



My involvement in drug prevention is a result of two step-children who became addicted to drugs at age 12 and 14 roughly 33 years ago, on my watch. Like so many of my colleagues whose kids have died or been destroyed by drugs, we strive to find ways to prevent others from experiencing the same fate. I became actively involved in 1997 as Founding Chairman of the Coronado SAFE Foundation. I have been active in other organizations as a Board Member of the San Diego Prevention Coalition; member of the National Coalition for Student Drug Testing; Co-Founder of Californians for Drug-Free Schools and Special Advisor to the Golden Rule Society in Coronado.

My 18 year journey of discovery of the causes and potential solutions to the “War-On-Drugs” has endowed me with the following indelible beliefs:

 We cannot win the war by treating the wounded, or trying to stop the supply of drugs. We must also focus on demand reduction by doing what works to prevent the disease.

 Drug addiction is a preventable disease that almost always starts with kids. While we have the tools (i.e. education and random drug testing) to prevent it, our government does not have the will or courage to do so.

 The federal government is no longer tied to the people, but is controlled by money that flows in large part from and through , who professes to own the Democratic Party, largely controls the media and has obviously neutralized the Republic Party.

 Drugs help our enemies in two ways: 1) By providing them with vast sums of money for whatever their cause; and 2) Destroying or incapacitating significant portions of society places a huge economic burden on hardworking taxpayers and weakens the state they wish to control.

 The greatest enemy and threat to this nation is not radical Islam and Al Qaeda, but the treasonous George Soros, who uses his billions to socially engineer and deconstruct America so that he can achieve his maligned goal of a New World Order.

Soros influence on America is taking us down a path of complete destruction. Over several decades, he has systematically invested in politicians, liberal organizations and the media so that he can socially engineer society into oblivion, as with a third world country. But even he said in his book, The Bubble of American Supremacy, that sooner or later if the government doesn’t fulfill its responsibility to protect the people, the people will revolt. Its time!

If there is any hope for America it lies in the grass roots efforts of millions of to rid the nation of Soros and all those in power that he has corrupted, from the top down. We need to resurrect an honorable, fiscally responsible constitutionally that serves the people, not the enemy.

ROGER MORGAN Founder Take Back America Campaign, President of Parents Opposed To Pot, Former Chairman and Executive Director of the Coalition for A Drug-Free , has been an entrepreneur and businessman in California for 35 years. Formerly, he was Vice President/CEO of Volvo Penta of America (1973 – 1979). He was engaged in sales, marketing and dealer administration with Caterpillar Tractor Company and Caterpillar Overseas from (1964-1973) residing in Geneva, Madrid and Athens for seven of the nine years. He has a B.A. of Business from Colorado College (1963) and a B.A. of Foreign Trade from The Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management (1964). He is originally from Minneapolis.


To the thousands of unsung and unpaid heroes who fight every day in communities across America, decade after decade, against insurmountable odds, to preserve and enhance the lives of young people and get them safely to adulthood free of addiction.


SOROS – Skunk Award George Soros – Pricking the Bubble of American Supremacy Soros’ Background Soros – Spearhead for Illicit Drugs Soros/Obama – Orchestrating America’s Demise Soros’ Tires to Obama Legalizing Marijuana Attorney General Eric Holder vs Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske So What Does It All Mean? Soros’ Self Serving Philosophy On Drugs Soros: Buying Democratic Judicial Processes Soros: Controlling the Media Soros Urges Government Control of Media Will Journalists Wake Up In Time to Save Journalism From FTC Soros Funded Organizations Soros: Launches Frontal Assault Against Tea Party Is Soros Support for Obama Wavering? Exposes Soros Marijuana – Versus the Tea Party Platform Glenn Beck …..Hear Me Out! …..Please Bone Up On Marijuana Understanding Other Drug Legalizers Talking Points For/Against Legalization Organizations for Legalization Soros And The New World Order

Additional Resources

Skunk Award Skunk (aka a potent form of marijuana) is a 6tting name for


"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his shy whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

(MARCUS TIUJUS CICERO, Romnn O'Tnlor,slnl""'n" 42 B C. ) Taken from Michael Savage Book ..An Enemy Within"

Indeed, a murderer is less to fear than a traitor who uses his billions, and those that flow through him, to proliferate the use of illicit drugs to inflict death and enormous pain, suffering and economic harm on the citizens of the country you have unfortunately chosen to call your own.


Roger Morgan, Founder, Take Back America Campaign


Pricking The Bubble Of American Supremacy

“If one can correctly identify a problem, the solution is self-evident.” (Harold Weeks)

His real motives weren’t entirely clear before the Obama Administration. By being the primary source of financing to proliferate the use of illicit drugs in America, with no concern for the death, destruction and economic cost they inflict on society, his mission has gained clarity. Soros and his treasonous companions obviously had something to gain, obviously more than just money. With a personal net worth of $7 to $9 billion before 2008, obviously he wasn’t going to miss a meal. The media says he now has a net worth of $26 to $22 billion, or more. It helps to put your man in the highest office in the land.

Harold Weeks was a service manager for IBM, and my father-in- law from a former marriage. When I was a young man transitioning from graduate school to my first job with Caterpillar, he gave me the following sage advice: “If one could correctly identify a problem, the solution would be self-evident.” That advice has served me well throughout my life, and is applicable here.

My contention is that one cannot understand the root cause of the drug problem in America, whereby we have 5% of the world’s population yet consume 66% of the world’s drugs, unless you understand the role, mission and actions of George Soros, spearhead for the illicit drug trade. Soros is unquestionably leading the effort to legalize and proliferate the use of illicit drugs, but many others serve his cause, including the 18.9 (or more) million Americans who smoke pot.

My personal journey into drug prevention stemmed from my failure to get all of my kids to adulthood intact, free of addiction to drugs. As the journey grew from local to state and national involvement, it became increasingly clear that the role of Soros and the (DPA) were aimed at fostering the proliferation of drug use through legalization at the expense of young people and the future of our nation; for that matter, all nations.

Unlike others who want to legalize drugs for various reasons, Soros has a more sinister objective, to control the world by economic means, to create a New World Order. The biggest obstacle to achieve that end has been a strong America. It appears that he is armed with billions, maybe even trillions, that flow through his secretive offshore (The Quantum Fund in the Netherland Antilles), which gives him the financial means to do it. If you look at his influence on what is happening in America today, one can conclude he is well on his way.

Afflicting the disease of addiction on the masses helps overwhelm public services for health, mental illness, crime, welfare, child/family assistance , traffic safety et al., which in turn creates a greater dependence on an ever expanding socialistic government, controlled by those with the money. The British have practiced it for centuries, in China with the opium wars and India with ganja. Make vast sums with drug money and use the money to control a state weakened in large part by addicting a large percentage of the population.

Left unchecked, Soros will destroy us. He is a traitor. He dwells among us, using his vast financial resources to corrupt government(s) and socially engineer all mankind into a socialist hive. SOROS’ BACKGROUND

Soros is a Hungarian Jew by birth, born in 1930. At age 12, his father placed him with a Christian family when the Nazi’s were close to invading, claiming he was their godson. At age 14, he collaborated with the Nazi’s to identify other so their property could be confiscated as roughly 500,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to gas chambers. Asked by Steven Kroft on in 1998 if he had any remorse, he responded “…None! In fact, 1944 was the best year of my life.”

Following is a statement written roughly thirty three years ago in reference to a book by the Ambassador to [i] from 1937 to 1941, John Montgomery, called “Hungary: The Unwilling Satellite”

Commentary (edited) from Hungary (Name withheld for security and protection.) “My own view of the man for the last thirty years is, that he is the devil, he is SATAN here on earth in person. He did not live under communism. He was adopted by the Interior Minister of Hungary, so he can be saved from the German and Hungarian Nazis. As an" adopted son" he accompanied the Minister to the homes of displaced Jews. That was after March 19, 1944. Prior to that date Hungarian Jews were not taken from Hungary. Governor Horty would not allow their deportation. What ever happened to Jews it happened after that date. On March 19th Hungary was invaded by German paratroopers while Mr. Horty was held "prisoner at the Austro- Hungarian border. When finally this evil entity (i.e. Soros) left Hungary, by his own admission he left with six 100 Kg sacks of gold, (1,320 lbs) that he collected from empty Jewish homes. Look at this man’s face carefully, you can see evil in his eyes. He did not suffer anywhere- anytime. He only brings destruction where ever he can…..

Soros was educated at the London School of Economics, studying under fellow atheist , who was his mentor until his death in 1994. One of Popper’s most influential teachings was “the ,” precursor to Soros’ own Open Society Institute. ‘Open Society” basically refers to social engineering and democratic social reform. Popper saw totalitarianism, evidenced at the time by Hitler, as a “closed society.” His concept of the open society was that knowledge must always be open to revision, and , not societies, must solve problems to survive, and they must be free to think and act. Sounds good! Just doesn’t work in a society that must shape laws that regulate the actions of individuals for the betterment of all mankind.

Soros moved to in 1956 and worked on Wall Street, specializing in hedge funds and currency . In 1969 he started his enormously successful Quantum Fund and became one of the world’s leading hedge fund investors and currency traders. In 1992, in a $10 billion deal, he made one billion dollars in a day by shorting the British pound with financial bets, and became known as the man who almost broke the on the backs of citizens who saw their homes devalued and life savings cut [ii] drastically.

Soros purportedly has made his billions in currency speculation. But according to a compilation of articles written by journalists called Dope Inc,[iii] he also manages $500 billion to $1 trillion a year in illicit drug revenues for Dope Inc. through his offshore Quantum Fund in the Netherland Antilles. Dope Inc., the articles suggest, is tied to the highest levels of people in the British and US government, and they depend on this massive flow of funds to control economies throughout the world. Because of that, they really don’t want to prevent drug use. They want to encourage it, because it serves their two purposes of making enormous amounts of money from drug sales while weakening the counties they want to control. th th The British have a long history of using drugs to further their imperialistic charge. In the 17 and 18 centuries, the privately owned British East India Company established Trading houses in Indian cities, expanding control over the entire subcontinent all under the banner of . China banned opium in 1729 and strengthened the ban in 1799 in the face of British opium smuggling from Bengal. In the 18TH and 19th Centuries, when China refused to allow opium, Britain waged their Opium War against China. Using military means, they took control of China, then legalized opium. Domestic production was introduced, leading to an estimated 20 million overdose deaths, and 30 to 40 million addicts. Not until 1911, based on a revolution led by Sun Yat-sen, was China able to begin the struggle to regain its true sovereignty.

So historically, the British have set the pattern of free trade of narcotics, enforcing it with military means, if necessary. It’s a one-two punch. Make money, destabilize the countries. Today, military conflict has been replaced by the more subtle process of economic imperialism, with Soros at the helm. . Soros openly admits he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia. He was convicted of in France and fined $2.9 million, and fined $2.2 million in his native Hungary for illegal market manipulation.

The Prime Minister of Malaysia called Soros a “villain and a moron. We regard Soros as a kind of [iv] Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people.”

There is also sufficient evidence of his ties with cartels in Colombia, with the Gilinski family, and the Eagle National Bank of South , which was essentially owned by the cartels, to warrant a full scale, transparent investigation.[v] But then, he has so much money and power he controls those in our government who would do such an investigation.

According to Dennis Small, journalist for the EIR, “…..the drug trade is the marker of humanity’s descent into a New Dark Age …Millions of peasants in drug-producing countries, such as Afghanistan or Bolivia, [vi] have become de facto work slaves of the cartels”

On the consumption side, drugs are driving the decline and decay of America, undermining academic achievement, diminishing productivity and filling our prisons and welfare rolls while helping put over 6 million kids in the care of grandparents and foster homes.

In our own National Forests, illegal Mexican aliens are put to work guarding the pot plantations, with a threat that their families will be assassinated in Mexico if they squeal. Mendocino County has declared a state of emergency because armed guards of the pot plantations are shooting at citizens and ranchers who come close to their operations. Since law enforcement resources are overwhelmed, it appears deputizing private citizens, like the old west, may become a reality.

In reality, the illicit grows in the forests only comprise at estimated 5% of the illegal marijuana production in America. The balance is grown by ordinary John Doe’s, driven by the money, uncaring about the social impact of what they sell. The huge demand for high potency, highly addictive pot is driving the problem. Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity counties comprise the Emerald Triangle in California that base their economies on growing illegal pot, with limited interference by the federal government.

SOROS – Spearhead For Illicit Drugs

Soros involvement in drug activities in America largely flows through his organization The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), headed by worldwide dope pusher Ethan Nadlemann. They are on a full court press to legalize all drugs, starting with the hoax of “medical marijuana” and promoting “harm reduction,” a devious scheme to focus almost entirely on treatment and rehabilitation to take the eye off prevention. Thanks to Obama, whose drug policies were essentially shaped by Soros, Harm Reduction is now firmly implanted in the White House; and by not enforcing federal law, America now has four states and Washington D.C. that have been allowed to legalize marijuana for recreational use and 23 states have embraced the hoax of “medical marijuana” Check the chronology:

1979: Keith Stroup of The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) another Soros backed organization, tells an audience at Emory University they will use the term “medical marijuana” as a red herring to give pot a good name, as a first step toward full legalization. 1989: declared “…Political institutions are no longer tied to the public, and once news media joins the battle the combination of media and political support for legalization will demoralize the public.“ [vii]Since that time, Soros has continued to acquire and increase his control of the media.

1990: With opening of the East Bloc, Soros set up offices in Poland and Russia and appointed economist to run the operation. Sachs’s major claim to fame was his rescue of the Bolivian economy, shutting down industry and building up the cocaine trade.

