Foundry and Machine Shops, / -



Of all kinds built, estimated for and repaired. Castings of all kinds, in Iron and Brass, including House Work. Pattern Shop in connection with the Works. TO SAVE MONEY,

Buy your Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods at the STAR CLOTHING HOUSE,


Leading Clothiers and Hatters. DIRECTORY.

O. W. LYNCH. L. M. . LYNCH & WOOD, DEALERS IN Bedding, Wlatfrasses, Lounges and Parlor Sets OF THE LATEST STYLE. Window Shades, ' Window Cornices, Poles, Curtains and Lam­ brequins. Carpets sewed and laid with dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. Fine Upholsters' a Specialtj'. 917 Front Street, Seattle. <&» DRAYAGE.^ Every faciBify for delivering freight, moving ma­ chinery and Safes, and heavy materiaB. Goods handSed carefuBBy and satisfaction guaranteed. Coai deBivered to any part of the city. D. RflcDilftSIEL, Drayman, P. 0. Box 27. SEATTLE BiiJISS &M& BELL FOyHDRY. JOHN E. GOOD &CO., Steamboat? Railroad! and MM Castings, Also Babbit-Metals of all grades on hand and made to order at .short notice and of best material. First-class work guaranteed. Brass finishing in all its branches. Old Copper, Brass and Lead wanted. 421 Commercial street, [P. O. Box 769], Seattle. MEDICAL BATHS, Office on Mill street, below Post Office, SEATTLE, W. T.

Invalids who may desire to investigate my new and improved method of treating the body for the different ailments are cordially invited to my institution. DP. H. I)DANE. VILLARD HOUSE, C. S. PLOUGH, Proprietor. No. 15 Mill Street, SEXA/TTLE}, W. T. This Hotel is located near the Steamboat Wharf, and is'the best and • cheapest Hotel in the city. TABLE ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Board and Lodging, 50 cts. Board per week, §4.00. Meals, 25 cts. Beds, 25 cts. j@£|pBaggage conveyed to and from the House free of charge. SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

H. F. Phillips. H. A. Sears.



LIVERY STABLE Commercial Street, opp. Arlington Hotel.

First-Glass Saddle and Driving Horses, also Buggies, Cat rlages, and Hacks to let at all hours at reasonable rates.

All kinds of stock boarded, by day or week with best of care. SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

A. J. CHARLESTON, President. HERMAN J. NORDEN, Secretary. WM. KOCH. Treasurer.



All tvork ordered will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have constantly on hand a large assortment of goods of our own manufacture, ivhich we offer at very loiv prices. We save to our customers the prices off freights from the East and from San Francisco. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Factory over Western Mill Go's Mill, Lake Union. F\ O. Box 527, SEATTLE. SEATTLE. DIRECTORY. WADDELL& MILES, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TIN, COPPER, MARBLEIZED IRONWARE, &c. Particular attention paid to Job Work. Pumps, Steam andGas Fittings.

RANGES, Cook,' Parlor and Box Stoves.

Crockery, Glass and Earthenware, Albany Lubricating, Compound and Cylinder Oil, Wood and Ware, Sheet , Iron, Lead and Copper, Lamps and Chandeliers. Mill Street, off Commercial, Seattle, W. T. * •• • 1^* SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

-•^t^THE ^5^:. mmw&UBBKBm$ i [DAILY AND WEEKLY.] ;

The Leading Newspaper of the North Pacific.

THE POST-INTELUGENCER Takes the full associated press reports; it has the largest circula­ tion and is the best advertising medium;

THE WEEKLY Is the largest paper in Washington' Territory.

TERWiSs—Daily, $10.00 per annum in advance; Weekly, $2.25 per annum in advance. THE POST-INTELLIGENCER, Post Building, Mill St., Sehltle, W. T. SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

MONEY MADE By buying Lots in Seattle (population 12/000), the coming great commercial city of the Northwest. 66 $33, $66 OR $99 EACH.

Title Perfect. Abstract free with every deed.




HUNTER & SHXW'S Seattle Transfer and Express Company. Trunks, Baggage and Freight delivered to any part of the city. OFFICE, WITH WELLS, FABGO & CO. Orders left at the office will receive prompt attention. jggg^Coal delivered to order. ELECTRO MAGNETIC STEAM BATHS. Lissetta H. Yarnes, Operator. LAKE ST., near Western Mill Co's Mill, LAKE UNION. This place is well fitted for the accommodation of ladies. Board and lodgings furnished if desired. Price of baths $1.00 each. W. P. STANLEY, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Periodicals and Wall Paper, NO. 1117 FRONT ST., SEATTLE, W. T. NORTHWEST FRUIT CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN


p.o. BOX 842. GAME, &c. Mill Street, near F>ost=office. TIIR





ALSO J\ cofvn^ivKTr-c


VOL. I. .PRICE, 12.50.



Composition by the Industrial World. Press Work by Clarence Hanford. Binding bjr F. Anthony. TO J-IOK. 11. L. YES LEU,











Has just removed to their new and elegant saBes- rooms, Nos. 635 and 837 Front Street, where they are displaying the Bargesf and finest stock of furni­ ture ever opened in the Territory, and which they are seBBing at greafBy reduced rates. They wish to call particular attention to their extensive Bine of Parfior and Bed Room furniture of aBB grades. GaBB on them or write for prices, as they are desirous of having goods seen and prices compared. SpeciaB designs furnished for mantBes and all interior house decora­ tions. They are turning out work in this Bine which is not surpassed Bay any house on the coast.

SaBesrooms, Bios. 635 and 637 Front Street. Factory, foot of Commercial Street. PREFACE.

THE preface of books are generally written to give the author or compiler an opportunity to make to the public any remarks per­ taining to his publication which may, in a measure, tend to explain any discrepancies or. ambiguous portions of his book. This will be no exception to the rule. In compiling the present volume of the City Directory, the pub­ lishers have endeavored to get the matter as nearly accurate as it is possible to get a publication of its kind. Considerable difficulty has been experienced on account of the imperfect numbering of the buildings, and for this reason, in many cases, the numbers have been omitted. The list of secret and benevolent societies, city and county officials, the classified business directory, etc., will be found reliable, and of great convenience for handy reference. The present volume contains 2850 single names; the number of firms engaged in all classes of business is 474; the educational institutions—both public and private—number 11; and the city has in her corporate limits 37 secret and benevolent organizations. According to the returns of the last Census, the number of persons to a family is, on the Pacific Coast, 5.38. Estimating on this basis, the city has at present a total of 12,232 white population. The Chinese population is placed, after a care­ ful enumeration by our canvassers, at 400. These figures give a grand total of 12,632 inhabitants. Surely, a splendid showing. The ratio of increase for the past few years has been very great, especially, during the prosperous era proceeding the present year. 14 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Placing the rate of increase for 1885 at fifteen per cent., Seattle will enjoy a population of no less than 14,526 by the first of Jan­ uary, 1886,—an estimate that, judging from the bright prospects of increasing trade and demand for manufactures, she will, undoubt­ edly, more than realize. It is to be hoped, that by the time the next volume of the Direc­ tory is published, the City Council will have passed an ordinance to the effect that the business houses and residences be properly numbered: it will greatly facilitate finding locations, and save much time and petty annoyance. A street directory, published on page 29, will be of some assistance in giving directions to each street. In conclusion, the publishers offer a word of thanks to the citi­ zens of Seattle, and especially to the business interests, for their liberal support. From the beginning of the canvass to the com­ pletion of the book, they have been courteously treated, for which they feel duly grateful.

Seattle, December 1, 1884. PAST AND FUTURE

IN recording the industrial progress of Seattle, it will not be neces­ sary to giye a full and minute detail of every class of events con­ nected with her history, much less will it be imperative to record events long anterior to the time when the arts of peace were prac­ ticed and fostered within her borders. We have much need to lay down this axiom before commencing a record of her growth and development from a mere village of a few straggling houses, in- habitated by a handful of the now old pioneers of Puget Sound. Like all Western cities, Seattle has her romantic history, and were we to pause in recording her growth to take notice of her natural and early surroundings, all suggesting that stupendous fraud over which poets have raved and the yellow covered litera­ ture of the day found its principal character—the noble red man— we might work up a very interesting sketch. But we shall be more interested in the construction of factories and mills, than in the wigwam of the native inhabitant; the sound of steam whistles, the hum of busy industries, will interest us more than his war whoop ; and the erection of fine buildings, great public improve­ ments, and the laying out and building up of the future great city of Puget Sound will please us more than the tepees, war and other barbarous institutions and characteristics. We prefer to ad­ mire the broad and placid waters lapping our shores, not so much for their beauty, but principally as channels of trade and arteries of commerce. Our admiration for the great forests of timber, vast areas of coal and iron deposits, is great in their natural state, but is wholly eclipsed by our calculation of how much wealth they contain, how many people will find employment, and how much machinery wTill be put in motion by their development. We all 16 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

have a fancy for nature in her rugged grandeur,—the mountain, the rlyer, beautyful vistas- of water, "the forest primeval;" but far more £he advance of civilization : the school house and church taking the place of the wigwam; forests leveled to be replaced by beautiful homes; the rivers and bays decked with the ships of all nations; and the arts of peace and civilization bearing fruits in the wilderness. We shall eschew all reference to the romantic character of the early , and will en­ deavor to give a graphic and accurate resume of her rise, growth and development, commencing with the birth of civilized indus­ try within what are now the corporate limits of the city, and, when occasion requires, also mention the immediate surrounding country. To most people in the East,— especially in the New England States,— the names , Puget Sound, Seattle, etc., only suggest a rough settlement in the wilderness, where they imagine the events recorded in dime novels are strewn about rather promiscuously. A place where uncouth and hardy frontiersmen go about with rifles, revolvers, and bowie knives as indispensable articles, with scarcely no civilizing influences. While this may have been, in a measure, the state of civilization thirty or forty years ago, it is now an admitted fact, that practically there is no frontier. The East has been linked to the West by several trans­ continental railroads and the march of progress has been as great,—in many cases greater,—in the Northwest than elsewhere. With this growth and development, Seattle has not only held her own, but eclipsed all rivals, until she now has the largest popula­ tion of any city in Washington Territory, and has been justly termed the " Queen City of Puget Sound." The first indication of a settlement on the site of what is now Seattle, was the same that has so often been the first institution in the forming and building up of so many cities in the Northwest­ ern states and territories—viz., the -mill. This mill was built in 1852. Mr. H. L. Yesler, the builder, in an interview giving the early history of the saw-mills on the Sound, says:—

" When I arrived here in the fall of '52,1 picked out a place for my proposed mill, and Maynard, Denny and Boren asked ine to take a strip between their selected claims, just the width of Mill street, with 120 feet on each side. I soon had my little mill of about eight or ten thousand capacity built and running about on the site of the Post-Intelligencer building. George Frye was my regular standby sawyer, and for engineers I had at differ­ ent times, J. J. Moss, T. D. Hinckley, L. V. Wyckoft, and L. Douglas. John Holgate, Lem H'olgate, Hillory Butler and E. Hajiford used to log for me. I used to load vessels with lumber for China, Sandwich Islands, San Francisco and other parte of the world. When I came here most of the settlers were living in rude log cabins, but my mill gave some of them a chance to get frame houses. I built houses for everybody that wanted one, and ran in debt to do it. There was no mone3''in the country in those days, and I had to get my money out of the houses the best way I could, but so far in the main have no reason for regrets because of accommodations extended. Other mills were set up at var­ ious points on the Sound, at Port Gamble, by Pope & Talbot, Port Orchard, by Capt. Wm. I Benton, Port Madison by Geo. A. Meigs, and Port Ludlow by Say ward & Co., and others. I Thus our lumber interest was started, commerce brought in, and money became more i plenty. Among the other primitive stores of the place were those of Dexter Horton, j associated with D. L. Phillips, L. B. Bettman, now of Olympia, and, somewhat later, Yesler, Denny & Co."

But previous to the advent of the arrival of Mr. Ii. L. Yesler, the Messrs. A. A. Denny, D. T. Denny, 0. D. Boren, D. S. May- nard, W. N. Bell, the Terry Brothers, and a tew others had loca­ ted claims in and about the immediate vicinity of Seattle. Much has been written and printed relative to the early history of Seattle that is inaccurate and unreliable. To fully put the facts before the public, the following statement has been prepared, which can be considered trustworthy:—

SEPTEMBER 10, 1851.—Henry Van Assalt, Jacob Mapel, Samuel Mapel and L. M. Col­ lins selected claims on Duwamish Biver, and moved there on the 20th from Collins' old claim on the Nesqually. SEPTEMBER 25 OR 20.—John N. Low, Lee Terry and David T. Denny reached Alki Point, and Low and Terry located claims. On the 28th, Terry and Denny laid the founda­ tion for a house, Low having returned for his family. NOVEMBER 5—Schoooner JVxact, Captain Folger, sailed from Portland for Puget Sound and Q,ueen Charlotte Islands, with a party of settlers for the Sound and gold miners for the Islands. She reached Alki Point November, 13th, and landed J. N. Low, William N. Bell, C. D. Boren and A. A. Dennj- and their families. FEBRUARY 15, 1852.—Bell, Boren and A. A. Denny located claims on the east side of Elliott Bay, extending north from what is now the head of Commercial street to Bell's present northern boundary. MARCH 31.—Dr. D. S. Maynard reached Alki Point, and Bell and Denny moved their southern boundary north to give him room for a claim. APRIL, 3.—Bel], Boren's family and Maynard moved on to their claims before the re­ turn of Boren and D. T. Denny, leaving A. A. Denny and family sick at Alki until a house could be built for them on their claim. OCTOBER, 1852.—II. L. Yesler arrived from Portland, and claims were reduced so as to give him room for a claim, including the site for a steam saw-mill, the first on the Sound. MAY 23, 1853.—First plat of. Seattle was filed for record by C. D. Boren and A, A. Denny. Subsequently, on the same day, another plat was filed by Maynard. In the winter of 1852-'53 J. J. Flett arrived, and after extensive explorations built a mill at Appleton Cove. It was removed to Port Madison in 1854. In the spring of 1853 Coptain William Benton came to Alki and built a mill, which was removed to Port Orchard early in 1S54. In April, 1853, Thomas Mercer and Dexter Horton arrived, and Mercer settled where he now lives. In December, 1852, A. A. and D. T. Denny discovered and explored Salmon Bay, previously unknown. [Signed,] HENBY VAN ASSALT, W. N. BELL, H. L. YESLER, DAVID T. DENNY, C. D. BOBEN, A. A. DENNY. 18 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Matters progressed steadily until March, 1853, when the Terri­ tory wTas organized, and the general interests of the organization grew apace for the next twTo years. In 1855, Seattle had a popula­ tion of three hundred, several saw-mills, about a dozen mercantile houses of different kinds, a comfortable hotel, and every .indication of thrift, industry and progress within her limits. Then came the first substantial blow at the growth of Seattle, and the pros­ perity of the Territory. During the latter part of 1855 and the early part of \5(>, the In­ dians, then largely in the majority, took the war-path. Several of the smaller settlements about Seattle were attacked, houses burned, considerable property destroyed, and several people mass­ acred. This, we believe, was the only difficulty Seattle experienced with the Indians, resulting in any serious consequences. While this outbreak, in a measure, stopped the growth and development of the fledgeling city, and of the Territory, it was soon followed by the violent political agitation throughout the country, which cul­ minated in the civil war. With scarcely any exception, the indus­ tries of the Territory were severely crippled. At the close of the war, the industrial and commercial interests experienced no marked growth, but a steady—at times somewhat slow—advance was made. All new communities have but one chief desire to be gratified, in order to secure the business, population, and other requisites to the formation and building up of a great city,—namely, a railroad. In this respect, Seattle does not differ from any of the so-called "cen­ ters of trade" that have made desperate efforts to eclipse her.great­ ness, though her experience with railroad corporations has not been very pleasant, up to date, to say the least. To be sure, trans­ portation facilities have only in a measure affected her future, as the navigable waters of the Sound afford every advantage of water transportation. However, it has always been the great am­ bition of her citizens, to secure rail transportation to and from the East, making Seattle the terminal point on Puget Sound. Previous to the annoiicement of the building of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Washington Territory and surrounding country was comparatively unknown; but when that enterprise was ex­ tensively advertised, and its early completion to some point on Puget Sound predicted, immigration and capital flowed in quite SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 19 freely, and an unusual era of activity and industry was experi­ enced throughout the Territory, and particularly in Seattle. Pop­ ulation increased rapidly; factories and mills wrere built; mercan­ tile business multiplied; and the future of Seattle was assured. It will not be necessary to follow minutely the history of the city from the time of its anticipation of becoming the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad on Puget Sound, through the years of uncertainty preceding 1880 and '81. The Jay Cooke failure also tended, for a time, to retard development: the effect was but tem­ porary, however. While these financial reverses were greatly hindering the growth of Seattle, the development of manufactures was not entirely at a stand-still. During this decade, several new lumber mills were built and put in operation. The coal mines, and other industries, were fairly opened, and gave employment to large forces of men, and kindred enterprises were springing up. In 1880, Seattle had a population of 3553 inhabitants, and nu­ merous places of business, including mercantile, manufacturing, financial, and other classes. The unprecedented advance from 1880 to 1884 requires but little record. The story of its magic growth has been written and spread, not only over the Pacific Coast, but throughout the East. A newspaper correspondent, writing of the growth and progress of Seattle, last October, has this to say:— "The most striking feature of the city, and the one most indica­ tive of its growth, is the great number of large and handsome business blocks,—brick structures, that in size and ornamental appearance compare favorably with those in much larger and* older cities. * * In fact, it may be said that Seattle is exhibit­ ing greater building industry during the present year, than any other city in the . Not only is a greater num­ ber of residences in process of erection, but more and costlier bus­ iness blocks, and quasi public buildings. Fully one thousand houses were erected in 1883, at an aggregate expense of $ 700,000, while $100,000 were expended on water-works; $150,000, upon coal bunkers; $250,000, upon street and sidewalk improvements. * * To look at row after row of these solid brick blocks, one would scarcely think that two years ago they were occupied by cheap frame edifices or were vacant: yet such is the fact, and two years will witness a still greater change in this respect." 20 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

The proportion of manufacturing institutions was greater during 1882, '83 and '84, than any other city in Washington, and included many gigantic concerns for a city of the population, size, and age of Seattle. Chief among the products manufactured is lumber. The whole face of the country, from the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean, is a magnificent body of timber. There are, according to the estimates of timber men, 160,000,000,000 feet of standing timber in the Puget Sound region, and mills cut last year almost 500,000 000 feet. Besides numerous saw-mills, there are many other wood­ working industries, including the manufacture of furniture, sash, doors, and. blinds, the making of barrels, etc. Seattle also has a good proportion of iron foundries, machine-shops, and many other industries of a diversified character. There are engaged in the inland traffic of Puget Sound, seventy- four steamers, with a registered capacity of 7,735 tons, three-fourths of which make Seattle their headquarters. As it is impossible to get separate statistics of the city, those of the Custom House at Port Townsend are presented: The foreign arrivals in 1883 con­ sisting of 587 American and 32 foreign vessels; departures, 587 American and 50 foreign. Including foreign and domestic trade, it is estimated that 2000 vessels passed through Admiralty Inlet. Foreign exports amounted to $1,()01,147, the greater portion of which was lumber in its various forms. Coastwise shipments are estimated at $8,500,000, an excess of $800,000 over those of the previous year. Of these, lumber and coal were the leading articles. The large coal fields are one of the greatest elements contributing to the future greatness of the city. These mines consist chiefly of the Renton and Newcastle, which are reached by rail from Seattle, the Black Diamond mine, and those of the Improvement Company. In 1883, the Renton Company produced 235,980 tons; the Seattle Company, at Newcastle, 189,901 tons; making a total of 213,499 tons. The estimated output of mines tributary to Seattle during 1884, will be about 275,000 tons, allowing the Ronton and Newcastle mines the same product as during 1883. In additon to the above coal field?, may be mentioned the great and rich coal area known as the Green River coal district. Until within a short time these valuable deposits have been untouched. At present, parties are building a railroad to these mines, known as the Railroad, which will probably be completed by SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 21

January 1st, 1885. Large improvements are also being made at the mines in the way of bunkers, shafts, etc. At the foot of Mar­ ion and Columbia streets, wharves, bunkers, etc., are also being built. Real Estate in and about Seattle has always been in brisk de­ mand, and commands good prices. During 1883, 2,570 transfers and 59 additions were recorded. The estimated consideration was $4,000,000, the largest transaction during the year, amounting to $85,000. The total value of property, as returned by the city asses­ sor in 1884, is $8,906,681.00. s I There is considerable agricultural land surrounding Seattle, that is very valuable,— indeed, it is much more extensive than would suppose, judging from the general appearance of the country. This land will produce good crops of hay, vegetables, and grain, and is also well adapted to fruit-growing. The grow­ ing of hops, for which the soil of White, Green, and Puyallup river valleys, and the Snoqualmie prairie, are peculiarly well adapted, has, of late years, commanded considerable attention, The hop-growing industry has been so extremely profitable, espec­ ially during 1882, that the acreage has more than doubled. The largest hoi) farm in the United States is that of the Seattle Hop Growers' Association. There are also, in addition to the above mentioned valleys, many tracts of valuable agricultural lands lying along the Sound for miles, which are naturally all tributary to Seattle. The products of these lands all find a market here. It has been only for a short period that Seattle could boast of street cars. Two different franchises were granted during the past year. The first, granting the use of Second, Pike, Front, and other streets, and having for its objective point the shores of Lake Union and the northern part of the city ; the other franchise, contemplating a cable road up Jackson street towards , and intersecting lateral branches. The former company has diligently pushed the completion of their road, which was accomplished about October 1st, 1884, when several cars were put to running. Its projectors and proprietors are more than satisfied with the results of their enterprise. Anticipating but traffic enough for the present to pay expenses, they have been agreeably disappointed, as the receipts have not only been suffi­ cient to meet all expenses, but leave a small margin of profits. I 22 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

The cars are neat and comfortable, and, as the city grows, the company will undoubtedly realize a handsome dividend on its in­ vestment. The latter franchise granted—contemplating a cable road towards Lake Washington—seems to lie dormant. No move­ ment has yet been made looking towards its being built. It is, however, only a question of a short time when a cable road will be built, with several spur lines intersecting all parts of the city and acting as feeders to the. main line. The new opera house, owned by George F. Frye,—George K. Beede, lessee and manager,—is equal in comfort, acoustic proper­ ties, stage accommodations, and safety to any theatre on the Coast. It is a massive brick and iron structure, costing over $100,000, cen­ trally located in the midst of all the leading hotels and business houses, and furnished with all the latest improvements; has a fine stage, 36 x 40 feet, complete; fine dressing rooms, green room, and fire apparatus. There are four proscenium and six fashion boxes; the dress circle will seat 250; the orchestra , 250; and the family circle, 500,—all finely upholstered. Gallery comfortably seats 300. The educational facilities of Seattle are superior to those of any other city in Washington Territory. Besides the Territorial Uni­ versity, she has several magnificent public school buildings, three of which have just been completed at a cost of $100,000. There are several private and denominational schools, an academy for young ladies, the Yesler College, an institution for boys, and a business college. In commenting on the financial depression and stagnation of business immediately following the collapse of the Northern Pa- cfic Railroad, Mayor Struve, in his annual message, said:—

" The unexampled activity and general prosperity which prevailed during the preced­ ing year has been unexpectedly followed by a period of stagnation and dullness. This general re-action has a corresponding depressing influence upon the vital commercial and manufacturing interests of our city. The temporary suspension of work in the con­ struction of railroads; the great diminuation of the lumber exports of the Sound, caused by the over-crowded state of the foreign and domestic markets; the failures in the finan­ cial centers of the East, produced by over-speculation and followed' by general feeling of timid distrust; and a variety of other concomitant causes, have combined to reduce the extraordinary volume of business activity and enterprise which our good fortune enabled us to enjoy during the year 1883. It may be safely asserted, however, that the chy .of Seattle has suffered much less in this respect than other corporate communities in this Territory. She has held with a firm grasp her commanding situation as'the chief trade center of the Puget Sound basin, new avenues of commerce have been opened to new settlements; the population has steadily increased and the spirit of improvement has not been subdued to any considerable extent by the .stringency of the money market. The largest and most substantial business structures in the Territory are now in process SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 23 of erection in this city, and others are contemplated to be built in the near future, while some of our wealthy citizens are constructing spacious, costly, and elegant homes, and a great many less pretentious business houses and private dwellings are springing up in all quarters of the city. The present hopeful prospect of an immediate resumption of rail­ road building toward the exhaustless Green river coal fields, which will make this city the natural outlet of the product of these mines, will aid considerably in the full restora­ tion of business activity, and the rich and profitable yieid of the various farm products this year in all the districts tributary to this city will add much to the revival of trade. The indomitable pluck and energy of our people have not abated in the least degree, and there is every reason to expect a continuous accelerated growth of all the material inter­ ests of our city." As the financial institutions of a city are the foundations of its commerce, we will treat of the banks first. The city has three National banks, with an aggregate capital of $250,000, and a sur­ plus? of $56,000. The capital and reserve fund of private banks will largely swell, this amount. There are in Seattle at the present time 63 manufacturing insti­ tutions of every description, a fair proportion of which are of con­ siderable magnitude, and compare favorably with those of other cities claiming a much larger population. The wholesale and retail trade has always been great in all branches of business, on account of her advantages as a distributing point to all towns on the Sound. The manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade for the year ending December, 1884, will amount to over $15,000,000, and promises to greatly increase that amount for 1885. In regard to railroad transportations and connections Seattle has experienced a rather unpleasant career. But despite her not having rail communication with the East direct, she has steadily grown in population and wealth, until she has assumed such pro­ portions that it is only a question of a very short time when she will be linked to the East with bands of steel. No railroad reach­ ing deep water on Puget Sound from the East can afford to ignore her. As every day goes to prove that her rapid development into a great city is more certain, she w^ill beyond question become the center of a system of railroads raidiating the Sound country and directly East. Regarding the post office statistics, which largely demonstrate the commercial activity of a city, there were sold during 1883, $13,319.87 worth of stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards; total money order fund received, $182,541.97; total money order fund paid, $180,424.76; total number of letters and packages han­ dled, 117,128; total second class, 23,430. Every branch of the post office shows health and vigor. We.are unable to give the 24 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. statistics for 1884, but, through the courtesy of Postmaster Carr, we are informed they will fall a trifle below those of 1883, on account of the dropping-off from the number of strangers and tourists that flooded the country immediately preceding and up to the time of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Starting from the fact that Seattle now has a population of 12,632, and that in spite of her having no railroad communication with the East, and the great depression she has experienced immediately following the era of prosperity of 1883, she has stead­ ily advanced, increased in. wealth and volume of business, and it needs no prophet to foresee that she has a brilliant future, and will, hold her supremacy. i Her industrial prospects are of the brightest description. Her j immense coal fields, yet but slightly utilized, the great forests of i timber surrounding her, the vast iron deposits in her immediate ! vicinity, and her superior advantages as a shipping point, all offer great inducements to manufacturers to locate here and invest their capital. Pier merchants and citizens are eager to make sacrifices for the city's benefit, and her people generally are on the alert to maintain her industrial supremacy among the cities of the Pacific Northwest. View the future in what light you will, we can only see for Seattle prosperity and growth of an exceptional nature, and there can be no doubt but what she is destined to occupy the position of the great industrial center of the Pacific Northwest, and justly be entitled to her claim of being the " Queen City of Puget Sound." SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 25

JOHN LEARY, President. .' T. A. WAItELY, Vice President. D. T. WHEELER, Secretary. T. D. CLAliKE, Manager. M. Anderson, Superintedent.

OAPITAL, $50,000.00. Incorporated. February 1st, 1884.


Manufacturers, Wholesale and lietail Dealers in all kinds of FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, AND BEDDING.

Having the best equipped factory in the Territory we are prepared to execute all orders in style and with dispatch


We are the agents in the Northwest for the famous Andrews' School Seats, Office Desks,, Church and Theatre Chairs, and Folding Beds—all at Eastern prices. fl^T1 Inquiries solicited..

Factory, foot off Pike street. Store, opposite Frye's Opera House. 26 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. COAL COAL



Are prepared to supply Puget Sound and Ocean steamers in large or small quantities, with the best quality of


Will also supply families, business houses, and manufactures, at the lowest rates.

Office and Bunkers on Coleman's Dock, foot off Columbia Street.


Seattle, Washington Territory. SEATTLE DIRECTORY.




Collections receive special attention. Deal in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and do a General. Bank­ ing Business. Correspondence solicited.



Post Building, Mill st., Seattle, Wash. Ter.

Bonds, Railway, Gas, Water, and Mill Stocks, City and County Warrants bought and sold on commission.

Domestic and Foreign exchange issued. Letters of credit given. 28 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. DEXTER HORTON & CO.. ^BANKERS^

Cor. Commercial and Washington Sts., Seatle, W. T.

Deposits received and accounts kept subject to Check or Draft. ! Sight Exchange'or Telegraphic Transfer on San Francisco, Port- I land and New York. 1 Sight and Sixty-day bills of exchange drawn in sums to suit | direct on London available elsewhere in Europe. ; Money loaned on approved security. • Bonds, Stocks and other valuables received on deposit-for safe I keeping. ; Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted.


IMPORTERS OF MALLEABLE, GAS AND WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS. Cast Soil Pipe and Fittings, Drain Tile, Stone Sewer Pipe, Pumps and Sinks, Plumbers' Earthenware, AND SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.

Also carry a large line of Gas Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants, Globes, Shades, and Gas Decorations and appliances of every des­ cription. Special attention paid to roofing and general jobbing. Office and Shops, 721 Front Street. P. O. Box 33. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 29


Commencing at. the docks, the streets running nearly north and south, parallel" with the water-front, are named and numbered as follows: Water, West, Front, Second, Third, etc. to Thirty-first st. Commencing at Yesler's Dock, foot of Mill street, going east, you pass at right angles, Water, West,'Front, and ail the'streets numbered from Second up, on the left or north side; on the rig]it or south side, at right angles with Mill street, are Water, West, Commercial, Second, Third, etc. to Thirty-first. Commencing on Mill street, at the Occidental Hotel, Front street runs northwesterly, and parallel with the water-front. On the right or east side, you pass James, Cherry, Columbia, Marion, | Madison, Spring Seneca, University, Union,' Pike, , Stewart,, ! -Virginia, Lenora, Blanchard, Bell, Battery, Wall, Vine, Cedar, i Clay, Lake Avenue, Eagle, and Grant, where Front intersects ! Depot street in North Seattle. Depot street runs east and west, f and forms a dividing line between the streets last named and the j following streets on the left or north side of Depot street, begin- : ning at the water-front, which are named as follows: Banner, | Temperance, Kentucky, Warren, Poplar, , Ash, Box, Willow, I , Lombard, Farm, Dexter, Vine, Orion, Rollin, Bismarck, | Moltke, Lake, Brook, Lincoln, Howard, Albert, Pontius, Mary, : Cedar, and . I Commencing on Mill street, at the Occidental Hotel, and going j east, you pass on the left or north side, the following streets run- i ning northeasterly: Jefferson, Terrace, , and Cedar. Here I Mill street intersects Broadway. From this point, Broadway takes ' a northerly course, and on the right or east side you pass the fol- ! lowing streets: Lake, Prince, Eaton, Crawford,' Barclay, Jessie, i Willow, Edes, Knights, Filbert, Division, Choat, Gould} Hayes, ! Bancroft, and .Hawthorne. The streets south of Mill street to Twelfth run due east from the i water-front, and are named as follows: Washington, Main, Jack- : son, Weller, Lane, Dearborn, Charles, Plummer, Norman, Judkins, : Addition, Town, Seattle, Woodstock, Brunswick, Pine, ,Hill, | Walker, College, Bay View Avenue, Lander, McClellan, Forrest j Avenue, Stevens, Wmthrop, Hanford, Horton, Hinds, Lyons, Or- ' leans, Court, Yesler, and Market. j The numbering of business, blocks, hj as follows: commencing i on Mill and Front streets, the numbers begin with 600; on Second ! street with 500 ; on Third street with 400 ; and so on out to Sixth | street. On Front street the numbers run from 000 up. The nuni- i bering on Commercial street, begins on Mill street with 100; Wash- I ington, 200; Jackson, 800, and so on. Every -I) feet in the busi- ! ness portion of the city is entitled to a number. 30 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.


0. & P. S. R. R. Co.s'- OCEAN DOCK.—Landing place for P. C. S. S. Co.'s steamphips for San Francisco and other ports—foot of Main street. C. & P. S. R, R. Co.'s CITY DOCK.—Landing place for O. R. & N. Co.'s steamers for Port Townsend, Victoria, Olympia, Tacoma, and Puget Sound ports—foot of Jackson street. YESLER's WHARF.—Landing place for steamers running to White River, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, and Upper Nootsack, and also for Port Townsend and Victoria—foot of Mill street. HARRINGTON & SMITH'S.—Landing place for steamers running to Port Blakely, Port Madison, Snoqualmie and way ports—foot of Washington street. COMMERCIAL MILL Co.'s—foot of Madison street. COLEMAN'S—foot of Columbia and Marion streets. W. D. SCOTT & Co.'s—between Madison and Spring streets. STETSON & POST'S—foot of Commercial street. SEATTLE MILL Co.'s—foot of B street. SQUIRE'S—foot of Jackson street. MA NNING'S—Bel 1 town.


D. H. WEBSTER, Harbor Master. There are no specified rates regulated by law for pilotage and towage to Port Townsend and the Straits. Tugs make their own prices, which vary, making any schedule unreliable. The following rates are charged for landing freight on city wharves and slips:—On merchandise and produce, 50 cents per ton; on brick, 25 cents per thousand; on stone, 20 cents per ton; on lumber, 50 cents per thousand feet; on horses, mules, and horned cattle, 25 cents each'; on sheep, hogs, and other live stock, 5 cents each. In cases not provided for above, such rates and charges as the harbor master shall deem reasonable. It is unlawful to land freight on city wharves, inclines, etc., without first procuring per­ mission from the harbor master. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 31


JOHN LEARY, - Mayor J. D. LOWMAN, - Treasurer . C. H. HANFORD, - - Attorney E. S. OSBORNE, _ Clerk W . H[ . HUGHES, - « Assessor R. II THOMSON, - Surveyor S. B. VROOMAN, - - Justice of the Peace DR. G. A. WEED, - Health Officer


FIRST WARD. W A . Harrington, W. V. Rinehart, Chas. F. Clancy.

SECOND WARD. Henn / L. Yesler, Alfred Snyder, E. F. Sox.

THIRD WARD. W G Latimer, B. L. Northup, Geo. F. Frye.


JUDICIARY AND LEGISLATIVE. B. L. Northup, Chairman, Alfred Snyder, W. A. Harrington.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. W G. Latimer, Chairman, H. L. Yesler, W. V. Rinehart.

HEALTH AND POLICE. E. F. Sox, Chairman, B. L. Northup, W. V. Rinehart.

FINANCE. W A Harrington, Ch airman, E. F. Sox, B. L. Northup. 32 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

STREETS AND IMPROVEMENTS. W. G, Latimer, Chairman, Geo. F. Frye, C. F. Clancy.

FIRE AND WATER SUPPLY. C. F. Clancy, Chairman, E. F. Sox, Geo. F. Frye.

GAS LIGHTS. Geo. F. Frye, Chairman, H. L. Yesler, W. A. Harrington.

LICENSES AND REV EN U10. H. L. Yesler, Chairman, B. L. Northup, C. F. Clancy.

HARBOR AND WHARVES. W. A: Harrington, Chairman, E. F. Sox, W. G. Latimer.

SEWERS AND DRAINAGE. W. V. Rinehart, Chairman, IT. L. Yesler, W. G. Latimer.


JOHN LEARY, - - - - - • Mayor E. F. SOX!' j B. L. NORTHUP, j- - Committee on Health and Police W. V. RINEHART, J J. H. WOOLERY* - - - Chief of Police S. B..VROOMAN, - - - City Magistrate E. S. OSBORNE, - . - - - - Clerk D. H. WEBSTER, - - "Harbor Master G. L. MANNING, - - Street Commissioner GARDNER KELLOGG, - Chief Fire Department

*Cliief of Police also acts as Poundmaster.

POLICE OFFICERS. E. A. Gardner, I). IT. Webster, • Thomas Ross, James Welch, Wm. Murphy, Wm. H. Pinckney, F. L. Bangs. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. j T. H. Cahn, Washington, between Commercial and Second. S. B. Vrooman, Front, between Cherry and James, (ieorge G. Lyon,* G. A. Hill.* CONSTABLES. H. G. Thornton,* Lewis Van Doren.* *Newly elected. Term of office begins January 1,1885. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 33


GARDNER KELLOGG, . Chief- W. T. ROGERS, First Assistant Chief D. McKEON, - Second Assistant Chief WM. CAMPBELL, - Chief Engineer ROARD OF DELEGATES. I U. M. RASIN, Pres. Board of Delegates J. M. SNOW, - Secretary G. L. MANNING, Treasurer

ENGINE CO. NO. I. Robert Abrams, Win. Campbell, R. A. Callagan.

ENGINE CO. NO. II. U. M. Rasin, J. M. Snow, Moses Kcezer.

ENGINE CO. NO. III. Wm. M. Jones, Henry Munch, G. W; Brittain.

ENGINE CO. NO. IV. W. G. Latimer, J. R. Kilinear, G. L. Manning.

HOOK ANJ) LADDER CO. NO. I. . J. C. Haines, J. Levy, J. C. Hibbard Foreman Co. No. 1, Horace Young; Engineer No. 1, W. A. Perry ; Foreman No. 2, J. McDonald ; Engineer No. 2, P. Smith; Foreman No. 3, Wm. M. Jones ; Foreman No. 4, T. H. Stagg ; Foreman Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, W. T. Rogers.

CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. Organized,April, 1882.

BAILEY GATZERT, President JOHN COLLINS, Vice President ROSWELL SCOTT, - Recording Secretary T. F. MINOR. - Corresponding Secretary Meets first Monday of each month, in room 6, Yesler-Leary Block. 34 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

TERRITORIAL OFFICIALS. j W. C. SQUIRE, - Governor, Olympia N. H. OWING S, Secretary, Olympia T. N. FORD, - - Treasurer, Olympia T. M. REED, Auditor, Olympia JESSE W. GEORGE, - U. S. Marshall, Seattle 1 C. B. BAGLEY, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, Olympia j A. W. BASH, - - Collector of Customs, Port Townsend 1 WM. McMICKEN, - Surveyor General, Olympia W. A. NEWELL, Inspector Indian Affairs J. B. ALLEN, - U. S. Prose cuting Attorney, Walla Walla j C. H. HANFORD, Assistant U. S. Prosecuting Attorney, Seattle R. S. GREENE, Chief Justice, Seattle Associates, S. C. Wingard, Walla Walla; J. P. Hoyt, Olynrpia; j Judge George Turner, Yakima.


ROGER S. GREENE, Judge 3d Judicial District JAMES SEAVEY, - - Clerk JAMES P. LUDLOW, Deputy Clerk 1 J. H. McGRAW, - Sheriff ! J. T. RONALD, Prosecuting Attorney W. D. WOOD, - Probate Judge f ! S. C. HARRIS, - - . County Auditor ; GEO. D. HILL, County Treasurer ' W. H. HUGHES, County Assessor A. GARDNER, - - . County Surveyor 0. S. JONES, School Superintendent L. R, DAWSON, Coroner 1. WADDELL, - Wreck Master C. M. VAN DOREN, "| C. W. LAWTON, j- - Commissioners W. W. PERRIGO. J SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 35


General Delivery open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sundays, from 4 to 5 p. m. Money Order Department open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Postmaster, O. J. Carr; Assistant Postmaster, W. J. Colkett; Delivery Clerks, W. N. Harris and Miss Mary Manning; Mailing Clerk, Miss Frankie Whaley.


CATHOLIC.—Under the auspices of Church of OUL- Lady of Good Help. Basement of the church, cor. Third and Washing­ ton. L. S. Boothby, Librarian. Y. M. C. A.—In the Y. M. C. A. Hall. Front and Marion. SEATTLE.—At the University,


PROVIDENCE.—Fifth, bet. Spring and Madison. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. Sister Peter of Alcantara in charge. The Hospital has twenty-five private rooms and accommoda­ tions for 125 patients. GRACE HOSPITAL. (Proposed).—Jackson street. Incorporated, May, 1883; under the management of the Episcopal ^Church; five residents of King County constitute the Board of Trustees; fee for annual membership in the Corporation, ^25. It is hoped that the Institution will be in operation early in 1885. 30 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.



OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. HON. H. G. STRUVE, - - - President HON. ORANGE JACOBS, - - Treasurer L. J. POWELL, - Secretary FACULTY. L. J. Powell, President, and Professor of Mental and .Moral Sci­ ences ; O. P. Lee, Professor of English Literature ; O. B. John­ son, Professor of Natural Sciences ; George O. Curme, Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages ; E. V. Bigelow, Tutor in Mathematics; H. H. Chipman, Tutor in English Branches; Nellie G. Powell, Teacher of the Normal Training School ; Min­ nie Thorn dyke, Teacher of Instrumental Music ; Gertie Kierski, Teacher of Voice Culture and Vocal Music ; Kate Almond, Teach­ er of Painting and Drawing. Attendance, about 165.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Thomas Burke: term expires November, 1885. D. B. Ward : term expires November, 1880. H. G. Struve: term expires November, 1887. CLERK—E. H. Webb. CITY SUPERINTENDENT—E. S. Xngraham. DRAWING TEACHER—E. A. Shumway. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 37

HIGH SCHOOL.— E. S. Ingraham, Principal; H. O. Hollenbeck, E. A. Shumway, Assistants.

CENTRAL SCHOOL.—E. S. Ingraham, ex officio Principal; H. O. Hollenbeck, Vice Principal; F. E. Nickels, A. L. Penfield, 0. F. Oheasty, T. J. Piper, Lilian Burrows, E. H. Shumway, I. M. Vrooman, H. L. Pearce, Nettie Densmore, Teachers.

DENNY SCHOOL.—(). S. Jones, Principal; B. L. Northup, Vice Principal; M. E. Condon, Sarah Chatham, Nora Latimer, Flora Parsons, J. C. Lombard, Teachers. SOUTH SCHOOL.—Vonia Hills, Clara Karnes, Teachers.

RECAPITULATION. Number of pupils between four and twenty-one years in city, 2203; increase over last year, 195. Number of pupils attending school, month of October, 1071; increase over last year, 127.


