 4 Gardiner Joseph, prop Miners' Sa­ White River. loon $100 Benton. Graham W F, 24 25 7 $320. Genereux John, f, $30 Osceola, Grant John, 1, Black Diamond. George Frank, f, Houghton. Grant J W, 1, Duwamish. George Frank, $230 Redmond. Graw W J, f, Duwamish. George K, f, Green River. Gray C, logger, Newcastle. George M O, 30 44 5 $360. Gray J, miner, Black Diamond. George W G, miner, Newcastle. Gray Wm, f, Newcastle. Gibson A, f, Osceola. Grey Christopher, $120 Newcastle. Gibson J, 1, Osceola. Green E, f, Slaughter. Gilderslee M D, f, Houghton. Greene Edwin, logger, Sunnydale. Gilerson G, logger, Houghton. Green John M, f, White River.

Approved Security Opens the Bureau, Money to Loan, Washington St., near Commercial, Seattle. Ao e ts Choice Suburban ;0 Rs^ Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.

180 SEATTLE CITY AND Greene Samuel, minister, 8 25 5 Hale, Elijah G, 8 25 4 $160. Houghton. Hall Charles, $60 Newcastle. Green W, str capt, $50 Houghton. Hall James, miner, Newcastle. Greenfield Charles, f, 32 24 4 $220 Hall Oliver, f, 8 25 4 $2000 Kent. Duwamish. Hall Mrs S E, 28 25 4 $450. Greenleaf C S, f 8 26 5 $1090 Wood­ Hallin F, 26 24 7 $400. inville. Halloran P H, $20 Renton. Greenleaf C S, f, Juanita. Halmicht Henry, f, Newcastle. Greenleaf S N, 19 25 4 $20. Halstead H, f, Slaughter. Greeley Wm, 1, Benton. Halverson T, miner, Black Diamond. Green George C, 17 22 4 $640. Hamblet E T, 1 25 3 $620 Seattle. Griffiths E J, 1, Black Diamond. Hamilton D, logger, Houghton. , Griffiths E T, 1, Black Diamond. Hamley W C, f, Houghton. Griffiths D M, miner, Black Dia­ Hamlon Peter, 3 23 4 $190. mond. Hammersmack John, f, Vashon. Griffiths J, 1, Black Diamond. Hammersmack T, f, Vashon, Griffiths John, miner, Newcastle. Hanna Nicholas, Cedar Mountain. Griffiths John V, miner, Newcastle. Handcock H, miner, Black Diamond, Griffith Richard, miner, Black Dia­ Hanes Arthur, f, White River. mond. Hanks O, f, $280 Houghton. Griffiths W A, miner, Newcastle. Hanlon James, miner, Black Dia­ Griffin Thomas, f, 28 25 7 $210. mond. Grimes August, blacksmith, Renton. Hani on John, miner, Black Diamond. Grisgrismick J, 1, Biack Diamond. Hanlon P, miner, Black Diamond. Groiuett D, f, Kent. Hanson A, f, Kent. Grot G, f, Houghton."- Hanson Anna, f, White River. Grot H, f, 30 25 5 $570 Houghton. Hanson C, f, White River. Grothen Henry, f, 26 20 6 $880 Os­ Hanson F, justice peace, Black Dia­ ceola. mond. Grow Frank L, 125 3 $240. Hanson F, carp, Black Diamond. Growen J, butcher, Duwamish. Hanson George, f, $190 Duwamish. Gram J, hotel keeper, Osoeola. Hanson H H, f, Duwamish. Grand Saul, 11 22 4, $1750 White Hanson M, machinist, Benton, Biver. Hanson & Olson, $4300 Seattle. Grand Samuel, f, White River. Harrison Peter, f, 30 25 5 $160 Grundy James, miner, Renton. Houghton. Gudmundsen Gilbert, 20 24 6 $90 Hanson Trills, f, 32 24 4 $1060. Squak. Han way T, 1, Osceola. Guiberson B F, f, White River, Hardin Harriet, 18 22 5 $1070. Guiberson B F & O E, $840 White Hardin Wm, f, Renton. River. Harding H, 1, Duwamish. Guiberson C E, f, White Biver. Harding P, 1, Duwamish. Guiberson C J, Kent. Harm Mary A, 18 22 5 $1830. Guiberson L R, 14 23 4 $3010 White Harms P, 18 22 5 $480. River. Harris R S, miner, Newcastle. Guiberson S E, f, White Biver Harn Michael, f, Kent. Gulley Frederick, miner, Newcastle. Harneit H, f, $265 Seattle. Gunderson W, f, Osceola. -Harris Anson, f, 20 23 4 $940 Sun­ Gunnison Charles, miner, Newcastle. nydale. Gusten Mrs Emma, teacher, Squak. Harris James, f, $230. Gusten S T, f, Squak. Harrison Thomas, f, $50 Squak. Gwinnell G, f, Slaughter. Harrison W, f, Seattle. Habenchit H, miner, Black Dia­ Hart David, f, 24 21 4 $5290 Slaugh­ mond. ter. Hafner Lerrey, 28 25 5 $720. Hart H, f, Slaughter. Hagland H, logger, Black Diamond. Hart James, f, 6 21 5 $1290 Slaugh­ Hain Patrick, f, Kent. ter. By Purchasing THROUGH TICKETS PArSEr__ Will Save Money From SEATTLE. , S. Dep. Mineral Surveyor for W.T. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp. the Arlington.

KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 181 Hartman C, f, 3 25 5 $910 Hough­ Heynes John, 3 23 63 $30 Squak. ton. Hicklin L F, f, 6 23 4 $40 Sunnydale. Hartman M, f, 29 26 5 $180 Hub­ Higlier Joseph, butcher, Duwamish. bard. Hilckamon Bill, 6 24 6 $1200. Harvey James, 20 25 7 $200. Hildebrand J, 15 25 4 $400. Haskell Jarvis, carp, Renton. Hilton F, 1, Black Diamond. Haskell J H, fisherman, 29 22 3 $600 Hill Frank G, f. 26 23 4 $1550 White Vashon. River. Hatten James, 1, Renton. » Hines A B, f, Houghton. Havens Henry B, 2 25 3 $480. Hines S W, f, Houghton. Havenkamp August, f, 17 24 5 $270 Hoar & Pound, $250 Slaughter. Newcastle. Hoar W R, f, Slaughter. Hawk N, blksmth, Black Diamond. Hoctor John, f, 4 25 5 $708 Hough­ Hawley D H, f, 32 26 5 $280 Juanita. ton. Hays B, mer, Renton. Hoefar J, miner, Black Diamond. Hayes 0,1, Black Diamond. Hofmeister C, f, Vashon. Hayes F, f, Osceola. Hofmeister Martin, f, Vashon. Hayes F, foreman, Black Diamond. Hoffman N, miner, Newcastle. Hayes F B, $260 Renton. Holbrook Wm, f, $500 Renton. Hayes F L, notion store, Renton. Holden B, 1, Black Diamond. Hayes F T, 17 21 5 $180. Holesworth John, miner, Cedar Hayes Patrick, f, 2 22 4 $7650 White Mountain. River. Holm Emil, f, 26 20 6 $650 Osceola. Hay land Henry, $20 Renton. Holmes Edmond, 2 25 5. Heacock L J, elk, Black Diamond. Holt A F, butcher, Renton. Bead John, f, $270 Duwamish. Holtgen A, 1, Osceola. Hefnnister Conrad, $60 Vashon. Hood J, 34 23 4 $480. Hefferman W, teamster, Newcastle. Hopkins N, f, Seattle. Heges Charles, 3 23 6 $360. Hopper James, miner, Cedar Moun­ Hegson & Smith, $20. tain, Hernig J R, 1, Osceola. Horrocks James, miner, Cedar Moun­ Helmold Christopher, f, 13 214 $1100 tain. Slaughter, Horrocks James, miner $190 Renton. Hellenbrand F C, 1, Vashon. Horrocks Thomas, $100 Benton. Henderson Martha, $20 Renton. Horrocks W, miner, Benton. Henderson R, miner, Osceola. Hoskins Thomas,miner, Cedar Moun­ Henist J, 1, Osceola. tain. Henness B L & C C, 21 21 5 $200. Hoskins Thomas, miner, Renton. Hennessy J, f, Osceola. Houghton J D, logger, Houghton. Hennigen W, miner, Newcastle. Houghton L, logger, Houghton. Henry Wm J, 2 26 3 $70. Houghton W, logger, Houghton. Hepburn F B,musician,White Biver. Hovey Sarah H, 8 25 4 $160. Hepburn L, f, White Biver. Howard M J, 18 26 7 $160. ' Herbert E S, f, White River. Howell John, miner, Black Diamond. Hern John, f, 20 25 4 $150. Howland T, f, Renton. Herzogg F A, f, Juanita. Howland & Woodworth, $230 Ren­ Herriman Albert, f, 1 21 2 $270. ton. Herriman E O, blacksmith, Vashon. HowlettO J, 28 22 4 $360. Herring G, f, Kent. HowlettM, contractor, Osceola. Herriott S C, 32 23 3 $320. Hoyte P, 1, Osceola. Hewett J B, 25 22 4 $3200. Hubbard B, carp, Slaughter. Hewette B, miner, Black Diamond. Hubbard C F, $230 Slaughter. Hexford A B, f, Houghton. Hubbard Martin W, f, 30 26 5 Heycock J, miner, Black Diamond. Hubbard. Heycock R, watchman, Black Dia­ Hubbert Bobt, $400 Novelty. mond. Hubble G A, f, Duwamish. Heyner John, f, White Biver. Hudson G, 18 24 5. Mill, Mining and Woodworking Machinery, Engines and Boilers, and lubricating Oils, Tatum & Bowen POBT_A5TI>. ORE**©)*. Phiiham 5 Pn COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I yilllUOSH.yUl Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. A U _ B. _!. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 182 SEATTLE CITY AND Huffman N, 1, Newcastle. Janicke J G, f, 4 24 7 $330 Falls Hughes A S, physician, 12 21 4 $480 City. Slaughter. Jansan Mary, 28 25 4 $770. Hughes B W, 20 21 6 $480. Jarvison Peter, f, 22 23 5 $1680 Ce­ Hughes David D, physician, 12 21 4 dar River. $1310 Slaughter. Jeffers J H, 31 26 4 $320. Hughes Daniel, f, $650 Squak. Jefferson E H, 1, 25 24 4 $230 Os­ Hughes J, f, Slaughter. ceola. , Hughes J, miner, Black Diamond. Jeffs Richard, f, 30 22 5 $8120 Os­ Hughes S, 7 21 5 $700 Slaughter. ceola. Hughes Thomas B, saloon, $4250 Jenks T, 1, Osceola. Newcastle. Jenkins George, 30 22 $800. Hughes W J, miner, Black Dia­ Jenkins J, blksmth, Renton. mond. Jenkins J D, $20 Renton. Hume Thomas, 24 25 3 $90. Jenkins J L, miner, Newcastle, Humes Samuel, 4 25 4 $820. Jenkins John S, 8 25 6 $320. Humphreys J, timekpr, Black Dia­ Jenson O, f, Seattle. mond. Jenkins T, 1, Osceola. Hunt James, miner, Newcastle. Jenne Ernest, lum, Vashon. Hunter J, engineer, Black Diamond. Jinkins J, miner, Black Diamond. Huntington —, 7 22 4 $480. Jinkins W, miner, Black Diamond. Huntington J M, 24 25 4 $70. Jobe D, 1, Black Diamond. Hurd George P, f, $120 Renton. Johns B W, 23 24 4 $200. Hurd Moses, 1, Renton. Johns D, miner, Black Diamond. Hurley Patrick, 32 22 4 $500. John John, miner, Newcastle. Hutchinson John, miner, Newcastle. Johnson A, 1. Duwamish. Hyde Enoch, miner, $60 Newcastle. Johnson A, carp, Vashon. Hydcliff M J, f, Seattle. Johnson A H, 20 24 4 $120. Indian Joe (ind), 14 23 4 $210. Johnson Fred, fisherman, Vashon. Inglis Benjamin, f, $190 Osceola. Johnson H L, 32 21 6 $320. Inglis E, f, Osceola. Johnson J, 1, Arthur. Inglis J, miner, Black Diamond. Johnson J, 1, Duwamish. Inman N D, f, $420 Slaughter. Johnson J, f, Juanita. Innis John, carp, Renton. Johnson J, f, Osceola. Tunis John jr, carp, Renton. Johnson J J, 1, Slaughter. Irr Joseph, carp, Arthur. Johnson James, 34 20 6 $1240 Osceola. Irr Joseph, carp, $130 Black Dia­ Johnson John, 1, White Biver. mond. Johnson J D, 9 25 7 $20 Tolt. Ivey Edwin, 4 22 38 $590 Vashon. Johnson J H J, f, Seattle. Jack A, f. Slaughter. Johnson P, 1, Osceola. Jack Alexander (ind), f, $140 Green Johnson S, 1, Osceola. River. Jones A, f, 19 23 6 $3170 Osceola. Jack Alvord (ind), 18 21 5 $360 Jones Abraham, miner, Renton. Slaughter. Jones Abraham, miner, $180 Cedar Jackerholm M, $110 Woodinville. Mountain. Jacobs E M, 18 26 7 $240. Jones Albert, miner,Cedar Mountain. Jacobs Frank, $1340 White River. Jones B B, f, Osceola. Jacobs George, f, Vashon. Jones C, $20 Benton. Jacobs Lewis, 6 26 4 $240. Jones C, miner, Black Diamond. Jacobson G, 15 26 5 $650 Woodin­ Jones D, miner, Black Diamond. ville, Jones David, $70 Osceola. Jacobson Peter, 21 22.4 $480. Jones David, $40 Renton. Jacobus F, f, White River. Jones David, miner, Newcastle. James Daniel, 1, Renton. Jones D H, machinist, Black Dia­ James Joseph, miner, Newcastle. mond. James N, f, 5 25 4 $400 Seattle. Jones D J, miner, Black Diamond. Janicke Charles F, f, $100 Falls City. Jones D P, f, Osceola. To all points I" * ftT Sold by Agents Through Tickets Throughout the it City Dock. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yesler-Leary Block. R. G. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and ill & Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 183 Jones George, engineer, Black Dia­ Kellogg J C, 30 25 4 ! mond. Kelly Michael, f, 20 23 4 $910 Sunny­ Jones Griffiths O, miner, Newcastle. dale. Jones Harvey, f, $630 Osceola. Kelly Monroe, $120 Green River. Jones Howell, blacksmith, Kent. Kelly Patrick, f, $120 Slaughter. Jones Howell T, miner, Newcastle. Kelly Patrick, $40 Renton. •Jones Isaac W, $210 Benton. Kennedy E H, 24 25 33 $50. Jones Jacob, f, 26 246 $280 Squak. Kennedy J, 1, Black Diamond. Jones J J, miner, Black Diamond. Kenner J M, f, Juanita. Jones J D, miner, Newcastle. Kennet Charles, f, 5 25 5 $420. Jones J O, carp, Black Diamond. Kenny F, 1, Benton. Jones John, miner,.Cedar Mountain. Kenny John, 4 26 43 $620. Jones John, 20 23 5 $160 Renton. Keevy TJ, f, Green River. Jones John O, mason, Renton. Keown Robert, shoemaker, Renton. Jones John P, machinist, $2500 Ren - Kerney M, 1, Black Diamond. ton. Ketchum C, teamster, Osceola. Jones J S, f, Osceola. Keezer Moses, contractor, Black Jones J T, f, Kent. Diamond. Jones J W, f, Osceola. Kimball A C, f, 9 24 7 $2710 Falls Jones Joseph S $110 Osceola. City. Jones Lewis, f, $100 Osceola. Kimball Edwin J, f, 14 21 3 $960. Jones Loyd, miner, Newcastle. Kimball G W, carp, Seattle. Jones O, carp, Black Diamond. King A H, clerk, Black Diamond. Jones B W, miner, Black Diamodd. King G, f, Slaughter. Jones Samuel P, 3 23 4 $100. King John, f, $200 Arthur. Jones T F, miner, Black Diamond. King John H, 1, Black Diamond. Jones T R. miner, Black Diamond. Kittinger C H, 32 25 5 $400 Seattle. Jones W B (McLaughlin, Jones & Kivil G, 1, Osceola. Co), J P, Postmaster and Asst Kline Abraham, restaurant, Renton. Supt oi Mines, Black Diamond. Kline A H, watchmaker, Renton. Jones Wm f. $70 Vashon. Kline John, butcher, Duwamish. Jones W A, 1, Black Diamond. Kline Levi, restaurant, Renton. Jones W H, miner, Newcastle. Kline Mrs Mollie, waitress, Renton, Jones Wm T, blacksmth, Black Dia­ Klintwar D, 1, Slaughter. mond. Knight J K, f, $80 Houghton. Jordan Charles, f, 27 24 6 $35 Squak. Koanan A, 1, Duwamish. Jordan Wm,f,9 23 4 $370 Sunnydale. Kollock J M, physician, Black Dia­ Jordan Wm L, $380 Green River. mond. 'Jorgenson Charles, 11 23 4 $2440 Du­ Kotwright R F, $30 Slaughter. wamish. Kracht J, 4 25 4 $150. Jory Daniel H, 15 23 4 $180. Kreeder Albert, f, Vashon. Josephson Andrew, f, Vashon. Kreger W F, f, Vashon. Joslyn O, f, Juanita. Kreizhbaum N, cabinet mkr, Vashon. Joy John, 1, White River. Krieghbeaum Nathan, $80 White Joyle Joseph, 1, Renton. River. Judd H W, f, 18 22 3 $600 Vashon. Krumm John, 6 22 5 $260. Julien Jacob, f, 4 23 4 $590 Duwa­ Krumin M, f, Kent. mish. Kuhn Edward, $700 Falls City. Justin Ole, $50 Hubbard. Kump Mat, $30 Osceola. Kastwright R F, f, Slaughter. Kurshbaum L, butcher, Duwamish. Kegan Joseph, 1, Renton. Kyes H P, f, Kent. Kerns J, 1, Osceola. Kyle Geo E, 24 25 3 $10. Keith J H, f, Arthur. Labare H L, teamster, $290 Benton. Kelsey Edward E, 27 26 5 $750 New- LaChapelle Peter, f, Kent. Ladd W H, f, $100 Duvalls. Kelsey H E, $120 Houghton. LaFayette John, 1, White River. Keller M J, f, $380 Houghton.