1992: Soros earned more that $1 billion on a $10 billion transaction by hurting the currencies of Great Britain and Italy, almost breaking the Bank of England, on the backs of the people who lost great sums in [viii] their housing and personal savings.

1992-1994: Soros creates the Open Society Institute (OPI) and through that, The Drug Policy Foundation and The Lindesmith Center, funding it with $15 million. The Lindesmith Center was named after a British detective who argued that narcotics are a “victimless crime.” The objective of the new organizations was to change drug laws through legalization.

1993: U.S. Congressman Henry Gonzalez (D-Texas) called for investigation of Soros’ manipulation of foreign exchange markets fearing he would use the same measures against the .

1995: The Italian government launched an investigation of Soros’ role in on the lira in 1992. The suit was dismissed in 1999.

1996: Soros, Peter Lewis and spent $1.9 million (probably much more) on a propaganda campaign to convince 56% of California voters to make “medical marijuana” available to the chronically ill. Now, 19 years later, only 2% of those for whom the “medical marijuana” was intended by Prop 215 voters are those who receive it; 98% are mostly young and outwardly healthy males, who just like to get high, oblivious to the harms they could be inflicting on themselves and unconcerned about the harm to others.

1996 and beyond: Soros and his cronies have spent tens of millions of dollars to legalize “medical marijuana” in 23 other states and legalize it for recreational use in 4 states, plus Washington D.C., and much more to legalize drugs in other countries.

1997 Soros’ hedge funds launch a speculative attack against the Thai baht, in a move widely credited with triggering the great Asian of 1997, which destroyed the economies of Indonesia and many other nations.

2003: Soros was the key force in the creation of the so called “Shadow Party.” According to Richard Poe, co-author with of the book The Shadow Party. “The Shadow Party is the real power driving the Democrat machine. It is a network of radicals dedicated to transforming our constitutional republic into a socialist hive. The leader of these radicals is George Soros. He has essentially privatized the Democratic Party, bringing it under his personal control. The Shadow Party is the instrument through which he exerts that control ….. It works by siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions that would have gone to the democratic Party in normal times, and putting those contributions at the personal disposal of Mr. Soros. He then uses that money to buy influence and loyalty where he sees fit. In 2003, Soros set up a network of privately owned groups which acts as a shadow or mirror image of the Party. It performs all the functions we would normally expect the real Democratic Party to perform, such as shaping the Party platform, fielding candidates, running campaigns, and so forth. However, it performs those functions under the private supervision of Mr. Soros and his associates. The Shadow Party derives its power from its ability to raise huge sums of money. By controlling the Democrats purse strings, the Shadow Party can make or break any Democrat candidate by deciding whether or not to fund him. During the 2004 election cycle, the Shadow Party raised more than $300 million for Democrat candidates, prompting one of is operatives, MoveOn PAC director Eli Pariser, to declare, “Now it's our party. We bought it, we own it …..”

2004: California passes Senate Bill SB420, introduced by Soros funded lackeys Senator Vasconcellos and Leno. SB 420 allowed “medical marijuana” for any ailment for which “medical marijuana” could help. As a reward for years of service, when Vasconcellos was termed out of office he joined the Board of Directors of the Drug Policy Alliance. Leno remains in the Senate, carrying the freight for Soros. If you aren’t familiar with the process, Senator’s can name their own bills. April 20 (i.e. 4/20) is the national day of celebration for pot smokers, so to label the bill SB420 is kind of a “gotcha” by Vasconcellos and Leno for bamboozling the public. Vasconcellos passed away in 2014.

2005: “Medical Marijuana” initiatives take place in New Mexico, Connecticut, Illinois and other states, and the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) announced they will hire 14 people in Nevada to work the referendum to legalize marijuana for recreational use, to be placed on the November 2006 ballot, thus establishing a beachhead for the Ibero-American illicit drug trade within the borders of the United States.

2008: Soros backed Obama won the election. In what appears to be a transparent strategy, the Drug Czar filled by Gil Kerlikowske was downgraded from a cabinet level position reporting to VP Biden. AG Eric Holder announces the federal government will not use its limited resources to enforce federal law in states that have decriminalized pot for medical use, as long as they are complying with State law. Kerlikowske says the Administration’s policy is that legalizing marijuana is a non-starter, but the druggies go with Holder and ramp up production and distribution of marijuana in California and other states, placing an enormous social and economic on local government and taxpayers.

2010: The President conveniently remains AWOL on the subject of drugs, while marijuana production, retail pot shops and consumption skyrockets in numerous states to the extent we have de facto legalization. Drug use at the end of 2009, his first year in office, increased 8% overall. Marijuana consumption increased 13%, from 15.1 million to 16.7 million and now at last reporting, was 18.9 million, and unquestionably now much more than that. Overall, probably 35% by 2015.

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

According to the compilation of editorials in Dope, Inc, Lyndon LaRouche stated “…This is Doomsday Time. The world’s available money supply is tied largely to the attempted bailout of financial institutions, and you’ve got a shortage of money, of any kind of credit, building up rapidly into catastrophic levels in every other area…… the global financial system is imploding under its own cancerous weight, and Dope, Inc. (spearheaded by George Soros) is moving in to take over the entire world economy.” The world economy? Could it happen? According to Soros’ people, the ship has already sailed.

According to the Executive Intelligence Review, Dope Inc. is now making $521 billion a year, or more. That, potentially on top of hundreds of billions, even trillions, already amassed, in worldwide economic environment that is starved for money and credit, is a significant weapon.

America, as we have known it, is being deconstructed; converted from capitalism to a socialistic/communist form of government. Drugs are playing an important role in the process.

SOROS/OBAMA – ORCHESTRATING AMERICA’S DEMISE “Obama is following the Cloward-Piven Plan” (Glenn Beck)

Wayne Allyn Root[ix], Libertarian Vice-Presidential candidate and radio/TV personality, was a classmate of Obama at (class of 1983), albeit neither nor anyone in his class can ever remembers meeting or seeing Obama. Root’s belief that Obama is a Marxist has now been rather firmly established. According to Root, Glenn Beck stated early on that Obama was following the Cloward-Piven Plan. I had never heard of Cloward- Piven, but after a little research on the internet it is getting easier to connect the dots relative to what is happening with Soros’ Shadow Party in the White House.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, husband and wife, were sociologists who devised a strategy in 1966 to crash the US economy and bring on a socialist revolution by deliberately overloading state welfare rolls to the point of bankruptcy. “Their plan was to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands, turning the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival, and can always be counted on for bigger government.” Convenient, since Soros has privatized the Democratic party.

According to The Obama Agenda: The Fall of America Through Orchestrated Crisis[x] on website Cloward-Piven.com, the plan called “….for swamping the welfare rolls with new applicants – more than the system could bear. It was hoped that the resulting economic collapse would lead to political turmoil and ultimately socialism. The National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), founded by African-American militant George Alvin Wiley, put the Cloward-Piven strategy to work in the streets. Its activities led directly to the welfare crisis that bankrupted New York City in 1975. Veterans of NWRO went on to found the Living Wage Movement and the Voting Rights Movement, both of which rely on the Cloward-Piven strategy and both of which are spear-headed by the radical cult ACORN; and both organizations depend heavily on financial support from George Soros’ Open Society Institute.”

In 1970, Cloward told “…Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system. The collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation. Poor people would rise in revolt.”

“By exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – they would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an [xi] already overburdened bureaucracy.”

The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state by getting masses of people to apply for welfare to bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be “a profound financial and political crisis” that would unleash “powerful forces…. for major economic reform at the national level.”

They recruited black militant George Wiley to lead the movement, whose followers invaded welfare offices, often violently, across America. By 1969, the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) claimed a membership of 22,500 families, with 523 chapters across the nation. From 1965 to 1994 the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, and one person was on welfare rolls in New York City for every two people working until the City declared bankruptcy in 1974.

In 1996, 22 years later, the federal government enacted the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of .

The Cloward-Piven website stated “…The Cloward-Piven strategy never achieved its goal of system breakdown as a Marxist utopia. But it provided a blueprint for some of the Left’s most destructive campaigns of the next three decades. It will likely haunt America for years to come since George Soros’ Shadow Party has now adopted the strategy, honing it into a far more efficient weapon than any of its Sixties-era promoters could have foreseen.”

Wayne Root’s article Overwhelm the System says check the clues:

 Universal Health Care – Little to do with health care. Much to do with adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents to the government employee unions and unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, and cementing 30 million American voters to Democrats and big government, aside from adding trillions to the national debt in the middle of a depression.

 Cap and Trade – Nothing to do with global warming, but solely to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama’s biggest contributors, like the Unions and GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC. (There was indication that the Chicago CCX Climatic Control Exchange, created in part by Obama, but also purportedly included , members of Goldman Sachs, and the Shoreline Bank which the federal government bailed out and was to handle the $10 trillion in cap and trade transactions. Ownership has recently changed hands, possibly owing to the fact Cap and Trade hasn’t passed, or possibly related to exposure as to who would profit from it. The 4% commissions alone from $10 trillion in trading would have been worth hundreds of billions annually, and deposits in the Shoreline Bank would be worth billions as well. All told, it doesn’t have much to do with global warming.)

 Make Puerto Rico a State – Take in millions of new welfare recipients and government entitlement addicts

 Amnesty For 12 million illegal immigrants – Just giving them healthcare alone could overwhelm and bankrupt America., but it adds 12 million new voters dependent on the Democratic party for welfare, health care, aid to dependent children, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.

 Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners and job creators. Put the entire burden on the 20% who earn profits and pay taxes, redistribute the income, punish success and reward those who do nothing.

Says Root, “…Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government; a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government, and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.” Root didn’t mention Soros, but rest assured his ugly hand is driving it all.

America is essentially bankrupt now. Soros said recently that the current economic crisis was essentially the highlight of his career. Interesting that he takes credit for it. No doubt, complete financial failure of the USA would give him a new high. Money rules! If indeed LaRouche is right about Dope Inc., Soros armed with drug fortunes earned on the death and destruction of millions of people throughout the world help position him perfectly to expand his control over our country, and establish a New World Order.

SOROS’ TIES TO OBAMA Taken from www.discoverthenetworks.org

In 2004 Soros hosted a fundraiser for Obama’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. In December 2006, when Obama contemplated making a run for the presidency, Soros met Obama in his New York office. In January 2007, when Obama announced the creation of a Presidential exploratory committee, Soros announced he would back Obama rather than . The decision must have been difficult for Soros. His relationship with Hillary was, as is, solid. But to have a communist who hates America, and who would march to his drumbeat, was just too perfect.

In 2008, Obama announced upon becoming President, he would create a “Social Investment Fund Network” which would provide federal money to social entrepreneurs and leading nonprofit organizations that assist schools, lift families out of poverty, fill health care gaps and inspire others to lead change in their own communities. According to columnist , “this brainchild would serve as a permanent, taxpayer-backed pipeline to Democratic partisan outfits masquerading as public-interest do-gooders,” and would serve as a “George Soros Slush Fund” by continuing to bolster numerous Soros- founded and funded organizations.

In a November 2008 interview with Spiegel, Soros made comments that laid out the course for Obama’s administration, including:

 A stimulus package of $300 to $600 billion (in addition to the $700 billion bailout already given to the financial industry) to provide funds for state and local government to maintain their budgets.

 A Cap and Trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights.

 In 2010 as the Bush tax cuts expire, they should not be extended.

In 2000 Soros first experimented with Section 527 groups, organizations used for raising “soft money” not intended for “express advocacy” for any candidate, but rather for “voter education,” issue oriented” political advertising, and other nebulous enterprises. Funds raised by 527’s could greatly exceed the limits for campaign contributions, and were used to help promote messages and worldviews that were consistent with those of leftist politicos.

In 2003, Soros exploited the power of 527’s on a much larger scale by creating a Shadow Party. When Soros targets a country for “regime change,” he begins by creating a shadow government – a fully formed government in exile. The Shadow Party he created in America greatly resembles those he created in the Czech Republic which brought Vaclav Havel to power. By his own admission, Soros helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia. There is no question that he helped put Obama in office.

From an article written by Tait Trussel in Frontpagemag.com[xii], we have learned that Soros helped finance huge demonstrations to help pass healthcare, which were organized by Health Care for America Now! (HCAN), a new national grassroots movement of more than 1,000 organizations. The steering committee of 21 members include such Soros-funded groups as ACORN, MoveOn.org, the Center for American Progress (CAP) headed by , Clinton’s former chief of staff. Soros’ Open Society Institute in 2007 gave CAP $1.75 million and approved additional grants of $1.25 million.

Perhaps the most transparent payback was the Obama Administration’s commitment to make $10 billion available for Petrobras, a Brazilian oil drilling operation into which Soros has invested $811 million. This, in spite of the stated aversion of both Obama and Soros to offshore drilling and fossil fuels. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U.S. could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, and $1.76 trillion in revenues to federal, state and local governments while fostering greater energy security.

The 527 funds raised help finance two of Soros’ favorite issues in America; gun control and legalization of marijuana.

Obama has certainly accommodated Soros by doing nothing to stop the proliferation of marijuana, allowing the expansion to flourish in numerous states under the guise of “medical marijuana” and agreeing not to interfere in States that elected to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The social and economic impact on California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Colorado and other states has been simply enormous. By not enforcing the law at the federal level, the burden fell to the States. Where States, such as California refused to step it, the burden fell to local communities and private citizens to protect their flock.

