much injury from this cause. The low- ing 18 inches. have any difficulty in the read the letter he wrnt promptly to Jnget Jounel Law, •· A. :rn&o, er bottoms are covered with a dense ascent; besides, the river is remRrkably her, showed it to her, nd a~snrcd her ~i~patdt. Attm·!~v~~!~~~- niPORTER Alo'D JOBBFB OF growth of Cottonwood, Alder, Crab clear of rocks and snags. The awrat!e that he did not believe a word of it VU&L11Rr.D znar TIIUDDA.'I' IIO&SDfG. Apple, Vine llapll', etc. On a higher width, from bank to bank, is about 60 Mrs. Harold read the letter and waa so Steilacoo•n, W". T. Brand·ies, Wines and Liquurs. SKAOIT RIVER. LARRABEE t. CO. Will praetice In the Courts of Law, Cbancerr, level tbe lllliile of a larger growth, and rods. The depth of the chnnnel of indi1111ant that she could hRnlly retain f'mDilsbera and Proprietors. and Admiralty of Wubillgton Territmy. Olllce 316 Front Street, comer of Measrs. Hill and Sweeny, on beha!C also Fir, Spruce and Cedar, Bndin some course varies,. but we are informed by herself. At one time in the evenmg en Commercial street. . TERJI I Commercial, of the Skagit River Company, having places excellent large t.imber reaches th3 Indians that Bt the lowest stage of she was round almost crazy with exdte­ Slagle Copy One Year ...... $3 00 made a thorough exploration of that re­ to the riwr banks. There is an under· water on the worst bars, t-here is a depth ment with a gun-in han·d, Rnd declaring .. •· S« Monti•• ...... '2 00 McNAUGHT & LEARY, SAN FRANCISCO. gion, make the Collowing report to the growth of briars, salmon ber.ies, nettles, of three feet. If this is so, we hnve on- she intended to shoot btr trad.ncr.rR . .. H Throe " ...... 160 SEATTLE, W. T. 3iaa:te Number..• . ..•. •• . . ..• •...... ~ ... 12 LLOYD WHISKEY! Board of Directors : goose berries and grasses everywhere, ly to solve. the questions-How to get So excited did she become tbRt she al- · Pilyable Invariably In Advanee. Real Estate and Tax Agents, GenUe.aen :-Acting under your spe­ and the soil is mostly alluvial sediment -'. STEAlllER most lost her reaaon. She repeatedly Sole ~1,ge~ts on the Pacific mixt:d with a vegetable and lign~ous Bbove the jam? and the all-important a•snred her husband of her innocence, 1\ATE!i OF ADVERTIMING1 REAL ESTATE b:mght and sold. cial instructions, and benring in mind Joe Square of 12 Lines. 1st Insertion ..... $2 00 Coast for the sale of the cele­ the general objects Bnd purposes for ruould. question in every business enterprise- but the idle gessipa who infest Green· ~eh subsequent ln ~ rtion .. ·- ...... 1 00 LOANS negotiated. brated LLOYD KENTUCKY which the" Skagit River Co." was in­ The valley immediatelyabovetheJam Will it pay? We sought for .a passage ville, and other places took up the Yearly and quarterly adverlioementa at the CLAIMS collected. owest rate&. WHISKEY. stituted, we procured a ~alhnltfit and is perhapa 20 miles wide and ia very through a slough which makes out on scandal and talked about it constantly. December 1. 18Tl. ltf. J08 PRINTING FOB !!!&ALE. len Seattle on Monday morning, June much like the country below. Two or the north side about two wiles above Mrs. Harold seemed bore do'IFD by these 17th, by steamer J. B. Libby, arriving tbroo claims have been taken up and the jam, and traced this some distance, repetitions or the scandal. About this ( every descriptiG!l done M the Jiloet rtaiiOD· LOTS IN CITY OF SE.\.'l"l'LE, im, ~blo rates. at Swinimish Reservation the same day, cabins built within five miles· or the but learned that it spread out below, time her sou, a Lieutenant in the U. proved and unimproved. CLOSING OUT at seven o'clock P. ¥. Jam, but located, it seems, on the lowest over the Swinomish flats, and could not S. Army, a young man of high cbame• AOENT81 Also, LANDS in King, Kitsap, Sno­ Olympia_ ...... Capt. Fnnl< Tnbell. Here obtaining such further supplies ground because easily cleared, they be made navigable for a canoe. A steam- ter and excellent traits, came home on homish and Island Counties. Steilacoom . . . •••....••. . •.••... Irvmg Ball~rd. At Cost! as was thought necessary, we hired a were found to be too wet at high water er would then have to be built above the a leave of absence. It was thought best V1ctoria, B . C ..• •• ...•••. Charlas McCor m1ck. Port Town ~ud, .. .•.••• •....•. Geor c:c Barthrop Tracts at HOL1\IES' HARBOR, CA­ canoe to take us up the North Fork, or and have been abandoned. jam, or taken over the road around it. to keep him ignorant of the sli\Dder, as Port Discovery, ...... !tl. l\lc:\lahon MANO ISL.\ND, MUKILTEO, PORT Snobomil:ih City ...... E. C. Fer'fllSOD O MAKE ROOM FOR A LARGE mouth of the Skagit, to Conner's Store, The Nncachamas empties into the There is at this moment no trade for a it would only mak" his visit unhappy. ~tau£rbfoer ...... •...... Joseph 61bson TOWNSEND, PORT DI::>COVERY, T ()onsigument of situated at the }'orks, or where the main Skagit from the south eight miles above boat on this route worth mentioning.- A few days after his return word came New Yorlr: ...... Hudson k ~Ienet Portland ...... •••...... ••. .. . L. Samuels. NISQUALLY. etc. et{l. river divides, about eight milej; from the the Jam. Along this stream an, would be ready to go up be- pistol. Her mother supposed she waa 1:7'Call early if you wish to IU'Cnre heavily timbere'l ; it is a district ot sev­ Beriab Bro.,., ...... City Printer bargains. eral miles in extent, and is said to be all timber. fore the boat would be. Government was getting it for him. Taking tbe pis- Frank Mathias. COrliu P . Stone, Amos Brown, SEATTLE, "V. T. taken up and oc !Upied by actu.d settlers, "Skooknm Charley," the petty Chief should do no less than aid thi~ enter- to! Mrs. Harold went oat some distance Ssmuel F . Coombo, S. P . AndreW8, L. B. An· of the Skagit Indians, has an old clear- prise by llftnblishing a postBI route, from the boose into a thicket and there drewa, Char~• W · Moore, Councilmen. STUART CRICHTON, JOHN A. WOODWARD, who hold their claims at high prices. ing of about 200 acres, just below the and give n liberal compensation for car· •bot herself through the left Lreast and "THE lAM," Ten.. of Coart• ( Su,r!cessor to Crichon~· Bettis) Yesler'-s Comer, Seattle, W. T. month of the Nichulnm, upon which, r)-ing -tne mail. The first tr1p would through the heBlt ; the alarm. was given which has heretofore been. the great 8UPILE~ COCBT. PROPRIETOR. in their rude way, the Siwasbes cultivate then pay, and each successive trip would and soon after she was ·found in a dying barrier to any further pro::ress of set· 2.lllo-.Uay in January. a few patches of vegetables. Over the pay still better. Should the Northern condition. It was supposed the first tlement up the valley of the Skagit, is . DDTJUCT COUBT8, plllce is a dense growth of shrubs, briers p ,,cific Railroad locate over the Skll.git shot Willi fatal, as it set fire to her cloth· N.B. As hertofore, my extensin SEUTU:-lot Monday ln February and !m·_ a mass of drift timber which has been and nettles, which with very little labor Pass, the business of that Company ing which was burning when found Ale, Beer, Stock oC guot. accumulating probably for ages-mam· might be cle'Ared off, nnd the place be alone would employ a steamer, and the She waa oarried to the house, but died Pon Tow1u"Esn-4th Monday in F ebruary Porter and moth trees with all their roots and made one of the most valuable farms in travel on the Skagit would be immense. before reBchiDjl; it, nenr uttering a G el !