HOTOGRAPHS (See Inside,Front Cove;) ^ Wat. E. SGHRICKEJI. •mm it SCHRICKER & ADAMS, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW n, Practice in all the Courts of the Territory. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. ]R.ooms 1? and 16, Keriney 1 *o1 0 Cor. BVorit axacl .Colurribia Stss. SEATTLE, W. T. THE GOLDEN RULE 0 .0,' —>«a-THE' rH Leadinn House of the Northwest, S20 IFToaat St. SBATItLB. "W. «XV ( Under Odd Bellows' Hall ) DIRECT IMPORTERS OF: Crockery and Ciassware, ' Brackets,.. Chandeliers and Lamps, Baby Carriages, Plated Ware and Cutlery, Reeking Horses & Wagons, House Furnishlrg Goods, Baskets of ev,$ descripVon,- Toys and Fancy Coo. Wooder e •»*< WiUfe / Ware, Oil Paintings, Clocks in lo ,e varieties, Steel Engravings & Chromos Pipes,' (!) Looking Classes, Raxors anui -Razor ^tror, s, - d Bird Cages,. Purses, Bags, Etc. rl • -—BE SURE ASTI> JD,Or,iE TCs> SJ'BIPIIB lO, 25 SLnd SOo. Oov.r ters. f iST" A .'Visit to our Estafc!s «lnnei>t wilt mci'e than i-ei»a„ yoij H !i: f'&OLDEN RULE BAZAAR, E, LOBE & CO. OM'JTl :'.::":i.il5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. IKHITE .«bMUMfiAY 5 72f;< F-ont Strec* SEATTLE CITY AND Q^ea/Z^e @>€td$c <24$&avy f^e<pen\ TV. $\*uu»* ^- Rg-W>n4^ ^ ^fci fen CORNER: Second and Columbia Sts., SEATTLE, W.T. -^Groups v and * Children's •> PicturesJN-J -flu SE'ESCSXA.Iil'Tr, KING COUNTY DIltECTOBT. IVI. S. BOOTH, Mariafger, Commercial Street, SEATTLE, W. T. One Block from Railroad Depot and Steamboat Wharves. ONLY FIIJST-CL/LSS HOTEL m THE CITY OH EUROPEAN PLAN, -*-# First-Class Restaurant in Connection.$<- cFimtfu oFmnh'&zd cHooms, Sinq-ia and &n Suifo. RATES, 50c. TO SI.5Q PER DAY. Free Coach to and from all Steamers. Special Rates by the AVeek, SEATTLE CITY AND '& DEALERS IN ^JjimSiXiauow and&icfazSy Agents OREGON GRAPE FRUIT BITTERS. No. 717 Front Street, SEATTLE 5 »» . 5 > --V— :?. O Bos 730. The Carlton House, OXiTTa-CrXA., "W. T. [iri|p|li'in-«^"rri M^<H,sea„0*«,FunkunThnughout EverythingFirst-Class ROOMS CAN BE SECURED BY TELEGRAPH. A. D. WHITNEY, PBOPBIETOB. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. N. W. Cor. Commercial and Main, •THE OINrX/Y"- First-Class $ i and $ 1.25 per (lay House IN THE CITY. Dining Room Light and Commodious. Table Supplied with the Best the Marke. Affords. Large and Comfortable Bedrooms. Prompt and Polite Attention, Tie Comfort M Coraience of Ms a Specialty. A FIRST-CLASS SAMPLE ROOM, Where the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars are to he found. Also A OOOI) SSISjlLIAKJtt TAS1E. MRS. L. C. HARMON, PROP'R. Free Coach, to and. from all Steamers.,!!^ SEATTLE CITY AND Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance. TAYLOR & BURNS, General Office in Butlers Building", OjipiKi'/i' Oi-ciili'iitnl Hotfl, .1ASIES ST., SEATTLE, W, T The Largest and best American and Foreign Insurance Companies repre- seuted.' Every legitimate form of iusvtrance written. Fair HcljnHtmeuts of losses and prompt settlements guaranteed. THEO. E. Instantaneous Photographer SECOND STREET, Fwo Doors from Marion, SEATTLE. W. T. Elegant, artistic and superbly finished Photographs, equal to the "best on the Pacific Coast, and the finest marte In Seattle. Families, Clubs, Groups and