We will cover marijuana in greater detail, but in observation of the 7% of Americans over 12 years of age that use marijuana , largely at the expense of the 93% who don’t, today’s marijuana is 20 to 60 times stronger than the pot of the 1970’s. It is called Skunk, and it is not a benign drug.

Until the human brain is fully matured in the mid twenties, marijuana, particularly Skunk, can cause permanent damage, including mental illness, especially during adolescence. That problem is exacerbated by the fact the age groups with the largest consumption of marijuana are 18 to 25, followed by 12 to 17.

If you embrace the libertarian philosophy that one has a civil right to ingest whatever they want, irrespective of the harm to others, perhaps you can craft a solution as to how we are going to survive as a nation if we continue to allow the destruction of youth brains. The above chart shows clearly that the age groups with the highest percentage of marijuana use are 25 and under. It is good that it tapers off, but based on scientific evidence, the brain and cellular damage continues even after abstinence.

For the first time in twelve years drug use increased in 2009. In the first year since Obama took office, marijuana use has increased 13%, from 15.1 million users to 16.7 million users. An additional 325,000 people are now in treatment for addiction to marijuana, which will cost $1.3 billion at $4,000 a piece for outpatient treatment. The high school dropout rate nationally is 30%.

Academically, America has fallen from the top 3 in the world to number 26, and we are 4th in terms of innovation and productivity. Public services are already overwhelmed and cannot keep pace with the crime, health problems, mental illness and welfare. In California, traffic deaths due to marijuana impairment have almost doubled, from 631 to 1240 deaths for the five years before 2004 and the five years since. The Soros plan is working. Left unchecked, it will destroy us.


The British have a long history of using drugs to make money and finance imperialism by weakening nations through addiction to drugs.[xiii] The 1840-60 Opium Wars consists of two phases of direct military campaigns against China, which followed the common Imperial pattern of British-instigated religious fundamentalist movements aimed at disrupting the national unity of the target population.

The wars left a broken China under the financial control of the East India Company drug dealers, killing more than 20 million Chinese. When China appealed to Queen Victoria in 1839 to prevent her subjects from acting to destroy China with their opium, she refused, “defending the principle of free trade in drugs.” A year later in 1840, a British flotilla arrive and destroyed the outmoded military defenses of the Chinese until a treaty was signed in 1842 that gave the island of Hong Kong to Britain in perpetuity as the headquarters for its drug operations. Production of opium was legalized and domestic production was introduced. By the turn on this century, the British were in full financial, military and political control of the decaying Qing Dynasty, and there were 30 to 40 million addicts when Sun Yat-sen led a Republican Revolution in 1911 and China began the long, hard struggle to regain its true identity.

Military intervention has given way to economic imperialism, but Soros carries forward with the concept of free trade in drugs, having financially supported people like Morales, President of Bolivia, who returned his country’s economic basis to coca, in defiance of the U.S. and Latin American policies to eradicate drugs.

Soros’ primary campaign tactic in America has been to achieve full scale legalization of marijuana for recreational use by decriminalizing “medical marijuana” wherever possible. Currently 23 states and Washington D.C. have passed legislation to allow the hoax, even though it is illegal by federal law.

California Prop 19 was on the November 2010 ballot to legalize pot for recreational use. The initiative was sponsored by Richard Lee, owner of Oaksterdam University and pot shop in Oakland, and was so poorly written most pro-drug legalizers wouldn’t even support it. Even Soros stayed on the sidelines until one week before the election, then donated $1 million. It would have imposed on all 536 communities in California the necessity to craft their own laws to regulate, tax and control marijuana.

It didn’t address the fact that it would still be illegal by federal law, with untold consequences. Obama could have put a stop to the nonsense in 5 minutes at the podium. But as yet one more payback to Soros he continued to sit silently in the Oval office while California and other states dealt with the onslaught of marijuana and Arizona became the 15th state to adopt “medical marijuana” by a very slim margin, with onerous conditions. Employers can’t discriminate in hiring and firing employees who smoke marijuana unless they can prove it impairs their ability to perform their job, and school kids can’t be sent home for coming to school stoned, if they have an ID card. That should drive a few jobs out of state, and destroy a few young .

Irrespective of what drug proponents claim about the gateway theory, almost all users of “hard drugs” start with marijuana. Surveys in Sweden and Denmark show 90% of heroin users all started with pot. Not all pot smokers go on to use other drugs, but because of the high potency pot on the market today, it doesn’t matter. This stuff is damaging enough. Nobody dies overdosing on pot, but almost all of the 3,600 who die monthly of drug overdose started with pot. Further, overdose isn’t the only cause of death.


In a transparent strategic move, obviously orchestrated by Soros, when Obama took charge of the White House the Drug Czar position got downgraded from a cabinet level position, and now reports to Vice President Biden. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control (i.e. The Drug Czar), states legalization of marijuana is not in his vocabulary nor the President’s.

At the same time, AG Holder had stated the federal government would not use its limited federal resources to enforce federal law in States that have medical marijuana laws, a signal for the druggies to ramp up their activities, and the proliferation of marijuana dispensaries (retail pot shops) in California, Oregon, Montana,

Colorado, Michigan and elsewhere simply explodes. The President still remained silent on the issue, probably dining in the Oval office with Soros.

On February 25th, 2010, I personally joined long time drug activist Joyce Nalepka and two other colleagues who have been fighting for kids for 35 years, Dee Rathbone of NICAP (National Institute of Citizen Anti- Drug Policy) in Virginia and Shirley Morgan, a key drug preventionist from Oregon, in briefing Attorney General’s Holder’s office on the untenable situation in California. Chris Young, Associate Director of the Office of Intergovernmental & Public Liaison, was presiding for Attorney General Holder, joined by four others from the Department of Justice. Our message was that we have de facto legalization in California and a growing problem in many states because the federal government wasn’t doing its job; and that the economic burden imposed on every community in California trying to deal with the dispensary problem was simply enormous, aside from the fact we were wasting huge numbers of our young people.

We asked specifically that the President and AG Holder just step to the microphone and support Director Kerlikowske in his position, advising the nation:

1) States are not sovereign powers, and do not have the right to jeopardize the health, safety and economic interests of all Americans by legalizing any Schedule I drug which is addictive, harmful and has no accepted medicinal value.

2) If any state should do so, the federal government will withhold federal subsidies for health, mental health, education, welfare, crime and traffic safety. (i.e. economic sanctions) If the government didn’t have resources to enforce federal law, there could be no justification for awarding them for breaking the law.

3) That “medical marijuana” is a hoax. While isolated components of the plant have potential for relief if offered in a non-smoked form, the smoked crude marijuana has more harms than benefits in most cases and there are legal medicines that are superior.

We expressed concern on behalf of all those in the drug prevention network about George Soros’ influence on the administration, asking for an investigation. We didn’t expect a favorable response, nor did we get one. In fact we didn’t get any response at all. One could question our intellect in even bringing it up, since we knew Soros controlled the administration, but we said it to make a point.

There is ample evidence of Soros affiliation with the cartels to at least warrant such an investigation. Since money from illicit drugs flows in part back to Al Qaeda to help in their efforts to destroy America, this is rightly a Homeland Security issue. Even if he isn’t affiliated, his actions warrant an investigation. 3,200 overdose deaths a month is three times more than swine flu caused in one year. If that was an epidemic, why isn’t this? Soros shouldn’t be treated differently from any other organization that sponsors terrorism and inflicts harm on America.

We asked if the AG’s office would carry a petition to the President, and the answer was no. They directed us to Ms Buffy Wicks in the President’s office of Public Engagement. We tried, only to learn shortly thereafter she was no longer there. Her voicemail directed calls to Brian Bonds in the same office. He was no longer there. Joyce Nalepka called Chris Young after a month to see if there was any response to our request for the AG to help rectify the problem, and he said “…you have your answer.”

Joyce said, “…You mean the one NORML and the DPA are stating, that neither Holder nor the President will do anything.” He said yes, that is your answer. Joyce asked for another meeting to discuss it, and the answer was no. No more meetings.

Since then, after numerous requests, the President still remained AWOL, obviously as an accommodation to Soros and in fulfillment of the plan. On Monday, Sept 13, 2010, nine former DEA Chiefs and other drug prevention leaders, held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and urged Attorney General Holder to take legal action if California Prop 19 passed and legalized marijuana for recreational use, declaring the supremacy of federal law. It was a good idea, albeit there was no reason to wait, and the request may have been directed at the wrong guy. Holder is just carrying out the Administration’s policy. Obama was the culprit, and obviously he wasn’t going to do anything.

But, finally, FINALLY, on October 15, 2010, just 22 days before the November 2, 2010 vote, Holder issued a press release indicating that if Prop 19 passed the federal government would “vigorously enforce” federal law. He didn’t say exactly what they would do, but the message was clear. Now, if the federal government would just unwind the damage done through three administrations, starting in 1996 when the “medical marijuana” hoax began with Prop 215, we could start making progress.

SO WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? The Government Is No Longer Tied To The Public!

Drug use and addiction is a PREVENTABLE pediatric onset disease. In laymen’s language, it almost always starts with kids. The government has the means to prevent it. They just don’t. The monetary support they receive personally or for their party is more important than the lives they were elected to protect.

In 1994, Ethan Nadlemann founded the Lindesmith Center, a drug policy institute created with Soros money. In 2000, they merged with the Drug Policy Foundation, which in turn morphed into the Drug Policy Alliance advocating for, in their words on their website, “drug policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.” In reality, he and the DPA are masters of .

Nadlemann has received a BA, JD and PhD from Harvard, plus a Masters Degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He then taught politics and public affairs at Princeton from 1987 to 1994. His life’s dedication to peddling poison all over the world at Soros’ whim and will reflects a tragic waste of a good and extensive education, and flies in the face of his stated advocacy for compassion, health and human rights. Like Soros, he is a champion of subversive tactics. Their theory is that one has a right to be addicted to drugs, dependent on the government for sole support with no concern for the human rights of those who have to support them … and obviously with no compassion for the lives they destroy.

Drug policies grounded in science clearly show that today’s high potency pot is a dangerous, mind altering drug. One has a choice which research to follow, but most scholars choose the FDA IMO, AMA, NIDA and other legitimate agencies tasked with presenting valid scientific evidence over High Times or Rolling Stones magazines. Not the Drug Policy Alliance. They push legalization of marijuana as medicine, knowing it is not and that the harms vastly outweigh any perceived benefits. Now, after decades of pursuit, Soros and the DPA are on a full court press to finish the job of legalizing pot for recreational use.

They use their vast, unlimited Soros resources to help shape legislation and gain political support. One conquest was the California NAACP, whose President, Alice Huffman, came out in favor of legalizing pot and supported ballot initiative Prop 19. Bishop Ron Allen and the International Faith Based Coalition (IFBC) have called for her resignation, to no avail. A recent poll clearly shows that the majority of Afro- Americans and Latinos oppose legalization.

When the black community came out against legalization, they changed their tactic to capitalize on the civil rights issue, appealing to the Libertarian stance that people have a right to put in their bodies whatever they choose. In a TV commercial, even George Soros has come out of the closet and stated “I am the Drug Policy Alliance” along with Sting, Montel Williams and others. No one could argue the civil rights issue with one caveat: there can be no harm to others.

We don’t live in isolation on an island. Society has an investment in every American, including those who die by overdose. Those who use and abuse drugs and alcohol that don’t die are responsible for over 80% of crime and domestic violence, huge public health costs, mental illness, welfare, child/family assistance and most traffic accidents. If they are fortunate to graduate from high school, they just diminish their productivity. If they don’t graduate from high school, according to UC Santa Barbara,[xiv] they will cost society $392,000 each over their lifetime.

Since Nadlemann made his proclamation in 1989 that “Political Institutions are no longer tied to the public,” and once news media joins the battle the combination of media and political support for legalization will demoralize the public,” Soros “…..has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives.”[xv] (Mathew Vadum, NewsBusters)

Soros owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner and various political advertising organizations into which he funnels millions. He paid $900 million to buy the Dream Works SKG film library from , and paid $100 million for equity in India’s Reliance Entertainment, to help socially engineer India into oblivion.

In the 1980’s Open Society Institute (OSI) set up an office in Eastern Europe to help finance publishers, independent TV, radio outlets and political parties. OSI has been underwriting “social justice” documentaries since 1996. In 2001 he turned the leadership over to Robert Redford’s Sundance Documentary Fund.

Why? Documentary films raise awareness and cause social change. According to journalist Rondi Adamson, “… Most of the documentaries that receive Sundance funding are highly critical of some aspect of American life, capitalism or Western culture.”

Financing fictional films fits nicely with Soros’ history of financing propaganda and lies, such as Prop 215 in California and the on-going campaign throughout the US that has turned the perception that marijuana is medicine into reality …. in defiance of all scientific evidence that it is not.

Soros also helped finance a children’s book called Its Just a Plant to “socially engineer” children to accept the concept that marijuana is good, not destructive. The book was published by the Magic Propaganda Mill (speaks for itself). Poison Ivy is also just a plant. And tobacco, which kills 438,000 people a year. Maybe they will write about those also.

The DPA drafted and pushed legislation in California (SB1386) to prevent schools from implementing random drug testing for students, the best known prevention tool to keep kids off drugs; and filed an Amicus Brief with the courts in support of an injunction to preclude the Shasta Union School District from continuing with its random drug testing program. Why, other than to inflict more harm and addiction on kids when they are vulnerable and keep the markets open for illicit drugs, would they combat anything that would keep kids off drugs?

Now, 26 years hence, Nadlemann’s prediction is almost reality. The combination of owning politicians and controlling the press have driven the nation closer to legalization. With lies, Soros and the DPA have socially engineered America to the brink of the abyss.

