WASHINGTON IRON WORKS CO. Foundry and Machine Shops, / - CORNER OF SECOND AND JACKSON STREETS. ENGINES AND MACHINERY Of all kinds built, estimated for and repaired. Castings of all kinds, in Iron and Brass, including House Work. Pattern Shop in connection with the Works. TO SAVE MONEY, Buy your Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods at the STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 208 COMMERCIAL STREET, L. KLINE & Co., Leading Clothiers and Hatters. SEATTLE DIRECTORY. O. W. LYNCH. L. M. WOOD. LYNCH & WOOD, DEALERS IN FURNITURE Bedding, Wlatfrasses, Lounges and Parlor Sets OF THE LATEST STYLE. Window Shades, ' Window Cornices, Poles, Curtains and Lam brequins. Carpets sewed and laid with dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. Fine Upholsters' a Specialtj'. 917 Front Street, Seattle. <&» DRAYAGE.^ Every faciBify for delivering freight, moving ma chinery and Safes, and heavy materiaB. Goods handSed carefuBBy and satisfaction guaranteed. Coai deBivered to any part of the city. D. RflcDilftSIEL, Drayman, P. 0. Box 27. SEATTLE BiiJISS &M& BELL FOyHDRY. JOHN E. GOOD &CO., Steamboat? Railroad! and MM Castings, Also Babbit-Metals of all grades on hand and made to order at .short notice and of best material. First-class work guaranteed. Brass finishing in all its branches. Old Copper, Brass and Lead wanted. 421 Commercial street, [P. O. Box 769], Seattle. MEDICAL BATHS, Office on Mill street, below Post Office, SEATTLE, W. T. Invalids who may desire to investigate my new and improved method of treating the body for the different ailments are cordially invited to my institution. DP. H. I)DANE. VILLARD HOUSE, C. S. PLOUGH, Proprietor. No.
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