(o\'ember. ffroceries, Provisions, etc. branches drifting into a narrow bend of Rn.ILA.eooM-M Jlov.day in Janusry and July. the •Jeaitory. There is a large tract of We have no knowledge orinforruation word. Her remains wer~ ~ken home the river, became embedded in t.be snnd OLYlllPU-:Id Monday in March, and %d Mon. Lager. Beer, Will be disposed of at the most moder- good land in this vicinity and the In- respecting the !or interment. The awcule,. follow. of the bottom and locked in with fallen thy iu November. ate rates. dians ~se.li t~mse~s -'=.~~~ . J,.---~ ER.u. REsouncEs 1?g ao close the other. exc~tem~nt, v A.."'couvea-2d VondaJ in April and 3d llon­ Superior Quality, in Wood and March 4th, 1872. 15tf. trees from the banks, and among this to hnve the country settled by n good of this du tn October. impeoitrable network of latge timbers regiou-:- D"JSCOverres-;;f~ aiU·~~ ~ - *:- -: -~~lb.~ ~ lot& class of white men whQ would give ble coal lodes have been reported but a dangerous &ll•le, from which he V.·J. LL.'- WAi.u-'ld Monday in 1\by and 4th BottleS. several sand bars have (orbed, making in September . them employment. we are mcompetent to say whethe; we bas harJ_Iy yet. recovered. Mr. Har· M o nrta~ Drnrt .,le and Porter per gallon ....• .. 50 centa Important to Merchants! it a formidable, impregnable Rnd permil· OnT~n ,· n.LE-'.:!U Monday tn Jul.f. B01ttlell _,\..l e aad Port..r.r, bottles to 'be There is a fineconntryfrom the Baker even saw indications of .Joal.. Gold old, who IS a qu1et man, of lew worda, YJ.SL'''-'· Crrr-tth Monllay in o (· tobcr. retur1led, per dozen ...... $2 50 nent obstruction I<~ the .ua vigation of do. do . do. for obipment, . .•. $2 25 to the Sokh. The ~iver is as broad, and silver have been found and profita· fears now t.hat though. he assures her Fu::tT CoLYlLL:&-'ld Monday in June. Creat reduction in Candy this, the largest tributary of Puget Lager Beer at u sual rates. deep and smooth it is below the Jam. bly mined on Bnker river, and tuere is more than once of Ius confidence in N CON!lEQUENCE OF A DECLINE IN THE Sound. The appropriation of $10,000 88 JIAILS. Orders solisited and promptly attended to. I price of ougars, the underlligne-1, proprictun asked for m a memonal of the last Ter­ As we go up, the valley widens out, and reason to expect discoveries of the pre· her, she bad some fears that he and oth­ Call ancure homes and good farms in our rivers and we must infer from this, for a week before or at the time o! the dan, i A.. K . Closes G 30, A. "M. titude here to be not more than 150 feet and !he geologicul formation, that in ~n oquahnie. t"ia. Black RiYCt' and Squak : Ar· BUT 1. 8. :R1JSSBLL, & Oo. that va"ley ne~ not wait for this result. alleged visit to hill library. nbove the sea level. this region are districts yet to be de­ riveli , Wednesrbya, 8 P. :11. Depa:ts, Tuesdays, SUCCESSOR TU We Ble assured by Mr. David Kimball, A few miles above are the forks of the in 1 T • · >< . Closca 6 30 A. ><. The people of Seattle mutually agreE\ and other settlers in the vicinity, that a veloped rich precious minerals as A l'lhsoYic STonT.-Two men had Port Orchard. t~ia. Port Blakely: .Arri\""CS, Sokh and Suattle, and the Indians any that they can't get along without RUSSEL & SHOREY'S good wagon-road will soon be opened well as coal and iron. been fast friends. In an evil hour they TueAs where there is a -good llotel kept by Mr. DED ROOMS-by the day or week. 7tf a&llOrtment of all kinds of and development of its rich bottow noel certainly the first lace he saw, -• a.nd riches of this lovely region shall 1\Iarston and where Indians and canoes lands, though the timber will probably thBt or his enemy, who presided over JOHN J. McGILVRA, Furniture, Pictures. have been developed by the industry of can be procured for the trip at reasona­ R. ABRAMS' be looked up until by action d. Con­ the ceremonies of initiation, and wu Attorney at Lu.,v, au intelligent American or European ble charges. Frames, House Trimmings, etc, gresi tbe river is cleared. With this obliged, according to the usage, to ad· SEATTLE, W . T. LIVERY STABLE, road opened, a Bteamer of light draft population, beautified bycultivated fields, Is aow rOI&d.J to diBJilaY to thl$e We returned to Seattle Wedne!

Exhibit of City Finances, f•lee and ahaudoned him &1111 he bdea­ ragd Jouncl ~ispatch. Fnr tAe rear endiilg JVM 2'7tl. cled to diOWD h maelf. TREASURER'& BEPORT. 1872. Jliiiil GMries, Provisions, Sc~w~BAC~EI\S WELLS~ FARGO 1 co .• Gnu4, June ~BoarJ of Arbritta­ r - Om(,'IAL PAPER OF THE crt'Y. Bcc'd on acct. city tu• . . . . . $1,28'1 50 tion, at Betlllion of 15 th, informed the B:!e'd OD acct. fiDes, licenees. . 212 89 American and English agents that . -AND- COLUIIN, BANKERS, lileattl., Tll...... J', .JaiJ' ~ 187!1. American indirect claims were nntena­ $1,!100 39 b e. There is reaaon to belie-..e aha& SPRING TRADE. SUPPLI£Sf . Yates Street, Yictoria, B . C. Amt. paid OD city WU.nude... 1,{85 21 dispatches recei•ed from Waahington to­ R&W EXCHANGE ON LONDoN, NEW ORDINANCE NO. 30. D . l"ORX, San Francisco, Boston, and tha day, will lead to satilifactory solution "We may all be happy jet." principal pclllta in the Weet and Dominiott of HJI!ALTB ORDINANCE. Bal. caah on hand, June 2'7 .• 15 18 !!Dtire question. On reusembling of Cauda. The City of Seattle does ordain 88 fol­ ROAD l'Uli'D. Tribunal, it will proceed to consider di· LEGAL TENDER NOTES lo ..s: Amount receind ...... $3,231 25 rect claims of U.S. Go•emmen&. The 8100 a BDDII, A.'QI OTBJ:B S~:CTioli' 1. It shall be the duty of C\"· Trabnual reasse.ubled at 2 o'clock,P. 11., OBAWI'ORD 6HARRIIGTON, Government Securities ery practising physician within the lim­ Paid Boad Commissioners ... . 3,097 M and remained in BeSRion until5 o'clock...... c--elal ...... BOUGHT A!oo."'D SOLD. it!! or this city to report within six hours L. HcBodmoud...... • . . 