Jim O”Neill of the Canada Free Press[xvi] wrote a great article called Soros: Republic Enemy No.1, in which he states: “…Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America. His conduct has been immoral, duplicitous, and traitorous. Stripping Soros of his U.S. citizenship should be one of the first steps taken during the upcoming trials. No matter the cost, the nest of vipers on Capital Hill, and all the traitors in the government at large, must be brought to task for their behavior, or free America is doomed.” Amen brother. Amen. sOROS’ SELF SERVING PHILOSPHY ON DRUGS

In his book, The Bubble of American Supremacy, Soros stated his contrived, self -serving philosophy on the drug policy of the United States, as follows:

“When I decided to extend the operations of my Open Society Foundation to the United States, I chose drug policy as one of the first fields of engagement. I felt that drug policy was the area in which the United States was in greatest danger of violating the principles of open society. I did not claim that I had all the right answers, but I was sure of one thing: The was doing more harm than the drugs themselves – and on that point the evidence is clear. Drugs kill a few people, incapacitate many more, and give parents sleepless nights. On the other hand, the war on drugs has put millions behind bars, disrupted entire communities, particularly in the inner cities, and destabilized entire countries.”

Drugs don’t just “…..kill a few people,” as Soros suggests. Drugs kill more Americans than any event in modern history. Although the federal government could do a better job quantifying the outcome, the Center for Disease Control reports, as stated earlier, 3,600 overdose deaths a month (38,554 in 2006 and going up annually). Add all drug related causes and the true figure is probably four times that number.

In comparison, in 8 ½ years in Vietnam, we lost 58,000 American solders. (averaging 568 a month). In nine years since the war started in Afghanistan we have lost 1,000 troops (averaging 9.3 a month). We lose 1,200 people every 10 days just from drug overdose, and probably four times that many from all drug related causes.

The last time the federal government quantified all drug related deaths was 1995, and overdose was only 27% of the total of all causes. If that ratio holds true today, the death rate is roughly 1,111 a week. That’s just a guess, but it sounds reasonable if one includes murders, drive by shootings, traffic accidents, suicides and deaths from illnesses classified differently, like congestive heart failure and strokes, which often times results from drug use. Also, because drug overdose is often embarrassing to parents, there is a tendency for hospitals to rule the cause of death as something other than drug overdose.

We have a 9/11 every week and Congress and the Administration trudge ahead, doing little or nothing to prevent the problem, all the while coddling Soros, seeking his advise and money. His influence on the administration is analogous to having Hitler advise Roosevelt and Churchill how to win WWII, or asking ISIS to advise the President how to win the war on terror.

Having lived with addiction in my family for 33 years, Soros’ suggestion that drugs just “give parents sleepless nights” sends me into a rage. My former wife and I slept with bells on our bedroom door for 15 years, and two dogs in the room, for fear our meth addicted daughter would come home some night and try to kill us in our sleep.

To trivialize the pain and suffering by anyone who has endured addiction personally, or addiction in their family, or lost a kid, by blowing it off as a few a sleepless nights is reflective of his sociopathic personality. Drugs cause immeasurable pain and suffering. He can’t be forgiven for all those he has decimated. If you have personally experienced the pain, you probably concur that he shouldn’t be forgiven for even one life he has destroyed through addiction.

6.1 million Americans at last count are being raised by grandparents of foster parents, because their own parents are incapacitated or otherwise incapable of raising their own children. Even these kids have sleepless nights wondering why fate did them in, and where they are going to sleep. 650,000 aged out (over 18) foster kids in America are homeless. Sleepless nights indeed, Mr. Soros! Not that you give a damn.

The WAR ON DRUGS has not “….. disrupted entire communities, particularly in the inner cities, and destabilized entire countries.” DRUGS HAVE! Countries like Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, and Afghanistan and others, now even the Emerald Triangle in Northern California, who have willingly based their economies on products which inflict death, destruction and huge economic cost on others impose chaos on themselves. If they can’t figure out a way to prosper without inflicting harm on others, then they deserve to live in poverty.

It is not the war on drugs that has caused this problem. It is the drugs; those who produce and sell them; and those who buy public policy to keep the markets open for illicit drugs, like Soros, that have caused this problem.

Drugs are this nation’s biggest weapon of mass destruction. Others who sell or finance weapons of mass destruction, have their funds confiscated and are incarcerated. Why should Soros be treated differently? He is a traitor who moves freely among us, corrupting our federal, state and local governments. He exploits our precious freedom of speech by propagating lies and distortions to confuse an unenlightened public on drug policy; using his considerable financial clout to deconstruct America. “A murderer is less to fear.”(Cicero)


On Sept 20, 2010, ran an article called George Soros vs Judicial Elections. [xvii] The essence of the story, Soros’ OSI has spent at least $45.4 million to promote the so-called merit selection system and reduce the influence of citizens and their elected representatives when it comes to picking judges. It is a well funded, highly coordinated campaign to shift America’s judiciary fundamentally to the left by keeping conservative judges off state courts.

The article states that 95% of civil disputes in the US wind up in state courts, which gives those judges considerable influence over our lives, property and business affairs. 39 State constitutions, recognizing the need for a check on this power, stipulate some form of judicial elections, so judges would assume office by consent of the people.

Merit selection puts the power to select judges in the hands of a small, unelected, unaccountable commission made up primarily of legal elites, and often stacked with representatives of powerful special- interest groups such as state trial lawyers’ associations. They tout the plan as a way to keep politics out of America’s courtrooms, but in actuality it merely shifts power of who controls the courts to a few.

The merit selection has become a rigged game that puts legal special interest in charge of choosing state judges. Who are the special interest groups?

OSI’s $45 million investment is run by a Soros grantee called Justice At Stake. Other recipients of Soros money include the People for the American Way Foundation ($2.1 million), the American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education ($2.2 million) and the League of Women Voters Education Fund ($1.7 million). Even Planned Parenthood.

The intent behind the movement, according to Pero, is apparent. The far left has been unsuccessful at persuading the public to elect judges who share its views, and it is determined to end the public’s role in selecting judges. The question comes down to whether we are going to trust the trial bar and other legal elites, or are we going to put our faith in the wisdom and judgment of the people?


Drug prevention activists have bemoaned the lack of honest reporting from the liberal press for years, and lack of honest and prolific reporting on the role Soros plays in driving the markets for illicit drugs. Media bias stems from many factors. In selecting what stories will be covered, ownership of the news media, selection of staff and dependence on advertisers plays a huge part. Aside from what is reported, censorship pertaining to what is not reported is also a major factor. The ultimate extreme is governmental censorship, overt and covert, widely practiced in communist countries where the government wants to control the people.

Ownership and grants from Soros or his entities, plus advertising dollars from agencies controlled by Soros determine what TV, radio and news outlets report. From personal experience, derogatory comments about Soros will stop an interview. There is a huge imbalance between factual articles of the pros and cons of drug legalization and those that favor drugs, but it doesn’t stop with drugs. Most Americans don’t realize the threat to this nation from Soros, or that he is the driving force and financial muscle behind Obama’s galloping drive towards a Marxist state, including government control of the media.

Remember Nadlemann’s 1989 prediction,: “Political institutions are no longer tied to the public, and once news media joins the battle the combination of media and political support for legalization will demoralize the public.” It didn’t take long for Soros to get it in gear.

From 1999 to 2001 Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) gave over $2.4 million in grants to the following organizations:

Nation Institute. National Federation of Community Broadcasters. Citizens for Independent Public Institute for Alternative Journalism/IMI/Alternet International Center for Global Internews Network Communications Federation Downtown Community Television Center Fund for Investigative Journalism American Prospect Magazine Center for Defense Information Center for Investigative Reporting Committee to Protect Journalists Project on Media Ownership Public Media Center (San Francisco) Pacifica Network News (to domestic partner) Youth Radio in Berkeley Radio Bilingue Prison Moratorium Project Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Jews for Racial and Economic Justice Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Group Million Mom March Group Center for Investigative Reporting American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee ACLUZ LCEF Group

Over $2.4 million invested by 2001, and just getting warmed up. He also bought 2.6 million shares of Time Warner, while his joint venture movie production company with Robert Redford produced mostly liberal movies that were critical of America.

Taken from a New York Times article on Oct 31, 2008 by Jacque Steinberg, in addition to spreading his influence through ownership and contributions, as reflected above, he also largely financed the creation of “Media Matters For America” in 2004 through the Center for American Progress (www.wnd.com). Media Matters was founded by David Brock, a conservative author who has turned liberal. The intent of the organization was to create for the Democratic Party, which Moveon.org now professed to own, a quick response, sophisticated means to identify what it considered conservative misinformation reported in the media, then feed it to an arsenal of reporters, cable channels and bloggers hungry to stir the pot.

According to Steinberg, Media Matters initially received more than $2 million in donations from wealthy liberals with ties to the Democratic Party. In addition to Soros, the list of notables included Peter Lewis, Chairman of Progressive Insurance, who also invested heavily with Soros in drug legalization efforts. It was developed with help from the Center for American Progress, and also received significant funding from MoveOn.org and the New Democrat Network. They hired numerous political professionals who had worked for Democratic politicians. In the early period Hillary Clinton was an advisor.

They have attacked O’Reilly, Beck, Imus, Limbaugh, Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and others for various reasons. To instill a little paranoia in conservative journalists they have an award entitled Misinformer of the Year which is presented to the journalist, commentator, and/or network which, in their opinion, was “…..responsible for the most numerous and/or grievous factual errors and claims made when presenting a pro-conservation position.” That is truly blasphemous. If Soros lived by his own rules, he would win a Lifetime Misinformer award for his lies and propaganda.


In May 2005, a group called Free Press based in Massachusetts, that had received $400,000 from Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI), held a National Conference for Media Reform in St. Louis. Linda Foley, President of the 35,000 member Newspaper Guild, stirred controversy at the event by alleging, without evidence, that the U.S. military had “targeted” journalist in Iraq and had a “cavalier” approach toward their deaths. Left-leaning Bill Moyers also spoke to the conference.

David Brock of Media Matters, Andrew Jay Schwartzman of the Media Access Project and Thomas Athans of Democracy Radio were there all backing a “Renew the Fairness Doctrine” campaign to have to FCC monitor and regulate conservative media sources. They created a website called EchoDitto, registered to Nicco Mele, webmaster for Howard Dean’s 2004 campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination, and is now a consulting firm with close to 20 full-time employees.

Their projects include Air America Radio, Alliance for Security, Barack Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign, Campaign for America’s Future, Defenders of Wildlife, Democracy for America, Democracy Radio, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Miramax Books, NoIraqDraft.com, Service Employees International Union and the U.N. World Food Program.

The intent of the Soros “media reform” movement was to stifle or mute conservative voices, but evidence also emerged that Soros is underwriting journalists who promote his point of view of major issues, and not write about things that do not support his agenda.

Now, fast forward to May 19, 2010. The WorldNet Daily reported

Soros-Funded Group Urges Media Run by Government Marxist-led Study Has Close Ties to Obama White House Officials

The Free Press, which has close ties to top Obama administration officials, published a study advocating the development of a “world class” government-run media system in the U.S. The study urged the creation of a trust fund – largely supported by new fees and taxes on advertising and private media – to jump start the founding of a massive government-run public media system that will ultimately become self- sufficient.

Free Press Managing Director Craig Aaron, one of the paper’s co-authors, stated “We should redeploy and redouble our resources to keep a watchful eye on the powerful and to reliably examine the vital issues that most Americans can’t follow closely on their own.” The powerful? Why don’t they keep a watchful eye on Soros, or do they mean others that are powerful, like the Koch brothers?

A new book had just been published called “The Manchurian President” by Aaaron Klein and co-author Brenda Elliot, was subtitled “Barack Obama’s ties to communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists,” and revealed the following.

The Founder of the Free Press was Robert W. McChesney, former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review, and now is a professor (God forbid) at the University of Illinois. In February 2009, McChesney recommended capitalism be dismantled. “In the end, there is no real answer but to remove brick-by-brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles,” McChesney wrote.

The Board of Free Press includes Obama’s former “green jobs” czar Van Jones, who resigned after it was exposed he founded a communist organization. Also, Susan Crawford, Obama’s “Internet czar,” whose pet project, OneWebNow, lists participating organizations as Free Press and ACORN. Crawford and Kevin Werbach, who co-directed the Obama transition team’s Federal Communications Commission Review team, are advisory board members at Public Knowledge, another Soros funded public interest group.

Obama’s “regulatory “ czar, , drew up a “First Amendment New Deal” – a Fairness Doctrine” that would include the establishment of a panel of “nonpartisan experts” to ensure “diversity of views” on the airwaves. Sunstein has argued that websites should be obliged to remove “false rumors, absurd and hateful remarks, reports by right-wing websites alleging an association between Obama and William Ayers.” He argued as well that the government should ban theorizing, advocating that the theory of global warming is a deliberate fraud and he recommended that the government send agents to infiltrate extremists who supply conspiracy theories and also that they disrupt the effort of the extremists to propagate [xx their theories.

Why regulated websites and the internet? Perhaps because it is the last bastion of hope for freedom of information in America, because Soros money so far doesn’t control it. To totally socially engineer the masses into his web, he needs to control it all. What better way than to have the government he controls in turn control the web.

This can’t be happening can it? Doesn’t the first Amendment say “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances?” Oh, but that’s just Congress. Maybe the first amendment doesn’t apply to a Marxist government orchestrated by Soros.


