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IRON WORKS CO. CLOTHING HOUSE, L. KLINE & Co WASHINGTON IRON WORKS CO. Foundry and Machine Shops, / - CORNER OF SECOND AND JACKSON STREETS. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Of all kinds built, estimated for and repaired. Castings of all kinds, in Iron and Brass, including House Work. Pattern Shop in connection with the Works. TO SAVE MONEY, Buy your Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods at the STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 208 COMMERCIAL STREET, L. KLINE & Co., Leading Clothiers and Hatters. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. O. W. LYNCH. L. M. WOOD. LYNCH & WOOD, DEALERS IN FURNITURE Bedding, Wlatfrasses, Lounges and Parlor Sets OF THE LATEST STYLE. Window Shades, ' Window Cornices, Poles, Curtains and Lam­ brequins. Carpets sewed and laid with dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. Fine Upholsters' a Specialtj'. 917 Front Street, Seattle. <&» DRAYAGE.^ Every faciBify for delivering freight, moving ma­ chinery and Safes, and heavy materiaB. Goods handSed carefuBBy and satisfaction guaranteed. Coai deBivered to any part of the city. D. RflcDilftSIEL, Drayman, P. 0. Box 27. SEATTLE BiiJISS &M& BELL FOyHDRY. JOHN E. GOOD &CO., Steamboat? Railroad! and MM Castings, Also Babbit-Metals of all grades on hand and made to order at .short notice and of best material. First-class work guaranteed. Brass finishing in all its branches. Old Copper, Brass and Lead wanted. 421 Commercial street, [P. O. Box 769], Seattle. MEDICAL BATHS, Office on Mill street, below Post Office, SEATTLE, W. T. Invalids who may desire to investigate my new and improved method of treating the body for the different ailments are cordially invited to my institution. DP. H. I)DANE. VILLARD HOUSE, C. S. PLOUGH, Proprietor. No. 15 Mill Street, SEXA/TTLE}, W. T. This Hotel is located near the Steamboat Wharf, and is'the best and • cheapest Hotel in the city. TABLE ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Board and Lodging, 50 cts. Board per week, §4.00. Meals, 25 cts. Beds, 25 cts. j@£|pBaggage conveyed to and from the House free of charge. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. H. F. Phillips. H. A. Sears. PHILLIPS & SEARS, PROPRIETORS OF UNION LIVERY STABLE Commercial Street, opp. Arlington Hotel. First-Glass Saddle and Driving Horses, also Buggies, Cat rlages, and Hacks to let at all hours at reasonable rates. All kinds of stock boarded, by day or week with best of care. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. A. J. CHARLESTON, President. HERMAN J. NORDEN, Secretary. WM. KOCH. Treasurer. LAKE UNION FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of and Dealers in CHAMBER SUITES, OFFICE AND LIBRARY FURNITURE All tvork ordered will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have constantly on hand a large assortment of goods of our own manufacture, ivhich we offer at very loiv prices. We save to our customers the prices off freights from the East and from San Francisco. Please call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Factory over Western Mill Go's Mill, Lake Union. F\ O. Box 527, SEATTLE. SEATTLE. DIRECTORY. WADDELL& MILES, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TIN, COPPER, MARBLEIZED IRONWARE, &c. Particular attention paid to Job Work. Pumps, Steam andGas Fittings. RANGES, Cook,' Parlor and Box Stoves. Crockery, Glass and Earthenware, Albany Lubricating, Compound and Cylinder Oil, Wood and Willow Ware, Sheet , Iron, Lead and Copper, Lamps and Chandeliers. Mill Street, head off Commercial, Seattle, W. T. * •• • 1^* SEATTLE DIRECTORY. -•^t^THE ^5^:. mmw&UBBKBm$ i [DAILY AND WEEKLY.] ; The Leading Newspaper of the North Pacific. THE POST-INTELUGENCER Takes the full associated press reports; it has the largest circula­ tion and is the best advertising medium; THE WEEKLY Is the largest paper in Washington' Territory. TERWiSs—Daily, $10.00 per annum in advance; Weekly, $2.25 per annum in advance. THE POST-INTELLIGENCER, Post Building, Mill St., Sehltle, W. T. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. MONEY MADE By buying Lots in Seattle (population 12/000), the coming great commercial city of the Northwest. 66 $33, $66 OR $99 EACH. Title Perfect. Abstract free with every deed. For further information call oh or write to ESHELMAN, LLEWELLYN & COMPANY, QQ REAL ESTATE CASH AND OR ON MONEY BROKERS. TIME SEATTLE, WASH. TER. THE PUGET SOUND A Semi-Monthly Journal. DEVOTEQ TO THE LUMBER, MILLING, MINING, COAL AND IRON, BUILDING AND JOBBING TRADES, RAIL AND WATER TRANSPORTATION, HOP GROWING AND FISHING INTERESTS OF PUGET SOUND. 