Vol. 1. SEATTLE, W".AJ!UIINGTON TERRITORY, THUR.HDAY MORNING. JULY 4,1~7~- No. 3~. much injury from this cause. The low- ing 18 inches. have any difficulty in the read the letter he wrnt promptly to Jnget Jounel Law, •· A. :rn&o, er bottoms are covered with a dense ascent; besides, the river is remRrkably her, showed it to her, nd a~snrcd her ~i~patdt. Attm·!~v~~!~~~- niPORTER Alo'D JOBBFB OF growth of Cottonwood, Alder, Crab clear of rocks and snags. The awrat!e that he did not believe a word of it VU&L11Rr.D znar TIIUDDA.'I' IIO&SDfG. Apple, Vine llapll', etc. On a higher width, from bank to bank, is about 60 Mrs. Harold read the letter and waa so Steilacoo•n, W". T. Brand·ies, Wines and Liquurs. SKAOIT RIVER. LARRABEE t. CO. Will praetice In the Courts of Law, Cbancerr, level tbe lllliile of a larger growth, and rods. The depth of the chnnnel of indi1111ant that she could hRnlly retain f'mDilsbera and Proprietors. and Admiralty of Wubillgton Territmy. Olllce 316 Front Street, comer of Measrs. Hill and Sweeny, on beha!C also Fir, Spruce and Cedar, Bndin some course varies,. but we are informed by herself. At one time in the evenmg en Commercial street. TERJI I Commercial, of the Skagit River Company, having places excellent large t.imber reaches th3 Indians that Bt the lowest stage of she was round almost crazy with exdte­ Slagle Copy One Year . ........ .. ...... .. $3 00 made a thorough exploration of that re­ to the riwr banks. There is an under· water on the worst bars, t-here is a depth ment with a gun-in han·d, Rnd declaring .. •· S« Monti•• ............. ..... '2 00 McNAUGHT & LEARY, SAN FRANCISCO. gion, make the Collowing report to the growth of briars, salmon ber.ies, nettles, of three feet. If this is so, we hnve on- she intended to shoot btr trad.ncr.rR . .. H Throe " ................ 160 SEATTLE, W. T. 3iaa:te Number..• . ..•. •• . ..• •.. ... ~ ... 12 LLOYD WHISKEY! Board of Directors : goose berries and grasses everywhere, ly to solve. the questions-How to get So excited did she become tbRt she al- · Pilyable Invariably In Advanee. Real Estate and Tax Agents, GenUe.aen :-Acting under your spe­ and the soil is mostly alluvial sediment -'. STEAlllER most lost her reaaon. She repeatedly Sole ~1,ge~ts on the Pacific mixt:d with a vegetable and lign~ous Bbove the jam? and the all-important a•snred her husband of her innocence, 1\ATE!i OF ADVERTIMING1 REAL ESTATE b:mght and sold. cial instructions, and benring in mind Joe Square of 12 Lines. 1st Insertion ..... $2 00 Coast for the sale of the cele­ the general objects Bnd purposes for ruould. question in every business enterprise- but the idle gessipa who infest Green· ~eh subsequent ln ~ rtion .. ·- .......... 1 00 LOANS negotiated. brated LLOYD KENTUCKY which the" Skagit River Co." was in­ The valley immediatelyabovetheJam Will it pay? We sought for .a passage ville, and other places took up the Yearly and quarterly adverlioementa at the CLAIMS collected. owest rate&. WHISKEY. stituted, we procured a ~alhnltfit and is perhapa 20 miles wide and ia very through a slough which makes out on scandal and talked about it constantly. December 1. 18Tl. ltf. J08 PRINTING FOB !!!&ALE. len Seattle on Monday morning, June much like the country below. Two or the north side about two wiles above Mrs. Harold seemed bore do'IFD by these 17th, by steamer J. B. Libby, arriving tbroo claims have been taken up and the jam, and traced this some distance, repetitions or the scandal. About this ( every descriptiG!l done M the Jiloet rtaiiOD· LOTS IN CITY OF SE.\.'l"l'LE, im, ~blo rates. at Swinimish Reservation the same day, cabins built within five miles· or the but learned that it spread out below, time her sou, a Lieutenant in the U. proved and unimproved. CLOSING OUT at seven o'clock P. ¥. Jam, but located, it seems, on the lowest over the Swinomish flats, and could not S. Army, a young man of high cbame• AOENT81 Also, LANDS in King, Kitsap, Sno­ Olympia_ ..... ......... .. Capt. Fnnl< Tnbell. Here obtaining such further supplies ground because easily cleared, they be made navigable for a canoe. A steam- ter and excellent traits, came home on homish and Island Counties. Steilacoom . •••....••. •.••... Irvmg Ball~rd. At Cost! as was thought necessary, we hired a were found to be too wet at high water er would then have to be built above the a leave of absence. It was thought best V1ctoria, B . C ..• •• ...•••. Charlas McCor m1ck. Port Town ~ud, .. .•.••• •....•. Geor c:c Barthrop Tracts at HOL1\IES' HARBOR, CA­ canoe to take us up the North Fork, or and have been abandoned. jam, or taken over the road around it. to keep him ignorant of the sli\Dder, as Port Discovery, ...................!tl. l\lc:\lahon MANO ISL.