11 00 'l'bey then adjourned to meet on Tues­ Whulesalo and ~otail l in writing, to the Mayor or Health Offi- day next. SOHWABACHER BBOS. 6 CO. to~ta ftCci-..ed and IClOUU!M kept IUbjtot Treunrer...... • ...... !9 53 SEATTLE. W. T. DEALERS IN CHOillE \ cer every cast' of contagioaa or infecuous N~~:w You:, June 2'7--A special die­ IJatenetaJ.owea on TIBle O..poslte for a period ol three months and upwardlo. disell!e which has come to his know- $3,157 ~ patch from Gene-..a announ"Cs the pree­ '1 lP.rowptly attended to. the offender sball be subject to a penalty Bal. Road fund on hand ... .. 73 38 visited General Dufour, lately in com­ Flour, Ham, Bacon, or not more tbail one hundred and not it: BAVlt: JrOW Df ll'l'OU .urD W~ - F. GARESOHE, Agent. CII:IIIETII:RY l'Uli'J). mand of the Swi81l army. He goea next BOVU, .lprilll. 20tf. less than fifty dollars. W Bal. on hand ...... $ 16 72 to Berne and thence to France. Lien­ Teas, Coffee, Spices, IMMENSE STOCK l SEc. 2. It shall be the duty of every Received from L. B. Andre'W!I 17 50 tenant Grant is at Sermalt. 0 ,-ner or occupant of any house, store G N. McConaha ...... 170 50 Secretary Borie arriYed at Genen The most exten­ Pickles, n FJMov.A.L. or other building within the limits of yesterday. ... this city, to report to the abovP.-named 205 72 ThE> Herald's Gene\"a special says the SIVe .;":!to OC k 0 f Mer- Ship and Steamooot Stores, S. P. ANDREWS oft'cers, every ca•e of a like nature with· Paid Warrants (expenses) . ... $ 158 60 mew bers of the Tribunal are less reti­ l Has remo-..ed to his New Store oil .• in aix hours after the same has come to cent, and yPslerday they communicated • ~ • At 'Prioea whic~ will please the General Merchandize. Commercial Street, between Stone .t his knowledge, under a like penalty as Bal. on hand ...... S 46 12 the fact that the representatives consid­ chandtze In our bne most frugal liven. · above expressed. Amount of City W..rranta a- ered the business would be in such Burnett's & Schwabncher Bros. & Co., s~c. 3. H shall be the duty of every sued on acct. gen'l fund .... . $1,787 71 shupe that the arbitrators would give a where he is receiv•ng additions to his owner or occnpant of any store, house AIT\onnt paid June 27, 1872 ... 1,~ 21 a SEc. 5. All clothing and bedding USI'd Santa Roll&, Argentic" Republic, to :-ian- Sir. Com:-r, Capt. Randolph ; regular tripo to Porte warrants our pre11eut importation. Rigging, Canvas, Duck, •r by or about any per~on who may hue ttago, Chili, is formally opened. Duwtlmish and White R~vers. Coal, Lime, Kitchen Furniture •• any co ntnboious or infecti on~ disease, NEw YoRK. July 1.-The Herald's PoRT Gumu, July 1.-Arrived, ship Sail Twine, Red, White, sb•ll be burned under the direction of ILondon diRpatch says: Letters have been E. Kimball, Keller, from San Francisco; and Green Lanterns, Frenclt · and English Waresi the Health Officer. Every person who received from Stanley, the Linngstone bark Ava, Lawrence, from San Fran· Oil, BLACKSM11H and •ball ne{llect or _refu~e to obey the order J explorer, of which the following is a cisco. of such officer, In tbts reg11rd, sh&ll suf- , AOmlllAry: From Urej&meyTnbec,where and Ship Chandlery generally. Japan, 1in, Copper and PoRT MADISON, July 2.-Arri.. ed , B. The Stock now oa ballet, u a111l81, VARPENTER fer a penalty of one hundred dollars. Stanley arrived in se.,t. last he intendPd Aymar. July 1st, bark Northweet. couaillbtof Sheet .Iron Wt!res~ · SEc. 6. The corpornt.e limita of the advancing on Ujnj1, but Menimbo King WOLS, city of Seattle shall and hereby is con- of Ujuji, declared that not a carav.. n PonT BLAEI!:LY, Jnl_y 2.-Arrived, ahip Tin and .Afetalic Roofing, ErminiA Alvarez, from Calao ; bark At­ ~ We are offering our atituted a Health District, and tbe should pasa UjnJi except onr his body. HARD-"\V"ARE, ~fayor, and two Councilmen who shall 'l'he Arab. declared war and anticips:ted lantic, from San Francisco. entire Stock at prices which Lead and Iron Pipe. be appointed by the Mayor, shall con- a victory. 1 gave them ll!lllistance the PoRT LUDLow, June 27.-Arrived, in great -..ariety, Farming Implements. i­ Iron Pipe cut and fitted to suit. otitute a Board of Health, under whose first day and in concert with the Arabs bark Forest Queen, Burns, from San defy competition. iD direction all steps shall be taken for the attacked two Yill⩾ captured, killed Francisco. GROCERIES, In fact EVERYTHING, fro111 a A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF r· enforcement of this ordinance. aud drove away the inhabitants. The te s~; ABECK, June 29.-Arrind, ship of the beet qualities aiad _.meat, .. SEc, 7. A Health Officer sht>ll be third day the .U'abs were ambnRhed and Grace Darling, Bluen. from San Fran· Needle t;o an Anchor. PIPE FITTINGS. • el~cted by the Council, whose compen. routed with terrific slaughter. On the e· ciaco . Mtion Rhall be fixed before be enters up- fourth day there was a desertion of the SAN FRANCISCO, June 23-Sailed­ BREADSTUFFS In Boots on the discharge of his rlnties. Arabs: my own men afLer cow,iderable Bark Gem of the Ocean. PuP' Sound, SEc. 8. No \'esse!, whether propelled difficulty reached t!te suburbs of Ujujt. of ae-..eral cradea, bark J enny Pitts, Port Townaeud. and Shoes JOB 'VORK. by •team or !!Bil shall be permitted to 1 entered, firing gunM and carrying tl>e Arrived -Bark Oregon, Seabeck; bark land at the piers or at any point within Americen flag; the astonished natives All work pertaining to the busineaa Samoset, Seatlle ; hark Buena Vista, Teas and Coiree&; We h.·we a most complete We can nnd,ll'llell any ftrm on Pnget the city, unless the Master of • ncb ns- flocked out in crowds wiih deafening Port Gumble; bark Chris. Hitehell, don~> at short nohco Nld in a 11•orkmac- sel shall report first to the Health Offi- shoots. 1 noticl'd in the CI'Dtre of a Sound laying claim to respectability, for Port Madison. ' • • 'llSSOrtment, consisting in part c ~ r that there are no Cll!les of infection• group of Arabs and strangely contrasting like manner. SAN FRANCISCO, June 29-Arri-...a­ General Supplies for Fam1hes · we buy our stock in th11 best maraets or co ntagi o n~ disease on board of such with their sunburnt faces, a pale looking Durk Florence, Port Gamble. of GIVE l'J:E A TRIAL. Tessel, and such Master then hjl"Ye per- gray-berl.l'ded white man, wearing a naval rates possible. Sailed-Bark Vidette, Port Madi.on ; Ordeni from abroad promptly attend­ mission from such officer to lnnd. cap with gold bands, and a red woolen and Outfits for Philadelphia, bark Victor, Pot·t Gamble. Any Master or other . person in com· shirt pre!lf!r"Ying a demeanor of calmness ed to. SAN FRANCISCO. June 29-Sai.locl­ Fanners, mand of snch nssel, who shall violattJ before the Aruba. I said it w1011 Dr.Liv­ Boston and O~B, Dark Nicholas Biddle, Port Townsend. I'OB PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. this