LILLIAN LORRAINE, in The Follies of 1909, pnge Fabius Henrion DON’T PATRONIZE US CHEAP If the prices that you paid before we made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, HAbtolut*!; were satisfactory. Remember wo are Non-Braskabl* Rultabir for amsll forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab¬ tbratre and murlDS lish fair prices; if you want to always ptrlnra ahowa. VVa carry these chairs ONLY have them, and get music that is su¬ In Block and eaa perior in all respects to what you had ship Immedlattly. iWcoDd'band chairs NOISELESS to tahe and look pleased at, then give also aeatlns (or ost <«f door uae. kdd. us your business. Dept. B. 8TBB1 CARBONS KUKNITURE CO.. (> r a n d Rapida. MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF Mlchlfan. Boatos ON A. C. (NBce Conarsaa PIANOS at., Boaton, Maas Write for Samples and our List of Monadnock Bldf.. FILM EXCHANGES. San FYanclaco. Cal.; N. Y. Ollire, 44 Dark Ilacs. —Sole Importers— ^ li Z J Less than a dozen, fl.50 ei Edward E. Cary Co UNITED STATES MUSIC CO ■IHCORPORATEI LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, - • . CHICAGO, U. 8. A. - ■ -- Write for Catalorua. - Send In your orders for the Moving Picture Machines, PITTSBURG Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. FOffTIIEt MADE II A tIMLE SEAtOI CHAS. M. STEBBINS, Operatina the “Ctrcllna Ware" Amuaement Oa CHIP RINGS 1028 MAIN STREET. - - KANSAS CITY, MO. Tice. If you want to KLEVATB MANKIND. If Trice, $2..'>G per doa. Sole aeonta for the O yon want to make the Old People alad, tba S. and Canada. B. BILVERXAlf JEWELRY Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. Youna People happy, and All the Peo^e merry CO., 702 Penn. Ave., Pittabura, Pa. he anre you bare a "Ctrcllna WaTo" for the aaa aon of ISOe. Re first to work yonr own territory with the mnet practical and leaat eiiwnalee RM Ina Device In oae. 0|ierated by aaaollne enalne. Illah-claaa moalc by a biRhdaaa cylinder oraas or piano. Write for cataloane with price and of teatlmonlala. ARMITAGE A OOINN, Sprlnarllle. Erie Co., New York.

We are headquarters for all the latest noT* elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, DESIGNS AND LOWEST CORRESPOND WITH US Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber PRICES FOR ANYTHING Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. CHEERFULLY FURNISHED DESIRED IN THE LINE

We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisensteio & Co. Prices in THEATRE SieNS Qncinnati same as in New York. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO.. ieciaL net prices 122 K. Fourth St.. Cincinnati. O. FO.B. CHICAGO Theatrical Goods Worsted Tlfbts and Hhlrta, $2 each: LET US KNOW Cotton Tlcbta and Bhtrta, ft sach; Caneaa IHimpa, 2Sc.. with leathar ll2lSV^[LLlSj antes. 50c.; all I^eather Pnrapa, tl.OOi YOUR WANTS Canvas Hboes, $1; with leather aolaa^ f1 50; all Leather Kboea. soft aotaa, JJ}Nt D/STAMCS TCLmiONC CHICAGO $3.50: Elaattc Supportera. $1; Batla MAI At S¥0 Trunk with collar and cuffa. apangisd CO* wASHiMoroM « ikahkuh sn. and trimmed, $5. Be aore and aaod alse and color. Depoalt required oa all fonda sent C. U. D. Cataioftwa lelllna all abont abore gnoda aant oa requeat. WHIRS S TART A CONE FACTORV L. M4 Main Btrsat, Bpringfiald, Maaa. -Souvenir Whips- ' FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL JL NEXT SEASON Tippecanoa City. O. Will be a bic one In vanderllle. New tbeatraa Miami Co. AUTOMATIC PARISIAN ICE- are oDenlng and there la a demand for people who hare new acta. etc. Since 1879 I have FOR SALE—At a bargain price—Small jK CONE OVENS been writing for profeeolonal ose. Vaudeville and Moving Plctore Show in (PATEHTED DIP BTITZM.) Saginaw, seating 200; 200 reela of Film, $10 per reel, in go^ condition. Beet Sketches, Monologues INDEPENDENT FILM SERVICE at machines Snnga. Farcee, Comedlea, and Dramaa. I write right prices. only to order. All work guaranteed to make ^ ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS a hit. No dnpllcated material. Reaannable rates for material that will make good In any theatre Troe method of making cooes—no rolling, or over any circuit. BOB WATT, Drsmstla DO burning bands, no waate batter; savee Author, lOd Walnut Bt, Pkilsdalphia, Pa. SAGINAW, MICH. lime, labor, money, fnel. It makes that never drip, that artistic, that fit to eat cone, the Parisian, far ahead of the loagh leathery kind. Wa bnlld ma- Near, Clever and Mysterious. Can be per- V, chines for the largest mantifactaiers. formed by anyone. A sack is thoroughly ex- Ten can't afford to overlook this gold mine. Fine lot of Films, 2 and S centi per foot; ale amined. after which the performer gets into Write quirk for cirrulars and prices cover tng the buslneas fully. gent rondlUon; will aend C. O. D., aublect to it and the Do:k of the sack la then tied and eiamlnatlon, uiain receipt of ei|>reoa ebargea seaU-d. A screen is placed In front of It and In Ibing Klldea, $.') a set, v^lb music. Rend for less than two minutes be escapes and the knots lists. P. 0. BOX $05. Mew Orlaana, La. are found untouched and still sealed. Price. complete with aack. $2.2.5. THE OAKS HOV- ELTT CO., Dept. 50, Oshkosh. Wis. P. S.— Mention this paper and we will a<-nd free with Fat'd Dec. 26, '06; Feb. 26. '07. Others Pending, sack, the full direcllona for eaoat»e from any handcuffs, leg lrone, vault and '.arge safe. Postal Card Mand; finished while you wall GAMES THAT GET the MONEY will guarantee big results for right |>arty. Great Inteniationai Balloon Kaoe, I>>U KacIcH, .Shtx>ting Galleriea, Fiah Pontia, Air PEBVT ARCADE. Fort William. OnL Gun Galleries, Camdy MTieela, I’in-board Tables, Ja^neae Ikiwling Tables, Water FOR BALE Hlol I 28 Fxllaoo D. C. Motors, Bp, iM-als, banners, stage for rlsh' nlca. Pries complete, $15 Address Bhspard Hi I». Show y(oir plrliirra In a Co., $1 Eagle Bldg., Balt Lake City, Utah. party that ran furnish (Md Plantation pc

A well-known American magician who recently made a tour of the The joke was on Bradley. He hatl got in the wrong room and slept world, hai* some very amusing experiences to relate; iwith a perfect stranger, while his partner had a bed to himself in the ne.xt "While In India." he says, "a very wealthy Uajah wanteil to have hU iroom. family attend our performance, but, The three had a drink together, and Bradley says “You know who as his wives numbereil 287, it was im- ‘‘stood for it.' ” M i\' I ! possible to secure sufficient seats. The 11 ’ i ^'2 next day 1 was the recipient of a letter The Junius Brutus Blevins Company is presenting Shakespearean drama -^^'1 from the Kajah, stating that, as he j in the small towns and played a week stand at Sewell, W. Va., recently, ^ X anxious to have his wives witness wa.s ,closing with the night show Saturday. The populace, who evidently _ ik' - I * * »' / a magical performance, he would take ,do not approve of Shakespeare, con- _^_ I A\ ' I entire company and paraphernalia ,spired together and made the closing \f U 11\ b Hj interior home and build a performance very difficult by inter- t ' j| « k 1 theatre for our use. In addition, he ,ruptions. catcalls, etc., and wound up j' rw would pay us 1,500 rupees. It was a ;by calling the entire company before I tempting offer, and it was eagerly accepted, so the next week we traveled the curtain, and while they bowed into the interior, packed on six elephants. Arriving at the grounds of the , their appreciation saluted them with t ^ j Rajah, our party was escorted to a building built of bamboo. It was a square, a collection of bad eggs, tin cans, etc., i, ^ ^ one-story building, seating about 300, and it was packed to the doors with utterly ruining some of the costumes, the wives of the Kajah. I smiled as I looked them over and whereupon Romeo, Mercutlo, Tybalt [g-—^ A remarked altout the "mother-in-law" joke, and wondered If the Kajah had and others of the houses of Montague any trouble with his. and Capulet charged over the footlights and in the melee that followed "Kvery act went with painful silence. Finally, in disgust. I sent for the “trimmed the entire house.” some of the audience being pain; ully injured. Kajah and told hint, through his interpreter, that the audience was the An attempt was made to secure warrants for the players, but tiw facts devel¬ colde.Ht 1 ever played before. oping as above given, the court refused the application. "The Kajah asked 'Why.' and I said ‘There is no The house Is as dead as a morgue.' "The Kajah hastily replied. ‘Why, that is my fault. I told them all before William Macauley, who last season appeared in When We Were Friends, you arrived that If any one made a noise while your show was going on 11 died every day—that is. a stage death—but on one particular occasion, dur¬ would put her in the chamber of torture, so it was that threat that kept . ing his western tour, he almost presented his audience with the unique them quiet. They are tickled over your show- and it will be the talk of the spectacle of seeing a man killed and risen to life again on the stage within harem for many weeks.’ the breath of a few seconds. ‘ . was going down the main street of Hong Kong one day. where I It happened this way: noticed a sign. ‘Two Koyee. allee samee One Boyee.’ Wondering what it Macauley, after arriving at the theatre, followed his usual custom, and. meant. I paid admission into the show and. what do you think I saw? singling out the pianist at the theatre, called her attention to the main cue.s, Nothing more than two boys stuck together by a freak of nature, like the at the same time instructing her to "return the music to him personally." Siamese twins. I could not help laughing at the advertisement. ‘Two Boyee. And she played her part admirably. allee samee One Boyee.' A death scene at the close of the last act, in which Macauley is the "They have a funny way of remembering the audience between acts in principal character, was the time chose by the as the must convenient Hong Kong I'nlike the pass-out check system in the United States, they to return the music to Macauley. rubber-stamp the han»l of every one leaving the theatre, who must ‘show When Macauley. in the agony of his stage death, and the curtain was his hand' to get back into the theatre. 'This system In America would slowly being lowered, the pianist arose and shouted: greatly tattoo the palms of many male theatregoers, who like to Indulge "There’s your music, Mr. Macauley,” sending it whizzing over his nose, freely during a performance so close that the breeze nearly brought him to his feet. "We played In Benares, the ‘Holy City' of India, during Its water famine. Now Macauley doesn't instruct the leader to return the music to him I show a trick of making water run out of a cocoanut shell, which fills three personally, but has one of his representatives perform that duty. Immense receptacles, holding over one hundred gallons. Macauley says he doesn't want a repetition of his experience in that "The city officials fined us for waste of water, claiming that thousands little western town to mar any more of his death scenes. were thirsting, and we had no right to waste it. I explained that it was a trick and that I could produce water in sufficient quantity to drown the Many and varied are the narratives related by advance representatives city, so the fine was recalled, although the Governor added that ‘he would of shows playing the smaller time, which generally depict the small-town like to engage me as a liquid producer for water-famlned Benares.’ “opry” house manager as a person without either wit or humor, but C. R. "Bid you ever hear the expression, ‘and the next day it snowed'? McAdams, Jr., now advance man for _ Well. It is an old-time theatrical expression, denoting hard luck, and the the Copeland Brothers' Stock, tells ,,i .*.7,; origin of the same happened some years ago in Mexico. one on the manager of a small thea- _/ "Our business was excellent until we struck Uhihuahua. where we had to tre in the West, that is not altogether | [ ^ play In a hull ring. My advance sale was over two thousand dollars, and the agent wired me that we would do at least five thous^ind. 1 went to sleep Just before Copeland Brothers con- ^ the night before the engagement with the stars twinkling through the verted their company into a reper- window, hut during the night a cold sti^rm came up from the North. It tolre organization to play week stands. commenced to sn«>w—the first time In that section for twenty years—and by the "troupe” wjvs booked to appear Jn-jllW the next morning the bull ring was seven feet deep with snow, and we had at a small house in the West. On the WB> wHl to by the city. Thereafter, whenever anything unusual happened, we opening night Mr. McAdams noted the ' * expressed ourselves. ‘And the next day It snowed.' " very slim attendance, and Inquired of the local manager If he could account for the failure of the denizens of that village to dock to the theatre. Uharlea Bradley, a black-face comedian, now working parks and air- In his quaint manner, the manager expostulateil; domes over the Western Vaudeville A.ssoclation time, tells a very amusing "Horned frogs and firecrackers! I’ve told you three times already, now, Incident which happem-d to him while working with a partner during the that our grand jury would be in session to-night. And they’re my surest season of 190S; patrons." y .. — It was In New Grleans, I.»a., that e lE one night, after the show, they had William Regan, who is manager of the Airdome at Hover Park, Bima, hTTUFi been tiining rather freely with a bunch Ohio, relates the following amusing incident that came up while the Chap- and going from one place to another. pell-Winterhoff Stock Company was producing Sapho at that popular amuse¬ "VVJ some way Bradley became sepa- ment resort: One evening, while Manager Regan was handing out the paste¬ r —rated from the crowd, and while boards. he was approached by a rather innocent-looking individual, who I V" ' /* 1 things were looking double he caught invested in a ticket for the 'Dome. After receiving his ticket, he stood ^ g far back to the hotel and went to around for a while and finally inquired what the show was. He was informed t- I i-J _ IJ bed. Charles swears he was asleep that it was Sapho and. after a little study, came back at Regan with; when his head hit the pillow. The “Say, is that an ‘ornery’ play t * xt morning when he awoke, the sun wa.s high in the heavens and he IS conscious of a burning thirst, so he pushed the button for two pitchers lee water, after which he crawled back Into bed. .\ local minstrel company in Lansdowne. a suburb of Philadelphia, had In due time the precious Ice water cam*', and Charles, gulping his diligently rehearsed an after-piece in which one of the women of the city ' wn. walked over to his partner, whose h«-a, ohl man; I've got a pitcher of Ice water for you." house and the woman was there with a basket of ripe hen fruit. The amateur The sleep«‘r threw the covers off, and b>! the two men stared at each minstrels, however, had cut out all allusions of a local character, so there er. at the same time saying "Who the h- are yt>u?” was no trouble. X li e Billboard JUNE 19, 1909.