PihrQiirl PrmntTr Qnrin BOUQ-HT ANI3 SOLD. UllV (lllll bulimy IJullU WashingtoWashington Territorn St.,y nea Employmenr Commercialt Bureau. , By owning acre tracts near a rapidly grow­ ESHELMAN.R ing city, and so it Many Become Rich will prove in Seattle Llewellyn & Co. (Post Building.) 184 SEATTLE CITY AND

Lagwal John, f, 17 21 5 $90 Green Lew Wm J, 1, $20 Newcastle. River. Leyts J W, 1, Green River. Laiba Wensel $20 Slaughter. Leyts W D, f, Green River. Laird A C, 16 24 4 $4650. Lee O, f, $180 Osceola. Lamb Charles H, 24 25 3 $30. Lee E F, f, Juanita. Lane E A, 1 23 3 $100. Lee James, 1, White River. Lane P H, $50 Squak. Lee L, cook, Osceola. Langdon Edward, f, $40 Hubbard. Lee WZ, f, White River. Langdon Hiram, 29 26 5 $680 Hub­ Leechman Wm, 1, Duwamish. bard. Leeper R T, mach, 23 26 6 $50 Du- Langdon James, f, $80 Juanita. valis. Langdon J G, 28 26 5 $480. Libs John, $60 Slaughter. Lang Lester M, f, Renton. Libean W, f, Slaughter. Langdon R, «260 Hubbard. Libby A P, logger, Snoqualmie. Langhran J, $20 Renton. Liesmyer R, f, Kent. Lark Thomas, 1, Black Diamond. Linbey John, f, 18 21 5 $320 Slaugh­ Langloff August, 30 25 4 $4000. ter. Lanning Elizabeth, 24 22 4 """ Lindsley E L, 29 264 $1200. Lanning Isaac, f, Kent. Linquist Gus F, 8 20 6 $320. Lannigan John, $20 Renton. Linquist O, moulder, Vashon. Lark John, painter, Duwamish. Lindsley George, 1, Duwamish. Lark Wm, sawyer, Duwamish. Little W, miner, Black Diamond. Larkin John, 26 20 6 $420 Osceola. Livesley A, 25 23 2 $460. Larsen John, $50 Woodinville. Livesley Wm, f, 30 23 3 $810 Larsen O B, f, Houghton. Vashon. Larsen Peter, f, Renton. Llewellyn E, 1, Black Diamond. Larsen R, f, Houghton. Llewellyn J, carp, Black Diamond. Larson , f, Juanita. Llewellyn John, 1, Renton. Latta J Q, f, Slaughter, Lloyd D, lab, Black Diamond. Laville T, 1, Osceola. Lockridge C, watchman, Osceola. Lawson H, blacksmith, Duwamish. Lockridge J T, f, $30 Osceola. Lawson J, f, Juanita. Loftus George, eng, $240 Newcastle. Lawson L, f, Juanita. Loftus Patrick, 1, $340 Newcastle. Lawson L, f, Slaughter. Long Willis M, 4 24 7 $160 Falls Lawrence W, 1, Osceola. City. Lawrenoe Wm, butcher. Black Dia­ Loree M, f, Juanita. mond. LownsdaleB H, 12 21 3 $200. Leahy M J, miner, Newcastle. Lours W J, miner, Newcastle. Lear D, lum, Kent. Love Mitchell, miner, $130 Oedaf Lebenicnick L, 1, Black Diamond. Mountain. Leggett Wm M, $50 Sunnydale. Lowry E, miner, Black Diamond. Leibrant F, lum, Kent. Lowery Ralph, miner, Newcastle. Leibrant Jake, lum, Kent. Luke A E, f, Kent. Leigh W J, f, 10 22 4 $600 White Lund O A, f, $140 Slaughter. Biver. Lunda Peter, f, Vashon. Leighton Rufus, 24 25 3, $500. LundenGus, 8 25 4 $10. Lemonreux A, f, Seattle. Lundry S, tailor, Newcastle. Lester J T, 20 24 5 $710. Luthers Robert, 1, Duwamish. Lewis W, miner, Black Diamond. Lynch J M, f, Vashon. Lewis D H, miner, Black Diamond. Lynch P, carp, Black Diamond. Lewis D T, foreman, Black Diamond. Lynch Thomas, lum, Renton. Lewis Ira, f, $220 Green River. Lyons L, f, $140 Duwamish. Lewis John, 6 26 4 $300. McAlbaners Wm, painter, Renton. Lewis M, 10 23 6, $330. McAllister Charles, 1, 19 23 6 ~ Lewis Morris, miner, Renton. Duwamish. Lewis Myer, 28 25 4 McBrideJ, miner, Black Diamond. Lewis P, $380 Benton. McCall J,l, $20 Renton. Northern Pacific ,!*ST;S"PalaceDMiiCar COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine insurance. A. Chilberg i Go, Cor Coz__.___uerci_ijl a__,cl ___Iill Streets. 186 SEATTLE CITY AND Mahanna Timothy, f, $100 Falls City. Mathison John, f, Duwamish. Mahler Johannes.f, 22 20 6 $1350 Os­ Mathison M, 1, Kent. ceola. Matten David, 28 23 6 $120. Mahoney John, lum, Renton. Mattison John E, 26 22 6 $1600. Mahoney Peter, sawyer, Cedar Moun­ Maxwell James, f, 32 23 6 $890 Ren­ tain. ton. Makison Wm, carp, Kent. Maxwell W M, f, Arthur. Malatesta E, saloonkpr, Osceola. Mazy Edward, 1, Newcastle. Malatesta J, f, Osceola. Mead A H, i, 25 21 5 $510 Green Malneritch J, 1, Osceola, Biver. Malneritch M, f, Osceola. Meass J P, shoemaker, $200 Duwa­ Manallia J, 1, Black Diamond. mish. Mandeville A, f, $1040 Duwamish. Melius Frank, bartender, Black Dia­ Manifold Frank jr, miner, Benton. mond. Manifold Frank sr, f, Renton. Mercer A, physician, Renton. Manifold George, snloonkpr, Renton. Mercer A & Sons, 22 23 5 $1170 Ren­ Manifold Joseph, miner, Benton. ton. Mann A, 1, Slaughter. Mercer G, engineer, Renton. Maple J W, f, 28 24 4 $2280 Duwa­ Mercer H H, f, Renton. mish. Mercer J D, f, Renton. Maple O, f, Osceola. Mergens Anna, 24 25 3 $20. Marcus F W, carp, White Biver. Merney Dennis, f, 21 22 3 $540. Markham John S, f, 30 23 3 $300 Merrifleld A, f, 8 25 4 $10. Vashon, Merz Leo, saloonkpr,BlackDiarnond. Markham Lizzie F, 30 23 3 $240 Va­ Mess J F, f, 2 22 4 $4400WhiteRiver. shon. Michaels R, sailor, Renton. Marron Barney, miner, Benton. Mickelsoe Hans, f, 30 25 8 $160. Marsh John J, saloon kpr, Benton. Milroy John, f, 18 21 5 $330. Marshall A, miner, Black Diamond. Mills J, fireman, Black Diamond. Marshall James, f, Newcastle. Mills E A, machinist,BlackDiamond. Marston A, miner, Newcastle. Mills Wm, mer, $370 Slaughter. Martin & Buchanan, f, 24 22 4 $1300 Miller 0 B, carp, $375 Duwamish. Titusville. Miller Emily, $460 Duwamish. Martin Harriet, $100 Duwamish. Miller E B, f, Osceola. Martin Harry, mer, Kent. Miller G H, f, 8 24 5 $80 Houghton. Martin John, f, Houghton. Miller G H,f, 22 24 5 $480 Houghton. Martin John, $280 Duwamish. Miller H H, f, $660 Duwamish. Martin John, $80 Melrose. Miller John B, carp, 20 25 4 $300 Du­ Martin John A, miner, Newcastle. wamish. Martin John A jr, miner, Newcastle. Miller M J, 30 26 7 $240. Martin J S, carp, Benton. Miller Mary T, 20 25 4 $150. Martin N H, $540 Benton. Miller R J, 5 23 4 $990 Duwamish. Maryatt J W, f, 29 24 4 $4390 Duwa­ Miller Wm H, f. $50 Duwamish. mish, Miner Frank, 5 22 3 $650 Vashon. Massey J L, f, Renton. Minder George, cook, Duwamish. Mason James, $20 Renton. Mitchell A, bkkpr, Renton. Mason T, 1, White River. Mitchell D A, physician, Newcastle. Mason Thomas, f, 24 23 5 $1360 Ren­ Mitchell Frank, 16 24 7 $290 Falls ton. City. Masters James, blacksmith, $50 Va­ Mitchell P, 1, White River. shon. Mitchell P, 1, Osceola. Mateman August, miner, Black Dia­ Moe George, engr, Cedar Mountain. mond. Moffat Robert, 1, Renton. Mathias G, 1, Benton. Monastero Peter, 7 23 5 $150 Renton. Mathis E J, f, 6 22 4 $930 Vashon. Monohan Leander, 12 23 5 $1070, Mathison Andrew, 1, Kent. Monohon M, 8 24 6 $560 Squak. Mathison John, 1, Kent. Monster A M, f, Duwamish.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of an« class. The leading Civil and Mining Engineers of the t|ueen City. Whitworth & Thomson, Main Street, opp. the Arlington.

KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 185 McCallister J, f, $90 Duwamish. McKinnon D, blksmith, Benton. McCallisfcer John, f. 29 24 4 McKinnon Jane, tel opr, Cedar Duwamish. Mountain. McCallister J W, 20 23 6 $480. McKnight John,watehman, $20 New­ McCallister J S, f, Duwamish. castle. McCallister Oliver, f, Duwamish. McKnight J, notary public, New- McCarthy Mike, 1, Benton. Castle. McCaught Edward, miner. Cedar McKoesky E, shoemkr, Newcastle. Mountain. McKoesky Mary, $280 Newcastle. McCaul A, baker, Renton. McLaughlin D J (McLaughlin, McClain W, f, Osceola. Jones & Co) and dept postmaster, McClintock James, f, 10 20 6 $1430 Black Diamond. Osceola. MCLAUGHLIN, JONES & oo (D McClintock J M, f, Vashon. J McLaughlin, W B Jones, A M McClondon W J, 1, Duwamish. Brooks), prop Black Diamond McCluskey Peter,f, 27 24 6 $70 Squak. Store. McCluskie J, lum, Vashon. McLaughton Wm, f, Houghton. McCollock James, miner, Renton. McLaren C, blksmith, Osceola. McComas E S,4 24 4 $100. McLean D, 1, Osceola. McCombs James, 6 25 4 $2400. McLean J E, f, Vashon. McColough W H, miner, 2 25 3 $60 McMahon —, machinist, Snoqualmie. Cedar Mountain. McMahon John, f, $50 Duwamish. McCoy D, f, Kent. McMahon J, 1, Green Biver. McCoy John, f, Renton. McMahon Michael, 1 24 4 $3110 McCoy John, 32 23 6 $1260 Cedar Slaughter. River. McMillon F H, pilot, Kent. McCullen —, painter, Houghton. McMillen T H & S D, 24 22 4 ( McCullough W, miner, Newcastle. McMillin Wm C,f, $130 Slaughter. McCracken J, 21 24 4 $80. McNatt F, f, $4080 Duwamish. McCrimmon D, f, $20 Hubbard. McNatt Wm, f, $360 Duwamish. McDonald A F, 7 245 $670. McNeely J, 1, Osceola. McDonald George, 1, Kent. McNulta J S, f, Slaughter. McDonald James E, miner, Cedar McNulty F, $110 Slaughter, Mountain. McPherson J A, miner, Black Dia­ McDonald Wm, f, $360 Duvalls. mond. McDonel A, miner, Black Diamond. McQuarry J, miner, Black Diamond, McDonnell Ed, miner, Newcastle. McRedmond Luke, f, 12 25 5 $380 McDonnell P H, miner, Newcastle. Houghton. - McDonnell Thomas, 1, Newcastle. McRedmond James, f, $100 Hough­ McDrel M, 1, Osceola. ton. McElhoe E, 1, Kent. McRedmond John, f, Houghton. McFadden M, minister, Renton, McRedmond R, f, Houghton. McGilvary M,teamster, Snoqualmie. McSorley Catherine, 26 24 3 $240. McGinnis Hugh, 4 26 4 $660. McSorley James, 20 22 4 $510. McGough James, 25 23 3 $360. Mace aria G, miner, Black Diamorld. McGuire James, foreman, Cedar Macaffrey B, 1, Osaeola. Mountain. Mackey Timothy, 8 215 $920 Slaugh­ McHenry John, 26 21 6 $16540. ter. McKay Daniel, 25 26 6 $140 Novelty. Mackintosh A, 12 22 4 $1600 Seattle. McKay T, f, Slaughter. Maddocks Mrs Carrie H, 20 25 4 $140 McKenner O, miner, Newcastle. Seattle. McKenzie W J, sawyer, Newcastle, Maddocks M B, carp, 10 22 4 $4100 McKinley James, f, 4 23 4 $18540 White Biver. Duwamish. Madica Carlo, 1, Black Diamond. McKinna O. miner, BlackiDiamond. Madisson Anton, 4 22 5 $500 Renton. McKinnell H, 24 25 3 $490. Madsomk F, f, Osceola. McKinnon A, miner, Black Diamond. Maggs C B, 19 25 4 r~ — _n 9I ancl 93 Front Street, Portland, Or I 31IIIT1 N. Kfl WPll Wood «_ Iron Working Machinery, Sta I U1U111 UV U U ¥ I U11 tionary and Marine Engines & Boilers 13 | ©___CE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-Leary-Rloclc, E. _ CALDWELL, Dentist, I All work fi.rsi-class and rCor, Mill k Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 187