ACADAMY OF THE HOLY NAMES.—Ninth and Jackson, ; Sister Sebastian, Superior in charge. Boarding pupils 10, day • pupils 45 ; total 01. CATHOLIC PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS (FOR BOYS).—Base- \ ment Catholic Church, Third and Washington. Principal, j Wm. W. Pepper, assisted by Rev. Father Em. Demancze. j KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL.—Pine, bet. Third and Fourth. | Mrs. Carl Braetsch, Teacher. ' TRINITY PARISH SCHOOL.—Seventh, bet. Spring and Sene- '' ca. Rev. Geo, IT. Watson, Rector; Mrs. W. A. MacPherson, \ Lady Principal. YESLER COLLEGE.—Second, bet, Seneca and Spring. Princi­ pal and business manager, J. Paul Lange, Prof. Duenekel, assis­ tant. Regents, H. L. Yesler, and John Leary. 38 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.


BAPTIST CHURCH (FIRST).—Fourth, near Cherry. Pastor, Rev. D. J. Pierce. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun­ day school at close of morning service. Prayer meeting, Tuesday and Thursday evening.

BAPTIST CHURCH (SCANDINAVIAN).-^Fourth, bet. Pine and Olive.

BAPTIST CHURCH (SECOND).—Jefferson, bet. Ninth and Tenth. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Ludlow. Sunday services 11 a. in. Sunday school at close of morning service.

CATHOLIC (CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP). Cor. Third and Washington. Pastor, Father F. X. Prefontaine. Sunday services, 8 a. in. high mass 11 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. in. Vespers, 4 p. m. Daily services, 7 a. m.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH.—Seneca, bet. Third and Fourth. Pas­ tor, F. Dillard Hohnan. Sunday services, 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. in. Sunday school, 10 a, m.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (NORTH SEATTLE).—Pas­ tor, Rev. P. Harrison. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday school at close of morning service. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. !l CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (PLYMOUTH).—Second, bet. Spring and Seneca. Pastor, Rev. PI. L. Bates. Sunday ser­ vices, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at close of morning service. Young Peoples' meeting, Sunday, 0 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday evening. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 39

EPISCOPAL (CHAPEL OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD). Cor."Second and Blanchard. J. H. Forrest Bell, minister in charge. Sunday services, 7 p. m. Wednesdays 7 p. m. Sun­ day school, 1 p. m.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH (TRINITY). —Third and Jefferson. George Herbert Watson, Rector. Sunday services 11:15 a. m. and 7 p. m. Friday, 7 p. m. Holy Days, 10:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m.

LUTHERAN CHURCH (SWEDISH).—Cor. Third and Pike. Pastor, Rev. P. Carlson. Sunday services, 3 p. m. Wednesdays, 7:30 p. m.

M. E. CHURCH (BATTERY STREET).—Corner Third and Bat­ tery, North Seattle. Pastor, Rev. L. A. Banks. Sunday services, 10:45 a. m. and 7 p. m.

M. E. CHURCH.(FREE).—Pine street, near Ninth. Pastor, i Rev. John Glen. Sunday services, 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m, Sun- clay School, 10 a. m.

M. E. CHURCH (SCANDINAVIAN). —Fifth, bet. Pike and Pine. Piistor, Rev. Andrew Farrell. Sunday services, 11 a. m,

M. E. CHURCH.—Second, near Columbia. Pastor, Rev. J. N. Denison. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school, 12:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Young Peoples' meeting, Sunday, 10 a. m.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (FIRST).—Cor. Madison and Third. Pastor, Rev. F.'A. Strange. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at close of morning service. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening.

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.—Front and Marion. President, E. F. Sox; Vice President, E. Calvert; Re­ cording Secretary, G. W. Price; Treasurer, John Webster; Gen­ eral Secretary, C. D. Davis. Membership, 90. 40 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.



WASHINGTON COUNCIL KNIGHTS KADOSH, No. 1, j A.-.A.-.S.-.R.—J, F. Damon, 32°, Gr. Cr. C. of H., Preceptor; E. S. Ingraham, 32°, First Lieut, Commander; H. Peterson, 32°, Second Lieut, Commander; O. C. Shorey, 32°, Chancellor; J. T. Jordan, 32°, Orator; Samuel Kenney, 32°, Almoner; C. J. Wright, 32°, Recorder; IT. Butler, 32°, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gilliam, 32°, Master of Ceremonies; E. J. Ames, Turcopillier; J. W. Ed­ wards, 32°, Draper; Wm. R. Phillips, 32°, First Deacon; Wm. Walker, 32°, Second Deacon; J. W. George, 32°, Bearer of Beau- seant; Cyrus Walker, 32°, Bearer of Second Standard; J. A. Campbell; Third Standard Bearer; Oran Kiteley, 32°, Lieut of Guard; H. N. Moore, 32°,.Tyler. WASHINGTON CHAPTER ROSE CROIX, No. 1, A.\A.\S.\R. —J. F. Damon, 32°, Wise Master; E. S. Ingraham, 32°, Senior Warden; IT. Peterson, 32°, Junior Warden; O. C. Shorey, 32°, Orator; Samuel Kenney, 32°, Almoner; C. A. Wright, 32°, Sec­ retary ; H. Butler, 32°, Treasurer; W. H. Gilliam, 32°, Master of Ceremonies; J. A. Campbell, 32°, Expert; W. R, Phillips, 32°, Assistant Expert; J. W. George, 32°", Guard of Temple; H. N. Moore, 32°, Tyler. j WASHINGTON LODGE PERFECTION, No. 1, A.\A.\S.\R. j —E. S. Ingraham, 32°, Master; W. IT. Gilliam, 32°, Senior War- | den; Samuel Kenney, 32°, Junior Warden; J. F. Damon, 32°, ! Orator; H. Butler, 32°, Almoner; 0. A, Wright, 32°, Secretary; ; Amasa Miller, 32°, Treasurer; O. C. Shorey, 32°, Master of Cere- j monies; I. Parker, 32°, Senior Expert; J. T. Jordan, 32°, Junior • F'xpert; PI. Peterson, 32°, Captain of Guard; H. N. Moore, 32°, ! Tyler. Meets 3d Tuesday in each month. ! SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 41

| SEATTLE COMMANDERY, No. 2, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR.— j Em. Sir A. Mackintosh, Eminent Commander; E. S. Ingra- I ham, Generalissimo; W. E. Boone, Captain General; A. L. Palmer, Prelate; H. F. Phillips, Senior Warden; G. N. Alex­ ander, Junior Warden; J. A, Stewart, Treasurer; A. B. Stew­ art, Warden ; C. W. Lawton, Standard Bearer; H. Peterson, Sword Bearer; H. N. Moore, Sentinel; 0. H. Merrick, Recorder. i Regular conclaves held the 1st Friday in each month.


SEATTLE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 3.—E. S. ingra­ ham, High Priest; Wm. W. Poole, King; W. V. Rinehart, Scribe; PI. F. Phillips, C. IT.; Geo. Kinnear, P. S.;. John H. McGraw, R, A, C; H. Gormley, M. 3d V.; H. Peterson, M. 2d V.; IT. IT. Hill, M. 1st V.; C. W. Lawton, Treasurer; W. Rick- ards, Secretary ; IT. N. Moore, Sentinel. Meets 3d Thursday in each month.


A. F. & A. M. OF WASHINGTON TERRITORY.— M. W. Wm. Henry White, G rand Master, Seattle; R. W. Louis Ziegler, Dep­ uty Grand Master, Spokane Falls; R, W. Joseph Smith, Sen­ ior Grand Warden, Kalania; R. W. Wm. R. Andrews, Junior Grand Warden, Cheney; R, W. Thos. M. Reed, Grand Secre­ tary, Olympia; R. W. Benjamin Harms, Grand Treasurer, Olympia; R. W. Albert S. Nicholson, Grand Chaplain, Van­ couver; R, W. James N. Glover, Grand Marshall, Spokane Falls; R. W. John W. Beck, Grand Standard Bearer, Yakima; R. W. Andrew McCally, Grand Bible Bearer, Walla Walla; R. W. Wm. W. Poole, Grand Sword Bearer, Seattle; R, W. Fred H. Epstein, Grand Orator, Olympia; R. W. Alex. C. Campbell, Grand Lecturer, Puyallup; R. W. Wm. A. l^airweather, Senior Grand Deputy, Sprague; R, W. Thos. J. Rawlins, Junior Grand Deputy, LaConner; R. W. W. S. Parker, Senior Grand Senti­ nel, Pomeroy; R, W. J. C. Storey, Junior Grand Sentinel, Gold- endale; R, W. Phijip West, Grand Tyler, Port Madison. Meets | 1st Wednesday in June, 1885. 42 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

GRAND CHAPTER. OFFICERS.—Louis Ziegler, Grand High Priest; Andrew Mc- Cally, Grand Deputy High Priest; Wm. W. Poole, Grand King; Wm. Glassford, Grand Scribe; Thos. M. Reed, Grand Secretary; Edward S. Ingraham, Grand Treasurer; Harrison W. Eagan, Grand Chaplain; Ralph Guithard, G. C. H.; Jas. N. Glover, G. P. S.; George Kinnear, G. R. A. C; Wm. PL Kent, G. M. 3d V.; Jacob Hoover, G. M. 2d V.; Henry Gormely, G.. M. 1st V.; Elias B. Whitman, Grand Steward; Henry F. Phillips, Grand Tyler. Meets 1st Tuesday in June, 1885.

EUREKA LODGE, No. 20.—Wm. W. Poole, W. M.; Henry Gormley, Senior Warden; Albert L. Spencer, Junior Warden; Amasa S. Miller, Treasurer; Leonard Diller, Secretary ; Henry F. Phillips, Senior Deacon; Alex. B. Fletcher, Junior Deacon; | Benjamin B. Freed, S. S.; Wm. R. Ross, J. S.; IT. N. Moore, j Tyler. I SUBORDINATE LODGE. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 9.—R. IT. Callagan, W. M.; J. A. Hat­ field, Senior Warden ; W. A. Jennings, Junior Warden; Samuel Kenney, Treasurer; O. C. Shorey, Secretary; C. P. Dam, Sen­ ior Deacon; J. A. McPhee, Junior.Deacon ; IT. N. Moore, Tyler. Meets on. last Saturday in each month.


UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 2.—O. F. Gosper, C. P.; T. P. Wald, IT. P.; George Foster, S. W.; D. L. McConen, J. W.; John Leary, Scribe; W. H. Pumphrey, Treasurer. Meet 2d and 4th Fridays in each month.

OLIVE BRANCH, No. 4.—Thomas H. Bane, N. G.; J. T. Ronald, V. G.; R. C. Allen, Recording Secretary; Adam Orth, Treasurer; E. Stinley, Permanent Secretary; C. H. Macldocks, Warden; M. Corn, Conductor; I. Waddell, Outside Guardian; V. Schmidt, R. S. N. G.; J. 0. Grasse, L. S. N. G.; H. Hoffman, R. S. S.; O. S. Knudson, L. S. S. Meets every Wednesday evening. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 43

SEATTLE LODGE, No. 7.—G. W. Britain, N. G.; A. E. Hum­ mer, V. G.; W. H. Hughes, Recording Secretary; H. H. Meeker, Permanent Secretary; Charles Baker, Treasurer; Jacob Harding, Warden; H. H. Meeker, Conductor; G. L. Manning, J. G.; C. H. Merrick, R, S. N. G.; Joseph Morrison, L. S. N. G.; A. Thur- low, R. S. V. G.; Thomas Wood, L. S. V. G; E. P. Buck, R. S. S.; J. H. F. Bell, Chaplain. Meets every Tuesday evening.

(HiAND LODGE. OFFICERS*.—W. R, Dunbar, Grand Master, Goldendale; Geo. D. Hill, Deputy Grand Master, Seattle; H. E. Holmes, Grand Warden, Walla Walla; L. F. A. Shaw, Grand Secretary, Walla Walla; George W. Hall, Grand Treasurer, Seattle; John V. Meeker, Grand Representative, Puyallup; W. G. Alban, Grand Rep., Walla Walla; E. W. Talbott, Grand Marshall, Colfax; R. Frost, Grand Conductor, Olympia; J. R. Rupley,Grand Guard­ ian, Dayton; J. B. Krienbuhl, Grand Herald, Spokane Falls; A. C. Campbell, Grand Chaplain, Puyallup. Meets 2d Tuesday in May, each year.


GRAND LODGE. OFFICERS.—H. A. Bigelow, Past Grand Chancellor, Tacoma; J. T. Jordan, Grand Chancellor, Seattle; R. G. Parker, Grand - Vice Chancellor, Walla Walla; H. S. Nicholson, Grand Prelate, Vancouver; D. J. Coleman, Grand Master of Exchequer, Walla Walla; Will. D. Jenkins, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, Whatcom ; J. F. McDonald, Grand Master at Arms, Newcastle; J. F. Gates, Grand Inner Guard, Chehalis; R. W. Downing, Grand Outer Guard, Vancouver. •

HARMONY LODGE, No. 5.—H. E. Hathaway, P. C; C. H. Hanford, C. L.; H. Piper, V. C; L. Miller, P.; William Bald­ win, M. of E.; L. M. Bobbins, M. of F.; C. E. Basler, M. at A.; George R. Finn, K. of R. & S.; Louis Jacobs, I. G.; L. M. Garrison, O. G. 44 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

QUEEN CITY LODGE, No. 10.—C. R. Brewster, I\ C; W. F. Seaman, C. C; H. Haggermaker, V. C; C. D. Cowden, P.; John Stratman, K. R. & S.; W. G. Ronald, M. of F.; T. 1). Brown, M. of E.; PI. Bayless, M. at A.; W. G. Wilson, I. G.; J. P. McLellan, O. G.


! GRAND LODGE. ! OFFICERS.—Charles M. Bradshaw, P. G. M. W., Port Townsend, ; W. T.; Thomas B. Handley, G. M. W., Hillsboro', Or.; W. Pol- ! lard, G. T\, Victoria, B. C; D. T.'Wheeler, G. O., Seattle, W. T.; ! R. Newcpmb, G. R., Portland, Or.; R. L. Durham, G. Receiver, | Portland, Or.; C. K. Stevens, G. W., Portland, Or.; J. W. I Waughop, Medical Director, Steilacoom, W. T.

| COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 10.—Instituted, January 25,1879, with | 14 charter members; present membership, 114. William M. j Goodman, Past Master Workman; A. Amunds, Master Work- | man ; A. E. Look, Foreman; T. H. Stagg, Overseer; O. G. Root, j Recorder; E. S. Burnell, Financier; R. G. Caldwell, Receiver; I P. Wixtrom, Guide ; Hugh Stowell, Inside Watchman ; Robert | Morrison, Outside Watchman. Meets in Masonic Hall, every i Monday evening. i ALKI LODGE, No. 33.—George W. Boardman, Past Master Workman; A. L. Spencer, Master Workman; G. N. Alexander, Foreman; C. Robinson, Overseer; Frank Seidel, Recorder; D. T. Wheeler, Receiver; Charles Goldstein, Financier; J. L. Ka- haly, Guide; W. Harmon, Inside Watchman. Meets in Masonic Hall, every 2d and 4th Thursday. SEATTLE LODGE, No. 55.—A. J. DeLeroy, Past Master Work- j man; G. A. Hill, Master Workman; S. Carkeek, Foreman; ! George Stewart, Overseer; O. S. Jones, Recorder; G. L. Man- j ning, Receiver; IT. F. Jones, Financier; J. B. Bangs, Guide; S. F. Milhanij Outside Watchman. Meets in Bell's Hall, North Seattle, every Friday evening. " ' i SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 45 !


Watson C. Squires, Governor and Commander in Chief, Olympia.

COMPANY I). W. G. \Y—K. P. Edson, Captain; E. T. Huff, First Lieutenant; Cbas. K. Robb, Se(jond Lieutenant.

SEATTLE RIFLES.—Joseph Green, Captain; E. M. Carr, First Lieutenant; C. F. L. Kellogg, Second Lieutenant. Meets Tues­ days and Thursdays. Armory under Pacific Hall.

G. A. R,, STEVENS POST, No. 1, OEP'T WASHINGTON. — LIT. Griswold, Post Commander; I). C. Konyon, Senior Vice Comiuander; G. N. Alexander, Junior Vice Commander; A. M. Brooks, Adjutant; A. Slorah, Quartermaster; T. T. iMinor, Surgeon; W. II. Brunk, Chaplain ; W. L. Ames, Sergeant ^Ma­ jor; W. IT. Bryant, Quartermaster Sergeant; 11. Perkins, Offi­ cer of the Day; C. D'Oyley, Officer of the Guard. Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday in each month.


ORPHANS1 HOME.—North side Spring, her Sixth and Seventh. Mrs. Jennie .

HOME FOR FRIENDLESS WOMEN.—North side Cherry, bet. Ninth and Tenth. Mrs. Louise E. Barker.

ILLINOIS CLLR.—E. M. Can-, President; .Mrs. Randolph, Vice President; W. P. Hell, Secretary; Mrs. Densmore, Treasurer.

KNIGHTS OF HONOR,—S. 11. dough, Director; S. I). Croc­ kett, Reporter. Meets at 7:30 p. m. each 2d and 4th Wednesday in each month.

KING COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY.—Dr. G. A. Weed, Presi­ dent; Dr. J. O. Sundberg, Secretary. Meets 1st Wednesday in each month. 40 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

ORCHESTRIAL UNION.— Wm. Meydenbauer, President; T. Mesdag, Secretary; W. A. Smith, Treasurer; F. K. Hepburn, Director.

WASHINGTON TERRITORY MEDICAL SOCIETY.—Dr. E. L. Smith, President; Dr. Mary Brown, Vice President; Dr. J. C. Sundberg, Secretary.

B. C. AND J. A., SEATTLE UNION, NO. 45.—W. R.' Nich­ ols, President; J. R. Taylor, Recording Secretary. Meets at 7:30 p. m. each Wednesday in Masonic Hall.

MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION.— Thos. Pearce, President; W. A. Perry, 0. S. Meets at 7 p. m. on the 2d and 4th Saturday in each month.

ST. GEORGE'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF SEATTLE.— W. E. Williams, President. Meets in room 0, Yesler-Leary block, on 1st and 3d Saturdays in each mounth. .

IRISH NATIONAL LEAGUE.— Terrance O'Brien, President; M. W. Stackpool, Vice President; M. A. Jackson, Secretary; John Collins, Treasurer. Meets 1st Wednesday in each month.

QUEEN CITY COUNCIL OF CHOSEN FRIENDS.— R. Munch, C. C; W. T. Pilhuan, V. C; C. D. Knight, Secretary; I). Pardun, Treasurer. Meets in Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Tuesdays in each month.

A.RI.ON.—I). Harms, President; L. Reinig, Vice President; F. Bratsch, .Recording Secretaty; V. Schmid, Financial Secretary ; S. Kreidel, Treasurer; Theo. Ball, Librarian; F. Dickmar, F. Gasch, H. Lohse, E. Meyer, G. Benninghausen, A. Mehlhorn, Trustees.

SEATTLE ROD AND GUN CLUB.—Hon. O. Jacobs, Presi­ dent; W. H. Pumphrcy, Vice President; Maurice McMiekcn, Secretary and Treasurer; M. W. Stackpool, W. A. Hardy, F. B. Boarman, IT. H. Lewis and Wm. Robertson, Executive Com­ mittee. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 47

WOMANS' CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION.— C. K. Jenner, President; A. Hurst, Vice President; Miss Edith Sanderson, Secretary ; Mrs. W. H. Reeves, Treasurer; Miss Car­ rie R. Jones, Corresponding Secretary. Meet at 3 p. m., each Friday at M. 1.0. Church. THE LADIES' RELIEF SOCIETY.—Mrs. John Leary, Presi­ dent; Mrs. 0. M. Sanderson, Vice President; Mrs. Bailey, Gat- zert, Treasurer; Mrs. J. C. Haines, Secretary; Mrs. T. T. Minor, Assistant. Secretary. Meets in Odd Fellow's Hall the 1st Tues­ day in each month. SEATTLE LODGE, No. 0, L O. G. T.—John B. Denny, W. C. T.; Cora R, Gormley, W. V. T.; W. H. Hall, W. R. S.; Lizzie Ward, W. A. S.; IT. W. Scott, W. F. S.; Carrie Jones, W. T.; Bertha, Said, W. I". G.; H. E. Davidson, W. O. G. Meets every Monday at 7:30 p. ,m. SEATTLE LODGE, No. 342, I. O. B. B.— I. Harris, President! S. Rosenberg, Vice President; J. Hershberg, Recording Secretary; Henry Lobe, Financial Secretary; H. Harris, Treasurer; ("has. Kaufman, A. M.; S. Simon, G.; M. Korn, Charles Brasch, W. Wolf, Trustees. Meets 1st and 3d Sunday in each month. INDEPENDENT'ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS, WASH- I INGTON COUNCIL, No. 1.—V. Schmid, C. C; E. G. Case, V. C; A. W. Piper, Prelate; Frank Seidel, Secretory; -Geo. Probst, Financier; R. C. Graves, Treasurer; James Woolery, Guide; T. Taylor, Warden; M. C. Mortenson, I. G. Meets each Thursday in office, of E. G. Case, Yesler-Leary Block. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR,—W. H.White, Past Protector; O. P. Lee, Protector; Bertha I). Piper, Vice Protector; Frank H. Winslow, Treasurer; C. P. Dam, Secretary; Dr. Mary Brown, Dr. Churchill, Examining Physicians; O. E. Arund, Guide; Mrs. Damon, Watchman; J. F. Damon, Chaplain; Miss L. J. Robinson, Corresponding Secretary. Meets- twice each month in parlors of Dr. Churchill.

GERMAN CHURCH.—N.-W. cor Seventh arm Cherry. Pas­ tor, Rev. G. Graedel. Sunday services, 10 a.m. Sunday School, 2 p. m. 48 SEATTLE I) 1 RECTORY

-^*THE <#H

\) Goo 1


Square dealing and low prices. SEAMAN & YOUNG, Mm. 7(06 Front Street, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTL E DIRECTORY. 4i)


Dealing exclusively m this line., we cam fur­ nish consumers with a fresher article for the money than can be FOeCHJISEO ELSEWHERE.

We invite the public to sample our Teas before purchasing. Coffees roasted daily and ground free of charge. J. W. HUGHES, Prop'r, Cor. Second and Cherry. _ 50 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

The oldest German paper in the Territory.

Well circulated all over the Territory.

The test advertising BBiesfiaam isi the Ter­ ritory-

Subscriptions, $3.00 per aimimm* Adver­ tising rates reasonable- PHIL SCHMITZ, Proprietor,

Room 69 {Reinig's &9tig§sfgHgg, Seattle, W. T.

(J. S. WKKSJ-IT. . T. P6LLSVSAN & Ca!™" j —DttAI/IORS IN— i Hew. and Second ! Hand | FURNITURE ; SEWING m A C H I Si E S . STOVES OF EVKKY DESCRIPTION. A.C;K.\T KOIJ VANCOI'YJOT? NUKSERV. CHERRY STREET, OPP. DR. BAGLEY'S, SEATTLE, W. T. r LEADING FURNITURE STORE OF PUGET SOUND. -&+S& VOORHEES *«r^. «• Ha* been (elected, and HO have W. T. PfiLLSBS&ftg & CO., to bo the Leading New and Second-hand Furniture dealers in Washing- ton Territory. We keep a full line of Chamber Sets, in soft and hard wood, ranging in price from $25.00 to £75.00. Parlor Sots, Cooking and Pleating Stoves, Redding, Carpets, Sewing Machines, Gent's Writing Desks, Spring jYfattrasses, Crockery ware. Chairs without number, Wheel Barrows, of all kinds. Agents for the noted Vancouver Nursery. All trees warranted delivered to any part of the Territory. We also pay the highest price for goods of all kinds. Be sure and give us a call before'you purchase. You will get dealing and the worth of your money. Don't; for­ get the place, Cherry st., next to Yesler's Hall, and below Tele­ graph office. ' W. T. PILLMAN & CO. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 51 TRY IT! TRY IT!





RfSarion st., bet..Front and Second^


House, Sign, and Steamboat Painters and ART DECORATORS.

Wo keep the latest desii>'ns of PAPER HASIGBNGS on hand, and are prepared to do work in that line cheaper than the cheapest.


Gilding and Pictorial Painting. Latest styles in Advertising Signs of all descriptions.

All orders executed with neatness and despatch. HARRIS & GREENUS. R KA TT L'K 1)11 UK( 'TO I tY.



S.-W. Cor. Second ^^%d Marion Sts.?


Hake a specialty of fine imported Fan&y Groceries, Swiss and Limburger Cheese.

First-Class Goods at Bed Rock Rates.


Queen City Bakery and Candy


915 Front St., opp Opera Block, Seattle.

Fancy Biscuits, Crackers and PASTRY.


• Having the largest and best equipped bakery on the Sound, are ! prepared to furnish consumers with a superior quality of bread | and pastry, delivered daily at the residence. In our candy factory we turn out sweets in endless variety, : manufactured from fresh material. We furnish the trade with goods in large or small quantities, at the lowest living rates.







KINK MILLINERY, j Is prepared to offer to the ladies of Seattle and the Hound, an j unusual and elegant assortment of Hats and Bonnets, together ' with all the most desirable fabrics for trimmings.

| Emkroider^ faugjfa$ m ai!9 branches. Stamping c8©ra© S

| ' PVlRS. Tvi. T). PEASE, j j 71© Front &fcr©©i? Seattle, W. T. !

|fe^.-> ;•• !o(] HKATTLE IVI R ECT()\IX.

<3D CO =» O £ ft (A £ g 5 CD - •g. S?M- 0 63'S a*. 0 « »S 2TS Sw b m •» a* _ so " I 1 SKA.' DTL'K DIRECTORY. 57 ;


PAOK \*\


VAliK PAttK Anthony, F 70 Merchants' .National Bank 27 Arlington Hotel back cover inside Monarch .Saloon bottom lines Baxter, S. A Oo : 244 Moran Brothers 218 .Brunswick. Hotel cover inside Myer, E back cover Bode AGeiger bottom lines JSTiesz, Whittlesey A Co., down lines cov Boyd, W. P. A Co -. 245 Northwest Fruit Co 8 Brunswick llestaur't, front cover inside Pacific and P. S. Soda Works bot lines Burgert A Booth bottom lines Pease, Mrs. M. D 55 Caldwell, "R. G top lines Phillips Brothers 222 Carkeek, Wm top lines Pontius, F. A 248 Cedar River Coal Co 20 Post-Intelligencer, (daily and weekly) 6 Cochran A Kobb 22:t Puget Sound Furniture. Co 25 Claus A Harms front cover inside Puget Sound Industrial World 7 Calkins AKeddish back cover outside Puget Sound Land, Loan and Ab­ Boot and Shoe Store 83 stract Association bottom lines Chronicle, (daily and weekly) 215 Pumphrey, T. R , back cover Crane, Geo. W.-Emp. Bureau 50 Queen City Bakery 54 Davies, G. A Co ..242 Schillestad, (.) 243 Downing-, Edward B. A Co 27 Sen ram, J. A Co « top lines Doane, Dr. II 2 Sealander, Alex bottom lines Eshehnan, Llewellyn A Co 7 Seattle Brass and Boll Foundry 2 Evans, "W. W. A Son back cover Seattle Boiler Works ." 217 Globe Printing Co 1.08 Seattle Cigar Manf'v...back cover inside Golden Rule .Bazaar back cover Shorey, O." C. A Co 221 Gordon Hardware Co front cover Smith, W. A bottom lines Hall it Paulson .Furniture Co 12 Sound Marl)1 e Works back bone Hanford, Clarence 210 Souvenir Art Studio 189 Horton, Dexter A Co 28 Stanley, W. P 8 Hunter A Shaw 8 Stewart, A. B 219 Hummer, A. E. A Co back cover Stone, C. P 224 Jones, H. A Son 247 Treen, Raymond A Tnrrell 220 Kilbourne, E. C back bone Union Livery Stables 3 Kline, L. A Co 1 Villard House 2 Lair, P. .1. A Co 83 Wash. Ter. Emp. Bureau top lines Lake Union Furniture Co 4 Waddell A Miles 5 Latour A Co 241 Washington Marble Works. top lines Lynch A Wood 2 Washington Iron Works 1 Maginnis, Geo. T 248 White Elephant back cover, inside Magnetic Steam Baths 8 Whittlesey, C. F. AW. H. down lines cov MoClaire, Photographer bottom lines Young A MoKeon 2H McDaniel, D 2 Yarno, Lisselra IT.. 129 McPhorson. W. A 34(5


Averson, C.— On page (So, in third line from bottom, last word naming street, should read Wall. Clarke, J. R.— On page 85, in eighth line from top, ''res Pike, bet Fourth and West." For Fourth, read Front. Cyfert, IX—On page 90,' in bottom line., for Lake Union (list, read Lake Washington (list. Greene, Roger 8.— On page 111, in middle line, to the words "bot Jefferson,'' add and Terrace. Heinig,—On page 119, in ninth line from top, to the words "s w cor Mill and/' add Fifth. M, L. MeCann.—On page 146, in middle line, ubet First and Front." For Mr at; read West. Smith, O. R.— On page 188, in middle line, for Lake? Union dist., read Lake Washington (list. Sodee, John.—On page 189, in twelfth line from bottom, for Lake Union dist., read Lake Washington dist. Yarno, Lissetta H.— On page 8, in advertisemeht of eleetro-mag- nectic steam baths, for Yarnes, read Yarno. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 59


PUBLIC BUILDINGS.—City Hall, e side S. Third, bet Mil and Washington. Court House, s e cor Jefferson and Third. County Jail, n e cor Mill and Third. Engine House, No. 2, e s S. Third, bet Mill and Washington. Engine House, No. 1, Columbia, bet Front and Second. Post-office, n side Mill, bet Front and West. HALLS AND THEATRES.—Arion Hall, cor Pike and Fifth. Masonic Hall, (512 Front. Odd Fellow's Hall, s e cor Front and Marion. Odd Fellow's Hall, Front, near Bell's Hotel, N. Seattle. Turner Hall, Brown's building, Front st. Yesler's Hall, s e cor Front and Cherry. Y. M. C. A., Hall, s w cor Marion and Front. Bijou Theatre, Second, bet Mill and Washington. Opera House, Marion, bet Front and Second. Standard Theatre, Second, bet Washington and Main. BUSINESS BLOCKS.—Arcade building, 021 and 023 Front. Brown's block, n w cor Spring and Front. Bryant's block, w side S Fifth, bet Washington and Main. Ooiman's building, s e cor Mill and Commercial.' Denny block, w side Front, bet Marion and Madison. Frauenthal building, 104 Commercial. Gilmore's block, w side Front, bet Spring and Seneca. Gordon Hardware building, 627 and (329 Front. Kenyon building, n w cor Front and Madison. McPhee's building, w side Fifth, bet James and Jefferson. Mehlhorn block, w side Front, bet Cherry and Columbia. Occidental block, junction James and Mill. Opera building, n'e cor Front and Marion. || Pantheon building, w side Commercial, bet Washington and 1 Main. Poncin building, 683, 035 and 637 Front. Post building, n side Mill, bet Front and West. Reinig's building, s e cor Front and Marion. Stetson


Cedar River Coa! Company, (James M_., general 111*111- ager), office Column's Doek, foot Columbia. Chilberg, Henry II., (Chilberg & Johnson), res eor Marion and Front Creswell, It. M., master sir Colby, res near Manning & Crcswell's Wharf. Currier, (.{. W., collector, Seattle Cbroniele, res Sutter, bet King and Wellcr, Burke's 2d Addition. Dearborn, W. F., (D. F. Dearborn & Co.), res s e cor Charles and ! .ftlevonth. i Jager, George, blacksmith, Commercial, bet Main and Jackson. | Peterson, A. A., tailor, 11 e cor Dearborn and Ninth, res same. | Ivott, Victor, barber, n side Marion, near Front, bds St. Charles ! Hotel. j Seattle Brewtery, (Henry Maner, prop), 11 side Mill, bet Third I and Fourth.. j Thornell, Wm. H., agent, Oregon Improvement Co's coal, dep't. i Winsknv, Frank H., inspector of customs, s w cor Mill and (Jom, j mercial. ! 1 . ! CHANCJKS AND REMOVALS. I

iWirgert & Booth, Front, bel James and Cherry. California Market, (A. ('. Carter, prop), w side Front, bet Spring and Seneca. Choir, M., publisher, guide books, maps, etc., res cor Madison and Williamson. Colkett, \Y. J., assisstant postmaster, 1911 Second. MacCulsky, A. K. & Co., 815 Vesler's Wharf. St.ruve, Haines

•&8H vSS§jg0 °

THE & A. P. Hotaling Co. of Puget Sound

217 and 219 Commercial St.,



Celebrated J, H. Cutter Whiskies,


And Importers of Fine Wines and Liquors.


J. F. WARNER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Whips, Blankets, ROBES, ETC.


O. KELLOGG & CO., ! AVHOLESALE ANJ) K10TAIL j DRUGGISTS1 Largest stock of Drugs and Toilet Articles in the Northwest.



Supply Steamers, Tugs and Vessels gen­ erally, with Best Quality Seattle Coarse Coal.

Stores, Offices and Families supplied with care­ fully screened coal for stove use.


Seattle Office and Bunkers, ft Commercial and King sts.

WM. R. THORN ELL, JOHN L. HOWARD, Agent, Seattle. Ass't manager, San Francisco. ' bOD SEATTLE DIRECTORY. W. 0, SCOTT & CO., IMPORTERS,

AND Wholesale Grocers.

Shipping AND Commission Merchants,

319, 321 and 323 Commercial Street, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. San Juan Archipelago Lime Co. PORT LANGDON. EAST SOUND, WASH. TER.


W. D. SCOTT & CO., GEN'L AGENTS, 319, 321 and 323 Commercial Street,

SEATTLE, WASH. TER. SEATTLE [A] DIRECTORY. 01 WASHINGTON MARBLE WE,™„«„. II. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIKTOK. Everything in our lino constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.


NOTICE.—Names to late for regular insertion, additions, removals, etc., which have transpired during the preparation of the Directory, may be found on preceding pages.

ABBREVIATIONS. bet between w west cor corner res residence e east rms rooms n north bds boards s south dist district

Aaron, H. manager Seattle Bazaar, res n w cor Second and Cherry. Abbott, G. F., and builder, res n e cor Market and Jackson. Abegg, James, res s e cor Columbia and Eighth. Abeloe, Christ, milkman Brook, near Third, Lake Union dist. Abernethy, R., boots and shoes, bet Bell and Battery, opp Bell's Hotel, res same. Abernathy, Catharine, domestic, with Capt. W. H. DeWolf. Able, A. F., prop New Depot Saloon, 813 Commercial, res same. Abraham, Louis, (L. Kline & Co.), bds Arlington Hotel. Abrams, Robert, res 11 e cor West and. Battery. Academy of the Holy Names, Jackson, Ninth, King and Tenth. Ackerman, T., carpenter, res w side Second, bet Lenora and Blanchard.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, PresirtmL I Abstracts of Title made. Junius 'RociiivsTim, fiecvctor}/. Titles passed upon. .Loans negotiated. J. LUTTIIRL.L MUIU'HY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. (2 SEATTLE [A] DIRECTORY. j

WASHINGTON TERRITORY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, i WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR COMMERCIAL. j A.ckley, A., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. j Adair, Geo. B-, manager Gordon Hardware Co., res Seventh, bet ! Terrace and Alder. Adams, Chas. E., builder, res n w cor Mill and Hyde. '. Adams, T., prop Parker House, Water Front, bet Lake ave and j Cedar. j Agassi z, Richard Roland, clerk, First National Bank, res Ward ! and Dexter, Lake Union dist. ! Albee, L. F., carpenter, res w side S. Thirteenth, bet Canal and i i Catharine. ; Albert, S., carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. j Albertson, R. B., attorney at law, with Struve, Haines

Andrews, L. H.T/ conductor, C. & P. S. II. R. Anrud, O. E., watchmaker, with Albert Hansen, res s side Sen­ eca, bet Fifth and Sixth. Amthony/F-, bookbinder, Opera Block, res cor Marion and Fourth. McCLAIRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 719* FRONT STREET, FIRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. if SEATTLE [A] DIRECTORY. 05

MARBLE w R K WASHSNGTON No 1?3 s PflNGsTHEET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. ^Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Anthony, Mrs. F., widow, res s side Marion, bet Third and Fourth Aple, Yo, carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., bds Western House. Arcade Saloon, (Pritchard & Lester, props), s w cor Washington and Second. Argens, Henry, (Neumann & Argens), res s side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. Arion Hall, s w cor Fifth and Pike. Arion Beer Hall, (Foreman & Co., props), cor Mill and Second. Arlington Hotel, (Julius W Smith & Converse P. Farrar, proprs), cor Commercial and Main. Armstrong, Anthony, marble polisher, Puget Sound Stone Yard, res Second, bet Washington and Mill. Armstrong, John, barkeeper, Occidental Hotel. Arnold, George G., farmer, res s e cor Fourth and Jefferson. Aronson, Sigmond, accountant, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., res Second and Cherry. Atkins, Henry A., pile driver, res s w cor Fourth and Columbia. Atwood, E. F., brakeman, C. & P. S. R. R. Auerheimer, H., carpenter, bds Western House. Aurora Saloon, (A. T. Hill, prop) 112 Front. Austin, W. S., lawyer, bds Mrs. Parkhursts. Austin, Edward, carpenter, res Everett House. Austin, C. C, laborer, res 14 Wall. Averson, C, blacksmith, res Second and Wa^, Ayers, Fred'k, brick mason, res e side alley, bet Cherry and Col­ umbia, Eighth and Ninth.


STO RK J. SCHRAM & CO. ^%L^°C - COMMERCIAL STREET. e Bady, Henry, cook, Queen Chop House. Ba$B©^ & Whiftworth, Homoeopathic physicians, 114 Cherry. Bagiey, Dr. A., u e cor Fourth and Spring. Bagley, H. B., physician and surgeon, 214 Cherry, res n e cor Fourtli a n d Spri i lg. Bagley, Rev. Daniel, Pastor Methodist Protestant Church, res Methodist Parsonage, ns Madison, near Second. Bagley, Peter, laborer, res s side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. Baillargeon, Jos., (Latour & Co.) res n e cor Fifth and Cherry. Bailey & Co., Druggists, 222 Commercial. Bailey, Henry, res Front, bet Lenora and Blanchard. Bailey, M., blacksmith, C. & P. S. R. R., res 1911 Third. Bain, Thos., machinist, s e cor S. Twelfth and Catharine. Baity,. James E., cook, Queen Chop House, res e side Sixth, bet Madison and Spring. Bilker, Dr. J. O., physician and surgeon, res

Ballard & Sosi? general hardware merchants, 00G Front. Ballard, M. I)., (Ballard & Sox), s side Seneca, bet'Second and Third. A OIU8fl"r,U AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W o #"%• O BvB SI lfffl, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street,, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE J SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. G7

MARBLE ! WASHINGTON NoS,N6STREET, ' II. M. WRIGHT, PUOI'KIKTOK. : Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ! Ballard & Hatfield, commission merchants, Yesler's wharf, Mill. i Ballard, W. R., master str Zepher, res w side Fifth, bet Union and j Pike. I Ballard, Jo., compositor, Post-Intelligencer, res cor Eleventh and | Stewart. ; Ballard, J. B., teamster, with Robert Russell, bds Western House. ! Ballard, John, laborer, Western Mill Co., res near Saw Mill, Lake [ Union dist. ! Ballard, Mrs. Irving, w side Third, bet Seneca and Spring. I Ballentine, Robert, cabinet maker, res West, bet Pike and Union. i Bang's Hotel, (J. B. Bangs, prop), Depot, bet Warren and Pop- j lar, North Seattle. j Bangs, J. B., res Bang's Hotel. I Bangs, F. L., policeman, res Bang's Hotel. I Bank Exchange Saloon, (Smith & Blanchard, props), s e cor Com- i mereial and Washington. i Banks, Rev. L. A., res n side Cedar, near. Fourth. ! Barker, D. W., bookkeeper, Seattle Mill Co., res s w cor Ninth and : Terrace. ! Barker, W. W., res e side Sixth, bet Washington and Main. Barker, James, laborer, res near Barrel Factory. i Barker, John, laborer, res n side Lenora, bet Second and Third. i Barker, Mrs. Louise E.» Home for Friendless Women, n side Cherry, bet Ninth and Tenth. Barkman, John, laborer, Stetson & Post. Barnes, Hiel, tinner, with Waddell & Miles, res Mill, near P. O. Barnard, Geo. A., carpenter, res s w cor Fifth and Terrace. Barney, L. W., (O. C. Shorey & Co.), 801 Front, res same. Barnum, Perry E., teamster, with M. Densmore, res s w cor Seventh and University. | Barnum, Amos E., carpenter, res s w cor Seventh and University. Barton, S. M., furs and hides, Yesler's Wharf, res n e cor Second and Seneca. BODE&GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand.' Good (it a specialty. 68 SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. ' I WfV§. CAR KE^^^°?YARD ' Garble and @ranite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Barton, Mrs. S., lodging house, n w cor Sixth and James. Bartholomew, Mrs. C. A., boarding house, e side Commercial, near Jaskson. Bar/,, Herman ins, waiter, Queen (.'hop House, res Cherry, bet Front and Second. Basler Brothers, props Seattle Steam Laundry. Basler, C. M., (Basler Bros.), Lake Union (list. Basler, G. E., (Basler Bros.), res Almy, near Elaine, Lake Union dist. Basler, G. A., clerk, with Burke & Rasin, res e side Third, bet Marion and Madison. Bassler, Carl E., barkeeper, St. Louis Beer Hall, res same. Bates, Ryan, cook, Queen Chop House, mis Mrs. Barton's, n w cor Sixth and James. Bates, Ben., cook, Queen Chop House, res Sixth and James. J Bates, JRev. H. L., pastor Plymouth Congregational Church. | Bates, Isabella, widow, domestic, n e cor Fourth and James. j Bates, Thomas, e side Second, near Spring. Batstone, James, pattern maker, res Water Front, near Spring. Batstone, C, Puget Iron Works. Baughman, E. G., mate, str W. P. Monroe, rms on board. Bauman, Peter, prop Lake View Hall, Lake Union dist., res same. Baxter, S. & Co., wholesale liquors, 928 Front. Baxter, S., (S. Baxter & Co.), res Third, bet Columbia and Marion, j Baxter, D. K., tanner, res Fourth, bet. Mill and Washington. ! Bay View Brewery, (A. Heinrich, prop), Bay st., S. Seattle. j Bayer, Paul, laborer, res w side Fourth, near Cedar. j Baylis, Harry R., (Beede & Baylis), res n e cor Seventh and i Madison. j Bean, James R., res n e cor Seventh and Cherry. ! Bean, Lucy, dressmaker, with Mrs. Maddocks, res cor Seventh I and Cherry. !