wonders that make the si>ectalors fairly gasp and rub their eyes to see if they were really ANNOUNCE PLANS awake. It was a record day witli tlila great THE FOLUES OF 1909 IN circus, and hundreds wcis' turned awaj he rsiise of tlie lack of rtsuii. Ixuig lH*forc the whistle blew for the entrance of the gorgeous pagi-aiit. everj seal was taken, and i»ei»p|e THE CITY BY THE SEA were slniiding in eicry iMisslhle plaiv. It Is Cohan & Harris Promise HaliMl that the side show, as well aa the big show. r-H-olv»«eiie isTform ance. M'Uiday, June 14. .xt A'ale will follow Season 1 han Last Spend Summer at Garden de Paris—Other Notes of Interest. The tleisha fi‘r one week. Floroilora is in preparation. Flor-nee Shirley is making an emphatic hit at the t’asll.' Squafi' in the character of Naml. t'ohi n A Harria will ois-o their prislucing s..t THEATRE, Atlantlr City.—Folliea of scenery and even the costumes of the girls Il¬ in The Geisha. She slugs a duet with Wllfn-d sou of IPiai Ul In Atlantlr City, Auguat It, with IWW. a rovue Id two acta, by Harry B, luminated by liiindreds of electric lights. Next Yiuitig that Inxarlahly brings down the hotw the Coban A Harris Allustrela. Inrludlng lici. Smith aod Maurice Levi. is presented the lieach at l^oiig Branch, with Work on the new B.wlon t>pcra House Is Exans and Itl<> Honey Hoya, Tt»e entire pro the song. Tlie Bathing Master, and the act progressing rspidly, anil in a short time the gram and firinluctlou are new. Mr. Cohan has THE CAST: riows with a reiiiarkalde example of stage¬ inside decorations, the placing of the chairs written tlm lesik, lyrlca and acore of the after craft. It shows the surf, rolling, seething end Venua . Aiinabelle Wbltford and general oiitlittlng will tie romiiieiuvd. The lUc-e. 'Pie Finmian's Picnic. Monty Van Swagger . \Vm. Bonelll rising In broken white crest. "Tlie entire com- house will s«>at nearly 'J.iasi iw-rsoiis. and the luiny it seen in what ap|>ears to l>e real water, Raymond IIItctMvck will be presentisl In a Got a Caxcaaa . Wm. Powers seating arrangement i» such that every otie D-'w Cohan music play which opens In R-s-h Herr nimpel . W. Oatman the scene ludiig both realistic and beautiful. of the seats will affopl excellent xlcw of prac ewtiT. .August '27. Toacanettl . Uavid Abrams Tlic last song of the act Is entitled. The Bath¬ lically the entire stage. ing liCHsiin. .A Mg nieloilrama will he presented during Hurts . K4>l>ert Burns The lol Ranch Wild West Show will pay the bsdidsys. siso new pisys by Wlncbell Schmahler . .Arthur Hill Mr. Hart has stHtureit a number of well-known IM-ople for this act. The cast includes Glenwissl Its first vls.i to Bostiui. lieglnnlng June 14. for Siiiltli, J. Hsrtley Alsnners sDd Wlllism J Cariisso—The 8e<-ond ..Arttiiir Heagun ' one *e*‘k. llurlhiit. A Patroness of Oi>era ..Arllne Boley i White, who for several s>‘asons has playisl im¬ portant parts in the lUNsluctiuus of Charles The gran I oi*enlng -t Paragon Park w ill oc¬ J E. Ikslson. sfter pisying In Tlie House Oscar Hanimorateln .Maurice Hegaman cur Saturday. June rj. and the pleasure oeeklng Next Ihsir sll summer, at the Gaiety, will Oscar H. Billie Reeves Fmiiman and FleWs; Pearl Hunt, wlio originated her pres«>nt role last seasivn In Tiie mitdlc will s.-e i-oeral cliangei Manager t-air the country. He will be followed it the Carmen l.a Toeca, prinia donna.... Nora Bayes Gaiety by Wlncbell Smith's cuanedy. The F-t Maitre de Ballet .Bessie Clayton tunc Hunter, in which a secoml company will Lucia . .Arllue Boley go on tour. Jack Karri more w ill bead uDe ur- Marla . .Anna C. Wilson THE FRIEND PLAYERS ganlzatiou and Thomas W. Roas anotbsY. Edgardo . J. Youngs FMna AA’allace Ilo|q>er will star In a new Arturo . j. Oatman Cohan miulc play. Iffx- Harrlgan Girl. Tomato . W. Jobnslitan OjK-ra House, Oscar llaiiimersteln's of artlcli- waa sold, on*- of her theatrical trei* flee in the Manhattan 0|H'ra II<‘ning .iccurred June 14. both ly Moiljeska and others Th» anniitatl''r.i relate to lights, houquet- carried by WnmeO. ■■supers." men's s|i,-ars etc MATING SEASON MATINS. ! .A moat Intereatlng twquest of the trac* dlenne was to the little actr< ss now playing with Mrs. Flake—Mis* Gllda A'areal. To her I'fsl Varen. lo'tter known to the profession i Modjetka virtually l«-queathe*l her role of K- sa as "Helsty.” invited the memlters of the North \ lind Bros ' Company to visit the obaervation tower I Miss Vareal waa a great favorite of M-d on the Hot Springs mountains to watch the ' Jirska. Hhe bad played In her company and «*<*li|»ts'^ i*t the moon last Thursday evening. I had been an understudy In a number of roles Pr*Hl A aren is a black face comedian with the ] To hire Is given Madame's R-isallnd coaliim* North Bros.' Company, who are plavli.^ a four I and miiny other Intcrostlng articles. w.-eks' engagement at Head's AIrdome. Among One of the polish actress' finest Machetb the many itivlted were Judge Farner. Billy Mau I William Courtenay and Fanny Hartz. of the Friend Players, at the Shuliert Theatre, .Milwaukee. costumes la left to the wife of Daniel Froh rice. Jack Frlsliy. J. Frank Head and 'Tlie Bill- , man. Souvenirs are given msnv great stars -if tsiard repr»'wntatlve. The surprise of the even¬ the stage, and a nunit>er of Lw Angeles. Cal ing hapiwii.Ml wlicn Fred Varen sang the ballad, Iieiqile are r*-memhere,l entitled. I Wish 1 Had a Girl. Evervooe Bathing Girls: Fleurette IieMar. the sister of Icstge baa enlarged th< Palm Garden to nearly 1. K. Betiymer, a Ihealrlcal manager of the smibsl and J. Frank Head wbis|>ered to Blllv Carrie DeMar: Nettle Hart. Marjorie Mack. Syl¬ two, the aife of last year, and has laie uf the latter city, n-cs-lved prompter's hocdis of lY-sj Maurice. 'S.methlng is going to happen." Mia's via Ixiti. May Fitzgeralil and Anna Hall. finest dining balls on the New England coast. Riitli Aiiracker, of Creston. Iowa, answered .A H iingsrisn orchestra will furnish the music Froii. Itetllah I.sdli •’ Bsllle. Dlenne de Mistress Betty. Daniels. Myriam. the Jewes*. FpnI by singing I Love My Home, but oh. You ^ for the diners. Air. laalge has pul forth s|)e Frisidle. Tills was enough for Freddie. He got BOYD B. TROUSDALE IN THE MAN cial effort to make Parag-m Park one of the and East Lynne exolt«-d and asked her to become bis wife, i moat attractive In New England, having aeciireil To Chtrb-s F l^immis the actress left the Jiidg" Franer. who was among the gueati, per- 1 ON THE BOX. 'he Rus-ian <»|e-rallc Rand "f seventy plei-es manuscript copv of .Adrienne lx- Couereur formed the ceremony on the spot. for the oiH-ning week. The All Aiiierrca Banil The entire play w as copied tiT her with Mickey McNutt, a member of the coropauv. w.ll aiternatr with the Rusaian organiaatloti. notes In her hanlwrlllng Also Liimis !• I'Yt wxs billed as one of the star features. He also The yrsing Western actor, Boyd B. Trou*s>k Good to Me Mickey. will siirrounal him with an excellent cast ami a Ib-ar. .Mickey blushed and In a stage whisper, fine production. Tills comedy was written by SAVANNAH'S NEW THEATRE. said: "Do yoti mean It, kid." She answered Harold .Mi-tlrafh and was made fani'ets by HARVEY GOES OUT OF THE THE¬ "Acs." Judge Earner waF. aske<1 to iwrform Ilenry E. Idxej and Max Figiiian. Tlie nm ATRE MANAGEMENT. the ceremony. In a few minutes Mias Mitcliell pany will plav all city time to the Coast .md TliiHigh lliere la but om- aiimmer park In and Mr. McNutt were united. return oisTaflon In Savannah. Ga.. at the pr«-a,-nt R Al Marvier has lotig tiesii manager of the Manager Head tendered a banquet to the en¬ time, tills fart |a rai|se,l by the many vande (ieind (t[iera M-aiss-. l•«-rr> l-iwa lie |a a tire company after the r>erformance Saturday vllle h*Mia,-n now In active otierallon In Savan BOSTON, MASS. showman par exei-lb-fK-e. Iillt eantsit |a-nnlt the evening. Seated alHrtit the festal board were nah litK>rlr- and It la learned from aiitiHirlllve isairee that card lieing Jsiii'-s K. Ili'-kert. who with his Walls'e Htec- So Mr lltrici has redgmsl val Spnrrln. M. Ingralmm. Fred La Rue, Mr. former star. E. M Holland. !• pres..nt!ng The thla house will lie r*-ady for *wcii|iancy by Sep maTuigerl*l cc,irirc of Mil l-irr) 'rie-alre ami will end Mrs. Fr«-d A‘ar<-n. Mr and Mr«. E. .A. Mc¬ Bishop's Candlesticks lo-splte the extrsord n leinte-r I. with W T Klrtiv ss manager 'If lie s?K-**es-*|,-fI t 1' ,A AA’ AA’alioii. who has taken Nutt, Freer fte- b-iss D Is stall'd lie oje-nt-d atemt =1. -ti itiai Mr llulile-ll has playcil this part Tile Bathing tJlrls is an act in s|x aci-nea with Till* IlNiipr Il'Mir riK'iifn' the middle of August ther- te-Ing a d<.sible a descriptive song and a complete change rif flr»f iinil |ilrtiiri' rumblnwH D force of men at w'-rk. and etery < ff .rt made eostiimes for each s<-t. Tll*- « song number with this la-ing. tin the B'ailevard. Following In Pafher's Piedate(,» (||g „ Igfiggkillir ll' ' In flml » (a.malx The Revt re lilcyi P tra> k had .ts gran-t op .rue I'.A* n* wittiin « rii«lliir #.f ‘jtup miii.n i,f Hhii Tile next wene shows tile studio of an artist LARRY LaMARR, NOTICEI In Paris, with tli" tumg. Something New. It Is enirig .May Ki. tlie chief e-.eni of the da? te-lng Xnt'fiji • here that several striking novelties. a<-cured a Marathttfi race le-tween James Moran and by 'Ir. Mart in Paris, are introduced. Elmer Collins Mr Moran returns fn aii from .A roKiitiiunleatloti addri'ssiHl to The IHille' 'I- victories abroad rnd In New A'ork city, Itof MAXMILLIAN'8 RAFFLE. Tlien comes the Poster Girls set. A huge bill- ami algiied liy Mrs Ed Fr*-*-nian. 414 W '* laeird is revealed, advertising Daisy Brown's met g'-feat at bis first api>earance at home • Iriwl Kokotno Did . the Itifiwnia’ Show Girls. fiaisy ap|teara, the figures on the aln-'e the Park S in-ire meets of Hg»s 'He M-.tMllliari walib laltli d l.r the Wlille llial Mrs Larry l.aAlarr Is serloiialy III. an'l bllllHKird bi-r-onie animati-d and she and the For the first time In years RIngllnr Itrofli Hall »ia Won l.y Alarlln Beck w b'l In bl Hie alrea to hear from her liusliand immeillai ■' era' Clreus was not greeted with rain here |i chorus present tlie singing and dancing nnmie-r. hOlole r Ale J ; ol. of (he M,p -.||c FIm. ■ AiiyoiM' knowing of Air l.aA|nrr'a whereat' t* Miss Daisy Urnian. the picture cloaing with the was li'i same old circus leit with aodltlonal • ♦r* , * hif-ngrp rilil III* «lr*i99inir I Is requested to advise lillll of Hie alsive fact T Wllllmii Morrla. Tin- hJU IwIrk ftirnlitlit-0 ar» HANK KEENAN •'XO'pllotiall) Hii»- ami frlilftitly lli*- Kyrlf will m* a H’liiiii’r with xiiuniiT vamk'TlIlf. riii' Nfw itilfana Sym|ibuDy Orcht-atra, man MAN OF HONOR PREMIERE aK**'! ami ttiiamcl hy Nfw Orlfana liiialneHa null, la llM'•■tllllr with IiIk aui-K-aa. The follow- 'iiK ntheera nate le-eii elected: I^^mard Krow- er. |>rcH|i|eiit, l»t. John T. Creldiln. vlee-preal OCCURS AT TORONTO 1 o be a Star Next Season dent, S. A Trufant, treaRiirer, and H. O. #'rank. wceetary and conductor. The Kxee nllve ('iiiiiiiill tee la J I’. Sluiuiona, I’blllp Werhlii and W N Crnnewald. Mr. Frank, the citmliictor, will lieKln rehearaalt Immedi¬ COHAN & HARRIS PRODUCE THE PLAY ately. and the nrcbeatra will rank with any In the loiiiitr). It la alao the Intention to tour ,H< iirv B. Harris Signs Contracts the atatea with the nrcbeatra. klrluk their Brat recitals in .Sew Orleana. Mimii r'a Military ltar under hla manakement fur a Julra Ixiyolle, now in I'arla. that he hai cn Caitaela. Stetibenvllle, O.; Braddock, Pa.; Homestead, t.'Ml ••{ Btc .veara. Mr. Ke iiaKioi Mm« \V. L. Holland, premiere cban- THE CAST; Pa.; Wbeellnk, W. Va.; E. Liverpool. O.; Wm. .e n In •- play entitled The lielkhla. by Wll teiiae LeKere, to aink the leadlOK rolea In bia Gilman, for a number of years contracting akent Judkc Anioie Kingsly .TIeemas E. Shea lam intli<>..t McGuire, ao hitherto unknewn Fn in h 0|e ra Company, which la to Bll a aea- of the Campbell Bros.' Circus, la managink the I’eerter Kintsly, hla brother... ..Sieencer Chartera platw.'kl't which will lie prmluced In .Sew •-■m a eiiKaki ment at the French «>|«era Uouae. Wheeling Alrdome. Iticharet Klnksl,v. hla son.H»*nry Sherwood i >rk III l•e|..|M'r Mr Keenan baa Iw-en under rin* bill at Weat Kiid. the lake ahore reaort. Gerabllm* Kiutaly, hla daukhte*r. tbt ni in.-iKement of Havld llelaat u. and atlracterfonuaoce In -Military Hand. M. I'aulln Fabian, nmiet ao Sylvia Klokaly, porter’a daukhter. DALEY ON FISHING TRIP. Th- It'.'e <1 the Kanchu. ami lately waa fea lolst. CHiiiM-r Comedy Four, computed of Geo. .Pearl Ford tiirril ill The Warreua of Vlrklnla Mr Keenan Crlrtle. Hyron Jamea. Frank Millard and Ed. William Price, an attorney.John E. Gilbert Ed. B. Daley, manager of Yorke ami Adams, ban fi't iiiaii.i >eara U-en kmiwn as an actor of lielliurir; Mario Trio. Fr.snk and I'auline Berry. Burton Wills, an attorney... .Jamea J. Caaaady Is now enjoying his Brat vacation In five years, 'unii>ii:l ability, ard liy adilinie li.m to hla being on a flablng trip in Wisconsin for ten l.ina Ipt of stars. Mr Harris has sa-iureel an days and at the end of that time will go to arts! nici'c worth l» iiuheraally ackuuwleilked. W. CLEVELAND, Indianapolis for two weeks, returning to New I ntll the prisluctlon of hla play, Mr. Kee s. York. July 4, w*b«re rehearsals will start for ran W.ll act as keneral state d.rector fi>r Mr the Dew musical show. In Africa, which Y'orke llirrls and a« such will state all of the new and Adams will present the coming season under plats pr'slm e.| by this maiiater durltik the the direction of B. E. Forrester. snniniee an^l early fall. During the past five years Daley baa worked summer and winter, being with Gentry Bros., Murrsy and Mack. Dickson and Talbott and the DEATH OF COL. A. K. McCLURE. past season he divided with Harry Fisher In The New Clerk, and Yorke ami Adams in Play* Ah XAiflt'r «**U ktKiWD as a Ing the Ponies. He is conceded to tie one of the an«) <1raniati<‘ »rif*'r. ao<1 who f>»r most capable managers of musical comedies on K*‘(t‘*ratt«io« had U'«*n a |»«»wrr tn newt the road. 'U***! at hla bmur in l*hita«le}t»hla. Juot* 6 !'»! M'A'lur** wa». at thv dat«' Lfa d^atb. T. DANIEL FRAWLEY WILL TOUR >far» ‘f ai{<». .No rtiaravtrr uf tbf WORLD. Stat* lVnni>> Ivania wm tuocv widely hoowo or bt^ld '»ti< b a itrfp up**n th* rradiu# public, T. Daniel Frawley. well known as an actor- ift "f bi* o«n Mf'tlon. Iwt of the r<»tintrx manager and promoter, will make another of ^•f at UriTt P-f «»«rr half a century b«* had be«*o his world tours with a stock company. Mr. t ' Idrnttn^d Hiih th*‘ lut*'r<'*t« of tbt* public tn**D Frawley has been stage-director for the Pan- (( tbr Qatk»n. and hit •»tr«KHr ’r bad b*«*D tages' Stock Company In Seattle for the last heart! tli* din of rbampfooa of a two years and has been planning this world tour rau'M* Th*‘ I'blUtbdpUta rUim*M him for some time. His last tour took him as far a« lt» •«! t*»r fff lw«*nt> tl\ ycar«. and throuigb as Australia and Sovitb .\frica but It is his In- that conn*-: t-->n hr In m<»«t wldrlr ki>ow*ti. lention this time to circle the globe and play A* a «r t* r <*n dramatic matters hr wa« In every large city where there Is an English or wfll sHi! hl*» inrturncr ha« tM*rn .American colony. trtrti lit el**tati«»n (»f fhr »tafr and tin* ad viocrnient .‘f meritorboi* |M‘;:;dr in thr pro tiotatdy bi» tnt»T«'%t ;n Jiiila Mariowr, THESPIANS WEDDED «blr|i did mrrli ti» 'MTiirr hrr a f't«*tiiold Clinton P. Ferry and Mias Kathryn Haw thome. members of the Ctiester Bishop Stock SHUBERTS LEASE AUDITORIUM C.irapany, playing at the L.vrlc Theatre. Dan¬ . COL. ville. Ill., last week, were iiniU'd in marriage on Frlda.v night. June 4. The ceremon.v waa performed on the stage at the close of the per¬ formance. The audience was Invited to wltnesa the ceremon.v and every nk and comer In the house was fille.1 with iiuite an overflow behind Th^ «ill ti* th*rf* n**\t the wings* •nd will nin f'»r twroty ui>«|t*r tN* t**rtn« of the ctmtract the pricen of admlMittn will ruu fr«m 041# I'ollar t»> fw«‘nf> flt«* NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE Th* A’MiltoriuDi WM« hutif for tin* nir of Ik*nT**r and lb** r#«frlctk»n Ui prlrem 4»f B«!ml« ATRICAL PRODUCING MAN¬ wion in'»lRt#clation of tfRCt. and wil! l»** 4*fTfrtl\# during th# Theatrical Froiluclivjt ManaKt*r» held their n>*iit of larj:** attraction*, auch aa kramt «it»*ra. animal me^'Hnp In the Hotel Aator. New York wb*n m.^r |w rharir«M for a limltcil niim rify. Tuesday afterwNin, June X. .At the meet¬ h*r of a*at^ In caa** tin* rlij anthofitlea w"«ih ing new directors were elected, and much Im- to inakf a dat*- f.*r c*niv#ntion and tli# l>i>rtant business came before them. dat*- ..f fii.v lnf#rf»Tv* with a theatri^'wl d.if#. thirty «lav« n<»tirv iniiat Iw Ki^cn by the cl*T. to «'anr*'| tt>e ah*** 'Hia r. tw«rr#iitar** of |ir<4!ta which MARTINSVILLE THEATRE SOLD will Invir* f«i the city an*! th** |**«*a***» la lu and G. E. Sinith. of Itfillsnspolis. Ind.. has pur¬ chased the old Wigwam Theatre. Martinsville. Iml.. and has Improved It In general to the MANAGER BUYS HOTEL. amount of . The hou8«* waa ojiened under the name of the New Metroixilitan Theatre, C K Van Anker niai>agi*i of the Itellt week of June 7. to rapacity business. The man- Prlngl*. Hii.'k Cianpaiiy. ha. pin 1ia«d a large. sgenimt Intends running motion and talking pic ni.slem n. nilng hou~' In Bid*.* Ida where he tures throughout the summer season with an Intend, t.. ki-.p the a<*)i>rs In «.vlu«bwv fT«m occasional stisk company or spei-lal attraction. III.- ■■utcr n.-rhl Om.l.leralloii »12 >»s> VAUDEVILLE CIRCUITS COMBINE. KENDALL REVISING PLAY. Gnc of New York's moat prominent booking agents. The Bijou rircuit. ciuilrolled by Felh»*r and F»ra Kendall, the H.sailer novelUI. now a Shea. Is to ooniMn** with M. U. Sheed.v. who l.llor at the Martinsville tind > Sanitarium, The .kustlns and the Klmalreiiie. Capacity busl- SYNGPSIS: controls eleven theatres In the East; J. J. • rivNing and rofuleiislng bis dramstlsstlon. ii. »' Tlie weiie Is laid in Jiutge Kinsly’s home, Quigley, of Boston, who controls twenty-flvc Hie \ In. liar Biiver. which will tw pisaliicisl The I'nlteil \ss,H':ation of Vaudeville Man¬ Bnite, Mont. theatres In New England, and the .Miviart Cir¬ ig.ln ii.-vt s>.a«in Mr Kendal will r.'iiiain In agers, of this city, and Williams aiel Kiiehlc, Act I.—itcciirs on the aftern.von of an early cuit. which has twelve theatres, making a dartinsilMe tlirnughrait the month of Jun<' .if \l> tdle. .kla.. have i>.ns.>liilatis1. giving per- S.‘ptenil>er day. chain of fifty theatn*s. Performers will be f..rmi-rs alsviit f.>rtv w.'eks' w.-rk The otil .Vet II. ITie next morning. able to si'cure hookings fm* fift.v w.-eks on this ...•r. .if the n. w ilrnv are .is f.dlows: Charles \et III vtn the afterniHin of the same day. new circuit, which will ojs’n earl.v in July. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Kioh'-. president and general manager; W. A. _ I'nder the iflixs-tlon of Cohan ami Harris. Mr. H.-ro, seeretary ami trea«uri'r. and Ben Wll Tin mas Shea amt a strong supiHirtir.g cvaniian.v Tbr Wliiii* PlfT. manuk***! by William II llama chairman of th.' Eveciitlve Committee pr>.s..nt«sl f..r tlw first time on any stage, at LANSING'S NEW THEATRE. f ibh rli>era Tonmto. Canada. June I•..ih feature niid elassifle<| In The Blllhv'anl 7. the new play written by Katdii I.amtani. of t|H**t**l tliMt If will W within th«* Lansinet' (Mich.4 n#'v vmii*1#v11I# th**atr#. the pa-t several wis'ks Is due to si'rlous I'hiladelphia. expressly for Mr. Stiea, entltlevl ft « •!fi>ii agnln by Tb# PhlUiUlphiR T*' Th# wa*< June 7. un*b‘r tb** <1ir»*c- lll'ieai In lu.v fainll.v. making It tm)s.sslhle t.> •V 'Ian of H.aior. - HffNn 4'**it«|iRnv. |»*p«#*'« of thp park ru*! « t!on of Fivtl Swan. wh*> 1.** aNo maiiae#r of th# get my Weekly mvvs letter out for piihllration. The play, which Is In three acts, presents the 'f ’Ia4« o|M*rt i*»mpiiny U »*nir»k»**i t*' Ml# Hour Tlioatr# In Lansine. F*mr act** and I trust this I x.-ii..- will tM> sultlrlcnt explanation •tuestlou vxliellw-r a family itxaild b*> sacrtficvsl till* (*R«|no. whf't** ^auilrrllU* ni'mliik 5**‘T#ral of fllm muistltnt# th# ]>rogrjim. to the nisnv of t>ld Blllyliov t.i the aiiibiti. ns of the father, an.I the working i**r til# l.nbli minag«*m#nt K*! H«*mnRii4 Th# a#atiDi; capacity of th# h*»ns*‘ ia S4N4. line til l«*.««# Whit# tMty fr<»m th# T»*l»»*ee*n WII.l.HM A ktlEPKF out .'f the plot Is a forx'lble sivliitlon of the pr.dileiu Tlie acts are all laid at the home of ’•i* It \% Mr. Hranmn'R int«»nlloti to f»-* CHANGES AT BUTTE’S THEA Judge Kingsly. In Butte. M.nt.. ami the set¬ NEW PHILADELPHIA’S AIRDOME. lit* li ■ iRir*' Ml«« laottlr K«nclally The Hlppoilronu'. a new alrdome at New Philadelphia. G.. was thrown o|H'n to the pub¬ I’•* \i <4ri«-«n« U.ill\«N> an'i t.leht 4't*m Saliirdsv. June .1 the Grpheiim llii-atr.'. cTis-tlve 111 the vs-colid act. wlt«'rv‘ bis sivn con- lic. Monday. June 7 It Is nn.ier the manage¬ r» i *‘ntl\ pur#liaa* •! fb# fninmia t»M Span Ilillle. Mint . was .>|s.|ir the sumnier sea f •» t -Ititatfi! on III** ati«»r#a *»f l.ak# V>*n S.S.. miller the name of the M.ijestle, The acts Tim play Is well vxritten. and merits atten ment of ilarry .\ckey, th.' manager of the ■Tht'atorium and F. I>. Johns. Tlie policy of •'tr.iin. Mn*t It U niiii«tr«**1 1b»*y will t»uibi playing the Mal.wilc are fp-iii the Sullivan ami tlmi 'ITm large amlU'nce on the o|>>'nlng night the manageiu.-nt is to pres.-nt tlm latest and h ilf inlllltiii «to|lar 4miini«*r r»a.»rt fh#r#'»n. t« Coiisidine Cln'lllt WHS very .'nthusiastlc an.l Mr. Sima was com- b«-st moving pictures and high class vamlevllle. • « Miipl. !#*| ft.r kprll t iPHi \ lark# R^’a Ttn- Grpheiim Circuit's theatre In Butte next ivelli'd to rcsiHiiul to lllmral curtain calls. ^il i.ii»l tlrht'Oa^ Hill b# loi^ll fr«'m W#al s.-as..ii will be the jdav house at pres,>nt kn.'wn ' 'I III* S|ianlali f..rf **11 Ih# lak«* al4*»r#. aa the l.iilu It la now being reunsl..led 111 pr<’ i til' ••li-tfrii* Cat l'n«*a hIII l»# r!it«*ml#«! fr*»iii paratliHi for next s<.as,i|i WHEELING AIRDOME OPENED. THEATRE SOLD AT AUCTION ' Kii'l t«» till- Spani«li fi*rt Many oib#r Im* •'#tM*»i»t« ..f lm|M»rtaii«# hIM I*# ma*!# The .Academy of Music, at Petersburg. Va.. "alf*r II llr>mt>. aa«|ataiit manair#r an-l KrGtIiliiKhatn niul I'ciiliain are play¬ Tlie .Airvloiue, Wlux'Iiug, W. Va.. ois*m'vl May was sold at public auction In that city last • Raur*r of lil«n*'>'a I.yrl*', baa op#ii#t! that ing return il.G>'' over It J W.-lmr's Clreiilt, .11. with tlm Harixvurt t' Cvvm|iany, to week, for $10.iXki. Tim pun-ha.sers were Messrs. M honat- th,. aitiniDor nlth Aral riaaa \au afl.r lIMliig fifteen wisks through the South ti'inaw.vv liistness. This airvlotiie Is part of a Rahlly and Sv-yler. Mr. Jas. P. Cvvleinao will •'ill# ati'l moving p|*tiir#«. I*» b# l»*H*k**«i b> elix'iilt of airvlomes owiiisl bv the Alrdome e.vntlnue aa manager. I

Xlie Bllltjoard JUNE 19, 190« THE WEEK IN NEW YORK

ister new york, stand up and; NewINew YorkI ork Correspondentv^orrespondent Paysr Respects to Boston. GIVEN LOVING GIFT. M MIsb Eleanor Robson’s seuaon In T e h.*ar wbat Barton aaya abuut you ' ’If 'T'l It >1 II Dswn of a Tonugnw was brought to a cUxm and ain’t It awful to listen to aurh pamby ; W^aviVal ot 1 hC IVlOllUSC i foolUhnew. H« that uttered by the erudite ei \ I'CVlVaiRevival Ulof Thet MolluscITlUllUSt,. at the Empire—Charles the Lyceum TTx-atrc Saturday night. Jun.- eoutlve. Ttiere aeema no limit to the helfrhts r* I * rjl C* nlien tlx* mcmlxTs of the omipany, after tie fall of the curtain. ptvs«ntewl fille«l with llllle» i,f RoinfE «nBCk door • rMiicc rtDCCQPR and tret* Into Manhattan while Rln«ham lan't | LOUISr UKtbatK. caix* at the same time lm|HSUt she boix-s to be a star This day must tw pettlcoated ma.vors and Insincere ministerial | ■ l^g far otf, however, for tbe llllle Udy la prob poohoos. PeleKate them to the deserts where I ■ ably tbe yixingrst actress of |•r•«llnence €« the nothing but Gods, harmless sunshine and the I .Vmerlcan atage mallirnant aroma of wild honeystickle will Jar I I their frltterlnit h.vpocrlsy. I CIRCUS GIRL TO STAR The limit of patient endurance has nearly I I Watch and wait D an old majilm reached Its ; managers wo’iUi be Justified I ' and a g'XXl one A atrlking evbienee ot thla In sending nothing to Bf«ton 1’'t a non-lllns- I truth will tie bPHight to tbe attention of Amer trated edition of 'Ihe Foreign Missions—in three I lean IbeatP-gis-ra In three weeks, when a sevea acts. Why does Mayor Hibbard damn TTie I teen rear old circus girl who haa never acted Easiest Way? No nlay In years has treated I or Si'x.ken a line over the fiKstllgbla. will aue- BO frankl.v of social conditions familiar to us all. I ••eeil to the title role of one of the greatest It Is tumsi to the key of verity. Its theme Is ■ comislv successes of recent jesra. and will step handUsl with adroit skill. It holds to mirror j I ■ Info the KUiall sllpix-rs of Miss Matsel Tails hard and fast. I ferro. .ketlibnia and other tricks of fate have ITiere ma.v be many a woman in Boston who | I often cause.1 players to make sensational Jumps could see something of supreme interest In I up tlw ladilor <*f fame, but never In the memory "nie F.aslest Way—at least New York admits of I .if tlx‘ obb-st Inhabitant bas a representative much good It did here. It’s good to look onr- ■ manager aixl a celebraleil star ^•omMDed *# selves In the face occaslonallv to see what fiols ■ make over night a leading lady < * s girl who It we really are—bnt Mayor Hibbard would deny I absolutely lacking In training and rxis-rtence. Boston that privilege: he wants the other fei- I To define anything like what l« about to bappri low to do all the looking and—laughing. I to Miss Ida St. I>eoo you must go back to tka The Easiest Way was criticised In New I dcrelU and tbe Arabian Mghta York—nstiirall.v. Bless you. regretahle as It I ’ In the circus at lAina Bark you can are Miaa Is. Boston hasn't all the chirmps within her ■ St Ixxvn ixserfortn any aftenxxm «ir evening city limits. But the element that don’t like I Six* Is a m<'iiiher of one of tlie nxwt fims back fenerations. Together with We want plays like The Easiest Way: we want 1 1 her father, her mother, ber twi> Msiera aad sermons that prick the hide and make UB Bit I ; Ix-r brother, the little girl has appeared slaee up—we all ne^ them: Boston needs ’em. too. I Infancv In traveling tent s1x»wb In half the These are the plays of to-day. and to-day is a I I • iHtntr'les of the world She was Ixm la vital age of real things, reality Is the keystone i I Ko.-hln. Cliloa. and la better known to the of the era. Take away live Issues and we must I 1 nrnusement lovers of Australia. Slam, the Fhlllp return to histrionic da.vs of acting, grene-paint j I . pinen. China and Japan than she Is to the and mlr'l''r-. | I patrons of tent shows In the 1 nited States. Fot the past two years she and the iviher members .Vs t> I he comedies that Mayor Hibbard ta- ‘ 1 of the St. levin Family have apjx-ared In Miss boos, little can be said one way or another. I Mabel Tsllaf.rro’s t'ompanr. Folly of the Clr This can go deep though—why not put away ■ I eiis Her ebler sister. EWe. did the riding la Camille. Tlie Second Mrs. Tangtiera.v. and a host I I ] tbe circus scene of this play, and little Miss of others that tell yon of things that should not . I ' Ida In Dlls scene appeared as an acrobat The make yo like Taft did. and even that la ques- .4 -J natnrsi that she should memoriae tbe llnea tlonable: If yott see a play yon don't like. ■ \ I Slie pmhtblv did It unconsciously and H was get up. go borne, and read the Bible. But let i quite by accident that tbe fact that sbe knew the actor folk have a chance—believe this. | D( j i them cam*' to the notice of Mls» Taliaferro aad Mister Mavor. and others of the Ilk. If the i t ^ 1 Frederic Th.anpson Thet first lesmed It at a public don’t want a play—It will he soon taken ■ 1 ’iPy ^ I rehearssl In Brldgeixirt. ronn.. three m'mtha off—and that will be the answer sir! F < L ago Tills reliesrsgl was one of the ordinary i ; drills which are held every few days for tV EMPIRE THEATRE—The Mollusc, a comedy In , ^ , purpose of keeping a pitch to the per three acts, by Hubert Henry Davies. , ^ i formance tin this particular occasion the slat THE CAST: Q ! wsa a few momenta late, and as the drill was 1 mom for the beix fit of the supporting Tom Kemp .Sir Charles Wyndhatn ' I than for her, the rehearsal started wllhoot Mr. Baxter .Sam Sothem I HjaI 1 .. IM Miss Roberts .Lillian Waldegrave I L / / \ IiVbII \ her. Mrs. Baxter .Mary Moore I li^ I—J''® d IIB"'' — anrjmu L^J When the time came for Folly to make her 1 entrance, the stage manager hamled the maaa Sir Charles Wyndham. Mary Moore. 1 inIn the Candy Shop, a Knickerbocker TheaiTheatre, New York, auccesa, which opens at the htude' script to little Mlsa St leom and asked her m and the two remaining members of the form- j baker Theatre, Chicago, thla week. ' read tbe lines She told him that she did aot er's company. Sam Sothem and I.lllian Walde 1__ — — ' ix>ed tbe book, and M the siinirise of grave, who were hurriedly called from I>ondon i ™ ^ present, not only sfxike the part perfectly nni by Alf Havman when It waa arranged at the I with the assistance of Frank Sheridan and com-com Charles Frohman has secured a new acted It In so etficlent a manner as to cause me last moment that the veteran English actor | pany. ■ one-act skit called T^e Sll^ of the comedy by Thompson Buchanan for Ixmdon |iro wooi1erm**nt nn<1 «»f MIm should appear In a two w^-eks’ revival of The , Rose. The storj' ileals with a Black Hand aid- ' Auction during the coming s>-anttn Mr. Krok"k wbvn she arrlveil tUit of ctirtoslly she al Mollusc during his visit here, were enthusias- | napping, which pleased the gallery, and large man Intends to i>r- I Inweil the littia circus girl to continue the re tlcall.vtlcally reeelve.1received at the EmndreEmpire Theatre. June 7. i hotiaca applauded Mr. Behan generoualy. an's tiVay.Way. In t/)ndon.t/>ndon. ix-foretx-forr staging Mr Bucbfl* i hearssl. and when It was finished she com auan's latest ognnly. I municsteil with her husliand. Frixlcrlr Th'sup t1me^'^,n"lr*rhTrIe^”lnTh^ ilTt K^p* i BEYBOLT RETIREB FROM OFFICE, During his recent stay In Herlln.In ' -m. ami told him that llwre was In her rom who. In HerbertHevhert Davies’ comedy, undertakes to ; aa. a av,„ evnirntinnevnirnflnn of his term a« , V. . . .a ^ V ■ a. a nsnvpsnv a real Folly of the Circus—arircus—a girl wno And silTf^arW'maliJlS fT7em"JmJ!ng"'}hrt"his --oretary of the Actors’ S.x-lety of America. It Dr'Vd't.liu imldl which win j Pr"rl.;cl.v •h’’

in *x-( nuri in applauded Ml.a 1 Kin. who |. a I’olly In real life So when It* WTlIlsni .knthoDv McGuire, a hitherto unknown I an auto smash U|i In Bmadway. L'””’ Adams and her coanpany Ince—antly. with the \ original comi-anr starti-d on ita ten mr. who was driving the car. ran into a teb-grapli ||,ti, actres- ...Adams, however, n-malned , time In hi-r life, an actress isle. Madame Frende was caught nmler the' „f the Idea of cur dislike of the Idea of enr , manag-rlal i-.lnt of view n* -■ BACK AGAIN. PRODUCED. i as it tu car as it tume.1 turtle and cmsbleiwble dlL spewh. s e.,-dallyally l.yby women,women and anan^ l ,^1,,^ i,.,. |„-n done In American Rack Again, a musical comedy, the | ficultyfirully waawn* e in h*»r. Sii SIS upplaiiM*aiiplaiise with only a y^t least om- hiimln-d acliessca of • waa taken to Ix-r hont*- In nushln^ where It “Thank yon” Mofxlav m.-n book by Owen Davis aniliim of •meersrults even atl< m'sm and night in idolf Ilessler to make the adaptation of Henry Harvar.1 fnlverslly. Thiesday nlgl.l, June ’->? Flnlav. Amelia Stimraerfleld. Henry Norman. I iiiia Fvrk Circus Henri- Coote. Ned Constance Fammr. Ger Mr Bossier la known T'*’’ nuiltltiid*- ■r som* davs Ernest ••w —enlc artist. kl.,*Max Fn-cmiinFn-ernan hfganht-gan hl8 tlicdtrltlicatri al matrimonial entanglements of a retired aea ¬ f A. lacs iiwejt b-e of over fifteen tlioiisand I York lAter he went b« San r ranmws . ^

Colonial Tlieafre I • E 19, 1909, Xiic Billboard THE WEEK IN CHICAGO

B l ltl,Y OF GKAUSTAItK wan ^'innll> Hlntiil t4i ulay ■( iIh- Stii

NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE NOTES. The Sensation of the Week in Vaudeville Circles is Im* known a« KIdoii ami ('lirion, ami liai liiNiknl ovor lilt- WVatfm Vaiiilorlllp Aaio llnir. The Independent Booking Offices, the Announcement that the White Rats have Now a atUllnUKl with the White Rata of America, baa pru.rn the coming entirely alone, including a bicycle act, and M-saon July 111 at l,akealde. t>.. remaining tbete gives his own cues to the musical director, one w'e«>k. The company will conalat of Arthur deciding himself whether to take encores or Wella, banjo and aa\o|iti4Hie wulolat; <1. K pot. Holme*. ct>rnet and flute: Clay Smith, trombtue and guitar; Mrs. .\lta R. Wells, pianist, and Miss Margaret Puckett, reader. Annette Kellermann, the diving Ve¬ nus, is at llammerstein's Victoria Roof Gar den this week. The bill also includes The Sel Byers and Herman arrived in Cin¬ doiua, A Night in a Monkey Music Hall, Prin¬ cinnati diirliiK the past week, after playing cess Rajah, Pour Fords, The Quartette, Five eontlniasialy for two seasons, on Urpbenm and Musical Avoloa. The Cbas. Abeam Troupe, riilltsl time. They visited Cuba, playing for fiwir weeks In Havana at best bouses. They Parling and Wynn, Houghton and Neece. will again take the n>ad. after two weeks' rest In Cincinnati. Mile. Zelie de Lussan, operatic so¬ prano from the Metropolitan Opera House, Cavln Dorothy has deserted stock beads the bill this week at Keith and Proc¬ for Taiidevllle, and la a|.|M'aHng on the Sulllvan- tor's Firth Avenue Theatre. Ryan and Rich¬ Con«ldlne Clnuilt aa NmI Tbnmton. In the field present Mag Haggerty's Reception; Frank akctcb. Her t>«n Mother. Next aeaaon Mr Morrell is pl.vying his second we<>k here, and Porothy will ap|>ear with hla wife, Virginia Preacelle, the hypnotist is in bis third. Harv,.y, In a new sketch now b«-lng written for them bv a well known author

The bill for this week at William jits' American Music Hall Includes James Christy ami Selby, who have been Haokett and K. M. Holland, Ed. Latell, playing In ami aruuml New Orleans recently, -own ami Navarre, Harry Jolaon, Lydia an- a new sketch team. Tat. Christy la the son reams and Company, Millard Brothers, White- of th.' well knw Company.