Monster J 0,23 4 16 $1610 •Renton. Neilson Wm, f, $40 Green River. Montgomery J, f, Osceola. Neily A S, f, Green River. Montross Keats, 1, Duwamish. Nelligan Thomas, 1. $40 Benton. Moon G J, carp, Houghton. Neiman H, 1, Black Diamond. Moore Edwin, f, Vashon. Neiner Joseph, 1, Black Diamond. Motschan H 1,1, Kent. Neekan B, 1, Green River, Moulton M 0, f, Slaughter. Neel C W, 1, $400 Falls City. Moran F T, shoemaker, Osceola. Neeley D A, f, 10 22 4 $10810 White Moran Ja'mes, logger, Vashon. River. Morehead J, f, Osceola. Neeley J H, f, $220 White River. Morgan Benj, miner, Newcastle. Neely Aaron S, 14 21 4 $2190 Green Morgan D W, miner, Newcastle. River. Morgan H, miner, Black Diamond. Neely John W, f, 25 214 $1270 Osce­ Morgan James, clerk, Renton. ola. Morgan J A, 1, Black Diamond. Nelson Andrew, f, Seattle. Morgan J W, miner, Black Diamond. Nelson Andrew, f, 6 25 5 $310 Hough­ Morgan James W, clerk, Renton. ton. Morgan Timothy, saloon kpr, Black Nelson Charles, $250 Duvalls. Diamond. Nelson C L, f, 5 25 5 $840 Houghton. Morgan Wm, foreman, Black Dia­ Nelson C P, f, $130 Houghton. mond. Nelson E, f, $320 Juanita. Mortimer R, 1, Black Diamond. Nelson G W, f, Houghton. Morrison J, foreman, Osceola. Nelson James, f, White River. Morris John, f, 2 23 5 $180 Newcas­ Nelson John, f, 7 22 5 $7370 Kent. tle. Nelson John, fisherman, Duwamish. Morris Joshua, 1, $170 Renton. Nelson L, carp, White River. Morris John H, miner, Benton. Nelson Lewis, f, $170 Slaughter. Morris Lewis, 18 23 6 $820. Nelson Louis (Indian), f, 18 21 5 $400 Morris Moses, f, 16 25 7 $1900 Tolt. Green River. Morris S, f, 9 25 7 $260 Tolt. Nelson Martin, f, 25 23 4 $2760 White Morris Thomas B, $40 Renton. River. Muliark B, miner, Newcastle. Nelson Old, 17 21 5 $140 Slaughter. Mullarky J D, miner, Newcastle. Nelson W, 1, Osceola. Mularky T J, miner, Black Diamond. Nesbitt James, miner, Newcastle. Mullen John, 1, Kent. Niblock Stephen, f, $140 Juanita. Mullen Martin, f, Kent. Nicholson 0 S, 1, Black Diamond. Mullen Tom, 1, Kent. Nicholas James, 1, Newcastle. Mullins Henry, 1, Duwamish. Nickerson Neal,carp,Black Diamond. Murphy C, 1, Renton. Noble Benjamin, 1, Arthur. Murphy M J, teacher, $20 Osceola. Nolta Frank, f, $50 Osceola. Murphy Thomas, f, Newcastle. Nordrum M, lum, Green River. Murphy Patrick, 7 24 5 $690. North A, 1, Osceola. Murphy P H, f, $40 Osceola. Oakley L 0, f, Juanita. Murry C E, 1, Renton. Oakley Thomas, miner, $60 Newcas­ Murray James, f, $50 Vashon. tle. Murray Wm H, bkkpr, Black Dia­ Oakley N L, 19 26 5 $560 Hubbard. mond. O'Brien Clarence, f, Kent. Myers O R, f, $30 Houghton. O'Brien M A, 12 22 4 $500. Myers J B, f, Kent. O'Brien T, f, White River. Myers Wm M, 14 22 4 $870 White O'Brien T F, 1, Black Diamond. Biver. O'Oonnel Owen, 14 24 5 $470. Mylon F W, teacher, Osceola. O'Oonnell R, f, White Eiver. Nair G H, f, Duwamish. O'Connell Richard, 3 22 4 $1700 Nance J H. 1, Duwamish. White Biver. Nason C F, f, $260 Osceola. O'Connor k Easter,$1000 Houghton. Naylor Thomas, miner, Newcastle. O'Oonner J O, eng, 17 25 5 $1075 Neatly James, 30 21 5 Houghton. ¥.T.EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, ""_7iXS_,Seattle. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co„ffiiL ™F«™«

188 SEATTLE CITY AND Odell F S, f, Duwamish. Parmenter J R, f, $40 Osceola. O'Donald Wm, 34 26 4 $140. Parry George, 1, Newcastle. O'Keefe Charles, f, Vashon. Paschick Joseph, 1, $80 Osceola, Offner Albert, 19 26 4 $330. Passage J, f, Osceola. Oges C, 1, Osceola. Patterson J, 1, Osceola. Ogren J, 1, Osceola. Patterson J, miner, Black Diamond O'Keefe Charles, $130 Vashon. Patterson J F, f, 24 26 3 $110 Se­ Olds 0 L, f, Juanita. attle. Oldak Paul, 15 23 6 $300. Patterson J M, f, Slaughter. O'Leary & Coal, $650 Falls City. Paterson O, f, Vashon. O'Leary Daniel, logger, Novelty. Patterson S R, f, Arthur. Oley James, 1, Renton. Patton Benjamin F, f, 22 21 5 $1010 O'Leary James, logger, Novelty. Green Biver. O'Leary Timothy, miner, Black Dia­ Patton Lyman, miner, Newcastle. mond. PaullFH, 1. Arthur. Olutz F, 14 24 3 $160. Paumel E, miner, Black Diamond. Oliver John, 1, Benton. Paumel Emilien, f, 30 21 6 $670 Oliver J T, 1, Black Diamond. Green River. Oliver Mary, teacher, Renton. Payne C H, logger, Black Diamond. Oliver W M, f, Vashon. Pearlman J M, 25 26 3 $740. Olmstead James, 12 22 4 $400. Pearson P, f, Juanita. Olson Alfred, f, 32 22 5 $820 Slaugh­ Peril Eugene, logger, Vashon. ter. Pencil C, f, Osceola. Olson Charles, f, 12 21 5 120 Penman Wm, miner, Newcastle, Slaughter. Peety Carl, 25 26 6 $150 Novelty. Olson Jacob R, 11 24 3 $310. .Perrigo Matilda, 1, $210 Melrose. Olson John, 1, Black Diamond. Perrigo & Steinle, 1, $50 Melrose. Olson Linda, teacher, Duwamish. Perrigo VV W, f, 12 25 5, $1080 Mel­ Olson Oscar, 1, Duwamish. rose. O'Meara Patrick, f, Seattle. Perrigo W P, f, $220 Melrose. O'Neil James, f, 26 20 6 $300 Osceola. Perringer J W, f, Benton. Onsum & Anrud, 18 25 4 $400. Perry Arthur, $50 Slaughter. Osborn A, f, Osceola. Perry J, 12 25 5 $640. Osborn Charles, machinist, Renton. Perry John, miner, Houghton. Osborn Henry, f, $410 Osceola. Perry John, f, $340 Redmond. Oulette George, f, 2 22 4 $1070 White Perry John, foreman, Cedar Moun­ River. tain. Owens Wm, 1, Renton. Peters J H, f, Seattle. Owings Oscar, f, Arthur. Peterson A, 1, Duwamish. Padden P P, bkkpr, Newcastle. Peterson Charles, f, $120 Sunny­ Page J, f, Vashon. dale. Painburg —, f, Houghton. Peterson Chris, f, Benton. Pain C H, f, Green River. Peterson J, 1, Osceola. Painter Carrie, 20 24 4 $80. Peterson John 0, 24 253 $530. Palmer Alfred, 1, Newcastle. Peterson M, 1, $190 Woodinville. Palmer A L, 8 21'72 $4240. Peterson Mary, dressmkr, Slaughter. Pantot Frank, 20 21 6 $1310 Green Peterson N B, f, 24 25 3 $1360 Se­ River. attle. ParrishLM, 15 25 3 Peterson Oliver, 1, $100 Vashon. Parks A N, 1, Kent. Peterson P, f, Houghton. Parks Daniel, 12 23 4 Peterson Phillip, f, $20 Renton. Parker David, carp, $340 Benton. Peterson S, f, 14 25 3 $130 Seattle. Parker James, eng, $190 Renton. Philip H F, 12 25 3 $610. Parker L, lumberman, Kent. Phelan Robert, gardener, Vashon. Parker Leroy, 1, $280 Renton. Phillips Thomas, carp, Arthur. Parker L M, f, $640 Falls City. Pierce Daniel, 2 23 5 $350 May's Parker R D, f, 30 26 4 $470 Seattle. Creek. By Purchasing East Bound THROUGH TICKETS PASSENGE RS Will Save Money vtor n SEATTLE. Whitworth & Thomson, °t_t ™^S^T'


Pierce Daniel, 6 22 3 $690 Vashon. Redington Charles, f, 35 21 5 i Pierce G L, sawyer, Benton. Green River. Pierce B V, druggist, Benton. Redington George F, f, 35 21 5 |170 Piercy J, eng, Black Diamond. Green River. Pinto Elizabeth, 20 23 5 $800. Redington John, f, 7 20 6 $690 Osce­ Pisk Harry, fisherman, Duwamish. ola. Pitts James, miner, Renton. Reddington Thomas, f, Renton. Pitts Thomas, miner, Renton. Redward John C, 1, 1 23 3 Plimpton Charles E, storekpr, Cedar Slaughter. Mountain. Reed George, blksmth, White River. Plummer Wilson, 1, $200 Renton. Reed Grove C, station agent, Black Plunkett Thomas, 1, Benton. Diamond. Plummer Wilson, 1, Renton. Reed G D, f, $160 Slaughter. Pomel E, f, Green River. Reese Wm, 1, 8 25 4 $160 Black Dia­ Pool A E, 1, Osceola. mond. Pool O, engr, Osceola, Reid R D, gardener, Duwamish. Poole R P, f, 27 20 6 $770 Osceola. Renton David, f, $660 Falls City. Porter N M, 12 26 3 $960. Revel Wm, miner, Cedar Mountain. Portway R C, mer, Slaughter. Riberg J, 1, Osceola. Post L, f, Osceola, Ricard A J, 8 25 4 $10. Potts F, f, Green River. Rice J F, f, Slaughter. Pound J B, Slaughter. Rich I P, teacher, Newcastle. Powers John, f, $1190 Duwamish. Richards August, 1, $210 Newcastle. Prenatt Joseph, f, 9 25 7 $570 Tolt. Richards A T, butcher, Squak. Price Daniel, f, Vashon. Richard E J, miner, Newcastle, Price L, 1, Black Diamond. Richards M, miner, Black Diamond. Priebe H, blksmth, Benton. Bichards B, f, Kent. Priestly W J, 1, $220 Benton. Bichardson —, f, Houghton. Primrose James, 8 25 _ $30. Richardson George, 1, Newcastle, Print James, f, Vashon. Richmond E F, blacksmith $240 Proctpr G, i, Houghton. Slaughter. Probst D, 1, Green River. Rickard John, 1, Black Diamond, Quinn James, 1, Renton. Riffle James, $20 Renton. Quinn John, engr, Renton. Rines John, f, 29 24 4 $3600 Duwa­ Quinn Joseph, f, Sunnydale. mish. Quinn M C, 6 22 5 $360. Rippley A, 1, Black Diamond. Quinn P, f, Kent. Bisser George P, butcher, $30 Va­ Quinn Wm, carp, Renton. shon. Rainey Thomas H, f. 2 25 7 $320. Ritman W S, moulder, Houghton. Rankin J, f, Slaughter. Ritz George M, 2 234 $200. Ramsay Robert, f, 24 22 4 $2010. Roberts J A, 1, Slaughter. Ranke & Lohse, f, 19 24 4 $450. Roberts W, miner, Black Diamond. Ranksom Charles N, miner, Newcas­ Robertson George, f, Renton. tle. Robertson Jack, f, $170 Squak. Randall J P, f, $270 Slaughter. Robinson A W, 3 23 4 $250. Raper James, miner, Newcastle. Robinson Wm, f, Kent, Batliff Thomas, carp, $120 Snoqual­ Robbins E L, $640 Duwamish. mie. Robbins M N, 15 23 4 $1460 Duwa­ Rawley Samuel, miner, Newcastle. mish. Bay Abner, f, $210 Green Biver. Robbins S C, f, $120 Duwamish. Bay J H, i, Slaughter. Robbins Wm E, f, 24 25 7 $320. Ray Thomas K, 10 23 4 $440. Rock E S, 1, $30 Vashon. Ray W H, 10 26 6 $320. Rock Thomas, f, 2825 43 $520. Ray Z T, f, $230 Duwamish. Rockey A G, 1, Osceola. Raymond. W H, f, Benton. Rogers Antoinette, 24 26 3 $1120. Recktenwald John, f, 6 23 6 Rogers C, 1, Black Diamond. Renton. Rodgers E, trapper, Osceola,

Agents for R. HOE & CO'S Chisel-Tooth Tatum & Bowen and Solid Circular Saws, Portland., Or. Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. A, Chlergi Co, and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange.' S. E. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 190 SEATTLE CITY AND

Roop G H, 1, Kent. Schlotman H, logger, Black Dia­ Rosborough R, 1, Osceola. mond. Rose C G, f, 121 4 $1480 Slaughter. Schmidt Frank, 1, $50 Green River. Roseholt J, carp, Black Diamond. Schmille Charles M, f, Houghton. Ross C, 1, Osceola. Schneider Daniel, f, 32 24 4 $2240 Ross John, f, Seattle. Duwamish. Ross J D, miner, Black Diamond. Schroder Augustus, 1, Renton. Ross John B, carp, Renton. Schweitzer J, f, Seattle. Ross Robert, 32 24 5 $600. Schwenk W V, f, Kent. Ross W B, f, Seattle. Scott Catherine, $40 Benton. Bossi O, 28 24 4 $2260 Duwamish. Scott R M, 1, $20 Snoqualmie. Roundburg , f, Houghton. Sealgreen A, miner, Newcastle. Bouse Thomas, f, 2 23 5 $320 May's Secore Alexander, f, $40 Osceola, Creek. Secore C, 1, Osceola. Rowden J H, 26 23 5 $240. Seither E A, f, Osceola. Rowles J, f„ Osceola. Setter P, f, Juanita. Rowley Thomas, miner, Newcastle. Sellers M, 1, White River. Rumsey R, f, Kent. Selleck E, f, Seattle. Rushton Wm, Cedar Mountain. Selleck J D, f, Seattle. Russell C E, f, Kent. Sexton John, f, Seattle. Russell O O, f, 11 22 6 $820 Arthur. Spankland Frank, f, $170 Duwam­ Bussell H, f, Benton. ish. Bussell H, f, $350 Cedar River. Shannon M, miner, Newcastle. Russell J M, boatman, Renton. Sharp Daniel, miner, Renton. Rutledge L A, f, $90 Falls City. Sharp L B, f, Houghton. Rutherford A L, lab, $50 Falls City. Sharp M S, f, $50 Houghton. Rutherford Davis, f, $630, Falls City. Jharkey James, f, 222 4 $1100 White Butherford Philo, f, 15 24 7 $660 Falls Biver. City. Sharkey T, f, 11 22 4 $2350 White Euehl Charles, f, 25 21 4 Biver. Slaughter. Shaw Lawrence, f, Vashon. Bump M, f, Osceola. Shaw L R, f, Slaughter. Rumels A, 1, Osceola. Shea Daniel, 1, $990 Duwamish. Rushing D H, 1, White River. Shearer Jacob, f, 18 23 5 $640 Ren­ Ryan J, 1, Osceola, ton. Sabel G A, 24 25 3, $125. Shea John, 1, $180 White River. Sadenbin John (Indian), 8 24 6 Shearer Wm, f, Renton. Saefread A, f, 5 25 4 $380 Seattle. Sherman C, f, Seattle. Said B K, carp, Duwamish. Sherman S D, f, 17 22 3 $1460 Samuel Peter, f, Kent. Vashon. Sampson Wm, 1, Kent. Shinn W S, hotelkpr, Kent. Sanders A, miner, Newcastle. Shutts N L, f, 26 24 3 $810 Renton. Sanders D L, baker, Houghton. Sidebotham H, carp, 1 22 6 Sanders Thomas, f, 22 26 5 $360. Renton. Sanderson John, f, $70 Tolt. Sidebotham Wm, 1, Renton. Sanderson John, f, Houghton. Siker E, 31 23 4 $30. Sandrock E, f, Vashon. Sillars Robert, f, Seattle. Sarak Joseph, 1, Newcastle. Silvania Louis, $770 Renton. Sarr George, f, Kent. Simmons N, f, Juanita. Sarr John, lum, Kent. Simmons T H, 1, Kent. Sarr Peter, lum, Kent. Simmons W, f, Osceola. Sarr Wm, f, Kent. Simpson A, 1, Kent. Sawyer Wm H, eng, 7 22 3 $720 Simpson, G f, Green River. Houghton. Simpson John W, f, $70 Vashon. Sayers A N, f, Vashon. Simpson M M, 1, Kent. Schaffer F W, trapper, Kent. Simpson R H, f, Duwamish, Simpson R N B, f, Slaughter. Sold by Agents Through Tickets ti»it EAST At City Dock. OFFICE-Eoomg 9 and 1© Yesler-Jjeary Block. i It. G. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 191

