Final WFS AC Report
Final Report on the sixth annual Wines From Spain Advisory Council Meeting October 7, 2020 Trade Commission of Spain in New York INTRODUCTION The sixth annual Wines from Spain USA, Advisory Council discussion took place on October 7, 2020. Ten leaders in the U.S. food and wine market gathered virtually with ICEX and the Trade Commission of Spain in New York for a moderated discussion on Spain’s position in the American wine market. The discussion group included buyers, sellers, media and educators from different segments of the U.S. food and beverage industry. The goal of the Advisory Council meetings is to conduct a discussion among an interdisciplinary team of American leaders from wine importation and distribution, independent and chain foodservice, chain retail and supermarkets, chain hotels, and wine educators, along with senior representatives from Spain’s export promotion authority. Wine producers and exporters are not included in order to keep the discussion focused on the needs and perceptions of the American market. The daylong discussion was managed and moderated by Jon Stamell of Futureshift, a consultant who has worked with ICEX and Spanish wine regions since 2005. COUNCIL PARTICIPANTS • Importer: Diego Lo Prete, Senior VP, Winebow, GM MundoVino • Importer: Patrick Mata, CEO, Olé & Obrigado • Supermarket Chain: Doug Bell, Global Beverage Buyer, Whole Foods • Online Retail: Wendy Stanford, Senior Wine Buyer, • Chain Retail: Brian Gelb, Director of Category Management, Total Wine & More • Chain Retail: Gary Fisch, CEO, Gary’s • Restaurant Chain: Gretchen Thomas, VP of Food & Beverage Innovations, Barcelona Wine Bar Group • Restaurant Chain: Andy Myers, M.S., Wine Director, Think Food Group • Corporate & Wine Educator: Andrea Robinson, M.S.
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