The Brighton Theatre, the new John (los.a closed a successful sea- house ct l)avld Robinsons', 0|*eDed this week «<>n of forty thre*- weeka with J>vhn W. Vogel's wiin Jiar Hart's Bathing Girls, Montgomery and Minstrels. May IS, ami o|>ene<1 on the Oua Sun Moore, Valerie Uergere and Company, Willy • trcult, Mky 17, for tlw summer. He baa signed pMiitaer Troupe, Stuart Barnes, Raymond and again with the minstrels for a tour te-ginning Caverly, I'aul Klelst, Rooney Sifters and Boh .kugust 8. for forty we«‘ks by Uuhu. .

Rowland, the tramp Juggler, has Percy Chapman has scored a hit taken his wife Into tb«- act which Is miw known with Gna Edwards’ Blonde 'Typewriters. Gus as Rowland and Company, in The Bmlnatorm baa materially Improved this act. which now Juggler. Tile new act ened at Washington consists of Ray Norton, the girl with the big Park Tbealre. Ba.voone. N. J.. week of June 7. soprano voice; Hazel Robinson, Lillian Walker, Bessie Gibson, Helen Barrett and Caroline Waide. O. L. Knight will conclude his en¬ gagements over the Majestic Clmilt in shout six wis-ks, ami will then lay off to rehearse Al. Sutherland has contracted with a double act for next aeason. It will be known Langdun .McCntIy Importisl from France programmes than heretofore when It reopens Lator Day It la booked by the United. Joseph R. Kettler and Company, in their niral sketch. The Substitute. cIomsI for James Brady and his quartet are the season at Karine, Wla., June IS Mr. Ket pleasing everywhere with Pansies Mesn tier will a|M-nd the summer at bis home In Thoughts, and Thoughts Mean Von, and To tJrove City. Pa. the End of the World With Y'ou.

A. H. Knoll, cornet virtuoso, txill be The Savoy Theatre, Atlant'c City, soloist at CiineT Island Park. Cincinnati, week la now oiH-rated by the People's \ audeville Featuring, In vaudeville. Ted Snyder's Beantiful Eyes, and I'm Going to Do What 1 Please. of June 13. ami has U-en engagisl at Lake Har¬ Company, nuking thirteen theatres they now riett. Minn., for four weeks, following his CIn have for plct^^e^ and vaudeville. clnnatl date. game of football, and will bill them as Joseph Claire Maynard, the prima donna, la Hart's Fisithall Dogs '•ring a derided sncceas with her singing The Vaudeville Agents’ Board of Little Hazel Clark, formerly of The Clark*, was thrown from an sniomoblle In Trade, the new assoclatiou of- booking agents Imperial Musicians is the title of a will insist upon bond for future hookings from Washington Park, Chicago. In a collision with new act oered by Jesse L Lasky, and to he anotlier machine, and mistalned aerlmi* Injuries. managers found unreliable. presented at the Alhambra next week. Julie Ring will soon present a new sketch. Mirgery Daw, by Stanislaus Stsnge. Orimm and Sntchell are playing the The Piano Four is the title of a new A Nail In the Keyhole Is the title of comtKjsed of former members of The Piano- Joe Wood has added six weeks in Wni. Miirri* lime, ami are honked solid irolll a sketch to he pr'sliieed next st-sson by Ar¬ July, wtM-n they leave ftir the East to rehearse pbleuds. Gene Boynton, Ivy Davis, Grace Elli¬ Mexico to his constantly growing circuit. thur AdaminI on the Morria Circuit. tlielr m-w act, now In preparation. son and Charles Clare.

Halliday and Curry, who have met Brown and Ayer is the title of a Jimmie Newell Is In his fifth weeK The Mischievous Schoolboy is the with success In The Battle of Too Soon, will •''* Sulherlarid la booking, with Cooley and Thomas' Floating Pala<’e. pro title of an act r.oon to be presented by G. be teen in a new act next season. diicing Jas. Itonelll'a mitalral conusly. Jungle B. Fox. who is no longer appearing with Myron town, and doing leading Juvenile GUday . ^ .V, XV 1 Beatrice .Moreland will present a Fields and Lewis open on the Morris monoPigue next sesarm Circuit this week, with twenty weeks’ hoc.klng Ivola Iv<‘a Earl Coin|>any just fln- The Big City Four, one of vaude¬ for next season tlix-ady on hand. '** Ishetl twenty fmir weeka In the Houth, and have ville's iH-st singing combinations, have scored Charles Urapewin will play Morris gone to Chicago, where they are organising a in Will Dillon's new Bong, Everybody la Good ladies minstrel company. to Me. John Pollack is back at his usual summer Job of press representative for Ham ♦ merstein's Victoria Roof Garden. Helen Dexter Is presenting a novelty The HeoHs. In their novelty polling Morris and Morton, the entertaining change act youngsters, have signed for the Sullivan and gbitie act, will play fairs and parks Ih'.a sum CoDsidine Circuit, to o(M‘n August 30. at Win¬ Jack Gardner, formerly with The iner. Til - act will one of tite features at the nipeg. Yankee Prli'ce Company, will ar)on offer a girl Minnesota Slate Fair act in vamlevlile. VAUDEVILLE

La Belle Americalne, Melville and Prof. Gennaro, of tP nnaro's Venetian Havoy and Havoy will close their Higgins. The Ushers and The .\matoa have re¬ John F. Ford and the Clark Sisters ■mbdier Band, left Wtslneatlay, June ft, on aumm*-r s«'ason at Tolmlo, u,, Angnsi 30. and ceived contraeta for the Orpbenm Road Show. la a new act playing Henderson’s, Coney Is¬ ard the Ltisitan'.a, for Kiiro|H-. Gennaro will return home al Cambridge, Mass., for a miiih land, this week. •it I,/>ndon. Paris ami several places In Italy. needeil rest • I* principally crfawlng the water this mim- '■r to visit his mmher. wlm will celebrate her Demling’s, Rockaway Beach, opens Billy B. Van will play United time irhty serond birthday, July 20, While In The Tolilwwiirths, high-class ban a regular s«-*a

Herman Timberg has returned to Nord la the title of an announced Gna Edward*’ .Hchooltioya and Girls act tem Milton Hehiister anil Florence Cob elaborate spectacular production next aeaaon. porarlly cIos<' a ter) sin-eesariil season of wven week In which but one person will be • pretented. on the llll•■ratate Clnnll al Little U<*'k. Ark June III Dollle Toye, the double-voiced dis¬ Joseph Hart has purchased twenty- covery of William M*.rn«. ha* l>een ts-oked for Marshall P. Wilder, the coinedlni two English hull terrier* that play a regular Europe atlled for I/iiidon, June 3 I MUSIC AND THE STAGE

CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. Prominent New York and Chicago Music Publishers NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES.

Vie in Offering to the Public Several New Pieces of One hundred and eiphty-five singing societies bare entered the National Saengerfeat Unusual Merit, Some of which will Soon be Heard or Music Festival to open at Madison Square Garden. June 10, and continue the Mth, 21st, and 22nd, during which time seven monster con¬ in the Summer Operas—Other Notes of Interest. certs will be given. This Is the largest number of societies ever entered for a festival of this character and the singing Is expected to attain a higher char¬ acter than ever before present»*d. TERRY SHERMAN Seven valuable prizes and fifty silver diplo¬ mas are the prizes for which the different The Villa (JlrU are at the Co- societies will compete. The principal prize will liiiidois this week. Tills la a new act and com- be the silver statue, presented by Emiieror * fetir girls, all clever singers and danwrs. William, and known as the “Kaiser Prize.” Iti-'V carry »|M-clal dro|>s and an ezceodlngly Five societies are entered for this contest as liaiiiD'Uiie 'wardrolie. The songs, furulabed by follows: The Kroutzer Quartet Club of New |{.■•alter, are: (I Miss Malinda. Tlie tjaine of York, the Concordia Singing Society of Wilkes- Ba»'l>all. sikI I d l.lke to Is- a Sresent holders of the statue; llltn- Mucli time has already Iteeu Umked and the German Singing Society of Newark, N. J., the act l‘•>k» lik>- the real noise. The Junger Maennerchor of Philadelphia and the Arlon Society of Baltimore, Md. Tb the society receiving the second highest number of marks thinif In a sohk hit from in this class, a large silver wreath will be l>iroulse I'easedale, who is Five prominent musicians have been appointed ; In the maiiagcinent of this bouse, tells to act as judges, two of them coming especially this song is going to be a winner, and from Germany, and three from this country. liough it has Iteeti out only a week it Is Prof. Max Mayer-Olhersleben. Director of the in great demand by the profession. Royal School of Music, Wurzburg. Bavaria; Prof. Gustav Wohlgemuth, director of the Dnited Choral Societies of Lei|izig, Germany; Mr. Max Splcker. well known In this country as a com¬ The Girl with the Angel Voice opens poser and choral conductor; Mr. Arthur Mees, at Itriglilou Beach. June 21, for a lung run. long identified with orchestral and choral socie¬ This i* the act which Will Hossiter devised and ties and now conductor of the Worcester. Mass., barknl to the extent of $2.last, and has already Music Festival, and Prof. Cornelius Rubner, pa>« d the ex|M riniental |eilnt. having had sev¬ professor of music at the Columbia University. eral weeks of severe W4>rk-outs throughout the Tbe program on Saturda.v evening. June 19, Hast. Jack levy la doing the piloting. will consist of the United Singers of New Y’ork, Mrs. Corinne Rider Kelsey and Mr. Claude Cun¬ ningham as soloists. Sunday afternoon. June A Bowery In Egypt is the title of a 20. the feature will be children's choruses, con¬ new twelve people act. which o|H‘ns next week. sisting of the Elementary School Chorus of O .Miss Malinda. I'd IJke to lie a Bolilier Buy 1.000 voices, and the High Sicbool Chorus of In Blue. Gee. There's Class to a Girl hike You. l-l.itOO voices with Mrs. Kelsey and Mr, Daniel Kverytsidy's Happy When the Sun Shines, and Beddoe as soloists. Sunday evening. June Drifting are the songs to be used, all from the Mme. Schumann Heink and Mr. Oaude Cun¬ K'lasitrr sho|>. ningham will be the soloists, assisted by the Northeastern Federation of Singing Societies. 0.000 voices. lionday evening. June 21. the same singers will present an entirely different program.

Gus Edwards and Matt Woodward have a new airship song; UP n* JTY AEROPLANE Leo Friedman, the man who is caus¬ Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! in my aeroplane ing such a sensation with Meet Me Tonight In To win yon I'll try DreamUnd. prv> without raying that the music will be up We shall keep going up to the usual high slamliug. Up! Up! Up! Up! Up into Mooney town But if you say yea The report comes from Gotham-At- 'Twill be time then I guess tuck that Revere A Palmer stojqied the show To come down, down, down. at Kenosha singing Come and l^ease the Moon with Me. This is one of Gntbam-.kttuck's big¬ gest hits of the season aiwt is In great demand Ted Snyder announces a new and by the profession. timely publication in MY WIFE'S GONE TO THE COUNTRY, HUR¬ Mr. Harry Jones, manager of Cha.s. RAH! HURRAH. K. Harris' professional de|iartment by s{>eclhl request sang NoNsly Knows. Nobody Cares at My wife's gone to the country the Olympic Theatre. Mr. Jones also o(ieus up Hurrah! Hurrah! at the Hayinarket this week using the same She thought It best—I need the rest Song That's why she went away She took the children with her Hurrah! Hurrah! Walter Wilson, the singer and com¬ I don't care what becomes of me poser of two of Tbompson'k Ids bits, I Want a My wife's gone away. Girl to leive Llks You and Y'ou are Alright If You Only Have th<- Money, has gone Ef.s;ward for Tboinpron ami will be In New Y'ork Inter on. OPECHEE.

John Baxter, The Man Behind the Words by Robert F. Roden, Music by Jack Glogau. Voice, was In St. Ixiula last week, demonstrat¬ ing the Rosalter late ones. He claims be woke Opechee, please remain dear, by my side up three oe four natives there when he alloweil Come N- my blushing bride bis voice to rlrculate. We believe bira. Opechee, song bird. I love you true Mr Terry Sb«*rman. of the I'hes. K Harris staff, is one of the misit original and prolific Oi>echee. daughter of the Sioux isuig writers of the present day, Aiiumg his better ktnvwn bits are Lovin' Henry, I'd Like to Say you'll stay always iM-ar > The report comee from the Kramer Know Your Address. Christine Swanson, Bye and Bye. True Blue, and I'll Get You Yet. Little Sweet Ol>ecbi“e. dear. Opechee, dear. Music Co., that they hare the exclusive sheet Girlie, the last nanie«I being his latest success which, in the opinkm of Mr. Harris, is destined miisie privilege at the Alaska Yukon I'aelfie Ex- to be ime of the real big sellers. Aside frv>m bis ability as a c<'m;H>ser, Mr. Sherman, or “Terry,” ■■osltlon where the song that Is being es|>eelaMy as he Is fsmiliarly known, is widely isqiular as an entertainer of exceptional versatility. He featured If See Seattle Ik ikiw negotiating with an Eastern l>o«king sgeut. ami will shortly be seen in vaudeville. Miss Kahn and LeBoy, writers of I Wish Ella Sb«> Terry's talented sister. It also woll and favorably known in the Windy City for I Had a Girl, are making their beadquartfirs her various musical accomplishments. writh Jeff Branen. New Y'ork agent for Will Rosalter. at 1431 Broadway, with their new Ernest Hall'a To the End of the song. Wbat'a the Use of M^ionligbt. Aorbl It growing dally In favor with the pro- very gtk>d at the Olympic as is alto My Dream ^•s.lon and public. M WItinark A 8iecker Knocking at my Family Tree. They are published by Harris. American Music Hall, tinging Are Yi>u lone are Lady lewe. Honey on Our lloueymoon and Ramey's Orchestra at the Casino In "■■me fniin The Thoiniison Mnsir Co. This week Can't You See. White City are featuring Leo Friedman's big !<•■ Is fealniing It at the American Music Hall, hit Mts't Me Tonight in Dreamland. N'w York, Thirty-five theatres, including the The music house of Laemmle has Olympic and Haymarket last we*>k were using 0|eagon. linllatlnn of a little eight year old inlas. 'Ig HU” Btyt Dirk to Itosslter. ■ I’ll See You To-night at Rlverview The Sherman Trio reports that Mar¬ it a publication of The Mmlern Music Co. This i' I'll tlet Yivu Y'et little Girl is their big- Edith B. Sean, trombone soloist of song Is making a big hit at the different parks. The Fadettes in featuring WItmark's Panslea Miss Edttli Helena, the celehratetl Mean Thoughts and Thi*ughts Mean You, and -praiMi Willi the big range, has aildml Are You the Toreador Love Song. ■ itiesiiiB,, Iiai Ihlii In one of the hits Thomp.son’s Will You Always Call Isidor Wilmark. of New ■sn the Thi>m|inoii Miialc Co < lloiny, although out for some time Is going In Chicago la«t wei'k iContlnuiMi on page 41. > Amu se m en t events . . . of the week News From Metro

After the Annoying Street Gir Strike in Philadelphia, 1 IIless plans miscarry. The Girl from Yama. claaa vainb-rlMc bill Thla new tlicatrc will i.r the s.u.w- whirb .Al. .Aarons has liecn producing under the iiiauagiuiieni of David Uotiliiaim. w',.. People Hungry for Amusements Flock to Theatres here for Ibe past six weeks, will la- put on In has been one of Percy G. AA'llllauia manag rs Chicago June ‘js. a summer run. John for se'veral aeasoas. McNaily. from Boston. Is here this win-k and Capt. Jack Biuiavlta la attracting la ge and Resorts—Elitch Gardens, Denver Open—Stock will revise lh.“ Ina-k and siluallona. and Ihe crowds to Hostock’a at Coney Island, wh. re comprny and chorus will be augmented by nu¬ lYtnk C. Biwtork, the ’’Alilinal King.” la pie merous new |>eoplc. Trixie Friganxa baa been srnling one of Ihe most wusatloual wild animal Companies in All Cities Enjoying Prosperity. the bright particular star of the company for allows ever given. the past two weeks, and kept It from going Creation’s Fall of Man haa rattle a big hit at to the wail. Dreamland alhl I* moix- isqiular than ever AA'onl has bi-en received In this city of the Bergen Beaeti has openvsl Its season as has final Interment of Eph. Thompson, the cele¬ many im-w attrartlona. The season proral'ss brated trainer of elephants. His reniaiiia were to lie Very aiiceesafiil. A trip to Bergen Bemi. la one of Ihe finest trolley rides In Brooklyn Kansas City, Cincinnati plaetHl in a erypt in AA'oklng, England, In • buirge C. Tllyen Gordon has left to Join Guy Brothers’ May. Mr. Thompson died ill .Alexandria. Eg.vpt, Gardena It Sl«*epl*rhaae Park, and the new elec Minstrels, which opened at Keene, N. H., on Ai-rll 17. He startesl the traluing of elephania tri'.' fountain. ealle<| Neptune and hla Daughters, and Toronto in the Front June 7. This is Mr. Gordon’s second season at the old For,‘paiigh winter quvriers In this with that company, he playing one of the ends. la rttrartlng large crowds. city, having grailuiliHl frq>ular as The Wltctilng Quite a numl-er of theatrical p<-opIc from AA' ives. w hich has lieen isi successful that man) Nearly every day the prominent newspaivers had this city JotirneviM to Atlantic City. June 7. Entertainment. articles from her pen, telling of her dm-ds new boats have been liuilt. All the big attrar to sec the initial p«Tformance of The Eollle« tiona art* drawing well. and giving instructions to women how to gain of HtOP. The first pixvluctlon was at Ihe .Aixdlo health and beauty through athletic exercises. The Merrlniac and M'diltor, the big arenn Theatre, and the bouse was crowib-d by vlalt- ab.>w at Luna Park. Is very isipular ami one of The Steelton Blllpoeting Company have been ors from New York and other cities. Every¬ the bl: Luna attractions. granted the franchise by the Association for one vot-.>d It a aiiccess and pretllct as big a run H HAKES PHILADELPHIA, PA. Steelton. Pa., and will at once Improve the for It in New Y'ork thla aummer aa the pre plant In that town. vloua Reviews, under the tame title. It o|Hna Adele Ritchie will star In a new musical In New Y'ork Juue 14. DENVER. COL. The week of May .11 will lopp be remembered comedy next season, and among her company Several theatres arrange<1 Iwm-flts for Ihe by the theatrical manaper!! of Philadelphia a« will be Mrs. Thomas Pierce. Miss Ritchie is striking car men. but wiser Judgment prevalletl The 0|s'Dlng of the Klllrh Gardens. Siimlay. well aa the |>eo|>le of thla city. For ope whole i still in this city, but has recovered her usual and they were callevl off. as the public got in June (5. was a notable event. TYie place bad v week we were In the throea of a atreet car vigor after a long spell of Illness. bad temper and It was feared that tbeae bene¬ hr-tiidnew vpiiearance, and arveral high cltiw strike, which paralysed trade and pot erery- Big doings are already announced by the Or¬ fits might hurt business next season. attractluna have been addvul. One of tlie events one’a nerves on edge. A few atraggllng cars pheum Stock Company for the Fourth of July Hugh Ward, who made his first appearance was the sailing of Ivy Baldwin. Ihe well kvs'wn went by in the daytime, but at night this at the Chestnut Street Theatre. William In- In this city with an amateur organlxation. It ballooniat. In a sjieclally constructed dirigible huge city was like a little village, for not gersoll, the leading man of the company, is to meeting with great succeas In Ibe Far Eaat. balbsin. In an attempt to tweak Count Zepplln's a street car ran. Rioting took place every read ihe Declaration of Independence at both He hat Just completed a tour of Imlla, Ber record. day, and when people got home at night they the matinee and evening performances, an.1 mab. the Straits Si-ttlements and China, and The stock company la very strong thla year, were glad to stay there. Until Saturday, there will be numerous other patriotic exercises. Is now on bit way to .Aiiatralta. He has been and Is coniposiHl of the following leads Chris June 5. there was no prospect of the strike The Stock Company will not give up any per transporting abouf one bundo-d tons of seen Hoe Norman and Wilson Melrose. Attber Im being settled, but on that day the opposing formances during the summer, although the ery and properties on this tour, bis rejiertolre piwtanl roles will be enacted b.v Roy FaIrctUkt. parties got together and in a short time all was house will be given a thorough renovation dur¬ consisting of When Knights AA'ere Bold. "Tlie of the original Lletiler cast John Dale Mur peace again. The loss was enormous during ing the morning hours. Man from Mexico. The Bacbelor'a Honeymoon, rhv G»o. Protwrt, llarrlton Ford. Marie Howe, the week. Kven the saloons were closed by the Frank Dumont, who was connected with the The Fencing Master, The I’rima Donna and a Lillian Sigimilt police, so the theatres could not expect to do Eleventh Street Opera House for over a quar¬ i-umber of other well known plays. .After a The first week’s attraction. The Regeoem anything, and the narks were deserted. Keith’s ter of a century, and who for the past twelve tour of Austrrlle and New Zealand, Mr. Want llm;. was a decbled success. Tlieatre and the Chestnut Street Theatre did years ran Dumont’s Minstrels at that bouse, will bring bis company to America. The Elitch mstineea ate named for Weitnes not suffer as much as the other houses, as has left the city to Join Lew Do.'kstader’s ; Monday. June 14, Pblladelpfala Lsslge No. 2. dav ami Batiiniay. their (latrons braved all sorts of dangers to see Minstrels. He will have entire charge of the B. P. O. E.. will celebrate Flag Day at the The Lakeside attraettnos are proving winner, the big shows provided, but most of the other stage of that organtxation, and after the pres- | G.xrrlck Tlieatpe In this city. This will be the everv one isf Ib'-m. A'an lioren a Band it mak lug a big hit with bit llluatraled musical fra houses would have tM>,“n considerably in pocket ent tour is ended, will go to Europe for a j Ant celebration of the day by any lodge of that bad they nunained closid during the week. Older. Alorris Seberk will deliver an oration. tur.e. rest. Mr. Dumont is a itrollflc author, and , The Cuitls Theatre opened the summer si • "The (leople were very hungry for amusement the best authority on minstrel matters in this There will be tddressea by Daniel J. Shern on Ssturda.v. June 5. and they swarmed to the and Joseph J. Murphy, and there will alto be sop. beptiinlng June fl. with a atnek companv country. Now that he does not have to grind j aupportlng Theo. I.orch. which will no disibt theatres and parks to get a taste of what they out a new afterpiece every week In the year, an el.aborate partiotlc ritual. In which the had bun of for a wet'k. Every open members will Join. Thla has been prepared rutike this season a prisqverooa one. he will no doubt turn otit some excellent work. The Ttilllerlcs are also drawing fhe crowd- theatre sold out quickly and managers feel liv the Grand Ixvdge. A musical program baa After Miss Moore, of this city had been in- I and are putting In some high class vaudeville sure that the patronage will continue good un¬ been arranged which will Include an organ re¬ lured In an accident at Island Park Theatre. : til the weather gets sultry. cital by Henry Gordon Turner. acts. , Easton. Pa., while doing an automobile somer¬ The Majestic Theatre bad a big how la-t Keith's Theatre is enjoying unusual prosp<-r- sault, Mons. Lill was engaged to do the same Atlantic City capltallata tried Sunday open¬ weel.. and from all appearances this bouse sill Ity this week. Annette Ktllermann being in feat. On the first trial he was spllleany. and oth.-rs, help to make 1200. They claim that they will contlnoe to well at the Easton Hospital. i Ganlens’ Nix office this seasered by the todatc, WOT' one of these gowns on the board ST. PAUL. MINN. lack of street oars, Is drawing immense botisei engaged t«T some time, and as the strike had fair prospects of being carried on for some walk, and the was a veritable sensation. The every night with a niimls-r of big circus acts. itew gfwn. while It will not come Into general The NclII Slock Co., for the second w.ek f It has a seating capacity of fi.UOO. ami there time, they arranged for the wedding. Mrs. their summer s«'Bson at the Metropolitan.^ will Hill (nee Ore<-o) Is the authoress who has made use. win mora than likely grace the forma of are few vacant s'sts any of these nights. .kt present the first time here In slock. The Climb such a hit with her stories of actor's boarding many of the girls with burlesque companies the Broad Street Theatre, the players of the next season ■ rs Jamiw Neill will take the role as N-t houses, and the All-Night Drug Store, and the I’ Institute are giving a cr>-e Oloi Qu-rtctlc will lie headliners Marie ably with many professional productions. The posed Federal tax of two cents a f'»)t on all clally In hr- town, and rtiat the iHit|k Y'YiIIIc and I’edibv Bovd Billy .Haxion Sawier Bijou and Gayety are still running stock btir electric signs was favorably commended, and l>r -k theatrical bus n.-s n* vt s<-aaon Is very and D"|lna Carl T Scluilla. new lllu-lrate.T l^•s me..|l„r vIgoroiisly" con with vviidevlllc nninlM-rs The m'lllon pliHires Lubln's Palace, the fnl-iue. Grand Opera shier the tax unjust, it would help to place demn-d the ers of the Association were all de¬ that '■►lurch to leircot' I', film la '1D|ilaycd i-arh day. The largeat amount House are also doing splendid business with lighted with the numerous d:aplays of elec¬ R'-(e'ts from .Atlantic citv N J , sh'iw that of film. It Is svid. evhiblled during the --me moving pictures and vaudeville. tric signs in Atlantic City. the new r-r-Mliiction. Tlie Follies of Iteai It the tlin*' si an picture theatre In the Northwest The Girl from Yama Is still open at the Camden. N. J.. Is to give three free concerts mo-l amliitl'.iiB offering that Ziigf.-ld has ever Conllniioiia tiicresa s|H'aka will for the G'-m Walnut, and since the street car strike has a week by a military band during the summer, put on The cfKtiedy s new ami bright, and Fanillr Theatre during the paat few wo-ks been settled, business has picked up but In order to defray exp»-nses they are ask¬ the CI'I'US Just alioiit the I'.T'llest Ininch that Mes-rs G.'bokl and l.untt. the managers, sh. sr ly. Tile pr.sluctlon is undergoing another re¬ ing subscriptions of 110, for which two re- has ev. r tc-'-n gaih< r.d I'lgeiher Biisineae Is films w.ilrh have eibicstlonsl valiu- aa well a* vision. and if things sba[M- nut nicely it will served seats will be given to every stit,«crilier enormous thl- o.ek at Atlantic Cltr, and Ihe an entertaining 'ine They also have a thre be continued either here or in another city. Lyman H. Howe will shortly start a ser'.-s •ale of seats f ,r fh. o|« nlng In New York, |dccf* orrh»'stra. wlilch Is an liinovalb'n It has Iss-n a bad season for the parks to of lec.'uivs on foreign countries, with moving June 14 br-akv all records |«i|l AA'aTT The Cnlqiie Theatre, iiianagol by Jintment to all park te-lng favoretl with the patr'-nage i.t riiani sir.nw-nents |a u(.'u, „m la It..- ..|«.n|ng of tlie Itrlgl t.,fi Iteacfi Afiisl. 11,11 M,|, ,,,,.1, I’aiil Instltiil'- of Arts an'l Helences wilt concessionaires The business done was Jii«t theatrical friends. Harry Tliom(>"‘oi -«I-tarit s high'I' s • .,1|,|. • :||. |,i|t lliealri' will at tin- Aii'tlloriiiin June It 12. pres.'nllng E' 'V about twenty-live [s-r cem. of last year, and treasurer '>f the Grand Gie-ra House, la the te- manag". I.> Artli.r M lloi.klos who I, a riinn iiiallio-'-s, and cveninga A Mid !4uii- yet, at thrt. they thought they were lucky to chief clerk at this hotel Night s Dream Ttie eouii'sny will In' lml' s'* get any money when there were no facilities Tlie Savov Opera Company, which gave s. t sell kti'rwri tiH strl'sl nianag'T ami Imlglng fr'cn i|«. I. g hill of star 'ici, giv.-ri tills wix k I'eaiilirul loiing English girls. A'lob-I and !• '" for travel. Arthur I’ryor's Band cf,ntlnues at eral tqe-ratlc |>erft>rmancss n ’his tie Brlgtit. H,.-„h Mall will Im- mope A'lvlan who will !"• a<>en as ID-niila and • Willow Grove Park; Kendle's Band is at Wo«s1 city during the Winter had an outing last I- • ' -r f .1. »ler lania All.s Hiith Vivian, aasisled hy a I' ' sId.•: .Martorana's Band at Park on week, and during the afternoon, a l.urlestpie H'de Slid llehnian'a Star The„ire here has of .hldreii will give the fairy danrea nf rli •«»» > succes.fully; In fact, it came otit with flying next seasi.n, that will Is- on a b gger acale Ih'm r'.bt t,*g titistm*ss Ihti- |l,as>.d th) I He rty Tlic -on la AltiifttiMl on Whif** age k.n-ps as geest as It has h*-en since the er's J’.ed In a hospital I>-<. In nnelly and llal'di Sifc in E-isf N.-W V'.rk and work Is now tsdng onn of Ihr •|M»t« In •** ofM-ning It vv-ill be a spb-ndld se-ason fe»r this Bingham will d'. notel stunts f<,r the ariuise rushed so that It rati te- ofened Hits seas.m Nf»rtli«r«t. •*» ah'Hiht aftrart many tinnia sheov. and all pla.v*-d in euic te.wn. There la , ment 'if the audielee The led Is to ».e en Air W'eela has also le,.,d the Amplilon nna I of a (.roSf>ect of the show going for a lengthy dowed In meniorv or the late Dr powers, the tP' fr'ao fl.srli.s E Itlam-V I V rIamI ^n»iM^m**nt Park. K H ^ South-rn tour after the engagement In this ' ••lebrated traseball player, w b'> died le-re this TIs- New Itrli'lit'Si Ttiealre wilt o|K-n at 1 manair^r. iin n»”1 laat wifk to r****'^ city Is finished. spring P.rlghl'.n lles'di ADnsdai. Jiiiw II with a tiigti anr* If p \VI Vri'Hir^FT I NE 19, 1909. X ti e Billboard

