
Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

5th Grade Vocabulary

Abstinence – Choosing not to have sex

Acne – When the sebaceous glands become infected and form

Adolescence – The time when social and emotional changes happen.

AIDS: Stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is caused by with the HIV virus that has worsened over time. AIDS makes a person unable to fight and are more likely to get sick from opportunistic infections like certain types of cancer and pneumonia

Antibodies: A substance produced by the in response to an antigen (germ) that enters the body. The body will produce a different antibody for every antigen. These antibodies protect us from getting sick.

Antigen: A foreign substance like germs, such as a virus or bacteria, that enter the body and cause the production of antibodies

Anus- the opening through which solid waste (feces) passes through the body.

Asset – Something valuable.

*Biological Sex – the classification of people as male or female-typically assigned at birth by a doctor. One’s sex is actually a combination of chromosomes, , internal and external reproductive organs.

*Bisexual – romantic and/or emotional attraction to those of the same or another .

Bladder- the organ that collects and stores urine produced by the kidneys

Body image – how someone thinks about their own body, or how someone thinks other people look at their own body.

Cervix - The part of the that opens into the upper part of the

Circumcision –When a ’s is removed by a simple surgical procedure.

Clitoris - a small sensory organ, is located toward the front of the where the folds of the join.

Confidentiality – Keeping something that something someone has told you private from people who do not need to know. Telling an about sexual exploitation is NOT breaking confidentiality.

Culture – Shared heritage, language, beliefs, customs, and traditions of a group of people Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

Discrimination – Unfair treatment of a person or group of people based on differences )sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or religion)

Diverse -different, showing different points of view or coming from different backgrounds.

Diversity – A wide variety of people, cultures, ethnicity, or traits.

Ejaculation – When a male’s body releases and from the body through the penis.

Endocrine system – The body system responsible for releasing the hormones that begin puberty

Epididymis - a set of coiled tubes (one for each ) that connects to the vas deferens

Erection – When the vessels of the penis fill up with making it grow larger and harder. All men and boys get . Even babies in their mother’s womb get erections! Erections happen in the morning when a boy wakes up, when he is thinking of something in particular, and often for no reason at all.

Estrogen – The main in female puberty

Exploitation – One person using another person to make themselves feel good or to get something they want, no matter how the other person feels about it.

Fallopian tubes - Connects the uterus to the .

Fertilization –When the and sperm meet.

Foreskin - A fold of at the end of the penis covering the glans.

*Gay – The adjective used to describe people who are attracted to people of the same sex. Sometimes lesbian is preferred by women.

*Gender – refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex.

*Gender Expression – refers to the way in which a person acts to communicate their gender identity; for example in terms of one’s name, pronouns used, behavior, clothing, communication style and interests.

*Gender Identity – refers to one’s innermost concept of self as “male” or “female” (or somewhere in between). What we perceive and call ourselves.

*Gender Role – refers to the roles, feelings, and behaviors assigned to males or females by society. Society recognizes two basic gender roles: masculine or feminine.

Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

Genitals – The male or female sex organs (penis and vulva – labia, )

Glans – sensitive head of the penis

*Heterosexual – An adjective used to describe people who physical, romantic and emotional attraction is to people of the opposite sex. Also referred to as straight.

HIV: Stands for Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, making the infected person less able or unable to fight off other germs that enter the body. HIV can eventually lead to the disease called AIDS.

*Homosexual – Outdated clinical term considered offensive by some gay and lesbian people.

Hormone- Chemical messengers in the body that create physical and emotional changes

Hygiene – Keeping your body cleanand controlling infection.

Immune System: The body system made up of organs (like the skin) and cells that protect us from foreign substances. Our immune system will react to anything that the body recognizes as “foreign” or different than itself.

Immunity: The body’s ability to resist disease. Immunity can be enhanced by exposure to germs and by receiving vaccines

Immunization: A way to produce resistance to a certain disease, usually given as a shot called a vaccination. When small amounts of a certain antigen (germ) are placed in our bodies, we build up a resistance to that germ so that it cannot make us sick later.