section shall snft'tr a penalty of nut ing8tone, 1 presumed. He smilingly Miners, more than five hundred dollars nor less answered, .. Yes," He infmmed me that San Francisco make. ldjlf'Call and examine before purchas­ And can put Goods below than one hundred doll .. rs. he started in March, 1868, with 12 Se- ing elsewhcre . ...f3 Sr.c. 6. It shall be the dnty of the poye, 9 Johanna men and 7 liberated Loggers, Ladies' Misses' and IJoard of Health to provide a Pest House, sla-..es and traveled up the banks of the SAN FRANOISOO PRICES. to which all persons who may ha-..e any Rohana, Jus men got frighti!ned delltlrted Joiners, Children's Balmoral, STOP.E ON contagious or infections disease shnll be and reported him dead as an excuse COMMERCIAL ST., SEAnLE, W. T. Button and Congress, removed, if so ordered by the Health for the desertion. He "l'ossed the Cham· Blacksmiths, l!!!l. P. AN DREW"S. Officer . The said Board are hereby em· brei and found it to be not contiguous to . BOOTS. powered to contract with some compe- theZambezi but a wholly separate river; Shipwrights, Thankful to the public for put fa-..ora April 4, 1872, 20tf. tent Physician to nccinate all persons and he found it was called, on, farth~>r Gent's, Miner's, Logger's we cordially extend an inritation to all who in his opinion may require it, the Luababa. He explored 700 miles KDd etc, etc. etc. with the auurance that ex!Jense thereof to be a charge upon the found that the Zambezi is doubtless the Coarse, Kip and Calf Pioneer Hook Store, city. JOHN 'J.'. JORDAN. Mayor, source of the Nile ani\ that the length .Mill street, Seattle, W. T . R GEo. N. McCoNAlll, Clerk. , of that ri•er ie about 2,600 miles; it is Boots. July 2d, 1872. not npplied by Lugaaycka. Jle reaob- Also, Boys, and Children's COOMBS & PUMPHREY. • - • ed within ISO mi'es miles of the Explor- PROPRIETORS. Rtxo\"u..-Gardner Kellogg, County ed ground whell he was obligl'!d to re­ Shall be "}lared to please Boots, Shoes and Slippers, AVING MADE SCHOOL, ~IISCEL.-L'> £. !uditor, has made arrangements for tum to Ujuji destitute. Here we met H ou~ and Blank Books a l'lpeciality we uo remoring from the county, to a farm on and we both left on the 16th of October Rubbers and Artics. ~;:'prepared to fill all orders prompUy in that the Swinimish. The office will be and arrind a~ Nnyaegambe at the end .lll!o btving the Agency for the best managed for the balance of his term by of December. We spent 28 days in ex­ Pianos and Organs -o- Duncan T. Wheeler, who is well qnul- ploring the district together. Living­ On thie Coa&t wo are prepared to fill aU ordera ified for the duties thereof, and com- stone left Nuyaugambe to expl'~re the at:~"!eng!~~ ::!J.:="~r Drafts on mands the confid.ence ofthi.~ community mouth of Jan Jamjike Lake and the re­ We ha-..., on ·the way from EASTEB.N for_integrity a.nd fidelity to hia trusts. maining 180 miles of the Lnababa river SAN FRANCISCO Dry Goods, OR THE The dillftgreeable duty which we ha'fe woich 1rill occupy the next two yean.. Foreign and Domestic. ud CALIFORNIA MARKETS, a la.l{e felt incumbent upon ua, to censure some LA CoNNER, June 30-Byrepoa·ts from S. DBIARD'S HOUSE, and well Mlected etock of Eastern States <>f the official acts of l\Ir. Kellc>Rg, duet~ Omineca of the 23d nlt., we learn ef the Plcue enquire of Wclls, Fargo~ Co't. Agent not detract from onr estimate of his so- b · .b examination c.f the 8&ack &lid pri· CLOTHING at the poi'!Oning of 16 persons y eating sup- Colonial Hotel Branth. cia! qnalitieaor good wishes for success posed mushrooms. Ten of them h\"ed ceale aolicitecl. HE Propri•tor or the abo..., Bote! bop w -Alli'D- taU aud ;wiuttr Sood- PIONEER BOOK STORE. I ll his new field of operations. 08 Discovery Flat, and three haYe dil'd T tender hi& thanb to hio nUlllei'OGa ....rona ' 2!1,tr. Seattle, May 16, 18'12. and to annOUDl e that, for tbe accommodatloa. from eft'ects of thP poison. Their or tbe travelling pnbllc, he baa pnrcltued tile ld7' The Skagit Bi'fer Company hne names are David Hughes, formerly of brick building rormerl-r Jwown .. Furnishing 'FE hi pip OOOL% organized bv the election of J. B. Rob­ Whicla we ehall oft'er at the lowes Lexington, Kentucky; a Capt. Millin, a bins, ; Baily Gatzert, •rre&Rn• The St. George Hotel, Wo ha-..e exteDc!ed our Presid~nt nati-..e of New York, and a Mr. Cook, Wo call the epecial &Hention of the Puget Sound Ice Company, er; lohu Leary Secretary; and J. W. Which be boo fttted up In l'utoT CL.ua et-rle Goods. formerly of Clevehand, Ohio, who re­ for the WHOLESALE .L'fD BETAU. DEALERS. Sweeny, Agent. ~. trade, with the IUI11lJ'IIDCe aha& wo 41&11 cently came from Victoria with his fiUII­ RECEPTION OF FAMILIES, ily to rellide here. A Mr. Mclvtosh is In with and 1DIICia l' iD aU ...... ,.. FIB8T The best fantish nppli• at ldr Mr.------Felton, con-espoodentuf the connection hie old and ....n lwown assorted Gooda IN ICE! Hotel. EVERY COMFORT PRi>VIDED. now dangerously ill, and ~~enral othel'l!, CLASS. Shippen &IMI I•portere will , BuUetin, CAlled upon ns yesterday mprn­ Victorja, AngDII& :16, 1871 . Soul5. WholetMale Price-. lfAnLE AID OLYMPIA, W. T. ing, and furnisht:d na the following bot are ~peeled to recoYer. lad it t.o their intorwt to ...... their -Mid cheapest pnoes on Puget JCI!: IN QUA.NTITIES TO SUIT WILL DE items: Po~~TLAJ~D, l nne 29 -The full offici.U ludecllaon. ROOd8 Sound. ADd 1-or tJaua 41&11 11o ~ eel ill ==o'r~:lng (Bunda)' exepledJ The Paget Sound Steam Na'l'igation -..ole of Oregon in the late elfiCti· •D is 1111 LAJ1D 0Fnc:s AT OI.YIIPU, W. T.} Compan;y haYe sent to Portland to pur­ foUowa : Bepnblicana, 13,163; Demo. lnne 16,18'12. Oar ficilitiea are nch that we ..._hera. TIDUCII: tlDTII PEa POmQ),. •ha.e a atemwheel Bteouuer to run on crata, 12,317, ltepnblicaa majority, . OJIPL.\JNTBAVINGBEENDTDED.lT the route froJQ Seattle the Skagit C this ofllce by John V. Lowe tpiDK A. II. O&D UBDER8EJ.L au, ·a a111 to 8f6. In &be Seaa&e &he Bepabli­ eo...... for abandoning hie ·-l:atr7 AGElfl'B Ri-..er. ha-..e two and in the HoDilCI ifteton ma· No.-· c1ate4 J- lil<, I., ..,.,.. tM 8. 1!. ~ ofN. E . l(,theN. E.!( ofll.ll:.l(,of-..a JOrity, making tbe ll)ajority OD joint OOJ­ 7, the S . W. !( orN. W.l( &DdN. W.l( ol8. W . The proof of_ tJie·PuddiDg --- ~Ir. Hiakel, of MontiCGllo, is muuing l( of ot:dion No. 8, l<>'"'l'blp :No. • 11CIItla ol an opp«Alition line of spring wagons be­ lot aeYmteeD. Tb.e JAtPIIlalure meet~ IMPERIAL raJIIf" No. 6 -· ill the C011D'7 of llDolilolnlelt, is in eating. · ·tween Olympia and the Cowlttz, which early in &!ptember, W. T •• with a 'riew to the canee1Ia&iolt ol tal4 the SCHW ABA.CHER entr-r: thetlllldpartles...,_,.