ooiitan Centers

Newsy Briefs of Happenings on the Pacific Coast, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 'I'be Vlndolsmss provide a mualral act. tluit la full of comedy and guiol music. The Avendo IriliiH At ktTnian. |>r<-alilcnt of ttu* (%utfa Quartette. In classical aelwilims, waa another Showing that Interest in Amusements is not Abating. goisl number. Tbe Sunny South, a hold-over i' rii afl'T a thri-<- InaiMM-lliui uf all tb« act. proveed as attractive on Its lecond week, |ir1ii<'l|ial parka tlinaiKlxHil tbr Kaat, Inrlutlliic > lalau’l, rrtiiriMal boiiw mitb at-viTal Dew also Ikitiald ami Carson, with their Scottish Cordial Reception of Stock Performance at the Grand, l.paa wbW'b will Im' liiatall,.,! a( tbe New comedy, and the Raader-La , Trio of bicycle performers. I'liulea I’ark »n I-lllHit^n* atr<*et, where ab'ead^ Harry I.eClalr, an old-time Frisco performer. rterjIblUK la aMniiiiliiK a flulabe.! atate. lie Is raally tlu- big noiae at the National. He Pittsburg, and the Reception Given the Patrons. aaa’iiitieb aun’rlwd at IIm* beail«a7 tbal waa kept bla andtencea acreamiiig at every show made iliirliic hla atea-iH-a- Alreadjr th4* rhiilea, M-.nle railway, rln-le awlii(. piwiy arcade, gal- with bla Iniltalile burlesiiue stunt. LeCTalr lepliig biiraea aial a.-veral minor laaM-eanluDa are la a hard worker and never stalls, always work¬ ing to gain bis [sdnt, which he always reaches, Inalalbal. In addllloo, tbe huniaD nmlette and lie Rutx and Tiswtell have a bicycle act full of aurUI wbirl will tie loatalbal. Manager ^>l. clsss kbxpc last week, by offering some of the Parks Continue to En¬ l.eaT di a«Tvea uiu<-» rrailll r«r bla la-naaial dialogue ami gissl comedy. Zay Holland, gifted euergr In getting tbiiiga ready for tbe grand with good looks, la a clever violinist and excel¬ finest of free vaudeville on his bill this week. lent aiuglng soubrette. Sydney Grant does a Tbe opening bill was all that could be de- ufH’nltig July 3. and alien rimiplete.1 I'realilent joy High Pressure Pat¬ A', keniiau aaya tbe Man Kraiielwo Cbuten Park high-claaa monologue, but bad a very bard race aln-d. and the outlook Is very promising for to follow. I.t**go says that tUe tjijis*n all have good vauileville hills this week, and the Ftmplre Theatre, this week. They are both Ttieatre In tbat city, bas been leaned to tbe were well attended. L. L. KAUFMAN. Hullliraii t •iiisldlne syndicate. Keport also says real actors of the old school and tbelr excellent portrayal of the diffident characters brought tb.1t tiH- orjite-iun may build a bourn- tte-re. Tb,- llelalg Tliealre. located In I'urtland. them aeveral curtain calls. C^ilnese Walton KANSAS/CITY, MO. openeed the MU with hla Oriental Imiwrsona- will flutter above the cluh-hotLse and over the Ore. was cl-sw-d May 31, by the city building tlons. Richard Oummlnga and Katherine Mer- various pavilions. Several additional features Insi-eclor. Mr IVdsnm Ni> n>>tlis- wbatcrer ley. ill a farce called ’Tbe Ma)or’a Wife, were have been eng.agt'd. one espeelally. It is cal- Wk> glten the mauagiinent. Tbe playbouae This Is tne fifth and last week of Howe's well liked. Mona. Noe J. La Vlgne. a local cttlated, tliat will attract the attention and ad¬ win r-MMlemned as a flr>- trap In tbe afternism Pictures at the Shubert Tbeatre. After what dramatic baiitnoe. made an excellent Imprea- miration of Chester’s crowding thousands. In and tte perfumiaiwe uf rtte eei Ding was pru- we have been used to. these very realistic, en¬ alun Fiur International Comiques otfiYed a dependence Day, although it la to be oliserved blblteil It Is poaetble tbat all the attractions tertaining and Interesting pictures have proved knock abont, tumbling and acrobatic act, all Jul.v .V, will find Chester tn elaborate patriotic that lire already Issdied fur tbe llelwlg will one of the tiest attractiona ever in Kansas City, full of comedy. Trtxeda and Rotilnscm. a sing¬ gaib Sunday, and with all of Us many addi¬ play tbe Haker Tbeatre, In tbe futuiv. and have siso been a success financially. ing and dance duo. seen here on many occasions, Charles Clasby, doorkeeper of the Shubert. Is tional attractions on dress parade. .■nnle Uaylofil. I.ewls and Young amt Cowituy Burge, In select illustrated songs. Tbe motion Wtlllama. all S. it C. acta, leave tbla sreek for mlsslno the Lester Lonergan Stock Co. at tbe Audito¬ The Grand liiestre. In tbe same Mock, con¬ pictures were entertaining and Instructive. Lsm Angeles rium Theatre. Mr. Lonergan bas gone East, tinues to bold Its c-wrn In face of all opposition. Bohumir Kryl liegan his engagement at the Pearson and Jll, In tbelr sketch. A ('hlnene to spend the summer months preparatory to a Zoo Sunday. Kryl Is a great cornetlst and a Nugget, are doing well ami manage to keep IM OAKLAND. starring tour with the Shuberts tbe coming great conductor. His band. It might be added, tbemwliea well booked. They lust ivlumrd season. .Mr. Ixvnergan was particularly ad¬ is thoroughly worthy of so distingulshevl a Idon Park continues to draw large crowds from Hem . Nev., and next week plat (Tilco amt mired In his role of The Devil, which was the leader, and its stay at the garden is certain to during this pleasant weathir. The Peerless other nearbr towns TYiey ex|iect to go Kasi a last production bv the stock company. This furnish many delightfully renderevl prograines. Potters are bsck. playing a return engagement, little later In tbe aeaaun. week Miss Jane Ketimark liegan a two weeks’ The cooling plant at the New Kidiinsou makes and continue to thiill the vast audiences with 'leorge Aen. J tiraiiman. uf tbe Natbmal Electric Park Is In full swing, snd every different instruments; Woovls Kildiiff and Com¬ August A. for an extended engagement. Tlieativ ban aDDouncerlngs. near Reno. ofwBenl as a sum¬ RCBE COHEN. Last week Is the third and last vveek of Ferullo and his band. Ferullo is planning a tour of sion Club, which Is comfiosed of about 100 mem¬ mer ien.rf, with 1V*ny l.tgM-lskl an manager. bers. went to Coney Island last Tuesday evening Juanita. Cbarlea »>ro ami Cmnitany. Peam>io and Europe next year. June fi Is tbe Italian PITTSBURG, PA. •'Fourth of July" and Fenillo and hla excel¬ on the steeamer Island Queen, and had a Atelier and .\gnes Mcl'ball were oQ the ois n- spread at the chib house. log vaudeville bill. lent band celebrated It by having Italian airs on both programs that day. This week Pat¬ Goixlon Park had several very strong free Til. Novelty Theatre, StorktaWl. sisne weeks Pittsburg Is pi-rhsps the last city of Its vaudeville acts Siimlay. Among them was the ago rnt oilrome Roller rec-lveil' on its o|M>nlng well repild It for the Rink at this park Is well patroniieil. Roller bill Is Miss Corinne Frances, a popular and fiirnlnhe.1 by Reel levey In addition to tbla clever bl.xck-face comedienne. long wait The reception wss oordlsl. but the skating is still a fad here, and this Is the only h«'»e St.s-klnn now ban Tlie F'-rrewt arwl Hell I.ast Weilnesday was contest night at gm-tlog the public hsd «ss one not to be for rink at pn-si-nt open. lYoafr.-n (daylnc vauik-vllle. ts-siden line mov¬ Ilcnck's. These contests furnish a new line of go;ten Mxnsger Davis. ,>f the Grand, had Forest Park has a new assistant manager. ing [drtnre llM-atn-n T-n. much idiow hiislrtesa entertainment, and have so far been highly sue f -r a city of o*. ,aai pe-^.b- The National Tbe arranged a decoration of flowers which eiilpseil Mr. O'lbMiiiell. Last season he was In ad anything ever attemi»te,l In tlw city. Rewks. ccssfnl. atr- ban Iss-n repaint,s| atwl. with Its m-w Vance of The Babes In Toyland. and bas been The Waliiiit Street Theatre prcsenteil an ex- dr,-n«. |.Mdi> like a summer girl with her winter miiss I nd bark were cov-red with real Ivy ^une twenty ye.xrs with a circus. He Is also the riises Interir.lnglcd with the Iris, snd full blown cepDonally gosl program of pictures ami van Iiti press agent for Forest, and Is making gooil. dcvilb- the last wev'k. Thcrt> was one picture. W.irk Is lasing rtislie,! on the Colonial Theattw .American Rexulles addeil to all a queenLv Forest br.ike the record In park attendance aplendor Then there were the plain, old Tile Octoroon, that is particularly dramatic amk mnklng the ne,-ensary aiteratlonn for the ce- list Su,i.|.vy. whv'n 3'J,»>00 people passed within of strong romantic ap)H-aI. The illustrated ceprbsi of J>4in clcotloD 'l-a-t ot the m,o Ing picture Ixsiiw-n are com- been or will be set aside as special days at and well rendered, while the Lavigm* Sisters, pla'nlng of dull bimliw-wn The lime baa emte. the Interior was covenul with every kind of Forest, taken by hslges. societies, clubs, etc. fl..wer that bUsims In June. In one corner of in songs and dam-es; "Chence'’ Jolin I.each. In when It In the "survival of lb,- flttewt." Kach The Relti-r Sisters’ Drehestra Is proving at- a remarkably good Chlm-se specialty: .Thomas dinirirt will supiairi only a llmlte,! niimlM-r of the l.ibbv. and very artistically arrangeil. was iracDve In well remlensl musical selections. a fountain, the water from which floweil grace Shea, monologist and dancer, ami Ge<«-ge Smevl- these houaes. The swimming i>ool. the largest in the city. Is ley In an lustniniental musical act. give va¬ fu'lv -iver small ro, ks. complellng a plctur' Me are well ll\r,t at pres,mf with taarking not large enough to hold those who would a riety and interest to the performance. ■dines Snillvan C,Misb1li>e. Western States, neier bi-f-'n- seen here In the form of arttflclal swimming go, "v^alM-" K.xiifnian. who has The .Amusement Booking Manager of Conev dei-orsllons The pleasant n-ceptioo s,>emed to Arclile levey. Prof Henry. Ib-rt le-vey ami a bi-en ciinneoteil with Convention Hall. Is man¬ Island offers the following array of stellar art¬ put evirvene In excellent spirit, and the recep¬ few street Iwdiers ager of the swimming poivl at Forest. ists for week which began Snmlay: Three lie- lirton Family cbeaal with the Niwrta and tion accorlisl the players on Ihelr first spjiesr^ WILLIAM W, SHELLEY. .Aerial Taports. Five Musical Marines. Prof. .A. Ibme tirrtm while In .S«-allk- They may J,4n snee sssiired them Ihev were In the hands of H. Knoll, cornet virtuoso; Gov. Bowen. Sis-rry Snow 's Tlire,' Car Clmin. whk h !• now- In friends The first |H-rf. rmsnce sssuriM that and Ray. .AlbiirDis and Altiis. and The Mexican ''•rflwru Callf-M-nla. working lowanl tlrega-k. In a Waller K.lwsrds and Gerald Griffln. snd In sons iwsf emplovisl an mvera company, the ■'-s .if j.,. Miir|,)i«'n Irish "n,,- l>on Die fi-msle mli-s hi Margaret Dill". Cslherlnc ' prisbiclng of iniisiral coniislies at the Lagoon Is Hi was iirisx-iitiHl and Cunningham flis the ' DuRsrrv. Msrkm Brooks, Francis li'srni'il snd. an enDriSy new feature for that resort. Mit the Thomas E. Shea rloseil a very siiei-i-^»fnl six 1- ei to |H-rfeei|on Hi- has a delightful brogue last but not least, by the t~ .1 lIlDe svicci-ss of the venture Is assiiivil if patronage weeks’ engagement at the Grand this week, and •rwl an alwsvs reaiD s„i(b , so la a pronoiinceil seen h-rc vet, pretlv Pli.ilPs Shorn-ssl \\ th for Dm' entirv* season continues as gissl as that presented his new piece, .A Man of Honor, and f -dr. liH- s,-,.n.-r> was es|s-elally gissl -ul d-mbl ■ the pn-.i nl stis k company 1" the - piijoyisl during Dm- iqs-nlng wi-ek Kryl. at the the same looks like a winner. '«,-»t wis-k Ih,- |•r^l»'ess .Si.s-k Osiipany rl.swa N-.t Plllsliurg hss yet had, and a capacity Zisi. Is maintaining his reputation galm-d In Shea’s closing bill wa« a Very strong one. *' an-1 g,s-s on the r>>n,t Ati Italian inwm house at the ois-iilng «|M-aks well for the fu- ■i past si-.vsotis Conev Island has a diversified Dainty Alice Llovd reevived a Mg revvption. " pint o|H-iia for a w-asoii of six wiwka. at I vaudeville bill that 1" meeting with enthtislas and 'The McNanghlons seore-l str-eigly. ■ns nintilng up to k'J tsi '"liie parks this week had very g-s'-l bi-gin tie api'mval. .Vt the Majestic the Binteniala Rand was a C' 'lor'- lio-nlri- liss a i«r» fuiint show tbls ntngs Imtneuse cr-'w-ls it tending, but which Colonel Ike Martin, manager of Chester Park, big drawing card. ■'k wlibli giies Will King the eonieillan. f them had the latgest attendance wiHJid be has ib'fermlneil viisni a Fourth of July eelehra- The Star did well with the Johnson Burns '"*st sll ito- loHi a profusion of colofxsl lights tn the evening; Director Ra%eu's fine hand Is an enjoyable fea¬ ki- D->nMn are fealnred. aiol their "ketch, At KenniwiSMl Park Die evirs attraction was the In-tlans. In frivsh war paint ami new feath¬ ture at this (Mvpular p-sorf. • illng Home, waa an allrartlve nnmtMir. I lisll -n ... and. eontrar.i to prei-i-dent. ers will participate In si>eelal cv'remonles Hanlan's P- lit drew big patpvnage. The 'oti- Ullttngliani and Coinpani. In A Stn-nii even tiling esiiu- off siiiooDiD Tlie vaudeillle there will lu- patrloDe lnter|H>1ations In the fr-e Marriot Twins an.I The Four Orettl Sister* - IIHiiarsal. although sis*n here tn-fore made I In Dll- Alrd-.IIII I. of eve, pDoiisl merit , van-b-vllle. the bamls will render appropriate were newcomers ami pleased. Manager Sol Idg lilt again VI l.iiiix Park Ma-ager I'avlor la offering a 1 iiaDiHval si'ngs, whlb' many extra vaials of bunt mon vrIII have a big babv show at the Point ll'llv Van geta 1,-ry solbl with his amUeuce, r<'i-oiii|ie i«e r.e of stn-amers. banm'rs ami fl,ags 22'.’4. JilSEI’H GIMSOV. ' to tlm manner In whieli he tells his stories i

