23 Oct 1979 House of Keys Hansard REPORT of PROCEEDINGS OF
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF HOUSE OF KEYS Douglas, Tuesday, October 23, 1979, at 10.30 a.m. Present: The Acting-Speaker, Mr. E. C. before the House is the Governor's General Irving, Messrs. R. J. G. Anderson, W. K. Functions (Transfer) Bill for consideration Quirk, J. J. Radcliffe, P. Radcliffe, J. N. of Council amendments. I call upon the Radcliffe, Dr. E. J. Mann, Messrs, A. A. hon. member for West Douglas, Mr. Ker- Catlin, R. L. Watterson, J. R. Greer, E. G. meen. Lowey, M. R. Walker, N. Q. Cringle, Mrs. E. C. Quayle, Messrs. G. A. Quinney, M.B.E., Mr. Kermeen: Mr. Acting-Speaker, I beg E. M. Ward, B.E.M., P. A. Craine, D. F. K. to move that the House approves the Coun- Delaney, Mrs B. Q. Hanson, Mr. T. E. cil amendments. Will you accept, sir, that Kermeen, I.S.O., Dr. D. L. Moore, M.A., my references are to the reprinted Bill con- Ph.D., Messrs. J. J. Christian, G. C. Swales, taining the Keys' amendments. The first with Mr: R. B. M. Quayle, Secretary of the amendment is simply a textual amendment. House. The second restores the original text of the Bill as introduced by me in the House. Mr. COURT OF UNIVERSITY OF Acting-Speaker, you will recollect that the LANCASTER — MR. DELANEY hon. member for Rushen, Mr. Cringle, APPOINTED MEMBER moved an amendment at the clause stage on the 30th January last in this House. Han- The Acting-Speaker: Hon. members, the sard records the debate at page K287 first business before the House is the when Mr.
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