On May 29, 2010 Mark Tapscott wrote an article in the that was essentially a clarion call for journalistic revolt. He stated Obama was determined to federalize the news industry just as he had done with banking, autos, and health care. He warned, anyone who wants independent journalism needs to wake up to three facts about what is happening:

1) The First Amendment’s guaranty of freedom of the press will not survive if the FTC regulates the news industry.

2) Journalists who remain silent or apathetic about what the Administration and FTC are planning become unintentional accessories in the strangulation of independent journalism.

3) Journalists who support or assist the FTC process are accomplices in the strangulation of independent journalism. Tapscott states the administration clearly views independent journalism as an obstacle to “change we can believe in.” The true intent of the FTC document “….. is to transform the news industry from an information product collected by private individuals and entrepreneurs as a service to private buyers, to a government-regulated public utility providing a “public good,” as defined and regulated by government.”

In , the government wants to define who gets to report what and how. Isn’t that what communist countries do?


Money certainly helps shape attitudes and philosophies, be it an organization or an individual politician. Following are a few of the organizations Soros has directly or indirectly funded:

Alliance for Justice American Coming Together (ACT) America Vote American Civil Union (ACLU) American Constitution Society for Law American Family Voices Policy. American Friends Service Committee American Immigration Law Foundation American Library Association American Prospect, Inc. Amnesty International Arab American Institute Foundation Association of Community Organizations Bill of Rights Defense Committee For Reform Now (ACORN) Brennan Center for Justice Brookings Institution Campaign for America’s Future Campus Progress Catholics for a Free Choice Center for American Progress Center for Community Change Center for Constitutional Rights Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Coalition for an International Criminal Washington Court Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Democracy 21 Democratic Party Earthjustice EMILY’S List Feminist Majority Free Exchange on Campus Free Press Funding Exchange Gamaliel Foundation Human Rights First Immigrant Legal Resource Center Independent Media Center Institute for Policy Studies Institute for Women’s Policy Research International Crisis Group Joint Victory Campaign 2004 Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights League of United Latin American Citizens Under Law League of Women Voters Education Lynne Steward Defense Committee Fund MADRE Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Media Fund Advocacy Coalition Mexican American Legal Defense Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC And Education Fund The Nation Institute National Abortion Federation National Committee for Responsive National Council for Research on Women Philanthropy National Council of La Raza National Council of Women’s Organizations National Immigration Forum National Immigration Law Center National Lawyers Guild National Organization for Women National Priorities Project National Security Archive Fund National Women’s Law Center National Resources Defense Council Pacific Foundation Peace and Security Funders Group People for the American Way Physicians for Human Rights Physicians for Social Responsibility Planned Parenthood Ploughshares Fund Prison Moratorium Project Project Vote Proteus Fund Public Citizen Foundation Rebuild and Renew America Now Sentencing Project Sojourners Thunder Road Group Tides Foundations and Tides Center Urban Institute US Action Education Fund YWCA World Office, Switzerland All America Radio Catalist Center for Progressive Leadership Media Matters for America Moving Ideas Network Schumann Center for Media and Democracy Service Employees International Union Sierra Club (SEIU) Think Progress Vote for Change Working Families Party

Its hard to hate someone that gives you money, isn’t it, unless you think about where the money came from and who is giving it? The consensus of those who know him best is that Soros doesn’t invest in anything or anyone unless it leads to fulfillment of his messianic drive for world domination. So, everyone in the daisy chain is just a means to an end.

Those of us who have lost kids to drugs have a hard time forgiving him for his actions to inflict the disease of addiction on others. He and his Drug Policy Alliance are masters of deception, using lies, propaganda and money to manipulate the masses and corrupt politicians throughout the world. The victims are young people, whose brains are destroyed and their futures capped as they become social and economic burdens on society.

And, of course, there is reason to question where his billions really came from. He demanded an apology from former Speaker of the House Denis Hastert for suggesting it was drug money. If it wasn’t, perhaps it would be in his own best interest to prove it. Just open the books of the Quantum Fund so we can all feel better.

Its hard also to forget that he got his start with six 100 kilo bags of gold taken from the homes of his fellow Hungarian Jews as he collaborated with the Nazi’s to help send 500,000 of them to death camps, while he helped ransack their possessions. What is really troubling? He feels no guilt.


Kurt Nimmo of Infowars.com reported on September 3, 2010 that Soros and Foundation Left launched a website called Teapartytracker.org. to post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left to go after grassroots supporters who want to overthrow the establishment of Democrats and Republics in the “district of corporate criminals.”

Teapartytracker.org will be sponsored by the NAACP (a recipient of almost $1 million from Soros), Think Progress (connected with John Podesta’s Center for American Progress), Media and Media Matters.

Soros has done his best to create and capitalize on the race issue. In California, Alice Huffman, President of the California NAACP, came out in favor of the poorly drafted Prop 19 which would legalize marijuana for recreational use, initially saying young black kids were being unfairly discriminated against because their arrest numbers are proportionally higher. After a violent backlash from the International Faith Based Coalition led by Bishop Ron Allen, who represents 4,000 Afro-American churches, and Bishop Evans on the East Coast who represents 39,000 Afro-American churches, she now says it’s a civil rights issue. In all actuality, it appears to be a money issue.

On July 13, 2010, the NAACP unanimously passed a resolution repudiating the Tea Party for alleged racism based on false accusations saying that the Tea Party has accosted members of the Congressional Black Caucus as they traipsed the District of Criminals mall on their way to vote for Obamacare. Supposedly, someone spit on civil rights icon John Lewis, Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver was called the “N” word and openly gay Soros lackey Barney Frank was called an ugly anti-gay word.

On April 1, 2011 Infowars.com provided evidence that these allegations were not true. Cleaver himself later said in a March 30 interview on that the Tea Party protester did not spit on Lewis intentionally, and that … “All I’m saying is we all have to defuse it, and I think it is not in my best interest or in the best interest of this nation to stoke it.” Fat chance! The NAACP and Soros want to play the race card as it serves the evil intent of Soros. It doesn’t matter that it’s not true.

In July 2010 Soros’ Think Progress stitched together a video to show the Tea Party is chock full of racists. An earlier effort in 2010 called “Crash the Tea Party” was an effort by liberals to infiltrate the Tea Party and pose as racists, homophobes and morons to discredit the organization.

An anarchist website and forum, Infoshop News, calls the “…..a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, supporters, conspiracy types and American flag wavers.”

A little flag waving from the liberals might give less cause for the gun freaks to shoot them. As for me, I’ll just stick with conservatism.


Maybe it just looked like rats jumping from a sinking ship, but at midterm of Obama’s first administration, with many Democrats trying to distance themselves from the Obama Administration and members of the Administration baling out, including Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, it looked like Soros support for his own Shadow Party may have been waning. Soros himself is indicated that he, Peter Lewis and his other cronies were thinking more about investing in causes and organizations rather than the party. Maybe he just didn’t want to wallow in his own stew.

In 2011, Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters to fight Fox News (i.e. attack conservative journalism) and $1.8 million to the National Progressive Radio to be used to hire two journalists in each state who can help push his views and propaganda. No doubt one of their missions will be to push his agenda to legalize “medical marijuana” as a means to accomplish the ultimate goal of legalizing marijuana and all drugs for recreational use, to help destabilize the country.

So, now there are two problems. One, trying to prevent the complete destruction of America until the next election; and two, getting rid of Soros and his evil empire because, surely, he will continue to inflict death, destruction and economic harm on all of mankind until he is pushing up daisies. One can’t count on that happening anytime soon. Even though he is over 83, he is so damn evil he may very well be the Anti- Christ and live forever,


On November 9- 11, 2010, Glenn Beck of Fox News laid out the truth out about Soros. An incredible job! If he missed anything it was the role Soros’ financial backing of drug legalization efforts serves his quest for a New World Order.

Beck showed video clips of Soros stating among other things that the “…..biggest obstacle to world order is the United States; that he wants to be the conscious of the word (God forbid), and that he believes there should be an orderly decline of the dollar.”

He revealed the approach of Soros to deconstruct America, based on his history of doing the same in four other countries, is done in five steps which he openly admits is done through subversive tactics.

1) Create a Shadow Party. They use humanitarian methods as a cover for the true intent of the Party (i.e. subversive activities). This phase was completed in 2003, when Eli Pariser of Moveon.org stated about the Democratic Party, “Now its our party. We bought it, we own it.”

2) Control the Airways. As stated herein, this is largely completed with the exception of Fox News and the internet. So, now he is throwing money at Media Matters and others to help destroy Fox News, and attempting to get the federal government to take control of the internet, because he largely controls the federal government.

3) Destabilize the State. Beck projects massive inflation is on the horizon. As the government just announced they will print another 600 billion dollars, there is no question the value of the dollar is falling. As prices increase for food, fuel, clothing, rent, tuition, et al., massive demonstrations and rioting are a probability. The unemployment rate at the point of writing is now 9.8%, and drug use is increasing, placing more burdens on overwhelmed public services. The welfare rolls are ballooning, and more and more people are homeless.

4) Provoke an Election Crisis – Didn’t we just witness one on November 2, 2010? Now, with a Republican controlled House, the speculation is that the President will use his executive powers to implement new rules, circumventing congress in the process. God only knows how we will be looking by 2012, but it doesn’t look promising. In the interim, Soros is doing all possible to control the Secretaries of each State who control the vote count, so he can help rig elections, as we experienced with ACORN, one of his beneficiaries.

5) Take Power. You mean take more power? He is about there, and it is simply imperative that the American people demand a full investigation of his influence on the government who is supposed to protect the people and our nation. There is no question that he is The Puppeteer Glenn Beck so aptly portrayed, and he is orchestrating our demise. He uses and abuses our freedoms for his own evil purpose. He may technically be operating within the law to do so, but certainly not within the intent of the law, or the constitution.

One must reflect also on the actions of Soros, past and present, in proliferating the use of drugs. His actions have inflicted more harm on America and other societies than all other events in modern history. By destroying our youth, he is essentially destroying our future while he undermines and directs our economy into the abyss.

According to journalist Jesse “The Mind” Norman, author of The Future Collapse of America Pt.2, when Soros’ guy met with Beck’s producer he said “America’s ship has already sailed,” and only “…China needs to be brought on board for the New World Order to come. I believe once he bribes them enough, he will cause America’s economic and world collapse. He wants this not for , but for money and power. He will be in a sense the leader of the world, but will remain the man behind the curtains. It’s a role he likes and is comfortable with.”

I don’t know Jesse “The Mind” Norman, but I respect his wisdom. If you consider who in the world has seemingly endless liquid funds today, China and the cartels rank right up there. If the allegations by LaRouche and the known associations of Soros with people and banks that launder money are true, they have the capacity to easily destroy the dollar by selling it short. China already is buying massive quantities of gold, which according to some estimates will drive the price to $6,000 a pound. At the right moment, Soros could throw the switch and undermine the dollar by selling it short as he did by selling the British Pound and almost breaking the Bank of England. That would set off a tsunami that would force devaluation, and in turn trigger a worldwide depression. Perfect for Soros, and the New World Order.

Marijuana – Versus The Tea Party Platform Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility and Free Markets

The Tea Party has three noble planks: limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets. There is no ambiguity about the first two. But if “free markets” means marijuana and other illicit drugs should be traded freely and/or consumed as a civil right with no governmental constraints, then achievement of the first two is not possible.

Glenn Beck was quoted in a November 1, 2010 Newsweek article as saying “…You know what, I think it’s about time we legalize marijuana. Hear me out for a second…,” Beck told viewers in April. “We have to make a choice in this country. We have to either put people who are smoking marijuana behind bars, or we legalize it. But this little game we’re playing in the middle is not helping us, is not helping Mexico, and is causing massive violence on our southern border.”

The article went on to quote Sarah Palin as saying pot was a “minimal problem,” and that we need to prioritize our law-enforcement efforts. “…And if somebody’s gonna smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody else harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some other problems that we have in society.”

In all due respect to both Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, by virtue of the thousands of hours I have invested over 18 years studying the causes and effects of drugs; plus the agony I have personally endured over three decades watching two step children simply destroy their life’s potential by becoming addicted to marijuana and meth at age 12 and 14 years old, I want to ask:, “…Hear Me Out For A Second.”

We cannot continue to allow our young people to destroy themselves and expect to have any future as a nation. We are a nation in decline. If the nation is salvageable, which is highly uncertain, we have to take emergency measures to improve academic achievement, productivity and minimize the demands for health care, mental illness, welfare, and traffic safety. Marijuana, particularly today’s highly potent pot (call Skunk) adversely affects all of the above.

We need to minimize crime and decrease the prison population. We house 25% of the world’s prisoners primarily because we consume 66% of the world’s illicit drugs. And, these prisoners are not there for simple possession of marijuana, but because altered minds lead to more crime. According to research 65% of prisoners have a substance abuse problem and 33% meet the criteria for mental illness. (CASA Study Behind Bars II) Marijuana is a major contributor to both.

Most addicts can’t hold a job. Many are on permanent disability and can’t work at all (ever). Many have babies that they can’t take care, or spouses they can’t get along with. They place additional burdens on the public sector for welfare, public health, mental health, child and family services, law enforcement and they cause more traffic accidents and injuries. According to Dr. Robert DuPont (www.druggeddriving.com) 26.9% of serious injury accidents are a result of marijuana impairment.

Increasing the consumption of a fat soluble narcotic that creates more cell damage “…even than heroin,” (Morishimi)[xxiii] adversely affects sex organs and reproduction leading to still births, birth defects and appears to be mutagenic … which means it can leap over generations. A baby boomer who smoked pot in the 70’s could have normal children who never smoked marijuana, but their grandchildren can experience birth defects and brain damage.