Simpson W D, f, Duwamish. Smithers & Thorne (Edwin E Smith­ Simpson Wm G, f, 25 21 5 $1540 ers, R L Thorne), genl store, Ren­ Green River. ton. Sirm John, 1, $100 Novelty. Snow Harman H. genl store, Renton. Skyalcon Alvord (Indian), 21 21 5 Snow J R, 8 25 4 $160. Snow M H, f, Vashon. Sloan A, 1, White River. Snow Nancy M, $1080 Renton. Sloan W J, barber, White River. Snyder H C, 1, Renton. Smart Thomas, logger, Black Dia­ Solomon Benjamin, f, Renton. mond. Spaight T, miner, Black Diamond. Smart T F, contractor, Black Dia­ Spangenberg Frank, 1, $30 Vashon. mond. Sparks J B, f, 22 26 6 $200. Smith A, 1, Green River. Sparks R, 1, Black Diamond. Smith Charles, f, $170 Squak. Spargenberg F, carp, Vashon. Smith Clark, f, Juanita. Spartman J M, f, Juanita. Smith C W, f, Seattle. Spaulding T M, 22 26 6 $200. Smith Conrad, f, Renton. Spencer John; 18 26 4 $440. Smith Frank, miner, Newcastle. •Spencer J D. butcher, Newcastle. Smith F M, f, 28 21 6 $880 Green Spencer Wm B, agt C & P S E R and River. W F Co Express, Renton. Smith F W, f, Renton. Spinney R D, logger, Houghton. Smith George H, 19 24 4 $780 Duwa­ Sprague B 0, logger, Benton. mish. Sprague Wm. logger, Cedar Moun- Smith GL, cook, Kent. • tain. Smith & Graves, $210 Duwamish. Spratt Thomas, miner, Renton. Smith H A, f, Seattle. Spray B, 30 26 5 $160. Smith James, miner, Renton. Squadzahoreth John (Indian), 8 24 6 Smith James, hotel kpr, Cedar Moun­ tain, Stamin L, f, Vashon. Smith J, f, Osceola. Stamp E, logger, Arthur. Smith John, miner, Black Diamond. Standridge E A, 1, $160 Osceola. Smith Jud, 1, Renton. Stark Allen, miner, Benton. Smith J P, f, $150 Green River. Stark Allen, miner, Cedar Mountain. Smith L, f, Green River. Stark Allen, f, 17 23 6 $320 Cedar Smith L C, f, 28 20 6 $1100 Osceola. Eiver. Smith L L, carp, Kent. Stark J R, 5 21 5 $1770. Smith Mary J, f, 20 20 6 $1200 Osce­ Starkey & Cooper, 28 24 5 $680 New- ola. Ci_8_l_> Smith P J, f, 20 24 6 $240 Squak. Starkey Samuel, 12 25 5 ! Smith Silas, f, 28 20 6 $830 Osceola. Starkey Margaret, 18 25 4 i Smith S L, f, 24 22 4 $1320 Titus- Starr E U, 13 23 3 $300. ville. Strauss C L, miner, Newcastle. Smith R, 1, Kent. Steam James, 1, Kent. Smith R C, f, 25 23 4 $2860 White Stearns Wm, 10 24 7 $960 Falls City. River. Steaves S H, f, Juanita. Smith Ward, carp, Renton. Steidle J M, miner, Newcastle. Smith Wm, carp, Cedar Mountain. Steinle A, mer, Houghton. Smith W O, $410 Osceola. Steinmyre A, miner, Newcastle. Smith W F, f, Duwamish. Steel James, 14 23 4 $1620 Duwamish. Smith W P, f, 8 23 5 $4670 Renton. Steel J W, 6 21 5 $1440 Duwamish. Smith W R, carp, Renton. Steel James T, 21 21 5 $640 Green Smithers Edward, storekpr, Renton. River. Smithers Edwin E (Smithers & Sternetzky W, f, Kent. Thorne), Renton. Steves John A, 34 26 5 $855 Hubbard. Smithers L G, f, Renton. Stevens C, 1, Black Diamond. Smithers E M, f, $2930 Renton, Stevens George, f, White Biver,

Accident, Fire and Life. Crane's Bureau INSURANCE, Steamship and R. R, Tickets at SEATTLE, W. T. lots for sale for Cash or on Eshelman, Llewellyn $33-$66-$99 installments. SZ Co. (Post Building,) 192 SEATTLE CITY AND Stevenson Frank, 24 20 6 $630 Osce­ Taylor James, 15 24 7 $1040 Falls ola. City. Stevenson George W, f, $90 Falls Taylor T, logger, Houghton. City. Taylor W H, f, 9 23 8 $370 Snoqual­ Stevenson James, f, Kent. mie. Stevenson J, f, Benton. Taylor W H, f, $290 White Eiver. Stevenson O P, f, $70 Falls City. Tehallkist Lewis (Indian), 1, 32 25 6 Stevenson Wm, miner, Franklin. $150. Stevenson W P, f, Kent. Teller Charles, 1, Newcastle. Stewart J T, f, 23 22 4 $7040 White Temple O P, 1, White Eiver. River. Templeton Charles M, f, $140 Tolt. Stewart E M, f, 16 23 5 $1720 Ren­ Tenas Charles (Indian), f, 17 21 5 ton. $370 Slaughter. Stier John, f, Vashon. Tennant James, miner, Newcastle. Stiles E P, 24 22 4 $1120. Terrace Frank, miner, Newcastle. Stokes Ransom, 4 22 4 $60 Sunny­ Tetzlaff —, 1, $370 Hubbard. dale. Thielson Michael, 15 22 3 $240. Stone James, carp, 18 24 5 $480 Thomas Alexander, miner, Black Slaughter. Diamond. Stone J A, f, 34 20 $2100 Osceola. Thomas D, f, 15 13 5 $209. Stoneridge George,miner,Newccistle. Thomas Dave, miner, Cedar Moun­ Story A J, f, $40 Snoqualmie. tain. Story Mary, $130 Snoqualmie. Thomas David, 14 24 7 $540 Falls Stossel Frank. 1, $100 Novelty. City. Strand W F, f, Duwamish. Thomas D E, $320 Renton. Striker J, f, Houghton. Thomas D H, f, Sunnydale. Strong James, 1, $20 Renton. Thomas D M,' miner, Black Dia­ Stubbs Samuel, f, 32 26 6 $320. mond. Stuck Jack (ind), f, 17 21 5 $60 Thomas George, shoemkr,Newaastle. Slaughter. Thomas Evan, miner. Newcastle. Stumps Thomas J, f, 20 25 4 $400. Thomas F M, watchman, Newcastle. Sturtevant C M, f, 32 25 5 $1120 Thomas Henry, shoemaker Black Houghton. Diamond. Sulack Peter, miner, Newcastle. Thomas Howell, miner, Black Dia­ Sullivan John, constable, Newcastle. mond. Sullivan Timothy D, 30 21 5 $800. Thomas John, f, 25 22 4 $1550 Sullivan W, lum, Vashon. Slaughter. Sutton Charles, 17 23 5 $580 Renton. Thomson John W, 30 24 5 $420. Swain Frank, painter, Renton. Thomas S R, 1, 2 214 $480 Kent. Swanson A, 1, White River. Thomas T, foreman, Black Dia­ Swanson John, 1, Renton. mond. Sweatman B, f, Juanita. Thomas W,A, 1, Black Diamond. Sweeney E F, brewer, $1230 Duwam­ Thomas Thomas O, miner, New­ ish. castle. Swats C, carp, Slaughter. Thomas Wm, miner, Franklin. Sykes W E, f, $150 Novelty. Thomas Wm J, miner, Newcastle. Symonds John, f, $530 Benton. Thompson E H, f,-Duwamish. Tamm Bros, $230 Osceola. Thompson J, 1, Kent. Tank C F, f, 14 22 4 $100 White Thompson Wm, f, $80 Juanita. Eiver. Thode Henry, 2 24 5 $480. Tank Freed, 1, Duwamish. Thorn Ida, $250 Benton. Taylor C L, 1, 10 22 4 $1180 White Thorne E L, 36 22 6 $1600 Benton. Eiver. Thorne E L; 1 23 3 $280 Eenton. Taylor D N, 10 24 7 $1820. Thornton John, f, 1826 7 $240. Taylor George, miner Cedar Moun­ Thornton E K, 1, Duwamish. tain. Thurlow Alfred, f, 28 23 6 $1600. Taylor Ira, f, $20 Houghton. Thurlow Eugene, f, 28 23 6 $1600. Is tie ONLY Trans-Con- pninpp ]\\m n™ Northern Pacific tinental Line Ruimliig; rdldtiJ JJlfllllM H bdlk. land Office Business Promptly and accurately attended to. Whitworth & Thomson, Main St., opp, the Arlington, SEATTLE, W. T.


Tibbetts Geo W, mer, 20 24 6 $3210 Vande Vanter E, 10 22 4 $910 White Squak. Eiver. Tibbetts H H, f, 24 24 6 $60. Vanderbeck George, 35 20 6 $1660 Tibbetts J H, f, 21 25 4 $300. Osceola. Tice A J, cook, Slaughter, VanDenenter E, physician, White Tiemann John, 1, $20 Osceola. Eiver. Tilley F E, 1, Kent. VanDoren C M, mer, $17460 White Timmer W T, miner, Newcastle. Eiver. Titus E E, f, Kent. Vanduren Edward, miner,Newcastle. Titus J H, f, 24 22 4 $1320 Kent. VanDusen W A, logger, Sunnyside. Tobins Charles H, f, 18 23 5 $1800 Van Dusen Z, f, Seattle. Benton. Van Etten F D, 1, White River. Tonkin Edward, elk, Eenton, Varittee J, 1, Black Diamond. Tonkin James, general store, $300 Vercoe James, physician, Kent. Eenton. Vestnys P sr, carp, Black Diamond. Tonkin Josiah, miner. Eenton. Vestnys P, 1, Black Diamond. Tonkin S, miner, Newcastle. Vickers C, carp, Slaughter. Tonkin Thomas, miner, Benton. Vickery J, 32 25 7 $420. Tonkin Wm, elk James Tonkin, Een­ Victoria B, 1, Black Diamond. ton. Vincent G, 1, Black Diamond. Torgason Chris, $130 Novelty. Vincent J H, f, 5 25 7 $320 Sunny­ Tosh A, logger, Houghton. dale. Tosh Adam, f, 14 25 5 $250 Melrose. Visill J F, carp, Slaughter. Tosh John, f, $165 Houghton. Vouter George, carp, Black Dia­ Tosh S A, teacher, Houghton, mond. Toullner Charles, 3 23 4 $50. Wagner A, f, Seattle. Tracy J, 1, Osceola. Wakeman A, f, 12 22 4 $620 White Trager Gottlieb, f, 24 21 4 $1990 Biver. Slaughter. Wakeman H, miner, Newcastle. Traver George W, real estate, 3 23 4 Wakeman M, f, 12 22 4 $190 White $380 Tacoma. Eiver. Tritsehack Gottfried, 1, $110 Osceola. W7ald M, 1, Kent. Troumbly Benj, f, 18 23 3 $110. Walker Thomas, miner, Cedar Moun­ Trout James, 1, Black Diamond. tain. Trout John, 1, Black Diamond, Walker Wm, 1, $20 Green Eiver. Tuck N P, 1, $100 Duvalls. Wallace T, 1, Black Diamond. Turner G G, f, 13 26 4 $280. Wallingsting W, 1, Kent. Turner John, 1, Kent. Walbridge W S, 1, $50 Slaughter. Tuttle A J, 1, Vashon. Walbridge W, f, Osceola. Truskey H, sailor, Kent. Walsh Michael, 12 23 5 $470 May's Twiss S J, 1, $80 Osceola. Creek. TJden Everett, 1, Kent. Walsworth H T, f, 19 23 5 $3330 Ben­ Uden E, 1, Kent. ton, TJder Fred, miner, Newcastle. Walter & Palmer, 12 25 3 $320. Uder Wm, miner, Newcastle. Walterfield George, 1, Eenton. TJlrea J W, 1, Kent. Walters Wm, miner, Newcastle. Vacey Wm, miner, Newcastle. Waltz John, miner, $20 Cedar Moun­ Vader Charles, f, 2121 5 $290 Slaugh­ tain. ter. Ware E, f, Eenton. Vaity Henderson, 1, Newcastle. Ware Samuel, engineer, Renton. Valentine Charles, 1, Eenton. Ware Samuel, carp, Black Diamond. Valentine Charles, f, Arthur. Ward G W, f, White River. Valentine J K, f, Arthur. Ward H W, f, $60 Slaughter. Valentine W, 1, Sunnyside. Ward & Jackson, 32 23 3 $480. Valentine W, f. Arthur. Wardell W W, f, Duwamish. Vanasalin John A, miner, Franklin. Washburn A, f, 11 22 4 $2780 White Vancamp F, f, Vashon. River. Agts.for K. HOE & CO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHNSOIB'S TYPE, Tatum& Bowen Etc. POBTIASD, OBEGtOlV. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. chiiberg&co 7 -__.s*e__.t;s. 194 SEATTLE CITY AND Watts Charles, cook, Eenton. White Charles, f, 6 21 5 $390 Slaugh­ Watt Alfred, 1, Black Diamond. ter. ' Watkins D, miner, Black Diamond. White Charles A, f, 27 25 4 $1860 Watkins D M, miner, Newcastle. Slaughter. Watkins John, miner, Newcastle. White E D, f, 28 20 6, $850 Osceola Watkins J W, miner,Black Diamond. White E G, 28 26 6 $300 Osceola. Watkins W, miner, Newcastle. White John, 1, Duwamish. Watkins W J, inspector, $20 New- White John, 1, $240 Renton. (loo + ] a White T J, carp, Renton, M atson' G H, 1, 26 23 5 $480 Kent. Whitehead O', f, Houghton. Watson M, 1, Kent. Whitefield J, 1, Osceola. Watson S A, f, Duwamish. Whitehead Jane A, f, 23 25 3 $460 Waugh Albert, f, Benton. Houghton. Webb D, miner. Kent. Whitney E L, 31 21 5 $620 Slaugh- Webb Taylor, f, $70 Slaughter. Weber D, foreman, Black Diamond, Whitney Eli, 25 26 3 $1110. Webster F W W, f, Arthur. Whitney E P, f, $100 Slaughter. Weed Charles E, 20 24 4 "" Whitney D P, f, $870 Houghton. W eedin A M, 15 26 5 $240. Whitney H, f, Slaughter. Weedin B K, f, Seattle. Whitworth J E, f, Kent. Weedin W L, 4 25 4 $670. Wickersham I G, 18 23 4 $1550. Weir David, f, $110 Renton. Wienke Gus, miner, Newcastle. Weir Joseph, saloonkpr, Newcastle. Wilcox F, 1, Slaughter. Weir James, prop Cottage Hotel,$770 Williams E W, blksmth, Franklin. Benton. Williams John A, miner, Newcastle. Weigel M W, 1, $80 Osceola. Williams Morgan, miner, Newcastle. Weitzel J H, f, Vashon. Williams Wm J, miner, Newcastle. Welch Eserel, f, $110 Osceola. Williams Wm M, miner, Newcastle. Welch James, miner, Newcastle, Wilmot J, miner, Black Diamond. Welch John, miner, Newcastle. Wilson G B, f, 4 26 5 $4550 Woodin­ Welch J G, f, $230 Osceola. ville. Welch J T, miner, Franklin. Wilson Isaac, 1, $150 Osceola. Welch M, f, Newcastle. Wilson James, miner, Newcastle. Welch Pat, miner, 10 23 6 $400 Cedar Wilson John, f, 4 21 5 $720 Duwa- Mountain, wamish. Welch W 0,1, $300 Osceola. Wilson J W, f, Osceola. Wellman M, watchman, Newcastle. Wilson M, f, Kent. WTells G W, f, 30 25 5 $720 Hough­ Wilson S W, f, 20 24 6 $2040 Squak. ton. Wilson W B, 1, Duwamish. Wells H, 2125 4 $40. Williams E, 1, Black Diamond. Wells Mrs P, f, 14 25 3 $70. Williams Edward E, f, 34 25 7 $640 Wen David, miner, Franklin. Falls City. Wendt Fred, f, Duwamish. Williams F, f oreman,Black Diamond. Western H H, mer, 9 23 4 $2420 Du­ Williams J, miner, Black Diamond. wamish. Williams John, $70 Eenton. Wexeburger Frank, f, Renton. Williams J, 1, Slaughter. Wexeberger John, f, 23 23 5 $690 Williams J, boatman, Vashon. Renton. Williams John,brickmkr, Duwamish. Whalen J, 1, Osceola. Williams John, 1, White Eiver. Whatcom. Charley (ind), 1, 17 21 5 Williams James, f, $240 Benton. $370 Slaughter. Williams James, supt Cedar Moun­ Wheeler Gilbert, carp, Franklin. tain mines, Cedar Mountain. Wheelah James, 6 24 6 $240. Williams J R, miner, Black Diamond. Whitmore Frank, f, Duwamish. William 0,1, Black Diamond. Whitmore H, painter, Slaughter. Williams W, miner, Black Diamond. Whetmore S, f, Duwamish. Williamson John, miner, Cedar White Charles, miner, Franklin. Mountain.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. OFFICE—Booms 9 and lO Yesler-Iieax-y Block. -H.Q. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-class and Cor, I I and Front. Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 195 Willis S P, f, Kent. Wood Wm, manager, Benton. Winner George, 1, Duwamish. Woodman T W, 2 25 3 $40. Winter .Daniel, f,6 21 5 $1970 Slaugh­ Woodin Ira, f, 5 26 5 $3460 Juanita. ter. Wooding John, f, $620 Green River. Wise Fred, miner, Newcastle. Wooding Robert, f, 26 21 5 $1290 Wisner J S, f, $920 Osceola. Green River. Wist Katherine, 8 25 4 $380. Woodsworth E, f, Renton. Witherow W, miner, Black Dia­ Wright Augustus, carp, Black Dia­ mond. mond. Wittenmera G M, f, Juanita. Wright M M, carp, Black Diamond. Wittenmera L J, teacher, Juanita. Yaderholm E D, 9 26 5 $480. Wittenmera W B. f, Juanita. Tank George, f, 7 21 5, $1650 Os­ Wittenmyer G W, f, 18 26 5 $1240 ceola. Hubbard. Yates O J, f, 10 22 4 $6240 White Wold John, f, $80 Hubbard. River. Wold Lars A, f, 28 24 6 $1200. Yates Roswell W, f, 24 25 4 $600. Wallmer Frank, f, Vashon. > Yehli John, f, $80 Houghton. Worthington —, f, Slaughter. Yersley D H, f, Duwamish. Wood Charles, 1, Eenton. Younderpump J, f, 32 25 6, $140. Wood Edward, foreman, Newcastle. Young E, 1, Kent. Wood George, blacksmith, 13 22 4 Young James W, saloonkpr, Cedar $400 Benton. Mountain, Wood Harry E, 21 23 4, $76 Sunny­ Young W G, teacher, Renton. dale. Yule Robert, blksmth, 6 22 3 $450 Wood James H, 20 23 4 $960. Renton. Wood Joseph, machinist, Newcastle. Zacuse James (Indian), 17 25 4 $200. Wo d J J, 1, $30 Squak. Zambone A, miner, Black Diamond. Wood Robert, miner, Newcastle. Zuhl Frederick, 1, White River. Wood Eobert, general store, $520 Zweifelhoffer J, f, Houghton. Benton. Zweifelhoffer Theresa, 10 35 4 $250.