\ND, MUKILTEO, PORT Snobomil:ih City ......... ....... E. C. Fer'fllSOD O MAKE ROOM FOR A LARGE mouth of the Skagit, to Conner's Store, The Nncachamas empties into the There is at this moment no trade for a it would only mak" his visit unhappy. ~tau£rbfoer ..............•. .. .... Joseph 61bson TOWNSEND, PORT DI::>COVERY, T ()onsigument of situated at the }'orks, or where the main Skagit from the south eight miles above boat on this route worth mentioning.- A few days after his return word came New Yorlr: ... ..... .......... Hudson k ~Ienet Portland ...... ......•••......••. .. L. Samuels. NISQUALLY. etc. et{l. river divides, about eight milej; from the the Jam. Along this stream an<l around The Indians are poor, ambition less and to Mra. Harold that her mother wu Also. several Bottom Lnud FARMS, Groceries, Provis­ Sound and two and a half miles below the lake at its bead there is an extensive few in numbers, subsisting principally dangerously ill. It was determined that OFFICIA.L DIRECTORY. under cultivation, on the White, Bisek, the Jam. area of good land. Further up, the on fish nnd berries. ThEy have few Mrs. H~itold should go to the sick bed JLINO COUNTY. Cedar, and Duwami~h Rivers. ions, &c., banks are generally higher and the skins to traffic, and scarcely nny money in Rhea county, rather than her si11ter, Oraago Jocob!l •. ...... Judge of Di•lrict Court. This being t.be period of the Spring country less liable to overftow. There They have never learned to want much. li'iing with her, as the visit woulcJ. take o~Tid T. Denny, .... ............ County Judge. .AGENTS-For Remington and Osgood, I to-day commenced to dispose or my freshet, and the river high, the North Lewio V. Wyckotr ................ ....... Sberi.Jr. New York; Benjamin Flint, San Jose, Fork at this date would now be nnviga· is one tract of good timber extending and the trade with tberu would be insig- her from the scandal and give her rest. California, etc. etc. ext~nsive Stock of Gardner KeUog~ ... .. ................ Auditor. ble for good sized steamers, but proba· over a mile along the water and more nificant. There is but one white settler Her aon accompanied her. They reach· JIICN.,UGRT ok LEARY. Oli Yer C. Shorey . ...................Trea&urer . CLOTHING, bly would not be for any but of the than half a mile back. on the river, and y<:t, notwithstanding ed the mother:s house, after a short trip JAMES ],[~AUGBT,l Gears• F. Wllitworth . .. : ... ...... Surveyor. At the mouth of the Yeteche, twenty nll this we believe that the enterprise during which Mrs. H~old seemed nry Willla.m H . Sboudy .....•... .... ... Asoessor. JOHN LEARY, f li~ht~st draft at low water. The Soulb Boots and Shoes, miles up; is located Mr. A. William· would pay from its inception. Steam despondent. But her son, still , ignor• Jo~tiab SettJe ..••. ••• . •• ·.. ..••.. • .•.. Coroner. Seattle, W. T. Aug. 28, 1871. 15tf. Fork is known to be navigable nt all Peter Saar, . Henry L. Yesler, and Franc ill Me Hats and Caps. seasons for any of our rirer steamers. son, the only white man above the Jam. is a great missionary of civilization.- ant of the slander, attributed this to her Satt, Count,. Commissionet\. The river is affected by the tides n p to He" ent there last January and has 1\1· So soon as it should be known that a trother's condition. When they reach· etc. etc. etc. tbA lower part of the Jam, which rises ready four or five acres cleared and r.tearuer wus to run on that route, busi- ed her mother's she was found to be CITY Oll' SE.LTTLI!;. Seattle and falls with it about two fett. The plBnted with hops. From Willi•lmson's ness would offer, claims would be taken some better. On the 11800Dd mol'IUD8 Joba T . Jordan .: ....... ............... ll•yor. up to the mouth of the Baker or Nech· up by actual settlers, families with their after reaching there Mrs. Harold aroM Georre McConaha .... ........... ... .. Clerk. A! ClOSI PRifJB 1 land on ar.d around the delta of the nlum River the vallev it not so wide, household furniture and supplies, lum- earlier than usual, 11»d Willi then seen to Charlet H . Burnett ..•....•......•••• Tressuer. FOR CASH! Skagit, from the salt water to the Jam, c. C. Perklna ....••..••.•.• . •• .•.... "R4tconler. is of excellent quality though mostly but there are many tracts of splendid her, stock, fnrmingimplementsandmer- take from her son's satchel hill amaU L . V. Wyekotr .. .. ............... HarsbaU. BREWERY land Cor farrung, and much valuable chandis~>, would be ready to go up be- pistol. Her mother supposed she waa 1:7'Call early if you wish to IU'Cnre heavily timbere'l ; it is a district ot sev­ Beriab Bro.,., .....................City Printer bargains.
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