Xtie Billboard JUNE 19, 190

in order to live u|i to the repiitetlon ivhleh has' ii him. If* not fair to an.v death blow to an.v phi.i he i i ea^ man that he ahoiild have to apiM-ar with an that the lonermn iii t' a!e>iit ‘y*!. extravaitant reinitallon of ihN kind tlini't lalatlon ewei-plni; awa.v It.e otlie • a toki'tniT London upon him. In the end It onl.v lead* to a de¬ anil settinc lip In Il« pl.oe .i i. ep oi.tlde leiii Berlin niittve. Meet ..pie .Sf. 1 Hill'. 'I ' London Burenn of The Billboard, sire on the part of tie' .«iidlei,ee to depre.-late as far iia |»is«lhle an aefor wlio has‘been the oplnlmi tliHt liiere should .. oi ix 179 Temple Cbamben, £, C. victim of siieh fiadiah and dangerous putbni:. Nteiice wllii some power of • oiili I think most actors koIhb to a new country pli.ys net befere the piildle. but »e do and to pew aJi.lleiiees woiiM far rather prefer leet to any particular plat oelm: ’“'•'■''‘‘'''‘y,, Ins'l-' 'olll.ial -ViiiI. after to win«u thronirhI iia II s»iion theirI ur-ii meritsHI*-I 111* ratherI«I lit* I thanIlia II to th<»••• ... 4-..^, ~ .... .Ha Actors’ Association Arranges An American Invasion and biirib'iied iH-forehand with the praise tie- all. if the efflee should lie .wept ' iwed iiism them bv their well nie.-miiiK but nether, it would only mean tii.nt tie p> > Excursion to the Orient, the the London Theatres—^The advise.] friends would iiltli'iately rest witli tin- (so .-b. rn.l - tliat is s< ar.'. Iv a consiimiuatloii to I..- le'.re.i Proceeds to be Used for a Failure of Love Watches. The iMK^tillar liist.tiition. the Cens..r of Plays. i.u.e.H.s* here an- vUd to h ar of tli. . olii has tHH-n at It analn. This time Ibriiard Shaw , J r |>,sls. 11 M tin Knnlisli Home for Aged Professionals. Old Heidelberg Revived. N the siifTerir. It s.nmiis that tills ec.entrlo * ^ ^ ,„.piilar faiorlle In peniiis has wrltt.-n a play call.d Th.- Showlnn v,,,,.ri,.a f..r so loni: tliai on.- fori:< that he up of Hlanco [•osn-.t. The story d-als with a iV'a„'b?nJii*hm in bLl am b-r-, .Vt -e.e time ! ro«rR»* and violent siK'ieiy of drunkHr and a drunken hyjHi <.»,wt «..xi-..v ...... », lor ''f Hu* ilin*' -•► f L..j..,ntriTi*nt >car!ii..Hr4 mentw*mentM* fucccRn. T^Lei u«* puriMtbepuriMiM* lajr thelue c^atl*M,rreatloL .f*f any actor -.f tile a fund, or rather tie- Iwitlnulug of om p invasion, and much money l» flowing out of, crlte of a brothor on the waya of the .\l have Im*! him lien* orctiv r« gul.irlv every ■ fund, or |■**J•*‘*■ ***'* l»^»tli*ulug of oie t( we have lix.l him her.- pr. t. >1. . . . ,.r biiibt a |«-rmau.-ut home for be Americfn pockets into those of enterprUlng , ml^ty. This the censor regards aa blasphemy. the .'tutumn ea- -.*en him .m hi^ purchas. or build a |M-rmaueiii home for tw summer, ami the .autumn .-as '••' ".‘'' ',,.1.,^ . . ned and inducetit meiiiU r. of the Aaaoclatl ” ntanagers. Juai now the tliree theatres doing | ’'hlle on the other hand the playwright states way !»a*rkback !i»to .\nieriea.\merlt-a. wherew h. re helie eomiiiandseommamls a •- I. • am* imligeni iiiemlH-ra of the Asaoclatloo. the iH'st business—Daly’s, the i;aiety and His | he was endeavoring to depict a rough f^r .ilsoe that which !»*• cimiM hoiK* for ** !^**i ****' ***' Majesty’s—.tre ttsise that are most exteusively I » I'rst oonscl«Hisness of the ways and pur . pi|.i«nd 1 hear that he will api»ear In 'I'he tSreclao archl|>eUgo, has decided ui*-t patroiiiT.ed by the American vNitig-s. I dare*! |K>se8 of Got! with regard to hlin>elf. Shaw House \e\t D«Hir. a*^ an "i.t Ji-wlih tinancler. D»r the U-me ’^*‘** ^**'''“ say th» reason for this is that these* theatres! seems offered to imH*t the views <»f the cen . , ‘ ... mngtufv hl»* race in an m d«M*ea^pl Kmj»r«s» of Austria. KlUtbetb s)K*riaifa<‘—that. Is. one knows the class of. *<>*■ oti one passage, but regarding the other as p,„ wTh an insolent arl^ttsracv. An built tm this island «me of the »»o»t preteiitloin play that is likely to l*e seen at each, and: 'ital to the play. refnst*d to delete It. The vniiTiean who is doing well here just castle* of Southern Kunute, which, after thi inclib ntally also, that It will la* the best of i censor theu had no option hnt to decline to 1.‘willard .«tmm^. who l». making the anti* '^“•‘♦•11 iNeame. thriaigh purchase Its kind to b«* se<»n In London. The casual vis* \ t^ent the play a licen>e. Itiit still Shaw, fh . Kmi>;re roi k xxlih laughter with P** German Kiii|HTor. Th< lior. :heref.r,.',. a, great -‘nd•""! that thereforeIh-relore duriug the dead season huthu' K-ippuri.s’lppori, hutbut herlipr successsuvevSK was. orof course, as- j Knownknown to ruethe min wwspa|K‘rs. Kpa|«TS. r.nawShaw iia-ihad i.MienIssuexl ’^",7^.,.*“ *a!I,V"ib,'‘aibl"hihI oitiisild *-enlliiii.«*onilmie tott» il-ih*do .<•... furfor a '•f-w * "vuv.arloTsactors ...u.ucoulde.iuld .....axallstall theinaeire*tbeinnelvrs of the op-op siireil from the lii>KiiiuinK bj' the way la which • prlntej stHteiiieiit. itivinit LI-* i.-rsiim a-iil niiu- t-- -•"im IMirtuiilIyIMirluiilty to .jieiiosjiend a few wex-k.weeks there. Ilie Kiii:U.ih plaj’ifiiers took to her. Rut while makiiic an all-roiiml attack on the c.-nmir. the ^ ♦ Klie has succoedeil. another play from your Klni{ of Knitlanil. most of the pla.vs now run- ... . . , , _ TheYh.- Irani.Iiuiu. Dsedm- flnanclal successsucres, of I.eo Fall 9 couiitr.v. In the shafie of Love Watches, has hlng. and penerally on all thliigs of which he Mrs. Stlrlliur.Stirling, the la-l.tla-l.i who figuredfigure.1 In a sen- Thexhe IKdlarIKillar |•rlIl..•.s.Rriincs. IsI. the tojilc of none iini'er after a run of eleven performances, does not approve. Ity this time. Isiwever. both sationsi divorce 'iiit her.- r.-.-..iitl.v. ha* once ||, ||it.-re«te.l eln-l.-s Just a y.-ar ago .Vfter the tremeiicUms siiciess of tills play In n<‘wspa|M rs .xml their readers are a trifle m»-re r ■turii.M I.. th.- stai;.- xn l .« taking the Is.lUr l’rliie.-.s was for the flr.t time gUrn New Yoi k. it se“ms strange that Its career In tired of Sli.xw and hi* ways, and I don't think part of a 'h-w girl In iiiir Ml-« n the Karl and the I'.lrl. and now ,ummer under Dln-etor I’alfl In the and all here we came to was of the opinion opinion Is now general that this Is scarcely an Ti.«*«tr«*. Duriug sll thi* time the that the play was a |)OOr one, and so |xior were olOce that should be tested in one man, who (Continued on page -tK.) r«H*pii*ts aniouotptl to Du Ipm tbaa $34S«.OilO the houses that I wonder it ran aa bmg as It ♦ dill. And yet Frohman says that when it Thu*e In Ri rlln who know the way. an-] gels back to your side In the autumn It will leui|H-r of Karl Rurriaii. the great singer, sb'- enntlniic to run mouth after month and play ■ B _• WA/ ■ ni.ile unite a »m*ee»« -luring hi. .New York en to $10 000 weekly. ^ C WW A AI gag--ni--Lt.. were net a bit *ur|irl*ed when the No one seema able to explain altogether the j ParisW. Weekw W By Week ii-'w. ranii from lireMlen that be bad once reason for this difference of tsste in plays be- : more reslgue.! from the Ilof Theatre. The tween Ivondon and New York. Last autumn the Paris RoreauBureau The Billboard.Billbo 121 Rue Montmartre. o|H-ra Reheme had Im n announced fur the ete- drama. Raid in Full, came here after a sue- - nlng |•crfolose—UpeningClose—Opening Luna Park Postponed at Last Minute. course be forgot all alMsit the rehearsal, and which were thought a great deal of here and . ^ ® later lo the day, alenit me>o. a me»»«-uger ».9 had great success, went to New York only to | D#.r.arim«»ni ^iirr sent to Burrian with the qm-.tbm whether or be turned down. What Is the reason for ItT I L/eparimeniDepartment OlOreSStores IViaXeMake OUC(Success of Motion Picture Shows. not be Intended lo sing In the eveolDg. to .11 It seems to me that at bottom It must rest i o VT [? • .L C’l of which be res|e>od<-d with the perjdexlhg re on some temperamental differences lietween the 1 OOITICSome Newi\CW Featuresr CatUfCS in111 thetnC Film1* HIT Business Seen on the Boulevards. mark; “How could I know to far ahead!" As tw.x nations which leads one to bail with de- j hour later snolher mesio-nger came from lb*- light a play In which the other can sei- noth- | theatre with the san.e re<|t>e.t: then again at lug go-xl.gO'Mi. I ...... , ...... f'Str In the afternoon, btit he answered a, he Talking .boataboat American plays,play., however, rere- : A [ "'".T home me ago Il.-nry Rat.llle wr,.te to Mme. t,^_ The Inten-b nt ^leneral thereupon lost mindsralmlK me that we are still In the dark here /\A t'>‘‘the legitimate theatres will remain Bernhardt, and *ugg.-sle.| that »he .h-uld stage .n patipoee. and decided that Herr Vogel aaas to whe*herwheiher Itavld Warfield IsU coming to "I'e". though, of course, these houseahouM, a version of iau*i; tli.xl be thought It w.mid .trom. from the o|ers In Mannheim, who Ju.t London or not with The Music Master. I am | scceptlng subsidies from the .State, must give be an Immense hit. Mme. thought then .ppeared In l*re*.1en a* • guest” sbonM Inclined to think that after the failure of lg>ve ' occasional performances all summer. But the «o. too. and accordingly th. aiiih-r went to ,lng Rodolfo. In the evening, after Vogelslrom Witches be may not feel particularly keen on i Independent show shofis will put up their shut- work on the play. It wa» Pnlshcl. contract, bad already preparwl for the perf-irinanre. Bur the trip. -Ynd as one well-known writer here | ters for the next month or so. and their man- were drawn np In the usual way. and the ma- rlan arrived In the dressing mom and Inalated has remarkiHl. there Is no reason in the world' sgers will hie themselves to the mountains and ehlnery for Its pro«ltietlnn «s« put In inetion that po one but be would sing bla part. But why I'c should come and take the risk when beaches for a good time. So will many of the at the divine Sarah's plsyh<-ns Uehetr«als be did not sing, snd the r<-»iilt was that the he' can make mere money in America every, artists. were begun and scenerv wa« b« built, then wine-loving tenor sent In hi* resignation the week of the year than he would be likely to Most of the musical attractions w-|Il keep there came a bitch. .Mme. Bernhardt told Ra- following morning Rut the resignation will play to here any one week, even though the the pot boiling for at least a while longer— tillle that the play was t.i.i long. It woiil.I lad he accepted and Riirrian will lie held fa opinion of first-'ulglilers should be quite fa- ^ some of them all summer. The cafe concerts, hsve to he cut. .The writer wouldn't cut hla hl« contrset. which bit some year* m-re to viirshle. Great as the success of The Music , where one sees light vaudeville, naturally are play, and the actress wmildn't go anv further cu®- Ma^ttr with you. it is just a gamble whether i Just now miolDg into their own, and it it to with its production until he did. 4i It would take well here, and there does not these places that the seeker of amusements So snit was brought by Ratalle 2.'.i*al Barene*»e M'ahda. a new won-ler child, twelve siv-m an.v partleulsr reason why the risk should will take himself. X\’e haven’t got roof gar- - franc* i$.'.ncg)i charging of contract on Tears i Id. had quite a success duriug the U*t tie taken. Incidentally I think that David dens l-ere like they hsve In New York snd Chi- the part of the actr-ss dlr»-ctre«.. She de- week* In Berlin. She aptwariNl In the Warfield has already been the victim of mis- csgo, not to mention the other cities where fended, end a Judgement bas Ju*l lex-n" han-led •xst'tner Spieir In *|h-cIbI dance*, nod later at fortune In connection with the proposed visit, they have them, hut those who feel the ne- down by the c»" '*f ixuir-w. the child When George Kdwardes returned from Amer- cesslty for that kind of thing, can find a way It was nrovnl that the niav was r.allv •’'*■• *" Ihincan. hut Bccnrdlng I.’* he descrilH-d him as ’the greatest actor he, mlghtv gi>od Imitation of the roof garden sen- too long alsr that fh- author refused to cut )«'»»ment. her rendition »t

il'ontlnueil on page 4«.) day) full.v two week, ago but was dete^ed by „ther hand. Rstallle would have to pay $2 ms, ISABEL JAY the weather man. Rut be tries to smile snd Mn-e. Ib-rnhsrdf In order to recmiiH-n- h r hss announced a >">re

box office. chlldri-n «)iosild W taken Tho*«- [ileces which A NEW PLAT they ordinarily would enjjiy are usually too Aliout the onlv thing In the way of plays full of "spire •• this week was the piece put on tt the Folles Dramatlque. I'ne Femme d* Feu (A Woman of OPPOBIHO NEWSPAPERS Fire), a copieily In three act*, by Jean Syms Himie time ago I m*-nt|ixi*ol In these columns and Henri Defllm* wa* the way the program .otnethlng at»>ut the manner In whirh the mo- read. Abort a* nearly at It ean be deacrltied. *loti idctur* machine It cmilng to the front It is rather like the Hoyt farce* with addi- In 'lie way of a “newa gatherer” At that tlonal French ajil-e adr anot).er (I re .(eiken of the.r at differ j waa darned gfiod. too. lonea In my letterai. lait lo my notion | sw ..... another feature they have recent THOMPSON IN PARIS ly lotr-slnced. wlilrh la a cf.rker, a crowd 1 William H. Th'-mtMKin. who afo(>tied for a fetter and a money winner It'a a kind of ! ' few days In Ixmdon to attend to a little Ixial ’’I’arla Week by Week" in motion plctiirea. In j I nesa, came to I’srla for a whack at vacatl/m '•Iher word., right In the middle of the pro j j reat. Mias Iaah<-1 Irving, bla wife, waa al gram a (dace reaerred each week for the i ready here. Tboni[i.on la very much pl*aaed hapte-filng* of llic preceding aeven dayt For ' I with hla anecesa In vindevllle. and. further **amt.:e thi. week there are (lima ahowing the , I more, hebe aaya hebe la going loto afickstick to It. government emplorea on atrlke; Die rioting of She ha. been drawing Ixmdon to The Klhg BATAILLE-BERNHARDTBATAILLE-BEEVHAJtDT BATTLE ”"**»^*'^**^*** l■llnchfn* of I .* a . a w a L«tfl9-«hlp r»«j)Gpn. which there in ' Here is an Item of Infereat for managera of Cadonia With h«r. lo the picture. It her Here is an Item of Interest for managers ttne of the pretty actreaaea at the Cm (laughter. I1 -nd*'>'• Pl«.fwrlfhl*playwrights page t** I - Frtncalae. T DE LACY STOCK COMPANY, A. H. WOODS’ PLANS.

MANAGERS MEET Ilie De Lacy Stock C'omimny, located at City A. U. Woods will be one of the largest pro Theatre, Brockton, Maaa., la under the manage¬ duoers in America the coming season, be put¬ ment of Monte Tbouipaoo, with James E. Em- ting out no less than nineteen companies, and erwjo as business niauai$er. l^isluctlous are operating about four theatres. Tlie attractions made under the sup«-rvlsion of Walter Woods, that will go out under his management are as the general stage director. TTie personnel of follows: The Girl From Rector’s, three com¬ Second Annual Meeting of National Association of the company Includes .Miss Lelgb Lie Lacy, panies; Blanche Walsh, is last season’s success. ■Miss Virginia Howell, Miss Ix>ui8e Langdon, The Test; a musical comedy now being written .Miss Marion Chester, Miss Ina May, Miss Kath¬ by Aaron Hoffman, Harry Von Tilier and Vin¬ New Officers Elected—Satisfactory erine llaslam. John Meehan, Wm. H. Dimock, cent Bryan, calleil Slumming; I’lerre of the Lynn Ustmrne, Eraniis Howard, K. D. Wood¬ Plains, in which Edgar Selwyn was seen at the bury, E. E. Vickery and Ernest Stone. Hudson Theatre; Mr. Selwyn’s part l>elDg taken Results of the Year. The season o|M-ued April 17, with a produc¬ by Severln de IVyn, and the following list of tion of The Girl of the Golden West. Since meUsIramas. which will be seen over the Stair then presentations have ts*en made of The & Havlin Circuit: Climbers. Doctor Bill. I’rlsoner of Zends. The The Gambler of the West, fourth season; Con¬ vict IKK), third season; On "Trial for His Life, li: '.'le.d .illiMial lliceliiig of the .National Kreutzer Sonata, In The Bishop's Carriage, Heir T .\a a co.ollllisi of cxt'-ndiiig the copyright second seas m; The Creole Slave’s Revenge, \ -...niioii of 'Tlieatrlcal Pnsluclng Man- control to .til’ll mcclianlcal repruilucllons the to the Hoorah. The Liars and Mrs. Temple’s Telegram, which is the bill this week. second season, and the following new ones; • lo ld at the Motel .\ntor. New Vofk, on II 'W law provides that whenever the owner of Harry Fields, in Broadway After Dark, by juiM provisl miMt harmonious and satisfactory a miislcsl copyright lias iis'sl or (leriiiitted This is the second s<-ason of the company In Brockton, and bince the opening the business Owen Davis; The King of Bigamists, by "ITieo- .. ■ meiiilK-rs wi-re well pleased at the re- or knowingly sctiuicsi'cd In the use of the copy- •lore Kremer; A Working Man’s Wife, by Wal¬ •ii!!- •> far accrtimity to obtain one. Tl"- clictloo of officers for the ensuing year resiiltisl In the selection of Henry B. Harris as Premiere Performance. (ir.'o'W'nt. and Jules Murry as a*cretary. with ail'lllh'nsi directors cooatslIng of Henry W. Hyperion Theatre. New Haven- Saiag*'. Hollla K. Cooley, Je|ib Brooks. WII- a musical comedy In two litm E C'«norB ami B. K. Forrester. Mr. IJg- Hennessy. noti Johnson was re elected general counsi'l ami THE CA.ST. Cliarl<-s H. Yale as vlce-preshlent. and Haniiiel Dorothy Dare . .Georgia Cam- .\ SiTibner, as treasurer, hold over, their terms I»uise . ... Elizabeth Brice n-'i •■vpirliig until neit year. Wllbelmlna . ...Adelaide Sharp The n-port of the work done by the .kssneia- .Mrs. Arthur Dare. ...Bessie Franklin tl"n was so encouraging ami gratifying that all Lottie Lakeside . .Helen .Adair lb'- UM-mtM-rs present plc«lger before tbe ncit meet Adoipbus . George Pauncefort Irg General Bockbeister . ...George .Majorini ■ Hiring tbe year tbe National Ass disputes that would otherwise ChaufTeur . .Ned Jo.vcs* have called for lltlgatlna were aatlsfartorlly ad- Ruth Rittenhouse . .Laura Wentworrii lusieil. .vst (ssnplalnts were handled rea|scting Wealthea Walton .. ...Leota Hingston legal rights and all but four were amicably ad- Patience Partridge . ...Matle Ten Eye* Jvii>t*M Thirty flve refnmis of overcharges from Charity Chambers . .Helen Scotten railroads were obtained ami In twenty com Hope Hapgood . . Flora Crosble plaints to the Interstate Commerce Commlaalon Faith Fairlelgh . .Nancy Pooh* the .Association won Its contentions Priscilla ■■Penrose .Lillian Foster Thrv-e humlred play piracies were stopped Prudence Pennington ..Anita Pollock during the year by prompt action of the Aaaocla- Hollla Cooly at his desk In the N. A. T. P. M. Offices. tl"n The Motor Girl bad Its premiere at New Niimerovia cases of overcharge by baggage month, serving to reproduce mechanically said of P.. but the stage effects and fixtures were Haven on June 10. to a large audience. Th* transfer companies bronght to the attcntlisi of Motor Girl Is a musical comedy In two acts, the .Assorlatbin resulted In refundings ibi* tariff musical work, and royalties shall he due on ownevl by Mr. Woodford, who places his loss at Mr. Woovlford is now giving perform¬ the score by Julian Edwards, book and lyrics 1 •■••nerv taken Into Canada was sbivllsbrd; the the parts manufactured during any month upon by Charles Campbell and Ralph Skinner, and is escr have the right of ceptionally dainty and tnnefnl. and In man.v this osintry were defeated. Injunction against the manuf.ictun'rs for fail¬ DEATH OF MRS. WALTER B, ure to pay royalties. respects excels such operas of Mr. Edwards as N'W haggag,* car regulations rr were ceased was well known In the circus profession. any dramatic work, publicly performs, exhib¬ When Ix'r husband owned and operated bis cir¬ The AI. G. Field Greater Minstrels, the oldest eonus'Ilcd to live up to their agreements, these it* or represents, or who In any manner causes cus throughout tbe L'nitetl States. So'.itb Ameri¬ newest minstrel organization in America, will H'-liided both minagi'rs and performers or aids or abets the public i>eiformance. exhi¬ ca. AA'est Indies and Mexico, she traveled with start on Its twenty-fourth annual tour August of particular Interest at tbe present time Is bition or representation, in whole or In part, th* new csipyright law of th- Colte*! States, him and was esteemed and loved by all con¬ 2. Rehearsals will begin at Columbus. Ohio. of lueb dramatic work without the consent ot «' .ch goes Into effect July 1. nected with the show. She will be mourned Jnly 10. Fotir new productions are promised tbe proprietor (unless he proves he acted Inno- Till, new law glvct exclusive right to dram- b.v Miss Lottie Aymar and several other rela¬ for the coming season. centlyl is guilty of an offense and liable on altfe non dramatic works, to novellai' dramatic tives. Tbe Interment took place at Woodlawn. Mr. Field says be Intends to make tbe show summary conviction to a fine of not bss than snclis. to arrange and adapt musical works, to N. Y.. June H. this year the best the veteran mlnstri'I h.i* $100. and not excvwllng t.'ss*. or thirty ilays’ ever attempted. terf.rm or represent the copvrigbleil work Imprisonment, or N>th. In the .llscretlon of the publicly. If It he a dramatic work, and not conrt, and on ■ secoml or -iihs^pient conviction, HOWARD LEASES WAUKEGAN r''i'r's1ncisl In coplea for sale, to veml any man- to Imprisonment, w ith or v iih<*at bard lalKvr, THEATRE. IIS'rlpi or any pari whatsoever thereof, to for wlx months.” m.k* "T procure the making of any transcrip¬ WILLIAM P. HODGE AND HELEN Among the members of the Managers’ .Asso¬ tion or record thereof by or from whW'h, In Joweidi Howard, now playing in The Blue HALE MARRIED. ciation who enterevl actively and enthusiastic¬ Movise. at ("Tilcago. III., and James Wlngfeld, of s-b"le ..r In part. If may In any manner or by ally Into the affairs of the meeting were Jo¬ any method b' exbihiteil. performwl, repr<>si*nt- the (Vntral States Theatre Company, were in seph Bris'ks. Henry B. Harris. Harry Hastings. Waukegan. HI.. June 10. ami closv^ the deal William P. Hoeffl.'r. Francis X Ht>pe. How famous dn Peggy From Paris. The Patriot and The mnslc rlaiises give exclusive right to weeks by the Barrison people. ird Hall. A K Wills. AVIlliam Hsrris. Milton Howard annovtnees that he Is to build a bal¬ other plays, were married June 13. by Rey. perform the m|iyrlgbted work publicly for Nobles. Cisy I,amhert. RoN-rt CampN’II. W. S. Dr. J. Wesley Hill, at his home In New York prollt. If It be a mitwicsl rom|K>altloa, and for cony on the Barrison Theatre In Waukegan, so Camptw'll. llolHs Cooley. Charles II. Yale and City. the pnriKMe of pnhllc pi'rformance for proflt. as to double tbe s>>ating capacity, making It Ssniin'l Scrlhwr scat alvHit ”00 people. Miss Hale’s, or rather MNs Cogswell’s par • n'l III make any arrangiowsHits or setting of It. onts. Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Cogswell, the former •v of tbe meliMly of It. In any system of nota¬ a banker In Clevelaml, Ohio, were pres<>nt at the tion or any form of peconi In which the thisight cerrmon.y. None other was present except mem of an aotbor may he recorded and from which hers of Dr. Hill’s family, by whom Mr. Ilovlge It may be read or r<*pnsliicid. and Miss Hale are held in high esteem. Follow The protecllnn pmvldeel against the repro dncflon by mechanical mesna, phonograph rec¬ ords. etc., with the consi-viucnt royally ex sct'sl applies only to rom|sis|llons lepvrghtcd sf'er this new law gfa*a Into rlfecl

Ing the eereniony the couple enterv'd their big • of II. L. Gilmore, Prlrtl* Uccretsry of Reception room of the National Assoclathm of Theatrical Producing •Manager*. Time* touring car ami started on a trip that will take I', .Association. Building. New York. In New Englanit and the West. 14 X li e Billboard JUNE 19. 1909.