627 FRONT ST., SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. HUNTER & SHXW'S Seattle Transfer and Express Company. Trunks, Baggage and Freight delivered to any part of the city. OFFICE, WITH WELLS, FABGO & CO. Orders left at the office will receive prompt attention. jggg^Coal delivered to order. ELECTRO MAGNETIC STEAM BATHS. Lissetta H. Yarnes, Operator. LAKE ST., near Western Mill Co's Mill, LAKE UNION. This place is well fitted for the accommodation of ladies. Board and lodgings furnished if desired. Price of baths $1.00 each. W. P. STANLEY, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Periodicals and Wall Paper, NO. 1117 FRONT ST., SEATTLE, W. T. NORTHWEST FRUIT CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRUITS, VEGETABLES, p.o. BOX 842. GAME, &c. Mill Street, near F>ost=office. TIIR CITY DIRECTORY 1884-'8S SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, .ICMBKAC.'JNCJ i\ MTIUCIOT, BUSINESS, RESIDENCE, AND CHURCH DIRECTORY, LIST OK CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIALS, SECRET A ND BENEVOLENT ORGANIZATIONS, WHAIIK DIRECTORY, ETC. ALSO J\ cofvn^ivKTr-c CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. VOL. I. .PRICE, 12.50. SEATTLE: . THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD. 1884. v>v COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR. THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD 1884. Composition by the Industrial World. Press Work by Clarence Hanford. Binding bjr F. Anthony. TO J-IOK. 11. L. YES LEU, WHOSE UNFLINCHING FA IT II. IN TILE FUTURE GREATNESS OF SEATTLE HAS NEVER BEEN SHAKEN, THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED BY THE PUBLISHERS. THE HALL & pmLmm FURNITURE GO., SEATTLE, W. T* Has just removed to their new and elegant saBes- rooms, Nos. 635 and 837 Front Street, where they are displaying the Bargesf and finest stock of furni­ ture ever opened in the Territory, and which they are seBBing at greafBy reduced rates. They wish to call particular attention to their extensive Bine of Parfior and Bed Room furniture of aBB grades. GaBB on them or write for prices, as they are desirous of having goods seen and prices compared. SpeciaB designs furnished for mantBes and all interior house decora­ tions. They are turning out work in this Bine which is not surpassed Bay any house on the coast. SaBesrooms, Bios. 635 and 637 Front Street. Factory, foot of Commercial Street. PREFACE. THE preface of books are generally written to give the author or compiler an opportunity to make to the public any remarks per­ taining to his publication which may, in a measure, tend to explain any discrepancies or. ambiguous portions of his book. This will be no exception to the rule. In compiling the present volume of the City Directory, the pub­ lishers have endeavored to get the matter as nearly accurate as it is possible to get a publication of its kind. Considerable difficulty has been experienced on account of the imperfect numbering of the buildings, and for this reason, in many cases, the numbers have been omitted. The list of secret and benevolent societies, city and county officials, the classified business directory, etc., will be found reliable, and of great convenience for handy reference. The present volume contains 2850 single names; the number of firms engaged in all classes of business is 474; the educational institutions—both public and private—number 11; and the city has in her corporate limits 37 secret and benevolent organizations. According to the returns of the last United States Census, the number of persons to a family is, on the Pacific Coast, 5.38. Estimating on this basis, the city has at present a total of 12,232 white population. The Chinese population is placed, after a care­ ful enumeration by our canvassers, at 400. These figures give a grand total of 12,632 inhabitants. Surely, a splendid showing. The ratio of increase for the past few years has been very great, especially, during the prosperous era proceeding the present year. 14 SEATTLE DIRECTORY. Placing the rate of increase for 1885 at fifteen per cent., Seattle will enjoy a population of no less than 14,526 by the first of Jan­ uary, 1886,—an estimate that, judging from the bright prospects of increasing trade and demand for manufactures, she will, undoubt­ edly, more than realize. It is to be hoped, that by the time the next volume of the Direc­ tory is published, the City Council will have passed an ordinance to the effect that the business houses and residences be properly numbered: it will greatly facilitate finding locations, and save much time and petty annoyance. A street directory, published on page 29, will be of some assistance in giving directions to each street. In conclusion, the publishers offer a word of thanks to the citi­ zens of Seattle, and especially to the business interests, for their liberal support. From the beginning of the canvass to the com­ pletion of the book, they have been courteously treated, for which they feel duly grateful. Seattle, December 1, 1884. PAST AND FUTURE IN recording the industrial progress of Seattle, it will not be neces­ sary to giye a full and minute detail of every class of events con­ nected with her history, much less will it be imperative to record events long anterior to the time when the arts of peace were prac­ ticed and fostered within her borders. We have much need to lay down this axiom before commencing a record of her growth and development from a mere village of a few straggling houses, in- habitated by a handful of the now old pioneers of Puget Sound. Like all Western cities, Seattle has her romantic history, and were we to pause in recording her growth to take notice of her natural and early surroundings, all suggesting that stupendous fraud over which poets have raved and the yellow covered litera­ ture of the day found its principal character—the noble red man— we might work up a very interesting sketch.
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