MARBLE W WASHINGTON NO 1?3^1NGSTREET, | H. M. WRIGHT, PitopunsTcm. Everything in our line, constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Beattie, William, blacksmith and wagon maker, cor Madison and j First, res Main, bet-Second and Commercial. I Beattie, Frank, apprentice, with William Beattie, res Main, bet j Second and Commercial. Beaumont, A., cook, Palace Restaurant, res n w cor Sixth and James. Beecher, H. F., master str Evangel, res s side Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. Beede & Baylis, (Geo. K. Beede & Harry R. Baylis), props Palace Saloon and Restaurant, 722 and. 724 Front, cor Columbia. Beede, George K. (Beede & Baylis), manager Frye's Opera House, res s side Columbia, bet Front and Second. Beede, Thomas, cashier, Beede & Baylis, res Third, bet Union and University. Beenzenhofer, D. G., carpenter, bds St. Charles Hotel. Beckley, Edward, laborer, res foot of Marion. Beckley, E. J., barkeeper, Brunswick Hotel. Beckman, Charles, larborer, res s w cor Twelfth and Pine. Behne, Julius, tailor, with R. J. Graham. Behrman, J. salesman, with M. & S. Gottstein, res Third, bet James and Cherry. Bell, William M., capitalist, res 2.114 Front, Bell, A. A., (Bryan & Bell), res s w cor Third and Bell. Bell, F. A., bookkeeper, rins Frye's Opera House. Bell, J. H. Forrest, minister, Chapel Good Shepherd, res cor Second and Blanchard. Bell, Walter P., clerk for James E. Duff, res Third, near Columbia, j Bell, Samuel, sash and door maker, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. i Bell, Charles, waiter, Hotel Brunswick. ! - I Belltown Exchange, (Charles F. O'Hara, prop), Front, bet Bell | and Battery, opp Bell's Hotel, res same. Benedict, 0. W., bookkeeper, A. E. MacCulsky & Co., mis 1210 Second. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. TCOKON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. Juxirs ROCHESTER, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRKLL MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. i 70 SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. : Benedict, S. G., clerk, with S. W. Hovey, res 115 Stewart. ; Benjamin, A. ()., steamboat man, res n e cor Second and Bell. \ Benjamin, T. C, engineer, res s side Madison, bet Hughston and Kenney. j Benjamin, W. B., farmer, res s side Madison, bet Hughston and Kenney. > Bennett, T. W., contractor and builder, foot of Columbia, res e i side Sixth, bet University and Seneca. Bennett, Harry, candy maker, Seattle Candy Factory, rms .U>15

'; Third. Bennewij, John, laborer, res Water Front, near Blanchard. j Bciiinghausen, G., jeweler, Kimball & Son, res 402 Front. ; Benson, A. W., carriage maker, 217 S. Third, res n side Washing­ ton, bet Sixth and Seventh. ! Benson, Charles, res n w cor Eighth and Madison. '. Benson, James L., barkeeper, Belltown Exchange, res same. ; Berg, Knud, shoemaker, n side Mill, near railroad, res Pike near Eleventh. : Berg, John, laborer, Stetson & Post. ' Bernard, Oliver, prop Office Saloon, res same. ; Bernhardt, Engelman, shoemaker, with John Michel, res cor Pike and Front. i Berter, Mrs. G. A., res 1815 Third. ! Berthier, Dr. A., physician and surgeon, 720 Front. j Berry, Stephen, res n side James, bet Fourth and Fifth. j Berry, George, laborer, res Cloverdale, near Madison, Lake Wash­ ington dist. : Bersch & Hink, saloon keepers, Mill, bet Fifth and Sixth. [ Bersch, J. (Bersch & Hink), res w side Sixth, near Mill. Besher, Ibert, carpenter, e side Broadway, near Choat. Bigelow, H. A., res n side Pike, bet Third and Fourth. 1 Bigelow, Prof. E. V., University, res Third, bet Pine and Olive. • Bigelow, I. N., contractor, res lfill Third. j W. A. SMITH, Agent for HalQetf & Davis and other first. i j class Pianos, Sheet Iftusic and Effiiusical Merchandise.. I 821 FRONT STREET. 1 SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. 71 '' WASHINGTON wlflRBLE "SSWSN.™«r. II. M. WRIGHT, PjtOPKJKToJt. Everything- in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bijou Theatre, (J. W. Smith, prop), S7 S. Second- Bill, George, laborer, Stetson & Post. Binns, John, works at Barrel Factory, res Denny's addition, Lake Union dist. ||| Birckenmeyer, Matthew, laborer, Laurel Shade, Lake Washing­ ton dist. Bird, John, machinist, Washington Iron Works. Bird, F. \V., engineer, 0.

WASHINGTON MAR8LE "£*&**„„„. II. M. WRIGIIT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Boegley, Jacob, shoemaker, s side Cherry, near Second, res e side S. Ninth, bet Plummer and Norman. Bogart, James, butcher, res e side S. Eighth, bet Plummer and B. Bogartus, E. F., contractor, res n side Howell, bet Eighth, and Ninth. Boler, George, farmer, res n side Stewart, bet Sixth Seventh. Bon Ton Barber Shop, (Seifert & Delfel, props), 105 Washington. Bonner, Peter, dealer in wood, MeClain st., Yesler's 2d addition. Boone, Marion, res w side Farm, near Dexter, Lake Union dist. Booth, M. S., real estate, n side Mill, near Past-Office, res n e cor Fifth and Jefferson. " ! Booth, Edwin, hostler, Union Stable, res Commercial, opp Arling­ ton Hotel. Booth, L. E., (Burgert & Booth), res \v side Fourth, bet. Union and Pike. Booth, Lawrence S., deputy county auditor, res 502 Fifth. Boothby, R, T\, lather, res e side Seventh, bet Stewart and Howell. Boran, William, farmer, res 1410 Second. Boran, Miss Gertrude, res 1410 Second. Boren, C. D., carpenter, res s ecor Third and Union. Bories, Fred, harness and saddlery, 817 Front, res cor Second and Marion. Bornstein, Julius, (E. Lobe & Co.), res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. Borella, Anthony, clerk, Julius Tift, res n e cor Fourth and Terrace Borradale, Frank, clerk, A. E. MacCulsky & Co., mis 315 Com­ mercial. Boss, L., musician, rms e side Sixth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Boss, Miss E. R., dressmaker, 017 Front, up stairs, res Third and Union. Bossert, A. J., carpenter, res e side Seventh, bet Virginia and Lenora.



Boston, Lewis G, carpenter, res e side Ninth, bet James and Jefferson. Both ell, George, res w side Lake Union. Bothemm, David C, logger, res w side Farm, near Dexter, Lake Union. Bothwell, J. K., bookkeeper, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co;, res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. Bow, W. H., cor Elaine and Ahny. Bowen, G. E., expressman, res Seventh, bet Virginia and Stewart. Bowen, H., blacksmith, res n e cor Third and Lenora, Bowman, C- E., attorney, (JO-IJ Front, res Second and Stewart. Bowman, A. G, attorney, 108J Commercial, res w side Front, bet Pike and Union. Bowman, J. PL, real estate, res 14.11 Front. Boyd, W. P. & Co., dry goods, 028 Front. Boyd, W. P., (Boyd & Co.), res n e cor Fourth and Cherry. Boyden, J. E., foreman Washington Iron Works, res e side Com­ mercial, near Arlington. Boyle, George, butcher, with W. W. Evans & Son, res n e cor Front and Cherry. Boyle, J. W., carpenter, C. <& P. S. R. R., res s side Jackson, near Second. Braam, Gust, laborer, res Burke's 2d Addition, Lake Washington. Bradbury, I. H., laborer. Gas Works, res near Gas Works. Braden, W. C, printer, bds Tremont House. Bradley, Charles T., laborer, res alley, bet Sixth and Seventh, James and Cherry. Bradwitch, Joseph, fisherman, res w side Front, near Seneca. Braetsch, Charles, civil and metallurgical engineer, res e side Sixth, bet Union and Pike. Braillard, H. E., butcher, with L. W. Foss, bds Occidental Hotel. Branagan, Patrick, stone mason, res s side Washington, bet Sev­ enth and Eighth. I A CIW1E"T"&-I AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W . r^m WlVI I I II i AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. 75 j MARBLE WASHINGTON ^SK}™ STREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PiK)i»itiKTOit. ! 'Everytiling in onr line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brandt & Leek, galvanized iron cornices and roofing, Columbia, ! below Front. \ Brandt, G., (Brandt & Leek), res Cherry, bet Front and First. Brannigan & May, real estate, room »,' Reinig's block. Brannigan, Felix, (Brannigan & May). Brasen, Nicholas, (Allen

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WIVI.CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF | Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. ! Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. .

! Bridges, C. N., tinner, with Waddell & Miles, res e side Water, near Blanchard. Briggs, Edward, salesman, res n e cor Third and Union. Briggs, B. F., cashier, Dexter, Horton & Co., res s e cor Sixth and Spring. Bright, S. E., carpenter, North Seattle, near Temperance and the Water Front. Brillard, H. E., butcher, with L. W. Foss, res n e cor Columbia and Front. Brink, Miss, servant, Occidental Hotel. Briones, Paul, laborer, Elliott's chicken ranohe, Lake Washing­ ton, near Mill. Briscoe, Edwin S., deputy county auditor, res e side Front, bet Madison and Spring. Bristol, H. M., second-hand furniture, Gihnorc block, Front, res same. Brittian, Capt. J. C, res 1413 Front. Brock, L. T. & Co., Seattle Pharmacy, 900 Front. Brock, L. T., (Seattle Phiirmacy), res w side Second, bet Madison and Seneca. Brock way, D., (Seattle Redwood Lumber Yard), bds Arlington. Brooks, A. M., (S. Baxter & Co.), res Marion, bet Fourth and Fifth. Brooks, Andrew, cook, str Glide, res n w cor Eighth and Marion. Brown, Beri ah, Sr., editor and farmer, res e side Seventh, bet Jefferson and Terrace. Brown, Beriah, Jr., lawyer, res w side Seventh, bet Terrace and

Jefferson. f Browne, H. T., (Snow & Browne), civil engineer, res Jackson, bet Commercial and West. Brown, Doctor Mary, 2 Reinig's block, bds Mrs. Parkhursts, e side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Brown, Amos, logger, res 1110 Front.


SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. 77 MARBLE WASHINGTON "B'VE.HOSTREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. . Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Brown, Andrew, laborer, res Kentucky, near Division ave. Brown, Amos, logger, res. 1110 Front. Brown, A. P. teamster, C. P. Stone, res Second, bet Union and Pike. Brown, Charles, laborer, res Moltke, Lake Union dist. Brown, C. F., laborer, Western Mill. Co., res near mill. Brown, Richard, soapmaker, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. Brown, R. II., clerk, Claus & Harms, res cor Front and Madison. Brown, Thomas, machinist, Stetson & Post, rms 21") Columbia. Brown, T. B., foreman Yesler Mill Co., res Ninth and Mill. Brown, G., carpenter, res n w cor Blanchard and Water. Brown, II. M., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Brown, John, soap manufacturer, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. Brown, Joseph H., carpenter, bds Mrs. Williams, s w cor Sixth and Cherry. Brown, Nicholas, fish market, foot Columbia, res s w cor Fourth and Jefferson. Brown, William, laborer, res bet Virginia and .Lenora, below ., Front. Brown, W., laborer, C. & P. S. It, R. Brownfleld, Capt. 0. I)., str W. P. Monroe, res Vine, Lake Union dist. Broyles, L. H., salesman, W. P. Boyd

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRELI. MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. !7_ 78 SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. RRST-CLASS HELP ; Off ail kinds, furnished free of charge, at the ; WASHINGTON STREET BUREAU. j Bryant, Jacob S., vegetable gardner, res w side Fourth, bet Pike j i and Pine. i Budlong, George, boat builder, foot Marion, res e side Second, bet Union and Pike. Buchner, George Porter, with J. Schram & Co. Buck, E. P., finisher, Hall & Paulson's, res e side Second, bet j Blanchard & Bell. j Buckley, Ed. G, teamster, Occidental Hotel. ! Bulkley, C. A., lineman, P. S. Telegraph (Jo., res n w cor James and Second. ; Burce, Rufus L., carpenter, res s e cor Eighth and Spring. | Burge, C, steamboat man, res Water Front, bet Pike and Pine. I Burgert & Booth, harness and saddlery, 114 S. Second. ! Burgert, Amos, (Burgert & Booth), res n e cor Mill and Williamson. I Burgess, W. E., storekeeper C. & P. S. R. R.), res e side Sutter, bet | Jackson and King, Lake Union dist. i Burgess, J. R., niillman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res Bis- | marck, bet John and Thomas, Lake Union dist. j Burian, Gotlieb, shoemaker, res n w cor Seventh and Terrace. Buritt, Walter, house mover, res 1780 Front. Burke & Rush, painters, Columbia, bet First and Front. Burke, Henry, (Burke & Rush), res Front, cor Virginia. j Burke & Eftasin, attorneys, Frauenthal building. Burke, Thomas, attorney, (Burke & Rasin), res e side Second, bet Marion and Madison. Burke, James, drayman, res 2121 Front. i Burke, Wm., res n e cor Spring and Sixth. Burns, Capt. F. J., insurance, res n w cor Pike and Second. ~\\ Burns, Frank J., insurance, (W. H. Taylor & Co.), res n w cor Second and Pike. Burns, George, teamster, res Moltke, bet Harrison and Republi­ can, Lake Union dist. Burns, Richard, laborer, res s w cor Fourth and Jefferson. A CIWIITU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W • rt. Wlwl B I n, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [B] DIRECTORY. 79 ,ARBLE WASHSNGTON " W^S*. mm. H. M. WRIGHT, PiioriurcTOR. Everything- in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Burns, Richard, porter, Pioneer Saloon, bds 25 Mill. Burnett, Frank, clerk, Jas. E. Duff, Ocean Dock, res foot Jackson. Burnett, Charles H., .superintendent, Renton Coal Mine, res n e cor Fourth and Columbia. Burnett, Hiram, res n e cor Fourth and Columbia. Burnell, John S., moulder, Washington Iron Works, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Burnell, Edward W., lather, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Burnell, Edward S., engineer, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Burr, , ship carpenter, Mitchell's ship yard, refis w cor Blanchard and Second. Burroughs, I., barber, 5 Mill, res Front, bet Blanchard and. Bell. Burroughs, Mrs. S. L., french milliner, 1005 Front st., Kenyon block, res cor Pike and Pine. Burrows, Miss Lilian, teacher Central school, bds 1611 Third. Busha, William, (Gold Bar House), res G. W. Young's block. Bushong & Curtis, soliciting agents for Eastern work, 408 Madi­ son, bet Fourth and Fifth. Bushong, E., (Bushong & Curtis), res 408 Madison, bet Fourth and Fifth. Bushong, J., machine hand, Yesler Mills, res foot Marion. Buss, George, laborer, res s side Mill, bet Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Butler, H.j, capitalist, res w side Second, bet Cherry and James. Butler, Tobias, plasterer, res Fifth, bet Mill and Washington. Buttler, H., colored cook, res s ecor Second and Battery. Butterfield, S. H., (M. H. Wilcox & Co.), res Second and Spring. Butterfield, Duane, res s w cor Seventh and King. Buzby, I. W., res n side Union, bet Third and Fourth. Byrnes, Thomas, carpenter, res n e cor Front and Pike. By water, Charles, res s side Mill, bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth.

BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A full lino of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 80 SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. PUGE S YARD WM. CARKEEK, \?^CT ™^ . fflfflarlhSe amsB ©sratraite IsfiwmesiSs, frSsadstOBfles, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STRKICT, SKATTLft, \V. T.

c Cabanski, Martin, tailor, res cor Warren and John. Cady, J. T., plasterer, res e side Second, near Lenora. Cady, Frank (j}., carpenter, res cor Edes and Kenney. ©aBslweiS, R. G., dentist, 9 and 10 Yesler-Leary block, i\^ cor Pine and Ninth. Caldwell, C. A." lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., ren Ninth, bet; Pine and Pike. Caldwell, Charles, laborer, Stetson & Post. Calhoun, Mary A., widow, res s e cor Third and Pike. Ca3SJ®™a Bakery, (G. H. Wright, prop), Front, opp Bell's Hotel. California Market, (A. S. Pinkham, manager), 1123 Front. GaSlkijis & Reddish, grocers, 1105 Front. Calkins, W., (Calkins'& Reddish), res 1105 Front, Calkins, M. S., res n w cor Warren and Depot. Callahan, I). II., machinist, 0. & P. S. R. R., res Third, bet Pike and Pine. Calligan, Martin, drayman, res e side Eighth, bet Alder and Cedar. Calligan, Robert, drayman, n w cor Fifth and Cherry. Caineron, Soloman, carpenter, bds Western House. Calson, C. A., stonemason, rer ne cor S. Ninth and Dearborn. Calvert, Ephraim, draughtsman, Whitworth & Thompson, res e side Third, bet Pike and Union. Calvert, H. laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Saw Mill. Campbell, Miss Fannie, domestic, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Campbell, T. H., constable, res s e cor Seventh and Pine. Campbell, Win., master mechanic, C. & P. S. R. R., res Third, n w cor University. TvicCLAfRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 719J- PROBST STREET, F8RST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. 81

MARBLE R , WASH INGTON MO^?. . K,N. STREET, 31. M. WRIGHT, P.i'Oi»ra-BTOR. Everything in onr line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Campbell, J., (Wald & Campbell), res e side Front, bet Union and Pike. Campbell, J. M., laborer, Seattle Lumber &• Com. Co. Campbell, James, laborer, res s w cor Eleventh and Spring. Cann, T. II., Judge, attorney at law, Washington, bet Commer­ cial and Second, res s e cor Ninth and Terrace. Cannon, A., (Cannon & Dohn), res w side Second, near Madison. Cannon & Dohn, (props the Brunswick restaurant), Brunswick Hotel. Card, (I. W., (Seattle Street Railway), res rear ISIS Third. Card, L. S., expressman, res rear 1815 Third. Gaa'ey, James A., insurance, room 1, Yesler-Lcary block, res e side Tenth, bet Stewart and Virginia.

Carkeek? Wm., (Puget Sound Stone Yard), s side Mill, opp Yes­ ler's Wharf, res Third, bet James and Cherry. Carkeek, M. J., builder and contractor, res 411 Commercial. Carkeek, Stephen, brick mason, res w side Tenth, bet Stewart and Virginia. Carlisle, J. PL, teamster, with R. Calligan, res McPhee's building, Carlson, J., laborer, res e side S. Third, bet Main and Jackson. Carlson, C. O., lumberman. Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Carman, A. C, teamster, res 1700 Front. Carney, J. H., agent (). R. & N. Co., City Dock, res s w cor Union and Sixth. Carpenter, A., laborer, res w side Third, near Cedar. ! Carr, Miss Carrie, res e side Fourth, bet James and Cherry. | Carr, John H., fanner, res s side Madison, near Cloverdale. j Carr, S. B., (Hood & Carr), real estate, res Cloverdale, near I Madison. ' Carr, (). A., carpenter, res , Sarah B. Yesler's Addition, ! Lake Union dist. ; Carr, O. J., postmaster, res Water, bet Bell and Blanchard. Carr, E. M.? attorney at law, room 1, Yosier-Leary Block.



! Carroll, Thomas J., engineer, res e side Elaine,'bet Filbert and • Aloha, Lake Union dist. j Carroll,'James, laborer, Seattle Iron Works, bds Western House. "Carsensoii, Peter, longshoreman, res alley, bet Third and Fourth, I Main and Washington. | Carsto, Andrew, fisherman, res water front, near Union. j Carter, Winston, porter, Brunswick Hotel. Carter, Prof. A. C, pressman, C. Hanford, res Pine, near Eleventh, j Carter, A. C, res s e cor Eleventh and Pine. €ase, E« 13., dentist, Yesler-Leary Block, res 108 Columbia. Case, Charles, stevedore, res 1()08 Front. ; Gaspers, J as., painter, res s side Columbia, bet Seventh and Eighth. Cass, Miss Hattie, res 818 Washington. Cassell, W. C, carpenter, res s side Seneca, bet Fifth and Sixth. j Cassell, John, farmer, res Temperance, near water front, N. Seattle. j Cassell, J., brakeman, 0. & P. S. R. R. j ! Cassell, G., works at Western Mill, Lake Union dist. i Castleman, John, boomman, Seattle Lumber &'Oom, Co., res Lin- i | coin, bet Fifth and Sixth. | ! Caswell, H., teamster, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res Pike, bet I Front and West, | Cavanaugh, teamster for Ed. Herrick, res 1815 Third. j ChafFey, H., dairyman, res n side Jackson, bet Fifteenth and I Sixteenth. I Chambers, Frank, carpenter, res s side Lake Union. j Chamberlain, James, (Elite Saloon), res n side Washington, bet j Second and Third. Champoux, E., (Steamboat Saloon), res Kenyon Block, Front sr> Chandler, res head of bay, S. Seattle. Charleston, Andrew J., pros Lake Union Furniture Co., res Orion, near Western Mills. Charlesworth, Goerge, paperhanger, res Front, bet Lenora and Blanchard.

AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W.A.SSWISTH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL ^MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. 88 MARBLE WASH INGTON ^?^l., sTREET, II. M. WHIG PIT, PROPRIETOR. j Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charley's Laundry, cor Mill and S. Fifth. Chase, William V. bookkeeper, with C. P. Stone, res n side Pike, bet Seventh and Eighth. Chase, Joe J., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res Pike, bet Seventh and Eighth. Chase, Mrs. M. A., res s e cor Tenth and Howell. Chatham, Sarah, teacher Denny School, res Second, bet James and Cherry. Cheadle, R., commission store, Moltke, Lake Union dist. Cheasty, C. F., teacher, Central School, res Fifth, bet Union and Pike. Cheasty, Edward, clerk, W. P. Boyd & Co., bds e side Fifth, bet- Pike and Union. Cheasty, E. S., ship carpenter, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Cherbonaier, W., night clerk, Pacific House. Chew, John W., painter, res n e cor Eleventh and Howell. GhScagjo Boot and Shoe Store, (P. J. Lair & Co., props), 013 Front. Chick, George H., mining operator, res e side Third, bet Columbia and Marion. QrosBherg & Co., insurance and general ticket agents, office with Wells, Fargo & Co, Chilberg, Andrew, (Chilberg & Co.), res n w cor Eleventh and Spring. i Chilberg, C. F., insurance} res n side Jefferson, bet Ninth and Tenth. ChiSberg, Nelson, grocer, 619 Front, res e side Fifth, bet Spring and Seneca. Chilberg, G. J., res n side Jefferson, bet Ninth and Tenth. Ghipman, Prof. H. O., teacher, University, res University. Chisholni, William, machinist, C. & P. S. R. R., res s side Seneca, bet Third and Fourth. Chody, P., cook, French Restaurant, s side Washington, bet Second and Third. BODE &GE8GER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, SeattSe, Wash. Tee\ A. lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good lit a specialty. 84 SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. PUGE N E YARD 'M. CARKEEK, \?:!™?uT° oF Wiartaie and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. ! Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MIL!, STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

: Choir, M., publisher "The American Continent," rooms 19 and 22 Yeslor-Leaiy block. i i Choynski, Merit/,, cabinet maker, Washington, near Commercial, ! res same. ', Christiansen, Nels, section foreman, Cedar River R. R., res e side ', S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. | Christiansen, Mary, domestic, Dr. Minor's, n e cor Twelfth and 1 ('..'berry. ; Christopher, .J. C, laborer, res w side Third, bet Union and Pike. j Churchill!, F. A., Homcepathic physician, and surgeon, office and i residence, Opera House block. ; City Drug Sfiora, (G. Kellogg & Co.), cor Mill and Commercial. \ Gaty Stables, (C. F. Clancy, prop), n w cor Third and Main. I Clancy, Tnomas, real estate, bds James (Clancy's, (>. W. Young's | block. ! Clancy, Thomas, res n side Main,- bet Fouith and Fifth. i (Clancy, C. F., pi op City Stables, res n w cor Third and Main. I Clancy, Charles, City Stables, ims G. W. Young's block. ! Clancy, T. II., Bar Saloon, ies n side Main, bet Second and Third. ; Clancy, John, second cook, Queen ('hop House, res G. W. Young's ! block. i Clancy, James, blacksmith, Mill, near Fifth. i Clancy, Frank, blacksmith, rms G. W. Youog's block. Clancy, C, blacksmith, Washington Iron Works, Clancy, James, farmer, res G. W. Young's block. Clark & Sloan, barbers, 222J Commercial. Clark, W. M., ((Mark & Sloan), bds Arlington Hotel. Clark, J. E., printer, res n side Jefferson, bet Fifth and Sixth. Clark, Gardner, restaurant, s e cor Third and Mill. Clark, J. (.-., helper, Waddell

MARBLE w WAS'HiNGTON NO ^%»Q sTREET. II. IVL WRKiH'LM'HOPKrMTOH. J-Cverytliing in onr line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ! Clark, William H., carpenter, res n w cor Jefferson and Sixth. : Clark, W. PL, oysterman, rnis Pantheon building. • Clark, (Jutting, prop Lake Washington Hotel, Lake Washington, near Jackson st. , Clark, Mrs. Lavinia, res n w cor Jefferson and Sixth. j Clarke, Charles S., compositor, Post-Intelligencer, res e side Sev­ enth, bet Cherry and Columbia. ! Clarke, J. R., night watehnwm, Puget Sound Furniture (Jo., res ; ('lark, R. S., boatbuilder, foot Madison, res e side Second, near j Spring. i Clarke, William, carpenter, res Brook, near Third. '• Clarke, T. I)., manager, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res'e side Fourth, bet Seneca and Spring. | CBams & Harms, wholesale wines, liquors, and cigars, 717 Front. | Glaus, F., (Glaus & Harms), res Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. j Clayton Brothers, millinery and fancy goods, 908 Front. ! I Clayton, P. E., (Clayton Bros.), res e side Third, bet Spring and I j' Seneca. ; Clayton, P. PL, (Clayton Bros.), res e side Third, bet Spring and ' Seneca. • Clayton, Victor, milliner, Clayton Bros., res e side Third, bet ! Spring and Seneca. i ("layton, F. W., jeweler, L. P. Smith

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION j KDWARD P. Ensnx, President, I Abstracts of Title made. i JUNTTS ROCHESTEW, Secretary. Titles ]tassed upon. Loans negociated. J J. LTTTTHKT.L MUHIMTY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. , j SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. ! R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, j i CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. j Cohen, J., glazier, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. \ | Coffman, W. M., Seattle Iron Works, res 2116 Third, bet Bell and j Battery. j ! Cofield, Michael, laborer, Puget Iron Works. i Cochran & Robb, sign and ornamental painters, 903 Front. Cochran, Jesse F., (Cochran & Robb), res n side Union, bet Third j ; and Fourth. ! Cochran, John, clerk, M. Densmorej res n side Union, bet Third i and Fourth. i Cocker, Charles, night watchman, New England Hotel, bds same. Cole, A., painter, bds St. Charles Hotel. j Colfield, M.., moulder, res e side Commercial, near Jackson. | Colkett, W. J., assistant postmaster, res Lake, cor Harrison, Lake j | Union dist. j j Collins, John, prop Occidental Hotel, res s e cor Second and | j James. | i Collins, Josiah, Jr., collector Spring Hill Water Co., res n w cor I ; Eighth and Madison. ! Collins, G. W:, teamster, W. D. Scott & Co. I

CoBnrcan,, James M.9 capitalist, res s e cor Fourth and Columbia. ; Colnian, Lawrence J., bookkeeper, James M. Gorman, res s e cor I Fourth and Columbia. j Colnian, George A,, res s e cor Fourth and Columbia. | CoBorad© ftfflarkef, (Lloyd & Harrison, props), Front, near Kenyon \ block. | Colt, N. B., insurance, s e cor Front and Cherry, res s e cor Cherry j and Third. i CoBumbia frSouse, (R. C. Graves, prop), n w cor Third and Colum­ bia. Comstock, William, upholsterer, J. M. Pearlman, res w side alley, bet James and Jefferson, Fifth and Sixth. ConinierciaB Street Barber Shop, (F. A. Keene, prop), 102 Commercial.

W. A. SSIfHYHp Agent for l4aBB@t & Oavis and etlier ffirst- cSass PSanos, Sneet EHusic and EVBusica!) Sffierchandase. 821 FRONT STREET. SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. 87

WARBLE WASHINGTON ^".EN.STREET. H. M. WRIGHT, PFtOPltlBTOK. Everything in our line constantly on lmnd. Satisfaction guaranteed. I Concordia Beer Hall, (V. Schmid, prop), Mill, opp Post-office. Condon, John, tallyman, Stetson & Post, res 017 Fifth, bet Cherry and James. Condon, Catherine, widow, res 415 Cherry, bet Fourth and Fifth. Condon, Miss Mary E., teacher, Denny School, res 017 Fifth, bet Cherry and James. Conen, Jacob, teamster, res e side Albert, bet Grange and Fifth, Lake Union dist. Gonlon, Michael, steamboat man, rms Oak Lodging House. Council, G. F., porter, M. & S. Gottstein. Connolly, M. C, with Beede & Baylis, 724 Front. Connor, Richard, rms Mrs. Barton's, n w cor Sixth and James. Conrad, Milo, clerk, Wells, Fargo

Craag? George W., expressman, res e side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. Craig, Charles A., laborer, rms Second, near Pacific House. Craig", James, hackman, stand at Brunswick Hotei, res s side4 Ter­ race, bet Fourth and Fifth. PACSF8C AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water,, Ginger ABe, and SarsapariBBa. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box. 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY. 89 \

MARBLE WASHINGTON ^".SU STREET. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in onr line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cramer, Amos, planer man, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res w side Second, bet Pike and Pine. Crane, George W., prop Wash. Ter. Employment Bureau, res cor Eleventh, and Charles. Crane, I). W., res e side Fourth, bet Madison and Spring. Cranney, James, bookkeeper, res e side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. Cranney, George J., res e side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. Cranney, Thomas, res e side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. Crater, C. M., cook, Saddle Rock Restaurant, res n side Cherry, bet Front and Second. Crawford, S. L., editor, u Post-Inteliigencer,'7 res Arlington Hotel. Crawford, Ron M., salesman, J. I). Lowman, res 110 Columbia. Crawford, William, shoemaker, with Treen, Raymond & Turrell. Cramer, Alexander, laborer, res Spring, near Broadway. Creole, Fred, orchardist, e side Lincoln, bet Grange and Fifth. Creg, George, house mover, res w side Second, near Jackson. Creswell, Mrs. (). A., res Water, near Barrel Factory. Crist, William, porter, S. W. Plovey, res Madison, bet Choate and Gould. Crist, Phillip, barkeeper, Seattle Brewery Saloon, res Madison, bet Choate and Gould. Crist, John, fruit dealer, cor Mill and Commercial, res s side Mill, .between Fifth and Sixth. Crist, F. P., laborer, res Albert, near Fourth, Pontius Addition. Crockett, S. I)., Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res n side Wash­ ington, bet Ninth and Tenth. Crockett, C, cattleman, res 2015 Third. Crocker, I). B., res 161 Second and Seneca. Crocker, U., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Crocker, C. H., teamster, res e side Albert, bet Fourth and Fifth, Lake Union dist. Cross, Miss Olive, dressmaker, 1315 Third. Crosby, W. F., commission merchant, bds s w cor Third and Spring. SEALANDER, MERCHANT TAILOR 1003 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. 90 SEATTLE [C] DIRECTORY.


Crossen, •— res e side Eighth, bet Stewart and Howell. ; ("rouse, George, laborer; Stetson & Post. j Cron, Joseph W., machinist, res n w cor "Fifth and Pine. Crowley, Mrs., laundress, Occidental Hotel. j Crozier, George, steam wood sawyer, n e cor Lake and McOlay. j Crozier, J. B., mill hand, res e side Albert, bet Grange and Fifth, i Lake Union dist. j Cruikshank, Mrs. Maggie, tailoress, 719.] Front, res same. Cruise, Frederick, miner, res w side Third, near Jackson. j Cullis, S. L., carpenter, rms n w cor Fifth and Union. Cullity, Eugene, bartender, res s side Spring, bet Third and Fourth. Cummings, Lawrence, carpenter, res Lake, bet Fifth and Grange, Lake Union dist. Cunningham, John,, (prop Seventh Street Grocery), res e side Seventh, bet Union and University. Cunningham, Michael, plasterer, res Lake, bet Harrison and Re­ publican, Lake Union dist. Curme, Prof. George O., teacher, . Currie, J. W., lumberman, s side Seneca, bet Second and Third. Currier, G. W., carpenter and builder, res e side Fifth, bet Jeffer­ son and Terrace. Currier, W. B., barber, 5 Mill, res cor Mill and Lenora. Currier, Mrs. E. A., housekeeper, Brunswick Hotel. Curtis, S. W., (Bushong &.Curtis), res408 Madison, bet Fourth and Fifth. Curtis, J. Fred., master mechanic, res Bismarck and John, Lake Union dist. Curtis, W. G., laborer,, res w side Fourth, near Bell. Curtis, J., painter, res 6 Mill. Cutler, R. C, mailing clerk, Post-Intelligencer, rms 215 Columbia. Cyfert, D., laborer, res s side Jackson, near Green, Lake Union dist.


Dalilquist, O. P., (prop. San Francisco Hotel), res same. Dahlquist, Lewis, San Francisco Hotel, res same. Daily Record, N. S. Snyder, publisher. Dallam, Charles, painter, with Burke & Rush. Daley, J. J., s side Marion, bet Second and Third.. Dam, C. P., bookkeeper, Seattle Lumber & (Join Co., res Third and Spring. Damon, John, machinist, Washington Iron Works. Damon, Rev. J. F., res n e cor Marion and Fifth. Danms, Rudolph, compositor, " Die Tribune." Dana, F., farmer, w side Second, bet Lenora and Blanchard. Danforth, James, expressman. Daniels, Harry, compositor, with 0. Hanford, res Second and Union. Daniels, David, laborer, res Kentucky, near Division avenue. Danziger, S., salesman, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., bds 622 Second. D'Arcy, J. J. & Co., harness and saddlery, Main, below Commer­ cial. D'Arcy, J. J., (J. J. D'Arcy & Co.), res Main, below Commercial. Darragh, John, s side Pike, res bet Fifth and Sixth. Datts, James, waiter, Occidental Hotel. Davis, J. R., carpenter, res 2016 Front. Davis, I. L., leader orchestra, Bijou Theatre, res same. Davis, G. F.,carpenter, res w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Davis, C. D., general secretary Y. M. C. A., res s side Marion, bet Second, and Third. Davis, Lincoln, teamster, with R. Russell, res s side Cherry, bet Fourth and Fifth. . PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. . 02 SEATTLE [D] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Bffiarble and Granite IRJBonuments, Headstones, etc. i Also, dealer in .Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

Davis, W. H., gardener, res Law's 1st Addition. Davis, S., clothing and gents' furnishings, 122 Commercial, res n w cor Third and Madison. | Davidson, S. R., (San Francisco Store), rms w side Third, near ! Columbia. | Davison, Emil, (prop Blue Front Saloon), Mill, near Yesler's Mill, | res same. | Da vies & Co., booksellers and stationers, 118 Cherry. Da vies, G., (Davies & Co.), bds Arlington Hotel. Dawson, L. R., physician and surgeon, 2020 Front. | Dawson, A. I)., with Goorge \Y. Crane, res n e cor Third and Union, i Dayton, Charles, laborer, Yerler Mills, res s w cor Fourth and I Jefferson. j Dean, Allen, waiter, Arlington Hotel. Dean, 1. H., carpenter, res w side S. Fourteenth, bet Canal and ('atharine. Dearborn, B. B., printer, rms Columbia House, P. O. box, 425. Dearborn, L. F. & Co., real estate, cor Commercial and Jackson. Dearborn, L. F., (L* F. Dearborn & Co.), res s e cor Charles and '' Eleventh. Deeds, James, farmer, res u side Stewart, bet Sixth and Seventh. Deitz, F., baker, Occidental Hotel. i Delaporterie, Lnin, cook, French Restaurant, s side Washington bet Second and Third. Delfel, George, shoemaker, res w side Water, near Blanchard. Delea, Patrick, laborer, res n e cor Main and Green. j DeGraf, George, salesman, with Stackpool, Jackson & Co., res 709 Front. DeGraf, Mine. A., dressmaker, 709 Front, up stairs, res same. DeGraf, Annie, dressmaker, Mine. DeGraf, 709 Front, res same. Deniartini, James, scavenger, res s e cor Seventh and Blanchard. Demartini, Joseph, fruit peddler, res e side Seventh, bet Lenora and Blanchard.

UFACTURERS OF BURGERT & BOOTH, "r:D DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS,AWNINGS AND SAILS. . 114 SECOND St. SEATTLE [D] DIRECTORY. 93 MARBLE WASHINGTON "iSIE,™STREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Delfel, William, (Seifert & Delfel), res 105 Washington. Dempsey, Thomas H., printer, res s side Pine, bet Third and Fourth. Denny, A. A., banker, (Dexter Horton & Co,.) res s e cor Front and Union. Denny, R. II., paying teller, Dexter Horton & Co., res n c cor Front and Union. Denny, C. L., assistant paying teller, Dexter H >rton & Co., res s e cor Front and Union. Denny, David T., capitalist, res Republican st., Lake Union dist. Denny, John B., res Republican st., Lake Union dist. Denny, Samuel, res s e cor Seventh and Pike. Denny, Samuel T., master str Daisy, res. n side Pike, bet Sixth and Seventh. Denny, Carl A., .fireman, str Zephyr, res s e cor Seventh and Pike. Denny, Henry L., engineer, str Zephyr, res s e cor Seventh and Pike. Denny, Wilson, jeweler, res s e cor Front and Union. Denny, John W., carpenter, res e side Seventh, bet Pike and Union. Denny, William B., tanner, res Temperance, near Front. Denny, Sarah, widow, res s e cor Third and Union. Denison, John X., pastor First M. E. Church, res s e cor Second and Columbia. Denniston, Samuel A., carpenter, res s w cor Mill and Chestnut. Deniker, George, farmer, res e side Ninth, bet Columbia and Cherry. Densmore, M., grocer, n e cor Third and Union, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. Densmore, Miss Nettie, teacher, Central School, res cor Eighth and Pine. Denton, D. B., secy Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res cor Third and Spring.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS BOCHKSTEH,Secretory. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRKLL, MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. . *8 94 SEATTLE [D] DIRECTORY. Houses and Rooms to Let. Collections I made at Crane's Bureau, Washington street, near Commercial.

DeTiere, John, tallyman, Stetson & Post, bds Occidental Hotel. j DeWolfe, Capt. F. S., capitalist, res cor Lake Ave and Second. i DeWolf, Capt. W. H., captain steamship Walla Walla, res w side j Tenth, bet Stewart and Virginia. DeWitt, Mrs. Louise, widow, res w side Ninth, bet (merry and ' James. j Dibble, C, brick yard, S. Seattle, near Railroad. j Dickman, F., (Gumbert & Dicknian), res w side Sixth, bet Terrace | and Mill. j Dickson, James, clerk, R. Pritchard's, s side Jackson, near Green, Lake Washington dist., res same. Die Tribune, (Philip Schmitz, prop), room 4, Reinig's block. Diller, L., propr Esmond Hotel, res s e cor Front and University. Dillie, G. W., night clerk, Pacific House, res same. Dillon, E. M., res n side Main, near cor Fourth. Dimock, F. C, salesman, W. P. Boyd & Co., res n side Pike, bet Third and Fourth. Dingee, A. S., porter, C. P. Stone, res Cherry, bet Front and . Second. Dishon, M., (Hefner & Dishon), res 1218 Second. Dixon, R. L., res 2» Mill. Dixon, Edward J., brick mason, res n e cor Tenth and Pike. Doane, Dr. H., medical baths, Mill st., 8 doors below post-office, rms J. L. Steve's, e side Second, bet University and Union. Dobson, I., manager Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., bds Occidental Hotel. Dodds, Hannah M., widow, res s e cor Prince and Randolph. Dolan, James, farmer, res Front, bet Stewart and Pine. Dolan, Crist M., tinner, with Waddell & Miles, bds Western House. Domestic Restaurant, (John Caldwell, prop), cor Front and Mad­ ison. Drew, Oscar, fireman, str W. F. Monroe, rms on board. Drezdowlitz, M., laborer, res n side Jackson, near Third.