« r«»l' BTid lltfrall.v rolltsl him «w«y. The them of the stale of aalrs, but Is unable to liinrhoon aiiil the drink »«» lit*. Imt not for throw any light on Ihe trail of the culprit*. loiiK. An he moved *wny from lhi*ri*, IryliiK Immediately Ihe oflleer* lieglii to ferret aut to iM-rform the triple feat of ealtiiK. drinkinit Ihe hiding plaee of Ihe toughs. Having a d >| and riinnliiK at the same time, a brawny fel with kei'ii Insllncl, they utilise him, and after New Films Reviewed low workman utopiH'd the tlicht of the c**k letting the animal get Ihe ai’ent from ths vie down hill, reh **e», and Ihe Intelligent dog lead* them a long distance; flual. tmiiip’* enjoyment w«* *pe«'dlly terminated. ly he arrives at the hut, where he Juuipt The food wa* aiMdhai. tin* drink apllled, lint tiirough a ivllar window and find* the old mia what ..I to the tramp wa* an excel tieil. The animal tugs at the nqie until ih* List of the Latest Releases and Synopsis of the Various Subjects lent repllia In miniature of wha,t would knot* give way, after which he returns to ih* have Imen hi* fati' had he Iwa-n cauiflit In the IMdlciiUHn. who give him a revolver, which he Indicates a General Output for the Week that Sustains the Stand¬ very heart of a Kanxa* cyclone. carrIe* In bl* mouth to Ihe luiprlaoned man. Ilandaonie llarr.v wii* vcr.v tilad to awlflly The policemen lie in wait, and sih>o the r-.h vanlKh Winn the workman tornado had flnlahed iM-r* iimie along, go ilown to the prisoner, who, ard if It Does Not Lift It by a Notch or Two—Story of the It* work, and the wurthy noii of toll felt that at an opportune moment, pulls the gun anil he had *onie recoinpen«e. eiioi thoiiKh he |o»t ludd* III* captors at bay. forcing them to re- Films Told in Tabloid. III* lencheon. .'or the Ironide. of a had ijnar- treat Into Ihe hand* of the oflleer*. who hurry tiT of an hour In the barrel. them tc the station, while the happy old man pats Ihe noble dog and show* deep a|ipreclal'.iin for the servli-e he ha* rendered. URBAN-ECEITSE Kollowlni! I* a list of late flint*, by leading tnjf to her playinB, she liecomc* enraBinl, sends (George Klelne.) nianufactiirerea and dealers, for early release; him away, vowIiib never to speak to him aBaln. THE RIXTKGNING.—The opi'nlng wene re. Till NEW INKtr.MAN, The »ullor for Ihe veal* the Interior of the home of Mr. and Mrs. BIOGRAPH However, the yoiinB man loves the slrl, and the next morniiiB we And him at his otflee very bainl of the gi-ncral'* lEiughter dis-s not re Martin, who are holding a rei-eptlon. .Mr. THK SttXS RKTIUX.—will .Sanderson’* much cast down. reive eucmiragenienl from ..bject of hi* Martin, the yiMing husband, I* an Invalid and father kept the vlllaBe inn. but Will ladnu en The oflice Imy is a lirlBht younBster. and love, and n-nolve* to win by strategy. l*-arn un.ablc to go alHOil to any extent with his amored of pretty Mary Clark, had aapiratl in* quickly discovers the reason for hi* employer's Ing tnrough an advert i'onient that the Gen. pleasure loving wife. The latter, neverthe alKive the plidiian and rather Imiieciinious call- ilownheartednes*. He tries to i*-rsuade him to oral is in need of a biitb-r. preferably a tie Ics*. manages to enjoy herself, and doe* not Inc of villaire lamifare, and so decided to go call uiK.n the Kiri and ask forBlveness, but with gro. l.e has hi* In-ard cut and a inat of black lark admirer*. Gne of her male acquaintance* to the biB city and flBhf for fortune, harInK no result. applleil to hi* while skin, anil with the eon in particular has made quite an impresslun on read flic BlowiiiB lines of the bloKrapbers of The bo.v now hits upon an idea. He Boes to ventlonal garb of a profess.onil he applies. the vain little woman, and we see him thers Breat men, who Invariably start them on their the younK lady’s home and ask* her to fOTBlve Together with anotliir aiqdlcant twhllei he is to night among the other guest*. All at one* care«‘r as poor country lads. UlddiiiB hi* sweet his employer, but till* she will not do. taken on pmbalion. .\n aiinonymoii* letter to the .voung husband ln-coine* tndlsiHiiwil. and not heart Mary a fond but tearful farewell, he then He now evolves another Idea. He write* two the General advise* that a daring plot Is to wi-hing to dlstiirti hi* friends, retires to a take* hi* leave of hi* dear old parent*, hi* notes, one to the Blrl and one to hi* employer, In* excculiHl to win his daughter, atnl hi* sii* si'Cluib'd *i>ol. and endeavor* to conquer hit nndlier iirc*cnllnB him with a miniature of telliiiB each that he has iH'en hit by an auto '’.cions fniuo'diately rest up-n h!s n-w si-rt weakness. He partakei of some refreahmeuti III rs«df. a* a monieato to Buide him abmB the nioliile, and wants them to come and a»»e him. ant*. and trie* to smoke a dgsr. hoping to ward |i*th of riBhteousne*^. He Is not lonB In the He B-ves the notes to a messenKcr t>oy fiw ’Flic colored seriant 1* exceptionally goml off the attack, but he simui ndlapses and fal'.a nietro|*^di* when ill* brlBht, alert manner ap- delivery, and going home gets Into l>eil to and Ihe other so awkward as to cause much li-'avlly to the Hinw. A servant passing thp'Ugh jieal* to the mansBcr of a bankiiiB house and make hi* bluff gi>od. trouble, and even privlpilale* a quarrel with the room see* the master hel|de*s and give* he old.iln* eni|do.viiient. Me had resolved not Both the girl and the employer are very fond the master, from which the latter Is renuied the alirm. Bo<>n the gue«t* rush Into the room to return home until he haa made a name for of the oflice Itoy and Immediately uiwn receipt >iy the colored servant. In Ihe mix up, how¬ an-l seeing the condition of affairs, hurriedly himself, ami five year* later we And him hold- of the notes they huiry away to bis homo. ever, the General ai-qulres some of his serv¬ lake their departure, leaving the young wife Ina a position of responsibility with Bood The closing scene is very humorous. When ant's ndoring. and the entire partv makes a and her admirer alone with the apparently salary in Ihe concern. Ilia ap|iearance has the sweethearts see each other their expressions woe-ltegone sight. The lover 1* recogniieil. anil llfele** boily. Ths .voiilh |>our* wonl* of aym Hoiiiewhat chaiiBed. owiiiB to hi* BrowliiB a and action* show that they can not |>ass wlth- hi* cleverness so apiw-als to hi* sweetheart pathy Into hi* companion's car, and in a few iM'ard. and one day. takinB hi* mother's picture o»it the want of an embrace. The Iwiy slides that l-e Is accepttsl. minute* we si'c them In a tender embrace. At from 111* pocket, he decides to pa.v them a out of l»ed. takes the hand of the girl and this Juncture Martin regain* cooaclousne** and visit. The decision is coincident with a let¬ puts It Into the hand of her swisuheart. Re¬ MtHG'RN A1.GERIA,—In the Gasis of Z1 take* In the situation, but Is too weak to give ter he receive* diiriuB the day. It Is from his conciliation follows. bin*. .\Igerl*. a ib-lig'itful series of view*, any sign. The loviT* are so taken up with *w.-e|heart. Mary, and tells 1,1m of his par¬ bringing N’fure the putillc e.\c one of the most each otlier that they have not noticed that the ent*' dire KtraiBht*. which they, throuBb pride, beautiful spots of the eastern continent. VITAOKAPH man ha* come to. Mr*. Martin now leave* the have kept from him. Rut as they are on the The scene* illustrated ar*: 1.—The I’as* of, and her companion remain* to watch. eve of eviction she ask* that he help them. A ROMANCE OF OI.I) MEXfO).—A iM'autl- Sf*. 2.—Trlngail. an .ancient Roman colony, He cover* the face of the still figure besM* R.i, k he B>*‘* with 111* savlnB*. ample to relieve ful young Spanish girl 1* ol>si-rved on the front founded by Trajan in Ihe year list B. t’. (a) him with a handkerchief ami then turning la their difticullle*. and to surprise them, enters porch watering flowers. typical gypsy The Road of Triumphs. ibi The Temple of hi* chair, retlle* hlm*< If to read. III.’ Inn ami eriBaBc* a room IncoR. He has woman pa*«es. and offer* to tell the girl'* for¬ 'he Capitol. ."I.—Biokra. lai The Market, (bt I'resi-ntly the sick man summon* strength, display) d hi* well fl||e)l w allet In their pres- tune. She consent*, and the g.vps.v warn.t her .Arabian School, let The tt!,«l«. 4—Roman and seeing hi* rival seated near, trie* in vain eiii'i’. and their extreme desperation makes that she will soon have a lover's qnarrel. Short¬ Bath*—Hot Water Springs. —Sldl Gkba. 1. to arise. Oonvulslvelv he drag* himself fr<.m tlmm covetous. Whim the hoy lie* down for ly afterward her sweetheart arrives in the —.\mong the Palm Tre-s. 7.—The Governor * hi* position and crawl* across the mom to tha a nap. the old father can not n-sist. and in ix-rson of a Spanish bull-flghtcr. She implorei Visit. S.—Native JulNlee. spot where Ihe f*l»e guest I* seated. The en¬ *<‘cnrlne th<‘ wallet aroiis)** the boy, and Is him for her sake not to attend a dance at one raged man manage* to stand on hi* feet, then, forii-il to knoi'k him on the head. ThinkinB he of the concert halls of questionable n-putation. OAUMONT without warning, hi seize* hi* rival and stran kllbsl Ills Biii'st. he takes the Inert bo<1y He swears that he will not go. kisses her givsl- gles him to death. The de»il accompllsheil. be (George Klelne. 1 out ami deiMislls It in the flidd under the bush- by. aod vowing his eternal love, departs. The throws himself exhausted Into the chair which )•*. w Ill-re be 1* found later by .Mary, who, call- following scene shows the interior of a Spanish A PAYING BI SIMCSS.—A professional b.’g hi* victim had occui>leil. I’resi'nlly his wife liiB help, assist* him to her home nearby, he cafe, where young couple* are dancing to¬ gar. who has impised ui>on the public by pre¬ enter* the room, and thinking that It 1* her recovi riiiB from the blow on the way. Mean¬ gether, singing and having a general goml time tending to be blind, find* hii income 1* de lover *1111 m-ated there, come* forward toward while the old couple have Bone back to the a* the bull flghter arrives. A capricious young creasing to a very great degre<> and hi* plea him with open arm*, but discover* that It la Inn. and iijion oiieniiiB the wallet, what a rev¬ girl gris-ts him, climbs upon the table' and for i«it.v and aid seems to re(*-l rather than her husband, who Jump* to hi* feet. and. »e‘a elation—"My Oisl. we have murdered our own dances a fandango. The bull-flghter I* at attract the pas*-r*by. Ing her. forces her to jiress her lip* to the l«>v"—they And therein the mother's picture. oiH-e infatuatcMi. pa.vs her all manner of at¬ In search for some plan by which to enlarge dl»lortiil face of her dead lover. They are paralyzed with fear and sorrow, so tention until she In turn falls in love with hi* receipts, he iWide* to *pp« al to the vanity in a most maniacal condition they bo to Mary’s him. They are discovered by the gypsy wo¬ of the people rather than to their lympathy. home to confess tlielr awful deed. You may man. who hasten* to make the fact* known to He then return* to the miserable shelter, which LUBIN ImaBlne their feeliuB* when they are brniiBht the young Spanish girl of our flrst scene. She he Shari'S with another of n * class, and there FI RING A JE.UyGI'S HFSBANB.—Mr. New face to face with their boy, and ilrnpplnB on goes to Ihe dance hall, enter* unnoticed and explains his jdan to his companion, who ex¬ Ivwisl i* of a verv J-alona dl*po«itlon, and thua th'-lr knees In humble contrition they thank* her lover In another girl's arm*. presses great delight with the Idea and agrees makes hi* darling little wife imwt unhappy. t'.isl for their deliverance. .'*he immediately plans vengeance. I’pon her to assist Ip the scheme. He kick* the ice man out of the houa*. b* way home she m-et* a young fellow who ac They aecLre a iktIIoii of their saving* and fight* the milk man. he geta after the letter cost* her, suddenl.v recol'ect* her sweetheart's purchase an old iihoiograiihlc outfit which they carrier, and even coola hi* tem|>er on the gar¬ HER FIR.«!T RI.srriTS.—Mr*. Jones, with infldelit.v, and encotirages hi* advance*. In carry to the beggar's old stand on the public bage collector. effusive enthusiasm, felt that Eddie dear would pnsif of his devotion the young gallant iirom square. In her despair, the young wife Invltea her ai>iireclate her endeavors to prepare for him a is*'* to serenade her that evening, and after Here the beggar kneel* In hi* u«ual attitude friend to conic and help her cure her Jealoui bajeh of biscuits. That she followed the nile* midnight we And him before the house ful¬ of asking aid. holding hi* hat extemb'il for hii-ba id The young lady arrive! and the two and diri-ctlon* set down in her text book 1* not filling hi* promise. The young girl appear* on coin*. HI* ccmiianion imiM-r-onates a photo¬ at oni-e lay out a plan to effect a anre cure. questioned, but one bite from the leadlike discs the bab.on.v, then descend* to thank the young grapher, places hi* cami ra In such a position A dummy of a man Is made and the tame li was enouBii. and Betting the dear little crea- fellow for the serenade. 'Tlie bnll-flghter has s* to make It ap|iear he 1* taking a iwclure of placed In the wardrobe of the sleeping room tur,- from the table by subterfuge, he throws bi*en attracti-d by the music, draw* near to the beggar in hi* sad plight. The next morning the young wife flirts with a full dozen of them through the window, pre¬ Ihe house Just a* hi* rival is declaring hi* love Peojde who would ordlnir'ly pa** with no the Ice man. Tlie husband appear* and la fii tending to have eaten them uiion her return, for the girl. Seeing thl* the bull fllghter is thought of charity, welng what they lielleve rlou*. Imagine hi* surprise, when «tt*rklng tif cmirse. she is delighted at his apparent ap¬ atsHit to ei'gage In conflict wh«-n the young girl .in opportunlt.v of having themselves (dioto the lee ni»n. who I* ■ great, hig fellow. Instead preciation. and wlien he has departed for the explains that he is a new admirer whom she graph'-d In the act of giving aim*, contribute of punishing him be get* a goml trouncing. oflici" she puts u|i a packaKc of them and take* prefers to him. The bull-flgbter. downcast, re¬ very liberally. The »smc bapiwn* to him by the milk man. hy them there, placing them on his desk. Jones turn* to his apartment and attires him*>df in .\fter gathering a ver.v considerable harvest, the ci-al man and hy Ihe garbage collector, the I* not present at the time, he being In the hi* lH-«t toreador costume for the fight In the the accomidice* leave arm in arm rejoicing. young lady having ordered big. strong men to .ajljoiiilng room in the throe* of indigestion. arena. He 1* extremely sorrowful for hi* do the delivering 'n this particnlaz day. Vi*llors to hi* oflice. he being a thsalrli'.tl infidelity and kisses hi* lost sweetheart's pic¬ Not enough with these lessons, the young agent, and they are hungry actors, esp.v the ture as he de|iart*. Several hiNir* later the HUNTEIi Tg TllK END.—Gn the terrace of wife pretend* to ri-ci'lve a male visitor. She inviting lisiking dough Isuildcrs and partake C.vps.v woman, who wa* one of the sis* t*tor« a cafe a braggird l•o^*f« of hi* adventure* to run* up to the liedrooni. stand* before th* greistlly. In a *hort time the assemblage Is a at the bull fight, and ha* observisl the injury a numb* r i f hi* ci>m|i*nliin«. A Journalist in wardrolM-. snd refu«e« her husband to iqien ths writhing, struggling, screaming mob. Mean¬ to the bull-flghter, senil* a metuiage to the passing acHdentallv tisiche* the cen'ral flgiire wardrotie. He I* siiri' of the presence of a man while. at the Jones' domicile the ic-eman. a Spanish girl, who hasten* to the arena ho* in the gronp and thus provi>ke* a quarrel which In the house. Il-' iqien* the wardmhe, and the housebreaker and the co|» who trailed him, all plt.ll and And* her former lover badly lnjiire

' summer Jheatre at Ftaitaine Ferry Park was I Rivenslde Park, Boise’s (Idaho) i thrown open to the Shrlners free of charge. , amiivmerit park. Is now playing first-class vau- Among the s(M-cial amusements provIdMl were i devllle In addition to one or two free attrac- ^ motor ami automobile rac-s and a reprisliic- tlons each week. Sohmelwl aud Pyle are man- tlon of the famous attack on Ft. It,s,neHb,>rough. I PARK NEWS : agers of Riverside this season. The Vallamont Pavilion, at Vallamont BALLOON SKIPPER HURT. Park, Williamsport, Pa., openevl June 7. with Jack Lyle’s Pan-American Minstrel Company. A few vaudeville acts and moving picture* Prof. Glia Granatb. a professional balloon , were presenttsl betwev-n acts. 1 he Succession of Hot Weather, After the Lengthy Term of skliitsT, came to grief In Racine, WIs., Sunday, June ft. when he attempted to make an ascen* I Will Jezzard, secretary and man¬ Coolness and Kain, Serves to Fill the Amusement Parks with sl'oi at I.'nlon Park. Wlien aleiiit 40 feet almve ager of Doling I’ark. Springfield. Mo., oi>ened itM* ground he struck a guy wire, knocking him his summer theatre with higli-clas* vaudeville. frmpltal. where he Is now recovering. O. busioess. Denoted by the Reports from All Sides, Brandy44’ine Springs at Wilmington, PARK NOTES. i Del., R. 44’. CriKjks. manager, is drawing Im- I mense crowds. Gattl’s Band gives concert* dally with op,-ratlc soloists, Saturdays and Port Stanley, Ont., Is making: a i Sundays. strong l»l,l for popularity In the amusement line TOLEDO AERONAUT BUILDS rhe .Maid of .Mystery, an illuabm used by this summer. A boardwalk, .500 fi-et long, has The summer theatre at Idle44'ild 8KYCYCLE. Howard riiiiraton, la on exbihllbai in the park been ere<*ted, on which already several conces* Park, Sharon. I’a.. Is undergoing alterations at and la coining the nosey. At tlie park 'Ibea- nioos ape locate,], amiaigst them a Kerris I the present tiine, and will shortly Ix' opene,! tr, on Hiiuday night. June «, Bam Burger, man- wheel and a roller roaster and merry-go-round. with vaudeville. iin,l,-r the suis-rvisloo of K. \VliUlu tli<* iirxt tfw TiMijr NasHr, tbr Jauiea J. Jeffries, gave a b-eture on the Tulfito auil ImiIIiIit of alrslilt)*. will A line of boats will run from Clevelaml and Stanley. life and hattlea of the champion, to a large ami Imats will make hmirly trips on the lake. 'The bate ronalrurti'*! In ila ciitltvljr Ibr tlrat »kj- eutliiialastic bouse. Tumbling Run Park, Pottsville, Pa., cfria rabllilliMl Id AiiKTira. It la |iractt- s(ilendld hotel. The Inverie, iindi-r the manage- Tlie hill week of June 7, waa headed by Mile. m,‘nt of Mr. Thomas Donley, is now open, was „|,ene,l f,>r the season. .Inne 7. The park raltj dmw, all but a niluur da* Istubw N Moiikeya and Kowlaml ami Cisupany, ' Is un.ler direct control of the Pottsville Trac- tallK. aud tbi-D It will Im* ivadjr for tbe lultlal tjolf, lawn tennis, bowling and other sports are in TIm* llralnatonu Juggler. The rest of the some of the itxlucementa at this popular resort. ■ tlon Company, with 44’m. H. Crane aa manager. trlj; hill waa Jidin Itucker, Cadieux. Roiir K'snlcal The opening of Rock Springs Park Tb,* Naaar Skyoyrle la ruuatnirtad on tba KiiaiM-K. IUck and Alice McAvoy, Mouohan ami The following was the bill at Wheel¬ IlDt'f of a nilDlatura dIrlKibla alrablp ao far aa nlieehan and the Parko«en. tbr frauicwiwk aod gaa bate art* nairpm)*,!, but Methuaab-m. the Writing Ball, and eight other June ft: Van Cleve. Denton and the mule. Pete. lo llru of tiH* itaaollna riiieliw f<,r niotlta |K>war big acta. In a eommly act; Lee Brothers and Allen, dan¬ Business wss fair during the opening week. tbr pilot hloiarlf will furnlati thia, tba |>radala aa on an or* ALTRO'S NEW ATTRACTION. ford. comeily musical act. and Martini and Knoxville Railway and Light Company, owners dlnai7 blcyrla. Flynn, tumblers. The free feature for the same of Chilhowee Park, Knoxville. Tcnn.. is In the TIh- (la bate whlrb aupiMirta tba franH'Work week was Millie Spellman's trained bears. Con¬ East to purchase animals for the park zoo. la .>< frat In lanatb. alaxit It fa«-t In diamatar Beginning the week of June 13. Altro Park. sidering the rsiny season luisineas holds up well. and bidda 11017 3.*aa> ruble faat of tea* In* Albany, N. Y., appropriated the air aa part of The new roof garden In the Casino hiilkling, Joe Deming closed his sea.son in ataad of walking bark anti f>,nb tai tba frama* Ita space for amus'-nx-nt, aa .Manager Max was thrown open to the public on June 6. The Traveling Man at Kail Rlv,‘r. Mass., on work to maintain tba a<|ulllbrtuni of tba gaa R.smu cngag.uj Owen's Almblp to make dally Mav 23. He will play the parks In the East bag and kaap tba akyrjrria on an aran kaa|, aa as<'>*n*iau arraiigad In an tUe oienlng wiek exceeded expectations, consid¬ A large gathering was in attendance unli|ur niannar ao that tba aanmaiit will not ering the cold, damp weatlx-r. time as the weather gets warmer. The DIp-the at the owning of Haplcw,**! Park. Lancaster. bava to laavr bia aaat to rauaa tba ablp to Tlie vaudeville for the week of June 6 tn- dips, the big riding device, has been especially O.. June 0. The management this wason is riaa or I'.aM-and. All lx- will bare to do la to rliided All and his Arabian Acrobats, the Van well patroniced. *0 well in fact that the com- pull a roni aod tba ballaat will adjuat Itaalf Trio, tlie Taylor Twin Sisters, Iialy Brothers. Cany ha* decided to install another device and Blesaingcr ami Harshman. to any da*lr<*r<>(irl tba littla ablp agalnat a wind blowing aa exclusively devoted to the Elks. It Is com¬ Children hail their benefit day Thursday, June blrt a» !.'• or ‘2u mlb-a an hiair. pletely fitted for Uslge mt-etiiigs in most elabo¬ 17 and Urge crowds were In attendance. LaPorte’.s (Ind.) Air Line Park was op,'ned May 30. with moving pictures and vamle- rhi* akyryria la iN-log roaMtrurtr,l for an rate style. Despite the inclement weather dur¬ vllle as the feature attractions. aeronaut In tba aimtbam |>art of tba Stata. but ing the opening week of Wi odland Park, Ash¬ will N- Kivan a tborougb tryiuit In IVImlo bafora ASHEVILLE PARK CHANGES land, Pa., large crowds were iiresent every even¬ The season’s opening of Gapiial balng kblppad to Ita daallnatloo. ing. and the theatre was w,>ll patronlie,!. W. Beach. I.lncoln. Nch.. was hehl May .30. A HANDS. C. Hunt, who managed Girard Opera House. Glr- Biiokstaff has the management. ardvllle, last reason. Is the new manager at FIRE AT NORUMBEGA PARK, NAN- Pine Lake Park. Lansing, Mich., had New Overhsik Park. Asheville, N. C.. on top the resort this season, .xml has a strong canl TASKET BEACH. of Sunset Mountain, has Just Changed hands. H. for the opener, in Jack Lyle's Pan-American Its oi,ening May .31. A new roller rink is om- I,. Willlsms. of Hsmllton. O.. sod W. J. Kln- MiiMtrels. Wednesday of each week will be of the many m-w attractions. A d<-alrurtlTe flra rarurrad at Norumbaga csld. of Asheville, N. C.. hsve purchased It amateur night, and cash prixes will be awarled At Shellpot Park, Wilmington, Del.. Park. Nantaakat Kaarb, Maaa., In tba early from The Sunset Park Ry. Co. It Is one of the for the best stunts. James E. Henry has recently added a Ferris most beautiful parks In .\uierica. The park h.Kira of the morning of Juna 4 I'ira waa flrwt There was a good pptronage at the w heel and'canm-ael. consist* of a fine new summer theatre. Just dlarovara,! In a dpaa«lng*r,>ora ••f tha naw tbaa opening of the Alamo Park. Cedar Rapids, la.. built this spring, at a cost of $10,000; a danrlng Doc Turner’s World’s Congress of tra. by tba watrbman. wbn Iminaillataly aant In Snmlay. May .30. The park Is Itself a pleasure pxTlIloo. line rafe and restaurant, fine tennis Novelties Is playing at Rlvcrvievv Exposition. an alarm whirb brought tba flra dapartmant of worth tl-e tlnm and effort rejuired for attend¬ court, merry-go-round and fifty ronceasiona. It Nawton to tba ac-na. Tha flamaa had by that ance. Lfs-ated In a sightly place, overlooking a Chicago. I ha* an electric light tower with l.hOO electric tlma daatroyad tha dn-aalng rooma and wara anaal- beaiitlfnl view, there cixild not be a more hleal Mounds Park. Anderson. Ind.. was ' lights on It. and the park is lit up with S.IMO uplng tba tbaatra. It waa arblant that tba place for spending an evening In the hope of se- opened for tlie season on May 27 to big h,i«l eh^etric light*. It Is the only park of its kind tbaatra waa donmatl. ao arary afTort waa mad# ctiring comfiHt. Manager Keymer. assisted b.v la America, on a mountain. One of the strong to ebark tba apraad of tba blasa. (Cmbera his advertising agent. Mr. Mooney, arv making featnr,-* of the park 1* ^or^sla'* Royal Italian The opening of Bluff-'^lde Beach. I..a- dfwpad on tha T,K»f of tha WomaD'a Cottage, every effort to make this place a success. a anort dtatanra away, dawtmying tbla atrurturr I Band, which la engaged for the season. Porte, has N-en postpon,-,! from June 6 to .Tnno and andangarlng many other bnlldlnga. includ¬ June 13 was opening day at Fern 1.3 ing thoaa bonalng tba animala. Tbara waa mnoh START WATERLOO PARK SEASON. Lake Park, Fort Scott. Kan. A large crowd (Continued on page 2S.> anxiety, fearing tha wild animala might anrape. was out to witnes* the inaugural festivities snd Managers H. V. Birmingham and Donald Benton •o guard* war»- placed at each cage, prepared Electric Park, at Waterloo. Iowa, under the to shoot any that might get out. Iba embers provided amusements galore. HIgb-cIass vaude¬ ^ management of H. R. Parker, opened Jilay 31. ville Is the attraction at the theatre while rid¬ , CAL. had baritly coorary stage for The 4Iason. which has been dark for the I started out very promising. Herbert ami Ger- In effect. saa tba balanca of the iwewent nean>D. ami the : main's big casting act drew hig crowds. In past three weeks, during which time the hulk¬ management aamire that raiidevllle perform¬ I the Orpheum Theatre, week of June 7. were Messrs. Myers and Jezzard. propri- ing has been renovated and remtxleled from ances will be resumeil In a few day* art- 1 The Sebaar Trio. In a eomeily bicycle act; etora and managers of Doling Park. Springfield. top to bottom, oix'm-d on Monday fw the sum l«t* who lost clothing. Instrument* and prop* B,-rt Melbourne, blackface I'omediin: Victor Mo., have decided lo turn the grounds used as ; mer season with Ethel Barrymore In Lady Fre,l srtles. Included the Manhattan Newsboys' tjuar- Eaiist, in a comedy musical act; Ro.ver and a baseball park, together with a large lot ad¬ tetta. iIh* Three Ihirand*. Aacolt and Maxlno, ' Erench in a song and dance, ami Ballnoowaki joining It. into a circus lot. The grounds are ^Manager Ernest Crawford, of the Auditorium. Tba Bell* ami Heine Brandt. I Br">ther*. eok is park, have made an Instantaneous hit. and aiv The Beggar Prince Opera Company popular in the principal roles. Hiefalo. bM,plng the "<|eath trap loop.” and always well filled. closed their two we,'ks’ engagemt'Ut at the Elt'C- The usual strong bill and good attendance pr,- IHarolo. In a m-nsatlonal backward aomersault Sunday. June ft. Mis* May France*, on Califor¬ trlc Park Auditorium. Ft. Smith. .4rk.. on vailed at the Drpheiim. this week. Foll^-ing dire Into a tank of flaming Are. nia Frank's High Plvlng Horse, met with an June ft. Manager E. J. TarjMvnl has secuo'd the is the list of attractions: Tlie Melnotte Twins The raiHlerllle bill for th.- we,-k of June 7 I* aechb'nt. striking In the tank of water on her Nellsen Dramatic Company to open at the .4il- ami Clav Smith. I>a Valera. Angela the Three Amistnmg* In llielr whirlwind cycling head. She was stiinmvl. ami alm’Wt dn>w'nel,'. pla.vtMl the musical Amati Sisters and Grigolatls. aerial ballet. Houghton's I.j\ke Park Theatre, wly playlet, All'a Fair In I.ore: Ixsui and .kde- comeily. The Whh'w Winnie Wynne, to capacity Kolb and Dill, at the Maj.-stlc. are me,-tiiig Bh'omington. III., ws* opem'd the summer. Mne. ebesrn ami Juggling art; <,an|,>n and Sd- ical conw-fly artists, ami Itosebiid Beach, serlo promises to he mon' ixipiilar than ever, all of BRADDOCK HEIGHTS (MD.) PARK niff sn.1 0,'hlor. An excellent bill was given snd dancT. TTw enmtasbms In the park are all which goes to show that Los .Angeles takes an OPENS. hv the Craigs. I*'w Knetiger. Grimm and Satch- doing woll, altiHsigh there la ample p,»mi for a Interi'St in their suburban towns. gmsi amils,Mii4‘nl devices of a m,sb'rn na¬ ell. Jim Daltivn. Dlckinsim and Davie and Is'nore ture. The Rr.addnck Heights Casino Company op,'ned 1,,'ster. 4 B.vron Beaslev. of the Burbank Stock Com pany. I’oft ,ui the third for a month’s vacation. Its Msrvland PistImss Miwintsin Resort, at Brad- The White City Park. Troy, X. Y., dock Heights. Md.. May 31. with large attemi H-' 'plans to visit his parents In New York. rnanag,*! hv 44’. K. Swarta, op,'m',l tlie ses»ou In Harvani is proving such a succ'sa at tlie begins eighth season. anmv on IVcorallim Da.v. The atti'ndiince numhere,! Besides the many new attractions, a Isrg*' Grand, that Messrs. Murray and Mai-k will ion Jft.OOO. (\>nc,'*sioi>ers did an exc'llt'nt business. tlniie it for another wis-k. Waldaniwr I’ark. Krie. I*a . b,'gan Ita eighth ; skating rink with a fl'*ened, 4|anag>'r Harrv J. Plep, r. of the 44 alki-r the¬ '**7 2t'* tiniler the sil|MTvisb41 of the | c.'*»lon* on the groumls. Every Thursday tht'iv under the dlr,>etlon of .4 H. St,m,*. formerly atre. is pn>s.'ntlng very attractive pr<|grams t» llnffalo aiMl t.ake KrIe Traction Co . with gen* j I* a grand display of fir,'works. his patrons. F'or this week, tlie MU is as fol erni ofllcw at Buffalo. N Y. Thomas Malomy, manager of I.ake View Resort Hlirh class skating altracllon* will h,’ fealnri'd at th,' rink The Central Amusement Company, lows: 4’.'rnon’« 4’ersatlles. in I.a Paloma; Two who ha* manage,! tlie itark ever alnee tlx' oiwn Asprils ni,' Great FVrrlll. Earl 4Ia\ficM. Bah seasim again Judila that iModtlon thIa a«>a* I this Slimmer owners of I.ake Front Park, located on Lake Michigan. n,'ar HHinmon,!. Iml., opene,! that hie Starr. Jos,>ph Manly, in illustrated songs; •"n Many Iniproxenienla. alterationa. m w ' i travei-'giii's ami motiivn plctur,‘S. •tniflnr,-*. etc., erbb-ttee Mr Maloney'a acthi- | NEW PARK FOR YOUNGSTOWN. resort to lb,' public. June 1.3. 4’andevllle. mov¬ 'during tlH< winter month*. , ing plctnr,'*. novelty circus an,l other *mns,>- Manager Geo. .4. Bovver, of the la’s .Angeles bew- raiiderllle tlieatn*. which ws* built nienl* have h,','n provld,',!. .4 hig C'lebratlon Thesir,'. Is making many friends ht'rc. and The Ymingstowii and Soiillx'm Railway Com* will he held July 4. promises to kei'p his part of the Sullivan Con by E. II Biierkeii. o|H-ni'.ni\ ha* i>iir,-h*s,',l a fiwty aeix- tract south of tUMise*. n>e thestre seats 2.<«a> peojile I Rldine Circuit up to Its high standard. Youngstown. i> . and ar,' rspidiv mmverting It The Herald Square Opera Com- .4. C. Harpman. of Ni'w York, last Monday, loe dance hall, wbleli Is th,' Isrgi'st. snd sNo ' Into a beautiful park. .4 flm' hall gnmnd and fiMVi'i! to It* pngapomont at •Sid to have the flm-st fl.sw of any hall In | became manager for Hentx and Zalle a t niipie atlih-tle fl. KI ha* h,s'n flnlshi'd, ami In tlx' midst Oak Summit Tark. KvanavlUo. Iml.. on accinint TTieatrc. TTieir musical farce. Tlie Semln.xry ■ • nnailvanla. <,t><'ne,l on May 31. dance* ledtHt of tlu* atn'^t car atrlko. during tbo w«M'k of of a 'J.^ aeix' grove a st>aol,Hi* dancing pavtilim (ilris. Is very popular, this wi-i'k. nebl every night except Homlay On Mcwxlay I* ni'arltig complelliMi JuiM' 1 Till* park will ho r!i>**sl until tho bight, the hall la rea,.i*ved for private daiic,'* othiT com'e**lom, will h,' instatli',1 as soon atriko I* sotthsl. which will pri»hahly N' within Manager W. J. F'ulkerson. of the Empire, is A new feature at thia park tbla year. I* the a* isMMiitile. nmi all eff.wts will h,* 111*,1e to a few dayjt, going to try a ralnstn'l show. Instcail of vainle- '"•e attraction* wlilrti have las-n la»>ked hr vllle next wm-k. make It flrst class In every partleiilsr It will E. J. Timponi has been appointevi '■■bager Mahawr A f.m of the attraction* tM* under tiH iiiansgement of Frank F Phi The Two Dads was well attcmbsl at Fisher s. *t th.* pork are the flgiire eight, leiwllng alley. ' tx'prv'st'nistive of R G. Daniels as manager of The following attractions won' well rt-mived m.Tvv rmind. circle awing, shiattlng gallerv. I Eleolric Park .4ndltoriiim. Fort Smith. .4rk. at th" R.'gal Ballard and Alls-rt. DryDiss. the dance ball hath hotiae. etc. LARGE CROWDS AT LOUISVILLE 4tr. Tinitsml, until rx'C,'ntly. wa* msnag,-r of handcuff wimder; 4’Iolcl Mayfiehl In is>i>ular PARKS. th-' M.aje*llc Thestre at Msttisvn, III. He sue- ami lllusiratcil songs and motion pictures. e,'ed* A. E. Isvwenihal as manager of the .4u diforinm. Among the pleasing niimhers at the Clneo- SEASON WELL. l „eeounl of the eonxentbai of the Sbrlner* graph, this week, were Mllll,' Johns. In char- —— In laiulsvllle. I**t wiH'k. all th,* Kali* City Oeorge Albert director of Henry and aet,'r songs and eccentric ,lancing: Carroll, the ” »*liliiglon Park, llayf the wivni. utmost capacity. This m,s'tlng was a gix'at engag,'ment at Six'llpot Fark. 44’ D,-!.. Iburlesiuie dancing, and I.a Pi'tlte I*-na. In esiisr of tlie line |MM,ltlon ,»f till* park, eonees (wesslon f«w I.oiilsvill,'. ami It I* said that over haa recovered fnvni his Illness. During that •I'rio comhiue. ■’onslre* are fllllng up the empty «|Miee« rapidly 10 iHli) visitor* were entertained l**t w,H-k. Tlie period Chs*. T, Edwarvis wa* In charge. PACL HAYS. r 16 JUNE 10. 100Q