Implantation – When a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.

Labia- the inner and outer lips that surround the vaginal opening.

*Lesbian – A who is attracted to other women. Some women prefer gay.

Media –a way of communicating that reaches and affects a lot of people, including television, magazines, advertisements, movies, music videos, video games, and more.

Menstrual “Period” – The time when hormones are released from different parts of the body to help control and prepare the body for . During the menstrual period the uterine lining breaks down and is shed — this bleeding is what's known as a period.

Mental health –The health of your mind and emotions Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

Method of Entry: The way or place where organisms enter the body. (Ex. Nose, mouth, eyes, and broken or cut skin)

Nocturnal Emission (wet dream) – When semen and sperm is released from a boy or ’s body by while he sleeps.

Nutrition –the food and drink you put into your body.

Opportunistic Infection: This type of infection (or illness) is not normally a threat to a healthy immune system, but makes a person very sick if they have a weakened immune system.

Organism: Any living thing, including germs like viruses and bacteria

Ovaries – Two small, round organs that are inside the female in her pelvic area and produce and produce, store, and release into the fallopian tubes.

Ovulation –When the ovaries release an egg into the fallopian tubes.

Ovum () – A female reproductive cell that is stored in the ovaries.

Penis– The male organ between the man or boys legs. The penis is made of spongy tissues and blood vessels that fill with blood when the male gets an . Urine and semen pass through the penis out of the opening of the urethra

Physical health – Physical activities and exercise

Pituitary gland- The master gland of puberty that tells the ovaries and to begin producing estrogen and .

Prostate gland - Surrounds the ejaculatory ducts at the base of the urethra, just below the bladder and produces some of the parts of semen.

Puberty- The time between childhood and adulthood when biological (physical) changes happen.

Questioning – An examining of oneself; often used to describe someone questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Sanitary Napkin–Rectangles of absorbent material that you stick to the inside of your underwear to absorb menstrual blood. Sometimes called pads or sanitary pads.

Scrotum – A pouch like structure that hangs behind the penis and houses the testicles. The controls the temperature of the testicles for sperm production.

Sebaceous glands – Oil producing glands in your skin Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

Self-esteem – How you feel about yourself

Semen - A white or clear sticky fluid made up of sperm and seminal fluid that comes out of the penis during an ejaculation.

Seminal vesicles - sac-like structures attached to the vas deferens, to the side of the bladder.

*Sex – refers to a person’s biological status and is typically categories as male or female

Sexual abuse –Anytime a is sexually exploited.

Sexual exploitation –When someone uses another child or adult for sexual acts, even though the child or adult does not want to participate.

Sexual harassment – Using words of actions to expose someone to sexual activities they do not want to be a part of.

*Sexual Orientation – refers to the sex of those to whom one is physically, emotionally and romantically attracted. Categories include: straight, gay, lesbian and bisexual.

Shaft – The cylindrical part of penis between the scrotum and head (or glans).

Sperm –A male reproductive cell that is made in the testicles.

Sleep hygiene – The environment and practices you use to fall asleep

Social health – The relationships you have with others

Tampon–A plug of cotton that is inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual blood. It's made of soft material with a string for easy removal.

Testicles – The male organs that are inside the scrotum and produce testosterone.

Testosterone – The main hormone in male puberty

Toxic Shock Syndrome–TSS is a rare but serious bacterial infection that can be associated with tampon use. It can almost always be prevented by changing tampons regularly and by using the smallest absorbency needed.

Unique – Being different, or one-of-a-kind

Uterus: Part of the female internal reproductive organs. Lined with thick muscular walls, this organ is where the grows during pregnancy. Sexual Health Education 5th Grade

Urethra- is the canal that carries urine and semen (male) from the bladder to the outside of the body.

Vagina–Muscular, hollow, tube-shaped organ that extends from the vaginal opening to the uterus

Vas deferens - A muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testicles

*Source: All asterisked vocabulary is provided by GLAAD and can be found at www.glaad.org.