A CMITU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W . M« OIVI I I ri , AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [D] DIRECTORY. 95 WASHINGTON MARBLE W2R5-. .™«T. II. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Donnovan, J., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. D'Oyley, Chris, carpenter, Washington Iron Works. Doran, Thomas J., bartender, West End Saloon, Mill st., res same. Dorffel, George, res s e cor Joy and Prince. Dorfler, Mrs. Louise, res 324 Washington, bet Third and Fourth. Dorn, B. W., clerk, Calkins & Reddish, rms 1216 Second. Dorsaz, F. H., (Dorsaz & Schwerin), res Kenyon block, cor Front and Madison. Dorsaz & Schwerin, (Souvenir Art Studio), Kenyon block, cor Front and Madison. Doser, John, salesman, Gordon Hardware Co., res 1611 Fourth. Doud, E. A., harness maker, res s e cor Filth and University. Douglas, I-L, painter, res cor Stewart and Twelfth. Douglas, R. W., Seattle Steam Laundry. Dougan & Co., (employment and real estate), Mill, near post-office. Dougan, James, (Dougan & Co.), res n e cor Seventh and Pine. Dohrn, Hiram, (Cannon & Dohrn), res 616 Fifth. Dowald, Alice, domestic, with Paul Singerman, n w cor Tenth and Washington. Dowling, W. J., moulder, Seattle Iron Works, res e side Commer­ cial, near Jackson.; Downing, Edward B. & Co., (Edward B. Downing, Charles LI. Kittinger), bankers and brokers, Post building, Mill st. Downing, Edward B., (Edward B. Downing & Co.), res n e cor Ninth and ("berry. Doyle, John, blacksmith, bds Occidental Hotel. Doyle, Arthur, architect, res e side Lake Union. Doyle, Lawrence, teamster, res Lake, bet Fourth and Fifth, Lake Union dist. Doyle, Mrs. C. A., res e side Sixth, bet University and Union. Drake, , mechanic, Lake Union Mill, rms 215 Columbia. Draper, Edward J., machinist, res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 96 ' SEATTLE [D] DIRECTORY. WM. CARKEEK, PUGE^^™E YARD RfflarfoSe and Granite ftfflonuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Drew, Charles, moulder, Washington Iron Works, res n side Main, bet Fifth and Sixth. Driggs, Mrs. E. A., res w side West, near Battery. Drisco, J. F., (steamboat Cyrus Walker), res 13o2 Second. Drodrise, Marie, res s w cor Washington and Fifth. Drullinger, E. C, blacksmith, res Kentucky, near Front. Drullinger, J., cooper, Barrel Factory, res Kentucky, near Front. Drummerhouse, John, engineer, C. & P. S. R. R., res cor Water and Union. Dryer, Fred, waiter, Occidental Hotel. Dudley, F. M., law student, 108^ Commercial, res e side Front, bet Pike and Union. Duenkel, Wm. B., teacher, Yesler College, res s side University, bet Sixth and Seventh. Duff, James E., agent Oregon Improvement Co., and supt Ocean and City Docks, res e side Second, near Seneca. Duffy, William, plasterer, Everett House. Dullum, J. R., sash and door maker, Stetson & Post. i Dunbar, Oscar W., foreman, "Sunday Star," res Blanchard, bet West and Front. I Duncan, T. H., res e side Fourth, bet Pike and Union. | Duncan, J. D., carpenter, res e side Fourteenth, bet Canal and j Catharine. j Dunn, Alfred, compositor, "Chronicle" office, res n w cor Fourth : and Union. ' Dunn, J. L., foreman "Chronicle" office, res n w cor Fourth and j Union. Durang, James, engineer, str Glide, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. DuPont, Frank, fish market, foot Columbia, res near market. Durgan, Charlie, clerk, J. M. Lyons, res Fifth, bet Union and Pike. Dus, Miiiard, ship carpenter, res Box, near John. fVJcCLAIRErPHOTOGRAPHER 719£ FRONT STREET, FIRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE [E] DIRECTORY. 97

MARBLE , R , WASH INGTON HO T,& . K.N. ST*EET, H. M. WRIGHT, PPOPBIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Durie, D. E-? flour, feed and commission, Yesler's Wharf, Mill st., res n e side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth. Dusharm; Frank, engineer C. & P. S. R. R., res e side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Duvall, F. M., farmer, res First, near Wall.

Edgar, Miss A. J., bds J. T. Jordan's, w side Third, bet Pike and Pine. Edmonston, S. I)., plasterer, res Fifteenth, near Madison. Edson, Edward P., attorney at law, room 3, Reinig's block, res w side Sixth, bet Columbia and Cherry. Edwards, J. W., real estate, 713 Front, res s e cor Twelfth and- Columbia. Edwards, Charles, log hauler, Stetson & Post, res s w cor Ninth and Pine. - Edwards, J. E., steward, St. Charles Hotel, res same. Egar, Frank D., laborer, Western Mill Co. Eisbert, M., tailor, res 1419 Front.

Eider, T. B.9 stoves and tinware, Front, opp Bell's Hotel, res same. Elliott, John, millwright, res w side S. Fourteenth, bet Canal and Catharine. .Elliott, A., porter, Thomas's paint store, res w side Fifth, bet Jeff­ erson and James. Elliott, J. Austin, poultry raiser, Lake Washington, near Mill st, Ellis, William H., machinist, res n side Pike, bet Third and Fourth. Emerson, William, clerk, Stackpool & Jackson, res so cor Tenth and Seneca.



I Emerson, Thomas, helper, with Charles McDonald, res s e cor ! Tenth and Seneca. j Emerson, Peter, expressman, res s e cor Tenth and Seneca. ; Emerson, Ella, res 322 Washington. i Emery & Peterson, attorneys at law, 18 Commercial. i Emery, C. D., (Emery & Peterson), res 18 Commercial. Ennis, William J., bench hand, Yesler Mills, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. * I Ennis, F. C, machine hand, Yesler Mills, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Ennis, C, machine hand, Yesler Mills, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. England, B. O., farmer, res e side Tenth, bet Olive and Howell. England, T., laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Engleblum, Christine, servant, Arlington Hotel. Ensign, A. B., capitalist, res Pantheon building. Epler, Jacob A., res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. Epler, William F., res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. Epler, Miss Jennie, teacher of piano, res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. Eppinghause, W., cooper, Barrel Factory. Eppinghause, Charles, laborer, Stetson & Post, res w side Eighth, bet James and Jefferson. Ericksen, G. tinner, with Brandt & Leek, res Eighth, bet Pike" and Union. Ericksen, L., wood carver, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., bds Orien­ tal. Hotel. Erickson, Mary, servant, St. Charles Hotel. ' Esary, D. N., laborer, res Rollin st., Lake Union dist. Esary, A. J., laborer, res Rollin st., Lake Union dist. Esary, Thomas, laborer, res Lake, bet Fifth and Grange, Lake Union dist. Eshelman, J. F., (Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.), res 1006 Madison. A CIWIIT"LJ AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W . M. OIVI I I II i AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLfrffe] ikftfi^TORY: .'•., 99 MARBL WASHINGTON y^|NG mm. H. M. WRIGHT, PKWREIMK^;'," •—• , ' ' Everything in our line constantly on hiv>v.L- 'saAi?>i&eia


BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 100 ,. SEATTLE [F] DIRECTORY. PUGET S'NDSTONE YARD I. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Mfaristie e^idKirianEte Ponuntents, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lbne'.X^T.ent^etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

Fairbain, J. E., engineer, C. & P. S. R. R., res w side Fourth, near Main. Fairchild, George H., carj)enter, bds Our House, 25 Mill. Fancher, Mrs. Libbie, dressmaker, 017 Front, up stairs, res same. .Fancher, , carpenter, res w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Farrell, A., pastor, Scandinavian M. E. Church, res s e cor Fifth and Pine. Farham, Capt. John, night watchman, Seattle Mill Co., re's w side B. Eighth, bet B and Jackson. Farrar, Converse P., (Smith & Farrar), Arlington Hotel. Fauble, Andrew, cooper, Barrel Factory, res same. Fay, Fred, day barkeeper, New England Hotel, bds same. Fay, M., bartender, res Commercial, opp Arlington Hotel. Fazon, H. H., waiter, New England Hotel, bds same. Feas, Abram, cooper, re^ w side Fourteenth, bet Canal and Cath­ arine. Feathersler, P. G., cooper, Barrel Factory. Felcii, C. G., res Bang's Hotel. Felch, C, cooper, Barrel Factory. Felt, Chas., laborer, Stetson & Post. Felmley, John, carpenter, res s e cor Seventh and. Union. Fenton, J., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Ferguson, David, watchman, Yesler's "Wharf, cor Brook and Second. Ferguson, Mrs. F. A., res w side S. Eighth, bet Weller and Lane. Ferguson, Mrs. Isabella, res Bryant's block, S. Fifth. Ferris, C. W., bds with H. A. Bigelow, Pike st.


MARBLE w R K WASHINGTON No £ s ef,NGSTBEET, I-I. M. WRIGHT, PKOPIUISTOR. Everything- in our line constantly on. hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ferry, E. P., attorney at law, Stetson & Post's building, res e side Second, bet. Marion and Madison. Ferry, L. P., fruits and candies, 608 Front, res same. Fidler, W. W., compositor, res w side Lake Union. Finch, P., tobacco and notions, s w cor Washington and Third, Fink;, Wm- H., watchmaker, jeweler and optician, 222 Commer­ cial, res s side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. Finn, George R., res s side Wall, near Wa,ter.

Pinigan, B.? boot and shoe maker, Commercial, opp. Arlington Hotel, res cor Mill and Eleventh. Finnigan, James, fruit store, w side Third, near Main, res same. Finkelstein, M., American tailor, 1107 Front, res w side Front, near Pike. First National Bank, (Geo. W. Harris, President, W. R. Wad- leigh, Cashier), Yesler-Leary block, Mill and Front. Fish, James, laborer, res Water, near Commercial Mill. Fisher, Mrs. A. C, dressmaker, 617 Front, up stairs, res same. Fisken, A., bookkeeper, Harrington & Smith, res Fourth, bet James and Cherry. Fitzgerald, J., foreman, Puget Iron Works, bds New England Hotel. Fitzgerald, Marcus, baggage master, C. & P. S. R. R., bds Everett House. Fitzgerald, John, carpenter, bds Everett House. Fitzgerald, , res e side Tenth, bet Pike and Pine. Fitzhenry, Robert, lath sawyer, Stetson & Post, res n e cor S. Eleventh and King. Fitzner, E. W., driver, North Pacific Brewery, res at Brewery. I Flaherty, Thomas, sawyer, Stetson & Post, res Pontius Addition, | near Broadway. Flanigan, Michael, fireman, str Eliza Anderson, bds Our House, j Fleckenstein, John,, barber, Commercial Barber Shop, res cor j Front and Seneca. '

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAM AH© ABSTRACT ASSOG1ATSON EDWARD P. ED.SO>T, President. I Abstracts of Title made. NIIJS ROCHICSTKR, Secretary. . Titles passed upon. Loans n J. LUTTKKLJ., MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. 102 SEATTLE [F] DIRECTORY. R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. Fleming, Smith, carriage maker, with Wm. Beattie, res cor Stew­ art and Eleventh. Fletcher, D. L., manager, Esmond Hotel, cor Commercial and Washington, res same. Fletcher, A. B., contractor and builder, n side Pike, bet Second and Third. Fletcher, John E., painter, res 114 Columbia. Fletcher, Mrs. Mary, res at Capt. H. F. Beecher's, s side Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. | Flood, James, (Puget Iron Works), res w side Sixth, bet Pike and Union. Flow, Julius, teamster, bds Everett Plouse. Flow, John, laborer, Gas Works, res near Works. ' Floyd, J. D., steward, Gold Bar Restaurant, res Madison, bet First and Second. ; Floyd, J. C, res n w cor Water and Blanchard. j Flynn, R. T., (Flynn & Anderson), West End Saloon, Mill st. | Flynn, Rev. J., pastor, res e side Broadway, near Division. i Flynn, E., machine hand, Yesler Mills Co., res cor Oak and Front. | Flynn, Thomas, boom man, Yesler Mills Co., res Oak and Front. ; Flynn, Patrick, painter, with Burke & Rush. ; Flynn, P., saloon, s side Washington, near Second, res same. bds St. Charles Hotel. i Fondy, Ed., night watchman, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res foot Marion. Foote, Myron M., lumberman, res e Rose, bet Madison and Knight. Foreman, Otto, (prop Arion Beer Hall), res Pontius 2d Addition, j Lake Union dist. ! Forrest, W. R., secretary Plall & Paulson Furniture Co., res M. R. e side Fourth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Forrest, J., cooper, Barrel Factory. Forsyth, John, carpenter, res s w cor S. Twelfth and Plummer. Forsyth, James, barkeeper, Gold Bar Saloon, res same. W- A. SMITH, Agent for Hallet & Davis and other first- class Pianos, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. 821 FRONT STREET. SEATTLE [F] DIRECTORY. 103 WASHINGTON MARBLE ^SKU.™„T. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Forsyth, Robert, , res Bell st., near Orion, Belltown. Foss, L. W., prop meat market, 106 Commercial, res e side Front, near Madison. j Foster, Geo. H., wharfinger, Yesler's wharf, Millst., res Pontius ; Addition, Lake Union dist. | Foster, Win., steward, Occidental Hotel. ! Foster, C. R., sawyer, Stetson & Post, res w side Thirteenth, bet Canal and Catharine. Foster, A., boiler maker, res Rollin, Lake Union dist. Foster, O. P., carpenter, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. Foster, H., (Grotto Saloon), bds Occidental Hotel. Foster, S. IL, res Brook, bet First and Second, Lake Union dist. Foster, John, laborer, Western Mill Co. Foster, Mrs. A. M., boarding and lodging, 611 Second. Fountain Beer Hall, (Fred Gasch, prop), w side Front, bet Cherry and Columbia. Fowzer, S. J., salesman, L. K. G. Smith, res w side Seventh, bet Jefferson and James. Fox, J. M., dentist, 822 Front, room 1. Francis, M., laborer, res s side Jackson, near Commercial. Francisco, Joseph, saloon keeper, s w cor Washington and Fourth, res same. Frankland, Charles W., compositor, with 0. Han ford, res Moltke, near Western Mill, Lake Union dist. Frankland, H. M., laborer, Western Mill Co. ! Franklin & Housington, fruit and confectionery, w side Front, near Kenyon block. Franklin, D., prop Seattle Candy Factory, 1111 Front, res Ken­ yon block. Franklin, Benny, candy maker, Seattle Candy Factory, res Ken­ yon block. Franklin, James, secretary Western Mill Co., res Lake, bet Fourth and Fifth, Lake Union dist. BODE &GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 104 SEATTLE [F] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF MarbBe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T. Fransen, Peter, section man, C. R. R. R., rms e side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Fransen, Charles, section man, C R. R. R., rms e side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Frasch, Charles F., grocer, Colnian block, Mill st., res n w cor Fifth and James. Frasch; Christian, clerk, Chas. F. Frash, res n w cor Fifth and James. Frasch, C. R., salesman, C. F. Frasch, res sw cor Fifth and James. Frearson, Wm., laborer, res Water, near LTnion. Fredericks, W. N., shingle factory, res s e cor Sixth and Pike. Frederick, Henry A., teamster, res s side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. Frederick, P., commission merchant, cor Mill and Second, res s e cor Pike and Second. Freed, Benjamin B., teamster, res w side Ninth, bet Pine and Olive. Freed, James, gardner, res w side Ninth, bet Pine and Olive. Freeman, A. P., shoemaker, s side Columbia, bet Front and Sec­ ond, res w side Fifth, bet Madison and Spring. Freigang, C. J., salesman, Wald & Campbell, rms Capt. C. H. Low's. French Laundry, 1119 Front, Mine. Lachenal, proprietress. Frink, J. M., laborer, Washington Ironworks, res s w cor Eighth and Howard. Frisch, E., jeweler, Kimball-& Son, res 1732 Front. Froom, George, cook, Queen Chop House, rms Tremont House. Fry, J. B., str Pearl, bds St. Charles Hotel. Frye's Opera House, (Geo. F. Frye, prop., Geo. K. Beede, lessee), cor Front and Madison. Frye, Geo. F., (prop Fry's Opera House), res n w cor Pike and Sixth. Frye, J. M., carpenter, res n w cor Fifth and Pike. PACIFIC AMD PUGET SOU1ID SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger ABe, and SarsapariSla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FBONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [F] DIRECTORY. 105 MARBLE WASHINGTON '^".ISN,™^ I-L M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. FrauenthaB Brothers, clothing and dry goods, 104 Commercial. Frauenthal, S. F., (Fraueiithal Bros.), res Stetson & Post building, e side Second, bet Marion and Madison. Frauenthal, Joseph, (Frauenthal Bros.), res e side Second, bet Marion and Madison. Frauenthal, Jacob, (Frauenthal Bros.), res e side Second, bet Mar­ ion and Madison. Furhmann, Otto, (Mill Saloon), res Fourteenth, near Stewart. Fulton, —> , carpenter, with A. B. Fletcher, rms at J. 0. Chris­ topher's, w side Third, bet Union and Pike. Fuller, J.*, laborer, Western Mill Co.. res near Saw Mill, Lake Union dist. Fuller, L. I)., capitalist, res s w cor Fourth and Blanchard. Fuller, Benjamin, barkeeper, Boede & Baylis, rms Geo. K. Beede's. Furry, George W., salesman, Ballard Vfc Sox, res n side Marion, bet Third and Fourth. Furth, J., cashier, Puget Sound National Bank, res e side Eighth, bet Pine and Stewart.


P. J. LAIR &, CO.,

Sole agents for Laird, Schober & liftif&heiB's fine shoes and slippers.



Gafihey, Thomas, laborer, res e side Tenth, bet Pike and Pine. Gafihey, T., tug S. L. Mastic. Gaffhey, Thomas, laborer, bds Our House, 25 Mill. Gafihey, John A., lumberman,* res n e cor Front and Pine. Gage, Robert, teamster, res s w cor Ninth and Olive. Gallagher, W. R., salesman, C. R. Brewster & Co., res cor Sixth and Spring. Gallagher, J. A., salesman, with John Sullivan, res e side Second, and Columbia and Cherry. Gallagher, Mrs. .L, res e side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Galloway, Anna E., physician, office and res e side Fourth, bet Madison and Spring. Ganke, Harry, musician, res e side Sixth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Garbutt, Joseph, joiner, res Jones, near Madison. Gardner, Christopher, millman, res Lake, bet Harrison and Re­ publican, Lake Union dist. Gardner, J. D., (Mill Street Market), res s e cor Washington and Sixth. Gardner, Albro, civil engineer, res s side Terrace, bet Eighth and Ninth. Gardner, E. A., policeman, res rear 012 Front. Gardner, A., laborer, Western Mill Co., res near mill, Lake Union dist. Garrett, Joe., sawyer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Garrison, Joseph ()., brick mason, res Lake, bet Fifth and Grange, Lake Union dist. Garrison, L. M., stevedore, res e side Second, bet Virginia and Lenora. Gasch, Fred, prop Fountain Beer Hall, res cor Seventh and Union. A CIWIITU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W « M. OIYM I HI j AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [G] DIRECTORY. 107

MARBLE R WASHINGTON ^ .KH.STREET. II. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything- in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gatzert, Bailey, manager Schwabacher Bros. & Co., res n w cor James and Third. Gaul, J. H., firemen, C. & P. S. R. R. Gaul, Mrs. J. 1L, res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Gaustad, G., cabinetmaker, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res cor Cherry and Second. Gearing, Ed, jeweler, res w side Second, near Jackson. Gee, Mrs. R., dressmaker, 719] Front, res same. Gee Wa., Chinese laundry, Main, bet Third and Fourth. Geertsen, C, cabinet maker, res w side Ninth, bet Stewart and Howell. Geiger, J., (Bode & Geiger), bds Western House. Gehl, John, laborer, res n w cor Fourth and Main. Gellerson, G. A., lumberman, res N. Seattle, near Barrel Factory. Gem Saloon, (Shaw1 & Alger, props), 105 Commercial. George, J. W., U. S. marshal, office 000 Front, up stairs, res s e cor Fourth and Cherry. George, Nicholas, fish market, foot Columbia, res cor West and Madison. Germania Saloon, (August Wolf, prop), 8 Mill, res cor Cherry and Seventh. Getchell, Mrs., seamstress, res s side Howard, bet Third and Fourth, Lake Union dist. Giddings, H. M., carpenter, res s side Lincoln, bet Second and Third, Lake Union dist. Giddings, Josephine, dressmaker, 017 Front, up stairs, res cor i Third and Lincoln, Giering, A. E., (Requa & Giering), res Second, bet Main and Jackson. GifTord, John, watchman, Seattle Lumber and Com. Co., res Second, near Yesler College. Gifford, W. H., meat market, Front, bet Blanchard and Bell, res 1922 Front. PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. 108 SEATTLE [G] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF BfflarbEe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

| Gilfillan, James, blacksmith, Washington Iron Works. I Gillespie, H. J., watchman, str Eliza Anderson. | Gillett, G. W., salesman, Harrington & Smith, res 1210 Second. ; Gilliam, William A., engineer, bds St. Charles Hotel. Oilman, L. C, lawyer, office with Burke <& Rashi, res w side Fourth, bet Spring and Seneca. Oilman, D. II., attorney at law, res w side Fourth, bet Spring and Seneca. Oilman, Albert M., machinist, Washington Iron Works, res w side Fourth, bet Spring and Seneca. Gihnore, Capt. James, res e side Second, near Pine. Gilson, George F., res s side Wall, bet Second and Third. Gilson, William, laborer, Puget Iron Works. Glaser, Paul, butcher,' res s side Wall, near Front. Gleason William H., (Gleason & Nelson), res s e cor Tenth and Cherry. Gleason & Nelson, dairymen, s e cor Tenth and Cherry. j Gleason, J., stone mason, Washington Marble Works, res cor j Twelfth and Jackson. Gleason, P., hotel agent, res e side Fifth, bet Jefferson, and Ter­ race. Gleason, Mrs. Mary, servant, Hotel Brunswick. Gleasman, J., laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill, res cor | Cherry and Sixteenth. Gleasman, E., laborer, Yesler Mill Co.,"res Randolph, near Edes. Glen, J., pastor Free Methodist Church, res n side Pine, bet Ninth and Tenth. Globe Printing Co., (Dr. J. S. Houghton, J. M. Patten, J. J. Knoff, props), Kenyon block, cor Front and Madison. Glore, M., cabinetmaker, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res s w cor Mill and Tenth. j Goding, E., steamboat man, res 1910 Second, near Lenora.


iTZETJE* ilf GLOBE PRIMING CO. Cor. Front and Madison Streets,

Extra Facilities for doing all Classes of 4 Book and Job Printing. M8 JK TERMS MODERATE. 4: J'wo *1*

The Best Equipped Job Printing House (i^g) in the Territory. eJ/^

JL^ CK(° iiiffc v-?'A 3 &». fe. Y* »: 7 •SEATTLE [fi] DIRECTORY. 10U WASHINGTON MARBLE ^"s^*^. H. M. VVI-tlUHT, PKOI'KIKTOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction gnamnret'd. Gold Bar House, (Wm. Buslia, prop), toot Washington. Goldberg, Miss F., lodging Iiouse, olU Washington. : Goldsmith, James, salesman, Schwabachcr Bros. A Co., hds witli I B. Gat/ert. I | Goldsmith, G.,.commercial traveler, rt-s e side Commercial, near | Arlington Hotel. | Goldsmith, C, salesman, with H. 10. Levy, res e side Commercial, ' ' bet Jackson and King. Goldsmith, Ed, clerk, (.{olden Rule Bazaar, res n side Union, bel Fourth and Fifth. Goldstein, Charles, hatter, Yesler-Leary block, res s side Bike, bet i Third and Fourth. ! Goll, H., cooper, Barrel Factory. | Good, William, pile driver, res s side Main, bet Eighth and Ninth. j Good, J. E. & Co., (Seattle .Brass Foundry;, 421 Commercial. Good, J. E., (J. E. Good

Gore, Aquila, millman, res e side Ninth, bet Stewart and Virginia. Gorman, Frank, carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R., res s side Mill, bet Fifth and Sixth. Gormley, Henry, contractor and builder, res n e cor Third and Pike, Gottstein, M. &, K., wines, liquors and cigars, 720 Front. Gottstein, M., (M. & K. Gottstein), res Third, bet James and (merry. Gottstein, K., (M. & K. Gottstein), res Third, bet James and Cherry. Gosernd, John, boiler maker, Seattle Boiler Works, res Mill st., near Boiler Works. Gould, Ed, mate, -tug Queen City, on board. Gonlett, John, ship carpenter, res Lincoln, bet Grange and Fifth, Lake Union dist. Gove & Wilson, commission and forwarding, Washington, near Commercial. Gove, Capt. G.W., str Cascade, res s side Madison, bet Fifth and • Sixth.- | Gove, A., sash and door maker, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. j Graedel, Rev. G., pastor German Church, res n w cor Seventh and I Cherry. j Graham, R. J., merchant tailor, 818 Front, res Tenth, bet Stewart j and Virginia. Graham, W. TV, res w side Lake Union. I Graham, Walter, farmer, res Mercer st., Lake Union dist. Graham, W. H., salesman, Schwabachcr Bros. & Co., res s side j Mill, bet Sixth and Seventh. Graham, Dan, machinist, Seattle Lum. & Com. Co., res e side Front, bet Pike and Pine. Graham, Miss Lou, res 323 Washington. Grand Central Hotel, (O. JST. Morse, prop), 31(3 Commercial. Grant, F. J., editor, "Post-Intelligencer," res cor Second and James. A GIUIITU AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W • #"%• WIYI I I I! j AtfD OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [G] DIRECTORY. HI MARBLE WASHINGTON ^?2?,L STREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything- in our lijio constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Granstroin, Ludwig, joiner, Stetson

Green; Edward, deli very man, Schwabachcr Bros. & Co., rms Mrs. Ferguson's Bryant's block. Green, Joseph, (Northwest Fruit (Jo.), res e side Third, bet Pike and Pine. Greene, Roger S., Chief Justice of Washington Territory, and Judge of Third Judicial District, res-s side Ninth, bet Jefferson Greene, William E., gardner, res Elaine, bet Filbert and Grange, Lake Union dist. Green us, A. E., sign painter, w side Marion, bet Front and Second. Greenwood, Ira, telegraph operator, W. U. Tel. Co., res s w cor Second and Cherry. Griffin, Frank, ship carpenter, res w side S. Eighth, bet Weller and I jane. Griffin, Mrs. R. S., res near s w cor Pine and Second. Griffith, L. H., bookkeeper, Young & McKeon, res Front, near Madison. Griffith, James, marine engineer, res n w cor Front and Virginia. Grimseth, A., carpenter, bds Oriental Hotel. Griswold, I. PL, contractor and builder, res n w cor Villard and Hathorne. Griswold, C, laborer, Stetson & Post. Gross, William, prop Our House, 25 Mill, res same. Gross, George, clerk, Our House, 25 Mill, res same. BODE 4, GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 112 SEATTLE [G] DIRECTORY.

PUG ET S'ND STONE YARD I. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OK IfflarfoSe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET. SEATTLE, W. T. j Grot, Gotthard, farmer, res n w cor Fifth and James. Gm&tto Saloon, ( & Foster, props), 5 Mill st. Grover, A. J., res e side Front, bet Pike and Union. Grub & Johnson, props U. S. Saloon, Washington, near Third. Grubb, P., (Grubb & Johnson), res n e cor S. Eighth and.Weller. Grueningcr, Charles, barkeeper, basement Yesler's Flail, res in rear. jSaaiKnlbert & Dicfcman, props Hoca Saloon, 114 Commercial. Gumbert, Frank, (Hoca Saloon), res n e cor Main and Sixth. Gunderson, M., finisher, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res s w cor Pike and Third. Gunterman, H., cooper, Barrel Factory, res n side Union, bet Second and Third. Gustinordstrum, , laborer, Stetson & Post. Gu.ttinburg, Frank, res 124 Stewart. Guthrie, E., pile driver, res n e cor Mill and S. Fourth. Guy, F. M., res w side Third, bet Seneca and University.

Your freight from the East, Your freight from Frisco, Your money toy buying FURNITURE

Lake Union Furniture {Manufacturing Co.


MARBLE w R K WASH INGTON No 1?3 s pf,.G STREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. EvorythiiiK in our lino constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

H Hackett, T. II., mason, res s e cor Madison and Sixth. Haest, Jake, (N. Y. Schooner Saloon), cor Washington and Com­ mercial, res same. Hagcn, Henry, baker, Queen City .Bakery, res e side Seventh, bet Spring and Seneca. Hagestrom, Frank, cook, Occidental Hotel. ! Hagestrom, S. A., foundry man, Washington Iron Works, res bet • Third and Fourth, Pine and Olive. j I-Iaggenmaker, H.j salesman, Seaman & Young, res 700 Front. j Hahn, Lopert, saloon, cor Front and Pike, res same. i Haines, J. G, (Struve, Haines & McMicken), res n w cor Fourth | and James. ] Hake, Levi, musician, res n e cor Weller and S. Eleventh. i Hale, Luke, laborer, res Water st., near Barrel Factory. | Hal! & Paulson Furniture Co., ($r> & 087 Front. , Hall, George W., president Mall <& Paulson Furniture Co., res cor ; Tenth and Virginia. ; Hall, H. M., physician and surgeon, 710 Sullivan block, res cor Stewart and First, Lake Union dist. : il • HaBI, W. Finley, real estate and notary, 02o Front, room 10, up j stairs, res 1110 Third. Hall & Smith, attorneys at law, James, opp Occidental Hotel. Hall, I. M., (Hall & Smith), res James, opp Occidental Hotel. Hall, A. L., (Hardy & Hall), res 905 Front. Hall, V., operator, Western Union Tel. Co., res s w cor Second and Cherry. Hall, F. L., operator, Western Union Tel. Co., res / w cor Sec­ ond and. Cherry. SEALANDER; MERCHANT TAE LOR 1003 FRONT STREET SEATTLE W. T. 114 SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. J. SCHRAM & CO. ST°^i^S^^ CORflNIERCIAL STREET.

Hall, Frank, operator, Western Union Tel. Co., res e side Fourth, bet Spring and Madison. Hall, George A., druggist, (A. E. Hummer & Co.), res n e cor | Third and Union. Hall, S. J., salesman, Stetson & Post, bds Western Plouse. Hall, G. E., tallyman, Stetson & Post, Hall, Fred, printer, res n side Fourth, bet Spring and Madison. Hall, Walter A., compositor, "Post-Intelligencer," res e side Fourth, bet Spring and Madison. Hall, J. W., prop Lake Washington Stage Line, res Ash, near Depot st. Hall, H. C, salesman, C. P. Stone, res Third, bet Marion and Madison. Hall, W. F., clerk, Pantheon, res same. Hall, JBurges, farmer, res e side Oak, near Depot st. Hall, Miss Dora, teacher of music, res e side Fourth, bet Spring and Madison. Haller, Col. G. O., retired U. S. army officer, res n e cor Twelfth and James. Haller, G. Morris, attorney at law, Colnian block, res n e cor Twelfth and James.

Haller, T. N.? law student, with G. Morris Haller, res n e cor Twelfth and James.

Haller, Theodore N., clerk, G. M. Haller, res n e cor Twelfth and ( James. j Plaller, William, carpenter, bds Western House. Haller, Fred, laborer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., bds Wisconsin House. Hamilton, James, longshoreman, res Water, near Union. Hamilton, P., civil engineer, with Whitworth & Thomson. Hamlin, Philo D., surveyor, res 11 w cor S. Ninth and Dearborn. Hamley, Wm. C, confectionery and tobacco, 905 Front, res same. Hamley, G. S., cigars and tobacco, 4J Mill st., res 905 Front.

AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front $treet, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. 115 WASHINGTON ^^cS^o™ H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIIOTOK. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hamley, E. C, with G. S. Hamley, res 905 Front. Hammer, J., carpenter, res Stewart, bet Fifth and Sixth. Hammond, Wm., marine architect, res Temperance, near Front. Hanmion, Mrs. Nellie, widow, res s w cor Ninth and Seneca. Hanford, Thaddeus, attorney at law, res e side Fourth, bet Cherry and James. Hanford, C. H., attorney at law, Colman block, res n w cor Ninth and Pine. Hanford, Arthur E., law clerk, 0. H. Hanford, res e side Fourth, bet Cherry and James.- Hanford, Clarence, book and job printer, Post building, res n w cor Marion and Second. Hanford, Frank, bookkeeper, Harrington & Smith, res e side Fourth, bet James arid Cherry. Handford, Mrs. Abbie, widow, res e side Fourth, bet Cherry and James. Hand, M. W,, carpenter, res n w cor Albert and Fourth, Lake Union dist. Hanmore, M., planerman, Oregon Improvement Co's Mill. Hannah, N., conductor C. & P. S. R. R., res s side Jackson, near Commercial. I-Ianscom, N. C, collector, res s side Cherry, bet Sixth and Seventh. ! Hansell, C. E., cash boy, W. P. Boyd & Co., res Third and Pine. \ Hansel, Frank, salesman, Schwabacher, Bros. & Co. j Hansen, Albert, watchmaker and jeweler, Yesler-Leary block, ; Front. * | Hansen, R., manufacturing jeweler, with Albert Hansen, bds Grand Central Hotel. Hansen's Ninth Street Grocery, H. J. Hansen, manager, cor Ninth and Stewart. » Hansen, H. J., manager Hansen's Ninth Street Grocery, res cor Ninth and Stewart. Hansen, Andrew, , res e side Sixth, bet Jackson and Main. BODE&GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 116 SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. PUGET s N YARD WM. CARKEEK, M?:^cT uL°R 0f ! Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. j Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. j "~~——————————^—— j Hansen, I). $., Ninth Street Grocery, cor Ninth and Stewart, res same. \ Hansen, Martin, laborer, res e side Seventh, bet Main and Jackson. I Hainan, T., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. P. Hansen, H., laborer, res Water, near Pike. Hansen, Mrs. I., res n side Virginia, below Front. Hanson, A., laborer, Stetson & Post, res n e cor Dearborn and S, Tenth. ! Hanson, Miss Hattie, operator, res cor West and Vir­ ginia. H.tnzell, John, lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Hapgood, G. W., painter, res s e cor Eleventh and Virginia. Harding, H. A., (Alfred Snyder & Co.), res s side Pike, near Fifth. Hardy & Hall, guns, pistols and ammunition, 00o Front. Hardy, W. A., (Hardy & Hall), res 90o Front. Harder, J. A., clerk, C. & P. S. P. P., res (ill Second. Harker, A., res s w cor Third and Spring. Hark ins, W. M., contractor, res Water, near Wall. Harkins, H., engineer, tug Rip Van Winkle. j Harmon, Mrs. L. C, widow, res n w cor Fourth and Columbia. Harmon & Thurfow, boat builders, foot of Seneca. Harmon, H. Wr., (Harmon & Thurlow), res e side Third, bet. Uni­ versity an I Union. Harms, D., (Clans & Harms), res 1(>1 Second, near Seneca. Harper, Charles, waiter, Arlington Hotel. Harris, George W., pres First National Rank, res n e cor Fourth and James. Harris, Sylvanus C, county auditor, res n w cor Seventh and ! Union. | Harris, I.., clothing, Yesler-Leary block, Mill st., res cor Second and Cherry. Harris, S., clerk, with 1. Harris,, res Second and Cherry. Harris, William N., delivery clerk, Post-office, resSlo Commercial.

ED. POWERS, MONARCH SALOON, BILLY MEYERS, FROPR s' NUF CED. 34- COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. 117 MARBL WASHINGTON ^^^f1NGSTREET : H. M. WRIGHT, Pitoi'RJKTcm. ! ! Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction .iviumtnteed. j Harris, H. & Co., cloak and suit house, Nil Front. | Harris, H., (H. Harris & Co.), res n w cor Second and Madison. 1 Harris, Isaac, res s w cor Second and Madison. ! Harris, Henry, tailor, res s w cor Second and Madison. Harris, *Hy man, (Kreidel & Harris), res s side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. Harris, George P., carpenter, res 1815 Third. Harris, J. ()., prop Pantheon Saloon, res cor Seventh and Wash­ ington. Harris, W. II., painter, Marion, opp Opera House. Harrison, P., res n w cor Third and Clay. Harrison & Keil, props Saddle Rock Restaurant, e side Commercial, near Mill. Harrison, R. A., (Harrison &• Keil), res u side Main, bet Fourth and Fifth. Harrison, H. B., (Lloyd & Harrison), res foot Battery. Harrison, John, Wright's Restaurant, res cor Marion and Front. Harrison, W. C, lather, res w side Sixth, bet Union and Univer­ sity. Harrison, H. B., butcher, res West, bet Virginia and Lenora. Harrison, R. E., res West, bet Virginia and Lenora. Harrington & Smith, wholesale groceries, hardware, and general merchandise, Commercial, near Dexter Horton & Co.'s Bank. Harrington, W. A., (Harrington & S nith), res Arlington Hotel. Harrigan, John, moulder, Washington Iron Works. Hart, Charles, carpenter, res s side Cedar, bet Front and Second. Hart, Joseph, head sawyer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., bds Western House. Hartig, George, barkeeper, rms Cherry, bet. Front and Second. Hart wig, George, baker and confectioner, with A. W. Piper. Hartley, Andrew, machinist, res Water, near Battery. Hartley, Cassie, dressmaker, with Mrs. Haddocks, res Water, near . Wall.

ODD FELLOWS BUfLDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATBON .IOIAVARD P. EOSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. .FUNICS ROCUKSTJUU, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LiiTTJiKi.i. MUUVHY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. 118 SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. ! R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. Harvey, George, butcher, Seattle Market, res Commercial, opp | Arlington Hotel. ! j Hasbrough, W. A., clerk, A. B. Stewart, 015 Front, res same. . j Haskell, H. porter, San Francisco Store, res Front and Blanchard. j Haskell, Warren, butcher, Seattle Market, res 1729 Front. ! Haskell, Jabez, carpenter, res n w cor Fifth and Mill. ! Haskell, Royal, manufacturer of bed springs, res 1829 Second. I Hatfield, Capt. J. A., (Ballard & Hatfield), res w side Fifth, bet ! Union and Pike. • Hathaway, Henry E. attorney at law, Frauenthal building, res s j w cor Seventh and Spring. | I-Iatt, Bill, trimmer, Seattle Lumber

W. JL SBSITH, Agent for Hallet & Davis and other first- I cBass Pianos, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. 821 FRONT STREET. SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. 119 MARBLE i WASHINGTON ^ISSUosTREET. II. M. WRIGHT, PHOIMUJCTOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; Heany, J., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. I Heck, S. L., waiter, Wright's Restaurant, res cor Marion and i Front. : Hefner & Dishon, real estate and money brokers, 108i Commer­ cial. j Hefner, Henry, (Hefner & Dishon), VL^ 1218 Second. i Hegg, Peter, carpenter, res alley, bet Ninth and Tenth, Cherry and Columbia. j Hoi nig, Emil, butcher, with Evans & Son, res s w cor Mill and | Heinrich, A., prop Bay View Brewery, res Bay st., S. Seattle. i i Pleinrich, John, teamster, res Bay st., S. Seattle. | Fifth. Helms, J. C, res w side S. Ninth, bet Lane and Dearborn. j Hemen, F. P., saloon, res West, bet Virginia and Lenora. j Henderson, Alexander, stone cutter, Washington Marble Works, j bds New England Hotel. !. Henderson, L. D., travelling salesman, with W. I). Scott

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T. j ! Herron, William, (Herron & Alexander), res Brown's block, Madi- : son and Front. Hershberg, H. & Co., res cor Second and Cherry. ' ; Hershberg, H., (Hershberg & Co.), res cor Second and Cherry. i Hershberg, J., salesman, with Hershberg & Co., res cor Second : and Cherry. Hesner, George, butcher, L. W. Foss, res Oriental Hotel. . Hibbard, C. L., clerk, S. Baxter & Co., ves 144 Front. Hickson, Thomas, carpenter, res Jones, near Madison. ; .Higson & Smith, butchers, Front and Bike. Higson, F. I)., (Higson & Smith), res cor Seventh and Pike. Hill & Preston, attorneys at law, room 10, 720 Front. Hill, G. A., (Hill & Preston), res s w cor Wall and West. I Hill, G. H., barkeeper, Arion Saloon, res s e cor Union and Uni- ; versity. ! Hill, M. N., laborer, Lincoln, near Second, Lake Union dist. Hill, George I)., county treasurer, res n w cor Fifth and Spring. 'Hill, H. PL, carpenter, res McPhee's building. Hi'll, C. H., (Sound Marble Works), res w side Lake Union. j - Hill, C.H ., res s side Mill, bet Fifth and Sixth. ] Hill, A. F., saloon, Canal st., res s e cor Union, bet Fifth and ! Sixth. j : Hill, Mrs. Catherine, res Water, near Union. Hills, Vonia, teacher South School, res Third, bet Columbia and ! Marion. Hillery, L. R., farmer, res s w cor Ninth and Cedar. Hilsinger, I). F.. laborer, Seattle Lumber and. Com. Co. Hilton, George, farmer, res e side Lake Union. '•• H.inchman, K. E., millwright, Stetson & Post, bds New England : Hotel. ! Hinckley, T. I)., boiler inspector, res w side Lake Union. Hink, John, (Bersch & Plink), res 5 Fourth. PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS I JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. - Soda Wafer, Ginger Afie, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory. FROXT STREET, V. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. 121 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^RS™STREET, II. M. WEIGHT, PROPKIKTOK. Everything' ill our lint* constantly on hand. Satisfaction .ifiiaranteed. Hip Who, gardner, s side Madison, bet "Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Hobbs, L. M., mason, res n side Pike, bet Second ami Third. Hobbs, (Clarence L., painter, bds at L. M. Hobbs. Plobbs, John J., logger, res n w cor Prince and Randolph. Plobson, S. A., laborer, res Albert, near Fourth, Pontius Addition. Hochbrimn, F., real estate, room 0, Arcade building, res cor Box and Thomas. Hodgdon, (George, carpenter, s side Madison, bet First and Second. Ploenicka, Adam, res s w cor Eleventh and Pine. Hoffman, Michael, laborer, res s side James, bet Ninth and Tenth. ! Ploggstrom, S. A., cooper, res w side Fourth, near Pine. Ploisington, C. E., res 17?>!i Front. Ploit, John P., clerk, res Water, near Front. Plolcomb, W. W., (Kalloch, Sears, Plolcomb & Kalloch), bds Bruns­ wick Hotel. Plolden, W. T., confectionery and cigars, 91(i Front, res same. Hoi den, Z. T., contractor, res e side Front, bet Pike and Pine. Holgate, L. J., sexton, First Baptist Church, res w side Tenth, bet Cherry and James. Holland, John, dishwasher, Brunswick Hotel. Hollenbeck, H. ()., teacher, High School, res 153 S. Eighth. Holmes, M. M., bookkeeper, Western Mill Co., Burke's 2d Addi­ tion, Lake Washington dist. Holmes, A., blacksmith, foot Columbia, res foot Mill st. Holmes, John, engineer C.