~to afl'orde 1be opportnni&y of making the Poll'rLAJID, Jllll8 fi -A - named ap,.._ • - ollee 011 tile IGIIa day ol .hp8!, ~in , , 18'12. a& 10 o'clo liE. A 11, to....,.,...._. faBiala ...... ,.,, trip at reduced fare, in quicker time, Chaplll&ll oommiu.d l11licide to-day by ~ coaCIJIIIIq - allopd .a-.a.. SEATTLE, W.- T. a•tHE. I CO. and OYer an euier road lhu b7 &be jumping hiD dul ferry boa&, •Jillg to mell& . l.P.CL&U, ...... lllt!.il stege. th& ltetriiii&D tha' bitl wit& W pron'd &~ BOHIIT 0, 8TIJABT, Beclllftr. t.ttr., W. T, April., lfl2...... W. T" lWf. •· 1171. PUGET SOUND DISPATC}l. SEAT:rlE; W. · T~ .THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1872. a 3 .. &.W'.B.U.L BC::ll~EtiS DIRECTORY Read Physician's Certificates Below!! ! THE ConNEB LoAFER SKETCH"-'D--The DISPATCH BUtLDIIIGS. - · · · b hi bat OF PORTLAID, OREGON. · ~ome and ~arm. young man on the corner! wtt s · Pabthhed 117 L. SAIIIUEL, LORD& HALL, a little to one side, the stub of" cheap General Adcerli>'ing Agent. ()3 H·ontstreet. Do:n T..ua.: DoWN nu; &rovEs.-Keep oi"ar in his mouth, and a stare for evtry If you wish to see the N©rth ~VI ®sb~ rn a· 1lre ia the living room night and Lldy who passes. is aloafer. Do yon· A.CKER,IA.N'S DOI.Li\R STORE. CONTRACTORS AIID BUILDERS. ~ No . 99 FIRST STUEET. · · . ~STOOl' .o, _ morning. If. you have a good old-fash· know wherA be gets his money ? His Importers and Jobbers ot Fancy Good•, ToJ11. Also, Dealers In ~ Croelr:try, Gla&»'l\"lit"e and Pia~_: General Merchandize iolled hearth, 80 much the better. Keep mother earns it for biro by Inking in ~(\E~Cl'~ DOORS, WINDOWS, BLU>"DS, SIDELIGHTS, &tt•r-HoU>M>. Jiint II&. b TO PLIGHTS. OF ALL DESCRIP· ~~· . rytb : n~· n e:< t. !! ~ o l(feltow.Pro p . Ever broug 1t to . s er TIONS: WE I GHTS TO WIN· pleasant or healthy. But do not think boy will get work soon. He could find Broks , Stationery & P eriodicals ritory, just drop in to th SEATTLE, W. T. because you have a tire you must shut work to keep him busy fiftceo !:;ours " DO'ri~o/:Lfl"J.G~r. I ... lNG. ' ,S ::: the doors. In most localities, until the day, if be war ted it. B ut he is" lazy BANCROFT & MORSE. Store of . I HY. UNDERSIO:s-ED H AVE ESTABl.II>H­ J obbing and Repairing ot an kjnds don•!. f: land is beUer drained, people will suff• .· r loafer, and don't want to work. If he with n eatnpr;s and disp:.tch. p: -\g t> nts for :U ~b~~ -.10'~~~~~ - sce l eb rot e d BOSA ED an Agt!llCY {or the more or less from malaria. Hard work does get a place, he shirk•, or dots his SCHWABACHift Ct. T ..,~~it~t""" promptly Mtttnded to. Patronagt· O 'before breakfast should be avoided as work oo badly that he is soon di,. Yison. Blakt:.m nu, Tuylor & Co. 'R Sch ool Eoo'ks U4l PubluAe,l, aju.U l.iw. e ofi~gaJ blank! jar Ortgor&. :t[m:chasn & Sale llf :tands. N. B . We have jnst received, by recent &r- 1 411 auch aa possible...... ,....,. charged. He ne,·er w o rk~ for the same ar man. tbt.· only direct l mpurlt:r of t.:lot h_ ri\-·als, a large invoice or all k indri of good:o a __ iu•7 &.c \\' ahb i u~o£tO u __ cor ..Fr ouL:wd f' lrtetii man twice. Or, perhilps, he is particu­ H ·zEPHYR, Will attencl to the Payment 0 11 CooXINo EGos. -It is understood that str. ~~it~~i tb~rw~':t~e~f ~:u ~bl~t: E:~~e~ Ul lar wh1\t kind of work he does with his C OHAS: c. BARRETT, . ~ WILL MAKE TWO TRIPS A ~~~~~~~her house in this city. WQ are al!W ct1 eggs are more easily digested if " rare " ~ wr-cli tr.ow ~ at tle to C:Klyvil!e of Ta.~es in all the Cou,nties own bauds.. Ha- looks down on that WBOLX~K tbaD "well done ~· but which p6rtious an~..i n:WJ'li. Le•"·e Seattle on Mondaya "nd Thu.rsdays. at 7 o'clock , •· w., touching at Muk­ West of the Cascades. MOVE & RAISE BUILDINGS. e1 the egg resists digestion-the sweaty carpenter who burri e~ by him ; Bookseller and Stationer, ilteo and 'ful.Iip. Return on Wednoodayo and be nods coud.. sc ~ ndingly at his friend. A::cnts tor tbe Cclebn.tcd LA /WEST 8TOCKJN PORTLAND; Fridays. • Will, throzt.-,gh a a~d To nic, &II ••-White," which is nearly pure album- tl;e shoemaker, aud. ~nds 1\ whiff of December 1, 18'11. .Itt. A Most Efficient Pleasant en, or the yolk? Lately, experiments .Vn. 79 Front cmd No. 5 Washington st. "0 K" WASHING MACHINE. TbHe BIUert are 1'ftJ>:'·1 f"d from the mo!l t t ho· lun·e.been. made in this dir~tion. with smoke into the eyes oft be printer wilb -'l J ECK .• WII.LLDt k !:!O:s", 129, Front street• LOCAL AGENT and ·wholeii0Ul8 }lttrbll a.... both bands full ol paint-pots o.ud brnoh· A . l w p ortc r& and J)c:ll c- rs iu STEAMSHIP - WESTERN TERMINUS BUILDING. WIDi\·ersalutisfactioo l'" 1.erever tried. 'l'ho u~ da U . .S. MAIL of dyspeptics have found relie f t bro u~:b I heir 'IJ·.,.• 0 • 1 • · p pp y. . b ' h bo es. He conlcl uot borrow ten o: ents vf UUC\ . . R lFLEt' A..'lD H£VOLVERS I~ .:-ach Cou,nty, guard Tim,- Commercial Street, Seattle, W. T . aDd ptipiciaoa reeomm nd t hem r or 1~t e t'ure nf &!I that healthy gastric JUCe, w IC - t e I one of theru. They lmo w he woultl nev­ of evt ry Ut:&.: riiJtioo. lintr, &ud.irh(Ul&nti•l o{ .;1~ ber L ands c~_gcdnst depreda- :::r:~t:~:~~~. &DO lrtomaeb aecretes for purposes of dtges- er pay it. Thev earn tbei •· mouey. a ~ Fi~bin g Ta.c.klf , Fanc·y G ·~od e .lkad~:;, Dird Cages . LORD I< HALL. Hea1:ehea Bll1ou ·netllt tt~d ConP:f iJ)at ion. Cen,nJ l; usk· t s : Cruque r 0:1-tno:-S, and B;;by Can·ingcs. June 19tli, 1871. 6-Gm-e DebilitJ' au. Lot. of .A&We' 1te. ~ -t a r:~ ca u 11~ d u t:.! &ion, will n;,t act reailily on _ firml~ co~g- begs his of his. mother. Styl ei~ h boy, 8 der:uuremeat of the S tumacn. ],,"er and o' l:er to~:~: t~~~t.~~;; ~u{~~~~~\!~~-~l~r~~\;~~~~;~~ ~ fonctionaries of th .. .,-stern. 'J h• IX L Rittots b -, lllated white of egg, even if cut lll p1e- · ... ti~~ H. LARRABEE, & Co. been saccnsfullJ' u sed and are warr:m:..d t.o .l1::.._ i•n '_t he? U eck, J ohn A., 29 Froi1t st., pr'olCtic ;;l Watch . 'riate t.be eu.d"wer in all the &Lot"e CUM. -not larger than ordinary peas ( that -----..---- .IJJ m n.k er& J c welJt:.r. Work dune for the trade ' . jj as fine as people usually chew t~ir THE RITUAL LAw oF TH>: CHURCH.­ Nc:>rtb. Paoi.fto. OFFICE DISPATCH BUILDINGS. K F.SSRS. H. EP'!I~,~~!J.?,ATES; t t and Pri'iit'e'r's. Gentlemen: 1 t:tke pleasure in ebtin.- ti13 t t tr!..,. ill food t) while it acts with facility upon l\Ir. 1\Iurry H oft'mrm , whose pre ions Book Job DALY'S HD!E!:; & BACHELDER. 92 Frnnt st. CAPT. E. A. 'STARR. wr1tingR on ecclPsiastical r~~~ ~t:o.:-ro''"l;h~r~!~~f~l ~i~~=::~ !lt1c'h' -~~~ the more brittle yolk. Tbn reasou is jnri:.; prudepce rig lt::lm & 1-tt;inh:l.rt, l s t bet. U:1..k ,\i. li'ine , ~tent me, au:f tind tt not only ftn tU! t Pe :~b l " B1t{c,. - ~ t. EAVES OLYMPIA FOR VICTORH EVERY FINE OLD 5 lllll){J r tcl"iS of ~tv\'e s,n.uug cF , L\.itcben u.ton'ls 01 that the coagulated albumen is very are well known, h:ts co mpiled wi th great H A S1w day :md Wtdnesduy nt lU o'clock, P. )1 . t-£'" All lands placed with ::~!:3~~~nlii ~:~~ i~~. be ~n e ti ti al ~,: --:· _j/uch un'W), W. A .