Orders from abroad solicited and promptly filled.

0-___30_=SC3-___: 3_T__ST77"_= •'.I,1 l_l.l_.l,l. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Rough 1 Dressed Lumber PACKING CASES AND BOXES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. South Seattle, Wash. Ter, Approved Security Opens the Bureau, Money to Loan, Washington St., near Commercial, Seattle. A Choice Suburban ^R jj«ta Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.


'THIS _^: Columbia & Puget Sound 55 _=____IX_E_0____D-______E

— 0_E_KS —


— TO THE —• Tourist ^Commercial Traveler

Running frequent Trains

•———•—__PB—____••__—1 BETWEEN 3E_A_TTI__3EG ^^W

The thriving mining towns of



Through the picturesque valleys of


DEPOT: Second and King Streets.

T. J. SULNEB, W. BE. THOENELL, Asst, Superintendent. G-en. Freight and Pass. Agent. ,_£_£__ Will Save Money df™ SEATTLE CITY



Names appearing under Headings marked thus * are only inserted when Specially contracted for.

Abstracts of Land Titles. HILL, OSBORNE & 00, Gordon Hardware bldg. NIESZ, WHITTLESEY & CO, Safe Deposit bldg. (See lines on cover!) Puget Sound, Land Loan and Abstract Assn, opp Opera House. Wheeler D T & Co, Yesler-Leary bldg.

Accountants. McPherson N 6 S, n w cor 7th and Jefferson. Agricultural Implements. See also Hardware. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover.) Wald & Campbell, 704 Front.

Architects. Boone & Meeker, Yesler-Leary bldg. Meany S J, Poncin block, 637 Front. COMMISSION MERCHANTS A. Chilberg i Co. Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. S. E. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 198 SEATTLE CITY AND Attorneys-at-Law. See lawyers.

Auctioneers. CHEADLE RAPHAEL, Lake Union. (See page 15.) Cowie W H & Co, 116 2d. Mitchell ,1 0, Central Hotel. Bakers. See also Confectioners. Canning G W, n w opr Union and 3d. Eureka Bakery, s w cor Front and Columbia. Myer & Co, 118 Commercial. PIPER A W, 617 Front. (See page 7.) Queen City Bakery, 915 Front. Wright G H, w s Front bet Battery and Bell.

Baking Powder Manufacturers. Wilcox W F, Mercer add. Banks and Bankers. DOWNING EDWARD B & CO, Post bldg, Mill opp Com-

FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE, Yesler-Leary blk. HORTON, DEXTER & CO, n w cor Commercial and Wash­ ington. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, Safe Deposit bldg. PUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE THE, Occidental block. Barbers. CLARK W B, n e cor Commercial and Main. Hering & Alexander, 611 Front. Holzberger G A, 918 Front. Keene F A, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. Rott Victor, 805 Front. Schmidt A R,, 606 Front. Scott W A, 4 Mill. Seifert & Delfel, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. Stranz Michael, 619 Front. VonDungen 0 Y, Occidental Hotel. Through Tickets ££__: EAST _$£_ By owning aci-e tracts near a rapidly grow­ ESHELMAN, ing city, and so it Many Become Rich wilsrsl provse in Seattle Llewellyn & Co » will Broi (Post Building.) 200 SEATTLE CITY AND Boat Houses. Budlong Boat House, foot Marion. Clark Rufus S, foot Madison. Lake T W, foot Lake Avenue. Yarno J T, foot University.

Boiler Makers. Berb Alfred, foot Columbia. SEATTLE BOILER. WORKS, Yesler's Wharf.

Book Binders. ANTHONY FERDINAND, Opera House.

Books and Stationery. Davis G & Co, 122 Cherry. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover.) LOWMAN & HANFORD STATIONERY AND PRINT­ ING CO, s e cor Front and Cherry. Lyon J M, 713 Front. PUMPHREY W II & CO, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. SEATTLE BAZAAR, 210-212 Commercial. Stanley Wm P, 1005 Front. Turner M C, Front st.

Boot Blacks. Carter Winston, stand outside Bank Exchange. Collins 0 B, Hotel Brunswick. Diggs Samuel, rms Gross's boarding house. Fletcher D L, n e cor Commercial and Washington. March W S, outside Grotto Saloon. Spriggs Levi, stand outside Boca Saloon.

Boots and Shoes. ABERNETHY ROBERT, cor Front and Madison. CHICAGO BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 613 Front, (See insert, opp page 108.) Davis Simon, 122 Commercial. Frauenthal Bros, 104 Commercial. Northern Pacific I!KSKn"PalaceDinimCars Whitworth & Thomson *&_S^^\iKL,8s§!" VV _UbWWU _J. W __IU__0V_1, Main Street, opp. the Arlington.

KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 201 Harrington & Smith, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Jones II & Son, Occidental Square. Hershberg II & Co, 816 Front. Kaufman David, 807 Front. Kennev John, 808 Front. Kline L & Co, 208 Commercial. McAndrews Martin, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. McCann M L, foot of Marion. ORTH ADAM, 714 Front. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington. TREEN, RAYMOND & TURRELL, 633 Front. Boot and Shoemakers. Berg Knud, Yesler's wharf. CHICAGO BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 613 Front. (See page opp 108.) Finnigan Bernard, Commercial opp Arlington Hotel. Freeman Alfred, Front and Columbia. Grossman John, 115 Cherry. Keane John, basement McPherson's grocery store. Kenney John, 808 Front. MICHEL JOHN, Mill opp Commercial. Moen Benjamin, e s 2d bet Mill and Washington. Nelson Ole, e s 2d bet Main and Washington. ORTH ADAM. 714 Front. WALKER WALTER foot of Columbia. Box Manufacturers. NEWELL GEORGE, South Seattle. (Seepage 28.)

Brass Founders. Good John E & Co, foot of Commercial. JOHNSON WM & SON, 147 5th Portland Ore. (See insert opp page 130.) Brewers. BAY YIEW BREWERY, Bay road South Seattle. (See p 28.) North Pacific Brewery, Lincoln bet 5th and 6th. PUGET SOUND BREWERY, Race Track. (See page 28.) SEATTLE BREWERY, Mill bet 3d and 4th. -P On 9I and 93 Fl"ont Street, Portland, Or w d & Irom i8 UIrlTUnU • 1i1 __w . BOWfiJ_* - WI _ 1l1 »°tionary and Workinmarine gEngine Machinerys «_ Boiler, Sta s M OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yesler-Leary Block. E. 6. CALDWELL, Dentisuuiiuuit , All work first-class and Cor, Mill _ Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 199 Bottlers. Grueninger & Bitner, s w cor Front and Pike. Morrison James, 717 Front. Seattle Soda Works, 20 Mill.

'^'_FB_*_~tiii*** suit-] 1_ro$-* GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover!) PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front Portland Or. (See p opp 130.) TATUM & BOWEN, 91 and 93 Front, Portland. (See bot­ tom lines!)

Billiards. See also Saloons. Arlington Hotel, cor Main and Commercial. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, Commercial st. (Seepage 3.) Occidental Hotel, Mill and James. PANTHEON BILLIARD HALL, 30 Commercial. WHITE ELEPHANT, Yesler-Leary blk. (See page 14.)

Bill Posters. Snyder A J S, s s Mill opp post office.

Blacksmiths. Beattie Wm, foot of Madison. Becker Jacob P, e s 2d bet Main and Washington. EGER GEORGE, n s Jackson bet Commercial and 2d. (See page 15.) Eyler & Brietenstein, n s Jackson bet 2d and 3d. Holmes Anthony, foot of Columbia. McDonald Charles, s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf. Power John M, e s 2d bet Pine and Pike. Uren Andrew, North Seattle. Boat Builders. ALLEN'S MARINE WAYS, North Seattle. See page 11.) Budlong's Boat House, foot of Marion. Clark R S, foot Madison. Hammon & Thurlow, foot University. Yarno J T, foot University. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City ana County Scrip Washington St., near Commercial. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Insurance. A. Chilberg i Go. Cor Commeicial __._ __ili Streets. 202 SEATTLE CITY AND Brick Manufacturers. DIBBLE OARNIE, South Seattle.

*Bridge Builders. ALLEN & NELSON, foot of Commercial.

Cabinet Makers. Choynski Moritz, Washington rear Horton's bank. Schillestal Ole, 112 Cherry. Candy Manufacturers. PIPER A W, 617 Front. (Seepage 7.) Seattle Candy Factory, 1105 Front.

Carpenters, Contractors and Builders. ALLEN & NELSON, foot of Commercial. Bennett T W, foot of Columbia. Bogardus & Son, s e cor 9th and Olive. McDONALD J F, West near foot of Columbia. Morse Wm M, e s 9th bet Pine and Olive. Steinman F, foot Commercial. Ulin Erick, foot Washington.

Carriages. (Baby) GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (Seefront cover) SEATTLE BAZAAR, 210-212 Commercial.

Carriage and Wagon Makers. Benson A W, w s 3d bet Washington and Main. Fleming Smith, foot of Madison. Marco Frederick, e s 2d bet Washington and Mill.

Cigar Manufacturers. Gen W, e s 3d bet Washington and Mill. McDONALD J F, 220 Commercial.

Cigars and Tobacco. (Wholesale) BAXTER S CO, 923 Front. (See page 13.) Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of anv class. OJFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10, Yesler-Leary-Block, » B. 6. CALDWELL,j DentistJJUUllUL.. All work firsi-class-and Cor, Mill _ Front,entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 203 GOTTSTEIN M & K, cor Columbia and Front. Levy Bros, 113 Commercial. McDONALD J F, 220 Commercial. SMITH L K G, Yesler-Leary blk. THE A P HOTALING CO, 219 Commercial. WALTERS & CO, 717 Front. (See page 4=) (Retail.) GILMORE W H, n e cor Main and Commercial. Henry J N, Mill opp Commercial. Holden Wm T, 916 Front. HOLT PETER, outside Grotto Saloon. JAGER FREDERICK, s s Pike bet 4th and 5th. Levy Bros, 113 Commercial. Montgomery Alexander, 116 Commercial. Murphy M F, 815 Front. Peterson Charles, next to postoffice. Sheldon H C, 905 Front. SMITH L K G, Yesler-Leary blk. Townsend D 0, 4| Mill. WINCAPAW T J, 124 Commercial. Civil and Mechanical Engineers. ANDERSON BROS, rm 15 Yesler-Leary blk. MITCHELL & SPARLING, 629 Front. (See page 169.) WHITWORTH & THOMSON, ws Main bet Commercial and 2d. (See top lines.) Clothing. Davis Simon, 122 Commercial. Fruenthal Bros, 104 Commercial. Goodman Emanuel, Occidental square. Harris Isadore, n e cor Front and Columbia. Hershberg H & Co, 816 Front. Kenney Samuel, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Kline L & Co, 208 Commercial. Kreidel Samuel, 824 Front. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington.