Home for Friendless Women, Mrs. Louise E. Barker in charge, n side Cherry, bet Ninth and Tenth. Home Restaurant, (John H. Rademacher, pro])), Mill st., near Yesler Mills. Hood, Thomas, real estate agent, res Lincoln, hot Fifth and Sixth, j Hoole, Mrs. S. F., lodging house, cor Jackson and Commercial. \ Hopley, Lincoln, pressman, with C. Hanford, res Spring, bet Sec- ! ond and Third. I Hooper, Henry, steward, str W. F. Monroe, rms on board. j Hopkins, R. M., Deputy U. S. Marshall, res n w cor Front and I Pike. j Hopkins, Capt. C, res w side Front, bet Pike and Pine. I Hopkins, R., salesman, res n w cor Fourth and Madison. Horton, Dexter & Co., (Dexter Horton, A. A. Denny), bankers, i cor Commercial and Washington j Plortan, Dexter, (Dexter Horton & Co.), banker, res n e cor Third and Seneca. Hoskinson, S. P\, carpenter, res e side Fourth, bet Albert and Howard, Lake Union dist. Hotel Brunswick, (L. S. Booth,, prop., A. E. Alden, manager), 216 Commercial. Hotel Oriental, A. A. Holm, prop,. 124 S. Second. Houghton, Dr. J. S., (Globe Printing Co.), res Dexter, w side Lake Union. \ Houghton, J. E., carpenter, res Law's 1st Addition. Houle, C, barkeeper, Steamboat Saloon, Mill st., res same. Housington, C, (Franklin & Housington), res Central Plouse, I Front. I Hovey, S. W., grocer, 71f> Front, res s side Cherry, bet Front and | Second. Howard, Thomas, laborer, res n of Jackson, near Yesler's 1st Ad- j dition. |

AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. 128 MARBLE R WASHINGTON ^? sLs ^ H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIKTOK. Everything; in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. I Howard, John, laborer, res s side Lake, bet Fifteenth and Six­ teenth. Plowe, J. C, apprentice, with M. S. McClaire, res cor Ninth and Columbia. Howes, E. A., carpenter, res s w cor Seventh and James. Howser, Fred, laborer, res w side Seventh, bet Jackson and Main. Hoy, John, res s w cor Eighth and Madison. Ploy, Owen, laborer, res s w cor Eighth and Madison. Hoyt, T., lath sawyer, Stetson & Post. Hoyt, .J. M., wharfinger's clerk, C. & P. S. R. R. Hoyt, Mrs. S. A., res s e cor Ninth and Alder. Pluerta, Manuel, art studio,- toot Marion, res same. Hubbard, W. B., carpenter, rms n e cor Mill and S. Fourth. Hubbart, E. PL, miner, res w side P^ifth, bet Virginia and Lenora. Plubbart, Adam, carpenter, res w side Filth, bet Virginia and Lenora. Hubbard, J. M., (Jones & Hubbell), res Second, bet Seneca and Spring. Hughes, J. W., (London Tea Store), cor Second and Cherry, res e side Third, bet Marion and Madison. Hughes, W. H. city assessor, res s e cor Harrison, and Temperance. Hughes, PI. J., salesman, with Schwabacher Bros. & Co., res s side Marion, bet Fourth and Fifth. , Commodore, ship carpenter, res 117 Bell. Hume, Joseph, miner, res e side Fifth, near Pine. Humes, T. J., attorney at law, 628 Front, res Broadway and Madi­ son. Hummell, J. H., carpenter, res n w cor Mill and Eleventh. Hunt, J. W., blacksmith and carriage maker, e side Second, bet Mill and Washington, res w side Fourth, bet Mill and Wash­ ington. Hunt, J. F., brewer, res Water, near Blanchard. Hunter & Shaw's Express, with Wells, Fargo

Hunter, J. W., (Plunter & Shaw), res s side Mill, near Third. Huntoon, 1). R,, res 112 Bell st. Huntington, Edward, bricklayer, res 114 Columbia. Huntley, Edward, Bijou Theatre Saloon, res \v side Fifth, bet Marion and Madison. Huntley, J. B., farmer, res T. Hanford's Addition, S. Seattle. Huntley, E., upholsterer, res e side Sixth, bet James and Cherry. Hurst, Amos, real estate, res n e cor Depot and Oak. Hurlaek, Benjamin, engineer, Yesler Mills, res Madison, bet First and Second. Huson & Son, block and spar makers. Pluson, A. P., (Pluson

I.hrig, L. (j., upholsterer, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res Front, opp BelPs Hotel. Ihrig, Fred, butcher, W. H. Gilford, Front, opp Bell's Hotel, res same. Bndustraal WorSd, a semi-monthly manufacturing journal, 627 Front. Isaacs, Mark, salesman, San Francisco Store, bds Arlington. Ingermaii, Jerome, bartender, Brunswick Hotel, res same. Ingraham, Prof. E. S., superintendent City Public Schools, res 1909 Lenora.

UFACTURERS OF BURGERT & BOOTH, •::D DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGS AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St. SEATTLE [J] DIRECTORY. 125 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^^,NGsTBEET, II. M. WlimilT, PROVUIBTOR. Kverything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Jackling, Grace, widow, res Third, bet Pike and Union. ! Jackling, William B., engineer, res e side Third, bet Pike and • Union. j Jackson, I). B., pres Washington Steam boat

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE j LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION j EDWARD P. EDNON", President. " I Abstracts of Title made. i JUNIUS RoviiF^Trin, Secretory. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. •j J. LuTTBJflJLii MuitviiY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. i *10 120 SEATTLE [J] DIRECTORY. WASHINGTON STREET BUREAU Has for sale or rent Hotels, Lodging and Board­ ing Houses, Saloons, Cigar Stores/ __^ Restaurants, Etc, _^

James, Nathan, shoemaker, with Treen, Raymond & Turrell. i Jamieson, John, watchman, res Miners' Saloon. j Jamieson, John P., waiter, Home Restaurant, res same. ! Jaquillard, Andrew, barkeeper, Fountain Saloon, res Columbia, I bet Second and Third. Jeffries, T. E., cooper, Barrel Factory. Jenner, C. K., (Jacobs & Jenner), res n e cor Ninth and Washing­ ton. Jennings, William A., (Keenan tfc Jennings), res n side Marion, bet Fourth and Fifth. Jensen, T. A., caj>tain tug Rip Van WTinkle, res H e cor Fourth and Pine. Jensen, Charles, boiler maker, Seattle Boiler Works, bds Tremont House. Jensen, ()., laundry, res n e cor Seventh and King. Jensen, W. C, cook, Occidental Hotel. Jobst, F. W., bookkeeper, Ballard & Hatiield, res cor Fifth and James. Johns, Joseph M., res e side Sixth, bet Pike and Pine. Johns, Martin, fisherman, res Water, near Union. Johnske, John, laborer, bds Western House.

Johnson, J. S.t laborer, Puget Iron Works. Johnson, William K., laborer, res s side McClain, bet Lake and Prince William. Johnson, Charles, laborer, res Water, bet'Pike and Pine. Johnson, .Peter, laborer, res Warren, near Front. Johnson, Robert, rms Mrs. Sidney's, w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Johnson, John M., carpenter, res w side S. Eighth, bet. Dearborn and Charles. Johnson, C. A., contractor and builder, res Williamson &'Craw- ford's Addition, Lake Washington dist.

AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [J] DIRECTORY. 127 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^?5«?N« *™«r. II. M. WRIGHT, PKOPRJETOK. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Johnson, 0. G., carpenter, res n w cor Eighth and Virginia. Johnson, C. A., tailor, res Market st., Lake Washington dist. Johnson, El iff", teamster, res alley, bet Ninth and Tenth, Cherry and Columbia. Johnson, Henry, painter, rms s e cor Mill and Twelfth. Johnson, Prof. (). B., Washington University, res s e cor Seneca and Fifth. Johnson, Andrew, mason, res s e cor Jackson and Seventh. Johnson, W. PL, cigar maker, res e side Fifth, bet Union and. University. Johnson, Fred, porter, W. I). Scott <& Co., res 1.1 Go Front. Johnson, James, res e side Fifth, near Virginia. Johnson, F. T., carpenter, res Box st., near Johns. Johnson, G. M., dairyman, res s e cor Battery and Water. Johnson, Edward, barkeeper, old Bijon Saloon, res same. Johnson, C. M., barkeeper, with Bersch & Hink, res Wisconsin House. Johnson & Peterson, new and second hand furniture, 116 Cherry. Johnson, A., (Johnson & Peterson), res s w cor Fourth and Cedar. Johnson, A., (Grubb & Johnson), res n side Washington, bet Second and Third. Johnson, W. F. & Co., cigar manufaeturers, foot Madison. Johnson, W. F., (W. F. Johnson & Co.), res Sixth, e side Un­ iversity. Johnson, A., laborer, Stetson tt Post. Johnson, Samuel PL, res Fifth, bet Lenora and Virginia. Johnson, Joseph, compositor, uSunday Star," res Fifth,.bet Lenora and Virginia. Johnson, M., cook, Oriental Hotel, res same. Johnssou, Robert, [bun dry man, Washington Iron Works. Johnson, C. G., laborer, Western Mill Co., res Lake Union. Johnson, August, laborer, Seattle Lumber & (loin. Co. Johnson, Charles, laborer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A. full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on liaaid. Good lit a specialty. 128 SEATTLE [J] DIRECTORY. PXJGET N E YARD WM. CARKEEK, ^ZZ?J.S, 0 Marble and! Granite RftonuHnercts, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STllIOET, SEATTLK, W. T. Johnson, Lars, lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. j | Johnson, John, lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co, | Johnson, Thomas, waiter, Arlington Hotel. i Johnston, James, farmer, res Water st., near Barrel Factory. I Johnston, A. L., night clerk, St. Charles otcl, j Johnson, George II., (Chilberg & Johnson), res s e cor Ninth and I Columbia. | Johnson, G. PL, res JHK) Front, j Johnson, Mrs. Mary, res n side Madison, near Joy. Johnson, Fllen, domestic, at 0. II. Hanford \s.

Virginia, A Jones, H. & Son, boots and shoes, 0 Mill st. Jones, PL, (PI. Jones & Son), res n e cor Fifth and Jefferson. Jones, W. B., (H. Jones. & Son), res S. Jefferson, bet Fifth and Sixth. Jones, Charles, civil engineer,, bds James F. Jones. Jones, James P\, mining engineer, e side Second, near Pine. Jones, O. S., county superintendent Public Schools and superin­ tendent Denny School, e side Fifth, bet Union and University. Jones, PL P., school teacher, res e side Second, bet Battery and Wall. Jones, R. A., clerk, Kimball

MARBLE w R K WASHINGTON No £ s pf1N« STREET, II. M. WRIGHT, PI'OI'HIKTOB. Kverj'thing in our line constantly on hand. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. Jones, S. D., runner, Arlington Hotel. Jones, T. PI, farmer, res e side Blanchard, bet Third and Fourth. Jones, T. A., farmer, res s side Blanchard, bet Third and Fourth. Jones, O. M., laborer, res n side Washington, bet Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Jones, James, laborer, Mill, foot Second. Jones, Joel S., res w side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Jordan, J. T., contractor, w side Third, bet Pike and Pine. Jordan, M., fireman, Stetson & Post, res s side James, bet Sixth Seventh. Jordison, John, steamboat man, res Miner's Saloon, Mill st. Josephson, Andrew, carpenter, res w side Tenth, bet Cherry and and James. Jucker, G. Nettie, salesman, Schwabachcr Bros. & Co. .lull, William, wiper, 0. & P. S. R. R., res s side King, bet Sev­ enth and Eighth.


Thin place is well fitted for the accommodation of ladies. Board and lodging furnished if desired. Price of oaths, 81.00 each.



K Kaavan, John, res 2414 Front. Kalberg, P. X., cabinetmaker, Hall

WASHINGTON ^^^o^^f.Nasr.e.T II. M. WRIGHT, Piroj'itncTOR. • Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. j c I Keenan, John, marble works, Harrington

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF RfflarnBe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STIIEET, SEATTLE, W. T. Kellogg, John, machinist, C. & P. S. R. R., rms John Plolmes's, e side Sixth, bet (merry and Columbia. Kellogg, D., manager Puget Sound Hide Co., res n w cor Fifth and Madison. Kemp, painter, rms e side Second, bet Seneca and University. Kendall, F. P., general agent for maps, atlases and charts, (>18 Front, up stairs, res same. Kendall, T. PL, contractor and builder, res e side Front, bet Pike and Pine. Kenna, William, employed at Occidental Hotel. Kennard, T. C, money loaner, res n side Marion, bet Front and ] Second. Kenney, S., merchant tailor and clothier, 117 Commercial, res n e cor Fifth and James. Kenney, John, boot and shoe manufacturer, 117 Commercial, res e side Fifth, bet James and Cherry. Kennedy, M. W., with A P. Plotaling Co., res cor Commercial and Main. Kennedy, Nicholas, expressman, res \v side Third, near Jackson. Kennett, Charles, shoemaker, res n e cor Fifth and Union. Kent, PP. PP, machinist, Washington Iron Works, res e side S. Tenth, bet Main and Jackson. Ken worthy, M. P}., res cor Fifth and Union. | Kenyon, I). C, carpenter, res n w cor King and S. Ninth. Kenyon, J. (*•., real estate, res Kenyon block, Front st. • Kerr, Jennings B., assistant bookkeeper, W. D. Scott Afrs. Ferguson's, Bryant's block. Kimball, L., laborer, C. & P. S. R, R,, res s w cor King and S. Seventh. Kimball, G. A., conductor, C. & P. S. R. R, KimbaBl & Son, jewelers and dealers in pianos and organs, 902 Front. Kimball, Frank. (Kimball & Son), res s e cor Third and Marion. Kimball, C. L., teamster, with Robert Russell, bds Western House. Kincaid, J. A., expressman, res rear 1815 Third. Kindling, F. H., laborer, res Madison, near Randolph. King, Albert, pro]) Seattle Brewery, n side Mill, bet Third and Fourth. King, T., longshoreman, res s side Main, bet Sixth, and Seventh. j King, Thomas, laborer, res e side Oak, near Depot st. Kingley, Ed., laborer, Stetson &. Post, res w side Second, bet- Cherry and Columbia. | Kinnear, J. R,, attorney at law, 025 Front, res cor Vine and Front. j Kinnear, George, attorney at law, 02*5 Front, res n e cor Spring and Third. ! Kinnear, V., carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. j Kirchberg, S., prop St. Louis Beer Hall,

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE ! LABflD, LOAM AUD ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION ! EDWARD P. KrwoN.i^H'Wrtii. I Abstracts of Title made. Jvxirs 'ROCHKSTKR, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LCTTHICLI, MI.'KIVHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. 184 SEATTLE [H] DIRECTORY. R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STRKKTS, FNTRANCF ON FRONT. Klein, John, butcher, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. Kline, L. & Co., clothing and gent's furnishing, 208 Commercial. Kline, I)., driver, Hunter & Shaw's express, bds Tremont House. Klingel, PL H., secy Washington Coal Mining Co., Poncin block. ()85 Front, res e side Sixth, bet Mill and Jefferson. Klinker, Julius, butcher, Seattle Market, res same. Knight, Charles D., bookkeeper, res n w cor King and Market, Lake Union dist. Knight, Tsaac K., lumberman, res w side Ninth, bet Alder and Terrace. Knight, Mrs. Margaret E., ladies1 nurse, res w side Ninth, bet Alder and Terrace. Knight, Robert, engineer, Stetson & Post, res Commercial and Jackson. Knight, J. K., ranchman, res Rev. 1). J. Pierce, s \v cor Ninth and Alder. Knight, Mrs. Ida, res near Barrel Factory, N. Seattle. Knipe, Robert, real estate, res s e cor Third and Blanchard. | Knochie, PL, laborer, res e side Second, bet Virginia and Lenora. KnofF, J. J^> (Globe Printing Co.), res s side Blanchard, bet Third and Fourth. Knox, Oscar, *es s e cor Fifth and Virginia, Knudson, (). S., tinner, with Waddell & Miles, res Columbia, bet Second and Third. Koch, William A. L., (Lake Union Furniture Co.), res e side Seventh, bet Stewart and Lenora. Koechling, Charles E., (Clericus

W. A. SMITH, Agent for Hallet & Davis and other first- class Pianos, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. 821 FRONT STREET, 8BATTLE [K] DIRECTORY. 1% MARBLE WASHINGTON "!?A$?,Na sT„EET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Kveiything in our lino constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kopp, A. A.., plumber, J. Sehram & Co., res n w cor Mill and Jefferson. Korn, M., (J. Sehram tfe Co.), res w side Washington, bet Tenth and Eleventh. Kraas, Oscar, waiter, Queen Chop House, res w side Ninth, bet Pike and Pine. Kreager, Chris., Parker House Saloon, r>. Seattle. Kreidel & Harris, IX L Clothing House, 824 Front. Kreidel, Samuel, (I X L Clothing House), res s side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. Kreiger, William, laborer, n w cor Tenth and Jefferson. Kreisher, Phillip PL, ca-rpenter, with Oroke & Littell. Kreigk, Dr. Max, physician and surgeon, rooms 5 and (5, Opera ! block, res same. Krieger, C. PL, wood turner, with Oroke




BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. j A IVill line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good lit a specialty. ! 136 SEATTLE [L] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T.

! Labounty, Frank, laborer, res Brook, near Elaine, Lake Union dist. Lachenal, Mme., French Laundry, 1119 Front, res same. Ladd, G. E., (Ladd & Perkins), res cor Commercial and Main. Lagerlof, Frans, res s side Pike, bet Third and Fourth. Lair, P. J. & Co., (P. J. Lair, J. H. RengstorfT'), boots and shoes, i 013 Front. ' Lair, P. P., (P. J. Lair & Co.), 018 Front. Lake View Plall, (Peter Bamnan, prop), Lake Union. Lake Union House", (L. B. Parker, prop), Moltke, near Lake Union. Lake, T. W., boat builder, res near Manning's Wharf, N. Seattle. Lake Union Furniture Manufacturing Co., factory, Western Mill Co.'s building, Lake Union. Lamey, Patrick, res n side Jackson, bet Sixth and Seventh. Lancaster, Mrs. K. A., res Water, near Pike, Landerkin, G. M.., steward, str Eliza Anderson, bds St, Charles Hotel. Lansing, George, shoemaker, res w side Lake Union. Lanson, George, shoemaker, with II. Jones & Son, res w side Lake Union. Landsberger, Adolph, waiter, New England Hotel, bds same. . Langston Stables, (John Langston, pro])), 81 Washington. Langston, John, (Langston Stables), res n w cor Eighth and Union. Lang, Milton, delivery clerk, C. R. Brewster & Co., rms F. Skir- ski's. Lang, Martin, barkeeper, Mehlhorn & Probst, res Front, near Pike. Lane, logger, bds Idvorett House. Lange, E. F., res n e cor Sixth and Jefferson. Lan'ge, J. Paul, principal Yesler College, res 107 Second. j ; , : PAC3F1C M3D PUGET SOUiiO SODA WORICS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Singer Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 192, SEATTLE, W. T. P. J. .LAIR. J. H. RENGSTORFF. -^ CHICAGO ^ Boot and Shoe Store P. J. LAIR & CO.,

"Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ladies', Misses', Gent's and Children's Fine BOOTS AND SHOES


Custom Work and Repairing neatly done.

613 Front Street, Seattle, W. T. ISs= SEATTLE [L] DIRECTORY. . 137 MARBLE R WASHINGTON ^ s^NGsTREET, IT. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lapont, Andrew, fisherman, Water, near Seneca. Larsen, Annie, servent, Arlington. Hotel. Larson, Rasmus, laborer, res n\v cor Mill and Sixth. Larsen, L., laborer, C. & P. S. R. It., res cor Second and Seneca. Latimer, W. G., real estate, res 2410 Front. . Latimer, N. IP, bookkeeper, Dexter Horton & Co., res cor Front and-Vine. Latimer, Miss Nora, teacher, Denny School, res cor Front and, Union. Latour & Co., fancy dry goods,' Opera block, Front st. Latour, I., (Latour & Co.), rms C. M. Spaulding's n e cor Fifth and Cherry. Laughlin, J. It., clerk, bds St. Charles Hotel. Laughlin, Mary, servant, New England Hotel. Landerouth, P., filer, Stetson & Post. Lawton, C. W., (Seattle Nursery), res n side Mill, bet Fourteenth and Sixteenth. Lawrence, J. P., (Opera Flxchange Saloon), res e side Third, bet Lincoln and Brook, Lake Union.(list. Lawrey, Mrs. H. T., dressmaker, Kenyon block, re,s same. Lawson, L., freight clerk, C. & P. S. R, IP Lawson, Peter, teamster, res 2414 Front, .Lawson, David, blacksmith, Charles McDonald, bds Wisconsin House. Lay cock, J. H., painter, res s side Marion, bet Second and Third. Leahy, P., watchman, C. &• P. S. R. It. Leary, John, , room o Yesler-Leary block, res n e cor Second and Madison. Leary, John, teamster, res w side Front, near Virginia. Leavitt, Oliver, logger, bds Everett House. Leballister, Charles T., lumberman, e side Water near Battery. Lebalster, Eugene, engineer str "Seattle," resse'cor Second and Marion.



Leek, J., (Brandt & Leek), res Pike, bet Fourth and Fifth. Ledger, Mrs. F. H., bds Mrs. Parkhurst's. Ledgerwood, W. PI, agent, Wells, Fargo

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD i WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF ! Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. i ; Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. •

; Little, A., res Water, near Wrall. ! j Littell, (). B., (Oroke & Littell), res 1522 Second. j Littell, Thomas T., res 1522 Second. | I Livingston, Frank, clerk, Quincy Hall Clothing House, res n. w \ eor Fifth and Marion, j ' Llewellyn, William H., (Eshelman, [jlewellyn & Co.), res n e cor || Fourth and Madison. . Lloyd & Harrison, props Colorado Market, Front, near Kenyon | block. ! Lloyd, William, (Lloyd

UFACTURERS OF BURGERT & BOOTH, -::D DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGS AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St. SEATTLE [L] DIRECTORY. 141 MARBLE WASHINGTON "SIE,™sTREET. H. M. WBIGHT, PROPKIMTOK. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Long, J. W., ranchman, bds Lake Union Hotel. Look & Roberts, painters', n w cor Second and Columbia. Look, A. E., (Look & Roberts), res n side University, bet Second and Third. Loomis, Plenry B., attorney at law, James, opp Occidental Hotel, res n side Cherry, bet Fourth and Fifth. Lorsen, Lewis, blacksmith, rms e side Second, bet Seneca and University. Lotka, W., laborer, Western Mill Co., res near mills. Louch, Charles, grocer, 1434 Front, res same. Lough, Samuel, cook, tug Rip Van Winkle, rms Miners7 Saloon. Lowman, J. Q., bookseller and stationer, s e cor Front and Cherry, res w side Second, bet James and Cherry. Low, Capt. C. H., master str Nellie, res s side Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. Lubbe, Fred, fireman, tug Queen City, on board. Lucy, S. C, soapmaker, w side S. Eighth, bet Judkins and Addi­ tion , res same. Ludlow, Mrs. Anna, res Commercial, opp Arlington Hotel. Ludlow, G., salesman, San Francisco Store,, res Commercial, bet Jackson and Main. Ludlow, William, clerk, District Clerk's Office, res s w cor Ninth and Columbia. Ludlow, James P., Clerk of District Court, res s w cor Ninth and Columbia. Ludwig, Charles, millhand, Seattle Mill Co., res Tenth, near Dearborn. Lukanovich, F. C, fireman, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res foot Seneca. Lunn, Andrew, prop Mill Street Lodging House, res e side Sixth, bet James and Jefferson. Lunke, John, grocer, Moltke, Lake Union dist, res same. Lusthoff, Frederick, logger, res w side Ninth, bet Alder and Cedar.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWAED P. EDSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS BOCHESTER, Secretory. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTBELL MUKPHY, -4«w»icy. | Lands bought and sold. . *11 ' 142 SEATTLE [J] DIRECTORY. SAFES Sold on the installment plan at the Washington Street Employment Bureau. Lutz, M. J., barkeeper, Germania Saloon, res 108 Columbia.

Lutz, Mrs. KB. J-? fashionable dress and cloak making, 108 Col­ umbia. Lyle, Thomas, grocer, opp Bell's Hotel, Front st., res e side Third, bet Spring and Seneca. Lynch & Wood, furniture and upholstery, 917 Front. Lynch, O. W., (Lynch & Wood), res w side Tenth, bet Stewart and Olive. Lynch, Bartholomew B., farmer, S. Seattle. Lynch, Timothy, farmer, S. Seattle. Lyon, G. G., editor "Post-Intelligencer," res Third, bet Columbia and Marion. Lyon, J. M., books and stationery, 713 Front, res n side Columbia, bet Second and Third. Lyon, John, brick mason, res Fifteenth, near Olive.



Display the largest and finest stock of Furniture in the Territory, at their new and elegant salesrooms,

Nos. 635 and 637 Front Street, Seattle.

i page 10 for advertisement.


Mace, J. II., cook, str Pearl, on board. RflacO&flBsky, A. E- & Go., wholesale grocers, 315 and 317 Com­ mercial. MacCulsky, A. E., (A. E. MacCulsky & Co.), res cor Pine and Second. Macdonald, J. Forbes, pres Seattle Mill Co., res w side S. Eighth, bet Weller and Lane. MacPherson, Mrs. W. A., principal Trinity Parish School, res s side Terrace, bet Fifth and Sixth. Mack, Henry, barkeeper, Grotto Saloon, res 5 Mill. Mackintosh, A., pres Merchants National Bank, res s e cor Third and University. Macready, B., (Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co.), res Tacoma. Maddocks, M. R., capitalist, res n e cor Fourth and Cherry. M addocks, Frank, res s w cor Ninth and Seneca. Maddocks, RSrs. H. C, dressmaking, 623 Front, up stairs, res cor Ninth and Seneca. Maddocks, H. C, carpenter, ress w cor Ninth and Seneca.. Magee, John, res s side Mill, bet Fifth and Sixth. Magers, Mrs. Julia, res s side Pike, bet Front and Water. Maginnis, George T., (Seattle Soda Works), res s w cor Jackson and S. Eleventh. Maginnis, Thomas, (Seattle Soda WTorks), res s w cor Jackson and S. Eleventh. ftlagrath, E. W., saloon, 107 Washington, res same. Magrath, F. W., saloon, res e side Second, near Battery. Mahoney, D., flagman, C. & P. S. R. R. Mahoney, Mrs., laundress, Occidental Hotel. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 144 SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WiVS. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Maidment, Charles, at Yesler's Waterworks, res n e cor Sixth and Seneca. Mails, Frank, engineer, Newell's Factory, res Head of Bay S. Seattle. Mails, Frank, cigars and tobacco, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. Main, George L., painter, bds St. Charles Hotel. Maitland, A., with Co-operative Society, res cor Pike and Sixth. Malarky, J. D., (The Old Depot Saloon), Commercial, res same. Malone, Harrison, carpenter, res e side Oak, near Depot st. Maloney, Michael, farmer, res Collinses Addition, w side Lake Union. Malson, Mrs. S. E., res e side Ninth, bet James and Jefferson. Mane, Ed, painter, rms Foss' building, Commercial. Mann, Luther, foundryman, Washington Iron Works. Mann, Luther, bookkeeper, res e side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. Manning, J., coorier, Barrel Factory. Manning, A. H., contractor and builder, 2110 Third. Manning & Cresswell, wharf and warehouse, N. Seattle. Manning, G. L., (Manning & Creswell), res Wharf, N. Seattle. Manning, Mary, delivery clerk, Post-office, res cor Wall and Water. Manogue, James, bridge builder, res n w cor S. Ninth and Jackson. Marco, Frederick, carriage maker, with John W. Hunt, res w side Third, bet Cherry and Columbia. Marker, John, shoemaker, with John Kenney, res cor Eleventh' and King. Marks, Peter, carpenter, rms Jas. Moran's, S. Seattle. March, W. S., tobacco and cigars, 5J Mill, res California House. Marth, Frank, boiler maker, res n e cor Tenth and Lenora. Marsh, Mrs. M., milliner, with S. L. Burroughs. Marshall, J., salesman, San Francisco Store, rms 1216 Second. Marshall, A., manager Bank Exchange Saloon, res 200 Commer­ cial. Marshbank, J. W., stone mason, bds Everett House. IVIcCLAIRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 7191 FRONT STREET, FIRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE [Ml DIRECTORY. 145

MARBLE w R K WASHINGTON No ,?3 s pf,NcsTnEET, H. M. WBIGHT, Pi'OPBiETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Martin, Mrs. S. A., res 703 Second. Martin, Henry, fireman, Spring Hill Waterworks, Lake Wash­ ington, res near same. Martin, H. W., coachman, Arlington Hotel. Martin, D. D., teamster, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res Ninth, near Mill st. Martin, Jack, bookkeeper, Seattle Market, res Commercial, opp Arlington Hotel. Martin, Thomas, hostler, Langston Stables, res same. Martin, N. H., rms Mrs. I. Ferguson's, Bryant's block. Martin, Charles, rms Mrs. I. Ferguson's, Bryant's block. Masel, J. C, meat market, n'w cor Union and Third, res e side Union, bet Sixth and Seventh. Mattulath Barrel Manufacturing Co., W. C. Raveal, manager, Water Front, foot Eagle st. Matthews, Joseph, plumber, John Spencer, res cor Third and Union. Maud, W. H., produce and commission, 901 Front, res cor Fifth and Columbia. Mauer, Andreas, prop Opera Saloon, s side Marion, bet Front and and Second, res same. Mauer, Henry, brewer, Seattle Brewery, res n side Mill, bet Third and Fourth. Maupin, John A., laborer, Western Mill Co., res near mills. May, J. H., (Brannigan & May), real estate. May, J. H., teamster, res n e cor Second and Battery. Mayfield, William, clerk, res n w cor Fifth and Marion. May hew, M., res e side Front, bet Spring and Madison. May hew, M. F., with Beede & Baylis. MciUpine, A. N., Capt. str Welcome, res s side Terrace, bet Eighth and Ninth. McAlpine, Mrs. Esther R., widow, res s side Terrace, bet Eighth and Ninth.


I Qf*WR!il\/l M, C*f% STOVES, TINWORK, *JB OOririMi¥l %X \^KJB AND PLUMBING. COllftlfflERCIAL STREET. McAleer, Hugh, res Seventeenth, bet Canal and Catharine. McAndrews, M., boots and shoes, s side Washington, near Second, res s e cor Sixth and Jefferson. Me Arthur, P. A., bartender, West End Saloon, Mill st., res same. McAuley, A., scaler, res w side Second, bet Columbia and Cherry. McBeth, John A., blacksmith, Commercial Mill, res McPhee's block. McBeth, John, blacksmith, Wm. Beattie, res Jefferson, bet Third and Fourth. McBride, Lucinda, res Sarah B. Yesler's Addition, Lake Union dist. McBride, Mrs. Martha, res Sarah B. Yesler's Addition, Lake Un­ ion dist. McCalla, G. W., manager Seattle Guide and Time Table.

3i&lc€ansra, Ma L-3 boot and shoe maker, Marion, bet First and Front, res Third, bet Cherry and Columbia. McCary, John, prop Saloon, s side Washington, bet Second and Third, res same. McCary, James, bartender, Idaho Saloon, res same. McCarty, R. J., cashier, general, freight and ticket agent, C. & P. S. R. R., res 611 Second. McCarthy, Mrs. Mary, widow, res 5 Fourth, bet Terrace and Jeff­ erson. McCarter, William, laborer, Stetson & Post, res e side Commercial, , near Jackson. McCauley, John, blacksmith, res s side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. McOaire, M- S-, photographer, 719} Front, res 1521 Third. McClahan, Mrs. Delia, res s e cor Fourth and Battery. McClelian, J. P., laborer, Yesler Mills, res cor Seventh and Stewart. McClelian, John, laborer, res Moltke st., Lake Union dist. McColough, Wm. H., house and sign painter, res Salmon Bay.


A BL R WASH INGTON » * \0™& £$,H* STREET" H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. . McCloud, Aleck, barkeeper, rms Joseph Stephen's, w side Fourth, bet Washington and Main. McColough, John, logger, res Oriental Hotel. McCombs, Frank, teamster, res w side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. McCombs, James, waterworks, res w side Lake Union. McConaha, Miss E., e side Second, bet James and Cherry. McConnell, res G. W. Young's block. McCorkle, Alexander M., engineer, str W. F. Monroe, res e side Eighth, bet Pike and Pine. McCorcle, engineer, Whatcom Boat, res e side Tenth, bet Olive and Howell. McCowan, D. L., res n w cor Third and Bell. McCullough, Mrs. Margaret, widow, res with C. H. Ripley, e side Fifteenth. McDanSeB, D., drayman, res Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. McDaniel, R. W., teamster, res w side Sixth, bet Pike and Union. McDermoth, C, bookkeeper, Brunswick Hotel, res same. McDermott, J. D., contractor and builder, res and shop, Marion, opp Opera block. McDiarmid, James, carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R., res Temperance, near Water. McDonald, J. T-, tobacco and cigars, 220 Commercial, res w side Third, bet James and Jefferson. McDonald, J. W., mate, str Pearl, res s w cor Fifth and Jefferson. McDonald, Henry.C, clerk, res s w cor Fifth and Jefferson. McDonald, Henry, carpenter, res 1919 Front. McDonald, T., (Eyler & McDonald), res Jackson, near Third. McDonald, John, blacksmith, Mill st., opp Yesler Mills, res Mill st., bet Second and Third. McDonald, Charles, blacksmithing, Mill st., opp Yesler Mills, res 809 Second. McDonald, James Forbes, pres Seattle Mill Co., res S. Eighth, bet Dearborn and Lane.

BODE&GE1GER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialtj-. 148 SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY. WJVTCARKEE^ Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STBEET, SEATTLE, W. T. McDonald, Angus, laborer, res Head of Bay, S. Seattle. McDonald, John, longshoreman, res s side Main, bet Sixth and Seventh. McDonald, George, rms at L. H. Graves. McDonald, M., prop White House Saloon, Front, near Bell's Hotel. McDonald, Mai com, blacksmith, bds Lake Union House. McDonald, Mrs. Mary V., res s w cor Fifth and. Jefferson. McDonald, Mrs. S. E., res Water, near Pike. McDonald, Miss Lena, domestic, Pacific Hotel. McDougall, J. B., (Toklas & Singerman), bds Mrs. Foster's, Sec­ ond, bet Cherry and James. McDougall, C, with D. Brockway & Co., foot Seneca. McDougall, Calvin, lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., rms M.cPhee's block. McEachren, John, carpenter, res Water, near Pike. McElroy, James H., res e side Fifth, near Virginia. McElfresh, George, conductor, C. & P. S. R. R., res s e cor Main and Eighth. McElroy, Mrs. John, res e side S. Eleventh-', bet Jackson and King. McElroy, Miss Isabell, res e side S. Eleventh, bet Jackson and King. McFadden, Robert N., cashier, Meic'iants National Bank, res w side Second, bet James and Cherry. McFadden, G. P., teamster, res junction Pike and Fourteenth. McFarland, Walter, res s e cor Eleventh and Stewart. McFerran, B., hackman, St. Charles Hotel, res same. McGee, John W., blacksmith, res n w cor S. Eleventh and Weller. McGilra, John J., attorney at law, 105 Commercial. McGilvery, Richard, driver, N. Chilberg,. res s side Marion, bet Seventh and Eighth.

ED. POWERS, MONARCH SALOON, BILLY MEYERS, NUF CED. 34 COMMERCIAL STREET SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY. 149 MAR R K WASHINGTON ^^ s pf,NG STREET H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. McGinnis, P., carpenter, rms at Mrs. M. Sidney's, w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. McGinnis, John, teamster, rms James Clancy's, G. W. Young's block. McGinty, Henry, waiter, Occidental Hotel. McGoughn, J., painter, Front, foot Seneca. McGraw, John H., sheriff, n e cor Mill and Third, res s side Ter­ race, bet Fourth and Fifth. McGraw, V. S., carpenter, res n side Vine, bet Front and Second. McGraw, Mrs. R., res n e cor Fourth and Cedar. McHendren, M., peddler, res St. Charles Hotel. Mclnnis, John, night clerk, Occidental Hotel. Mclnnis, Hugh, ship carpenter, res w side Eighth, bet University and Union. Mclntyre, P., salesman, res e side Cherry, bet Sixth and Seventh. Mclntyre, Hugh Wm., upholsterer^ Lynch & Wood, bds w side Seventh, bet Union and University. Mclntyre, James, plumber, Young

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND"'— OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAKD, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, Pj^kW-. • I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRELL MURPHY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. 150 SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY. R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER OP MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. McKnight, James, clerk, res n side alley, bet Pike and Union, Fourth and Fifth. McKnight, Samuel, n side alley, bet Pike and Union, Fourth and Fifth. McKnight, Mrs. Margaret, widow, res n side alley, bet Pike and Union, Fourth and Fifth. McKowin, T. H., ship carpenter, res w side Third, bet Vine and Cedar. McKowin, Miss Ida, dressmaker, Mrs. Maddocks, res Second, near Cedar. McLachlan, William, house mover, res w side Tenth, bet Virginia and Lenora. McLafiin, Edward, Jr., bartender, Monarch Saloon, bds Grand Central. McLaughlin, H. L., watches, diamonds and jewelry, 612 Front. McLaughlin, John, clerk, A. B. Stewart, 615 Front, res same. McLean, Eraser, carpenter, rms Everett House. McMaster, Saxie, barkeeper, s w cor Third and Washington, res same. McMicken, Morris, (Struve, Haines & McMicken), attorney at law, res cor Jackson and Second. McMillan, D., contractor and builder, bds Occidental Hotel. McMillin, Lewis, with Whitworth & Thomson, Edes, near Col­ umbia. McMillan, M., machinist, res 1411 Front. McNamara, Thomas, laborer, res s w cor Fourth and Jefferron. I«3c$BaMght, Ferry, BBcMaught & RBatcheflB, attorneys at law, 108J Commercial. McNaught, James, (McNaught, Ferry, McNaught •& Mitchell), res s e cor Fourth and Spring. McNaught, Joseph, (McNaught, Ferry, McNaught & Mitchell), res n e cor Sixth and Columbia.

W. JL SlJIITSHi;, Agent for HaiSet & Davis and other first- cBass Pianos, Sheet music and musicai Merchandise. 821 FROSMT STREET. SEATTLE [ M ] DIRECTORY. 151 WASHINGTON MARBLE ^IKSN.«•««-. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. McPhee, J. A., real estate, res McPhee block.

B&cPherson, W. 8k*9 grocer, Mill, near Second, res s side Terrace, bet Fifth and Sixth. McPherson, N. G., bookkeeper, bds at W. A. McPherson's, s side Terrace, bet Fifth and Sixth. McPherson, Miss L. B., music teacher, bds W.' A. McPherson's, s side Terrace, bet Fifth and Sixth. McRae, Alexander, carpenter, res n side Prince, bet Kinney and "Randolph. McRae, F. A., clerk, N. Chilberg, res n side Prince, bet Kinney and Randolph. McSorley, H. J., harness maker, F. Bories, res cor Third and Marion. McSorley, Charles, farmer, res Seventeenth, bet Canal and Cath­ arine. McTavish, D. G., painter, with Burke & Rush, bds Washington, near Bijou. McTeigh, Michael, harness maker, L. E. Booth, res w side Fourth, bet Union and Pike. McWilliams, James A., supt Spring Hill Waterworks, res at Waterworks. McWilliams, John, engineer, Waterworks, bds Lake Washing­ ton Hotel, foot Jackson. Meagher, Phillip, printer, bds St. Charles Hotel. Meany, E. S., route agent, "Post-Intelligencer," res cor Sixth and Seneca. Meany, Mrs. M. A., widow, res e side Sixth, bet Spring and Seneca. Mears, J. P., shoemaker, with Treen, Raymond & Turrell. Meeker, Henry H., bookkeeper, Golden Rule Bazaar, res s side Eighth, near Union. ^Beaster, George, saloon and lodgings, 115 Cherry. Meister, Alex, res 115 Cherry. Megrath, John, res w side Fourth, bet Blanchard und Leonra. BODE &GEIGER, MERCHAMT TAILORS 711 Front Street, SeatlBe, Wash. Ter. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 152 SEATTLE [ M ] DIRECTORY.

pu GET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T. Meggs, J. S., res w side Lake Union. Mehlhorn & Probst, saloon, 723 Front. Mehlhorn, August, (Mehlhorn & Probst), res Second, bet Columbia and Marion. Melvin, William, setter, Stetson & Post. Mercer, Thomas, res cor Farm and Ward, w side Lake Union. Merchants National Bank, (A. Mackintosh, Pres., Robert N. McFadden, Cashier), 629 Front. Merrick, C. H., physician and surgeon, 2124 Front, res e side Water, near Battery. Merrill, A. B., drayman, res Bismarck, Lake Union dist. Merriwether & Fredericks, shingle manufacturers, foot Seneca. Merriwether, Frank, (Merriwether & Fredericks), res cor Front and Spring. Merrifield, A., stone mason, res bet Second and Third, near Battery. Merton, G. W., carpenter, res s w cor S. Ninth, and Lane. Merwin, Capt. W. K., master str W. K. Munroe, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Mesdag, T., bookkeeper, res 1710 Front. Metcalf, J. B., attorney, res s w cor Main and S. Eleventh. Metcalf, M. C, plasterer, res McPhee's block. Metts, D. P., gardener, res E. Seattle, near Cemetery, Metzger, , rms W. T. Pillman's, n side Spring, bet Second and Third. Meydenbauer, WiBliam, (Eureka Bakery), 725 Front, res n e cor Third and Columbia. Meydenbauer, Albert, clerk, Eureka Bakery, res n e cor Third and Columbia. Meydenbauer, Herman, driver, Eureka Bakery, res n e cor Third and Columbia. Meyers, William, (Powers & Meyers), res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [L] DIRECTORY. 153 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^??{SM0STREET. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Meyer, Herman, butcher, s e cor Washington and Sixth, res s e cor Washington and Sixth. Michael, John, shoemaker, tobacco and cigars, Mill, head of Com­ mercial, res n e cor Seventh and James. Michael, John, clerk, M. A. Kelly, n e cor Seventh and James. Michael, George F., salesman, Gordon Hardware Co., res cor Sev­ enth and James. Michigan Mills, E. F. Blaine, manager, Water Front, near Pine. Middleton, Robert, compositor, "Post-Intelligencer,""res Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. Miles, Z. C, (Waddell & Miles), res Second, bet James and Cherry. Miles, T., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Miles, George, cooper, Barrel Factory. Miles, Thomas, (Philadelphia Saloon), res Grand Central. Miles, Thomas, laborer, res w side Front, bet Pike and Pine. Milham, Samuel F., expressman, res cor Mercer and Dexter, Lake Union dist. Mill Street House, (Peters & Limn, props), Mill st. Miller, P. B. M., physician and surgeon, rooms 7 and 8, Arcade building, res n side Madison, bet Sixth and Seventh. Miller, Dr. C. L., Sr., physician, 108 Cherry, res same. Miller, A. W., assayer, res Lincoln, bet Filth and Sixth, Lake Union dist. Miller, F. C, salesman, with Schwabacher Bros. & Co. Miller, , woodman, res N. Seattle, near Barrel Factory. Miller, Frank, porter, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., rms Mrs. Fergu­ son's, Bryant's block. Milier, William, upholsterer, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res s w cor Third and Pike. Miller, Fred, waiter, Saddle Rock Restaurant, res w side Fourth, bet Madison and Marion. Miller, Amasa S., res e side Third, bet Marion and Madison. Miller, J., (Miller Bros.), res w side Third, bet Pike and Pine.


