Conscious Home Exercise for Women: Cultivating a New Mind/Body Practice in the Late Nineteenth Century Laura Williams Iverson

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Conscious Home Exercise for Women: Cultivating a New Mind/Body Practice in the Late Nineteenth Century Laura Williams Iverson Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 Conscious Home Exercise for Women: Cultivating a New Mind/Body Practice in the Late Nineteenth Century Laura Williams Iverson Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF VISUAL ARTS, THEATRE AND DANCE CONSCIOUS HOME EXERCISE FOR WOMEN: CULTIVATING A NEW MIND/BODY PRACTICE IN THE LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY By Laura Wi iams Iverson A Thesis submitted to the Department of Dance in partia fu fi ment of the re.uirements for the degree of Master of Arts Degree A0arded: Spring Semester, 1003 The members of this committee approve the thesis of Laura Iverson defended on February 13, 1003. ________________________ 8ohn Perpener Professor Directing Thesis ________________________ Sa y Sommer Committee Member ________________________ Tom We sh Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members. ii This 0or9 is dedicated to my future husband, :evin Michae Beare. You had confidence in our re ationship enough to move to Ta ahassee (a commendab e sacrifice) and no0, a most t0o years ater, 0e are ready to start our 0onderfu ne0 ives together. Than9 you for a that you do and a that you are. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to a number of peop e for the comp etion of this project. I 0ou d i9e to than9 Dr. 8ohn Perpener, Dr. Sa y Sommer and Dr. Thomas We sh for their very generous editoria and emotiona support throughout this process. I 0ou d a so i9e to than9 8ennifer At9ins for providing such thoughtfu and he pfu feedbac9 as I approached the fina stages of my 0riting. Fina y, I 0ou d i9e to express my gratitude to my fami y, 0ho have dea t 0ith my antics and ce ebrated my aspirations a ong the 0ay. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures vi Abstract viii Introduction 1 1. Rising Tide of Conscious Fitness and Se f-Care in Nineteenth-Century America 9 1. Shifting Notions of Ab e-Bodied Womanhood 13 3. Ca isthenics Manua s Advance a Softer Approach to Physica Fitness A5 A. De sartean Manua s Advocate Natura , Imaginative Over Mechanica Movement 31 Conc usion 95 Epi ogue: Another Turn-of-the-Century Perspective 9C Appendix 103 Bib iography 11D Biographica S9etch 131 v LIST OF FIGURES 1. Norma Pose/Psycho-Physica Pose 103 1. Incorrect Pose 103 3. ESpinning,F an exercise inspired by househo d chores 10A A. ECob0eb,F another exercise inspired by househo d chores 10A 5. Dio Le0isG mi itary dri s 0ith dumbbe s 105 D. Dumbbe exercises for sco iosis 10D 3. Typica par or gymnastic dress for 0omen 103 C. Bac90ard, For0ard and Side0ays Torso Bends 10C 9. Front cover of Home Calisthenics, sho0ing 0omen ho ding dumbbe s and 0and 109 10. Advertisement for Gymnasium Apparatus 110 11. Advertisement for HoriHonta Bars 111 11. Advertisement for the Chest Expander 111 13. Simp e dumbbe exercises 113 1A. Simp e 0and exercises 11A 15. Iron (Gymnastic) Cro0n, as conceived by Dio Le0is 115 1D. Exercises 0ith soap cans, tied together 0ith rope 11D 13. Push-up exercise using a tab e 113 1C. Broom dri series 11C 19. Appropriate dress for exercise on the Pangymnasti9on 119 10. Indian c ub series 110 11. Ca isthenic figures performed on the f oor 111 11. Partner massage prior to exercise 111 vi 13. Instructions for performing arm s0ings and circ es 113 1A. ERising upon the toesF 113 15. De sartean attitudes 0ith the hand 11A 1D. De sartean attitudes of the head 115 vii ABSTRACT This thesis is an investigation of 0omenGs conscious exercise as it intersected 0ith industria ism, consumerism and ear y Progressive Era identity po itics. It 0i discuss ca isthenics, De sartism and the beginnings of modern dance as physica expressions of a burgeoning 0omenGs rights movement. These organic and hea thy practicesIoften performed 0ithin the private homeIref ected 0omenGs evo ving perceptions of their physica , inte ectua , spiritua and po itica needs. This corporea a0a9ening eventua y manifested itse f in gendered socia reforms of the ate nineteenth and ear y t0entieth century. viii INTRODUCTION In the ast t0o decades of the nineteenth century, 0omenGs visions of rene0ed hea th, se f-improvement, and their proper p ace in society shifted. Midd e-to-upper c ass private homes and sa ons became sites for transforming bodies. In these private domains, 0omen cu tivated a defiant y hea thy a0areness of their bodies and minds. Physica exercise became a transformative, spiritua act that opened definitions of feminine identity and po0er, 0hi e affirming certain gender and c ass-based