Marijuana can permanently alter the trajectory of the brain and elevate the risk of mental illness, including schizophrenia.[xxiv] (McGrath). We know today that the brain isn’t fully developed until age 25, or later, and until then, it is vulnerable to harm and addiction, particularly during adolescence. Age 14 to 16 is a critical period, when 20% of the synapses (connectors) in the brain die, and the brain is manufacturing gray and white matter. Marijuana interrupts the development process and can lead to permanent impairments and psychosis, loss of IQ by up to 8 points, capping a young person’s potential before they even arrive at adulthood.

Marijuana doesn’t kill by overdose, but it is a gateway to the drugs that do kill 120 Americans a day just by overdose. And, the potency of today’s pot (i.e. Skunk), which averages 15%, goes as high as 40% in smoked form and 95% as wax (BTO – Butane Hemp Oil) is like grain alcohol when compared to the ½ to 2% marijuana of the 70’s. There are more people in rehab for addiction to marijuana than all other drugs combined (1,243,000). PREVENTING USE OF MARIJUANA is the solution.

Substance abuse and addiction are the root cause of almost all of the social and economic problems related to crime, health care, mental illness, education, welfare and traffic safety. If you want to reduce the carnage, cut the $1.5 trillion cost and the combined death rate of 600,000 to 700,000 people annually, PREVENT THE PROBLEM. PROTECT THE KIDS. DELAY THE ONSET of alcohol, tobacco and drug use. Don’t serve them up on a platter.

The Trojan Horse named Soros actively spreads the disease of addiction, killing, destroying and inflicting more economic harm on America than any event in modern history; and two, in spite of the pandemic in our nation that has 5% of the world’s population that consumes 66% of the world’s illicit drugs, our government(s) haven’t mandated use of the best known deterrent to drug use … the only tool that has consistently worked for adults and juveniles ….. random drug testing.

If America wants to reduce the economic and human carnage caused by drugs, which has marijuana as its foundation,

 Get rid of Soros who spreads the disease of addiction  Mandate non-punitive random drug testing for all middle and high school students  Enlighten mankind, particularly parents and kids, with the facts about marijuana. The facts alone are sufficient to increase the “perception of harm” and reduce the consumption.

Random Drug Testing is unpopular with some of the good soccer moms in the 44% low-risk category. But for America to regain its footing, we need to protect all the kids. Obviously, from a global perspective, what we have been doing has not worked. Certainly, with 70% of parents surveyed supporting random drug testing in schools, protecting kids by giving them a reason to say “no” will have less impact than a preemptive strike on Bagdad. In the end, a hair sample, saliva test or peeing in a cup just isn’t a big deal and for many it will prepare them for what will follow in many professions.

With the greatest respect for Presidente Calderon, who had the wisdom and courage to confront a savage enemy, America should stand with Mexico in all ways. But we should understand as well, that as bad as the death rate in Mexico has, the death rate there pales in comparison to the 3,600 overdose deaths caused by drugs in America.

Alcohol and tobacco are also gateway drugs, but the drug journey almost always starts with pot. Given the reality that we will never stop the flow of drugs, we must take measures to prevent or deter the onset…. here, in Mexico and in the world. To protect our nations, we have to protect our kids, at least until their brains are more fully matured. Random drug testing is the best, most proven tool, to do that along with education.

Glenn Beck ….. Hear Me Out! ….. Jail or legalization aren’t the only options for pot smokers

We don’t have to “….. either put people who are smoking marijuana behind bars, or legalize it.” Jails are already overcrowded, and incarcerating people for simply smoking pot will never fly. Increasing consumption by full legalization, on the other hand, will exacerbate all of the social and economic problems of crime, health, mental illness, welfare, traffic safety et al. Neither jail nor legalization is the answer, but there are other deterrents.

California SB1449 which becomes law January 1, 2011, changes marijuana possession of less than one ounce of marijuana to an infraction, with a non-escalating $100 fine. The stated intent was to relieve pressure on the courts and in most cases the misdemeanor was being treated like an infraction anyway. The DA’s Association supported the bill and, of course, the bill was initiated by Senator Mark “Hemp” Leno, one of California’s in-legislature pot proponents and a recipient of Soros money. So now, pot smoking no longer appears on one’s criminal record and getting caught with one ounce (the equivalent of 60 to 120 joints) just earns a slap on the wrist.

While the concept of treating the offense like a traffic fine and relieving pressure on the courts has some merit, the shortcoming of the legislation is that a $100 non-escalating fine won’t deter anyone from using or selling pot. A red light violation costs $350 to $400 in California, which will make you think twice before driving through an intersection with cameras. A $100 fine is a joke.

WHAT IF …. the first infraction for one ounce or less cost $500 to $1,000; the second $1500 to $3,000 and loss of driving privileges for 90 days; and the third a $3,000 to $5,000 fine, mandatory 30 days in jail or completion of a treatment program and loss of driving privileges for 12 months? That would dissuade some from smoking. The courts wouldn’t have the congestion, and if less people smoke pot, we would have less crime and other social impacts that burden the public sector

The big question is how are we going to PREVENT anyone under 21 (should be 25 so their brains aren’t vulnerable) from using, when an 18 year old can obtain a “medical marijuana” ID card for only $40 to $50, buy from numerous dispensaries, destroy their own minds and in turn sell to younger kids? WHAT IF ….. because of what we now know about cellular and brain damage resulting from marijuana, we put some teeth in keeping kids off marijuana until they are at least 21 years old by requiring random drug testing to: 1) Posses a driver’s license; 2) Attend public schools including institutions of higher education; and 3) Obtain student loans? This is not punishment. Just protection.

Hair analysis gives a 90 day window, and its hard to cheat the test. The cost of $180 to $200 a year is nothing compared to the $7,000 to $12,000 per annum it costs to educate a child, or $392,000 if the drop out of high school. Its priceless if you save even one life, particularly if its your kid..

Glenn, the increase in marijuana consumption is largely a result of 15 states that have “medical marijuana” laws, all of which were victims of money flowing from and through George Soros. The federal government could have, and should have, enforced federal law and put a stop to it long ago, given the plethora of scientific evidence as to the harms to the individual, their offspring and society in general. The DEA has a compelling need and right to investigate Soros for money laundering. If he is innocent, let him prove it.

The liberal press, largely constrained by Soros from communicating the facts about harms of marijuana, also bears responsibility. But America is at a fork in the road. Do we surrender? Do we continue to allow marijuana to help in the destruction of our young people and future? Do we allow addiction slavery to balloon our welfare rolls, diminish academic achievement, diminish productivity and create more dependence on an ever enlarging socialist government?

In all due respect for those who believe marijuana is a social issue, or a civil right, could we at least ask that we preserve our young peoples’ brains until they get to the point they can make rational choices, for their sake and ours?

Sarah Palin ….. Please Bone Up On Marijuana …There is no absence of harm, and cops aren’t looking for simple possession of pot

Smoking a joint in the privacy of one’s home “….and not do anybody else harm,” seems like a sensible idea, except there isn’t an absence of harm to the individual or society. At a minimum, it diminishes cognition, short term memory, motivation, productivity, causes health problems and mental illness and leads to more accidents and more absenteeism; none of which we can afford as a nation.

Unlike alcohol, where the intoxicants are excreted out of the body within 12 hours, “ …..studies have shown that frequent marijuana use in adolescence is linked to poorer memory and attention, abnormal brain activation, and poorer integrity of white matter in the brain, even after 28 days of abstinence. [xxv] (Susan Tapert, MD) It doesn’t matter if its smoked in the privacy of one’s home.

Pot adversely affects sexual organs, causes birth deaths and brain damage to the fetus even in future generations. It has 50 to 100% more carcinogens than tobacco, causes head, neck, lung and testicular cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other respiratory problems, and is a causal factor in psychosis, including schizophrenia and paranoia. It can cause permanent brain damage, particularly if used as a child or during adolescence and lead to psychotic episodes which induce violence, and cause loss of IQ.

History has shown that perception of harm is directly related to the level of use of marijuana and other drugs by young people. You will no doubt recall that in your own state of Alaska in 1975 the Supreme Court ruled that the State could not intervene if an adult (19 years or older) wanted to smoke a joint in the privacy of their own home. By 1988, the state’s 12 to 17 year olds used pot at twice (50%) the national average. Residents voted to change the law in 1990. But, how much brain damage had already occurred? The “medical marijuana” scam inflicted on 15 states, thanks largely to Soros, has unfortunately left too many young people with the impression that pot is good because it is medicinal and legal. Because more young people now smoke pot than tobacco in many locations, and marijuana use on a daily basis is now on a par with alcohol, many young people will simply cap their life’s potential before they even arrive at adulthood. They lose, and we lose as a nation.

Given your aspirations to serve the nation in the White House, possibly as the Commander In Chief, I humbly submit that you need to demonstrate the knowledge, leadership, wisdom, courage and will to confront the $1 trillion problem of alcohol, tobacco and drugs that kills 600,000 to 700,000 people a year. If you take the time to absorb the scientific evidence relating to marijuana, you will see that it is not harmless and since it is the most widely abused drug in America, it is a major contributor to the overall problem of substance abuse.

You will also learn that law enforcement does not waste their efforts trying to bust people for smoking a joint at home or for simple possession of pot. Drug use is a major factor in armed robberies, burglaries, murders, spouse and child abuse and traffic accidents.

Marijuana is the drug of choice for about one-half of prisoners, who tested positive for the drug when arrested. According to Joseph Califano Jr. at CASA, Columbia University, 65% of prisoners have a substance abuse problem and one-third meet the clinical definition of being mentally ill. If you want to help law enforcement protect and serve, cut the level of crime and reduce the demand for prisons, reversing the demand for marijuana is a good place to start.

We cannot achieve a limited, fiscally responsible government by increasing the number of people who are incapacitated and dependent on the government, because their drug use inflicts greater demands on all public services. We need healthy, well educated, productive people who in some manner get to adulthood with their brains intact. To that end, Soros has to go, and the government must defer the onset of alcohol, tobacco and drug use by all means possible. Random drug testing to protect young people with vulnerable brains is no longer an option if America has any possibility of survival.

UNDERSTANDING OTHER DRUG LEGALIZERS Different Motives. Willing Partners.

Most people and organizations pushing for legalization, particularly of marijuana, just want to get high. Some believe legalization of all drugs would solve the demand problem by eliminating the black markets. Money, or course, is a driving factor, for those who produce and sell pot. Whatever their motives, they all, knowingly or unknowingly, serve to help George Soros, The Puppeteer, achieve his maligned goal of economic domination and deconstruction of America, the country he hates.

America is headed towards a welfare state where most people are dependent on the government for public health, treatment of mental illness, welfare and child/family support. Soros has stated that America is the biggest obstacle to a new world order. Weakening America by incapacitating part of the population at the expense of others is part of the grander plan.


The organizations fighting for legalization, all happy to receive financial support from Soros and his minions, argue pretty much from the same platform, as follows:

1) The war-on-drugs has been a dismal failure. (Not completely true. It could have worked better if ever we tried preventing the disease, rather than just interdicting supply and treating the wounded. The level of drug use as a percentage of the population was more or less cut in half after 1979, and held steady at about 6% of the population until 2009, when it increased to about 7%.)

2) Marijuana is America’s biggest cash crop and we aren’t getting the tax benefits that we would receive through legalization. (As with alcohol and tobacco, for every $1 we collect we spend $9 in social costs. If marijuana use doubled because of legalization, the cost of trying to collect taxes would absorb any income, and the economic burden on the public sector would soar from increased consumption.)

3) Pot is harmless. (Absolutely false! It wasn’t harmless 40 years ago when the potency was ½ of 1% and at today’s normal range of 10 to 21%, and as high as 30% THC content, it is highly addictive, harmful to the brain and almost all organs of the body, causes mental illness, birth defects, diminishes academic achievement, productivity, is a leading cause of traffic deaths puts people on welfare. More later on this issue.)

4) Pot is medicine. (Not true. Isolated components have some therapeutic value but it doesn’t medicate anything. No medicines are smoked. Real medicines have known ingredients, known dosage and known potency. By FDA standards they must be packaged properly and the side effects duly noted. Smoked crude marijuana for these, and other reasons, doesn’t cut it. In spite of thousands of studies, the answer is always the same, but research continues to find medical value in the components of the plant, and a delivery system other than smoking. Pills (already available as Marinol), sprays, suppositories and a THC patch are all possibilities.)

5) What one puts in their bodies is a civil right. (Only in the absence of harm and economic impact on others, and there is no absence of harm in marijuana. In fact, scientific research indicates marijuana inflicts greater harm on the DNA in cells than any other drug, including heroin.[xxvi] (Dr. Akira Morishimi) The effects on sex and reproduction demonstrates dramatic harm to the fetus and that the “….cannabinoids are mutagenic – they can transmit abnormalities across generations.”[xxvii] (Dr. Susan Dalterio) Unknowingly, of course, smoking marijuana can not only harm an unborn child from parental marijuana use, but the fetus can be harmed by grandparents who smoked pot even if the parents didn’t. Add that to the other harms to relationships and the economic costs of less productivity, more welfare, more crime, traffic accidents, et al., and one can easily conclude there is no absence of harm.)

6) The jails are full of people arrested for simple possession of pot (Not true! Only ½ of 1%, are in prison for simple possession and that is normally because of plea bargaining, or multiple arrests. In California and a few other states, possession of one ounce (60 to 120 joints) or less is now an infraction punishable with a $100 fine. Cops don’t go around frisking people looking for pot. When found, it is normally a result of other behavior, and even when cited for possession, they don’t go to jail.)

