Politics of Soviet Law by Robert Sharlet
~IT®full@mu~ ®~ ©@mumurnrnfi~mu I JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1986 VOL XXXV Problems of Communism (ISSN 0032-941 x) is a Moscow's Afghan War bimonthly publication providing analyses and significant information about the contemporary affairs of the by la/may Khalilzad Soviet Union, China, and comparable states and political mqvements. Views of contributors, as well as 21 China's Economic Experiment: From Mao to Market geographic boundaries and names, do not necessarily by Jan S. Pryby/a reflect the policies of the United States Government. 39 Gorbachev and Eastern Europe by Vladimir V. Kusin On a/I editoriai matters, communications should be addressed to: The Editors, Problems of Communism, US Information Agency, United States of America, BOOKS 301 4th Street SW, Washington, DC, 20547, USA. Telephone (202) 485-2230. 54 Politics of Soviet Law by Robert Sharlet On subscriptions, communications should be addressed 61 Last Stages of Leninism to: The Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20402, USA, by Melvin Croan preferably using the subscription form provided at the back of this issue. Outside the United States, please 67 Limits of Critical Marxism address inquiries to the Public Affairs Section, Embassy by Vladimir Tismaneanu of the United States of America. 77 Soviet Designs on Africa by Barry M. Schutz Copyright: Reproduction or republication of texts from Problems of Communism is permissible, and no claim of copyright is asserted. However, the Editors request that they be advised of reprint usage and that source 84 Correspondence credit be given both to the authors of individual articles and to Problems of Communism.
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