• s . w. , ~ ur .fo'irs t k 'l':tylorsts. 1tou ching ut ·SteilAcoom, ·rucoma, ReatUe, Port G. HOLT.A XD, M. D. eempact and tenacious, and woulJ need leatuiug aud c,u·e u w1.rrk. detiigned spe­ i , Cheapest Fnruitnrc House in Portland. us for s.'lle, will be advertised l\Iadii:ton, Port Gr..mble, P ort. Ludlow, and B. WHISI(IES. OrTY A'N'D '~OU'Yr'! H osPITAL. San 1;-rttnCisco P< to be •· ground to powder " to llccept ciri lly tor the body of the laity of the 'fown,.:end : arri\•ing at Vidorta on !otondatt. J nne 20th . 18i I : • ~' at our e~pense. I hav.. cnref u1ty e:r:nnined Dr. llenle:r's I XL r• the chemical affinities of the g>tstric CARPETS. '~~~-;:;,;~ !~~~- - -- nnclThur:itl:lys at ;.:J o'clock, P . M . Sr El•i:--copul Cbnreh, o u the Ritual Law, -~--~=-~~~~~~ Lea Yes Yictoria for Olympia ,ever y Tuesday Bi tte~. ~nd ha\'8 failud t.o dc:ct:t r. nyt li irl1!" lThich lark, Hend ers~m &.lk>.1k. 81 k 83 F irst F:treet. could IDJUTe e\·en tho w ost del ica te t.onMitut'on s~ juce. P our into a basin boiling water with its application to the commun­ () Dealc- n, in Dry Go,,ds. Ftmry MUilnc.ry. A:e . rwd .Friday, at 1~ o'eiock; It'., touching at. the i'rom the compo!ition of thO Bitt c~ . M f:!.r~ si Nt same portP-, :::md arriving at Olympia at 5 o'clock, am abl~ to d9termine it. l &bou hl j udg.· th::tlht P< nfticient to cover the eggs, put the e<,;gs ion and baptiomnl offi ces, aud Messrs. .i ·wbn & RnMllir.·ltl. 141 Fr011t st . Cowm ! s~iou A . i\1. of the following Wednesday and Satur­ Of,YMPIA. H. & H- W. GATTERWOOD, U nterc.hants , · d .. :Ucrs in Or . & Cal. produee. day. J{~pe~!:.7n~i::!t.i~: .·L~:~f A~~~tit. "! ~ct~ft:li~ mto the water and let them remain l'ott, Young & L·o. have publi ·bed it in ACRES Choice Land adj o in. i r~g Olym­ S UCCESSORS TO lu compln.mt,., betn~ composed ef a numh" t of • ~ o ngl e . J. R .. m :muf:.t.c t'r & deale r in S:irlclles. pia-on Budd's Inlet-west &ide.­ ·naretabla drui..-. which ar · p rin cip: il y u sed i n~-. _ eight or ten minutes, according to cir­ a hatJ clHo me voil,me. This hook meets ( 1 H a..rut-s s.and s:u.lcllt:·ry hard w an.• , !lU1: -..rontst. PAILE8 : I 00 Price 120 per acre. eu e~ of !hat ~ :t tu re, and an oi tba f!& , , eumstanct.a and your own tnste ; keep a want lolfg felt Ly runny intellig•·nt lay- 1.\UTier . W. &Co~ to a J-Tout~tret.:t. 1\It. rch:lllt Olympia to Steilacoom .. . • •...• $1 5o J. T. & W. H. DALY. elicumcy lQ Uleu cure. ( Tuilurs k Cluthil'l"S, Rats. 'E"urniEh'gGoods. •• " •raroma...... ••. . •...... 200 F . lJ. E'I'GEI.S. M. D 01 Au' t Res. Pbrsiciu.n ·"' P''t~t.c:.. r)· ~ & c. u ~D'n :. l. the water nenrly up to boiling tempem­ lllt:'U wh o h ave hati ouly the nigtu~ ~ t ;lnd " Se-..tUo ...... - ~ .. .. ~ 00 D: !I) ,.. La~ h-m uu & -Oatm:m, fl'! F ro•1t ~t. ltt•!!l .Ea­ 250 AT,_GRAY 'S IURBOR. OFn CE. sa.'fl rancisco, Ja!1 ture, but don't boil the eggg. OIJ e~g­ w ost nn6utisfnctory ideas of the hiwJ· A;.:cn ts. m OJWJ reHted. " Port Madi•oa. : .'...... ~~\~(~sSArEU·~ 'J t :~ t t:" loauetl, h ouses 3 50 21 L< " Port Gumblo ...... M.I:ssns. H . E~~.t. Co -G ents : J hnem&dta will cook more quickly th:·m fre•b •me-·. ing t1b l1gauon of tht" rnbri· , th t:: fun·e •• Port Ludlow ...... 3 50 IVE 200 ACRE t'A R~ts-two-thirds rich b'!'n'!':i Gl DE~T AL GOODS, ~ - ~-~;:;'t'i,~~;~ prairie, the balance timber-well -watered ltl E::,':"!y:;,:· !;;~,;~,!.;, ?:C eareful • xamina.tion of your IXL Bitters, n.nd hui _" Port Jo'tl·nsend ...... 3 50 F California bu~iues ~; :md di sp o~d of thrdr righ t fonnd them entirely fr~ ef deleteriol&l miunl and of course small ones quick <' r than uf t ilt.: fo: ms, or eveu the e ntire slguifi­ ancl n eur navigable stream. Price $5 per acrv, .ol 0 u Victol'l& ...... •• . .•.. . •.•• 5 00- and interest in tbt•ir celcbru.tcd brands of FL'iE •ubat&DceL Yours. f'tc. · - DRUGG ISTS, · i ~ ~~;"~;;~• •~.co., part on time. · I... O t' lS .F .:\ T.KE"NAU, State A s ~.t ;er Gt large ones. By this process yon will cauc~ vf the ~acrum e uts. H el' t>i u all 1 Return fares n.t the ~mn e rates. OLD WHISKIES, aamcly: BewartJ of Oounter£eit". None l!enuine 11" 1\bo'at Ort.l t- r s from any portion or the Stu.t l.! or 'l't:!'rito.. · ~ find the yolks well cooked, while til~ theRe ou atters are set forth with such The ste:l. mcr is new, staunch. and All h er ap­ A. A. A., Dr. Henley's .., ignature acrOS!I tho to p of each boule, rics cnrduJ!y filled by muil or exprcES pointments first class. Passcn gt'rB can rely Ell'REKA, Evef'7 FA milT 11honld hAve" llollle Jo white is left in a cou:lition to digest reu­ fullness that the work may be couciider­ ~., mH, Lowcustt·in & Co.l'\u'niture :mU. cuq -let upon :~.rrilling at their destination on schedule WHIDBY ISLAl'm, C.UlANO ISLAND. CEJ\'TURY, ID &be b-. liiold everr ..beft. p) ~ d l' al c rs-~t ot' e s from 1:14 to t:J7 Front stn>et tiwc . ACRE~. suitable for farm~ , CRJ\NSTON,-Etc. ttily~-E.z;. ed as ~ xban stiv ~ of the subject. In the 1 ltf. B. EPSTF~ IN .'1: ( '0. -E -mplo:rnv-nt Agt! ncy . " 7 itb c· rell & Uulm:m, December I, 1871. 3 ' 160 to\\""11 8 and cities, on Crescent To Messrs. H. k H . W. CATHEUWOOD. or Solt"' Prr prit tor;: . introd uction l\Ir. Hoft'muu 's churchman- 80 Front st. Furni&.·h nll kind..; of h elp, Harbor, Oak HArbor, Penn's Co~e and Holmes' Philadelphia, we sh:~ll be in regular receipt of No. 518 Front sfrt'ct, S:m FranriF·®. Cal. How TO CooK BEETB.-Bef'ts are very ship aucl loyality tu the creeds nrc mani· \Trtling &. DCCbC.Hl Front b t. COmmbsiOu HarbOr. Price from $5 to $50 per acre. thebe Wbisk.ieH, which we will guar-.wteo to L . GROSS &: Co. 675 Lake stre et, Ch iC:l J;"O, l11 Merchants :mel den Ie M-~ in tl o m ct:~ t k proclncc . P. S. S. N. CO. ON WmDDY IRLA.'\D-80 acr es at $12 50: 100 b e ere,·ious con­ aice cooked in the following manner : fest in t:very para ~nph, while hig pro­ E :t!"hiou Livery Stable, cor . l st k Salmon. E. o<=e at $8; 60 acr es at $6; oW acreo at $4. aignmcnis. The ·Great Medical Slice cooked beets q~it e thin. put in a test agai n~t the changes "ithiu the pale F Ctlrbett l'r. Go• d turn-a nts ulwnys on band. DICKSON· DeWOLF & co., 0 ~auce - psn with some Tinegar, water nnsi- eloquence. F kum ';; Glo ~k . cor. Fir!'4t k ·w nsh' n gt r1 n strs. U.S. MAIL STEAME R .-, lying immediately on west San Francisco, B ble. Taste it, and if any ing• ed.ent is Though i\Ir. Helfman's researches into 4""1 illTSieel.