Coal Mining Cos. BLACK DIAMOND COAL CO, n e cor Commercial and King. W. T. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, "~_r_SK?_, Seattle. Eshelman, Llewellyn _ Co.,1111 S™4S£f™.

204 SEATTLE CITY AND CEDAR RIVER COAL CO, foot of Columbia. Oregon Improvement Co, foot of Commercial.

Coffee and Spice Mills. Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mill, 110 Cherry.

Collectors. Cann T H, Stone bldg, 625 Front.

Colleges and Schools. ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAMES, s e cor 9th and Jack­ son. UNIVERSITY OF W T, 4th bet University and Seneca. (See page 159.) YESLER COLLEGE, J P Lange Principal, 2d bet University and Madison. (See opp page 168.)

Commissioner of Deeds. Cann T II, Stone bldg 625 Front.

Commission Merchants. OHEADLE RAPHAEL, Moltke street nr Lake Union. (See pjage 15.) CHILBERG A & CO, s e cor Commercial and Mill. (See top lines) Durie D E, Yesler's wharf. FREDERICK PETER, w s Frederick nr Mill. HATFIELD J A, Yesler's wharf. (See page 7.) Northwest Fruit Co, Mill next Postoffice.

Confectionery and Fruits. Dean C F, w s Front bet Bell and Bianchard. Ferry L P, 608 Front. Grist John, s e cor Commercial and Mill. HOLT PETER, outside Grotto saloon. Huerta Manuel, w s Front bet Madison and Spring. PIPER A W, 617 Front. (Seepage 7.) Queen City Bakery, 915 Front. Sullivan John, 120 Commercial. ^__»?__ Will Save Money—iS Seattle, W. T. Whitwtn& Thomson, °^_5^3th e Arlington.

KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 205 Cornice Manufacturers. LECK JOHN, foot of Columbia.

Cracker Manufacturers. Northwestern Cracker Co, w s Front bet Spring and Seneca.

Crockery and Glassware. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover) HARRINGTON & SMITH, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. SEATTLE BAZAAR, 210 and 212 Commercial. Waddell & Miles, Mill opp Commercial.

Cutlery. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover) GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover.) Levy Bros, 113 Commercial. Montgomery Alexander, 116 Commercial. SEATTLE BAZAAR, 210 and 212 Commercial. Dairymen. Blair O P, s e cor Mill and 12th. DUWAMISH DAIRY, 3J miles s from city. GLEASON W II & CO, Jackson nr Lawton's Nursery. McSorley Charles, S Seattle. McSorley & Co, n w cor Mill and West. Dentists. CALDWELL R G, Yesler-Leary blk, cor Front and Mill. (See top lines) Fox J M, 822 Front. GRASSE J C, Sullivan's block 710 Front. KILBOURNE E C, Stone bldg 625 Front. (See inside back cover.) PRICE G WILLIS, 2 and 3 Kenny block cor Front and Co­ lumbia. (See inside front cover) Whitford L C, 720| Front. ^Draughtsmen. ANDERSON BROS, rm 15 Yesler-Leary block. T«_tnm 9 Dm if an Agents for R- H0E & co's Chisel-Tooth i Bill HI 06 BOW 6 Si and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or, 2 Pn Fire, Life, Accident and Marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. A. Chilberg 1 Co.S . E. Oor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 206 SEATTLE CITY AND Draymen. Burke James, Belltown. Burns G L, Lake Union. Calkins A L, Belltown. Carlisle J H, rms McPhee's bldg. Clark E R, Belltown. Danford James, Seear's Livery Stable. Davison S E, n w cor 4th and Pine. Doyle Laurence, Lake Union. Frederick H A, Lake Washington. Good W O, 813 Main. Leary Tohn, Belltown. LINDSLEY E L, Lake Union. McFaden C P, 12th and Pine. Milhan S F, Lake Union. Miller Bros, Gilmore's wharf, foot of Seneca. Ragen Thomas, 1 s Thygsen's grocery store. Russell Robert, s s James bet 4th and 5th. Smith O R, s w cor Bush and King. Steves Bros, foot of Madison. Symons P, s s Jackson near 8th.

Dress and Cloak Makers. Alden Mrs Amand, n e cor Front and Bianchard. Box L A, Parisian Millinery Store, 2d st. DeGraf Mme A, 709 Front. Fisher Mrs A 0, 617 Front. Lawry Mrs H T, rm 4 Kenyon block. Lutz Mrs M, 108 Columbia. Maddocks Mrs H C, Arcade building. Mills Mrs Lizzie H, over 133 Main. Powers Mrs Mattie, e s 11th bet Virginia and Lenora. . Robinson Mrs 0 H, s s Cherry over telegraph office. Ward Mrs C, w s 2d bet Spring and Seneca. Widger Miss Delia, Eureka Lodging House.

Directory Publishers. MoISAAC C H & CO, 110 Front, Portland Or. Druggists. Barns & Co, 2029 Front. Tir»_-ot_. To a" Points CAQT Sold by A9ents Through I IblVCLd Throughout the LAO I At City Dock. R. Gr. CCLI&WGII. Dsntist. Ye_ie--i___ysBioc_..10 _w. w> ___«. vv w**, i-w__gw, AU wor]£ nrst.cia8s and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 207 Brock L T, 222 Commercial. Clericus & Korn, 1002 Front. HASBROUCK & TERRY, 702 Front. KELLOGG G & CO, s w cor Commercial and Mill. Kelly M A, 102 Commercial. LANG J M & CO, n e cor 3d and Morrison. Pacific Drug Store, cor Front and Madison. STEWART A B, 615 Front. Whitworth L O, N Seattle.

Dry Goods. Arcade The, Arcade building, Front st. Davis Simon, 122 Commercial. Frauenthal Bros, 104 Commercial. Latour & Co, Opera House block. Front. Rostein Louis, 1008 Front. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Strauss J & Co, 718 Front. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington. WHITE HOUSE, 706 Front.

Electric Light Cos. EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT CO THE, Gordon Hardware building.

Employment Bureaus. Dougan & Campbell, Mill below postoffice. WASHINGTON TERRITORY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, n s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. (See bottom lines)

Electricians. MITCHELL & SPARLING, 619 Front. (See page 169.) Engines and Boilers. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (Seep opp 130.) TATUM & BOWEN, 91 and 93 Front, Portland, Or. (See bottom lines.)

Engineer Supplies. MORAN BROS, Yesler's Wharf. IKIOIIDA HI PC Accident, Fire and Life. Crane's Bureau flMoUriAlluEi I Steamship and R. R.Tickets at SEATTLE, W. T. 4_tt.4_Rfi.4_QQ "" Eshelman,Llewellyn qjJJ 45 UU q}33 installments. SZ OO. (PosfPosf »„„„,Building.)' , 208 SEATTLE CITY AND *Engravings. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (Seefront cover) Express Cos. N P Express Co, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Wells Fargo Express Co, Mill opp Commercial.

Fancy Goods. WHITE HOUSE, 706 Front. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington.

Fish Curers. CASTRO ANDREW, foot Union near the Bay.

Fish, Game and Oysters. Brown Nicholas, foot of Columbia. Dupont Frank, foot Union. George Nicholas, foot Columbia. Mascoline Charles, foot Columbia. Northwest Fruit Co, Mill next post office.

Flour and Feed. Calkins & Reddish, 1101 Front. Durie D E, Yesler wharf. HATFIELD J A, Yesler wharf. Jones & Hubbell, 907 Front.

Founders and Machinists. Moran Bros, Yesler wharf. Puget Sound Iron Works, cor Front and Spring. Seattle Iron Works, cor 2d and Jackson. Washington Iron Works, cor 2d and Jackson.

Fruit Trees. LAWTON CHARLES W, n s Mill nr Randolph.

*Fur Companies. WASHINGTON FUR CO, 923 Front. (Seepage 13) Northern Pacific '___£__? Palace DMi Care VV ill LWOJ? til Eh TllQniSOn. am<1 accurately attended to.'

¥ V ___ V VV V- W-i WW -i -iW-A-l-W--, Wa.n gt _ om fhe Arlingt0„i SEATTLE, W. T.

KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 209 Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers. CHADBOHRNE F S & CO, 635 and 637 Front. HALL & PAULSON FURNITURE CO, foot of Commercial. LAKE UNION FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO, Factory Lake Union. Lynch & Wood, 917 Front. McDERMOTT J D, 116 Cherry. (See page 15) Newell George, S Seattle. Pillman & Wright, s s Cherry bet Front and 2d. Puget Sound Furniture Co, 909 Front. Vahlbnsch & Co, 811 Front. *Frames. (Pictures) GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover)

General Stores. Elder T B, w s Front bet Wall and Battery. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Seattle Co-operative Society, 913 Front.' Wood Thomas, 2201 Front.

Gent's Furnishing Goods. See also Clothing and Tailors. Frauenthal Bros, 104 Commercial. Goodman Emanuel, Occidental Square. Harris Isadore, n e cor Front and Columbia. Hershberg H & Co, 816 Front. Kenney Samuel, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Kline L & Co, 208 Commercial. Kreidel Samuel, 824 Front. Levy Robert, 803 Front. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington. WHITE HOUSE, 706 Front.

*Grain, Mops and Wool. BAXTER S & CO, 923 Front. (See page 13.) Agts.for is. HOE & GO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHSSOS'S TYPE, Tatum& Bowen Etc. POBT_ASri>, 0BE«01V. A Ch lber &c Fire, Life and Accident Insurance - -_.gre__taj fl- • °-

210 SEATTLE CITY AND Grocers. Baker Charles, w s Front bet Bell and Battery. Calkins & Reddish, 1101 Front. CHEADE RAPHAEL, Moltke, Lake Union. (See page 15.) Ohilberg Nelson, 619 Front. Cunningham John, n e cor 7th and University. FRASCH C F, s e cor Commercial and Mill. Hansen D S, s w cor 9th and Stewart. HARRINGTON & SMITH, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. JAGER FREDERICK, s s Pike bet 4th and 5th. Louch Charles, e s Front bet Pike and Union. Lunke John, Moltke nr Lake Union. Lyle Thomas, e s 3d bet Spring and Seneca. McPHERSON WM A, Occidental Square. RINEHART W V & CO, w s 8th bet King and Weller. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Scott W D & Co, cor Commercial and Jackson. Snyder Alfred & Co, s s Cherry bet Front and 2d. STONE C P, 715 Front. (See page 7.) Sutherland A C, Main bet 2d and Commercial. Thygsen J P, Jackson add nr Jackson. Treat David W, n e cor 3d and Union.

Guns and Ammunition. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover) Neuman & Argens, e s Commercial bet Washington and Main.

Gunsmiths. Hardy & Hall, 905 Front. Neuman & Argens, e s Commercial bet Washington and and Main. Gunpowder. (Wholesale.) PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (See opp page 130.) Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. 10 ICanS/fiBI? R•*.• Q«», CcLldWSl****** vv "**)l -JSntlSt"vwwswl. AlYesler-fceal work flrst-class^ _norf_ anl d Cor. Mill and Front, Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. -warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 211 Hardware. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover) HARRINGTON & SMITH, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. SEATTLE HARDWARE CO, 625 Front. Waddell & Miles, Mill opp Commercial. WALD & CAMPBELL, 704 Front.

Harness and Saddlery. Bories Herman, 817 Front. Burgert & Booth, 618 Front. D'Arcy James J & Co, foot of Main. Mitchell Charles L, 133 Front.

Hats and Caps. Davis Simon, 122 Commercial. Franenthal Bros, 104 Commercial. GOLDSTEIN CHARLES, Yesler-Leary bldg. Hershberg & Co, 816 Front. Kenney Samuel, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Kline L & Co, 208 Commercial. SCHWABACHER BROS & CO, w s Commercial nr Mill. Toklas & Singerman, s w cor Commercial and Washington.

Hides and Pelts. PUGET SOUND HIDE CO, Yesler's wharf. WASHINGTON FUR CO, 923 Front. (Seepage 13.) Horseshoers. See also Blacksmiths. EGER GEORGE, n s Jackson bet Commercial and 2d. (See page 15.) McBEATH J A &a'CO, w s South 2d bet Mill and Washington. Hop Growers. Gove & Wilson, 79| Washington nr wharf. MnnO.I trt I niin Approved Security Opens the Bureau, lYIUIlCy lU LUdlli Washington St., near Commercial, Seattle. A e ts Choice Suburban f0 RS^ Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co. 212 SEATTLE CITY AND Hotels. Arlington Hotel, Commercial and Main. Columbia House, n w cor 3d and Columbia. Esmond Hotel, n e cor Commercial and Washington. Gold Bar Hotel, foot Washington. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, 216 Commercial. (Seepage 3.) Lake Washington Hotel, Lake Washington. NEW ENGLAND HOTEL, Mrs L C Harmon Prop, n w cor Commercial and Main. (See page 5.) Occidental Hotel, Occidental. Block. ' Ocean House, n s Main near Ocean dock. Our House, s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf. PARK HOTEL, Race Track. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL, s w cor Main and Commercial. ST JAMES, cor Mill and 2d. Tremont Hotel, s e cor 3d and Mill. VILLARD HOUSE, 15 Mill. Western House, s e cor James and 6 th. Winsor House, Columbia bet Front and 2d. Wisconsin House, s e cor Mill and 2d. Insurance Agents. ALDEN A E, Office Justice Lyons' Court Washington st. Bianchard & Partridge, Yesler-Leary bldg. Carey J A, Poncin bldg. CHILBERG A & CO, s e cor Commercial and Mill. (See top lines.) Knipe Robert, Coleman blk s' e cor Commercial and Mill. PUMPHREY T R, 713 Front. Smith W P, n s James bet Front and 2d. TAYLOR & BURNS, Butler's Bldg, James bet Front and 2d. Young A W, rm 1 Post bldg. Iron Works. Allmond & Phillips, s w cor Jackson and 2d. Puget Sound Iron Works, e s Front bet Madison and University. Seattle Iron Works, s w cor Jackson and 2d. Washington Iron Works, s e cor 2d and Jackson. Jewelers, Watches and Clocks. FRISCH ERICK, cor 2d and Columbia. Hansen Albert, Yesler-Leary blk. PSSS^SWill Save Molieyv-z™^8 l , , r Whitworth & Thomson, "•_^|Main St.,= opp_i. the_S_*__ Arlington. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 213 Hyde D N, cor 2d and Columbia. Kimball Frank, Opera House blk. NAHER CHARLES, Yesler-Leary blk. Requa & Geering, 609^ Front. Smith L P & Son, 707 Front.

Justices of the Peace. Hill G A, Gordon Hardware bldg. LYON G G, n s Washington bet Commercial and 2d precincts.

Justices of the Peace for King Co. (See page 49.)

Land Agents. ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN & CO, Post bldg. (See top limes and back bone.) Snyder A M, s s Mill opp Postoffice.

Laundries. Lachenal Mme, e s Commercial bet King and Jackson. SEATTLE STEAM LAUNDRY, cor Waterton and Almy, Lake Union. Vacheus Mrs Flavie, s s Main bet 2d and Commercial.

Lamps and Chandeliers. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover) SEATTLE BAZAAR, 210 and 212 Commercial.

*Land and Loan Companies. Puget Sound Land, Loan and Abstract Association, Odd Fel­ lows' blk cor Front and Marion.