7) Legalization will get rid of the black market (Not true. Increased supply, home grow operations and easier access will create a vast new black market, primarily focused on kids under 21 years old. If anyone over 21 years old can buy pot at Walgreens and sell it to kids, access will be even easier than it is already. And criminals will still be criminals. If they can’t sell pot, they will sell other drugs, or deal in prostitution, robbery, murder or whatever.)

8) Legalization will reduce demands on law enforcement (Not true. Crime is a result of altered minds. Over 50% of arrestees test positive for drugs, about half for pot alone. Addicts can’t work, or can’t work as effectively, so many turn to crime. Their judgment, perception, reaction time and motor skills make them more of a traffic safety problem. Increased consumption will lead to more crime, and more burden on law enforcement.)

9) Addiction Should be Treated As A Health Problem (True. But it is also a criminal problem, and one of the root causes affecting academic achievement and traffic safety. The average addict commits 100 crimes a year, according to former Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey, and one-third of traffic deaths stem from drug impairment. Most addicts would rather have their drugs than enter treatment or rehabilitation, so coercion such as a threat of incarceration is necessary to force them into treatment.)

10) Marijuana is Neither Addictive Nor A Gateway Drug – (Both assertions are ridiculous. IN 2008 there were 1,243,000 people in treatment for marijuana, and endless studies for 40 years showing pot is a gateway drug.)

ORGANIZATIONS FOR LEGALIZATION ….. Drawn Together By a Common Cause


Soros, along with billionaires Peter Lewis and John Sperling form somewhat of a domestic Axis-Of-Evil, teaming together to underwrite the cost of legalization such as Prop 215 in California, Prop 203 in Arizona and legalization efforts in other states. Why would Lewis and Sperling join the fray? Who knows? Certainly they all possess superior intellect, and the evidence of harm to society is clear. Obviously the social consequences don’t matter. They are both billionaires, so they aren’t going to miss a meal, so it must be about more money and power. Maybe they are promised a seat at the round table with the New World Order.

Journalist Michael Ard spiked it by stating the following:

“…The legalization kingpins, few in number, but highly visible and with powerful backing may be considered as part of a “counter hegemony” movement that continues to work to abolish limited government and democratic capitalism by undermining their moral foundation.

….. If they are successful, they will destroy the capacity of a large part of the population to eventually take care of itself… let alone participate in a deliberative democracy or a market economy. Their squeeze on middle class and working people, the guardians of the system, will be two-fold: break a large percentage of them down with drugs, and then force the remainder to pay for their welfare.”

All of the drug legalization groups according to Ard “…..clearly share common interests. After all, they 1) hold in contempt the traditional Judeo-Christian norms of our culture, and 2) desire to advance statist solutions for any problems. They don’t need to conspire; their interests naturally draw them together.” (Michael Ard)

The organizations that are the key drug legalization players in the U.S. include the following:

Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) www.drugpolicy.org, as discussed, is well funded by Soros and champions the cause of legalization worldwide with lies and propaganda. They promote “harm reduction,” modern day term for responsible use of illicit drugs; needle exchange to accommodate injection drug users, impervious to the reality that 80% of such addicts die of drug overdose, and helping them expedite their own demise is the moral equivalent of murder. They do all possible to undermine drug prevention efforts such as random drug testing, knowing that almost all addiction starts with kids. They lobby heavily, bribe lawmakers, spread false and dangerous information to schools, the PTA, NAACP, et. Al and underwrite propaganda campaigns in various states using the compassionate use argument to dupe people into voting for “medical marijuana. ”Marsha Rosenbaum, former Director of their San Francisco office, has written or participated in two books that were financed and distributed to all schools in the nation: Safety First and Why Schools Are Rejecting Random Drug Testing. She also wrote the epilogue for Its Just a Plant, a children’s book intended to start shaping young minds early on. You can see her in action on www.sorosmonitor.com in a video where she is addressing an audience saying we should bring people in to talk to kids who are using illegal drugs successfully, instead of always bringing in addicts who have had a bad experience.

NORML The National Organization for Marijuana of Marijuana Laws www.NORML.org has been at legalization perhaps the longest. Keith Stroup, their founder, stated in 1979 they would use the term “medical marijuana” as a red herring to give pot a good name as a first step toward legalization. It’s a patient plan, but seems to be working. A funny thing happened in route to the forum, however. The potency of pot is now 20 to 60 times stronger than when they started. Not that it matters to NORML, but we aren’t talking the same stuff. This is like grain alcohol compared to near beer in the old days.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) www.mpp.org is largely funded by billionaire Peter Lewis. One wonders why, the founder of Progressive Insurance, would spend so many millions funding an organization to inflict harm on the society that provided his fortunes. The Deputy Director of MPP is convicted felon Rob Kampia, who was busted in college for growing marijuana in his dorm. MPP has provided millions (mostly from Peter Lewis) for Prop 36 in California, Prop 203 to pass “medical marijuana” legislation in Arizona, and other pro-pot causes.

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) www.safeaccessnow.org founded in 2002, professes to have 30,000 members working to change the laws to provide safe access for marijuana for the needs of patients. What they fail to accept is that if marijuana was safe, access wouldn’t be a problem. Science has shown that there are isolated components of marijuana that have therapeutic value for relief of neuropathic pain, nausea, aids wasting, and maybe more. But, by circumventing the rigors of the FDA process they put many people in harms way who are oblivious to the fact that the harms may vastly outweigh the benefits.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) www.ACLU.org Mala leche (bad mother’s milk) as they say in Spain. So brain damaged by winning a legal argument they have lost sight of what is right, and good for America. Or, they don’t care.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) www.leap.cc It is somehow forgivable and understandable that having fought the narcotics battle for so many years with no apparent improvement, they are oblivious to the fact that enforcing law is the not the only observable, never ending societal ill caused by drug use. The tout legalization as the answer, ignoring the fact that over 66% of arrestees test positive for alcohol and drugs, and 51% for drugs alone according to the DEA.. (DEA), and about half of those for marijuana. Increasing the number of altered minds, addicts and mentally ill people will not lighten the burden for public health or for law enforcement, but actually place a heavier burden on all aspects of public service while diminishing academic achievement and productivity, and causing more traffic accidents and fatalities. Very few of the 750,000 law enforcement people in the U.S. agree with the LEAP.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) www.ssdp.org The name of the organization should be “Students For Legalization.” They got their start in 2002 because student aid for college students was withheld from young people with a prior conviction of drug use. That policy perhaps should change. We all deserve a second chance. The question is …. if student aid were available on a second chance basis, would they be willing to give up drug use which diminishes their capacity to learn and prove it by submitting to random drug testing? They claim the war on drugs has been fought in their names as young people, and it is their responsibility to put a stop to that. Given the fact most of us have lived longer and are more heavily invested in America, particularly those who have left buddies and body parts on foreign shores defending our freedoms, perhaps we do have a right to be concerned about who is going to inherit the kingdom.

Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) www.saferchoice.org It doesn’t really matter if marijuana is safer than alcohol. Its not, but who cares? Alcohol isn’t going away, and pot is frequently used with alcohol or other drugs, doubling the dangers. Pot is a mind altering narcotic that stays in one’s system for weeks, even months, causing myriad physical and mental health problems, with possibilities for permanent brain damage for anyone under 25. When truth doesn’t support their cause, they simply lie …. for example saying pot has an average THC content of 5% when it is actually over 10%, and ranges as high as 37%. Or, that marijuana doesn’t impair one’s ability to drive.

Knowing the highest percentage of voters who support legalization are young people, they are actively setting up campus groups wherever possible. Let us hope that the 80% or more of young people who don’t smoke pot have sounder minds and higher intellect when it comes to the next round of votes to legalization or they may soon be singing that Garth Brooks song, God’s Greatest Gifts Are Unanswered Prayers as they will have to live with the cost and the carnage.

The bottom line is that a debate probably won’t change the outcome for any of these organizations, or the 18.9 million (7%) Americans who smoke pot on a regular basis. They all have their own select sources of information to justify why marijuana is God’s plant, a gift to humanity, and don’t care to complicate their beliefs with scientific fact. And while there are exceptions of a few at the top of the bell curve that are not severely affected, there are some at the bottom that are devastated. Those in the middle, to some varying degree, will work less, work less effectively, cause more crime, be sick more, cause more accidents, be less motivated, have impaired memory and cognition, be less sexually active, and inflict death and/or brain damage on unborn babies. The collective outcomes will place a greater burden on the 93% of people who don’t smoke pot.


Soros, the Drug Lord, is a busy man. Can you imagine the time and mental energy it takes to plan to create a New World Order, using subversive tactics to bring about regime change in entire countries, and knit them all together in one socialist/Marxist hive? With the purported hundreds of billions, or even trillions, at his disposal in his secretive off shore Quantum Fund, he has the financial capability to dominate the globe from an economic standpoint.

If indeed, as it appears, the “American ship has already sailed,” and our economic ruination is inevitable, he has the ability to collapse the dollar at his whim. He could already be forging a relationship with the Chinese by giving them time to convert their trillion dollars into gold, then throw the switch. Will the Chinese then have a seat at the Round Table of The New World Order when it’s all said and done? Or, if the table isn’t round, will the Chinese sit at the head of the table, with Soros in the wings?

The depth of his evil and cunning is unimaginable. What is disappointing is that the American Government would allow it to happen. The vast majority of Americans still don’t have a clue what he is all about. Because he censors what is said about him in the press and airwaves that he largely controls, if they have heard about him at all, they think he is a wonderful philanthropic billionaire that made his money honorably on currency speculation and just invests in liberal causes. In reality, he is a ruthless bastard that started in his young adult life by collaborating with the Nazi’s to identify his fellow Jews in Hungary, then stealing their property while they were sent to gas chambers.

He purportedly made his fortunes through currency by undermining regimes and countries, then selling their currencies short to undermine and destroy their economies. In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia. At the time, Malaysia’s Prime Minister, , called Soros “a villain, and a moron.” Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, “We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people.”

Jim ONeill of the Canada Free Press (Sep 2009) said it perfectly in his article Soros Republic Enemy No. 1. “If George Soros isn’t the world’s preeminent “malignant messianic narcissist,” he’ll do until the real thing comes along. Move over, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. There’s a new kid on the block.”

ONeill followed “…My point here is that Soros is a planetary parasite. His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach.” According to McNeill, Soros told Australia’s national newspaper “The Australian, “…America as the centre of the globalised financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out ….. and that the time has come for a very serious adjustment in American’s consumption habits.”

Perhaps it is no surprise that he has no compassion or concern about inflicting the disease of addiction on the masses. Anyone that could help send 500,000 fellow Jews to death camps, steal their possessions, then claim 1944 was the best year of his life, has no soul. He may very well be the Anti-Christ. And, God forbid, he wants to be the Conscience of the World.

What is troubling is that the U.S. government, neither party, has done anything to stop him from destroying our country, and our people. Instead they have fulfilled Nadlemann’s prophecy from 1989, that political institutions are no longer tied to the public.

In The Bubble of American Supremacy. Soros himself imparts some great wisdom in telling America how to deal with the problem of drugs, and well, indirectly ….how we should deal with him. He states:

- That the primary responsibility for the protection of its people lies with the state itself. (3,600 deaths monthly just from drug overdose, is greater harm than any event in modern history. 785,000 gang members in America in 2006 – 1.4 million by 2012. Where is the protection?)

- The responsibility to prevent, to address both the root causes and direct causes of internal conflict and other man-made crises putting populations at risk. (The root and direct causes are putting our population at risk are drugs. The financial source behind the proliferation of drugs is Soros. He shouldn’t be treated differently than any other party financing terrorism.)

- Prevention is the single most important dimension of the responsibility to protect. (Agree! Addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs (ATOD) always starts with kids, whose bodies and brains are not fully developed until age 25. Collectively, ATOD comprise a $1.5 trillion annual problem and claims 600,000 to 700,000 lives. Why don’t we protect them with random drug testing the only proven tool to defer drug use?. - Military intervention for human protection purposes is an exceptional and extraordinary measure. To be warranted, there must be serious and irreparable harm occurring to human beings, or imminently likely to occur, of the following kind:

1) Large scale loss of life, actual or apprehended, with genocidal intent or not, which is the product either of deliberate state action,

2) Or state neglect or inability to act, or a failed state situation …

Forgetting other drugs, just for the moment. Just take “medical marijuana”, which our boy Soros promotes. Pot causes permanent brain damage, cellular damage, myriad health problems, mental illness, birth defects, traffic deaths and adversely impacts academic achievement and productivity … and it’s a gateway to the drugs that cause 3,600 overdose deaths every month, and inflicts enormous economic harm on America. Are we at a point where we need a military coup to deal with this problem?

What is also very troubling is that journalistic integrity and our cherished freedom of speech could be so boldly and badly manipulated by money from an enemy that is a greater danger than ISIS In the end, money is the culprit.

So powerful is the buck, and so frail is human morality, that whole political parties put even their own families and children in harm’s way, not to mention their constituents, because of financial contributions from special interests …. America’s number one enemy no less.

We are on the third Administration that has turned its back on “medical marijuana,” in spite of their access to the best scientific evidence in the world on the harms, and why it is categorized as a Schedule I drug. Twenty three states that have “medical marijuana laws, either through legislation, or referendum, have lost sight, or concern, that they are first and foremost Americans. Federal law is supreme in the case of narcotics because the primary job of the federal government is to protect the people.

