Abomey, Benin, 231 Africa: See Also Specific Countries and Regions
Index Abomey, Benin, 231 ai-Hasan bin Sulaim an (Sultan of Kilwa) Africa: see also specific coun tries and regions (cant.) modem Islamic religion of, 100, 101 creation of, 19-20, 21- 23 relationship with Kilwa's surrounding area, urban industrial landscape of, 21-22 110-111 African American s, West-African cultural and ai-Hasan bin Talut (Sultan of Kilwa), 98 spiritual influences on, 230-231 al-Idrisi, 132, 174 African culture, Egyptian source of, 171-172 Ali ibn al Husain (Sultan of Kilwa), 110 African Diaspora, 14-15, 129-130, 219-241 al-Khuwarizmi, 172 African-derived cultures of, 219-220, 223- Allison, Philip, 189, 190, 191, 194, 196, 201- 224 202, 208, 213 African societal change and, 231-232 al-Mas'udi, 132, 135, 136 effect on agricultural production, 227 al-Mawahib, Abu, 100 interpretation of, 230- 232 Almoravid s, 168-169 Afrocent ric approach, in African historical al-Muhallabi, 173-174 archaeol ogy, 171-172 Alodia , Sudan , 52- 53 Agba, Nigeria , 193, 208 Alok, Nigeria, Cross River monoliths of, 190, Agriculture 203-204 in post-Meroitic Lower Nubia, 45, 46-47, 49 Amir Muhammed (Sultan of Kilwa), 114, 118 in West Africa, effect of slave trade on, 227 Anglo- Boer War (1880-1881), 334 women 's role in, 9 Animals : see also Cattle resources Aksum, Ethiopia, 40-41 symbolic significance of, 302 Akwanshi, 194, 201, 206- 209 Ankole royal settlement, Bweyorere, Uganda, al-Bakri , 174, 179 134 Alcacova, Diogo de, 102 Anthrop ology al-Dimashqi, 166-167 Africani st, 163 ai-Hasan bin Sulaiman (Sultan of Kilwa), 93, of colon ialism, 163,
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