"K.spefliil approc'latlori In duo to Mr. John l*t)WoM, .ManaRor of tlm iltiiii.l Dpora Houao, Harrlo, Ontarii>. and lion. llauKhlon I-c-nox, of tho law nini .f Lenox, t’owan A- Hrown, of Harrlo, Dntarlo, for tholr hoarty oo-oporatloii la tho ondc-avor to .sc-ouro full proteotlon for dramatic property.”

There ia no aoeountinR for tho dllTorono'' In taatoH of tho KiiKlInh aii.| tho Ainorioan thoatroRolnK puhllo. A play that la tho blRKoat kind of a «u. - C08S in tho lA>ndon tluuitrcs may, aa In tho Instance of Tho Light That Kullfl. come to Amcrloa and moot with tho coldeat of rooeptloii . .\in<‘rioHii Tho failuro of thla particular production In tho United Htat' c W. H. DONALDSONL I l*rtKlii<*tioiis several years ago. notwIth.stamllnK that it had proved tiinif M*n»glmr Editor. In l4»mlon. than ordinarily popular with Hrltlah uudloncea, and w i.s PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT headed by a star of no loss hrilliancy than Korhea Uubort.-dii, 416 Elm Street, Cinoinnati, Ohio, U. 8. A. was explained by those who sought the logic of conditions, by the fact that '.one OUtanoe Telephone, Main 2789. Gable Addieas (leciatered) '*Baiybo7 ” Hudyard Kipling is not o\c‘r popular in this country, and that his author¬ ship w;is not sutllcient to carry through a play of such somber and pathetic NEW YORK. LONDON, ENGLAND. I situatic^ns as charaeteVized .Mr. Forbes Kohertson’s vehlch-. Suite D. Holland Bulldlne. 1440 Broadway. 178 Temple Chambers, E. C. Hut at host this conclusion was t»nly a theory, and did n«)t by any Teleplione Central 1630 Bryant. eliminute the elements of doubt and uneertulnty as to the real causes of the CHICAGO. PARIS, FRANCE. failure. IK)7-SKe ScUller Bide-. 103-100 Randolph 8t. 121 Rue Montmartre. The case of The Light That Failed Ls only taken as an example. Th* re Telephone Central &9.34. have been numerous other Instances of plays being brought over to America SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. I with all the glittering prospects for success consistent with reputations for Room 2, 1438 Fillmore St. Caledonian Bide., Office 264, Post Office Place. having played for hundreds of performances before packed houses In the English capital. Address all communica.ions for the editorial or business departments to That the condition has Its vice versa aspect has also been demonstrated Xt»c Billboard Publlablng Company._ more often than Is pleasing to the American producing managers who have Subscription. S4 a year; 6 months, S2; 3 months, SI. Payable in advance. , sometimes carried their biggest successes Into the land of the Briton, only No extra charge to foreign subscribers. to have them shunned and avoided by the patrons of English theatres. advertising rates—Twenty cents per line, acate measurement. Whole page, $140; half¬ The most recent Instance Is that of Love Watches, for which Mr Froh- page. |70; Quarter-page. $35. __ man based his hopes of success In London upon Its New York record. Thai THE BILLBOARD is for sale on all trains and newa-atands throughont the United SUtea Love Watches was popular with the theatregoers of our own metropolis, and Canada, which are supplied by the American News Co., and its branchea When not on can not be gainsaid. No authority ever presumed to call it a great play; tiut sale, please notify this office. , it had those little essentiuLs that appeal t.i our democratic, national suscepti¬ Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter addressed or made payable to The Billiard Publishing Company. bilities. Of course, these are lacking in the native of the Merry Isle, whi.-h The editor can not undertake to return unsolicited mannscrip>t; correspondents should keep copy. probably explains why Love Watches had to be withdrawn after only When it is necessary to wire us instinctions and copy for advertisements, great saving in eleven performances because of lack of support. the matter of telegraph tolls may be bad by resource to the Donsildson Cipher Code. But how are managers to anticipate the result of these trans-Atlantic Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter at Post-office, Cincinnati, 0. experiments, whether their hopes spring from successful results first by one side or the other? It would naturally be assumed that a play treating of uni¬ THE EXPIRATION OF EACH SUBSCRIPTION is indicated on the printed wrapper. Kindly renew promptly, to avoid missing issues, versal principles would prove of equal Interest by two races so closely allied ALL COMPLAINTS of non-reoeiM of The Billboard, or changes of address should be made in language and Listitutions as the English and the Americans. But .'^uch direct to the publication office, 416 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, where they will receive prompt assumption seems to be unwarranted. The failures, during the past .several attention—and not to any branch office or agent. When notifying ns of chasges of address, give old as well as new address. seasons, of such plays as Paid In Full and Love Watches in England, and The No advertisement measuring less than five lines accepted. Light That Failed, In America are serving to make managers cautious about taking chances with productions that are still good for big houst>s in the NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—The Billboard's advertising patrons will greatly oblige by native land of their production. sending in the copy for their advertisements ss eariy as convenient, instead of waiting until the last moment, All ads received early in the week will receive preference in position and display. In the meantime. It has become a qutstion whether or not some of the most successful of our attractions which have been scheduled for exporta¬ The LONDON EBA is on sale at The Billboard office, Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, ten cents per tion and the resultant Ci>n<|uest of England will be tried out over there copy. The Billboard may be had in London at the office of The Era.

Saturday, June 19, 1909. The broad humanity, which was the underlying principle In the life of that eminent character. Edward Everett Hale, who has Just pa.Hsed to his

Only a few years ago the notion of an association of producing man¬ final reward, was so con.splcuous by reason of Its very with that of agers that contemplated the correction of evils then existing would have so many churchmen, that we can not hut pau.-e been pooh-poohed by most persons conver.sant with the details of the I>r. 1-klward Evenqi to render our tribute. To the wtirld it mattend situation. Nevertheless, the National Association of Pro- Hale's little what his denominational affiliation, it was the lU'iu'flts ducing Managers, which was organized little more than a Ethics. ever present humanity and sunshine of the mortal Of year ago, has been successful beyond even the fondest hopes with a touch of divinity that endeared him to all .\ss4M-iaiioii. of its strongest advocates in eliminating many of the abuses classes. No mere stickler for forms was he; love of all living, the handiwork with which the amusement business has long been rife. of the Creator, wa.« an incentive to preach optimism and the brotherhood "f man. His mission was to touch elbows with men and women In all rank;* The first annual convention of this association was held In New York of life, the mere fact of universal kinship and a soul of swt*et Impul-**'* last week and from the report of Its deliberations and enactments, printed being his Justification. L’nllke many clerics, his view of conditions was not on another page of this issue, It is obvious that much good has been effected narrowed or restricted. Evil exists In the world, but Instead of eonslgnlnt; through the common and combined efforts of its members. the evil-doers to perdition, with Pharisaical complacency, he placed his hand This is only another Instance of the fact that harmony of plan and of under the erring and unfortunate who was, after all. but frail man or principle Is more efficacious in the protection of the several units of an asso¬ woman. Thus, through nearly three score years and ten, he walked the ciation of this kind, than Is the friction and enmity engendered by competi¬ world, a practical exemplar of the teachings of the Great I-aw-GIver. As .m tion. evidence of the relation.ship of all those who aim to uplift hunianlu. The National Association of Theatrical Producing Managers is now a we quote, not the words of Ur. Hale, but those of the great agnostic. Holn ii tried and proved success. There is further encouragement in the fact that O. Ingersoll, written creed might well have been the language of the each member left the recent meeting pledged to bring in another party to lamented divine. it.x affiliations before a year has pa.ssed. “To love Ju.stlce, to long for the right, to love mercy, to pity the suff* r- As an example of the good that may be effected by such an association Ing, to assist the weak, to forget wrongs and remember benefits, to I<>\e of intere.<5fs as is represented In The National A.ssociatlon of Theatrical Pro- the truth, to be sincere, to utter honest words, to love liberty, to wage •*'- Hiicing Managers, the following notice recently sent out by its secretary is lentle8.s war against slavery in all its forms, to love wife and child and frh nd. quoted in full: to make a happy home, to love the beautiful In art, in nature, to cultHate "The Association takes great pleasure in announcing to its members that It the mind, to be familiar with the mighty thoughts that genius has expres.-<'d. has secured an amendment of the criminal laws in Canada by the enactment the noble deeds of all the world, to cultivate courage and cheerfuln«*t ‘. to of the following .statute: make others happy, to fill life with the splendor of generous acts, the “Every person who, after the regi.stratlon of any dramatic work, publicly warmth of loving words, t<» discard crr«)r, to «md itie the public performance, exhibition or representation. In whole or In part, of storm, the dawn beyond the night, t*> d*j the best that can he *lone and then such dramatic work, without the consent of the proprietor (unless he proves to be resigned."_ he acted innocently) is guilty of an offense, and liable on summary conviction Circus tactics and th»* inelhods of advertising employi'd b> other i"ii- to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred cerns that tack up banner and cdoth signs protiilscuously on shetls, lelegiiiph dollars or thirty days imprisonment or both in the discretion of the court, and poles and buildings were sever»*ly criticized by the Iowa Slate BHIim.-i* i■* on second or subsequent conviction to Imprisonment, with or without hard and Ulstributors' Association at Its annual eonventlon In 1 ’ labor, for six months.” A .Nigger .Moines. In Til*! The billposters de|df>re the fart thni there Is no wa> !'• “Any play heretofore copyrighted In Great Britain may l>e registered and \\*MNl|dl<*. reac h the circus people who Haunt th**lr puhllclty and tack th* ir receive complete protection under this enactment. In addition to securing banners on buildings with the permission of their o»n-t'‘ this criminal clause, the As.sociation is practically assured that at the next iCesolutlons adopted at the meeting favor th** ena('tni**nt of an or*llnanee in each city In the State to ileprlv** the clrciis)'s of th<*lr right of llc’**n.s<' •••id session of Parliament, a copyright law for dramatic works equally as far will iriipos*; a fine *in otlo'r c*inc«*rns adopting similar m**tho*ls. w ** reaching as that obtained in the United States will i>e adr>pted In f’anada wonder If the gorid people of Iowa will see the Jok< . JUNE 19, 1909. X ti e Billboard 17