distinctions. Concurrent y, in the pub ic sphere, this consciousness manifested itse f in various 0omenGs rights reforms, artistic pursuits, and in a ne0 consumer cu ture 0here 0omen had po0ers of decision. Fitness became a strategy for asserting both individua and communa po0er. This thesis 0i examine 0omenGs conscious exerciseIphysica regimes that re.uired a fine-tuned inte ectua and spiritua a0arenessI0ithin the context of ate nineteenth-century industria ism and consumerism. It 0i investigate the possib e re ationships bet0een techno ogica advancements and purposefu physica ityIho0 anxiety over mechaniHation might have ed to a natura iHed cu tivation of the body. Physica practices (and their accompanying discourse) that endorsed se f-improvement, spiritua transcendence, and organic process became popu ar during this period. Each of these discip ines, ho0ever uni.ue, 0as part of a arger, interre ated net0or9 of hea thy socia reforms s0eeping the nation. A though this thesis 0i concentrate on the industria ist era, specifica y 1CC0-1900, the fina chapter 0i address simi ar trends in the virtua 0or d of the ate t0entieth century. Changing economic conditions have continua y prope ed 0omen to see9 a more mobi e, conspicuous and physica existence. Creative y 0or9ing 0ithin industria iHing conditions, 0omen have repeated y constructed ne0 notions and iconographies surrounding the fema e body. We 0i see this materia iHe in the phi osophies and movement techni.ues of ca isthenics and De sartism. Physica cu tivation as a reaction to a mechanica , industry-driven environment revea ed itse f as a major theme during my research. Another ongoing theme 0as the .ua ifications voiced in regard to 0omenGs exercise pursuits. Industria ismGs shifting abor divisions, gender ro es and socia mores a o0ed 0omen to participate more fu y in physica activities. They began to thin9 about their bodiesG capacities in profound y ne0 0ays. This 0as a corporea revo ution indeed, yet physica cu ture advocates (often ma e) sti fe t compe ed to .ua ify 1 certain practices. The message in hea th manua s 0as c ear: 0omen cou d parta9e in exercise, but it had to serve purposes greater than their individua , bodi y needs. Dra0ing too much pub ic attention to the fema e body 0as dangerousIa popu ar prejudice throughout socia history. Scho ar 8anet Wo ff has trac9ed this systematic suppression, exp aining 0omenGs perceived inferiority as inextricab y tied to issues of hygiene, hea th and sexua potentia . Fema e bodies have been constructed as threatening because of their potentia for evo ving into the Efemme fata e,F or the Emonstrous feminineF (Wo ff, 90). The imagined in9 bet0een 0omen and the natura , spiritua 0or d suggests that the fema e body is susceptib e to primitive or disruptive behavior. Women possess reproductive po0er and therefore the abi ity to either mend or disorder society as a 0ho e. Their innate bodi y functions and appea ing sexua ity have the potentia to un eash menGs uncontro ab e desires, su ying the environment. The prejudice ogic fo o0s that inte ectua ism rather than corporea ity shou d ru e socia dynamics. Since Western cu tures have consistent y privi eged the mind over physica body, 0omen suffer the conse.uences. Phi osophers, po iticians, and many of the physica cu ture advocates cited in this study have justified, on these gender essentia ist grounds, treatment and regu ation of 0omenGs bodies. Women of the ate nineteenth century negotiated this po iced corporea ity 0ith creativity and persistence. Reading exercise manua s that instructed them to free their bodies, but not 0ithout contro , they defined an acceptab e range of behavior and accompanying movement. Moderation 0as the 9ey to this corporea unvei ingIneither going up against nor co apsing behind conventiona gender ro es. The ambiguous re ationship bet0een prescriptive iterature and actua practice exposed the rigid definitions of gender, private and pub ic sphere during this time. I chose this thesis topic, in part, because of my interest in and 9no0 edge of hea th and 0e ness trends. My teaching experience in university, gym and studio environments has heightened my persona interest in conscious fitness. I am fascinated by the motivations and meanings behind individua 0e ness choicesI0hy peop e choose to conscious y cu tivate their bodies and ho0 this se f-care affects other aspects of their ives. The meta-narrative behind this inte ectua interest is the socia history of eisure, abor, pub ic recreation and private ritua . Human beings have a 0ays oo9ed to movement as a form of re ease and empo0erment. This is 1 true 0ithin historic and modern-day fitness arenasIespecia y the private exercise regimes Americans perform in their o0n homes.
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