H-Sport Dissertations & Theses In Progress

Page published by Heather Dichter on Friday, October 25, 2013

H-Sport maintains a sport humanities theses and dissertations in progress list. This list will help scholars be more aware of sport related dissertations and theses in progress as well as who is working on them and the university with which they are affiliated.

The list will updated twice each year to reflect additions, completions, and basic editing of titles, and institutional affiliation. Scholars currently working on a thesis or dissertation in the sport humanities please email the following information formatted as so:

Last name, First name M.A / Ph.D. Candidate, Affiliation Thesis / Dissertation Title

Please use thesis/dissertation list as the subject of the email to [email protected]

Completed dissertations and theses are listed here.

Scholars who have completed their degree should send an email [email protected] net.msu.edu with the subject completed degree for dissertation/thesis list and include the year of completion.

Dissertations & Theses In-Progress

Alahakoon, Thulcy PhD Candidate, Western Sydney University The Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing for performance Anxiety among Athletes in Sri Lanka

Balram, Rohini Phd Candidate, Western Sydney University "Understanding Indo-Fijian women and sport: redoing gender ​​​in Fiji and in the Diaspora"

Bonu, Vinod Kumar PhD Candidate, University of Hyderabad "An Ethnography of Randonneuring: A Study of Hyderabad Randonneurs"

Borel-Hänni, François PhD Candidate, University of Lille-2 "Social responsibility of sports media regarding their representation of football referees"

Brown, Christopher David PhD Candidate, Emory University

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. 1 H-Sport

"The Playing Fields of Eden: Envisioning the City through Soccer in the Brazilian Amazon, 1914-2014"

Brown, David Alexander Ph.D. Candidate, University of Graz "Flares, fans, and finance: the interaction of visual cultures, the economy and football fan protest in the Balkans"

Brueggemann, Marc PhD Candidate, Hebrew University Jerusalem/Free University Berlin "The Munich Olympic attack – A transnational comparison of the collective memories of Germany and Israel"

Burbach, Elizabeth A. PhD Candidate, Indiana University-Bloomington "'Baseball City': Cultivating Ballplayers in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic"

Campbell, Brian PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "Beyond the Boundaries: Race, Sport, and Citizenship Abroad in the Black Press, 1920-1950"

Correas Apelanz, Ildefonso PhD Candidate, University at Albany "(p)/otrer@s & mujeres pioneras as gendered anthropoi: (re)creating (en)gendered territories, visibility and subversion en el fútbol argentino"

Del Vecchio, Michael PhD Candidate, Western University "The Other Great Lakes: Freshwater Fisheries Management in Twentieth Century Ontario"

Dettmar, Benjamin PhD Candidate, Michigan State University "Detroit: Olympic City?"

Dunkin, Jessica PhD Candidate, Carleton University "Landscapes of Leisure: Space, Sport, and Sociability in the Annual Meetings of the American Canoe Association, 1880-1910"

Eichler, Roman PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Urban Sport-Subjects, Sportive Self-Making and Urban Space Beyond Institutional Structures"

Einav, Omer PhD Candidate, Tel Aviv University "Both Sides of the Field: Football and the Relations between Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine, 1917-1948"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 2 H-Sport

Fabian, Thomas PhD Candidate, Western University "Sportive Cultural Heritage: The Marginalization, Safeguarding, and Revival of Folk Sporting Traditions"

Fahnenbruck, Nele Maya PhD Candidate, University of Hamburg "'...reitet für Deutschland': Pferdesport im Nationalsozialismus—zwischen Anpassung, Gleichschaltung und Funktionalisierung" ["'...rides for Germany": Equestrian Sport in National Socialism—between Adjustment, Equalization and Functionalization]

Felkar, Victoria PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia "The Built Body: Constructing the Muscular Physique"

Fleer, Joshua PhD Candidate, Florida State University "Prophetic Gospels and Pepper Games: Religion and Sport in the House of David"

Foisy, Paul MA Candidate, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières "De professionnelle à amateur: la course sur route à Montréal, 1930-1955"

Furse, Lydia PhD Candidate, De Montfort University "Women in Rugby Union: A Social and Cultural International History, 1880-2016"

García-Arjona, Noemi PhD Candidate, Technical University of Madrid "Integration policies through sport. The examples of Paris and Madrid"

Gonzalez-del-Castillo, Javier Phd Candidate, Univesidad Autonoma de Madrid "Los Juegos Olímpicos de Moscú'80 en el contexto internacional"

Grundlingh, Marizanne PhD Candidate, University of the Free State "After the Triumph: An Anthropological Study into the Lives of Elite Athletes after Competititve Sport"

Hall, Joe PhD Candidate, De Montfort University "An Oral History of England International Rugby Union Players, 1945-1995

Hasaan, Ali PhD Candidate, Estonian Business School, Estonia "Athlete brand: construction and consequences"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 3 H-Sport

Haverkamp, Aad PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen "Sport, script and biography: representation of Dutch athletes, 1928-2014"

Hubbard, Harold MA Candidate, North Carolina Central University "The Boxing Career of James 'the Bossman' Heath"

