Downloaded from Brill.Com10/06/2021 12:07:02PM Via Free Access 332 Th E Dream of the North Science, Technology, Progress, Urbanity, Industry, and Even Perfectibility
5. Th e Northern Heyday: 1830–1880 Tipping the Scales In Europe, the mid-nineteenth century witnessed a decisive change in the relative strength of North and South, confi rming a long-term trend that had been visible for a hundred years, and that had accelerated since the fall of Bonaparte. Great Britain was clearly the main driving force behind this development, but by no means the only one. Such key statistical indicators as population growth and GDP show an unquestionable strengthening in several of the northern nations. A comparison between, for instance, Britain, Germany and the Nordic countries, on the one hand, and France, Spain and Italy, on the other, shows that in 1830, the population of the former group was signifi cantly lower than that of the latter, i.e. 58 vs. 67 million.1 By 1880, the balance had shifted decisively in favour of the North, with 90 vs. 82 million. With regard to GDP, the trend is even more explicit. Available estimates from 1820 show that the above group of northern countries together had a GDP of approximately 67 billion dollars, as compared to 69 billion for the southern countries. In 1870, the GDP of the South had risen to 132 billion (a 91 percent increase), but that of the North to 187 billion (179 percent increase).2 During the 1830–1880 period, the Russian population similarly grew from 56 to 98 million, representing by far the biggest nation in the West, whereas the United States was rapidly climbing from only 13 to 50 million, and Canada from 1 to 4 million (“Population Statistics”, 2006).
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