- 75 aud 77 F ir,; t st . De:tll.n; in ihore of Por t Disco\'cry. Price $5 pt'r acre. .... Book s Statiom.ry ~ · Mu ~ica l instruments. ALIDA, And •11 promment dealers in the City. ington Territory! lacking, add more of it ; salt a very little., the legal lore of the ()burch wou ld be and pepifer: taicken the whole s.ligbtly: nninterestin" to the general reaoler. or GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. Capt. J. G. Por1~er9 Jr. PORT TOWNSEND. serve hot. Beets may be skinntrl mncb to pnofessing Christians who reject The largest Mn•ic H onse on the Coast. EAVES SEAT ' r l.'E ~TO:s-DAYS AND THUBS T tho THIRD G~EAT CITY of tbe SOffioo"D, L dn_ys for Olympiu., touching at '!'acoma and A 40 acrcMtlig ibly located, $ tO per acre; 60 A. Mackintosh, easier by rubbing over with a cloth im- forms altogether, tbey will be acco['ted ~ tcilacoo m . relurniJtg tm Tncstlnys nnd Satur­ acres adjoining present towu, $30 per acre; 600 MERCER'S PAN~CEA! days, making the tri}J each way by duyl..4;ht. meiliately in taking them from the wa- as of gre11t value by ull students of ec­ Stein way Pianos, Burdett Organs acres on c:LSt side or Townsend Bay. $10 per &ere. 20 :scres at $4; 15 acres at $20. Notary Pubic and Conveyancer, ter in which they are cooked, than by clcsiashcal history, and the chapters G. L . D<:PRANS, :Mannger. .'\CI'FIC "IAIL STEA.JIISRIP COlli SEAITLE. BEll. ESTATE AND TAX AGE~'T. Prepared by Dr: Thomas Mercer uail!g a knife and fvrk. which refer to Ltturgical r!lvision in tu ~ P .-\NY, Sole Agency fo; the P ~ a~a ACRES on Lake Wao;bincton. U mted States are of exceptionill iuter- FOR NEW "-"O RK. "-ia PAN.:\.MA...... , .,...._., ch oicestRPlt-c tions. F"rmi.ng tlns a complete Abstract of Title to all CmcxES CHEESE.-Boil two chickens est in showing the difl'erences between and timber land,., Wa.ter front. Price $5 to $50 La nels in King County. Will attend to at Seattle, Washington 'Howe' Sewing Machine. Cabin ...... SlO O I Second Cabin S50 per acre according to locatiou. the purchase and sale of Lauds any­ till tender , take out all the bones an•l the forms of the Church of En~ l H nd [Jf'Agents Wanted.~ CITY LOTS• ,.here ou Puget Sound. Special atten­ ehop the meat fine; season to your taste and the American Protestant Episcopul • flo!s.~LEAVF. WHAHF . Cul\:s"ER FillST Territory. aud BRA....l."'INA-"i S'l'HE.ET:;, tion paid to t:b.e transfer of Real Estate -H :IA'kcn cy & Stem me, Groct-.I' to nut.! dea1c i1'- in ~ punctn .l:l Titb salt, pepper, and butter ; pour in Church. all kind of ac ed&~ co-r . .Fintt !lnC. }l~iu strs. nlh· at o'clock, noon, o n the ad and 17th of and payment of Taxes. Patronage so­ eaCh m onth (excej)t wbeu e itht..""T" ()ate r.:.u.- on North '\-Vest Land Agency. licited and sntisfaction gnnranteed enough of the liquor they were boiled in I -----· ..--••--- -· ·:mlbtU"g{. r, B .. VH J.' i~ t ,.:t. ltaportcr :md Sunday. then on Sut~ny precediut,::) , for P~~­ Office wi th County Auditor, Seattle, 'I'IJi!' prt:p:1rarion is carefully prcparrd br Dr. to mnke it moist, put into whatever THE ~l usTY Co>~sTITUTros. -G ov. p ,,1. 1:-11. dce.h-r iu stnp1e fanry Dry Goot1s.:\fi!lincry AMA , connecting v1a. Pauama RAilroad, w1th King Co., W. T. \l• ·rcer , who gives his personal attt:nhun mould yon wisb, :md when cold turn m ~ r. of Illinois, bas recently uelivercd cn UEw. D . H .. Phntograpbic.\rtit;t , s w cor. one of the Cornp n uy ' ~; s;plentlit.l steamers from VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY! hereto . H Flr:.;t anrl ~I.,rri suu. Chth.l 's pict. sp t:cia lty ASPDIWALL fol' .·Ew YORK. :"''OR ""ALE-Sixty feet front­ oc23tf out and cut into slices. a speech which IS denominated ·• great'' Through tickets sold tu unLl frcm Liverpool, cnricb~n. L. c & Cu., umFirst st-. lllnuu­ ing on the Day, in the bu&-:iness part of by all the Greeley ite o:gnns •• and we are - _ fact"r.; & tl t: Al o; J'8 in -l l· weJry , Watc'lles, &c . Queen5tuwtr, Soutluu:upton, .Urcmen. D.reat, Ha­ F. H vre, Hamburg, Stetlio , Copeubagen and Nor­ Seattle. Inquire of .\ft«'r yen.~ of expericnre h e pre.-rnts thi! free to confess tbere are many strong iUbarU, 0 . L ., ~IJ Frout_at , wh nlc ~-onl• · UeAler way. t:O luponnd r1•unic and Ca1haa·tit· to the Jltllr GtsoER CooKIEs.-Take three cups of in G t'occries. Doorii, Wagon :\Iatc.rial s. &: t·. C. H. LARRABEE & CO. H LOCKE & MONTAGUE, h e, a~ better ca.! cula.t cd to nssi;,t nahrn· in o·•tr· molnso;es, one cup sugnr, one cup bot po1nts in it. Among them we find the Ouge, Calc: f & Co .. U7 F ront t;tr. wboif!s:ifc FOR J ,\PAN AND CHINA. cotuiug disc:u;c than auyt llhag ye t off~.:re tl by 1be following: iJt·:ll•·rs in Drug-s, P a. int ~. Oils, Gl:! so. &c. Stes.mer leaves on the first of every m onth. f:• ctllty ;'in all C!lscs of G e;, tu~ ra.l Den1u.: ~ · water, one cup butter, one tablespoon· an ~ nt oCth~ S ) ·stciD. Presidents and Governors are but li! Jil 0 ioJ l-41 :i• w in g 1\lachiue. straigh t 0 I llll'··"onilTdERS OMF ful ginger, two teaspoonfuls salerntus ; ! _)iii_ .1..Y ~ lll'Cdh·. 11t1t!e r ft.·ed nn lll o~;k N. 'V. Laml Agency. St t I " ii~~~iG~ :::~t~~~ ai v~~!~! "~i~~ ser\'an ts to th,; Ia w. \V e hu ve no mas­ ~th' h. Comp<'tition chall n g(·d. M . .E TraYer. the COmp>ny's Bl'aa0. watt:r destroys its essenti11l properties, 'l'J-nriiU. E:_\:-Co.. whu l cl- :tl o doalc r~ ill wJn( S & Seattle Drug Store. SEA'I'T!.E-20 .o\cres at ! 20 . the power of the ::ltute to pnmsh tb~m. l"f . J.. iquors, 0 . .S. N . Co .'s bloc k nncl S:tn Frau. ihe and raw, cold water might cause it to - - I C, B. LA.RRADEE &; CO. AS ·' C :\TR,\R ' IC it is un surp u:~ d . if I can. I hu\'e uo fuith in men to pro­ :im-der k . .Sc hm ~ ·cr, 1 J l1:"' ron t st.rcd, wholesale t,t:! i.ng un:J.c~compc.n.if>d with ~ripi n g and p ~i n . ferment. Put the mustard in n cup. l f'I llllrl rct:lil Con fcc innt:' rs , ( Dispcdch B u ildin_gs .) The B est I>ortalJle Range tn tect human liberty. I do not care who \V. T. '\'t'ith a small pinch of suit, and mix ~11 ·itl t r , John ll .. ~; l Firs t street. Wu tl'lunakt• r ~- Oct . 16, 1871 . tlw -~1a rket. tbe man is, I um willing to trnst h1m lY_a :md J cw.·ller, o fft ·r ..; tn the" pnlJlic a flue a.s­ 0.7 DR . 1\U"illCER has also a. prcpantioll , •ith it very gradually sufficient boiled aortmcnt of W at c h ~::; , Cloc!>B nwt J c..·wcJry. with my rights. I propose tu trust ,- . DISPATCII LOCKE & ~IONTAGUZ, whii.! h he c.g,lls wa!A!r to make it drop from the spooa 1 l • Sau Fr:mcisc.o. then. wtth the Uou:;titutions which the M. R. MADDOCK -, ltf- without being watery. Stir and mix JJ ~!~~ ~~ :~~ f~ ;~ ~;~~r \1~~~a{s~i~~~~:!~ ~ ;:~:~~ people have prepared .. nd scttltd us the orthrup. E. J .. H:mlwart' . lron. Sh:f·l. llnbEKLY IlY mustard ill 80 much better when fresh ice.. J _ ll .. 127 Front st., wholesale 1\ealero PulJ.u.onnry Syrnp spe.. ks 'II' ben he says that I looked Patent Jledi- JDI\de. R in Tinwr..rt- nnd Stovf'~ of the over the musty, the nrusty leaves of the ichtf' r , P:ml, l O:i First. Ft .. Importer of Ber .. LARRABEE a. CO., ______.