Lawyers. BALLARD & WILCOXEN, Poncin blk 637 Front. Baker J E, Arcade bldg. BOWMAN C E, 604| Front. BURKE & HALLER, Kenney blk cor Front and Columbia, CANN T H, Stone bldg, 625 Front. CARR & PRESTON, Yesler-Leary bldg. Mill, Mining and Woodworking Machinery, Tat urn & Bowen £lngines and Hoilers, and Lubricating Oils, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A. Chilberg! Co.: Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. a. E. Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 214 SEATTLE CITY AND

Emery C D, 18 Commercial. Goucher H H, Arcade bldg. Hall & Smith, n s James bet Front and 2d. HANFORD C H, Colman blk s e cor Commercial and Mill. Hathaway H E, Frauenthal's bldg. Hill G A, Gordon Hardware bldg. HUMES T J, Arcade bldg. JACOBS & JENNER, Arcade building. KELLOGG & ALBERTSON, office 2d floor Gordon Hardware building. (See page 169.) KINNEAR J R, Stone building 62 Front. LEWIS J H, 604 Front. LEWIS J R & H H, n e cor 3d and Cherry. LOOMIS H B, room 12 Kennev block. McGILVRA & BLAINE, Franenthal building. MoNAUGHT, FERRY, McNAUGHT & MITCHELL, Mo- Naught's block. METCALF J B, rooms 17 and 18 Poncin block 637 Front. Mumford U B, 814^ Front. Osborne E S, Gordon Hardware building. OSBORN RICHARD, room 4 Post building. PALMER A L, Poncin block 637 Front. PETERSON F H, rooms 5 and 6 Colman block s e cor Com­ mercial and Mill. Preston G H, room 11 Kenney's block cor Front and Madison. Rochester Junius, 18 Poncin block 637 Front. RONALD J T, rooms 15 and 16 Poncin block 637 Front. SCHRICKER & ADAMS, rooms 15 and 16 Kenney block cor Front and Columbia. (See front cover) Smith G Venable, Poncin building. Snyder A M, s s Mill opp Postoffice. STRUVE, HAINES & McMICKEN, Poncin bldg 637 Front. Vrooman S B, Poncin building. WHITE & MUNDAY, 720^ Front. WOOD W D, Yesler-Leary building. WHITTLESEY C F, Safe Deposit building. WHITTLESEY W H, Safe Deposit building. Livery, Sale and Hoarding Stahles Card L S, cor South 2d and Washington. Langston Livery Stable, 81 Washington. Union Livery Stable, Commercial opp Arlington Hotel.

To all points CACT Sold by Agents Through Tickets ti_t EAST At City Dock. OFFICE—Rooms 9 and 10 Yesler-Leary Block. B. 6. CALDWELL, Dentist, All work first-class and ti •••!___! Cor, Mill _, Front entrance on Front Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 215 Loans. ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN & CO, Post Building. (See top lines and backbone.) LEWIS J R & H H, n e cor 3d and Cherry. NIESZ, WHITTLESEY & CO, Safe Deposit Building. (See lines on cover) TRAVER G W, Tacoma, W T. (See page opp Real Estate in classified.) Locksmiths. Neuman & Argens, e s Commercial b§t Washington anoTMain.

Lodging Houses. Eureka Lodging House, w s Commercial bet Main and Jackson. Grand Central, cor Commercial and Jackson. LEWIS V SCHNYDER, West nr Mill. Oak Lodging House, over Oak Restaurant, s s Washington bet 2d and Commercial. Mill Street House, 11 Mill. West End House, 13 Mill. Lumber Manufacturers. Lake Washington Mill Co, Lake Washington nr Jackson. . NEWELL GEORGE, South Seattle. (See page 28.) SEATTLE LUMBER AND COMMERCIAL CO THE, Water Front from Madison to Marion. Seattle Mill Co, cor 7th and B. Seattle Lumber Co, office Safe Deposit bldg. Western Mill Co, Lake Union. Yesler Mill Co, foot Mill. Lunch Counters. MEINEN J A, White Elephant Saloon. Morley John, s w cor Commercial and Washington.

Machinists. MORAN BROS, Yesler's Wharf.

*Mantels and Grates. SKIDMORE & HILL, foot of Madison. BOUGHT AKTD SQLD. Washington Territory Employment Bureau, City ani County Scrip Washington St., near Commercial. By owning acre tracts near a rapidly grow­ ESHELMAN, ing city, and so it Many Become Rich will prove in Seattle Llewellyn & Co. (Post Building.) 216 SEATTLE CITY AND Marhle Workers and Healers. O&rdeek Wm, Mill nr Yesler's wharf. EVANS & CO, Harrington & Smith's wharf. (See page 16.) Puget Sound Stone Yard, s s Mill nr Yesler's wharf. SKIDMORE & HILL, foot of Madison. Washington MarbleJWorks, Spring bet Front and 2d. Meat Markets. BORST J W, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. (See page 16.) City Meat Market, n e cor Front and Cherry. EVANS W W & CO, n e cor Front and Cherry. (Seepage 7.) Gardner John D, s w cor Mill and 4th. Horlacher David, w s Front bet Bell and Bianchard. Masel J C, n s Union bet 2d and 3d. Murphy John, s s Pike bet 4th and 5th. Pacific Market, n e cor Front and Pike. Palace Market, 812 Front. SEATTLE MEAT MARKET, 217 Commercial. Steen Louis, 914 Front. WAHL & BOYD, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. (Seepage 15.) , Mill Supplies. PARKE & LACEY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (See opp page 130.) TATUM & BOWEN, 91-93, Front, Portland, Or. (See bot­ tom, lines. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627-629 Front. (See back cover) Millinery and Fancy Goods. Cheasty Miss Nellie, 810 Front. CLAYTON BROS, 610 Front. Green Mrs R S, cor 2d and Marion. PEASE MRS M D, 710 Front. WASH & PRITCHARD, 120 Front. Mining Machinery. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (See opp.) TATUM & BOWEN, 91-93 Front, Portland, Or. (See bottom lines) Northern Pacific ZSIZS' PalaceDinina Cars Whitworth & Thomson, SSSSS

• KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 217 Money Brokers. ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN & CO, Post building. (See top lines and back bone) SANDER F E, s e cor Commercial and Mill.

Music and Musical Instruments. Kimball Frank, Opera House block. PUMPHREY W II & CO, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Smith Wm A, 821 Front, Music Teachers. Hamlin Miss L A, bds Mrs M A Hamlin. Goodnow O S, cor Marion and 2d, McPherson Miss L B, n w cor 7th and Jefferson. Young S G, Yesler-Leary building.

Newspapers. DAILY CALL THE, rear of postoffice. (Seepage 9.) • DIE TRIBUENE (Weekly, Ind), Reinig building. IVordvestkusten (twice monthly), foot of Columbia opp the Bay. SEATTLE CHRONICLE (Daily and Weekly, Rep), Butler's building. (See page 8.) SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER (Daily and Weekly), Post building, Mill street. (See page 10.) SEATTLE SUNDAY STAR, Poncin blk 637 Front. THE TRUE TONE (Sunday), rm 5 Yesler-Leary blk. (See page 13.) News Company. North Pacific, Mill nr P O. News Depots. Lowman & Hanfbrd's Stationery and Printing Co, basement of Post building. North Pacific News Co, Mill below postoffice.

Notaries Public. ANDERSON O P, rm 5 Yesler-Leary blk. Andrews L B. Booth M'S, Mill near postoffice. _. on 9I and 93 Front Street, Portland, Or I __f IIITI _V Knifl/Pn Wood & Iron Working Machinery, Sta 1 atU III W UUVWWll tiamwy and Marine ISit^nes &SoUerti 15 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine insurance A. Chilberg! Go. COT C3or__E_ero5-a.l „__„ __ill Stieets. 218 SEATTLE CITY AND

Bowman A C, McNaught blk. BOWMAN 0 E, 604^ Front. BURKE & HALLER, Kenney block. CANN T H, Stone bldg 625 Front. Emery C D, 18 Commercial. Gilman L C, w s 4th bet Seneca and Spring. Haller T N, n e cor 12th and James. Haines J C. Hanford A E, Coleman blk, s e cor Commercial and Mill. Hanford C H. Hall W F, Stone bldg Front opp Cherry. Hathaway II E, Franenthal bldg. Kendall F P. Kinear J R. Llewellyn W H. LOOMIS H B, room 12 Kenney block. McGILVRA J J, Franenthal buildine. McNAUGHT J F, McNanght's blk. " MITCHELL J II, McNanght's blk. Mumford U B, 814* Front. Munday C F. OSBORN RICHARD, Room 4 Post bldg. Palmer A L, Poncin blk. Peterson F H, rms 5 and 6 Colman blk s e cor Commercial and Mill. Rasin U M. Rochester Junius, 18 Poncin blk 637 Front. SCHRICKER & ADAMS, Rooms 15 and 16 Kenney block. (See front cover!) Scott R. Snyder A M, s s Mill opp post office. Smith Eben, n s James bet Front and 2d. Taylor WH. Turner E A. WHITWORTH F H, n s Main bet Commercial and 2d. Wood W D. Notions and Fancy Goods. Davis Simon, 122 Commercial. Levy Bi-os, 113 Commercial. Montgomery Alexander, 116 Commercial. WINCAPAW T J, 124 Commercial.

Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of anv class. OW ICE—Booms 9 and 10, Yesler-Leary-Block, 16. CALDWELL, Deist, All-work first-class and Cor, Mill & Front, entrance on Front, Seattle W.T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 219 Nurseries. SEATTLE NURSERY, Charles W Lawton prop, n s Mill nr Randolph. Oils. (lubricating) PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (See page opp 130.) TATUM & BOWEN, 91 and 93 Front Portland, Or. (See bottom, lines) Opera Houses. Frye's Opera House, G K Beede mngr, cor Front and Main.

Painters. Chapman Otis F, 110 Commercial. Charlesworth George, Belltown. Harris & Greenus, Marion opp Opera House. McGough James, cor Front and Madison. (Carriage) Chestnut EL, ss Columbia bet Front and 2d. Harris & Greenus, opp Opera House Marion. Whiteley John W, e s 2d bet Washington and Mill. Cochran & Parker, 903 Front. (House and Sign) Harris & Greenus, opp Opera House Marion. McColough Wm II, foot of Columbia opp the Bay. Roberts Franklin, s s Colnmbia bet Front and 2d. WIGGINS & GROW, rear of Brunswick Hotel. (Ornamental and Fresco) WIGGINS & GROW, rear of Brunswick Hotel.

Paints, Oils and Glass. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (Seeback cover. Keating M M & Co, 110 Commercial. THOMAS F M, cor Front and Madison. Pawnbrokers. Levy Jacob, s s Commercial bet Main and Washington. W. T. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, ^^S^L, Seattle. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.,EBiL 5™"™.°™'

220 SEATTLE CITY AND Photographers. Dorsaz & Schwerin, Kenyon blk. JUDKINS DAVID R, s w cor 2d and Marion. (See inside front cover.) Moore G N, 710 Front. McCLAIRE & QUIRK, 719$ Front. PEISER THEODORE E, 2d and Marion. (Seepage 6.) Physicians. Bagley II B, 114 Cherry. Baker John (Alio), s w cor Commercial and Mill. Churchill Frederick A, s e cor 4th and Madison. DAWSON LEWIS R, 2020 Front. DOANE HARRY, Mill below post office. - Hall H M, Safe Deposit bldg. KELLER FRANCIS, n s James bet Front and 2d. Kollock John M, s w cor Madison and 5th. Kriegk Map, Opera House blk. Merrick Charles H, 2124 Front. MILLER C L Sr, 108 Cherry. Miller P B M, Arcade bldg. Minor Thomas T, Frye Opera House. Root O G, Yesler-Leary blk. Smart J S M, s s Mill opp Front. Smith & Willard, Poncin bldg, 637 Front. Sundberg J C, Yesler-Leary bldg. Weed G A, Yesler-Leary blk. Pictures and Frames. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover) STAFFORD J A, Front 1 n of Opera House blk, (See back paster) Planing Mill. NEWELL GEORGE, South Seattle. (See page 28.)

Plaster Decorations. MURPHY JOHN H, foot of Madison.

Plasterers. MURPHY JOHN H, foot of Madison.

East Bound MM 0«..__ ft*___.«..TH^^TICKETS PASSENGERS Wilfw IIlI SavUC1VeC l¥!UIIGMoneyy Fros m SEATTLE 8eattle w T Whitworth & Thomson, Mai™**™™n St., opp, the Arlington- -. - KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 221 Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. SCHRAM J & CO, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. (See back cover.) Spencer John, 815 Front, Seattle W T. Waddell & Miles, Mill nr Commercial. YOUNG & McKEON, 721 Front.

Poultry Breeders. TURNER E A, Ridge If miles s of Postoffice.

Printers, Hook and Job. Dearborn B B, 629 Front. Globe Printing Co The, foot of Madison. Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, basement of Post bldg, printing dept, office and store s e cor Front and Cherry. Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Co, s e cor Front and Cherry.

Produce. Durie D E, Yesler's wharf. FREDERICK PETER, w s 2d nr Mill. HARRINGTON & SMITH, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. HATFIELD J A, Yesler's wharf. (See page 7.) Northwest Fruit Co, Mill next Postoffice. STONE C P, 715 Front. (See page 7.)

Publications. PUGET SOUND RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION GUIDE, Gordon Hardware bldg, 627 Front. S A R C Gazette, rm 1 Post bldg.

Pumps. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland Ore. (Seepage opp 130.) Waddell & Miles, Commercial nr Mill. Young & McKeon, 721 Front. Agents for R. HOE & CO'S Chisel-Tooth Tatum & Bowen and Solid Circular Saws, Portland, Or. FFire, Life, Accident and marine Ins. and R. R. Ticket Agt. Foreign Exchange. A. Chilberg?Co. j. E. Cor. Mill and Commercial Streets. 222 SEATTLE CITY AND Railroad Supplies. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover.) ARTHUR BURNS, Real Estate Dealer,

SO_ J^-ESO-^TT ST_tS__33=]T,

SEATTLE, W. T. REAFESTATE EXCHANGE. City Property, Farm, Timber and Mineral Lands BOUGHT AND SOLO. Mortgages Negotiated, Rents Collected, 5-Acre Suburban Tracts, 3% Miles from P. 0., Price $200. L. F. DEARBORf. & CO., 322 Commercial St., SEATTLE. W. T. Real Estate. BURNS ARTHUR, e s Front bet James and Cherry. (See adv.) Crane G W, 112 Washington. (See bottom lines) DEARBORN LEONARD E, e s Commercial bet Main and Jackson. (See adv.) Dougan & Campbell, Mill below Postoffice. Edwards J W, 713 Front. ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN & CO, Post bldg. (See top lines and back bone) HALL W F, Stone building opp Cherry. Hefner & Dishon, McNanght's block. Hood & Oarr, room 6 Colman blk s e cor Commercial and Mill. Kinnear George, Stone building 625 Front. Knipe Robert, Colman block, s e cor Commercial and Mill. Latimer W G, n e cor Front and Vine. Through Tickets Tnrlghoutthe EAST Atcityoock8 OFFICE— Rooms 9 and lO "_esler-_eary Block. R. Gf. Caldwell, Dentist, All work first-Class and Cor. Mill and Front Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. -warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 223

McPhee J A McPhee block. NIESZ, WHITTLESEY & CO, Safe Deposit building. (See lines on cover.) Phinney G C & Co, Post building. PONTIUS MRS MARGARET J, cor Front and Madison. Rowe L S, Stone building Front opp Cherry. SANDER F E, s e cor Commercial and Mill. Scott R, Yesler-Leary block. Smith W P, n s James bet Front and 2d. Snyder A M, s s Mill opp Postoffice. TRAVER G W, Tacoma W T. (See opp page) TURNER E A, Occidental block. - WARD I) B, Arcade building.

Restaurants. BRUNSWICK RESTAURANT, Commercial bet Washington and Main. CALDWELL JOHN, 922 Front. COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, s s Washington bet Com­ mercial and 2d. DOMESTIC RESTAURANT, 922 Front, Eureka, cor Front and Columbia. Gold Bar Hotel, foot of Washington. HOME RESTAURANT, foot of Mill Yesler wharf. Myers Bakery, 118 Commercial. OAK RESTAURANT, s s Washington nr Commercial. (See page 14.) Opera Chop House, cor Front and Madison. PALACE RESTAURANT, 809 Front. (Seepage 130.) Queen Chop House, 34 Commercial. Saddle Rock Restaurant, e s Commercial bet Mill and Wash­ ington. SEATTLE RESTAURANT, 8 Mill. (See page 14.)