Idels, Ofer PhD Candidate, Tel-Aviv University "Athletes and Pioneers: The Ascent of Modern Sport and the Zionist Body in Palestine, 1918-1939"

Job-McIntosh, Christiane PhD Candidate, University of Calgary "Women Changing the Culture of Sport: A Narrative Analysis of Aging Women's Experiences as Athletes"

Keegan, Tara PhD Candidate, University of Oregon "The Endurance of the Upriver People: A Karuk Story of Sport and Survival, 1877-1928"

Keyes, David PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego "Making the Mainstream: The Domestication of American Soccer"

Klima, Helena PhD Candidate, University of Lausanne "Les membres du Comité international olympique sous la présidence d'Avery Brundage (1952-1972)" ["The members of the International Olympic Committee during Avery Brundage's presidency (1952-1972)"]

Kodalle, Rea PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "IN FORM(ung). Health Promotion, Mobilisation and Subjectivation in the Activist Welfare State"

Koerber, Bennett PhD Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University "Liberal Arts Football: Athletics, Academics, and American Higher Education, 1918-1954"

Lakisa, David PhD Candidate, University of Technology Sydney "Managing Pasifika Diaspora in Australian Rugby League"

Leconte, Maxence PhD candidate, the University of Texas at Austin "Masculinity on the Ropes: visual, literary and artistic portraits of boxers in France (1903-1939)"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 4 H-Sport

Lesnykh, Lidia PhD Candidate, University of Lausanne "International University Sports Movement and Pacifism, 1937-1973"

Lieser, Martin PhD Candidate, University of Vienna "Organised football supporters' culture as a post-traditional community in contemporary Japan"

Ludewig, Katharina PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Embodiment of Happiness. A Discourse Analytical Study on the Role of the Body in Mass Media Discussions of Happiness"

Luitzen, Jan PhD Candidate, Radboud University "NOORTHEY RULES! The import of modern (English) sports in The Netherlands, specifically at the Dutch boys’ boarding school Noorthey, analysed from a cultural-historical perspective"

Macrae, Eilidh H. R. PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow "Women, Body Culture, and Physical Recreation in Scotland, 1930-1975"

McClearan, Jennifer PhD Candidate, University of Washington "Converging Media and Divergent Bodies: Articulations of Powerful Women in the Ultimate Fighting Championship"

Michaeler, Matthias PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Teambuilding - An Ethnography on the Relation between Organisation and Disposition in Professional Volleyball"

Mitchell, Robert PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Knowing in Motion: Movement Systems between Bodies and Cultural Discourses"

Morales, Manuel PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego "We Will Conquer These Mountains: Cycling and the Intricacies of Identity in Colombia, 1930-1958"

Nardini, Dario PhD Candidate, University of Milano-Bicocca "Living to ride: Un'etnografia del surf sulla Gold Coast Australiana" [English: Living to Surf: Ethnography of the Surfing Culture(s) in the Gold Coast (Queensland, Australia)]

Nascimento Jubé, Carolina PhD Candidate, University of Campinas

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 5 H-Sport

"The physical exercise in the natural environment according to Georges Hébert's method and its reading in Brazil during the first decades of the 20th century"

Nassir, Abdoun PhD Candidate, University of Ngaoundéré "Football in Cameroon (1923-2014) : Issues, Actors and Discourses"

Niles IV, Bennie PhD Candidate, Northwestern University "Out of Bounds: Black Female Athletes, Excess, and the Politics of Gender in Women's Sport"

Nunes, Rita PhD Candidate, NOVA University of Lisbon "From the origin of the Olympic Movement in Portugal to the first Olympic Medal (1906-1924)"

O'Connell, Elizabeth V. PhD Candidate, State University of New York at Stony Brook "Gods of the Diamond, Heroes of the Republic: Major League Baseball and American Manhood, 1947-1963"

Oldfield, Samantha-Jayne PhD Candidate, Manchester Metropolitan University "Training and Promoting Victorian Pedestrianism: A Collective Biography of Manchester’s Sporting Entrepreneurs"

Parce, Lisa PhD Candidate, Maynooth University It's a matter of And not Or: an examination of embodied and cognitive learning in horse-human interactions to extend experiential learning theories for adult and community education in an Irish context

Park, Miles Adam PhD Student, Florida State University "'The Greatest Scrapper Who Ever Lived': Muscular and Martial Arts from the Progressive Era to the Ultimate Fighting Championships"

Peters, Christian PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Sporting Spaces—Ethnography of Cologne's Street-Skateboarding Scene"

Pettit, Andrew PhD Candidate, Western University "Between Instinct and Intellect: An Intellectual History of and Olympic Peace, 1889-1937"

Philippe, Marion PhD Candidate, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 6 H-Sport

"The associativ movment used as a public policies' keystone for sportive tourism with social vocation towards the young during the 2nd half of the 20th century"

Pille, Thomas PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Trainee teachers: Ethnographical Approaches to the Practices of Subjectivation"

Podapati, Pallavi Rao PhD Candidate, Princeton University "Medicine and Technology in the Paralympic Games"