Stage manager and dances arrang)-d by Wil¬ liam Clifton; musical director. Eugene Sailer. CARL DAVIS Tbe Plantation Show la another, that is play¬ AT CONEY ISLAND ing to big biulnews. It Is composed of tbe Itest colored talent ie«m on an.v stage in a long time. Dne of the featunw Is tbe Coon Town Baml. a musical organisation of dectd)nl talent. Fred | .Mllllcan la in rharge of the show. It being tbe same one he bad In Europe for two seasons. Tlien there’s Blake’s Hippodrome, a dog, |)ony Events of the Week at America’s Greatest Out¬ and monkey circus tliat has played In every city In America. Blake always givew satisfac¬ tion. Willard’s Beautiful Mehsllo, the same that plays Tsudevllla dates, has created a sen- j door Amusement Mecca—Notes of the satlon. 'Then comes Carlisle’s Wild West and ! Indian CongnsM and right here is a genuine ' siirprlae. 'ITie show carries sixty people—cow- • lK>ys. Indians, C Concessions and Gossip of the prominent are CTbas. H. Tompkiiu, tbe cowboy I chief; Frank Dusenbury, Jack Hammond. Cbas. i Aldridge, Mabel Hackney. Hazel St. Clair. ' (Jrace Phelan. Chief White Eagle. Wounded People Identified Therewith. Buffalo, Half Moon, Tellow Bird aixl many others. It’s a bully show from start to finish. Mate-I Hackney and her blgh-scbool horses are par- ticnlarly good. Jack Hammond, the rifle ex¬ Ami It mlni-il! Tbi-ii .K*lt> ■■M .uiiit- ulor*. yearn. Ibvnralom and bulldern have been at pert, does splendid work, and Cbas. Aldridge, I'll. |>r»lili'iii iK'W I. for Ktiuv UD» to coax the work Improving tin- ixllBee. wbieh now Umka the bronco buster, equals any riding act ev)*r In ' « .iImt iiimi to i-imic to Coney for about teu brighter and more cheerful than ever. New York. Frank A. R)>bblns, Jr., Is managing iiiiiiiit'gnite pli‘a»ant tbiDKa aixl aome otbera The chief featurcH of the program were; tbe show and getting a world of money through V. iiM tx- hanilnl tb<- geutlemaa Id queatlon. Irene Franklin, Edward llarrlgan and Felix and tbe gates. It's no Idle prediction to say that C'.r niiv one to |iro|HTly fujoy a rUit to tbe Barry Four. thla Wild West would get money on tbe roail I- Hill i'll (brm- lufaut Julie ilaya a pair of nib- aa a winter circus. I- C an UMilinJIa, ami a corklug good dla BOSTOCK'S. Harry E. IjeBreque, one of tbe best known |..<.I||4I MiHibl Ih* of Inlliilleainial value. Rain, talkers In the countir. Is at the Palisades, Beginning thin week, Bontoek'a trainers will making openings for Ae principal eoncessions. , n. Hinl tiien a |M>urlu/ ralu la the weatber exhibit the baby Ilona wbleb were bom In for lliree-quartira of the ihtIimI that the Tbe new dance ball Is about finished. C-oiM-y Inland. The bablen will In* panned around Frey’s pop corn enjoys a large sale. l>i i|ii| baa lie*-n o|>eu. Still witbal. everyooe among tbe spectatora. ao ladies and children I- ipiiiiiletli-. I.aat Suiiilay «aa a bully g>aal Mampe’g candy kitchen attracts attention for may have a rbance to in-t and ftmtlle tbe cuba Its excellent sweets. ipiv \o rix-onla nere brokeo, but there waa of tbe big Ilona perfonuiiqc In tbe arena before m.iiii> 111 atteinlanee and every om* got aooie. Seaman’s Crystal Maze promises to l»e a fun- them. Jark Bonavlta la making great progrena getter. WlMard* Melolla for Inatance corneriil top , with tbe new Hon be la breaking. The animal, Juvenile harltone. In vaudeville. Miiiiiev. ( apt. Sorrbo'a liio-p .S<-a lllvera, Omar Harry .Alh-n Is at the park this siitnnier. though, la Btlll very wlbl and given the nervy New- elrois sets are engagtsi every two weeks. Sami, nie Igorrotea. Himtorka, The locutiaton trainer any numlcr of den|H-rate rhaneen. Mme. ami lie re.-t of tbeiu got a bit of happy tidinga Morelll anaiaen admiration w-ith her nklll and MANCHESTER, ENG. Mliii-h ineana liimad and butter during tbe dare in handling leoparda. wikl cats. |>umaa aud fright |•■rl^«l lliat Coney will get the money Jaguars. Tom Tallen'a lion act la a marvel ST. LOUIS, MO. tliia .tear none <|Ueat|oo-^ut not until tbe .My Dear Billy Boy: and Kalkemlorph givea a remarkably exciting Five or si.x Americans brought over last weatlHT Ulan take* carbolic aWd. exhibition with a group of lion* and vicious, Another week of siimnier gone, and Just about Ill the way Some one aakeil If A. Toxen spring to assist in putting on the Fighting the man eating tiger, ealle Flames spectacle at the White City, by J. \\ .rni la reiireaenletl at Dreamland. One at a bears afford plenty of amunement. while tbe gardens had very large Sunday openings and ' Calvin Brown, took mean a'lvantage of the big lime, pleaw '■ cbimpanaee, Ooosul, Jr., attracts big crowda. week of June d will be better, flnanciall.v, than | .tnoUier ftaJlab iiutxttlou l«. who pay. tbe hollda.v attendance for Whit Monday (yester last. Delmar Dramatic Theatre Is this week ] turUT for the itrena department? AT LUVA. day), and went on strike for more pay. They presenting Mrs. Leslie Carter in her newest j were quickly disrobed of the they hail SainiH-l W. iiumperlx U hap|iy Ibeae days, In tbe crowda that have visited Luna Park play, Kassa, the first time in St. Louis, and St. on anil hustled out of the grounds. They evi¬ at liaat Home of them* in a steady stream since it openeer of attractioua. Hopi)er. in The School Girl, and It is proving : ers and managers with him. Tliese men were Now the i|iH-ation Cornea. ' Who baa loat a I’nilke tbe great majority of pleasure seekers a good attraction. The chorus is In most ex 1 brought over under a contract by which their dower ganlen?" The preaa ilepartuient la boaat who have immediately Joined In tbe carnival (tellent voices, and tbe careful band of Frank i steamer fares were advancol to them, and at mg of a tVs'al dlaplay—two oolona ami one spirit, however, tbe experts, in wDowe hands N. Darling has put a smoothness into tbe salaries exactly three times as large as Eng dal'.t of eoura«- at tbe pre^ de|Mirtment of flgiirea are but well behaved Infante, have set opera, seldom heard In summer parks. Begin- | llshmen doing tbe same work with them were Drt anilaiid about noting what the crowds mean. As a re¬ ning next Sunday. Raymond Hitchcock 0|>en8 i paid. These advances were not paid back, hut Sa.ving of a great man “Wbo'a got a sult they have cimeluded that since the park bis connection as bead of tbe company idaying mere than h.alf Is yet due from each man. mateli’’—Well. Ilawka. o|M-neg The ten cars In tbe Dragon’s Oorge. have her support and Miss Bingham proved the same they took advantage of the presence of some re«x t.vniing hla wild Hon ‘Jark" la quita a each traveled 33 miles a day. or 924 mile* In favorite as ever. The St. Louis public are par . thirty thousand people in tbe park to go on chap aiHl haa a world of a.lmlrerw who e«tiw>m all. The total milage made In this ooe ride Is ticularly fond of Miss Bingham, and tbe Messrs. i strike for more money. They lost their Jobs hla f..r the feat be la umb-itaklng* thla 9.240. On the Mountain Torrent, which Is a Oppenhelmer have benefit^, better, financially, | and are now out of work In a strange country year at Dreamland winding ride. 7.318 miles have been covered. dnring her season at Suburban. and broke. Tbe show did not miss a perform Jay Turner rimtemplalea buying an auto tbit How many harmless bnmps Tbe Tickler and At West End Heights, manager Jacob Oppen- anee, for the Englishmen had Is-en taught all tumnier Jark la a new uni^4^ l»oka aometblng like tbo ball has played 1.1.VJ tunes ami that the concert to laugh is at West Enil Heights, and Rice lose the cash advanced for bringing the men .Vai button thing that wrltera have made ao band playe way Kill RIrhanlaon. “Hump," Shot Ihey fled. For the moment only, though, for ing Dollies, the popular part of each perform- Manning is a bard worker, and takes an inter ami Johnnie, all trlppral over to Jeraey to aee there are few Idle moments for anyone at Lnnt. anoe. est In what he does. the HIM Sliow thla week At Forest I’ark Highlands, tbe attendance AH England was out for a holiday on Mim- llenderw.n'a Muair Halt played to rapacity BIRRS AT LURA. has b<*eD largo and profitable, fur at this sea- | day. In London, Shephenl’s Bush played to Siimlay. Saved hy Wireless, the Interesting. Instruct¬ SOD of tbe year tbe public schools, holding ' 200.000 people, while Crystal Palace had SO.isk), tine of tbe popular ridea on Surf Avenue thla picnics here, are making up matinees of good ing and thrilling production presented at lAina and Earl’s Court an i>0,000, while Bcile Vue accommodated sume eTldeno*>| by tbe poptilarity of the new "Oar- the theatre, manager Jno. D. Tipitets has hla show. Illustrating tbe priceless value of wire¬ 20,000, and Hagenbeek’s Indian Empire Show den Theatre" on Surf Avenue. It la located vaudeville bill: Frank Combs and Muriel Stone, | less at aea. a)tt1 its workings, took hold of the played to 5.000. About 200,oOO people went to In tie atght of tbe old KIre Show. lieon Rogee, Treat’s performing Seals. The visitors to Luna from the first and has held Blackpool from all parts of England, and sia-nt Worthleys. Casting Dnnbars and pictures. R.f rw’ H.ataurant entertained a large theat- them with an Iron grip. Blnns. himself, has At Mannions Fark. tbe following vaudeville ! the usual miserable day In rain, which 8e»-nis rival crowd on June 14. No where better, any¬ been steadily Improving the apparatus used and ' to go with all holidays at England’s most pop- where. are Italian diabea aerved. bill la on: Bottomley Troupe, Martin Van Buren. a Jump apart has he*-n installed in fivmt of the Harry Delmore and Grace Darrell, Edward ' nlar seaside resort. • Hnar Sami may iprlng a new one next week entrance. It Is similar to tbe ooe used last In the whole of England Brown’s White Cli.v. that will act them all to thinking Burns, aud pictures. Business is good. winter at the Liberty TheatPt In New York I,emps Dark bill, this week, numbers acts at Manchester, has the largest number of sep Harry Tudor haa applied for the rubber boot while Frederic. Thompson’s production. Via by CoIIville and Bachman. Blanchard and Fos¬ arate and distinct shows. He will not permit prlrllege at Iireamland By tbe way. Harry la Wireless, waa playing there an reception eommlttew «>f onw--aa- ter. J. Moss and nxvtioD pictures. any duplication of attractions and gives every show a monopoly in Its particular line, witli peclally when they rorwe Bra at a time. PALISADES PARK. I.yman H. Howe’s Travelogues move Saturday Siipt. MeCarfhy haa been nffereil an otitlon on froD) St. Loris to Pittsburg, after having shown the result that all do well from a flnanrial .And here Is one that bids fair to beoms one a five week’s engagement of the best class of point There are now some forty shows and hl« monologue for (ihotograph purpoaea. of the greatest ontdoor amusement enterprises The M Itrhing Wavea al I.nna ronllnire aa one Filctures seen here. The engagement, conslder- riding devices In White City, but the most In tbe cvwintry. Nature has been genenwis In ng the w-eatber and the great number of sum¬ j popular Just now Is the biggest skating rink •f the greateat amiiaement dcvleea ever In any spreading twenle beauty ami man has spstvd m> park mer attractions, outside of the down town thea¬ I In Europe, and on which yesterday exactly 9.4.’>8 expense to bring tbe part away above the Bert Ynring la eonralearlng Tbla popular tres showing moving pictures at 10 and 5 cents, people skated In the five sessUms Into which the stamlard conventions. To Albert ’Tusch. g«'neral was successful, and tbe reputation left behind da.v was divided. AH the riding devices, such ehiip la neraalonally aecn ahrwly walking about manager, to 8. J. Byrne, business manager, and the park. will make tbe winter engagement a big one as’ the Scenic Railway, the Figure Eight, the to R r. Carlisle, gmnsenient dltsyttw. un- Tool note —Wally Decker haa a new pair of for profits. Chutes, the Miniature Railway and the .Aqua aboea ipialiflecl praise Is due for the completeness of Tbe DaComas. who closed with Rice Brothers . rama. were crowded from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. tbe enter^lse. No detail has been OTerl»'>ked. Clf*ut her last week, will Join McKays Show, i A reoord for amusement parks has been es Rep..rt of Are aale at Coney pmved eorreet. no feature foiip'tten. 'The Palisades Is In Its f.e>t note. next week. Mr. McKay cams to St. Iz>ui8 this tahllshed at White City, where no serloui ae- Infancy, a year so hence will find It flgnring rred Fleck haa hotighl A Night In Parla wssk. and offered them a good contract. j cldent has ever hapi>ened. and where an arrest largely In park affairs. Again It is rumored that a complete change has never been made. It la the onl.v plaee of OREATES DREAMLAMO. All the attractions are new. each In Its way will take plat'e In some of the tbeatn*e of St. I amusement In Great Britain that holds an ah sptteallng. and each beneflttlng by a wholes<^me Is>als this winter. It is too early to give i solutely clean sheet with the police aulherl- •Jreater Itreamland'a greater crowda giv»w patronage. At the theatre. Tbe OIrl From Bixs greatei aa tbe June aun growa warmer Man¬ details, but It la expected that by the first of I ties. The hospital has never received a [la- I ton. with the following cast, are scoring heav¬ July, a St. Istuls Syndicate will purchase tbe ager tiumperti la Inaugurating new featurea , tient from this resort, and vet a splendid am ily. It Is an al fresco affair, with coromoilloos Interests of Mr. Middleton and thus alter the every wwk For the coming week the clrcna. ' hulaner corps of St. John’s Six’lety Is on hand seating rapacity, a large stage and a show complexiob of things generally. . constantly. In the caw* of accident, but they which la given free afternoon ami erenlng. will worthy of Broadway. Here Is the cast: Manager Wm. Garen. of Havlln’s Theatre, make It twwwlhle to hate a eontlnuoua ring per ' are kept busy hy.ig Idle. left this wt-ek for Atlantic City, where he will Theatres are aixxit play)'d out now, f^r all formanre from 9 p. m. to 11 p ro So that all Howard Miller, Sr., of Salem, Mass. siH'nd a month’s racatlon. Ujwn his return, he ran a,.«. the elrrtia. In the elevalevi arena over are deserted, end the audience will not aver¬ .’Theo. Kerhwald will expend near flftO.OOt) In remixlellng his age one lurilr«*)l people in all the theatr«*s. the lagiaai. whb'h la aurnwimlcil hy wlatarla Howard Miller. Jr., hla son.Wm. Williams thenln*. rover»-il walla with comfortable ehalra. Con- Most of them close down at the end of this. (Vwint I.S Dtihbe. a Freneh fVuint. Signor Trorato. a member of Cavallo’s Band Whit. week. »2 WILLIAM. tlniiona band eoneerta are given, while the oe- .James l/eahy at iVn-st Park Highlands, Is this wt-ek making cheatra la alwaya furnlahlng muair In the new l.em Ooltt. a Young RnN> .Wm. Clifton a Mg hit in his t'larlnet solo. Tbe Grand Fan¬ hatl-rm with lla apaelnua floor. Thirty new Mrs. Mabel Marsh, wife of Miller, Sr. tasia from Rlgoletto. NASHVILLE RACES. t ahowa an- alwaya In n|M.rallon In the big park .Jessie Stoner The_ Ellery Hand, now on Its last wt*ek at The new ot is tbe Gartlej, and the music Ihey are reailv for heaeh and aiirf has IxTU perf)>etion itst'lf. the aftenxxm of June ft. between Wilfred Scene TTie Oanlen tvf ID>war)l Miller. Sr Stoutenlx'rg. of San Franelseo; Harvey Huts^m. I.aat week waa a buay om< for tlreater l»ream Following is the cast of the Delmar Musical , of Nashville, and Hamahal. of Memphis. St)Xif- land Sunday and Monday brought eiruraloo Ml’SICAL NCMBERS: Theatre: Alfred Cahill. Carl Haydn, Carl Oant- Dartlea from Fhlladeliihia and Jeraey Wed vixut. Kilw. S. Metcalfe, Chas. Kelly, C. Emer¬ ' enh«*rg took the lead for the first two laps. h)it m-aday waa Drphana' Day when nearly 9.000 lit )l|Mnlng Numlw'r Ten Little Maids W. D. Fey son. Fred Emerson, K. Smith, James Doyle, Hudson, with a sprint. pas.sed him. but onl.v i held the lead one lap. Stoutenberg. with a tie omw were hroiight down frvwu New York La Parlslenne -Count Is* Dulil)e and tllrls Geo, MelnPvsb, St. Clair Crox. Wm. IL Sloan. and the park tiirneil over to them They were .Borel Clerk Mlsw Ann Tasker, Miss Jean Irwin, Irma Croft, h))rst of sjxxxl. crossed the line a winner. I In the race held the same evening. Stmiten- all entertained at lunch on the |iler an the It’s Puff, l*uff—Miss Msis'l Marsh and tllrls VIolefte Cllffonl, Billy Sterrett. Mand Trimble, gmwta .rf S«-nafor William H Reymdda. .Kenneth S CTart rrane«>s Bradford. I'Kirothy Webb. BernW Mer- ' N*rg was again tbe victor In a half-mile race. '•n Wednea4tn.r, June .TO. the annual beach tllrl from S’ankee Disslle Isind Howsnl. Jr. shon, Mae I>orIing. Haiel Voorhees. Muriel ' winning from Harre.v Hutson and Pat Britton, parly of the Twelfth Aaaemhiy DIetrlet l*enin Weir. Blanche Valette, Ruble le'slie. Letha both of Nashville, atxl Hamahal. the Memphis eralle flub will lake plaee al tlreater I>ream , Y. l>. P. —Mrs. Msb)*l Marsh aivl Howsnl IVM'Id. ami Miss Edna Wallace Hopper, who skater. After the race waa over StontenlxTg land, ami for which they have aeeureil 13.000 Jr. and Comp.sny .Planlodosl heads the east for two wwks. went against time to lower the qtiarter-mlle • Ickela , I’m tllsd I’m Slugle -I>em.SeMen WIIX, J. PARIJIY. ree.vrd. which he Siieeeeded In breaking, going Song and Dsnct* S|s>«-lslt,').tlldi'«')n th-* distance In r>9 seconds. lowering the former VAUDEVILLE AT BRIOHTON I The Knd of Ihe World Mrs. Marsh. record h.v six s,snxiiIs. TIh- Brighton llea.h Munir Hall o|Nntlnued this w<*ek at I'iT"' ** for the aummer aeanon with a S.S))elhl)M Fm ry Day Howard. Sr Kdwarila the Varsity TlieatTe, IlmqM'Mtiui. HI., from Mor- tJlen.lale Kink, the Colisemn having been closed bill an rxrellent an any nhowii I hen- In prevlonn M.-.lle* By the Company rlx Ksix Tlie.) sssuni**

TENT SHOWS Merry-go-Round Tops

—-OF ran get tla- same 0/(1 Quality In a Merry go round Top as other amuse Shows All Report Good Business, Notwithstanding Rain Has V ““■"I K’ * 1 of sail twine. We rots' «’/ (1 'lops by Ih- earicalve Carnie doodle Metlnsl which Been General During the Past Week—This Very Fact, How¬ * takes all the slack off th<- rain as and I'Uts It on the rota-s.

ever, Gives Leisure to the Agricultural and Small Trades People Ilen-’s an eanmiJe of what we can save yon In Merry go mmid PpCni I I ^ yj |ti|. made of heavy White Unek and trimimal In any in which to Gratify Their Desire for Amusements. OrLUlnL <-,dor .lou speeiry; IS ro|as; F. (»: It. Kansas t'lly. only tU.OO Write for l>rlc.-s on canvas covers for Merry go round animals and seats.

HAGENBECK-WALLACE-WALLACE SHOWS. being made whether It will l>e a lH)y or a ggirl. _ ttiiiaha (vitalnly did her l>est to give ua a It rar-ir wraoBr-ar hearty weletMiie, and our magultleent parade By JACK WAKREM. wag vlewetl by thmiaanda and thousands on CARNIE-GOUDIE BJANUFACTURING CO. - Monday iiiornlng, June 7. and the parketl MAKERS OF THE BEST TENTS FOR ALL PURPOSES Dea Moinea. la. on Friday. June 4. and the tPOt* at the afternoon |M*rformanee teatitied to weather la now truly Ideal for a tented exhl- popularity of the Ilagenbeek Wallace Shows. KANSAS CITY. .MISSOURI. bItloB. The streets were crowded In the morn- lu the afternn It commenced to rain. Ing to see our great parade, and despite the poured down for a coujde of hiHira, and opposition hera of the coming soon shows, the i of mud. Fortunately for big top was parked to the ring banks at both ** stopie-d raining at aliout s»>ven. and gave performers. us time to throw several hundred bales of Perry. la., on Saturday. June This Is "faw about the tents and la-fore the entrance; MURRAY TENT AND AWNING CO. the home town of It. M. Harvey, our general drawback of gloomy weather - _ MFBiniAN STREET. ^Telephone, Haymafket S19.) CHICAGO, ILL. agent. Ills home town certainly showed that j*"' '**'' *“•' '*■* packed and every available A** ^ a wa It liked Mr. Harvey, as well a.«' appreciated a I*'’"''' «<•» oceiipl.-d. and a thouaand I"* cam i V'lk 1« RIjir'K TpiltS itnCl DODnerS big show, and evervtiodv came to at least one <>'■ “I* L-ilrCUSt AjamiVaiS* UlUCik A ciaau AAaaaaaca s of the iierformances. The tents were packed Columbus. Neb., on Tuesday. June 8. and j ,, Rouml Top. with .V* ft. Middle ami ll» ft. Wall, 6H ounce Hrlll all thmugb; uar,] Uvr to suffocation In the afternoon, and a great ■Hhough tiie weather was threatening, the ! drst-class comlltlon. Bargain, price, f'JtV’i.iai. business St night was the result of our days’ "’■* nl'cd with farmers, and the big top visit there. ■" aftermam was rammed and Jammed full Talking alaiut deadheads, did vou over no- ”’*** C'x^Knatured crowd of pleasure sev-kert. tle«> tf’s always the |N-ople who’v’e got money night the size of the crowd was an eye- 30 H»RS RtfUHTIOS BiC» Of f*l«? HkT l'. |iay for tickets that get the free ones? The nPpular in Minneap^is. cotuiiBiig. om._ will spring his credentials and want a pass as Car No. 2 Is due here Thursday. June 10. a repr'-si-ntatlve of the press Monday, June 7. tientry Brothers’ FLAGS Waterproof Covers Show people have lots of superstitions, and arrivetl with Bol>by I'anl in charge, one of mine Is never to admit a free ticket. If "Pudge” I.inwood and "Riistv” navblson 5E*I[) fOR Mb CtTHlOC (10 SKOtO r.tkO IISI I can iweslhly stall It Off until after at least It's'c .Minneapolis with the Ontry’Sbow. which one paid admission has gone through. Of leavea the shop two men short. TENTS course, emidoyes of the oireui run In and out J- J- Whltetiead.Whlteliead. alnoe the closing of the Show- Teats, Black Taata. Candy Topt before the doors are open, but that don't regular Bijou season, has left for the camp Xerry-Oo-Round Oovcra. count; hut iHi one holding a pass, even If "hlch ‘‘(irlf” McDonald and Charles Duffy have algned liy B. E. Wallace, passes the turnstile all ready. Ard everTthiof u> ranvaa. Send for cataiofve until a led ticket has been dropped In the box. _ r'rst day, opening of laieal 10 Camp. Bro. The show .Stindayed in Omaha. Neb., on June *■*'*' Lnckensmeyer caught nine bass, not one foriablt Grand Slands DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT k AWNING CO. «. Owing to a breakdown the last section did , y*’‘5'>>n8 •»’«» po.lrome on Broadway. They ordered tbinfts wlthfMit lookliift at the price, ‘and bought lob¬ Olovcrsvlllc, N. Y.. June 7. l&flO sters Just to get the claws for cigarette hold¬ Dear Susan:—I..ast Sunday morning. Mav .30. New Straigtit Boie Ciicu Brash' ers. at Springfield. .Mass.. I bad opportunity to shake *IWBarnum A Bailey. Ringlinga. Buffalo Bill, Miller bamls with many of our old friemls who are -fc ICBr^s. 101 Ranch, Hagenbeck-Wallace, Sella Whltey Oldno. our boss canvasman. Is cer- Floto, Norria A Bowe. and other sbowa me them talnly the right man In the right place and und**r the Ringling banner. The big r on their advertlaing cara. can do more with a tape line than ^any *other aniT man In America f «i to be |»ole«| sultaiile f.c un I

r.-s'’hTs 'renu!nadn?;rOh‘’";r‘'i:eer ToJ„'**R“c'^r" "■‘■'.7 Texas Snakes, Wild

greatgrX?; :\Zo\rLu\game of hall last Tuesday for umstecn Rlhr looks likenumlli^Ju, a hcil of To^'^t'bSfzrwi u Animals and Parrots o?"n';: “eZ:.k‘‘ho,?:e'‘ Tm mVver Ae"i'‘;f.:^n‘::;'m"i «rt"he‘?uiej t*i:.t^h^ Ijomcst price*. All order* prnmpt1.%^ of the cook bouse club. Is Ml sWeUed up“oveJ •Vh Foot B'fi, Stork or FTat r*r» for sale or Th«* old reliable W, ODELL LEARV, TIS |«»a<*e.lea-ee. StFrraa*-Storag" rap*e|fTeapaeltT .Vsf.vsi cars K*-jf*irK.-tialr workwor Commerc# Street, San Antonie, Tea. the victory, and Is ready at any timene to play T?ie show moved to Boston In four "dfogile- another game. •wdiritewl-.diciteei VEKICEVENICE fRA^fSPOBTAT/ONTransportation coCO., - headed” sections. Tlie ootfil lis^ika f.rlght and St. Lonit. Mo. Mme. VIoIo. the snake charmer Is creating the working men wear contented grin*, which "•"n'lf’rful act, and on the hints of little eneountar with bad weather _ WANTED -TO HIRE Uhr‘kat weighs 1«S pounds. John Ringling’s private ear numbered In the last A SMAI..I.. ELEPHANX «ne told me so. and. of course. If any one necllon. T-rvIned. with trainer; for uae In a ball shew knows It would be she, and she further said Monday morning 1 Jiuntiffl to Boston, arrlv Seau.n I'sS* |0 roinnienring early In Augual If I did not believe It I could weigh It my- Ing In time to »-e the street parade. If, a Kind of her, waa It net? It was not. honey, .Susie, and covers many mile, of rr'mni. X.l.lress JOSEPH BR(M)K8. Maw Amatardam «»'« ^Hz M X - Thaatro, Naw York City.__ The performing birds, under the able tute During the afteriKsm and evening I viatted ■ lage of Holly Wise, assisted by Frank Sweeney the show and witnessed two of fbe largest torn- goofl drawing card, and both aways ever reeort|e«l by a rlretis In Bf-ton. BEARS. SNAKES. these gentlerntn are wearing all kinda of glad brief extract freclmens as ffdbsws: of manhood, and threatens to throw poison "If then- Is anyone wlio can Improve perfee wBm PU'rNAxV WILJO^AMmAL^BTORF through the oik-ii bars of the den. llmi. It Is Ulngllng Brothers. Ttie last time WE HAVE FOR LEASE CARS Vi ft long.long, f.>rf..r 460 Waahlngton Bt., BUFFALO. N. Y. Morris tjowdy. the seven-foot giant ticket they were here they l.naight a elrcija that shilplnrshii'iilfig vei,..rT,V4'r*»*rr, aat>.riiili'-.*Qtr,rrt«d>jii'-. ad'|4|ilK*e. I>aggage,tfRggage, seller of side show tickets, who Is married to '*'»'• faultle-ss; now they have brrsigbt a better privilege .feestfs k aielaiwl merry go round,rooiirls lu-sirableIh-sirable Princess N’ouma. the tiny midget, only twenty- Acts that seemed to Is- the very acme of Ctw'':;.';for ste.w -.n.l-.rel •e;r^clrfclre - <> mpaiih'smlislib', Keasonablel(•'a•u>llable scenery and show paintings one In-lies tall, and who Is one of the main dan-devll s.-nsatlonallsm have Iss-n n-Iegated f's rate,rate. THEthe armsARMS PALACEPALACtP HORSE CAR CO., Trtiiw UTTDirfTD-rij attractions .if the side show, is wondering f>tb.-rs whieli «n- even more r»-ckle,s. while 1220 Mona'lDorkMonadnoe.kMona'lnor.k Bldg.,Bldg, Chicago, III.Hi. JOHN HURFURTH, bow the rumor got out thst the stork Is soon wune which are retained In familiar form ar» * 2183 B(x>ne Street, Cincinnati, 0. to pay his family a visit, and bets are now dple framd thia out I.AIttlllI.AKM,l,Ai(t;f: A.-DAND HMAI.I.SMAI.I.HMAI.I ALLAI.I. DF.StIiF.Si KIITIONH.KIITIONH 35 j,. pth Bt.. Philadalphia. Pa. V wwuww.vwewsn themselves yesterday, and a r-s»1 many MsiMai -Iiftrtiiredsfaeliire-d by MANUFACTURERS OF thousand more trl«-d to gi-i Info the big sterw, laa Lt I l■•AAaaaiinLi■al■nAl a«s 1■ ^ -tt TPlITp Btiow8h<>w ()«1 flti.flig. Hi-nilH«-nokict.lrlll\F<>okict. ahmhkuhieh MPo.tx*MPo tti M. 2_JX • JL LV capacity, but everylssly was sent away hapfiy, fifltOVfi.. MA^Ii.. _ ILlllUHprlngfieldluniUHpringfield IlllnolaIllinnia CIRCUS TENTS HKtOVD HAND TF.NTH FDIlFOB HAI.K —s^ww^M^^^HawM^Msi^si— xp-xrxtt Y.vxn xrx.'vr-i' anel concern atcait the attendsnr-e the re TFNTS FX>R RFIVT. osw a.' *1 ^*Vr,i.?Ziss-s-s.™ e-. mainder of the week la ttie last thing that nesMi 816 T..ast Pparl St., C7INC INN.\TT, O. worr.y the manageme-nt." .... SHOW PAINTINGS Ai»d that Park Hepiare led was a we«re1<-r too THE BEST SCENERY AND I>*vel as a fi's.rfiemr and so altualed that IfIt marked I Ort&blB Lights lOS HO Btoadwa^r. * B^klyn. N. T SHOW PAINTING at lowest price In the land, the firstfiiwt tlme_time !n alxty years that Kowtemiana High-grade work only. Illuatrated catalog to the could practically atep frenn llie tiusinew see-tlesi FOR FOR BALE Hnake HIhiw . large and small. " profession. Tell ns what you need and we will '"to a rireus tent. • ss f"f Working World, or what hs»- send lowct estimate on Job. ENKSBOLL ART trains were tinbaided fr^sn the B'Sitofi ALL PURPOSES 7'*u? 00., 5305 North f7th St., Omaha, Neb., U. S. A. Albany tracks, in the rear iif Meebanica' _ED. BROWN, Rosevllla, Ohio. Building. The aids- stiowa. menagerie tent, and Til# Bolt# It Woyor COs fr__a,„ for moving l^ue" ’eDWARd’ van WYCK^ cTnciMati 0 *tT.-'-t. and the rr,* Vmae atablea BBiwkiww.fski olack tents picturkb logtie. EDWARD VAH WYCK. Cincinnati, O. ,,,p located In t?»e big bd west of BeCke 223 MlthlfOi tt., ChlOif#. k maoEE * bon, M? Fulton Bt.. N. Y. Citv

I WALTER MAIN MARRIED. ! M.lrrtbma tbat wins nirritMl applatiar. It takra Ur. old timrra to lirliii; out Ibr moat In mrn and , no m.iii bus a morr loyal followliiK tbau C. Z I Itroimoii. ' United States Tent and Awning Co. It. H. Dm krill la anotbrr vrtrran w ho la : : roiialaiitly addlni; novritira. Hr baa Morkrd . out a<«iir nrw ridliiK miinlo-ra tbat arr Trry at- 47-53 S. Desplaines Street, CHICAGO. iriirtli. . K\rr>laMly «r|| and bappy and lm>k- - liiK forward to a bait; araaoii EDW. P. NEUMANN, Jr. Our Prices are Right. OPENING OF TIGER BILL’S WILD Pres. WEST, The Quaiity of Our

TiKi.r lllll'a Wild Wiat and Trained Animal WALTER F. DRIVER Goods is Best. Sliiwa No. 1. iindrr ibr maiinjtrmriit of I). W. Vice Pres. |■•■rrlnr. oprnrd llirir araaoii at Katon Uapida. Mlih.. May Ifi, nbrrr llr.y rxiierlrnri'd one Our Workmanship is . Ilf tlie worat wind and rain alurina In their ex JOHN C. McCAFFERT IM.rii.iHe of twenty )rara. Treat. Guaranteed. Tlila tH-ln;: an overland abow, no parade la , kImii. I Kloyd J. I'lke baa Kotim lo);i Ibrr a apirn. EDW. R. LITZINGER, I And We Deliver did Inn plri-e band. .\s a free art Ibia year, a balbain aarrnalon Secy. With No Delay. •uid pararbntr drop by Mlaa Carrie .Mae Wood I la li«.|nit featured. We are also Agents for i The abow rarrl.'S forty bead of ridlni; stork Long Distance ] iind alxti.r;i Shetland ponira. also I’rof. I’rrrine’a Telephone ' truuiM' of eduralril dotta and nionkrva. .Yniont BOLTE & WEYER the mrmlM.ra of the Wild W, at Show are Col Haymarket 444. iiraiWi Cal. rxie.rt lurlat thrower and ropi- spin, LIGHTS. tier: Montana Jack, trlaaa liall breaker and Mr WnIliT I.. Mnro bust ■l.r riif ctmiilv ban- wnt uut "at bonjf" cards ii4'ii.-ta afltT .kiiKilKl lb«- Itral era; a tritie of Sionx Indiana, be-ided by Tlj;er IlllI In le^r-on, and Harry I.. Cario-nter an.I liK liiinih of funny rlowiia. Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker The tmaln-iaa ainre the; has :.'t •Irtt'l. cvti'inlliit; aa far as tbc liruixlnian cieal. KInier Wblt.' Is in rb«'‘(;e of the adTanre Sliutliia brlirade. Mill. I l.ial wrnlf jiiii. Marry JoIiIik. a baa ^ Demand this The romplete roster follows: Tiuer B.ll. Lamps, ^ |.••ll ilim'liaricitl frniii Ibv Ihaaiiltal. wbfiv be I'red Ituah. A H. Itoialy, Harry Cornish. H. w I' •'•Hiniii'd with iHKiuiioiila. aiMl la bark I.. Cr.riM.nter. O lidnioiida. Howard llall. Brand III..hi; iI|i. Iniia <41 Uiiii;liiii; HMIlirra' ailrertla- Ceo Hunt. C. W. Knapp. Mexican Hill. .Art Flags, Seats, ^ liic I ar n.iiiit—r ikh' Hair riiiidnii la al*o irrar In.' Ill*, -aiiiv car. baviiia Im^.u traDefi-rnal fri