Rock Wrills and Compressors. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (Seep opp 130.)

Roofing. Leek John, foot of Columbia. Shaw L E, e s Commercial bet Main and Jackson. Accident, Eire and Life. Crane's Bureau INSURANCE, Steamship and R. R. Tickets at I »EATT_E, W. T. cfiQq.dJCR.dJQQ Ilotcar:ror Eshelman, Llewellyn O^JJ.^UUCPOO installments. SZ CO. JJ^st_BLUIding.)


New Depot Saloon, 313 Commercial. Norden Beer Hall, s e cor 2d and Mill. Norton Edwin D, n w cor Commercial and Main. Occidental Hotel Bar, Occidental block. Ocean House, n s Main nr Ocean dock. OFFICE SALOON, s s Washington bet Commercial and 2d. O'Hara C F, cor Battery and. Front. O K, n e cor Main and Commercial. Old Depot Saloon The, e.s Commercial bet Jackson and Main. Opera Exchange, 920 Front. Our House Saloon, s a Mill nr Yesler's wharf. Palace Saloon, West nr Mill. Palace Saloon, s e cor Columbia and Front. PANTHEON SALOON, 30 Commercial. PARK HOUSE, Race Track. Philadelphia Saloon, s w cor Commercial and Washington. Queen of The Pacific, foot of Main. Senate Saloon The, n e cor Commercial and Jackson. SANGER HALLE, Yesler's wharf. Sportsman's Headquarters, 812 Front. Standard Theater Saloon, w s 2d bet Washington and Main. Steamboat Saloon, s s Mill nr Yesler wharf. St Louis Beer Hall, 814 Front. SVEA SALOON, cor Mill and West, Swiss Beer Hall, e s 2d bet Main and Washington. Tivoli Saloon, 13 Mill. TONTINE, Yesler-Leary blk. United States Saloon, n s Washington bet 2d and 3d. West End House, 13 Mill. White Elephant, Yesler-Leary bldg. WILLIAM TELL SALOON, Basement Post bldg. ZUR QUELLE SALOON, 109 Cherry. Sash, Doors and Rlinds. Stetson & Post Mill Co, foot of Commercial. THE SEATTLE LUMBER AND COMMERCIAL CO, Water Front from Madison to Marion. YESLER MILL CO, n s Mill. Western Mill Co, Lake Union.

Sash and Door Machines. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland. (See p opp 131.) Agts.for J*. HOE A CO'S Printing Presses and Material; also, JOHOVSOSPS TYPE, Tatum& Bowen Etc. POBTJUAHTD, OltEiiOS. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance A. chilberg & Co __g__-tSl.

226 SEATTLE CITY AND Sausage Makers. Heinig Emil, Mill next to Seattle Brewery.

Saw Mills. Lake Washington Mill Co, Lake Washington nr Jackson. Oregon Improvement Co, foot of Main. YESLER MILL CO, n s Mill. Western Mill Co, Lake Union.

*Saw Mill Supplies. PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. [Seepopp 131.) TATUM & BOWEN, Portland, Or. (See bottom lines.)

Second-Hand CJoods. Cowie W H & Co, 116 2d bet Washington and Mill. Johnson & Peterson, 118 Cherry. McDERMOTT J D, 116 Cherry. (Seepage Ih) Pillman & Wright, s s Cherry .bet Front and 2d.

Seed Merchant. Snyder Alfred & Co, s s Cherry nr 2d.

Sewing Machine Agents. Bryan Edgar, 813 Front. CLAYTON BROS, 610 Front. Hansen Albert, Yesler-Leary bldg.

Ship Builders. ALLEN'S SHIP WAYS, North Seattle. (See p 11.)

Ship Chandlery. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See book cover.)

Ship Yards. ALLEN ALEXANDER, North Seattle. (See p 11.) Lake T W, foot of Lake avenue. Run THROUGH Emigrant Sleeping Cars. Northern Pacific NO CHANCE OF CARS of any class. OFFICE—Booms 9 and 10 Yesler-_eary Block. E. G. Caldwell«.,, »rv-a«-MvDentist, All work first-class and Cor. Mill and Front, Entrance on Front Seattle W. T. warranted. KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 227 Skating Rinks. Britton t_ Griffith, 2d bet Madison and Marion.

Soap Makers. Seattle Soap Co, Yesler's wharf.

Soda Water Manufacturers. Pacific and Puge'uget Sound Soda "VWorkst , 717-J- Fron Seattle Soda Works, Mill street.

Sporting Goods. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See front cover.) Hardy & Hall, 905 Front, Neuman & Argens, Commercial near Washington. Wald & Campbell, 764 Front.

*Stair Builders. WHEELER JOHN M, foot of Seneca, P 0 box 379.

sStock Healers. Smith G Y, e s Front, Belltown.

*Stone Cutters and Builders. IV'"' EVANS & CO, Harrington & Smith's wharf. (See -page 16.

*Stone Masons. SKIDMORE & HILL, Foot of Madison.

Stoves and Tinware. SCHRAM J & CO, e s Commercial bet Mill and Washington. See back cover.) Waddell & Miles, Mill opp Commercial.

Surveyors. ANDERSON BROS, Yesler-Leary.bldg. Gardner Albro, Gordon Hardware bldg.

finO.I ffl I Oail APProve(1 Security Opens the Bureau, M UllCy lU Llmlli Washington St., nearCommercial, Seattle, Choice Suburban ASj.5S?fl Melfflan, LWlp & Co. 228 SEATTLE CITY AND

MITCHELL & SPARLING, 629 Front. (Seep 169.) WHITWORTH & THOMSON, n s Main bet Commercial and 2d. (See top lines)

Tailors. BODE HENRY, 711 Front. (Seep 12.) FINKELSTEIN M, 919 Front nr Madison. (See ad/op 11.) Graham Richard J, 813 Front. Harris Henry, s s Mill bet 2d and Commercial. Kenney Samuel, w s Commercial bet Washington and Mill. Levy Jacob, res 141 Front. Melhuish & Gerke, foot of Marion. Nelson John, 814-| Front. Newman Solomon, e s 2d bet Washington and Main. Norwold H A, s s Mill opp postoffice. Peterson A A, 814| Front. Schlossmacher Albert, 606 Front. Sealander, 1003 Front.

*Tanners. PUGET SOUND HIDE CO, Yesler's wharf. *Teas. London Tea Co The, 823 Front. Telegraph Companies. Puget Sound Telegraph Co, s s Cherry nr cor 2d. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, G W Snow Mngr, s w cor 2d and Cherry-

Tel ehpone Companies. SUNSET TELEPHONE CO, E M Goss Mngr, res s w cor 2d and Cherry.

Theatres. Bijou Theatre, seating capacity 1100, w s 2d bet Washington and Mill. Standard Theatre, w s 2d bet Washington and Main. WHITE ELEPHANT, Yesler-Leary Building. --£««•» Will Save Money ™rlH"s I Whitworth & Thomson, "'^stlJ^'theKSo^1"

KING COUNTY DIBECTOBY. 229 Ticket Agents. OHILBERG A & CO, cor Mill and Commercial. (See top lines) CRANE G W, Washington nr Commercial. (See bottom lines)

*T©ys. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover.) SEATTLE BAZAAR CO, 210 and 212 Commercial.

Undertakers. Schillestad Ole, 112 Cherry. Shorey O C & Co, 801 Front.

* Wagons. GORDON HARDWARE CO, 627 and 629 Front. (See back cover.)

Wall Paper. Keating M M, 110 Commercial.

Water Works. Coppins, s e cor Columbia and 9th. Spring Hill Water Company, n e cor Commercial and King.

Watches and Jewelry. Benninghausen Gerhard, w s Commercial bet Washington. Mill. Finck W H, 222 Commercial. Holyoke A B, s w cor Commercial and Mill. McLaughlin H C, 612 Front. Naher Charles, Yesler-Leary blk. Requa & Giering, 609J Front.

* Willow Ware. CHADBOURNE F S & CO, 637 Front. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (See front cover) _> « » Mill, Mining and Woodworking Machinery, 1 SitII HI Xi E-HIA/On Engines and Boilers, and lubricating Oils, I aiUIli W UUVVUll PORTLAND, OREGON. mmiBSlQH MERCHANTS, Vice-Consul Sweden and Norway. A. Chilberg? Co. r; Cor. Commercial and Mill Streets 230 SEATTLE CITY AND

•Wines and Liquors. (Wholesale.) BAXTER S & CO, 913 Front. (See p 13.) GOTTSTEIN M & K, Kenny block, cor Front and'Columbia. PANTHEON BILLIARD HALL, 30 Commercial. THE A P TOTALING CO, 2.19 Commercial. WALTERS & CO, 717 Front. (Seep 4.)

*Wooden Ware. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, 820 Front. (Seefront cover.)

* Wood -"Working Machinery. TATUM & BOWEN, 91-93 Front, Portland, Or. (See bot­ tom lines.) PARKE & LACY, 66 N Front, Portland, Or. (See opp 130.)

*Wool Pullers. PUGET SOUND HIDE CO, Yesler's Wharf.

ffiS-k jgm -• BH_ BBBB 8-ffl-M ^ ^ _aJ_sA/eat« W^U*••£» _•&• _nU E-skn^S? \/\/ ^ai^ii^\/^ &• A. ALLEN, PRACTICAL SHIPBUILDER.

Have constructed Marine Ways, just north of the Barrel Factory, capable of hauling out a vessel of 500 tons. We are now prepared to take contracts for liauling out, repairing, .rebuilding', lengthening' or building' Vessels or Steamers on short notice and reasonable terms. Ship Carpenters and Caulkers sent to any place on the Sound. We will give all jobs personal attention. We also guarantee satisfaction to all parties having dealings with us- Satisfactory Bonds will be given whenever required. Postoffice Box 791. SEATTLE, W. T. Through Tickets rZZ£% EAST 7c5i_- ] OFFXCK-Roomx 9 a?i d 10 Yeslvr-Leary Block. JBI»R.GLr-p. _,,. r CALDWELL. . , , „Deist,!" •• -111! tvork fir*t-dass and '\M,II1A-*1'''.(>.^.•S!l^f^L*^SS^Jl^3j^^0X-!T.. *'!' * front Mlrance a> front Seattle W.T. loarmnlca. KING COCSTY D1BECT0RY. 231

^tt^ Proprietors Retail Department People's Market Fresh mi Salt Meats, Sausages, Tripe, Etc. K. S. (,'omniereial St., between Mill and Washington, J. IX McDERMOTX —M_a«_u!Uu«r *«1 Dealer in— Iff ii SEGOI-HU FURfflTDBE, ..^116 CHerry street-^*.-

jfltXsjp. m IT-UK** ww- TF_ GEORGE EGER, General Blacksmithing. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Horse SMng_a Specialty. ALL WORK G0ARANTEED. H. S. Jackson, bet, Commercial and 2nd, 8KAVTA.E, W. X. "1 '_ /"""*• "-*"T* "II I A "I "\ "T" I' .'1 JtrL. V--* JTX J_Li -_c_v. J—/ X-i -CLi, ^AUCTIONEER** —-AJM>—— General Commission Merchant Xw«lv« ¥«•-»' Experience in the »«t#ime**- Bn_in«8« entmsted to my e&re will hare my personal attention. Address, poerr-ovrics, SKAXTM-K, W. X- Gftr nnil Pnnnfrn Onjiin BOUGrHT A-STD SOLD. By owning: aere truotn rapidll y m— u ESHELMAN. Llewellyn <_ Co. Many Become Eicb. «-&«&Ll______!__!**_*__ **~ * , 232 SEATTLE CITY AND TT_____TS & co- (Soooeaaors to JOHN KEENENJ Stone Gutters and Builders, Cemetery Work of ail kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Parties living at a dfetanw. by »«Kimg a, de­ wrim scription of what tbiff wish, can hawt Prices- Designs, etc, sent to them to choose tram. Marble Works, Harrington & Smith's Wharf.

All Orders Promptly PEled and Satisfaction OtumntMd. SEA'ITI.-R, ^xr. *r„ PEOPLE'S + MARKET, j_ "ryzr, BOBST, _E3ropzi©tar. tffeeewwier tot * W. 1*088.1 Wh«l«Ml« BNM-l«r la — Beef, Pork, Munon, Lamb and Veal,

OFFICE; OF »KWMMMMM »AIKV- . Fresh Mfflc and Cream delivered daily. Choice Batter and Eagw * Specialty. Orders from all parte of the Bo-ad promptly Sited. Address, 0. H. SMITH, M«ia.g»r, BKA^KH OFFIC-S of^-tUmnd Wwll* W»«_ Trod <•». WALTER A. BTJLL»©f EUensborg, Pros. This road connects Seattle sad Bllensfcrarg (the first point in Eastern WaeMngton) distsat from Seattle 120 mil* For all information address GEO. H. SMITH, Secretary, B. 8. Ctmuaoreua. bet. Wanfejogt-o sod Mill. SffATTY V W T Northern Pacific 'SSSBSf FataDiM&Cars ,.Ti

I-;.,I M'.i. nliOiCT The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE and ST. PAUL RAILWAY ._;,: i 1 - i ]

W. H. MARSHALL, General Agent, 34 Fropt Street, Portland. Oregon, m ... ***£ " ' TEE GREAT OVERLAND EQUTE. lorftierii Pacific iiroad

Magnifice^'Bay OMeW affl Elegant Emig^ui Sloping Cars.

FROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS TO THE EAST, Via St. Paul and Minneapolis, The Only ^_™^rs Meals 75c. Fastest Time ever made from the Coast, over the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth. Kansas City, Burlington, Quiney, ST. LOUIS, C&lCAG

III _A_. ID." CT3L_fi_-_RXJTO£T, Gen'l Western Passenger Agent. No. 2 Washington St., Cor. Front, PORTLAMD, OREGON. W. H. VAN WATERS, Ticket Agent, fit. Dock. 8e«u!o. U'. T. if (s; uni L LI S P R i C t rm

' T~ "~ t iTTIST,;*H-_ »



y-^Ji -j. Kenney Building, Cor. Front and Columbia St. 8m$;i»« SEATTLE, W. T

I Air. Administered for Pninlo; of Teeth. E. C. KILBOURNE,


SEATTL otor.09 BuiIdio JOHN Aj STAFFORD, -— MW.orur.r of and Dealer m Looking Glasses, Mantels;^ Photograph and Portrait frames Made

—r in all jaranchc-. ^^ Picture rro»i»« •«£* Jj *»* Street, 1 X. of Opera House Block, * SEAT' '.ftP'OK B8IMDINC «F, &NfHONV, Opera BloctM

TO EAST B( UNO PASSFNGERS. OJO Mm i^lfCvr -3e Careful and do not rhake a Mistake. Bi EAILSOAD, - "Yuri see „ at jour Ticket reads via— . e

C/5 ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS, a TaavoU^ cha: ?es and s^ >us delays occasioned by other routes." ' Q_ Through Emip. ar.t Sleeping Car ; are run on regular Express Trains full len^ h of the line, Eferths Free. East Bon."-. Passers eVwill Sav.^ JloneyUv Purchasing 'Through Tickets fr vn Seattle or Tacoma. 'i' K Ossl' S*i-a««-C .itiiMMitni JL se Knniiing¥hr<»

Q llE-a III Pumps, Itrlp'-- Etc., a_ SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Commercial Street SEATTLE, W, T. Gordon Hardy/are Co. (SUCCESSOR TO Fr W. V. '.'"TH^FF- ESTATE d TOX,TE3E:R« OP

iron, Sttet.;. Oral 4-.0 r iacksmitlis5 Tools, ,S>hip Chandlei , - ^.og^-rts'. .S implies.;."• ca ARRIAGES. V/AGONS, FARMING TOOLS rm Wagons; SEATTLE,. W. T t #p John Deere & Co*;s Plows. ,_». O. Box Via **.^».

e k,"•.- ' ieago Boof%Shoe Store, 613 ErptSt(4 p^f^ m