Posbergh, Anna PhD Candidate, University of Maryland "Protection for whom? A critical examination into the governance of women athletes through policies"

Ramsey, Jeffrey PhD Candidate, Marquette University "Male Attitudes towards Women's Sports in the Wake of Title IX at Big Ten Universities"

Reef, Paul PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen "Calling for Timeout. The Globalization of Protest Movements against Sports Mega-Events, 1980s to the Present"​

Reilly, Justine PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire "Sport, Museums and Cultural Policy"

Reiter, Michael PhD Candidate, Univeristy of Vienna "Human Rights in Sport - Sport as a Human Right. The UN-Declaration of Human Rights and its impact on the International Olympic Committee"

Robinson, James PhD Candidate, Northeastern University "Strikes and Strikeouts: Building Sports Culture From Below by Left-wing Radicals in the United States 1918-1950"

Roche, Clare PhD Candidate, Birkbeck University of London "A Hidden Presence; Women in the Alps 1850-1900"

Rucki-Menashe, Yonit PhD Candidate, The School of Historical Studies, Tel Aviv University "Football and Political Participation: Football Clubs and Civil Society in Seville and Barcelona during the Franco Regime and the Transition to Democracy"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 7 H-Sport

Salha, Omar PhD Candidate, SOAS University of London "Islamic Diplomacy and Ethics: Relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in Sport"

Sandison, Simon PhD Candidate, University of Leeds "The Post-Athletic Identity: Literary Representations of US Sport"

Schelfhout, Sam PhD Candidate, University of Texas at Austin "Beyond "An Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove": American Sport Diplomacy during the Late and Post-Cold War Era (1980-2015)"

Schrag, Myles MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "The Case for Peace-Building as Sport's Next Great Legacy: A Literature Review, Assessment, and Suggestions for Applying the 'Slow Child' in the Emergent Field of Sport for Development and Peace"

Snape, Victoria Alice MA Candidate, Manchester Metropolitan University "Rudolf Oberholzer: The 'Grand Old Man' of British "

Springmann, Veronika PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Favor and Violence: Sport in National Socialist Concentration Camps"

Stevens, Simon PhD Candidate, Columbia University "International Pressure and the End of Apartheid, 1958-1994"

Stubberfield, George MA Candidate, De Montfort University "The 1980 Moscow : Margaret Thatcher's Attempt to Implement a British Boycott"

Swallow, Geoffrey PhD Candidate, Manchester Metropolitan University "'The Affair in the West': discourses of modernity, territory and identity in the West of England annual swimming match circuit, 1863-1913"

Taylor, Katharine PhD candidate, De Montfort University "A History of Women Playing American Football, 1880-1960"

Tchir, Paul PhD Candidate, University of California, San Diego "The Transformational Power of Modern Sport in Egypt"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 8 H-Sport

Tonnerre, Quentin PhD Candidate, University of Lausanne "Diplomacy, Neutrality and Sport in Switzerland (1936-1989)"

Tunc, Sevecen PhD Candidate, Bogazici University "From Amateurism to Professionalism: A Social History of Football in Turkey (1945-1965)"

Verriet, Jon PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen "Fitter, Stronger, Faster: The Athlete's Diet and the Pursuit of Healthy Lifestyles in the Netherlands and the UK (1945-2016)"

Venuti, Lorenzo PhD Candidate, University of Firenze and Siena "We are a sport superpower. Football and politics in Hungary from the Horthy's regency to the People's Republic (1924-1968)"

Villegas, Carlos E. PhD Candidate, "La Salle" University, Bogotá, Colombia "Sports as a pedagogical tool in social transformation processes. The Olympic Values Education as an option for the Colombian context"

Wagner, Christoph PhD Candidate, De Montfort University "The Anglo-German football rivalry in the sports press, 1954-1996"

Waite, Catherine PhD Candidate, Loughborough University "The Temporary, Seasonal Migration of Elite Cricket Professionals: Career Progression and International Migration"

Watkins, Jim PhD Candidate, Mississippi State University "The Discontinuance of College Football in the Southeastern Conference During World War II"

Whitmore, William PhD Candidate, University of Gloucestershire "Sports Chaplaincy in the NFL and EPL: A cross-cultural study on the missional witness of chaplains in elite sports settings"

Willis, Roderick PhD Candidate, University of Stellenbosch "Reconstructing a historical narrative of the Western Province Senior School Sports Union with specific reference to athletics, 1956 - 1996"

Wöltjen, Timm

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 9 H-Sport

PhD Candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg "Fights in Martial Arts as Social Practices"

Wood, Michael T. PhD Candidate, Texas Christian University "American Football and Cuba, 1907-1933: A Study of Class, Race, Gender, and Identity"

Zondag, Jelle PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen "Sports and physical exercise in the Netherlands. Ideas and ideologies, 1890-1940"

Citation: Heather Dichter. Dissertations & Theses In Progress. H-Sport. 06-28-2021. https://networks.h-net.org/node/2622/pages/2928/dissertations-theses-progress Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 10