Children's Photos a Particular Specialty. AU work wan-anted first-class. Every Negative is preserved. .Duplicate copies ew always be had. Owing to the lightning rapidity of the Dry Plates nov being used, no diffi­ culty is experienced m photographing infants. KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. ..P. STONED Foreign and Domestic Fruits. &aite]i, Field and Grass Seeds, •yiiS Vroni Street. ' SEATT1E, W. T. is- Milk Bread Bakery ^.nSTXD COlSTPEGTIOlTEEir, ej^*FRONT STREET,*^® Near Masonic Hall, SEATTLE, W. T, ,„CITY MARKET W. W. EVANS .& CO., Beef a.n.ci IPorlc Packers * And Dealers in ' Fresh Meats and Vegetables, Choice Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Leaf Lard put up on the premises, and every class of goods pertaining to the business. Poultry and Game in Season. Hotels, Restaurants and Shipping Supplied at Short Notice. All Orders Promptly Silled. Stock Bought and Sold. _70HEra7HATFIELD7~ SHIPPING AND Commission Merchant, Flour, Hay, Grain and Peed OF AIiL KINDS. fESLEK'S WH1E!, P. O. Box 158. SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE CITY AND SEATTLE- Daily CHRONIC! Weekly James St.. opp, Occidental Hotel. DAILY TERMS: WEEKLY TERMS: Per Annum, by Mail, - $10.00 Per Annum, $2.00 Per Monti), bv Mail. 1.00 Six Months, 1.25 Largest Circulation in the City. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN KING COUNTY, KING COUNTY DIEECTQEY. THE Seattle Daily Call ISSUED EVERY DAY, f Sundays Excepted, ) -BY THE- HALL PUBLISHING COMP'Y. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ten Cents per Week, Delivered by Carrier, Fifty Cents per Month, or $5.00 per Year, by Mail- OFFICE: Mill Street, Rear of Rostoffice. (FOBMEBLY HANEOBD'S JOB PRINTING OFFICE.) JO SEATTLE CITY AND The Post-Intelligencer The Oldest Newspaper in the City of Seattle, and the Leading Newspaper of Washington Territory. The Full Associated Press Report Taken. Having Double the Circulation of any other paper, the POST - INTELLIGENCER is the Best Ad­ vertising Medium. Tim Weekly Post-Intdlk/eneer is an 8-p<:/(/«, (li-colmnri pa-pur. and, at $2.00 -per annum in ad-vance. in the i-heop- ?rt [taper in the Northwest. The Daily is delivered in the City at the rafr. of 25 vents per week; ly mail, $10.00 per amimn. THE POST-INTELLIGENCER. EING COUNTY DIKECTGBY. 11 A. ALLEN, PRACTICAL Have constructed Marine Ways, just north of the Barrel Eaetory, capable of hauling out a vessel of 500 tons. We are now prepared to take contracts for fcjtmtili&g' tint, a*<i|isii»-liB.g', a-e:8>niil«llsig', lengthening or Imaltiimg Vessels or Steamers on short notice and reasonable terms. Ship Carpenters and Caulkers sent to any place on the Sound. We will give all jobs personal attention. We also guarantee satisfaction to all parties having dealings with us. Satisfactory Bonds will be given whenever required. Postoffiloe Box 791. SEATTLE, W. T. •nam HUBumOca ^8 _..B.-, Jifaa.— , iffinnmtto rF 1W SUITS MADE TO ORDEI PERFECT FIT Guaranteed in Every Case. FINE DRESS SUITS FROM $25.00 UP. Pine Pants Made to Order from $5 up, at Short Notice. [eep on M tie Finest an4 Largest Stoct of Domestic (Ms, 9S9 FR.0MT ST., SEATTLE, W. T. 12 SEATTLE CITY AND The Fashionable Tailor, 71! Front St., near Poncin Building, SEATTLE, W. T. IiABGS ASSORTMENT OP Foreign and Domestic Ms. ALL WOKE WAEEANTEE. GOOD FITS OT-4SAHTESD. 