Miller, Andrew, laborer, res w side Seventh, bet Main and Jackson. Miller, G. W., farmer, res n e cor East and Prince William. Miller, John, laborer, res Bay st., near Bay View Brewery. Milliken, Willis, manager Esmond Saloon, res n e cor Commercial and Washington. Milliran, A. C, cooper, Barrel Factory. Mills, W. V., crier of court, res Mill st., foot of Second. Mills, Ambrose L., carpenter, and builder, res w side Eleventh, bet Madison and Spring. Mills, Mrs. L. H., dressmaker, s side Mill, foot Second. Milner, T. J., assistant supt and engineer, C. & P. S. R. R., res w side Front, near Union. Minch, Henry, laborer, Western Mill Co., res near mills. Miner, Charles, laborer, res Water Front, near Seneca. Miners' Saloon, (Louis Silvain, prop), Mill st., near Yesler's Wharf, res Columbia. Minick, F. A., employed on R. R., res Front, bet Marion and Mad­ ison. Minor, Dr. Thomas T.„ physician, pres Puget Sound. Telegraph Co., Opera block, res n e cor Twelfth and Cherry. Misener, George, carpenter, res w side Fourth, bet Union and Pike. Mitchell, J. PL, attorney at law, res w side Second, bet James and Cherry. Mitchell, Dr. David A., physician and surgeon, w side Third, bet Seneca and University. Mitchell, F. J., architect and builder, res s side Seneca, bet Sixth and Seventh. Mitchell, William L., bookkeeper, Yesler Mill Co., res Front and Madison. Mitchell, J. C, auctioneer, 813 Front, res foot Marion. Mitchell, , ship builder, e side Second, near Seneca.

AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY. 155 MARBLE WASHINGTON WK?N« .™T. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell, R. R., mattress maker, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res Denny block, Front st. Mitchell, Charles L., harness maker, Second and Mill, res n e cor Seventh and Jefferson. Mitchell, Alonzo T., laborer, res e side Rose, bet Madison and Knight. Mittelsadt, Fred, gardener, res w side Ninth, bet Pine and Pike. Moen, Ben., boot and shoemaker, 112 Second, res same. Molena, Thomas, employee, Occidental Hotel. Monahan, L. F., brakeman, C. & P. S. R. R. Monarch Saloon, Powers & Meyers, props, 34 Commercial. Moon, Daniel, teamster, bds Everett House. Monroe, James E., draughtsman, res w side Fifth, bet Columbia and Marion. Monroe, David, steward, Seattle Restaurant, 8 Mill st., res same. Montgomery, Alex., tobacco, cigars and pipes, 116 Commercial. Moran Bros., machinists and engineers, Yesler's Wharf, foot Mill st. Moran, Robert, (Moran Bros.), res Lenora, bet Second and Third. Moran, Peter, (Moran Bros.), res Lenora, bet Second and Third. Moran, James, laborer, res e side S. Eleventh, bet Charles and Plummer. Moran, Sherman, moulder, Washington Iron Works. Moreno, Ricardo, house and sign painter, res e side Fourth, bet Pike and Union. Morgan & Lawrence, props Opera Exchange Saloon, 920 Front. Morgan, J. W., (Opera Exchange Saloon), res 1004 Front. Morgan, John D., bartender, Philadelphia Snloon, res Grand Central. Morgan, Frank, cook, Wisconsin House, res same. Margareidge, S., barber, 110 Cherry, res w side Third, bet Marion and Madison. Moore, H. N., res n side Spring, bet Seventh and Eighth; PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Coder. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. 150 SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

Moore, George N., photographer, Sullivan block, res n e cor Ninth and Spring. Moore, Mrs. E. C, dressmaker, res n w cor Main and Fifth. Morse, O. N., prop Grand Central Hotel, 316 Commercial, bet Main and Jackson. Morse, Willard A., prop Everett House, e side Fourth, bet Jeffer­ son and Terrace. Morse, James G., painter, Boardman & Nichols, res foot Marion. Morse, C. W., bench hand, Yesler Mills, res N. Vine! Morse, Melvin, bartender, with Smith & Blanchard, res Grand Central. Morse, Win. M., builder, res e side Ninth, bet Pine and Olive. Morse, Simon T., gardener, res Yesler's 2d Addition. Morris, Wm., stevedore, res n e cor S. Eighth and Weller. Morrison, James, prop Pacific and Puget Sound Soda Works, res s w cor Eighth and Columbia. Morrison, L. R., plasterer, s side Mill, bet Fifth and Sixth. Morrison, Frank, printer, bds Tremont House. Morrison, Robert, carpenter, Commercial Mill, bds Western House. Morrison, J., res s e cor Depot st., and Brannan. Morrisy, Thomas, barkeeper, Bijou Theatre, rms same. Morse, Charles, porter, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., rms Mrs. Fer­ guson's, Bryant's block. Moss, John J., engineer, res w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Mount, John, laborer, at Wm. Gross ranch. Mulford, , laborer, res e side Seventh, near Virginia. Muller, , res N. Seattle, near Barrel Factory.* Mulvaney, John, driver, Seventh St. Grocery, res e side Seventh, bet University and Union. Mumbach, George, ranchman at H. ChafTey's, n side Jackson, bet Fifteenth and Sixteenth.

UFACTURERS OF BURGERT & BOOTH, "s:ND DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGS AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St. SEATTLE [M] DIRECTORY. 157 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^N.™n, II. M. WRIGHT, PiioiMtiKTon. Everything- in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Munch, Robert, civil engineer, 017 Front, res s side Marion, bet Third and Fourth. Munday, Charles F., (White , Odd .Fellows block, res cor Sixth and Columbia. Murphy, M. F-, cigars and tobacco,


N j Naher, Charles, jeweler, Yeslcr-Leary block, Mill st., res s w cor | Mill and Seventh. I "Nalier, August, salesman, with Clias. Naher, nw s w cor Mill and ! Seventh. | Naber, A. F., salesman, Schwabacher liros. & Co., bds s w cor j Mill and Seventh. ; Navrre, Lewis, laborer, res c side .Kilt11, bet Albert and Howard, i Lake Union dist. : Naylor, Miss Alta, dressmaker, with Mrs. II. C. Maddocks, rms 24 Denny block. Nedo, George, saloon, West st., in rear Cordon block, res same. Nedson, John, tailor, with R. .J. Craham. Neft', Charles, v(.\^ n w cor Marion and Second. Negerman, Henry, laborer/ res alley, bet S. Third and Kourtli, I Main and Washington. | Neil, Elizabeth K., widow, res e side Sixth, bet Pike and Pine. j Neley, James, tailor, with R. J. Craham, res w side Second, near Stewart. • Nelligan, Thomas, carpenter, resist1).] Cherry. i Nelson, Carl, (Gleason & Nelson), res s e cor Tenth and Cherry. . Nelson, A. L., contractor, res n side King, bet Eighth and Ninth.

; Nelson, Peter, law student, Kalloch, Scars, Holcomb & Kalloch, ! bds Brunswick Hotel. • Nelson, !>., lumper, with "Waddell


Nelson, Hans, teamster, res w side Third, near Bell. Nelson, Charles, laborer, res e side Sixth, bet Pike and Pine. Nelson, Charles, laborer, C. & P. S. .R. R., res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Nelson, A., laborer, C & V. S. It. P., res e side Twelfth, bet Cath­ arine Am my. I Nelson, Louisa, domestic, at Ceo. W. Hall's. Nestor, John, architect, Seattle Lumber

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF BMlarhie and Granite Ifflonuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL KTRKICT. SEATTLE, W. T Wm&z, Whitftlesey & Co., (U. R. Niesz, C. F. and W. II. Whit­ tlesey), real estate and abstracts, Safe Deposit building, OUl Front. Niesz, U. R., (Niesz, Whittlesey

MARBLE R : WASHINGTON NO*I?. JK....sTREET,! H. M. WRIGHT, Pi'Oi>niKTOR. i ftvorything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. j North Pacific News Co., J. Stratnian, manager, Mill st., next door j to .Post-office. | Northwest Frust Co., (Joseph Green, Thomas F. Helton), n side | Mill st., near Post-office. ! Norwold, H- E., merchant tailor, s side Mill st., near 11. R., res i Pike and Front. • Nueonoway, F. C, Water, near Seneca. I Nummelin, A., laborer, res w side Eleventh, bet Seneca and Uni- I versify. i Numan, F., machinist, C. & P. S. R. R. ! Nunan, Thomas, ship carpenter, res e side Ninth, bet Spring and | Seneca. ! Nunan, M., cash boy, San Francisco Store.




Safe Deposit Building, 631 Front Street.


! Oak Restaurant and Lodging House, J. T. Beadle, prop, H>~> am j 107 Washington, | Oakley, F., clerk, C. P. Stone, res foot Jackson. I Oakley, N. IJ., machinist, res o side Commercial, near Arlington Hotel. O'Brien, Michael, boot and shoemaker, res s side Jackson, bet- Sixth and Seventh. O'Brien, John P., clerk, Stackpool

! O'Brien, Phillip i)v florist, res'West, near Lenora. O'Brien, Frank, fish market, Mill st., res Miner's Saloon. O'Brien, laborer, res n side King, bet.Eighth and Ninth. Occidental Hotel, John Collins, prop, junction Mill and James, j Ocean House, Bern*. Murphy, prop, Alain, near Commercial. O'Connor, J. F., prop the Snug Cigar Store, cor Main and Com­ mercial, res n e cor Second and Marion. O'Oonor, Eugene, barkeeper, Bank Exchange Saloon. O'Conor, John, laborer, Western Mill Co., res near Mill, Lake Union dist. | O'Connor, Mary, table girl, San Francisco Hotel. O'Donald, M., barkeeper, Senate Saloon, Commercial, res same. Oelsen, O., carpenter, res n e cor S. Ninth and Dearborn. Oelsen, John, sailor, res e side Sixth, bet Main and Jackson. Oelsen, J., laborer, res n side Dearborn, bet Ninth and Tenth. Office Saloon, Oliver .Bernard, prop, s side Washington,, bet Com­ mercial and Second. O'Harra, Charles F., prop Boll Town Exchange, Front, bet Boll and Battery, res same. A CMITU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W u F\m WlYl I I li j AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [O] DIRECTORY. 168

MARBLE w R K WASH INGTON No ,?3 s Pf,Nc „„„. 1 li. M. WKKIIIT, PHOPIIIKTI.R, KYerythiny; in our lino constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Ohltelder, H., grocer, res n side Marion, bet Second and Third. O'Hare, John, laborer, res Water, near Wall. Ohm, Jacob, res n e cor Fourth and Mary. (). K. Sample Room, Ladd st. Oldtield, J., supt Western Mill Co., res Bismarck, Lake Union dist. Oliver, Joseph L., captain tug Biz, res s e cor Eighth and Marion. Oltin, William, waiter, Arlington Hotel. j Oliver, A. W\, stableman, Phillips <& Scars, res same. ; Olson, J. P., laborer, Stetson

Ml rARKFFK PUGET S'ND STONE YARD »la Vnni\LiLiH\j MANUFACTURER OF RdarbBe and Granite ftfontuflinents, Headsteroes, etc. Also, nealer in Brick. Lime, Cement, etc MILL STRKRT, HKATTLTO, W. T.

Oroke, Millard F., (Oroke & Littel), res w side Eighth, bet Stew­ art and Lenora. Orr, James, head waiter, Arlington Hotel, res same. Orr, Andrew, bds Arlington Hotel. I Orfh, Adam, boots and shoes, 714 Front, res same. : Osborne, E. S., city clerk, office City Hall, res s w cor Seneca and ! Fourth. i | Osborn, Richard, attorney at. law and proctor in admiralty, Post ! building, res w side Second, near Stewart. ! Osborn, J. W., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res Blan- j chard and Front. Osborn, Albert, lumberman, res n e cor Blanchard and Front. j Osborn, P. T., builder, res w side Fifteenth, bet Canal and Oath- | arine. i Osgood, h\ H., pres Seattle-Street Kailway Co., res e side Second, bet Madison and Marion, Stetson & Post's building. ! O'Shea & Peren, saloon keepers, o Mill st. O'Shea, Patrick, (O'Shea & Peren), res 5 Mill st. Osland, Peter, net maker, w side Sixth, bet Mill and Terrace. Oslen, Charles, laborer, e side S. Ninth, bet Lane and Dearborn. Otis, C. 0., missionary minister, res w side Fourth, near Lenora. O'Tee, Jack, French Restaurant, s side Washington, bet Second and Third, res same. Our House, Wm. Cross, prop, 25 Mill st.





MARBLE w R K WASH INGTON No ,?3 s Pf,NG STREET, H. Z\i. WRIGHT, PHOI'KIETOK. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Pacific Drug Store, (Clericus & Koechling, props), cor Front and Madison. Pacific and Puget Sound Soda Works, (James Morrison, prop), 717 Front. Pacific House, (A. E. Thorndyke, pro])), s w cor Second and Main. Packwood, William, engineer, str Pearl, bds Villard House. Page, A., commission merchant, 901 Front. Page, B. L., farmer, res cor Lake and Third, Lake Union (list. Page, H. H., farmer, cor Lake and Third, Lake Union dist. Palace Clothing House, (H. Hershberg & Co., props), 810 and SIS Front. Palmer, A. L, attorney at law, (>0M Front, res ltt;>4 Second, near Lenora. Palmer, G. Wr., sawyer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Pancoast, Albert, switchman, C. & P. S. R. R., res n side Wash­ ington, bet Sixth and Seventh. Pantheon SaSoon, (W. F. Allen & Co., props), 3D and :•>! Com­ mercial. Pardun, 1)., (L. Pardun & S:>n), res St. Charles Hotel. Pardun, H., (D. Pardun & Son), St. Charles Hotel. i Park, James, contractor and builder, res n e cor Sixth and Mill. ! Parker, Capt. Frank, master bark Lizzie Williams, res n side Len­ ora, bet Front and Second. ' Parker, O. W., druggist, G. Kellogg & Co., res cor Seventh and Union. Parker, G. "A., machinist, res Ash, near Depot st. Parker, Tsod., waiter, Eureka Bakery, res cor Third and Columbia. i Parker, F. A., sawyer, Stetson & Post, res w side Front, near i Virginia.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE ! LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION [ ; EirwAKn P. EIXSON, President. • I Abstracts of Title made. j JUNi rs ROCHKSTIOK, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. ! | .1. IJUTTKKLL MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold, i \ \W SEATTLE [P] DIRECTORY, j R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, ! OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, COliNICK OF MILL AX!) F.H0XT STHKKTS, J-IXTUA^CK ON KKONT. I Parker, I., machinist, res n w cor Sixth and Marion. ; ; Parker House, (T. Adams, ])roj)), West, bet Lake Avenue and ; Cedar. [ : Parkhurst, A. YV., clerk, Yesler's Wharf, res cor Second ami j : Cherry. ; 1 Parkhurst, Mrs. H. S., boarding house, e side Second, bet Cherry j | and Columbia. ! j Parr, James, wood chopper, res cor Rush and Main, Lake Wash- j ington dist. | | Parsons, Flora, teacher, Denny School, bds Thomas Mercer's. i Paterson, Chris, laborer, res e side West, near .Battery." : Patrick, H., tinner, res West, bet Virginia and Lenora. : Patten, J. M., (Globe Printing Co.), res Front, bet Pine and Vir­ ginia. ; Patterson, James F., farmer, res w side Fifth, bet Madison, and I Spring.

; Paulson, Paul, (Hall & Paulson Furniture Co.), res Bay View mill. \ Paulson, Christ, pile driver, res w side Eighth, bet Pike and Lnion. ! Paulson, A., carpenter, res e side Tenth, bet Howell and Stewart, j i Payne, J. H., carpenter res s e cor Temperance and Harrison. | Peacock, Charles, carpenter, res *w side S. Eleventh, bet Plum- ! nier and Norman. 1 Pearce, Helen L., teacher, Central Schcol, res n side Spring, bet Seventh and Eighth. j Pearlman, J. M., auctioneer, and furniture dealer, s e cor Mill and | Second, rms Columbia House. ! Pearsall, G. V., carpenter, C. «fe P. S. R. R, i Pearson, John P., chief mate, ship T. F. Oakes, res s w cor Eleventh and Madison. ! Pearson, F., with Stetson & Post. j Pearson, P. G., laborer, res bet Third and Fourth, Pine ami Oilve. Peas, Mrs. M. D., millinery, 710 Front, res same.

W. A. SMITH, Agent for Hallef & Davis and other first- class Pianos, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. 321 FRONT STREET. SEATTLE [P] DIRECTORY. 107 MARBLE I WASHINGTON WRSH- STREET, II. M. WRIGHT, Pitoi'RiJOTOH. 10 very thing in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. i Pease, Hiram H., res n \v cor Eighth and Spring. I Peele, R., tinner, J. Sehram & Co. ! Peeler, M., laborer, res near Barrel Factory, N. Seattle. I Peiser, Theodore E., photographer, cor Second and Marion, Wi< 215 Columbia. , Pelly, B., (XV. 1). Scott <& Co.), res cor Eighth and Madison. ! Pelz, Morris, tobacco and cigars, n e cor Commercial and Wash­ ington, res cor Front and Columbia. Pen field, N., supt Gas Works, res n w cor Eighth and Pine. ! Penfiold, A. L., teacher, Central School, res n w cor Eighth and Pine. Pentield, R., machinist, Washington Iron Works. ' Penman, Henry, barkeeper, White House Saloon, N. Seattle. ] Tenner, Henry C, cabinet maker, Lake Union Furniture Co. Penner, Gustavo E., cabinet maker, Lake Union Furniture Co. ' Penney, Lewis V., (Seattle Boiler Works), bds New England Hotel ; Pen well, Mrs, Sarah, res n side (-berry, bet Ninth and Tenth. Peren, Oliver, (O'Shea & Peren), 'res s side Mill, near railroad. • Perkins, C. ({., bookkeeper, Dexter Horton & Co., res cor Front and Vine. I Perkins & Ladd, props (.). K. Sample Saloon, 224 Commercial. j Perkins, G. M., (Perkins & ,Ladd), res cor Commercial and Main. Perkins, J. H., carpenter, res e side Eighth, bet Stewart and Olive. Persson, John, laborer, Washington Iron Works. Peters, Paul, salesman, San Francisco Store, res n e cor Commer­ cial and Jackson. Peters, PL M., prop Mill St. House, res same. Peterson, Lewis, photographer, res n w cor Eighth'ami University. | Petersen, Henry, photographer, res n w cor Eighth and University. Peterson, Frederick IL, attorney at law, (Emery & Peterson), res 1210 Second. Peterson, A., (Johnson & Peterson), res 1U> Cherry. Peterson, James, longshoreman, res Water, near Seneca. BODE &GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 Front Street, Seattle, Wash. Ter. A Aill lino of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good lit a specialty. ; ; 108 SEATTLE [P] DIRECTORY.' WM. CPiRKEEK,^GZT^^^^RD relarbSe and Oranite Monuments, Headstones, etc. ; Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. . MILL fiTRKET, SEATTLE. W. T. . Peterson, Frederick, engineer, str Geo. E. Starr, res w side Third, bet Union and Pike. Peterson, P. E., fireman, C. & P. S.' R. R., res s side Marion, bet i , Second and Third. Peterson, James P., res s Jackson St. Addition, Lake Washington dist. i ! Peterson, C. J., waiter, Oriental Hotel. ; Peterson, .T. P., laborer, Stetson & Post. • Peterson, John, laborer, bds n side Dearborn, bet S. Ninth and j ,• Tenth. j Peterson, S., laborer, res e side S. Twelfth, bet Catharine and j Ammy. i . Peterson, Peter, night watchman, res s side Jackson, near Second, j Pfeitfer, Ellen M., prop Seattle Restaurant, res cor Sixth and Jeff- ; I erson..

; Phelan, M. P., carpenter, res First, near Wall. I Phelps, 0., fireman, C. & P. S. R. R., res s side Jackson, near Sec- ! i oiid. j Philadelphia Saloon, (Miles & Thomas, props), cor Commercial j ! and Washington, in basement. ; | Phil brick, Gilman, tallyman, Stetson & Post, res s w cor S. Thir- < I teenth and Catharine. . PhiBBips Brothers, stoves and tinware, 9.10 Front. : Phillips, W. R., (Phillips Bros.), res West, near Battery. ; Phillips, J. W., (Phillips Bros.), res e side Second, near Pike. j Phillips, H. F., (Phillips & Sears), res Salmon Bay-. Philips, Oscar F., prop New York Restaurant, 022 Front, res I I same. i Phillips, J. T., assistant civil engineer, 0. & P. S. R. R.. : Phillips, Edward, carpenter, res s side James, bet Fifth and Sixth. , , Phillips, Samuel, waiter, Arlington Hotel. I Phinney, Guy C. & Co., law and collection, Post building. PACRFEC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Aie, and SarsapariBBa. Eastern Coder. ' Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [P] DIRECTORY. 1(>9': MARBLE R WASHINGTON ^? s^NGSTREET,' II. M. WRIGHT, RROPKIKTOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Phinney, Guy C, (Guy C. Phinney & Co.), res s e cor Twelfth and James. Phinney, James, lumbermau, res n e cor Eighth and Spring. Pickard, I). P., carpenter, Lincoln, bet Fifth and Sixth. Pickard, Jesse, laborer, Western Mill Co. Pickering, J. F., res New England Hotel. Pierce, Rev. I). J., pastor, First Baptist Church, res s w cor Ninth and Alder. ; Pilling, Michael, laborer, res Chestnut, Sarah B. Yesler's Addition, : Lake Union dist. PiBIman, W. T. & Co., second hand furniture, s side Cherry, j near Second. Pillman, W. T., second hand furniture, res n side Spring, bet Sec­ ond and Third. Pinckney, Albert M., carpenter, res e side Yillard, bet Bancroft ,| and Hawthorne. I Pinckney, W. H., policeman, res e side Third, bet Bell and Blan- | chard. ; Pinckney, .J. B., tinnier, e side Yillard, bet Bancroft and Haw­ thorne. Pinkham, A. S., California Market, res Aloha, bet Elaine and dishing, Lake Union dist. ; Pinkham, Roy, clerk, California Market, res Aloha, bet Elaine | and dishing, Lake Union dist. ! Pioneer Saloon, James Miles, prop, 9 Mill st., res same. ; Piper, Andrew W., confectionery and bakery, Front, bet Cherry 1 and James, res wr side Eleventh, bet Pike and Pine. : Piper, T. J., teacher, Central School, res Eleventh, bet Pike and Pine. ' Pitchford, J. W.,' compositor, ".Post-Intelligencer," res w side j Front, near Bell. ; Pitt, W. G., journalist, e side Front, near Lenora. ! Pixley, Mrs. Sarah, res Water, near Wall.



Plate, Charles A., laborer, res e side Fifth, bet Cherry and James. Plough, S. W., shoemaker, res 15 Mill st. Plough, O. S., prop Yillard House, 15 Mill st. Plough, C. C, Yic-e Consul for Denmark, res \v side Ninth, bet Stewart and Howell. Plummer, Fid ward E., stockman, res s w cor King and S. Seventh. Plummer, Ed., watchman, res n w cor Second and Jackson. Plummer, Mrs. S. I., res n e cor S. Second and Jackson. Pol u dexter, (-., secy Gordon Hardware Co., res 1(>(M) Fourth. Pollock, James, salesman, with S. Kenney, res cor Sixth and Main. , Pomeroy, George H., lumberman, res e side Sixth, bet Main, and j Jackson. j Ponein, Gamma, capitalist, res n w cor Fourth and Marion. I Pontius, F. A., druggist, 702 Front, res s w cor Seventh and Union. Pontius, L. II., clerk, with F. A. Pontius, res cor Madison, and Front. I | Pontius, A. M.', clerk, F. A. Pontius, res cor Madison and Front. j Poole, W.W., carpenter, res e side Sixth, bet Union and Pike. | Port/man, N., salesman, S. Baker, res s w cor Second and Marion. 1 Post-flnteiligencer, (daily and weekly), Thomas W. Prosh, pub- i lisher, Post building, Mill st. : Post, J. J., (Stetson & Post), res cor Second and Marion. ' Powell, Prof. L. J., pres Washington University, res on University grounds. • Powell, Frank, shipping clerk, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res i cor Marion and Sixth. I Powell, Nellie G., teacher, University Washington, res with Prof. j Powell. | Powell, J., stone mason, res s side Madison, bet Third and Fourth. ! Powell, \V. W., logger, res e sidv. S. Tenth, bet Plummer and i Norman.

AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLAS.S PIANOS 821 Front Street, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE j ! SEATTLE [P] D1RKCT0RY. 171 i • -• MARBLE I WASHINGTON WR5HO T„„T. ! If. M. WRKUIT, PROIMUKTOK. | Everything in our line constantly on hand. .Satisfaction ii,uarant(H»

; Power, T. J., res e side Oak, near Depot st. i Power, J. M., blacksmith, res Box, near John. ! Powers, E. J., (Powers & Meyers), res Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. : Powers, Thomas, helper, Barrel Factory, res e side Fourth, bet Pike and Pine. [ Powers, Edward, rms .L. H. Graves. ! Pratt, R. H., fruitgrower, res Birch st., Nob Hill. i Pratley, .Richard, mason, Lincoln, bet Fourth and Fifth, Lake j Union dist. \ Pregengure, Gustavo, cook, Brunswick Hotel. | Prendergast, H., coach driver, New England Hotel, bds same. : I*rest-on, George H., attorney at law, James, opp Occidental Hotel, j res n w cor Eighth and Madison. I Preston, H., (Hill & Preston), res 720 Front. I Preston, XV. L., lumberman, res Mercer's Addition. ! Preston, N., milk dealer, res n e cor Ninth and Stewart. ! Price, James, moulder, Washington Iron Works. | Price, Joseph A., railroad conductor, res n w cor Marion and Fifth. | Price, G. Willis, dentist, office and res w side Fourth, bet Marion | and Madison. : Priestly, Patrick,' laborer, res 2-") Mill st. ! Priestly, Maggie, domestic, res s side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. \ Priehard, R., (Prichard

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD .CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Garble and ©ranite Btfflonuments, Headstones, etc. j Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

! Puget Sound NationaS Bank, (B. Gatzert, pres,, J. Furth, cash­ ier), Occidental block. ! Puget S&urcd Furniture Co., (John Leary, pres., I). T. Wheeler, secy., T. J). Clarke, manager, M. Anderson, supt.), 900 Front. Puget Sound Land, Loan and Abstract Association,. Odd Fellows building, Front st. I Puget Sound Telegraph Co., (Dr. T. T. Minor, pres., G. M. ; Haller, secy, B. Gatzert, trevis.), office near s w cor Second and G berry. ! Puget-Sound Business College, T. T. Hause, principal and prop., Mehlhorn block. | Puget Sound Stone Yard, Win. Carkeek, prop, Mill st., opp I Yesler Mills. | Puget Iron Works, (Win. Campbell, pres., J. C. Kellogg, secy and trcas., .1. R. Williams, supt.), s e cor Front and Spring. j Puget Sound Hide Co., (I). Kellogg, manager, Mill st., Yesler's j Wharf. j Pumphrey, XV. H., agent Northern Pacific Express Co., res s e cor j Eighth and Pine. i Pumphrey, T. R., insurance and real estate, 718 Front. I Purdie, T. S., attorney at law, res n w cor Front, and Spring. Purdy, George, teamster, res Lake Avenue, near Cedar. . Purcell, J., carpenter, C. & P. S. II. R., res cor Fifth and Mill. I Putnam, C. H., clerk, C. P. Brewster, Yesler-Leary block. LYNCH 4. WOOD, FURNITURE 917 FfSONT STREET. jg®*Soe ]>age 2 for advertisement.

MMANUFACTURER S OF BURGERT & BOOTH, AND DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGW AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St. I SEATTLE [Q] DIRECTORY. 173 WASHINGTON MARBLE "K".^.-™.*-. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Quan Wo, washing and ironing, Jackson, near Commercial. Quartman, John, shoemaker, John Michel, Head of Commercial, res same. Quong Wall, Chinese laundry, s side Main, bet Third and Fourth. Queen Chop House, John Brink, prop, 34 Commercial. Queen City Bakery and Candy Factory, (William Ritterhofr', prop), 915 Front. • Quigley, P., teamster, res e side Seventh, bet Lenora and Blan­ chard. ; Quigley, Patrick, laborer, res n side Main, bet S. Sixth and Sev- Quilter, James, shipping clerk, Gordon Hardware Co., res s w cor Fifth and Jefferson. Quilter, Mrs. M. J., dressmaker, res s w cor Fifth and Jefferson, enth. Quincy Hall Clothing Emporium, R. R. Raphael, manager, 904 Front, Quinn, John, waiter, New England Hotel, bds same. Quinn, P. W., blacksmith, res n w cor James and Second. Quinlan, W. E., laborer, res Pontius Addition, Lake Union dist, Quist, Augusta, domestic, B. Gatzert, cor James and Third. Quisno, John, laborer, n side Battery, near Front.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. T-"NTIUS ROCHESTER, Secretory. Titles passed upon. . Loans r J. LUTTRELL MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. *13 174 SEATTLE [R] DIRECTORY. City and County Scrip bought and sold, Washington Territory Employment Bureau Washington st., near Commercial.

R Raborn, F. M., laborer, Michigan Mills, Water Front, near Pine, rms at mill office. Rabourne, M., cooper, Barrel Factory. RadclifF, Mrs. Isabell, res Lake Avenue, near Cedar. Rademacher, John H., prop Home Restaurant, Mill st,, near Yes­ ler Mills, res same. Radloff, William, baker, Queen City Bakery, res cor Seventh and Seneca. RadlofF, Albert, helper in Queen City Bakery, res cor Seventh and Seneca. Raeber, Joseph, fanner, res Moltke, near Harrison, Lake Union dist. Raterfy, Teresa,'domestic, at" Capt. H. F. Beecher's,. s side Pike, bet Fifth and Sixth. Randall, A. P., carpenter, res w side Villard, bet Bancroft and Hayes. Randolph, Simon P., captain str Edith, res n w cor Eleventh and Columbia, Randolph, Preston B., engineer, str Edith, res n w cor Eleventh and Columbia. Ranclolj)h, John H., janitor, Standard Theatre, res s side Jackson, near Commercial. Ranke, Otto, contractor, res n w cor Fifth and Pike. Raphael, Robert R., manager Quincy Hall Clothing Emporium, res s e cor Second and Cherry. Rasin, U. M., attorney, (Burke & Rasin), bds Arlington Hotel. Rausch, George, shoemaker, Treen, Raymond & Turrell, bds West­ ern House. W A C^il/linrU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS i • Ma Olfil 3 BH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS j 821 FRONT STREET. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [R] DIRECTORY. 175 MARBLE WASHINGTON '^MS™ STREET, II. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Raveal, W. C, manager Mattulath Barrel Mfg. Co., res n e cor Water and Battery. Raymond, G. F., (Treen, Raymond & Turrell), res e side Ninth, bet Spring and Seneca. Raymond, Park, logger, res McPhee's building. Roadman, J., secy Washington Iron Works. Reck, H. C, upholsterer, Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., res cor Columbia and Front. Recktenwald, Conrad, (Arion Beer Hall). Redding, F. G., clerk, New England Hotel, bds same. Redding, J. W., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. (Jo. Redding, T., fireman, Yesler Mills, res 1719 Front. Reddish, J. T., (Calkins & Reddish), res 1105 Front. Redigan, IT., machinist, res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Redward, Charles, contractor, res 11)2 Columbia. Regan, James T., carpenter, res n'side Madison, bet Jones and Randolph. Reichardt, A., cooper, Barrel Factory. Reichert, August, laborer, res Ash, near Depot st. Reid, David F., carpenter, e side Third, bet Marion and Madison, in rear. Reid, J., shoemaker, with A. P. Freeman. Reinig, L., res s e cor Madison and Fifth. Reitze, Charles F., treas Seattle Mill Co., res n w cor Dearborn and and S. Tenth. Reitze, John B., machine hand, Seattle Mill Co., res S. Ninth, bet Dearborn and Lane. Rengstorff, J. H., (P. J. Lair & Co.), 613 Front.

Req&aa & GSsrBsBg? jewelers, 609} Front. Requa, H. J., (Requa & Giering), res Second, bet Main and Jack­ son. Reeves, William H., cashier Merchants National Bank, res n w cor Third and Seneca. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 176 SEATTLE [R] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF ftlarbBe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Reynolds, H. B., wood dealer, res n side Madison, bet Kenney and Randolph. Rhine, Samuel, miner, res n side Jackson, bet Bush and Pearl, Lake Washington dist. Rhodes, G., rms D. Warner's, Young's block. Rice, George, manager Queen Chop House, res Pantheon building. Rich, C. C, real estate, res s side Lake Union, near Orion st. Rich, Frank, laborer, Western Mill Co. Rich, Andrew, tailor, res Water, near Pike. Richau, H., tailor, with S. Kenney, res West, foot of Union. Richard, N., mate str Josephine, res 1921 Third. Richards, G. G. & Co-, furniture dealers, Front, near Pike. Richards, G. G., (G. G. Richards & Co.), res s e cor Eleventh and Pine. Richards, Joseph, steamboatman, res Miner's Saloon, Mill st. Richards, .Peter, fisherman, res cor Third and Jackson. Richardson, Mrs., dressmaker, w side Third, bet Marion and Madison. Richtstine, Emma, dressmaker, 617 Front, up stairs, res same. Rickards, Albert, engineer str Pearl, rms s e cor Marion and Front. Richards, J., brakeman, C. & P. S. R. R. Rickards, Albert, engineer, res 112 Columbia. Rickards, Wm., Brunswick Restaurant, res 112 Columbia. Riley, J., res w side Second, near Jackson. Rinehart, W. V. & Co., grocers, n w cor S. Eighth and Weller. Rinehart, W. V., councilman First Ward, res n w cor S. Eighth and Weller. Ripley, J. M., boarding House, 805 Third. Ripley, C. H., teamster, res Fifteenth, near Madison. Kisser, G. P., butcher, L. WT. Foss, bds Oriental Hotel. Ritterhoff, Win., (Queen City Bakery), 915 Front, res same. Robb, Charles K., (Cochran & Robb), res 903 Front. McCLAIRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 719£ FRONT STREET, FIRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE {R] DIRECTORY. * 177

MARBLE w R K WASH INGTON NO ,?3 s pfING S™EET H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. .Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robbins, L. M., contractor, res e side Second, bet Virginia and Lenora. Robbins, W. S., gang edger, Yesler Mills, res 1728 Second. Robertson, Wm., bookkeeper, Waddell & Miles, res cor Second and Spring. Robinson, Mrs., dressmaker, rms W. T. Pillman's, n side Spring, bet Second and Third. Rochester, James, room 3, Odd Fellows block, res s side Seneca, bet Second and Third. Rock, Thomas, laborer, res Laws 1st Addition. Rogers, N. L., steamboat pan, res n w cor Third and Lenora. Rogers, William, engineer, res e side Commercial, near Jackson. Rogers, Bally, foreman City Stables, res s e cor Third and Wash­ ington. Robert, William, gardener, res s e cor Ninth and Pine. Rohlp, D., cabinet maker, coiySeeond and Clay. Romel, Herman, blacksmith, res s e cor East and Prince William. Romer, William, candy maker, Queen City Bakery, res cor Front and Madison. Romine, Frank, farmer, res Rose, n of Madison. RonaBd, J. T-, prosecuting attorney, 3d Judicial District, (323 Front, res cor Broadway and Prince. Ronald, W. G., yardman-, Yesler Mills, res cor Commercial and Main. Rooney, T., laborer, Puget Iron Works. Root, O. G-, homeopathic physician, rooms 9 and 10, Yesler- Leary block, res 1836 Front. Root, Edward R., clerk, City Dock, res Front, near Seneca. Root, Victor L., carpenter, res n e cor Eighth and Pike. Roper, J. W., teamster, res e side Front, bet Marion and Madison. Rosberg, Henry, carpenter, res n side Barrel Factory. Rosenberg, Samuel, (L. Kline & Co.), bds Arlington Hotel. Rosenberg, Joseph, (L. K. G. Smith), Millst., Yesler-Leary block, rms Grand Central Hotel.


J JH SCHRASVI & COD AND'PLUMBING. COBffifYlERGBM. STUEET- Ross, Thomas, policeman, rms John Webster. Ross, Robert, ship carpenter, res e side Ninth, bet Pine and Olive. Ross, Robert, ship carpenter, res s w cor Second and Blanchard. Ross, Charles, (Seattle Brewery Saloon), res n side Mill, bet Third and Fourth. Rostein, Louis, millinery and dry goods, e side Front, bet Marion Madison, res same. Rostein, L., salesman, H. E. Levy, res e side Front, bet Madison and Seneca. Roulhac, J. H., clerk, M. Densmore, res n e cor Third and Union. Row, Philip, carpenter, bds Everett House. Rowe, Lewis S., (L. F. Dearborn & Co.}, res s side Union, bet Sev­ enth and Eighth. Rowland, James, ship carpenter, res e side Front, bet Spring and and Madison Roy, A. O., carpenter, bds M. Gunderson's, cor Pike ami Third. Ruden, O. F., pattern maker, Washington Iron Works. Ruekrien, Charles, baker, with A. W. Piper. Ruff, G. C, laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Kuli, John, barkeeper, res s w cor Third, and Washington. Ruley, Frank, laborer, res 25 Mill. Rum berg, John, ship carpenter, Allen & Brasen's ship yard, N. Seattle. Run back, (). B., butcher, bds Oriental Hotel. Rund, C. P., laborer, res w side Eighth, bet Lenora and Blanchard. Runnells, Frederick F., teamster, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Runnells, Thomas, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Rush, Eugene, (Burke & Rush), res w side Fourth, bet Pike and Pine. Russell, Samuel W., res 321 Cherry. Russell, Robert, truckman, res s e cor Fourth and James. Russell, Willie, clerk, San Francisco Store. Russell, Sarah J., music teacher, res s e cor Third and Cherry. Ruttger, Joseph, barber, w side Front, near Bell. Ryan, John, miner, bds Western House. Ryther, N. E., night watchman, Washington Iron Works. Ryther, M. E., carpenter, res n w cor Mill and Clara.


MARBLE w R WASHiNGTON No ,?3 s^,NG STREET, II. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

s Saddle Rock Restaurant, (Harrison & Keil, props), e side Com­ mercial, near Mill st. Said, B. K., carpenter, res n side Cedar, near Fourth. Saig, Frank, harness maker, rms Wm. Busha's, Young's block. St- Charles Hotel, D. Pardun & Son, props), w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. St. Upery, Celestin, waiter, Brunswick Restaurant, res w side Front, bet Madison and Spring. Sale, Frank, teamster, res Madison, near Broadway. Sallee, J. S., machinist, res 1714 Front. Sanburn, A., barkeeper, Scandinavian Saloon, res same. Sanders, William, res n side Spring, bet Sixth and Seventh. Sanders, Mrs. Jennie, (Orphans' Home), n side Spring, bet Sixth and Seventh. Sanderson, George, fisherman, res Water, near Pike. Sanderson, J. H., res s w cor Third and Seneca. San Francisco Store, (Toklas & Singerman, props), dry goods, cor Commercial and Washington- San Francisco Hotel, (O. P. Dahlquist, prop), cor Commercial and Main. Sanger Hall, (C,- G. Stein way, prop), nside Mill, near Yesler Mills. Sansom, John C, carpenter, res Collins's Addition, w side Lake Union dist. Sawtelle, A. M., (J. E. Good & Co.), res e side Green, bet Jackson and Main. Sawtelle, A., lath sawyer, Seattle Lumber and Com. Co. Sazarac Saloon, (J. N. Magrath, prop), 107 Washington. Scalancl, Capt. J., tug Queen City, res s side Lenora, bet Seventh and Eighth. BQDE&GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS | 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 180 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Scandinavian Saloon, (Peter Anderson, prop), Mill st., opp Post- , office. Schaeler, August, barkeeper, 920 Front. Schillestad, O., undertaker, 112 Cherry, res 1909 Front. Schillestad,.Frank, res 1909 Front. Schlotemen, Henry, blacksmith, res foot Marion. Schmid, Vitus, prop Concordia Hall, Mill st., res n w cor Ninth and Marion. Schmid, Lucas, carpenter, Jones, near Madison. Schmitz, Phillip, prop "Die Tribune," res w side Third, bet Mar­ ion and Madison. Schneider, E. IT., salesman, L. Kline & Co., res s e cor Sixth and University. Schneider, Robert, laborer, bds Western House. Schnider, John, laborer, res West, bet Cherry and Columbia. Schnider, F>ed, laborer, res West, bet Cherry and Columbia. Schnider, Andrew, laborer, res West, bet Cherry and Columbia. Schnutenhaus, L., steward, Western House, bds same. Schnyder, L. V., saloon, West st., rear Gordon block, res same. Scholer, Andrew, gardener, res s side Jackson, bet Bush and Pearl, Lake Washington dist. Schoipp & Kallsen, bottlers of export lager beer, Second, near Cherry. Schoipp, F., (Schoipp & Kallsen), res w side Second, near Cherry. Schomaker, IT., laborer, Barrel Factory, res n e cor Water and Battery. Schonbahler, Joseph, milk ranclie, n side Madison, near Broadway. Schone, August, painter, res w side Seventh, near Virginia. Sehram J. & Co., (J. Sehram and A, Korn), stoves, ranges and tinware, Commercial. Sehram, J., (J. Sehram & Co.), res s w cor Tenth and Madison. Schreber, P., laborer, Jackson St. Addition, Lake Washington dist. Schreber, C, laborer, Jackson St. Addition, Lake Washington dist.