States are not sovereign. It is not possible for any state or community within a state to legalize and distribute a controlled substance, without jeopardizing the health, safety and economic wellbeing of all others. Yet, we have cities like Oakland, counties like those in the Emerald Triangle in California, States like Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Alaska….. even our nation’s capital …..thumbing their nose at federal law. They have no concern for the consequences on mankind for their products on those who consume their insidious products.

America is on the brink of the abyss. The political institutions are not tied to the public, and the media is largely on board with Soros spreading his propaganda. His nasty financial tentacles extend far within our society. Money helps shape philosophies and buy loyalty, and Soros has created an army of liberals who are marching in lock step, hell bent on pricking the bubble of American supremacy, no doubt with the promise that they will all have a seat at the round table with Soros.

Open Letter To Congress To: All Members Of Congress

Re: George Soros – The Enemy Within!

It is no longer acceptable that the activities of George Soros go unabated, inflicting extraordinary harm on this nation.

By financing the proliferation and legalization of marijuana and illicit drugs, he undermines the government and inflicts more death, destruction and economic harm on Americans than all events in modern history. He should be treated no differently than anyone who finances acts of terror against citizens of the U.S. Now revealed, his subversive acts of funneling money through non-profits fueled the Ferguson civil disorder and caused insurrection and rebellion throughout the U.S., all based on lies and propaganda. He is guilty on all counts of treason and sedition, as defined below:


1) A crime that undermines the offender’s government 2) Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior 3) An act of deliberate betrayal SEDITION

1) An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government. 2) The organized incitement of rebellion or civil disorder against authority or the state. 3) Insurrection or rebellion To become a naturalized U.S. citizen, he took an oath stipulating “…..I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…..” He has violated his oath. At a minimum his citizenship should be revoked.

As members of Congress, it is essential that you fulfill your oath to protect the American people from further harm caused by the actions of George Soros, number one domestic enemy of the United States.



Office of National Drug Control Policy ( ONDCP) www.ncjrs.org/ondcppubs/publications/policy/ndcs01

The White House Drug Policy www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/statelocal/ca/ca.pdf www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov [email protected]

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) www.dea.com

NIDA National Institute of Drug Addiction www.nida.nih.gov/EconomicCosts/Index.html

CASA The National Center For Alcohol and Substance Abuse , Colombia, University www.casacolumbia.org/pdshopprov/files/47299a.pdf

The Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration www.oas.samhsa.gov/nhsda/2k2nsduh/Results.htm#t

Soros, Geroge The Bubble of American Supremacy, author George Soros.

DuPont, Dr. Robert www. StoppDruggedDriving.com Founder/Director of Institute for Behavior and Health

DAMMADD website www.dammadd.org/sorosmonitor/friendofsoros.aspx

EIR Press Release From the Executive Intelligence Review, LaRouche Associates, entitled “The Record: Why You Don’t Want to Take George Soros’ Money.” 10/28/2002

EIR Press Release From the Executive Intelligence Review entitled “Soros Out to Legalize Marijuana in Nevada.” 9/20/2002.

CASA www.casacolumbia.com 2001 Columbia University CASA Study, Shoveling Up: The Impact of Substance Abuse on State Budgets

NICAP ARTICLE DATED 1/29/99 Drug Testing in the Military Services. Information taken from autobiography of General Alexander Haig, and articles in Washington Post, The Washington Times, The American Legion Magazine and The Fairfax Journal.

Rathbone, DeForest, Chairman, National Institute of Citizen Anti-drug Policy, Great Falls, Va.

Nalepka, Joyce. Drug Free Kids: America’s Challenge; former President of ’s National Federation of Parents TAKEN FROM WWW.DISCOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG. A GUIDE TO THE POLITICAL LEFT A List of Major Introductory Resources: By David Howowitz

------For more articles and publication pertaining to Soros written in 2007 and before ------Go to http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/indiviualprofile.asp

George Soros Social George Soros – The Left;s one-Man Agenda for America (pdf) Message Machine (pdf) By Neil Maghami By Neil Hrab April 2003 November 2006

George Soros: A Bridge to Emporor Soros Radicalism (pdf) By Ron Arnold, August 25 By Neil Hrab February 2003

Spawn of Soros The Shadow Party: Part I By Robert Huberty By David Horowitz & Richard Poe March 2006 October 6, 2004

The Shadow Party: Part II The Shadow Party: Part III By David Horowitz & Richard Poe By David Horowitz & Richard Poe October 7, 2004 October III October 11, 2004

Guide to the George Soros Network The Shadow Party By Discover the Networks By Janie Glazov July 2007 August 29, 2006

The Man Who Would Be The Man Who Would Be Kingmaker, Part I Kingmaker, Part II By Rachel Ehrenfeld and By Rachel Ehrenfeld and Shawn Macomber Shawn Macomber October 28, 2004 October 28, 2004

The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, George Soros: Billionaire for the Money, the Media and Political Power Left. By Cliff Kincaid, October 27, 2004 By Lowell Ponte, November 12, 2003

Charitable Foundations: ATMs for Soros’ “Reform” The Left By Janes Norell, May 31, 2004 By Ben Johnson, March 2, 2004

The Guilt-Free Record of George Soros George Soros’ Web of Obstruction By Soros Monitor, Sept 26, 2006 Backgrounder, April 2005

George Soros, Movie Mogul (pdf) George Soros’ Democracy Alliance (pdf) By Rondi Adamson, March, 2008 By Janes Dellinger and Mathew Vadum December 2006

The Democracy Alliance Does Soros: Republic Enemy #1 America (pdf) By Jim O’Neill, Sept 15, 2009 By Mathew Vadum and James Dilllinger 2008

Soros Care Organizations Funded Directly By By Ben Johnson, Sugust 7, 2009 George Soros and his Open Society Institute. By Discover The Networks, July 2007.

“Secondary” of “Indirect” Affiliations Dems Showed Soros Secret Rove Plan Of the George Soros Network By Byron York, April 5, 2005 By Discover the Networks, July 2007

Video: FCC Official Says He’s Not Carrying Out “Secret Plot Funded by George Soros to Get Rid Of Soros compares President Bush to Nazis , Glenn Beck September 15, 2006 By Matt Cover, December 14, 2009

Link: Soros Watch Soros Eyes Secretaries By Mathew Vadum Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis? December 4, 2009 By Cliff Kincaird, March 4, 2010

Capitalism Soros-Style How the FCC and Liberal Churches By Mathew Vadum, November 4, 2009 Are Scheming to Shut You Up

Socialist Soros Launching Anti-Market Institute By Mathew Vadum, October` NFL: Limbaugh Bad, Soros Good? 28, 2009 By Arnold Ahlert, October 21, 2009

Soros Money Financed Communist Van The Manchurian Candidate Jones, By Cliff Kincaid, Sept 15, 2009 By David Horowitz, September 11, 2009

Obama to the World: Come and Take Our Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling Oil, By Claude Cataginese, Aug 25, 2009 By Wall Street Journal, August 18, 2009

Who’s Funding the Obamacare Campaign? Soros Buddies Herb and Marian Sandlar Gave By Michelle Malkin, June 24, 2009 Orders to ACORN, By Mathew Vadum, June 8, 2009

The Mighty American Oak, Prune by and Gullible America ACORN? By Sany Rios, May 14, 2009 By Alicia Colon, May 6, 2009

The Anti-Incarceration Movement: A Soros Show Trials Crisis Not Wasted (pdf) By Joseph Lawler, By Mathew Vadum, April 28, 2009 May, 2009

Soros Says Cheney’s Role in Approving A Soros Invades Pentagon CIA Interrogation Techniques Should Be By Rowan Scarborough, April 21, 2009 Examined, by Nicholas Ballasy, April 28, 2009

Hungarian Bank Regulator Fines Soros Manipulation, By Elizabeth Crum Fund How Obama Revolution Came to April, 2009 America Management $2.2 M for Illegal Market By Robert Chandler, April 6, 2009

Obama Endorses Soros Plan to Loot America Record Fine for Soros “Illegal Manipulation By Cliff Kincarid, April 2, 2009 of Financial Markets,” By Thomas Lifson, March 31, 2009

“I’m Having A Very Good Crisis” says Soros George Soros, By Ron Arnold, Feb 23, 2009 Hedge Fund Managers Make Billions off Recession. By DailyMail.co.uk Who Attached Our Economy? Why Does No The Stealing the Election Project One Care? By Diana West, Feb 13, 2009 By Fred Lucas, Jan 8, 2009

GOP-killing Juggernaut Puts Bull’s eye on Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Soros By Bob Unruh, December 5, 2008 Obama Policy Font. By Edwin Chen, Nov 18, 2008

The Soros Connection in the Minnesota Senate George Soros Funds Catholic Left Race Vote Count. By Ed Lasky, Nov 17, 2008 By ,com, October 26, 2008

Hedge Funds, Politi9cs, and the Market Crash All the One’s Men By Ed Lasky, Oct 21, ;2008 By Amil Imani, Oct 16, 2008

NGO “Lawfare” Exploration of Courts in the Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Isaeli-Arab Conflict By NGO Monitor , Oct 8, Crisis/ By James Simpson, Sept 28, 2008 2008

Inside the Disinformation Machine (pdf) Soros Poised for Payback on His Political Investment By Mathew Sheffield and Noel Sheppard By DC Examiner. August 28, 2008 Sept 2009

The Inner Workings of George Soros’ The Softer Side of Schools? Democracy Alliance (pdf) Transcribed by Josh By Michelle Malkin, August 22, 2008 Jones, James Dellinger, and Mathew Vadum, August 27, 2008

Democratic Platform’s Hidden Soros Slush Obama’s Liberal Shock Troops Fund. By Michelle Malkin, Aug 20, 2008 By John H. Fund, July 1`4, 2008

David Brock, Dems Plan $40M Hit on McCain Soros Rejects “Market Paradigm” By Ben Smith, April 20, 2008 By Monisha Bansal., April 7, 2008

George Soros and the Alchemy of “Regime John McCain Funded by Soros Since Change” By Kyle-Anne Shiver, Feb 27, 2008 2001. By Jerome R. Corsi, Feb 12, 2008

The War Card, By John Perazzo, Feb 1, 2008 Soros Underwrites Osama’s Talking Points By Ben Johnson, January 15, 2008

Media Matters for America Treasurer among Top Medical Journal’s Outlandish Political Who’s Who on George Soros’ Democracy Exaggeration. By Jeff Jacoby. Jan 14, 2008. Alliance. By Judi McLeod, Jan 14, 2008

Soros’ Iraq Death Study Was a Sham Democracy Alliance: Billionaires for Big By Todd Venezia, January 10, 2008 Government. By Matthew Vadum and James Delinger. January 2008


[i] Montgomery, John “Hungary: The Unwilling Satellite.” (Approximately 1942)

[ii] ONeill, Jim, “Republic Enemy No. 1” Canada Free Press ( Sept 15, 2009)

[iii] Small, Dennis, Marker for Humanity’s New Dark Age EIR, Britain’s Dope, Inc, Inc. (Feb 27, 2009) . Available at www.Larouchepub.com for $10.

[iv] ONeill, Jim, “Republic Enemy No. 1” Canada Free Press ( Sept 15, 2009)

[v] Chaitkin, Anton. George Soros Nailed in Dope Banking. Feb 27, 2009 EIR. Dope, Inc.

[vi] Small, Dennis, Marker for Humanity’s New Dark Age EIR, Britain’s Dope, Inc, Inc. (Feb 27, 2009) . Available at www.Larouchepub.com for $10.

[vii] The New Federalist, Nov 10, 1989.

[viii] Horowitz, David. www.Discoverthenetworks,org/individual/ profile

[ix] Allen, Wayne Root, Obama Agenda: Overwhelm The System. June 06, 2010.

[x] http://www.discoverthenetwork.com/group

[xi] Resich, Michael; Janice Andrews (2001). The Road Not TakeN. Brunner Routledge. Pp. 144-146

[xii] Trussell, Trait, Obama’s Oil Man written on 9/02/2009 on FrontPageMagazine.com.

[xiii] Billington, Mike, The Opium War, 200 Years of British Drug Wars, EIR group, included in Dope, Inc..

[xiv] Belfied, Clibe R. andLevin, Henry M., High School Dropouts and The Ecoinomic Losses from Juvenile Crime In California. California Dropout Research Project, UC Santa Barbara/ Gervitz Graduate School of Education. (Sept 2009)

[xv] Vadum, Mathew, NewsBusters) iii ONeill, Jim, “Republic Enemy No. 1” Canada Free Press ( Sept 15, 2009)

[xvii] Pero, Dan. President of the American Justice Partnership. Soros vs Judicial Election 9/20/2010

[xviii] LLC, http://ww.j3sg.com/reports/stock

[xix] http:..www.wnd.com. New York 5/19/2010. 2010 World NET Daily

[xx] World Net Daily, September 25, 2010 Soros-funded group urges media run by government

[xxi] Tapscott, Mark. Will Journalists Wake Up In Time To Save Journalism From Obama’s FTC? The Washington Examiner, May 29, 2010

[xxii] Soros Fund Management LLC, http://ww.j3sg.com/reports/stock

[xxiii] Morishima, Dr. Akira. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. (1973)

[xxiv] McGrath, Dr. Ghose, Dr, University of Queensland. The study of 228 pairs of siblings which were drawn from a birth cohort of 3801 adults was published in the May issue of the //Archives of General Psychiatry..

[xxv] Tapert, Susan Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, UCSD, Associate Chief, Psychology Service, VASDHS, Director, Substance Abuse Mental Illness. VASDHS [email protected]

[xxvi] Morishima, Dr. Akira. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. (1973) [xxvii] Dalterio, Dr. Susan. University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio. (1980s)