~ ~·------.... lin wooden carv ilHl~. pnrlor orn ~,m c: nt. F4. kc. • WbJCb is unsnrpftssed for COt:GRS, COLD Uonstitution. -If it '1\'lls nut reud aud R and nll dcra.ngewcnte of the lungs. THE 1\IoST VALUABLE Bnu:Ds or PouL­ cines, etc. ~EATTLE, ,V. T. studied more thnu these gentlemen read irl Pr. G. C .. RP:ll E:-t•,tl• nnd 1\Ioney l3rokr-r, '!ll'f.-There is as much difference in the R ~ 1 2 Fl'ont strr>C' t, P ortland. opinion of breeders or amateurs, as to it it would be musty indeed. ... osr·nb:mm, J . s. & Co . Toll!\Cconir::ts. k 1m­ ~att~t Jt!lt~ All the abo\·c m edicines are purely vegetabl ' portr· rs of For t- ifm und OomP!'tic J... iquors. which is the best and most valuable vn· 1 US"' House. F1·ont s ~. On First c.1.o.ss prin­ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM· BERIAH BROWN, Editor. riety of fowls, as there is any one thing An inebriate Democrat was dining at R ciple . Thos. ny1m. Proprietor . OF TYPE, For · Salc we know of. On this subject the Prac­ the Ives House, the other day. " Bed, Qh ~ rt oc k • .s .. fil Front & fi2 l'ir ~'>t s l~ . , dPule:r in ~ Ham r>-Ss. Saddlery and r;nddle:ry H &rid AT THE DRUG STORES AT SE.\Tnt ~ in:.l on . J .. 56 Front st., d t:· nler in f', Org~m s.~ll ect 1\.ft"U!iP. Mwdonl lnF'tnn·ts eo the shortest notice and in Agricultural, Lumber . Coal :md Min ~ ral resour­ medicines breeders, after trying most of tba new Grant!' 'kidmi'Jre. S. G .. 12:J First F:t. , Drug:gh;t and ces :1:!d dcvd opPments, and to the prospects ~\ potb~ ra ry· . A large stock of Per fu mcl'J' and ;_t rogt·csn u.' the gr.::at Railroad projeeUs now bre ds, classifies them thus, as regards S .lleree:rs' Paaaeeae ·_the best manner, cell.t..:ring in this dircct.ion. Its THOMAS MERCER. A Scotch--- law Lord was seated one auf1 Toiltt Articles. yalue for the million : In situations day on the hill•ide of Banally with a nJ.I J- where eggs for use is or market are more ~~;~tll~~ .D~~~~·J}n~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~c~,~~k~. Marine Intelligence Sc~ttl c, W . T ., Jnne (ltb, 1871 Scotch Shepherd, and obRecvill~J- ~ e Every: l;lr~u:i.etu llf tbfl object than anything else, the . ' sheep reposing in what btl thought the s l;~~~ci~n~· ~~~r ~·~ :,~t~~:.tn~~~~~~e;~~;~~!~~ ALSO, DEALER IN is more full and perfect than that given by any French Hondln, the D ominique and other paper }>ublh:~hed on Pnget Sound. !ttl colde•t sttnation, he .observed to him : ~- mitb-, Put.. BrokPr , tiO First 8t., rlPnJf'ri'ii'Li­ American Hotel, White Leghorn breeds. For a foul for ~ g:u l T ender F&. Gov 'mf' nt Bomls &: Gold Dnr. t. ",John, if I were " sheep I woulrllie on Wines,. Liquors, etc. POSTERS, general purpo! •. ·c. D. J ::rot , and lhe Cal. Watcloes: also, public concerntue nt, &\"fliding offensive &Ad in­ its, easy fattening and tende• fiesh, be HE Proprietor would respectfully inCortt ye had been a sheep ye wad huve had for o.l.l tbe productions and imports of the C~i­ Orders from Abroad Solicited decent pcrson:ilitics a.nt.l private go ~ip. Its prefers Partridge Cochlus, dark Brnh­ fornia.Jt: W(" lry Co., San Frrm d 6CO. Send for a B~~,L T the tr:wclling public that the Amenc~ c. mnir sense. " c·irculUI. Wntch cs r~ J 1 nircd in the very bc-..t ' J\1 .R . 1\IADIJOC:KS. Hotel, having bee.n recently improved in all its mas, light Drahmas, buff Cochius . m:mmr a.ud \\7 arnuate d to ~iH: ~atiafacl i o n . Political Department 0 Seattle, January 1, 1872. ~~~~~~~~~~s t~ ;it~it~s t:n~~~~~ s;t These are lill bard v, every way desira­ The ~ ecr e t ary of War bas recei Vt·rl 'f" ~, Bf"()S, 171:f l'' ir~t at., KCnufact iU"d~ H.Ud dealePS m Pumitn.re, Bedding, Carpets .k: c. lo dcvotro to tbe discolll!ioa ot political qnes­ lie in general ble. the authority of Congrnss to Eelt Ruch I . LA..."(DSDERG£B . Ali.P AD H.AllAI!IZTBT, \ions of general interest. absolutely i.Bdepeud­ A. T REDUCED PRICES. rrhe Clothing Store. u a Front st. CWthing. ~dttr itabrs, ent of party dictation , nud free from party or Furnishiug Goods, Boots ond Sh oes. Har­ City Bonrdcrs per d~:r ...... _...... S I ~ A Goon RULE.-Sid.ne Smitt< eut tbf' portions of clothing in Quart erm~surs' personal bias ; but in uncompromising h ostili­ Doard and Lndgtng per week ...... - 10 ris & Pmger, I. LANDSBERGER & CD. ty to all ring or clique combinations to 1 romote y \ stores as be mny deem ad\'1sable. Meals:-Breakfast, 6Jol to 11 o'ciocl. followi~g fro'_ll a newspaper, and pre- Tbpre are now in store $13,000,000 rw~u tt l e . B. H,.142 and H 4 Front 8L . llenlei­ 1\l.L'rnFACTURERS o.- pri\·ate interests 't the public expt.::use; and \\'ill ~ .A in Wagon s and Agricultural l1npJc:mcut!l, ~xpose and d~ nounce all official corruption and Lunch, 12 to 2; Dinner, 5 to 7. srot 5. Htved lt for hrmaelf : worth of clothing, the al-$3 a :rear, lnvartabl:r In adnnee. am:ed it will eend you gently and hap­ cago succeeded in drowning.la ..rself last ·J pily down the tlream of eternity. By .,; Thursday. It is 11 curious world that Syphilis Physician, And all other printing in BDW'U BROS. the mllH simple arithmetical Blllll, look rushes after -and slot>B such persons REATS THE DISEASE IN ALL ITS THE BRITISH COLONIST, W'HOLESALE A],"]) RETAIL . M • reflult. If you send one person, Por&a1e!' T formo--Prlmary, Secondary, Tertiary. from killing tbemfK>I"es, ann yet will My treatment ia entirely new, mercury not be­ our line, on the uwst {DAILY AND WEEKLY.) a-~oo:m~s. Clllly o~ btppi'l' 41!!ough_ each ~l· DOt d A DESmABLE HOlllESTEAD- Dr OLYH­ ing W!ed except ID Oo-tt'ft\IODal Sypbllls. All de &Dything for tbem w ben r811C1led. E. P1A, couoistlng of TwO IAJTS ou the old there are \hree )lundrej}d uty-tl.ve in other kind• of the dloeue beln& local. require Tea and Wine :Merchants, Court Hoose Blodt, with a comfortable Cottage ble terms. I838. the course of a year. And supposing . What an argumtmt iJ! lavOI' of ~ai Bo1;1ee with. coovenieqt out--bo.e&, ur e~llt:n t local ~'- ..IJ>I7 it'tle CblcJPtalH~tei· maausHED 11 opnnM of living...... ,ce of ttalt 'fou live forty yean o-p y, after you com­ eonneetions is the observation, that by _te., •• Nos. 428, 43P and 434 Pine of the boot lrlndll and ftl'ittleo, In one of the DISP ATOH EUILDIHGB. TDMa-Daily, tl!l_per year; -- tba' ClOUI!tJ of medicine, you ('QJQIII11Dica&ing il1ll ariefa •• have less, mOI't •ttncUve sUnation.a in the City. Price, .. Streets. 12,500. , fDq-of .....,_...,. flc>, · 8)tattle; or (Entrance Waahin_tton St.J Wettk.lJ, to" u ...,.. -- U,600 bein&a happy a& all and by' couim!Uiicatins oiU' -pleaBur.eil we • • • < F; 'fi.'iiBiiL, o, PAUBU Ill AJ)T... &an :prano~· ~fQH.-.. MftiiiON. · llucll_:!ll, BoU ... A&eat, OIJmpia. .. ~tOOe, 1,1871. D. W. BIGGINS,- Ploprittor ~ Dteezabor1,1871-