MARBLE R WASHINGTON NO?& .E.N..T,,«T. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed Schultz, George, carrier, "Chronicle," res w side Tenth, bet Seneca and Spring. Schultz, Moses, carrier, "Chronicle," res wside Tenth, bet Seneca and Spring. Schultz, Julius, res w side Tenth, bet Seneca and Spring. Schultz, Mrs. Rosa, widow, res w side Tenth, bet Seneca and Spring. Schultz, Gussie, dressmaker, res w side Tenth, bet Seneca and Spring. Schumacher, Charles, laborer, Yesler Mills, res alley, bet Third and Fourth, Mill and Jefferson. Schumaker, H., cooper, Barrel Factory. Schwab, Martin, tailor, with R. J. Graham. Schwab, M. A., turner, Seattle Lumber & Com Co., res e side Thir­ teenth, bet Union and Pike. & Co., (Ba|ley Gatzert, manager), gen­ eral merchandise jobbers, Mill and Commercial. Schwerin, Edward, (Dorsaz & Schwerin), res Kenyon block, cor Front and Madison. Scordilla, George, seaman, res Water, near Union. Scott, W. D. & Co., wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 319-323 Commercial. Scott, W. D., (W. D. Scott & Co.), res Front, bet Spring and Seneca. Scott, S. W., manager mdse dept, W. D. Scott & Co., res cor Com­ mercial and Main. Scott, R. & Son, real estate, Yesler-Leary block. Scott, R., (R. Scott & Son), res cor Fourth and Pine. Scoot, A. M., (R. Scott & Son), res Front, bet Stewart and Virginia. Scott, W. A., barber, 4 Mill, res cor Mill and Broadway. Seott, W. K., civil engineer, res at Lewis McMillin's. Scott, Samuel, painter, res cor Sixth and Stewart- Scott, David A., farmer, res n w cor Lake and Hyde. Scott, Zachariah, teamster, res n w cor Lake and Hyde.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOC1ATBON EDWARD P. EPSON, President. , I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTREI-J, MURPHY, Attorney. \ Lands bought and sold. 182 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. I R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, i CORNER OF MILL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. j - : = : — —_-. ! Scott, E. J., laborer, res Lake, near Fourth. | Scullin, S. A., prop New England Hotel, res same. | Scovill, A. H., carpenter, res e side Ninth, bet Virginia and Lenora. i Scow, Miss Susie, res 32.0 Washington. i Sealarader, AEessanaSer R., merchant tailor, 1003 Front. I Seaman, William F., (Seaman & Young), res n side Marion, bet Fourth and Fifth. | Seaman, Jonah E., teamster, res w side Fifth, bet Jefferson and j Terrace. ; Sears, H. A., (Phillips & Sears), res Commercial, bet Main and j Jackson. ! Sears, T. C,, (Kalloch, Sears, Holcomb & Kalloch), bds Arlington ! Hotel. | Seattle Bazaar, fancy goods and notions, 216, 218 Commercial. | Seattle Brass amgfl BelB Foazraclr^, (John E. Good & Co., props), ! 421 Commercial. i ; Seattle SoSSer Works, (Penney & Kelley, props), Mill st., Yes- i ler's Wharf. | Seattle Brewery, (Albert King, prop), res n side Mill, bet Third" ! and Fourth. ! Seattle Brewery Saloon, (Chas. Ross, prop), res n side Mill, bet i Third and Fourth. Seattle Gamely Factory, (D. Franklin, prop), 1111 Front. Seattle ©agar f^auuffaefuFflffifg Co., (W. Gen, prop), e side Third, bet Washington and Mill. Seattle ©faroHiicl©, (daily and weekly), M. Dishon, manager, | James, opp Occidentel Hotel. j Seattle ©as Light Go-, (Dexter Horton, pres., Norman Penfield, j supt.), James, opp Occidental Hotel. j Seatte Iron Works, (Sharpe, CofFman & Co., props), n e cor Sec- j ond and Jackson. j Seattle Kindergarten, Mrs. Charles Braetsch, teacher, n side Pine \ bet Third and Fourth.

! l|JwJr fi\n *ta^ I W fl I 1 I! jj AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. 821 FRONT STREET. SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 183 MARBLE WASHINGTON ^BIEUoSTBEET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Seattle L&amfoer antl Commercial Co., I Dobson, manager, office and mill, foot Madison. Seattle $8arket, (S. Coulter & Son, props), 217 Commercial. j Seattle MM Co., (J. F. McDonald, pres., C. F. Reitze, treas.), | j lumber manufacturers, cor Seventh and B. ; Seattle Nursery, (C. W. Lawton, prop), Mill, bet Fourteenth | and Sixteenth. : Seattle Redwood Lumber Yard, (D. Brockway & Co.), foot Seneca. | Seattle Restaurant, (Ellen M. PfeifFer, prop), 8 Mill st. | Seattle Soda Works, (George T. Maginnis, Wm. J. Blackwell, I props), Mill st., near Yesler Mills. ! Seattle Street Railway, F. H. Osgood, pres, office Main, opp Arlington Hotel. I Seattle Pharmacy, (Chilberg & Johnson, props), 900 Front, Op- ! era block. i Seattle Steam Lauaraifiry, (Basler Br&s.., props), Lake Union. j Seattle Transfer asrcsi Express Co.,5 (Hunter & Shaw, props), j office with Wells, Fargo & Co., Mill st, ! Seavey, A. W., machinist, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. | See, Lee, laundry, Bismarck st., Lake Union dist. j Seiclel, Frank, res w side Fourth, near Battery. i Seifert & Delfel, barbers, 105 Washington. » j Seifert, J. II,, (Seifert & Delfel), res 105 Washington, i Sei.gel, C, cooper, Barrel Factory. Selden, Capt. James M., res n side Pine, bet Second and Third. Seter, Peter, tailor, S. Kenney, res cor Sixth and Pike. Settle, Mrs. M. E., res n side University, bet Second and Third; Sevey, George W., carpenter, res s w cor Fifth and Pine. Seyba, L., engineer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Schaeffer, John, coachman, Dr. Minors, n c cor Twelfth and Cherry. Shafer, Stewart, bds Arlington Hotel. ; Shaffer, F. W., miner and trapper, res King, near Jackson. ' | BODE &GE1GER, IVIERCHAMT TAILORS | 711 FBONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TEE. i A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 184 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. WM. CARKEEK, PUGET5^5^TSNoF YARD Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T. Shampough, M., saloon, res n side Columbia, bet Front and Second. Shannahan, William, Seattle Lumber & Lum. Co. Shannon, Patrick, carpenter, bds s w cor Third and Spring. Shannon, James, bookkeeper, bds s w cor Third and Spring. Shannon, Miss Annie, bds s w cor Third and Spring. Shaw, J. E., waiter, str Eliza Anderson, on board. Shaw, H. M., (Hunter & Shaw), res Main, near Eighth. Shaw & Alger, props Gem Saloon, 105 Commercial. Shaw, Charles H., (Shaw & Alger), res Third and Fourth, Spring and Seneca. Shaw, Robert, porter, Occidental Hotel. Sharpe, Coffman & Co., (Seattle Iron Works(, Jackson, cor Second. Sharpe, W. T., (Sharpe, Coffman & Co.), res n side Cherry, bet Fourth and Fifth. Shay, Patrick, saloon keeper, Mill st., rms 215 Columbia. Shehan, George, steamboat man, res Miner's Saloon, Mill st. Sheahan, Henry, tallyman, Stetson & Post, res e side S. Eleventh, bet Jackson and King. Shenneman, Charles, carpenter, bds Western House, Shears, Reuben, engineer, C. & P. S. R. R., res e side S. Ninth, bet Plummer and Charles. Shears, Alexander, bds Reuben Shears. Shears, George, bds Reuben Shears. Shearer, N., engineer, C. &P. S. R. R. Shearer, J., fireman, 0. & P. S. R. R. .. Shelton, Lewis, surveyor, rms at T. C. WTest\s. Shepherd, John, saloon keepes, w side Third, near Jackson. Sherry, Samuel F., waiter str Eliza Anderson, bds San Francisco Hotel. Sherwood, T. F., salesman, C. P. Stone, res Marion, bet Third and Fourth. PACIFBC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 185 MARBLE WASHINGTON 'YSSKL. „B„T. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sherwood, Mrs. T. F., cashier, C. P. Stone, res Marion, bet Third and Fourth. . * Shewan, R., shingle maker, Merriwether & Fredericks, res cor Pike and Sixth. Shields, Charles, waiter, Occidental Hotel. Shiiin, W. J., druggist, Bailey & Co., res e side Fifth, bet Jeffer­ son and Terrace. Shoder, Herman, cabinet maker, res cor Ninth and Lenora. Shorey, O. G. & Co., (O. C. Shorey and L. W. Barney), under­ takers, 801 Front, Shorey, O. C, (O. C. Shorey & Co.), res cor Third and Columbia. Short, John, barkeeper, Office Saloon, res same. Short, Samuel P., res 2.109 Second. Shomaker, Charles, sawyer, Yesler Mills, res Mill st,, bet Third and Fourth. Shumway, E. A., drawing teacher, res n side Madison, near Ran­ dolph. • Shumway, Miss Emma, res n side Madison, near Randolph. I Shumway, Miss E. H., teacher, Central School, res n side Madi­ son, near Randolph. Shumway, Miss Carrie, res n side Madison, near Randolph. Sidney, Mrs. Margaret, res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Siegel, John, teamster, res n e cor Prince William and McClair, Siguel, Peter, carpenter, Stetson & Post, bds Everett House. Sillers, J., lumberman, Seattle Lumber &, Com. Co, Simmers, Harry, druggist, bds W. J. Shinn, e side Fifth, bet Jefferson and Terrace. Simington, James, laborer, res Brook, near Fifth, Lake Union I Union dist. : Simon, Miss Lulu, teacher, res s side Terrace, bet Eighth and j Ninth. ! Simon, Andrew, machine hand, Seattle Mill Co., res S. Seventh, I bet Washington and Mill.


Simon, Andrew, planer, res s side Terrace, bet Eighth and Ninth. Simon, Samuel, clerk, Frauenthal Bros., res sw cor Fourth and Madison. Simpson, Thomas, teamster, bds Everett House. Simpson, Sol. &., contractor, res w side Fourth, bet Marion and i Madison. Simms, T. C, stair builder, bds Everett House. ! Sing Lee, laundry, n side Washington, bet Fifth and Sixth. j Singerman, Paul, (Toklas &• Singer-man), res n w cor Tenth and | Washington. j Siren, William, fruit stand, Mill st., res 1934 Front. i Sires, Mrs. D., bds n w cor Pine and Third. ! Sister Peter of Alcantara, superioress Providence Hospital. | Silvain, Louis, prop Miners' Saloon, Mill st., near Yesler Mills. ; Sjolseth, I. L., laborer, res Lincoln, near Fourth. j Skidmore, J. II., (Sound Marble Works), res w side Lake Union. Slausen, Hans, laborer, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Pine. Sloan, Samuel, farmer, res w side Fifth, near Pine. j Sloane, Thomas S., school teacher, res n side Lenora, bet Seventh j and Eighth. Sloan, F. P., (Clark & Sloan), bds Central House. • Sloan, Samuel, laborer, bds n e cor Prince William and McClair. j Slorah, A., prop North Pacific Brewery, res Tenth, near-Virginia. Slorah, E. C, manager North Pacific Brewery, res e side Second, j bet James and Cherry. j Small, E. W., supt Seattle Street Railway, res rear 1815 Third. | Smart, N., lumberman, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. j

Smart, Dr. J. S. M.9 physician and surgeon, Mill st., near Com- j mercial, res e side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Smart, Fred, porter, C. P. Stone, res cor Second and University. j Smart, James W., logger, res s side Lane, bet Ninth and Tenth. ! Smart, John, res w side Sixth, bet Union and University j

AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W.A.SMITH, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 FRONT STREET, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 187 j MARBLE WASHINGTON ^??SS«.sTREET,! H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in onr line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ! Smart, J. C, res w side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. j Smith, E. L., physician, and surgeon, cor Mill and Commercial, j res s e cor Seventh and Madison. | Smith, Eben, (Hall & Smith), res w side Fourth, bet Marion and j Madison. j Smith, William. Parry, real estate and collection, James, opp Occi- \ dental Hotel, res e side Lake Union. Smith, J. D., real estate broker, res n e cor Fourth and Union. i i Smith, ©eotrge VeHsafaie, attorney at law, room (>, Arcade build- j ing, Front, res cor Sixth and Union. . | Smith, W. A., music dealer, 821 Front, res cor Front and Madison, j Smith, L. P. $k Son, watches, jewelry, diamonds, etc., 708 Front. Smith, A. A., (L. P. Smith & Son), res n e cor Front and Spring. Smith, L. P., (L. P. Smith & Son), res n e cor Front and Spring. Smith, L. BC. O., cigars and tobacco, Yesler-Leary block, Mill st. Smith & Farrar, props Arlington Hotel, cor Commercial and Main. Smith, Julius W., (Smith & Farrar), Arlington Hotel. Smith & Blanchard, (Bank Exchange Saloon), s e cor Commercial and Washsngton. Smith, James W., prop Bijou Theatre, Second, bet Mill and Wash­ ington, res same. Smith, Thomas H., cashier Bijou Theatre, res same. Smith, George, salesman, Harrington & Smith, rms 1216 Second. Smith, Victor IT., bookkeeper, Puget Sound National Bank, res s side Marion, bet Third and Fourth. Smith, George F., capitalist, res s w cor Eighth and Pine. Smith, E. W., engineer, str Daisy, res e side Ninth, bet Stewart and Virginia. Smith, N. K., machinist, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Smith, C. W., machinist, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res cor Pine | and Second. I Smith, C. W., stone cutter, Puget Sound Stone Yard, res w side j Ninth, bet Virginia and Lenora. PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUNDSODA WORBCS j JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. | Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. I Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. | 188 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY.

PUGET S'ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

Smith, Frank, storte putter, res s side Second, bet Spring and Mad­ ison. ' . • .' • , ; , »• • Smith, A. J., book agent, rms at L. H. Graves. Smith, William, brick mason, bds Western House'. Smith, J. D., (Higson & Smith), res n w cor Pike and Seventh. Smith, W. P., butcher, Seattle Market, res cor Second and Madison. Smith, Henry A., butcher, Higson & Smith, res n w cor Seventh and Pike. • Smith, Frank, musician, res e side Sixth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Smith, Frank, barber, res s w cor Pine and Second. Smith, Harry, waiter, Queen Chop House, res Cherry, bet First and Second. Smith, G. B., teamster, C. P. Stone, res Fourth, bet Marion and Madison. Smith, O. R., teamster, res s w cor King and Bush, Lake Union dist. Smith, James, teamstsr, res e side S. Eighth, bet Dearborn and Charles. Smith, Horace, teamster, res e side Tenth, bet Howell and Stewart. Smith, H. S., laborer, Oregon Improvement Co's mill. Smith, H. G., sawyer, Oregon Improvement Qo7s mill, res s side Seneca, bet Ninth and Tenth. Smith, Fred, plumber, res e side S. Sixth, bet Main and Jackson, Smith, William H., plasterer, res s side Mill, near Chestnut. Smith, J. R., shoemaker, with Adam Orth. Smith, Lysander, carpenter, res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. Smith, Thomas, rms 215 Columbia. Smith, Capt. James, res Water, near Union. Smith, Daniel, longshoreman, rms Mill Street House. Smith, George R., laborer, res near Barrel Factory, N. Seattle. Smith, John W., res Elaine, Head of Lincoln, Lake Union dist.

UFACTURERS OF BURGERT &, BOOTH, "£'D DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware,. Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGS AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St. SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 189 MAR8LE R WASHINGTON ?3 ^Nos™,ET, 11. M. WRIG-irr, PROPRIETOR. ~ • • Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.'-

Smith, Mrs. C. H., res e side FrqnAt, bet Madison and Marion. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, res ii w cor Madison and Eleventh. Sneider, F. V.,.butcher, Head of Bay, S. Seattle. : • Snow & Bo'owne, civil engineers and surveyors, rms 21 and 22, Yesler-Leary block. Show, J. M., (Snow &• Browne), res Jackson, bet Commercial and West.- Snow, George S3., manager Western Union Tel. Co., res n w cor j Eleventh and Pine. | Snow, H. M., machinist,- Puget Sound Furniture Co., res foot Pine. Snyder, &Stoert M., broker, real estate, and special attorney for claimants vs. U. S., Poncin block, Front st., res Sixth and Uni­ versity. Snyder, A. J. S., city bill poster, Poncin block, Front st., res Sixth and University. Snyder, Nicholas S., publisher Daily Record, res Pantheon block. office with C Hanford. Snyder, A. & Co., grocers, produce dealers, and seedsman, Cherry, near Second. Snyder, Alfred, (A. Snyder & Co.), res n w cor Eighth and Seneca. ' j Sodee, John, machinist, res s e cor East and Prince William, Lake \ Union dist. • ! Solomon, J., salesman, Hershberg & Co. j Solomonson, M., ship carpenter, bds Oriental Hotel.* i Sound Marble Works, (Skidmore & Hill, props), foot Madison. \ Souvenir 4&H Stusfso, (Dorsaz & Schwerin, props), Kenyon block, \ cor Front and Madison. - j Sox, E. F., (Ballard & Sox), res n side Marion, bet Third and Fourth. ! Sparkman, J., carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. ; Sparling, Fred W., physician and surgeon, res s w cor Eighth and j Madison. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAUD, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDvSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretory. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRELL MURPHY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. *14 • 100 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. MONEY TO LOAN. Approved security will open the Bureau. Washington st-, near Commercial.

Spangenberg, Frank, carpenter, bds Wm. Kreiger's, n w cor Jeff- I erson and Tenth 4 j Spaulding, A. P., foreman, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill, res e side S. Eleveuth, bet Jackson and King. Spaulding, C. M., sawyer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill, res n e cor Fifth and Cherry. Spaulding, S., carpenter, foot Seneca, res same. Spaulding, Frank, sawyer, Seattle Lumber & Com. (Jo. Spencer, A. I;., planer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill, res w side Seventh, bet James and Cherry. Spencer, John, plumber, 815 Front, res cor Front and Pine. Spenceiy James, clutchman, C. & P. S. R. R. Spencer, Robert, apprentice, John Spencer, res cor Front and Pike. Spencer, S. W., carpenter, res Moltke, near Harrison, Lake Union dist. Spencer, B. W., res e side Fifth, bet Albert and Howard, Lake Union dist. Silencer, Oeorge, druggist, Chilberg & Johnson, bds A. L. Spen- j cer's, w side Seventh, bet James and Cherry. I Sperber, L., sash and door maker, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. • Sperry, C. B., assistant engineer, str Eliza Anderson. Spinney, J. A., stone cutter, Washington Marble Works, res Sec­ ond, bet Madison and Spring. Springman, John, carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res foot Marion. Spray, O. W., teamster, res e side Fifth, bet Pine and Stewart. Spriggs, Levi, bds Saddle Rock Restaurant. Spring Hill Water Co., (Josiah Collins, supt), office foot Commer­ cial. Spring, T. B., contractor, res e side Eighth, bet Stewart and Howell. Squire, Watson C, Oovernor of Washington Territory, res Pacific House. ' , Stacy, ftB. V. B., capitalist, res n e cor Second and Columbia. A CM ITU AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W . M.OIVBI I n, AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 FRONT STREET. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 191

MARBLE I WASHINGTON ^Mff, NG STREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Squire, J. M., foreman, H. Jones & Son, res e side Second, near Seneca. Stackpool, Jackson & Co., dry goods, 1004 Front. Stackpool, M. W., (Stackpool, Jackson & Co.), res 1004 Front. Stadlmann, John, carpenter, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res cor Fourth and Clay, JST. Seattle. Staempfli, C, bookkeeper, res w side Ninth, bet Cedar and Fir. Stafford, John A., pictures and frames, 914 Front, res same. Stafford, H. H., compositor, res s side Lenora, bet Front and Second. . . Stagg, Thomas PL, (J. F. Warner & Co.), res s side Wall, near Front. Stagg, Laura M., widow, ladies' nurse, res s e cor Third and Pine. Stankosh, Stephen, fisherman, res Water, near Seneca. Stanley, W- P., books, stationery, and wall paper, 1117 Front, res same. Stanley, A. J., clerk, W. P., Stanley, res 1117 Front. Stanton, Mrs. J., widow, res w side Sixth, bet Terrace and Mill. Starr, Samuel B., bds Lake Washington Hotel, Star key, Mrs. Margaret, res 1919 Front. Startup, Oeorge, laborer, Barrel Factory, res e side Oak, near Depot st. Steamboat SaBoon, (E. Champoux, prop), Mill st., opp Yesler Mills. Steele, Charles, longshoreman, rms Mill St. House. | Steen, Louis, prop Palace Meat Market, 812 Front. Steiger, J., laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Steinweg, diaries O., prop Sanger Hall Saloon, res n side Mad­ ison, bet Front and Second. Stephens, Joseph, carpenter, res w side S. Fifth, bet Washington and Main. Stetson & Post, manufacturers of lumber, doors, windows and blinds, foot Commercial. Stetermon, John, carpenter, res w side Fourth, near Clay. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 192 SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY.

BtfBarbSe and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Stetson, O. W., (Stetson & Post), res s side Second, bet Marion and Madison. Stetson, A. E., with Stetson & Post, res Mill st., bet Second and Third. Stevens, C. El., bookkeeper, Stetson & Post, bds Occidental Hotel. Stevens, J., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Stevens, Daniel B., expressman, res Rollin st., Lake Union dist. Stevens, W. E., barkeeper, Arlington Hotel. Stevens, Mrs. Maggie, dressmaker, res s side Marion, bet Front and. Second. Stevenson, James, laborer, bds St. Charles Hotel. Steves, J. L., ship carpenter, res e side Second, bet Union and University. Steves, W. A., trimmer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co., res Second, opp Yesler College. Stewart, &» B-, druggist, 015 Front, res Third, bet Cherry and Columbia. Stewart, E. M. & Brothers, wood and charcoal, Madison, near Joy. Stewart, E. M., (E. M. Stewart & Bros.), res n side Madison, near Joy. Stewart, G. W., (E. M. Stewart & Bros.), res n side Madison, near Joy. Stewart, M. V., (E. M. Stewart & Bros.), res n side Madison, near Joy. Stewart, Lyle V., day clerk, Occidental Hotel, res same. Stewart, David, musician, Bijou Theatre, res same. Stewart, Joseph, A., res n e cor Tenth, and Stewart. Stewart, W. A., clerk, Seattle Candy Factory, res 1111 Front. Stewart, Charles W., employed, at Seattle Steam Laundry. Stewart, M., dumper, C. & P. S. R. R. Stewart, Jacob A., laborer, res e side Second, bet Virginia and Lenora. Stolley, Fred, laborer, Stetson & Post. IVScCLAIRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 713A FRONT STREET, FBRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 193

MARBLE w WASH INGTON No ,?3^f1NG 8TREET, H. M. WRIGHT, ProratiETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisi'action guaranteed. Stewart, Mary H., res at John Convery's, e side Sixth, bet Union and Pike. Stone, C. P-, grocer, 625 Front, res Marion, bet Third and Fourth. Stone, Henry, carpenter, bds Wisconsin House. Stonebreaker, E. C, laborer, res Bay View Avenue, S. Seattle. Storey, Mrs. Matilda J., dressmaker, res s side Seneca, bet Fourth and Fifth. Stowell, H., laborer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Stowell, Mrs. Cynthia, res s side Washington, bet Seventh and Eighth. Stifler, John, saloon, cor Front and Pike, res same. Stigert, Jacob, laborer, res n side Vine, bet Second and Third. Stiles, J. S., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Stiles, Mrs, Eugenia, widow, res e side Ninth, bet James and Jeff­ erson. Still, Ezekiel, taxidermist, res Orion st., Lake Union dist. Stirsky, F., watchmaker, Mill st., near Second, res s e cor Marion and Second. Strange, Rev. F. G., pastor First Presbyterian Church, res w side Ninth, bet Alder and Terrace. Strange, C. H., barkeeper, Miners' Saloon, res same. Stranz, M., barber, 719 Front, res same. Stratman, J., manager North Pacific News Co., Mill st., near Post- office, res same. Street, Robert H., cigars and tobacco, Yesler-Leary block, Front, res cor Union and Second. Street, F. M., route agent Sunday Star, res e side Second, at L. J. Steve's. Streeter, William, porter, Occidental Hotel. Stringham, Miss C. E., res 110 Columbia. Stringham, Mrs. Martha, widow, res s side Madison, near Joy. Struve, Haines & Ifficlfflicfcen, attorneys at law, rms 15, 16 and 17, Yesler-Leary block.


| Struve, H. G., (Struve, Haines & McMicken), res n w cor Second and Pine. Stull, B. H., porter, Harrington & Smith, res o side Fourth, bet Jefferson and Terrace. Suffern, Mrs. L. F., res e side Second, bet Virginia and Lenora. Sullawan, John, variety store, 120 Commercial, res e side Front, bet Columbia and Cherry. Sullivan, Peter, lumberman, res n e cor Lake and East. Sullivan, James F., rms Columbia, bet Second and Third. Sullivan, Jerry, stone cutter, Washington Marble Works, bds New England Hotel. Sullivan, J. C, millwright, res n e cor Seventh and Virginia. Sullivan, Mrs. Judge, milliner, with Mrs. S. L. Burrows. Sullivan, Patrick, (City Stables), n w cor Third and Main, res same. Sunday Star, Kirk C. Ward, editor and manager, Poncin block, Front st. Sundberg, Dr. John C, oculist, room 2, Yesler-Leary block, res Front, near Pike. Sutherland & Co., grocers, 1101 Front. Sutherland, W. A., (Sutherland & Co.), res Fifth, bet Union and Seneca. Sutherland, A. C, (Sutherland & Co.), res Fifth, bet Union and Seneca. Sutherland, A., lath sawyer, Stetson & Post. Sutherland, William, laborer, res McPhee's building. Sutton, J. MH» expressman, res Albert, bet Second and Third, Lake Union dist. Surber & Warner, props pile driver Excelsior. Surber, Joseph, (Surber & Warner), res Main, bet Third and Fourth. Surber, Joseph, stevedore, rms n w cor Main and Fifth. Sresovich, Gray & Co., fruit and commission merchants, 819 Front.

s\ CMITU AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W . «• OlVl I I ll j AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 FRONT STREET, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [S] DIRECTORY. 195 MARBLE w R WASH INGTON No ?3 s^No mm. . H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Swanson, H., carpenter, res w side S. Fourteenth, bet Canal and Catharine. Swenson, Charles, laborer, res n w cor Lake and Hyde. Swartz, Ernest, laborer, res n e cor Seventh and Stewart. Synnerholm, , laborer, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Syred, William G-, tobacconist, Commercial, near Brunswick Hotel.



BODE&GEiGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT- STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. I A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 196 SEATTLE [T] DIRECTORY. WM. CARKEEK, PUGE^°*™^RD Garble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc.. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T.

Taber, I. P., res w side Seventh, near Lenora. Taber, O. D., res w side Seventh, near Lenora. Tai Lee, Chinese laundry, foot Marion. Tanner, James, carpenter, res n w cor Fourth and Battery. Tatr'o, Freeman, lather, res 2024 Front. Ta^loH*, W. H. & Co., insurance, James, opp Occidental Hotel. Taylor, W. PL, (W. PI. Taylor & Co.), res w side Third, bet Sene­ ca and University. Taylor, William, contractor and builder, res w side S. Twelfth, bet Plummer and Norman. ! Taylor, John, foreman, Stetson & Post, res n ecor S. Eleventh and ! King. Taylor, John, carpenter, rms at Wm. Bush's, Young's block. Taylor, E., waiter, Arlington Hotel. Taylor, James, ship carpenter, res s w cor Second and Blanchard. j Taylor, Thos., ship carpenter, res s w cor Second and Blanchard. j Teachman, Gates, well digger, res near Barrel Factory, X. Seattle. | Temme, H. F., laborer, res Rollins st., Lake Union dist. ! Tenny, L. H., moulder, Washington Iron Works, res n side Main j bet Fifth nnd Sixth. j" Thatcher, H. M., (Haywood <& Thatcher), res s w cor Eighth and j Union. ! Thatcher, J. L., with Perkins & Ladd, res Mill, opp'Occidental ! Hotel. I The A. P- Metaling Co., of Paget Sound, (H. S. Algar, pres., ; F. B. Boarman, secy), 217 Commercial. | The Loggers' Saloon, (O'Shea & Peren, props), s side Mill st., near j Railroad. * | IVSOSMARCH SALOON,.,„..„„., NUF CED. 34 COMMERCIAL STREET. SEATTLE [T] DIRECTORY. 197

MARBLE w p K WASHINGTON No 1?3 s pflNGSTREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PHOPI-UKTOR. Everything in our line constants on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed The Snug (Cigar Store, (J. F. O'Connor, prop), n e cor Commer­ cial and Main. Thieler, J., (Bittner & Thieler), res 1113 Front, Thomas, P. V., treas Washington Coal Mining Co., Poncin Build­ ing, Front st., res e side Sixth, bet Jefferson and Mill. Thomas, David, Presbyterian minister, res Yakima st., Burke's Addition, Lake Washington dist, Thomas, F. M., paints, oils and wall paper, 924 Front, res same. Thomas, William M., Philadelphia Saloon, res Grand Central. Thomas, J. W., carpenter,- res Vine, near s side Lake Union.

Thomas, H.; carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R Thomson, John, laborer, Western Mill Co. Thompson, Thomas, Evan's Slaughter House. Thompson, R. H., (Whitworth & Thompson), res s e cor Mill and Ninth. Thompson, W. S., line man Puget Sound Telegraph Co. Thompson, J. D., plasterer, res s w cor Eighth and Pike. Thomson, Michael, cabinet maker, res e side Eighth, bet Stewart and Howell. Thomson, Charles, carpenter, res w side Fourth, bet Pike and Pine. TfaorBitiiyke, E. A., prop Pacific House, res same. Thorndike, Mrs. R. P., widow, res w side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Thorndyke, Miss-Minnie, teacher, University Washington. Thornell, W. R., clerk, C. & P. S. R. R., res w side Front, near Spring. Thornton, H. G., constable, res s w cor S. Fourth and Mill. Thornton, John B., carpenter, with A. B. Fletcher, bds same. Thorwarcl, Thomas, laborer, res alley, bet Ninth and Tenth, Cher­ ry and Columbia. Thurlow, A., (Harmon & Thurlow), res cor Battery and Third. Thurlow, Eugene, moulder, res w side Ninth, bet Cherry and Columbia.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOA^ A$1B ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION • EmvAUD P. EDSOX, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS RocHESTRK, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans negotiated. J. LuTTitELjj MURPHY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. 108 SEATTLE [T] DIRECTORY. R. G. CALDWELL, DENTIST, OFFICE, ROOMS 9 AND 10, YESLER-LEARY BLOCK, CORNER. OF MLLL AND FRONT STREETS, ENTRANCE ON FRONT. Tiee, Walter, stableman, Phillips & Sears, res Commercial, opp Arlington Hotel. Ticknor, Benjamin, res n e cor Eighth and Pike. Ticknor, Seth F., carpenter, res n e cor Eighth and Pike. Tiedeman, T. H., clerk, res s side Marion, bet Third and Fourth. Tift, Julius A., agent Sresovich & Gray, res w side Ninth, bet Marion and Madison. j Till, John, carpenter, res s side Stewart, bet Eighth and Ninth. | Titus, C. E., with Beede & Baylis, 7:24 Front. j Titus, G. A., engineer str Cascade. | TivoBi Saloon, (Bersch & Hink, props), 18 Mill st I Tod, John, helper, A. Holmes, res Second and Washington. ' Toklas & Singerman, (San Francisco Store), cor Commercial i and Washington. I Tolnian, E. C, barber, with M. Stranz, res 414 .James. I Tompkins, T.? butcher, W. W. Evans & Son. • Townsend, W. E., pro]) New Depot Saloon, res Commercial, opp | Arlington Hotel. I Townsend, I). G, carpenter, C. & P. S. II. R., res w side Tenth, ! bet Howell and Stewart. j Treat, D. W., grocer, Front, bet Battery and Wall, near Bell's Hotel, res same. : Treat, Charles, engineer, res Ash, near Depot st. Tregioan, lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Treen, Raymond & TurreSI, boots and shoes, 683 Front, Pon­ cin block. j Treen, L. A., (Treen, Raymond & Terrell), res s w cor University ; and Third. : Treen, Frank A., with Treen, Raymond & Turrell, res s w cor j Third and University. j Trerice, John F., rese side Ninth, bet Pike and Pine. | Trinkle, W. A., (Dougan & Co.), res Front, bet Battery and Bell. i Tripp, E. S., (W. F. Johnson & Co.), res n side Madison* bet ! Front and West. lk CMSTU AGENT FOR HALLET &, DAVIS, W Jr\u 0> IVI I I rlj AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, 1 SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 821 FRONT STREET. i SEATTLE [T] DIRECTORY. 199 MARBLfe R ! WASHINGTON ^ S^NGSTREET 1 H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. . [ i Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Trout, William, fireman, C. & P. S. R, R., res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller. | Trout, W., hostler, C. & P. S. R. R. i Troutnian, G, carpenter, G & P. S. R. K. 1 Troxell, F. G, contractor and builder, res cor Seventh and Pine. | Tuck Wo, Chinese grocery, n side Main, near S. Second. jl 1 Tucker, H. R,, oiler, Stetson

BODE&GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 200 SEATTLE [U] DIRECTORY. WM. CARKEEK, PUGE^^T°Nof YARD Harisle and Granite fl&onumenfs, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T.

u . Ufen, Theadore, carpenter, res n side Washington, bet Fifth and Sixth. Uhlfelder, H., groceries, s side Pike, bet Fourth and Fifth, res n side Marion, bet Second aiid Third. Ulbrig, Matilda, dressmaker, with Mine. DeGraf, res same, 709 Front. Ulin, Alexander, ship carpenter, res n e cor Eighth and Marion. United States Commissioner, (James P. Ludlow), office 1st floor Court House, s e cor Third and Jefferson. United States Saloon and Lodging House, (Grubb & Johnson, props), n side Washington, bet Second and Third. Unison, Andrew M., cabinet maker, res s side Seneca, bet Sixth and Seventh. Uoan, Theodore, bench hand, Yesler Mills, Washington, bet Fifth and Sixth.

PACBF1C AB3D POOET SOUB1D SOD& WORfCS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Wafer, (Singes* Ale, and SarsaparHBa. Easiest Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE [V] DIRECTORY. 201 MARBLE WASHINGTON "ISIS?™ mm. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constants on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Vahlbusch, A., upholsterer, Lynch & Wood, res Albert, bet Sec­ ond and Third, Lake Union dist. Vail, Charles J., carpenter, res s w cor Fifth and Terrace. Valentine, Robert, carpenter, res Water, near Pike. Valentin^, Peter, fish market, foot Columbia, res near market. Valois, F. A., teacher, res King, bet S. Eighth and Ninth. Valois, F. A., steward, New England Hotel, bds same. Van Dyke, George, laborer, res Moltke, Lake Union dist. Van Doren, George M., res e side Third, bet Cherry and Columbia. Van Doren, L., res w side Sixth, bet Union and University. Van Brocklin, J. W., contractor and builder, res s w cor Sixth and Terrace. Varmqnias, Poble, fisherman, Water, near Seneca. Vanghan, John, res block 35, Mercer's Addition. Vaughan, W. E., farmer, res w side Ward, Lake Union dist. Vestel, Mrs. Mary A., widow, res w side Fourth, bet Spring and Seneca. Vemer, A., carpenter', res 22 Wall. Vickstrom & Amunds, props Wisconsin House, cor Second and Mill. Vickstrom, P., (Vickstrom & Amunds), res cor Second and Mill. Villie, James, ship carpenter, res e side Third, fret Pike and Union. WilBard Howse, (G S. Plough, prop), 15 Mill st. Von Dungen, Cbarles, barber, Occidental Hotel, res s e cor Fifth and Cherry. Voltz, x\ndy, plumber, Waddell & Miles, res w side Third, bet Un­ ion and Pike.



Volsted, Gus, waiter, Gold"Bar Restaurant, res same. Voss, A., pianist, Bijou Theatre. Vrooman, I. M., teacher, Central School. Vrooman, S. B-, justice of the peace, res n side Columbia, bet- Sixth an d Seven tl 1.



Wa Chong & Co., dealer in Chinese goods, and contractors Chin­ ese labor, n e cor Third and Washington. Wade, Mrs. Martha S. D., widow, res e side Sixth, bet Pike and Pine. Wadzlell & Gffiiies, (I. Waddell, Z. C Miles), stoves and tinware, I Head of Commercial. Waddell, Isiah, (Waddell & Miles), res cor Third and Cherry. Wadleigh, W. R., cashier, First National Bank, res n e cor Fourth and James. Wadleigh, Frank, printer, res Grand Central. Wahl, Jacob, butcher, res Lake, near Elaine, Lake Union dist. Wakely, Thomas A., assistant manager Puget Sound Furniture j Co., res n side Union, bet Fourth and Fifth. j Wald & Campbell!, hardware, iron and steel, 704 Front. ; Wald, F. W., (Wald & Campbell), res s e cor Second and Bell. Walker, Walter, shoemaker, P. J. Lair & Co., '613 Front. Walker, J. W., with Smith

Ward, J., carpenter, G & P. S. R. R. Warner, J. W., carpenter, res Wall, near Front. Warner, D., carpenter, res G. W. Young's block. Warner, J. F. & Co., harness and saddlery, 814 Main. Warner, J. F., (J. F. Warner & Co.), res Fifth, bet Mill and Wash­ ington. Warren, James, moulder, res 2128 Front. Warren, James, res Front, near Battery. Warren, Susan F., widow, res w side Eighth, bet Union and Pike. Washington GoaS fining Go-, Poncin building, Front. Washington Bron Words Co., (J. M. Frink, supt), cor Second and Jackson. Washington Marble Works, (Hugh M.Wright, prop), 113 Spring, | bet Front and Second. i Washington SteamBsoat and Transportation Co., (George S. | Jacobs, secy), Yesler's Wharf, Mill st. j Washington Territory EmaSoymenl Bureau, (George W. Crane, | prop), 112 Washington. | Watson, Rev. George Herbert, rector Trinity Church, res n w cor j ! Third and Jefferson. | Watson, J. H., draughtsman, C. & P. S. R. R., bds Arlington Hotel. | Watson, William, druggist, res s e cor Seneca and Third. j Watson, IT., cooper, Barrel Factory. | Watson, William, waiter, Oak Restaurant, res same. | Watson, L., laborer, res w side Hyde, bet Mill and Prince William. | Watson, John, laborer, res e side.Second, bet Bell and Blanchard. j Waters, Charles, res e side Front, bet Pike and Union. ! Wayland, C. L., law student, res n e cor Ninth and Howell. j Wayne, A. E., prop Gold Bar Restaurant, res same. i' Webb, E. H., rms Post building, Mill st. j Weber, Charles, machinist, Washington Iron Works. j Webster, D. PI., policeman, res s side Marion, near Third.

NUFACTURERS OF BURGERT & BOOTH, "1AN D 'DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Hardware, Trunks, VALISES, BLANKETS, ROBES, TENTS, AWNINGS AND SAILS. 114 SECOND St SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. 205 MARBLE 0 R WASH8NGTON ^ 3 sSfINosTREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Webster, John, general secy Y. M. G A., res s side Madison, bet Second and Third. Weed, G. A., R9. D., room 2, Yesler-Leary block, res 1409 Front. Weichbrod, H. L., bookkeeper, Ballard & Sox, res e side Water, bet Battery, and Wall. Weidman, J., employed at Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Weiderman, William, brewer, res -near Bay View Brewery, S. Seattle. Weir, Edward, bds Lake Union House. Welch, James, policeman, res e side Sixth, bet Seneca and Uni­ versity. Welch, John, tailor, res s side Washington, bet Second and Third. Welch, William, (J. F. Warner & Co.), res 314 Main. Welch, Mrs. Kate, fruit stand, s side Main, near Arlington Hotel. Welch, Kate, domestic, W. W. Evans, n e cor Spring and Sixth. WelBs, Fargo & Go., W. E. Ledgerwood, agent, Mill st., Head of Commercial. Wellman, Murdoc, locomotive fireman, res w side Second, bet Col­ umbia and Cherry. Wells, H., carpenter, res e side S. Eighth, bet Lane and Dearborn. Wells, E. B., fireman, tug Rip Van Winkle. Wennerblad, Frederick, carpenter, res over Stewart's Drug Store. Wensler, John, res n w cor Seventh and James. Wenworth, Charles H., plasterer, res Lake, bet Second and Tiiiid, Lake Union dist. Wescott, Mrs. Emma, res n w cor James and Second. Wesley, C, laborer, Western Mill Co. West, John, screw turner, Yesler Mills, res cor. Madison and Eighteenth. West, T. G, tinner, Waddell & Miles, s e cor Fifth and Pike. West, John A., laborer, res Randolph, near Madison. West, David, C. & P. S. R. R., res w side S. Eighth, bet King and Weller.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. EDSON, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretory. Titles passed upon. . Loans negotiated. J. LUTTRELL MURPHY, Attwney. \ Lands bought and sold. *15 206 SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. GEORGE W. CRANE, Successor to Pickering & Go's Bureau, Washington st-, near Commercial.