1 Buy my Woods Direct, and am Prepared to Furnish STYLISH ST ITS AT REASONABLE PRICES. The Oldest German Paper in Washington Territory. Has a WUe Circulation on the Sound and is read both in North America and Europe. FilisM Every TMay. Ascription $3.00 per Tear. For rates of Advertising, address, R. DAS1US, Proprietor and Editor, Reinig Building, (P. 0. Box 697.) SEATTLE, W. T. KING COUNTY DIKECTQBY. 13 -'HP. 923 Front St., Cor„ Ulaclisan. Importers and Jobbers of /inpc QnrI I "•Q'QOrS TOJ3ACCO AND CIGARS. Grain. Hop and. Commission Merchants. We buy from Mjumt'ac-tmers direct, and solicit custom of the trade only. in tne%ir J^ w& ... ST Biivers and Exporters of FURS, HIDES AMD SKIMS. Branch.Stores at Neah E;ty mid Qiiillaynte. A. M. BROOKES." Secretary. SUTCLIFFE BAXTER, Prest. and Agent. Oflice with S.. BAXTER. & CO., Front St., Seattle. ft fill WWW rp^^fffP1 PP4^5ff?Wp; 51 Seattle, Washington Territory. SPEIGHT PAGES.' .* Tlie 'rrne 'S'«»ae<' is an 'Independent Sunday Morning Journal, and is a First-Class Family Newspaper. Mint- Tnsc Xoite is devoted to Literature and. Art, and will contain a huge amount of Original Matter, Editorial and Communications from well known writers. Its columns will be of interest to Clergymen and all professional men and society people. ( 25 Cents per Month, ) TERMS: -, - Post Paid. ' $2.50 per Year, 3 Advertising Bates furnished on application. 5. G. YOUNG, Editor and Manager, P. O. BOX 787. SEATIXE, W. T\ 14 SEATTLE CITY AND II 1 §aa fe» las raw 3 S ajlai Keeps on hand the Finest Brands of c^ „ {0; L^'* J - - . /. •> Also Connected -with the .Bar is a Billiard Mail,.Ten Pin Alley, Club Rooms. Beer Hall and Lunch Counter. Jj^JDlH LEVY, Sleeper, Under Yesler-Leary Block, Cur. Front and Mill Sts., SEATTLE. W, T. OCA I I L»LL HCO 1 J i i n L ~> Unier Kev Management. i3> \C^T?I i ^^y f I LA—' i | | * j TheTraveling Public will find &JFEk^ ' ft^ H£^$^&h /2r£=* this the Cheapest and Best House in Town. ig^No CSiinese Employed W|i About the House. insjftkf E5| Meals, 25c. =-_ri_f»» fSS Singlgle Roomsfi , 25c. j&.. J". TXQI3, Proprietor, r¥o. ni Mill Street, SEATiXE, W. T. SHORT & STEVENS, PBOPRESTOKS, ' Washington Street, Hear Commercial, (Opp. Judge Lyon's Court) EMPLOYS WHITE HELP OI^LY. Table Always Supplied with the Best that the Mar­ ket can Afford. Twenty-one Meal Tickets for $405©= KING COUNTY DIRECTORY. 15 •W\AJE3XJ <& BOTD, Proprietors Retail Department People's Market Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Tripe, Etc. E. S. Commercial St.. between Mill and Washington, J. D. McDERMOTT, Mannfiiciurer- awl DeuW in- If II lil-HAI FI1T1II, . ,^11G Otierr3r Street,3v^- s.K.v.srri.'K, w. rr. GEORGE EGEH, General Blacksmithing. REPAIRING NEATLY DOME. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ACL WORK C-UAKANTKKU. N. S. Jackson, bet, Commercial and 2nd, HKATTJLK. W. T. Pi. OBIIEJkJDJLtE, ->$ AUCTIONEER '*<- General Commission Merchant Twelve dears' Kxi»ei-Ien<-e in tlie Kwsinesx. Business entrusted to my wire -wilt have my personal attention. Address, t>OS'.r-<s>I-''JFI€K, SISAXTf-.E, W.
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