West, John, laborer, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. West, D. W., laborer, G & P. S. R. R. West End Saloon, (Flynn & Anderson, props), Mill st., opp Yes­ ler Mills. Western Mill Co., (D. T. Denny, pres., J. Frankland, secy.) Lake Union dist. Western House, (Fred Voigt, prop), se cor Sixth and James. Westphael, Henry, brickmason, Water, near Pike. Wetherby, J. L., carpenter, res w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Weymuth, F. E., carpenter, G & P. S. R. R. Weymouth, John W., bridge snpt, C. & P. S. R. R., res s w cor Jackson and S. Ninth. Whalley, John A., salesman, Stackpool, Jackson & Co. Whaley, Joseph, laborer, res n w cor Fourth and Bell. Whaley, Frankie, mailing clerk, Post-office, res cor Fourth and and Bell. Wharton, Capt. H., res e side Seventh, bet Lenora and Virginia. Wheeler, D. T. & Co., real estate and tax agents, room 5, Yes­ ler-Leary block. Wheeler, D. T., secy Puget Sound Furniture Co., res cor Union and Fifth. Wheeler, J. M., stair builder, res w side Eleventh, bet Pine and . Olive. Wheeler, E., res Pacific House. Whitbeck, A. B., carpet dept, San Franscisco Store, bds St. Charles Hotel. White House, (Seaman & Young), dry goods, 706 Front. White & Munday, attorneys at law, 720 Front. White, W. H., (White & Munday,) res Madison, near junction Broadway. White, W. W., capitalist, res n w cor Ninth and Columbia. White, W. W. Jr., res n w cor Ninth and Columbia. A CMITU AGENT FOR HALLET &. DAVIS W • niWlVII 1 n j AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 FRONT STREET. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. 207 WASHINGTON MARBLE *?«&.. ««^. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. White, George G., engraver, L. P. Smith & Son, res e side Fourth, bet Pike and Pine. White, H. C, barber, 4 Mill, res Cherry, bet Front and Second. White, W. N. & Co., lodging house, s e cor Third and Mill. White, W. N., (W. N. White & Co.), res s e cor Third and Mill. White, William, helper, Queen City Bakery, res Union, bet Sec­ ond and Third. White, Stephen B., teamster, Albert Snyder, res n w cor Ninth, and Columbia. White, , longshoreman, res Water, near Pike. Whitford, L. C, M. D., druggist, opp Bell's Hotel, N. Seattle, res same. Whitehead, Mrs. Mitha, res Ash, near Depot st. Whiteley, John W., carriage painter, res 1810 Front. Whittlesey, Major J. H., retired U. S. Army officer, bds Occidental Hotel. Whittlesey, C. F- & W. H., attorneys at law, 631 Front, Safe De­ posit building. Whittlesey, C. F., (Niesz, Whittlesey & Co.), bds Occidental Hotel. * Whittlesey, W. H., (Niesz, Whittlesey & Co.), bds Occidental Hotel. Whitworth & Thompson, civil and mining engineers and survey­ ors, Main, opp Arlington. Whitworth, F. H., (Whitworth & Thompson), res s side Seneca, bet Fourth and Fifth. Whitworth, Rev. George F., Presbyterian missionary, res s e cor Fourth and Seneca. Whitworth, G. F., physician, (Bagley & Whitworth), res 114 Cherry. Whitney, H. F., bookkeeper, Toklas & Singerman, res cor Madison and Front. Wickland, John, millhand, Stetson & Post, res Pine, bet Sixth and Seventh. Wickstrom & Almond, props .Wisconsin House, Mill, bet Second and Third. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A lull line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 208 SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. WfVI. CARKEEK, wmSM£J3^™™ MarfoBe and Granite Monuments, headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Widdell, Frederick, laborer, bds Western House. Widger, Miss Minnie, lodging house, Foss' building, Commercial. Wiggins, W. S., res n side Pike, bet Front and Second. Wilbur, Mauley, logger, res n w cor James and Second. WiBcox, 5VL H. & Co., grocers, 1001 Front. Wilcox, M. H., (M. H. Wilcox & Co.), res cor Second and Spring. Wilcox, Amos, carpenter, res Bang's Hotel. Wilcox, Lemuel, res n e cor Spring and Seventh. Wilcoxen, I. N., U. S. special timber agent, res e side Ninth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Wilder, G. W., carpenter, bds T. Wilder's, s side James, bet Ninth and Tenth. Wilder, T., carpenter, res s side James, bet Ninth and Tenth. Wiley, , ship carpenter, res n w cor Fifth and Mill. Wiihelm, Fred, carpenter, res s side Cherry, bet Fifth and Sixth. Wilkes, A. H., watchman, Arlington Hotel. Wiikeson, J. W., salesman, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., res n side Main, bet Fifth and Sixth. Wiilard, R., physician and surgeon, res s side James, bet Second and Third. Wiiley, Samuel H., res n w cor Fourth and Columbia. Williams, Humphrey, farmer, res w side Third, bet Pike and Union. Williams, C. F., laborer, res n side Barrel Factory. Wiliams, John, butcher, Colorado Market, res near Barrel Factory. Williams, J., carpenter, C. & P. S. R. R. Williams, H. B., brakeman, C. & P. S. R. R., bds Everett House. Williams, Fordyce,* machinist, Washington Iron Works, bds St. Charles Hotel. Williams, R. B., res n e cor Third and Battery. Williams, F., machinist, res St. Charles Hotel. Williams, W. E., boiler maker, res s side Madison, bet Kenney and Randolph. McCLAIRE, PHOTOGRAPHER 719J FROftiT STREET, FIRST-CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. 209

MARBLE w R K WASHINGTON No i?3 s Pf,NosTREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PPOPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Williams, E., millwright, res s e cor Ninth and Seneca. Williams, Mrs. Jennie, res s w cor Sixth and Cherry. Williamson, John R., manager Puget Iron Works, res n e cor Sec- and and Spring. Williamson, A. B., teamster, bds Mrs. M. J. Williamson's. Williamson, T. E., bds Mrs. M. J. Williamson's. . Williamson, Mrs. M. J., res Fifteenth, near Pine. Williamson, D. Ray, carpenter, res Mercer's Addition. Williamson, A., lumberman, Seattle Lumber & Com. Co. Williamson, Leroy, laborer, Western Mill Co. Willman, Mrs. R., res w side Second, bet Cherry and Columbia. Willman, M., engineer, C. & P. S. R. R. Willmore, William, waiter, Arlington Hotel. Willson, George, stableman, City Stables, res same. Willson, George, line man, Puget Sound Telegraph Co. Willson, Alexander, carpenter, res w side Second, near Columbia. Willson, Harry, longshoreman, res Water, near Seneca. Willson, James, carpenter, res Water, near Pike. Wilson, C. A., foreman, Oregon Improvement Co.'s Mill. Wilson, Frank, runner, Occidental Hotel. Wilson, J. Ford, chainman, J. M. Snow, res Everett House. Wilson, R. A., clerk, M. H. Wilcox & Co., res Box st., N. Seattle. Wilson, J. R., cooper, Barrel Factory. Wilson, John. A., carpenter, res e side S. Eleventh, bet Jackson and King. Wilson, William E., contractor and builder, res w side Eighth, bet Union and Pike. Wilson, James S., gardner, res King, bet S. Eleventh and Twelfth. Wilson, J. F., res w side Seventh, near Lenora. Wilson, Mrs. A. L., rms Columbia House.

Wilson, Miss F. E.3 res George H. Foster's. Wilstead, C, laborer, Jackson St. Addition, Lake Washington dist.



Wiltoa, Frank, prop Dew Drop In Saloon, Cherry, bet Front and Second, res same. Wimmer, A., cabinet maker, Puget Sound Furniture Co., res Manning's Wharf, N. Seattle. Wincapaw, T. J., salesman, Alexander Montgomery, res 1922 Front. Wincapaw, R. W., carpenter, res s side Columbia, bet Tentlvand Eleventh. Wincapaw, John, caulker, res 1922 Front. Winchester, Catherine, bds 1410 Second. Wing Sing Tong, Chinese Drug Store, n side Main, near South Second. Wing Tai, tobacco, cigars, and fancy goods, 213 Main. Winscott, John, carpenter, res West, bet Cherry and Columbia. Wirth, Rev. J. A., res s e cor Albert and Third, Lake Union dist. Wiscorosiitni House, (Vickstrom & Amunds, props), cor Second and Mill. Wissinger, A., carpenter, res w side Bush, bet King and Weller, Lake Washington dist. Wolf, William, salesman, Schwabacher Bros. & Co., res cor Sixth and Pike. Wolfe, J. N. E., butcher, 812 Front, res e side Water, near Blan­ chard. Wolff*, August, prop Germania Beer Hall, s side Mill, opp Post- office, res s w cor Seventh and Cherry. Wonklinson, P., fisherman, Water, near Seneca. Wood, Lyman M., (Lynch & Wood), res s w cor Union and Eighth st. Wood? W» D., probate judge, James, opp Occidental Hotel, bds Columbia House. Wood, Lyman, bookkeeper, U. B. Mumford, rms e side Second, bet Seneca and University. Wood, E. W., with U. B. Mumford. Wood, IT, C, conductor, C. & P. S. R. R., res s side Main, bet Eighth and Ninth. ff\ OlVllinrUI AGENT FOR HALLET & DAVIS W .n.wlwli I n | AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS 821 FRONT STREET, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SEATTLE [w] DIRECTORY. 211

WARBLE w R WASHINGTON No £ s^INoSTREET. H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Woody Charles, hardware and furniture, Front, bet Bell and Bat­ tery, opp Bell's Hotel, res same. Wood, Charles, tinner, Phillips Bros. Wood, C, cooper, Barrel Factory. Woodcock, F. G., ranchman, bds Lake Union House. Woodman, Samuel, compositor, .u Post-Intelligencer," res Mrs. Sarah B. Yesler's Addition. Woodman, Fred, carpenter, res McPhee's building. , Altred, lumber sawyer, Seattle Mill Co., res s side King, near Jackson. Woods, I. C, plasterer, res w side Lake Union, Collin's Addition. Woodward, H, S., res wside Third, near Spring. Woolen, Isaac, real estate, n side Jackson, near Yesler's First Ad­ dition. Woolery, J. H., chief of police, res e side Fifth, bet Spring and and Seneca. Woolery, W. E., laborer, Yesler Mills, res Fifth, bet Union and and Pike. Woolery, Mrs. Margaret, widow, s side Terrace, bet Fourth and Fifth. Woolery, William D., clerk, res w side Fifth, bet Pike and Union. Worley, Oliver, laborer, res Bang's Hotel. Worth, Frank, capt tug Lone Fisherman, res n w cor Fourth and Columbia. Worthiiigton, William, res w side Third, near Columbia. Wright, Capt. Thomas, str Eliza Anderson, on board. Wright, H. H., str Eliza Anderson, on board. Wright, Hugh M., Washington Marble Works, res 113 Spring, bet Front and Second. Wright, G. H., prop California Bakery, Front, opp Bell's Hotel, res same, i Wright, J. G., res cor Marion and Front. Wright, C. A., foreman, C. P. Stone, res cor Fifth and Marion. BODE & GEIGER, MERCHANT TAILORS 711 FRONT STREET, SEATTLE, WASH. TER. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. Good fit a specialty. 212 SEATTLE [W] DIRECTORY. PUGET s 0 N EYARD WM. CARKEEK, M?^?CT JE R oF IfflaoiiBe and Granite gyioBiiiaments, Headstones, etc. Also, Dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE, W. T. Wright, 0. S., with W. T. Pillman, res e side Sixth, bet Cherry and Columbia. Wright, Marion, lather, res e side Seventh, bet Stewart and Howell. Wright, Thomas, res w side Fourth, bet Union and Pike. Wright, , machinist, rms 215 Columbia. Wright, Chancey, clerk, Wright's Restaurant, res cor Marion and Front. Wright, Charles, clerk, Wright's Restaurant, res cor Marion and Front. Wright, Mrs. F. C, widow, res s w cor Fifth and Marion. Wright, Mrs. M. J., prop Wright's Restaurant, res cor Marion and Front. Wright's Restaurant, (Mrs. M. J. Wright, prop), 807 Front. Wunder, Mrs. Annie C., widow, res n w cor Sixth and Terrace. WusthofF, F. W., salesman, Gordon Hardware Co., res s side Col­ umbia, bet Sixth and Seventh. WyckofT, Mrs. U., res e side Second, bet James and Cherry. WyckofT, J. V., e side Second, bet James and Cherry.



ED. POWERS, pROpR.s MONARCH SALOON, BILLY MEYERS, rrwn" °- NUF CED. 34 COMMERCIAL STREET SEATTLE [Y] DIRECTORY. 213 MARBL R l WASH I NGTON* W. . g,M sTREET, H. M. WRIGHT, PROPRIETOR. Everything in our line constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Yarno, John T.? boat builder, foot University, res Lake, near Elaine, Lake Union dist. Yates, Alphonsa B., carpenter, res n w cor Fifth and Mill. Yesler, H- L-, capitalist, office Mill st., near Post-office, res bet Third and Fourth, James and Jefferson. Yesler Mill Go., (H. L. Yesler, John S. Anderson, props), foot Mill St., Yesler's Wharf. Young & BtflcKeon, plumbers and gas fitters, 721 Front. Young, Horace, (Young & McKeon), res w side Fourth, bet Col­ umbia and Marion. Young, S. G., editor "Seattle Chronicle," res w side Second, near James. Young, A. M., bookkeeper, W. P. Boyd & Co., res cor Fourth and Marion. Young, G. W., capitalist, res G. W. Young's block, Washington, bet Fourth and Fifth. Young, J. O., accountant, with A. Chilberg & Co., res cor Fourth and Marion. Young, Frank C, (Seaman & Young), res n side Marion, bet Fourth and Fifth. Young, C. O., engineer, res e side Commercial, near Arlington Hotel. Young, L. B., contractor and builder, res Dexter, w side Lake Un­ ion dist. Young, Angus W., life insurance agent, res s side Pike, bet Third and Fourth. Young, Andrew B., res s e cor Fourth and Marion. Young, Miss Bell, millinery department, San Francisco Store.

ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, PUGET SOUND OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE LAND, LOAN AND ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION EDWARD P. Ensosr, President. I Abstracts of Title made. JUNIUS ROCHESTER, Secretary. Titles passed upon. Loans n J. LuTTREDx, MURPHY, Attorney. | Lands bought and sold. 214 SEATTLE [Z] DIRECTORY.

PUGET ND STONE YARD WM. CARKEEK, ^' UFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, etc. Also, dealer in Brick, Lime, Cement, etc. MILL STREET, SEATTLE. W. T.

Zeek, I. N., carpenter, res n e cor Tenth and Olive. Zellenay, Adolph, upholsterer, res e side Tenth, bet Pike and Pine. Zellenay, Charles, harness maker, res e side Tenth, bet Pike and Pine.

PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SODA WORKS JAS. MORRISON, PROPRIETOR. Soda Water, Ginger Ale, and Sarsaparilla. Eastern Cider. Factory, FRONT STREET, P. O. Box 492, SEATTLE, W. T. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 215 The Seattle Daily Chronicle,



A journal taken by all classes, and acknowledged to be the lead­ ing newspaper in the city. As an



THE CHRONICLE Is the home paper of Seattle, and is a social and representative paper.


Is the largest and cheapest weekly of the Northivest. It is the paper for the farmer, and the mechanic, and the com­ panion of the fireside. As an advertising medium it is unexcelled. It is rilled with interesting miscellaneous reading.

TERMS: — Daily, by mail, $10.00 per annum in advance; Weekly, $2.00 per annum in advance. ADDRESS, The Seattle Daily Chronicle, SEATTLE, W. T. 216 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. CLARENCE WORD'S




Having during the past year greatly increased my facilities for do­ ing all classes of job work, I am now better prepared than ever before to execute, with neatness and dispatch, every style and variety of

BUSINESS PRINTING, SOCIETY PRINTING, SHOW PRINTING, LEGAL PRINTING, BLANBC BOOKS, In fact everything, from a visiting card to an unabridged dic­ tionary, and at prices as low as ten years' experience show are con­ sistent with full measure and reasonable profits.

Prices and Estimates furnished on application. RfSail or­ ders solicited. CLARENCE HANFORD, POST BUILDING, SEATTLE. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 217




Foot of Mil! Street, Seattle, W. T.

PENNEY SL KELLY, - Proprietors,


Bifiiit of ail descriptions. Tanks? Sheet Iron Work and repairing done at siiorf notice. 218 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.



YESLER'S WHARF, Foot of Mill Street, P. O. Box 453, Seattle, W. T.

Mill and Engineers9 Findings?

Water? Gas? Steam Pipe?

And Fittings,

Globe Valves? Steam and Water Guages? Steam and Service Cocks? BRASS GOODS








AGENT FOR Homes' Electric Belts and Trusses,

Also all the Leading Patent and Proprietary Medicines.

The largest stock of Drugs in Washington Terrify. 220 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Treen, Raymond & Turrell,

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S s Largest Stock OHI Pug©t Sound.

Custom Work a Specialty. Ml Work and Stock Warranted.


633 Front st., Poncin Block,



And Dealers in all kinds of

Burial Cases, Caskets and Undertaker's Goods.

All orders by Telephone or Telegraph promptly attended to.


Foot of Columbia Street, Seattle, W. T. 222 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.




Force and Lift Pumps, Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Ice Cream Freezers and House Furnishing Goods.





COCHRAN & ROBB, SICNW0RKS Cor. Front and Marion Streets,


Glass Gilding, Carved Metal Signs and China Decorations.

Steamboat Painting.

We aro prepared to do good work in this line in the shortest possible time.

Plain and Pictorial Painting. Our facilities for this class of work are second to none other on Puget Sound. Sketches and ideas furnished on short notice.

Small Advertising Signs.

We have facilities for doing this kind of work in large quantities at reasonable rates, such as Boards, Tins, Glass or any novel design sign.

Carved Metal Signs.

Carved and Km bossed Signs on zinc, nickel and brass will be done by us in as good style as any in the country. We have processes exclusively our own and defy competition in this line. COCHRAN & ROBB. 224 SEATTLE 1)I HECT()HY.





Sells goods for cash at lower prices than any Grocery House on Puget Sound.

Special attention paid to filling orders from abroad.

Coffee roasted daily, and ground when required. 8I0ATTLK DlIlEOTOIi V.



OK SEATTLE, 1884-'85.

Abstractors.— Niesz, Whittlesey l Front, jscc back cover). Pnget Sound Land, Loan and. Abstract Association, opp Opera House, (see bottom lines). Wheeler, 1). T.

Albertson, IL B., Yesler-Leary block.. s Bowman, C. E.t t>04.1 Front. Bowman, A. C, hKS.j Commercial. Burke al block. Hill & Preston, 720 Front. : Humes, T. J., (>28 Front. Jacobs & Jenner, 028 Front. Kalloch, Seal's, Holcomb

Baths.— Doane, Dr. PL, medical, Mill st.,, near I\ O. (see p. 2). Keene, F. A., 102 CommerciaL Scott, W. A., 4 Mill. Stranz, M., 719 Front. Von Dungen, Charles, Occidental Hotel. Yarno, L. PL, electro-magnetic, Lakest. (seep. 129). Blacksmiths.— Beattie, William, cor Madison and West- Brennan, James, 2d, near Washington, i Eyler & McDonald, Jackson, near M. i Holmes, A., foot Columbia. Hunt, J. W., 2d, bet Mill and Washington. Jager, George, Commercial, near Jackson. McDonald, John, Mill st., near railroad. ; Boat BuiBders.— Allen & Brasen, marine ways, N. Seattle. i Budlong Brothers, foot Marion. I Clark, R, S., foot Madison. i Harmon

Hoots and Shoex—{Jontiniu,il.— Pair, I*. J. 13 .Front, (see p. 180). McAudrews, M., Washington, near 2d. j Orth, Adam, 714 Front. Treen, Raymond & Turrell, 088 Front:, (see p. 220). Bottlers.— Schoipp & Kallsen, 2d, near (/berry. Brass Founders.— Good, J. F. & Co., 421 Commercial, (seep. 2). Breweries.— Bay View, Bay st.., S. Seattle. North Pacific, office Arcade building, West st. Seattle, Mill st., bet 3d and 4th. Brokers.— Downing, Edward. .15. & Co., Post building, (see p. 27;. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co., Post building, (see p. 7). Hefner & Dishon, 108.} Commercial. Brick Haker.— Dibble, C, S. Seattle. Cabinet leakers.— Bennett, T. W., loot Columbia. , Choynski, Merit/, Washington, near (Commercial. McDermott, J. G., Marion, bet Front and Second. O'Roke & Littell, Union, bet 2d and 3d. Carriage Hflakers.— Beattie, William, cor Madison and West. Benson, A. W., 217 S. 3d. Hunt, J. W., 2d, bet Washington and Mill. Chinese Merchandise.— On Tai & Co., 125 Mill. Wa Chong & Co., cor 3d and Washington. Cigar Manufacturers.— Johnson, W. F. & Co., foot Madison. Seattle Cigar Manufacturing Co., 3d, bet Washington and Mill. Cigars and Tobacco— Wholesale.— Baxter, S. & Co., Front, near Madison, (see p. 244). CI a us & Harms, 717 Front, (see front inside coyer). Gottstein, M.

('((/rtrx (tad Tobacco—CnrdiniK.d.— McDonald, J. T., 220 Commercial. .March, XV. S., 5A Mill. Montgomery, Alexander, 11.0 Commercial. Murphy, M.'. F., si5J, Front. LeIt/\ Morris, cor Commercial and Washington. Smith, I j. K. G., Yesler-Leary block. Street-, Robert PL, Yesler-Leary block. Syred, William G., Commercial, near Knmswick Hotel. The "Snug" Cigar Store, cor Commercial and Main. ' Wing Tai,-218 Main. i CiwSB Engineers and Surveyors.— Munch, Robert, 017 Front. Snow & Browne, Yesler-Leary block. \\ h.itworth & Thompson, Main, opp Arlington Hotel. Clothing.— Davis, S., 122 Commercial. .Frauenthal Brolhers, 104 Commercial. Goodman, K., 7 Mill. Harris, I., Yesler-Leary block. Hershberg, H. & Co., Sit) Front. Kenney, S., 117 Commercial. Kline,"IJ. 0c). Stewart, E. M. &• Bros., Madison, near Joy. Coffee and Spice Mill.-- Esmonin, 01., 1121 Front. Commission Merchants.— Ballard A Hatfield, Yesler's Wharf. Oheadlo, U., Moltke, Lake Union dist. Cowie, W. H. & Co., 110 S. 2d. Dune, D. E., Yesler's Wharf. Frederick, P., cor Mill and 2d. Gove & Wilson, Washington, near Commercial. MacCulsky, A. PC. & Co., Yesler's Wharf. Page, A., 901 Front. Poarlman, J. M., cor Mill and 2d. Scott, W. D. & Co., 319 Commercial, (see p. ('();>). CoudBCtlonerS—ManufafituHnff.— Queen City Bakerv and Candy 'Factory, 915 Front. Seattle Candy Factory, 1111 Front, 230 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Confectionery, Fruit, &&~— Crist, John, cor Mill and Commercial. Ferry, L. P., 008 Front. Finriigan, James, 3d, nesir Main. Franklin & Housington', Front, near Madison. Holden, W. T., 910 Front. Piper, A. W., Front, bet Mill and Cherry. Queen City Bakery, 915 Front. Siren, William, Mills*!-., near Front. Contractors and Builders.— Bennett, T. W., foot Columhia. Fletcher, A. B., Pike, bet 2d and 3d. Jordan, J. T., 3d, bet Pike and Pine. McDermott, J. G.r Marion, bet. Front and 2d. Ranke, Otto, cor 5th and Pike. i Coopers-— Mattnlath Barrel Mannfacturing Co.,-foot Eiigle. I Crockery and Glassware-— i Bru»h, E. R., James,, bet 2d and 3d. Chilberg, N., 019 Front. ; Elder, T. B., Front, opp Bell's Hotel. Golden-Rule .Bazaar, 820 Front, (see back cover). Lyle, Thomas, Front, opp Bell's Plotel. Seattle Bazaar, 210 Commercial, (see back coyer). ! Diiheider, PIenryr Pike, bet 4th and 5th. Waddell & Miles, Milt st,r head Commercial, (see p. o). j Dentists.— ! Caldwell, R. G., Yesler-Leary block, (see top lines). •' Case, E. GM Yesler-Le^ry block. Fox, J. M., 822 Front. Grasse, Dr. J. C, 710 Front ; Kilbourne, E. C, 625 Front. (see back bone). i Price, G. Willis, 4thr bet Marion and. Madison. j Dress and Cloak Makers^— j De Graf, Mme. A.f 709 Front. ! Fisher, Mrs. A. C, 617 Front. I ! Gee, Mrs. R., 719i Front. \ H.-xiTis, PI. & Co., 811 Front. ! j Lutz, Mrs. M. J., 108- Columbia. | j Lawrey, Mrs. H. rI\, Kenyon block, Front, j i Maddocks, Mrs. PI. (Lv (523 Front. j i Mills, Mrs. L. H., Mill, at., foot 2d. j Quitter, Mrs. M. J.T cor-5th and Jefferson. j Richardson, Mrs., 3o% bet Marion and Madison. j Storey, Mrs. Matilda. J., Seneca, bet -Lh and r^h. Druggists.— Bailey & Co., 222 Commercial. ; Chilberg & Johnson, 91K> Front. ! Clericus & Koechling:, cor Front and Madison. ' Plummer, A. E., & Co., 1404 Third. Kellogg, G. & Co.r cor Commercial and Mill, (see p. 00n). j Kelly, M. A., 102 Commercial. Pontius, F. A., 702; Front, (see p. 248). SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 231

Druyf/ixtH—Co tit in ued.— Stewart, A. B., 01 5 Front, (see p. 219). Whitford, L. C, Front, N. Seattle. Wing Sing Tong, Main, near 2d. Dry Coeds.— Boyd, W. P. & (Jo., 023 .Front, (see p. 245). Latour

Fruit—Wholcx'ilc.— Northwest Fruit Co., Mill st., near P. O. (see p. 8). Sresovich, Gray Ac Co., 819 Front. Furniture.— Hall & Paulson Furniture Co., 035 Front, (see p. 12). Lake Union Furniture Mfg. Co., Lake Union, (seep. 4). Lynch & Wood, :/l7 Front, (see p. 2). Newell, George, ih'ad of Pay, S. Seattle. Puget Sound Fundiure Co., 909 Front, (fee p. 25). Pillmail, W. T. & Co., Cherry, near 2d. '(see p. 50), Pearl man, J. M., cor M.iil aiid 2d. Richards, G. G. & Co., Front, near Pike. Wood, Charles, Front, hot Bell and Battery. Grocers—Whnlcxtth.— Calkins & Reddish, 1105 Front, (see back cover). Harrington A:-Smith, Commercial, near Washington. MacCulsky, A. F. & Co., Yesler's Wharf. Soolt, W. I). & Co., 319 Commercial, (see p. 00f>). Stone, C. P., 025 Front, (see]). 224). Sutherland & Co., .1101 Front. Grocers.— Brewster, O. R, & Co., cor Front and Marion. Calkins & Reddish, 1105 Front, (see back cover). Chilberg, Nelson, 019 Front. Cooperative Society, Front, opp Opera block. Cunningham, John, 7th, bet Union and University. Densmore, M, cor 3d and Union. Fsmonin, 01., 1121. Front. Frasch, Charles F., Column's block, Mill st. Hansen's Ninth. ST. Grocery, cor Ninth and Stewart. Hovey, S. W., 715 Front. Lockorby, G. IP, Front, opp BelPs Hotel. Louch, Charles, 1434 Front. Lunke, John, Moltke, Lake Union dist. Lvle, Thomas, Front, opp Bell's Hotel. McPherson, XV. A., M ill st., opp Occidental, (see p. 240). Rinehart, W. V. teL 'Puck Wo, Main, near 2d. Uhlfelder, 1L. Pike, bet 4th and 5th. Wilcox, M. IL & Co., 1001 Front. Guns and Ammunition.— Gordon Hardware Co., 027• & 029 Front, (see front cover). Hardy & Hall, 905 Front. Neuman & Argens, Commercial, near Washington. Hair Work..— Hague, Miss Gracie, 110 Cherry. Hardware.— Ballard & Sox, 000 Front. Gordon Hardware Co., 027 & 029 Front, (see front cover) SEATTI ;E I) 1 RECTO 1 S Y. 238

Jlc(r Mill, (see p. 2). Western, cor 0th and James. | Wisconsin, cor 2d and Mill. | Insurance Agents.— I Carey, James A., Yesler-Learv block. Chilberg, A. & Co., office with Wells, Fargo & Co. Colt, N. B., cor Front and Cherry. Pumphrey, T. II., 713 Front, (see. back coyer). Taylor, W. PL & Co., James, opp Occidental. LauudrSes.— Freiicll Lau11dry,1119 Fr<>iit, Seattle Steam Laundry, Lake Union. Livery? SaBe and Boarding Stables,.— City Stables, Main and 3d. Langston Stables, 81 Washington. Union Stables, Commercial, opp Arlington, (seep. 3). 234 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Lumber i&anufaetwrers and Dealers.— Michigan Mills, Water Front, near Pine. Seattle Lumber Co., Safe Deposit Building. Seattle Lumber and Commercial Co., foot Madison. Seattle Mill Co., 7th and B. Stetson. & Post, foot. Commercial. Western Mill Co., Lake Union. Yesler Mill Co., foot Mill st, i hlarlsfle KSanoafacturers and Dealers.— Carkeek, William, Mill st., opp Yresler Mills, (see left top.lines). Keenan, John, Harrington & Smith's Wharf. Sound Marble Works, foot Madison, (see backbone). Washington M.irble Work-!, 113 Spring, (see right top lines) Machinists and Engineers.— Moran Brothers, Yesler's Wharf, (see p. 218). i B$eat Markets.— Colorado, Front, near Madison. Evans, W. W. & Son, 700 Front, (see back cover). Foss, L. W., 100 Commercial. Gilford, Wr. PL, Front, bet Bell and Blanchard. Higson & Smith, cor Front and Pike. Masel, J. C, cor Union and Third. Meyer, Herman, cor Washington and 6th. Murphy, William, Pike, bet 4th and 5th. Palace,' 812 Front. Seattle, 217 Commercial. Sftusic and SftlusicaS Instruments.— Kimball & Son, 902 Front, Smith, W. A., 821 Front, (see left bottom lines). S^fiifiinery.— Burroughs, Mrs. S. L., 1005 Front. Clayton Brothers, 908 Front. Pease,, Mrs. M. D., 7.10 Front, (see p. 55). ( Newspapers.— Chronicle, (daily and Aveekly), James, opp Occidental, (seep. 2.15). Die Tribune, (weekly), cor Front and Marion, (see p. 50). Industrial World, (semi-monthly), 027 Front. Post-Intelligencer, (daily and weekly), Post building, Mill st. (see p. 0). Sunday Star, Poncin block, 035 Front. Wews Company..— North Pacific, Mill st,, near P. O. Notaries Public.— Andrews, Lyman B., with Jacobs & Jenner. Booth, M. S'., Mill st., near P. O. Caiin, T. H., Washington, near Commercial. Denny, John B., P. O. Box 858. Haines, J. C, Yesler-Leary block. Haller, G. Morris, Column's block, cor Mill and Commercial. Hall, W. Finley, 025 Front. Hanford, C. PL, Colma'n's block. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 235

Notaries Public—Continued.— Hill, G. A., 720 Front. Kendall, F. P., 013 Front. Kinnear, J. R., 025 Front. Llewellyn, W. H., Post building. MeGilvra, John J., 105 Commercial. McNaught, J. F., 108£ Commercial. Munday, C. F., 720 Front. Osborne, E. S., City Hall. Preston, George PL, James, opp Occidental. Rasin, U. M.,"Frauenthal block. Scott, Roswell, Yesler-Leary block. Taylor, W. H., James, opp Occidental. Turner, E. A., Mill st., opp Occidental. Vrooman, S. B., Front, near Cherry. Whittlesey, W. II., 031 Front, Wood, W. I.)., James, opp Occidental. j Notions and Fancy Goods.— Brewster, C-.'R., Yesler-Leary block. || Golden'Rule Bazaar, 820 Fro'nt. (see back cover). ; Lowman, J. I.)., cor Front and Cherry. Pumphrey, W. PL, 115 Commercial. ' Seattle Bazaar, 210 Commercial. Stanley, W. ?., 1117Front, (seep. 8). Sullivan, John, 120 Commercial. itfurser^.— Seattle, Mill st., bet 14th and 15th. OccisSist.— Sundberg, Dr. John C, Yesler-Leary block. Optician.— Fink, William PL, 222 Commercial. Paints, OiSs and ©lass.— Gordon Hardware (Jo., 027 & 029 Front, (see front cover). Keating, M. M. <& Co., 110 Commercial. Thomas, F. M., 924 Front, Painters—House and Siyn.— Burke & Rush, Columbia, near Front. Cochran. & Robb,' 903 Front, (see p. 228). Harris & Greenus, Marion, bet Front and 2d. [see p. 52]. Look & Roberts, cor 2d and Columbia, MeGoughn, J., Front, foot Seneca. Photographers.— McClaire, M. S., 719J Front, [see bottom linos]. Moore, George N., Sullivan block. Peiser, Theodore E., cor 2d and. Marion. Souvenir Art Studio, Kenyon block, [see p. is!)]. Pn^siciasas.— Baglev & Whitworth, 114 Cherv. Baker, J. ()., 817 Third. Berthier, A., 720 Front. Brown, Mary, room 2, Reinig's block. Churchill. F. A., Opera block. Dawson, L. It., 2020 Front. 230 . SEATTLE DIRKC TORY.

Ph-ywcuuiH— nu-cd.— Galloway, Anna E., e side 4th, bet Madison and Sprint Hall, ILM., Sullivan block. Kollock, John M., cor Commercial and Mill. Kreigk, Max, Opera block. Merrick, O. PP, 2124 Front. Miller, C. L. Sr., 108 Cherry. Miller, P. B. M., Arcade building. Minor, Thomas T., Opera block. Mitchell, David A., lid, bet Seneca and University. Hoot, O. G., Yesler-Leary block. Smart, J. S. M., 1Mill st.,' near Commercial. Smith, E. L., Mill st., near Commercial. Sparkling, F. XV., cor 8th and Madison. Sundberg, John 0., Yosler-Learv block. Weed, G. A., Yesler-Leary block. Whitford, L. C., Front, opp Bell's Motel. Willard, R., James, bet 2d and'3d. Pictures and Frames.— Golden Rule Bazaar, 820 Front. [>ee back cover]. Stafford, John A., 914 .Front. 11 Pile Drivers.— Surber & Warner. Good, William, s side Main, bet Mh and 9t.h. Plaster Decorations.— Murphy, J. II., foot Madison. Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters.— Sehram, J. & Co., Commercial, [see top lines]. Spencer, John, 81', Front. Young & McKeon, 721 Front, (see p. 28). Waddell *& Miles, Mill st., head Commercial, (see p. 5) Printers.— ji Globe Printing Co., Kenyon block, [see p. 108]. |i Hanford, Clarence, Post building, [see p. 210]. Pufifatisfaers.— Bushong «& Curtis, 408 Madison. Choir, M., cor Madison and Williamson." Industrial World, 027 Front, [see. p. 7]. Snyder, N. 8., Hanford's Printing Office. Pumps.— Phillips Brothers, 919 Front, [see p. 222]. Waddell & Miles, head of Commercial, [see p. 5]. Young & McKeon, 721 Front, [see p. 28]. Real Estate.— Booth, M. S., Mill st,, near P. O. Bowman, J. PL, 1411 Front. Brannigan &May, Reinig's block. Bryan & Bell, 813 Front. Clancey, Thomas, G. W. Young's block. Crane, Geo. W., 112 Washington, (see page 50). Dearborn, L. F. & Co., cor Commercial and Jackson. Dougan & Co., Mill st,, near P. O. >u SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Ileal. Instate—Continued.— Edwards, J. W., 713 Front. Eshelman, Llewellyn

St do o) is— (Jo n fin tied. — . Gem, 105 Commercial. Germania, 3 Mill. Grotto, 5 Mill. Idaho, Washington, bet 2d and 3d. Kurz, Bernard, Moltke st., Lake Union dist. Lake View Flail, Lake Union. Magrath, L N., 107 Washington. Mehlhorn & Probst, 723 Front. Meister, George, 115 Cherry. Miners', Millst., near Yesler's Wharf. Monarch, 34 Commercial, [see bottom lines]. Nedo, George, West, rear Gordon block. New York Schooner, cor Commercial and Washington. Office, Washington, near Commercial. O. K. Sample Room, cor Commercial and Main. Old Boca, Mill st., below P. O. Opera, Marion, opp Opera House; Opera Exchange,'920 Front. Pantheon, 30 Commercial. Philadelphia, cor Commercial and Washington. Pioneer, 9 Mill. St. Louis Beer Flail, 814 Front, Sanger Hall, Mill St., near Yesler Mills. Sazarac, 107 Washington. Scandinavian, Mill st,, opp P. O. Schnyder, L. V., West, rear Gordon Hardware1 block. Senate, cor Commercial and Jackson. Steamboat, Mill st., opp Yesler Mills. Stiller, John, cor Front and Pike. Tivoli, 13 Mill. United States, Washington, near 3d. White 'Elephant, Yesler-Leary block, [see inside back cover], I White House, Front, near Bell's Hotel. Sash, Doors and Blinds.— Seattle Lumber and Commercial Co., foot Ma.di.son. Stetson & Post, foot Commercial. Western Mill Co., Lake Union. Yesler Mill Co., foot Mill st, Scroll Sawing.— O'Roke & Littell, Union, bet 2d and 3d. Sewing Kfflachines.— Bryan, Edgar, 813 .Front. Clayton Brothers, Opera block. Graves, R. C, 803 Third, cor Columbia. Lowman, J. I)., Front and Cherry. Second-Hand Goods.— Bristol, PI. M., Front, bet Madison and Spring. Johnson & Peterson, 110 Cherry. Pearhnan, J. M., cor Mill and*2d. Pilhnan, W. T.

Ship Builders.— Allen A- Brasen, N. Seattle. Shoemakers.— Berg, Knud, Mill st., near railroad. Finigan, B., Commercial, opp Arlington. Freeman, A. P., Columbia, bet 2d and 3d. Keane, John, 7 Mill. Kennett, Charles, Mill st,, opp 2d. McCann, M. L., Marion, bet West and Front. Michel, John, Mill st., head Commercial. Moen, B., 112 Second. Soda ^fafer Manufacturers.— Pacific, and Puget Sound Soda, Works, 717'Front, [see bottom '• lines]. Seattle Soda Works, Mill st., near railroad, [see p. 248]. . Sporting Caoods.— Gordon Hardware Co., 027 and 029 Front, [see front cover]. Hardy & Hall, 905 Front. | Neuman & Argens, Commercial, near Washington. '; Wald & Campbell, 704 Front. : Stoves and Tinware.— Elder, T. B., Front, opp Bell's Hotel. Phillips Brothers 919 Front, [see p. 222]. j Sehram, J. & Co., Commercial, near Mill. [see. top lines]. Waddell * Miles, Mill st., head Commercial, [see p. 5]. j Tailors.— Bode ct Geiger, 711 Front, [see bottom lines]. ; Finkelstein, M., 1107 Front. Graham, R, J.", 813 Front, | Jackson, PI, Washington, near Commercial. Kenny, S., 1.17 Commercial. ; Levy,'Jacob, Commercial, near Washington. Nor wold, PI. E., Mill, near railroad. Nelson, John, 814.] Front, ; Sealander, Alexander R., 1003 Front, [see bottom, lines]. I Taxidermist.— j Still, Ezekiol, Orion st., Lake Union dist, \ Teas.— • i Hughes, J. W., cor 2d and ('berry, [see p. 49]/ Telegraph Companies.— Puget Sound, cor 2d and Cherry. Western Union, cor 2d and Cherry. Ticket Agents.— Chilberg & Co., office with Wells, Fargo & Co. ; Crane, G. W., Wahington, near Commercial, [see top lines]. : Undertakers.— Schillestad, O., 112 Cherry, [see p. 243]. Shorey, O. C. & Co., 801 Front, [see p..221]. 240 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.

Wall Paper.— Keating, M.'. M. A.-. (Jo., 110 Commercial. Stanley, W. P., 1117 From, [see. p. 8]. Thomas, F. M., 924 Front. Watches, Clocks and Jewe8r#.— Fink, William IP, 222 Commercial. Hansen, Albert, Yesler-Leary block. Holyoke, A. B., MePhee's building. Kimball. * Son. 902 Front. McLaughlin, H. L., (512 Front, Xaher, Charles, Yesler-Leary block. Requa A- Giering, 009.', Front. Smith, L. P. A-Sou, 708 Front. Sihvskv, F., Mill st., near 2d. Water Works.— Coppiu, Charles, s r cor Columbia and 9tb. Spring Hill Water Co., foot Commercial. . Yesler's, I'uiou and 9th. Wines and Liquors— W holesfde.— . Baxter, S. &. (Jo., 023 .Front, [see p. 244']. Blanchard A- Co., Post building, Mill si. (MMus A-. Harms, 717 Front, [see inskl'o front cover]. GotKein, M. «fc K., 720 Front, The A. P. llotaling Company, 217 Commercial, [see p. 00A]. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 241



DEALERS IX Fancy Dry Goods,



iHusiin and Knitted Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Neckwear, Laces, Notions, Dressmaker's Trimmings, Etc.

Zephyrs, Worsted, German and Domestic Yarns off all sorts, and every description of FANCY WORK MATERIALS. Orders ffiBBed with despatch and satisfaction guaranteed. LATOUR & CO., Front Street, Opera House Biock, Seattle. 242 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.





Cherry Street, between Front and Second,


"A man never gets so much good out of a hook, as when he possesses it."—Sir Arthur Phelps.

" Let every man, if possible, gather some good books under his roof."—Channing.

"And hark you, sir, I'll have them fairly bound." Shakespeare. ! SEATTLE DIRECTORY. 248 i . i




Also Undertakers9 Goods in every Style


$§?°Orders by Telegraph promptly attended to.

Cherry Street, near Fronts Seattle. I 244 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. S. BAXTER & Co.,

Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors,


We buy only from Manufacturers direct, and solicit custom of the Trade only. Washii in Co BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF FURS, HIDES AND SKINS.

A. M. BROOKES, Secretary. SUTCLBFFE BAKTER, Pres. and Agent.




A.T THE ARCADE W. P. 80YD & CO., Dry Goods, Ladies'and Gent's Furnishing Goods,


We should be pleased to have you visit "THE ARCADE." W. P. BOYD & CO., Front Street, Seattle. 246 SEATTLE DIRECTORY.


MILL STREET, opposite Occidental Hotel,


All goods sold by him are first-class, and

prices are down to bed rock.


-3,* A specialty. Can't be beat. »>^



Manufacturers and Importers of BOOTS and SHOES

Boots and Shoes of all descriptions made to order.

A perfect fit, and stock warranted.

We have a first-class fitter and cutter and will fit uppers to order for the trade.

Dealers in Leather and Findings. Sole agents for Burt & Mears.

H. JONES & SON, Mill Street, foot Front, SEATTLE, W. T. 248 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. GEO. T. MAGINNIS & CO.,


Soda Water, Root Beer, Ginger Ale AND SYRUPS.

Dealers in Eastern Cider, Ale, Porter, Napa Soda, Apollinaris, and Wilhoit Springs Mineral Water.



DRUGGIST A choice selection off Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, and Sponges. Also, all kinds of Druggists1 Sundries usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Front Street, near Cherry, Seattle.